2010 rome & paris. you can only bring one luggage and one carry on / backpack

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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2010 Rome & Paris

You can only bring one luggage and one carry on / backpack

Itinerary• Day 1: Flying for Saint John to Montreal or Toronto to Frankfurt,

Germany.• Day 2: Flying from Frankfurt to Rome, visiting Rome• Day 3: Rome• Day 4: Rome• Day 5: Florence, Night Train• Day 6: Paris• Day 7: Paris• Day 8: Depart for home, staying overnight in Montreal• Day 9: Flying from Montreal to Saint John

• A more detailed itinerary is available on EFTours.ca, login into your account.

Same clothes

Same clothes

What to pack in your luggage

• Underwear, socks for 8 days• A couple of pairs of jeans (3 or 4 would be

enough)• A few t-shirts and shirts (think layers) to last you 7

days• A warm sweater

The preferable size.

In no particular order:

• A roll of toilet paper• Razor / hair dryer• Granola bars/crackers/dry nuts/etc.• Extra batteries for your camera (they can be

expensive in Europe)

• Pajamas (but not for all the days you will be gone, one or two is enough)

• No pajama pants can be worn outside the hotel: this is not acceptable in Europe!

• Medication (in their original prescription bottle!!) (Please give a list to Mrs. Robichaud before leaving)

• Money belt:– Money / bank card with 4 digit #’s / credit card /


• Pair of socks• Women’s hygienic products (if needed)*Your cycle

may change, bring extra supplies.

• Gum / granola bars / chocolate bars / mints

• Gravol (You need to get some ZZZ on the plane going toward Europe. If you haven’t taken Gravol or other medication in the past, talk to your doctor) Some students in the past took Benadryl (the drowsy kind) to sleep. This is just a suggestion.

• *Any ipod’s should not be visible during the walking trip. This is disrespectful to the tour director; you might miss out on important information. They can be used on the plane (but not too loud so you can hear the captain or flight attendant’s messages), on a long bus drive, in your rooms, etc. Your headphones should not be in your ear when the tour director or a local guide is speaking!

• *A chaperon has the right to take it away from you if she or he feels that you’re being disrespectful.

• Make sure your bank is aware of your trip. Check to see how much you can withdraw from your bank account. For a student bank account it’s usually $100 per day. In Europe you will be withdrawing Euros therefore $100 Canadian is only 64 Euros.

• Don’t wait until the last minute to get Euros.

• It’s much safer to keep passports, airline tickets, etc. close to your skin in a money belt. It’s useful to carry day-to-day money in an easily accessible wallet or purse (preferably kept in a front pocket rather than a back pocket), but keep the bulk of your cash and all important documents in a money belt.

• If you are bringing liquids:– Pack these items

together in a 1 quart-sized, clear, pastic, zip-top bag;

– 1 such bag per passenger is allowed, and must be removed from your carry-on bag and placed in a bin to go through the screening machine.

A size medium Ziploc bag.


• Pickpockets are most active in dense crowds, especially in busy train stations and on public transportation during peak hours

• Beware of gangs of kids – disheveled –looking and well dressed- waving newspapers and demanding attention. In the blink of an eye, a wallet or camera can go missing

• Be careful even in hotels; don’t leave valuables lying around in your room.

• Lock your suitcase!

Suggestions of things to do before and during your trip

• Everybody packs their own luggage! Moms can help, but students must know what they are bringing, what’s inside for security purposes.

• Each person is responsible to wake themselves up at the required time.

• A traveling alarm is a must! Chaperons will knock on your door in the morning. You must start to get up! If the bus leaves at 8h30, it won’t wait for you to eat or shower!

• Hotel check-in takes a long time; students/chaperons must be patient.

• Many North American cell phones will allow text messaging to and from Europe. With Rogers, your parents can call you but you can’t call them. Be careful, it’s expensive!

• If you are caught using your phone during inappropriate times (while our tour director or a tour guide is talking, etc.) your phone will be removed.

• Please be aware of the time in Europe if your parents call. If a phone rings at midnight it will be taken away from that student. No warnings will be given!

FYI, 5pm in Saint John is 10pm in Paris & Rome

FlightsGroup of 23 passengers:

5:10pm Saint John to Montreal6:40pm Montreal to Frankfurt10:55am Frankfurt to Rome

Group of 15 passengers:11:25am Saint John to Toronto5:30pm Toronto to Frankfurt10:55am Frankfurt to Rome

Both groups coming back:1:40pm Paris to Montreal9:10am Montreal to Saint John

The flight itinerary will be sent shortly.

• Once you get on the plane, going to Toronto or Montreal, we ask you to remain in your designated seat. The plane will probably be full. It’s a short flight so relax & enjoy the ride.

• In the larger aircraft going to Europe, once we’re all seated, you can change seats to sit next to your friend. Please don’t take an empty seat, there may be a passenger that is late arriving. Once the plane has taken off and the empty seat is not taken, then you can sit in it.

• Always be polite when asking to sit next to your friend.

Italian Signs

• Ingresso/Entrata: Entrance

• Uscita: Exit

• Informazione: Information

• Aperto: Open

• Chiuso: Closed

• Gabinetti/Bagni: Toilets– Uomini: Men– Donne: Women

French Language

• Basics:– Hello: Bonjour– Goodbye: Aurevoir– Yes: Oui– No: Non– Please: S’il vous plaît– Thank you: Merci– Excuse me: Excuser-moi– Sorry: Je m’excuse/pardon– Do you speak english?: Parlez-vous anglais?– How much is it?: Combien ça coûte?

French Signs

• Entrée: Entrance

• Sortie: Exit

• Information: Information

• Ouvert: Open

• Fermé: Closed

• Toilettes: Toilets– Homme: Men– Femme: Women

What Chaperons will be looking for:

• Your safety (from the time you leave to the time you arrive back home)

• Your health (make sure that you eat to keep your strength)

• Homesickness

• If you have a any problems whatsoever or you know someone that has certain issues, please talk to one of the chaperons or myself.

• This is not the first trip we have done with students, therefore there are many things we have seen or dealt with in the past.

• No subject is off limits. • You enjoying your trip is our main concern!

What not to do.

Bon voyage Safe journey Buono viaggio

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