2010 st. stanislaus annual report

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2010 St. Stanislaus Annual Report online version



A Procession of Gratitude

Brother Ronald Hingle, S.C.by Brother Bernard Couvillion, President

The cover photo shows Brother Ronald Hingle, Principal, leading the 2011 graduating class from the SSC campus to its commencement exercises. With this one picture, the cover tells the lead story in this annual report: on May 28, 2011 Brother Ronald accompanied his fifteenth and final graduating class to the successful award of an SSC diploma. In the 157 years of St. Stanislaus’ history, only two school leaders were here for more time. Neither of those served fifteen interrupted years.

Brother Ronald’s unprecedented tenure of leadership at St. Stanislaus as assistant principal, principal, and presi-dent has been a procession of extraordinary service and historic accomplishments. His educational legacy is remarkable: more varied and challenging academic offerings and university acceptances, a tone of discipline adapted to adolescents of today, and a renewed campus ministry and service program. After the devastation of Hurricane Katrina – side by side with Brother Ronald Talbot – he showed faith and fierce determination in putting the school year 2005-2006 back into gear in two short months. As if that was not enough, in order to accommodate stu-dents trickling back to school throughout the hurricane year, he completely rescheduled courses three times.

After the destruction, Brother Ronald’s longsuffering collaboration with government agencies bore fruit; SSC received grants of over twelve million dollars for campus reconstruction, and more is promised by virtue of his insistent and painstaking record-keeping. A new band hall and pier, a transformed dormitory, as well as a state-of-the-art dining hall linked to the other buildings by arched walkways and a signature clock tower have transformed the look and feel of the campus.

Although the recovery placed enormous demands on him, he never lost sight of what SSC is all about: helping adolescent boys grow into Christian men. They felt his love and knew his high expectations. At his final student body mass, they gave him a heart-warming and lengthy standing ovation. Nothing this article says could mean more to him than that demonstration of genuine gratitude by the students at the center of his per-sonal mission and vocation.

In the following procession of reflections, colleagues who came to know him well through years of close work with him describe the personality of the man who shaped SSC for a generation.

Erich Hoffer, social studies teacher and coach, said, “Brother Hingle had a profound impact on not only my teaching career, but on my life. When I think of him, I think of kindness and a man willing to be a true servant leader who loves others more than himself ... a true example of Christ. I am humbled and gratified that I get to carry on the mission of the Brothers, which was exemplified to me daily in the life of Brother Ronald Hingle.” “During my thirty-five years at St. Stanislaus, serving as a teacher, administrator and alumni director, and ministering with over a dozen Principals in the process,” said Susan Estrade, “few men, have impacted my work and my life to the degree that Brother Ron-ald has. During his years at St. Stanislaus, Brother Ronald dealt with numerous challenging situations, and he always did so with the greatest care and compassion. I understand our mission much more clearly because of the love, the guidance and the care that he pro-vided to me and my work at St. Stanislaus.”

Brother Stanislaus Keating 17 yearsBrother Peter Basso 16 yearsBrother Ronald Hingle 15 yearsBrother Florimond Pauble 12 years Brother Lee Barker 10 years Brother Ronald Talbot 10 Years Brother Alexis Klee 9 years

St. Stanislaus 2010 Annual Report


Mick Quinlan, senior guidance counselor, adds, “His incredible saint-like patience and persistence – the way he would ‘keep on keeping on,’ especially with FEMA and all its surprises over so many years – became an inspiration to me whenever I started to lose my patience with a person or a situation. “During my six years directing the residency program we would occasionally have to make the tough decisions to let a student go. Every single time on every sin-gle student, Brother Ronald would review the entire history of that student with me to make sure that we did everything possible to keep

him in the fold. In that process with each student, he spent great amounts of time counseling the student and his family.”

Fred Cherota, colleague of Brother Ronald through all fifteen years, describes Brother’s impact on him. “All I can really say is that I love the man. He embod-ies, for me, the ministry of the Brotherhood. I watched him evangelize those around him, by example. This encouraged me to be better at my own ministry at SSC. He did so much, and for so many. He seemed untiring, always available, and committed to the truth of our all being children of God.

“Brother Ronald personified the Brotherhood’s Rule of Life, its essence, its heart. He extended his commitment for saving the endangered young, to all of God’s children, of any age. He seldom waved the Brotherhood or Catholicism as a banner. He did, however, show the way, The Way. The Sacred Heart of Jesus – compassion, love, and service – were the traits I saw in him. Brother Ronald Hingle is a living sacrifice. What Jesus chose to die for, had to die for, Brother Ronald chooses to live for, everyday. I miss seeing him.”

“His creativity is off the charts,” says Campus Minister Adrienne Quinlan, “I’ve seen him create beautiful prayers, prayer services and presentations to small and large groups, always appropriate for the time, place and audience. His stamina is, to me, his greatest gift from God. I also know first-hand that he will lay down his life for anyone. I literally thought I was sending him to his death when I told him about the families stranded in the cafeteria on the verge of drowning [during Hur-ricane Katrina]. He did not hesitate to take off into the storm to bring them to safety.”

Each of the graduating seniors walking behind Brother Ronald in the cover photo could give his own testimo-ny of the ways Brother Ronald marked his life; many have. A particularly eloquent grad of the Class of 1998 wrote a personal valedictory note (see inset) to Brother Ronald that echoes the words of many of the students whose lives he touched.

The mother of a grad, Susan P. Shimp, expresses the gratitude of many parents; she wrote to me as soon as she heard of Brother Ronald’s transfer. “Although happy for his assignment for him, I am very sad to see him go from SSC. My son graduated in 2000, and I

Brother Ronald’s SSC Legacy

Senior Leadership BreakfastStudent HandbookHonors DiplomaOnline Grading and AssignmentsSchool UniformsAcademic Letter Jackets150th Anniversary FestivitiesRockin’ the GlobeExpanded collaboration with OLAPRO’s Camp Overnight StayOpen House


On the COver

Brother Ronald Hingle, S.C. escorts the class of 2011 from the Alumni Clock Tower to the OLG church for graduation on May 25, 2011.

feel that both Brother Hingle and Brother Talbot were great influences for the education and ‘character’ that SSC emphasizes. Brother Hingle was always and is a beacon of light for SSC. He always thought of the positive aspects of the way students should carry themselves and continued to encourage them with a positive outlook on their standards in life after they left. He was always very interested in the students, both while at SSC and afterwards. He was always caring and made you feel that he was truly interested. SSC is the beneficiary of the knowledge, caring, and work that Brother Ronald Hingle gave of himself. He will be missed dearly.”

I give the last word to Brother Ronald Talbot, Provincial, who worked closely with Brother Ronald Hingle as preceding Principal and President: “Brother Ronald Hingle ar-rived at St. Stanislaus fully committed to the ongoing growth and improvement of SSC. He poured his heart and his soul into this endeavor. While there are many visible and lasting signs of this commitment, what impressed me the most was his dedication to the students. While insisting on accountability, good conduct, and adherence to Christian values, his first concern was always the good of the individual.

“He took and made time for students. He attended many, if not most, student activities. His interactions with

individual students were marked by caring, concern, listening, and counseling. He drove buses so students could attend activities. He frequently accompanied injured students to the emergency room. He visited students in the hospital, and if need be, even spent the night at the request of the medical staff. The good of the students always came first.

“His deep concern for students was never more evident than during Hurricane Katrina, when he spent countless hours and sleepless days to see that our

international students were reunited with their families. Brother Ronald left St. Stanislaus much more tired than when he arrived, but he remained just as committed and was much more deeply invested. St. Stanislaus and its students have benefited from the dedication of a man who is tirelessly energetic, highly talented, deeply caring, and truly focused on sharing the love of the Sacred Heart with those he serves.”

Presidents of St. Stanislaus College

Br. Basile Vamable — 1854 - 1855 Br. Athanasius Faugier — 1855 - 1861Br. Florimond Pauble — 1861 - 1865Br. Athanasius (N.O.) — 1864 - 1865Br. Odon Celle — 1866 - 1868Br. Florimond Pauble — 1868 - 1875Br. Gabriel Granger — 1875 - 1877Br. Florimond Pauble — 1877 - 1881Br. Stanislaus Keating — 1881 - 1883Br. Florimond Pauble — 1883 - 1884Br. Justin Roche — 1884 - 1886Br. Osmond Bagnol — 1886 - 1889Br. Stanislaus Keating — 1889 - 1896Br. Isidore Balmadier — 1896 - 1903Br. Felix Hoffman — 1903 - 1905Br. Stanislaus Keating — 1905 - 1913Br. Isidore Balmadier — 1913 - 1916Br. Berchmans Roy — 1916 - 1918Br. Lambert Fairfield — 1918 - 1924Br. Macarius Pierce — 1924 - 1926Br. Peter Basso — 1926 - 1932Br. William Sharkey — 1932 - 1938Br. Peter Basso — 1938 - 1944Br. Casimir Piskorowski — 1944 - 1946Br. Peter Basso — 1946 - 1948Br. Alexis Klee — 1948 - 1951Br. Celsus Craffey — 1951 - 1953Br. Roland Smith — 1953 - 1959Br. Hugh Ponthieux — 1959 - 1965Br. Roland Smith — 1965 - 1969Br. Pierre St. Pierre — 1969 - 1975Br. Hubert Bonnette — 1975 - 1978Br. Mark Thornton — 1978 - 1985Br. Celestine Alegro — 1985 - 1986Br. Paul Montero — 1986 - 1994Br. Donnan Berry — 1994 - 1998Br. Ronald Talbot — 1998 - 2006Br. Ronald Hingle — 2006 - 2010Br. Bernard Couvillion — 2010 - Present

St. Stanislaus 2010 Annual Report


Art for the AgesSt. Stanislaus is excited to announce the generous gift of long time coast artist and Class of 1955 graduate, Gerald Bienvenu. Mr. Bienvenu, who has been a successful watercolor artist for over 60 years, has donated his entire collection of artwork to St. Stanislaus. The collection includes over 80 original pieces, several thousand prints and equipment used in framing. His intentions are for SSC to use the artwork in fundraising endeavors as well as educational purposes in the art classes. “This is a

very important gift to the college, and I want to thank Gerald for his generosity,” Bro. Bernard Couvillion said. “We are very proud of Mr. Bienvenue’s accomplished artistic career and want our students to know his life’s work. And we are taken by his generosity, his affability, and his love for his alma mater.”

Recently, Mr. Bienvenu visited SSC to sign and number his artwork. During his visit he expressed his love of St. Stanislaus and eagerness to help the school by giving back through a career that has brought him renowned recognition as a prominent watercolor

artist. He hopes that students who are interested in art can learn from his works and experiences as an artist to help them develop an appreciation and love for a passion that has given him such a successful career.

We would like to thank Mr. Bienvenu for the generous gift of his incredible works of art. During summer renovations, various works have been hung to brighten the decor of the school. Additionally, works are in progress to make the prints available for purchase at various local art galleries as well as SSC charitable events.


Hall of Fame


Brother Aquin Gauthier Mr. Jim Thriffiley

Chris Mensi, Advancement Director with Gerald Bienvenu and Brother Bernard

Congratulations to our


A Letter from the President

Dear Alumni, Parents, and Friends,

In this Annual Report you can see pictures of the renovated Resource Center, whose complete overhaul was this year’s major improvement project in the heart of the school’s academic building. The painting was done by the Building and Grounds staff and student workers under the direction of Mr. Freddy West. The renovation was co-ordinated by Mrs. Nora Wikoff, mother of a junior, a freshman, and a seventh-grader. New carpet was funded by a grant from the Pugh Family Fund at the Community Foundation of Acadiana and a gift from Mr. Billy Jacks ’51 in memory of Mr. Arthur P. Loiacano ‘21.

The following page has a photo of a small brass plaque dedicated to the memory of Arthur P. Loiacano ’21 near the statue of Saint Stanislaus—the only relic of the ground floor to survive Hurricane Katrina. In mounting that plaque, Chris Mensi, Ad-vancement Director, revived a revered SSC tradition: posting the engraved names of those who helped build the school so that ongoing generations of students don’t take for granted what they have.

There are forty-seven patrons and benefactors memorialized by brass plaques on the doors of the classrooms accessible from the Resource Center. Hundreds of students and teachers see them every day, several times a day, while moving from class to class. We’ve never given a test to find out how many names get etched in their teen-age minds; however, I’m cer-tain that because of the plaques our students become aware over time that they inhabit a place built up and beautified by a 158-year-old culture of giving. The oldest grad engraved on a classroom door finished in 1900.

The sparkle of the Resource Center showed up the dinginess of the doors, so this summer we had them all sanded and re-varnished. I took on the task of polishing up the plaques, and in the process was filled with renewed gratitude and a desire to broadcast the memory of those memorialized. A box on the next page lists their names and gives you the occasion to remember them in gratitude and possibly in prayer.

I would like to address to them and to all of you whose names are published in this Annual Report, the words our founder Andre Coindre wrote in 1818 to encourage the first 166 pledge holders whose names are found in the annals of the Broth-ers’ first establishment:

“As patrons you shall receive information on the progress of both the institution and its students. You will benefit, during your life and after your death, from the prayers which they and their teachers raise every day to heaven for your generos-ity. You shall have the reassuring consolation of having made an enormous contribution to the material and spiritual well-being of young people. You shall have the glory of propagating sound doctrine and of encouraging religious fervor among youth. Finally, you shall be contributing at one and the same time to the glory of God, to the salvation of neighbor, to the interests of the establishment, and to the good of our nation.” (Andre Coindre, Prospectus of 1818)

I have a permanent Thank You engraved in my heart for all you have done to make possible the good news we celebrate in our school and in this booklet. Your brother,

Brother Bernard Couvillion, S.C. President



Gift ofBerchmans Wilbert, Sr. ‘23

Dr. and Mrs. Vincent N. Liberto ‘51Francis and Carroll Grevemberg ‘68

Leo Seal, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kleinpeter ‘41Mr. and Mrs. James E. Smith ‘45

Gerard LeBlanc and Alfred Lippman ‘56Wilson Lepine ‘56

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Powell and Son

In Memory of / In Honor of Donated by

Norton Haas, Sr. ‘25 His FamilyAlvin Genin ‘29 Laurence J. Genin ‘62Roland Hymel, Sr. ‘24 Roland Hymel, Jr. Leon William and William Frasier Mr. and Mrs. John ChapmanBrother Hilbert Mooney, S.C. Sherwood R. Bailey, Sr. Leo W. Seal, Sr. Leo W. Seal, Jr.Brother Leo Godin, S.C. Eddie Dufresne, Jr. ‘56Walter J. Schexnayder, Sr. Mrs. Walter J. SchexnayderWalter J. Schexnayder Jr. Mrs. Walter J. SchexnayderHenry Waguespack ‘00 Emilio Cué Miss Rita CuéAlthea Auderer Balaski John AudererWalter Gex Family Lucien M. Gex ‘25Lix Frugé ‘22 Walter Gex, Jr. ‘24 Robert Everett Noel ‘19 Captain Wilson M. Montero, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Anatole Keller Their FamilyArthur P. Loiacano ‘21 Mr. Billy Jacks ‘51

Renovations to the Resource Center were made possible by a grant from the Pugh Family Fund of the Community Foundation of Acadiana


Baseball Complex RenovationsThanks to the hard work and vision of Mr. Ronnie Artigues ’61, and the generosity of the Leo W. Seal Foundation combined with over forty additional donors, the SSC Baseball Complex has been fully renovated. Improvements include new dugouts, restrooms, concession stand, press box, and an indoor batting facility. Also, the field has been equipped with new drainage and sprinkler systems. This project which began last summer was finished just in time for the baseball season where the Rock’s went 16-9. The complex has also taken on a new look with the addition of a brick and wrought iron fence spanning the distance of the baseball field along Bookter St. with a new iron gate soon to be installed at the entrance.

With the baseball field completed, work has now moved to the football complex. After the 2011 season, the home and visitor sides will switch. Currently, Mr. Artigues has laid the foundation for a new concession stand and restrooms near the field house and work will soon begin on the installation of new bleachers behind the current visitor side. Funding for these two projects will be provided through designated donations and proceeds from Rockin’ the Globe. Additional plans include the renovation to the old concession stand and restrooms which will take place after the current project is completed.

St. Stanislaus 2010 Annual Report


Jay LadnerThe Brother Peter Gym has been the home of St. Stanislaus Basketball since 1971, but it wasn’t until 1991 that other nicknames evolved. Whether you know it as The Rock House or the home of Ladner’s Lunatics, one thing is certain, the Brother Peter Gymnasium was the second home for Jay Ladner for twenty years.

In 1991, Jay Ladner stepped onto the St. Stanislaus Hardwood as the newly hired head basketball coach. With a passion and love of basketball and no formal coaching experience, Jay Ladner built the most successful basketball program in the school’s history. His coaching career ended on a high note when the Rock-A-Chaws took Jackson, MS by storm and won the 2011 MHSAA 4A State Championship. Throughout his tenure at SSC, Jay Ladner became the school’s all-time winningest coach, with an overall record of 490-189 in his twenty seasons.

Within those years, Jay led the Rocks to eight division titles, sixteen trips to the postseason, sixteen 20-win seasons, eight 30-win seasons, record for most wins in a season with 34 (2011), 10 state tourna-ment appearances, one Class 4A South State title, six Class 4A South State runner-up finishes and the 2011 Class 4A state championship. He was also named the Mississippi Association of Coaches boys basketball Coach of the Year in 2011.

When asked about his departure from St. Stanislaus, Jay Ladner said, “This was the most difficult decision I have ever had to make. I am so humbled and grateful for the opportunity that was given to me by Brother Paul Montero twenty years ago. While I did grow up in Oak Grove, this very unique place has become home to me which made it so very difficult to leave. There is a uniqueness about SSC that just simply grows on you and becomes a part of you. The alumni, the players, my colleagues, the Brothers and the spirit are so unlike anywhere else. I have been blessed to have been a part of the mission and ministry of this wonderful place. SSC will forever be an integral part of my life. I will always be a Rock-a-chaw!”

Chris Davis class of 1998 grad and friend of Jay Ladner claimed that “the thing that made coaching with him so special was the family atmosphere that existed within the program. No matter where Rock-a-Chaw teams played, there was sure to be a former player at the game cheering the current team on and coming back in the locker room to give encouragement. They did this because they have such pride for the uniform and they know that they owed the current team members the same support and transmission of Christian values that Coach Ladner gave them.”

Gabe Willis, 2003 graduate and basketball player, added that “His presence was that of a father figure. He demanded excellence from us in all aspects of our life. He cared and still cares about us as young men, not just ballplayers.”

SSC Alumni Association President and athletic historian, Joe Gex’88 commented that “Jay Ladner has been a tremendous example for not only his players but all students and alumni of St. Stanislaus. Beyond all the wins, Jay’s legacy will remain firmly en-trenched with the motto he demanded all his players to live according to – God first, family second, academics third and all else fourth. That motto summed up who Jay Ladner is and what he means to the SSC tradition.”

We wish Jay the best as he begins a new chapter in life and we are grateful for his hard work building the program which is affectionately known as SSC Basketball.

A Legacy of Superlatives


Endowing a DreamFriends,

This summer I had the opportunity to attend two conferences at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana. Something about going to the largest Catholic University in the country and the fact that their endowment exceeds seven billion dollars convinced me that I would probably learn a few things about fundraising and endowment management. If you have ever been to Notre Dame, you know how impressive the campus is. If you haven’t, I highly recommend it. As I drove onto campus, I was amazed at the pristine landscaping and overall beauty of the gothic style buildings. I could not help but feel many similarities between Notre Dame and St. Stanislaus. The history, the tradition, and the mission both go back over 150 years. In a day in which both institutions rely heavily on private support, I found that there were many ideas that I could bring back to SSC.

After dinner one evening I walked around the campus and came to the Hesburg Library. I noticed a small granite wall surrounding a reflection pond. I read a sign nearby which explained the names inscribed on the wall. They were the “named professorships” established for the respective colleges and the donors who established them. I walked the length of the wall and realized that there were easily several hundred of these endowed funds. “If only we could have just one”, I said to myself. With the smallest chair being endowed at $1.5 million and the largest at $5 million, two things were very clear: Notre Dame has some very generous alumni, and they are passionate about attracting and investing in the very best faculty.

When I began at SSC two years ago, Bro. Ronald Hingle shared his dream with me, of building faculty endowments for teachers. With the salaries of our teachers being only eighty percent of their public school counterparts, he knew that something had to be done to level the playing field. The goal was a one-million-dollar endowment for each department with roughly five percent being used annually for that department to recruit, retain, and train the best teachers available. Bro. Ronald cared so deeply about academic excellence and our faculty, that this was at the forefront of our fundraising efforts.

Unfortunately, his departure did not allow him to see his dream materialize. Recently, through the tremendous generosity of two parents of a recent graduate, St. Stanislaus was blessed with the gift of a $100,000 donation that has been used to establish the first faculty endowment at SSC. We hope more donors will help us to grow this tenfold; however, the good news is that the seed of an endowment is growing.

We have been blessed throughout the years with having outstanding teachers pass through the doors of SSC, and our administration is committed to relieving the financial burden associated with teaching at a private institution. So I look to you, alumni, parents, and friends to help support St. Stanislaus in its goal of building the best academic program in the region. Though we hope many of our students will be successful athletes or talented musicians, we want first and foremost for them to be successful students. God Bless,

Chris Mensi ‘01 Director of Advancement

St. Stanislaus 2010 Annual Report



These members have supported St. Stanislaus with cumulative giving of $500,000 or more.

Anonymous *Mrs. Leone Blaize *Brothers of the Sacred Heart - New

Orleans Province


The Perpetual Founders’ Society members are those individuals, corporations, or foundations with lifetime giving of $100,000 to $499,999.

AnonymousMr. William S. App, Jr. ‘61Brother Gunther Aucoin, SC .*Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Bailey, Jr.Brother Martin High SchoolBrother Eduardo Baldioceda, SCMr. Guy C. Billups, III ‘75The Delta FoundationMr. Irion BordelonMs. Myrtis Broussard *Mr. James J. Bryan ‘41 *Mrs. Meriam CalabriaCharles F. Engle TrustCollins C. Diboll Private

FoundationCorporate Property Associates 6Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Haas, Sr.

‘51 *Hancock BankMrs. Rita Cue Johnson *Mr. and Mrs. John M. Kent, Sr.Mr. Ben Kleinpeter ‘45Kleinpeter Farms Dairy, LLCDr. Jean B. Lescale ‘12 *Koch Foundation, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ourso *Bubba & Lena Mae Oustalet

FoundationThe Reddoch Family FoundationMrs. Suzie P. SealMr. Leo W. Seal, Jr. *Mr. and Mrs. James E. Smith ‘45Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ware ‘26 *Mr. and Mrs. John H. ChapmanMr. and Mrs. Peyton D. Waters ‘44Mr. and Mrs. William Waters, Jr.

‘44 *


Members of the Father Coindre Society support St. Stanislaus with cumulative giving of $50,000 to $99,999.

Alex Brown and SonsMr. Sherwood Bailey, Sr. *The Catholic FoundationCommercial Interiors, Inc.Mr. G. Price Crane Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Tom Crosslin, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. John Dane, IIIMr. Robert C. Davidge, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. William D. DennisHon. and Mrs. Edward Dufresne,

Jr. ‘56 Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hymel, Jr.Mr. Elmer J. Kamm *Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kleinpeter,

Sr. ‘41Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. LangtonBro. Noel Lemmon, SCThe Leo W. Seal Family FoundationHon. and Mrs. Robert L. Lobrano

‘61Mr. and Mrs. Milo Meacham ‘64Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Monti ‘70Mrs. A.J.M. Oustalet, Jr.Mrs. Lena Mae OustaletRotary Club of StennisThe Pugh Family Foundation


Members of the Father Stanislaus Buteux Society support the school with lifetime giving ranging from $25,000 and $49,999.

Mr. Sidney V. Arbour, Jr. ‘31Mr. and Mrs. Jules M. Arceneaux

‘43Mr. John F. Auderer, Jr. *Mr. W. Walton Clarke ‘61Buteux Holdings CorporationMr. and Mrs. Roy F. Cangelosi, Jr.

‘43Mr. and Mrs. John ColucciMr. Edmond L. Deramee ’21 *Mr. Carl J. EbertsMr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Genin ‘62Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hamilton, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hedrick, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Leslie B. Lampton, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. LeaMr. and Mrs. Gerard M. Leblanc

‘56Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lippman ‘56Mr. and Mrs. Chester Morrison,

Jr. ‘77Mrs. Lucille MortimerNFL Youth Football FundO’Keefe FoundationMr. and Mrs. Lee OrgeronE.J. and Marjory B. Ourso Family

FoundationPearson Prentice HallRotary International - District 5320 Spindletop InternationalMr. and Mrs. Cyprian Sporl, Jr. ‘23Mr. and Mrs. David A. Treutel, Sr.

‘53Mr. and Mrs. Dave A. Treutel, Jr.

‘76Mr. and Mrs. John J. Uhl ‘51 Milton J. Womack Foundation


Annual gifts of $10,000 or more.

Leo W. Seal Family FoundationThe Pugh Family FoundationBrother Martin High SchoolCollins C. Diboll Private

FoundationThe Reddoch Family FoundationMrs. Phyllis TaylorMr. William S. App, Jr. ‘61Charles F. Engle TrustJEM LLCHon. and Mrs. Robert L. Lobrano

‘61Bubba & Lena Mae Oustalet



Annual gifts ranging from $5,000 to $9,999

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne F. DugasMs. Victoria JohnstonWeathers Educational Trust FundMr. Morgan LeBlancRev. Raymond LarussaMr. and Mrs. Andrew ShannonMr. and Mrs. Dean E. TaylorMr. Terrence C. Asher, Jr. ‘82

Mr. and Mrs. Daryl C. CornellMr. and Mrs. Michael G. MillerFreeport McMoRanHancock BankMr. & Mrs. Larry St. MaryMr. and Mrs. Jerry O’KeefeMr. and Mrs. Michael C. AcheeMr. Denton BiglaneMr. W. Walton Clarke ‘61Tidewater, Inc. Matching Gifts

ProgramUnited States Marine, Inc.


Annual gifts ranging from $2,500 to $4,999

Mrs. Rhonda L. SchexnayderMemorial Hospital at GulfportMr. and Mrs. Daniel J. McGrathMr. and Mrs. William D. DennisMr. Frank H. WalkMr. and Mrs. Tim C. GilmoreDr. and Mrs. Thaddeus C. CarterGulf South Orthotics & ProstheticsMr. Daryl CornellMr. and Mrs. Fred WagnerMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. SteinerMr. John J. Uhl ‘51St. Joseph High SchoolMr. and Mrs. Robert GrenfellMr. Joey G. Manieri ‘72Mr. John E. Zimmerman ‘83Mr. and Mrs. John R. RomanoMr. and Mrs. Ralph F. AlexanderBayou Caddy FisheriesMr. and Mrs. Gary Everhart, Jr.Ms. Linda L. TheobaldPhelps Dunbar, L.L.PThe Dermatology ClinicMerrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc.


Annual gifts ranging from $1,000 to $2,499

Col. and Mrs. Allan J. Sarrat, Jr. ‘66Mr. Samuel L. Blanchard, Jr. ‘72Ms. Harriet BelloneMr. Joseph E. Monti ‘70Mr. and Mrs. J. Kelly CannonDr. Edward R. Willis

Giving Societies


Entergy Corporation Matching Gifts ProgramMurphy Oil CorporationMr. Stanford G. Ladner ‘69Dr. David N. Sawyer ‘69Mr. Matthew S. Johns ‘86Mr. Richard B. Hymel ‘74Mr. and Mrs. David AllenMr. and Mrs. Jimmy OustaletMr. David A. Treutel, Jr. ‘76Woodland Village Nursing Home & Rehabilitation CenterDr. James C. Thriffiley IV ‘85Mr. Herman A. Jacobi ‘59Capt. and Mrs. Dan G. RomanoCompton Engineering, INCDr. and Mrs. Charles G. SammsDr. and Mrs. Christopher FrigoDr. and Mrs. William T. WoodDr. William LedouxLamar AdvertisingMount St. Charles AcademyMr. and Mrs. Jerry Favre Jr.Mr. and Mrs. John S. HofferMr. and Mrs. Matthew AllmanMr. and Mrs. Morgan P. ShandsMr. Gerald W. Rigby, Jr. ‘80Mr. Joseph M. Pugh ‘70Mr. Laurence A. Sauer, III ‘59Mr. Micheal BorneMr. William J. Bradley ‘90River Parish DisposalsSunbelt Business BrokersVacuum Services Group, LLCDr. William E. Kergosien ‘78Dr. and Mrs. Carl A. MayeauxMr. Melvin G. Ulmer III ‘78Dr. Steve V. Butaud ‘61Mr. Paul J. Blaum ‘60Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hoskins, Jr.Quest RehabDr. Andrew K. Martinolich ‘46Gulf Coast Community FoundationMr. and Mrs. Gerald AllenMr. John R. Kane ‘93Mr. and Mrs. James C. Thriffiley IIIDr. Frank L. Schmidt ‘50Mr. Robert S. Morrison, Jr. ‘60Mr. William B. Jacks ‘51Hon. G. Walton Caire ‘48Mr. and Mrs. Jon E. RittenMr. Kevin L. Bourg ‘91Bean Excavating & Dirt Work LLCBrother Bernard Couvillion, SCDigital Engineering & Imaging, Inc.Dr. Donald J. Duhon ‘59Dr. Emery L. Edwards ‘82Dr. Michael C. Graeber ‘76Fringe Benefit Administrators, Ltd.

Mr. and Mrs. Calvin W. Wilbert, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Charley Dusty” Rhodes ‘64”Mr. and Mrs. Conrad B. DucoteMr. and Mrs. George E. Ramirez, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. James E. MarloweMr. and Mrs. Lance E. WedgeworthMr. and Mrs. Luther C. DanielsMr. and Mrs. Radar JacksonMr. and Mrs. Robert SturdyMr. and Mrs. Shava J. Carboni Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. ButlerMr. Clay A. Wagner ‘78Mr. David A. Treutel, Sr. ‘53Mr. Ernest Buttross ‘40Mr. Hal W. LeftwichMr. James E. Smith ‘45Mr. Kim AdamsMr. Lance Mora ‘60Mr. Lester Sarpy ‘41Mr. Nicholas Gachassin III ‘85Mr. Peter A. Orlin ‘60Mr. Robert A. Brown ‘82Mr. Thomas B. Yongue ‘73Mr. Wood A. Breazeale, Jr. ‘45Mrs. Carolyn ThibautMrs. Mary Martha McGinn PellissierMrs. Nancy G. GexOccidental Petroleum CorporationThe FirstWaste Management of MS-Gulfport


Annual gifts ranging from $500 to $999

Mr. Christopher F. Trapani ‘84Ms. Vera H. PittmanRoy Anderson CorporationMr. Michael P. Jarreau ‘82Mr. Jeffrey P. Taylor ‘76Dr. Bruce V. Ouellette ‘81Dr. Vincent N. Liberto ‘51Mr. Theodore J. Longo ‘81Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Mensi, Sr.Mr. Justin LadnerDr. David W. TuminelloMrs. Margaret WatsonMr. Frank L. Schmidt, Jr. ‘76Mr. Jay L. LadnerMr. and Mrs. William SchenkerMr. Peyton D. Waters ‘44Mr. Richard SalloumMr. Ronald J. Artigues, Jr. ‘84

Ms. Dawn MicheletSamson and Powers PllcSound Insurance SolutionsThe Better Communication ClinicW.G. Yates and Sons Construction

Co.Watkins Ludlam Winter & StennisDr. and Mrs. Peter M. LucoreDeacon Gilbert R. Schmidt ‘51Judge and Mrs. Anthony RussoLes Fre’s Du Sacre’-CoeurMr. and Mrs. Fred CherotaMrs. Jennifer Field NicaudMr. Oliver PeneguyMr. Phillip A. Fasullo, Jr. ‘62Alexander, Van Loon, Sloan, Levens

& Favre, PLLCCaptain Roger M. Boh, Jr. ‘43Mr. Gerald W. Melancon ‘72Ms. Ellen I. GeheebMs. Julia GeheebDr. and Mrs. Bassam R. BaroudiMr. and Mrs. Fred J. Bourgeois, Jr.Mr. Carlo J. Scafidi ‘58Mr. James J. Kenney, Jr. ‘55Mr. John P. Baxter ‘89Mr. Shelby D. St. Martin ‘52Mr. Todd N. Thriffiley ‘86Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. LassabeMr. and Mrs. Philip R. YoungerMr. Frank W. Lagarde, Jr. ‘66Mr. Gerald C. Gex ‘53Mr. Scott FlemingMs. Leslie VaughnMs. Marlene S. CulpepperUptown Interiors and GiftsCooper T. Smith Corp.Dairy Fresh Corp.Dr. and Mrs. Dirk H. DanielsonDr. and Mrs. Jin Ho KimDr. George C. Hamilton, Jr. ‘50G. M. R& ConstructionHabitat For HumanityHon. and Mrs. Adrian G.

DuplantierJLB Levens Builders Inc.Judge Marcus A. Broussard, Jr. ‘46McGill-Toolen High SchoolMr. and Mrs. Charles K. LeBlancMr. and Mrs. Hibbett NeelMr. and Mrs. James Davis IIIMr. and Mrs. Louis T. MaumusMr. and Mrs. Louis Wilkinson, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Peter LenesMr. and Mrs. Stephen J. GaffneyMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. BrennanMr. David Restom ‘71Mr. Deryl M. HamiltonMr. Irvin T. Cuevas ‘61Mr. James ArbourMr. James I. Maloney, Jr. ‘53

Mr. James P. Martin ‘46Mr. Joseph B. LaBruzzo ‘83Mr. Marc G. Welch ‘86Mr. Michael P. Broussard ‘57Mr. Peter B. Merritt ‘64Mr. Peter C. Quoyeser ‘46Mr. Peter J. Benvenutti ‘43Mr. Ray L. BellandeMr. Robert R. KaneMr. Samuel V. Morse, Jr. ‘86Mr. Seth AsinkMr. Stanley L. Williams ‘83Mr. T. Sellers Meric ‘45Mr. Thomas S. Piland ‘75Mr. Tommy C. MurphyMr. W S. Swetman IIIMrs. Kathleen J. WhartonMrs. Myrt HaasMs. Kelli Lee BillupsMs. Michelle CrosbyMs. Michelle L. PorthPatients Choice, Inc.Ports America Gulfport, Inc.Triton SystemsWhitney National Bank


Annual gifts ranging from $250 to $499

Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. VollenweiderMr. Milton J. Cuevas ‘52Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Aycock ‘89Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. SaucierDr. Michael S. Keel ‘74Mr. Jonathan Kile Foster ‘98Mr. Arthur Perez ‘42Mr. Brian A. Thigpen ‘96Mr. Louis J. EndrisMr. and Mrs. Albert E. Briede IIIMr. Frank R. JanusaDr. and Mrs. Max EdringtonMr. William A. Peneguy ‘65Mr. and Mrs. William D. CarrMr. Frank Hille ‘55Hon. Walter J. Gex III ‘57Mr. and Mrs. Rodney M. MalburgMr. and Mrs. Robert McRaneyMr. Joseph H. Marix, Jr. ‘59Lt. and Mrs. Richard SingleyMr. and Mrs. Ronald HingleMr. and Mrs. William S. WingfieldMr. Patrick E. Starnes ‘71Mrs. Karen BabinMr. and Mrs. Robert Simpson IIIMr. and Mrs. Allen Young

Giving Societies cont.

St. Stanislaus 2010 Annual Report


Mr. Mark J. Williams ‘83Dr. and Mrs. Joseph R. LeeMr. Luis I. Ingles, Jr. ‘60Mr. Paul P. Palermo ‘51Mr. Vincent J. Fertitta, Jr. ‘50Mr. Warren J. Carver, Jr. ‘60Mr. and Mrs. Marshall P. ReederGoodwill IndustriesMr. and Mrs. James F. BecnelMr. and Mrs. Leo R. TrehernMr. and Mrs. Philip F. SchmidtMr. Chris Gouras Jr.Mr. George A. Conque ‘53Mr. Joseph B. Sunseri, Jr. ‘61Mr. Robert O. Boulet ‘85Mr. Roy F. Breerwood ‘37Mr. Noah H. Denson ‘90Mr. Thomas C. Schmidt ‘80Captain and Mrs. A. D. GeogheganDr. Christopher HoganDr. George WardMr. and Mrs. David BosleyMr. and Mrs. Henry MartinezMr. and Mrs. Jason ThornhillMr. and Mrs. John J. ChaszarMr. and Mrs. Kevin HaasMr. and Mrs. Randall L. GuillotMr. Andrew B. Williams ‘91Mr. Chevis SwetmanMr. Joseph J. Gex ‘79Mr. William H. ArrataMs. Emilie HopkinsMr. C. J. ‘Pete’ Taylor ‘39Mr. Francis X. Fabacher, Jr. ‘46Bo FavreMr. Morgan P. Ladner ‘80Structures of Diamondhead IncMr. Matthew J. Gleber III ‘83Mr. and Mrs. Jerry ForteMr. and Mrs. John FavreMr. and Mrs. Justin C. TaylorMr. and Mrs. Richard GipsonMr. and Mrs. Shawn GebbiaMr. Michael ValentinoMr. Tom C. Braly Pest Control Specialists, Inc.Dr. and Mrs. James E. HallDr. Charles G. Wood ‘74Dr. Williams C. Holmes, Jr. ‘47Dr.and Mrs. Jay J. LibysDrs. William C. and Imelda ColemanMr. Aaron M. Brunner ‘92Mr. and Mrs. Jefferey L. HaroMr. and Mrs. Larry W. CarverMr. and Mrs. Mark TinneyMr. and Mrs. Thomas L. IttmannMr. Charles J. Rhodes ‘88Mr. Christopher L. Davis ‘98Mr. David Assaf, Jr. ‘40Mr. Douglas K. Handshoe ‘82

Mr. George G. Hammer ‘78Mr. James B. Bass ‘85Mr. Jay TricheMr. John B. Morris ‘73Mr. P. Hunter Vegas ‘82Mr. Richard C. Oustalet ‘67Mr. Richard F. Larkin ‘67Mr. Robert DoleseMs. Martha C. TorresZimco Builders Inc


Annual gifts up to $249

Mr. Gene E. De BoisblancMr. Gerard J. Black ‘60Mr. Herman P. Ladner, Jr. ‘66Mr. James K. Lamb ‘81Mr. James W. Gilmore ‘51Mr. Jason R. Reitmeyer ‘91Mr. Jody G. Knight ‘71Mr. John C. Gargiulo ‘85Mr. Joseph A. Church III ‘81Mr. Joseph C. Saia, Jr. ‘81Mr. Joseph D. Benvenutti ‘71Mr. Lawrence E. Yarborough ‘43Mr. Mark J. Logan ‘86Mr. Michael G. Byrne ‘71Mr. Michael Gemelli ‘69Mr. Michael W. Meyers ‘69Mr. Monroe Cuevas ‘51Mr. Noel C. Israel ‘91Mr. Philip A. Fasullo III ‘92Mr. Phillip J. Remel ‘71Mr. Richard A. Mashburn ‘71Mr. Richard C. Leyser, Jr. ‘86Mr. Robert C. Duke ‘55Mr. Robert D. Ariatti ‘98Mr. Roger E. Manfre ‘51Mr. Shawn S. Kohnke ‘86Mr. Stephen L. Martinolich ‘86Mr. Thomas G. Hayes ‘71Mr. Thomas P. O’Brien ‘91Mr. Vincent R. Altese, Jr. ‘91Mr. Wade E. Weidman ‘91Ms. Jennifer YarbroughRepresentative John F. LaBruzzo, Jr. ‘90Dr. and Mrs. William H. BurnettDr. Charles A. Olivier ‘61Dr. Dee WoodwardDr. Earl J. Fox, Jr.Dr. Sidney A. Chevis ‘63Father Dennis J. Carver ‘70Mr. and Mrs. Basil KennedyMr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Hessler IIMr. and Mrs. Jack N. Siciliano

Mr. and Mrs. James M. McClellandMr. and Mrs. James R. Clarke, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. James W. Owenby Jr.Mr. and Mrs. M.D. Wilkins Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. HallMr. and Mrs. Michael J. TrapaniMr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Blach IIIMr. and Mrs. Ronald T. BruniMr. and Mrs. William G. Hewes IIIMr. and Mrs.Michael E. FarleyMr. Arthur Burke ‘54Mr. Bill StrossMr. Carlos M. Lam ‘60Mr. Cyril J. Fayard ‘48Mr. George L. Stimmel III ‘51Mr. Gordon G. Prat ‘60Mr. Henry B. ChapmanMr. James ReickertMr. Jeremy G. Clark ‘98Mr. John A. RoquesMr. Jonathan A. Uram ‘96Mr. Joseph D. Keenan IIIMr. Jules D. Brown ‘41Mr. Luke Caruso ‘51Mr. Michael B. Dolan, Jr. ‘49Mr. Nick JumonvilleMr. Norman L. Cowand, Jr. ‘99Mr. Padrick D. DennisMr. Patrick L. Martinez ‘99Mr. Terry A. Phillips ‘70Mr. Thomas G. BeldenMr. Thomas L. YoungMr. Tucker MikellMrs. A J. SmithMrs. Katie Rose McClendonMrs. Mary KingMs. Ann StaffordMs. Debra SansingMs. Ellen KaneMs. Jan D’SpainMs. Jennifer L. PattersonMs. Linda DelvalleMs. M.E. Priss BenbowMs. Mary B. HarrisMs. Pauline F. SinopoliMs. Sandra E. MensiShell Oil CompanySSA Cooper, LLCMr. Alfred J. Ferry ‘62Mr. and Mrs. Craig W. FosterMr. James D. SullivanMr. Richard M. Gleber ‘89Ms. Evelina ShmuklerMr. and Mrs. Matthew StoneMr. and Mrs. Ramon FaulMr. John JayMr. Patrick J. Journet ‘77Mr. Stanley G. Jones ‘66Mr. Edward F. Sens III ‘73Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. SchellhaasMr. and Mrs. David Lalejini

Mr. Christopher J. Mensi ‘01Mr. Jules J. Rousseau ‘78Mr. Randy OddoMrs. Clyde RichardsonMrs. Mittie SmityMs. Mary McCarthyMs. Sybil BatemanMs. Ginger DenisMr. Craig M. Sweeney ‘89Dr. Joseph C. Swider ‘86Lt. Col. (ret) Randolph C. Bourgeois ‘45Major Ronald K. Booker ‘91Mr. Aloysius J. Jacobi ‘67Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. HenryMr. and Mrs. Henry Logan, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. MarksMr. Anthony J. Piazza, Jr. ‘41Mr. Brian H. Brooks ‘91Mr. Eric M. Doyle ‘86Mr. Forrest L. Hayden ‘73Mr. Jacob D. Dyas ‘01Mr. James A. Schexnayder ‘55Mr. James F. Hewes ‘61Mr. Jesse D. Hays ‘91Mr. John G. Sutton ‘71Mr. John M. Capone ‘48Mr. Norman L. Cowand, Sr. ‘71Mr. Thomas F. Debaillon ‘71Mrs. Alicia R. EllisMrs. Erin Heitzmann HazlewoodMs. Bridget RushMs. Lisa GlennMs. Martha R. AbbrechtMs. Patricia SewardCaptain and Mrs. Lucien A. ShawColonel Theodore J. Heller, (ret.) ‘42Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. BeanyMr. and Mrs. Charles H. CardenMr. and Mrs. David Assaf IIIMr. and Mrs. Donald B. PipesMr. and Mrs. Douglas K. WilsonMr. and Mrs. George B. Riviere Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. StonningtonMr. and Mrs. John J. Maggiore, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. MulliganMr. and Mrs. Kevin S. McDonaldMr. and Mrs. Michael DonohueMr. and Mrs. Norman FonsecaMr. and Mrs. Patrick StakelumMr. and Mrs. Paul JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Richard Swanson, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Portwood IIIMr. and Mrs. T. Wayne WrotenMr. Chris J. DoxeyMr. Christopher J. Estrade ‘98Mr. David R. GrahamMr. Frank C. Noto, Jr. ‘53

Giving Societies cont.

The Society of 1854St. Stanislaus College, the oldest existing establishment of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart in America, boasts a long and colorful history dating back to 1854. Blessed with talented leaders and generous benefactors, St. Stanislaus grew from its humble beginnings into an educational institution of great renown on the Gulf Coast. But it was not an easy task. Major challenges overcome by Brothers, lay faculty, and their students include epidemics, Civil War, financial struggles, hurricanes, and fire.

Without the perseverance and dedication of instrumental individuals, St. Stanislaus would not be the school it is today. From its start in 1854, the history of SSC spans over a century and a half and includes over 7,000 alumni worldwide.

Membership in the Society of 1854 is offered to all those who share the commitment to continuing the mission of St. Stanislaus, and who, like those Brothers in 1854 and those who followed, affirm that commitment by means of a planned gift.

To become eligible for the Society membership, an individual simply informs the school in writing that St. Stanislaus has been included in his or her estate plans. The school also requires documentation of the planned gift, for example, a copy of the pertinent provisions of the individual’s will or trust, a copy of the life insurance policy which names the school as a beneficiary, or a letter from the individual’s attorney stating that he or she has, indeed, included St. Stanislaus in his or her estate plans. Upon receipt of such documentation, participants are enrolled in the Society of 1854.

The Lasting Impact


Mr. George B. Riviere IIIMr. Gerard RuthMr. Henry N. KnueMr. Jeffrey Lagarde ‘99Mr. Jerry L. Garriga ‘58Mr. John A. LewisMr. John E. Conery, Jr. ‘84Mr. John HillsMr. Joseph C. KoenennMr. Matthew J. ShannonMr. Michael B. Schepens ‘89Mr. Rodney A. Ranson ‘46Ms Nancy WheelerMs. Delinda HansonMs. Rosina F. LepreMr. James A. Ware ‘26Dr. and Mrs. William BeatrousMr. and Mrs. John J. Zimmer Jr.Mr. Branden SladeMr. Christopher HeadrickMr. Donald LosiMr. Kerry J. Corr ‘79Mr. Michael C. Miller ‘01Mr. William T. Wood, Jr. ‘72Mrs. Stephanie R. NealMs. Letha DawsonBrother Gunther Aucoin, SCMr. and Mrs. David A. BouisMr. and Mrs. John J. SneddonMr. and Mrs. Robert E. SealMr. and Mrs. Tom LutkewitteMr. Denny HansMr. Donnell J. Laflin, Jr. ‘72Mr. Marion J. Marquez ‘60Ms. Nina P. Cotton


Bank of America Corp.Boeing CompanyEntergy CorporationFreeport McMoRanMerrill Lynch & Co. Foundation,

Inc.Murphy Oil CorporationNorthwestern Mutual FoundationOccidental Petroleum CorporationPfizer Inc.Shell Oil CompanyTidewater, Inc.


St. Stanislaus is grateful to the following individuals, organizations, and corporations for their gifts of time, materials, and services to the school’s ministry.

Mr. Gerald Bienvenu ‘55Mr. Jeff L. AndersonEdward H Wikoff, AIA, Architect Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. WikoffMr. and Mrs. Ronald HingleMr. and Mrs. Tommy B. BrooksMr. and Mrs. William D. DennisMr. and Mrs. Owen BrennanMrs. Kevin R. AdamsMr. Jourdan B. NicaudMr. Claude SilveyMr. Jacob D. Dyas ‘01Mr. Jim PerrierMr. John BentonMr. John R. Foto ‘55Mr. Karl WadeMr. Mike FureyMr. Mike WeeksMr. Patrick J. Kergosien ‘82Mr. Paul J. Bertucci ‘78Mr. Scott JacksonMr. Weldon Frommeyer IIIMrs. Carolyn HutchesonMrs. Diane WestMrs. Elanora BallowMrs. Jennifer Field NicaudMrs. Lori KroegerMs. Cassie WilliamsMs. Harriet BelloneMs. Megan O’haraPatients Choice, Inc.River Parish DisposalShop Our SchoolsSouthern TrophiesThe Bow Shop

Giving Societies cont.

St. Stanislaus 2010 Annual Report


Donations by Class


Annual Fund: $300Mr. Roy F. Breerwood ‘37


Annual Fund: $250Designated Gift: $30Mr. C. J. ‘Pete’ Taylor ‘39


Annual Fund: $1,250Mr. David Assaf, Jr. ‘40Mr. Ernest Buttross ‘40


Mr. Anthony J. Piazza, Jr. ‘41Mr. Jules D. Brown ‘41Mr. Lester Sarpy ‘41

Annual Fund: $1,020Designated Gifts: $60


Mr. Arthur Perez ‘42Captain John H. Lang ‘42Colonel Theodore J. Heller, (ret.) ‘42

Annual Fund: $300Designated Gifts: $275


Captain Roger M. Boh, Jr. ‘43Mr. Peter J. Benvenutti ‘43Mr. Lawrence E. Yarborough ‘43

Annual Fund: $1000Designated Gifts: $160


Mr. Peyton D. Waters ‘44

Annual Fund: $100Designated Gifts: $650


Mr. James E. Smith ‘45Mr. Philip B. Shall ‘45Mr. T. Sellers Meric ‘45Mr. Wood A. Breazeale, Jr. ‘45Lt. Col. (ret) Randolph C. Bourgeois ‘45

Annual Fund: $2,600Designated Gifts: $150


Mr. Frank C. Noto, Jr. ‘53Mr. George A. Conque ‘53Mr. Gerald C. Gex ‘53Mr. James I. Maloney, Jr. ‘53Mr. David A. Treutel, Sr. ‘53


Dr. Andrew K. Martinolich ‘46Judge Marcus A. Broussard, Jr. ‘46Mr. Francis X. Fabacher, Jr. ‘46Mr. James P. Martin ‘46Mr. Peter C. Quoyeser ‘46Mr. Rodney A. Ranson ‘46Mr. Thomas H. Donnelly ‘46


Annual Fund: $550Dr. Williams C. Holmes, Jr. ‘47Mr. Edward P. Caire ‘47Mr. Wallace J. Bontemps, Jr. ‘47


Hon. G. Walton Caire ‘48Mr. Cyril J. Fayard ‘48Mr. Dominick J. White ‘48


Annual Fund: $150Mr. Michael B. Dolan, Jr. ‘49Mr. Rudolph O. Young, Jr. ‘49

Annual Fund: $2,925Designated Gifts: $180

Annual Fund: $1,150Designated Gifts: $120


Dr. Frank L. Schmidt ‘50Dr. George C. Hamilton, Jr. ‘50


Deacon Gilbert R. Schmidt ‘51Mr. John J. Uhl ‘51Mr. Luke Caruso ‘51Mr. Paul P. Palermo ‘51Dr. James S. Holmes ‘51Dr. James T. Williams ‘51Dr. Vincent N. Liberto ‘51Mr. Gerald J. Shields, Sr. ‘51Mr. James W. Gilmore ‘51Mr. John R. Battalora ‘51Mr. Monroe Cuevas ‘51Mr. Roger E. Manfre ‘51Mr. William B. Jacks ‘51Mr. George L. Stimmel III ‘51

Annual Fund: $1,250Designated Gifts: $715

Annual Fund: $1,800Designated Gifts: $4,850


Mr. Andre J. Arceneaux, Sr. ‘52Mr. Andrew Scafidi, Sr. ‘52Mr. Estorge C. Sibille ‘52Mr. Milton J. Cuevas ‘52Mr. Shelby D. St. Martin ‘52

Annual Fund: $1,200Designated Gifts: $190

Annual Fund: $1,350Designated Gifts: $1,000


Mr. James J. Kenney, Jr. ‘55Mr. John R. Foto ‘55Mr. Paul J. Vetter ‘55Mr. Edgar W. Santa Cruz, Jr. ‘55Mr. James A. Schexnayder ‘55Mr. Robert C. Duke ‘55Mr. Frank Hille ‘55


Mr. Arthur Burke ‘54Mr. James F. Becnel ‘54Mr. Anthony Benigno ‘54


Mr. Paul Johnson ‘57Mr. E. Morgan LeBlanc ‘57Mr. Michael P. Broussard ‘57Mr. Kenneth Artigues ‘57Hon. Walter J. Gex III ‘57


Mr. Ames A. Kergosien ‘58Mr. Carlo J. Scafidi ‘58

Annual Fund: $150Designated Gifts: $60

Annual Fund: $625Designated Gifts: $720


Designated Gifts: $100Mr. Barry S. Bontemps ‘56

Annual Fund: $625Designated Gifts: $575

Annual Fund: $625Designated Gifts: $120


Mr. Herman A. Jacobi ‘59Mr. Joseph H. Marix, Jr. ‘59Mr. Karl D. Gottschalk ‘59Mr. Robert B. Peterson, Jr. ‘59Mr. Adrian J. Combe, III ‘59Mr. Fred J. Bourgeois, Jr. ‘59Mr. Laurence A. Sauer, III ‘59Dr. Donald J. Duhon ‘59

Annual Fund: $1,425Designated Gifts: $3,800

Mr. James C. Raymond ‘58Mr. Jerry L. Garriga ‘58


Mr. Gordon G. Prat ‘60Mr. James G. Riordan, Sr. ‘60Mr. Lance Mora ‘60Mr. Marion J. Marquez ‘60Mr. Paul J. Blaum ‘60Mr. Peter A. Orlin ‘60Mr. Warren J. Carver, Jr. ‘60Mr. Charles A. Genard ‘60Mr. Gerard J. Black ‘60Mr. James J. Chiniche ‘60Mr. Luis I. Ingles, Jr. ‘60Mr. Robert S. Morrison, Jr. ‘60Mr. Carlos M. Lam ‘60


Dr. Charles A. Olivier ‘61Dr. Steve V. Butaud ‘61Hon. Robert L. Lobrano ‘61Mr. Irvin T. Cuevas ‘61Mr. Joseph B. Sunseri, Jr. ‘61Mr. W. Walton Clarke ‘61Mr. William S. App, Jr. ‘61Mr. Joseph P. Mashburn ‘61Mr. James F. Hewes ‘61Dr. Steve V. Butaud ‘61


Mr. Albert J. Brignac ‘62Mr. Alfred J. Ferry ‘62Mr. Phillip A. Fasullo, Jr. ‘62Mr. William A. LeBlanc ‘62

Annual Fund: $420Designated Gifts: $2,272

Annual Fund: $13,000Designated Gifts: $27,785

Annual Fund: $749Designated Gifts: $130



Annual Fund: $150Dr. Sidney A. Chevis ‘63Mr. Thomas D. Chapman ‘63


Mr. Charley “Dusty” Rhodes ‘64”Mr. Peter B. Merritt ‘64Mr. Milo L. Meacham ‘64

Annual Fund: $1,500Designated Gifts: $80


Mr. William A. Peneguy ‘65

Annual Fund: $100Designated Gifts: $285


Mr. Vincent J. Cuevas ‘66Mr. Herman P. Ladner, Jr. ‘66Mr. Stanley G. Jones ‘66Mr. Lawrence J. Jacobi II ‘66Mr. Frank W. Lagarde, Jr. ‘66Col. and Mrs. Allan J. Sarrat Jr. ‘66

Annual Fund: $1,100Designated Gifts: $785


Mr. Richard C. Oustalet ‘67Mr. Richard F. Larkin ‘67Mr. Aloysius J. Jacobi ‘67

Annual Fund: $500Designated Gifts: $30


Mr. Leo F. DiBenedetto ‘68

Annual Fund: $90


Mr. Robert B. Hughes ‘69Mr. Michael Gemelli ‘69Mr. Michael W. Meyers ‘69Mr. Stanford G. Ladner ‘69Dr. David N. Sawyer ‘69

Annual Fund: $100Designated Gifts: $3,935


Father Dennis J. Carver ‘70Mr. Charles Currie ‘70

Annual Fund: $2,900Designated Gifts: $1,330


Mr. Jody G. Knight ‘71Mr. John G. Sutton ‘71Mr. Joseph D. Benvenutti ‘71Mr. Michael G. Byrne ‘71Mr. Nelius A. Favre, Jr. ‘71Mr. Norman L. Cowand, Sr. ‘71Mr. Phillip J. Remel ‘71Mr. Richard A. Mashburn ‘71Mr. Thomas C. Pritchard ‘71Mr. Thomas F. Debaillon ‘71Mr. Thomas G. Hayes ‘71Mr. Jimmy Oustalet ‘71Mr. Timothy A. Ryan ‘71Mr. Patrick E. Starnes ‘71

Annual Fund: $930Designated Gifts: $1,070


Mr. Ralph J. Aucoin ‘72Mr. Donnell J. Laflin, Jr. ‘72Mr. Gerald W. Melancon ‘72Mr. Michael J. Flynn ‘72Mr. Ralph J. Aucoin ‘72Mr. Samuel L. Blanchard, Jr. ‘72Mr. Eido H. Depreo ‘72Mr. Joey G. Manieri ‘72Mr. William T. Wood, Jr. ‘72

Annual Fund: $2,510Designated Gifts: $3,540


Mr. Alvin N. Aramburo ‘73 Mr. Forrest L. Hayden ‘73Dr. Murray B. Keel, Jr. ‘73Mr. Edward F. Sens III ‘73Mr. Jack H. Biven ‘73Mr. John B. Morris ‘73Mr. Thomas B. Yongue ‘73

Annual Fund: $1488Designated Gifts: $160


Dr. Charles G. Wood ‘74Mr. Thomas D. Adams III ‘74Dr. Michael S. Keel ‘74Mr. Anthony J. Vesich, III ‘74Mr. Richard B. Hymel ‘74

Annual Fund: $450Designated Gifts: $2,415


Mr. Stephen H. Scott ‘75Mr. Thomas S. Piland ‘75

Annual Fund: $650


Dr. Michael C. Graeber ‘76Mr. David A. Treutel, Jr. ‘76 Mr. John P. Quintini ‘76Colonel Frederick J. Gargiulo ‘76Mr. Frank L. Schmidt, Jr. ‘76Mr. Jeffrey P. Taylor ‘76

Annual Fund: $1,775Designated Gifts: $2,870


Mr. Mark J. McCarthy ‘77Mr. Patrick J. Journet ‘77Mr. Rudy A. Letellier ‘77

Annual Fund: $140Designated Gifts: $70


Mr. Christopher C. Wilkinson ‘78Mr. Clay A. Wagner ‘78Mr. George G. Hammer ‘78Mr. Rene B. D’Arcangelo ‘78Mr. Melvin G. Ulmer III ‘78Dr. William E. Kergosien ‘78Mr. Jules J. Rousseau ‘78

Annual Fund: $1,550Designated Gifts: $2,810


Mr. Joseph J. Gex ‘79Mr. Kerry J. Corr ‘79

Designated Gifts: $305


Dr. Bruce V. Ouellette ‘81Mr. Lee B. Klein, Jr. ‘81Mr. Geoffrey G. Kergosien ‘81Mr. James K. Lamb ‘81

Annual Fund: $550Designated Gifts: $2,025


Mr. Thomas C. Schmidt ‘80Mr. Ernest J. Zimmerman ‘80Mr. Morgan P. Ladner ‘80Mr. Gerald W. Rigby, Jr. ‘80

Designated Gifts: $2,215


Dr. Emery L. Edwards ‘82Mr. Michael P. Jarreau ‘82Mr. P. Hunter Vegas ‘82Mr. Richard P. Corley ‘82Mr. Robert A. Brown ‘82Mr. Terrence C. Asher, Jr. ‘82Mr. Mark E. Rittiner ‘82Mr. Anthony J. Herques ‘82Mr. Douglas K. Handshoe ‘82Mr. Anthony Trapani III ‘82Mr. Theodore C. Mumme IV ‘82

Annual Fund: $7,526.55Designated Gifts: $1,730


Mr. John E. Zimmerman ‘83Mr. Mark J. Williams ‘83Mr. Matthew J. Gleber III ‘83Mr. Paul J. Fortier ‘83Mr. Stanley L. Williams ‘83Dr. Luis F. Camero ‘83Mr. Joseph B. LaBruzzo ‘83Mr. Edmond K. Aime ‘83

Annual Fund: $1,255Designated Gifts: $2,880


Mr. Ronald J. Artigues, Jr. ‘84Mr. Christopher F. Trapani ‘84Mr. Cary A. Trapani ‘84Mr. John E. Conery, Jr. ‘84

Annual Fund: $500Designated Gifts: $1,310


Mr. James B. Bass ‘85Mr. Robert O. Boulet ‘85Dr. James C. Thriffiley IV ‘85Mr. John C. Gargiulo ‘85Mr. Nicholas Gachassin III ‘85

Annual Fund: $550Designated Gifts: $2,670


Mr. Matthew S. Johns ‘86Mr. Samuel V. Morse, Jr. ‘86Mr. Richard C. Leyser, Jr. ‘86Mr. Shawn S. Kohnke ‘86Mr. Stephen L. Martinolich ‘86Dr. Joseph C. Swider ‘86Mr. David C. Pitalo ‘86

Annual Fund: $750Designated Gifts: $3,125

Mr. Jerry E. Chauvin, Jr. ‘70Mr. James F. Hughes ‘70Mr. Joseph E. Monti ‘70Mr. Joseph M. Pugh ‘70Mr. Lonnie M. Bradley ‘70Mr. Terry A. Phillips ‘70Mr. David P. Taylor, Sr. ‘70

Mr. Joseph A. Church III ‘81Mr. Joseph C. Saia, Jr. ‘81Mr. Theodore J. Longo ‘81

Donations by Class cont.

St. Stanislaus 2010 Annual Report



Mr. Thomas E. Quave ‘87Mr. Grant W. Kohnke ‘87

Annual Fund: $50Designated Gifts: $310


Mr. Charles J. Rhodes ‘88Mr. Joseph R. Lee II ‘88Mr. Joseph W. Gex II ‘88Mr. Ernest J. Bradley ‘88Mr. Paul D. Montjoy IV ‘88Mr. James A. Reisch ‘88

Annual Fund: $350 Designated Gifts: $425


Dr. James B. Benigno, Jr. ‘89Mr. Jeff Aycock ‘89Mr. John P. Baxter ‘89Mr. Michael B. Schepens ‘89Mr. Richard M. Gleber ‘89Mr. Craig M. Sweeney ‘89Mr. Lloyd N. Nicaud ‘89

Annual Fund: $975Designated Gifts: $323.34


Mr. Noah H. Denson ‘90Rep. John F. LaBruzzo, Jr. ‘90Mr. Michael A. Cromwell ‘90Mr. William J. Bradley ‘90

Annual Fund: $250Designated Gifts: $1,740


Mr. John T. Roussel ‘91Mr. Kevin L. Bourg ‘91Major Ronald K. Booker ‘91Mr. Brian H. Brooks ‘91Mr. Daryl L. Arnold ‘91Mr. Jason R. Reitmeyer ‘91Mr. Jesse D. Hays ‘91Mr. Noel C. Israel ‘91Mr. Thomas P. O’Brien ‘91Mr. Vincent R. Altese, Jr. ‘91Mr. Wade E. Weidman ‘91

Annual Fund: $1,100Designated Gifts: $990


Mr. Aaron M. Brunner ‘92Mr. Michael R. Davidge ‘92Mr. Philip A. Fasullo III ‘92Mr. John D. Rutherford IV ‘92

Annual Fund: $370Designated Gifts: $210


Mr. John R. Kane ‘93Mr. Sean H. Anthony ‘93Mr. Stanley D. Chapman ‘93Mr. John R. Kane ‘93

Annual Fund: $200Designated Gifts: $1,315


Mr. Robert J. Deaton, Jr. ‘95

Annual Fund: $100


Mr. Jerry Polk, Jr. ‘96Mr. Jonathan A. Uram ‘96Mr. Brian A. Thigpen ‘96

Annual Fund: $150Designated Gifts: $420


Mr. Tylan S. McMichael ‘97Mr. Michael A. Mancuso ‘97

Annual Fund: $100Designated Gifts: $125


Mr. Christopher J. Estrade ‘98Mr. Robert D. Ariatti ‘98Mr. Christopher L. Davis ‘98Mr. Jeremy G. Clark ‘98Mr. Jonathan Kile Foster ‘98

Annual Fund: $25Designated Gifts: $815


Mr. Jeffrey Lagarde ‘99Mr. Michael Dauro ‘99Mr. Norman L. Cowand, Jr. ‘99Mr. Patrick L. Martinez ‘99

Annual Fund: $25Designated Gifts: $200


Mr. Christopher S. Clayton ‘01Mr. Jacob D. Dyas ‘01Mr. Michael C. Miller ‘01Mr. Christopher J. Mensi ‘01

Annual Fund: $20Designated Gifts: $310

Mr. Eric M. Doyle ‘86Mr. F. Philip Wittmann IV ‘86Mr. Mark J. Logan ‘86Mr. Todd N. Thriffiley ‘86Mr. Marc G. Welch ‘86Mr. Mark J. Logan ‘86Mr. David C. Zanca ‘86

Mr. Robert C. Bergeron ‘91Mr. Salvador E. Palmisano ‘91Mr. Andrew B. Williams ‘91

Presidents of the St. StanislausAlumni Association

Joseph Gex ‘88 — 2003-Present Joseph Monti ‘70 — 1999-2003 Ray Sheehy ’48 — 1997-1999 Earle J. Christenberry, Jr. ’45 — 1990-1997 J.T. LaNasa “47 — 1979-1990 Joseph Killeen, Jr. ’44 — 1977-1979 David Assaf, Jr. ’40 — 1975-1977 Gerard Schoen ’47 — 1973-1975 Dr. Vincent Liberto ’51 — 1971-1973 Dr. A. Martinolich ’46 — 1966-1971 Warren Carver, Sr. ’29 — 1964-1966 Lawrence Vallon, Sr. ’31 — 1963-1964 Earle J. Christenberry, Jr. ’45 — 1961-1963 William Foster ’31 — 1960-1961 Edmond Brignac, Jr. ’48 — 1957-1960 William App, Sr. ’35 — 1955-1957 G.L. Seuzeneau, Jr. ’27 — 1954-1955 Walter Gex, Sr. ’24 — 1953-1954 B. Wilbert Sr. ’23 — 1952-1953 Walter Gex, Sr. ’24 — 1950-1952 Dr. M.J. Wolfe, Sr. ’23 — 1948-1950 Michael Irwin ’16 — 1947-1948 Brittmar Landry ’21 — 1941-1947 Irwin N. Shirer ’17 — 1934-1941 Albert Koorie ’20 — 1932-1934 John M. Claverie 1871 — 1929-1932 Auguste J. Claverie 1877 — 1913-1929 Charles J. Tassin 1898 — 1910-1913 Louis J. Mestier 1872 — 1909-1910 Charles F. Engle 1893 — 1908-1909

Donations by Class cont.


Since 1854, St. Stanislaus has benefited from the generous support of alumni, parents, past parents, grandparents, friends, corporations and foundations. This guide has been prepared to inform current and potential donors of the school’s needs and the different opportunities available for giving. Behind every gift to St. Stanislaus is a unique story reflecting the interest, enthusiasm, and commitment of a donor.

St. Stanislaus is a non-profit organization that relies on private donations to meet the annual, capital and endowment needs of the school. At a time when there are so many requests for your charitable dollar, you may ask: Why St. Stanislaus? The answer is simply two-fold: St. Stanislaus is worthy of your investment because it is an investment in the formation and future of a child. Secondly, in a school with our unique mission, your gift to St. Stanislaus will truly make a difference.

ANNUAL FUNDOur Annual Fund Program is necessary to sustain the life of the school through enriched academic, campus ministry, and student programs, as well as to provide faculty and departmental support. Your investment on an annual basis through a St. Stanislaus Annual Fund contribution, at any level, will help raise necessary funds for important school objectives.

Recruit and retain outstanding, experienced faculty Improve the academic programs and student activities Increase professional development of faculty Provide financial assistance for students Enhance spiritual formation opportunities for students Improve technology on campus

ENDOWMENT FUNDSEndowed scholarship funds and endowed academic funds are often established to commemorate a deceased loved one or to honor a living person or family. These funds provide a lasting tribute to those who are so honored. The principal of the donation remains secure while a portion of the annual interest income provides tuition assistance for deserving SSC students and additional funding for teachers salaries and academic programs. The based funding requirement for a named endowment fund at SSC is $50,000, and this may be paid over a period of years.

ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS Saint Stanislaus strives to attract a diverse student body of the best students from all cultural, religious, and socioeconomic backgrounds. With tuition at private schools rising, the school’s scholarship program aims to support this effort and provide aid to deserving students who might not otherwise be able to afford a Saint Stanislaus education.

FACULTY ENDOWMENT FUNDSYour investment in SSC helps the school attract, train and retain the best and brightest teachers we can find. The fund will provide an annual suppliment to St. Stanislaus which will be used to subsidize teacher salaries. Our goal is to build a Faculty Endowment large enough to allow St. Stanislaus to provide fair wages that are competitive with public education.

MEMORIAL AND HONORARY GIFTSYour investment in SSC is contributed in memory or honor of loved ones, other individuals, or groups. These gifts are designated to the Memorial and Honorary Scholarship Fund, which provides financial assistance to qualified students.

DESIGNATED GIFTSContributions can be restricted for a specific purpose and applied to benefit a named department, extracurricular activity, or project as the donor specifies and the school approves.

CLASS GIFTSThis is an opportunity for graduates of the same class to come together to create an endowed scholarship or other designated gift in the name of their class.

MATCHING GIFTSMany companies offer an employee benefit of matching contributions to a non-profit organization. These company programs match a donation from you or your spouse and increase the impact of your gift to St. Stanislaus. Many times, companies also match gifts from retirees. To find out if your company matches gifts, contact your human resource department for the required form(s).

PLANNED GIFTS - THE SOCIETY OF 1854In order to continue the good works of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart at St. Stanislaus, planned gifts help to perpetuate the mission of the school. There are many ways to give a planned gift to the school. Bequests, life insurance gifts, retirement plan designations, and charitable remainder trusts are just a few. If you have already named St. Stanislaus in your will, please notify the school’s Advancement Office if you wish to be acknowledged for your generosity.

If you are interested in learning more about giving opportunities at St. Stanislaus College, please contact the Advancement Office at 228-467-9057, ext. 255. Your gift sends a powerful message of loyalty and support and helps shape the future of St. Stanislaus College.

Giving Opportunities

St. Stanislaus 2010 Annual Report


Below is a list of fully funded endowment funds as of June 30, 2011.

Brother Gunther Aucoin Endowed Scholarship

E.J. Babin Endowed Scholarship

Brother Lee Barker Endowed Scholarship

Brother Bennett Bishop Scholarship

Class of 1960 Scholarship

James Robert Crosslin Endowed Scholarship

Brother Joseph Donovan Endowed Scholarship

Faculty Formation Endowment

Brother Leo Godin Endowed Scholarship

John C. Hamilton, Jr. Endowed Scholarship

Rita Cue Johnson Endowed Scholarship

Jack Kent, Jr. Endowed Scholarship

Brother Noel Lemmon Family Scholarship

McCloskey Evans Scholarship

W&M McHugh Scholarship

O’Keefe Endowed Scholarship

Brother Romuald Endowed Scholarship

SSC Alumni Association Scholarship

St. Rose de Lima Scholarship

Brother Mark Thornton Scholarship

Waters Tuition Aid Fund

Below is a list of partially funded endowment funds as of June 30, 2011.

Chris D. Briede ‘89 Memorial Scholarship

Lassere Family Scholarship

Scot L. Modenbach Memorial Fund

Shannon Family - Sacred Heart Scholarship

Endowment Funds

St. Stanislaus granted a total of $142,672.00 in student financial aid from endowed scholarship funds for the 2010-2011 school year.


The 2010 Golf Tournament sponsored by Merrill Lynch was once again held at The Oaks Golf Course in Pass Christian, MS, on Friday, October 22, 2010. Delicious food compliments of BB’s Bar B Que was enjoyed by 128 golfers which was our largest turnout in recent years! Mark your calendars now for the 23rd Annual Golf Tournament which will be on October 21st, 2011 once again at The Oaks.

22nd Annual Alumni Golf Tournament

LUNCH SPONSORQualastat Solutions Ted Schmidt ‘79 Gachassin Law Firm Nick Gachassin ‘85

BIG RED SPONSORSJ. Levens Builders, Inc.Dirk Danielson, MDHabitat for Humanity Bay-WavelandPorts America Gulfport, Inc.Law Office of Jim DavisTriton SystemsThe Dock Bar and GrillPatients ChoiceTrustmarkWhitney BankAXA AdvisorsDairy Fresh

HOLE SPONSORSWright, Ward, Hatten & GuelLatitude 30 at The DockThe Rain MakersDavid Sawyer ‘69

AWARDS PARTY SPONSORWaste Management Mike HallElipse Medical Joby LaBruzzo ‘83

Golf Tournament Income $20,753.49Golf Tournament Expenses $13,846.58 Net Income $6,906.91


Rockin the Globe Hangin’ Ten in Hawaii

Income $138,119.54Expenses $76,991.01Net Income $61,128.53

This year the annual Rockin the Globe fundraiser traveled to Hawaii. Over 1,500 guests enjoyed culinary delights from more than 100 resturants from the Mississippi Gulf Coast as well as New Orleans. If that was not enough, guests could enjoy the music of five bands while bidding on over 200 live and silent auction items. Next year we will be Getting Down in Greece on April 21st, 2012!

Mrs. Jennifer Nicaud and Mr. Kent NicaudHancock BankLeo W. Seal Family FoundationUnited States Marine, Inc.Mr. Frank H. WalkMemorial Hospital at GulfportMr. Daryl CornellMr. and Mrs. Gary Everhart, Jr.Ms. Linda L. TheobaldPhelps Dunbar, L.L.P

Dr. Edward R. WillisCompton Engineering, INCMr. John J. Uhl ‘51Hon. Robert L. Lobrano ‘61Dr. David N. Sawyer ‘69Mr. Joey G. Manieri ‘72Mr. John E. Zimmerman ‘83Dr. and Mrs. Thaddeus C. CarterDr. and Mrs. William T. WoodGulf South Orthotics & Prosthetics

Mr. and Mrs. David AllenMr. and Mrs. J. Kelly CannonMr. and Mrs. Jerry Favre Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Morgan P. ShandsMr. and Mrs. William D. DennisVacuum Services Group, LLCMr. Joey G. Manieri ‘72Quest RehabWoodland Village Nursing Home

Thank you to our sponsors!


The Inaugural St. Stanislaus Fishing Tournament

The 2011 Fishing Tournament was greeted with much enthusiasm and excitement. Hosted on June 4th and 5th, 88 anglers fished on 27 boats helping to solidify this as an annual event. Being the first year for St. Stanislaus to host a fishing tournament, our main goal was to attract alumni, students, parents, and local anglers to the SSC campus. Over $5,000 in cash and prizes was awarded to more than twenty-five winners in nine categories. Additionally a one week vacation in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico was raffled off to one lucky winner. This was with out a doubt overwhelmingly successful and we are looking forward to hosting the 2nd Annual Fishing Tournament on June 1st and 2nd, 2012.

Stewart Sneed & Hewes InsuranceThe Bow Shop - Walter Billups ‘85 & Lloyd Nicaud ‘89

Dixie Signs - Glenn LadnerSports Unlimited - Tim & Tony DeasThe Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation

Storm Surge MarineRimmer Covington ‘00

Income $6,105.00Expenses $5,564.78Net Income $540.22

St. Stanislaus 2010 Annual Report


1934Leo Blaize1936Richard Hammer1937Roy Breerwood1938David GloverPeter Buttross1939William Gilbert1940Ernest Buttross1941Robert Cuevas, Jr.1942Joseph Arbour1943Jules ArceneauxRoy Cangelosi1945Rodney RansonFrank FabaccherHerbert Babin1946Dr. Andrew Martinolich, Jr.James Martin1947Wallace BontempsRaymond Carrio, Jr.Ray RichardRay Steiffel1948Edward Brignac, Jr. G. Walton Caire1949Rudolph Young, Jr.1950Dr. Frank SchmidtDr. George Hamilton, Jr.1951Gerald Shields, Sr.Dr. Vincent Liberto1952Andre ArceneauxGerald Rooney1953Gerald GexDavid Treutel1954Jimmy BechnelManelik PouGabriel Brady

1955Frank HilleJames Kenny, Jr.1956Al LippmanGerald Leblanc1957Tommy Kidd, Sr.Judge Walter Gex, III1958Ames KergosienSheldon Seuzeneau, II1959Herman Jacobi1960Paul BlaumCharles Genard Gordon Pratt1961Lars PhillipsPat MashburnIrvin CuevasBilly App1962Phillip Fasullo, Jr.Don Smith1963Sidney ChevisBarrett BordesJames LacourRichard Vinson, Sr.1964Howard RobichauxPaul FisterRichard Moran1965Bart CarrJohn Genin, Sr.1966Frank Lagarde, Jr.William StechmannWalter Antin, Jr.1967Pat Murphy, Jr.Joseph Martin, Jr.Richard Oustalet1968Weldon Frommeyer, Jr.John LearySylvan Ladner. III1969Stanford Ladner IIIJohn Jones

Dr. David SawyerMike Meyers1970Chris WegmannJames Cobb, Jr.David Taylor, Sr.1971Joe D. BenvenuttiJames OustaletMichael Byrne1972Ralph AucoinWilliam Wood, Jr.Victor Franckiewicz, Jr.1973John MorrisDr. Bert Keel, Jr.Thomas Yongue1974Donald RaffertyAlvin Ladner, Jr.Michael Keel1975Thomas GargiuloGuy Billups, III1976Dr. David WeirDr. John LassereDr. Michael Graeber1977Gene HodaRudy LetellierLucien “Beau” Gex III1978Paul BertucciDavid LippmannJoseph Cure, Sr.1979David Chaffe, IVMartin Tighe1980Frank TigheGerald Rigby, Jr. Perre Cabell1981Ted LongoLee Klein, Jr.Erling Rabe, Jr.1982Emery Edwards Michael JarreauAnthony Trapani, IIIAlan Bowen

1983Paul GallagherStanley Williams1984Ronald Artigues, Jr.Cary TrapaniJohn Conery, Jr.1985Patrick NolanNick Gachassin, III1986Edward BenvenuttiDavid ZancaMatt Johns1987Jose Lau Dan Jack Simpson, Jr.Steve Montagnet, III1988Stephen CuevasShane PraetoriusFelix Sternfels1989Craig SweeneyJeff Aycock1990Noah DensonJames BrueMichael Ritten1991Trey Kidd, IIIKevin BourgKevin Jacobi1992Michael DavidgePhilip Fasullo III1993Peter RittenDr. Myron Labat, Jr.1994Leo Seal, IIIScott PeppermanBryan Carter1995Sonny SchindlerJeep MestayerBrooks Quinlan1996Jerry Polk, Jr.Correy GexHerb Dubisson, Jr.

1997William Powell, Jr. Ty McMichaelMichael Mancuso1998Kile FosterChris EstradeEric Stoltz1999Kevin EstradeJeff Lagarde Thomas Pellissier2000Stephen PetermanTravis FucichD’Mitri Sofianos2001Justin LadnerHunter DawkinsMichael CarterChris Mensi2002Brent AckerBrian ButlerBJ Ledet2003Jeremy Lewis Jeremy Keller2004Kyle LewisStefan Clayton2005Robert GogginsLee KleinJordan Ellis2006Lance CuevasBrad ReinhartJ.C. Brignone2007Robert “Joe” Boudin IIIJoe Cure, Jr.Erich Lichtenstein2008Ben LeikerChris Necaise2009Guy WoodHenderson Hewes2010Andrew Gargiulo Boomer Scarborough

Class Agents

Class Agents serve as contact persons for each class. They help to notify SSC on any happenings with their classmates, as well as serve as organizers for school related class events.


St. Stanislaus Financial Report

Income Tuition and Fees $3,715,302.31 Facility Rental & Auxiliary Services $313,198.06 Annual Fund $233,528.64 Food Services Income $165,445.30 SSC Progression Corp. Grants $159,457.46 Athletics $143,003.50 Camp Stanislaus Rent $80,000.00 Miscellaneous Income $35,182.02 Interest & Dividends $10,619.89 Total Income $4,855,737.18

Expense Academics $1,898,037.02 Plant, Utilities, Transportation $871,093.89 Administration Expenses $646,388.43 Food Services Expenses $505,077.10 Residency & Health $485,820.30 Insurance Property & Liability $210,053.00 Auxiliary Services Expenses $197,226.01 Rent $150,000.00 Athletic Expenses $113,930.76 Professional Education $28,493.82 Bad Debt $11,061.66 Total Expense $5,117,181.99 Net Ordinary Income $(261,444.81)

Extraordinary Expenses $458,546.15 Net Income $(719,990.96)

St. Stanislaus Income

St. Stanislaus Expenses

*unaudited statements


St. Stanislaus 2010 Annual Report

SSC Progression Corp. Financial Report

Income Investment Earnings, Interest & Dividends $1,689,123.64 Designated Gifts $240,144.33 Annual Fund $233,528.64 Special Events $184,326.03 Capital Campaign $45,530.01 Endowed Scholarships $7,985.03 Total Income $2,400,637.68

Expenses Designated Gifts $258,889.08 Annual Fund Grant to SSC $215,266.46 Scholarship Distributions $142,672.00 Miscellaneous and Special Events $108,560.01 Investment Fees & Expenses $84,087.83 Purchase of Property $57,412.86 Publications $32,889.18 Administrative Expenses $15,789.02 Alumni Relations $10,795.21 Professional Development & Faculty Events $8,028.29 Annual Appeal Expenses $6,655.18 Total Expenses $944,389.94

Net Income 1,456,247.74

SSC Progression Corp. Income

SSC Progression Corp. Expenses

*unaudited statements

2010-2011 St. Stanislaus Board

ChairMr. William S. App ‘61

PresidentBro. Bernard Couvillion, SC

SecretaryBro. Ronald Hingle, SCMrs. Barbara CarterBro. Francis David, SCHon. Robert L. Lobrano, 61Bro. Paul Mulligan, SCHon. John C. Gargiulo ‘85Mr. Dave A. Treutel, Jr. ‘76Mr. Mike Gibbens

2010-2011 SSC Progression Corporation Board

PresidentBro. Bernard Couvillion, SC

TreasurerMr. Christopher J. Mensi ‘01

SecretaryMr. John P. Baxter ‘89 Bro. Ronald Hingle, SCBro. Will Boyles, SCMr. Patrick J. Kergosien ‘82Mr. Charley E. “Dusty” Rhodes ‘64Mr. John J. Uhl ‘51Mr. Dave DennisMr. William A. Peneguy ‘65

2010-2011 Alumni Association Board

PresidentMr. Joseph W. Gex ‘88 Mr. Brandon S. Rhodes ‘92Mr. Brian K. Labat ‘68Mr. Chris F. Trapani ‘84Mr. Clay A. Wagner ‘78Mr. Don K. Smith ‘62Dr. Andrew K. Martinolich ‘46Mr. Frank Hille ‘55Mr. Joe E. Monti ‘70Mr. Patrick L. Martinez ‘99Mr. Chris J. Estrade ‘98

Mission of St. Stanislaus CollegeThe mission of St. Stanislaus, a Catholic residency and day school for young men, is to teach Gospel values and to nurture the total development of each student according to the charism of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart. The school fosters character formation and integrates faith development within a curriculum, which is primarily college preparatory. As an integral part of its mission, St. Stanislaus maintains a residency program, which offers students opportunities for educational success and personal growth within a disciplined and structured environment.

2010 Profile of St. Stanislaus

Founded in 1854Type of School: Catholic, Independent College Preparatory

Day...........................................................................$5,570U.S. Resident Student............................................$20,655International Returning Resident Student..............$24,000New International Resident Student......................$26,500

Number of Brothers on staff.............................................6Number of Lay Faculty...................................................41Number of Alumni on staff...............................................9School Student to Faculty ratio....................................10:1Residency Student to Staff ratio.....................................9:1Average number of years teaching experience.............16.8Number of PhDs on staff...................................................3Number of Masters on staff.............................................17

Day Students.................................................................293U.S. Resident Students...................................................68• 10 StatesInternational Resident Students......................................20• 7 Countries (China, India, Mexico, S. Korea, Tiawan, Thailand, France)Total Resident Student Population..................................88Total Student Body........................................................381




St. Stanislaus 2010 Annual Report


Bro. Bernard CouvillionPresident

Bro. Ronald HinglePrincipal

Patrick McGrath Assistant Principal of Academics

Susan EstradeAssistant Principal of ActivitiesAlumni Director

Jeff AndersonDean of Discipline

Stace McRaneyAthletic Director

Aimee SaucierDirector of Finance

Chris Mensi ’01Director of Advancement

Jay TrapaniAssistant Director of Advancement

Richard Gleber ’89Director of Public Relations

John Thibodeaux ’01Director of Admissions

Dan ZwergDirector of Technology

Sandra OdomRegistrar / Assistant to the Principal

Laurin LaFontaineBookeeper

Sandra Farrior Main Office

Cecil FarriorBus Driver

ResidencyJeremy Clark ’98

Director of ResidencyKristen Tusa

Academic & Activities CoordinatorDP DaigleChris Davis ’98Matthew ShannonJimmy Saucier ’98Chris VignesKevin ArnaultTywan Arrington

Buildings and GroundsFreddy West ‘91

Director of Buildings and GroundsMichael AckerGus AdamJoey Cerone ‘03Doug DuelferBro. Francis FlemingPearlie GarvinBeth LummusKayla LummusBro. Raymond SylveAllen VinceJacqueline Vince

KitchenTerry McGinity ‘75

Director of Food ServicesPatrice BrownMaria CoxRose ElliottMike JonesTerry McGinityBob SayleDennis SniderAngela Wilkerson

NurseJulie CannonJulie Lawhead


Computer Science & TechnologyDan Zwerg

Department HeadMark Logan ’86

EnglishRenee Hamm

Department HeadDavid TrimDenise Carniero

Fine ArtsChristian BaileyStephen Abadie

Foreign LanguagesBro. Eduardo Baldioceda

Department HeadAbdou SaneDarcee Wood

GuidanceBro. Dwight KenneyMick QuinlanEstelle Robinson

Library Virginia Gex

MathematicsJordan Roy

Department HeadBro. Harold HarrisLouise PerkinsPam Hancock

Physical EducationJay Ladner

Department HeadForrest Williams

Reading & ESLHarriet BelloneDepartment HeadDarcee Wood

Religion Meredith LaFontaine

Department HeadRyan MartinKen FranceAdrienne Quinlan

ScienceFred Cherota

Department HeadLetha BoudreauxKathryn Walters

Social StudiesErich Hoffer

Department HeadDawson McCall ’00Stace McRaneyDan Romano

Fri., Sept. 30, 2011Homecoming Tailgate Party at 5:00 p.m.and Dedication of the SSC Baseball ComplexFootball vs. Vancleave at 7:00 p.m.

Fri.& Sat., Jun. 1&2, 20122nd Annual SSC Fishing Tournament at St. Stanislaus

Fri., Oct. 21, 201123rd Annual Alumni Association Golf Tournament at The Oaks

Sat., Apr. 21, 2012Rockin the Globe Gettin’ Down in Greece

Sat., Jan. 28, 2012Alumni Reunion



St. Stanislaus College304 South Beach BoulevardBay Saint Louis, MS 39520

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