2010 vegetable productivity study

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  • 7/28/2019 2010 Vegetable Productivity Study


    2010 Vegetable

    Productivity StudyAGGRAND Natural Fertilizervs

    Leading Inorganic Fertilizer

    AGGRAND A Division of AMSOIL INC., Superior, Wis., USA

  • 7/28/2019 2010 Vegetable Productivity Study


  • 7/28/2019 2010 Vegetable Productivity Study


    AGGRAND Vegetable Productivity Study 3

    Abstract / IntroductionAbstract: The dramatic increase in sustainable agricultural methods and associated use of naturalfertilizers has increased performance and yield inquiries from growers. Still, many homeowners andcommercial growers use water-soluble, salt-based inorganic products.

    This study compared the performance of AGGRAND natural fertilizers with the performance of a leading

    inorganic fertilizer when applied to garden vegetables in raised planting beds. Each bed included fourgarden vegetables: sweet corn, potatoes, tomatoes and bush green beans. Parameters evaluated includetotal weight for each vegetable and plot, average vegetable weight per plot, maximum vegetable length ordiameter and total number of vegetables per plot.

    Plots fertilized with AGGRAND natural fertilizers outperformed the plots fertilized

    with the leading inorganic fertilizer and the control plots where no fertilizer, only

    water, was applied.


    The practice of sustainable agriculture, or what is commonly known as organic farming and animalhusbandry, evolved from work performed by researchers Dr. William Albrecht of the University of Missouri,

    Rudolf Steiner in Germany and Sir Albert Howard in England during the first half of the 20th century.The term organic as it relates to agriculture was originated during the same period in England by LordNorthbourne, agriculturalist, as an abbreviated description of farming by recognizing a concept known asdynamic-living-organic-whole. This statement expresses the concept of using natural fertilizers and soilamendments to maintain and enhance soil fertility while rejecting the use of synthetic chemical fertilizers andpesticides; all while being supported by livestock production (Thilmany, 2006). The implementation of theseconcepts assisted in the establishment of the Soil and Health Foundation by publisher J.I. Rodale in 1947,

    eventually known as the Rodale Institute. The Rodale Institute is a leading advocate for organic andsustainable agriculture and operates a 333-acre organic farm near Kutztown, Pa. (The Rodale Institute, 2010)

    In recent years, The Rodale Institutes vision has caught the interest of the American consumer andfarmer alike. In 1990, sales of organically grown food and beverages totaled $1 billion and increased to$20 billion in 2007, with an anticipated annual growth rate of 18 percent from 2008 to 2010 (Organic Trade

    Institute, 2010). However, organic, natural, or sustainable agricultural growing systems do not necessarilyyield certified organic crops or produce.

    In addition to the ecological definition of certified organic crops and produce discussed here, there alsoexists the legal definition, uniform standards, record keeping, compliant/non-compliant materials,certification processes and many other requirements established by the National Organic Program underthe authority of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA, 2010). The ecological definition of

    organic farming is used in this paper.

    The plant growth materials used in this study include: AGGRAND Natural Fertilizer (4-3-3), AGGRANDKelp and Sulfate of Potash (0-0-8), AGGRAND Natural Bonemeal (0-12-0) and AGGRAND Liquid Lime;along with a leading inorganic salt-based product (24-8-16) commonly used in the consumer market.

    The formulas of AGGRAND natural fertilizers consist of natural materials such as kelp, emulsified fish, lime,fulvic acid, humic acid and sulfate of potash. These materials are recognized as part of an organic croppingsystem. They are designed to provide necessary nutrients for the plant to grow and thrive, and to build thesoil by enhancing microbial growth, thus increasing the sustainability of the system. The inorganic salt-based fertilizer is designed to quickly and easily supply nutrients to the plant for optimum growth and yield(Havlin, et al 2005).

    The objective of this research was to determine yield results, weight and maximum length or diameter ofgarden vegetables fertilized with AGGRAND fertilizers according to AGGRAND recommendations andgarden vegetables fertilized with a leading inorganic fertilizer according to the manufacturers recommendations.

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    4 AGGRAND Vegetable Productivity Study

    Establishing Test PlotsOn-site planting beds were established at the AGGRAND facility in order to produce credible outdoor

    growth data.

    In April 2010, construction began on three 20-foot by 20-foot planting beds in the open space immediately

    to the south of the AGGRAND facility. Each planting bed was constructed with treated timbers, stackedthree high, lined with landscape fabric and filled with blended garden soil from Monarch Paving of

    Superior, Wis. The perimeter of the planting beds was surrounded by an 8-foot fence to deter animals,

    especially deer, from eating the plants. In addition, a wind screen made of landscape fabric was

    established on the east and north fence lines to minimize the effects of the cold winds from Lake Superior.

    The planters were filled with soil and leveled. The soil was sampled on April 20. The growth plots were

    completed on May 4, 2010. (See Figures 2 and 3)

    Materials and Methods

    Figure 2: Planters undergoing construction

    Figure 1: Plot site plan

    Figure 3: Completed growth plot test area

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    AGGRAND Vegetable Productivity Study 5

    Soil SamplingThe following soil sampling procedure was followed for each planting bed to characterize each growth

    plots soil. The soil depth was 18 inches and homogenous throughout the planter. Using a soil sampling

    probe, soil samples were obtained from the top six inches of the planting bed at nine evenly spaced points

    in the area. (See Figure 4)

    All soil samples were analyzed at Midwest Laboratories in Omaha, Neb., and were evaluated for percent

    organic matter, available phosphorus (weak and strong Bray), exchangeable potassium, hydrogen,

    magnesium and calcium, pH, buffer index, cation exchange capacity (CEC), percent base saturation of

    cation elements, carryover nitrogen as nitrate, micronutrient analysis of sulfur, manganese, boron, zinc,

    iron and copper, evaluation of excess lime and soluble salts. (See Tables 16 and 17 for a summary of all

    soil analyses obtained during this study)

    Planting PlanA growth plot sowing plan was established to use the area most efficiently while providing ample room for

    the vegetables to grow and develop, leaving enough room to water, fertilize and weed the plots. A two-foot

    walking path was established between the vegetable types. (See Figure 5)

    Figure 4: Growth plot soil sampling

    Figure 5: Growth plot planting plan

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    6 AGGRAND Vegetable Productivity Study

    Popular hybrid varieties of vegetables were chosen for this study, with seeds established in Wisconsin or

    Minnesota that would produce good yields in cooler climates. The following seed and seed potatoes were planted:

    Potatoes: Variety: 04671, Superiorfrom Jung Seed, Co. of Randolph, Wis.

    Green Beans: Variety: 01020N, Blue Lake 274from Jung Seed, Co. of Randolph, Wis.

    Sweet Corn: Variety: 01805N, Butter & Sugarfrom Jung Seed, Co. of Randolph, Wis.


    Variety: 00426A, Lot 10-426-A, Legend(Determinate) from Jung Seed, Co. of Randolph, Wis.

    Variety: Celebrityplants from Dans Feed Bin of Superior, Wis. Plants were approximately

    8 inches to 10 inches in height.

    Tomato Plants from Seed

    On April 5, Legend tomato seeds were planted in five flats of 3.5-inch by 3.5-inch pots, for a total of 90

    plants. The growing medium was Pro-Mix (PGX) Professional potting soil Part #0463 from Quakertown,

    Pa., topped with Country Cottage Sphagnum Peat Moss from Lancaster, Pa. Seeds were planted

    approximately 0.5 inches under the surface of the soil. Water was added to the flats by capillary action

    until the planting media was moist. The flats were placed into the growth area with heating mats under the

    flats. Fluorescent growth lamps illuminated a plastic drape over the growing area to maintain a

    temperature of 27.2C (81F) See Figure 6

    Heat Mats: (2) 20.75 inches wide x 48 inches long from Hydrofarm, Petaluma, Calif.

    Nine-Sylvania 40W GRO-LUX F40 GRO

    Seven-VitaLite 40W DuroLite

    Light Duration: 14 hours per day

    Temperature = 27.2C (81F) as measured by a Taylor analog dial thermometer

    Temperature and soil moisture checked every day

    Initial emergence of the tomato plants occurred April 9, with a germination rate of 85.6 percent by April 12.

    An additional six seeds were planted the next day to replace the non-germinated seeds.

    AGGRAND personnel prepared to fertilize the plants that had developed at least two true leaves 25

    milliliters (mL) of diluted fertilizer via graduated cylinder. The plants were separated, measured for length

    and tagged for a specific fertilizer treatment with either AGGRAND Natural Fertilizer (NOF, Lot 852-033),leading chemical fertilizer or none (control) with 28 plants in each category.

    The formulation used for the AGGRAND seedling fertilization was 5 mL of Natural Fertilizer to 1,000 mL of

    distilled water, mixed well and placed into a laboratory squeeze bottle. Using a 25 mL graduated cylinder,

    25 mL of the solution was added to each plant.

    The chemical fertilizer called for 1 gram of powdered material to 946 mL of distilled water, mixed

    thoroughly. Each plant designated to receive inorganic fertilization received 25 mL of this solution. The

    fertilization and measuring process was repeated on May 3. As the plants increased in height the growth

    lamps were raised accordingly.

    Tomato Plants from Seed

    Figure 6: Newly-planted tomato seeds

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    AGGRAND Vegetable Productivity Study 7

    On May 10, the heat mats were turned off in the growth chamber to begin the hardening process.

    The temperature was reduced from 27.2C (81F) to 23C (73.4F) with the soil temperature

    ranging from 20.5C (68.9F) to 22.2C (72F). During the afternoon of May 17, the tomato plants were

    placed on a pallet and placed outdoors in a shaded area for a couple of hours to harden.

    This process was repeated on May 18, May 20 and May 21 for periods of 3.5 hours, 4 hours and

    8.25 hours, respectively.

    The best 24 tomato plants for each plot were selected and sorted on May 24. Because of their long

    stems, the plants were planted into holes one-foot deep. Wire supports were placed around each

    plant. Ambient temperature was approximately 60F and sky was overcast, with fog. During the

    previous evening 0.25 inches of rain fell. Each plant was fertilized with an AGGRAND fertilizer solution

    of 180 mL of Natural Organic Fertilizer (NOF, 4-3-3) (measured with a 250 mL graduated cylinder), 120 mL

    of Natural Liquid Bonemeal (NBM, 0-12-0) (measured with a 250 mL graduated cylinder) and 60 mL of

    Kelp and Sulfate of Potash (NKP, 0-0-8) (measured with a 100 mL graduated cylinder) into 6,000 mL

    of tap water. The solution was mixed thoroughly and 1,000 mL of solution (measured with a 1,000 mL

    graduated cylinder) was applied to the base of each plant (AMSOIL, 2010). The same procedure

    occurred for the control plants using 1,000 mL of tap water for each plant. This fertilization procedure

    was also followed for the chemical fertilizer with a formula of 17.96 grams of powdered fertilizer

    (weighed using an AND FX3000i digital balance, serial number 15610355) and 6,000 mL of tap wateraccording to the manufacturers instructions.

    The tomato plants were evaluated on May 28 to determine the effects of transplanting into the growth

    plots. Eight AGGRAND plants were dead or close to death, all control plants were alive and viable for

    continued growth and seven of the chemically fertilized plants were dead. All tomato plants were

    watered with 1,000 mL of tap water. On June 1, all of the tomato plants appeared to be stressed and

    had soft, wet, succulent tissue. The three best-performing Legend plants of

    each fertilizer regime were kept and 36 Celebrity tomato plants were

    purchased from Dans Feed Bin, Superior, Wis. Each growth plot received

    12 plants, approximately 8 to 10 inches tall. Each plant was watered with

    1,000 mL tap water after planting. On June 2, all tomato plants were

    fertilized with 1,000 mL of solution as described above.

    Potatoes: Preparation and PlantingSeed potatoes arrived during the week of April 25 from Jung Seed

    Company. On May 4, each seed potato was cut in half for a total of 126

    pieces that contained several eyes. The cut seed potatoes were stored

    in a dark, cool, dry area on trays.

    On May 18, the seed potatoes were planted eight inches deep and covered

    with with three inches of soil. Four rows of seven plants were planted in each

    timber box. (See Table 1 for detailed planting data.) Seed potatoes were

    fertilized with an AGGRAND solution of 180 mL of Natural Organic Fertilizer

    (measured with a 250 mL graduated cylinder), 120 mL of Natural LiquidBonemeal (measured with a 250 mL graduated cylinder) and 60 mL of Kelp

    and Sulfate of Potash (measured with a 100 mL graduated cylinder) into

    6,000 mL of tap water. The solution was mixed thoroughly and 1,000 mL of

    solution (measured with a 1,000 mL graduated cylinder) was applied to the

    base of each plant. (AMSOIL, 2010) The control plants received only 1,000

    mL of tap water per plant. The same fertilization procedure was followed for

    the chemical fertilizer with a formula of 17.96 grams of powdered fertilizer

    (weighed using an AND FX3000i digital balance, serial number 15610355)

    and 6,000 mL of tap water. (See Figures 7 and 8)

    Figure 7: Measuring depth of hole for potatoes

    Figure 8: Method of fertilization for potato plots

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    8 AGGRAND Vegetable Productivity Study

    Sweet corn and bush beans were sowed May 25. Four rows of each plant per fertilizer type were

    established. Seed was placed about one inch beneath the soil surface, covered and firmly packed by

    hand. (See Table 1 for planting specifics and Figures 9 and 10 below:)

    Each row of the AGGRAND plot was fertilized with a solution of 180 mL of Natural Fertilizer (measured

    with a 250 mL graduated cylinder), 120 mL of Natural Liquid Bonemeal (measured with a 250 mL

    graduated cylinder) and 60 mL of Kelp and Sulfate of Potash (measured with a 100 mL graduated cylinder)

    and 6,000 mL of tap water. The solution was mixed thoroughly and each row of corn and beans was

    fertilized using a sprinkler can to evenly distribute the solution along the length of the row (AMSOIL, 2010).

    The control plants received 6,000 mL of tap water per row. The same fertilization procedure was followed

    for the chemical fertilizer with a formula of 17.96 grams of powdered fertilizer (weighed using an AND

    FX3000i digital balance, serial number 15610355) and 6,000 mL of tap water. (See Figures 11 and 12


    Sowing Corn and Beans

    Figure 9: Corn seed spacing

    Figure 11: Row fertilization technique

    Figure 10: Bean seed spacing

    Figure 12: Fertilizing with leading inorganic

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    AGGRAND Vegetable Productivity Study 9

    Growth Plot MaintenanceBy June 2 all plots were seeded, and all tomato plants were in place according to Table 1.

    Table 1: Planting summary

    Growth Plot Maintenance

    After all plants and seeds were established, precipitation, routine weeding, cultivating and watering

    were monitored and are summarized in Table 2.

    Table 2: Plot maintenance summary

    Crop Row Spacing



    Spacing (in)

    Seeds or Plants

    per Row


    per Plot

    Total Seeds/


    Corn 2 6 17 64 192

    Beans 2 4 25 100 300

    Tomatoes 2 24 4 15 45

    Potatoes 2 15 7 28 84

    Date Rain (in) Watering (mL) Comments

    23-May 0.2525-May Trace

    28-May 6000/1000 Each row of corn, beans, potatoes. 1000 mL ea tomato plant

    28-May 3 potatoes emerged in AGGRAND Plot

    1-Jun Corn and beans germinated in all plots

    2-Jun 6000 Each row of corn, beans, potatoes. Fertilized tomato plants

    4-Jun 0.75

    5-Jun 0.50

    7-Jun Weeded and cultivated all plots

    8-Jun 1.00

    13-June 1.60

    18-Jun the

    21-Jun 0.85

    22-Jun Hilled potatoes, all plots

    24-Jun 0.20 Hail storm

    25-Jun 1.75

    3-Jul 0.40

    10-Jul Trace

    14-Jul 0.40

    15-Jul Weeded and cultivated all plots

    24-Jul 0.13

    27-Jul 1.75

    31-Jul 1.00

    7-Aug 2.70

    10-Aug 0.50

    14-Aug 0.30

    18-Aug 1.10

    20-Aug 1.10 Removed excess blooms and pruned tomato plants

    31-Aug 0.13

    2-Sep 0.30

    6-Sep 0.85

    17-Sep 0.40

    23-Sep 1.40

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    10 AGGRAND Vegetable Productivity Study

    Tables 3, 4, 5 and 6 summarize fertilizer applications and general formulas used for each plot. Percent

    indicates the amount of fertilizer to water as specified in tables 7, 8 and 9. Date of application shown in red.

    Fertilizer Application Tables

    Crop AGGRAND Leading Chemical Control

    Potato 5/183% NOF2% NBM

    1% NKP

    5/180.3% solution

    5/18Water only

    Tomato 6/2

    3% NOF2% NBM

    1% NKP


    0.3% solution


    Water only

    Beans 5/25

    3% NOF

    2% NBM1% NKP


    0.3% solution


    Water only

    Corn 5/25

    3% NOF2% NBM1% NKP


    0.3% solution


    Water only

    Crop AGGRAND Leading Chemical Control

    Potato 6/18

    3% NOF1% NLL @ 2 weeks


    0.3% solution@ 2 weeks


    Water only

    Tomato 7/12% NOF

    2% NBM @ 1st bloom

    6/180.3% solution

    @ 2 weeks

    6/18Water only

    Beans 7/13One week before bloom2% NOF 2% NKP

    6/180.3% solution@ 2 weeks

    6/18Water only

    Corn 6/183% NOF

    2% NBM 1%

    NKP @ 2 weeks

    6/180.3% solution

    @ 2 weeks

    6/18Water only

    Crop AGGRAND Leading Chemical Control

    Potato 7/2

    3% NOF1% NLL @ 4 weeks


    0.3% solution@ 4 weeks


    Water only

    Tomato 7/212% NOF 2% NLL

    @ full bloom

    7/20.3% solution

    @ 4 weeks

    7/2Water only

    Beans 8/2

    One week before 2nd bloom2% NOF

    2% NKP


    0.3% solution@ 4 weeks


    Water only

    Corn 7/2

    3% NOF2% NBM

    1% NKP @ 4 weeks


    0.3% solution@ 4 weeks


    Water only

    Table 3: Planting soiling application

    Table 4: Second application foliar feeding

    Table 5: Third application foliar feeding

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    AGGRAND Vegetable Productivity Study 11

    Crop AGGRAND Leading Chemical Control

    Potato 7/163% NOF

    1% NLL @ 6 weeks

    7/160.3% solution @ 6 weeks

    7/16Water only

    Tomato 7/292% NKP during fruit fill

    7/160.3% solution @ 6 weeks

    7/16Water only

    Beans None 7/16

    0.3% solution @ 6 weeks


    Water only

    Corn 7/16

    3% NOF2% NBM

    1% NKP @ 6 weeks


    0.3% solution@ 6 weeks


    Water only

    Vegetable Stage Water (mL) NOF(1)

    (mL) NBM(2)

    (mL) NKP(3)

    (mL) NLL(4)

    (mL) Amount/row

    or plant

    Potatoes Planting 5640 180 120 60 1,000 mL/ plant

    Tomatoes Planting 5640 180 120 60 1,000 mL/ plant

    Beans Planting 5640 180 120 60 6,000 mL/row

    Corn Planting 5640 180 120 60 6,000 mL/row

    Potatoes at 2 weeks 5760 180 60 6,000 mL/row

    Tomatoes at 1st Bloom 5760 120 120 1,000 mL/plant

    Beans one week before

    1st bloom

    5760 120 120 6,000 mL/row

    Corn at 2 weeks 5640 180 120 60 6,000 mL/row

    Potatoes at 4 weeks 5760 180 60 6,000 mL/row

    Tomatoes at full Bloom 5700 180 120 1,000 mL/plant

    Beans one week before

    2nd bloom

    5760 120 120 6,000 mL/row

    Corn at 4 weeks 5640 180 120 60 6,000 mL/row

    Potatoes at 6 weeks 5760 180 60 6,000 mL/row

    Tomatoes during fruit fill 5880 120 1,000 mL/plant

    Corn at 6 weeks 5640 180 120 60 6,000 mL/row

    Beans one week before

    3rd bloom


    Table 6: Fourth application foliar feeding

    Table 7: AGGRAND fertilizer application timing and formulations

    For beans, corn and potatoes, 6,000 mL of chemical fertilizer mix were applied with a watering can per

    row. For tomatoes, 1,000 mL (measured with a 1,000 mL graduated cylinder) was applied per plant.

    Control applications followed the same timing and volume as the chemical fertilizer and were treated with

    tap water through the growing season. Several AGGRAND fertilizer applications did not follow the

    prescribed schedule exactly because of frequent rains. (Table 2) The chemical fertilizer was applied at

    regular two-week intervals after the initial planting and establishment of the plants. Tables 7, 8 and 9

    summarize the fertilizer formulations employed on the growth plots.

    (1) AGGRAND Natural Organic Fertilizer (4-3-3)

    (2) AGGRAND Natural Bonemeal (0-12-0)

    (3) AGGRAND Natural Kelp and Sulfate of Potash (0-0-8)

    (4) AGGRAND Natural Liquid Lime

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    12 AGGRAND Vegetable Productivity Study

    Vegetable Stage Water (mL) Fertilizer (g) Amount/row or plant

    Potatoes at planting 6,000 17.96 1,000 mL/ plant

    Tomatoes at planting 6,000 17.96 1,000 mL/ plant

    Beans at planting 6,000 17.96 6,000 mL/rowCorn at planting 6,000 17.96 6,000 mL/row

    Potatoes at 2 weeks 6,000 17.96 6,000 mL/row

    Tomatoes at 2 weeks 6,000 17.96 1,000 mL/plant

    Beans at 2 weeks 6,000 17.96 6,000 mL/row

    Corn at 2 weeks 6,000 17.96 6,000 mL/row

    Potatoes at 4 weeks 6,000 17.96 6,000 mL/row

    Tomatoes at 4 weeks 6,000 17.96 1,000 mL/plant

    Beans at 4 weeks 6,000 17.96 6,000 mL/row

    Corn at 4 weeks 6,000 17.96 6,000 mL/row

    Potatoes at 6 weeks 6,000 17.96 6,000 mL/row

    Tomatoes at 6 weeks 6,000 17.96 1,000 mL/plant

    Corn at 6 weeks 6,000 17.96 6,000 mL/row

    Beans at 6 weeks 6,000 17.96 6,000 mL/row

    Vegetable Stage Water (mL) Fertilizer Amount/row or plant

    Potatoes at planting 6,000 none 1,000 mL/ plant

    Tomatoes at planting 6,000 none 1,000 mL/ plant

    Beans at planting 6,000 none 6,000 mL/row

    Corn at planting 6,000 none 6,000 mL/row

    Potatoes at 2 weeks 6,000 none 6,000 mL/row

    Tomatoes at 2 weeks 6,000 none 1,000 mL/plant

    Beans at 2 weeks 6,000 none 6,000 mL/row

    Corn at 2 weeks 6,000 none 6,000 mL/row

    Potatoes at 4 weeks 6,000 none 6,000 mL/row

    Tomatoes at 4 weeks 6,000 none 1,000 mL/plant

    Beans at 4 weeks 6,000 none 6,000 mL/row

    Corn at 4 weeks 6,000 none 6,000 mL/row

    Potatoes at 6 weeks 6,000 none 6,000 mL/row

    Tomatoes at 6 weeks 6,000 none 1,000 mL/plant

    Corn at 6 weeks 6,000 none 6,000 mL/row

    Beans at 6 weeks 6,000 none 6,000 mL/row

    Table 8: Leading chemical fertilizer application timing and formulations

    Table 9: Control plot fertilizer application timing and formulations

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    AGGRAND Vegetable Productivity Study 13

    During the late afternoon of June 24, a heavy thunderstorm produced hail and damaged many of the

    plants in the growth plots. Fortunately, the vegetables were not flowering at this time and long-term

    damage was held to a minimum. See Figures 13, 14, 15, and 16.

    On October 7, after all crops had been

    harvested and prior to tilling each planting

    bed, soil samples were taken from each crop

    area in each bed. Samples from nine evenly

    spaced points were obtained (Figure 17),

    mixed and forwarded to Midwest Laboratories

    for analysis to determine percent organic

    matter; available phosphorus (weak andstrong Bray); exchangeable potassium,

    hydrogen, magnesium and calcium; pH; buffer

    index; cation exchange capacity (CEC);

    percent base saturation of cation elements;

    carryover nitrogen as nitrate; micronutrient

    analysis of sulfur, manganese, boron, zinc,

    iron and copper; and evaluation of excess lime

    and soluble salts. A total of 12 post-harvest

    samples were tested; all soil samples are

    summarized in Tables 16 and 17.

    Figure 13: Damaged sweet corn

    Figure 15: Damaged green bean plants

    Figure 14: Damaged tomato plant

    Figure 16: Damaged potato plants

    Figure 17: Fall 2010 soil sampling

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    14 AGGRAND Vegetable Productivity Study


    Evaluation of tomato performance not only included the amount and size of fruit formed, but also plant growth

    rate and vigor of the Legend plants grown from seed. As already stated, initial emergence of the tomato plants

    occurred on April 9 and on April 12, the germination percentage was determined to be 85.6 percent.

    On April 19, plants were measured for height and separated into three groups of 29 destined for the threefertilizer treatments. This data was recorded and averaged. Fertilizer was applied on April 19, and on May 3,

    the height of each plant was re-measured with the data being averaged for each fertilizer type. Figure 18

    summarizes seedling height per fertilizer.

    The image in Figure 19 was taken on May 10 to demonstrate the relative height and vigor of the tomato

    plants with differing fertilization systems. The AGGRAND-treated plants appear taller than both the controland chemically fertilized plants, while the AGGRAND and chemically fertilized plants have more abundant

    and greener foliage than the control plants.

    Results and Discussion

    Figure 18: Tomato start growth

    Figure 19: Tomato plants prior to being transplanted

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    AGGRAND Vegetable Productivity Study 15

    Tomato seedlings were transplanted the last week of May because of the potential for frost and to provide

    ample time to acclimate to outdoor growing conditions. As seen in Figure 19, the plants were of adequate

    size to be planted in the garden plots; however, the delay in transplanting caused the plants to become

    spindly, with the plant tissue becoming soft and succulent. Figure 20 shows the tomato plants during the

    hardening process and the weakness of the plant stems.

    After planting, the majority of the starts showed substantial stress, died or were dying. Each plot retainedthree Legend tomato plants and each had 12 Celebrity tomato plants added. All 15 plants in each growth

    plot survived and produced fruit.

    Over the growing season, the AGGRAND-fertilized plants showed more vigor and were larger overall than

    the chemically fertilized or control tomatoes. On July 13, plant height and relative vigor were ranked on a

    one to five scale where five was the best and zero was a dead plant. AGGRAND Fertilizer Specialist

    Walter Sandbeck measured vigor by evaluating leaf color (intensity of green), leaf number, height,

    flowering, plant firmness and stem diameter. The AGGRAND plants, even though suffering from hail

    damage, were ranked with vigor values of five and ranged from 12 inches to 23 inches in height. All plants

    were blooming and several were in post-bloom stage. The chemically fertilized plants were given a vigor

    rank of four, with one plant having a rating of three. The plants had more maturity variation than the

    AGGRAND plants, with some in pre-bloom stage and three with small fruit emerging. Height of these

    plants ranged from 12 inches to 20 inches. Control plants were visually less appealing than AGGRAND orthe chemically fertilized plants. Overall vigor was ranked between three and four, with half of the plants in

    pre-bloom stage and the remaining in bloom. Two control plants had one 0.375 inch and one 0.675 inch

    tomato per plant. Plant height ranged from 10 inches to 20 inches.

    On August 25, the first tomatoes were harvested. The following criteria were developed to evaluate the

    performance of each plot: 1) Tomatoes should be orange or red on the vine at the time of harvest. 2) Fruit

    on the ground will be counted and measured, even when green. 3) Will harvest all, including green fruit,

    when a freeze is imminent. 4) Determine number, weight and maximum diameter for each tomato per plot.

    5) Determine degrees Brix of one tomato from each plot per picking day.

    Figure 20: Tomato plants during the hardening process

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    16 AGGRAND Vegetable Productivity Study

    Each tomato was weighed using an AND FX3000i digital

    balance, serial #15610355, and the maximum diameter

    was measured with a Mitutoyo Corporation Digimatic

    Caliper, Model CD-6 CSX, Serial #07435188. Thediameter was measured perpendicular to the axis of the

    stem and center core of the fruit. See Figure 22.

    Tomatoes fertilized with the AGGRAND fertilization system

    produced fruit in greater numbers which equated to more

    total weight when compared to plants that were fertilized

    with the chemical product. As expected, the control plants

    fared the worst as far as quantity, but produced a slightly

    larger and heavier tomato. Average sugar content as

    measured by degrees Brix was slightly lower for the

    AGGRAND-treated tomatoes when compared to tomatoes

    grown in the other plots. Differences in quality are noticed

    when at least 2 to 4 degrees Brix between fruit samples are

    taste-tested (International Ag Labs, 2010).

    TomatoesFigure 21: Tomatoes at various ripening stages

    Figure 22: Measuring maximum tomato diameter

    Fertilizer TotalNumber

    TotalWeight (g)








    AGGRAND 792 128,914.69 284.00 5.3 162.77 71.59

    Chemical 630 105,662.33 232.70 5.5 167.72 71.63

    Control 404 71,340.12 157.10 5.4 176.58 72.47

    Table 11: Final tomato results

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    AGGRAND Vegetable Productivity Study 17

    On June 1, most of the sowed bean seeds had germinated; some seeds were washed away or moved

    within the planting row due to heavy rains. Total germination of the AGGRAND plot was 83 percent;

    total germination for both the chemical fertilizer and control plots was 80 percent.

    On July 13, the green bean plants were measured and relative vigor rankings were determined on a one to

    five scale where five was the best and zero was a dead plant. The AGGRAND-fertilized plants, showed

    some signs of hail damage, but the majority of them (over 60 percent) were given a rank of five, were

    flowering and were 8 inches to 12 inches tall. The remainder of the plants ranked from one to four, with the

    majority ranking three to four with dark green foliage and little or no pest damage. The plants fertilized with

    the leading chemical product were healthy with little pest damage. Eighty percent received a vigor ranking

    of four, with many of the plants flowering. Average height was six inches to eight inches, and the foliage

    was lighter green than the AGGRAND-fertilized plot. There were few plants ranked three and two, but most

    plants that were not ranked a four were ranked as a small plant (one). Control plants were visually less

    appealing than the AGGRAND or the chemically fertilized plants. The foliage was lighter green; over 88

    percent of the plants were given a vigor ranking of three; and a number of plants were blooming. All plots

    were producing 0.5-inch to one-inch beans on July 20. See Figure 23.

    Commenced harvest on July 26 by picking beans that were at least four inches long. Attempted to harvest

    every Monday, Wednesday and Friday when weather conditions were favorable. On August 30, the

    harvesting was deemed completed when the plants yielded very few fruit and were degrading. See Figure 24.

    Fertilizer Total



    Weight (g)









    AGGRAND 4196 14,666.42 32.33 5.4 3.50 71.59

    Chemical 3766 12,653.17 27.90 5.6 3.36 71.63

    Control 3506 11,077.96 24.42 5.7 3.16 72.47

    Table 12: Final green bean results

    Green Beans

    Figure 23: Green bean plant comparison

    AGGRAND plot Chemical fertilizer plot

    Figure 24: Green bean harvest

    The AGGRAND ferilized plot produced

    more, larger, heavier beans than the other

    growth plots. Due to the overall high fertility

    of the soil, the yields were very good for all

    plots. Average sugar content, as measured

    by percent Brix, was slightly lower for

    AGGRAND when compared to the other

    growth plots; this difference, however,

    would not be discernable by taste.

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    18 AGGRAND Vegetable Productivity Study

    PotatoesAs previously stated, potatoes were planted on May 18, before all other crops. Growth rate and plant vigor

    comparisons were conducted when the plants started to emerge around June 1. Rapid plant growth

    occurred from June 1 to June 6. Figure 25 compares plant development per fertilizer/growth plot.

    Over the growing season, the AGGRAND potatoes showed more vigor and were larger overall than the

    chemically fertilized or control plants. On July 13 the plants were measured and relative vigor rankings

    were determined on a one to five scale where five was the best and zero was a dead plant. Again,

    AGGRAND plants, even though showing some signs of hail damage, were given a ranking of five and

    were approximately 24 inches tall. Six plants were blooming. The chemically fertilized plants were given a

    vigor ranking of four. Fifty percent of them were blooming and they were between 12 inches and 18 inches

    tall. Control plants were visually less vigorous than the AGGRAND or the chemically fertilized plants.

    Overall vigor was ranked at three, with 11 out of the 28 plants blooming. Plant height ranged from 10

    inches to 16 inches. Plant height and vigor had less variation within each plot, but showed distinct

    difference from plot to plot. Due to the excess moisture, as the growing season progressed, the plant

    leaves turned a brownish green and curled. By the end of August, dieback was obvious in all plots, but the

    AGGRAND-fertilized potato plants produced new, prolific shoots and leaves.

    Figure 25: Potato plant comparison

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    AGGRAND Vegetable Productivity Study 19

    On September 30, harvest was conducted when the control and chemically fertilized plants had essentially died back.

    See Figure 26.

    Yield comparison was determined by weighing each potato using an AND FX3000i digital balance, serial #15610355

    and measuring their maximum length (See Figure 27). Sugar content was determined with an Atago ATC-1E Hand

    Refractometer that measured degrees Brix 0 to 32. See the yield summary in Table 13.

    Figure 26: Potato harvest

    Figure 27: Measuring maximum potato length

    Figure 28

    Table 13: Final potato results

    AGGRAND Control Chemical Fertilizer

    Fertilizer TotalNumber

    TotalWeight (g)








    AGGRAND 228 25,083.52 55.25 5.2 110.02 6.69

    Chemical 169 21,822.27 48.07 5.2 129.13 6.94Control 137 17,840.69 39.30 4.0 130.22 7.32

    Potato plots fertilized with the AGGRAND fertilization system produced

    greater numbers and naturally equated to more total weight when

    compared to the plots fertilized with the chemical product. As

    expected, the control plants fared the worst as far as quantity, but

    produced a slightly larger and heavier potato. Average sugar content

    as measured by degrees Brix was slightly lower for the control when

    compared to the other growth plots, but this difference would not be

    discernable by taste. AGGRAND and control programs yielded

    potatoes with less scabbing. See Figure 28.

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    20 AGGRAND Vegetable Productivity Study

    Sweet CornOn June 1, most of the sowed corn seeds had germinated; however, heavy rains forced some to move

    within the planting row and required they be reset at the proper depth and spacing. Total germination of

    the AGGRAND plot was 100 percent; one seed failed to germinate in the chemical fertilizer plot and three

    seeds failed to germinate in the control plot.

    On July 13, the corn plants were measured and relative vigor rankings were determined on a one to five

    scale where five was the best and zero was a dead plant. All AGGRAND-fertilized plants were given a

    ranking of five and ranged from 10 inches to 28 inches tall. The plants fertilized with the leading chemical

    product were healthy, with 100 percent receiving a vigor ranking of four, ranging from 10 inches to 20

    inches tall and a few were multi-stemmed. The foliage was lighter green than the AGGRAND-fertilized

    plants. Control plants were noticeably light green in color when compared to the AGGRAND or the

    chemically fertilized plants. Overall vigor was given a ranking of three with the plants ranging in height

    from 8 inches to 18 inchesnoticeably shorter than the AGGRAND and chemically fertilized corn.

    Additional observations were conducted regarding the formation of tassels and corn cobs throughout the

    growing season. On July 20, the AGGRAND corn plants were the only producers of tassels; 31 percent of

    the plants were at this stage of development. Investigation on August 3 revealed that 11 AGGRAND corn

    plants were forming cobs, while one chemically fertilized plant was observed at this state, and no control

    plants were forming distinct cobs at this time. The AGGRAND-fertilized corn was much more developedthan the other plots.

    Figure 29: Ear size comparison

    Harvest was conducted on September 8 to avoid

    the corn becoming overdeveloped and starchy.

    The cob size was monitored carefully to provide

    the best-tasting product possible.

    Figure 30: Corn harvest

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    AGGRAND Vegetable Productivity Study 21

    Parameters measured include cob weight using an AND FX3000i digital balance, serial #15610355, cob

    length, total weight per row, total weight and number per fertilizer type along with average kernel count of

    the five largest cobs from each row, and average cob length and weight. Maximum cob length was

    determined by using the apparatus in Figure 31.Corn fertilized with the AGGRAND fertilization system

    produced a greater number of total and edible ears

    that had a greater number of kernels than the

    chemically fertilized plants. Average ear length and

    weight were also greater for the AGGRAND plot.

    Figure 29 shows the ear size comparison from row 1

    (south) of each plot. Note that the AGGRAND plot had

    18 ears full of kernels, while the chemical and control

    plots had nine and eight full cobs, respectively. The

    best-quality ears are shown in Figure 30. As expected,

    the control plants with no fertilizer being added fared

    the worst as far as quantity and quality.

    The control corn stalks were brittle and easily broken,

    while the AGGRAND stalks were the strongest. Thechemically fertilized corn had the only smut on the

    ears (3); one small smut spot on an AGGRAND stalk

    was evident. Row four (north) of all growth plots had a

    few ear worms

    Figure 32 Figure 33

    Figure 31: Measuring maximum corn cob length

    Table 14

    *** Edible Ears are greater than 50 grams in weight and may or may not be completely filled with kernels

    Table 15

    Plot Total Ears Total Wt. (g) Total Wt. (lbs) Ave. Ear Wt. (g) Ave. Ear Length (cm) Ave Length (cm)

    AGGRAND 101 14887.97 32.79 147.41 15.95 6.69


    97 10562.29 23.26 108.89 15.10 6.94

    Control 57 5803.37 12.78 101.81 14.61 7.32

    Plot Edible Ear

    Wt. (lbs.)

    Ave. Edible

    Ear Wt. (g)

    Ave. Edible Ear

    length (cm)

    Ave. # Kernels Ave. Ear Length


    Ave Length (cm)

    AGGRAND 31.40 200.80 17.56 526 15.95 6.69



    21.75 161.84 17.15 476 15.10 6.94

    Control 12.19 134.98 16.30 429 14.61 7.32

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    22 AGGRAND Vegetable Productivity Study

    See Figures 34 and 35 for harvest summary for all crops and fertilizer systems.

    Figure 34: Yield comparison by number

    Figure 35: Yield comparison by number

    Harvest Summary

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    AGGRAND Vegetable Productivity Study 23

    As previously mentioned, soil sampling and analysis was conducted after the soil was incorporated into

    the planters and after harvest. Nine samples of each plot were taken in the spring, and nine samples per

    crop per planter were obtained in the fall after harvest. See Figures 36 and 37.

    Soil Analysis

    Figure 36: Soil analysis probe/bucket Figure 37: Soil sample, 6 inches deep

    Table 16: Soil analysis aummary

    Plot Date OM P1 P2 K Mg Ca Na Soil BufferIndex

    CEC ppm lb/a total lb/a

    AGGRAND 4/27 8.1 9 36 106 158 3228 45 7.8 16.7 40 72 72

    Tomatoes 10/16 8.2 51 106 219 258 3127 20 7.6 18.4 11 20 20

    Potatoes 10/16 8.0 23 54 136 159 2930 25 7.8 16.4 17 31 31

    Beans 10/16 8.4 32 77 197 166 3064 19 7.8 17.3 20 36 36

    Corn 10/16 7.9 40 105 231 233 3378 31 8.0 19.6 14 25 25

    Control 4/27 7.5 9 27 90 151 3235 45 7.8 17.9 40 72 72

    Tomatoes 10/16 8.4 10 27 68 126 3192 20 8.0 17.3 5 9 9

    Potatoes 10/16 8.6 14 32 66 121 3173 20 8.2 17.1 7 13 13

    Beans 10/16 8.2 14 28 99 142 3377 22 8.1 18.4 14 25 25

    Corn 10/16 8.5 10 27 67 109 2952 17 8.2 15.9 5 9 9

    Chemical 4/27 7.1 9 28 108 146 3003 49 7.9 16.7 30 54 54

    Tomatoes 10/16 7.6 13 27 56 119 2830 18 8.0 15.4 5 9 9

    Potatoes 10/16 7.6 12 31 91 137 3285 19 8.0 17.9 8 14 14

    Beans 10/16 7.5 14 31 95 126 2911 19 8.0 15.9 9 16 16

    Corn 10/16 7.9 15 27 65 122 3092 22 8.0 16.7 6 11 11

    Phosphorus Exchangeable Cations (ppm) pH Nitrate - N

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    24 AGGRAND Vegetable Productivity Study

    Table 17: Soil analysis summary

    With the addition of AGGRAND fertilizers, soil fertility was maintained in spite of the plants removing

    the nutrients throughout the growing season and in some cases it improved over the growing months

    compared to the chemically fertilized and control plots. Most notable were the increases in the levels of

    phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. The dramatic increase in phosphorus could be attributed to

    the addition of the AGGRAND fertilizers, while the other plots saw only a marginal increase. These

    marginal increases could be due to seasonal effects of increased biological activity. In all plots, some

    micronutrient, nitrate levels and soluble salts decreased from the spring to the fall harvest. The

    reduction could be attributed to plant uptake and to nutrient leaching associated with watering and rain

    movement through the soil layer.

    Plot Date K Mg Ca H Na S Zn Mn Fe Cu B mmhos/cm Rate

    AGGRAND 4/27 1.7 7.3 89.7 0.0 1.3 254 1.2 2 134 1.1 1.6 L 0.9 L

    Tomatoes 10/16 3.1 11.7 84.7 0.0 0.5 38 1.8 2 76 0.9 0.7 L 0.4 LPotatoes 10/16 2.1 8.1 89.1 0.0 0.7 68 1.0 1 80 0.6 0.8 L 0.6 L

    Beans 10/16 2.9 8.0 88.6 0.0 0.5 38 0.9 1 78 0.7 0.8 L 0.5 L

    Corn 10/16 3.0 9.9 86.4 0.0 0.7 68 1.2 1 86 0.9 0.8 L 0.5 L

    Control 4/27 1.3 7.0 90.6 0.0 1.1 268 1.1 2 123 1 1.5 L 0.9 L

    Tomatoes 10/16 1 6.1 92.4 0.0 0.5 64 0.8 1 66 0.7 0.8 L 0.5 L

    Potatoes 10/16 1 5.9 92.6 0.0 0.5 53 0.6 1 62 0.7 0.8 L 0.5 L

    Beans 10/16 1.4 6.4 91.7 0.0 0.5 35 0.6 2 75 0.8 0.9 L 0.3 L

    Corn 10/16 1.1 5.7 92.7 0.0 0.5 45 0.5 1 55 0.6 0.7 L 0.3 L

    Chemical 4/27 1.7 7.3 89.7 0.0 1.3 216 1.3 5 142 1.4 1.5 L 0.9 L

    Tomatoes 10/16 0.9 6.4 92.2 0.0 0.5 50 0.6 1 57 0.6 0.7 L 0.4 L

    Potatoes 10/16 1.3 6.4 91.8 0.0 0.5 54 1.9 1 97 1.4 0.8 L 0.4 L

    Beans 10/16 1.5 6.6 91.4 0.0 0.5 43 0.6 1 56 0.7 0.8 L 0.4 L

    Corn 10/16 1.0 6.1 92.3 0.0 0.6 61 0.5 1 55 0.6 0.8 L 0.3 L

    % Base Saturation Micronutrients (ppm) Soluble SaltsExcessLime

  • 7/28/2019 2010 Vegetable Productivity Study


    AGGRAND Vegetable Productivity Study 25

    This study shows that the AGGRAND fertilization program, as outlined in The Gardening Guide (AMSOIL,

    2010), increased yield in terms of vegetable number and total harvest weight when compared to the leading

    chemical fertilizer for these garden vegetables and soil type. Average weight and size of the green beans and

    corn were higher, while the overall size of the tomatoes and potatoes was slightly smaller, but not significant.

    The leading chemical product used in this study is easy to apply. It is comprised of soluble salts that rapidly

    dissolve in water. Application frequency is also straightforward by the simple addition of the product every two

    weeks during the growing season. The AGGRAND system enhances the soil environment, but requires the

    grower to monitor plant development, flower bloom and fruit growth for timely fertilizer applications, which is

    directly correlated to improved yield.

    The incorporation of nutrients into plants from the soil and fertilizer has been studied for decades and is well

    documented. In order to transport nutrients to the plant cells, mineral compounds must be dissolved in water to

    form ions. There are three ways ions move to the root. One is by root interception or simple contact of the ionic

    solution with the root. As roots grow and expand there will be an increasing chance that soil water containing

    nutrient ions will interact with a root and its hairs, enabling the plant to grow at an increasing rate. Second, when

    the plant is transpiring water from the leaves, water is simultaneously being drawn through the stem and root,

    pulling water and nutrients from the soil. This mechanism is called mass flow. Last, diffusion occurs when

    nutrients are transported from an area of high ion concentration away from the root, toward the root and an areaof low ion concentration (due to the plants intake of the nutrient ions) (Havlin, et al 2005). The mechanisms

    employed to transport the nutrients are the same for the leading chemical fertilizer, AGGRAND fertilizers, and

    existing soil nutrients without supplemental inputs such as the control plot.

    Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ratios (N,P,K) of the fertilizers employed in this study were 4-3-3, 0-12-0,

    and 0-0-8 for the AGGRAND program, and 24-8-16 for the leading chemical fertilizer. Summing the fertilizer

    applications performed throughout the study, one would expect the 24-8-16 product to produce more vegetables

    due to the greater amount of nutrient ions introduced into the soil. With all plots being the same, with the

    exception of fertilizer inputs, there appear to be factors that enhanced the productivity of the AGGRAND

    vegetable plot beyond the simple addition of these elements.

    There are several factors that may have contributed to the increased production of the AGGRAND plot over

    the chemical fertilizer-grown vegetables. One is the treatment of the organic matter and the associatedmicroorganisms in the soil.

    Organic matter is one of the most neglected and important components of the soil due to its seasonal release of

    plant nutrients. Soils and crops can survive, even when mismanaged, if sufficient organic matter is present

    (Albrecht, 1996). According to Kinsey and Walters (2009), Without an active organic matter system in the soil

    you cannot grow any crop at all, no matter how much nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus you add.

    The soil used in this study had ample, if not ideal amounts of organic matter, but organic matter in its

    non-decomposed form has little impact on the soils nutrient level. Many times organic matter and humus are

    considered synonymous, but in reality humus is the main driver of holding and supplying nutrients to the plant.

    Humus is decomposed organic matter that is the main source of naturally available nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur,

    boron and zinc (Kinsey and Walters, 2009). Active organic matter, or humus, along with other soil nutrients is

    produced by the activity of organisms in the soil. Soil organisms ranging in size from the smallest bacteria to

    earthworms break down organic residues, consume other organisms and enrich the soil by their movement and

    death (Soil and Water Conservation Society, 2000). AGGRAND fertilizers incorporate fish, kelp, blood meal and

    other carbon sources that provide food for soil organisms, resulting in increased microbial activity, all while

    supplying necessary inorganic nutrients. The chemical fertilizer used in this study does not contribute organic

    compounds or carbon to the soil organisms. In fact, studies show that inorganic fertilizers, when used alone,

    negatively impact microbial populations. The use of organic fertilizer increases the nutrient level, the productive

    potential and microbial activity of the soil (Nakhro and Dkhar, 2010). Again, with the increase in organic and

    sustainable farming practices a greater awareness has developed regarding the use of chemical fertilizers and


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    26 AGGRAND Vegetable Productivity Study

    pesticides. Among the reasons chemical fertilizers are prohibited in an organic agricultural system is their negative

    impact on microorganisms and earthworm populations (Bolen, et.al., 1996). According to Mder, et.al. (2002), who

    conducted a 21-year study in central Europe comparing organic to conventional farming systems, organically

    managed soils exhibit greater biological activity than the conventionally managed soils. Their study also revealed

    a 1.3- to 3.2-fold increase in the number of earthworms in the organic system as compared to conventionally

    farmed plots (Mder, et.al., 2002).

    Humic substances, which include humic and fulvic acids are derived from decomposed soil organic matter or

    peat and range from yellow to a dark brown to black in color (Jones, Jr., 2005, Rauthan and Schnitzer, 1981).

    The physical and chemical properties of these compounds are derived from the environment in which they were

    formed. Humic and fulvic acids are formulated into AGGRAND Kelp and Sulfate of Potash (NKP) and

    AGGRAND Natural Fertilizer (NOF), which may account for the increased yield when compared to the inorganic

    fertilizer. Studies show that humic and fulvic acids promote growth and increased microbial activity within the

    soil. Recent research has revealed that humic acids play a definite role in influencing mineral nutrition, holding

    micronutrient metal ions, and the macronutrients nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. These compounds also

    influence plant hormones, antioxidant status and photosynthetic capacity (Schmidt and Zhang, 1998). The

    inorganic product only provides nutrients via the dissolution of salts into ions.

    In the early 20th century it was found that humic substances influence plant hormonal activity and increasedmineral ion solubility, specifically iron. Years of research has revealed that humic compounds enhance turf root

    development, and tree seedlings have a propensity to increase the absorption of key nutrients such as nitrogen,

    phosphorus, calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, potassium and copper. Specifically, fulvic acid forms stable

    compounds containing iron, and enhances the uptake of this essential element through the plant from the roots

    system to the shoots. It has also been found that foliar spraying humic substances on the plant increase the

    chlorophyll content of the leaves, helping prevent chlorosis in corn plants by the increased uptake of magnesium

    and iron and making the plants more resistant to environmental stresses and disease (Schmidt and Zhang,

    1998). Rauthan and Schnitzer (1981) reported that concentrations of fulvic acid ranging from 100 parts per

    million (ppm) to 300 ppm increased the growth and development of cucumber plants, above and below ground,

    but also found, at low concentrations, increased algal and microbial growth within the soil. In addition, the

    number of flowers was increased which has a direct correlation to yield.

    Kelp, commonly known as seaweed, has been used for human consumption and as a soil amendment since the

    advent of civilization. Extracts of seaweed are still used in agriculture and detailed research on the benefits of

    these extracts has been available since the early 1950s (Thirumaran, et.al., 2009, Senn, 1987). Commercially

    manufactured seaweed extracts for agricultural use have been employed for at least forty five years (Reitz and

    Trimble, 1996).

    Numerous studies show that potassium, key micronutrients, plant hormones, growth regulators/promoters,

    carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins are supplied by kelp species such as the Ascophyllum nodosum that is

    formulated into AGGRAND Natural Fertilizer and AGGRAND Kelp and Sulfate of Potash (Thirumaran, et.al.,

    2009, Senn, 1987). Field trials show that foliar applications of seaweed extract to bananas increase fruit

    productivity and shorten the time to shoot development. Kelp soil applications resulted in increased crop yields

    of a diversity of crops including oranges, potatoes, tomatoes, sweet corn and peppers. Improved shelf-life and

    resistance to drought and disease are also realized when the proper amounts of kelp are added to a fertilizationprogram (Senn, 1987). Some experts report greater leaf mass compared to control plants when studying

    Ascophyllum nodosum extracts on Henderson Bush lima beans (Reitz and Trumble, 1996).

    Finally, test plot soil fertility will be monitored from year to year. From the soil analyses obtained to date,

    AGGRAND fertilizers appear to contribute to soil fertility, or directly provide the plants with enough nutrients to

    sustain healthy growth. More study must be done to determine the long-term effects of fertilizer applications to

    these plots.

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    AGGRAND Vegetable Productivity Study 27

    Albrecht, W.A. (1996). The Albrecht papers. (Vol. 1). Metairie, LA: Acres U.S.A.

    AMSOIL INC. (2010). The AGGRAND gardening guide. G1292. Superior, WI: AMSOIL, INC.

    Bolan, N.S., L.D. Currie, and S. Baskaran. (1996). Assessment of the influence of phosphate fertilizers on

    the microbial activity of pasture soils. Biol. Fertil. Soils. 21: 284-292.

    Havlin, J.L., J.D. Beaton, S.L. Tisdale, and W.L. Nelson. (2005). Soil fertility and fertilizers, an introduction

    to nutrient management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

    International Ag Labs, Inc. (2010). High brix chart. Available at: http://www.highbrixgardens.com/pdf/brix-


    Jones, Jr., J.B. (2005). Hydroponics a practical guide for the soilless grower. Boco Raton, FL: CRC Press.

    Kinsey, N. and C. Walters. (2009). Hands on agronomy. Austin, TX: Acres U.S.A.

    Mder, P., A. Fliebach, D. Dubois, L. Gunst, P. Fried, and U. Niggli. (2002). Soil fertility and biodiversity in

    organic farming. Science. 296: 16941697.

    McLoughlin, A.J. and E. Kster. (1972). The effect of humic substances on the respiration and growth ofmicroorganisms. Plant and Soil. 37: 17-25.

    Nakhro, N., and M.S. Dkhar. (2010). Impact of organic and inorganic fertilizers on microbial populations

    and biomass carbon in paddy field soil. Journal of Agronomy. 9 (3): 102-110

    National Stone Association. (1986). Aglime fact book. Washington, D.C.: National Stone Association.

    Organic Trade Association. (2010). Industry statistics and projected growth. Available at: http://www.ota.


    Rauthan, B.S. and M. Schnitzer. (1981). Effects of a soil fulvic acid on the growth and nutrient content of

    cucumber (Cucumis sativus) plants. Plant and Soil. 63: 491-495.

    Reitz, S.R., and J.T. Trumble. (1996). Effects of Cytokinin-containing seaweed extract on Phaseolus

    lunatus L.: influence of nutrient availability and apex removal. Botanica Marina. 39: 33-38.

    Schmidt, R.E. and X. Zhang. (1998). How humic substances help turfgrass grow. Golf Course

    Management. 66(7):65-67.

    Senn, T.L. (1987). Seaweed and plant growth. Clemson, SC: Senn.

    Soil and Water Conservation Society. (2000). Soil biology primer. Ankeny, IA: Soil and Water

    Conservation Society.

    The Rodale Institute. (2010). History of the Rodale Institute. Available at: http://www.rodaleinstitute.org/


    Thilmany, D. (2006). The U.S. organic industry: Important trends and emerging issues for the USDA .

    Colorado State University Agribusiness Marketing Report ABMR 06-01.

    Thirumaran, G., M. Arumugam, R. Arumugam, and P. Anantharaman. (2009). Effect of seaweed liquid

    fertilizer on growth and pigment concentration of Abelmoschus esculentus (I) medikus. American-

    Eurasian Journal of Agronomy. 2(2): 57-66.

    United States Department of Agriculture. (20100. National Organic Program. Available at: http://www.


    University of Wisconsin - Extension. (2010). What is organic farming? Available at: http://www.extension.



  • 7/28/2019 2010 Vegetable Productivity Study


    Contact your AGGRAND Dealer for more information on AGGRAND products or to place an order. You mayalso order direct by calling AMSOIL INC. at 1-800-956-5695 and providing the referral number listed here.

    Referral #_________________________________

    Natural FertilizerProven Performancethrough Natural &Organic Ingredients

    Multi-purpose excellent

    results on flowers, fruits,vegetables, lawns, trees,crops and houseplants

    Formulated for foliar feedor soil application

    Promotes enhancedplant vigor, increasingresistance to diseaseand stress

    Convenient liquidconcentrate

    Can be mixed with

    other AGGRANDproducts for easyapplication

    Natural Kelp andSulfate of PotashNatural FormulaPromotes Healthy,Productive Plants

    Improves tolerance forheat, cold and drought

    Promotes nitrogen (N) useefficiency

    Helps reduce susceptibilityto insect attack andinfection by disease-causingorganisms

    Promotes early growth anddevelopment

    Helps increase oil contentin seed crops

    Promotes early ripening,improved quality andextended shelf-life of fruitsand vegetables

    Aids seed formationand nitrogen fixationin legumes

    Formulated for foliar feedor soil applications

    Natural LiquidBonemealPromotes HealthierVegetables andFlowers through

    Fast- and Slow-ReleasePhosphorus

    Readily usable sourceof phosphorus (P) andcalcium (C)

    Slow-release formula feedsplants throughout thegrowing season

    Perfect for all bulbs andtransplants

    Outstanding performanceon root and fruit crops

    Ideal for flowers

    Convenient liquidconcentrate

    Can be mixed with otherAGGRAND products foreasy application

    Natural Liquid LimeQuickly and NaturallyIncreases CalciumLevels in the Soil

    High-quality super-fine

    limestoneSpecifically formulated for

    foliar and root applications

    Use on lawns, pastures andhay fields

    Combine with AGGRANDNatural Fertilizer to supplyadditional calcium

    Easy-to-apply liquidconcentrate produces nodusty mess

top related