2010/2011 grade 6/7 classroom welcome! main goal to develop a respectful, responsible, learning...

Post on 31-Mar-2015






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2010/2011 Grade 6/7 Classroom


Main Goal

To develop a respectful, responsible, learning community

Philosophy Give every learning opportunity your

best effort. Challenge yourself to learn as much as

you can and do each task with the highest quality possible.

Classroom Rules There are rules that

I have for the class.

It is important that we all understand them and follow them the best we can.

Be Responsible

Respect others and their property


Hand it in on time. You may come in at lunch or after school for help

Weighted Grades Notebooks = 20% (organized neat and complete)

Assignments = 40% (complete, quality)

Quizzes/Test = 30% (correct answers well explained)

Participation/Effort = 10% (positive attitude, good effort)

Come to class prepared Your text books

Your notebooks

Your pencil

Book to read if you finish early

Please leave somewhere else Headphones/games etc.

Notes to friends

Non Healthy Food/drinks

Cell phone


Must make up your work

Talk to homework buddy

Missed quizzes Have to come in and

make them up on your own time.

Partial credit depending on what the assignment is and how late it is.

Late assignments

Honor system

Any student discovered copying homework, class work, not telling the truth or showing improper conduct on quizzes or tests, will receive a zero on that assignment.

Hall Passes

Three fingers up Hall Pass One boy/girl at a


4 minutes!

Pick up after yourself

Dress for success Remove the bonnets Wear appropriate


1-2-3 Take Five Make a bad choice Thats a one Continue That's a two Continue That's a three, take


Be friendly



Be kind

Moods spread


I will monitor how many times the rules are broken. If I find they are being broken on a continual basis, then I may consider detention, taking away special privileges or calling parents.

My ultimate goals

Provide a safe environment Ensure that we all respect each other

For you to reach your educational goals

Have fun

Final Note

My door is always open for students and parents. Please let me know if you have any questions or if I can do anything to help you succeed!


I know that if we work together and respect one another, this will help keep a positive attitude and we will have a great year.

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