2006 international-plumbing-code

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A Member of the International Code Familya sib,


2006 International Plumbing Code?

First Printing: January 2006 Second Plintilig: March 2006

ISBN-1 3: 978- 1-58001 -259-1 (soft-cover) ISBN- I 0: 1-5800 1 -259-0 (soft-cover)

ISBN- 13: 978- 158001 -258-4 (loose-leal) ISBN- 10: 1-58001 -258-2 (loose-leaf]

ISBN-] 3: 978- 1-5800 1-307-9 (e-document) ISBN- 10: 1-58001 -307-4 (e-document)



ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This 2006 6zto-1~atioizal Pluuzbitzg Codeo is a copyrighted work owncd by the International Code Council, Inc. Without advance wrjtten permission from the copyright owner, no part of this book rliay be rcprocluccd, distributed, or transmitted inany formorby any means, including, without limitation, electronic, opticalor mccha~lical mcans (by way ofexamplc, and not limitation2 photocopying, or recording by or in an information storage retrieval system). For information on permission to copy rnatcrial cxccecling use, please contact: Publications, 4051 West Flossmoor Road, Country Club Hills, LL 60478-5795. Pho~lc 1-888-LCC-SAFE (432-7233).

'li-ade~narlia: "International Code Council," the "Tnternational Code Council" logo and the "lntcrnational P1~111lblng Codc" arc trademark3 of the Intcmatlonal Code Council. tnc.



Introduction Internationally, codc officials recognize the need for a modern, up-to-date plumbing code addressing tlie design and installation of plumbing systctns thnjugh requirements emphasizing performance. The Ir'ten7ationc~l Plr~mbirig Coclele", in this 2006 edition. is designed to meet thcse nccds through ~nodcl codc regulations that safeguard the public health and safcty in all conlmunitics. large and small..

'l'his comprchensivc plumbing code establishes minimum regulations for plumbing systems using prcscriptive and perfor- mancc-relatcd provisions, It is founded on broad-based principles that makc possible the use of new tnatcrials and ncw plumbing dcsigns. This 2006 edition is fully compatible with all the 11itenzci.tioilal code.^'" (I-Codes") published by the 1nternation;ll Codc Council (ICC)", including thc Ir~fen~u?iorlnl Buildirzg CodeG), ICC Electriccrl Codecn, Irzter-riutionnl Erzer<yy (70~7.sc~r~,crtim Co~lc~~'), Ir~ter7zc~tiorrrrl E.vistir~g Building Codcw",rzten~ational Fire C,'odeCD, hzterriationtrl Fuel Gus Coele@, Inter.r7.utior~ul Mec.hnrziccl1 C,'o(jc~'!~, 1CC Pe:r:fiirrr~(~rice h~tenzc~tional Privcrte Sc~wc~gr Di.spo,sal Code'!;, Irztmzc~tiorinl Property Mc~irrrer~crr~ce Code"', 61terrln- tior~trl Resitkiriic~l Codc~", lrzterrlatiol1al M'ildland-(JrDarl lrltet-fhre Coclc~'" and hzter-r~atiorzal Zoning Corie"'.

Thc Intrrriertio~iul Plrrnzbirzg Code provisions provide Inany benefits, among which is thc niodcl codc devclopmci~t process that offers an intcniational forum for plu~nbing professionals to discuss performance and prescriptive codc requirerncnts. This fomm providcs a n exczllcrrt arena to debate proposeti revisiorrs. This model code also encourages international consistency in thc applica- tion of provisions.

Development The first cdition of the lr~ter-rlationul Plct~rzhi~~g Colf~ (1995) was the culmination of an effort initiated in I994 by a dcvcloplncnt coiil~nittcc appointcd by the ICC and consisting of representatives of the three statutory members of the International Cotic Council at that time, including: Building Officials and Codc Administrators International, Inc. (BOCA), International Co~lfercnce of Build- ing Officials (1CB0) and Southcm Building Codc Congress International (SBCCI). Thc intcnt was to draft a comprchensivc set of regulations for plurnbing systenls consistent with and inclusive of thc scope of the existing n~odel codes. Technical content of thc latest ]nodel codes pronlulgated by BOCA, ICBO and SBCCl was utilized as tlie basis for thc devclopnicnt. This 2006 edition prcs- cnts the code as origi~lally issued, with changes as reflected i n the subsequent editions through 2003 ane with changes approved through the ICC Codc Development Proccss through 2005. A new edition such as this is promulgated every three years.

'l'his codc is foundcd on principles intcnded to establish provisions consistent with the scope of a plumbing code that adcc]uately protccts public hcalth. safety and welfare; provisions that do not unnecessarily increasc constluction costs; provisions that do not rcstrict thc usc of new materials, products or methods of construction; and provisions that do not give preferential trcatnlcnt to par- ticular typcs or classes of materials, products or methods of construction.

Adoption Thc Irzrer~rz~~tio~~al Pl~inlhirig Cmle is available for adoptio~r and use by jurisdictions internationally. Its use within a go\!ernmcntal jurisdiction is intcndctl to be acco~nplishcd through adoption by reference in accordance with proceedings cstablisliing the jurisdic- tion's laws. At thc time of adoption, jurisdictions sho~rld insert the appropriate inforniation in provisions requiring specific local information, s ~ ~ c h as thc name of thc adopting jurisdictioi~. These locations arc shown in braclcctcd words in small capital lcttcrs in the cotlc and in the sample ordinancc. The sample adoption ordinance on page v addresses several licy elements of a code adoption ordinance. including the information rcttuired for insertion into thc codc text.

Maintenance The I~zt~rr~c~tiorral Pl1~1rzbir1g Code is kept up to date through thc review of proposed changcs submitted by codc enSo~-cing officials, industry rcprescntatives, design professionals and other interested parties. Proposed changes are carefully cvnsidcrcrt through an open codc dcvelopnient proccss in which all interested and affected parties may participate.

The content.; of this work are subject to change both through the Code Development Cycles and the governmc~ltal botly that enact.; the code into law. For nlorc information regal-ding ~ h c code dcvelopnient process. contact the Code and Standard Devclop- mcnt Departnlent of the International Code Council.

While the dcvelopmcnt proccdurc of the lrlfer.tzatiolla1 Pl~nnbing Code ensurcs thc highest ckgrec of care, ICC and ICC's Incm- bers and those participating in the de\.elopment of this code do not accept any liability resulting from compliance or nonconipliancc with thc pl-cwisions, since ICC and its members do not have the power or authority to police or enforce compliance with the contents of this codc. Only the goverriniental body that enacts thc code into law has such authority.


Letter Designations in Front sf Section Numbers In cach codc dcveloprrlent cycle, proposed changes to the code arc considered at the Code Developmen1 Hearings by the ICC Plu~nbing Codc Developnient Committee, whose action constitutcs arecommendation to the voting ruelllbership for final action on the proposed change. Proposcd changes to acode section that has a nunher beginning with a letter in brackcts are considered by a diffcrcnt code dcvclopment committee. For example, proposcd changes tc~ code sections that have [B] in front of them (c.g. IB] 300.1,) are considered by thc ICC Building Code Development Committee at the code development hearings.

The content of sections in this code that bcgin with a letterdesig~~ation are maintained by another codc developnicnt commitlec in accordance with thc following:

IB] = International Building Code Development Committee;

[El = I~~tcrrlatiol~al Energy Conservation Code Development Committee:

(FI = International Fire Code Development Committee:

IM I = International Mechanical Code Dc\eloptnent Committee.

Marginal Markings Solid vcr~ical lincs in thc margins within thc body of the code indicate a technical change from the requirements of the 2003 cdition. Deletion indicators in the form of an arrow ( I) ) areprovidcd in the margin whcre an entire section, paragraph. cxccption or table has been delctcd or an item in a list of items or a table has been deleted.



'The I~~ter-rrcrtiotlal C'oclc..~ arc dcsigncd and pr~u~n~~lgated to be adopted by refercnce by ordinancc. Jurisdictions wishing to adopt the 2006 hitc.rrtatio~tul PI~rnzOir~g Code as an enforceable regulation governing plumbing systems s h o ~ ~ l d ensure that ccrtain factual ir~formation is included in the adopting ordinancc at the time adoption is being considered by the appropriale govcrnmcntal body. Thc following sample adoption ordinancc addresse,~ several key elements of a codc adoption ordinancc. including the ir~fornlation rcquircd tor insertion into the code text.



An ordinance of the [JURISDICTION1 adopting the 2006 cdition of thc Iirler~zarionul Plrlr~zOirlg Code. regulating and governing thc design, construction. quality of materials, erection, installation, alteration, rcpair, location. relocation, rcplaccmcnt. addition to, use or niaintcnancc of plumbing systc~i~s in the [JURISDICTION]: providing for the issaancc of permits and collection of fees therefor; repealing Ordinance No. of the [JURISDICTION] and all other ordinances andpms of the ordinances in conflict therewith.

7'hc [GOVERNING BODY] of the [JURISDICTION] does ordain as follows:

Scction I .That a certain document, three (3) copies of which are on file in the office of the [TITLE OF JURISDICTION'S KEEPER OF RECORDS] of [NAME OF JURISDICTION]. being marked and designated as the Internotioilc~l Pl~triibitzg Code, 2006 cdition, including .4ppcndix Chapters [FILL IN THE APPENDIX CHAPTERS BEING ADOPTED], as p~iblished by the international Code Council, be and is licreby adoptedas the Plumbing Code of the [JURISDICTION], in the State of [STATE NAME] rcgulating and govcr~~ing the design, con- struction. quality of materials, crcction, installation, alteration, repair, location, relocation, replaccmcnt, addition to, usc or maintc- nancc of plumbing systems as hcrein provided: providing for- the issuance of pernlits and collection of fecs thcrcfor; and cach and all of the regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions and tcmis of said Plumbing Code on file in the office of the [JURISDICTION] :Ire hcrcby rcfcrrcd to, adopted, and made a part hereof, as if Sully sct out in this ordinance, with ihcadditions. insertions, clelctions and changes. if any, prescribed in Section 2 of this ordinance.

Section 2. The following sections arc hereby rcvised:

Section 10 1.1. insert: [NAME OF JURISDICTION]

Scction 106.6.2. Insert: [APPROPRIATE SCHEDULE]

Section 106.6.3. Insert: [PERCENTAGES IN TWO LOCATIONS]



Section 305.6.1. Inscrt: [NUMBER OF INCHES IN TWO LOCATIONS]

Scction 904.1. Insert: [NUMBER OF INCHES]

Section 3. That Ordinancc No. of [JURISDICTION] entitled [FILL IN HERE THE COMPLETE TITLE OF THE ORDINANCE OR ORDINANCES IN EFFECT AT THE PRESENTTIME SO THATTHEY WILL BE REPEALED BY DEFINITE MENTION] and all othcr ordi~lances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.

Section 4. 'That if any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is. for any reason, held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affcct the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The [GOVERNING BODY] hcreby dcclarcs that it would havepasscd this ordinance, and each scction. subsection, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the Pact that any one or morc sections, subsections. sentences, clauscs and phrascs be dcclared ~~nconstitutional.

Section 5. That nothing in this ordinancc or in tile Plumbing Code hcreby adopted shall be constn~cd to affcct any suit or- proceeding impending in any court, or auy rights acquired, or liability incurred, or any cause or causes of action acquired orcxistinp, under any act or ordinancc hcrehy 1.epea1'd as cited in Section 3 ofthis ordinancc; nor sliall any j u a ~ or legal right or rerncdy of ally character be lost, impaircd or affected by this ordinance.

Section 6. That the [JURISDICTION'S KEEPER OF RECORDS] is hereby ordercd and directed to cause this o~dinancc lo bc published. (An additional provision may be required to dircct the number of times the ordinancc is to bc p~~blishctL arid to specify that it is to bc in a ncwspapcr in gcncral circulation. Posting may also be rcquircd.)

Section 7. That this ordinancc and thc rules, regulations, provisions, rcquirc~~ients, orders and matters cstablishcd and acloptcd hcreby shall take effcct and be in full force and effect [TIME PERIOD] from and after the date of its final passage and adoption.




. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... CHAPTEIP 1 ADMINISTRATION 1 405 Installation of Fixtures 118

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 406 Automatic Clothes Washers 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 General 1 407 Bathtubs 29

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Applicability 1 408 Bidets 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 I>eparttnent of IJlunibing Inspection 2 409 Dishwashing hlachincs 30

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Dutics and Powers of the Code Official 2 410 Drinking Fountains ?O

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Approval 2

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pcrmits 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inspections and Testing 5

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Violations 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mcails of Appeal 6

.................... CIIAPTEH 2 DEFINITIONS 9 Scctioii

201 Gencral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 General Definitions 9


Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301 General 17

302 Exclusio~l of Materials Dctrilr~cntal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to the Scwcr System 17

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303 Materials 17

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303 Rodcntproofing 17

305 Prolcction of Pipes and I'lunlbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Systc~ii Components 18

. . . . . . . . . . . 306 Trenching. Excavation 2nd R;~ckfill 1 S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307 Structllral Safety 19

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308 Piping Support 19

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309 Flood Hazard Resistance 20

3 10 and Toilet Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Requirements 20

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1 1 Toilet Facilities for Workers 21

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 12 Tests and Inspections 21 7 -I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 13 Equipinent Efficiencies --

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 14 Condcnsatc Disposal 22


Scction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401 General 25

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402 Fixture Materials 25

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403 Minimllrn Plulnbing Facilities 25

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404 Accessible Plumbing Facilities 28

Emergency Showers and Eyewash Stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Floor and Trench Drains

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Food Waste Grinder Units

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Garbage Can Washcrs

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lau11cl1-y Trays

Lavatories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Showers 31

Sinks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Urinals 32

Water Closets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Whirlpool Bathtubs 32 . . . . . . . . . . Health Care Fixtures and 13yuipme11t 32

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Specialty Plumbing Fixturcs 33

. . . . . . . . . . . . Faucets and Other Fixturc Fittings 33

Flushing Devices for Watcr Closets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and Urinals 34

Manual Food and Beverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dispensing Equipinelit 34

Floor Siriks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

............... CHAPTER 5 WATER HEATERS 35 Section

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501 Gcneral 35

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502 Installation 35

503 Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504 Safety Devices 35

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505 Insulation 36



601 Gcneral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 602 Water Required 17

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603 Water Service 37

604 Design of Building Watcr Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Systein 38

. . . . . . . . . . . . 605 Mntcrials, Joints and Conncctioiis 39



lnstallntion of thc Building Water Distribution System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hot Water Supply System 45

Protection of Potable Water Supply . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Health Care Plumbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Disinfccliorr of Potable Watcr System . . . . . . . . . 51

Drinking Watcr Trcatrnent Urlits . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Solar Systems 5 1

. . . . . . Temperature Control Devices and Valvcs 5 1



701 Gcneral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

702 Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

703 Building Sewcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704 Drainagc Piping Installation 55

705 Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

706 Conncctions Between Drainage Piping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and Fittings 58

. . . . . . . . . . . . 707 Prohibited Joints and Connections 59

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708 Cleanouts 59

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709 Fixture Units 60

7 10 Drainage System Sizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

7 1 1 Oft-sets in Drainage Piping in Buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of Fivc Stories or More 60

7 12 Sumps and E-jectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

7 13 Mcalth Carc Plumbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

7 14 Computcrizcd Drainage Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

7 15 Backwater Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 801 General 67

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $02 Indirect Wastes 67

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 803 Spccial Wastes 65

. . . . . . . . . . . . 804 Materials. Jo~nts and Conncctions 68

.......................... CIIAVTEK 9 VENTS 69


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 General 69

002 R/laterials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

?03 Oucdoor Vent Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 904 Vcnt Tcr~liinals 69

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 905 Vent Co~lncctionc and Gradcs 70

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 906 Fixlure Vcnts 70

007 Individual Vcnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Com~llon Vcnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Wet Venting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Waste Slack Vent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Circuit Venting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Comhinntion Drain And Vent System . . . . . . . . . 72

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Island Fixturc Ventiilg 72

Relief Vents-Stacks of More Than . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Branch Intcrvals 72

Vents for Stack Offsets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

Vent Pipc Sizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air Admittance Valves 74

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engineered Vent Systcins 75

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Colnputcrized Vent Design 75



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I001 General 77

1002 Trap Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

1003 Interceptors and Separators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

1004 Materials. Joints and Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

CHAPTER 11 STORM DRAINAGE .............. 81


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I101 General 81

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 102 Materials 81

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1103 Traps 82

1104 Conductors and Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X2

1105 Roof Drains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

1106 Size of Conductors. Leaders and Storm Drains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

. . . . . . . . . . 1 107 Secondary (Emergency) RooT Drains 89

. . . . . . . . . 1108 Combined Sanitary and Storm Systcrn 00

1109 Valucs for Continuous Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

1 110 Controlled Flow Roof Drain Systcn~s . . . . . . . . . 90

11 1 1 Subsoil Drains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

1 1 12 Building Subdrains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

1 1 13 Sumps arrd Pumping Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1201 Gencr-al 91

1202 Medical Gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1203 Oxygen Systcins 01




APPEKDIX A PCliiMBING PEIZMIT FEE SCI-IEDULE ..................... 101

Permit Issunticc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

Unit Fcc Schcdulc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

Othcr Inspections and Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101


APPENDIX C GRAY WATER KECYCI. ING SYSTEMS ...................... 105


C101 Cicncrnl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

C 102 Systems for Flushing Water Closets and Urinals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

C103 Subsurface Land\cape Irrigation Systems . . . . 106


APPKNDIX E SIZING OF WATER PIPING SYSTEM ....................... 117


El01 Gcncral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

El 0 2 Information Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

El03 Selection of Pipe Slzc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

E201 Selection of Pipe Si7e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134



FIOI Culting . Notching and Boring in Wood Mcinbcrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137


INDEX ....................................... 141






101.1 Title. These regulations shall be known as thc h~trr-r~o- tiolzal Phlrnhing Code of [ N A h E OF SURISDICTIOh] hereinafter refcrrcd to as "this codc."

101.2 Scope. The provisions of this code shall apply to the erection, installation. alteration, rcpitirs, relocation, replace- ment, addition to, use or ~iiaintenancc of plu~nbing systcms within this jurisdiction. This codc shall also regulate nonflam- lnablc medical gas, inhalation anesthetic. vacuum piping, nonmedical oxygen systems and sanitary and condensate vac- uum collection systcms. 7'he installation of fucl gas distribu- tion piping and ecluipment. fuel-gas-fircd water heaters ant1 water hcater venting systems shall be regulated by thc I~zter~iu- rio~iul F~1c.l C;o.s Code. Provisions in the ztppcndiccs shall not apply unless specifically adopted.

Exception: Detached onc- and two-family dwellings and multiple single-family dwellings (townhouses) not morc than thrcc stories high with separate means of egress and their accessory struct~~rcs shall corr~ply with the 111rm1n- iio~lal Reside~ziiul Code'.

e 101.3 Intent. Thc DurDose of t h ~ s code is to ~ rov ide miniinurn . &

standartls to safegllarcl lifc or limb, health, pl-uperty and public wclfr~rc by regulating and controlling the design, construction, inslallation, quality of materials, location, operation and main- tenance or LISC of plumbing ccluiyment and systcms.

101.4 Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phi-asc of this codc is for any rcason held to be unconstitu- tional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remain- ing portions of this codc.


102.1 Ccneral. The provisions of this codc shall apply to all niattcrs affecting or relating to structures, as set forth in Section 101. Wherc, in any specific case, diffrrcnt sections of this code specify Jiffcrcnt materials, methods of co~~struction or othcr rcq~~ircinents, the most restrictive shall govern.

102.2 Existing installatio~ls. Plumbing systems Iawf~illy in existence nt thc tilnc of the adoption1 of this codc shall be per- nlittcd to havc thcir use and maintenance continucd if the use, mainrcnnncc or rcpnir is in accordance with the original design and no hazard to life. health or property is created by snch plumbing SYS~CIT~ .

102.3 blaintenance. All plumbing systems. materials and appurtcnanccs, both existing and new, and all parts thereof, shall bc maintained in proper operating condition in accor- tl;~ncc with the original design in n safe and sanitary condition. All dcviccs or safeguards rcquired by this code shall be nuain- tained in conipli~uice with thc code editior~ under which they M I C ~ C installed.

The owncr or the owncr's dcsignatcd agent shall be responsi- ble for ~naintcnancc of plumbing systcms. To clctcrminc con>- pliance with this provision. the code official shall haw the authority to rcquire any plumbing systc~n to bc rcinspccted.

102.4 Additions, alterations or repairs. Additions, altcr- ations, renovations or repairs to any plumbing system shall confonn to that requircd for a ncw plumbing system without requiring the cxis~ing plumbing systcm to coinply with all thc requirements of this code. Additions. alterations or repairs shall not cause an existing system to become unsafe, illsanitary or overloaded.

Minor additions, alterations. renovations and repairs to existing pluinbing systems shall be pcrmittcd in the same man- ncr and arrangement as in the cxisting SYS~CITI, ~ J I - O Y ~ ~ C ~ that such rcpairs or rcplacenicnt are not hazardous and are approved.

102.5 Chailge in occupancy. It shall be unlawful to make any change in the occupancy of any structure that will subjcct the structure to any special provision of this codc witho~it approval of thc codc official. Thc code official shall certify that such structure meets the intent OF the provisions of law govcrninp building construction for thc proposed ncw occupancy and that such changc of occupancy does not rcsult in any hazard to thc public health. safcty or welfare.

102.6 Historic buildings. The provisions of this code relating to the constn~ction. alteration, repair. enlargc~ncnt, restoration, relocation or moving of buildings or structurcs shall not he mandatory for existing buildings or structurcs idcntificd and classified by the state or local jurisdiction as historic buildings when such buildings or structures are judgcd by thc codc offi- cial to be safe and in the public interest of health, safety and welfare regarding any proposed construction, alteration, repairi enlargement. restoration. relocation or moving of build- ings.

102.7 Moved buildings. Exccpt as dctermincd by Section 102.2, plumbing systems that arc a part of buildings 01- struc- tures moved into or within the jurisdiction shall co~nply with the provisions of this code for new installations.

102,8 Referenced codes and standards. The codcs and stan- dards referenced in this codc shall hc thosc that arc listed in Chapter 13 and such codes and standards shall bc considcrcd as part of the requirements of this codc to the prescribed cxtcnl of each such reeference. Whcre the diffcrcnces occur between pro- visions of this code and the rcfcrcnccd standards, tlic provi- sions of this code shall be the ~ninimum requircmcnts.

102.9 Requirements not covered by codc. Any rcq uircmcnts necessary fol- thc strength, stability or propcr operation of an cxistingor proposcd plumbing systcnl, or for the public snfcty, hcalth and gencral welfarc. not specifically covcrcd by this code shall be detern~ined by the code official.



103.1 General. Thc tlcpartrnent of plumbing inspection is hcreby creatcd and thc executive official in ctiargc thcreof shall be I C ~ O W I I as the code official.

103.2 Appointment. Thc code official shall be appointed by the chicf appointing authority of the jurisdiction, and thc code official shall not bc removed from office except for cause and aftel fill1 opportunity to be heard on specific and relevant charges by and before the appointing authority.

103.3 Deputies. In accordance with the prescribed procedures of this jur~sdiction and with the concumcnce of the appointing autho~itq, ~ h c codc official shall have the authority to appoint a deputy codc official, other related technical officers, inspcctors and other etnployees.

103.4 Liability. The code oflicial, officcr or employee charged will1 the enforcement of this code, while acting for the jurisdic- tion. shall not thereby he rendered liable personally, and is hcrcby rclievcd from all personal liability for any damage accruing to pcrsons or property as a result of any actrequired or pcrnmitted in the discharge of ofticial tiuties.

Any suit instituted against any officer or employee because of an act pel-formcd by that officcr or employee in the lawful discharge of dutics and under the provisions of this code shall bc defended by the legal representative of the jurisdiction until thc final termination of thc proceedings. The code official or any subordinate shall not be liable for costs in any action, suit or proceeding that is instituted in pursuance of the provisions of this code. and any officer of the department of plumbing inspection, acting in good faith and without malice, shall be frce from liability for acts performed i~nder any of its provi- sions or by reason of any act or omission in the performance of official duties in connection therewith.


104.1 General. The code ofticial shall enforce all of the provi- sions of this code and shall act on any question relative to the installation, altclxtio~l, repair. lnaintcnancc or operation of all plunlbing systems, devices and equipment except as otherwise specifically provided for by statuto~-y requirements or as pro- vitled for in Sections 103.2 tllrough 104.8.

104.2 Rule-making authority. The code ofticid shall have authority 21s neccssarjl in the interest of public health, safety and gcncral wclfare to ~itlopt and promulgate rules and rcgula- tions to interpret and in~plemcnt the provisions of this codc to secure the intent thereof and to designate requirements applica- ble because of local climatic or other conditions. Such rules shall not ha1,e thc cffcct of waiving structural or fire perfor- mance requirements specifically provided for in this code, orof violating accepted engineering practice involving public safety.

104.3 Applirations and permits. The code official shall receive applications and issue permits for the installation and alteration of plu~nbing. inspcct thc premises for which such

permits have bcen issued. and enforce conipliancc with [he pro- visioris of this code.

104.4 Inspections. The code official shall makc all the requircd inspections, or shall accept reports of inspcctioll by approvcd agencies or individuals. All reports of such inspcc- tions ahall be in writing and be certified by a responsible officcr of such approved agency or by the responsible individual. The code official is authorized to engage such expert opinion as deer~ied necessaql to report on unusual technical issucs that arise, subject to the approv;~l of the appointing authority.

1.04.5 Right of entry. Whenever it is ncccssary to makc an inspection to enforce the provisions of this code, or whenever thc code official has reasonable cause to bclievc that thcre exists in any building or upon any premises any conditions or violations of this code that make the building or premiscs unsafc, insanita~y, dangerous or hazardous. thc code official shall havc the authority to enter the building or prc~nises at all reasonable times to inspect or to perfom? the duties imposcd upon the codc ofticial by this code. Jf such building or premises is occupied, the code official shall prcsent crctlentials to the occupant and request entry. If such building or prcinises is unoccupied, the codc official shall first makc a reasonable effort to locate the owner or other person having charge or con- trol of the building or prerliises and request cl~try. If entry is refused. the code official shall havc rccoursc to every rcmcdy provided by Jaw to secure entry.

When the code official shall have first obtaincd a propcr inspection warrant or other remedy provided by law to secure entry, no owner or occupant or person having charge. ~211-e or control of any building or prcrnises shall fail or ncglcct. after proper request is made as herein providcd. to PI-0111ptly permit entry therein by the code official for the purpose of inspection and examination pursuant to this code.

104.6 Identificalion. The codc official shall carry propcr iden- tification when inspecting structures or premiscs in thc perfor- mance of duties under this code.

104.7 Notices and orders. Thc code official shall issue all ncc- essary notices or orders to cnsure compliance with this codc.

104.8 Department records. The code official shall Bcep offi- cial records of applications received, permits and certificates issued, fees collected, reports of inspections, and noticcs and orders issucd. Such records shall be retained in thc official records as long as the building or structure to which such records relate remains in existence unlcss othcrwisc providcd for by other regulations.


105.1 Modifications. Whenever there are practical difficulties involvcd in carrying out the provisions of this code, the cotfc official shall have the authority to grant modifications for indi- vidual cases. provided the code ofticial shall first find that spe- cial individual reason makes the strict letter of this codc impractical and the motlification is in confornrity with the intent and purpose of this code and that such modification tlocs not lessen health, life and fire safety requircmcnts. The derails



of action granting modifications shall be recorded and entered 111 Ilic tiles of the plumbing inspection dcpartnle:~t.

105.2 Alteinative materials, methods and equipment. The provisions of this codc arc not intended to prevent thc installa- tion of any ntaterial or to prohibit any method of construction not specifically prescribed by this code. provided that any such alternativc has becn approved. An alternative material or method of consti-uction shall he approved where the codc offi- cial finds that the proposed design is satisfactory and complies with the intent of the provisions of this codc, and that thc rnate- rial, method or work offered is, for the purpose intended. at least the equivalent of that prescribed in this code in cluality. strength, effectiveness, fire resistance, durability and safety.

105.3 Required testing. Whenever there is insufficient cvi- dcncc of compliance with the provisions of this codc, or evi- dencc that a inaterial or method does not conform to the rcquiremcnts of this codc, or inol-der lo substantiate claims for altcrnatc materials or methods, the code official shall have the autliority to r eq~~ i r e tcsts as evidenceof conlpliance to be made at IIO cxpcnse to the jurisdiction.

105.3.1 Test methods. Test methods shall be as specified in this codc or by other recognized test standards. In the absence of recognized and accepted test methods, the code official shall approve thc testing procedures.

105.3.2 Testing agency. All tests shall bc performed by arl approved agcncy.

105.3.3 Tcst reports. Rcports of tests shall be rctaincd by the code offic~al for the period required for rctcntlon of pub- lic records.

105.4.4ltcrnatiue engineered dcsign. The design, documen- tation. inspection, testing and approval of an alternative engi- nccred design plun~bing system shall comply with Sections 105.4.1 through 105.4.6.

105.4.1 Design criteria. An alternativc engineercd design shall conform to the intent of the provisions of this codc and shall provide an equivalent level of quality. $trength, cffec- tivencss, fire resistancc, durability and safety. Material, equipment or components shall be designed and installed in accordance with thc manufacturer's installation instruc- tions.

105.4.2 Submittal.The registered design professional shall indicate on the permit application that the plumbing system is an alternative cngineercd design. The permit and perma- nent pcrmit records shall indicate that an alternative engi- neered dcsign was part of the approvcd installation.

105.4.3 'Fechnical data. The registered design professional shall subiiiit sufficient technical data to s~tbstantiate the pro- posed altcrnativc engineercd dcsign and to prove that the performance mects the intent of this code.

105.4.4 Construction documents. The registered design professional shall submit to the codc official two complete sets of signed and sealed co~lstruction documents for the alternative cnginecretl design. The construction documents shall include floor plans and a riser diagram of the work. Wlicrc appropr-iatc. the construction documents shall indi-

cate the direction of fionl. a11 pipe s i ~ c s , p a d c of horizontal piprng, loading, and location of fixtures and appliances.

105.4.5 Design approval. Where the code official dctcr- mines that thc alternative engineercd design confor~iis to the intent of t h ~ s codc, the plumbing system shall be approvcd. If the alternative enginccrcd design 1s not appro~cd, the code official shall notify thc registered design professional in writing, stating the reasons thereof.

105.4.6 Inspection and testing. The alternative cngineercd design shall be tcsted and iiispccted in accordance with the requirements of Sections 107 and 312.

105.5 Material and equipment reuse. Materials. equipment and devices shall not be reused unless such cle~ncnts haw becn reconditioned. tested, placed in good and proper working con- dition and approved.


106.1 When required. Any owner, authorized apcnt or con- tractor who desires to construct. enlarge. altcr. repair. move, demolish 01-charge the occupancy of a building or structure. or to crect, install. enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convcrt or rcplace any plumbing system, the installation of which is regu- lated by this codc, or to cause any such work to bc done, shall first maltc application to the code official and obtain the requircd permit for the work.

106.2 Excmpt work. The following work shall bc cxcrnpt froin thc recluiremenl for a pcrmit:

1. The stopping of leaks in drains. water. soil, waste or vcnt pipe provided, however. that if any concealed trap, drainpipe, water, soil, waste or vent pipe bcconics dcfec- tive and it becomes necessary to rcmove and replace the sanic with nevY material, such work shall be considered as new work and a permit shall be obtaincd and inspec- tion made as provided in this codc.

2. The clearing of stoppages or the repairing of lcalis in pipes, valvcs or fixturcs, and the reinoval and reinstalla- tion of water closets, providcd such rcpairs do not involve or require the replaccmcnt or rearrangement of valves, pipcs or fixturcs.

Exemption from the permit requircmcnts of this codeshall not be deemed to grant authorization for any work to be donc in violation of the provisions of this codc or any other laws or ordinances of this jurisdiction.

106.3 Application for permit. Each application for a pcrnlit, with the required fee, shall be filed with the code official on n for-111 furnihhed for that purpose and shall contain a general description of the proposcd work and its location. The applica- tion shall be signed by the owner or an authorized agent. The pcrmit application shall indicatc the proposed occupancy of all parts of thc building and of that portion of thc sitc or lot, if any, not covered by the building or structure anti shall contain such other information required by the codc official.

106.3.1 Construction documents. Construction docu- ments, engineering calculations. diagranls and other such data shall be submitted in two or more scts with cacll appli-



cation fol- a prrn~it. The codc official shall reiluirc construc- tion documents, cornputations and specifications to be prepared and designed by a registered design professional when required by state law. Cor~struction documents shall be drawn to scale and shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of the work proposed and show in dctail that thc work conforrns to the provisions of this code. Const~uction documents for buildings more than two stories in height shall indicate where penetrations will be made for pipe, fittings and conlponcnts and shall indicate thc materials and n~cthods for maintaining reqnired str~lc- t ~ ~ r a l safety, fire-resistance rating and fireblocking.

Exception: The code official shall have the authority to waive the suhniisqic~n of col~struction documcnts, calcu- lations or othcr data if the nature of the work applied for is s ~ ~ c l i that reviewing of constl-uction docu~ncnts is not ncccssary to dctcrmine cornpliance with this code.

106.4 By whom application is made. Application for a permit shall bc n~ade by the person or agent to install all or part of any plurubing systcm. Thc applicant shall meet all qualifications cstahlislied by statute, or by nllcs promulgated by this code, or by ordinance or by resolution. The full name and address of the applicant shall be statcd in the application.

106.5 Pcrn~it issuance. Thc application, construction docu- mcnts and othcr data filed by an applicant for permit shall be reviewed by the code official. If the code official finds that tlie proposcd work confornls to the requireincnts of this code and all laws and ordinances applicable thereto, and that the fees spccificd in Section 106.6 have bcen paid. a permit shall be issucd to the applicant.

106.5.1 Approved construction documcnts. When the code official issucs tlie pentlit where construction docu- mcnls are requil-cd, the construction documents shall be cndorsed i n writing and stamped "APPROVED." Such approvcd construction docunlents shall not be changed, nlodificd or altered without author-i~ation from thc codc official. All work shall bc done in accordance with the approvcd construction documents.

Thc code official shall have the authority to issue a permit for the constr~tction of a part of a plumbing system before the entire construction documents for the whole systcm lii~vc been subniitlcd or approved. provided adequate infor- mation and detailed statements have been filed coinplying with all pertinent requirements of this code. The holders of such permit shall yrocccd at their own risk w~thout assur- ancc that the penuit for the entirc plumbing system will be grantcd.

106.5.2 Validity. The issuance of a permit or approval of construction documcnts shall not be construed to be a per- mit for, or on approval of. any violation of any of t l~c provi- sions of this code or any other ordinance of the jurisdiction. No pcrmit presuming to give authority to violatc 01- cancel the provisions of this code shall bc valid.

'I'hc issuancc of a permit based upon constmction docu- ments and other data shall not prevent thc code official from tlicrcaftcr requiring the correction of errors in said construc- tion documcnls and othcr data or from preventing building

operations being carried on thcreunder when in violation of this codc or of other ordinances of this jurisdiction.

106.5.3 Expiration. Evcry perrnit issucd by tlic codc offi- cial ~uider the provisions of this code shall cxpirc by Iimita- tion and become null and void if thc work authorized by such pennil is not commenced within 180 days from thc date of such pennit. or if the work authorized by such pcrmi t is suspended or abandoned at any time aftcr the work is commenced for a period of 180 clays. Before such work can hc recommenced, a ncw permit shall hc first obtained and the fee therefor shall be one-half the aniouiit required for a new per~nit for such work, providcd no c h ~ i ~ ~ g e s havc been inade or will be madc in the original construction docu- ments for such work, and provided further that such suspcn- sion or abandonment has not exceedcd 1 year.

106.5.4 Extensions. Any pcrmittee I~olding an unexpired permit shall have the right to apply for an cxtcnsion of thc lime within which the permittee will commence work under that permit when work is unable to bc comrnenccd within the time required by this section for good and satisfactory reasons. The code official shall cxtcnd the time for action by the permittee for a period not exceeding 180 days if thcrc is reasonable cause. No permit shall be extended morc than once. The fee for an extension sliall be onc-half the a~nount required for a ncw permit For such worli.

106.5.5 Suspension or revocation of permit. 'I'hc code official shall revoke a permit or approval issucd under thc provisions o17this code in case of any false statement or mis- representation of fact in the application or on the construc- tion docuilients upon which tlie pennit or approval was based.

106.5.6 Retention of construction documents. One set of construction documents shall bc retained by thc codc ofti- cia1 until final approval of the work co\rcrt.d therein. One set of approvcd construction docurnents shall bc rcturned to thc applicant, and said set shall be kept on thc site of the builtl- ing or work at all tiines during which thc work authorized thereby is in progress.

106.6 Fees. A perinit shall not bc issuetl until tlic tees prc- scribed in Section 106.6.2 havc bcen paid, and an arncndincnt to a per~ilit shall not be released until the additional fce. if any, due to an increase of the plunlbing systems, has been paid.

106.6.1 Work comrne~lcing before permit issuance. Any person conui1ences any work on a plumbing systenl beforc obtaining the necessary pern~its shall bc sul3jcct to 100 percent of the usual permit fcc in addition to the required pe~mi t fees.

106.6.2 Fee schedule. The fees for all plumbing work shall bc as indicated in tlie following sclicdule:


106.6.3 Fee refunds. The code official shall authorize the refunding of I'ees as iollows:

I . The full amount of any fee p a d hcrcunder that wa\ crroncously paid or collccted.


2. Not Iliorc than [SPECIFY PERCEKTAGE percent of the pernlit fee paid whcn no work has becri done undcr a permit issued in accord:mce with this code.

3. Not 111ore than [SPECIR PERCENTAC;E~ percent of the plan rcvicw fee paid whcn an application for a permit for which a plan review fce has bcen paid is with- drawn or canceled before any plan revicw effort has bcctl expended.

Thc codc official shall not authorize the refunding of any fee paid except upon writtcn applicatioll filedby the or~ginal permittee not later than IS0 days after the date of fee payment.


107.1 Required inspections and testing. Thc code official, upon notification from the permit holder or the permit holder's agcnt, shall make the following inspections and such other inspcctio~ls as neccssary. and shall either release that portion of the construction or shall notify the permit holder or an agent of any violations that nmst bc corrccted. The holder ofthe permit shall be responsible for the scheduling of such inspections.

I . Undcrgro~~nd inspcction shall he made after trenches or ditches arc excavated a l~d bedded. piping installed, and bcforc any backfill IS put in place.

2. Rough-in inspection shall be made after the roof, f r m - ing, fi~cblocking, firestopping, draftstopping and brac- ing is in place and all sanitary, stol-m and water distribution piping is roughed-in, and prior to the instal- lation of wall or ceiling membranes.

3. Final inspection shall be made nitcr the building is com- plete, all plumbing fixtures arc in place and properly con- nectcd. and the structure is ready for occuancy.

107.1.1 Approved agencies. Test rcports submitted to the codc official for consrdcratron shall be developed by approved agcncics that have sat~sficd the requirements as to qualitication\ and reliability.

107.1.2 Evaluation and follow-up inspection services. Prior to the approval of a closed, prefabricated pl~unbing systcln and the issuance of a plumbing permit, the code offi- cial shall require the submittal of an evaluation report on each prcfabricatcd plu~nbing systcm indicating the corn- plctc details of the plumbins systcm, including adescription ot the systeln and its components, the basis upon which the plumhing systcm is being cvaluatcd, tcst results and similar- information, and other data as neccssary for the codc official to dclc~minc conforlnancc to this code. Evaluation service. The codc ofticial shall des~gnatc thc evaluation aervice of :III approved agency as thc c\~aluation agency, and review such agency's eval- uation report for adccluacy and conformance to thts codc. Follow-up inspcction. Except where ready acccss is provided to all plu~nbing systems, servicc cquipmcnt and acccssolies for complcte inspectio~~ at the sitc without disassembly or dismantling, the code official shall conduct thc frequency of in-plant inspections nec-

essary to ensure confo1711ancc to lhc approved cvalu:ltion report or shall dcsignate an indcpcndcnt, approved inspcction agency to conduct such inspcctions. Thc inspection agency shall furnish the code official with the follow-up inspection manual and a rcport of inspcctions upon request, and the plumbing systeln shi~ll hnvc all identifying label permanently affixcd to the systcm indi- cating that factory i~lspections have becn performed. Test and inspcction records. All requircd tcst and inspection records shall be availaiblc to the codc offi- cial at all timcs dur~ng the fabrication of the plumbing system and the erection of the building. or such records as the code official designates shall be filed.

107.2 Special inspections. Special inspcctions of altcrnativc engineered design plumbing syhtc~ns shall be conducted in accordancc with Scctions 107.2.1 and 107.2.2.

107.2.1 Periodic inspection. The registered dcsign profes- sional or designated inspector shall periodically inspcct and observe the alternative enginecred design to ctcterminc that the installation is in accordance with thc approved construc- tion documents. All discrepancies shall bc brought to the i~nlnediatc attention of thc plulnbing contractor for correc- tion. Records shall be kept of all inspections.

107.2.2 Written report. Thc rcgistercd dcsign profcssio~~~ll shall submit a fi nal report in writing to thc code official L I P ~ I I

complctiou of the installation, certifying that the alternativc ~ -

engineered design conforms to tlie approved construction documents. A notice of approval for thc plumbing systcln shall notbe issued until a wr~itten certification has beell sub- nlitted.

107.3 Testing. Plumbing work and systems shall be tcsted as req~rircd in Section 312 and in accordance with Sections 107.3.1 through 107.3.3. Tests shall be made by the permit holder and observed by the codc official.

107.3.1 New, altered, extended or repaired systems. New plumhing systems and parts of existing systc~us that have been altered, cxtcnded or repaired shall be tested as pre- scribe~l I~ercin to disclose leaks and dcfccts, esccpt that tcst- ing is not requircd in the following cases:

1. In any case that does not include addition to, rcplace- ment. alteration or relocation of any water supply, drainage or vent piping.

2. In any case whcrc plumbing ccluipn~cnt is sct up tem- porarily for exhibition purposes.

107.3.2 Equipment, material and labor for tests. All ecluipment, material and labor required for tcsting a plumb- ing system or part thereof shall bc furnished by thc pcrn~it holdcr.

107.3.3 Reinspection and testing. Whcrc any work (11.

installation docs not pass any initial tcst or inspection. the neccssary corrections shall be nudc to con~ply with this code. The work or installatio~i shall then he i-csubmittcd to the code official fcx inspection and testing.

107.4 Approval. After the prescribed tests and inspections indicate that the work complies in all I-cspocts with this codc, a notice of approval shall be issued by the codc official.



107.5 Temporary connection. The code official shall havc the authority to authorize the temporary connection of the building or system to thc i~tility source fos thc purpose of testing plumb- ing systems or for use undcr a temporary certificate of occu- pancy.


108.1 Unlawful acts. It shnll be unlawful for any pcrson, firm or corporation to erect, construct, alter, rcpair. remove, demol- ish or utilize any plumbing system; or cause same to be done, in contlict with or in violation of any of the provisions of this codc.

108.2 Notice of violation. The code official shall serve a notice of violation or order to the person responsible for the erection. installation, alteration. cxtcnsion, repair, removal or dcmoli- tion of plumbing work in violation of the provisions of this codc, or in violation of a detail statement or the approved con- striction docunlcnts thcreundcr, or in violation of a permit or ccltificate issued under the provisions of this code. Such order shall dirccr the disco~ltinuance of the illegal action or condition and thc abatc~nent of the violation.

108.3 Prosecutionof violation. If thc notice of violation is not complicd with promptly, the code official shall request the legal counscl of the jurisdiction to institute the appropriate proceed- ing at law or in ecluity to restrain. correct or abate such viola- tion, or to require the removal or termination of the unlawful occupancy of thc structurc in violation of the provisions of this code or of the ordcr or direction made pursuant thercto.

108.4 Violation penalties. Ally person who shall violate a pro- vision of this code or shall fail to comply with any of the requirements thereof or who shall erect, install, alter or repair plumhing work i l l violation of the approvcd construction docu- ments or directive of the code official, or of a pennit or certifi- cate issucd under the provisions ofthis code, shall be guilty of a [SPECIFY OFFENSE]. punishable by a fine of not more than [AMOUNT] dollars or by irnprisonmcnt not exceeding [NUMBER OFDAYSI~ or both such f i ~ ~ e and imprisonment. Each day that a violation co~~ t i i~ucs after due notice has bcen served shall be deemed a separate offcnse.

108.5 Stop work orders. Upon notice from the codc oficiall work on any plumhing systein that is being done contrary to the provisions of this code or in a dangc~.ous or unsafe marlncr shall i~nn~ctliately ccasc. Such notice shall be in writing and shall be given to the owncr of thc property. or to the owner's agent, or to the person doing the work. The noticc shall state the conditions under which work is authorized to resume. Where an cmcr- gency cxists, the code official shall not be required to give a writtcn notice prior to stopping the work. Any person who shall continue any work in or about the structurc after having bcen served with a stop work order, except such work as that person is directed lo perform to rclnove a violation or unsafe condi- tion,shnll bcli:~ble to a fine of not less than [AMOUNT] dollars or nlorc than (,\h40r.iNT\ dollars.

108.6 Abatement of violation. The i~nposilion of the penalties herein prrscribcd shall not preclude the lcgal ofticcr of the jurisdiction from instituting appropriate action to prevent

unlawful construction or to restrain, correct or abatc LI viola- tion. or to prevent illegal occupancy of a building. structure or premises, or to stop an illegal act. conduct. business or utiliza- tion of the plumbing on or about any premises.

108.7 Unsafe plumbing. Any plumbing I-egulatcd by this codc that is unsafe or that constitutes a lire or health hazard, insani- tary condition, or is otherwise dangerous to human lifc is hereby declared unsafe. Any use of plu~nbing regulated by this code constituting a hazard to safety, health or public welfare by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, obsolcscc~~ce, fire hazard. disaster, damage or abandonment is hcrcby declared an unsafe use. Any such unsafe cquip~ncnt is hereby declared to be a public nuisance and shall be abated by rcpair, rehabilitation, demolition or renioval.

108.7.1 Authority to condemn equipment. Whencver the code official tictcrmincs that any plumbing, or portion thercof. regulated by this codc has bccomc hazal-tlous to life, health or property or has become insanitary, the codc offi- cial shall ordcr in writing that such plumbing either be removed or restored to :I safe or sanitary condition. A time limit for compliance with suchorder sh;~ll bc specificdin the writtcn notice. No pcrson shall use or maintain dcfcctivc plumbing after receiving such noticc.

When such plumbing is to be disconnectcd. writtcn notice asprescribed in Section 108.2 shall be given. In cascs of immediate danger to life or property, such discon~~cction shall be made immediately without such noticc.

108.7.2 Authority to disconncct service utilities. The codc official shall have the authority to authorize disconnection of utility service to the building. structurc or system rcgu- lated by the technical codes in case of an crnelgcncy, where necessary, to eliminate an immediate danger to lifc or prop- erty. Where possible, the owncr and occupant of the build- ing, st~ucturc or service systcrn shall bc notified of thc decision to disconnect utility scrvicc prior to taliing such action. If not notified prior to disconnecting, the ourncr or occupant of the building. structure or scrvicc systclns shall be notified in writing, as soon as practical thcrcaftcr.

108.7.3 Connection after order to disconnect. No pcrson shall make connections from any energy. fuel, power supply or water distribution system or s ~ ~ p p l y cncrgy, fuel or water to any equipment regulated by this code that has been dis- connected or ordered to bc discunncctcd by the code official or the use of which has been ordered to be discontinued by the code official until the codc official authorizes the rcconncction and use of such equipment.

When any plumbing is maintained in violation of this codc, and in violation of any noticc issued pursuant to the provisions of this section, t l~c codc official s1i;lll institute any appropriate action to prevent, restrain, correct or abatc the violat~on.


109.1 Application for appeal. Any person shall havc the right to appcal a decision of the codc official to thc board of appeals. An application for appcal shall be based on a claim that thc true



intcnt of this code or the nrlcs legally adopted the]-eundcr havc becn incorrectly intcrpretcd, the provisions of this code do not fully apply. or an cqually good or better form of construction is proposed. The application shall be filed on a form obtained from thc code official within 20 days after the notice was served.

109.2 Men~bership of board. The board of appeals shall con- sist of fivc ~ne~nhers appointed by the chicf appointing autlior- ity as iollows: one for 5 ycars, onc for 4 years. one for 3 years. one for 2 years and one for 1 year. Thereaftel; each new melli- bcr shall scrvc for 5 years or until a successor has been appointed.

109.2.1 Qualifications. The board of appeals shall consist of fivc indi~~iduals. one from each of the following profes- sions or disciplines:

1. Registered design professional who is a registered architect: or a builder or superintendent of building construction with at least 10 years' experience, 5 years of which shall have bcen in responsible charge of work.

2. Registered dcsigri professional with structural cngi- neering or a~chitectural experience.

3. Registered dcsign professional with mechanical and plumbing cnginecring experience; or a mechanical and plumbing contractor with at least I0 years' cxpc- I-icnce, 5 ycars of which shall have been in responsible charge of work.

4. Registered design professional with electrical engi- neering cxpcrience; or an electrical contractor with at lcast 10 ycars' experience, 5 years of which shall have bcen in responsible chargc of work.

5 . Rcgiste~.ect dcsig~i professional with fire protcction engineering cxpcrience; or a fire protection contrac- tor with at lcast 10 years' experience, 5 years of which shall havc becn in responsible charge of work.

109.2.2 Alternate members. The chief appointing aurhor- ity shall appoint two altclnaic mcmbers who shall bc callcd by thc board chairnian to hear appeals during the absence or disqualification of a n~cmber. Alternate mcmbers shall pos- sess the rlualifications required for board ~ncnlbership. and shall bc appointed for 5 ycars or until a successor has been appointed.

109.2.3 Chairman. The board shall annually select one of its mc~riberx to scrve as chairman.

109.2.4 Disqualification of mernber. A mc~nbcr shall not hcar an appeal in which that member has any pcrsonal, pro- fcssional or fillancia1 interest.

109.2.5 Sccret:lry. Thc chicf administrative officer shall designate n qualified clerk to serve as secretary to the Imard. The sccrctary shall filc a detailed record of all proceedings in the officc of the chief administrative officer.

109.3 Notice of meeting. The hoard 5hnll mcct upon noticc from thc chairman. within 10 days of the tiling of an appcal or at stated periodic meetings.

109.4 Open hearing. All hearings before thc board shall bc open to the public. 'l'he appellant, the appellant's reprcsenta- tive, thc code official and any pcrson whose interests are affected shall he givcn an opportunity to be hcard.

109.4.1 Procedure. The board shall adopt and makc avail- able to tlie public through the secretary proccdul-cs under which a hearing will be conducted. Tile proccdurcs shall not require compliance with strict rules of cvidencc, but shall mandate that only relevant infor~nation be received.

109.5 Postponed hearing. When five niemhcr~ are not przwnt to hear an appeal. either the appellant or the appcllant's reprc- sentative shall have the right to request a postponement of the hearing.

109.6 Board decision. The board shall modify or reverse the decision of the codc official by aconcurring of thrcc mcm- bcrs.

109.6.1 Resolution. The decision of the hoard shall hc by resolut~on. Certified copies shall be f~irnislied to the appel- lant and to the codc official.

109.6.2 Administration. The code official shall takc i~nme- diatc action in accordance with the dccision of the board.

109.7 Court review. Any person, whether or not a previous party of thc appeal, shall have the right to apply- to the appropri- ate court for a writ of certiorari to correct crrors of law. Appli- cation for review shall be made in the manner and timc required by Inw following the filing of the dccision in thc officc of the chicf administrative officer.

109.2.6 Compensation of members. Compensation of members shall I>c determined by law.





201.1 Scope. Unless otherwise expressly stated, the following words and terrns shall, for the purposes of this code, have the ~nea~iings shown in this chapter.

201.2 Interchangeability. Words stated in thc present tense include the future; words stated in the masculine gender ~ncludc the feminine and neuter; the singular number include5 the plural and the plural thc singular.

201.3 Terms defined in other codes. Where terms are not defined in this code and are defined in the Tntpniatiorzal B~~ i ld - iizg COIILJ, Ii~teu~u~io1zu1 Fire Code: ICC Electricul Code, Inter- rlniior~ul / "LLL '~ GUS Code ortheInrerilaliorz~l1 Mecl~ctrzical Code, sucll terms shall have thc meanings ascribed to thern as in thosc coclcs.

201.4 Ternis not defined. Where terms are not defined through the rncthodh authorized by this section, such terms shall have ordinarily accepted ~ncaiiiilgs such as the context i~~ipl ies .


ACCICPTED ENCINEEKING PRAC'TICE. That wh~ch conforms to acccptccl principles. tcsts or standard3 of nation- ally recogni7ed technical or scientific authorities.

ACCESS ('SO). That which enables a fixture, appliance or ecluip~r~cnt to be reached by ready access or by a ineans that first rccluircs the ~.cmov:il or inovclncnt of a panel, door or similar obstruction (see "Ready :~cess").

ACCESS COVER. A relnovablc plate, usually secul-cd by bolts or screws, to ~)er~ni t access to a pipe or pipe fitting for the purposes of inspection, repair or cleaning.

ADAP'TIICR FIT'I'ING. An approted co~lnccting device that suitably and properly joins or adjusts pipes and fittings which do not otherwise fit together.

AIR ADMITTANCE VALVE. One-way valve designed to allow air to enter the plumbing drainagc system wlic~i negative pressures develop in the piping system. The device shall close by gravity and seal the vent terminal at zero differential prcs- sure (no flow contlitions) and under positive internal pressures. The purpose of an air admittance valve is to provide a method of allowing air to entcr the plumbing drainagc system without the usc of a vcnt extended to open air and to prevent sewer gases from escaping into a building.

AIR BREAK (Drainage System). A piping arrangement in which a drain from a fixture, appliance or dcvice discharges indilcctly into anothcr fixture, receptilclc or interceptor at a point below the flood levcl rim and above the trap seal.

AlK GAP (Drainage System). The unobstructed vertical dis- tnrlcc through the free atmosphere between the outlct of the

waste pipe and the flood level rim of the receptacle into which the waste pipc is discharging.

AIR GAP (Water Distribution System). The unobstructed vertical distance through the free atmosphere between thc low- est opening from any pipc or faucet >upplying water to a tank, plurr~bing tixtuie or other dev~ce and thc flood levcl rim of thc receptacle.

A1,TERNATIVE ENGINEERED DESIGN. A plumbing system that perfo~ms in accordance with the intent of Chapters 3 through 12 and provides an equivalent levcl of perforrnar~ce for the protection of public healtli, safety and wcll'are. The sys- tem dcsign is not specifically regulated by Chapters 3 through 12.

ANCHORS. See "Supports."

ANTISIPHON. A tern1 applied to v a l ~ e s or mechanical dcviceh that elirninatc siphonage.

APPROVED. Acceptable to the codc official or other n11t11or- ity having jurisdiction.


APPROVED AGENCY. An established and recognized agency approvcd by the code official and that is regularly engaged in conducting tests or f~imishing inspcctio~~ services.

AREA DRAIN, -4 receptacle designed to collcct surface or storm watcr from an open area.

ASPIRATOR. A lilting or dcvice supplied with watcr or other fluid under positive pressure that passes through an intcgnll orifice or constriction, causing a vacuum. Aspirators are also I-efcrrccl to as suction apparatus. and are similar in ol~cration to an ejector.

BACKFI,CIW. Pressirre creatcd by any means in tlic water dis- tribution system, which by being in excess of ~11c prcssure in the water supply mains causes a potential backflow condition.

Backpressure, low head. A pressure less than o r equal to 4.33 psi (29.88 kPa) 01- the pressure cxcrtcd by a 10-f'oot (3048 mni) column of watcr.

Backsiphonage. The backtl'low of potentially conta~ninatcd water into the potable water system as a I-esi~lt of the prcs- surc in the potable watcr system falling below atmospheric pressure of the plumbing fixtures. pools. tanks or vats con- nected to the potablc water distribution piping.

Backwater value. A device or valve installed in the build- ing drain or sewer pipe where a sewer is subject to backflo\l: and which prevents drainagc or waste f i o ~ n backing up into a low levcl or fixtures and causii~g a tlooding contlition.

Drainage. A re\crsal of flow in the drainagc sgstcm.

Water supply system. The flow of water or other liquids. mixtures or substances into the distribution pipes of a pota- ble watcl- supply from any source cxccpt thc intended source.



BACKFLOW CONNECTION. Any arrangement whereby backflow is possible.

BACKFLOW PIIGVENTEII. A device or means to prevent bacl<flow.

BALL COCK. Sce "Fill valve."

BASE FL001) E1,EVATION. A I-eferer~ce point, determined in accordance with the building code. based on the depth or peak elevation of flooding, including wave height, which has a 1 percent (100-year flood) or greater chance of occul-ring in any given year.

BATHROOM GROUP. A group of fixtures consisting of a watcr closet, lavatory, bathtub or showcr, including or cxclud- ing a bidet. an emergency tloor drain or both. Such fixtures arc locatcd together on the same floor level.

BEDPAN S'TEARIER 01% BOILER. A fixture utilized for scalding bcdpans o r urinals by direct application of steam or boiling watcr.

BEDPAN SrASHER AKD STERILIZER. A fixture designcd to wash bcdpans and to flush the contents into the san- itary drainage system. tncluded arc fixtures of this type that providc for disinfecting utensils by scalding with steam or hot water.

BEDPAN WASHER HOSE. A device supplied with hot and cold water and locatcd adjacent to a watcr closet or clinizal sink to be utilized for cleimsing bedpans.

BRANCH. Any part of the piping system except a riser, main or stack.

BRANCH INTERVL4L. A vertical measurement of distance. 8 fcct (2438 m ~ n ) 01- more in developed length, between the corincctions of horizontal branches to a drainage stack. Mea- surcments arc taken down the stack from thc highest horizontal branch connection.

BRANCH VENT. A vent connecting one or more individu,iI vents with a vent stack or stack vent.

BUI1,DlNG. Any structure occupied or intended for support- ing or sheltering a iy occupancy.

BIJJ1,DING DRAIK. That part of thc lowest piping ~ T L I drain- age system that receives the discharge from soil, waste and othcr drainagc pipcs inside and that extends 30 inches (762 mm) in developed length of pipe beyond the exterior walls of the building and conveys the drainage to the building sewer.

Combined. A building drain that conveys both sewage and stomi watcr or othcr drainage.

Sanitary. A building drain that conveys scwagc only

Storm. A building drain that conveys storm water or other drainage, but not sewage.

BUIL1)ING SEWER. That part of the drainage systerl~ tkdt extends from thc end of the huilding drain and conveys the dis- charge to a public scwer, private sewer, individual sewage dis- posal system or other point of disposal.

Combined. A huilcling scwcr that conveys both sewage and storm water or othcr drainage.

Sanitary. A building scwcr that conveys sewage only.

Storm. A building sewer that conveys stornl water or othcr drainage, hut not sewage.

BUII,D%NG SUBDIUIN. That portion of a drainage system that does not drain by gravity into the building scwer.

BUILDING TRAP. A device, fitting or asscinbly of fittings installed in the building drain to prevent circulation of air between the drainage system of the building and the building sewer.

CIRCUIT VENT. A vent that connccts to a horizontal drain- age branch and vents two traps to a niaximun~ of eight traps or trapped fixtures connected into a battery.

CISTERN. A small covered tank for storing water for a home or farm. Gencrally, this tank stores rainwater to be utilized for purposes other than in the potal~le water supply, and such tank is placed underground in most cases.

CLEANOUT. An acccss opening in thc drainage system uti- lized for the removal of obstructions. Typcsof cleanouts include a removable plug or cap. and a removable fixture or fix- ture trap.

CODE. These regulations. subsequent amendments tlicreto, or any emergency rule or regulation that the administrative authority having ju~isdiction has lawfully adopted.

CODE OFFICIAL. The officer or othcr designated authority charged with the administration and enforce~ncnt of this code, or a duly authorized representatlvc.

COMBINATION FIXTURE. A fixture conlhining one sink and lauridry tray or a two- or three-co~upartment sink or laun- dry tray in one unit.

C O M B ~ A T I O N WASTE AND VENT sYsrrE:n4. A spc- cially designed system of waste piping e~nbodying the horizon- tal wet venting of one ormorc sinks or floor dl-ains by rncans of a conimon waste and vent pipe adequately sized to providc free movement of air above the flow line of the drain.

COMBINED BUILDING DHABN. See "Building drain, combined."

COMBINED BUILDING SEWER. See "Buil(1ing sewc~-, combined."

COMMON VENT. A vent connecting at the junction of two fixture drains or to a fixturc branch and scrving as a vent for both fixlures.

CONCEALED FOULING SURFACE. Any surface of a plumbing fixture which is not readily vis~blc and is not scoured or cleansed with each fixture operation.

CONDUCTOR. A pipe inside the building that conveys stol.m water from the roof to a storm or conibined building drain.

CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. All of the written, graphic and pictorial tiocuments prepared or asselllblcd for describing the design, location a i d physical characteristics of thc clcments of the project necessary for obtaining a building permit. The construction drawings shall be drawn to an appro- priate scale.

CONTAMINATION. An ilnpairment of the cluality of the potable water that creates an actual hazard to the public hcallh


thro~lgh poisoning or through the spread of disease by sewage, industrial fluids or wastc.

CIII'rICAI, LEVEL (C-I,). An elevation (height) reference point that deterrnines thc minimum height at which a baclcflow prcvcnter or vacuunl breaker is installed above the flood level rim of Lhc fixture or receptor served by the device. The critical lcvel is the elevation lcvcl below which there is a potential for baclcflow to occm.. If the critical level marking is not indicated on the dcvicc, the bottom of the device shall constitute the criti- cal Icvel.

CROSS CONNECrrION.Any physical connection or arrangement between two o the~~vise separate piping systems, one of which contains potable water ant1 the other either water of unknown or questionable safety or steam. gas or chemical, whereby thcre cxists thc possibility for flow liom one system to the otller. with the direction offlow depc~~ding on the pressure differential between the two systems (see "Backflow").

DEAD END. A branch lcading ~ I - ~ I I I a soil, waste or vent pipe; a building drain; or abuilding scwcr, and terminating at adcvel- oped length of 2 fcet (6 10 mm) or more by mcans of a plug, cap or other closed fitting.

DEI'TN O F WATER SEAL. The dcpth of water that would have to bc removed froin a full trap beforc air could pass through the trap.

DESIGN P'1,OOD ELEVATIOK. The elevation of the "clcsign flood," including wave height, relative to the datum specified on the eornmunity's legally designated flood hazard map.

DEVELOYEII LENGTH. The length of a pipeline measured along the centerline of thc pipc and fittings.

DISCHARGE PIPE. A pipe that conveys thc discharges from plumbing f~xtures or appliances.

DRAIN. Any pipe that carries wastewater or water-borne wastes in a building drainagc system.

DRAINAGE FITTINGS. Type of fitting or fittings utilized in thc drainage systenl. DI-ainagc fittings are similar to cast-iron fittings, except that instead of having abell and spigot. drainage fittings are recessed and tapped to eliminate ridges on thc insidc of the installed pipe.


Drainage (dfi~). A nlcasure of the probable discharge into the drainage system by various types of plumbing fixtures. The drainage fixture-unit value for a particular fixture dcpcnds on its volun1c rate of drainagc discharge, on the time duration of a single drainage operation and on the avcr- agc time between successive operations.

DRAINAGE SYSTEM. Piping within a public or private premise that convcys sewage, rainwater or other liquid wastcs to a point of disposal. A drainage system does not include the mains of a public sc\vcr systcm or a private or public sewage treatment or disposal plant.

Building gravity. A draiuagc system that drains by gravity into thc building sewer.

Sanitary, A drainagc systcm that carries scwagc and cxcludes stornm, surface and ground water.

Storm. A drainage system that carries rainwater, surface watcr. s~ibsurface water and similar liquid wastes.

EFFECTIVE OPENING. The mininium cross-scctior~al arca at the point of water supply discharge, ~ncasured or cxprossed in tc1-111~ of ~ t l c diameter of acircle or, if the opening is not circu- lar, the diameter of a circle of equivalent cross-section:ll arcn. For faucets and sirnilnr fittings. the effective opening shall be measured at thc s~nallest orifice in the fitting body or in the sup- ply piping to the fitting.

EMERGENCY FLOOR DRAIN. A floor drain that docs no[ receive the discharge of any drain or indirect wastc pipc. and that protects against damage f ru~n accidental spills, fixture overflows and leakage.

ESSENTIA1,LY NONTOXIC 'TRANSFER FLUIDS. Fluids having a Gosselin rating of 1, including propylcnc g lyco l ; minera l o i l ; p o l y d i n ~ c t h y l s i l o x a n c ; hydrochlorofluoro-carbon, chlorofluorocarbon and cnrhon refrigerants; and FDA-approved boiler watcr additives for steam hoilcrs.

ESSENTIALLY TOXIC TRANSFER FLIJIDS. Soil, wastc or gray water and fluids having a Cosselin rating of 2 or Inore including ethylene glycol, hydrocarbon oils, am~nonin rcl'rig- erants and hydrazine.

EXISTING INSTAL1,ATIONS. Any plumbing system regu- lated by this code that was legally installed prior to thc effcctivc date of this code, or for which a pcr~rlit to install has been issued.

E'illJCET. A valve end of a watcr pipc through which water is drawn from or held within the pipe.

FILL VALVE. A water supply valve. opcncd or closed by Incans of a float or similar dcvice, utilized to supply water to a tank. An antisiphon fill valve contains an antisiphon dcvice in the form of an approved air gap or vacuum breaker that is an integral part of the fill valve unit and that is positioned on tlic discharge side of thc water supply control valve.

FIXTURE. See "Plumb~ng tixturc."

FIX'FCRE XRANCII. A dl3111 berving two or mole fixtures that discharges to another drain or to a .;tack.

FIXTURE DIUIN. The drain fi-om the trap of o fixt~lre to a junction with any other drain pipc.


Supply fitting. A fitting that controls the volumc and/or directional flow of water and is either attached to or acccssi- hle from a fixturc. or is uscd with an opcn or atmosphe~ic discharge.

Waste fitting. A combination of co~nponcnts that conveys the sanitary waste from the outlct of afixtu1.c to the connec- tion to the sanitary drainage system.

FlXTlJRE SUPPI,Y. The water supply pipc connecting a fix- ture to a branch water supply pipe or directly to a main watcr supply pipe.

FLOOD LEVEL RIM. The edge ot the rcccptaclc from which watcr overflows.



FLOOD HAZARD AKEA. The greater of the following two LlTCLIS:

1 . Thc arca within a floott plain subject to a 1-perccnt or grcatcr chance of flooding in any given ycar.

2. The area designated as a flood hazard arca on a commu- nity's flood hazard map or as olherwisc legally dcsig- nated.

FLOW CONTROL (Vented). A device installed upstream from the interceptor having an orificc that contl-01s the rate of flow through the interceptor and an air intake (vent) down- stream from the orificc that allows air to be drawn into the flow strcam.

FLOM' PRESSURE. The pre\sure in the water supply pipc near thc faucet or water outlct while the faucet or watcr oullct is widc open and flowing.

F1,USH TANlC. A tank designcd with a GI1 valve and flush valve to flush thc contcnts of the bowl or usable portion of the fixture.

FLUSWOnlETEli TANK. A device integrated within an air accumulator vcsscl that is designed to discharge a predcter- mined clua~itity of water to fixtures for flushing purposes.

FLUSHOMETEK VALVE. A valvc attached to a pressurized watcr supply pipe and so dcsigned that whel~ activated it opens thc linc for dircct flow into thc fixture at a ratc and quantity to operate the fixture properly, and then gradually closes to reseal fixturc traps and avoid watcr hammcr.

GREASE INTERCEPTOR. A plumbing appurtenance that is installed in a sanitary drainagc system to intercept oily and grcasy wastcs h-om a wastcwaler dischargc. Such device has thc ability lo interccpt frce-floating fats and oils.

GREASE-LADEN WASTE. Eftlucnt dischargc that is pro- duccd from food processing, food preparation or other sourccs where grcasc, fats and oils enter automatic clishwatcr prerinse stations, sinks or other appul-tcnances.

GREASE REMOVAL DEVICE, AUTOMATIC (GRD). A plumbing appurtenallce that is installedin the sanitary drainage system to intercept frce-floating fats, oils and grease from wastewater dischargc. Such a device operates on a time- or evcnt-contr-olled basis and has thc ability to remove free-float- ing fats. oils ancl greasc autoluatically witl~out intervention from thc user cxccpt for maintenance.

GRIDDED WATER 1)ISTRJBUTION SYSTEM. A water distribution system where cvery waterdistribution pipe is inter- cnnnccted so as to provide two or more paths to each Fixture supply pipc.

HANGERS. See "Supports."

HORIZONTAL BRANCH DRAIN. A drainagc branch pipe cxtendi~lg laterally from a soil or wastc stack or building drain, wit11 or without \~crtic:~l scclio~ls or branchcs, that receives the disd1ai.g~ from twoor morc fixture drains or branches and con- ducts thc discharge to the soil or waste stack or to the building drain.

HOHJZONTAI- PIPE. Any pipc or fitting that makcs an angle of less than 45 dcgrccs (0.79 rad) wit11 the horizontal.

HOT WATER. Water at a telnperaturc greater than or cyual to 110°F (43°C).

HOUSE 'TRAP. See "Building trap."

IKDIRECT WASTE PIPE. A wastc pipe that docs not con- nect directly with the drainage system, but that discharges into the drainagc systcm through an air break or air gap into a trap, fixture, receptor or interceptor.

INDliVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM. A systc~n for disposal of domestic sewage by mcans of aseptic tank,ccss- pool or mechanical treatment. designcd for utilization apart from apublic sewer to serve a single establishment or building.

INDIVIDUAL VENT. A pipe installed to vcnt a f i x t~~ re trap and connects with thc vcnt system abovc thc fixture scrvctl or terminates in thc open air.

INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY. A watcr supply that scrvcs one or more families, and that is not an approvcd public watcr supply.

INTERCEPTOR. A devicc designed and installeti to scpnratc and retain for re~noval, by automatic or ~nanual means. dclctc- rious. hazardous or undcsirnblc matter fro111 liorn~al wastes, while permitting normal sewage or wastcs to dischargc into the drainage systcnl by gravity.


Expansion. i\ loop, return bend or relurn offsct that pro- vides for the expansion and contraction in a piping systcm and is utilized in tall buildings or wherc there is a rap~d change of te~npcrature, as in power plant?. stcam roollls a ~ ~ r i similar occupancies.

Flexible. Any joint betwecn two pipes that pelnl~t\ onc pipc to bc dcflccted or 111oved ~ i l h o u t movenlcnt or dcflect~on of the other pipe.

Mechanical. See "Mechanical joint."

Slip. A type of joint made by means of a washer or a qxcial type of packing compound in which one pipe 1s slippcd into the end of an adjacent pipe.

LEAD-FLPEE PIPE AND FITTINGS. Containing not nioi-e than 8.0-perccnt lead.

LEAD-FREE SOLDER AND F1,CIX. Containing not nlorc than 0.2-percent lead.

LEADER. An cxtcrior drainagc pipc for conrcying stnrni water from roof or gutter drains to an approved mcans of dis- posal.

LOCAL VENT STACK. A vertical pipc to which connections are made from the fixture sidc of traps and through which vapor or foul air is I-cmoved from thc fixturc or dcvicc utilixcd on bcd- pan washers.

MACERATING TOILET SYSTEMS. An asscmbly consist- ing of a water closet and sump with a macerating pump that is designed to collect, grind and pump wastcs fi-om thc water closet and up to two other fixtures conncctetl to thc sump.

MAIN. The principal pipe artcry to which branchcs arc con- ncctcd.

MANIFO1,l). See "Plumbing appurtenaiicc."



MECHANICAL JOINT. A cconcction between pipes, fit- tings, or pipes and fittings that is not screwed, caulked. threaded, soltiered, solvcnt cemented, brazcd or welded. A joint in which compression is applied along the centerline of the pieces bcingjoined. In some applications; the joint is part of a coupling, fitting or adapter.

MEDICAI, GAS SYSTEM. The con~plctc system to corivey medical gases for dircct patient application from central supply systerils (bulk tanks, manifolds and medical air compressors), with pressure and operating controls, alarm warning systcrns, related components and piping networks extcriding to station outlet valves a1 patient use points.

MEDICAL VACUUlLl SYSTEMS. A systern consisting of central-vacuum-producirig equipme~~t with przssure and opcr- ating controls, shutoff valves, alann-warning systems, gauges and a nctwoikof pipir~g extending lo and terminating with suit- able station inlets at locations where patient suction may be requircd.

NONPOTABLE WATER. Water not safe for drinking, per- sonal or culinary utilization.

NUISANCE. Public nuisance as known in conimon law or in eqnity jurispmdcnce; whatcvcr is dangerous to hurna~i lifc or detrinicntal to health: whatcvcr structure or premises is not suf- iicicntly ventilated, scwcrcd, drained, cleaned or lighted, with respcct to its intcndcd occupancy; and whatcver rendcrs the air. or human food, drink or water supply unwholcsome.

OCCUPANCY. The purpose for which a building or portion thcrcoi is utilized or occupicd.

OFFSET. A combination of approved bends that makes two changes in direction bringing one section of the pipc out of line but into a line parallel with the othcr section.

OPEN AIR- Outs~dc the structure.

PLUMBING. The practice, materials and fixtures utilized in the installation, maintcnancc, extension a ~ ~ d alteration of all piping, fixtures, plumbing appliances and plumbing appurte- nances, within or ad,jacent to any structure, in connection with sanitary drainage or storm drainage '~cilitics; vcnting systems; and public or private water supply systems.

P1,UMBING APPLIANCE. Any one of a special class of plumbing fixtures irltended to perform a special function. lncludcd are fixtures having the operation or control dcpcndcnt on onc or more energized components, such as motors. con- trols, hcntiu;! clcments, or pressure- or tcrnperature-sensing elcmcnts.

Such fixturcs ase manually adjusted or co~itrolled by the owncr or operator, or are operated automatically through one or morc of the following actions: a time cycle, a temperature range, a pressure range, a measurcd volmne or weight.

PLUMBING APPURTENANCE. A ~nanofacru~.ed dcvice, prefabricated :~ssen~bly or an on-the-job assembly of compo- neut parts that is an adjunct te, thc basic piping systern and plumhing fixturcs. An appurtenance dcmands no additional watcr supply ant1 does riot add any discharge load to a fixture or to thc drainngc systcni.

P1,KJMBING FIXTURE. A rcccptaclc or dcvicc that is cither permanently or ten~porarily connected to the water distribution system of the prctnises and demands a supply of water there- from: discharges wastewater. liquid-bornc waste mntcl-ials or sewage either directly or indirectly to thc drainage system of the premises; or requires both a water supply connection and a disdiarge to the drainage systc~n of the pl.cmiscs.

PLUMBIR'G SYSTEM. Includes the water supply and distri- bution pipes; plumbing fixtures and traps; water-treating or watcr-using ccluipment; soil, waste and vent pipes: and sanitary and storm sewers and buildilig drains; in addition to thcir rcspcctive conncctions, devices and appilrtenances within a structure or premises.

POLLUTION. An impairrncnt of the quality of the potablc water to a degree that does not crcate a hazard to the public health but that does advcrwly and onrcaronal~ly affcct thc acs- thctic qualities of 911c~h potablc watcr for domestic use

POTABLE WKI'EK. Water frec from impurities prcsent in amounts sufficient to cause disease or harmful physiological ei'fccts and conforming to the bactcriological and chemical quality requircmcnts of the Public Health Servicc Drinking Watcr Standards or the regulations of the public hcalth author- ity having jurisdiction.

PRIVATE. In the classification of plumbing tixtur-es, "private" applies to fixturcs in residences and apartmerits, and to fixtures i n nonpublic toilet rooms of hotels and motels and similar installations in buildings where the plumbing fixtul.cs arc intended for utilization by a family or an individual.

PUBLIC OR PUBLIC UTILJZATION. In the classification of plumbing fixtul-cs, "pitblic" applies to fixturcs in general toi- Ict rooms of schools, gymnasiums, hotcls. airports. bus and railroad stations, public buildings, bars, public comfort sta- tions, office buildillgs, stadiums, stor-es, restaurants and other installations where a number of fixtures arc installed so that their utilization is similarly unrestricted.

PUBLIC' FVATEII MAIN. A watcr supply pipe for public uti- lization controlled by public authority.

QUICK-CLOSING \<4I,VE. A valve or f i ~ ~ ~ c e t that closcs automatically when released manually or that is controlled by a mechanical means for fast-action closing.

READY ACCESS. That which cnablcs a fixturc, appliarlce or equipment to be directly reached without requiring the remov:~l or movement of any panel, door or similar obstruction and without the use of aportable laddcr, stcp stool or- similar dcvice.

REDUCED PRESSURE PRINCIPLE BACKFLOW PREVENTEK. A baclcflow prevention dcvicc consisting of two independently acting checkvalvcs, internally force-loaded to a normally closed position and scparatcd by an internicdiate chamber (or zone) in which thcre is an automatic relief mcans of vcnting to the atmosphere, interr~ally loadcd to a ~lornlally open position between two tightly closing shutoff valves and with a nicans for testing for tightness of the checks and opening of the relief mcans.

REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. An individual who is rcgistcred or licensed to practice professional architcc- ture or engineering as defined by the statuto~y requirc~ncnts of



the professional registration laws of the state or j~lrisdiction in which t l~c project is to be constructed.


Pressure relief valve. A pressure-actuated valve held closed by a spring or other means and designed to relieve pl-essurc automatically at the pressurc at which such valve is set.

Temperature and pressure relief (T&P) valve. A combi- nation relief valve designed Lo [unction as both a tempera- ture relief and a pressurc rclicf valve.

a'enrperaturc relief valve. A temperature-actuated valve dcsigncd to discharge automatically at the temperature at which such valve is set.

RELIEF VENT. A vent whose pnmary function is to provide circulation of air hctwecn drainage and vent systems.

RIM. An unobstructed open edge of a fixturc.

RISER. See "Watcr pipe. riser."

1100F DRAIN. A drain installed to rcccivc water collecli~lg on thc surface of aroof and to discharge such water into leader or a conductor.

IPOUGN-IN. Parts of the plumbing system that are installed prior to the installation of fixtures. This includes drainage, watcr supply, vent piping and the necessary fixture supports and any fixtures that are built into the structure.

SELF-CLOSING FAUCET. A faucet containing a valve that autoniatically closes up or^ dcacrivation of the opening nlcans.

SEPARATOR. See "I~~te~ccptor."

SEWAGE. Any liquid waste containing animal or vegctablc matter in suspension or solutiorr, including liquids containing chemicals in solution.

SEV17AGE EJECTORS. A device for lifting sewage by entraining Ihc sewagc in a high-velocity jet of steam, air or water.


Building scwer. Sce "Building scwcr."

Public sewer. A common sewer directly contr-olled by pub- lic authority.

Sanitary sewer. A sewer that carries sewage and excludes storm, surface and pround watcr.

Stor111 sewer. A sewcr that conveys rainwater, surface watcr, subsurf~cc water and s i ~ ~ ~ i l a r liquid wastes.

SLOPE. 'The full (pitch) oi'a line of pipe in reference to a hori- zontal plane. In drainaze, thc slope is expressed as the fall in units vefiicnl per units horizontal iperce~lt) for a Icngth of pipc.

SOIL PIPE. A pipc that conveys sewage containing fecal mat- ter to the b~tildiny dr-ain or building sewcr.

SPILLPROOF VACUUM BREAKEK. An assembly con- sisting of one chccli valve force-loaded closed and an air-inlct vcnt valve force-loaded open to atmosphere, positioned dawn- stl-carn of ~ l i c chcck valve, and located between and including two tiphtly closing shutoH'valves and a test cock.

STACK. A general term for ally vertical line of soil, waste. \ cnt or inside conductor piping that cxtcnds through at lcast one story with or without offsets.

STACK VENT- The extension of a soil or waste stack ahovc the highest horizontal drain cor~ncctcd to the stack.

STACK VENTING. A mcthod of venting a fixturc or fixtures through the soil or waste stack.


Boiling type. A boiling-type stcriliacr is a fixturc of a nonpressure type utilized for boiling instruments, utcnsils or other equipment for disinfcction. These devices are por- table or arc connected to the plumbing system.

Instrument. A device f o ~ the sterilization of various instru- ments.

Pressure (autoclave). A pl-e5sul-e vesscl fixturc dcsigncd to utilize steam under prcssure for stcrilizing.

Pressure instrument washer sterilizer. A pressure ir~stru- nlerlt washer sterilizer is a pressure vcsscl fixture dcsigncd to both wash and sterilize instruments during the operating cycle of the fixture.

Utensil. A device for the sterilization of utensils as utili7ed in health care services.

Water. A water sterilizer is a device for stcrilizing watcr and storing sterile watcr.

STlrERI1,IZER VENT. A separate pipe or stack, indirectly connected to the building drainage systcn1 at thc lower tcrmi- nal. that receives the vapors from lionpressure sterilizers, or thc exliausL vapors from pressure sterilizers, and conducts the vapors directly to the open air. Also called vapor, steam, atn~o- spheric or exhaust vent.

STORM DRAW. Scc "Drainage system, sto~.m.''

STRUCTURE. That which is built or constt.uctcd or a portion lhercof.

SUBSOIL DRAIR. A drain that collects subsurface watcr or scepagc water and coll\Jeys such water to a place of disposal.

SUMP, A talk or pit that receives sewagc or liquid waste. located below the normal grade of thc g r a~ i t y system and that must be empticd by mechanical means.

SUMP PUMP. An automatic water pump powcrcd by an clec- tric motor for the re~noval of dra~nagc. except raw sewage, fiom a sump. pit or low point.

SUM? VENT. A vent from pl~clin~atic sewagc cjcctors, or sin]- ilar equipment, that terminates separately to the open air.

SUPPORTS. Devices for supporting ant1 securing pipc, fix- tures and equipment.

SWIMMING POOL. Any structure. basin. chambcr or tank containi~~g an artificial body of water for swirnmirlg. diving or recreational bathing hav~ng a depth of 7 feet (6 10 ~ n n ~ ) or mole at any point.

TEMPERED WATER. Watcr having a temperahlrc range between 85°F (29°C') and 1 10°F (43°C).


THIRD-PARTY CERTIFICATION AGENCY. An approved agency operating a product or material certification sytcln that incorporatcs initial product testing, asscss~nent and survcillancc of a manufacturer's quality control systeni.

1'HIRl)-PAlZTY CERTIFIED. Certification obtained by the ~nanufacturer iildicaling that the function and performance characteristics of a product or matcrial have hecn determined by lesting and ongoing surveillance by an approved third-party certification agency. Assertion of certification is in the for111 of identification in accordance with the requirements of the third-party certification agency.

THIRD-PARTY TESTED. Procedure by which an approved testing laboratory provides documentatio~l t h a ~ a product. material or system confor~ns to specified requirements.

TRAP. A fitting or dcvice that provldes a liquid seal to prevent the cnli\sion of scwcr gases without materially affecting the flow of sewage or wastcwater through thc flap.

TRAP SEAI,. The vcrtical distance between the weir and thc top of the dip of the trap.

UNS'I'ARLE GROUND. Earth that does not provide a nui- form bearing for the barrel of the scwcr pipe bctween thejoints at the bottom of the pipe trench.

VACUUM. Any pressure less than that exerted by the atnlo- splic~e.

VACUURT BREAKER. A typc of backflow preventer installed on openings subject to nornml atmospheric pressure that prevents backtlow by admitting atmospheric pressure through ports to thc discharge a ~ d e or the device.

VKN'I' PIPE. Sec "Vcnt system."

VENT STACK. A vertical vcnt pipe installed primarily for the purpo5c of providing circulation of air to and from any part of the dl ai~lage system.

VENT SYSTEM. A pipc or pipcs installed to provide a tlow of air to or frcjrn a drainagc systern. or to provide a circulation of air within such system to protect trap seals from siphonage and backpressurc.

VER'TICAI, PIPE. Ally pipc or fitting that inalccs LIII angle of 45 degrees (0.79 rad) or morc with tlie horizontal.

WALL-HUNG WKTER CLOSET. A wall-mounted water clo\ct i~tstallcd in such a way that thc hxturc docs not touch the floor.

WASTE. The di\cllnr~c from any fixture, appliance, area or appurtenance that docs not contain fecal matter.

WAS'I'E PIPE. A p ~ p c that conveys only waste.

WATER-HAMMER AKRESTOR. A device utilizcd to ;~bsorb thc pressure snrge (water hammer) that occurs when water flow is suddenly stopped in a water supply system.

WKI'ER MEA'PER. Any hcating appliance or equipment that heats potable water ant1 aupplics such watcr to thc potable hot water distribution system.

street or in an approved dedicated cascmcnt of pulilic or com- munity use.

WATER OUTLET. A discharge opening through which watcr is supplied to a Cixlure, into the atmosphcrc (except into an open tank that is part of the water supply system), to ahoiler or hcating system, or to any devices or equipnicnl requiring watcr to operatc but which are 11ot part of the plumbing systcln.


Riser. A water supply pipe that extends onc full stoiy or more toconvey watcr to branches or ton group of fixtures.

Water distribution pipe. A pipe within the stlxlctLlre or on thc prc~niscs that conveys watcr fro111 tlic watcr service pipe. or from the meter when the lnctcr is at thc st~.ucture, to the points of utilization.

Water service pipe. The pipc from the walcr main or othcl. source of potahlc water supply, or from the mctcr when the meter is at the public right of way, to the watcr distribution systern of the building served.

WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM. The water service pipe, water distribution pipes, and the ncccssary connecting pipes, fittings. colltrol valves and all appurtenances in or adjacent to tlie struc- ture or premises.


Bored. A well constructed by boring a hole in the ground with an auger and installing a casing.

Drilled. A well constructed by making a hole in the ground witha drilling machine of any typc and installir~gcasing and screen.

Driven. A well constructed by driving a pipc in thc ground. Thc drive pipc is i~sually fitted with a well point and screen.

Dug. A well conctructcd by cxcavati~~g a large-diamctcr shaft and installing a casing.

WHIRIA'OOL BATHTUB. A plumbing appliance consist- ing of a bathtub fixture that 1s equipped and tilted with a circu- lating piping systeni designed to accept. circulate and discharge bathtuh water upon each use.

YOKE VENT. A pipc connecting upward from a soil or wastc stack to a vcnt stack for thc purposc of prcvcnting prcssurc changes in the stacks.

WATER MAIN. A water supply pipe or system of pipes, installed and m;iintainc[l by a city, township, county, public utility company or other public entity. on public pmpcrty, in the





SECTION 301 sewel. until it has been dctern~incd by the codc official or other GENERAL a~~thority having jurisdiction that thc introduction thereof will

301.1 scope. ~h~ provisions of this chapter sllall the not dan~age tlic public sewer system or interfere with the func-

geneml regulations regarding the installation of plulnbillg [lot tioning Of the sc\'age treatlnerlt plar1t.

specitic to other chapters.

301.2 System installation. Plumbing shall be installed with due ~egard to prescrvatlon of thc strength of structural nicm- bcrs and prevention of damage to walls and other surfaces thr- ough fixture usage

301.3 Co~inections to the sanitary drainage system. All plumbing fixtures. drains, appurtenances ant1 appliances used to rcccive or discharge liquid wastes or sewage shall be directly conncctcd to t l ~ e sanitary drainage system or the building or prclnises, in accordance with thc requirements of this code. This section shall not be construed to prevent the indirect waste systcnls rcquircd by Chapter 8.

301.4 Connections to water supply. E v e ~ y plumbing fixture, device or appliance rcquiringor using water for its proper oper- ation shall bc dircctly or indirectly connected to the water sup- ply systcln in accordancc with thc provision? of this code.

301.5 Pipe, tube and fitting sizes. Unless otherwise specified, the pipe, tubc and tittins sizes specified i r~ this codc are cxprcssccl in nominal or standard sizes as designated in the ref- crcnccd matcrial standards.

301.6 Prohibited locations. Plumbing systems shall not be located in an elcvator shaft or in an elevator equipment room.

Exception: Floor drains, SLIIII~S and sump pumps shall be pe~initted at the hasc of the shaft provided they are indirectly connected to the plu~ubing system.

30'1.7 Conflicts. Where conflicts between this code and the conditions of tlic listing or the nianufacturer's installatio~~ illstmctions occur, thc provisions of this code apply.

Exception: Wherc a codc provision is less restrictive than the conditions of the listing of the cquipmcnt or appliance or the rna~lufacturer's inst;~llation instructions, tlic conditions of the listing and manufacturer's installation instructions shall apply.


303.1 Identification. Each l e n ~ t h of pipe and each pipe fitting. trap, fixture, material and device utilized in a plumbins system shall bear the identification of the manufacturer.

30'3.2 installation of materials. All materials uscd shall he. installed in strict accordance with the standards under which the materials are accepted and approvcd. 111 the abscncc of such installation procedures, the manufacturer's installation instruc- tions shall be followctl. Where the requirements of rcfercnced standards or manufacturer's installati011 instructions do not conform to minimum provisions of this codc, the pl-o\,isions of this code shall apply.

303.3 Plastic pipe, fittings and components. All plastic pipe. fittings and components shall bc third-party certified as con- forming to NSF 14.

30'3.4 Third-party testing and certification. All plunibing products and materials shall comply with the referenced stan- dards, specilications and performance criteria of this code and shall be identified in accordance with Scction 303.1. When requircdby Table 303.4, plumbing products and materials shall either be tested by an approved third-party testing agency or certified by an approved third-party certification agency.


304.3 General. Plu~-nbing systems shall bc dcsigned and installed in accordancc with Sections 304.2 through 304.4 to prevent rodents fro111 entering structures.

304.2 Strainer plates. ,411 strainer plates on drain inlets shall SECTION 302 bc designed and installed so that all openings are not greater

EXCLUSION OF MATERIALS DETRIMENTAL than 0.5 inch (12.7 mm) ill least dimension. TO THE SEWER SYSTEM

302.1 ~ ) ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ t ~ l or dangerous materials. ~ ~ h ~ ~ . cinclers or 304.3 Meter boxes. Mctcr boxcs shall be constructed in such a

rags: flammable. poisonous or explosive liquids or gases; oil, manner that rodcnts are prcvcnted from cntcring a structure by

or any insoluble material capable of way of the water service pipes connecting the lnetcr box and

damaging or overloading the building drainage or scwcr sys- lhe structure. - -

tcm, or capablc of interfering with tlic normal operatior, of the 304.4 Openings for pipes, In or on ht,.uctul.es openings scwagc treatment processes, shall not be deposited. by any have been made in walls; floors or ceilings for the passage of means, into such systcms. u i ~ e s . such o~eninrrs shall be closed ant1 ~ r o t e c ~ c d hv the

. & . - 302.2 Industrial wastes. Waste products From manufacturing installation of approved metal collars that are securely fastcncd or industrial operations shall not be introcluccd into the public to the adjoining structure.




I r -- - THIRD-PARTY CERTIFIED PRODUCT OR MATERIAL - - - - - - - - - +-- - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- I THIRD-PARTY TESTED I

t I -

! I'o~ablc water s~pply system components and potable wilter f i x t u ~ ~ fittings

- - . _ _ _ ~_ Requircd

jSanltary di-ainngc and vcnt system compouerlls / Plastic pipe, fittings and pipe-related components 1 A11 othcrs ! & . -- ~ ~ ~- . -- - - - -. .- . -~ ~ - - -. L . - ~ - -. . ~- ~

I i I

!Waste Fixture fittings I Plastic pipe, fittings and pipe-1,elatcd components All olhc1.s I I I ! (SLOI.I~~ , . drainan? . system . . . cornpollents . - . _--. ~- P&sLic pipc, fittings and pipe-related components 1 ! - ~. -- -

All others , .-_ ~ ~ - . ~ ~~ -

1 I

I~ l t~ rnh in~ fixturcs I - Required i . . - . . ~-.L ~ i~ -~ ~- ~~ ~. ~ -

I 'Plulnbi~~n appliances Required - 1 .-5 . . - . - - - - 1 . . -. _ - . _- ~. ~ - -. i ~ a ~ l ~ f l o w . . - prevention - devices - - -. -..I 1 ~ Required -~ t 1 . - ~

i i

I ~ a L c r disll.ibu~ion systcm safety dcvices - . - . . ~ ~ ~

Requircd ---- - l ~ ~ e c i a l waste system colnponelits I , ~ - . ~~ ~-

1 - - . - . - -

j~lil~soil - drai~~age -~ . - ~ . syslern ~- components 1 - Required - . . 1 . . ~- ~ j



305.1 Corrosion. Pipcs passing through concretc or cinder w:llls and floors or otlicr corrosive matcrial shall be protected against external corrosion by a protectivc sheathing or- wrap- ping or otlicl. mcans that will withstand any reaction from the lime and acid of concretc, cinder or other corrosive material. Shcatliing or wrapping shall allow for expansion and contrac- tion of piping to prevcnt any rubbing action. Minil~ium wall thickness of matcrial shall be 0.025 inch (0.64 mm).

305.2 Breakage. Pipes passing through or under walls shall be protcctctl from brcakagc.

305.3 Stress and strain. Piping in a plumbing systcln shall be installed so as to prevent strains and stresses that exceed the sti-uct111-a1 strength of the pipc. Whcre necessary, pro\:isions skull be niadc to protcct piping fiom damage resulting from cxpansion. contraction and structural settlement.

305.4 Sleeves. Annular spaccs between sleeves and pipes shall be lillcd 01- lig111ly caullicd in an approved manner. Annular spaces bctwecn slccves and pipcs in firt-resist~ncc-rated assemblies shall bc fillcd or tightly caulked in accordance with the I~ztcrfzatio~zul Rllikli~l,(: Code.

305.5 Pipes through or under footings or fo~tndation walls. Any pipc that passes undcr a Sooting or through a foundation wall slrall bc provided with a relieving arch, or a pipe slecve pipc shall bc built into the foundation wall. The sleeve shall be two pipc sizes greatcr than thc pipc passing through the wnll.

305.6 Freezing. Water, soil and waste pipcs shall not be installed outsitlc of a building. in attics or crawl spaccs, con- cealcd in outsidc walls, or in any other place subjcctcdto ti-eez- ing tcniperature unless adcquatc provision is made t o protect such pipcs from frcezi~ig by insulation or hcat or both. Exterior water supply systcni piping shall be iiistallecl not less than 6 inches ( I 52 mln) below the frost lint and not less than 12 inchcs ( 3 0 5 mni) bclow grade.

305.6.1 Sewer depth. Building sewers that connect to pri- vate sewagc disposal systcms shall bc a mini~iium of [NLiM- BER] inches (mm) bclow finished g1-adc a1 thcpoint of scptic tank connection. Building scwcrs shall bc a ~ i ~ i n i m u n ~ of [NUMBER] inches (inm) below grade.

305.7 Waterproofing o f openings. Joints at the roof and around vent pipes, shall be made water tight by thc use of Icad, copper, galvanized stcel; aluminum, plastic or otlier appro\~cd flashings or flashing material. Exterior wnll opcnings shall be nude waier tight.

305.8 Protection against physical damage. In conccnlcd locations whcrcpiping, other than cast-iron or galvanized stcel. is installed thl-ough holes or notches in studs. joists, raftcrs or similar members less than 1.5 inchcs (38 mm) from the nearcst cdge of thc mcmber, thepipc shall be protected by shicld platcx. Pro tec t ive sh i c ld p la tes sha l l bc a r n i n i ~ n i ~ m of 0.062-inch-thick ( I .6 mm) steel, shall cover thc ;Ireit of thc pipe whcrc the nieiiiber is notchcd or borcd. and shall extend a niini-. nlum of 2 inchcs (51 mm) abovc sole plates and bclow top plates.

305.9 Protection of components o f plumbing system. Com- ponents ot a plumbing system installcd along alleyways. cirivc- ways, parking garagcs or other locations expo\cd to danagc shall be recessed into tlic wall or othcrwise pn>tectcd in an approved manner.


306.1 Support of piping. Buried piping \l1:111 hc 5opported throughout its cntire length.

306.2 Trenching and bedding. Where trcnclics arc cxcav:~ted such that the bottom of thc trench foniis the hcd for tlic pipc, solid and continuous load-bearing suppc>rt shall bc provided bctwecn joints. Bell holes, hub holes and coupling holes shall bc provided at points whcrc the pipc is joi~lcd. Such pipe shall not be s~~pportcd on blocks to gradc. In instances where the



~natcrials manuPacturcr's installation instructions are morc rcstrictivc than lhosc prescribed by the codc. the material shall be installed in accordance with the morc rcstrictivc requirc- nlcnl.

306.2.1 <)verexcavation. Wherc trenches arc excavated below the in~tal lat~on level of the pipc such that thc bottonl of thc trench docs not form the bed for the pipc, the trench sllall be backiillcd to the in\tallaliou level of the bottom ot the pipe with sand or fine gravel placed in layers of 6 inchcs (1 52 mm) maximum depth and such backfill shall be corn- pacted after each placement.

306.2.2 Rock removal. Wherc rock is encountered in trenching, the rock shall be removed to a minimum of 3 inches (76 mrn) below the installation levcl of the bottom of thepipe, and the trench shall be backfilled to the installation lcvcl of the bottom of thc pipe with sand tamped in place so as to provide unii'orm load-bearing support for the pipe bc twec~~ joints. The pipe, including the joints, shall not rest on rock at any point.

386.2.3 Soft load-bearing materials. If soft ~natcrials of poor load-bearing quality are found at the bottom of the trench, stabilization shall be achieved by overexcavating a minimum of two pipe diameters and backiilling to the installatio~i lcvel of the bottom of'thc pipe with fine gravel. crushed stone or a concrete foundation. The concrete foun- dation sllall bc bedcled with sand tamped into place so as to provide uniform load-hearing support for thc pipe hetwezr~ joints.

306.3 Backfilling. Backfill shall bc free from discarded con- struction matcrial arid debris. Loose earth free from rocks. hro-- ken concrctc and frozen chunks shall bc placed in the trench in 6-inch ('1 5 1 mm) layers and tamped in place until the crown of the pipc is covercd by 12 inclies (305 mm) of tamped earth. The backfill ~nlder and beside the pipc shall be compacted for pipe support. Backtill shall be brought up evenly on both sides of the pipe so thai the pipc remains aligned. In instances where the manufact~~rer's installation instructions for inaterials are more rcstricti\7c than those prcscribed by the code, the material shall hc installed in accol-dance with the more restrictive require- ment.

306.4 Tunneling. Whcre pipe is to be installed by tunneling. jacking or a combination of hoth, the pipe shall be protected from danlagc during installation and froin subsequent uneven loadirig. Whcre cal-th tunncls arc used, adequate supporting structorcs shall bc providedto prevent future settlillgorcaving.


307.1 General. In the process of installit~g or repairing any part of a plu~nbinz and drainage installation, the finished floors. walls. ceilings. tile workor any other part of the buildir~g orpre- nlises that must bc changed or replaced shall be left in a safe struct~~ral condition in accordancc with the requirenlent:; of the hztcntcttio?rcll Ilrtilcling Code.

307.2 Cutting, notching or bored holes. A framing mc~nber shall not he cut, notched or bored in excess of limitations speci- fied 111 the Interizutiarzul Rrtildirzg Codc.

307.3 Penetrations of floor/ceiling assemblies and fire-resistance-rated assemblies. Penetrations of floorlceil- ing assemblies and assemblies recl~iired to !lave a t i re-rek- tancc rating shall he protected in accordancc with the Iizterriat~onul BuiMii~g cod^.

[B] 307.4 Alterations to trusses. Truss mcinbcrs and compo- nents shall not be cut, drilled. notchcd, spliced or otherwisc alteredin any way without written concurrence and :~pproval of a registered design profcssional. Alterations resulting in thc addition of loads to any member (e.g., HVAC ccluipment. water heater) shdl not be pcrrnittcd withoul verification that the truss is capable of supporting such additional loading.

307.5 Tre~~ch location. Trcnchcs installcd parallel to footings shall not extend belov, the 45-degree (0.70 rad) bearing plane of the footing or wall.

387.6 Piping materials exposed within plenums. All p~ping materials exposed with~n plenums shall comply with the prow- sions of the Ir~tenz~~tio~iul Mechuiric(11 Code.


308.1 General. All plumbing piping shall be supportccl in accordancc with this section.

308.2 Piping seismic supports. Wherc carthqlrakc loads arc applicable in accordance with the building codc, plumbing pip- ing suppons shall he designed and installed for thc seismic forces in accordancc with the Irztc~rrzatiovzal B~~ildiilg Code.

308.3 Materials. Hangers, anchors and supports shall support the piping and the contents of the piping. Hangcrs and strap- ping nlatcrial shall be of appl-oved ~rlatcrial that will not pro- mote galvanic action.

308.4 Structural attachment. Hangers and anchors shall bc attached to the building construction ill an approved manner.

308.5 Interval of support. Pipc shall bc supportccl in accor- dance with Table 308.5.

Exception: The interval of support for piping systcms dcsig~~cd to PI-ovidc for expansionfcontraction shall con- form to the cngineercd design in accordancc with Section 105.4.

308.6 Sway bracing. Rigid support sway brac~ng shall be pro- vided at changes in dircction grcatcr than 45 dcgrces (0.79 rad) for pipe sizes 4 inches ( 102 rnm) and larger.

308.7 Anchorage. Anchorage shall be prob~ded to restrail) drainagc piping from ax~al mo\ement.

308.7.1 Location. For pipc sizes grcater than 4 inchcs (102 mm), restraints shall he provided for drain pipes at all changes in dircction and at all changes in dianlctcr greater than two pipc sizes. BI-aces, blocks. rodding and other suit- able methods as specified hy rhc coupling manufilcturer shall be ~~tilized.





I ,AUS pipe

MAXIMUM 1 HORIZONTAL SPACING (feet) 1- - -_ - - -- .




1 Brass pipc I _ _ - j s 1 Cast-iron pipe I 15

I -~ -~ - - ~ ~ - ~ ~~

- -. I--. 1 ~-. .- .i !copper . or . copper-:~lloy . ~ - . . pipc - . 4. 12 ' 10

, 1 Copper or coppel.-alloy tubing, I I I/,-inch diarneter ; ~ n d smaller i

6 i ~ - ~ ~- ~

i.- _-

I !copper or. copper-alloy tubing, I i 1 1 'I2-inch diarneter and larger ! 10 1 10 j , . . . . ~ .,- - . . i .--.'


!cross-linked polyethylene 2.67 I (lJES) pipc I (32 inches) 1 - . ~ . ~ ~ . . - ~ .-.. 4 -. IC~YS-linked polyelhylenel ) ' a~;rni~ium/cl-~~bs-li~iked

i j 2.67 i ~)olyt.thylene (PGX-AL-PEX) 1 (32 inches) 1 I , !!PC . . _ _ . 1 I C P V C pipe or tubing. 1 inch

' ( and smaller 3 i 10"

. - , -- -. -. - .~ - I

I C P V C pij~mol. tubing. 1 I/, inches I I

1 and larger j 4 j 10" I . ~ ~ . * - - ~L -- Stecl pipe i I? I I

,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~~ -~ ~. *. - . .- . - -. - - - - -- .. . - .. - l5 1

i 1 2.57 I

IPR pipe or tubing 1 4 1 (32 inches) - . _ .-~L ~-~ ~_--, -..t-.--.-.._-..

I i ~~ol~~thylenelalurnin~~~nl 1 2.67 1 olyrithylrne (YE-At-PE) pipe 1 (32 inches) 1 . P . - . - ~+ ~

-.I 1 I ~ ~ o l ~ ~ r o ~ ~ l c n e (PP) pipe or i

1 ~ubino 1 inch and snlaller 1 2.67 [32 inchesj ) I Oh ;

Fur- ST: I inch = 15.4 mm, I loot = 304.8 mm. a. The m n x i m ~ ~ m l~orizontnl sp:lcing of cast-iron pipe lianpcrs shall be

increased to 10 t'cet where 10-foot lengths of pipe ;lur ~nst;~lled. h, hlidsc~>~y g ~ ~ i d c for \i/cs 1- inches and slnallen

308.8 Expansion joint fittings. Expansion joint Fittings shall bc usetl only whcrc necessary to provide for expansion and contraction of the pipes. Expansion joint fillings shall bc of the typical material suitable for use with the type of piping il l

which such fittings are installed. * 308.9 Parallel water distribution systems. Piping hurldles for manifold systcms \hall he wpported in accordance with Tahlc 308.5. Support at changes in dirxction shall he in accordance

with thc manufacturer's installation instructions. I-lot and cold water piping shall not he grouped in tllc aamc bundle.


309.1 General. Plumbing systems and equipmerl~ in structures erected in flood hazard areas shall bc constl-uctcd in accordance with the requirements of this section and the Ir~terr~c~tio~rul Buildirzg Code.

[B] 309.2 Flood hazard. For structures located in flootl hazzu-d areas, the following systems and eqoipn~ent shall be located at or above thc design flood elevation.

Exception: The following systcn~s arc: permitted to bc loc;~tcd below the design flood clevation provided that the systems are designed and installed to prevent water from entering or acculnulating within their components and the syslenis are constructed to resist hydrostatic and hydrody- namic loads and stresscs, including the cffccts of buoyancy, during the occurrence of flooding to the design flood elcva- tion.

1. All watcr service pipes.

2. Pump seals in individual water supply systcins whcre thepilmp is located below the d e s i y floodclcvation.

3. Covers on potable water wells shall hc sealed. except where the top of the casirip well or pipe sleeve is ele- vated to at least 1 foot (305 r111n) above the dcsign flood clevation.

4. All sanitary drainage piping

5 . All storm drainage piping.

6. Manhole covers shall be sealed. except whcre cle- vated to or above the design flood elevation.

7. All other plumbing fixtures, faucets; fixture fittings, piping systcms and cquipnicnt.

8. Water heaters.

9. Vents and vent systcms.

[B] 309.3 Flood hazard areas subject to high-velocity wave action. Structures locatcd in flood hazard areas subject to high-velocity wave action shall meet the rccluircincnts of Sec- tion 309.2. The plulllbing systems, pipes and fixtures shall not bc mounted on or penetrate through walls intcntlcd to hrcali away under flood loads.


310.1 Light and ventilation. Washrooms and toilet rooms shall he illuminated and ventilated in accor-clailcc with the I~zter~iutiorznl R~l i l~i inf i Code and Ii~.tc~rl~ntionrrl M~clinr~ic.nl Code.

310.2 Location of fixtures and piping. Piping, fixtures or equipment shall not be located in such a mantiel as to intcrfcsc with the normal operation ofwiildows, doors or other tncans of egress openings.



310.3 Interior finish. Interior finish surfaces of toilet rooms shall co~iiply with the Itlrcrr~atior~nl B~iilliilg Cocie.

310.4 Water closet compartment. Each watcr closct utilizcd by the public or cmployecs shall occupy a scparate compart- rrlcnt w ~ t h walls or partitions and a door e~iclosing the flxtures to cnsurc privacy.


I. Water closct compart~nents shall not be required il l a singlc-occupant toilct room with a locliable door.

2. Toilet rooms Ivca~ed in day care and child-care faeili- tics and containing two or more water closets shall be permitted to havc one watcr closet without ari enclos- ing compartment.

310.5 Urinal partitions. Each urinal utilized by the public or c~nployecs shall occupy a scparate area with walls or partitions to providc privacy. The conskuction uf such walls or partitions shall incorporate warcrproof, smooth, readily cleanable and nonabsorbent finish surfaces. The walls or partitions shall bcgin at a height not more than 12 inches (305 mni) from and extcnd not less than 60 inches (1534 mn1) above thc finished floor surfacc. The walls or partitions shall extc~id from the wall surface at each side of the urinal a mininiurn of 18 inches (457 mm) or to a point not less than 6 inches ( I 52 mrn) beyond thc outermost front lip of the urinal measured from the finishcd back wall surtacc, whichever is greater.


1. Urinal partitions shall notbc required in a single occu- pant or unisex toilet rooiii with a lockable door.

2. Toilct rooms located in day care and child care facili- tics and containing two or illorc urinals shall be per- mitted to havc one urinal without partitions.


311.1 Gencr:~l. Toilet facilities shall be provided for constmc- tion workers and such facilities shall be maintained in a sani- tary condition. Construction worker toilet facilities of the nonsewcr type shall conform to ANSI 24.3.


312.1 Required tests. The permit holdcr shall niake the appli- cable tcsts prescribed in Sections 3 12.2 through 3 12.9 to detcr- niine compliance with the provisions of this codc. The permit holdcr shall give rcasonablc advance notice to lhe code official whcn thc plumbing work is ready for tests. The ecluipment, material, power and labor necessary for tlie inspection and test sliall bc fi~rnislled hy the permit holder and the permit holder sliall be responsible for determining that tlie work will wilh- stand thc tcst prcssure prescribed in the following tcsts. All plumbing systenl piping shall be tested with either watcr or. for piping systcnis other than plastic, by air. After the plumbing fixturcs haw hccn set and their traps filled with watcr, ttic entire drainage systcm shall IE submitted to final tests. Thecode offi- cial sliall rcqi~ire the removal of any cleanouts if nccessary to

ascertain wlicther the pressurc has rcachcd all parts ofthe sy5- Icm.

312.1.1 Test gauges. Gauges used for testing shall bc as fol- lows:

I. Tests requiring a pressure of 10 pounds per squarc inch (psi) (69 kPa) or lcss shall utilize a testing gauge having increments of 0.10 psi (0.69 kPa) or Icss.

2. Tests requiring a prcssure of grcatcr than 10 psi (69 liPa) but less than or equal to 100 psi (683 hP,l) shall utilize a testing gauge having tncrcrncnts of I psi (6.9 kPa) or less.

3. Tests requiring a pressure of grentcr t1i;ui 100 psi (689 kPa) shall ulilizc a testing gaugc having incrc~ncnts of 2 psi ( 14 kPa) or Icss.

312.2 Drainage and vent water test. A watcr tcst shall bc applied to the drainage systcm either in its cntircty or in sec- tions. If applied to the entire system, all opc~iings in the piping shall be tightly closed, exccpt the highest opcning. and thc sys- tem shall be filled with waterto thc point of ovcrflow. If tlie sys- tem is tested in sections, each opcning shall be tightly plugged exccpt the highest opcnings of the scction undcr tcst, and each scction shall bc fillcd with water, but no section shall be testcd with less than a 10-foot (3048 mm) hcad of water. In testing successive sections. at least thc uppcr I 0 fect (3048 ~ n m ) of the next preceding section shall be tested so that no joint or pipe in the building, except the uppcmiost 10 feet (3048 nini) of the systcm, shall havc becn submitted to a tesl of less than a 10-foot (3048 mm) head of water. This pressure sliall bc hcld for at least 15 minutes. The systcm shall then be tight at all points.

312.3 Drainage and vent air test. An air test sliall bc rr~adc by forcing air into the system until therc is a uniform gaugc pres- sure of 5 psi (34.5 kPa) or sufiicicnt to balance a 10-inch (254 mm) column of mercury. This prcssure shall bc held for a test period of at least 15 minutes. Any adjustments to thc test pres- sure I-equircdbecause of changes in anlbient tempcraturc or thc seating of gaskets shall bc made prior to thc beginning of the test period.

312.4 Drainage and vent final test. The final tcst of the coni- pleted drainage and vent system shall bc visual and insufficient detail to detel-mine co~npliance with the provisions cif this codc except that the plumbing shall be subjected to a smoke test whcre tlecessary for cause. Wherc the smokc tcst is utilized. i t shall bc ~nadc by filling all traps with watcr and t11c11 introduc- ing into the entire systcrn a pungent, thick smoke producecl by one or more smoke machines. Whcn the smoke appears at stack openings on the roof, the stack opcnings shall bc closcd and a pressure equivalent to a I-inch watcr column (248.8 I'a) shall be held for a test pcriod of not less than 15 ~ninutcs.

312.5 Water supply systerli test. Upon completion of a scc- tion of or the entire water supply system, thc system, or portion completed shall be tested and proved tight undcr a watcr prcs- sure not less than the working pl-essurc of the systcln: or, for piping systems other than plastic, by an air tcst of not lcss than 50 psi (344 kPa). 'This pressure shall bc hclcl for at lcast 15 nlin- Lltes. Thc water utilized for tests shall bc obtained fl-o~u a pota- ble source of supply. The rcquired tcsts shall bc performed iu accordance with this section and Section 107.



312.6 GI-avity sewcr test. Gravity sewer tests shall consist of plugging thc end of thc building sewer at the point of connec- tion with the p ~ ~ b l i c SCWCI-. filling the building scwer with water, tcsting with not lcss than a 10-foot (,3048 mm) head of water and m:lintaining such pressurc for 15 minutes.

312.7 Forced sewcr test. 1;orced sawer tests shall consist of plugging the end of the builtling sewer at the point of conncc- tion with the public scwer and applying a pressure of 5 psi (34.5 I&) greater than the pump rating, and maintaining such pres- sure for 15 minutes.

312.8 Storm drainage system test. Storm drain systems within a building shall he tcsted by water or air in accordance with Section 3 12.3 or 3 12.3.

312.9 Inspection and testing of backflow prevention assern- blies. Inspection and testlng shall comply with Sections 3 17.9.1 and 3 12.9.2.

312.9.1 Inspections. Annual inspections 5hall be made of all backflow prevention asscn~blies ancl air gaps to deter- niinc whether they arc operable.

312.9.2 Testing. Reduced pressure principle baclcflow prcvcnter assemblies, double check-valve assemblies, pres- sure vacuum breaker asscniblics. reduced pressure detector firc protection hackflow prevention assemblies, double chcck detector fire protection backflow prevention assem- blies, hose connection backflow prcventcrs. and spill-proof vacuum brcakers shall be tested at the time of installation. i~imiccliaicly after rcpairs or relocation and at least annually. The tcsting proccdurc shall be performcd in accordance with one of the following standards:

ASSE 5013. ASSE 5015, ASSE 5020, ASSE 5047. ASSE 5048. ASSE 5052, ASSE 5056, CSA B64. I0 or CSA

pi B64.10.1.


313.1 General. Ecjuipmcnt efficiencies chall bc in accordance with thc JIIT(~~II(I~~OII(I / E T I ( J ~ ~ I ' C O I Z S ~ I - V ~ ~ ~ O I I rode.


[MI 314.1 Fuel-burning appliances. Liquid combustion byproducts of condensing appliances shall be collected and discharged to an approved plumbing fixture or disposal arcs in accordance with the ~uanuft~cturcr's installation instructions. Condensate piping shall be of approved corrosion-resistant malcrial ant1 shall not be sniallcr than the drain conncction on the appliancc. Such piping shall maintain a minimum hol.izon- tu l slope in the direction of dischargc of not less than onc-eighth unit vertical in 12 units horizontal (1-percent slol.'c).

[Mj 314.2 Evaporators and cooling coils. Condensate drain systems shall bc provicicd for equipment and appliances con- taining evaporators or cooling coils. Condensate drain systerns shall bc designed, constructed and installed in accordance with Scctions 3 14.2.1 tl11.ough 3 142.4.

[MI 314.2.1 Condensate disposal. Condensate from all cooling coils and cvaporcltors shall be convcycd fro111 the drain pan outlet to an approved placc of disposal. C o ~ ~ d c ~ i - sate shall not discharge into a street, alley or other arcas so as to cause a nuisance.

[R4] 314.2.2 Drain pipe materials and sizes. Co~nponents of the condensate disposal system shall be cast iron, galva- nized steel, copper, cross-linked polycthyle~ie. polybutylcnc. polycthylene. ABS. CPVC, or PVC pipe or tubing. All coni- poncnts shall bc selected for the pressure and temperature rat- ing of the instr~llation. Condensiite waste and dmin line sizc shall not be less than 'I.,-inch (19 uun) internal dianlctcr and shall not decrease in size from the drain pan conncction to thc place of condensate disposal. Where tlle drain pipes from Inore than one unit are manifolded togcther for condellsate drainage, the pipe or tubing shall be sizcd in accordmcc with an approved method. All horizontal sections of drain piping shall be installed in uniform alignment at a uniforin slope.

[M] 314.2.3 Auxiliary and secondary drain systerns. In addition to the requirements of Section 3 14.2.1. a secondary drain or auxiliary drain pan shall be required for each cool- ing or evaporator coil or fuel-fired appliance that produces condensate, where damage to any building components will occur as a result of overflow from the equipment drain pan or stoppage in the condcnsatc drain piping. One of the f o - lowing methods shall he used:

1 . An auxiliary drain pan with a scparatc d r n i ~ ~ shall bc provided under the coils on which condensation will occur. The auxiliary pan drain shall discharge to a conspicuous point of disposal to alcrt occupants in the event of a stoppage of the primary drain. Thc pan shall have a minimum clepth of 1.5 inchcs (38 mm), shall not be lcss than 3 inches (76 mm) larger than the unit or the coil d i~~~cns ions in width and length and shall hc constructcd of corrosion-resistant material. Mctallic pans shall have a mini~iium thickness of not lcss than 0.0276-inch (0.7 mm) galvanized sheet metal. Non- metallic pans shall have a minimum thicl<ness of not less than 0.0625 inch (I .h mm).

2. A separate overflow drain line shall be conncctcd to the drain pan provided with the cquipnient. The over- flow drain shall clischarge to a conspicuous point ol' disposal to alert occupants in the event of a stoppage of the priinav drain. The overflo\v drain line shall connect to the drai~i pan at a higher lcvcl than the pri- mary drain conncction.

3. An auxiliary drain pan without a separate drain linc shall be provided under the coils on which condc~isate will occur. The pan shall be ecluipped with a water-level detection device conforming to IJL 508 that will shut off the equipment served prior to over- flow ofthe pan. The auxilia~y drain pun shall he con-

I structed in accordance with Itern 1 of this section.

3. A water level detectiondevice conforn~ing to UI, 508 shall be provided that will shut off the etluipn~cnt served in thc cvcnt that the primary drain is bloclccd. The dcvice shall be installed in thcpriniary drain linc, the overflow drain line or in the equipnicnt-supplicd



drain pan loca~ed at a point higher than the p r i ~ n a ~ drain line connection and below the overflow rim of such pan.

Exceptiu~l: Fuel-fired appliances that automati- cally shut down operation in the event of a stop- page in the condensate drainagc system.

[MI 314.2.3.1 Water level monitoring devices. On downflow units and all other coils that have no seconda~y drain and no li~eans to install an auxiliary drain pan, a water. level monitoring device shall hc installed inside the primary drain pan. This device shall shut off the equip- ment served in the event that the primary dr-ain becomes rcstrictcd. Externally installed devices and devices ins~alled in the drain line shall not be permitted.

[MI 314.2.4 Traps. Condensate drains shall be trapped as rciluircd by the equipment or appliance inanufacturcr.






401.1 Scopc. This chapter shall govern the materials, design and installation of plumbing fixturcs, faucets and fixture fit- tings in accordance with thc type of occupancy. and shall pro- vide for thc rnininlum nun-rber of fixtures for various types of occupancies.

401.2 Prohibited fixtures and connections. Water closets having a conccaled tlap seal or an unventilated space or having walls that arc not thoroughly washed at each discharge in accordance with ASME A 1 12.19.2R.1 sl~all be prohibited. Any wcltcr closet that pcrnlits siphonage of thc contents of the bowl back into the tank shall be prohib~tcd. Trough urinals shall be prohibited.

401.3 Wiltcr conservation. The maxirnurn water flow ratcs and flush volulnc for plumbing fixturcs and fixture fittings shall comply with Section 604.4.

4022 Materials for specialty fixtnl-es. Matcrials for specialty fixtures not otherwise covered in this codc shall bc of stainless steel. soapstone, chemical stoneware or plastic, or shall hc lincd with lead, coppel--base alloy. nickel-copper alloy, corro- sion-resistant stccl or other material cspecially suitetl to the application for which the fixture is intcndcd.

402.3 Sheet copper. Sheet copper for general applications shall confonii to ASTM B 152 and shall not weigh less than 12 ounces per square foot (3.7 kglrn').

402.4 Sheet lead. Shcet lead for pans shall not wcigh less than 4 pc>uncis per square foot (10.5 Iigim') coated with an asphalt paint 01- other approved coating.


403.1 Minilnum number of fixtures. Plumbing fixtures shall SECTION 402 be provided for the type of occupancy and in the minimum

FIXTURE MATERIALS number shown in Table 403.1. Typcs of occupc~ncics not shown 402.1 Quality of fixtures. Plumbing fixtures shall be con- in Table403.1 shall bc considered individually by the code offi- stl-uctcd of approved rnatcrials; with slllooth, iinpervious sur- cial. ?'he number of occupants shull be dcter~liincd by the Inrcr- faces, fsec frcl~n defects and conccaled fouling surfaces, and r~crrioiztrl Brtiliirzg Code. Occupancy cl:~ssification shall bc shall conform to standards cited in this code. All porcelain determined in accordance with the Irzter.rrntior7nl Bcriltlir~g enarnclccl surfaccs on plumbing fi utures shall be acid resistant. Code.





(See Sections 483.2 and 403.3)


I i 1 I



i r

I I i

exceeding 50 sink


1 per 50 I per 50

1 per 100


1 per 10 I per 10

1 pcs room'

1 per 35

I I I per 500 / -

1 pcr t e l l

i I I 1 ' 1 per 15 I 1 per 15

-. . ~ ~~~- ~

1-4 I per 15





6 i bIel.c:lntilc (see j Sections 403.2, 1403.4, 403.1.1 and !403.4.1)


(See Sections 403.2 and 403.3) 1 I


I Retail scores, 1 ~e lvice st~ations. M shops. aaleimonis, 1 1 par 500 / I per750

' markets and 1 shoppino centers '

i I . 3 . - , - . - . .. I_- - .. _ _ . . - ~_ .i - .- ~ ~ ~ - ~ - . ~ ~ ~. 1

; 7 ! l7\esidcntial i 1 llotels, ~nolels. I I / R- I boarding houses 1 i poi sleeping unit i 1 1 I (transient) I

L. . - 4- 1- -

1 1 Dom~i tories. 1 1 frateliiities, 1

R-3 1 sororities and 1 bonl-ding houscs i

!(not Wnnsirnt) !

I pcr 10

8 I Scoiage (see

I 403.4 :~nd 403.4.1 )

I psr sleeping w i t

1 1"' dwelling unit


j , / One- and ~

1 R-3 t ~ o lhmily i

I 1 per dwelling utiit

i 1 dwellings 1

I i i j

I i i i~.. - ~. ~-~ - - ~ - ~ ~ , ~ .~~-~-- -~ -- ~~ ~ ~- - ~~~- -


I Rcsidclttiill R-4 I carelnssisted Living

~ . - 1 fac~l l t~es ,. . . J

) S T I . L I ~ ~ I I T C S ti)r the 1 1 storage of goods; i

S-l I warehouses, I S-2

/ storehouse a1d 1 I freight depots. Low I I and Moduratc 1 Harard.

I per 10

1 per 100

1 per I0

I per dwciling itnit

1 pel 100

- -. - - - - -




I pet. 1 sleeping unit 1 -- I


I scsvice sink

~~ ~ -~~

i 1 sc l~ i ce

sink I

1 ! I kitchen

1 1 sink per j dwelling

I / unit: I 1 per I 1 a~~tornalic

dwelling -- I clolhes unit i I withher

I ( connectio~~ ! per 20 1 ) dwellillg i I I units

T . . . . _ , . . ~.~~

1 I I kitchen

1 ! sink pet- ' dwclling i 1 unit; I

I pcr / I ;iutomatic dwelling 1 - I clothcs

unit ) j wilshcr

1 I con~~cction per

I dwcl l in~

- 1 - ~

j unit -1 ~~ ~~~ ~-

I pel R

See Section 41 1

I pet- 1,000

a. Thc fixlures show^^ arc haserl o n one tixture bcilig the minimum reqiiil-cd Ior tl!e nomher of prrsoils lndicatcd or any Traclioo of thc nuirihcr of pel-~otls indiu~tcd. 'l'hc niimhc~- or oscup,tncs shall he determined hy thc Iiitrrilrrrioiirrl Ri~ilrli~lg C'orlc.

h. Tbilct hicilitics for, eiilplc~yrc? s l~i l l he sfparate from tilcilities For inmates or patients. L.. A singlc-occupant toilet room w,ith une water closet and one 1:lmtory serving not marc than two ailjaccnt patient sleeping units shall hc permitted \vhercsuch n)om

is provided with direct access from each paticnt room and with provisions for privacy. d. The occupant load for seasonal outdoor seating aud cnicrtainrnent al-eas shall he il~cluded xvhcn determining the min~n~urn numbcr ol'licllicizs required. 1



[B] 403.1.1 Unisex toilet and bath fixtures. Fixtures loca~cd within u ~ ~ i s c x toilet and bath~ng roo111s conlplying with Scction 404 are pe~mittcd to be included in determ~n- ing thc minimum reyuired numhcr of fixtures for asscrnbly and mcrcantilc occupancies.

403.2 Scparatc facilities. Where plumbing fixtures arc rerluircd, scparatc Facilities shall bc provided for each sex.

rn 1. Sep:trute facilities shall not be required f o ~ dwelling units and slcening units.

I) . -

2. Seoaratc facilities shall not be reuuircd in structures or tenant spaccs with a total occupant load. including both crnployecs and customers, of 15 or less.

3. Separate facilitics shall not be required in mercantile occupancies in which the maximurn occupant load is 50 or less.

403.3 Number of occupants of each sex. The required water closc(s. lavatories. arid showcrs or bathtubs shall be distributed equally between the sexes based on thc percentage of each sex itnlicipatcd in the occupant load. The occupant load shall be colnposcd of 50 percent of cach sex, unless st;itistical data approved by the code official indicate a different distribution of the sexes.

sS 403.4 Reyuired public toilet facilities. Customers. patrons and visitors shall be provided wilh public toilet facilities in structures and tenant spaccs intended for public utilization. The acccssiblc route to public facilitics shall not pass through kitch- ens, storage roorus, ciosets or similar spaccs. Employees shall be provided with toilet facilities in all occupancies. E~~iployee toilet facilitics sliall bc cithel- scpa-att: or combined employee and public toilct facilities.

403.4.1 I,ocation of toilet facilities in occupancies other than covered malls. In occupancies other than covered malls. the rcquired public and ernployec toilet facilities shall hc located not more than one story above or below the space requir-ed to bc provided with toilet facilities, and the path of t~xvel to such facilities shall not cxceed a distance of 50U feet (I52 n ~ ) .

Exception: The location and maxiniunl travel distances to I-ccluircd enlployee facilities in factory and industrial occupancies are pem~itted to exceed that required hy this section, provided that the location and maximum travel distance are approved.

403.4.2 Location of toilet facilities in covered malls. In covered Inall buildings, the rcquired public and employee toilet facilities shall bc located not rnorc than one story abovc or bclow thc space required to be provided with toilct facilities, and the path of travel to such facilities shall not exceed a distance of 300 feet (91 430 mm). In covered rnall huildings, the requir-cd facilities shall be based on total square footage, and facilities shall be installed in each indi- vidual store or in a central toilet area located in accordance with this section. The 111axirnum travel distance to central toilct facilitics in covercd nlall buildings shall be measured from the main entrance of any store or tenant space. In cov- crcd 11ial1 buildings, where employees' toilet f - ~ . cl ' I ' ~ t ~ e s ' are

no1 provided in the individual store, the masin~um travel distance shall be measured from thc employee's work area of the store 01. tenant space.

403.4.3 Pay facilities. Where pay facilities arc ir~stallcd. such facilities shall be in excess of thc rcquircd minilnu~u facilities. Required facilitics shall bc frce of cli~u-ge.

403.5 Signage. Rcquired public facilities shall be designatcd by a legible sign for each sex. Signs shall be readily visible and located near the entrance to cach toilet facility.


404.1 Where ~Vequired. Accessible plu~nbing facilities and fixtures bl~all be provided in accordance w ~ t h the I~ltet.~zatro~l~rI Building Code.


405.1 Water supply protection. The supply lines and fittings for every plumbing fixlure shall be installed so as to prevent backtlow.

405.2 Access for cleaning. Plurnbirig fixtures shall be installed so as to afford easy access for cleaning both the fixture and the area around the fixture.

405.3 Setting. Fixtures shall be set level tund in proper align ment with reference to adjacent walls.

405.3.1 Water closets, urinals, lavatories and bidets. A water closet, urinal, lavatory or bidet shall not he set closcr than 15 inchcs (381 mm) from its center to any sidc wall. partition, vanity or other obstruction, or closcr than 30 inches (762 n~ln) centcr-to-ccntcr betwucn adjacenl fix- tures. There shall bc at least a 2 1-inch (533 mm) cleal.ance in front of Lhe water closet, urinal, lavatory or bidet to any wall, fixture or door. Water closet conlpart~nents shall not be less than 30 inches (762 mm) wide and hO inches (I524 mm) deep (see Figure 405.3.1). I 405.3.2 Public lavatories. In e~nployce and public toilct roonis, :he required lavatory shall be located in the same loom as the required water closet

405.4 Floor and wall drainage connections. Connections between the drain and floor outlet plumhing fixtures shall be made with a floor flange. The flange shall be attached to the drain and anchored to the structure. Connections between the drain and wall-hung walel- closets shall be madc with an approved extension nipple or horn adaptor. Thc water close1 shall bc bolted to the hanger with corrosion-rcsist;i~~t bolts or screws. Joints shall be sealed with an approved claston~eric gasket. flange-to-fixture connection coinpl ying with ASME A1 12.4.3 or an approved sctting compound. 1

405.4.1 Floor flanges. Floor flanges for water closets or similar fixtures shall not be less than 0.125 inch (3.2 ~ n m ) thiclc for brass, 0.25 inch (6.4 nim) thick for plastic, and 0.25 inch (6.4 mm) thick and not less than a 2-inch (51 nim) caulking depth for cast-iron or galvanized malleable iron.





Floor flanges of hard lcad shall weigh not less tt~an I pound, 9 ounces (0.7 kg) and shall be composed of lead alloy with not less than 7.75-percent antimony by weight. Closct scrcws and bolts shall bc of brass. Flanges shall be secured to thc building structure with corrosion-resistant scrcws or bolts.

405.4.2 Securingfloor outlet fixtures. Floor ourlet fixtures shall be secured to the floor or floor flanges by screws or bolls of cosrosion-1.esistant material.

405.4.3 Securing wall-hung water closet bowls. Wall-hung water closct bowls shall bc supported by a con- cealed metal carrier that is attached to the building structural n~cn~bers \o that strain is not translnittetl to thc closct con- ncctor or any other part of the plumbing system. Thc carsicr shall conform to ASME A1 12.6.lM or ASME A1 12.6.2.

405.5 Water-tight joints. Joints formed where fixtures come in contact with walls or floors shall be sealcd.

405.6 Plulnbing in nlental health centers. In mental health ccnters, pipes or traps shall not be cxposed. and fixtures shall be bolted through walls.

405.7 Design ofoverflows. Where any fixture is provided with an overflow, the wastc shall he dcsigned and installed so that standing watcr in the fixture will not rise in the overflow when the stopper is closed, and no water will remain in thc o\?erilow when the fixture is empty.

405.7.1 Connection of overflows. Tlic overflow fi-om any fixture shall discharge into the drainage system on the inlet o~ tjx~ure sidc of the trap.

Exception: Thc ovcrflow from a flush tank senling a water closet or urinal shall dischargc into thc fixture scrvcd.

405.8 Slip joint connections. Slip joints shall be made with an approved elastomcric gaskct and shall only hc installed on the trap outlet, trap inlet and within the trap seal. Fixturcs with con- cc;rlctJ slip-joint connections shall bc provided with an access pancl o r utility space at least 12 inches (305 mm) in its sniallest

dimension or other approved arrangcmcnt so as to provide access to the slip joint connectio~is fol- inspection and rcpair.

405.9 Design and installation of plumbing fixtures. Integral fixture fitting mounting surfaces on manufactured plumbing fixtures or plumbing fixtures constructed 011 site, shall mcet the design requirements of ASME A1 12.10.11vI or ASME A1 12.19.1M.


406.1 Approval. Domestic automatic clothes washers shall conform to ASSE 1007.

406.2 Water connection. The water supply to an automatic clothes washer shall be protected against backflow by an air gap ~nstalled integrally within the mach~nc conforming to ASSE 1007 or with the installation of a backflow prcvcntcr i n accordance with Section 608.

406.3 Waste connection. The wastc from an automatic clotlies washer shall discharge through an air breali into :I standpipe in accordance with Section 802.4 or into a laundry sink. The trap and fixture drain for an automatic clothcs washer standpipe shall be a rainimuni of 2 inches (5 1 111111) i n diameter. Thc auto- matic clothes washer fixture drain shall conncct to a branch drain or drainage stack a minilnum of 3 inches (76 rnm) in diameter. Automatic clothes washers that discharge by gravity shall be permitted to drain to a waste receptor or an approved trench drain.



407.1 Approval. Bathtubs shall conform to ANSI 2124.1, A S M E A1 12 .19 .1M, A S M E A1 12 .19 .4M, AShIE A1 12.19.9M, CSA B45.1, CSA R45.3 or CSA B45.5.

407.2 Bathtub waste outlets. Bathtubs shall have waste out- lets a minimum of 1.5 inches (38 mm) in diameter. The wastc outlet shall be equipped with an approved stopper.

307.3 Glazing. Wlndows and doors within :I bathtub encloqure shall conform to tlie safety glaz~ng recluircrnents of the I~rrer~rrl- tioizal Buildirz,q Code.

407.4 Bathtub enclosure. Doors within a bathtub cnclosure shall confonu to ASME A1 12.19.15.


408.1 Approval. Bidets shall conforin to ASME A 1 11.19.2M, ASME A1 12.19.9M or CSA B45. I.

408.2 Water connection. The water supply to a bidct shall be protected against backtlow by an air gap or backflow prevcnter in accortiance with Scction 608.13.1. 608.13.2, 608.13.3, 608.13.5. 608.13.6or 608.13.8.

408.3 Bidet water temperature. l h e dlschargc watcr tcmper- ature from a bidct fitting shall be li~nitcdto 11 maximum temper-



aturc of 110°F (43°C) by a water ternjlerature limiting device lime a minimum outlet of not less than 3 inchcs (76 nim) in conforming to ASSE 1070. diametcs.


409.1 Approval. Donicstic dishwashing ~nachines shall con- l-i)rni to ASSE 1006. Commercial dishwashing machirles shall conform to ASSE 1004 and NSF 3.

409.2 Water connection. The water supply to a dishwashing machinc shall hc protected against backtlow by an air gap or backtlow prcvcntcr in accordance with Section 608.

409.3 Waste conncction. Thc waste conncction of a dishwashing ~liacliine shall comply with Section 802.1.6 or 802.1.7, as applicable.


410.1 Approval. Drinking fountains shall conform to ASIME Al11.19.1M,AShilEA1 12.19.2MorASMEAl 12.19.9Mand water coolcrs sl~all contbrrn to ARI 1010. Drinking fountains and watcr coolers shall conform to NSF 61, Section 9. Where water is scrved in restaurants, drinking fountains shall not be rcquircd. In other occupancies, where drinking fountains are required, water coolers or bottlcd watel-dispensers shall be per- 1~1itted to be substituted for not more than 50 percent of thc required drinking fountains.

410.2 Prohibited location. Drinking fountains shall not he installed in public restrooms.


EYEWASH STATIONS 411.1 Approval. Emergency showers and eyewash stations shall conform to ISEA Z35X.1.

411.2 Waste connection. Waste connections shall no1 be recluired for emergency showers and eyewash stations.


412.1 Approval. Floor drains shall conform to ASME A1 12.6.3, ASME A1 12.3.1 or CSA B79. Trench drains shall comply with ASME A1 12.6.3.

112.2 Floor drains. Floor drains shall have reinovcuble strain- ers. Thc floor drain shall be constructed so that the drain is c;rpablc of being cleaned. Access shall be provided to the drain inlet.

412.3 Size of floor drains. Floor drains shall havc a mini~nuni 2-inch-diameter (5 1 mm) drain outlet.

412.4 Public laundries and central washing facilities. In public coill-opcmicd laundrics and in the central washing facil- ities of multiple-fa~ilily dwellings, the rooms containing auto- matic clothcs washers shall he provided with floor drains located to rcadily drain the entire floor area. Such drains shall


413.1 Approval. Domestic food wastc grinders sh:~Il co11hr11i to ASSE 1008. Commercial food wastc grinders shall conform to ASSE 1009. Food waste grinders shall not incrcase ~ l ic drainage fixture unit load on the sanitary drainagc sysicm.

413.2 Domestic food waste grinder waste outlets. Dolnestic food waste grinders sliall bc conncctcd to a drain of not less than 1.5 inches (38 mm) in diameter.

413.3 Commercial food waste grinder waste outlets. Com- mercial food wastc grinder-s shall be conncctcd to a drain a min- imum of 2 inches (5 1 m ~ n ) in diameter. Con~mercial food waste grinders shall be connected and trapped scparatcly from any othcr fixtures or sink co~npartments.

413.4 M'ater supply required. All food waste grinders shall be providcd with a supply of cold water.


424.1 Water coimection. Thc water supply to a garbage can washer shall be protected against backflow by all air gap or a baclctlow preventer in accordance with Section 608.13.1. 608.13.2, 608.13.3, 608.13.5, 608.13.6 or 608.1.3.8.

414.2 Waste connection. Garbage can was1icl.s shall bc trapped separately. 'l'he reccptaclc receiving thc waste frorn the washer shall have a rclnovable baskct or strainer to prevent [lie discharge of large particles into the drainage system.


415.1 Approval. Laundry trays shall conform to ANSI 2124.6, ASME A1 12.19.1M, ASME A1 12.l9.3M, ASME A1 12. J 9.9M, CSA B45.2 or CSA B45.4.

415.2 Waste outlet. Each cornpal-tment of a la~indry tray shall be provided v;ith a waste outlet a niiiiimum of 1.5 inches (18 mm) in diameter and a strainer or crossbar to restrict tlie clcar opening of the waste outlet.


4116.1 Approval. Lavatories shall conform to ANSI Z124.3, A S M E A1 12 .19 .1M, ASlME A 1 1 2 . 1 9 . 2 M , ASIMF, A112.19.3M.ASME.AlI2.19.4M~ ASMEAI 12.19.9M. CSA B45.1. CSA B45.2, CSA B45.3 orCSAI345.4. GI-oup wahh-up equipment shall confol-111 to the requiremcnls of Section 402. Every 20 inches (508 lnm) of rim space shall be considered as one lavatory.

416.2 Cultured marble lavatories. Culturerl marhlc vanity tops with an integral lavatory sllall cor~for~n to ANSI Z124.1 or C'SA 845.5.



416.3 Lavatory waste outlets. Lavatories shall have waste ouilcts not lcss than 1.25 inches (33 nlm) in diametcr. A strainer. pop-up stoppcr, crossbar or othcr cLevice shall be pro- vidctl to rcstrict thc clcar opening of the waste outlet.

416.4 Moveable lavatory systems. lMoveable lavatory sys- tems shall comply with ASME A l 12.19.12.

416.5 Tempered water for public hand-washing facilities. 'Tempered watcr shall bc delivered from public hand-washing facilities through an approved watcr temperature limiting dcvicc that conforms to ASSE 1070.


417.1 Approval. Prefabricated showers and shower cornpart- mcnts shall confor~n to ANSI 2 124.3, ASME Al 12.19.9M or CSA Bil-5.5. Shower valves for individual showers shall con- form to the rcquiremcnts of Section 424.3.

417.2 Water supply riser. Evcry water supply riser from thc shower valve to the shower head outlet. whcthc~ exposed or not, shall bc attached to thc mucture in an approved manner.

417.3 Shower waste outlet. Wastc outlcts scrving showers shall bc at lcast 1 inches (38 mm) in diamcter and, for other than waste outlets in bathtubs. shall have removable strainers not lcss than 3 inches (76 mrn) in diametcr with strainer open- ings not lcss than 0.25 inch (6.4 nnn) in minimum dimension. Wherc cach showcr space is not providcd with an i~ltlividual wastc outlet, thc waste outlet shall he located and the floor pitchcd so that wastc from onc shower does not flow over thc floor area serving another shower. Waste outlcts shall be fas- tcned to thc wastc pipc in an approved manner.

417.4 Shower compartments. All shower compartments shall have a minimum of 900 square inches (0.58 n12) of interior cross-scctional area. Shower compartments shall not be less than 30 inches (762 mm) in minimu111 dimension ~neasured from thc finished intcrior dimension of the compartmcnt; cxclusivc of fixture valves, showcrheads, soap dishes, and safcty grab bars or rails. Except as required in Section 404, the minimum required area and dimension shall be measured from thc fi nishcd interior dimension at a height equal to the top of the threshold and at a point tanscnt to its ccnterline and shall be continucd to a hcight not less than 70 inches (I778 mm) ahovc the showcr drain outlet.

Exception: Shower compartments having not less than 25 inches (635 ~ n m ) in minimum dimcnsion measured from the finishcd in~crior dimension of thc compartmentl provided that the shower compartment has a minimum of 1,300 square inches (.838 m2) of cross-scctional arm.

417.4.1 Wall area. The wall area above built-in iubs with installed shower hcads and in showcrcompartrr~rnts shall be constructed of smooth, noncorrosive and nonabsorbent waterproof materials to a height not lcss than 6 feet (1829 mm) above the room floor level, and not lcss than 70 inches (1778 mm) where measured from the compartmcnt floor at the tlr;~i~i. Such walls shall form a water-tightjoint with cach other and with either the tub, receptor or shower floor.

417.4.2 Access. The shower compartmcnt ~lccess and cgress opening shall havc a minimum clear and unohstructcd fin- ished width of 22 inches (559 mm). Shower compartments required to bc designed in conforlnancc to accessibility pro- visions shall comply with Section 404.1.

417.5 Shower floors or rcceptors. Floor surfaccs shall bc con- structed of inlpervious, noncorrosivc, nonahsorbcnt andwater- proof materials.

417.5.1 Support. Floors or rcceptors under shower com- partments shall be laid on. and supported by, a smooth and structurally sound base.

417.5.2 Shower lining. Floors utldcr shower compart- ments, except where prefabricated receptors have been pro- vided, shall be lincd ant1 made water tight utilizing matcrial complying with Sections 4 through 417.5.3.4. Such liners shall turn up on all sides at least 2 inches (51 ~ n m ) above the finished threshold level. Liners shall bc recessed and fastened to an approvcd backing so as not to occupy thc space requircd for wall covering, and shall not he nailed or perforated at any point lcss than I inch (25 intn) above the finished threshold. Lincrs shall bc pitched onc-fourth unit vertical in I 3 units horizontal (2-perccnt slope) and shall be sloped toward the fixture drains and be sccurcly fastcncd to the waste outlet at the scepage cntrance. making a water-tight joint between the liner and thc outlet.

Exception: Floor surfaces onder showcr hcads providcd for rinsing laid dircctly on thc ground arc not rccluircd to con~ply with this section.

417.5.2.1 YVC sheets. Plasticized polyvinyl chloridc (PVC) sheets shall be n mi~lirn~u~n of 0.03C) inch (1.02 mm) thick, and shall meet the rcquircments of ASTJM D 4551. Sheets shall bc joincd by solvcnt wc ld in in accor- dance with the manufacturer's installation instl-uctions.

417.5.2.2 Chlorinated polycthyle~ie ICPE) sheets. Nonplasticizcd chlorinated polyethylcnc shcet shall be a niinimurn 0.030 inch (1.02 mm) thick. and shall n~ec t the requirements of ASrTR4 D 4068. The liner shall bc joincd in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions.

417.5.2-3 Sheet lead. Sheet lcad shall not weigh less than 4 pounds per squarc foot (19.5 kg/m2) coated with an asphalt paint or othcr approvcd coating. The lead sheet shall be insulated from conducting substanccs othcr than thc connecting drain by ~ S - I J O L I I I ~ (6.80 kg) asphalt felt or itscquivalent. Sheet lead shall bcjoined by burning.

417.5.2.4 Sheet copper. Sheet copper shall conform to ASTM B 152 and shall not wcigh less than 12 ourlccs pcr squarc foot (3.7 kg/m2). 'UIC copper shcet shall be insu- latedfrom conducting substances other than the connect- ing drain by 15-pound (6.80 kg) asphalt felt or its equivalent. Sheet copper shall bc joined by brazing or soldering.

417.6 Glazing. Wlndows and doors w~thin a \howc~ enclo\urc shall conform to the safety glazing requircmcnts ofthc 11rtenli~- tionul R~~lldiizg Co~fe.




418.1 iipproval. Sinks shall conform to ANST Z124.6, ASME A112.19.1M, ASME A112.19.2M. ASME A112.19.3M, ASME Al 32.19.4M, ASME A1 J2.19.9M, CSA 845.1, CSA B45.2, CSA B45.3 or CSA B45.4.

418.2 Sink waste outlets. Sinks shall be provided with waste outlets a minimum of 1.5 inches (38 rnm) in diameter. A strainer or crossbar shall bc provided to restrict the clear open- ing of Lhc waste outlet.

418.3 Moveable sink systems. Moveable sink systems shall comply with ASME A1 17_.19.12.


419.1 Approval. Urinals shall confol-nl to ANSI 2124.9, ASME Al12.19.2M, CS.4 B45.1 or CSA R45.5. Urinals shall confol-m to the water consuniption requirements of Scction

1 604.4. Water supplied urinals shall confornl to the hydraulic perfomlance requirements of ASMB A1 12.19.6, CSA B15.1 or CSA B45.5.

419.2 Substitlition for water closets. In ench bathroom or toi- let roonl. urinals shall not be substituted for more than 67 per- cent of lhc required water closets in assembly and educational occup:~ncies. Urinals shall not be substituted Sor more than 50 percent of the required water closcts in all other occupancies.

[B] 419.3 Surrounding material. \Val1 and floor space to a point 2 feet (6 10 nim) in front of a urinal lip and 4 feet (1 2 19 n in~) abovc the floor ancl at least 2 feet (610 mni) to each side of the urinal shall hc waterproofed with a \rnooth, readily cleanal>lc. nonabsorbent material.


420.1 Approval. Water closets shall conform to the water con- sumptiohArequirements of Section 604.4 and shall conform to ANSI 2124.4, ASME '41 12.19.2M. CSA B45.1, CSA B45.4 or CSA B45.5. Water closets shall conform to tlie hydraulic perforniance requiren~ents of ASME Al 12.19.6. Water closet tanks shall collform to ANSI 2124.4, ASME A1 12.19.2, ASME A l 12.19.9h5, CSA B45.1, CSA B45.4 or CSA B45.5. Elcctro-hydraulic water closcts shall colllply with ASME A112.19.13.

420.2 Water closets for public or employee toilet facilities. Water closet bowls for public or en~ployee toilet facilities shall be of the elongated type.

420.3 Water closet seats. Water closets shall be equipped with seatsof snlooth. nonnbsorbcnt material. All scats of watesclos- ets provided for puhlic or employee toilet facilities shall he of the hinged open-front type. Integral water closct seats shall be of thc same material :is the fixturc. Water closet seats shall be si7cd for the watcr closct bowl type.

420.4 Water closet connections. A 4-inch by 3-inch ( 102 mm by 76 mm? closct bend shall be acceptable. Where a 3-inch (76 mm) bend is utilized on water closets. a 4-inch by 3-inch (102

mni by 76 nun) flange shall be installed to receive the lixturc horn.


421.1 Approval. Whirlpool bathtubs shall comply with ASME A1 12.19.7M or with CSA B45.5 and CSA B45 (Supplement 1).

421.2 Installation. Whirlpool bathtubs shall be installed and tested in accordance with the manuhc~urer 's installation inst~uctions. Tlie pump shall be located abovc the weir of thc fixture trap. t!

421.3 Drain. T i c pump drain and circulation piping shall be sloped to drain the water in the volute ancl the circukition piping when the whirlpool bathtub is empty.

421.4 Suction fittings. Suction fittings for whirlpool bathtubs shall comply with ASME A1 12.19.8M.

421.5 Access to pump. Access shall be provided to circulatiou pumps in accordance with the fixture or pi~nlp manufacturer's installation instructions. Where the manufacturer's instruc- tions do not specify the location and minimum size offield-fah- ricated access openings, a 12-inch by 12-inch (305 rnm by 305 ~ n m ) minimum sizcd oper~ing shall be insttlllcd to provide access to the circulation pump. Wherc pumps arc located mol-c than 2 feet (609 mm) from the access opening, an 18-inch by 18-inch (457 mm by 457 mm) minimum sized opening shall be installed. i\ door or pane! shall be permitted to closc the open- ing. In all cases. the access opcning shall be unobstructed and of the size necessary to permit the removal and replaccmcnt of the circulation pump.

421.6 Whirlpool enclosure. Doors within a whirlpool cnclo- sure shall conforni to ASME Al 11.19.15.


422.1 Scope. This scction shall govern those aspects of health care plumbing systems that diffcr from plumbing systcms in other structures. Health care plumbing systelns shall confor111 to the requirements of this section in addition to the other requirements of this code. The provisions of this section shall apply to the special devices ant1 ecluipmcnt installcd and main- tained in the following occupancies: nursing honlcs, homcs for the aged, orphanages, infirmaries, first aid stations, psychi:~tric facilil.ies, clinics, profcssio~ial offices of dcntisrs and doctors, mortuaries, educational facilities, surgery, dcntist~y, rescarch and testing laboratories, establishments manufacturing phar- nlaceutical drugs and medicines, and other structures with sini- ilar apparatus and equipment classificd as plumbing.

422.2 Approval. All 5pecial plu~r~bing fixtures, cqu~pn~ent , dcviccs and apparatus shall he of an approved typc.

422.3 Protectiora. All devices, appurtenl~nces, appliances and apparatus intended to serve some special fi~nction, S L I L ~ as ster- ilization, distillation, processing, cooling, or storage of ice or foods, and that connect to either the water supply or drainage system, shall be provided with proteclion against backtlow,



flooding, fouling. contamination of thc water supply system and stoppage of thc drain.

422.4 Materials. Fixturcs designed for therapy. special cleans- ing or disposal of wastc m:~terials, co~nbinations of such pur- poses, or any other special purpose, shall be of smooth. inipcrvious, cor~osion-resistant materials and. where subjected to tenlperatures in excess of 180°F (82"C), shall be capable of withstanding. wilhout damage. higher temperatures.

422.5 Access. Access shall be provided to concealed piping in connection with special fixtures where such piping contains steam traps, valves, relief valves, check valves. vacuum break- ers or othcr sinlilrrr items that require periodic inspection, ser- vicing, maintenance or rcpair. Access shall be provided to concealed piping [hat requires periodic inspection, mainte- nance or rcpair.

422.6 Clinical sink. A clinical sink shall have an integral trap in which the upper portio~iof a visible trap scal provides a water surface. 'Thc fixturc shall be designed so as to permit complete I-enloval of the contents by siphonic or blowout action and to reseal the trap. A flushirlg rim shall provide water to cleansc thc inlerior surface. Thc fixture shall have the tlushing and cleans- ing characteristics of a watcr closet.

422.7 Prohibited usage of clinical sinks and service sinks. A clinical .sink scrving a soiled util~ty room shall not he consid- crcd as a subslitute for. or be utilized as, a servlce sink. A ser- vice sinli shall not bc utilizcd for the disp~s;ll of urine, fecal lnattcr or othcr hurnan waste.

422.8 Ice prohibited in soiled utility room. Machines for manufacturing ice, or any device for the handling or storagc of icc, shall not bc locatcd in a soilctl ulility room.

422.9 Sterilizer eijuipment requirements. The approval and installation of all stcrilizcrs shall conform to the requirements of thc I ~ ~ r e n r a r i o ~ ~ a l Mec,hunic~rl Code.

422.9.1 Sicrilizer piping. Access for thc purposes of inspect~on and niaintenance shall he provided to all stcril- ixrpiping and dcvices necessary for the operation of stcril- izcrs.

422.9.2 Steam supply. Steal11 supplies to sterilizers, includ- ing those connected by pipes fi-on1 overhead mains or bra~~ches, shall be drained to prevent any moisture from rcaching thc sterilizer. Thc condensate drainagc from thc steam supply shall be discharged by gravity.

422.9.3 Stearn condensate return. SLeam condensate returns froni sterilizers shall be a gravity return system.

422.9.4 Condensers. Pressure sterilizers shall be equipped with a means of condensing and cooling the exhaust steam vapors. Nonprcssure sterilizers shall bc equipped with a dcvice that will aulotuatically control the vapor. confining the vapors within thc vessel.

422.10 Special elevations. Control valvcs, vacuum outlets and dcvices protruding from a wall of an operating, cmcrgency. recovery, exanlining or dclivcry room. or in a corridor or other location whcrc patients are lransportcd on a wheeled stretcher. shall bc located at an elevation that prevents bumping thc patient crr stretcher against the cievice.


423.1 M'ater connections. Baptisteries, orn;~mcntal and lily pools, aquariums, ornamental fountain basins. swimming pools, and similar constructions. whcrc providcd with water supplies, shall be protected against backtlow in accordat~ce with Section 608.

423.2 Approval. Specialties requiring watcl- and wastc con- ncctions shall be submitted for approval.


424.9 Approval. Faucets and fixture fittings shall conform to AShlE A1 12.18.1 or CSA B125. Faucets and fixlure fittings that supply drinking watcr for human ingestion shall conform to the requirements of NSF 61, Section 9. Flexible water con- nectors exposed to continuous pressurc shall conforn~ to the requirements of Section 605.6.

424.1.1 Faucets and supply fittings. Faucets and supply fittings shall conform to [he water consunlption rcquirc- nlcnts of Scction 604.4.

424.1.2 Waste fittings. waste fittings shall conforni to ASME A1 12.18.2, ASTM F 409. CSA B 125 or to one of thc standards listed in Tables 702.1 and 702.4 for above-ground drainage and vent pipe and filtings.

424.2 Hand showers. Hand-held showers shall confbnn to ASME A l 12.18.1 or CSA B 125.1. Hand-hcld showcrs shall provide backflow protection in accordance with ASME A112.18.1 01 CSA 3125.1 or shall be p~otcctcd against backflow by a device coniplying with ASME A1 12.15.3.

424.3 Individual shower valves. Individual shower and tub-shower combination valves shall be balanced-pressure. thermostatic or combination balancetl-PI-essul.c/tllc~-111ostatic valves that conform to the recluirenients of ASSE 10 16 or CSA B175 and shall be installcd at the point of use. Shower and I tub-showcr comhination valves required by this section shall be equipped with a ~neans to limit the maximum selling of thc valvc to 120°F (3g°C), which shall bc field adjusted in accor- dance with the manufacturer's instructions. In-line thcrnmo- static valvcs shall not be utilizcd for co~npliance with this I section.

424.4 Multiple (gang) showers. Multiplc (gang) showcrs sup- plied with a single-temper-ed water supply pipe shall have the water supply for such showcrs controlled by an approvcd auto- matic temperature control mixing valve that confor~ns to ASSE 1069 or CSA B 125, or each shower head shall be individually corltrolled by a balanced-pressure, thermostatic or combina- tion balanced-pressure/thermostatic valvc that confornls to ASSE 1016 or CSA B125 and is iustalled at thc point of use. Such valves shall be ccluipped with a means to limit thc maxi- mum setting of the valve to 120°F (49°C). which shall he ticld adjusted i n accordance with thc manufacturer's instructions.

424.5 Bathtub and whirlpool bathtub valves. Thc hot watcr supplied to bathtubs and whirlpool bathtubs shall bc limitctl~o a maximum ternpcraturc of 120°F (49°C) by a water te~upcra- ture limiting dcvice thatconfonns to ASSE 1070, except whcrc



such protection is otherwise providccl by a combination tublshowcr valve in accordance will1 Section 424.3.

424.6 Hose-connected outlets. Faucets and fixture fittings with tiobe-connected outlets shall conform to ASME

B A111.18.3M orCSABl25.

424.7 Il'cmperatu~-e-acltuated, flow reduction valves for individual fixture fittings. Temperature-actuated, flow reduc- tion devices. where installed for indiviclual fixture fittings, shall conform to ASSE 1062. Such valves shall not be used alonc as a substitute for thc balanced prcssure, thermostatic or combination shower valves required in Section 424.3.

424.8 'l'ransfer valves. Deck-mountcd bath/showcr transfer valvcs containing an integral atmospheric vacuum breaker shall conform to the requil-cme111s of AShlE A1 12.18.7.


URINALS 425.1 Flushing devices required. Each water closet. urinal. clinical sink and any plunlbing fixture that depends on trap siphonape to dischargc the fixture contents to the drainage sys- ten1 shall be provided with a flushomcter valvc, flushometcr tank or a flush tank designed and installed to supply water in cluantity a l ~ d rate of flow to flush the contents of thc fixture. cleansc the fixture and rcfill the lixture trap.

425.1.1 Separate for each fixture. A flushing dcvice hall not serve more than one fixture.

425.2 Flushometer valves and tanks. Flusho~ncter \ralvcs and tanks shall c01np1y with ASSF. 1037. V a c ~ ~ u m breakers on flushomcter valves shall conform to the performance require- nlents of ASSB 100 1 or CSA B64.1.1. Access shall be pro- vidcd to vacuum brcalcers. Flushotneter valvcs shall he of the water-c.onservation type and shall not bc utilized where the watcr pressure is lower than the minimum requircd for nor~nal operation. When operated, the valvc shall auto~natically corn- plctc the cyclc of operation, opening f~tlly and closing posi- tively undcr the watcr supply prcssure. Each flushornctcr valve shall be provided with a means for regulating the flow through thc valvc. The tl.ap acal to the fixture shall bc automatic:~lly ~.cfillcd aftcr each valve flushing cyclc.

425.3 Flush tanks. Flush tanks equipped for manual flushing shall be controlled by a device designed to refill the tank after each discharge and to shut offco~nplctely the watcr flow to the tank whcn the tank is fillcd to operational capacity. The trap scal to thc fixture shall bc automatically refillcd aftcr each flushing. The water supply to flush tanks equipped for auto- matic flushing shall be controlled with a timing devicc or sen- sor control deviccs.

425.3.1 Fill valves. All flush tanks shall bc equipped with an antisiphon fill valve conforming to ASSE 1002 or CSA I3 125. The fill valve backflow prcvcnter shall be loc:~ted at least 1 inch (75 111111) abovc the full opening of the overflow pipe.

the tank at the maximum rate at which the tanks arc supplictl with water according to the manufacturer's design condi- tions. The opening of the overflow pipe shall be located above the flood level r11n of the water closet or urinal or above a secondary overtlow in the flush tank.

425.3.3 Sheet copper. Sheet copper utilized for flush tank linings shall confonn to ASTM B 152 and s11;111 not wcig11 less than 10 ounces pcr squarc foot (0.03 kgln~').

425.3.4 Access required. All parts in a flush lank shall hc accessible h r repair and replacement.

425.4 Flush pipes and fittings. Flush pipes and filtings shall be of nonferrous material and shall conform to ASMI5 A112.19.5 or CSAB125.


EQUIPMENT 426.1 Approval. Manual food and beverage dispensing equip- ment shall confor~n to the requirements of NSF 18.


427.1 Approval. Sanitary floor sinks shall conform to thc requircmcntx of ASME A1 12.6.7.

425.3.2 Overflows in flush tanks. Flush tanks shall be pro- \idcd with o\,crflows discharging to thc water cloaet or uri- nal connected thereto and shall be si7.ed to prevent tlooding





502.2 Rooms used as a plenum. Water heaters using solid, liq- uid or gas fuel shall not be installed in a room containing air-handling niachi~iery when such roorn is used as a plenum.

501.1 Scope. The provisions of this chapter shall govern the 502.3 Water heaters installed in attics. Attics cont;~ining a ~natcrials, dcsign and installation of water heaters and the water lleater shall be provided with an opellinp ;ind unob- related safcty devices and appurtenances. structed passageway large enough to allow relnoval of the

501.2 Water heater as space heater. Where a conlbinat~oil potahle water hcating and spacc heating system requires water for space hcat~ng at tcmpcratures higher than 140°F (60°C), a mastcr thermoqtatic mixing valve complying with ASSE 1017 shall be providcd to limit the water supplied to the potable hot watcr clistrihution system to a temperature of 140°F (60°C) or less. The potabilily of the watershall bema~ntaincd throughout the system.

501.3 Drain valvcs. Drain valvcs for emptying shall he ~nstallcd at the bottom ot each tank-type watcr heatcr and hot water storage tank. Drain valvcs shall conforn~ to ASSE 1005.

501.4 Location. Water heaters and storage tanks shall be located and conncctcd so as lo provide access for observation, maintcnancu, wrvicing and replacement.

501.5 Water heater labeling. All watcr hcaters shall be third-party certified.

501.6 M7ater temperature control in piping frotn tankless heaters. The temperature of water from tanl<less water hcaters shall be a ~naxi~i ium of 140°F (60°C) when intended for domestic uses. This provision shall not supersede thc rcquire- ment for protective shower \~alvcs in accordance with Section 124.3.

501.7 Pressure marking of storage tanks. Storage tanks and watcr heaters installed for doniestic hot water shall have the ~naximuni allowable working prcssurc clcarly and indelibly stanipcd in the 111elal or marked 011 a plate welded thereto or otherwise permanently attached. Such markings shall bc in an acccssiblc position outside of the tank so as to make inspcction or reinspection rcadily possible.

501.8 'Temperature controls. All hot walcr supply systems shall he equippcd with automatic te1nper:lturc controls capable of adjustments from the lowest to the highcst acceptable tem- peraturc settings for thc inte~rdcd temperature operating range.


503.1 Gencral. U'atcr heaters shall he installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instmctions. Oil-fired water- hcatcl-s shall conform to the requirements of this code and the I~ I .~L>I . I zL /~~o I /L I / IWe~Iiuizir(11 Code. Elcctric water hcaters shall conform to the requirements of this code and provisions of thc ICC Elrc.it.ic.cil Codc. Gas-fired water healers shall con- form to the requircmcnts of the Ii~tet~r~rrtiorir~l Fuel Giis Code.

~ -

water heater. he passageway shall not be lcss than 30 inches (762 mm? high and 22 inches (559 nim) wide and not more than 20 feet (6096 mm) in length when mcasured along the center- line of thc passagcway from thc opcning to the water hcater. The passageway shall have continuous solid flooring not lcss than 21 inchcs (GI 0 mm) wide. A level scrvicc spacc at least 30 inclies (762 mm) deep and 30 inchcs (762 urn) widc shall be present at the front or service side of the water heater. The clear access opening dimensions shall be a minimum of 20 inches by 30 inches (508 mm by 762 mm) whcre such dimensions 31-e large enough to allow removal of the watcr heatcr.

502.4 Seismic supports. Where earthquake loads are applica- ble in accordancc with thc Inteulatio~zul Building Cod@, watcr heater supports shall be designctl and installed for the seismic forces in accordance with the Irztenlationtrl Blrildi~rg Codc.


503.1 Cold water line valve. The cold water branch line from the main watcr supply line to each hot water storage tank 01. watcr heater shall be provided with a valvc. located near the equiprncnt and serving only thc hot water storage tank or water heater. The valve shall not interfere or cause a disr~~ption of the cold water supply to the remainder of thc cold water system. The valve shall bc probided with access on {he same floor level as thc water hcatcr served.

503.2 Water circulation. The method of connecting a circulat- ing water heater to the tank shall providc proper circulation of watcr through the watcr heatcr. Thc pipe 01- tubes required for the installation of appliances that will draw from the watcr hcatcr or storage tank shall comply with the provisions of this code for material and installation.


504.1 Antisiphon devices. An approved nicans, such as a cold watcr "dip" tube with a holc at thc lop or a vacuum rclicf valve installed in thc cold water supply line nbovc thc top of the heatcr or tank, shall be provided to prevent siphoning of any storage water heatcr or tank.

501.2 Vacuunl relief valve. Bottom fed watcr hcaters and bot- tom fed tanks connected to water hcillcrs shall have a ~ ; I ~ U L I I ~

relief talve installed. The vacuum relief valvc shall coi~lply with ANSI 22 1.22.



504.3 Shutdown. A rncans for disconnecting an clectric hot water supply systeni from its energy supply shall be provided in accordance with the ICC Electrical Codr. A separate valve sh:11 I bc provided to shut off the energy fuel s~ipply to all other lypcs of hol water supply syste11is.

504.4 Rclief valvc. All storage water heaters operating above atlilosphcric pressure shall be provided with an approved, sclf-closing (Ic\icred) pressure rclief valve and temperature relicf val\~e or corubinntion thereof. The relief valve shall con- for111 to ANSI 221.22. The relief valve shall not be used as a means of controlling thcrnlal expansion.

504.4.1 Installation. Such valves shall be installed in the shcll of thc wakr hcatcr tank. Tc~llperaturc relief valves shall he so locntcd in the tank as to bc actuated by the water in ~ l i c top 6 inches (152 nun) of thetank scrvcd. Fnr instaila- tions with scparatc storage tanks, thc valves shall be installed on the tank and therc shall not be any type of valvc installed hctwcen the water heatcr and thc stol-age tank. Thcre shall not be a chcck ~ a l v e or shutoff valve betwcen a relief valvc and thc hcatcr or tank served.

504.5 Kelief valve approval. Temperature and pressurc relief valvcs. or conibinntions thereof, and encrgy cutoff devices shall bcar the labcl of a11 app~o\~cd agcncy and shall have a tem- pcraturc sctting of not more than 210°F (99°C) and a pressure setting not cxcecding the tank 01- watcr heater manufacturer's ratctl worlcing pressure or 150 psi (1035 ma) : whichevcr is Icss. The relieving capacity of cach pressure relief valve and each tc~npcl.ature rclicf valvc shall equal or cxcecd the lieat input to thc watcr heater 01- storage tank.

504.6 Requirements for discharge piping. The discharge piping scrving a pressure relief valve, temperature relicf valve or combinatin11 thereof shall:

1. Not he dircctly connected to thc drainage systcm.

2. Dischargc through an air gap located in the same room as the water hcater.

3. Not he sn~allcr than the diamcter of the outlct of the valve scrvcd and shall discharge full s i x to the air gap.

1. Sene a single ~cl ief device and shall not connect topip- ing scrving any other relief device or equipment.

5. Discharge to the floor, to an indirect waste receptor or to the outdoors. Whcre discharging to the outdoors in arcas subjcct to freezing, discharge piping shall be first piped to an indirect waste receptor through an air gap located in a conditioncd arca.

6. Discharge in a inanner that docs not cause personal injury or stnlctural dasn:~ge.

7. Dischargc to a termination point that is rcadily obse~v- able by the building occupants.

8. Not bc trapped.

9. Bc installed so as to flow by gravity

10. Not tcrminatc molc rhan 6 inches ( 1 52 mm) abovc the floor or wavtc rcccptor.

12. Not have valves or tee fittings.

13. Be constructed of those materials lisrcd in Section 605.4 or matc~ials Icsted. ratcd and ~lpproved for such use In accordance with ASMt: A1 12.4.1.

504.7 Required pan. Wherc water heaters or hot water storage +r

tanks are installed in locations whcrc lcakagc of thc tanlis or collnections will cause damage: the tank or water hcnter shall be installed in a galvanized steel pan having a minimwn thicli- ness of 24 gage, or other pans approved for such use.

504.7.1 Pan size and drain. The pan shall be not less than 1.5 inches (38 ~ n ~ n ) deep and shall be of sufficient size and shape to receive all dripping or cvndcnsatc froin tho tank or water heater. The pan shall be drainctl by an intlircct waste pipe having alninilnum diameter of 0.75 inch ( I9 mm). Pip- ing for safety pan drains shall be of thosc materials listcd in Table 605.4.

I 504.7.2 Pan drain termination. The pan tl~-ain shalL c,xtcnd full-size and terminatc ovcra suitably located indircct waste receptor or noor drain or cxtend to the cxtcrior of thc build- ing ar~d terminate not less than 6 inches (152 m ~ n ) and not more than 24 inchcs (610 mm) above the ad.jacent ground surfacc.


[El 505.1 Unfired vessel insulation. Unfircd hot watcr storage tanlis shall be insulatcd so that heat loss is li~nitcd to a maxi- mum of 15 British thermal units per hour (Btuih) per square foot (47 W/m2) of cxtcrnal tank SUI-face al-ca. Fol- plirposes of determining this heat loss. the dcsign ambient tcn1pcrature shall not be higher than 65°F (I 8°C).

1 1. Not have a threaded connection at the end of such pip- islg.





601.1 Scope. This chapter shall govcrn the materials, design and installation of water supply systems, both hot and cold, for utilization in conncctio~l with human occupancy and habitation and shall govern the installation of individual water supply sys- tems.

601.2 Solar energy utilization. Solar energy systems used for hcating potable wntcr or using an independent medium for hcating potable watcr shall comply with the applicable requirc- ments of this code. The usc of solar energy shall not compro- misc the rcquire~nents for cross connection or protectiorl of the potablc watcr supply system rcquircd by this codc.

601.3 Existing piping uscd for grounding. Exihtirlg metallic watcr scrvice piping uscd for electrical grounding shall not be replaccd with non~netalllc plpe or tubing until other approved mcans of grounding is provided.

601.4 Tests. The potablc water distribution systcm shall hc tested in accordancc with Scction 3 171.5.


602.1 General. Every structure equipped with plu~nhing tis- turcs and utilizcd for human occupancy or habitation shall be provided with n potablc supply of watcr in the amounts and ar the pressures specified in this chapter.

602.2 Potable water required. Only potablc water shall bc supplicd to plun~bil~g fixtures that providc watcr for drinking, bathing or culinary purposes, or for the processing of food, medical or phannaceutical products. Unless otherwise pro- vided in this code, potable water shall bc supplied to all plunlb- ing fixtures.

602.3 Individual water supply. Where a potable public water supl.~ly is not available, iridividual sources of potablc water sup- ply shall bc utilized.

602.3.1 Sources. Depcndcnt on geological and soil condi- tions and thc amount of rainpall, individual water supplies arc of thc followin? types: clrilled well, driven well, dug well. borcd well. sp1.111g. stream or cistern. Surfacc bodies of water and land cisterns shall not be sources of individual watcr supply unless properly trcatcd by approvcd means to prevcnt contamination.

602.3.2 Minimum quantity. 'l'he combined capacity of the source and storage in an individual watcr supply systcln shall supply tile f ix t~~rcs witli watcr at rates rtndprcssures as rccluircd by this chaptcr.

602.3.3 Water quality. Water froln an individual water sup- ply shall I?c approved as potablc by the authority having jurisdiction PI-ior to conncction to the plumbing system.

602.3.4 Disinfection of system. After construction or major rcpair. thc individual water supply systcln shall be p ~ ~ r g e d of deleterious matter and disinfected in accordance witli Section 610.

602.3.5 Pumps. Pumps shall bc ratcd for the transport of potable watcr. Pumps in an individual water supplj :y s stcm shall be constructed and installed so as to prevent contami- nation tiom entering a potable water supply through the pump units. Pumps shall be sealed to the well casing 01. cov- ercd with a water-tight seal. Pun~ps shall be designed to maintain a primc and installed such that ready access is pro- vided to the pump parts of the entire asscmbly for repairs.

602.3.5.1 R ~ m p enclosure. The pump room or cnclo- sure around a well pump shall he drained and protcctcd from freezing by heating or othcr approvcd means. Where pumps arc installed in basements, such pumps shall be mounted on a block or shelf not less lhan 18 inches (457 mm) above the basement floor. Wcll pits shall be prohibited.


603.1 Size of water service pipe. Thc watcr scrvice pipe shall be sized Lo supply water to the structure in thc cluantitics and at the pressures required in this code. Thc rnini~num dia~nctcr of watcr servicc pipe shall be -1, inch (19.1 ~i lm).

603.2 Separation of water service and building sewer. Water service pipe and the building sewer shall be scparatcd by 5 fcct (1524 mm) of undisturbed or cornpactetl earth.


1. The rcquircd scparation distance shall not apply where the bottom of the water service pipc within 5 feet 11524 m ~ n ) of the sewer is a rn i~~im~lro of 17 inches (305 mm) above the top of the highest point of the sewer and the pipe materials conforn~ lo Tablc I( 702.3.

2. Water service pipe is pcr~nitted to be localed in thc same trcnch with a building scwer, providcd such scwer is constr~~cted of materials listcd in Tablc 702.2.

3. Thc required scparation distance shall not apply where a watcr service pipc crosscs a sewer pipe, pro- vided the water service pipe is sleeved to at lcast 5 feet ( I 524 mm) horizontally fro111 the scwcr pipc centcr- linc on both sides of such crossing with pipe matcl.ials listcd in Tablc 405.3, 702.2 or 702.3.

6032.1 Water service near sources of pollution. Poiablc watcr service pipcs shall not be located in, undcr or abovc cesspools, scptic tanks, scptic tank drainagc ficlds or seepage pits (secSection 605.1 for soil and grou~ldwatcrconditions).





604.1 General. The design of the water distributio~i systen~ shall conform to acccpted engineering practice. Mcthods nti- lized to dctcnnlnc pipc sizcs shall be approved.

604.2 System interconnection. At thc points of interconnec- tion between the hot and cold water supply piping systems and the individual fixtures, appliances or devices, provisions shall be matlc to prcvcnt tlow betwccn sac11 piping systems.

604.3 Water distribution system design criteria. The water distribution system shall be designed, and pipe sizes shall bc selectcd such that under conditions of peak demand, the capac- ities at the fixturc supply pipe outlets shall not be lcss than shown in Table 604.3. The minimum flow rate and flow pres- sure providcd to fixtures and applia~lccs not listed in Table 604.3 shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's installa- tion instnlctions.




Ishowel., temperature controlletl-~! I : - - - - - ~ i Slllcc)~k, hoscbi@ i~Tnk, residential . - ~~

[S i i , hcrvicc ~ ~ -~

I Urinal. valve I i ---- - ~

- - - . '-5 . - I.~ l l L _. ._) I ( ~ a t c r . ciosct. blow out,

I I 1

35 i 25 I flusholneter valve


- . . . _ -~ ~ - . _ . ~ . 1 -. - . - -' 1 I -- -- -1

/water ,. - closet, - . Ilucl~on~cte~~ rank J I.(, - ,.-- ! -. -- 15 I -!

1 Water closet, siphonie. ! I I 25 i 15 ! ! / !usll?meler~valve-- ~~~ ~-. - - - - ~ -~~ -- -- --(

For SI: I pound pcr squal'c inch = 6.895 kRt. 1 gallon per rnir~clte = -7.785 I,!m. 21. Foradtlitioll:~l ~~cquirerncr~tsfo~~llowratcs nlldqu:~ntiLiuh. see Sedion 604.4.

604.4 Maxinlu~n flow and water consumption. l'hc maxi- I I ~ L ~ I I ~ water consumption flow rates and quantities for all plumbing fixture!: and fixture fitti~igs shall be in acco~.dance with Table 604.4.


1. Blowout dcsign water closcts hav~ng a ~~~; lx imurn 6 water consumption of 3.5 gallons (13 L) per flu5hing cycle.

2. Vegetable sprays.

3. Clinical sinks having a maximum water consumption of 4.5 gdllons (17 L) per flushing cyclc.

4. Service sinks.

5. Emergency showers


PLUMBING FIXTURES AND FIXTURE FITTINGS -- - - ~ r-~- -PLUMBING I OR FIXTURE FITTING . - . - . . . . . - - - . . . . - - . - - .- ..

~ a v a t o r ~ , private I 7 2 gpn~ at 60 psi i -~ -- -- -- . -~. 1 -. . . z. -- _ ~~ - - - . ~

- ~! ' ~ a v a t o r ~ , 1- - _ _- publ~c, - - (met~.rjr~g) - 1 0 25 galion p c ~ metcnng cqcle 1

- - 4 - 1 ~ i l v r i o r ~ , public I

i 0.5 gprn at 60 psi (other than nletering) I

~ - _ / - . . - i 4

i I Shol\~cr he d" - - . - . , ?.'.P~!I. "t-"!'."i~


1~ - i ! s ink faucet I 9 '' gpm at 60 psi

~ t . i:- . ~ I - - 1

! 4 . . . . - - . - . - . I I R e l l r pcxfl~lshin~cycle ~~1 Water clohct 1.6 gallons per flushing cyclc 1 I --- ,-~ .. ~- -~ ~ .~ ~~ ~- - - ~: For SI: 1 gallon = 3.785 I.; 1 gallon per minute = 3.785 Lim,

1 pound per squat-e inch = 6.805 kPa. a. ;Z hardheld shn\ver spruy is a showcr head. b. Consu~npt ic~~~ ivlrrances shall hc determined from ~.ckrenced stnndn~'ds.

604.5 Size of fixture supply. The minimum size of a fixture supply pipc shall he as shown in Tablc 604.5. Thc fixturc sup- ply pipe shall not tennillate more than 30 inches (762 nun) fro111 the point of co~inection to the fixture. A reduced-size flex- ible water conncctor installed be~wee~i 1hc supply pipe and the fixture shall be of an approved type. The supply pipc shall extend to the floor or wall adjacent to the fixture. The minimum size of individual distribution lines utilized in griddcd or parnl- B lel water distribution systems sllall beas shown in Table 604.5.

604.6 Variable street pressures. Wherc strecl water main pressures fluctuate, thc huilding watcr distribution systcm sl~all be designed fbr the minimum pressure availablc.

604.7 Inadequate water pressure. Wherever water prcssurc tiorn the strect main or other source of supply is insufficient to providc fiow pi-essures at tixturc outlels as required under Tablc 604.3, a water pressure booster systc~n conforming Lo Section 606.5 shall be installed on thc building watcr xupply system.






I FIXTURE ~ n c h ) - - - - - -'- - - - 4 i~alhluhs" (60" x 32" and smaller) / 'I2 L - - - - - - - - - - -~ - .~+. . . . - _ - _ i I iBathtobs" ilargcr- than 60" x 32") i

/Bide( 1 ~

I I - - . - .- -- + ~~ .L ~-- ]

!combination , ~ ~ . ~ ~ . sink and tray ~ ! ~= I + j

I Drink~ng fountain I - ' ~- 4 ~-i/" i 1

I I Hose hibbs I .. .. ' - . . i !Kitchen sink" i I , .. . . - . . . .. - -- 1


!Laundry 1. 2 or 3 compartments" I I I? i 1 . . ? ~ + z ~ i

1 I 'Showcr, single head" ( . ._ - . - ) , - - . - . -

i {

(~Inks. flushing rim I

- -

!sinks, I . service - . . . . - - .-A - - 2 I1 -_.. ..; I I~rinal, flush tank


1 Watcl closcc. tlu\h tdnk I

- I - -- - '4 i - - I 1 Wlrte~ closet. tlu\h valve I 1

- - - _ - - _ I - _ - . - - - . _ , I ~ a t e r closet. Ilurhomcte~~ tank 1 3/8 , - .. . ~.i ~- ~ .----. 1 :


!I? . - ~- - - .

For ST: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, I foot = 304.8 mm,

1 I pound per squme inch = h.S')SliPa.

a. Where rlie dc\,elopcd lcrlyth of Ihe distributiv~~ line is 60feec or less, and the available prcssurc at hi: metel is a minimum of 35 psi, the mininru~n size of an irulividual distribution iinc supplied iron1 u ~nn~~ifold 2nd irlst3lled as pi111 of a parallel waterdislribution system shall be one nc~minal tube size smallel. than Ihr s i x e s indicated.

604.8 Water-pressure reducing valve or regulator. Where water pressure within a building exceeds 80 psi (552 kPa) static. an approved watcr-pressurc reducing valve confornling to ASSE 1003 with strainer shall be installed to reducc thc pres- sure in thc building water distribution piping to 80 psi (551 kPa) static or Icss.

Esception: Service lines to sill cocks and o~~ t s ide hydrants, and main supply riscrs whcre prcssure fro111 the mains is reduced to 80 psi (552 kPa) or less at individual fixtures.

604.8.1 Valve design. Thc pressure-rcducing valve shall be dcsignetl to remain opcn to permit uninterrupted water flow in case of valvc ftiilure.

604.8.2 Kcpair and rcmoval. All water-prcssure reducing valvcs, regulators and strainers shall be so constructed and installcd as to pernlit repair or removal of parts without breaking a pipeline or rcmoving the valve a l ~ d strainer from the pipeline.

604.Water harnmer. Thc flow velocity of thc water distribu- tion system shall bc controlled to reduce the possibility of'

water hammer. A water-hammer arrestor shall be inslalletl where quick-closing valves are utilized. Water-hani~mcr arrestors shall be installed in accordance with the manufac- turer's specifications. Water-hammer arrestors shall conform to ASSE 1010.

604.10 Gridded and parallel water distribution system I manifolds. Hot water and cold watcr mnnifoltis installed with gridded or parallel connccted individual distribution lines to I each fixture or fixture fitting shall be designetl in accordancc with Sections 604.10.1 through 604.10.3.

604.10.1 Manifold sizing. Hot water and colt1 water mani- fold!, ,\hall be sized in accordancc w ~ t h Table 604.10. I . The total gallons per 111inute is the demand of all outlets sup- plied.


i~- .- . ---.

For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 Inm, 1 g:~llnr~ per lninule = 3.785 I.hn, 1 fool per second = 0.305 n~is.

604.10.2 Valves. Individual fixture shutoff valvcs installed at tllc manifold sllall be idenrilicd as tothc fixturc bcing sup- plied.

604.10.3 Access. Access shall bc provided to manifolds

604.11 Individual pressure balancing in-line vdves lfur il~dividuill fixture fittings. Wherc inttividual prcssure balanc- ing in-linc valvcs for individual fiuturc fittings arc installcd, such valves shall comply with ASSE 1066. Such valves shall be installed in an accessible location aud shall not bc utilizcd alonc as a substitute for the balanccd pressure, thcr~nostatic or combination shower valvcs required in Section 424.3.


605.1 Soil and grountP water. The installation or a water scr- vice or water distribution pipc shall bc prohibited in soil and ground water contaminated with solvents. filels, organic com- pounds or other detrimental materials causing pcrmcation, cor- rosion, degradation or structural Failure of thc piping ~na~crial . Whcre detrimental conditions are suspected, a chemical analy- sis of the soil and ground water conditions shall bc rcquircd to ascertain thc acceptability of the wakr scrvice or watcr clistri- bution piping material for the specific installation. Whci-e cletri- mental conditions cxist. approved alternative materials or routing shall bc required.

605.2 Lead content of water s ~ ~ p p l y pipe and fittings. Pipe and pipe fittings. including valves and fauccth, ut i l i~cd in thc



water supply system shall have a 11iaximum of 8-percent l a d content.

605.3 Cl'atcr service pipe. Water servicc pipe shall corlform to NSF 61 and shall conform to one of tlie standards listed in Table 605.3. All watcr service pipe or tubing. installed under- ground and outside of the structure, shall have a m i~~ imum working pressure rating of 160 psi (I 100 kPa) at 73.4"F (23°C). Whcre the water pressure exceeds 160 psi (1 100 Wa), piping material shall haven minimum rated working prcssure equal to the highcst available pressure. Water service piping materials IIOL third-party certified for water distribution shall terminate at or before the full open valve located at the entrance to the struc- ture. All ductile iron water service piping shall be cement l o r - tar li~lccl in accordance with AWWA C 104.

605.3.1 Dual check-valve-type backflow prcventer. Whcre a dual check-valve backflow prcvcntcris installedon tlie water supply system. it shall cornply with ASSE 1024 or

I CSA B64.G.

respective pipe standards or one of the standards listed in Table 605.5. All pipe fittings utilized in water supply systems shall also co~iform to NSF 61. The fittings shall not have ledges. shoulders or reductions capahlc of retarding or obstructing flow in the piping. D~c t i l c and gray iron pipe fittings shall bc cement mortar lined in accordance with AWWA C 104.

605.5.1 Mechanically formed tee fittings. Mcchanically extracted ontlcts shall have a height not less than threc tirr~es the thickness of the branch tube wall.

605.5.1.1 Full flow assurance. Branch tubcs shall not restrict the flow in the run tube. Adimpleldepth stop shall be Cormed in the branch tube to ensure that penetration into the collar is of the c o ~ ~ e c t depth. For inspection pur- poses, a second dimple shall be placed 0.25 inch (6.4 mm) above rhe first dimple. Di~nplcs shall bc aligned with the tube run.

- 605.5.1.2 Brazed joints. Mechanically formcd tee tit- 605.4 Mratcr dish-ihutian pipe. Water distribution pipe shall tings shall be brazed in accol.dance with Section

conform to h'SF 6 1 and sliall conform to one of the standards listed in Table 605.4. .411 hot water distribution pipe and tubing 605.14.1.

shall havc a minimum prcssure I-ating of 100 psi (690 M a ) at 180°F (82°C).

605.6 Flexible water canncctors. Flexible water connectors exposed to continuous pressure shall conforni to ASME

605.5 Fittings. Pipc fittings shall be approvcd For installation A1 12.18.6. Access shall be provided to all flexiblc watcr con- with the piping material installed and shall conform to the nectors.


. ~~ ~- ~ ~ ~~ --- .~ ~- ~-.. ~ ~ -~

I i - -~~ ~~ -~ ~. - .~ M'CERIAL-~... _ ~ -- ~-~~ . ~ i

- - ~ - ~ - I A S T M D 1527: ASTM l ~ ~ r ~ l o n ~ t r i l c but;@ienc styrene (ABS) plastic pip^ - - L - ~- ~

I ji\sbcs(os-celnenl ~ ~~ ~~ l ~ i ~ t l - - - -- - -- -- I - 1

B I " ~ p i p c ~- - - ~ .~ - - - - ~ ~ - ~ ~ ;ASTM B 43 ~- ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~- ~~~~ ! I. i

C:hlorinatcd polyvinvl chloride (CPVC) plastic pipe ~ASTM D 2846; ASTM F 441 : ASTM F 412; CSA £3 137.6 I ~- - - - - - - - ~ - ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~~- . ~ ~ ~ . ~

I !Copper , . or copper-alloy _ _ pipe . -. _ . -_ ~. ~ 'ASTM / --! B 42. ASTM L.-. -. B 302 . -

i ~~-~ -- ~ ~ ~- - ~ ~~ - - ~~

(Copper I or copper-alloy . . tubing (Type ~ K, WK, L, WL. ~ M or WM) ~ /ASTM B 75; ASTM B 88: ASTM B 251; ASTM B 447 .


iCro~>~-li!lkcd polycthylcne ~. ~. - - -. (PEX) ~.~ - plastic tubilrg ~ .- ~ ~ - . - IAS'I'M F 876; -- ASTM F 877; CSA B --. 137.5 ~- - .- - ~ ~ . ~ , I

I ICro\\-l~nksd p o l y c t h y l r n c / n l i ~ ~ n ~ n ~ ~ d c r o ~ \ - 1 1 n M polycthllc~ie ; (PEX-AL-PEX) plpe ASTM F 1281. CSA B137.10h4

- - - - - - - -

'AWWACISI ; X ~ ~ 4 ( : 1 1 5 DucliJe ;roil ~~Q!:LP~I'~ . - - . - . . . - . , . - . - -- - - . -- - . . . . I ~- ~

'ASTM A 53 sipc . - . - -. -J - .~~ . ~~-.. ~ ~~ . ~-~ ~ ~~~ ~

1 ~l

Polyhutylctic iP6) plastic pip?-and L~~binf _ - ~ ~- ~- - ~ - -~ - ~ - . ~ I A S T M D 2662; ASTM D 2666; ASTM D 3.709; CSA B 137.YM

Polycthyleile - - . -~ . ~ . -~ (PE) . - ~ plastic - ~ ~-~ pipe .. ~~~~

-?GTM ~ D 2239: CSA R 137.1 ~ - - ~ ~ ~- ~ - ---. --- ~ - 1

Pol~~!!!~lcne ( ! ? E i _ y l + ~ ~ i ~ n ~ ~ ~ n e _ . . . . - . - - - . !AX:!02737: C_SA8EL! . - ~~ - - -- -~ ~ ~. ~ - .~ . . i Poly~thyl~~l~alyminunlip~le!I~y1~n~~~P~-AL-PE~pILp~ _ - IASTM F 1282; CSA B 137.9 ~-. ~ - ~ . ~ - - - - ~~ -- ~~ j Polypropylene (PI-') plaslic pipe o r tubing - ~ - . . - ~ - ~ -- - L I ASTM . F 2: "489. 1 CSA B137.1 ~ I -- . I

Polj,vinyl - chloride . . - (PVCj - plastic . - pipc . -- . -- 'ASTM D 1755. 1 XSTM D --. '241. -2 ASTM . D 2672 2. CSA _ . - B137.3 I I i Sb~inlchs ~ - - ~ stecl ~- ~-~ pips ~~~~- (Typc 3041104L) ~ ASTM A 312; ~ ASTM ~ A 778 ~

--- ~- ~ ~ - .- ~ ~ - ~~

4, 'ii~ir*; 3 I 2 ASrM A 778 S t~ jn l c s~s t e~ l pill? (Typc~3 i6/31kL) , -- - . ~ . . _ . . . . . . . i




... - ................ . - - .. . - ................ -- .........................


j ........... ...................... . .. . ...

!Br. CISS . . pipe. ! ASTM B 43 I

......... , . . . _~ . -_ ....... - - - -~ -. -- ~ -~ ~~ -~ ~- ... . .. - -- - - -. i

Chloiinried . . ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ ~ . . pol)rinyl . . - chloride (CPVC) plastic pipe and tubing D 2846; ASTM F 441: ASTM F442; CSA B 137.0 . . . . . --.. . . .......... . -- ~~- ! - ~-

!Copper , or coppel--alloy pipe ............... - ... ... i ASTM -- .- 42: ASTM - - --

i lCopper . . . . or copper-alloy - ........ tubing (Type K, WK, L, WL, M or WM) + I A S T M B 75; ASTM B 88; ASTM B 251;


ICross-linkcd I . polyethylene . - (PEX) ~- ~ plastic . tubing .. - ! ASTM ~ F 877; CSA B 137.5 ~ .-- ..-- ~. .~

/Cross-linked polyetIryle11e/alu1ninu1~1/cross-linkcd polyethylene 1 (PEX-AL-PEX) pipe ~ASTM F 1281; CSA B137.10M I-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ...... ...... .- . . ... , . . ........... .

/cross-linked polyellrylene/alu~ni~~~~m/l~igl~-density polyethylene 1 (PCX-AL-HDPE) IASTM F 1986

. ~~ - ~ ~


Galvanired steel pipe i ASTM A 53 _ - _ - .- -~ - . , -~ -- -- -~ -

I . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ........ ...... ..... i

Polyhutylene (PB) plastic pipe and tubing 1ASTM 1 D 7309. CSA B137.SM . I i Polyctl1ylencIAluminu1nIPc~1yethylcne (PE-AL-PE) composite pipe i~~~~ F 1287 .. - . . . . . . . - .---. -- .. . - . . . . . .- - - -

- Polypropylene (PP) plastic pipe . or - tubing . - . - -~ ~-~~--1-- / A S T M F ~ ~ ~ ~ ; C S A B I ~ ~ . I I .--- --- .~ ~~. - - ~ - ~ ~ I N Stilinlcss stcel pipe (Type 3(14/304L) I ASTM A 31 2 ASTM A 778 . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ........ - . - - . . . . . . . . - I - - ... L -- .-

Stainless - s~cel pipe (Typc 3 161316L) -- - ASTM A 312: ASTM A 778

. . L .. .......... .


1 Acrylonitrile butadi~nc - styrene ...... (ABS) plastic . 1 -~~ .- . .- -. -. / ASTM D 2468 -- .. --

C h l o ~ ~ n a ~ e t l polyvinyl chlorldc ICPVC) p la sh~ - - - - - 1ASTM - F 437, -- ASTM - - - F 438, - ASTM F 439, CSA B 137.6 I

Coppc~ or coppcr alloy I

(Cross-linked polyethylenc/al~~mi~~~~nlhigl~-density polycthylene ' ! (PEX-AL-HDPE) ~ASTM F 1986

Fittings Sor cross-linlcrd polyethylene (PEX) plastic tubing I

iASTR/I F 877; ASTM F 1807: ASTM F 1960; ASTM F 2080:

I I ............................. j ASTM F 2159: cs.4 B 137.5 -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

GI-ny iron and ductilc iron .......... !AWWA CJ 10: AWWA ~ 1 5 3 I . . . . . . . - . . . .... - ......... ..-$ . - ... .- ... .................... - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ~ .~

h4allenblc il-on 'ASME B16.3 I . . . . . . . . . - ..... - .. .... 4 .. ~ - - .- ~ . . ~~ ~ 1 Metal (brass) insert fiuings for ,

1 I Polycthylcnc/AIurninu~i~/Polyctlrylcne (PE-AL-PE) and C~.oss-linked I ASTM F 1971

I 1 Polyethylcnc/Alun~i~~u~~i/Polyethylenc (PEX-AL-PEX)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . ................... ..... L. -- .... .. ........ - . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : CSA B137.8 Pol~~lltylcnc(PB2 plastic . . - . - . - . - . - ~ __ - 1 . ~- - - . ~.-- .-


~ ~ o l y c t l i y l ~ ~ n c + - (PE) plas~ic -~ ; ASTM D 2600; CSA B 137.1 - -- I

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . . ... .......... ..

! ~ o l y ~ r o p ~ l e n c I (PP) plastic pipe or - tubing .. [ASTM F 2389; CSA R . 137.1 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + . . - - ~- I

IPolyvinyl chloridc (PVC) plas~ic ..... 'ASTM .. D 2464. . ASTM D 2366: .. ASTM ............. D 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I - - - ~- ..-l~ - ~- 1 - - : ~ L

ASTM A 3 1 1. ASTM A 778 F~ainless steel (Type 3041304L) r . - .............. - ....... - ............. . . -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 1 Stninlcss steel (Type 3 1613 16L) 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . .- . - . --- . - . -~ -~ .~ - ~ . ~

I i



605.7 \7aTalvt.s. All valves shall be of an approvcd type and co111- patihle with the typc of piping material installed in the systcm. Ball va l~~cs , gate valves, globe valvcs and plug valves intended to supply drinking water shall meet the requirements of NSF 61.

605.8 Manufactured pipe nipples. Manufactured pipe nip- ples shall conform to one of the standards listed in Table 605.8.


- -- - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - I I - - - - MATERL*L - - -- - STANDARD_- - -- -j

Bras, . coppel-, chromrum-plated - - - ASTM B 687- - I I -

(Stcrl - _ ---1LGICIA?3i -L-_- - _ - _ I

605.9 Prohibited joints and connections. The following types of joints and con~lcctions shall be prohibited:

1. Cemenr or concrete joints

2. Joints ~nadc with fittings not approvcd For the specific installation.

3. Solvent-ccnicnt joints bctwcen differcnl types of plastic pipc.

4. Saddle-type fittings.

605.10 ABS plastic. Joints bctween ABS plastic pipe or fit- tings shall comply with Scctions 605.10.1 through 605.10.3.

605.10.1 Mechanical joints. Mechanical joints on water pipes shall bc madc with all elastomeric seal conforming to ASTM D 7 139. Mechanical joints shall only be installetl in underground systems, unless otherwise approvcd. Joinls shall hc installed only in accordance with the manufac- turer's instructions.

605.10.2 Solvent cementing. Joint surfaccs shall be clean and frce from ~noisturc. Solvent cement that c,onfornls to ASTXj D 2125 shall be applicd to all joint surfaces. The joint shall he made whilc the cement is wet. Joints shall be made in accordance with ASTM D 2235. Solvent-cement joints shall be pcrniittcd above or below ground.

605.10.3 'Threaded joints. Threads shall conform to ASME R 1.20.1. Schedule 80 or heavier pipe shall bc per- mitted to be threaded with dies specifically designed for plastic pipe. Approved thread lubricant or tapc shall be applied on the male threads only.

605.11 Aslaestos-cement. Joints bctween asbestos-cement pipc or fittings shall be ~nadc with a slcevc coupling of the same composition 3s the pipe, scaled with an elasto11ie1-ic ring con- fon~iinp to ASTM D 1869.

605.12 Brass. Joints bctwcen brass pipe or fittings shall com- ply with Scctions 605.12.1 through 605.12.4.

605.12.1 Brazed.joints. All joint surfaces shall be cleaned. An approved flux shall he applied where required. The joint shall be brazed with afillermctal conforming to AWS A5.S.

605.12.2 Mechanical joints. Mechanical joints shall be installcd in accordance wit11 Lhc manufacturer's inst~uc- tions.

605.12.3 Threaded joints. Thrcads shall confolm to ASME B1.20.1. Pipe-joint compound or tape \hall bc applied on the male threads only.

605.12.4 Welded joints. All joint surfaces shall bc clcancd. The joint shall be welclcd with an approved filler mctal.

605.13 Gray iron and ductile iro~~,joints. Joints for gray and ductile iron pipe and fittings shall comply with AWWA C1 1 1 and shall be installed in accorclancc with the manufacturer's installation instructions.

605.14 Copper pipe. Joints between copper or copper-alloy pipe or fittings shall comply wit11 Sections 605.14.1 through 605.14.5.

605.14.1 Brazed joints. All joint surfaces shall be clcancd. An approved flux shall be applied where recluirccl. Thejoint shall be brazed with a filler metal conforming to AW S A5.K.

605.14.2 Mechanical joints. Mechanical joints shall he installed in accordance with thc manufacturer's instruc- tions.

605.14.3 Soldered joints. Solder joints shall be made in accordance with the methods of ASTM B 828. All cut tubc ends shall be reamed to the full inside diilmcter of thc tubc end. All joint surfaces shall be clcancd. A flux col~forrriing to ASTMB 813 shall be applicd. The joint shall be soldcrcd with a solder conforming to ASTM B 32. The joining of watcr supply piping shall be made with lend-free solder and fluxcs. "Lead free" shall mean a chcmical colnposition cclua1 to or lcss than 0.2-perccnt Icacl.

605.14.4 Threaded joints. Thrcads shall confo~-m to ASME B1.20.1. Pipe-joint compound or tape shall be appliecl on the male threads only.

605.14.5 Welded joints. All joint surfaccs shall be cleancd. The joint shall be weldcd with an approvcd filler mctal.

605.15 Copper tubing. Joints betwecn copper or copper-alloy tubing or fittings shall comply with Sections 605.1 5.1 through 605.15.4.

605.15.1 Brazed joi~lls. All joint surfaces shall he clcaned. An approved flux shall be applied where required. 'The joint shall bc brazed with a fillcrn~ctal confonnir~g to AWS A5.X.

605.15.2 Flaredjoints. Flared joints for watcr pipc shall bc made by a tool designed for that operation.

605.15.3 Mechanical joints. Mechanical joints shall be installed in accordance with the nlan~rfacturcr's instruc- tions.

605.15.4 Soldered joints. Solder joints shall be mndc in accorclancc with the methods of AS'I'M B 828. All cut tube cnds shall be rearncd to the full inside tli:~mcter of the tubc end. All joint surfaces shall bs cleancd. A flux conforming to ASTM B 81 3 shall bc applied. The juirit shall be soldered with a solder conforming to ASTM B 32. The joining of water supply piping shall be made with Izad-free soldcrs and fluxcs. "Lcad free" shall rncan a chemical composition equal to or lcss than 0.2-percent lead.

605,16 CPVCplastic. Joints between CPVC plastic pipc or fit- tings shall comply with Sections 605.10.1 through 605.16.3.



605.16.1 Mechanical joints. Mechanical joints shall bc installed in accordancc with the manufacturer's instruc- tions.

605.16.2 Solvent cementing. Joint surfaces shall be clean and frcc from moisture, and an approvcd primer shall be applicd. Solvent ccrnent, orange in color and conforming to ASTM F493, shall be applied to all joint surfaces. The joint shall be made while the cement is wet, and in accordance with ASTM D 2836 or ASTM F 493. Solvent-cement ioints shall bc pcrnmittcd above or below ground.

Exception: A primer is not requircd where all of the fol- lowing conditions apply:

I. The solvent cemcnt uscd is third-party certified as conforming to ASTM F 493.

3. l'he solvent cement used is yellow in color.

3. Thc solvent cemcnt is used only for joining inch (12.7 mni) through 2 inch (51 mni) diameter CPVC pipe and fittings.

4. The CPVC pipe and fittings arc manufacturcd in accorda~ice with ASTM D 2846.

605.16.3 Threaded joints. Threads shall conform to ASME B 1.20. I. Schcdulc 80 or heavicr pipc shall be per- mittcd to bc threaded with dies specifically dcrigned tor pla\tic pipe. but the pressure ~ a t ~ n g of the plpe shall be retlucecl by 50 percent Thread by socket ~ilolcled fittingb shall bc permitted. Approved thrcad lubricant or tape shall be applied on the malc threads only.

605.17 Cross-linked polyethylene plastic. Joints betwecn cross-linkcd polyethylene plastic tubing or fittings shall com- ply with Sections 605.17.1 and 605.17.2.

605.17.1 Flared joints. Flared pipe ends shall be made by a tool dcsipncd for that operation.

605.17.2 Mechanical joints. Mechanical joints shall bc installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instruc- tions. Fittings Sor cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) plastic

I tubing as described in ASTM I: 877, ASTM F 1807, ASTM F 1960, and ASTIvI F 2080 shall be installed in accordance with thc manufacturcr's instructions.

605.18 Steel. Joints between galvanized stccl pipc or fittings shall con~ply with Sections 605.18.1 and 605.18.2.

605.18.1 Threaded joints. Threads shall conform to ASME R1.1-0.1. Pipe-joint co~npound or tapc shall be appliecl o11 thc rnalc threads only.

605.18.2 Mechanical joints. Joints shall bc made with an approved clastomct.ic scal. Mechanical joints shall be installcd in accordance with thc manufacturcr's instruc- tions.

605.19 Polybutylene plastic. Joints between polybutylene plastic pipe and tubing or fittings shall comply with Sections 605.19.1 through 605.19.3.

605.19.1 FLared joints. Flarcd pipe cncls shall bc made by a tool designed for that operation.

605.19.2 Heat-ft~sion joints. Joints shall he of the sockct-fusion or butt-f~~sion type. Joint surfaces shall be

clean and free from moisture. All joint surfaces shall bc heated to melt temperature and joinccl. The joint shall be undisturbed until cool. Joints shall bc niacle in accordance with ASTM D 2657. ASTM D 3309 or CAN3-B 137.XM.

605.19.3 Mechanical joints. Mcchanical joints shall be installed in accordance with the niunufacturcr's instruc- tions. Mctallic lock rings employcd with insert fittings as described in ASTM D 3309 or CAN3-B 137.8M sh:rll bc installcd in accordance with the manufacturcr's instruc- tions.

605.20 Polyethylene plastic. Joints bctwccn polyctliylenc plastic pipe and tubing or fittings shall comply w ~ t h Scctions 605.20.1 through 605.20.4.

605.20.1 Flared joints. Flared jonits shall hc pcrm~ttcd where so indicated by the pipe rnanufacrurer. Flared joints shall be made by a tool tlcsigned for that operation.

605.20.2 Heat-fusion joints. Joint surfaces shall bc clean and free from nloisture. All joint surfaces sllall be heatcd to melt temperature and joined. The joint shall bc undisturbed until cool. Joints shall he made in accordance with ASTM D 2657.

605.20.3 Mechanical joints. Mechnnlcal joints shall bc installed in accordance with the manufacturcr's instruc- tions.

405.20.4 Installation. I'olyethylene pipe shall bc cut square, with acutter designed for plastic pipc. Except where joined by heat fusion, pipe ends shall bc charnfcred to remove sharp edges. Kinked pipe shall not he inslallcd. The minimurn pipe bending radius shall not bc ICSS than 30 pipe diameters, or the minimum coil radius. whiclievcr is greater. Piping shall not be bent beyond straightening of the curva- ture of thc coil. Bends shall not be permitted within 10 pipc diamcters of any fitting or valve. Stiffener inscrts installed with compression-type couplings and fittings shall not extend beyond the clamp or nut of the coupling or fitting.

605.21 Polypropylene (PP) plastic. Jo~nts betwecn PP plastic pipe and fittings shall coniply with Scction 605.21.1 or 605.21.2.

605.21.1 I-Ieat-fusion joints. Heat-fusion joints for poly- propylene pipe and tubing joints shall be installcd with socket-type heat-fused polypropylene filtings, butt-fusion polypropylene fittings or electrofusion polypropylenc fit- tings. Joint surf'~ccs shall be clean and free Tram nioisturc. Thc joint shall be undisturbed until cool. Joi~lts shall be made in accordance with ASTM F 2389.

605.21.2 Mechanical and compression sleeve joints. Mechanical and compression sleeve joints shall bc installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

605.22 PVC plastic. Joints between PVC plastic pipe or fit- tings shall comply with Sections 605.22.1 through 605.22.3.

605.22.1 Mechanical joints. Mechanical joints on water pipc shall be made with an clastomeric scal conforming to ASTM D 3 139. Mechanical joints shall not bc installed in above-ground systems unless othcralisc approved. Joi~lts shall bc installcd in accordance with the rn:~nt~fxturer's instructions.



605.22.2 Solvent cementing. Joint surfaces shall be clcan and free from moisture. A purple primer that conforms to ASTM F 656 shall be applied. Solvent cement not purple in colcrr and confomming to AS'l'lVl D 2564 or CSA-B 137.3 shall bc applied to all joint surfaces. The joint shall be madc while the cemcnt is wet and shall be in accordance with ASTM D 2855. Solvent-cement joints shall he permitted above or below ground.

605.22.3 Threaded joints. Threads shall confonn to ASME B 1.20.1. Schedule 80 or heavier pipc shall be per- lnitted to bc threaded with dies specifically designed for plastic pipe, but the pressure rating of thc pipe shall be reduced by 50 percent. Thread by socket molded fittings shall be pemmittcd. Approvcd thrcad lubricant or tape shall be applied on the malc threads only.

605.23 Stainless steel. Joints between stainless steel pipe and fittings shall con~ply with Sections 605.23.1 and 605.23.2.

605.23.1 Mechanical joints. Mechanical joints shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instruc- tions.

605.23.2 Welded joints. All joint surfaces shall be cleaned. The joint shall be welded ;~utogenously or with an approvcd filler metal as referenced in ASTM A 312.

605.24 Joints between different materials. Joints between different piping materials shall be made with a mechanical joint of the con~pression or 11iechanical-sealing type, or as per- mitted ill Scctions 605.24.1. 605.24.2 and 605.24.3. Connec- tors or adapters shall have an clastoincric seal conforming lo ASTiVl D 1869 or ASTR4 F 477. Joints shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

605.24.1 Copper or copper-alloy tubing to galvanized steel pipe. Joints between copper or copper-alloy tubing and galvanized steel pipe shall be ~nade with a brass fitting or dielectric fitting. Thc coppcr tubing shall be soldered to the fitting in a11 approved manner. and the fitting shall be screwed to thc threaded pipe.

605.24.2 Plastic pipe or tubing to other piping material. Joints betwcen different gracics of plastic pipe or between plastic pipc and othcr piping malerial shall be made with an approved adapter litting.

605.24.3 Stainless steel. Joints between stainless steel and different piping materials shall be rllacte with a mechanical joint of the comp~.cssion or mechanical scaling type or a dielcctric fitling.


606.1 Location of full-open valves. Full-open valves shall be installed in the following locations:

I. On the building water service pipe from the public water supply near the curb.

2. 011 the watcr distribution supply pipc at the entrance into thc structul-c.

3. On thc discharge side of cvcry watcr meter.

4. On the base of every watcr riser pipe in occupancics other than multiple-family rcsitlentinl occupancics that are two stories or lcss in height and in one- and two-fam- ily residential occupancies.

5. On the top of every watcr down-fccd pipc in occupancics othcrthan one- and two-family residential occupnncics.

6. On the entrance to cvery watcr supply pipc to a dwelling unit, except wherc supplying a single fixture equipped with individual stops.

7. On the water supply pipe to a gravity or pressurized water tank

8. On the water supply pipe to every watcr hcater.

606.2 Location of shutoff' valves. Shutoff valves shall bc installed in the following locations:

1. On the fixture supply to each plumbing fixture othcr than bathtubs and showers in one- and two-family rcsidential occupancies, and other than in individual sleeping units I that are provided with unit shutoff valves in hotels, n~otels, boarding houses and sirnilar occupancics.

2. On the water supply pipe to each sillcock

3. On the waler supply pipe to each appliancc or mcchani- cal equipmcnt.

606.3 Access to valves. Access shall bc provided to a11 full-open valves and shutoff talvcs. I

606.4 Valve identificatior~. Service and hose bibb valvcs shall bc identified. All other valves installed in locations that arc not adjacent to the tixture or appliance shall be identified. indicat- ing the fixturc or appliance served.

606.5 Water pressure booster systems. Water prcssure booster systems shall be provided as required by Scctions tj06.5.1 through 606.5.10.

606.5.1 Water pressure booster systems required. Where thc water pressure in the public watcr main or it~dividual water supply system is insufficient to supply the minimum pressures and quantities specified in this code, the supply shall be supplemented by an clcvatcd watcr- tank, a hydropneurnatic pressure booster system or a watcr pres- sure booster pump installed in accordance with Section 606.5.5.

606.5.2 Support. A11 water supply tanks shall be suppol tcd in accordance ~vith the Itzret-r7ntroniJ R~liltlir~,i. Code.

606.5.3 Covers. All water supply tanks shall be cove~.cd lo keep out unauthorized persons, dirt and vermin. The covcrs of gravity tanks shall be vented with a return bend vent pipc with an arca not lcss than the arca of the down-fccd riscr pipe, and the vent shall be screencd with a corrosion-resis- tant screen of not lcss than 16 by 20 nlcsh per inch (630 by 787 rnesh per In).

606.5.4 Overflows for water supply tanks. Each gravity or suction water supply tank shall be provided with an ovcr- flow with a diameter not less than that shown in T a l h 606.5.4. The overflow outlet shall discharge at a point not I less than 6 inches (152 mm) above the roof or roof drain: floor or floor drain: or ovcr an opcn water-supplied fixturc.



The ovcrilow outlet shall bc covered with a corrosion-resis- tant scrccn of not lcss than 16 by 20 mesh per inch (630 by 787 mcsh per n ~ ) and by 0.7-5-inch (6.4 mln) hardware cloth or shall terminate in a horizontal angle scat chcck valvc. Drainagc from overflow pipes shall be dirccted so as not to trceze on roof walks.


- . - . . - . . . . . . - - . - . - . - .. 1


I I Over 1,000 i 8 ! , . - . . . ~.. . -:

o r I : I ~nilh = 25.4 mm, I gallon per nlinutc = 3.?85 I,/ni.

606.5.5 Low-pressurc cutoff required on booster pumps. A low-pressurc cutoff shall be installed on :ill booster p ~ ~ n ~ p s in a watcr pressure booster system to prevent crc- ation of a vacuum or ncgativc prcssure on the suction sidc of the pump whcn a positive pressure of I0 psi (68.94 kPa) or ICSS O C C L I ~ S on thc suction sidc of the pump.

606.5.6 Potable water inlet control and location. Potablc watel inlets lo gravity tanks shall be controlled by a fill valve or other automalic bupply valve ~nstalledso as to prcvent the tank from ovcrtlowing. The inlet shall be terminatcdso as to provide an alr gap not lcss than 4 inchcs (102 mm) above the O ~ ~ m ~ ~ .

606.5.7 'rank drain pipes. A valvcd pipe shall be provided at the lowest point of each tank to permit emptying of the tank. Thc tank drain pipe h a l l discharge as required for overflow pipes and shall not be smaller in size than ipecified in Tablc 606.5.7.


-~ ... - - ~ . . --. - .~~ ~-

( -TANK CAPACITY (gallons) ' DRAIN PIPE (inches) 7 / . . - . / . . . ~ - 1

For SI: I ~ n c h = 1-5.4 mtn, 1 gallon = j.785 I,

606.5.8 Prohibited location of potable supply tanks. Potablc watcr gravity tanks or manholes of potablc water

e\aure tanhs sllall not be located ducctly under any soil or wastc piping or any source of contamination.

606.5.9 Pressure tanks, vacuum rclicf. All water pressurc tanks shall be providcd with a vacuum rclicf valvc at the top of the tank that will operate up to a i n a x ~ ~ n u ~ n n atcr prcssure of 200 psi (1380 kPn) and up to a n ~ a x i t n u ~ i ~ tcmpcraturc of 200°F (93°C). The minimum sizc of such vacuum lclief valve shall bc 0.50 inch (12.7 mm).

Exception: This section shall not apply to pressurized captive air diaphragnv'bladdcr tanks.

606.5.10 Pressure relief for tanks. Every pressure tank in a hydropneumatic prcssurc booster syste~n shall be prorcctcd with a pressure rclief valve. Thc prcssure rclicf valvc shall be set at a ~naximum pressurc equal to the rating of thc tank. The relief valve shall be installed on the supply pipe to thc tank or on the talk. The relicf valve shall discharge by grav- ity to a safe place of disposal.

606.6 Water supply sgsten~ test. Upon completion of a rcc- tion of or the entire water supply system, thc system, or portion completed, shall be tcsted in accordance with Scction 317.


607.1 Where requii-ed. In residential occupancics. hot watcr shall bc supplied to all plumbing fixtures and cquipn~ent uti- lized for bathing, washing, culinary purposcs, clcansing, laun- dry or building maintcnancc. In nonresidential occupancics, hot water shall be supplicd for culinary purposcs. clcansing. laundry or building ~naintcnance purposes. In nonrcsidcntial occupancies, hot water or tc~npcred water shall be supplied for bathing and washing pulposes. Tempcred watcr shall bc sup- plied through a water temperature limiting device that con- forins to ASSE 1070 and shall limit (he tcmpcrcd watcr to a lnaxirnum of 110°F (43°C). 'This provision shall not supersede thc rccluircmcnt for protective shower valves in accordancc with Section 423.3.

607.2 Hot water supply temperature maintenance. Wl~erc the developed length of hot watcr pip~ng t r o~n thc source of hot water supply to thc fartheat fixturc excceds 100 fect (30 480 mm), the hot water supply sy\tem shall I,e providcd with a method of maintaining the temperature in accordancc with thc Ivztertzatioi~al Eizergy Coiz~rn~utioil Code.

607.2.1 Piping insulation. Circulating hot watcr system p~ping shall be insulated in accordancc with the I~tei-~rcl- tinr?nl Et~ergy Cni~sena t in i~ Code.

[El 607.2.2 Hot nater systeli~ controls. Automatic clrcu- lating hot watc~ 5ystcm pumps or hcat tlace sliall he arranged to be conveniently turncd off automat~cnlly or manually. when the hot water system IS not in open~tion.

607.2.3 Recirc~~latingpump. Whcre a thermostatic niixing valve is used in a system with a hot water recirculating pump. the hot w:~tcr or ten~pcred water return line shall bc routed to thccold watcr inlet pipe of the watcr hc,i~tcr and the cold water inlet pipc or the hot water- I-ctur-11 connection of the thennostatic mixing valve.

607.3 Thern~al expansion control. A means of controlling increased pressure caused by therinal expansion shall bc pro-



vided whcrc ~ccluired in accordance wlth Sect~ons 607.7.1 arid 007.1.2.

607.3.1 I9essure-reducing valve. For water service system sizes up to and including 2 inches (5 1 ~nm) , a device for con- trolling pressure shall bc installed whcre, because of ther- mal expansion, the pressure on the downstream side of a prcssurc-reducing valve exceeds thc pressure-reducing v:llvc setting.

607.3.2 Bacl(flow prevention device or check valve. Wherc n hackflow prevention device, check valve or other device is installcd on a water supply system utilizing storage watcr heating equipment cuch that thermal expansion causes an 1ncrea5e in pressure, a device for controlling pres- sure shall be ~nbcalled.

607.4 Flow of hot water to fixtures. Fixture fittings, faucets and divertcrs shall be installcd and adjusted so that the flow of 1101 watcr from Ihc iittings corresponds to the left-hand side of the t?xtl~re fitting.

Exception: Showcr and tub/shower mixing valves con- I forming to ASSE 1016 or CSA B125, wbcre the flow of hot

watcr cor~csponds to the ~narkings on the device.


608.1 General. A potable water supply system shall be designed, installed and maintained in such a manner so as to prcvent contaniination from ionp potable liquids, solids or gases being introduccd into the potable water supply through cross-conncctior~s or any other piping connections to the sys- tem. I3acktlow preventcr applications shall conform to Table 608. 1, except as specifically stated in Sections 608.2 through 608.16.10.

608.2 Plumbing fixtures. The ?upply lines ancl littings for cvery plumbing fixture shall bc installcd so as to prevent

I backflow. Plulnblng fixture fittings shall provide backflow protection in accordance with ASME A1 12.1 8.1.

608.3 Devices, appurtenances, appliances and apparatus. All devices. appurtenances, appliances and apparatus intended to serw some special fi~nction? such as steriliz;~tion, distilla- tion: processing. cooling, or storage of ice or foods, and that connect to the water supply syste~n, shall be provided with pro- tection against backflow and contaniination of the water supply system. Water pumps, filters. softeners, tanks and all other appliances and devices that handle or treat potable. water shall he protected against contamination.

608.3.1 Special equipment, water supply protection. The water supply for hospital iixtures shall be protected against backflow with a reduced pressure principle backflow prcvcliter, an at~nospheric or spill-proof vacuum breaker, or an air gap. Vacuum breakers for bedpan washer hoses shall not be locntcd Icss than 5 lee1 (1523 mm) above the floor. V~lcuum brcalcers for hosc connections in health care or lah- or:ltory areas shall not be less than 6 feet (1 829 mm') above the floor.

608.4 Water service piping. Water service piping shall bc pro- tcctcd in accordance with Sections 003.2 and 603.2.1.

608.5 Chemicals and other substances. Chcrt~icals and othcs substances that producc either toxic conditions. taste: odor or discoloration in a potable water systc~u shall not he introduced into, or utilized in, such systems.

608.6 Cross-connection control. Cross conncclions shall bc prohibited, except where approved protective devtccs arc installed.

608.5.1 Private water supplies. Cross connections betv~een a private water supply and a potablc p ~ ~ b l i c supply shall be prohibited.

608.7 Stop-and-waste valves prohibited. Combination stop-and-waste valves or cocks shall not he installcd under- ground.

608.8 identification of potable and nonpotable water. 111 all buildings whcre two or rnorc watcr distribution systems, one potable watcr and the other nonpotablc watcr, are installed, each system shall be identified either by ctjlor marking or metal tags in accordance with Sections 608.8.1 through 608.8.1.

608.8.1 Information. Pipe identification shall includc the contents of the piping system ar~d an arrow indicat~ng the direction of flow. Hazardous piping systems shall also con- tain infoimatlon addressing the nature of the hazard. Pipc identification shall be repeated at maxi~num intel-vals of 25 feet (7620 n ~ u ) and at each point where the piping passcs through a wall. floor or roof. Lettering shall be readily obsel-vablc tvithin the room or space whcrc thc piping is located.

608.8.2 Color. The color of the pipe identification shall be discernablc and consistent throughout the building.

608.8.3 Size. The size of the background color field and Ict- tering shall comply with Table 608.8.3.


1 LENGTH BACKGROUND I SIZE OF ! PlPE DIAMETER COLOR FIELD LETTERS (inches) 1 - - Ainc"eS!_ . L -. .~ ~ - - -- ~ ~ I , (inches) 1


over 10 I--.~ ~ 1.- -32 . .~

For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm.

508.9 Weutilization prohibited. Watcr util ired for the cooling of equipment or other processes shall not be rcturncd lo the potable watcr system. Such watcr shall be dlschargccl into a dlainage s)lstcm through an ulr gap or shall be utilized for ~lon- potahle purposes.

608.10 Reuse of piping. Piping that has been utilized for any purpose other than conveying potable watcr shall )lot bc uti- lized for conveying potablc water,

608.11 Painting of water tanks. The interior surface (>fa pota- blc water tank shall not be lined, painted or repaired with any material that changes the taste, odor, color or potability of the watcr supply when the tankis placed in, or returned to, scrvicc.




- - . . - . ~ ' - . -- - . - - - - - -. . . - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - --

DEVICE DEGREE OF HAZARDa 1 APPLICATION^ I APPLICABLE STANDARDS - - . - -. - - .~ - . { - . . - . . +.- . . - -. - . . ~ - - . -

/ ~ n l i s i p h u n - t y ~ e Sill \;al\;es for gravity i ~ a c k s i p h o n a ~ c only 1 water closct flush tanks i I - - , - . - .. - .. . . .- ..I - .- .-t~ - ~ - - -~

i ~ASSE 1002, CSA B 125


iBnckl'low prevencer for carbonated iBackpressure or backsiphonage ' ILow hazard

! I Sizes 'I "- 'I,." jASSE 1022, CSA B64.3.1

beverage machines , . - . - . . . . ~-~-? _0 ~

1 T

Becltl'low preventcr with i~ltcrrnediate ntn~osphcric vents

~ .~~~ -~ ~ - - - - -~ ~

B;~r.o~nctric loop .. ~ ~ . . ~- .

Imw hazard I

~ ~ a c l ~ ~ r c s s u r e or backsiphonage ASSE 2_ CS4 B64,3 I Sizes '1: - "/a" 1

' ~ i ~ l l or low hazard i~ac la iphonape only L ~.-/ -- - ~ -

I (See Sect~on 608.13.4) I- -

-- -

Doublc check backflow PI-evention assembly and double check fire

I \Low hazard

ororccrion baekflow orevention asse~nhly 1 I~ackpressurc or baclcsiphonage !,A.SsE l0 l5 , AWWA C5 10, 1 Sizes '1; - 16' iCSA B64 i CSA B65.5.1 ,.~ ~ --_. ~ ~~ ~ 1 . ~ -~ .--.::~~- ~- ~. - .- -- - ~

Double check detector tire protection backClow prcvcntior~ assemblies

-~ - - - - ~ .-. ~~ -

Dual-chec1,->alve-type backtlow preventcr Low h a ~ a r d - - - - - - - - - - I


i A I (Fire sprinklcr systems) 1 Sizcs 2" - 16"

.'~.~~ -

1 I I Backpressure or baclcsiphonage ASSE 024. CSA 864,6 I Sizes 'I,," - I " 1

JLUM head bnckpresiure. l-ated /working pressur.c, backpressule or ! 1st connection h~ic ld lor p~aientcr lHilh or low hr~nu-d j ASSE 1052: CSA 864.2.1 .I

I [backsiphonage Isires 1b"- 1" 1

-~ --I . - . . - . ~ - - ! ~ ~~ I 1 Hosc ~onnrclron \ acuum breaker

I I /LOW head haclcp~.es~urc or iHigh or low hazard backsiphonage I 1 sizes 'I,", 'I,", I "


'ASSE I01 I, CSA B63.3, (CSA 864.2.1

I Low head bba~kp~cssure a d / ~ - aho r~o r -y f'auccl backflow prcrcntcr I ~ i g h or low liazard 1 1

/ASSE 1035, CSA B64.7 backsiphonage 1 . . - . - -~ . .~ . . .-+. ~. . - . + - - -

~- - ~ ~- .

I 1Backsiphonage only I Sizes 'I4'' - 4"

. .. ~~-~ . . -4-- . . - ~- - - -~ 1

1 1~acks iyhona~e only Pressure vacuurn brcaker asscmhly i ~ i ~ h or low hazard IASSE 1020, CSA B64.1.2

Reduced pressure detcc~or fire protection ! Hifih or low h z a r d I~acks ip l t ona~e , or backpressurc lASSE 1047 birckflo\v prcvc~rtion assc~nblies (Fire sprinkler svstcnis)

I - . - - --- ~-~ - ~ . ~. , . . . j-~ - - ~-

l ~ a c k s i ~ h o n a ~ e only Spillproof vacuum breaker i ~ i g l ~ or low hazard 1 ~ i ~ e s 'I.,"-2" 1056

~- ---. 1 ~ . . ~ . . . ---- -- --- - - - - - ~ -~ . - . ~ - - ~

I 1.ow head backpressure or I~acuu rn hrcakcr wall Irydrnnts. I High or low hazard / backsiphonage

frost-resistanl, aulo~natic draining Iype i Sizcs 'I,,", I " : . _ - . . . - -. 2

For ST: I inch = 75.4 ulnl.

a . 1,ow h:~~ard-See P(1llutio1i (Section 202). Hljili Iin/a~-d--See Cotrtalnit~ation iSectioli 202).

1). Scc Hachpl-cssurc iSection 202). Scc Hackpl-chsuse. lo\\, head (Section 202). Sec Hi~cksiphonage (Section 207).

I 1 ASSE 1019, CSA B64 2.2 I ,- -



608.12 Purnps and other appliances. Watcr pumps, ljlters, soficncrs, tanks and all other devices that handlc or treat pota- ble water shall be protected against contamination.

608.13 Backflow protection. Means of protection against backflow shall be provided in accordance with Sections 608.13 1 through 608.13.0.

608.13.1 Air gap. The minimum recluircd air gap shall be mcasurcd vertically from the lowest end of a potable water outlet to [he flood levcl rim of the fixture or receptacle into which such potablc water outlet discharges. Air gaps shall con~ply with ASME A 1 12.1.2 and air gap fittings shall com- ply with ASME A1 12.1.3.

608.13.2 Reduced pressure principle backflow preventers. Keduced pressure principle backflow preventers shall conform to ASSE 1013, A\V\VA C511,

I CSA B64.4 or CSA B64.4.1. Reduced pressure detector assembly backflow prcvcntcrs shall conform to ASSE 1047. Thcsc devices shall be perrnitted to bc installed where sub- , j ec~ to continuous pressure conditions. The relief opening shall discharge by air gap and shall he prevented from being su b~nergcd.

608.13.3 Backflow preventer with intermediate atmo- spheric vent. Backflow prcventers with intermediate atmo- spheric vents shall conform to ASSE 1012 or CSA B64.3. Thcsc devices shall be pcrtnittcd to bc installed where sub- ject to continuous pressure conditions. The relief opening shall discharge by air gap and shall be prevented tiom being submerged.

608.13.4 Barometric loop. Barornctric loops shall precede the point of conncction and shall extend vertically to a height of 35 fect ( 10 668 mm). A barometric loop shall only bc utilized as an atmospheric-type or pressure-type vacuum breaker.

608.13.5 Pressure-type vacuum hreakers. Pressure-type vacuum breakers shall conform to ASSE 1020 or CSA

I R64.1.2 and spillproof vacuum breiikcrs shall comply with ASSE 1056. Thcse devices are dcsigned for installation ~ ~ n d c r continuous Dressurc conditions when the critical levcl is installcd at thc rcquired height. Pressure-typc vacuum breakers shall not bc installed in locations where spillage could cause damage to the structure.

608.13.6 Atmospheric-typc vacuum breakers. Pipe- applicd atmospheric-type vacuum breakcrs shall conform to ASSE 100 I or CSA B64.1.1. Hose-connection vacuum brcakcrs shall confor111 to ASSE 101 1, ASSE 1019, ASSE I 1035> S S E ,052. CSA BM.2; CSA 864.2.1. CSA B64.2.1. I . CSA B61..2.2 or CSA B64.7. These devices shall operate under normal atmospheric pressurc when thc criti- cal lcvel is installcd at thc required height.

608.13.7 Double check-valve assemblies. Double check- valve assemblies shall conform to ASSE 1015, CSA B64.5, I CSA BhJ.5.l or AWWA CSLO. Dod,lc-detector check-valve assemblies shall conform to ASSE 1048. These devices shall be capable of operating urlclcr continuous pres- sure conditions.

608.13.8 Spillproof vacuum hreakers. Spillproof vacuunl brcakcrs (SVB) shall confor~n to ASSE 1056. Thcse devices

are dcsigned for installation under con~inuous-prcss~~re co~lditioris when thc c1itica.1 level is installcd at thc rccluircd height.

608.13.9 Chemical dispenser backflow devices. Back- flow devices for chcmical dispensers shall comply with ASSE I055 or shall be equipped with an air gap fitting.

608.14 Localion of backflow preventers. Acccss shall be pro- vided to backtlow preventers as specified by the inst;tllntion instnictions of the approvcd manufacturer.

608.14.1 Outdoor enclosures for backtlow prevention devices. Outdoor enclosures for h;rckflow prevention tievices shall comply with ASSE 1060.

608.15 l'rotection of potable water outlets. All potablc water openings and outlets shall be protected againsl backtlow In accordancc with Section 608.15.1, 608.15.2, 608.15.3, 608.15.4,608.15.4.1 or608.15.4.2.

608.15.1 Protection by air gap. Openings and outlcts shall be protected by an air gap between the openlng and the fix- turc flood level I irn as specified in Table608. 15. 1. Opening$ and outlets equipped for hose connection shall he protectcd by means other than an air gap.

608.65.2 Protection by a reduced pressure principle backflow preventer. Opcnings and outlets shall he pro- tected by a I-educed pressure principle backflow prcvcntcr.

608.15.3 Protection by a backflow preventer with inter- mediate atmospheric vent. Openings and outlcts shall bc protected by a backtlow prevcnter with an intermcdiatc atmospheric vcnl.

608.15.4 Protection by a vacuunl breaker. Opcnings and outlets shall be protected by atmospheric-type or prcs- sure-type vacuum breakers. The critical levcl of thc vacuuln brcaker shall be set a minimum of 6 inchcs ( 152 m ~ a ) abovc thc tlood level rim of the fixture or device. Fill valvcs shall be set in accordance with Section 425.3.1. Vacuum breakcrs shall not be instalIed ur~dcr exhaust hoods or similar loca- tions that will contain toxic fumes or vapol-s. Pipc-applied vacuum breakers shall bc installed not lcss than 6 inchcs (1 52 mrn) above the flood level rim of the fixture, rcccptor or device served.

608.15.4.1 Deck-mounted and integral vacuum breakers. Approved deck-mounted o r equip- ment-mounted vacuum breakers and faucets with intc- gral atmospheric or spillproof vacuum brcakcrs shall be installcd in accordancc with the manuhcl~irer's instruc- lions and the requircmc~lts for labeling with thc critical level not lcss than 1 inch (25 mm) abovc the flood level rim.

608.15.4.2 Hose connections. Sillcocks, llosc hihbs. mall hydrants and other openings with a hose col~nection shall be protected by an atmospheric-typc or prcs- surc-type vacuuln hrcakcr or a pcrmancntly attached hose connection vacuum brcakel-.


1. This scctiori shall no1 apply to water heater and boilcr drain valvcs that arc prcw~ded w ~ t h hocc



TABLE 608.15.1 MINIMUM REQUIRED AIR GAPS ,- . . .-- ~-~ ~ . ~ ~ -~ - ~.~ . ~ ~. ~ ~. . . -


FIXTURE -~ .c. n w a v f r o m a . ~ ~ ~ ~ . ? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _/ ._:lose to a.vval!(inches) .~ ~ ~ . ;

lLavatorics and other fixtures with effective opening not greater than 'I, inch 1 i in diamctcr I , . . - . . ~. ~- - . .+--- 'Sink, laundry trays, gooseneck back Pducrta and other fixtures with effective i , openings . ~~ not gres~er ih;m 3/4 inch in diamcter

- ~- - -~ -~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~

10vcr-rim bath iillcrs and other fixtures with effective openings 1101 greater I I than 1 inch in di;unetcr 1 . - . - . - . -- ._ - . .- .i iDrinlting water t'ountains, single orifice not grcaler than 'It6 inch i l l diamcter / 1 or multiplc oriliccs with a total area of 0.1 50 square inch (ama of circle 'I,, 1 ( incll ir14i;lmeler) . . . ~ - - . ~~ 1 I

~ffefect~vc openings greater than 1 ~nch 1 Two times the diameter Three limes the diameter I / of'the effective o~eninn i of thc cfkctivc or,e~lirl!: i

I - - . .. . . _ . -̂_--...-..-.----.i-.-..__.-.-..--. L -_-- .. . . . . 1 i

For SI: I inch = 75.4 mm. a. Appl icahlcwh~~~e walls I ) I . O ~ ? ~ ~ I - ~ I C ~ ~ O I I S arespaced from thencarest inside-edge of [he spout opening adistzmcs grc:lttrthan three Lirncs llle di;iinctcr~)f~hc. ci'fc~tivc

opening 111. n single wall, o r a distance greater than four tinies the diameter o f the effective opening for t\\o intersecting walls.

connection tlirc;~ds and that are intended only for tank or vcs\cl draining.

2. This section shall not apply to water supply valves intcndcd for connection of clothes washing machines whcrc bacliflow prevention is otherwise provided or is integral with thc n~achinc.

608.16 Conilectioi~s to the potable water system. Connec- tions to the potablc wzltcr system shnll conform to Sections 608.16. I 1h1-ough 608.16.10.

608.16.1 Beverage dispensers. The water supply conncc- tion to beverage dispensers shall bc protected against backflow by a backflow preventer conforming to A S S E

1 1022, CSA B63.3.J or by an air gap. The bacl<flow preventcr device and the piping downstl-cam therefrom shall not be affected by carbon dioxide gas.

608.16.2 Connections to boilers. The potable supply to the boiler shall bc equipped with a backflow preventer with an intcrmcdiate ;~tmospheric vent complying with ASSE 1012 or CSA B64.3. Wherc conditioning chcmicals arc intro- duced into the systcm. the potable water connection shall be protected by an air gap or a reduced pressurc principle backflow preventer, complying with A S S E 1013. C S A B64.4 or AWWA C5 I I .

608.16.3 Heat exchangers. Heat exchangers utilizing an essentially toxic trimsfer fluid shall be separated from the potablc watcr by double-wall construction. An air gap open to the atrnosphcre shall be provided between the two walls. Heat cxchangcrs utilizing an essentially nontoxic transfer fluid slyall bc permitted to be of single-wall construction.

608.16.4 Connections to al~tornatic fire sprinkler sys- tems and standpipe systems. The potable water supply to automatic fire sprinkler and standpipe systcms shall be pro- tccted against b:~ckflow by a d o ~ ~ b l c check-valve asselllbly or a reduced pressure principle backflow prevcnter.


1. Where systems arc installed as a portion of thc watcr distribution systcm in acco~.dance with thc requirements of this code and arc not providcd with a fire dcpart~ncnt connection; isolation ol'thc water supply system shall not be requil.cd.

2. Isolation of the water distribution system is not required for clelugc, prcaction or dry pipc systems.

608.16.3.1 Additives or nonpotablc source. Where system5 under continuous pressurc contain chc~nical addrt~ves or antifreeze, or urhcre systcni\ arc connectctl to a nonpotahlc secondary watcr supply, the potable watcr supply shall be protccted against hackflow by a reduced pressure principle backflow prcventer. Wherc chemical additives or antifreeze are ztddcd to only a por-- tion of an automatic firc sprinkler or standpipe system. the rcduced pressure principle backflow preventer shall be penilitted to hc located so as to isolate that portion of the system. Where systems are not under continuous pressure, the potable water supply shall bc protected against backflow by an air gap or a pipc applied atmo- spheric vacuum breaker conforming to ASSE 1001 or CSA B64.1 .l .

608.16.5 Connectioi~s to lawn irrigation systems. Thc potablc water supply tolawn irrigation systen~s shall be pro- tcctcd against backflow by all atmospllcric-type vacuum breaker, a pressure-type vacuurn breaker or a 1.cducet1 prcs- sure principle baclcflow prcventer. A valvc shall not be installeddownstrcain fi-om an atmospheric vacuum hreakcr. Where che~nicals are introduced intolhc system: lhe potable water supply shall be protected against b;rckflow by a reduced pressure principle backflow prevcnter.

608.16.6 Connections subject to backpressurc. Where a potablc water cor~ncction is madc to a nonpot:tble I~ne, lix- ture, tank. vat. pump or other equlplrlcnt subjcct to



back-pressure, thc potable writer connection shall bc pro- tccted by a reduccd prcssure principle backflow prcvcnter.

608.16.7 Chemical dispensers. Where che~nical dispens- ers connect lo the potable water distribution system, the aratcr supply systcm sllall bc protected against backflow in accortlancc with Section 508.13. I, 608.13.2. 608.13.5, 608.13.6, 608.13.8 or608.13.9.

608.16.8 Portable cleaning equipincnt. Where the poita- hle cletu~ing cquipn~ent connccts to the water distribution systcm, thc water supply systcni shall be protected against backflow in accordance with Section 608.13.1, 608.13.3, 608.13.3. 608.l7.7 or608.13.5.

608.16.9 Dental pump equipment. Where dcntal pulnplng equipnlent connects to the watcr distribution system, the watcr supply system shall bc protected aga~nst bacl<tlow in accordance with Section 608.13.1, 608.13.2. 608.13.5, 608.13.6 or 608.13.8.

608.16.10 Coffee machi~les and noncarbonated bcver- age dispensers. The watcr supply connection to coffec n~achincs and noncarbonated bcveragc dispenscrs shall be protected aga~nst backflow by a backilow preventer con- forming to ASSE 1022 or by an air gap.

608.17 Protection of individual water supplies. An individ- ual water rupply shall be located and constructed so as to be safcguardcd against co~~tan~inat ion in accordance w ~ t h Sec- t i o n ~ 608.17.1 through 608.17.8.

608.17.1 \'c.ll locatious. A potable ground water source or punlp suction line shall not be located closer to potential sources of contamination than thc distanccs shown i n Table 608.1 7. I. In the event the underlying rock structure is lime- stone or fragmented shale, the local or state health depart- lllent shall be consulted on well site location. The distanccs in Tahle 608.17.1 constitute minimum separation and shall be incrcased in areas of creviced rockor liniestone, or where the dil-cction of movement of the ground water is from sources of contaniination toward the well.


PRIVATE WATER SUPPLIES AND PUMP SUCTION LINES i ~- ~ ~~ - ~ - ~ -~ . ~~ - . -. . ~ - ~ . . ~ ~~ - - ..~ ---- ~ - -~


- - - - - 4 L?!L -. -.

[Far111 silo ~- ~ ~ ~ -,.. I I ~ -- - - - 25 ~

100 1 Paslur-c ~~ ~ . -- . - - - .. - 1 . - I

j ~~ .

/ Pu~nphousc floor drain of cast iron draining ) I 1~~ to - ground surface

-~~ ~- ~ . - ~ ~ -~ ~-

lSecpagcpils - --- ~~~~ SO -. -- , ~. ~ ~. -. -. -

(Septic tank I 25 1 / . . . - . . . - _ ,. ~ ~-..?

1 0 iselver . . . - - 1- ~ -- ~- ~---

1 r ~!

.~ ~

! 50 1 Isubsul-f~ce disl~osal fields _.. 1 I 1 Subsurfacc piis ~. I . - ~ ~ .. - ~ - . ~ ~ ~ ~L 50 _. --. I For SI: I foot = 304.8 mm.

608.17.2 Elevation. Well sites shall be positively drained and shall bc at higlicr elevations than potential sources of contamination.

605.17.3 Depth. Private potable wcll supplics shall not bc developed from a watcr tablc less than 10 Feet (3048 m ~ n ) below tlie ground surhcc.

608.17.4 Water-tight casings. Each we1 l shall be providcd with a water-tight casing to a minimum distance of 10 feet (3048 mni) below the ground surface. All casings shall cxtend at least 6 inches (153, nun) al3ove the wcll plalform. The casing shall he large enough to permit installation of a separate. drop pipc. Casings shall bc scaled at thc bottom in an impermeable stratum or extend several fect into thc water-bearing stratum.

608.17.5 Drilled or driven well casings. Drilled or driven well casings shall be of steel or othcr approved material. Where drilled wells extcnd into a rock forrnafion, the well casing shall extcnd to and set firmly in the formation. Thc annular space between the earth and the outside of the cas- ing shall be filled with cement grout to a minimuni distance of 10 fcet (3048 mm) below the ground surface. In an instance of casing to rock installation, the grout shall cxtcnd to the rock surface.

608.17.6 Dug or horcd well casings. Dug or bored well casings shall be of water-tight concrete, tile, or gal\,anized or corrugated metal pipe to a niinirnum distance of I0 feet (3048 mm) below the ground surface. Where the water table is more than 10 feet (3048 mm) below the ground surface, the watcr-tight casing shall extend bclow the tablc surface. Well casings for dug wells or bored wells constructed with sections of concrete, tile, or g a l ~ a n i ~ c d or corrugated nictal pipe shall be surrounded by 6 inchcs (152 mru) of grout poured into thc hole betwecn the outsidc of the casing and the ground to a minimum dcpth of 10 feet (3048 mm).

608.17.7 Cover. Every potable water well shall be ccluippcd with an overlapping water-tight cover at the lop of the well casing or pipe sleeve such that contaminated watcr ol- other substances are prcvcnted from entering the well through the annular opening at the top of the well casing, wall or pipe sleeve. Covers shall extend down\vard at least 7, inchcs (5 1 mm) over the outsidc of the well casing or wall. A dug wcll cover shall be provided with a pipe sleevc permitting the withdrawal of the pump suction pipc, cylinder or jet body without disturbing the cover. Where pump sections or dis- charge pipcs enter or leavc a well through the side of the cas- ing, the circle of contact shall be watcr tight.

608.17.8 Drainage. All potable watcr wells and springs shall hc constructed such that surface drainage will bc diverted away from the wcll or spring.


609.1 Scope. This section shall govern those aspects of health care plunlbing systems that clifier from plumbing systems in other structures. Health care plumbing systems shall collform to the requirements of this section in addition to Ihc othcr rcc]uirements of this codc. The provisions of this scclioli shall apply to thc spccial devices and equipment installed and rnain- tained in the following occupancies: nursing horncs, homes for the aged, orphanages, infirmarics, first aid stations, psychiatric



f, ' ~ L I ~ I I I ~ S , .' . ' clinics, professional offices of dentists and doctors, ~nortuarics, educational facilities, surgery. derltistry, research and tcsling laboratories, establishments manufacturing phar- maceutical d n ~ g s and medicines, and other structures with sin)- ilar nppzu-atus and cquipment classified as plumbing.

609.2 Water service. All hospitals shall have two water service pipes installcd in such a manncr so as to minimize the potential For an interruption of the supply of watcr in the event of a water main or watcr service pipe failure.

609.3 Hot water. Hot water shall be provided to supply all of the hospital lixturc, kitchen and laund~y requirements. Special fixtures and cquipment shall have hot water supplied at a tem- pcrature specified by the manufacturer. The hot water system shall bc installed in accordance with Section 607.

609.4 Vacuum breaker installation. Vacuum breakers shall be installed a rninimuni of 6 inches (1 52 mm) above the flood level rim of the flxturc or device in accordance with Section 608. The flood lcvel rim of hosc connections shall be the maxi- mum height at which any hosc is utilizetl.

609.5 Prohibited water closet and clinical sink supply. Jet- or water-supplied orifices, except those supplied by the flush connections, shall not be located in or connected with a watcr closet bowl or clinical sink. 'This section shall not prohibit an approved bidet installation.

609.6 Clinical, hydrotherapeutic and radiological equip- ment. All clinical. hydrotherapeutic, radiological or any cquip- melit that is supplicd w ~ t h water or that d~schxges to the waste system shall conform to the require~ncnts of this section and Sect~on 608.

609.7 Condensate drain trap seal. A water supply shall be provided for cleaning, flushing and resealing the coildensate trap. and the trap shall discharge through an air gap in accor- dance with Section 608.

609.8 Valve lenltagc diverter. Each water sterilizer filled wilh watcr through directly connected piping shall be equipped with an approved leakage diverter or blced line on the water supply control valve to indicate and conduct any leakage of unsterile watcr away from the sterile zone.


610.1 Gencral. Ncw or repaired potable watcr systems shall be purged of deleterious matter and disinfected prior to utiliza- tion. Thc ~ilcthod to be followed shall be that prescribed by the health authority or watcr p~~~vcyo~~l~avi~ ig jur i sd ic t ion or, in the absence of a p~cscribed method, the procedure described in either AWWA C65 1 or AWWA (2652, or as described in this scction. This I-ccluirement shall apply to "on-site" or "in-plant" fabrication of a systcm or to a rnodula~. portion of a systern.

thcreof shall bc valved off and allowcd to stand for 1 4 hours; or the system or part thereof shall bc filled with a waterlchlorine solution containing at least 200 parts per million (200 mg/L) of chlorinc and a1 lowed to stand for 3 hours.

3. Following the required standing time, the systcm shall bc flushed with clean potable water until the chlorine i s purged from the system.

4. The procedure shall be repeated where shown by a bactc- riological examination that contamination re~nains pres- ent in the system.


611.1 Design. Drinking water treatment units shall nicct the requirements of NSF 47, NSF 44, NSF 53 or NSF 62.

611.2 Reverse osmosis systems. The discharge from a revcvsc osmosis drinking water treat~ncnt unit shall enter the drainage system through an air gap or an air gap device that lnccts the requirements of NSF 58.

611.3 Connection tubing. The tubing to and from drinking water treatment units shall bc of a size and material as rccom- mended by the manufacturer. The tubing shall comply with NSP 14, NSF 41, NSF 44, NSF 53, NSF 58 or NSF 61.


612.1 Solar systems. The construction, installation, alterations and repair of sysle~ns, equipment and appliances intended to utilize solar energy for space heating or cooling, domestic hot water heating, swimming pool heating or process healing shall be in accordance with the J~~ ten~a t io~r i~ l Mec,ltcrrlic.~~I Cnile.


DEVICES AND VALVES 613.1 Temperature-actuated mising valves. Tempcrat~~rc- actuated ni~xing valves. which arc i~lstalled to rcducc watcr temperatures to defincdlim~ts. shall comply with ASSE: 10 17.

1. The pipe systcrll shall be flushed with clean, potable water until dirty water docs not appear at the. points of outlet.

2. 'The system or part thcreof shall be fillcd with a watcrlchlorinc solutio~i containing at least 50 parts pcr million (50 mg/L) of chlorine, and the system or part






701.1 Scope. The provisions of this chapter shall govern the materials, design, construction and installation of sanitary drai nagc systems.

701.2 Sewer required. Every building in which plumbing fix- tures are installed and a11 pren~ises having drainagc piping shall be connccted to a public sewer, where available, or an approved private sewage disposal system in accordance with the liitenru- tio1z~11 Private Secvage Di.spnsul Code.

701.3 Separate sewer connection. Every building having plumbing fixtures installed and intcnded for human habitation, occupancy or use on prcrnises abutting on a street, alley or easement in which there is a public sewer shall have a separate connection with the scwcr. MThcre located on the same lot. niul- tiplc buildings shall not be prohibited from connecting to a conlnion huilding sewer tliat connects to the public sewer.

701.4 Sewage treatment. Sewage or other wastc from a plun~bing system tliat is deleterious to surface or subsurface waters shall not bc discharged into thc ground or into any watcrway unless it has first becn rcndered innocuous through subjection to an approved fomi of treatment.

701.5 Da~rnagc to drainage system or public sewer. Wastes defr i~~~cntal to the public sewer system or to the fi~nctioning of the sewage-treatment plant shall hc treated and disposed of in accordance with Section 1003 as dil-ccted by thecode ofticial.

701.6 Tests. The sanitary drainagc system shall be tested in accordance with Section 3 12.

701.7 Connections. Direct connection of a steam exliaust, blowoffos drip pipc shall not be made with the building drain- age system. Wastewater when discharged into the building drai~iagc system shall be at a temperature not higher than 140°F (60°C). When higher tenlpcratures exist, a p l ~ ~ ~ v e d cooling methods shall be provided.

701.8 Engineered systems. Engineered sanitary drainagc sys- tems shall cvr~lbrm to the provisions of Sections 105.4 and 714.

70'1.9 Drainage piping in food service areas. Exposed soil or wastc piping shall not be installed a b o ~ c any working, storagc or eating s~irfaces in food service cstablishmen~s.


702.1 Abuve-ground sanitary drainage and vent pipe. Ahove-ground soil. waste and vent pipe shall conforrn to oneof the standards listed in 'kble 702.1.

702.2 Underground huilcling sanitary drainage and vent pipe. U~ider~round building sanitary drainage and rent pipe shall conform to vrlc of the standards listcd In Table 702.2.


-- ~ ~- ~- .- ~- ~- ~ - ~~- - . I -~ 1

MATERIAL -~. . - .~ -~ -

I STANDARD ! j~. - . - ~ ~ - . -~ ~ ~- - .. ~ . - . ~1

Acryloni(ri1e butadiene styrene jASTk1 D 22661: ASl'M F 628; i (ABS) plastic pipe - ! C S A B ~ ~ ~ . I -- ~ -- - ~ - -~ -. ~ .. t - - i

Blass pipe - - - -

Cast-iron pipe I ASTM A 74: ASTM A 888; I I CISPL 30 1 4-. -~ -- .. . - - - - .~ .. - ~ ~~ ! 1

Corxlruded composite A R S j DWV schedule 40 IPS pipe / ASTM F 1488 (solid)

- . . + - ..

Coextruded cornposile ABS DWV schedule 40 IPS pipe ASTM F ,488 (cellular core)

~ ~ ~ ~. -+-~. - - . .

Coextruded composite PVC 1 1 DWV sclledule 40 IPS pipe , ASTIvl F 1488 i

1 I - 2 ' . . - . . . . . + _- - . - - . , . ~ ~ ,

Coextruded composite PVC 1 1 DWV schedule 40 IPS pipe ASTM F 891 ; ASTM F 1488 I (cellular core) i

. . . . . . - . - . . j

Coextruded composite PVC I ; ASTI\tl F 1388 IPS-DR, PS 140, PS200 DWV 1 -~ --.b-- ~ - - - -- - - ~ ~ ~ - . -~ . I I

Copper or copper-alloy pipe ,ASTM B 42. ASTM B 302 - - - - - - -- - - r - -


Copper or copper-alloy tubrng ASTM B 75, AS'TM B 88, 1 (Type K. L, M ur DWV) ' ASTM B 251, ASThl B 306 _ - -- - -- - _ I - I

~XSTM A 53 Galvanized ateel plpc I

- - - - I Glass p~pe I ASTM C 1053 -- - - - - - ---2 - - - .-

Polyolefin prpe -

I - - - - i

Polyvmyl chlor~de (PVC) ~ A S T ~ T D 2665, ASTM D 2939: plast~c pipe (Type DWV) IASTM P 1488, CSA B 18 1 2. '

- -. - - -- - - -

Stainless steel drainage I A S M E A I 12.3.1 svstems. Tvues 304 and 3 16L I

702.3 Building sewer pipe. Building setvcr pipe shall conform to one of thc standards listed in Tablc 702.3.

702.4 Fittings. Pipe fittings sh;lll be approved for installation with the piping material installed and sliall confvrlu to tlic respective pipe standads or one of the standards listed in 'l'uhlc 702.4.

702.5 Chenlical waste system. A chcniicol waslc system shall be completely separated from the sanitary drainagc system. The chemical wastc shall be trcatcd in accordance will1 Section 803.2 before discharging to the sanitary drainagc system. Scp- arate drainage systems for chemical wastes and vcut pipes shall he of an approvccl material that is resistant to corrosion and degradation for the concentrations of chemicals involved.




~~-- .

STANDARD . . . -.

! :Ac~.ylo~~it~.ile buladicne styrene 1 (ABS) plastic D ~ D C


J~ast - i ron pipe ~

/ASTM A 71; ASTM A 888: !CISPI 301 4 - --.. ~ ~

1 l~ocx.tlllded ~oniposite ABS 1 DWV schedulc 40 IPS pipe 'ASTM F 1488 j (solid) I . . - . . . - - C~ . -- ~ ~- I I

j~oestrudcd composile ARS I DWV schetlulc 40 IPS pipe !AS'I?t F 1488 ) (cellular core) . . . . ~ ~. ... . - . - . 4 ~ ~- .

! C ~ C X ~ S L I ~ C ~ con~positc PVC 1

I DWV schedule I0 IPS pipe ~ASTM F 1488 . . 1 (solid) I

I L . . . . . . - . . - .. . - - . - - . - - . -.

'Cocxlnlded compos~te PVC I

i DWV xhcdule 40 IPS plpe ASTM F 891, ASTM F 1488 ! (cellular cole) ! ! - - - - - --- - - -

!coextrudcd composite PVC ) IPS-DR. PS 140, PS200 I iASTM F 1488 I DWV 1 . . . - . - . - . . .f . . . -- -

1Copper or copper-alloy tubing !ASTM B 75: ASTM B 88; I (Typc I<, L; M or DWV) 'AsTM B 251; ASTM B 306 1 . - . - . . . ~_

I / Polyolcfin pipc ASTM F 1412: CSA B181.3 - - , - ~~ ~- ~~ .. - ~. .-- .. - - ~ - ~


I I'olyvi~~yl chloi-idc (PVC) /ASTM U 2665; ASTM D 2049: I plastic pipe (Typc DWV) jCSA 8 18 1.2 i ~~ ~- l~ -~ ~ -- --

Sracnlc\\ \ ~ ~ e l drdin~pe I

1 sy\tem\. Type 3 16L [AShlE Al 12 3.1 1 - _ - _ - - - - --



I~cryloa~ltrile butadlene 5ty1enr ASTM D 266 1 ; ASTM D 175 1 . (ABS I plastic p ~ p e - -- - _ - - ---


I 1Cast-iron pipe

I IASTM A 71. AS? M A 888:

ICISPI 30 1 i- - -

lCoexlruded compo\ltc ABS 1 1 DWV 5ciledule 40 IPS plpe / ASTM F 1488


!Cocxtruded composite ABS 1 DWV schedule 40 IPS pipe ,ASTM F 1488

(cellular core)

JCoexlrudcd con~posile PVC DN'V schedule 40 IPS pipe i ASTM F 1488 I (solid) ~ i

. + . . . . . ~ - . ~ ~~ ~-

!Coextludrd compoute PVC '

i DWV rsl~cdulv 40 IPS plpe ASTM F 89 I : ASTM F i 488 (cellular colc) I - - - -- -- -4 -

l coexrruded composite I PVC IPS-DK, PS 140.

I IASTM F 1488

I PS200 DWV - - - 2 - .-- - 1- - - -

jcoextruded composite ABS 1 / sewer and drain DR-PS in

I IASTM F 1488 / PS35, PS50, PS100, PS140, i

! PS700 I-- -. _ . 1 ~ ~ - - ~

/ Coextruded composite PVC 1 scwrr and drain DR-PS in 1 ASTM 1' 1488 / PS35, PSSO, PS LOO, PS140. 1 1 PS200 I

I I ICoextruded PVC iewel- ~ n d 1 , dram PS25, PS50, PS 100 ASTM F 89 1 I (cellular core)

I Concrztc pipe I

I A S T M C 14; ASTM C76; CSA iA257. I M; CSA A257.2M

I ~ o p ~ e ~ or coppel-alloy ~ u b ~ n g ~ A S T R ~ B 75, ASIR1 I3 88, ASTh ( (Type K 01 L) I - - lB E l lPolyethylene (PE) plastic pipe 1 (SDR-PI<)

ASTM F 714

polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 1 IASTM D 2665: ASTM D 29-LC): ! plas~ic pipe ( T Y P ~ D ~ V , ~ASTM U 3034,: CSA B 182.2; I SDR26, SDR35: SDR41, i PS50 or PS 1 00) I C S A 8182.4

1 Ct,t1nle5s steel dralnnge IASM6Al123 1 I

\ystem\ Tvpe\ 304 and 3 16L 1 1 - - -- ,-+ - - - - i 'Vjtrlfied clay p~pc L---

~ A S T R ~ C 4, ASTM C 700 - -- -- .- -




~ . - . - ~ . . -~ ~ ...-- ~~- ~--- i I MATERIAL STANDARD

. .- ~ -~ ~ ~ ~. ' i Acrylonitrile bahdiene /ASTM D 2661; ASTM D 331 I;

slyrenc (ABS) plastic pipc .CSA B IS 1.1 -- - ~ - .- - - . - 1 - - ~- -~ --!

/ASME B 16.4: ASME B 16.12: 1 Cnsl iron IASTM A 74; AS'TM A 888;

!CISPI 301 ! - + -~ - - . . -- . . i /~oex~rudcd corrlposite ABS i I


ASTMD2661;ASTMD33ll; i I DWV scbcdule 40 IPS pipe I A S T M h2S i(so1id or ccllular core) , - - - - . - - . .~ ~ - ..+

i~oexlruded composite PVC / I I 1 ! DWV schedule 40 IPS-DR, IASTkI D 2665; ASTM D 33 11 ; 1

1 PS140, PS100 [solid or ~ASTM F 891 I . . . . . . . . . - ...- 1

i i 1 Coexlruded compo5itc ABS 1 i sewer and drain DR-PS in ! 'ASTM D 2751 PS35, PS50, PS 100, PS 140,j i ~ ~ 2 0 0

I coextruded cornposlte PVC / sewcl and drain DR-PS in I

1 PS35. PS50, PS 100, PS 140, / ASTM D 3034

I PS200 I - I - -- - -- - -

I I jASME B 16.15: ASME B 16.18; Icoppcl. "1. copper alloy i ASME B 16.22: ASME B 16.23: 1

! ASME B 16.26 ASME B 16.") 1 . . . ~ 1 ..... '- 1 I Glass ! .

I G I , I ~ 11.on and ductllc iron I A W W A C 1 I0 - .

/ASME B 16 7 / 2. . .~-l IASTMF 1412;CSAB181.? I

. . ~

I 1


systems. Typcs 304 and ASME A 1 12.3.1 i 1 . .--- 31bL . . _ . . - c . . . . . . . . - _ . . I Steel ASME B 16.9; ASME ~ 1 6 . 1 1 ; i

ASME B 16.28 . . . . . . - .,-_ ~- . . . ~_.-!

702.6 Lead bends and traps. Lead bends and traps shall not be less than 0.125 inch (3.2 mm) wall thickness.


703.1 Building sewer pipe near the water service. Wliere the building sewcr is installed within 5 feet ( 1524 mm) of the water scrvicc. the irlstallatio~i shall comply with the provisions of Section 603.2.

703.2 Drainage pipe in filled gl-ound. Where a buildiu.r! sewer or building drain is installed on filled or unstable ground, the drainage pipe shall conform to one of the standards for ABS plastic pipe. cast-iron pipc, copper or copper-alloy tubing. or PVC plastic pipe listcd in Table 702.3.

703.3 Sanitary and storm sewers. Whcre separate systems of sanitary drainage and storm drainagc arc installcd in the same property, the sanitary and storm building sewers 01. drains shall be perrnitted to be laid side by side in one trcnctl.

703.4 Existing building sewers and drains. Existing building sewers and drains shall connect with new building sewer and drainage systems only whcre fouild by exarnir~atiorl and test to c o ~ ~ f o m i to the ncw system in quality of material. Thc code ofG- cia1 shall notify the owner to malie the changes necessary to conform to this code.

703.5 Cleanouts on building sewers. Cleal~outs on building sewers shall be located as sct fort11 i n Section 708.


704.1 Slope of horizontal drainage piping. Hoi i/orital drain- age piping shall be installcd in uniform alignment at uniform slopes. The minimum slopc of a horizontal drainage pipe ahall be in accordance with Table 701.1.


- -


I- . . (inche_sl--~~ -1- ~-

(inch-perlfoo!) . . , 2'1, or ~ less i.-- - .. ~

3 lo 6 ! - - j

: . . . - _ _ . - . - - ... -~ 1 1

j I 1

8 or largel- I - - - . . - - _ - - . _ - I ! . . - .~ i For SI: I inch = 25.4 mm. 1 inch per foot = 0.OX3.3 n~rn/ rn .

704.2 Change in size. Thc size of the drainage piping shall not be reduced in size in the direction of the flow. A 4-inch by 3-inch (102 lnin by 76 mm) vIatercloset connection shall not be considered as a reduction in sine.

704.3 Connections to offsets and bases of stacks. Holizol~tal branches shall connect to thc bases of slaclis at a point located not less than 10 times the diameter of the drailla_rc slack clown- stream from the stack. Except as prohibited by Section 7 1 1.2: horizontal branches shall connect to hurizontal strick offscts at a point located not less than I O times the diameter of the drain- age stack downstream fro111 the upper stack.

704.4 Future fixtures. Drainage piping for future fixtures shall terminate with an approved cap or plug.

704.5 Dcad ends. In the installat~on or rerno\.al of any part of a drainage system, dead ends shall be prohibited. Cleanout extensions and approved future fixture drainagc piping shall not be considered as dead ends.


705.1 General. This section contains provisions applicable to joints specific to sanitary drainage piping.

705.2 ABS plastic. Joints between ABS plastic pipe or fittings shall comply with Sections 705.2.1 through 705.2.3.



705.2.1 Rlechariical joints. Mechanical joints on drainage pipcs shall be made with an clastorncric scal conforming to ASTM C 1 173, ASTM D 3212 or CSA B602. Mechanical joints shall be installed only in undergl.ound systcrns ur~less otherwise approved. Joints shall bc installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

705.2.2 Solvelmt cementing. Joint surfaces shall be clean and fi-ce from moisture. Solvent cement that conforms to ASTM D 2235 or CSA B 18 1.1 shall be applicd to all joint surfaces. Thc joint shall be rnade while the cerncnt is wet. Joints shall be made in accordance with ASTM D 2235, ASTM D 2661; AS'l'M F 628 or CSA B181.1. Sol- vcnt-cement joints shall bc permitted above or helow ground.

705.2.3 'Threaded joints. Thrcads shall conform to ASME El 1.20.1. Schcdule 80 or heavier pipe shall bc permitted to bc thrcadcd with dies specifically designed for plastic pipe. Approvcd thread Inhncant or tape shall be applied on thc malc threads only.

705.3 Asbestos cement. Joints between asbestos-cement pipe or fittings shall be rnade with a sleeve coupling of the same con~position as the pipe, sealed with an elastomeric ring con- forming to ASTM D 1869.

705.4 Brass. Joints between brass pipc or fittings shall comply with Scctions 705.4.1 through 705.4.3.

705.4.1 Brazed joints. All joint surfaces shall be cleaned. An approvcd flux shall he applicd wherc required. The joint shall be brazed with a filler metal conforming to AWS A5.8.

705.4.2 Mechanical joints. Mechanical joints shall be installcd in accordance with the manufacturer's instruc- tions.

705.4.3 Threaded joints. Thrcads shall conform to ASME B1.20.1. Pipc-joint componnd or tape shall be applicd on thc male threads only.

705.4.4 Welded joints. All joint surfaces shall be clcaneci. Thc joint shall be welded with a n approvcd tiller metal.

705.5 Cast iron. Joints between cast-iron pipe or fittings shall conlply w ~ t h Scctions 705.5.1 through 705.5.3.

705.5.1 Caulked joi~~ts . Jo~nts tor hub and spigot pipe shall bc firnnly packed with oakum or hemp. Molten lead shall he p o ~ ~ r c d in onc operation to a dcpth of 11ot lcss than 1 inch (25 ~ n m ) . Thc lcad shall not ~cccdc more than 0.125 inch (3.2 mm) below thc rlm of the hub and shall he caulked tight. Paint, varnish or other coatings shall not be pernlitted on the jointing matcrial until aftcr the joint has beell tcstcd and approved. Lead shall be run in one pouring and shall bc caulkcd tight. Acid-resistant ropc and acidproof cement shall bc permitted.

705.5.2 Compression gasket ,joints. Compression gaskets for hub and spigot pipc and fittings shall confor~n to ASTM

I C 564 and shall be tcstcd to ASTM C 1563. Gaskcts shall be comprcsscd when the pipe is fully inscrtetl.

705.5.3 Mechanical joint coupling. Mechanical joint cou- plings for hublcss pipc and fi ttings shall comply with ClSPl 3 10, ASTM C I377 or ASTM C 1540. Thc claslomcric seal- I ing slecve shall conform to ASTM C 564 or CSA B602 and shall be provided with a centcr stop. Mechanical joint coil- plings shall be installed in accorclancc with tlic 111;lnuf;ic- turer's installation instructions.

705.6 Co~lcrete joints. Joints bctwccn concrctc pipc and fit- tings shall be made with an clastomcric scnl conforming to AS'I'M C 443, ASTM C 1173. CSA A257.3M or CSA E602.

705.7 Coextruded composite ABS pipe, joints. Joints between coextrudedcomposite pipe with an ARS outer layer or ABS fittings shall conlply with Sections 705.7.1 and 705.7.2.

705.7.1 Mechanical joints. Mechanical joints on drainage pipc shall be made with an elastomcric seal conforming to ASTM C 1 173. ASTM D 37 12 or CSA B602. Mcchanical joints shall not be installed in above-ground syqtcms, unless otherwise approved. Joints shall be installed in accordancc with the manufacturer's instructions.

705.7.2 Solvent cementing. Joint surfaces shall be clcnn and free from moisture. Solvent cement that coufo~ms to ASTM D 2235 or CSA B 181.1 shall be applied to all joint surfaces. The joint shall be made while thc ccment is wct. Joints shall be made in accordance with ASTM D 2235, ASTM D 2661, ASTM F 628 or CSA B181.1. Sol- vcnl-cement joints shall bc perrnittcd abovc or below ground.

705.8 Coextruded composite PVC pipe. Joints between cocxtruded co~r~posite pipe with a PVC outer layer or PVC lit- tings shall comply with Sections 705.8.1 and 705.8.2.

705.8.1 Mechanical joints. Mechanical joints on drainagc pipc shall be made with an clastomeric seal conforming to ASTM D 3212. Mechanical joints shall not be installed in above-ground systems, unless otherwisc approved. Joints shall be installed in accordance with the n~anuf:~cturcr's instmclions.

705.8.2 Solvent cementing. Joint surfaces shall bc clean and free from moisture. A purple prirncr that confol-ms to ASTM F 656 shall be applied. Solvent cement not purplc in color and confonuing to ASTM D 2564, CSA B 137.3. CSA B 181.2 or CSA B 182.1 shall bc applied to all joint s~~rfaccs. The joint shall be made while thc ccmctlt is wet and shall be in accordance with ASTM D 2855. Solvent-ccmcnt joil~ts shall bc ycr111itLed abovc or below ground.

705.9 Copper pipe. Joints bctwccn copper or copper-alloy pipc or fittings shall comply with Sections 705.9.1 through 705.9.5.

705.9.1 Brazed joints. All joint surfaccs shall hc clcancd. An approved flux shall bc applicd where required. Thc joint shall bc brazed with a filler n ~ c ~ ~ l conforming to AWS A5.8.

705.9.2 Mechanical joints. Mechanical joints shall bc installed in accordance with thc manufacturer's instruc- tions.



705.9.3 Soldered joints. Svldcr joints shall be made in accordance with thc methods of ASTM B 828. All cut tube cncls shall be reamed to thc fill1 insidc diamcter of the tube cnd. All joint surfaccs shall be cleaned. A flux conforming to ASTM B 8 13 shall be applied. The joint shall be soldered with a solder conforming to ASTM B 33.

705.9.4 Threaded joints. Threads shall conform to ASME B 1.20.1. Pipe-joint compounci or tapc shall be applied on the male threads only.

705.9.5 Wc4ded joints. All joint surfaces sllall be cleaned. The joint shall he wrldcd with an approved filler metal.

705.10 Coppcr tubing. Joints between copper or copper-alloy tubing or fittings shall comply with Sections 705.10.1 through 705.10.3.

705.10.1 Brazed joints. All joint surfaces shall be cleaned. An approved flux shall be applied where required. The joint shall be brazed with a filler metal conforrning to AWS A5.8.

705.10.2 Merl~anical joints. Mechanical joints shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instruc- tions.

705.10.3 Soldered joints. Solder joints shall be made in accordance with the methods of ASTM B 828. All cut tube ends shall be reamed to the full inside diameter of the tube end. All joint surfaces shall be cleaned. A flux confor~ning to ASTM B 8 13 shall be applicd. The joint shall be soldercd with a solder conforrning to ASTM B 32.

705.1 1 Uorosilicate glass joints. Glass-to-glass connections shall be made with a boltcd co1npressior1-type stainless steel (300 series) coupling with contoured acid-resistant elastomeric comp~cs\ion ring and a fluorocarbon polymer innel. seal ring: or with caulked joints in accordance with Section 705.1 1.1.

705.11.1 Caulked joints. Every lead-caulked joint for hub and spigot soil pipc shall be firmly packed with oakum or hcmp and filled with molten lead not less than 1 inch (25 mm) deep and not to extcnd more than 0.125 inch (1.2 rnm) bclow thc rim of thc hub. Paint, varnish or other coatings shall not be permitted on thc jointing material until after thc joint has bcen tested and approved. Lead shall be run in one pouring and shall be caulkcd tight. Acid-resistant rope and acidproof cemcnt shall be pernlittcd.

705.12 Steel. Joints between galvanized steel pipe or fittings shall comply with Sections 705. I?. 1 and 705.12.2.

705.12.1 Threaded joint3. Threads shall conform to ASME B 1.20.1. Pipe-joint co~llpound or tape shall be applied on the male threads only.

705.12.2 Mechanical. joints. Joints shall be made with an approvcd elastomeric seal. Mechanical joints shdl be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instruc- tions.

705.13 Lead. Joints betwcen lead pipe or fitlings shall comply with Sections 705.13.1 and 705.13.2.

705.13.1 Burned. Burned joints shall be ~lniformly fused together into one continuous piece. The thickness of the joint shall bc at least as thick as thc lead being joined. The filler metal shall be of the same material as the pipc.

705.13.2 Wiped. Joints shall be fully wipctl. with an exposed surface on cach s~cle of the joint not lcss than 0.75 inch (10.1 nlm) The joint shall be at lea\^ 0.325 inch (9.5 mm) thick at thc thickest point.

705.14 PVC plastic. Joints between PVC plastic pipc or fit- tings shall coniply with Sections 705.14.1 through 705.14.3.

705.14.1 rvlechanical joints. Mechanical joints on drainage pipe shall bc made with an elasto~nerie seal confornling to ASTM C 1173, ASTM D 3212 or CSA B602. hlcchanical joints shall not be installed in above-ground systenis, unless otherwise approved. Joints shall be installcd in accordancc with the manufacturer's instructions.

705.14.2 Solvent cementing. Joint surfaccs shall be clcan and free ti-om moisture. A purple primer that conforms to ASTM F 656 shall bc applicd. Solvent cemcnt not purple in color and conforming to ASTlM D 2564, CSA R137.3, CSA B 18 1.1 or CSA B 182.1 shall be applied to all joint surfaccs. The joint shall be ~nadc while the cemcnt is wct and shall be in accordance with ASTM D 2855. Solvent-ccment joints shall be permitted above or bclow ground.

705.14.3 Threaded joints. Threads shall conform to ASME B 1.20.1. Schcdulc 80 or heavicr pipc shall be per- mitted to be threaded with dies specifically designed for plastic plpc. Approved thread lubricant or tapc shall bc applicd on the rnalc threads only.

705.15 Vitrified clay. Joint5 bctween vitr~fied clay pipe or fit- tings shall be lnade with an elastomeric scal conforming to ASTM C 425, ASTM C 1173 or CSA R602.

705.16 Polyethylene plastic pipe. Joints between polycthyl- cne plastic pipe and fittings shall bc untlerground and shall comply with Section 705.16.1 or 705.16.2.

705.16.1 Heat-fusion joints. Joint surfaces shall bc clean and free from moisture. All joint surfaccs shall be cut, heated to lllclting tcmpcrature andjoincd using tools spccif- ically designed for the operation. Joints shall be undistnrbcd until cool. Joints shall be madc in accordance with ASTM D 2657 and the manufacturer's instructions.

705.16.2 Mechanical joints. Mechanical joints in drainagc piping shall be made with an clastomeric seal confom~ing to ASTM C 1 173, ASTM D 32 12 01- CSA B602. Mcchanical joints shall be installed in accorda~ice with the ~ n a n i ~ h c - turer's instl-uctions.

705.17 Polyolefin plastic. Joints betwec~i polyolcfin plastic pipe and fittings shall comply with Sections 705.17.1 and 705.17.2.

705.17.1 Heat-fusion joints. Iicat-fusion joints for polyolefin pipc and tubing joints shall be installcd with soclcct-type heat-fused polyolefin fittings or elcctrofusion polyolefin fittings. Joint surfaces shall be clean and free from moisture. The joint shnll be undisturl~cd until cool. Joints shall be made in accordance with ASTM F 1412 or CSA B 181.3.

705.17.2 Mechanical and compression sleeve joints. Mechdnical and corr~pression clceve joints shall bc in5talled in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.



705.18 Joints between different materials. Joints between different piping materials shall be made with a mechanical joint of the compression or rncchanical-sealing type conform- ing to AS'I'M C 1 173, ASTM C 1460 or ASThl C 1461. Con- nectors and adapters shall be approved for the application and such joints shall have an elastomeric seal conforming to ASTM C 425, ASTM C 443, ASTM C 564: ASTM C 1440, ASTM D 1869, ASTR.1 F 477, CSA A257.3M or CSA B602, or as required in Sections 705.18.1 through 705.18.7. Joints between glass pipe and other types of niaterials shall be made with adapters having a TFE seal. Joints shall he installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

705.1 8.1 Copper or copper-alloy tubing to cast-iron hub pipe. Joints betwccn copper 01- copper-alloy tubing and cast-iron hub pipe shall be made with a brass ferrule or com- pression joint. Thc copper or copper--alloy tubing shall be soldered to the ferrule in an approved manner, and thc fer- rule shall bc joined t o the cast-iron hub by a caull;ed joint or a mechanical co~nprcssion joint.

705.18.2 Copper or copper-alloy tubing to galvanized stcel pipc. Joints between copper or copper-alloy tubing and galvanized steel pipe shall he made w ~ t h a brass con- verter fitting or dielectric fitting. The copper tubing shall he soldered to thc fitting in an app~oved manner, and the fitting shall be screwed to the threaded pipe.

705.18.3 Cast-iron pipe to galvanized steel or brass pipe. Jomts bctween cast-i~on and galvanized steel or brass pipe shall be made by either caulkedor threaded joints or with an approved adapter fitting.

705.18.4 Plastic pipe or tubing to other piping material. Joints between different types of plastic pipe or between plastic pipe and other piping material shall be madc with an approvcd adapter fitting. Joints between plastic pipe and cast-iron hub pipe shall bc 11~ade by a caulked joint or a ~ncch:Lnical cornprcssioo joint.

705.18.5 L,ead pipe to other piping material. Joints bctwcen lead pipe and other piping material shall hc rnade by a wipcd jo~nt to a caulking f e ~ n ~ l e , soldering nipple, or bushing or shall be made with an approved adapter fitting.

705.18.6 Borosilicate glass to other materials. Joints hctwecn glass pipe and other types of mater~als shall bc madc with adapters having a TFE scal and shall be i~xstalled ~n accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

705.18.7 Stainless stccl drainage systcms to other mate- rials. Joints bctwecn stainless stcel drainage sycte~ns ant1 other piping lnatcrials shall be made with approved mcch:~nical couplings.

705.1 9 Drainage slip joints. Slip joints shall comply with Sec- tion 405.8.

705.20 Ga~rlking ferrules. Ferrules shall hc of red brass and shall bc in nccordancc with Table 705.7-0.


o r I : 1 ilic:h = 25.4 mm, I ouncc = 28.35 g, I pound : 0.454 kg.

705.21 Soldering bushings. Soldcling bushings \hall bc of red brass and shall hc in accordance with Table 705.21.

TABLE 705.21 SOLDERING BUSHING SPECIFICATIONS . - - ~ -- -- .- .. ~ ~ - .. - -


8 ounces

I 2

I pound

3 pounds 8 ounces L. ~- - - - - . -- . .- ,- -- - ~ . -~~

1 I : 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 ouiicc = 28.35 p. 1 pound = 0.454 kp.

705.22 Stainless steel drainage systems. O-ring joints for stainless stcel drainagc systems shall bc made with an approvcd elasto~ncric seal.



706.1 Connections and changes in direction. All connections and changes in direction of the sanitary drainagc systcm shall be made with approvcd drainage fitiings. Connections betwccn drainage piping and fixtures shall conform to Scction 405.

706.2 Obstructions. The fittings shall not have ledges, shoul- ders or reductions capable of retarding or obstructing tlow in the piping. Threaded drainage pipc fittings shall be of thc recessed drainagc type.

706.3 Installation of fittings. Fittings shall be installed to guide sewage and waste ill the dircction of flow. Changc in direction shall be made by fittings installcd in ~~ccorda~lce with Table 706.3. Changc in direction by combination fittings, sidc inlets or increasers shall be installed in accordal~cc with Tr~hlc 706.3 based on the pattern of tlow created by the fitting. Dou- ble sanitary tee patterns shall not reccivc thc discharge of back-to-back wate,r closets and fixtures or appliances with pir~nping action discharge.



Exception: Back-to-back watcr closct conncctions to dou- ble sanitdry Lees shall be permitted where the horizontal developed lenglh bctwecn the outlet of the watcr closct and thc co~lncction to the clouhle wnitary tee pattern is IS inches (457 mm) or greater.

TABLE 706.3 FITTINGS FOR CHANGE IN DIRECTION -- -- - - - - - -- - - -- - - --


- - - ~~ . ~.

. -

I I Eighth bend 1 S / -- - . - . - . -~ . - . - j . - - - - r...- ~ . . ~ ~.+ --i

~ ~ x t h bend I + - -

I Shol-t sweep I j XL~" i . - - . -~ .~ -. -~ ~. ~ ,~. ~ . . . - i - . .~~. I

1 San~tar-y tce r - -

i ~ornbinrtion wye 1 I L and . . eighth . bend i X ] X X ( i 1 _~ i

Fuc SI. 1 incli = 25.4 nim.

a. Thc litlings shall only he pernliltrd lo]- a ?-inch or smaller tixturc drain h. T ~ I - e c i~~cl lcs or larger. c. For a limitation on double sanitary tees, see Section 706.3.

706.4 Wee!- or side-inlet quarter bends. Heel-inlet quarter bends shall be an acccptablc mcans of connection, except where the quarter bend serves a water closct. A low-heel inlet shall not bc used as a wet-vented connection. Side-inlet quarter hcnds shall be an acceptable means of connection for drainage. wet venting alld stack venting arrangements.


707.1 Prohibited joints. Thc following types of joints and connections sl~all be prohibited:

1. Cement or concrete joints.

2. Mastic or hot-pour bitu~ninous joints.

3. Joints m~rde with fittings not approvcd for the specific installation.

4. Joints between different diameter pipcs ~nade with elastomcric rolling O-rings.

5. Solvenr-cement joints between different types of plastic pipe.

6. Saddlc-type fittings.


708.1 Scope. This scction shall govern the size, location, installation and maintenance of drainage pipc cleanouts.

708.2 Cleanout plugs. Cleano~rt pl~igs shall be brass or pl~lstic, or othcr approved materials. Brass cleanout ~ I L I ~ S shall be uti- lized with ~nctallic drain, waste and vent piping only, and shall conform to ASTM A 74, ASMF, A1 12.3.1 or ASILIE A1 12.36.2M. Clcanouts with plate-style access covcrs shall bc fitted with corrosion-resisting fasteners. Plastic cleanout plugs shall conform to the requirements of Section 702.4. Plugs shall have raised square or countersunk square heads. Countersunk heads shall be i~lstallcd where raised hcads arc a trip hazard. Cleanout plugs with bol.osilicate glass systems shall be of borosilicate glass.

708.3 Where required. Clcanouts shall be located i n accor- dance with Sections 708.3.1 through 708.3.6.

708.3.1 Horizontal drains within buildings. All horizon- tal drains shall be provided with cleanouts located not Inore than I00 feet (30 480 mm) apart.

708.3.2 Building sewers. Building sewers shall be pro- vided with cleanouts located not 11101-c than I00 fect (30 480 mm) apart measured from thc upstream entralice of the cleanout. For building sewers 8 inches (103 mm) and larger. manholes shall be provided and located not more than 200 feet (60 960 mm) from the junction of the building drain and building sewer, at each change in direction and at intcnrals of not more than 400 fect (1 22 m) apart. Manholcs and man- hole covers shall be of an appl-oved lypc.

708.3.3 Changes of direction. Cleanouts shnll bc installed at each change of direction grcatcr than 45 degrees (0.79 rad) in the building scwcr, building drain and horizontal I waste or soil lines. Where more than one chanpe of direction occurs in a run of piping. only one cleanout shall be requircd for each 40 feet (12 192 mmj of developed length of the drainage piping.

708.3.4 Base of stack. A cleanout shall be providcd at the base of each waste or soil stack.

708.3.5 Building drain and building sewer junction. There shall be a clcanout near thc junction of thc building drain and the building sewer. Thc clcanout shall hc either inside or outside the building wall and shall be brought up to thc finished ground level or to the basement floor Icvcl. An approvcd two-way cleunout is allowcd to be used at this location to servc as arequired clcanout for both the building drain and building sewer. The cleanout at the junction of thc building drain and building sewer shall not be I-equired if thc clcanout on a _?-inch (76mm) or larger diilmctcr soil slack i h

locatcd within a developed length of 10 fcct (3048 mm) of the building drain and building sewer connection. The mini- nlum size of the cleanout at thejunction of thc building drain and building sewer shall comply with Section 708.7.

708.3.6 biIanholes. Manholes serving a building d~a in shall have securcd gas-tight covers and shall be located in accor- dance with Sectior~ 708.3.2.

708.4 Concealed piping. Cleonouts on concealed p i p i ~ ~ g or- piping under a floor slab or in a crawl space of less than 24 inchcs (610 mmt in height or a plenum shall be extended through and tenninatc flush with the finished wall, floor or ground surface or shall be extendcd to thc outsidc of the build- ing. Cleanout plugs shall not be covcrcd with cement, plaster or



any other permanent finish material. Where it is necessary to conceal cleanout or to terluiliate a cleanout it1 an area subject to vehicular traffic, the covering plate, access dcwr or cleanout shall bc of an approved type designed and illstal led for this pur- pose.

708.5 Opening direction. Evel-y cleanout shall be installed to opcn to allow clcaning in the direction of the flow of the drain- age pipe 01- at right angles thereto.

708.6 Prohibited installation. Cleanout openings rhall not be utilized for the installation of new7 fixtures, except where approved and where another cleanout of equal access and capacity is provided.

708.7 Minilnuin size. Cleanouts shall be the same nominal size as the pipe they serve up to 4 inches (102 mni). For pipes larger than 4 inches (I 02 tnrn) nominal size, the n~ini~nuln sizc of the cleanout shall be 4 inches (102 mm).


1. "P" trap connection5 with slip joints or ground j o~n t connections, or stack cleanouts that are not more than onc pipe diameter smaller than the drain senred, shall be pernii ttcd

2. Cast-iron cleanout sizi~rg shall be in accordance with referenced standards in Table 702.4. ASTM A 74 for hub anti spigot i<ttings or ASTM A 888 or CISPI 301 for hubless fittings.

708.8 Clearances. Cleanouts on 6-inch (1 53 mm) and smaller pipes shall be provided with a clearance of not less than18 inches (457 lnm) for rodding. Cleanouts on 8-inch (203 mm) and larger pipes shall bc providcd wit11 a clearance of not less than 36 inches (914 mrn) for rodding.

708.9 Access. Access shall be provided to all clcanouts.


709.1 Vi~lues for fixtures. Drainage fixture unit values as given in Table 709.1 designate the relative load weight of dif- ferent kinds of fixtures that shall be employed in estimating the total load carried hy a soil or waste pipe, and shall be used in conr~cction with Tables 710.1 ( I ) and 7 10.1(2) of sizes for soil, waste and vent pipes for which the peniiissible load is given in terms of fixturc units.

709.2 Fixtures not listcd irl Table 709.1. Fixtures not listcd in Table 709.1 shall have a drainagc fixture unit load bascd on the outlet sizc of the fixture in accol-dance with Table 709.2. 'l'he minimum trap sizc for unlisted fixtures shall be the size of the drainage outlet but not less than 1.35 inches (32 mm).

709.3 Values for co~ltinuuus and semicontinuous flow. Drainage fixture unit values for continuous and semicontinu- ous flow into a drainage system shall bc computed on the basis that 1 pprn (0.06 Lls) of flow is equivalent to twofixtureunits.

709.4 Values for indirect waste receptor. The drainage fix- turc unit load of an indirect waste receptor receiving the dis-

charge of indirectly cor~r~ected fixtures shall be the sum of the drainage fixture unit values of the fixtures that discharge to thc receptor, but not less than the drainage fixturc unit value given for the indircct waste rcceptor in Table 709.1 or 709.2.



(inches) r.-- .~ - ~ ! , DRAINAGE - ~ -~ FIXTURE UNIT . VALUE

1 2l/, ; . ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 4 ~. ... ~ - . ~

1 I L

FOI. SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm.


710.1 Maxin~unn fixture unit load. The maximum number of drainage fixture units connected to a given sizc of building sewer, building drain or horizontal branch of the building drain shall bc determined using Table 7 10. I ( I ). The maximum nun-- ber of drainage tixture units connected to a given size of hori- zontal branch or vertical soil or waste stack shall be detcrniined using Table 7 10.1(2).

710.1.1 Horizontal stackoffsets. Horizontal stack offsets shall bc sized as recluircd for building drains in accordance with Table 7 10.1 ( 1 ), cxccpt as required by Scction 7 1 1.4.

710.1.2 Vertical stack offsets. Vertical stack offsets shall be sized as rcquired for straight stacks in accordance with Table 7 10. I (2), except where required to be sized as a build- ing drain in accordance with Section 7 1 1.1.1.

710.2 Future fixtures. Where provisiori is made for the futurc installation of fixtures, those provided for sl~all be considered in determining the required sizes of drain pipes.



711.1 Horizontal hranch connections above or below verli- cal stack offsets. If a horizontal branch connects to the stack within 2 feet (610 mm) above or below a vertical stack offset. and the offset is located more than four branch intervals bclow thc top of the st;ick, thc offset shall be vented in accordance with Section 9 15.

711.1.1 Omission of vents for vertical stack offsets. Vents for vertical offsets required by Section 71 1 . I shall not be required where the stack ant1 its offset are sized as a building drain [see Table 710. I (I)].




- - ~ - - - ~~ - - --- - -- ~ ~ .--.- ~ ~- ~~~.~ ~~- - - ~~~~ . - - ~ --, DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNIT - - MINIMUM SIZE OF TRAP I

IXTURE TYPE I VALUE AS LOAD FACTORS I (inches) . -- . .~ . -~- - - - . . - ~ i

'Automatic clothes washers, commercial"" . ~

I Aotornntic clolhes washers, residentiall: 1 - - . - . . - ~ ~ ~- I 1 Rathrooni group as defined in Section 202 (1.6 gpf waler closet)' 1

. . ~ .~ -~ . . t - - - . - .~

jBathroom group as defined 111 Section 202 (water closet flushing I gl-earel. than 1.6 gpP)' I - - - - _~~ - _ - - - - ~

/ Bathtuh" (with or without overhead shower or whirpool attachments) I 7 l ]I2 i t ~~ ~- - - -

~ - . ~ - .. - . - - - .. -- ~ -~ .-- ~~ ~~ -

I I Bidet 1.. - - - . . . . -~ -

! 2 iCo~nbination sink and tray 1 . . - - . - - - ..-..-.I..-...---.. ~ - -__


'Fmel-gency floor drain I ' - _ . . . i I) r---- Floor drains 2 - ~ - ~ .- .~ -.. .~- . ~ - - - . 1


- Kitchen sink, domcslic 2 t ~~~~

. - . . . . . . . L . _ ~. I / I<itchcn sink, domcs~ic with food wastc grindcr and/or dishwasher !

~ - ~ - ~ ~~

2 I + ~

' ~ 1 I/? -. ~ - ~-~ --

I 2 I I I/> I ~ a u n d r y tray (1 or 2 compartmcnts) I

-~~ ~- . - . - -~ - - ~ . - -. - -~ -- ~ . ' . - - . . - - + ~ . .. ~- -~ ~~ ~ - z ~ - - - -~ ~~ ~. ~l i 1

! / 1-avatory I . . . . . ~ ~ ~ ..I ~ ~

1 i - - -1 ~ ...- ~ . ~- I ' + L ~-~ ~ - - --.. I

I I 1~1iower 2 1 : . -- . - . -- ~ ~ . . ~ . ..--. ~~ - ~- ~, 1

1 'I2 - . - - !

I -~



Note d ,

jurinal,~ nonwater supplied ! 0.5 . . . . .~~ - - . . . 1 . - ~ -

I Was11 ~ n h (circulnr or multrple) each set of faucet~ I - - -- - _-

I ~ d t e r closet, flushomcter lank. puhl~c or pnvdte 1 - - - - - - - - - .-

I Water closet, prlvate ( I 6 ypl) - -

I Wnter closet. publ~c ( 1.6 g ~ f ) I I\Viitc~- closet. puhlic (flushing greatcr than I .6 gpf) !

~ -. -- ~, -. - -~ ~ - ~- - ~- . --- ~- ~- ~- ~-.-

Note d ' I I

Note d

I 1 Note d

I:~I. ST: I inch - 25.4 rnni. I pllon = 3.785 L (gpT =gallon pcr (lushin3 cycle). a. For. traps larger than 3 inches, useTahle 709.2. b. A s1iowc1-hcad over n bnthlub or ~hirlpool bathtub atrachmcnt docs not increase the drainage fixture unit calue. c. Sce Secti~ins 709.2 through 709.4 for methods ofcomputing unit wlue of tixtul-cs not listed i n this tahle 01- Tor r~itinp of devices with intcmiittcnt flows. (1. Trap si/.e shall hc consistent %villi lhc lixtare outlet size. e. Pill. the purpose~>fcomputing loads on buildin:: drains and scwel-s, water closets and urinals shall not be I-aled a1 al,xver drainage iixture unit ~~nlcss thc loa~er ~31-

ucs arc conlirnled by testing. f. For fixtures added lo a dwelling unit bathroon~ group. add thedfu value of those ;~dd~t~or~al fixturcs to the bathroom r ~ o u p fixtm-c count. p. See Section 4Oh.3 k)r sizing I-cqu~ronit.rds for lixrurc drain, hranch drain; and drainage slacl; for an auto~natic clothcs w~shcr standpipe.




~ -. -. ~- .-


I BUILDING SEWER, INCLUDING BRANCHES OF THE i.. . . . . . .. - .-- .- - -- ... -- -

I I 700 840 - .- -. -- - ~ / I 1,600 1,920

1 7 ~ 1 - - ~ - 900 ~ ---. -~ ~~~ 1 1.500 . l~~ 1 . ~ - 4.200 ~

! . I

1 4,600 1 5,600 6,700 1 ~ , . - - - . - i - . . . . 1

I 8,300 10.000 1- - 1--~ . . ~ ~ . _ . 1~ - 12,000 j

~~~ - . - . ~ ,

For S1: 1 ~ n c h = 25.4 mm. I inch per foot = 83.3 mm/m. a. Thc ~ninilnum size of any building drain strvin: a water closet shall he 3 inches.


r --- -- ~~ ~ - - ~ - ~~ ~ ~. ~ ~ - ~ .. I


- - . . .- ~ --.. ~- . - ~ ~ - -

I I Stacksb


(inches) ~ .. -

1 . - . - i ' I z . . . . I ! . - ~

T! 24 I .. . ~ - . ~.

2Il1 12 9 20 42 I 1 i I 3 20 I 20 . , 48

-...- . - ~ ~. .- . . - - . - . i - - - . . .- - - -. ~- ~ - .

90 ! i I 240 ..I - - - ~

500 !

200 540 1.100 _~ _ . - / . . _~-. -- . ~ ~- - -~ -~ i

I i I

350 960 1 .900 . . - . { - - - ~- ~- ~- 1 I 600 2 700 ~- -. ,:~..-~ -.. - : 3,600

~ . . - ~~- ~

1,000 1 7 800 5 600 . .~ ~~-~ - - .. - . - - - - - - - - . , - - - . Z'-..--. - . -1.- - -- ~~~ ~ ,-. -- - ~ . --

1,500 6,000 8.400 . i ~ ~ . . ) ,--- ~-

For Sl: 1 inch = 25.4 1nm. ;I. Does no t includc branches of thc building drain. Reler. to Tablc 7 10.1( I). h. Stacks shall he sired hascd on thc total .?cct~nlul:lrcd connected londat each s ~ o ~ y or branch intel-val. As (he total accumulatcd connected load dec~.cascs, stacl,.; are

p~1-11iittcd to hc reduced it1 sire. Slack diameters shall not be reduced to less than one-half of the diameter of thC lalgest slaclc s i ~ c rcyui~.cd. c . Si/.111g load based o n dcsign crileria.



711.2 Horizontal branch connections to horizontal stack offsets. Whcrc a horizontal stack offset is locatcct Inore than four branch intervals below the top of the stack, a horizontal branch shall not connect within the horizontal stack offset or within 2 fect (610 mm) above or below such offset.

711.3 Ilorizontal stack offsets. A stack with a horizontal off- set locatcd more than Cour branch intervals bclow the top of the stack shall be vented in accordance with Section 915 and sized as follows:

I . The portion of thc stack above the offset shall be sized as for avertical stack based on the total number of drainage fixture units above the offset.

accessibly located outside the sump below grade in an access pit with a removable access cover.

C 712.3 Sump design. The sump pump, pit and discharge piping shall conform to the requirements of Sections 7 12.3.1 through 7 12.3.5.

712.3.1 Sump pump. The sump pump capacity and 11cad shall be appropriate to anticipated usc requirements.

712.3.2 Sump pit. The sump pit shall be not less than 18 inches 1457 rnnl) in diameter and 23 inches (610 mni) deep, unlcss otherwise approved. The pit shall be accessible and located such that all drainage flows into the pit by gravity. 'l'hc sump pit shall bc constructed of tile, concrete, steel,

2. The offset shall bc sized in accordancc with Section plastic or other approved materials. The pit bottom shall bc 11n 1 I solid and provide pernianent support for the pump. The 1 111.1. I . . - - .

suinp pit shall be fitted wit11 a gas-tight removable covcr 3. Thc portion of tile stack below the offset shall be sized as adequate to support anticipated loads in thc arca of use. The

for the offsct or based on the total number of drainage sum^ it shall be vented in accordance with Cliai~tcr 9. L L

fixture units on the cntire stack, wh~chever 1s larger lsie Table 7 10.1(2). Colurnn 51 712.3.3 Discharge piping. Di5chargc piping shall meet the

requirements of Section 7 12.2. 711.3.1. Oniission of vents for horizontal stack offsets. Vcnts for horixontnl stack offsets required by Scction 71 1.3 shall not be required where the stack and its offset are one pipe sizc larger than requircd for a bl~ilding drain [seerTablc 7 10.1(1 ) I and the entire stack and offset are not less in cross-sectional area than that required for a straight stack plus the ar-ea of an offsct vent as provided for in Section 9 15. Omission of offset vents in accordance with this section shall not constitute approval of horizontal branch connec- tions within the offsct or within 2 feet (610 mm) above or below thc offset.

711.4 Offsets below lowest branch. Where a vertical offsct occurs in a soil or waste stack below the lowest horizontal branch, clianpc i r ~ dia~neter of the stack because of the offset shall not be required. If a horizontal offset occurs in n soil or waste stack beloxv the lowest horizontal branch, the rcquired diameter of the offset and the stack below itshall be dctcrmined as for a building drain in accordance with Tablc 710.1(1).


712.1 Building subdrains. Building subdrains that cannot be dischargcd to tlie sewer by gravity tlow shall be discharged into a tightly covcrcd and vented s u ~ n p fro111 which the liquid shall bc liftcd and discharged into the building gravity drairlsge sys- t c ~ n by automatic pumping equipment or other approved ~iiethod. In other than existing structures, thc sump shall not reccivc drainagc from any piping within the buildingcapaldeof being discharged by gravity to the building sewer.

712.2 Valves required. A check valve and a full open valve locatcd on the discharge side of the chcck valve shall be installed in the pu~iip or ejector discharge piping between the pur~ip or ejector and thc gravity drainage system. Access shall be provided to such v;~lves. Such valves shall be locatcd above thc s ~ l ~ i i p covcr rccluircd by Section 712.1 or, whcrc the dis- charge pipe from the ejector is below grade, the valvcs shall he

712.3.4 Maximum effluent level. Thc effluent Icvcl control shall be adjusted and maintained to at all ti~iles prevent the effluent i n ~ h c sump from rising to withi11 2 inches (51 mm) of the invcrl of the gravity drain inlct into the sunil).

712.3.5 Ejector connection to the drainage system. Pumps connected to the drainage system shall connect to the building sewer or shall connect to a wyc fitting in the build- ing drain a minimum of I O feet (3048 mm) froni the basc of any soil stack, waste stack or fixture drain. Whcrc thc dis- charge line connects into horizontal dl-ainagc piping, thc connector shall bc made through a wye fitting into thc top of the drainage piping.

712.4 Sewage pumps and sewage ejectors. A scwagc pump or sewage ejcctor shall automat~cally dischargc the contcnts of thc sump to the building drainagc cystem.

712.4.11 &lacerating toilet systems. Macerating toilct sys- tems shall comply wit11 CSA B45.9 or ASME Al 12.3.4 and shall be installed in accordancc with thc mnnul'acturcr's installation instructions.

712.4.2 Capacity. A sewage pump or scwagc cjccror shall liavc the capacity and head forthc application rcquirenlcnts. Pumps or ejectors that receive the dischargc of water closcts shall be capable of handling spherical solids with adiamcter of up to and including 2 inches (51 ~nrn). Othcr punips or ejectors shall be capable of handling sphcrical solids with a diameter of up to and including 1 inch (25.4 mm). Thc mini- mum capacity of a PLIIIIP or ejector bascd on thc diamctcr of thc discharge pipe shall be in accordancc with Table 7 12.4.2.


1 . Grinder pumps or gl-indcr cjcclors that rcccivc thc dischargc of water closets shall 1la1.c a ~ninimuni discharge opening of I .25 inches (32 lii~n).

2. Macerating toilet assemblies that serve single water closets shall have a niininium dischargc opening of 0.75 inch (1 9 nlln).




1- ~--.~

1 / DIAMETER OF THE DISCHARGE 1 CAPACITY OF PUMP OR EJECTOR 1 PIPE (inches) ! . . ~ . ~ . . . . .-;. i ~ . ~. ~. - . t?P!!" . _ . . .i

1 ! 2 1 ! I _ ~ - ~ - - - t--- , , I I ! ~~~~ ~- . .- . ~~ ... . - . i 30

~- ~ -~ - ~ - ~ ~~.~ -- -~

i 1

! 3 I 46 I

-. ~ ~ . - . . ~ -- . . - . _ 1

For $1: 1 j11ch = 25.4 mni, I gallon pel. mninulr = 3.785 Urn.


713.1 Scope. This section shall govern those aspccts of health care plumbing systems that diffcr from plumbing systems in other structures. Health care plumbing systems shall confonn to this section in addition to the other requirements of this code. The provisions of this section shall apply to the special devices and ecluiprncnt installed and maintained in the following occu- pancies: nursing homes: homes for the aged; orphanages; intir- ~naries: first aid stations; psychiatric facilities; clinics: professional offices of dentists and doctors; mortuaries; educa- tional facilities; surgciy. dentistry, research and testing labora- tories: establish~nents manufacturing pharmaceutical drugs and mediciiles; and other slructures with similar appauatus and cquipiilent classified as plumbing.

713.2 Kedpan washers and clinical sinks. Bedpan washers and clinical sinks shall connect to the drainage and vent system in accordancc with the requirements for a watcl-closet. Bedpan washers shall also conncct to a local vent.

713.3 Indirect waste. All stcrilizerc, steamers and condensers shall discharge to the drainage through an indirect wastc pipc by means of an air gap. Where n battcry of not Inore than three ster- ilizers discharges to an individual receptor, the distance between tlic receptor and a sterilizcr shall not exceed 8 fect (2438 nun). The indirect waste pipe on a bedpan steamcr shall be trapped.

713.4 Vacuurn system station. Ready access shall be provided tovacuii l~ system station receptacles. Such receptacles shall bc built intu cahine~s or recesses and shall be visible.

713.5 Bottle system. Vacuuni (fluid suction) systcnis intended lor collecting, removing and ciisposing of blood. pus or other fluids by tlie bottle systcn~ shall be provided with receptacles cquipped with an ovcrilow prevention device at each vacuum oullet station.

713.6 Central disposal system equipment. All central vac- uum (fluid suction) systems shall provide continuo~is scrvice. Systc~ns equipped with collecting or control tanks shall pro- vide for draining and cleaning of the tanks whilc the system is in operation. In hospitals, the system shall be connectcd to the cmclgency power system. The exhausts from a vacuum pump scrving a vacuimi (fluid suction) system shall discharge sepa- rately to opcn air abovc thc I-oof.

713.7 Central vacuum or disposal systems. Where thc waste from a central vacuum (fluid suction) system of the baronlet- ric-lag. collection-tank or bottle-disposal type is connectcd to thc drainage system, the waste shall be clircctly connected to the sanitary drainage system through a trapped waste.

713.7.1 Piping. Thc piping of a ccntral vacuum (fluid suc- tiolr) system shall be of corrosion-resistant matcrial with a smooth interior surface. A branch shall not be less than 0.5- inch (1 2.7 rnm) no~ninltl pipe size for one outlct and shall bc sized in accordance with the number of vacuum outlcts. A r~iain shall not be less than I-inch (25 inni) nominal pipe sizc. The pipc sizing shall be increased in accordancc with the manufacturer's instl-uc~ions as stations are incrcascd.

713.7.2 \'elocity. 'Thc velocity of i~irflow in a cenlral vac- uum (fluid suction) system shall bc less than 5,000 feet per minute (25 mis).

713.8 Vent coi~nectior~s prohibited. Connections between local vents serving bedpan washers or sterilizer vc~its sc~ving sterilizing apparatus and nonlial sanitary pl~imbing systcms arc pruhibitcd. Only one type of apparatus shall be servcd by a local vcnt.

713.9 Local vents and stacks for bedpan washers. Bedpan washers shall be vented to open air above the roof by means of one or more local vents. The local vent for a bedpan washer shall not be less than a 2-inch-diameter (51 nun) pipe. A local vent serving a single bedpan washer is pcrmittcd to drain to the fixture served.

713.9.1 Rlultiple installations. Where bedpan washers are located above cach other on more than onc tloor, a local vent stack is permitted to be installed to receive the local vcnt on tlie various floors. Not more than three bedpan washers shall be connected to a ?-inch (51 mm) local vent stack, not more than six to a ?-inch (76 mm) local vcnt stack and not more than 12 to a 4-inch (102 mm) local vent stack. Ln multiple installations, the connections between a bedpan washcr local vent and a local vent stack shall be made with tee or tee-wye sanitary pattern drainage fittings illstalled in an upright position.

713.9.2 Trap required. The bottoili of the local vent stack, except where senling only one bedpan washer. shall be drained by means of a trapped and vented wastc connection to the sanitary drainage system. The trap and waste shall be the same size as the local vent stack.

713.9.3 Trap seal maintenance. A water supply pipc not less than '1, inch (6.4 mm) in dianieter shall he takcn from the flush supply of cach bedpan washcr on the discharge or fixturc side of the vacuum breakcr, shall bc trappcd to form not less than a 3-inch (76 ~ n m ) water seal, and shall be con- nected to the local vent stack on cach floor. The \\rates sup- ply shall be installed so as to providc a s ~ ~ p p l y of water to tlic local vent stack for cleansing and drain trap seal mainte- nance each time a bedpan washer is flushed.

713.10 Sterilizer vents and stacks. Multiplc installations of pressure and nonpressure sterilizcrs shall have thc vent connec- tions to the sterilizer vcnt stack made by means of invcrted wye fittings. Access shall bc provided to vent connections for thc purpose uf inspection and nlain~enance.

713.10.1 Drainage. Thc connection betwccn 5tcr1lizer vent or exhaust openings and the sterilizer vent stack shall hc designed and installed to drain to the funnel or basliet-type waste. tilting. In multiple installations, the sterilizer vcnt stack shall be drainctl separately lo the lowest sterilizcr fun- nel or basket-type waste fitting or rcccptor.



713.11 Sterilizer vent stack sizes. Sterilizer vent stack sizes shall comply with Sections 71 3.11.1 through 7 13.11.4.

713.11.1 Bedpan steamers. The nlinirr~~lm size of a steril- izer vcnt serving a bedpan steamer shall be 1.50 inchcs (38 mm) in diameter. Multiple installations shall be srzed in

accordance with %ble 7 13.1 1.1.


BOILING-TYPE STERILIZERS (Number of Connections of Various Sizes

Permitted to Various-sized Sterilizer Vent Stacks) - . -~ . -- . .-T~..- -- ~ ~ . . ~ ~

CONNECTION SlZE STACK 1.~ . . . - . . ~-

(inches) I 1'1; 2"

! ,I,3i, 1 I or 0 1 i.. ~ . z . ~- .--

2;' I 2 or I

I ,~ ~.~ -. ~-

1 . - - . . . . . . ~

and I ~ .. .

i 4 or 2 1

. - . . ~- ..i ~ ..-~~ ..-- ~ --.J

and - .. .-

Fol. SI: I inch = 25.4 mm a. Total of each size. h. Conlbinalion of sizes.

713.11.2 Boiling-type sterilizers. The minimum size of a sterilizer vent slack shall be 2 inchcs (5 I mm) in diameter where serving a utensil sterilizer and 1.5 inches (38 mm) in diameter where serving an instrument sterilizer. Combina- tions of boiling-typc sterilizer vcnt connections shall be sized in accordance with Table 7 13.1 1.1.

713.1'1.3 Pressure sterilizers. Pressure sterilizer vent staclis shall be 2.5 inchcs (61 mm) minimum. Those serving con~bi~lations of pressure sterilizer exhaust connections shall bc sizcd in accordance with Table 713.1 1.3.


(Number of Connections of Various Sizes Permitted To Various-sized Vent Stacks) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


1 I~ . - -

(inches). . . 4 - 3!,1._ 4 l 1 J 2 / . 2 . . J . . ! c . 2 or I I -

+ ~ --t... - I / 2 and 1 I 1 . i 1 4 . . . . . i . . , . . . . , . i

I 1 31' I l and . ' 2 : I

/ 1 end and and - I I l l . - . . . . i ~ _ L ~ - - . L !

1701. S1: I i~icll = 25.4 mm, a. Total of cach sizc. b. Co~nhinalion ofsizes.

713.11.4 Pressure instrument washer sterilizer sizes. The minimum diameter of a stcrilizcr vcnt skck serving an instrument washer sterilizer shall hc 2 inchcs ( 5 1 mm). No( more than two sle~ilizers shall bc installed on a ?-inch (51 mm) stack, and not more than four stcrilizers shall be installed on a ?inch (76 mm) stack.


714.1 Design of drainage system. The sizing, design and Iay- out of the drainage system shall bc perruitted to be dcsigncd by approved computer design methods.

714.2 Load on drainage system. The load shall be computed from the sin~ultaneous or sequential dtschargc conditions from fixtures. appurtenances and appliances or thc pcak usogc design condition.

714.2.1 Fixture discharge profiles. Thc discharge profiles for flow rates versus time from fixtures and appliances shall be in accordance with the mm~~facturcr 's specifications.

714.3 Selections of drainage pipe sizes. Pipc shall be sizcd to prevent full-bore flow.

714.3.1 Selecting pipe wall roughness. Pipc size cnlcula- tions shall be conducted with the pipe wall roughness lactor (ks), in accordance with the manufacturer's spcciticatioris and as modified for aging roughness factors with deposits and corrosio~i.

714.3.2 Slope of horizontal drainage piping. Horizontal d ra ina~e piping shall be designed and installed at slopcs in accordance with 'l'able 704.1.


715.1 Sewage backflow, Where the flood level rims of plumb- ing fixtures are below the elevation of the manholc covcr of the nest upstream manhole in the public sewer. such t ix t~~res shall be protected by a backwater valve installed in the building drain, branch of the building drain or hol-izo~ilal branch scrving such fixtures. Plumbing fixtures having flood level rinis above the elevation of the manholc covcr of the next upstream man- hole in the public sewer shall not discharge through a back- water valve.

715.2 Material. 411 hearing parts of backwater valvc5 shall I?c of co~~osion-resistant material. Baclcwater valves shall comply u i thASMEA1 12.14.1. CSAB181.1 orCSAR181.2.

715.3 Seal. Backwater valves shall be so constn~cted as to pro- v ~ d c a mechanical scal against backflow.

715.4 Diameter. Backwater valves, when fully opened. shall have a capacity not less than that of thc pipes in which they arc installcd.

715.5 Location. Backwater valves shall be installcd ,zo that access is provided to the working parts for service and repair.





801.1 Scope. This chapter shall govern matters concerning indircct waste piping and special wastes. This chapter shall fur- ther control matters concerning food-handling establishnients, sterilizers, clear-water wastes, swimming pools, methods of providing air breaks 01- air gaps, and neutralizing devices for corrosive wastes.

801.2 Protection. All devices, appurtenances. appliances and apparatus intended to serve some special function, such as ster- ilization. distillation: processing. cooling, or storage of ice or foods, and that discharge to the drainage system, shall he pro- vided with protection againsl hacl<flow, flooding, fouling, con- tamination and stoppage of the drain.


802.1 N7here required. Food-handling equipment and clcar-water waste shall discharge through an indirect waste pipe as specified in Sections 802.1 . I through 802.1.7. All health-care relatcd fixtures, devices and equipment shall dis- charge to the drainage system through an indirect lvastc pipe by mcans oFan air gap in accordance with this chapter and Section 7 11.3. Fixtures not recluired by this section to be indirectly con- nected shall bc directly connected to the plumbing system in accordance with Chapter 7.

802.1.1 Food handling. Equipment and fixtures utilized for thc storage, preparation and handling of food shall dis- charge through ail illdi~ect waste pipc by means of an air gap.

802.1.2 Floor drains in food storage areas. Floor drains located within walk-in refrigerators or freezers in food ser- vice and food csrahlishtnents shall bc indirectly conncctcd to the sanitary drainage system by means of an air gap. Whcrc a floor drai~l is locatcd within an area subjcct to freezing, the waste line serving the floor drain shall not he trapped arid shall indirectly discharge into a waste receptor located outside of the area subjcct to freezing.

Esccption: Where protected against backflow by a backwater valvc, such floor drains shall be indirectly conncclctl to the sanitary tlr-ai~lage sysrenl by means of an air break or an air gap.

802.1.3 Potable clear-water waste. Where devices and ccluipmenl, such as sterilizers and relief valves, discharge pot:tble watcr to the building drainage system, thc discharge shall bc through an indirect wastc pipc by mcans of an air gap.

802.1.4 Swimming pools. Wherc wastewater from swirn- ming pools, backwash from filters and water from pool deck drains discharge to thc building drainage system, the dis-

charge shall be through an lr~dircct wastc pipe by Incans of an air gap.

802.1,S Nonpotable clear-water waste. Wherc devices and equipment such as process tanks. filters, drips and boil- - . ers discharge nonpotable watcr to thc building drainage sya- tern, the discharge shall be through an indirect waste pipe by mcails of an air break or an air gap.

802.1.6 Domestic dishwashing machines. Domestic dishwashing machines shall discharge indirectly through an air gap or air brcak into a standpipc or wastc reccptor in accordance with Section 802.2, or discharge into a wye-branch fitting on thc tailpiece of the kitchen sink or the disl~washci- connection of a food waste grinder. The waste line of a domcstic dishwashing machine discharging into a kitchen sink tailpiece or food waste grinder shall connect to a deck-mounted air gap or thc waste line shall rise and be securely fastenend to the underside of the sink rim or coun- ter.

502.1.7 Conimercial dishwashing machines. The dic- charge from a commercial dishwash~ng niachinc shall he through an air gap or air brcak into a standpipc or wastc receptor in accordance with Section 802.2.

802.2 BnstaUation. All indirect wastc piping shall discharge through an air gap or air break into a wastc receptor or standpipc. Wastc receptors ~lnrl standpipes shall be trapped and vc~itcd and shall connect to thc building drainage system. All indirect waste piping that exceeds 2 feet ('61 0 mtn) in dcvcl- oped length measurcd horizontally, or 4 feet (12 19 nim) in total developed length, shall be t1,appcd.

802.2.1 Air gap. The air gap between the indircct waste pipe and the flood level rill] of the waste reccptor shall bc a tninimurn of twice the effective opening of Lhc indircct waste pipe.

802.2.2 Air break. An alr b ~ a l i shall be provided between the indirect waste pipe and the trap seal of the waslc receptor or standpipe.

802.3 Waste receptors. Every waste receptor shall bc of an approved type. A ren~ovable strainer or baskct shall covcl- the waste outlet of waste rcceptors. Waste rcceptors shall be installed i l l ventilated spaccs. Wastc receptors shall not be installed in ba~hroo~lls or toilet rooms or in any in;~ccessible or unventilated space such as a closet or storeroom. Ready access shall be provided to waste rcccptors.

802.3.1 Size of receptors. A wastc reccptor shall be sized for thc maximum discharge of all indirect waste pipcs scrvcd by the I-eceptor. Receptors sh:111 be installed ro prc- vent splashing or flooding.

802.3.2 Open huh waste receptors. Wastc rcccptors shall be permitted in thc for111 of a hub or pipe extending 1101 Icss than 1 inch (25.4 mm) above a water-inlpcrvious i1001' and arc not required to have a strainer.



802.4 Standpipes. Standpipes shall be individually trappcd. St:uidpipcs shall extcnd a nl ini~nu~n of 18 inches (457 mrn) and a maxiniurn of 42 inches (1066 mmj above the trap weir. Acccss sh:11I be provided to all standpipes and drains for rodding.


803.1 Wastewater temperature. Steam pipes shall not con- nect to any part of a drainage or plunnbing !system and water above 140°F (60°C) shall not be discharged into any part of a drainage systcn~. Such pipes shall discharge into an indirect waste receptor connected to the drainage system.

803.2. Neutralizing device required for corrosive wastes. Corrosive licluids, spent acids or other harmful chemicals that destroy or injure a drain, sewer, soil or waste pipe, or crcate noxious or toxic fumes or interfere with sewage treatment pro- cesses shall not bc discharged into the plumbing system with- out being thoroughly dilutcd, neutralized or trcatcd by passir~g through an approvcd dil~ltion or neutralizing dcvice. Such devices shall be auton~atically provided with a sufficient sup- ply of diluting water or neutralizing medium so as to make the contents nonii~ljurious before discharge into the drainage sys- tem. 'The nature of the corrosive or harmful waste and the illethod of its treatment or dilution shall be approvcd prior to installation.

803.3 System design. A chemical drainage and vent system shall he designed and installed in accordance with this code. Chemical drainagc and vent systems shall be completely sepa- rated froin thc sanitar-y systems. Chemical waste shall not dis- charge to a sanitary drainage system until such wastc has been lrcalccl in ;tccordancc with Section 803.2.


804.1 Gcncral. The materials and mcthods utilized for the con- struction arid installation of indirect waste pipes and systenls shall comply with the applic;nble provisions of Chapter 7.




SECTION 901 903.1.2 Size. The required vent shall be sizcd in accordance

GENERAL with Section 9 1 6.2 based on the required size of the building drain.

901.1 Scope. The provisions of this chapter shall govern the materials, design, and inSt;,llation of vent sys- 903.2 Vent stack required. A vent stack shall be I-ccluired for

terns. every drainage stack that has five branch intervals or more.

rli.ap seal protection. The plilmbing be 903.3 Vent termination. Every vent stack or stack vent shall

provided a system of piping that will penllit the terminate outdoors to the open air or to a stack-type air admit-

admission or emission of air so that the seal of any lixmre trap tance in accordallce with ' 17. shall not be sub.jectecl to a pneurilatic pressure differential of 903.4 Vent connection at base. Every \rent stack s]iall conllect morc than 1 inch of water column (249 Pa). to the base of the drainage stack. The vent stack shall connect at

901.2.1 \'enting required. Every trap and trapped fixture sliall be vented In accurilance with one of the venting meth- ods specified in this chapter.

901.3 Chemical waste vcnt system. The vent systcm for a chemical waste system shall be independent of the sanitary vent system and shall temminate separately through the roof to the open ail..

901.4 Use limitations. 'I'hc plumbing vent system shall not be ut i l i~ed for purposes other than thc venting of the plumbing system.

901.5 'fists. Thc veni systern shall bc tesled in accordance with Section 3 12.

901.6 Engineered systems. Engineered venting systeins shall conform to the provisions of Section 918.


902.1 Vents. The materials ant1 methods utilized for the con- struction and installation of venting systems shall comply with tlie applicable provisions of Scction 702.

902.2 Sheet copper. Sheet copper for vent pipe flashings shall confor-m to ASTM B 1 Sl and shall weigh not Icss than 8 ounces per square f b o ~ (2.5 kg/m2).

902.3 Sheet lead. Sheet lead for vent pipe flashings shall weigh not less than 3 pounds per scloare foot (1 5 kg/n12) for ficlcl-con- strutted flashings i~nd llut Icss than 2.5 pounds per square foot ( 1 2 kg/m2) for prefabricated flashings.


903.1 Required vent extension. Thc vent system ~erv ing each building drain shall have at least one vcnt pipe that extends to the outdoors.

903.1.1 Installation. The required vent shall be a dry vent that connects to thc building drain or an extension of adrain that connects to the building drain. Such vent shall not be an island fixture vent as allowed by Section 913.

or below the lowest horizontal bmnch. Where the vent stack corinccts to tlie building drain, the connection shall be located downstream of the drainage stack and within a distancc of 10 times the diameter of the drainage stack.

903.5 Vent headcrs. Stack vents and vent stacks ci?nnectecl into a common vent header at the top of the stacks and extcnd- ing to the opcn air at one point shall be sizcd in accordance with the requirements of Section 9 16.1. Thc number of fixture units shall be the sum of all fixture units on all stacks connected thereto, and the developed length shall be the longest vent length from the intersection at the base of the most distant stack to the vent lerminal in the opcn air, as a direct extension of o l ~ c stack.


904.1 Roof extensiom. All open vent pipes that extend through a roof shall be terniinated at least [NUMBER] inches (mm) above the roof, except that where a I-oof is to be uscd for any purposc other than weather protection, the vcnt extensions shall be run at lcast 7 feet (2 134 nim) above thc roof.

904.2 Frost closure. Whcrc the 97.5-pcrcc111 value for oiltsidc design temperature is 0°F (-18°C) or less. every vent extension through a roof or wall sliall be a minin~um of 3 inches (76 mm) in diameter. Any increase in the size of the vent shall he made inside the structure a minimum of I foot (305 mrn) bclow the roof or inside the wall.

904.3 Flashings. The juncture of each vent pipc with the roof line shall be made water tight by an approved flashing.

904.4 Prohibited use. Vent terniinals shall not be usctl as aflag pole or to support flag poles, tclevision riel-ials or similar itcms. except when the piping has been anchored in an approvcd mall- ner.

904.5 Location of vent tenninal. An opcn vent tel.minal from a drainage systerrl shall not be located directly beneath any door, opcnablc window, or other air intake opcning of the building or of an adja~ent building, and any such vcnt terminal shall not be within 10 fcet (3048 mni) horizontally of such an opening unless it is at lcast 2 feet (610 mm) above thc top of such opcning.



904.6 Extension througl~ the wall. Vent terminals extending thro~~gh thc wall shall terminate a minimum of 10 feet (3048 m n ~ ) f ron~ thc lot line and 10 feet (3048 mm) above avcrage ground lcvcl. Vent tel.rninals shall not terminate under the over- hang of a structure with soffit vcnts. Side wall vent terminals shall be protected to prevent birds or rodents from entering or bloclting thc vcnt opening.

904.7 Extension outside a structure. In climates where thc 97.5-percent value for outside design temperature is less than O0b (-1 8°C). vent pipes installed on thc exterior of the structure shall be protected against freezing by insulation, healor both.


905.1 Connection. All individual. branch and circuit vents shall connect to a vent stack, stack vent. air admittance valve or extend to the open air.

905.2 Grade. All vent and branch vent pipes shall be i o gradcd and connccled as todrain back to the drainage pipc by gravlty.

905.3 Vent connection to drainage system. Evcry dry vent connczting to alior17ontal drun shall connect above the ccnter- line of the horizontal drain pipe.

905.4 Vertical rise of vent. Every dry vcnt shall rise vertically toa minill~um of 6inchcs (152 111n1) abovc thefloodlcvel rim of thc hiphed trap or trappcd f i x t~~ rc bciiig vented.

ISxception: Vents for interceptors locatcd outdoors.

905.5 Height ahove fixtures. A connection bctwcen a vent pipc and a vcnt stack or stack vent shall be made at least 6 inchcs (1 52 m m ) above the flood level rim ofthe highest fixture served by the vent. Horizontal vent pipesforming branch vcnts, rclief vents or loop vents shall be at least 6 inches (152 min) above the flood level rim of the highest fixture senred.

905.6 Vent for future fixtures. Where the drainagc piping has been roughed-in for E~rturc fixtures, a rough-in connection for a vent shall be installed. The vent size shall be not less than one- half the diametcr of the rough-in drain to bc sel-ved. The vent rough-in shall connect to the vent systcm, or shall be vented by olhcr mcans as provided for in this chapter. The connection shall he identified to indicate that it is a vcnt.


906.1 Distance of trap from vent. Each fixture trap shall have a protecting vent located so that thc slope and the developed length in the fixture drain from the trap wcir to the vent fitting are within the requirements set forth in Table 906.1.

Exception: The developed length of the fixturc drain from the trap weir to thc vcnt fitting for self-siphoning fixtures. such a:, water closets, shall not be limited.

906.2 Venlingoffixture drains. The total fall in a fixturc drain due to pipe slope shall not cscecd the diameter of thc fixture drain, nor shall thc vcnt connection to afixtnre drain, exccpt for water closets. be below the wcir of the trap.

906.3 Crown vent. A vcnt \hall not be installed w~thin two pipe d~ame te~s of the tiap war.


T~ ~ . ~ - . ~- .~ .

7 1 . . L . . , ~ 4 ~ +. ~- - ~ - - -~~~ 8

1 1 I l8 : 12 I 4 j i , 1 i_- . . .--- I .- - ~ ~

I 6

For SI: I iuch = 25.4 nim, I Foot = 301.8 mm, 1 inch per Ccrot = 83.3 mmn/m.


907.1 Individual vent permitted. Each trap and trapped fix- turc is permitted to bc provided with an indiv~dual vcnt. Thc individual bent shall connect to the fixturc drain of the trap or trapped kixture bcing vented.


908.1 Individual vent as common vent. An individi~al vcnt is permitted to vent two traps or trapped fixtures as a common vcnt. 'The traps or trappcd tixtures bcing common vcntcd shall be located on the same floor level.

908.2 Connection at the same level. Wherc thc fixturc drams being common ventcd connect at the sarnc level. thc vent con- nection sl~all be at the interconnection of thc fixturc tlrains or downstream of the interconnection.

908.3 Connection at different levels. Where tlic fixture drains connect at different Icvcls, the vcnt shall conncct as a vertical extension ofthe vertical drain. The vertical drain pipe conncct- ing the two fixture drains shall be considered the venl for the lowcr fixture drain, and shall be sized in accoid;lnce with Table 908.3. The upper fixture shall not be a watcr closet.

TABLE 908.3 COMMON VENT SIZES - -. - .- -- ~ - . -- . ~. ~ ~ - ~ - - ~,


Pm. SI: I i~rch = 25.1 nun.


909.1 Horizontal wet vent permitted. Any combination of I fixtures within two bathroom groups locatcd on thc same floor level is permitted to be ventcd by a horizontal wet vcnt. Thc wct I



vent shall bc considered the vent for the fixturcs and shall extcnd from the connection of the dry vent along thc direction of the flow in thc drain pipe to the most downstream fixture drain connection to the horizontal branch drain. Only the fix- turcs within the bathroom groups shall connect to the wet-vcn~ccl horizontal branch drain. Any additional fixtures shall discharge downstscam of thc horizontal wet vent.

a 909.1.1 ~rc~t icaI wet vent permitted. Any combination of fixtures within two bathroom groups located on the same floor level is permitted to be vented by a vertical wet vent.

1 Thc vertical wet vent shall be considered the vent for thc fix- turcs and shall extend koni the connection of the dry vent down to thc lowest fixture drain connection. Each

a wet-vented fixture shall connect independently to the verti- cal wet vent. Water closet drains shall connect at the samc elevation. Othcr fixture drains shall connect abovc or at the same clcvation as tlie water closet Fixture drains. The dry- vent connection to the vertical wet vent shall be an individ- ual or common vent serving one or two fixtures.

909.2 Vent connection. The dry-vent connection to the wet vent shall bc an individual vent or common vent to the lavatory, bidet, showcr or bathtub. 111 vcrtical wet-vent systems, the most npstrcall~ fixture drain connection shall bc a dry-vented fixture drain conncction. In horizontal wet-vent systems, not more than one W~L-veritcd fixture drain shall discharge upstream of the dry-ventcd fixture drain connection.

909.3 Size. Thc dry vent scrving the wet vent shall be sized based on the largest required diameter of pipe within the wet- vcnt system served by the dry vent. The wet vent shall be of a ~niniinuni size :is spccificd in 'Table 909.3, based on the fixture unit dischargc to thc wet vent.


- - ~~ ---- ~

DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNIT LOAD i (inches) -. - . ~ ~ ,~~ ~ .----- . .- . . -- (dfu) . .

I 1 112 ~- -

1 _ ~ ] - _~ _ - - ~ - . i

I 1 i

2 4

I - . - - ' ... . . . . - ~. 4 ;

I I ? ' / 6 1 I . . - - :..' ~ ~ . - ~

1 3 12 I i . . _ . - . . . . - ~ L

POI- SI: I inch = 35.4 nin1.


9 10.1 Waste stack vent permitted. Awastc stack shall be con- sidered a vcnt for all of the fixturcs discharging to the stack where installcd in accordance with the requir-err~er~ts of this sec- tion.

910.2 Stark installation. 'The waste stack shall be vertical? and both hol-izontal and vertical offscts shall be prohibited betwccn tlie Iowcst fixturc drain connection and the highest fixturedrain connection. Every fixturc drain shall conncct separately to thc wastc stack. Thc stack shall not rcceive the dischargc of water closets or urinals.

910.3 Stack vent. A stack vent shall be provided for the waste st:~cl<. Thc size of the stack veril shall be not less that1 the sizc of # the waste stack. Offsets shall be pcmmittcd in thc stack vent. shall be located at least 6 inchcs (152 mm) abovc the flood lcvcl of the highest fixture and shnll be in accordance wilh Section 905.2. The stack vent shall be permitted to conncct with other stack vents and vcnt staclcs in accordance with Section 903.5.

910.4 Waste stack size. The waste stack shall be sized basctl on tlie total dischargc to the stack and the discliargc within a branch interval in accordance with 'Table 910.4. Thc wastc stack shall be the samc size throughout its length.

TABLE 910.4

- - - - - - WASTE STACK VENT SIZE - - - - - - - -

3 I , No limit 1 74

4 I I .. - . - . L-_ .-. . No limit

No limit 75 i i

I 6 1 No 111n1t I 1

I I _ - 1 - - - - - - - 1 -

For $1 I ~ n c h = 25 4 rnm


911.1 Circuit vent pennitted. A maximum of eight fixtures connectcd to a horizontal branch drain shall bc pcrlnitted to be circuit vented. Each fixture drain shall conncct horizontally to the horizontal branch being circuit vcntcd. The horizontal branch drain shall be classified as a vent from the most dowli- stream fixture drain connection to the most upstrcam tixtnre drain connection lo thc horizontal branch.

911.1.1 Multiple circuit-vented branches. Circuit-vcntcd horizontal branch drains are permitted to be connected togcthcr. Each group of a rr~aximurn of eight fixturcs shall be considered a separate circuit vent and shall conform to the requirements of this section.

911.2 \'en1 connection. Thc circuit vcnt conncction shall bc located bctwecn thc twonlost upstream fixturc drains. Thc \en1 shall conncct to the horizontal branch and shall be installcd in accordancc with Section 905. Thc circuit vcnt pipe shall not rcceivc the discharge of any soil or waste.

911.3 Slope and size of horizontal branch. ' r l~e maxin i~~m slope of the vent section of the horizontal branch drain .shall hc one unit vertical in 13 units horizontal (8-percent dope). Thc cntlre length vf the vent section of the hor~zontt~l branch drain shall be sized for the total drainage dischargc to tlic branch.

911.3.1 Size of multiple circuit vent. Each scllaratc cir- cuit-vented horizontal branch that is interconnec&d shall bc sized independently in accordance with Scction 0 1 1.3. 'The



downstream circuit-vented horizontal branch shall he sizcd for the total tlischargc into the branch. including t11c upstream branches and the fixtures within thc branch.

9 11.4 Relief vent. A relicf vent shall be providcd for circuit- vented horizontal branchcs receiving thc discharge of four or Illore watcr closc1.s and connecting to a dl-ai!lage stack that receives the discharge of soil or waste from upper horizontal branches.

9 11.4.1 Connection and installation. Thc rclief vcnt shall conncct to thehorizonla1 branch drain bctwecn the stack and thc most downstrca~n fixturc drain of the circuit vent. The rcliefvent shall be installed in accordance with Section 905.

911.4.2 Fixture drain or branch. The relief vent is permit- ted to be :I fixture drain or fixture branch for fixtures located within the same branch interval as the circuit-vented hori- zontal branch. The maximum discharge to a relief vent shall bc four fixture units.

91 1.5 Additional fixtures. Fixtures, other than the cir- cuit-vcnted fixtures, arc permitted to discharge to the horizon- tal branch drain. Such fixtures shall be located on the same floor as thc circuit-vcnted fixtures and shall bc citherindividu- ally or common vented.


912.1 Type of fixtures. A combination drain and vent systerrl shall not serve tixturcs other than tloor drains, sinks, lavatories and drinking fountains. Combination drain and vcnt systenls shall not receivc the discharge from a food waste grinder or clinical sink.

912.2 Installation. The only vcrtical pipe of a combination

I drain and vcnt systan shall bc the connection betwecn thc fix- turc drain and the horizontal cornbination dsaili and vent pipe. Thc n~axirnum vertical distance shall be 8 feet (2438 mm).

912.2.1 Slope. The horizontal combination drain and vent pipc shall havc a maximuln slope ofune-half unit vertical in 12 units horixo~ltal (4-pcrcent slopc). The minimum slope shall bc in accordance with Table 701.1.

912.2.2 Connection. The combination drain and vcnt sys- tem shall be providcd with adry ycnt connected at any point within the system or the system shall connect to a horizontal drain that is vented in accordance wit11 one of the venting tnethods hpccificd in this chapter. Combination drain and vcnt SYS~CIIIS connecting to building drains receiving only the discharge ti-om a stack or stacks shall bc provided with a drv vcot. The vent connection to the combination drain and vcnt pipc shall cxtcnd vertically aminimam o f 6 i~lches (1 52 rnm) abovc thc flood level rim of the highcst tixture bcing vcntcd bcfore offsetting hori~ontally.

912.2.3 Venl size. The venL $ha11 be sized for the total ch in - agc fixture unit load in accordancc wlth Scctiun 016.2.

912.2.4 Fixture branch or drain. The fixture branch or fix- talc drain shall conncct to the co~nbination drain and vcnt within a distance spccikied in Table 906. I . The cornbination drain and vent pipc shall be consideretl thc vent for the fixtu~e.

912.3 Size. Thc minimum sixe of a combination drain and vcnt pipc shall be in accordancc with E b l c 912.3.

TABLE 912.3 SIZE OF COMBINATION DRAIN AND VENT PIPE l-~. -- ~,- .-- .~ --- ----. - .. - - . -~ - . ~ - ,


2 4

I 3 12

20 5 0 . - . - . . i - . -~ j

5 160 250 ~ ! .. J ~ - . ..--.I--. . . . -~ . - . -

6 1 360

For SI: 1 i i 1 ~ 1 1 = 25.4 mln.


913.1 Limitation. Island fixture venting shall not be permilted for fixtures other than sinks and lavatories. Residcntial kitchen sinks with a dishwasher w s t e connection, a food waste grinder, or both, in combination with the kitchcr~ sinlt waste, shall be permitted to be vented in accordance with this section.

913.2 Vent connection. Thc island fixturc vent shall conncct to the fixture drain as requircd for an indivitlual ur common vcnt. Thevent shall risc vertically to above thc drainage outlct of the fixture being ventcd before offsetting horizon!ally or vertically downward. The vent or branch vent for 111~11tiplc island fixture vents shall extend to a minimum of 6 inchcs (152 m n ~ ) abovc the highest island fixture being vented bcforc connccting to thc outside vent ter~r~inal.

913.3 Vent installation below the fixture flood level rim. The vent located below the flood level rim of thc fixture bcing vented shall be installed as required for drainagc piping in accordancl: with Chapter 7 ; cxcept for sizing. The vcnt shall be sizcd in accordance with Section 91 6.2. The lowest point of the island fixture vent shall connect full sizC to thc drainagc sys- tem. Theconnection shall be to avertical drain pipcor to thc top half of a horizontal drain pipe. Clcanouts shall be providcd in the island fixture v c n ~ to permit rodding of a11 vent piping locatcd below the flood levcl rim of the tixturcs. Rodding in both directions shall be perrllitted through a clcanout.


10 BRANCH INTERVALS 914.1 Where required. Soil and wastc stacks In builcliligs hav- ing Inore than 10 branch intervals shall bc providcd with a rclief vent at each tenth intcrval installed, bcg~nning with thc top floor.

914.2 Size and connection. The sizc of thc relief vcnt shall bc equal to the size of the vent stack to which it connects. Thc lower end of each relief vcnt shall connect to the soil or wzlstc stack through a wye below the horizontal branch serving thc


floor, and the upper end shall connect to the vent stack through a wyc not less than 3 fcct (9 14 mm) above thc floor.


915.1 Vent for horizorltal offset of drainage stack. Horizon- tal offsets of drainage stacks shall be vented where five ormore branch intervals arc located abovc the offsel. The offset shall be vcnted by venting the uppcr section of the drainage stack and the lower section of the drainage stack.

915.2 Upper section. The uppcr section of the drainage stack shall bc vented as a scparatc stack with a vent stacli connection installed in accordance with Section 903.4. The uffiet shall be considered the base of the stack.

915.3 1,owcr section. The lower sectiori of the drainage stack shall be vented by a yoke vcnt connecting between the offset and the next lower horizontal branch. The yoke vent connec- tion shall be permitted to bc a vertical estension of the drainage stack. The size of the yol<e vent and connection shall be a mini- mum of the size required for the vent stack of the drainage slack.


916.1 Size of stack vents and vent stacks. Thc nlininlunl requircd diameter of stack vents and vent stacks shall be detcr- mined fi-urn thc developed length ancl thc total of drainage fix- ture units connected thereto in accordance with Table 01 6.1. but in no case shall the diameter be lcss than one-half the dianl- eter of the drain served or less than 1'1, inchcs (31- mm).

916.2 Vents other than slack vents or vent staclis. The diame- ter of individual vents. branch vents, circuit~cnts and relief vents shall he at least one-half the rcq~~ircd diameter of (he drain served. The required size of the drain shall he determined in accordance with Table 7 10.1(2). Vent pipcs shall not be less than 1'1, inches (32 mm) in diamcter. Vents exceeding 40 feet ( 1 2 192 mm) in developed lcngth shall be incrcascd by one nominal pipe sine for the entire developed length of the vent pipe. Rclicf vc~lts for soil and waste stacks in buildings having morc than 10 branch intervals shall be sized in accordance with Scction 9 14.2.

916.3 Developed length. Thc developed length of individual, branch. circuit and relief vents shall be nle,asurcd from thc far- thcst point of vent connection to the drainagc system to the point of connection to thc vent stack. stack vent or termination outside of the building.


r~ .~ - .. ~ . ~ - . -- . ~ - . ...~ - ~- r~-- ~ ~ ^ - . . . ~ - . - -


(inches) -

1 li, I ' I2 I li,

2 2


3 3 3


-i~ . -- ~

DIAMETER OF VENT (inches) UNITS BEING L---- -~ - - -


I , i - '


I 02 43


i - 1 -

! I




TABLE 916.1--continued


T ~ - ~ -~ - --. --. -- ~ ~- . - .- - - - ~ ~ -~ -. ~ ~. .. . -


8 8 I


FoI.SI: i inch = 25.4 rn~n. I foot = 304.8 m ~ n . a. The decelol>cd length shall bt' lneasurzd Cram the bent conn?ction to the open aic

916.4 Multiple branch vents. Where inultiple branch vents arc connected to a conlrrlon branch vcnt, the cornrnon branch vent shall be sized in accordance with this section based on the size of the colnrllon horizontal drainage branch that is or would be rcquil-ed to scrve Ihe total drainage fixturc unit (dfu) load being vented.

916.4.1 Branch vcnts exceeding 40 Leet in developed length. Branch verils exceeding 40 feet ( 1 2 192 mm) in developed lcngth shall be ~ncreased by one nominal size for thc cniire dcvelopcil length of the vcnt plpe.

916.5 Sump vents. S u n ~ p ~ c n t sizes shall be determined in accordance with Sections 91 6.5 1 and 0 16.5.2.

916.5.2 Sewage pumps and sewage ejectors other than pneumatic. Drainage piping hclow sewer level shall be vented in a sinlilar manner to that of a gravity system. Build- ing sump vcnt sizes for sumps with sewagc pun~ps or sew- age ejectors, other than pneumatic, shall bc dctcrmined in accordance w ~ t h Table 916.5.1.

916.5.2 Pnculnatic sewage ejectors. The air pressure relief pipe from a pneumatic sewage ejector shall be connectcd to an independent vcnt stack ler~ninating as required for vent extcnsions through the roof. The relief pipe shall be sized to relieve air pressure inside the ejector to atmospheric pres- sure, but shall not be less than 1'1, inches (32 mm) in size.


917.1 General. Vent systems utilizing air admittance valves shall I conlply will1 this scction. Stack-type ail ad~nittar~ce valves shall

conform to ASSE 1050. Individual and branch-type air admit tmce valvcs shall confoi-nl to ASSE 105 1.

917.2 Installation, The valves shall bc installed in accordance with the requirements of this section and the manufacturer's installation instructions. Air admittance valvcs shall be installed after the DWV testing required by Section 312.2 or 3 12.3 has been perfo~med.

917.3 Where permitted. Individual, branch and circuit vcnts shall be permitted to tcrminate with a connection to an individ- rial or branch-type air adrnittancc valve. Stack verlls and vent stacks shall be permitted to tcnnin~xte to stack-type air admit-. Lance valves. Individual and branch-typc air admittance valvcs

I shall vent only fixtures that are on the same floor level and con- nect to a horiyontal branch dram. The hori7ontal brunch drain I~avlng ~ndividual and branch-type air ad~nittancc valkcs shall conform to Section 917.3.1 or 9 17.3.2. Stack-type alr admit- a tancc valves shall conform to Scction 917.3.3.

917.3.1 Location of branch. Thc horizontal branch drain shall conncct to the drainage stack or building drain a maxi- mum of four branch intervals from the top of thc stack.

917.3.2 Relief vent. Where the horizontal branch is located Inole than four branch intervals from the top of the stack, thc horizontal b~anch shall be provided with il rclief vcnt that

I shall connect lo a vent stack or stack vcnt. or cxtcnd out- doors to the open air. Therelicf vent shall conncct to thc hor- izontal branch drain bctwcen the stack and Lhc most downstream fixture drain connected to thc horizontal branch drain. The relief vent sl~all be sized in accordancc with Section 9 16.2 and installed in accortlancc with Section 905. The rclicf vent shall be permittcd to scrvc as the vcnt [-or other fixtures.



917.3.3 Stack. Stack-type air admittance valves shall not serve as the vent terminal for vent stacks or stack vents that serve drainage stacks exceeding six branch intervals.

1 917.4 Location. Individual and bl-anch-type air admittance valves shall be located a minimum of 4 inches (102 mm) abovc thc horizontal branch drain or fixture dl-ain being vented.

M Stack-type ail. admittance valves shall be locatecl not less than 6 inches (1 52. m ~ n ) abovc the flood level rim of thehighest fixture being vented. The air admittance valve shall be located within the unaximum developed length pcrrnittcd for the vent. Thc air admittance valve shall be installed a minimum of 6 inches ( 1 52 ~ n m ) above insulation materials.

917.5 Access and ventilation. Access shall be provided to all air adlnittance valves. The valve shall be located within aventi- latcd space that allows air to enter the valve.

917.6 Size. The air admittance valve shall be rated in accor- dance with the standard for the size of the vent to which the valve is connected.

917.7 Vent required. Within each plumbing system, a mini- mull1 of one stack vcnt or vent stack shall extend ontdoors to the open air.

917.8 Prohibited installations. Air admittance valves shall not be installed in nonneutralized special waste systems as described in Chapter 8. Valves shall not be located in spaces ut i l i~cd as supply or return air plenums.


918.1 General. Engineered vcnt syste~ns shall cornply with this section and the design, submittal, approval; inspection and testing requil-cments of Section 105.4.

918.2 Individual hranc11 fixture and individual fixture lleader vents. The ~naxirnu~n developed length of individual fixture vents to vcnt branches and vent headers shall bc deter- mined in accordance with Table 91 8.2 for the minimum pipe diameters at the indicated vent airflow rafcs.

The individual vcnt airtlow rate shall be determined in accorclance with the following:

Qh.h = Nir.il Q,. (Equation 9-1)

For St: Q ,,, = N ,,,, Q,. (0.4719 Lls)


N,,,, =Number of fixtures per header (or vent branch) + total number of fixtures connected to vcnt stack.

Q,,,I, = Vent branch or vent header airflow rate (cfin).

(2,. =Total vent stacli airflow rute (cfrn).

Q,. (gpm) =27.8 r;2/3 ( 1 - i.,,) DS/3

Q, (cfm) = 0. I 34 Q, (gpm)


D = Drainage stack diameter (inches).

ow = Design discharge load (gpn~)

i , = Waste water flow area to total area.

individual vent airflow rates are obtained by equally distrib- uting Q,,, into one-half the total [lumber of fixtures on the branch or header for more than two fixtures; for an odd number of total fixtures, dccrcasc by one; for one fixture, apply the full vslue of Q,,,,.

Individual vent developed length shall be increased by 20 percent of the distance from the vent stack to the fixture vent connection on the vent branch or headcr.


919.1 Design of vent system. The sizing. design and layout of the vcnt system shall be permitted to bc determined by approved computer program design methods.

919.2 System capacity. The vent system shall be based on the air capacity requirements of the drainage system undcr a peak load condition.



. ~ ~ . ~ .- - - - .. -~ . - .. - .~ ~- -. - ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ . -~ -


. -- --- ~ - ~ - ~~~ ~~~ . - .- ~ - I 1 _ J

4 i

No limit 7-

- - ~~-~

I No limit 1- ! No limit No limit No limit 1 - - ~ - 1 ~ ~ 4 - . . - . - ~ ~

! 7 2 I 1 60 1 NO limit No l i m ~ t No limit No limit I - . - ~ ~- + ~ ~~ j :L i ~ . . ~ .--~-.-c - . . . . -

No limit

3 80 N o linlit 1 No limit j 1 . I - - 250 1 N o limit I No limit (

150 10' 44 l 10

250 132

10" 22 8 8 3811 1 i

400 1 Not pcrmi~ted ' Not permitted 1 Not permitted 10" i I ~ ~

/ Not permitted i Not pemrilted I Not permitted I Not permit - - - . . . . ._ _ - ~ -L. - -

Fol. SI: I irlch = 25.4 mrn, I fool = 304.8 mn~, 1 gtllo~i per mi~i t~te = 3.785 l,11n. ;I. Dclff'lriped leliglh plus an appn)p~iate allowance for c ~ ~ l l a r ~ c e losses and friction due to f [lings, changes i n direction and diameter. Suggcstcd allow:lnc?s shall he

ohlained from NSR Monogap11 31 01- othcr approved sources. An allowa~ice or50 percent of [lie developed length shall he assumed if:^ more PSCC~SC Y:I~IIL' i~ !lot available.

h. /\c[uul v:ilues greater thau 500 fcet. c. 1 . ~ 5 ~ than Il) kct.



- - - - - -- -- - - - - - -- - --- -- - - - - - - - . --

1 INDIVIDUAL VENT AIRFLOW RATE (cubic feet per minute)

/ DIAMETEROF / Maximum developed length of went (feet) i


For SI: I inch = 25.4 Iiinl, 1 cuhic fool per rui~iute = 0.3719 I is , I fc!ol = ?O-i.X mm.





1001.1 Scope. This chapter shall govern the material and installation of traps, interceptors and separators.


1002.1 Fixture tl-aps. Each plumbing fixturc shall be sepa- rately trapped by a water-seal trap, except as otherwise permit- ted by this code. The vertical distance from the fixture outlet to the trap weir shall not cxceed 24 inches (61 0 mm) and the hori- zontal distance shall not cxceed 30 inches (610 mm) measurcd fi-om the centerline of the fixturc outlct to the centerlir~e of the inlet of the trap. The height of a clothes washer standpipe above a trap shall conform to Section 802.4. A fixture shall not be double trapped.


I. This section shall not apply to fixtures with integral traps.

2. A conibinat~on plumbing fixture IS pcrniitted to bc ins~alled on one trap, provided Lhat onc compartment is not more than 6 inches (I 51 m n ~ ) deeper than thc other compartmcnt and the wastc outlets a ~ c 11u1 rnorc than 30 inches (762 111111) apart.

3. H grease trap intendcd to serve as a fixturc trap in occordancc with the manufacl~~rer 's installation instructions shall be permitted to serve as the trap for a single fixture or a combination sink of not niorc tha11 thrcc compartnlents where the vertical distance from the fixture outlet to theinlet of the interceptor does not excccd 30 inches (762 mm) and the developed length of the waste pipe from the most upstream fixture out- let to the inlct of the interceptor does not exceed 60 inches (1524 111n1).

1002.2 Design of traps. f xturc traps shall be self-scouring. Fixturc traps shall not have interior partitions, except where such traps arc integral with the fixture or where such traps are constructed of an approved material that is resistant to corro- sion and degradation. Slip joints shall be made with an i~pproved clastome~~ic gasket anti shall be installed only on t l~e trap inlct, trap outlet and within thc trap scal.

of an approved material that is resistant to corrosion and degradal ion.

5 . '3" traps.

6. Drum traps.

Exception: Drum traps used as solids interceptors and drum traps serving chc~nical wastc .systems shall not be prohibitcd.

1002.4 Trap seals. Each fixture trap shall have a liquid scal of not lcss than 2 inches (51 n~ni ) and no1 more than 4 incl~cs (102 mm), or deeper for special designs relating to accessible tix- tures. Where a trap seal is subject to loss by evaporation, a trap seal pi-imer valve shall be installed. A trap seal primer valve shall confomi to ASSE 1018 or ASSE 1044.

1002.5 Size of fixture traps. Fixturc trap size shall be suffi- cient to drain the fixture rapidly and not Icss than the bize indi- cated inTable 709.1. A trap shall not be larger than thedrainage pipe into which the trap discharges.

1002.6 Building traps. Building (house) tl-aps shall be prohib- ited. exccpt where local conditions neccssitatc such traps. Building traps shall he providcd with a cleanout and a relief vent or fresh air intake on the inlet side o t the trap. The size of the relief veld or fresh air intake shall not bc less than onc-half the diamctcr of the drain to which tlic rclief or air intakc connects. Such rclief vcnt or fresh air intake shall be carricd above grade and shall be terminated in a screened outlet located outside the building.

1002.7 Trap setting and protection. Traps shall be set level with respect to the trap seal and, where ncccsszuy, shall be pro- tected fro111 freezing.

4002.8 Recess fortrap connection. A recess provided for con- nection of the u~iclcrground trap, such as o~ i c serving a ba th t~~b in slab-type const~-uction, shall have sidcs and a bottom of cor- rosion-resistant, insect- and verminl~roof const~-uction.

1002.9 Acid-resisting traps. M1hcre a 7-itrificd clay or other brittleware, acid-resisting trap is inslalled underground, such trap shall be embedded in concretc extending 6 inches (152 mm) beyond the bottom and sides of the trap.

1002.10 Plumbing in mental health centers. In nicntal health centers. pipes and traps shall not be exposed.


1002.3 Prohibited traps. Thc following types of trnps arc pro- 1003.1 where required. interceptors and scl,ilrators shal 1 be hibitzd: provided to prevent the discharge of oil, grcasc, sand and other

1 . Traps that depend on moving parts to maintain Lhe seal. substances harmful or hazardous to thc building drainage sys- tem, the public sewer, the privatc sewage disposal systenl 01. the B

7,. Bell traps. sewage treatment plant or processes. 3. Crown-vented traps. 1003.2 Approval.'I'he size, type and location of each intcrccp- 4. 'I'raps 1101 intcgral with a L'ixt~~rc and that depend on inte- tor and of each separator shall be designcd and installed in

rior parlitionl; for the seal, except those traps constructed accordance with the mannfacturcr's instructions and the



rccjuircmcntb of this section based on the anticipated condi- tions of use. W~stes that do not require treatment or separation shall not be tlischarged into any interceptor or separator.

1 1003.3 Grease interceptors. Grcase interceptors shall comply with thc~cquircn~cntsof Sections 1003.3.1 through 10U3.3.5.

1003.3.1 Grease interceptors and automatic grease

I removal devices required. A grease interceptor or auto- matic grcasc removal dcvice shall be rcquircd to receive the drainage from fixlurcs and equipnlenl \kith grease-laden

- -

wastc iocatcd in food l~reparation areas. such as in rcstau- rants. hotel kitchens, hospitals, school kitchens, bars. fac- tory cafeterias and clubs. Fixtures a ~ l d equipment shall includc pot sinks, prerinse sinks; soup kettles or similar devices; wok stations; floor drains or sinks into which ket- tlcs are drained; auto~natic hood washunits and dishwashers without prerinse sinks. Grease interceptors and automatic grease removal devices shall receive waste only from fix- turcs anct equipnlcnt that allow fats, oils or grease to be dis- charged.

1003.3.2 Food waste grinders. Where food wastc grindcrs connect to grcdse interceptors. a solids interceptor shall separate the discharge bcfore connccting to the inter- ceptor. Solids interceptors and grease interceptors shall be sized a ~ ~ d rated foi- the discharge of the food waste grinder. Emulsifiers, chemicals, enzymes and bactcria shall not dis- I charge into the food wastc grinder

1003.3.3 Grease interceptors and automatic grease removal devices not required. A gieaae interceptor or an

( automatic grc:lse rcmoval device shall not he requircd for ~nd~vidual dwelling un1t.s or any private living quarters.

1003.3.4 Grease interceptors and automatic grease ) removal devices. Grease interceptors or au~on~at ic grease

removal deviccs shall conform to PDI G101, AShlE A1 12.14.3 or AShlE A 1 12.14.4 and shall bc installed in accorctancc with thc manufacturcr's instructions.

I 1003.3.4.1 Grease il~terceptor rapacity. Crcnse inter- ceptors shall have the grease retention capacity indicatcd in Table 1003.3.4.1 for tlze flow-through rates indicated.

I 1003.3.4.2 Rate of flow controls. Greasc interceptors - 5hall be equipped w ~ t h devices to control the rate of water flow so that the water f l o ~ does not exceed the rated flow. The flow-control device shall be vented and tc~mi- nate not lcss than 6 inchcs ( I52 mm) above the flood rim lcvel or bc installed in accordance with the manufac- turcr's instructions.

1003.3.5 At~tomatic grease removal devices. Whcre auto- matic grease removal devices arc installed. such dcvices shall be located downstream of each fixture or mulliple fix- tures in accordancc with thc ~~~anufacturer 's instructions. The aulo~natic grease rc~lloval device shall be sized to pretrcal ~ h c ~neasurcd or calculated flows for all connected fixtures or ecluipmcnt. Ready access shall be provided for inspection and maintenance.

1003.4 Oil separators required. At repair garages, car-wash- ing facilities, at factories whel-e oily and flammable liquid wastes arc produced ant1 in hydraulic elevator pits. separators shall hc installed into which all oil-bearing, greasc-bearing or

flanln~ablc wastes shall be discharged before enlptying into the building drainage system or othcr point of disposal.

Exception: An oil separator is not recluired in hydrauliccle- hator pits where an approved alnrnl systcm is installed.

TABLE 1003.3.4.1 C A

- -. - - .. -- -

1 TOTAL FLOW-THROUGH RATING ; GREASE RETENTION CAPACITY 1 -. !sPm_L . . - - 1 - . _. ( p o u n d s 1 . - ~ ~ 1

1 75 150 1 --,-~ - - . ... .. . . ! I 100 200 -- ~~ . . . .. L... - ~ - ~ - .~-- ~ ~

, . j

F I 1 gal1011 per minute = -4.785 Llni, 1 pound = 0.351 kg. ;L. For total flow-through snlingsgreale~. than 100 (ppm) , r l o ~ ~ h l c thc flow- I

through mting to tlelrrmine the grcnse setenlion capacity (pounds).

1003.4.1 Separation of licguids. A mixturc of treated or untrcated light andhcavy liquids with various specific grav- ities shall be separated in an approved receptacle.

1003.4.2 Oil separator design. Oil separators shall be designed In accordance with Sections 1003.4.2.1 and 1003.4 2.2

1003.4.2.1 Ccneral design rey~~iremcnts. Oil separa- tors shall have a depth of not less than 2 feet (610 mm) below the invert of the discharge drain. The outlet open- ing of the separator shall have not less tllari an 18-inch (457 mm) water seal.

1003.4.2.2 Garages and scrvicc stations. Whcrc auto- mob~les are scrviccd, greased, repaired or washcd or where gasoline is dispensed. oil separators shall have a minimum capacity of 6 cubic fcet (0.1 68 m-') for the first 190 square feet (9.3 m2) of area to be draincd, plus I cubic foot (0.28 m" for each addi~ional 100 square feet (9.3 112) of area to be drained illto the separator. Parkir~g garages in which servicing, repairing or washinb r ' 1s not conducted, and in which gasoline is not dispenscd, shall not require a separator. iireas of comnzercial garages uti- lized only for storage of a~~ton~obi les are not required to he drained through a separator.

1003.5 Sand interceptors in commercial establishments. Sand and similar interceptors for heavy solids shall bc dcsignctl



and located so as to be prov~tled with ready access for cleaning. and shall have a water seal of not less than 6 inches ( I 52 mm)

1003.6 Laundries. Laundry facilities not installed within an individ~~al dwelling unit or intended for individual family use shall be equipped with an interceptor with a wire basket or sirn- ilar devicc, removable for cleaning, that prevents passage into the drainage system of solids 0.5 inch (1 2.7 ~ n m ) or larger in size, string. rags, buttons or other n~;~tcrials detrimentc~l to thc public sewage system.

1003.7 Bottling establishments. Bottling plants shall dis- charge process wastcs into an interceptor that will provide for thc separation of broken glass or other solids before discharg- ing waste into thc drainage system.

1003.8 Slaughterhouses. Slaughtering room and dressing rooln drains shall be cquippcd with approved separators. The separator shall prevent the discharge into the drainage systcrn (11 feathers, et~trails and other materials that cause clogging.

4 003.9 Venting of interceptors and separators. Interceptors and separators shall be designed so as not to become air hound whci-c tight covers are utilized. Each interceptor or separator shall bc vented whcrc subject to ri loss of trap seal.

1003.10 Access and maintenance of interceptors and sepa- rators. Access shall be providcd to each interceptor and scpa- rator for service and ~naintenance. Interceptors and separators shall be maintained by pcriodic removal of accumulated grease, scum, oil, or othcr floating substarices andsolids depos- itcd in the interccp~or or scparator.


1004.1 General. The materials and methods utilized for the construction and installati011 ol' traps, interceptors and separa- tors shall comply witli t-his chapter and thc applicable provi- sions of Chapters 4 and 7. The fittings shall not have ledges, shoulders or reductions capable of retarding or obstructing flow of the piping.






1101.1 Scope. The provisions of this chapter shall govern the ~natcrials, design, construction and installation of storm drain- age.

1101.2 Where required. All roofs. paved areas, yards. courts and courtyards shall drain into a separate storm sewer system, or a combined sewcr system, or to an approved place of dis- posal. For one- and two-family dwellings, and wherc approvcd, storm water is permitted to discharge onto flat areas. such as strcets or lawns, provided that the storm watcr flows away from thc building.

1101.3 Yrollihited drainagc. Storm watcr shall not be drained into sewcrs intended for sewage only.

1101.4 Tests. The conductors and the building storm drain shall be tested in accordance w ~ t h Section 312.

1101.5 Change in size. The size of adrainage pipe shall not be rcduccd in thc direction of flow.

1101.6 Fittings and connections. All connections ancl changes in direction of the storm drainagc systcm shall be made with approved drainage-type fittings in accordance with Table 706.3. The fittings shall not obstruct or retard flow in the system.

1101.7 Roof design. Roofs shall be designed for the maximurn possible depth of water that wi!l pond thereon asdetermined by thc rclativc lcvels of roof deck and oveiflolli weirs, scuppers, cdgcs or scrviccable drains in combination with the deflected structural elements. In determining the maximum possible depth of watcr. all priniary roof drainage means shall be assumcd to be blocked.

1101.8 Cleanouts required. Cleanouts shall be installed in the storm drainagc system and shall co~nply with the provisions of this code for sanitary drainage pipe cleanouts.

Exrcption: Snbsurface drainage system.

1101.9 Backwater valves. Backwatcr valvcs installed in a storni drainage system shall conform to Section 7 IS.


1102.1 General. The materials and nicthods utilized fol- the construction and installation of storm drainagc systems shall comply with this scction and the applicable provisions of Chapter 7.

1102.2 Inside storm drainage conductors. Inside storm drainagc condtlctors illstalled above ground shall conform to onc of the standards listed in Table 702.1.

1102.3 Underground building storm drain pipe. Under- ground building storm drain pipc shall conform to one of'the standards listed ir l Table 702.2.

1102.4 Building storm sewer pipe. Building storru scwcr pipc shall conform to one of the standards listed in 'I'able I 102.4.


~ .~ _~ ~. ~ ~ - - ~ -~ -~ . - ~.

r- - 1 MATERIAL . . _ _ STANDARD.. . - . 1

1 iAcrylonitrile butadiene styrcne IASTM D 3661: ASTM D 1751;

1 (ABS) plastic pipe / ASTMF628;CSAB181.1; 1 CSAB182.1

I~ast-iron pipe I . ~~ . _ . - .

~ASTM A 74. ASTM A 888, CISPI 30 1

1 1 ASTM C 14; ASTM C 76; ~ ;concrete pipe ! CSA A257. Ih4; I 1- _ . _ _ - ..~ - i C S A Kj7.2M. ~~ . . ~

1 i !Copper- or copper-alloy t~lbing i ASTlGl B 75; AS'I'M I3 YX;

: ~..~ (Ty~7_e__K,L..MorDv\i!!>.~- -1. .ASTM B251; AS?-B.306 1 I Polyvi~lyl chloride (PVC)

1 plastic pipe (Type DWV. /ASTM D 2665: ASTM D 3034: / 1 ASTM F 891; CSA B 182.4; :

SDR26, SDR352 SDR41. ( CS), 8 18 1.2; CSA 8 182.2 1 1 PS50 or PS100) ~_ .... i ~ . i 'vitrified clay - pipe . i - ~ ~ ! ~ A ~ T M C 4. ASTM . - - . C 700 -~ . . ~~ ... ~; : I~tninless steel drainage systems,

Type 3 16L iASMB A1 12.3.1 I _ - : . _ - _ ... -

1102.5 Subsoil drain pipe. Subsoil tirains shall be open-jointed. horizontally bplil or perforated pipc conforming to one of the standards listed in Table 1 102.5.


r - - -- -

hlATERlAL- I I - --- i


I~sbcsto\-cement prpc I

h- - - -- -- - - ,ASTM C 508

- I -

!Cast-imn pipe L

I A S T M A 74: ASTM 4 888. I I CISPI "11 + - I

)ASTM F 405; CSA B183.1; !~olyethylene (PE) plastic pipc } . _ .- . . . L - ~ ~ C S A B-!XZ.(1:~C5A H182.8 -

lPolyvinyl chloride (PVC) ASThl D 2729; ASTM F 891 : 1 Plastic pipe (type sewer pipc, CSA R 182.2: C:SA B 182.4 1 PS25, PSj0 or PS 100) I -. - . - - r,.-- ~~ ~- - - ~~~~ - -1

~ta[nle>s steel drd~nage ay\tems. 1 C Type 316L - ,ASME A1 12.3 I

_ _ i I V'lficd clay-ppe - - [ ~ ~ S T M C 3, ASTM - C 700

1102.4 Roof drains. Roof drains shall conform to ASME Al12.21.2MorASMEAl12.3.1.

1102.7 Fittings. Pipe fittings shall bc approved for i~istallation with the piping material installed. and shall conform to thc respective pipe standards or onc of thc standards listed in Tablc 1102.7. The fittings shall not have Icdgcs, shoulders or rcduc- tions capable of retarding or obst~ucting flow in the pipiug. Threaded drainage pipc fittings shall be of thc rccesscd drain- age type.



TABLE 1102.7

.. ~~

PIPE FITTINGS ~ - - ~ ~ ,- -. . . ~ ~ ~ -- . -- -. -

I 1 MATERIAL i C - . - - - . - . - STANDARD p~ -4 '~cr~lonitr i le butadiene styrene/ASTk4 D 2661; ASTM D 331 1; i i , . - ~ ~ ~ (AQslr-!?tIc - . . . / CSAB181.1 ... ~ --...- ~-.. - ~ Pi

/ASME B16.4: ASME B16.12; Cast-iron 1 ASTM h 888; CISPI 301:

ASTM A 74 .- . -~--. - - - -- ---- ~- -~ ~ . -- ~

Coextruded colnposile ABS i sewer and drain DR-PS in 1 PS35, PSSO. PS 100, PS 140, ASTM D 275 1

~. ~

I i ~Coextruded compnsitc PVC I D\VV Sd,edule 40 IPS-DR, jASTM D 2065: ASTM D 3 1 1 ; i ; PSI 40, PS200 (solid 01- /ASTM F 89 I I

1 ccllular corc) 1 ~- - -~ ~ - ~ - . -~ .~-~.- j . ~~ _ _.

I iCc~es~ruded iornposile PVC 1 j

I ,cfie~- and drain DR-PS in i ASTM D 3034 i I PS35, PSSO. PS 100. PS 130. I

! I . 1 PS20? .. _ _ . . r ~ . . ~_ i i ! I A S M E ~ 1 6 . 1 5 ; ASME B16.18: ' /Copper or copper alloy / ASME B 16.27; ASME R16.23; / I t ~- -~ ~ - .~ - i ASME B 16.36 .--Y.-'L ASME B16.29i ~

I ~ r a ~ iron and ~ - d~rcti!e @11 ~AWWA , CI 10 . . ~ i iron 1 ASME B 15.3 I _ ~ . - . -~ ~ , -~ 1 I . - - -_ -. 1

~ASTM F 409 I

'Plastic (lcneritl I 1 . : .. 2 . . . -- . - - . . . . . - .. . 4

Polyvinyl chllxide (PVC) ASTM .I 26665: ASTM D 331 1 : 1 A9TM F 1 1 1 . I ? ! - . ->-. 1

I (Srcel


1103.1 Main trap. Leaders and storin drains connectcd to a combined sewer shall be trapped. lndivitiual storm water traps shall be installed on tl~estorni water drain branch sewing each conductor. or a single trap shall bc installcd in thc main storm drain just beforc its connection with thc combined building sewer or the public sewer.

1103.2 Material. Storrn water trdps shall be of the same mate- rial as tllc piping system to which they are attached.

1103.3 Size. Traps for individual conductors shall he the sarne size as [he horizontal drain to which thcy are connected.

1103.4 Cleanout. An acccsaible cleanout shall bc installed on tlic building \idc of the trap.


1104.1 Prohibited use. Conductor pipes sliall not bc used as soil, waste or vcnt pipes, and soil, wastc or vent pipw sllall not be used as conductors.

1104.2 Combining storm with sanitary drainage. The sani- tary and storni drainage systc~lis of a structure shall bc entirely separate exccpt where combined scwcr systems arc utilized. Where a co~nbined sewer is utilized, the huildirlg storm drain shall be connected in the same horizontal plane through a sin- gle-wye titting to the combined sewer at least 10 feet (1048 mmj downstrcani from any soil stack.

1104.3 Floor drains. Floor drain\ shall not bc connccted 10 a stornl drain.


1105.1 Strainers. Roof drains shall have strainers 'xtcnding not less than 4 inches 1102 rnni) above the snrl-kc of the roof iinnrediately adjacent to the roof drain. Strainers shall havc an available inlet area, above roof level, of not lcss than onc and one-half times the area of the conductor or leader to which [he drain is conr~ected.

1105.2 Flat decks. Roof drain strainers for use on sun decks. parking decks and similar areas that arc normally scrviced and maintained shall cornply with Section 1105.1 or shall be of the flat-s~rrfacc type, installed level with the dcck, with an available inlet area not less than two ti~ncs the arca of the conductor or leader to which the drain is connected.

1105.3 Roof drain flashings. The connection betwccn roofs and roof drains which pass through lhc roof ant1 into the intc- rior of the building shall bc made watcr tight by the usc of approved flashing material.



1106.1 General. The size of thc vcrtical conductors and le:ld- ers, building stormdrains? building stol-m scwers. and any hori- zontal branches of such drains or sewer-; shall be based on thc 100-year hourly rainfall rate indicated in F:igu~-c I 100. I or on other rainfall rates determined t'om approved local wcathcr data.

1106.2 Vertical conductors and Icaders. VCI tical corlductors andleader\ shall be sizcd for thc maxi~nurnprojcctcd root arca, in accordance e ~ t h Il'able 1 106.2.

1106.3 Building storm drains and sewers. The size of the building storm drain, building storm sewer and their. horizontal branches having a slopc of one-half unit or lcss vertical in 12 uuits horizonral (4-percent slope) shall bc based 011 rhc maxi- mum projected roof area in accordance with Table 1 106.3. Thc minimum slope of horizontal branches shall be one-cighth unit vcrtical in 12 units horizont;~l (I --percent slopc) unless other- wise approved.




For SI: I inch = 15.4 1nm. Source: Nalio~ial Nk'ealher Service. National Oceanic ant1 ALmosphel.ic Atlministration, Washington D.C.




1'01. SI: I inch =?.3 mtn. Snu~.cc: National \Vc:~llicr Scrvicc. Natio~rill Oceanic and i\tmosplieric Administrarion, U51shington D.C



POI. SI: 1 inch = 25.4 r11n1. S<~urcc: Nal io~~nl Wenlhcr Scrvice. Nn~ional Ocea~lic anJ Al~r~osphcric Administration, N'ashington D.C.





Fov ST: 1 inch = 25.4 nlnl.

Sourcc: N~tional Wenthcl- Sel.vizc, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Washin~ton D.C




FOI- SI: 1 inch = 25.,-l ~lmr. Sot~rce: Na~ion;~l Wtnther Ser.!,ice, Nntiannl Occaliic and ~llnuh~1llcl-ic Administration. IVasl~ingto~~ D.C




~ ~ ~ ~~ .. .-- ~-~~ . . - -~ . ~




4 - . -. . .



For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 square foot = 0.0029 m'. ;I. Sizes indic;rted:lre the diameterof circul;~l-pipins. This Iahlt. is applicabl~.topiping dothcr shapes provided the cross-sectional sh;~pc fully encloscs a circle tri'thc

dia~nctcx indicatd in this table.


I . .. . . . . - . I . . .~ . ~~ .- -- - - . ~ ~~ ~

I SlZE OF HORIZONTALLY PROJECTED ROOF AREA (square feet) 1 - . . -- . .--- -.~-. ~ - - . ~ ---. . -. ~ ~- - - - . - - ..- - ~ - .-~. - . - . .

HORIZONTAL 1 , . -- . - - . - . Rainfall rate(inches per ' 4 hour) -- . .--- ~~- - ~~ ~~ . . ~ . ~ ~

- .~ I -

i 1 (inches) I 1 2 3 5 i I '1, unit vertical in 12 units horizontal (I-percent slope)

. . i - . ~ -.. ~- ~ T~ - - - ~ ~ ---.--.r ~ - . ~ ~ .-- !-


, 3 I 3,288 i 1,644 I 1,096 822 I I 4 1 7.520 1 3,760 ' 1 2.506 I I 1.800 ' 1,504 1 1.253

5 / 13,360 i 6,680 1 4,453 ! 3,340 1 2,672 : 2.227 I I

6 1 21,400 1 10.700 7,133 5,350 4,280 1 3,566 1 8 1 46,000 i 23;000 15.331) i1.500 1 9,200 i 7,600 1

1 0 1 82.800 i 41.400 I 27,600 I 20,700 1 16,580 1 13.800 1

I 12 1 133.200 I 66.600 44.100 ) 33.300 26;650 , 22,200 1 15 ' 118,000 1 109,000 i 72,800 / 59,500 1 47,600 ) . A ~~~. .~-- ~. ~ l - . ~ . ~ ---- -- ~.. - - - ~-~~~ ~~ , ~ ~ - ~ 30,650

1 . ~

'1, unit vertical in 12 units horizontal ('-percent slope) 1

, ~ -- - - _-. ---~~. ._ --_ . - , ., ~ ~- , ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~- --. , . . -- - .. --- . . . - -

j 3 2,320 1 1,540 1 92 8 i I 4.640 1,160 / 773 I

i i 4 1 10,600 1 5.300 3.533 I 2,650 i 2,120 1 1.766 i

I 5 I I8.880 9.440 6.293 / 4,720 1 3,776 1 3.146 1

1 6 1 30.200 1 15,100 1 10,066 1 7,550 1 6.040 1 5-03: i 8 1 65,200 32,600 2 1,733 1 1 6:300 1 13,040 ( 1 0.866

i I

10 1 16,800 1 58,400 38.950 1 29,200 23.350 14450 1 I

12 188.000 j 94,000 i 62,600 / 47,000 37,600 1 3 1.350 i i

I IS 336,000 168,000 1 112,000 1 84:000

I . . > . . . . . _ _ ! .~ ~ ?.

I 67 250 56.000 i ~ - - . ~ _ . . . . . _ . - 1 ~ . ~ \ L ~- ~ .~ .~

' I2 unit \erticrtl in 12 units horizontal (4-pel-cent slopej

3 4 7.520 [ 5010 2,500 5 1 26.720 j 13.360 1 8.900 5,320 4,450 6 j 42.800 i 1 1.400 1 1 , 1 10,700 ! 8,580 7.140 1

I X 91.000 46.000 30,650 1 23,000 18,400 15,320 i 1 0 1 171.600 85.800 55,200 1 41.400 33,110 1 27,000 I i I

12 266.400 133,200 88_800 66.600 53.200 1 44.400 15 476.000 238,000 158,800 1 19,000 1 95,300 I 79,250 1 I . . -- . --~. . 1 - _ . _ - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 .. - - -- 8

For SI: I inch = 1-54 inn?, I square l\mt = 0.0029 111'.



11 06.4 Vertical walls. 111 sizing roof drains and storm drainage piping, onc-half of the area of any vertical wall that diverts rain- water to the roof shall be added to the projected roof area for inclusion in calculating the required size of vertical conduc- tors, leaders and horizontal storm drainage piping.

1106.5 Parapct wall scupper location. Parapet wall roof drainage scuppcr and overflow scuppcr location shall comply with the requil-ements of the Zizterriarionnl Rziildi7tg Code.

1106.6 Size of roof gutters. The sizc of semicircular guttcr-s shall bc based on the niaximum projected roof area in accor- clancc with Table 1106.6.


1107.1 Secondary drainagc required. Secondary (emer- gency) roof drains or scuppers shall he PI-ovided where thc roof perimeter construction extends ahove thc roof in such a manncr that water will be entrapped if the primary drains allow buildup for any reason.

1107.2 Scparate systems required. Secondary roof drain sys- tems shall havc the end point of discharge scparatc from the pri- mary system. Discharge shall be above grade, in a location that would norn~ally be observcd by the building occupants or maintenance personnel.


I HORIZONTALLY PROJECTED ROOF AREA (square feet) 1 . - . _ - . . _ . . - I DIAMETER OF !.--

i GUTTERS 1 . ~ - ~ ~ - - -~ - . ~ r - - Rainfall rate (inches per hour) , .. .. - . . . - - ._ . - . ~~- -- - -~ ~. - . ~ -

i (inches) 1 2 I 3 I- 4 I _. . . - i .1__ - - --- - - -.A,.- I - - - ~ ~-

I ~ - - ~~~.~ , . . . - . ._ - . unit vertical in 12 units hur-izontal (0.5-percent slope) - -

I i i 3 I 680 1 340 226 170 1 1 36 1 113

1 I 1 1 4 1,440 1 720 I 480 i 360 I 288 240 ! i , ! 5 I 2,500 1 1,250 1 834 625 500 ! 1 416 I 6 3,840 1 1,920 1 1,280 ( 960 768 640 i I I 7 1 5,520 I 2,760 ! 1.840 1 1,380 I I 1 ,100 i 91s ~ i

8 7,960 1 3.980 1 2.655 i i j 1,090 i 1.590 1.325

i 10 I i 14,400 1 7.200 I 4,800 3.600 I 880 i 2.400 ! !

I . . , _ - - _-._ . _ I - - _ . . ~-..__.:1 - ~1 . . . . i 'I, unit vertical 12 units hori~ontnl (!-percent slope)

1 - - ~ - - . ~ . ~ 7 - . . . . . _ . . . ~ - . . . . . . - - - ~~ ~- I - . . - ~ - - - .! I 1 I i I I 3 960 I 480 1 320 1 240 i 192 I60 I

I i i 4 2,040 1.020 68 I 510 I 408 I 340 I

5 I 3.520 1,760 I 1,172 880 I 7 04 587 i

i ! 6 1 5,440 2,720 1 1,SlS 1.360 1 1.085 1 905 i

I 7 i 7,800 i 3.900 1 2,600 1,950 I 1,560 1 1.300 I 8 I 11,200 I 5,600 1 3.740 1 1,800 2,240 i i 1,870 I

10 6,SOO 3,400

' I , unit vertical in 12 u~iits horizontal (?-percent slopcj I I .- . -. ~ ,-- ~- - . - . ~~~~ ~ -. - .- ~~ I-- ~ ~,

i 1 680 454 I 340 272 226 I I I 1,440 I 960 i 720 I 1 57" 480 I !

I 5 5,000 i 2,500 1 1.668 4; 1,250 1,000 ; 834 j 7.680 i I

j 6 3,840 1 2,560 I 1,920 1 1,536 1,180 7 I ~1.040 i 5,520 1 3.860 i 2,760 j 2,205 i 1,840 j

! 8 ! f 15.920 1 7.960 1 5,310 j 3,980 1 3,180 2,655 1 I I 10 / 28.800 _ - . I - 14 .-2. 400 . 1 - . I _ '1 600 . . . i . . _ 7.700 2: - i- 1 . 5.750 . . . . . 1 4.800

~. ~ I

'I2 "nit vertical in I2 ~ l l r i t h horironrd (4-percent slope) 1

I ~ _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ ~

480 j 384 320 1 1

I I 1,020 1 8 16 1 680 I 1,770 / 1,415 ; i 1.180 ;

2,770 1 2.220 1.850 ~ 3,900 1 3.120 2.600

1 ! 5,600 , 4.480 1 3,730 1 10.000 1 x.000 1 ~

6,660 I _ ~ ~ .i - . - . - 1 . i

For S1: 1 ~ n c h = 25.4 mm, 1 silclnrc li~ol = 0.0929n1'.



1107.3 Sizing of secondary drains. Secondal-y (emergency) roof drain systems shall bc sizcd in accordance with Scction 1 1 05 bascd on thc rainfall rate for which the p~-i~na~-y system is sized in Tables 1106.2. 1106.3 and 1106.6. Scuppers shall be si7ed toprevent the depth ofponding water from exceeding that for which the roof was designed as determined by Section 1 10 1.7. Scuppers shall not have an opening di~ncnsion of less than 4 inchcs (I02 nun). The flow through the primary system shall not be considered whcn sizing the secondary roof drain system.


1108.1 Size of combined drains and sewers. The size of a combination sanitary and storm drain or sewer shall be corn- putcd in accordnncc with thc nlcthod in Section 1106.3. The fixture units shall be converted into an equivalent pro-jected mof or paved area. Wlicre thc total fixture load on the con - bincd drain is less than or cqual to 256 fixture units. the equiva- lent drainagc arca in horizontal projectior~ shall bc taken as 4,000 squarefcet (372 in2). Where the total fixture load excecds 256 fixture units, cach additional fixture unit shall be consid- ered the cquivalent of 15.6 square feet (1.5 m2) of d r~~inage arca. Thcsc values are based on arainfall rate of 1 inch (25 mm) per hour.


1109.1 Equivalent roof area. Whcrc there is a continuous or scrnicontinuous discharge into the building s t o m drain or huilding st om^ sewer. such as from a pump. ejector, air condi- tioning plant or similar device, cach gallon per minute (Llm) of such discharge sl~all hc coinputed as hcing equivalent to 96 sqoarc fect ( 9 m?) of roof arca, based on a rainfall rate of 1 inch (25.4 n ~ m ) per hour.


1110.1 General. The roof of a structure shall be designed for the storage of water where the storm drainagc system is engi- neered for controlicd flow. 777c controlled flow roof drain sys- tem shall be an engineered system in accordance with this section and the design, submittal, approval. inspection and test- ing rcquircn~cnts of Scction 105.4. The controlled flow systcm shall be dcsigned bascd on the required rainfall rate in accor- dance with Scction I 106.1.

11 10.2 Control devices. The control dcviccs shall be installcd so that thc rate of discharge or water per minute shall not cxcccd the values for continuous flow as indicated in Section 1109.1.

1110.3 111slallation. Runoff control shall be by control dcviccs. Control dcviccs shall bc protected by strainers.

1110.4 Minim~lrn nl~rnbcr of roof drains. Not lcss than two roof drains shall be installed in roof areas 10,000 squarc fect

(929 ni2) or lcss and not lcss than four roof' drains shall be installed in roofs over 10,000 square fcet (929 m2) in arca.


1111.1 Subsoil drains. Subsoil drains shall be opcn-jointed, horizontally split or perforated pipe conforming to one of the standards listed in Table 1102.5. S~rch drains shall not be less than 4 inches (102 mm) in diameter. Where the building is sub- ject to backwater, thc subsoil drain shall bc protected by an accessibly located backwater valve. Subsoil drains shall dis- charge to a trapped area drain, sump, dry wcll or approved loca- tion above ground. The subsoil sump shall not be required to have either a gas-tight cover or a vent. Thc sump and pumping system shall con~ply with Scction 1 1 13.1.


1112.1 Building subdrains. Building suhdrains located below thc public scwer lcvcl shall discharge illto a sump or rccciving tank, the contcnts of which shall be automatically lifted and discharged into the drainagc system as requilcd Tor building sumps. The sump and pumping ecluiprnent shall comply with Section 11 13.1.


1113.1 Punlping system. The sump pump, pi1 and discharge piping shall conforin to Scctions 1 1 13. I . 1 through 1 I 13. I .4.

1113.1.1 Pump capacity and head. The suinp pump shall be of a capacity and head appropriate to anticipated use recluirements.

8113.1.2 Sl~rnp pil. Thc sump pit shall not be lcss than 18 inchcs (457 mm) in diamcter and 24 inchcs (61 0 mni) dccp, unless otherwise approved. The pit shall bc acccssiblc and located such that all drainagc flows into thc pit hp gravity. The sump pit shall be const~ucted of tile, stccl. plastic, cast-iron, concretc or other approved material. with a removable cover adequate to support anticipated loads in the area of usc. Thc pit floor shall be solid and providc per- manent support for the pump.

1113.1.3 Electrical. Elcctrical servicc outlctc, whcn required, shall meet the requirements of the ICC El~ctricnl Coder.

1113.1.4 Piping. Discharge piping shall ~nce t thc require- ments of Section 1 102.2. 1 102.3 or 1 102.3 and shail include a pate valve and a f111l flow chcck valve. Pipe and tlttir~gs shall be the same size as, or larger than, pump d~scharge tap- ping.

Exception: In one- and two-family dwcllings, only a check valve shall bc rcquircd, located on the discha~gc piping from the pump or ejcctor.





1201.1 Scope. 'The provisiorrs of this chapter shall govern the design and irrstallation of piping and storage systems for non- tlarnmnblc nietlical gas systems and uor~medical osygen sys- terns. All maintcnalicc and operations of such systcrns shall be in accordance with the Internc~tional Fire Code.


[F] 1202.1 Nonflammable ~ilcdieal gases. Nonflam~nablc ii~edical gas systems, inhalation anesthetic systems and vac- u u n ~ piping systcrns shall be designed and installed in accor- tlancc with NFPA 99C.


1. This section shall not apply to purlable systems orcyl- inder storage.

2. Vacuunl systcm cxllaust shall comply with thc h l r ~ r -

tiational Meclrnnicnl Code.


(F] 1203.1 Design and installation. Nonmedical oxygcn sys- tcms shall bc designed and installed in accorda~ice with NFPA 50 and NFPA 5 1.





This chapter lists the standards that arc referenced in various sections of this document. The standards are listed hcrein by thc promulgating agcncy of the standard, the standard identification, the effective datc and title, and thc scctiou or sections of this document that rcfcrcncc the standai-d. Thc application of the referenced standards shall bc as specified in Scction 102.8.

ANSI American National Standards Institute 25 West 43rd Street. l'ou~lh Floor New Yorork, NY 10036

~ ~ ..... ...................... ... ........... .. ......... ~ ~~

Rcfcr-cnced in code

Title ....... ............... ......... .................... ........... - .... ..... .- ~

~ $ L " E I l ~ u n ~ h c ~

Minirnurn Rcquircments lor No~~sewerrd Waste-Disposal Systen~s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 1 1 . I Relicf Valves for Hot Water Supply Systems with Addenda 221 .22o-2000(R2003) and Z21.22li-2001(R20i~1) . . . 504.3.504.5

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plastic Bathtub Units. ,407. I Plastic Sl~ower Receptors a11d Shower Stalls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,417.1

Plastic 1,avatories.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .416.l. 416.2 Plastic Water Closet Bowls and Tanlts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,420. 1

PlasticSinks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4l5.1,418.1 Plastic Uriltal Fixtures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,419.1

Air-Co~~ditioning B Rcliigzration Ir~stitute

ARI 4 100 Nor~h Failfix Drive. Suite 200 <\rlingtou, VA 22203

.......... -- . . . . . -~ .... ---- ... .. . ...... . - . ..... . . . - . . . . .

S tankard Rekrenccd rat'e'erencc in cods

Title section nunrbcr nunlbcr~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . -~ ----- .. .. .... . ........ ----- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - .

I o 1 0--02 Sclf-coi~tained, Meehal~icallv Rrrrigcrated Drinking-water Cnulcrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 10.1

Stanclnrcl Reference Numher-~ .... ~- . . . . . .

A1 12 I .2---l99liR2001)

A l I?. 1.3--2000

A1 12.3.1--1')03

American Society 01Mechanical Erigir~eers Three Park Avenue Ncw York, NY 100 16-5990

~~~ ~ ~

Rcfercnczd in ctdc

Title .................... -- seqic!n f i ~n~hc r ...... .............. ....................

Air Gaps in Plumbing Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 60s. I

Air Gap Fittings Tnr Use with Plumbing Fixtures, Appliances and /\ppurtenances. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .hOX. l1 . l . Tilljlc 608.1

Perl'ormancc Stnndu~cl anti Installation P~.ocedures [or Stai~~less Steel Drail~age Systenl.; for Sfinitat-)! Storm ;~nd Chemical Applications, Above and Below Ground. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,412.1, Table 702.1, Tahls 701.2. Table 702.3,

Tal~le 702.4. 708.2, Table 1102.4, 'T;lble 1102.5, 1102.6, ?able 1 102.7

M:~ceri~ting Toilet Systems and Related Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 12.4.1 Water Heater Reliel'Valve Drtun Tubes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S04.6.2 Plnsric Fittings for Connecting Water Closets to the Sanitary Drainage System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,405.4

Floor-Affixeti Supports for OR-the-tloor Plumbing Fixtures for Public Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,405.4.3

Franling-ARi.sed Supports for 05-the-tloor Water Cltrssts with Concealed Tanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,405.4.3 Floor and Trench Drains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,4 12. I

Enan~eleti anti Epoxy-coated Cast-iron and PVC Plastic Sanitary Floor Sinks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,427.1 RackwaterValvcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715.2

Grcase Interceptors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,1003.3.4 Greasc Remoral Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l[l03..3.4

Plumbing Fixture Fittings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,424.1.608.2 Plumbing Fixture Ws t? Fitrings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,C24.1,2

Perfornlancs Requircn~cnts Sol- Backflou Protection Doices and Systems in Plr~mblng Fixture Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,424.4 Flexible Water Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .605.6

Deck mounted BathIShower Transfer Llves ~ : i t h Integral Rackflow Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,424.0 EnameledCast Iron Plumbing Fixtiires with 1998 and 2000 supplements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -107.1,410.1,415.1. 416.1.41S.I




ASME-continued Vitreous China Plunibi~~g Fixtt~rcs and Hydraulic Requirements for Water Closets and Urinals . . . . 40 1.2. 405.9. 408 .I . 410.1.

416.1,418.1,419.l.421).1 Stainless Steel Pluntbing Fixtures (Designed for Residelitial Use) with 2002 Supplcmcnt . . . . . . . . .405.9.415.1. 416.1. 418.1 Porcelain Eoan~eled Folmed Steel Plumbing Fixtures with 1908 and 2000 Supplen~ent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407.1. 41 6.1.418.1 Trim for Water-closet Bowls. Tanks and Urinals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .425.4 Hydraulic Pe~forn~ancc Requiren~ents for Water Closets and Urinals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :119.1.420.1 Whirll~ool Bathtub Appliances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42l .I Suction Fittings for. Use in Swirnminy Pools. Wading Pools. Spas . Hot Tubs and Whirlpool Bathtub Appliances . . . . . . .421.4 NOII-Vitscous Ceran~ic Plumbing Fixtures with 2002 Supplement . . . . . . 40 7.1. 408.1.410.1.415.1.416.1, 417.1.418. I . 420.1 \Val1 Mounted and Pedestal Mouuted. Adjustable and Pivoting Lavatory and Sink Car-rier Systen~s . . . . . . . . . . . .116.4. -118 ..3

Elect~.ohydraulic Water Closets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .420 . I BathtubA?ihirlpool Bathtubs with Pressure Sealed Doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407.4,4:! 1.5 RoofDraiins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1102.6 Cleanouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708.2 Pipc Threads, General Purpose (inch) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .605.l 0.3, 605.1 2.3, 605.14.4, 605.16.3.605. IS.l.

705, 705.2.3. 705.4.3 Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings Classes 150 and 300 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 605.5, 'R~hlc 702.4, Table 1 102.7 Gray Iro~i Threaded Fittir~gs Classes 125 and 250 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 605.5, Table 702.4, Table 1102.7 Factory-made Wrought Steel Buttwelding Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 605.5, Table 702.4, Table 1 102.7 Forged Fittings, Sockct-welding and Threaded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 605.5, Table 702.4, Table 1 102.7 Cast-iron Threaded Drain:ige Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 605.5. Table 702.4. Tablc 1 102.7 Cast Brorize Threaded Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tnhle 605.5, Table 702.4, Table I 102.7 Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 605.5, Table 702.4, Table 1 102.7 Wrought Coppcl . and Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 605.5, Table 702.4, Tablt: 1 102.7 Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint Drainage Fittings DWV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 605.5, Table 702.4. Tahlc 1102.7 Cast Copper Alloy Fittings for Flared Copper 'Tubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 605.5, Table 702.4, Table 1 102.7 Wroufht Steel Buttwelding Short Radius Elbows and Returns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 605.5, Table 702.4, Table 1 102.7 Wrought Copper and Wroiigh~ Copper Alloy Solder Joint Drainage Fittings @WV) . . . Tahlc 605.5, Table 702.4. Table 1102.7

:irnerican Society of Sanitary Enpineering 901 Canterbury Road. Suite /\

............ .- . ....... ... -. .......... .- ............ -~ . . . . . . . . .

Referenced in code

Title .- -. s~5ti011 !it!nihqr ........ .......... .......... .. ....... .. ......... . . .

Perl.l,rmaucc Reclnireme~~ts for At~nospheric Type \';icuum Breal.crs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .425.?, Tablc 608 . I, 608.13.6 Performa~~cc Requirements for , Antisiphon Fill Valves (Ballcocks) for Gravity

M1atcr Closet Flush Ttniks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .425.3. I , T;~hle (108 . I Pcrlix7nance Requirements for Water Pressure Rctlucing Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .604.8 Perhnnance Requirements for Racltflow Prevention Requirements for Co~lunerci;~l Dishwaslii~lg Mochincs . . . . . . . . . .409.1 Perforlnancc Rccluirements for Water Heater Drain Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5OL.3 Perform:ulcc R.eqi~ire~llents for Reside~~tial Use Dishwashers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .409 .I Perfor~niince Req~~irements for Home Laundry Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .406.1, 406.2 Perfornmancc Rcquircme~lts for Household Food Waste Disposer Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 13.1 Perfonniu~ce Rcquircments for Commercial Food Waste Grinder Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .413.1 Pcrfol-mnnce Requirements for Water IInn~mcr Arresters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6( 14.0 Pe~fol.~nuncc Rcquirements for Hose Connection Vacu~~m Brcaliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 608 . I , 608.13.6 Perfol.mance Requirements for Bacltflo\\' Prcventers with

Intermediate Atmospheric Vent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 608.1,60S. 13.3; 608.16.2 Performance Kequiren~enls for Reduced Pressurc Prir~ciple Bacltllo\~ heventers and Reduced

Prcssul.c Fire Protection Principle Backfow Prcvente~.~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 608.1, 608.13.2, 60s . 16.2 Perfomlance Reqi~ire~nents for Handheld Showers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 4.2 Pe~fvrmancc Requirements for 1)ouble Check Bzickflow Prevention Assen~blies

and Double Check Fire Protection Backflow Prevention Asscrnhlics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 608.1, (108.13.7 Pe~f<~mmancc Requirements for Individual Therniostatic, Pressure Balancing and

Coinbination Contn~l Valves I'or Intlividual Fixture Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .424.3 Pcrunnnancc Recluiretnents for Temperature Actuated Mixing Valves for Hot Watcr

Distribution Syatcrns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .424.3,424.5,61 3. I Pe~fo~mance Requirements for Trap Scal Primer Valves; Potable Water Supplied . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1002.4 Porfornlaoce Requirements for Vacuum Breaker Wall Hydrants, Freeze Resistant,

i\ntomatic Dlair~ing Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T.lblc 608 . I , 608.13.6



ASTM Standard Rel'erencc Nurnhel-

A 5.3lA 53M-02

ASSE-continued Perforn~ance Requircrncnts for Pressure Vacuum Breaker Assembly

Pe~i'ornmane Requiremenls for Backflow Preventer Tor Carhonated Beverage Machines . . . . . Table 608.1. 608.16. I. h08.16.10

Performance Requirements for Dual Check Valve Type Rackflow Preventers (Tor Residential Supply Service 01 . lndividual Outlets) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .605.3. 1 . Table 608.1

Performance Requirements for I<rthoratory Faucet Backflow Prevcnters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 608.1. 608.13.6

Pel-Tornlance Requirements for Pressurized Flushing Devices Tor Plumbing Fixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .425.2

Pcrforn~ance Requirements for Trap Seal Prin~er Devices Drainage Types and Electronic Design Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1002.4

Pelformance Requit-enlcnts for Rcduced Pressure Deteclor Fire Pn~tection Backflow

Prevenlion i\ssetnblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tahle 608.1.608. 13.2

Perl'ornlauce Requirements Tor Double Check Detector Fire Protection Backfluw

Prevention Assetnblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7jble 608 . I . 608.13.7

PcrTormancc Kequircn~ents for Stacli i \ ~ r Ad~niLt:~nce Valves for Sanitary Dl-ainage Systcn~s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 17.1

Perforrnancc Requirements for Individual and Branch Type Air Admittance Valves for Sanitary Drainage Systems-

FixlureandBranchDevices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 917.1

Performance Keqi~irernents for Hose Connection Backili7w Preventers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 008.1. 608.1 3.6

Performance Reqoireinents Tor Chemical Dispensing Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .608.l 3.9

Pcrfonuancc Rcq~~isements for Spill Resistant Vacuurn Breaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 608 . I . 608.13.5. 608.13.8

Pcrfornrancc Requirements for Outdoor Enclosures for Backflow Prevention Assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .608.1 4.1

Perl'ormailce RequiremenLs for Temperature Actuated. Plow Reduction Valves to Individual Fixture Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .424.5

Performance Reyuircments ti)r Individual Pressure Baliuncing In-line Valves for Individual Fixture Fittings . . . . . . . . . .604.1 1

Performance Rzquirements for Auton~alie Temperature Control Mixing Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .424.4 Performance Requil-cments for Water-temperature Limiting Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .408.3.416. 5. 607.1.424.5

PerConnnnce Requirements for Testing Reduccd Pressure Principle Backflow Prevc~~tion Assembly (RPA) and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reduced Pressure Fire Protection Principle Rackflo\v Preventers (RFP) 3 12.9.2

Petiortuunce Keyuirements for Testing Double Check Valve Backf ow Prevenlion Assentbly (DCVi\) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 12.9.2

Perfomlance Requirements tor Testing Pressure Vacuum Breaker Assembly (PVRA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .312.9.2

Perl'onnance Requirements for Testing Reduced Pressure Deteclor Fire Protection Backflow Prevention Assemblies IRPDA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Performance Requiren~ents for Testins Douhle Check Valve Detector !\ssembly (DCDA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pcrfc)nuancc Keyuirements for Testing Hose Connection Backilow Prevcnters 3 12.9.2

Peli 'orn~a~~ce Recruirernents for Tcstins Suill Resistant Vacuum Breaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 12.9.2

t\STM Inlernational LOO Rarr Harbor Drive

in code Title s ec t io~~ I I U I ~ ~ C I . Specilication Tor Pipe. Steel. Black and Hot.dipped. Zinc-coated Welded and Scamless . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 605.3.

Table 605.4, Tr~hlc 702 .I

Spcciticiltion Tor Cast-iron Soil Pipe and Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tahle 702.1. Table 702.2. Table 702.3. Table 702.4, 708.2, Table 1102.4, T;~ble I 102.5, Tublc 1 102.7

Specification h r Seamless and Welded Auslenitic Stainless Steel Pipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 605.4. Table (705.5. Triblc 605.6, 605.23.2

Specif citt io~~ fur Welded and Seamless Gal-bon Slccl and Austc~lilic Stainless Stccl Pip? Nipples . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 605.8

Specification for Welded Unannealed Austenitic Stainlcss Steel Tubular P~.oducts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 605.4. Table 605.5, Tahlc 605.6

Specification for Hubless Cast-iron Soil Pipe and Fittings for Sanitary and Sturm Drain. Waste. and Vent Piping Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 702.1. Table 702.2. Table 702.3.

Table 702.4, Table 1 102.4. Tablc 1 102.5, Tithle 1 102.7

Spcciticatio~i For Solder Metal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .605.11.3. 605.1 5.4. 705.9.3. 705.10.3

Spcciticalion for Seamless Copper Pipe. Standard Sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tahlc 605.3. Tablc 605.4. Table 702.1 Specification for Seamless Red Brass Pipe. Standard Sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 605.3. Table 605.4. Table 702.1

Specilication for Seamless Copper Tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tahle 605.3. Table 605.4. Tahlc 702.1. T:lhlc 702.2. Tahle 702.3, Table I 102.4

Specification for Seamless Copper Water Tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tahle 605.3. Table 605.4. Tahlc 702.1. Table 702.2, 'Table 702.3, Table 1102.4

Specitic;~tion Tor Copper Shect. Strip Plate and Rollcd Bnr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402.3. 425.1.3. 417.5.1.4. 002.2

Specilicatiori for General Requirements for Wrought Seamless Copper and Coppe~alloy Tube . . . . . .Table 605.3.Tahle 605.4. Tablc 702.1. Table 702.2. Table 702.3. Tahle 1 102.4



ASTM-continued Specification ihr Threadless Coppcr Pipe. Standard Sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 605.3. Table (105.4. Table 702.1

Specification for Copper Drainagc Tube (DWV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 702 .I. Table 702.2. Tilhle 1 102.4

Speciti cation for Welded Copper Tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ti~blc 605.3. T;thle 605.4

Specification for B~.nss. Copper and Chromium-plated Pipe Nipples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tahlc 605. S

Specification for Liquid and Paste Fluxes for Soldering of Copper arid Copper Alloy Tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .605.14.3. 605.15.4. 705.9.3. 705.10.3

Practice for Making Capillaiqf Joints by Soldering of Copper and Copper Al ly Tube and Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .605.14.3. 605.15.4, 705.9.3, 705.10.3

Specification for Clay Drain Tile and Perforated Clay Drain Tile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tahle 702.3, Tahlc 1 102.4. Ihhle 1102.5

Spccitication for Concrete Sewer . Storm Drain and Culvc~t Pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 702.3. Tahlc: I 102.4 Specification for Reinforced Concrete Culvert. Storm Drain and Szwcr Pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 7112.3. Trtblc 1 102.4

Specification for Asbestos-cement Pressure Pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T.rble 605.4 Specification for Comp~ession Joints for' Vjtrified Clay Pipe and Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .705.15. 705.16

Specilication for Asbestos-cement Nonpressure Sewer Pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 702.2. Tahle 702.3, Table 11112.4

Specification for Joints for Concrete Pipe and Manholes. IJsing Rubber Gaskts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .705.6.7( 15.16

Spccitication for Asbestos-cement Ilnderdrain Pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tuhlc 1 102.5 Specilication for Rubber Gaskets for Cast-iron Soil Pipe and Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .705.5.2. 705.5.3. 705.10

Specification for Vitrified Clay Pipe. Extra Strength. Standard Strength. and Perforated . . . . . . . . . . %ihlc 702.3. Tallle 1102.4. Table 1102.5

Specilication for Borosilicatc Glass Pipe and Fittings for Drain. Waste. and Vent (DWV) Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 702 . I . Table 702.4

Specification for Flexible TI-ansition Couplings for Undel.ground Piping System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .705.7.1. 705.14.1. 705.1 6

Specification for Shielded Coupling Joining Huhlcss Cast-iron Soil Pipe and Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .705.5.3 Specitication li>r Therlr~oplastic Elastonlel.ic (TPE) Gasliet Materials for Drain. Waste.

i~ild Vent (DWV) . Sewer. Sanitary and Storm Plun~hing Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7( 15.16

Specification for Shielded Transition Couplings for Use with DissimilarDWV Pipc andFittingsAboveGround . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 705.16

Specification for Mechanical Couplings Using TherinoplasticElastomeric (TPE) Gasltcts tor Joining Dr.nin. Waste and Vent (DWV) Sewer . Sanitary and Storm Plumhing Systems for Ahove and Below Ground Iise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70S. I6

Specific;rtion lor Heavy Duty Shielded Couplings JoiningHuhless Cast-iron Soil Pipc and fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .705.5.3

Standard Test Mcthod for Gaskets for Use in Connection with Hub and Spigot Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings for Sanit2u.y D~.ain, Waste. Vent and Stonn Piping Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .705.5.2

Specification for Acrylonitrile-Butadicne-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe; Schedules 40 and 80 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tahle 605.3

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Specification for Poly (Vn~yl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe. Schedules 40. 80 and 120 7Pablc 605.3 . Spec~tication for Rubber Rings for Asbestos-cement Pipc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .605.1 1 605.22. 705.3. 705.16

Spc~ification Sor Solvcilt Cement for Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ARS) Plastic Pipe and Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .605.10.2, 705.2.2. 705.7.2

Specification for Polyethylene iPE) Plastic Pipe (SIDR-PR) Based on Con~rolletl Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trrhle h05.3

Specitication for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pressure-rated Pipe (SDR-Series) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 605.3 Speciticatio~~ l i ~ c ' Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipc (SDR-PR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 605.3

Spccilication for Threaded Poly (Vinyl Chloridej (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings. Schedule 80 . . . . . . . . T:il)le 605.5, Tablc 1 102.7

Specification Snr Poly (V~nyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings . Schedulc 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 605.5. Trthle 1 102.7 Speciticution for Poly (V~nyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 005.5. Tahlc 1 102.7

Specification for Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe Fittings . Schedule 40 . . . . . . .Table 605.5. T;ihle 1 102.7 Specitication for Solvent Cements for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Piping Systcms . . . . . . 605.21.2.705.X.2. 70514.2

Specificalion for Plnstic Insert Fittings for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tahlc 605.5. Tablc 1 102.7 Sl;lndard Practice for Heat Fusiori-joining of Polyoletin Pipe ;ind Fitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .605.10.2. 605.20.2. 705.16.1

Specification for Acrylonitrilc-Butndiene-S(yrene (ABS) Schedule 40 Pl;lstic Drain. Waste. and Vent Pipe and Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 702.1. Table 702.2. Table 703.3. Table 702.1.

705.2.2. 705.7.2,Tablc 1102.4, Table 1102.7 Specification for Polyhutylene iPB) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) Bnsed on Conlrollcd

Insitle Dizu~ieter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 605.3 Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic h a i n . Waste. and Vent Pipe and Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?ible 702.1.

Table 701.2, Tahle 702.3, Tnhlc 702.4, 'L~hlc 1102.4, Tahlc 1 102.7

Spec~fication for Polyhutylene (PR) Plastic Tubing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tahlc 605.3

Speciticatinn for Join~s for IPS PVC Pipe Using Solwnt Cement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 005.3 Specification ior Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tahlc I 102.5 Spccitication lor Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Tuhing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table (105.3 Specification for Acrylonit~ile-Rut;~dic~~c-Styrei~e (ABS) Sewer Pipe and Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 702.3. Table 1 102.7

Spccification fol . Chlorinated Poly (Ki~y l Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Hot and Cold Waler Distribution Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ti~hlc 605.1. T:ll)lc 605.4. 605.16.2



Standard Practice for Making Solvent-ce~nentcd Joints with Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVCi Pipe :~nd ITittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .605.21.2. 705.8 2 . 705.14.2

Specitication for 3.25-in Outside Diamcter Poly (V~nyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Drain . Waste. and Vent Pipe and Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 703.1. T;lhlc 701.2. Table 702.3

Specification for Type PSM Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and 17ittings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 702.3. Tahle 702.4, T;~blc 1 102.7

Specification for Joints for Plastic Pressure Pipes Usins Flcxible Elasto~neric Seals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .605.10.1. 605.21 . 1

Specification for Joints for Dlain and Sewer Plastic Pipes Using Flexible Elastomeric Szala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 705.2.1. 705.7.1,70i.S.l. 705.14.1

Specification for Pnlybutylene (PB) Plastic Hot and Cold Water Distrihution Systems . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 605.3. Table 605.4. 605.19.2, 605.19.3

Specification for Drain, Wasti: and Vtnt (DWV) Plastic Fittings Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tr~lllc 70'2.4. T;lhle 1102.7

Specification for Chlorinated Polyrthlcne (CPE) Sheeting for Concealed Water- Contijin~nent Me~nhrane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Specitication for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) [PVC) Plastic Flexible Concealed Water- Containment Mcnibrane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .417.5.1. I

Specification fix Corrugated Polyethylene (PE) 1-ubillg and Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 1 102.5

Specification for Thermoplastic Accessible and Replaceable Plastic Tube and Tubular 1;ittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .414.1.2. Table 1102.7

Specification for Threaded Chlorinated Poly (V1ny1 Chlo~ide) (CPVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings. Schedule 80 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T:lhIe 005.5. Table I 102.7

Specification for Soc1;et-type Chlorinated Poly (V111yl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Pipc Fittings. Schedule 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 605.5. Tahlc I 102.7

Specitication for Socket-type Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Pipe I'ittings. Schedule 80 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 605.5. Tahlc 1102.7

Specification for Chlorinated Poly [Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Pipe. Schedules 40 and 80 . . . . . Tablc 605.3. Table 605.4 T;~ble 605.5

Sp-cification for Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Pipe iSDK-PR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tahle 605.3. Tilhlc 605.4, Trlblc 605.5

Specilication for Elastomcric Seals (Gaskets) for Joining Plastic Pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .605.?2. 705 . I6 Specilication for Solvent Cements f i~ r Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Pipe arid Fittings . . . . . . . . . 605.16.2

Specification for Acrylonitrile-B~~tadie~~e-Styrene (ABS) Schedule 40 Plastic Drain, IVz~ste. and Vent Pipe with :I Cellular Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 702.1. Tahle 702.2. Tablc 702.3. T;lhle 702.4.

705.2.2. 705.7.2. Table 1102.1, Tahle 1 102.7 Specification for Pri~ncrs for Use in Solvent Cuincnt Joints olPoly (Vinyl Chloride)

[PVC) Plastic Pipe :md Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .605.21.2. 705.8.:. 705.14.2

Spcci1ic:ltion For Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PH) Bascd on Outside Diamcter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 702.3

Spccificntion for Cross-linked Polyethylene (PEX) Tilbi~~g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'T;~hle 605.3

Specification for Cross-linked Polyethylene (PEX) Plastic Hot and Cold JVatcr Distribution Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 605.3. Tahle 605.4. Tahle 005.5. T ~ ~ h l e 605.17.2

Specification for Coe.%lmded Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe with a Cellular Corc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 701.1. Table 702.2, Table 702.3, Table 701.4, Tahle I 102.4. Tahle 1102.5. Table 1 1 02.7

Specification To1 . Cross-linked Polyethylene/Alun~i~~u~~~/Cross-I.,inlccd Polyetl~ylrnl: (PEX-ill.- PEX) Pressure Pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tahlc h05.3. Txble 605.4

Spcciiicatio~~ for Pnlyethylene/Aluini1111n1/Polyethylene (PE-AL-PE) Compc~site PI-cuure Pipc . . . . . . Tahlc 605 ..;. Tahlc 605.4

Specification for Polyoleiin Pipe and Fitti~lgs for Corrosive Waste Drainage . . . . . . . . . . . . Tahle 702.2. T~ l~ l r : 702.4. 705.17.1

Specification foi- Coextruded Composite Pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 702.1. Tahl r. 702.2. Table 702.3 Specilication for Metal Insert Fittings Utilizing a Copper Crinip Ring for SDR9 Cross-linkcd

Polyethylene (PEX) Tubing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 605.5. 605.17.2

Specification lkr Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plnhtic Schedule 40 Drainage and DWV Fabricated Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 70'2.4

Specitication fix Cold Expausion Fittings with PEX Ktinl'orcing Rings fol- LISP with Cross-linked Polyethylene IPEX) Tubing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 605.5

Specification for Metal Insen Fittings for Polyethylene/~llu111in~1n1Rolyetl1yle1irt and Cross-linkcd Polyerhylene/Alumi11~m/C1'oss-linked Polyethylene Composite Pressure Pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'Tahlc 605.5

Specification for Multilayer Pipe . Tlpe 1. Con~pression Fitting5 :ind Compression .Joint?: for Hot nntl Cold Drinking Water Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 605.3. Tablc 605.4. Table 605.5

Specificatioris for Cold-expansion Fittings with Metal C'c~nlprsssion-slee\res fur Cross-linked Polycthylct~e (PEX) Pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 60.5.5

Specification for Plastic It~scrt Fittings Utiliz.ing a Copper Cri~np Ring for SDR9 Cmss-linked Polyethylene (PEX) Tuhing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T:~hlc (105.5

Specification for Puessure-rated Polypropylene (PP) Piping Systems . . . . . . . . . . Tahle 605.3. Tahle 605.4. Tahlc 605.5.605.21 -



AWS - .

A~nerican Welding Society 550 N.W. I.eJeune Road Miami, FI, 33 126

.......... ... ... .. ......- ............. - --

Standard Rcftrenccd Rcfcrence ill ui~dc

Nu!nber ................ .-Tit!c . . ........ ------ ....... .. ....... ... . . ...... section n u t ~ f i c ~ A 5 . 8 4 4 Spccificalious Ibr Filler Metals ihr Rmzine and Braze \.Veldins!. . . . . .605.12.1.605.14.1. 605.15.1. 705.4.1. 705.9.1. 705.10.1

American Wntcr Works Association AWWA o m 6 west Qaincy Awnue Dcilver, CO SO235

................... ...... ....... ... ............ -- .

Rckrci~ce(l in codt

?it!% .... ..... . _ -__. .. . ~ . . . ......... - - . ?~~ t j l ) l l ~!klllll!el. Standard for Cement-mortar Lining Sor Ductile-Iron

Pipe and Fittings for Water. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,605.3,605.5 C 1 10--98 Standard for Ductile-iron 2nd Gray-iron Fittings,

3 111ches through 48 Inches, for Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 605.5. Table 702.4, Tithlc 1 102.7 C1 I I 0 0 Standard for Rubber-gasket Joints for Ductile-iron

Pressurc Pipe and Fittings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,605.13

C115~-99 Standard for Flanged Ijuctile-iron Pipe with Ductile-iron or Gray-iron 'Threaded Flanges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 605.3

C151/A21.51--02 Standn~d l i ~ r Ductile-iron Pipe, Cenh-ifugally Cast fot- Water. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T~h lc 605.3

Standard for Duc~ile-iron Compact Fittings Ihr Walcr Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Double Check Valve Backf ow Prevention Assen~bly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reduced-pressure Principle Backflow Preventioi~ Asse~nbly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I>isinkctii~g Water Mains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Disinfection of Water-storage Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute

CISPI 5959 Shallowford Road, Suite 419 Chattanooga, TN 37421

....... ......................

Standard Keferencc h'ui!~bcr~- ~


ReSercnccd in code

Title ~.~ . - ....... - ................ - - .. .... . . . . - ... - . - secilon 1!!i1l,er Specification for Huhless Cast-iron Soil Pipe and Fittings for Sa~iitary and

Slol-m Dmin, Waste and Vent Piping Applications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 702. I, Table 702.2, Table 702.3, Tuhlc 702.4, Tahlc 1102.4, T;~hle 1102.5, 'Table 1102.7

Specification Cur Coupling for IJse in Connection with Hubless Cast-iron Soil Pipe and Fittings for Sanitay and Storm Drain, 'Wasle and Vent Piping Applica~ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 705.5.3

CSA Standard Rel'erc.ncc

N!ll1lbcr - -- ..

R35.14)' 1345.2--i)2


R4i.4--42 1345.5-42 R45.9-90

B45,1(k--OI R64.1.2--01

1464.2. I-01

R64.2. I. I--0 I B64.3.l--01 B64.4.1-01 B64.5-0 1 1364.5.1--01 B64.6-01

Canadian Statldi~rds Associatioi~ 178 Kexdale Blvtl. Rexdalr (Tc~ronto), Ontz~rio, can ad;^ M9W 1R3

. . . . . . . ..... . . . .......... ..................................................... ~ ~

Rcl'ercnccd i l l code

Titlc ~cctioii nu~nhcr .... ........ .... .......... . ....... ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Cevaniic Plumbing Fixtulrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .408.1, 416.1.418.1,419.l, 420. I

Enameled Cast-iron Plun~bing Fixtures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,407.1.4 15.1,416.1.4 18. I Porcelain Ei~zuneled Steel Plumhing Fixtures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.07.1. 41 6.1, 41 S. I Siainless-steel Plumbi~~g Fixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .415.1, 416.1, 41 8. I, 420. I Plastic Plunlhing Fixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407.1,416.2, 417.1,410.1, 420.1. 421. I

Maccmiing Systems and Related Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 12.4.1 Hydromstssage Bathtubs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -421 . I Vacuum Brealters, Pressure Type (PVB). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 608. I , 608.13.5

Vacuum Brc;lliel-, Hose Co~incctio~i Type (HCVB) with Manual Draining Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tahlc 608.1.608.13.6

Vacuum Breakers. Hose Connection Dual Check Type (HCDVB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 608.1, 608.1 3.6 R:~cktlow Preventers. Dual Chcck X'alve Type with Airnospheric P u ~ t for Carhonators (DCAPC). . . . . . . Tahlc 6OX.1.608.10.1

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Backflu\+, Prcventcrs, Reduced Pressure Principle Type fvr Fire Sprinklers (RPF) .T;thlc 608.1. 608.13.2 Racltflc~w Preventers, Double Check Type (DCVA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .FKahlc 608. I, 6OS.13.7

Bncktlov., Preventrrs, Double Checlc Type for Fire Systems (DCVAF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 6OS.1 (108. 13.7 Hi~ckllow Preveiiiers, 11~~11 Check Valve Type (DuC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .605.3.l, lhhlc 608.1



CANICSA-B64.44 I CANICXA-1364.10-01

C:ANICSA-B 137.9-02

CANICSA-B 137.10M--42

CANICSA-R I8 1.3--02

CANICSA-B 182.1---02


Vacuum Breakers. Laborato r). Faucet 'Type (I. FVB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 608.1. 008.13.6

Manual for the Selection and 1nstullatii)n of Bacliflow Prevenlioil DevicesIManual Ibr the hlt~intenancc and Field Testing of Bacltflo\v Prevention Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Floo~.. iArct~ anti Shower Drains. and Clca~iouts for Residentid Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 12.1

Plu~nbing Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .424.1.424. h07.4.Table 608.1

Polyethylene Pipe . Tubing alid Fittings for Cold Water Pressure Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 605.3

PVC Injection-moulded Caslteted Fittings for Pressure Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tahlc 605.5. Tt~hle 1 102.7

Rigid Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pipe for Pressure Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 605.3.605.2 1.2.705.8.2. 705.14.2

Cross-linked Polyethylene (PEX) Tubing Systenls for Pressure Applications-with Revisions through September 1992 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'li~hle 605.3. T;~l>le 605.4

CPVC Pipe. 'Tuhing and Fittings for IHot and Cold Water Distribution Systerns-with Revisions thro~~gh May 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 005.3, Table 605.4

Polypropylcile (PP-R) Pipe and Fittings Tor Pressure Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 605.3. Tahlc 605.4. Table 605.5

ABS ll~.ain, Waste and Vent Pipe and Pipe Fittings . . . . . . . . . Tahlc 702.1. Tahle 702.2. Table 702.4, 705.2.2, 705.7.2, 715.2

PVC Drain. Waste. and Vent Pipe and Pipe Fittings.- with Revisions through December 1993 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tahle702.1, Table 702.2. 705.8.2.705.14.2. 715.2

Plastic Drain and Sewer Pipe and Pipe Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .705.8.2.705.14.2. 'Table 1102.4

PVC Sewer Pipe and Fittings (PSM Type) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tahlc 702.3, T;lhlc I 102.4. Ta1)lc 1 102.5

Protile PVC Sewer Pipe and Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 702.3, Tahle 1 102.4. Table 1 102.5

Prolile Polyethylene Sewer Pipe and Fittings for Leal;-proof Sewer Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 1 102.5

Profile Pol) cthylene Storn~ Sewer and Drainagz Pipe and Fittinps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trthlc 1102.5

Polyhutylenc IPB) Piping for Pressure Applications-with Revisions through July 1992 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tuhlc 605.3. Table 605.4. 605.19.2. 605.19.3

Circular Concrete Culvert . Slorn~ Drain. Scwcr Pipe and Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tal)lc 702.3. Table 1 102.4

Reinl'orced Circular Concrete Cul\.ert . Storm Drain. Sewer Pipe uocl Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 702.3. Table 1102.4

Jvints for Cil.cular ('oncrett. S ~ W C I . and CIII\CI-~ Pipe. Manhole Sections and Fittings Using RubhcrGaskets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Vacuuiu Breakers. r2tmospheric Type IAVR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .425.2. 'Table 608 . l . 608.13.6

Vacuunl Breakers . Hose Connection Type (HCVU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 608 . I . 608.13.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vacuuni Breakers. Hos? Con~~ection Type (HCVB) with Automatic Dr;~ining Fei~ture Ti1h1~ 608.1. 608.13.6

Backtlow Prcventers . Dual Checlc Val\.e Type with Atmospheric Pori (UCRP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 608.1. 608.13.3. 608.16.2

Backflow Prevcntcrs. Rcd~~ced Pressul-c Principle Type (RP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tahle 008.1, 608 . 13.2. 008 . 16.2

Manual for the Selection . Inalallotion . Maintenance and Field Testing of Backtlo\b Prevention Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 12.9.2

Polyetl~ylenel~2lu1i1i1ii11i1IP1~1ycthy1~11e Co~npositc Pressure Pipe Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tahle 605.3

Cross-linked PolyethylenclAlumi~i~~~niPoIyethylene Composite Pressure Pipe Syste~iis . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 605.3. Tabic 605.4

Polpoletin I. aborato~y J>rainagc Syste~na . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Txble 702.1. Ttlhle 702.2

Profile PVC Sewer Pipe and Fittinps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 702.3. Tahle I 101.4. IjhIc 1 102.5

Mechanical Coupli~lgs for Drain. Waste and Vcnt Pipe and Sewer Pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .705.2.1. 705.5 ..3. 705.0.

705.7.1,705.14.1, 705.15, 705.16

ICC Inte~mational Codc Council 520.3 1.cesbt1lg Pike. Suitc 600 Falls Church. VA 2204 1

Standard Reference Nunibel .

I RC-. Oh

ICC EC- 06


ICCr... 06

l o ( 7

I r G C Oh ThlC.. l)h

IPSl>C.. Oh

IRC -06

Rel'crcncetl in code

. . . . . . ....... ............ ..... ...................... Tit le - -. - .- - sxtivli . ilun!bc! International Building Code" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .201.3, 305.4.307.1. 307.2, 307.3,308.2, 309.1.310.1,

310.3,403.1, Tahle 403.1,404.1.407.3, 417.6, 502.6, 606.5.2, 1106.5

ICC Liectrical Code' -Administrat~ve Provisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .201.3,502.1, 504.3, 1 113.1.3

International Existing Building Cotlc' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101.2

Inte~.naition~~l Encyy Coi~scrvation Code' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .313.1.607.2. 607.2.1

. Lntcrr~ational Fire Code' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 .3. I201 I

1ntern:ltiiinal Fuel Gas Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 I .2. 20 1.3. 502 .I

. Intelnutional Mechanical Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 .3. 307.5. 3 10.1. 422.9. 502 .I. 6 I2 1 . 1202.1

Intclnation31 Privatc Sewage Disposal Code" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 701 . 2

li~ternationnl Rcsidrntial Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101.2



Industrv Safetv Eauimnent Association

ISEA , . .

1001 N. hloo1.e Street, Suite 808 Arlington, VA 22209

. . . . . ............. ....... .........-. ........... ...................

Sta~rdard Refcrencctl Rcfercnce in code Nu~nhc t~ . ~- -. ~ .......................... Title .... --- section 11t!ni1>cr ...........................

Z35X. I--03 Emc~pency Eyewash and Sl1owt.r Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 1.1

NFPA Narional Fire Protection Association Batterymarcli Park Quincy, MA 02269

Sla~idiird Rclcr-enced Reference in code

'ritle Nulither . . . - .......................... .. .... = ........ -- ............... . ~ ~ ~ ~ section 11~mbt.1.

50-01 Bulk Oxygen Systeliis at Consumer Sites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I203.l

5 1 --02 Design and Installation of Oxygen-fuel Gas Systen~s for Welding. Cutting and Allied Pn~ccsses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1203.1

70---05 National Electrical Codc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,507-.1,501.3. I I 13. I .3

09(:--02 Gas and Vacuum Systerns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,1202, I

NSF International

NSF - - -

789 Dixhoro Road Ann Arhol; MI 48105 .... ..... ..... ......... . . . ..

Standard Referenced Reference Nun!bcr


Title .................. ..............

Commercial Warewashing Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Plastic Piping Systen~ Components and Related Materials. . . . 18---7-003 Manual Fuod and Beverapr Dispeusing equip men^. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .120. I

42----2002~ Drinking Water Treatment Units--Aesthetic Effccts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(>I 1. I, 61 1.3

44-2004 Kcside~~ti;il Cation Exchange Water Softeners. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(il 1 . I , 61 1.3

Ilrinl~ing Wate~.Treatment U~~its-Health Effects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Reversc Osmosis Drinking Water Treatment Sy ste~iis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(11 --2003e Drinking Water System Co~nponents-Health Effects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,424.1.605.3, 605.4,605.5, hl I .3

62-2004 Drir~kine Water Ilistillation Svstems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(>I I. 1

PDI Pluinhine and Dra~nacc Institute - SO0 Tiinlmpike Strest. Suite ,300

Standmi Rcfercnccd Kcfe~-elice in codc N~!!c!?cr.. . . . - ..... I t ' . .. - - ...... ........ .- -- . _ .... ......................... - . . . . section numhe!- G I0 l(2003) Testins and Rating Procedure fur Crease Intervcptol-s with Appendix of Sizing and Installation Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1003.;.1

-. . -- -- -

Undelwritcrs I.abonltories, Inc.

............. - . ......... . . ..

Standard Rcfe~-t.uccd reference in c(~de ~ L L I Z I ? ~ ~ ~ .~ -. ~ . . . . . . ...... .... . , . . . . . . . . . X t l e - - - - section nu~nhcr 1:I~508-9L) Induqtrial Contml Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314.2.3




Permit Issuance

1 . Forissuingcachpcrmil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $

2. For issuing cach supplemental permit.

Unit Fee Schedule

1. For each plumbing fixture or trap or set of fixt~lrcs on one trap (including water, drainage piping and backflow protection thereof). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. For each building sewcr and each trailer park sewer

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Rainwater systems-per drain (inside building).

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. For each cesspool (where permitted) --

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. For each private sewage disposal system

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. For each water heater andor vent

7. For each inclustrial waste pretrcatrnent interceptor including its trap and vent, excepting Ititchcn-type grease interceptors functioning as fixture traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

8. For installation, alteration orrepair of water-piping and/or water-treating equipment, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. For repair or alteration of drainage or vent piping. each fixture

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. For each lawn sprinkler system on any one meter including backflow protection devices therefor

11. For atmospheric-type vacuum brealtcrs not includcd in Item 2:

I ? . For cach bacliflow protective dcvice other than atmospheric-type vacuum breakers:

7 i tichcs (5 I mm) and sn~aller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Other inspections and Fees

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. Inspcctions outside of normal business l ~ o ~ i r s (minimum charge two hours)

per hour

2. Reinspection fee assessedunder provisions of Section 107.3.3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . each

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. lnspcctions forwhich no fee is specifically indicated -- pcr hour (minirnilm charge one-half hour)

4. Additional plan review rcquircd by changes, additions or revisions to approvcd plans (minimum charge one-half hour) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- per hour





Rainfall ralcs. in inch1.s pel- hour. arc based on a storm of one-hour duration and a 100-year return period . The rainfall rules shown in Lhc appendix are derived from Figure 1 106.1.

Alabama: Birmingham . . . . . . . . . 3.8 Iluntsvillc . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6 Mobilc . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6 Montgomery . . . . . . . . 4.2

Alaska: Fairbanks . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0 Juneau . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.6

Arizona: Flagslaff . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Nogales . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 Phoenix . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Yu~na . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6

Arliansas: Fort Smith . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6

. . . . . . . . . . Little Rock 3.7 Tcxarkana .

California: Barstow . . . . Crescent City Fresno . . . . . Los Ar~geles . Nccdlcs . . . . Placcrville . . San Fernando San Francisco Yreka . . . . . .

District of Columbia: Washington . . . . . . . . . 3.2

Florida: Jacksonville . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Key West . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Miami . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7 Pensacola . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6 Tampa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5

Georgia: Atlanta . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7 Dalton . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Macon . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.9 Savann'ah . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Thon~asville . . . . . . . . . 4.3

Hawaii: Hi10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 Honolulu Wailuku .

Idaho: Boise . . . Lewiston . Pocatcllo

Illinois: Cairo . . . Chicago . Peoria . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Topeka . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7 Riloxi 4.7 Wichita . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7 Columbus . . . . . . . . . . . 3.9

Coriuth . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . Kentucky: Natchcz 4.4

Ashland . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0 Vicksburg . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 Lexington . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 Louisville . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Missouri:

. . . . . . . . . . . Middlcsboro . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Columbia 3.2 . . . . . . . . . Paducah . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Kansas City 3.6

Springfield . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Louisiana: St.Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2

Alexandria . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Lake Providence . . . . . . 4.0 M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :

. . . . . . . . . . . . New Orleans . . . . . . . . . 4.8 ~ k ~ ] ~ k ~ 2.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shreveport . . . . . . . . . . 3.9 H~,, 1.6

Helena . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 Maine: Kalispcll . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2

Bangor . . . . . . . * . . . . . 2.2 Missoula . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Houlton . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 Portland . . . .

Maryland: Baltimore . . . Hagerstown . Oakland . . . . Salisbury . . .

Massachusetts: Boston . . . . . Pittsfield . . . . Worcester . . .

Kockford . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Colorado: Springfield . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Michigan:

Craig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 Alpena . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Denvcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Indiana: Detroit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7 Durango . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.8 Evansville . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Grand Rapids . . . . . . . . 2.6 Grand Ju~iclion . . . . . . . 1.7 Fort Wayne . . . . . . . . . . 2.9 Lansing . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8

. . . . . . . . . . . Lamar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0 Indianapolis . . . . . . . . . 3.1 Marquctte 2.4 Pueblo . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Sault Ste . Marie . . . . . . 2.2

Iowa: Connecticut: Davenport . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Minnesota:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . Harlford . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7 Des Moines . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Duluth 2.8 . . . . . . . . New Haven . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 Dubuque . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 GrandMarais 2.3

. . . . . . . . . Putnam . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6 SiouxCity . . . . . . . . . . 3.6 Miuiieapolis 3.1 Icloorhead . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2

. . . . . . . . . Delaware: Kansas: Worthington 3.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . Georgelown . . . . . . . . . 3.0 Atwood 3.3

Wilmington . . . . . . . . . 3.1 Dodge City . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Mississippi:

Nebraska: North Plattc Omaha . . . . Scottsbh~ff . Valentine . .

Nevada: Elko . . . . . . El y . . . . . . . Las Vegas . . Reno . . . . . .

New Hampshire: Berlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Concord . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Keenc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4

New Jersey: Atlantic City . . . . . . . . . 2.9 Ncuark . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 'Trenton . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1

New Mexico: Albuquerque . . . . . . . . 2.0 Nobbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0 Raton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Roswell . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6 Silver City . . . . . . . . . . 1.9



New YOI-k: Albar~y . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5

. . . . . . . . . E3inghamton 2.3 Buffalo . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3

. . . . . . . . . . . . ICingsLon 2.7 New Yolk . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0

. . . . . . . . . . . Rochester 2.2

North Carolina: Ashcville . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 Charlotte . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7 Greensboro . . . . . . . . . . 3.4

. . . . . . . . . Wilrnington 4.2

North Dakota: . . . . . . . . . . . Bismarck 2.8

. . . . . . . . . Devils Lake 1.9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fargo 3.1

. . . . . . . . . . . . Williston 2.6

Ohio: . . . . . . . . . . . Cincinnati 2.9 . . . . . . . . . . . Cleveland 2.6 . . . . . . . . . . . Columbus 2.8

. . . . . . . . . . . . . Toledo 2.8

Oklahoma: Altus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7

Pennsylvania: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Erie 2.6

. . . . . . . . . . Harrisburg 2.8 . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia 3.1

. . . . . . . . . . . Pittsburgh 2.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . Scranton 2.7

Rhode Island: Block Island . . . . . . . . 2.75

. . . . . . . . . . Providence ?.h

South Carolina: . . . . . . . . . . Charlestorl 4.3

. . . . . . . . . . . Columbia 4.0

. . . . . . . . . . . Grecnville 4.1

South Dakota: . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buffalo 2.8

Huron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Pierre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1

. . . . . . . . . . Rapid City 2.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . Yankton 3.6

Tennessee: Chattanooga . . . . . . . . . 0.5

. . . . . . . . . . . Knoxville 3.2 Memphis . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7 Nashville . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Odessa 3.3 Lacrosse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pecos 3.0 Madison

. . . . . . . . . . San Antonio 4.2 Milwaukcc

Utah: Wyoming: . . . . . . . . Rrigham City 1.2 Chcyennc . .

. . . . . . . . . . . Roosevelt 1.3 Fort . . . . . . . . Salt Lakecity 1.3 Lander . . . .

%.George . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7 NcwC""~~ . Sheridan . . .

Vermont: Yelloarstone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barre 2.3

. . . . . . . . . . Bratteboro 2.7

. . . . . . . . . . Burlington 2.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rut land 2.5

Virginia: . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bristol 2.7

. . . . . . . Charlottesville 2.8 . . . . . . . . . . Lynchburg 3.2

. . . . . . . . . . . . . Norfolk 3.4 Richmond . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3

Washington: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Omak 1.1

. . . . . . . . . . Port Angeles 1 I . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seattle 1.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . Spokane 1.0

. . . . . . . . . . . . . Yakinla 1.1 Boise City . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 'sexas: Durant . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.8 ~ b i l e ~ e . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6 West Virginia: Oklahoma City . . . . . . . 3.8 Alnarillo . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Charleston . . . . . . . . . . 2.8

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nrownsville 4.5 Morgantown 2.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orcgon: Dallas 4.0

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baker 0.9 Del Rio 4.0 Wisconsin: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coos Bay 1.5 EIPaso 2.3 Ashland 2.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eugcne 1 3 Houston 4.6 Eau Claire 2.9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PortIar~d 1.2 Lubbock 3.3 Green Bay 2.6




Note: Scction 301.3 of this code requires all plumbing fixtures that receive water or waste to dischargc to the sanitary drainage sys- tem of the structure. In orclcr to allow forthe utilizationof agray water systcrn, Section 301.3 should be revised to scad as follows:

301.3 Connections to drainage system. All plurnbing fix- tures, drains, appurtenances and appliances uscd to receive or discharge liquid wastes or sewage shall be directly connected to thc sanitary drainage system of thc building or premises, in accordance with the requiremcnts of this code. This section shall not bc construed to prevent indirect waste systcrns required by Chapter 8.

Exception: Bathtubs. showers, lavatories, clothes washers and laundry trays shall not be requircd to discharge to the sanitary drainage system where such fixtures discharge to an approvcd gray water system for flushing of water closets and urinals or for subsurface landscape irrigation.


C1O1.l Scope. The provisions of this appendix shall govern thc matcrials, design, construction and installation of gray water systems for llushing of water closets and urinals and for subsurface landscnpc irrigation (see Figures 1 and 2).

C101.2 Definition. The following term shall have the meaning shown herein.

GRAY WATER. Waste dischargcd from lavatorics, bathtubs. showcrs, clothes washcrs and laundry trays.

C101.3 Permits. Permits shall be required in accordance with Scction 106.

CJ01.4 installation. In addition to thc provisions of Scction C101, systems for flushing of water closets and urinals shall comply with Section C 102 and systerns for subsurface land- scape irrigation shall comply with Section C103. Except as providcd for in Appcndix C, all systems shall cornply with thc provisions of thc Irltrr7zationul Pl~lrrlhing Code.

C1011..5 Materials. Above-ground drain, waste and vent piping for gray waler systems shall conform to one of the standards listcd in 'Fable 702.1. Gray water underground building drain- age and vcnt pipe shall co~lform to one of the standards listed in Tablc 702.2.

C101.6 Tests. Drain, wastc and vent piping for gray water sys- tctus shall be tested in accordance with Section 312.

C101.7 Inspections. Gray water systems shall be inspected in accordance with Scction 107.

C101.8 Potable water con~lections. Only connections in accordancc with Scction C 102.1 shall bc made between a gray watcr recycling systc~n and a po~ablc water systcrn.

C101.9 Waste water conncctions. Gray water recycling sys- tems $hall rcceivc only the waste discharge of bathtubs. show- ers, lavatorics. clothcs washers or laundry trays.

C1O1.10 Collection reservoir. Gray water shall bc collcctcd in an approved reservoir constructed of durable, nonabsorbent and corrosion-resistant matcrials. The rcscrvoir shall be a closed and gas-tight vessel. Acccss opcnings shall bc provided to allow inspection and cleaning of the reservoir interior.

C1O1.ll Filtration. Gray water entering the rescrvoir shall pass through an approved filtcr such as a inctlia, sand or diatomaceous earth filter.

C1O1.ll.l Required valve. A full-open valve $hall be installed downstream of the last fixture conncction Lo thc gray water dischargc pipe beforc entcring the required filtcr.

C101.12 Overflow. The collection rcscrvoir shall be cquippcd with an overflow pipe having the sarnc or larger diameter as thc influent pipe for thc gray water. Thc overflow pipe shall bc indirectly connected to thc sanitary drainagc systern.

C101.13 Drain. A drain shall be locatcd at thc lowcst point of the collection reservoir and shall be indirectly conncctcd to thc sanitary drainage systern. Thc drain shall be the s a n e diamctcr as the ovcrflo~i pipe requircd in Section C 101.12.

C101.14 Vent required. The reservoir shall bc provided with a vent sized In accordance with Chapter 9 and bascd on the dianl- cter of thc reservoir influent pipe.



C102.1 Collection reservoir. The holding capacity of thc rcs- ervoir shall be a minimum of twice thc volume of watcr rcq~lircd to meet the daily flushing requiremcnts of thc tixturcs supplied with gray water, but not less than 50 gallons (189 L,). The reservoir shall be sized to limit thc rctcntion time of gray water to a maximum of 72 hours.

C102.2 Disinfection. Gr'ly water shall be disinfected by an apptoved method that e~nploys one or inorc disinfectants such as chlorine, iodinc or ozonc.

C102.3 Makeup water. Potablc water shall bc supplicd as a source of makcup water for the gray water system. Thc potablc water supply shall be protccted against backflow in accordancc with Section 608. There shall be a full-opcn valvc located on the makeup water supply line to thc collection reservoir.

C102.4 Coloring. Thc gray water shall bc dycd bluc or grccn with a b o d grade vegetable dyc bcfore such watcr is supplicd to the fixturcs.

C102.5 Materials. Discribation piping shall conforin to onc of the standards listed in Table 605.4.



C102.6 Identification. Distribution piping and reservoirs shall be identified as containing nonpotable water. Piping identifica- tion shall bc in accordance with Section 608.8.

SECTION C103 SUBSURFACE LANDSCAPE lRRlGATlON SYSTEMS C103.1 Collection reservoir. Reservoirs shall be sizcd to limit the retention time of gray water to a maximum of 24 hours.

C103.1.1 Identification. The reservoir shall be identitied as containing nonpotable water.

C103.2 Valves required. A check valve and a full-open valve located on the discharge side of the check valve shall be installcd on thc effluent pipe of the collection reservoir.

C103.3 Makeup water. Makeup water shall not be required for subsurface landscape irrigation systems. Where makeup watcr is provided? the installation shall be in accordance with Section C 102.3.

C103.4 Disinfection. Disinfection shall not be required for gray water uscd for subsu~.face landscape irrigation systems.

C103.5 Coloring. Gray water uscd for subsurface landscape irrigation systcms shall not be required to bc dyed.

C103.6 Estimating gray water discharge. The system shall be sizcd in accordance with the gallo~ls-per-day-per-occupant number based on the type of fixtures connected to the gray water system. The discharge shall be calculated by the follow- ing equation:

A = Number of occupants:

Resitlcntial-Number of occupants shall be detcrmined by the actual numbcr of occupants. hut not less than two occupants for one bedroom and one occupant for each additional bcdroom.

Co~nmcrcial-Number of occupants shall be deter- mined by the hztrrnatio~ial Bziilding Codeo.

R = Estirnutcd flow dcnlands for each occupant:

Residential-25 gallons per day (94.6 Ipd) per occupant for showers, bathtubs and lavatories and 15 gallons per day (56.7 Ipd) per occupant for clothes washers or laun- dry trays.

Commercial-Based on typc of fixturc or water use records minus the discharge of fixtures other than those d~scharging gray water.

C = Estimated gray water dischargc based on the total num- ber of occupants.

C103.7 Percolation tests. The permeability of the soil in the proposed absorption systcm shall bcdeter~nined by pcrcolation tcsts or pcrmeability evaluation.

C103.7.1 Percolation tests and procedures. At least three percolation tests in each systcm area shall be conducted. 'Thc holes shall be spacccl uniformly in relation to the bot- tom dcpth of thc proposed absorption system. More perco- lation tcsts shall be made where necessary. depcnding on system design.

C103.7.1.1 Percolation test hole. Thc test holc shall be dug or bored. The test hole shall have vertical sides and a horizontal dimension of 4 inches to 8 inches ( 1 02 mm to 203 mm). The bottom and sidcs of the hole shall be scratched with a sharp-pointcd instrument to expose thc natural soil. All loose material shall be rcmovcd limn the hole and the bottom shall be covered with 2 inches (5 1 rnm) of gravel or coarse sand.

C103.7.1.2 Test procedure, sandy soils. Thc hole shall bc filled with clcar water to aminimum of 12 inches (305 rnm) above the bottom of the hole fol. tests in sandy soils. The time for this amount of watcr to seep away shall be determined, and this procedure shall be repcated if the water from the sccond filling of the hole secps away in 1 0 minutes or less. Thc test shall procecd as follows: Watcr shall be addcd to a point not more than 6 inches (1 5 1 mm) above the gravel or coarse sand. Thereupon, from a tixcd refercncc point, water levels shall bc measul-cd at 10-minute intervals for a period of 1 hour. Wherc 6 inches ( 1 52 mm) of water seeps away in less than I 0 min- utes, a shorter interval betwecn measurements shall bc used, but in no case shall the water dcpth exceed 6 inches (152 mm). Where 6 inches (152 mm) of watcr seeps away in less than 2 minutcs. the test shall be stopped and a rate of less than 3 minutes pcr inch (7.2 slmm) shall be reported. Thc final watcr level drop shall be uscd to cal- culate the percolation rate. Soils not mceting the abovc requirements shall be tested in accordance with Scctiou C103.7.1.3.

C103.7.1.3 Test procedure, other soils. Thc hole shall be tillcd with clear water, and a minimum water dcpth of 12 inches (305 mrn) shall be maintained abovc the bot- tom of the holc for a 4-hour period by refilling whcnever necessary or by use of an automatic siphon. Watcr remaining in the hole after 4 hours shall not bc rc~novcd. Thereafter. the soil shall be allowed to swell not less than 16 hours or more than 30 hours. Immcdiatcly aftcr the soil swelling pcriod. the mcasurcmcnts for dcterrnining the pcrcolation rate shall be made as follows: Any soil sloughed into the hole shall bc removeil and thc water Icvel shall be adjusted to 6 inchcs (152 mm) above the gravel or coarsc sand. Thcl-eupon, from a fixed refercncc point, the water lcvel shall be measured at 30-minute intervals for a period of 4 hours, unless two successive watcr level drops do not valy by more than 0.62 inch (1.59 mm). At least threc water lcvel drop5 shall be observed and recorded. The hole shall be f~l led with clcar watcr to a point not more than 6 inches (151 m ~ n ) abovc the gravel-or coarse sand whenever it becomcs ncarly empty. Adjustments of the water lcvel shall not be niadc during the three measurement periods cxccpt to the linl- its of the last measured water level drop. Whcn thc first 6 inchcs (1 52 nxn) of watcr seeps away in less than 30 min- ~rtes, the time interval between measurements shall be 10 minutes and the test run for 1 hour. The water depth shall not exceed 5 inches (127 mm) at any time during the measurement period. The drop that occurs during thc tinal ~ncasurement pcriod shall be ~ [ s c d in calculating thc percolation rate.



C103.7.1.4 Mechanical test equipment. Mechanical percolation test equipment shall be of an approved type.

C103.7.2 Permeability evaluation. Soil shall bc cva1u;ltcd 1'or csti~nated pcrcolation based on str~icture and tcsturc in accordance with acceptect soil evaluation practices. Borings shall bc made in accordance with Section C 103.7.1 for eval- uating the soil.

C103.8 Subsurface landscape irrigation site location. The s~irface gradc of all soil absorption systems shall be locatcd at a point lowcr than the .surface grade of any water well or reser- voir on the same or adjoining property. Where this is not possi- ble, the s ~ t c shall be located so surfacc water drainage from the site is not directed toward a well 01. reservoir. Thc soil absorp- tion system shall bc located with a minirnum horizontal dis- tance between various elcments as indicated in Tablc C103.8. Private sewage disposal systems in compacted areas, such as parking lots and driveways, arc prohibited. Surface water shall bc diverted away from any soil absorption site on the same or neighboring lots.


~~~-~ ~ ~~-



(feet) 1 .. -+ . . ------------ i ~Builrtings i

I Property l inu adjoining ; 1 private propcr~y - - - - - - - L_

'Secpagc pits 1 - 5 . . 1. .._~ 5 I Iseptic --- t k s - -~ - i .-. - o --. I 5 -- .-- i ( ~ a i e r scrvicc 1 . . . _ -7 I - 7 . I

i 10 1- 10

I l~ublicwa!cr tn:lin 4 - - _ 1 Fol. Sl: I foot = 304.8 rnrli.

C103.9 Installation. Absorption systcnls shall be installed in accol-dancc with Sections C103.9.1 through C103.9.5 to pro- vide landscapc irrigation withod s~lrfacing of gray water.

C103.9.1 Absorption area. The total absorption area required shall be conlputcd from the estimated daily gray water discharge and thc design-loading rate based on the pcrcolation rate for thc site. The required absoil~tion area equals thc estimated gray watcr discharge divided by the dcsign-loading rate from Table C103.9.1.


I (rn~nutes per inch) - - - --- 1 _(g_allons_p$r square foot per day) I I - -

- -- I 0 io less than I U I 1.2 I

- - - _1

POI SI: I rninuie per ~ n c h = mini25.4 mm, I snllon pcs squasc foot = 40.7 hi?

C103.9.2 Scepage trench excavations. Scepage trench excavations shall be a minimum of 1 root (304 mm) to a maximum of 5 feet (1524 mm) widc. Trcnch cxcavations shall be spaced a minimum of 2 fcct (6 10 mm) apart. The soil absorption area of a seepage trench shall be computcd by using the bottom of the trench area (width) multiplied by the length of pipe. Individual scepagc trcnchcs shall be a maximum of 100 feet (30 480 mm) in developed length.

C103.9.3 Seepage bed excavations. Sccpagc bcd cxcava- tions shall bc a n~inimum of 5 fect (1 524 mm) w ~ d e and have more than one dlstrihut~on pipc. The absorption area of a seepage bed shall be computed by using thc bottom of the trench area. Distribution piping in a seepage bed shall be uniformly spaced n maximum of 5 feet (1524 mm) and a minimum of 3 feet (9 14 mm) apart, and amaxiinum of 3 feet (914 mm) and a minimum of 1 foot (305 mm) from the side- wall or headwall.

C103.9.4 Excavation and construction. The bottom of a trench or bed excavation shall be level. Scepage trenches or beds shall not be excavated where the soil is so wet that such material rolled between the hands forms a soil wirc. All smeared or compacted soil surfaccs in the sidewalls or bot- tom of seepage trench or bed excavations shall be scarified to the depth of smearing or compaction and the loose mate- rial removed. Where rain falls on an open excavation. the soil shall be left until sufficiently dry so a soil wirc will not form when soil from the escnvation bottom is rolled between the hands. The bottom area shall thcn bc scarificd and loose material removed.

C103.9.5 Aggregate and backfill. A mini~nu ni of 6 inches of aggregate ranging in sizc from L/i to 2% inchcs (12.7 mrn to 64 mm) shall bc laid into the trench bclow thc distribution piping clcvntion. The aggregate shall bc cvcnly distributed a minimum of 2 inches (51 mm) ovcr the top of'thc distribu- tion pipe. The aggregate shall bc covercd with approved synthetic materials or 9 inches (229 mm) of uncompactcd marsh hay or straw. Building papcr shall not bc ~ i scd to cover the aggrcgate. A minimum of 9 ir~ches (229 mm) of soil backfill shall be provided abovc the covering.

C103.10 Distribution piping. Distribution piping shall be not less than 3 inches (76 mm) in diameter. Matcrials shall comply with Tablc C103.10. The top of the distribution pipe shall bc not less than 8 inches (203 mm) below thc original surface. The slopl: of the distribution pipes shall bc a minimum of 2 inchcs (5 1 mm) and a maximum of 4 inches (1 02 mm) pcr 100 fect (30 480 mm).


I Polyethylcne(PE)_plci\t~c plpe F -

1 ASTM FA05 7 -

/ P o l Y \ ~ n k l cJlor&le (PVC) plai ty pipe I AS I'M D 2720 1 - -

i ~ o l y v ~ n y l c l~ londe (PVC) p l a \ t ~ c pjpe ASTM F 1488

, w ~ t h p ~ p c s t~ffnesi olpS 35 and PS 50 -

C103.11 Joints. Joints in distribution plpc shall be lnade in accordance with Section 705 of this code.














'[I i B ‘[I

rn z I P






--~~P~-.- . .~~ ~- . . ~ ~ .~ P-- T-.....-.--P-. .~~ ~ - ~.. . . - - .-. - -- . I I I

I--.- ~ -P---- . -~ ~~ . I -..~L -. .SUmmer - - ~-~ - ~ . ,

I DEGREES NORTH STATION^ 1 97'/,% 1 Dry bulb 2'1~56 j Wet bulb PI/,% LATITUDEC - .. . . . - -. -- -. - . .~ . .. . . ~7 ;---- ~~-~ . . ~ .--

9 4 1 33"30' I 6 96 77 j 34"40' ! 79 I 93 79 i 30"40' 1 25 i 95 I 79 i 37"20'

1 . . . 1 - - ~ ~~- . .

59 61"10' Fairhanks -47 75 64"50'

! I 1 9,075 ~ 1 70 59 I 58 '20' 62 I


1 _.. 14,171 . . . . / -27 1 62 56 1>4°30' . . - - - . .. . i--~-. ..-PA--. 4.. . .. .. - - ~ ~ - ~.

7,152 4 j 82 60 Phoenix Tuscon 32 102 Yunra 7 8 32"40'

35'20' 20

96 79

30 100 I 7 1 ; 3h-50' 43 80 69 1 33"50' ! 43


80 i 69 1 34'.00' 89 1 7 1 3P00:

i 36 80 64 i 37"40' 32 98 7 1 i 38".30'

XU 70 i 32"40' 1 3,015 1 64 1 37.40'

3,001 40 71 i 62 37,J~~) ,

-16 2 1 7

95 66 38"20' I . -~

i 9 84 , 1 Hartk~rd 7 ss j 75


14 ~~

~ ~~ -

j I I

I 879 ! 35 I 90 I 79 1 2901 1)' i IFort Myers 442 1 44 92 I 79 1 26"40'

~ai-ksonville i 1,239 37 94 1 79 I 1 30"30' i I

! 108 90 I 1 2P3O' 57 8

214 47 I 70 25"50' 79 4

I I I 766 1 38 93 1 78 i 2S030' I 1,463 1 29 i 93 1 79 j 30'30' 1

1,485 1 -3 0 1 92 I 78 i 30'20' I I 683 I 91 1 40 i !

79 I 2X000' j i Wrst Palm Dcach 253 45 9 1 79 j 2h040'

i - - - - . . -. ~. . - - - . . - ~ ~~ ! . .. ~ . - ~ ...- ~L - ... . :. . . . - - - ' . - . . .! ~ ~~ - - ~ ~




....... ........ .............. ..

I --- I I DESIGN TEMPERATURES 1 I-.- . ... ,.- ... ................. i

I I HEATING winter 1 , DEGREE DAYS ...... - ..

' STATE ~ STATION^ I (yearly total) 1 97'1 % ......... ............................ - - ......... ..I ...... ..... t ...... GA iAthens I 2,929 i 22

/ ~ t l a n r a 1 i 2,961 22 2,397 1 23 2 8 I 24

j ~ a c o n i 2,136 i 25

/ ~ o m e I I 3,326 1 22 ~~~ -

i Savannah , - ! 1.819 1

.. . . . . . . . . ...... ............ 1 .. ....... t~ ......................... 27

HI ~ i l o 1 0 1 6'2 Honolulu 1 -

0 i 63 . . . . ............................... ......... + .............-...

1D 1 Boise 1 5,809 I0 I~ewiston i 5,542 6 1 I Pocatello 1 7,033 -1

. . - ... - ......................... 1 ...... ............

IL lChicago (Midway) 6,155 1 0 chica ago (O'Hnle) I 6.639 -4 1 chic:^^(+' ! 5,882 2 ~Moline 1 6,408 , -4 I Peoria 6 , 0 2 1 -4 1 Rocki'i>~.d I 6,830 I -4 Ispr-ingt'ield 1 5,429

- ~. -~ - 2 , . . . . . . - - ........ ...... i . -- ----

IN ~ r r ~ ~ s i i l l e Fort Wayne

Ilndianapolis ! 5.699 'South Bond 1 6,439

........................ - .... - - ................. 6,1 14 ...... . ......

IA Burlingtoll -3 I 6,588 !Des Moincs -3

I Dubuciue 1 7,376 I -7 Sioux City 1 6,95 I / -7 / ~ n t c r l o o 1 7 390 !

~ ~~ .- . ........... - - ........... - c---~ ..... "~ .......... - 10

KS / ~ o d ~ e City \ 4;986 1 5 /Got>dland 1 6,131 1 0 1 ~ o p e k n 1 5,181 1 4 1 Wichita 1 4,620 / 7 ..... ...~,. - .... - . . . . . . . . . . - -

ICY /Covingto~~ 1 5,265 1 6 /Lexington 1 4,683 8 1 Louisville l - ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ ~ ~~ ~ - - -- -- ...........

i 4,660 I 10 , 4 I IAlexandria 27

jBaton Rouge 1,560 1 20 il,akc Ch;l~-lt.s I 1,459 I 3 1 New Orleans 1 1,385 / 33

I "194 25 ...... - - ....................... ~+--~---;-i ....... j . . . . .

ME ICarihou I 1 9,767 1 -13

1 Portla~~d - , - ...................... - - ..........

- I

MD ~a l t i rnore 1 4,654 I 1 Baltililore" 1 4.1 11 1 17 /Frederick 1 5,087 I 12

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - .. - . . - - i-.. .............

(co iz t i~z~~e~ l )

Summer i ... ........ 1 DEGREES NORTH

Dry bulb . 2'1,% Wet bulb 2'1,% 1 LATITUDEC -~ -I-.. .. ...-- - . . . . .






' 5,634 88 i 71 I

Pictslield i 7,578 1 72 84 . 1 .- 2?

I 72 Detl.oit (City) 6,232 1 6 88 i 74

8,481 -7 83 7 1 Flint 7.377 1 1 87 74

M I lUlmd Rapids 1 6,894 1 5 88 1 74 jlalwing 1 87 I 74 ~ar r~ue t te" -8 1 81 70

6 84 73

10.000 -16 82 70 5


Jacks011 25 95 I

23 95 95

4 77 77 79

St. Louis 6 94 St. [~ouis'l 1 4,484 1 8 94 77

I~~ringt-ielci I 4,900 9 . . - ~. ~ J-.~

8illi11gs 7,049 1 -10 ! I

Great Falls 1 7,750 i -15 1 88 j 62 1 8,129 -16 1 88 1 , 62

8125 6 88 . . . . . . I - - . - - 1 . . . . j . . . j . 5 '~~~ ~

Grand Isla~id i 6.530 i -3 1 94 ! I 71

-2 95 77 jpu'ort'olk j -4 i

1 93 i 77 I ~ol-rlt Platte 6,684 ' -4 94 I 72 IOmuh:~ 1 6.612 -3 9 1 7 7

- . ~

1Scottshluff , . . . . - - . ~ i 6,673 . ,. 1 - 92 . - - ~ . . 68 - .

1 CII,O i 92 , 62 i my -4 i 87 59

N V 1,as ~ c g n s 28 ! 106 70 10 1 92 i 6 2


4.812 13 14 76

~Albur]uesquc 4.348 / l 6 ! I 94 65 1 Raton , 1 6,228 i 1 ti9 j 64 NM lRoswel1 j 3.793 1 1 S 1 95 7 0

Silver C'ily . - L _____---.-- -3,705 ! 10 9 4 64 -2 - L I



/ LATITUDEC ,~. -. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ .

1 12"2(1'

i 42"3(Y 42-20'

I 45'~OIl' 1 4230' ; 45"4(JP

43"OO' i 42-51? j 42'50' 1 46"?0'


44"OO' 1 - - - - ...~ .. -~

32"20' 1 32'20' 1 12°2r~ j - ~ . ~~

39'00' 1 39"Ill' j 39"So' 1 38"50'

3Sc-1l!' i 37"lt)' . . _ - ~ - ~ - - ~

; 4S050' 1 47"30'

46"40' I 46'50' I ~~~. ~ ..

1 41 "00' 1 4lIC5O' ; 42'00'

41'10' 1 41 "20' 1

41 "50' j ~ . - ~ ~. ~~ - ~

1 40'150' 39'1 0'

I 36" 10' I 1')',3U' I 10°50' ! ~- ~ ~ . ~ - ~-~~

1 43, 10' . ~~~~- ~ ~ ~ - - ~

1 40'40' i w~o' -4, - ~ ~ ~ . --

3S000' i 36"50' 1 33"20' ' 32"40' I .- - -- -





: HEATING winter 1 Summer 1 DEGREEDAYS 1 . ~ - & .~ -



14 18 93 19 ' 1 92 76 18 i 95

94 7.X. .

~.-. ~- 77 - ~~ . . - ~~

i Ahilcr~c 20 99 74 IAustin 28 allas as 1 2,363 / 22 i 100

1 2,700 1 24 i 98 68 i l r50f 1 1,396 1 32 04 79 1 29"40'

2,59 I I 98 72 I 32"OO' 1 99 I 74 ; 3 1°20' 30 97 76 1 29:'30' 26 99 1 78 1 31°40' 18 101 76

8 65 40"SU'

VT ~urlington -7 85 ~ -~ . . - 1 ~ ~ - ~ - - ~ ~ -. ~ . - - - ~.~ ----- ~-


JVr\ IIdynchhi~rg 16 90 1 76 I 37"20' I i NOI-~C,IIC 1 3,421 22 91 78 36"50'

/ ~ i c l ~ ~ n o r ~ d 17 92 71 ( 37'311. (Roiinoke , . - - I ~ -- 37'20' . - ~~ ~~~

WA Olympla 5,236 83 (i 6 47"OO' j Seattle-T:~coma 26 64 17"30' 1 ~enltlc" 27 82 67

. . . I*bnne.. ---- 2 64 ! 47O.10'

I1 75 6 i 8 4 I 72 10 91

-9 74

i 88 75 43"jO' -7 SS 75 43"lO'

-5 90 1 61 7,410 iClicye11ne 1 86 62 1 41"lo'

i I Lander i 8 8 I (7 3 I 42"50' I i 91 j 65 1 Shel-~dan

--.d...-.-..-__.____~-._. i 7.680 i -1 I 14"iO' - .- -

a. All data werc extracted from the 1085 ASHIME Handhooli, Fundn~nenrals Volume. b. Dcsign d:lt;i drvclopc~l from airport temperature observations unless noted. c. I<:lriu~dc is give11 to the Ilfnrcst I0 ininntes. Fol- example, the latitude Ihr Miami, Florida, is given :IS 25"jO'. or 25 dcg1.t.e~ 50 rninute~. d. Deaigll h t a ~lcvcloped from office locations within an urban area, 11ot from airpol? tcnlpcrature obsclwtions,




ElOl.1 Scope.

I1:lOl.l.l This appendix outlines two procedures for sizing 3 watcr piping system (scc Sections E103.3 and E201.1). The dcsign procedures are based on the mi~iimum static pressure iivailablc from the snpply source, thc hcad charges in the system c a ~ ~ s c d by friction and elevation, and the rates of flow nccessary for operation of various fixtures.

E101.1.2 Because of the variable coliditions encountered in hydraulic dcsign, it is impractical to specify dcfinitc and detailed rules for sizing of the water piping system. Accord- ingly, other sizing or dcsign methods conforming to good cngincering practice standards arc acceptable alternatives to those presented herein.


E102.1 Preliminary. Obtain the necessary information regarding the niiniilium daily static senrice pressure in the area where the building is to be located. If the building supply is to be mctcrcd, obtain information regarding friction loss relative to the rate of flow for meters in the range of sizes likely to be uscd. Friction loss data can be obtained from most n1anufact~1r- crs of water meters.

E102.2 Demand load.

E102.2.1 Estimate the supply demand of the building main and thc principal branches and risers of thc systcm by total- Ing the corresponding dcmand from the applicable part of Table E103.3(3).

3102.2.2 Estimate continuous supply demands in gallons pcr minute (Llm) for lawn spri~lklers, air conditioners, etc., and add the sum to the total demand for fixtures. The result is thc estimated supply demand for the building supply.


E103.1 General. Dccitie from Table 604.3 what is the desir- able minimum residual pressure that should be maintained at the highest fixture in the supply systcm. If the highest group of fistures contains flush valves, the pressure for the group should not be less than 15 pounds per square inch (psi) (103.4 kR1) tlowing. For flush tank \upplics. the available pressure should not be less than 8 psi (55.2liPa) flowing, exccptblowout action fixtures must not be leu5 than 25 psi (173.4 kPa) flowing.

E103.2 Pipe sizing.

12103.2.1 I'ipc sizes can be sclccted according to the follow- in? procedure or by other dcsign methods conforming to acceptable engineering practice and approved by the adinin-

istrative authority. The sizes selected must not be le\s than the minimum rcquired by this code.

E103.2.2 Water pipc sizing proccdurcs are based on a sys- tem of pressure requirements and losses, thc sun1 of which must not exceed the minimum pressurc available at the sup- ply source. These pressures are as follows:

1. Pressure rcquired at fixture to product rccluircti Ilow. See Sections 604.3 and 604.5.

2. Static pressurc loss or gain (due to hcad) is colnyutcd at 0.433 psi per foot (9.8 kPa1in) of clevaiio11 chalige.

Example: Assume that thc highest fixture supply outlet is 20 feet (6096 mm) above or below the sup- ply source. This produces a static pressure differ- ential of20 feet by 0.433 psilfoot (2090 mm by 9.8 W d m ) and an 8.66 psi (59.8 Wa) loss.

3. Loss through watcr meter. The friction or pressure loss can be obtaincd from lnetcr manufacturers.

4. Loss through taps in water main

5. Losses through special devices such as liltcrs. softeners: backflow prevention devices and pressure regulators. Thesc vducs must be obtained from the manufacturers.

6. Loss through valves and fittings. Lose s for these items arc calculated by converting to equivalent length of piping and add~ng to the total pipc length.

7. Loss due to pipe friction can be calculated when the pipe size, the pipe length ant1 the flow through the pipe are known. With these three items, the friction loss can be determined. For piping flow charts not included, use n~anufacturers' tables and velocity rec- ommendations.

Note: For the purposes of all examples, the following metric conversions arc applicable:

1 cubic foot per minutc = 0.4719 Ws

1 square foot = 0.0929 m'

1 dcgree = 0.0 175 rad

1 p o ~ n d per square inch = 6.895 kPa

I inch = 25.4 mm

1 foot = 304.8 mm

I gallon per minutc = 3.785 Llm

E103.3 Segmented loss method. The size of water service mains, branch mains and ~ isers by the segmented loss method? must be determined accordi~ig to water supply demand [gym (Llm)], available water pressure [psi (kPa)] and friction loss caused by the water meter and developed length of pipe [fcct (m)], including equivalent length of fittings. This desigt~ proce- dure is based on the followi~ig parameters:

Calculates the friction toss through each length of the pipe.



water supply system operation are lack of ade- units is converted to a demand of 48 gallons per minute. Two quatc prcssure and noise. hose bibbs x 5 gpln demand = 10 gpm. Total gpnl rating =

Problem: What sizeType L copper water pipe, service anddis- 48.0 gpm + 10 gpm = 58.0 gpm denland.

tributioi~ will be required to scrve a two-story factory building Step 2 having on each floor, back-to-back, two toilet rooms each equipped with hot and cold water?Thc highest fixture is 21 feet Line A: Enter the minimum pressurc available at the main

(6401 mm) above the street main, which is tapped with a2-inch source of supply in Column 2. This is 55 psi (37cj.2 kPa).

( 5 1 mm) corporation cock at which point the minimum pres- The local watcr authorities generally kcep records of pres-

sure is 55 psi (379.2 kPa). In the building basement, a 2-inch sures at different times of day and year. The availablc prcs-

(5 I mm) meter with a maximum pressure drop of I I psi (75.8 sure can also be checked from nearby buildings or from tire

kPa) and 3-inch (76 mm) reduced pressure principle backflo\v department hydrant checks.

prevcnter with amaxilnum pressure drop o f 9 psi (621 kPa) are to be installcd.The system is shown by Figure El03.3(1). To be determined arc the pipc sizes for the service rnain and the cold and hot watcr distribution pipes.

Solution: 4 tabular arrangement such as shown in Table E103.3(1) should first be constructed. The steps to be fol- lowed are indicatcd by the tabular arrangement itself as they arc in sequence, C O ~ L I I ~ ~ I I S I through 10 and lines A through L.

Step I

Columns 1 and 2: Divide thc system into sections breaking at major changes in elevation or where branches lead to tix- ture grc~ups. After point B [see Figure E103.3(1)], separate consideration will be given to the hot and cold watcr piping. Enter the sections to be considered in the service and cold water piping in Colun~n I of the tabular arrangcment. Col- umn 1 of Table E103.3(1) provides a line-by-line recoln- mended tabular arrangement forusc in solving pipc sizing.

The objective in designing the water supply system is to ensure an adecli~atc water supply and pressure to all fixtures and ccluipmcnt. Colunln 2 provides the pounds per square inch (psi) to be considered separately from the minimum pressure available at the main. Losses to take into consider- ation are the following: the differences in elevations between the water supply source and the highest water sup- ply outlet, meter pressure losses, the tap in main loss, special fixture devices such as water softeners and bacldlow pre- vention dcvices and the prcssure required at the most remote fixture outlet. The difference in elevation can result in an incrcasc or decrease in available pressure at the main. Where the watcr supply outlet is located above the source. this rcsults in a loss in the available pressure and is sub- tracted from the pressure at the water sourcc. Where the highest water supply outlet is located below the water sup- ply sourcc, thcrc will be an increase in pressure that is added to the available pressure of the water source.

Colunln 3: .According to Table E103.3(3). determine the gpm (L/m) of flow to be expected in each section of the sys- tem. These tlows range from 28.6 to 108 gprn. Load values for fixtures must be determined as water supply fixture units and then converted to a gallon-per-minute (gpm) rating to determine pcak dcmand. When calculating pcak demands, the water supply fixture units are added and then converted to the gallo11-per-minute rating. For contin~ious flow fix- turcs such as hosc bibbs and lawn sprinlder systems, add the gallon-per-minute demand to the intermittent derlland of fixtures. For example, a total of 120 water supply fixture

Line B: Dcte~minc from Table 604.3 the highest pressure required for the fixtures on the system, which is 15 psi (103.4 Wa), to operate a flushometer valve. The most remote fixture outlct is neccssaly to compute the pressure lobs caused by pipe and fittings, anti represents the most downstream fixture along the circuit of piping requiring the available pressurc to operate properly as indicated by Table 604.3.

Line C: Determine the pressure loss for the lnctcr size given or assumed. The total water flow from the main through the service as determined in Step I will scrve to aid in the meter selected. There arc three common types of water meters: the pressure losses are detcrminetl by the American Water Works Association Standards for displacement type. coni- pound type and turbine type. The maximum pressure loss of such dcvices takes into consideration the meter size, safe operating capacity (gpm) and maximunl rates Tor continu- ous operations (gpm). Typically, equipment imparts grcater pressurc losses than piping.

Line D: Select from Table E103.3(4) and cntcr the pressure loss for the tap size given or assumed. The loss of prcssure through taps and tees in pounds per squarc inch (psi) arc based on the total gallon-per-minute flow rate and size of the tap.

Line E: Determine the difference in elevation bctwcen thc main andsource of supply and the highest fixture on the sys- tern. Multiply this figure, expressed infect. by 0.43 psi (2.9 kPa). Enter the resulting psi loss on Line E. l'hc difference in clevation between the watcr supply source and the highcst water supply outlet has a significant impact on thc sizing of the water supply system. The difference in elevation usually results in a loss in the available pressurc because thc watcr supply outlet is generally located above thc watcr supply soiuce. The loss is caused by thc prcssure required to lift thc water to the o ~ ~ t l c t . The pressure loss is subtracted from the pressure at the water sourcc. Where thc highest watcr supply outlet is located below the watcr source, there will be an increase in prcssure which is addcd to the available pressurc of the water source.

Lines F, G and H: The pressure losses through filters. backflow prevention devices or other special fixtures must be obtained from the maniifacturcr or estimated and entcred on these lines. Equiplnent such as backflow prevcntion devices, check valves, water softeners, instantaneous or tankless water heaters, filters and strainers can impart a rnuch greater pressurc loss than the piping. The prcssure losses can range from 8 psi to 30 psi.





-- TABLE E.l

- I -

-. - - -- - T - - - / PRESSURELOSS 1 I PRESSURE LOSS


PlPE S E C T I F I FITTINGSNALVES 1 OFJ"B~(feet) - - - - ---- - - - I

I 1.7'1 " Gate valvcs 1 3 . . . . . . . -

A-B A-B ' 1-211," Side branch tec I .... - . - - - . . . . 1 / 1-2'1 " Side branch tee 12 &--A . . ...-. 1 ~~- - - - 1

R-C 1 I -211; straight run tee I

..+ . I B-C - - - .-. - - -- / 1-2" Straight run tee I

1 1-Y90-dcgrec cll i -1- - ~ .I .. ------------i -c- .-..-.. 0.5 I I

~ - - ~- - --

i I I C-F I I -2'1; Side branch tee !

. - - - - . A . . . ~ - . - - - - I

C-D 4 1 D-E I ? D-E 7 I

Step Y

Coli~nln 8: Select from Figure E103.3(3) the friction loss per 100 fcet (30 480 mm) of pipc for the gallon-per-minute flow in a scction (Column 3) and trial pipe size (Column 5). M a x i m ~ ~ m friction hcad loss per 100 fcet is detcrnmined on thc basis of total pressure available for friction hcadloss and thc longest cquivalcnt lcngth of run. The selection is based on the gallon-per-minute demand, the uniform friction head loss, and the maximum dcsign vclocity. Wherc Ihe size indi- cated by hydraulic tablc indicates a velocity in cxcess of the sclcctcd vclocity, a sizc must be selccted which produces the required velocity.

Step 10

Column 9: M~~l t ip ly the tigures in Columns 7 and 8 for each hcction and cntcr in Column 9.

Total friction loss is determined by nlultiplying the fric- tion loss per 100 fect (30 480 mm) for each pipe section in the total developed length by the pressure loss in fittings cxpressecl as equivalent length in feet. Note: Section C-F should be considered in the total pipe friction losses only if greater loss occurs in Scction C-F than i n pipe scction D-E. Seclion C-F is not considered in the total developed length. Total friction loss in equivalent length is dctermincd in Table E.2.

Stcp I1

Step 12

Line I,: Subtract Line J from Line K and enter in Colunln 10.

Thc result should always be a positive or plus figurc. I f it is not, repeat the operation using Colu~nns 5; 6 , s anct0 until a balance or near balance is obtained. If the difference bctween Lines J and K is a high positive numbcr, it is an indication that the pipe sizcs arc too large and should bc reduced, thus saving materials. In such a case, thc opcra- tions using Columns 5 ,6 ,8 and 9 should again be repeated.

The total friction losses are detennincd and subtracted from thc pressurc available to ovcrco'nc pipc friction for trial pipe size. This number is critical as it provides a guidc to whether the pipe size selectcd is too large and the process should be repeated to obtain an econon~ically dcsigncd sys- tem.

Answer: The final figurcs entered in Column 5 becolne thc design pipe sizc for the respective sections. Rcpcating this operation a second time using thc srtlne sketch but consider- ing the demand for hot water, it is possible to size thc ]lot watcr distribution piping. This has been worked up as a part of the overall problem in the tabular arrangemcnt used for siz- ing the service and water distribution piping. Note that con- sideration must be given to the prcssurc losses from thc strcct main to the water heater (Section A-B) in determining thc hot water pipc sizcs.

1,inc K: Enter thc sum of the values in Colurnn 9. 'Fhc value is the total friction loss in equivalent length for each desig- nated pipe scction.

-- - TABLE E.2 ---~ . . - ~ - -- ~ ~


/ ~ ~ ..~ . .. --- ~ ~ - - - - - ~ ~

I i P!PE SECTIONS -..- . cold Water ~ o t Water 1

.. . - - - - - - . . . .. . - + -- - - -..

1 0.69 x 3.2 = 2.21 - - -i

! - - . -- : . . . .. - - - ~ . . I ~ - . ..

I n-c - --- I 0.085 x 3.1 = 0.26 . . , - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - .

I - - 1 -- - - - - - "1 6 x !.4 = 0.22

i i i

! 0.20 x 1.9 = 0.38 ; - - - - . . .. "D ~ . -.- - . - ~ ~

I 0.1 7 x 3.2 = 0.54 - i ?--

~ - -- .- - - . .. I

1.62 x 1.9 = 3.08 1.57 x: 3.2 = 5.02 I 1 ~ L-- - - I i 5.93 I

I I 7.99 I

~ - - ~ .. . . ~. ~ - - - - ~ .




ssure required at n fixture 3). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15.00 ~ "meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PI-essure available to overeolne

For SI: I inch = 25.4 mm, I foot = 304.8 IIUII, 1 psi = 6.895kPa. 1 gpm = 3.735 Llm. a. 'To bc considered as Ixessure gain ii>r iixtul-cs bclow- mair~ (to consider separately, omit from "VI" and add to T"). I>. To cor~sider szparately, in K use C-F only if @-eater loss than aboxe.

G PROBLEMS ................

7 i 8 .

Total 1 Friction equivalent/ loss per

length I 100 feet col. 4 and of trial col. 6 (100 ;size pips

feet) / (psi) - . , ~ - ~ ~ ~~


Frict~on loss In

equivalent length col. 8 x col. 7


Excess pressurc

over friction losses (psi)



TABLE E l 03.3(3)

. . .. ...- - - - ~ ~ ~ - -






- - - - ~ - . ~ r--- - ~ - ~ ~ . . ~~ , . . .- - ~~-~ ~~

1 PlPE SIZE (inches)

FITTING OR VALVE - - . - I . - - - - - . - -

Tee. bran211

Gate valve ~~ ~

I Ralancing valve i 0.8 1 . 1 I 1 1.9 I - . ~~. .. .. , ... - . . + - - 4. . 2.2 - - ' 4.5 . ~- 1

Check valve, swing . ~

FUI- S1. I inch = 25 4 mm, I foot = 304.8 rnm, 1 degree = 0.0175 rad

TABLE E103.3(6)

For SI: I inch = 25.1 uum, 1 foot = 304.8 mm. I dtgree - 0.01745 pad. a. t2llow;tnci's are for strealnlined soldered fittings and recessed threaded fittings. For threaded tittings, double the allowances shown in the tablc. The i>qui\:tlcnt

lengths p~.bsel~ted above are b i ~ s ~ d on a C faelor of 150 in the Haze11-Williams friction loss f(~rmola. The lenghs shown are rounded to llic IIC~I-cst ha l f kx~ t .




Note: Fluid veloaf es in excess of 5 to 8 feetlsecond are not ~ ~ x ~ a l l y recommended


For SI: I il~ch = 25.4 Inm, 1 foot = 30-I..S mln, I gplTl = 3.785 I,11n, I psi = 6.895 kPa, I Soot pel- second = 0.305 mls.

a. This ch;~l.i applies to sr~~uoth new copper tubing with ~.ecessed (streamline‘) soldered joints and to the actual sizes of types indicated on the diagram





[%I SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, I fool = 204.8 mni, I gpm = 3.785 Llm, 1 psi = 6.895 1;Pa. I Soot pcr secorld = 0.305 mis.

a. This ~.liart applies to snrcloth licw steel (Ihirly smooth) pipe ar~d to actual diameters of standard-weight pipe.




I;or SJ: 1 inch = 25.4 mln, I Foot = 304.8 mm. I gpm = 3.785 L/m, 1 psi = 6.895 kPa, I l iw~ pcr second = 0.305 nds.

a. This char1 applies lo wry ~.ough pipe and enistins pipe and to their actual dinmcters







.. - - - . 7- - - - . . . - . - - - , r~- .-..-.i------r --- - - I , . . , - , Pressure Range 40 to 49 psi ....... .... . . . . . . . . . .


. . . .... .......







[B] FlOl.1 Joist notching. Notchcs on the ends of joists shall not exceed one-fourth the joist depth. Holes bored in joists shall not be within 3, inches (5 1 mm) of the top or bottom of the joist, and the diameter of any such hole shall no[ exceed one-third the depth of the joist. Notchcs in the top or bottom of joists shall not exceed one sixth the depth and shall not be located in the middle third of the span.

[B] F101.2 Stud cutting and notching. In exterior walls and bcaring partitions, any wood stud is perinitted to be cut or notched to a depth not exceeding 25 percent of its width. Cut- ting or notching of studs to a depth not greater than 40 percent of the width of the stud is permitted in nonbearing partitions supporting no loads other than the weight of the partition.

[B] F101.3 Bored holes. A hole not greater in diameter than 40 pcr-cent of the s t~td width is permitted to bz borcd in any wood stud. Bored holes not greatcr than 60 percent of the width of the slud is pcnnitted in nonbearing partitions or in any wall where each borcd stud is doubled, provided not more than two such successive doubled studs arc so borcd. In no casc shall the edge of the bored holc be nearer than 0.625 inch mm) to the edge of the stud. Bored holes shall not be located at the same section of stud as a cut or notch.

[U] F101.4 Cutting, notching and boring holes in structural stcel framing. The cutting, notching and boring of holes in structural steel framing mcmbers shall be as prescribed by the registered dcsign professional.

[B] Fd01.5 Cutting, notching aald boring holes in cold-formed steel framing. Flanges and lips of load-bearing cold-formcd stcel framing members shall not he cut or notched. Holes in wcbs of load-hearing cold-formed steel framing mem- bcrs shall be permitted along the ccnterline of the web of the framing n~cmber and shall not exceed the dimensional limita- tions, penetration spacing or minimum hole edge distance as prescribed by the registered dcsign professional. C~ltting, notching and boring holes of stccl floorlroof decking shall be as prescribed by the rcgistcred design professio~ial.

[B] F101.6 Cutting, notching and boring holes in nonstructural cold-formed steel wall framing. Flanges and lips of ~lonstructx~ral cold-formed steel wall studs shall not be cut or notched. Holcs in wcbs of nonstructural cold-foinlcd stcel wall studs shall be permitted along thc centerline of the web of the framing member. shall not exceed 1.5 inches (38 mm) in width or 4 inches (102 mm) in length, and the holes shall not be spaccd less than 24 inches (6 10 mm) ccntcr to cen- ter from another holc or less than 10 inches (254 mrn) from the bearing end.




6101.1 Scope. This appendix provides general guidelines for thc requircments for vacuum drainage systcms.

(2101.2 General requirements.

G101.2.1 System design. Vacuunl drainage systems shall be designcd in accordance with manufacturer's recornmen- datiuns. The system layour, including piping layout, tank assemblics, vacuum pump assembly and other compo- ncnts/dcsigns necessary for proper function of the system shall bc per nlanufacturer's recommendations. Plans, spcci- Sications and other data for such systems shall be submitted to the local administrative authority for review and approval prior to installation.

G101.2.2 Fixtures. Gravity-type fixtures used in vacuum drainage systems shall coinply with Chapter 4 of this code.

(3101.2.3 Drainage fixture units. Fixture units for gravity drainage systcn~s which discharge into or receive discharge from vacuuin drainage systems shall be based on values in Chapter 7 of this code.

G101.2.4 Watcr supply fixture units. Water supply fixture units sl~all be based on values in Chapter 6 of this code with thc addition that the fixture unit of a vacuum-type water closet shall bc "1 ."

G101.2.5 Traps and cleanouts. Gravity-type fixtures shall be probidcd with traps and cleanouts in accordance with Chaptcrs 7 and 1 0 of this codc.

G101.2.6 Materials. Vacuum drainage pipe, fitting and valve materials shall bc as recommended by the vacuum drainage sy stem nlanufacturer and as permitted by this code.

<;101.3 Testing and demonstrations. After completion of the entirc system installation, the system shall be subjected to a vacuum test of 19 inches (483 mm) of mcrcury and shall bc operated to li~nction as required by the adnlinistrative authority and the manufacturer. Recorded proof of all tests shall be sub- lnittcd to the ad~ninistrativc authority.

G101.4 Writtell instructions. Writtcn instructions for the operations. runintenancc, safety and emergency procedures shall be provided by the building owner as verified by the administrative authority.




Where permitted . . . . . . . . . Table 605.3. Table 605.5. Table 702.1, Table 702.2, Table 702.3, Table 702.4

ACCESS TO Cleanouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708 Fixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .405.2 Interceptors and separators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1003.1 0


Applicability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Approval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105. 1 07.4. 1 06.6 Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Intent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101.3 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 2.3 Meansofappeal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101.2 Validity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106.5.2 Violations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

AIR ADMITTANCE VALVES Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Where permitted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 917

AIR BREAK Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Method of providing . . . . . . . . . . . . .802.1.5. 802.1.6.

802.1.7, 802.2 Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .802.2.2

AIR GAP Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Method of providing . . . . . . . . . . . . 608.1 5.1. 802.2.1 Required . . . . . . . . 608.1 5.1. 802.1. 802.1 .l. 802.1.2

802.1.3, 802.1.4, 802.1.5, 802.1.6, 802.1.7 AIR TEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .312.3.312.5.31 2.7 ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102.4 ALTERNATIVE MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT . 105.2 APPROVED

Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 ASBESTOS-CEMENT PlPE

Where permitted . . . . . . . . . Table 702.2. Table 702.3 ATMOSPHERIC VACUUM BREAKER . . . Table 608.1.

608.1 3.6, 608.15.4, 608.1 5.4.1, 608.1 6.5

AUTOMATIC CLOTHES WASHER . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406

B BACKFILLING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .306.3

BACKFLOW PREVEMTER Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .608.1 Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 608.1

BACKFLOW PROTECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 8.1 BACKWATER VALVES

Where required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715 BALL COCK (see FILL VALVE) BAROMETRIC LOOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .608.1 3.4 BATHTUBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407 BEDPAN STEAMERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 BEDPAN WASHERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 BIDETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408 BOOSTER SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .606.5 BOTTLING ESTABLISHMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1003.7 BRASS PlPE

Where permitted . . . . . . . . . Table 605.3, Table 605.4, Table 605.8, Table 702.1

BUILDING DRAIN Branches of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 71 0.1 (2)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definition 202 Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 702.1, Table 702.2 Sizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 71 0.1 (1)

BUILDING DRAINAGE SYSTEMS Below sewer level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71 2.1

BUILDING SEWER Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 702.3 Sizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 71 0.1 (1)

BUlLDING SYSTEMS Connection to public water and sewer . . . . . . . . 701.2

BUILDING TRAPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1002.6


Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 702.1. Table 702.2. Table 702.3, Table 702.4

CAULKlNG FERRULES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .705.1 8 CHANGE IN DIRECTION OF DRAINAGE

PlPlNG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 706.3 CHEMICAL WASTE

Exclusion from the sewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .803.3 Neutralizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .803.2 Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .702.5

CHLORINATED POLYVlNYUPlPE OR TUBING Where permitted . . . . . . . . . Table 605.3, Table 605.4


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prohibited .1002.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seals . I00 2.4

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Setting and protection 1002.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Size .1002.5

FIXTURE UNITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definition 202

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Values for continuous flow .70 9.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Values for fixtures 709.1, Table 709.1

FIXTURES (See PLUMBING FIXTURES) FLOOD LEVEL RIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 FLOOD-RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Design flood elevation 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flood hazard area 202

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flood hazard resistance 309 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FLOOR DRAINS .412, Table 709.1

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FLOOR DRAINS, EMERGENCY 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FLOOR FLANGES .405.4.1,405. 4.2

FLOW RATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .604.3, Table 604.3 Table 604.4, 604.10

FLUSHING DEVICES . . . . . . . . . . . Flush tanks .425.2, 425.3, 604.3, 604.5

Flushometer tanks . . . . . . . . . . . .425.3, 604.3, 604.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flushometer valves .425.3, 604.3

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Required 425 . . . . . . . . . . . . FOOD HANDLING DRAINAGE .802. 1.1

FOOD WASTE GRINDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413 FREEZING, PROTECTION OF PIPES . . . . . . . . .305.6

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FROST CLOSURE .90 4.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FUTURE FIXTURES .70 4.4

G . . . . . . . . . . . . GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE Table 605.3,

Table 605.4, 605.1 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GARBAGE CAN WASHERS 414

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GARBAGE DISPOSALS 413 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GENERAL REGULATIONS 301

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conflicts .301.7 . . . . . . . . . . . Connection to plumbing system .30 1.3

Connection to public water and sewer . . 301.3, 301.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elevator machinery rooms .301.6

Health and safety . . . 108.7, 108.7.1, 108.7.2, 108.7.3 Materials detrimental . . . . . . . . . . . 302, 302.1, 302.2

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Piping measurements .301.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Protection of pipes 305

Rodentproofing . . . . . 304, 304.1, 304.2, 304.3, 304.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sleeves 305.4

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Strains and stresses in pipe 308 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Toilet facilities for workers 31 1

Trenching, excavation and backfill . . . . . . . . . . . . 306 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washroom requirements 310

. . GREASE INTERCEPTORS AND TRAPS .202. 1003 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Approval 1 003.3.4

Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 1003.3.4.1, 1003.4.2.1, 1003.4.2.2

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In commercial buildings 1003.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Not required .1003.3.3

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Required .1003.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GUTTERS .1106.6, Table 1106.6


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Attachment to buildings .30 8.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Base of stacks .30 8.9

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definitions 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Material .30 8.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seismic .308.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spacing .Table 308.5

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HEALTH AND SAFETY .101.3 . . . . . . . . . HEALTH CARE PLUMBING .422.609, 713


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Slope for drainage pipe .70 4.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . HOSPITAL PLUMBING FIXTURES 422

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clinical sinks .42 2.6 Height of special controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .422.1 0

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sterilizer equipment .422.9 HOT WATER

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definition 202 Flow of hot water to fixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 607.4

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heaters and tanks Chapter 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recirculating pump .607.2.3

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Supply system 607 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HOUSE TRAP . I00 2.6

I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INDIRECT WASTE 802 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air gap or break .802.2.1, 802.2.2

Food handling establishment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 802.1.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Receptors .802.3

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Special wastes 803 Waste water temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .803.1

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Where required .802.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INDIVIDUAL VENT 907

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSPECTION .10 7.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Final .107.1

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reinspection .107.3.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Required .10 7.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rough-in .107.1

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scheduling of .107.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Testing .10 7.3



Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Drainage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Venting .915.1 OPENINGS

Through walls or roofs . . . . . . . . . . . . . .305.5, 305.7


Application for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106.3 Conditions of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 6.5 Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106.6 Suspension of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106. 5.5

PIPING Construction documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105.4.4 Drainage, horizontal slope . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 704.1

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drainage piping installation 704 Drainage piping offset, size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joints .605, 705 PlPlNG PROTECTION

Backfilling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 6.3 Breakage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305.2

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corrosion .305.1 Footings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305.5 Freezing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .305.6 Penetration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .305.5 Tunneling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .306.4

PLUMBING FACILITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403 PLUMBING FIXTURES

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accessible 404 Automatic clothes washers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406 Bidet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clearances .40 5.3 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Dishwashing machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409 Drainage fixture unit values . . . . . . . . . . . Table 709.1 Drinking fountain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410 Emergency showers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411 Eyewash stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Floor sinks 427 Floor and trench drains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412 Food waste grinders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413 Future fixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 4.4 Garbage can washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414 Garbage disposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413 Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405 Joints at wall or floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .405.5 Kitchen sink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laundrytray 415 Lavatories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416 Minimum facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 403.1

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ornamental pools .423.1 Qaality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402.1

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Separate facilities .40 3.2

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Settings .405.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Showers 417

Sinks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Slop sinks 418

Urinals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Water closets 420 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Water coolers 410

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Water supply protection 608 PLUMBING INSPECTOR (See CODE OFFICIAL)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PNEUMATIC EJECTORS 712 POLYBUTYLENE PlPE OR TUBING

. . . . . . . . . Where permitted Table 605.3, Table 605.4 POLYETHYLENE PlPE OR TUBING

. . . . . . . . . . . . . Cross-linked Table 605.3, Table 605.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PE-AL-PE Table 605.3, Table 605.4

. . . . . . . . . . . . PEX-AL-PEX Table 605.3, Table 605.4 POTABLE WATER, PROTECTION OF . . . . . . . . . . 608 PRESSURE OF WATER DlSTRlBUTlON . . . . . .604.6 PROHIBITED

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joints and connection .605.9, 707 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Traps .1002.3

PROTECTION OF POTABLE WATER . . . . . . . . . . 608 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PUNlPlNG EQUIPMENT 712

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PVC PIPE Table 605.3, Table 605.4, Table 702.1, Table 702.2, Table 702.3


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General .608.1

R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RAINWATER DRAINAGE Chapter 11


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definition 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Periodic inspections .312.9

. . . . . . . . . . Standard Table 608.1, 608.13.2, 608.16.2 Where required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 608.1 5.2, 608.1 6.2,

608.16.4, 608.16.4.1, 608.16.5, 608.16.6 RELIEF VALVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .504.4, 504.5, 504.6

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definition 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RELIEF VENT .911.4,914.91 6.2

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definition 202 ROOF DRAINS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1102.6, 1105

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definition 202


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v WATER HEATERS .Chapter 5

VACUUMBREAKERS . . . . . . . . Table608.1,608.13.5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 608.13.6,608.13.8,608.15.4 WlPEDJOlNTS 705.13.2

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . VALVES WORKERS'TOILET FACII-ITIES 311 Air admittance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .202. 917 Backwater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Pressure reducing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .604.8 Relief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .202, 504.4 Temperature-actuated flow reduction valves . . . 424.5 Transfer valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .424.6

VENT Individual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 907 Sizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .904.2, 908.3, 91 0.4,

91 2.3, 91 6.1, 91 6.2 VENT RELIEF SIZE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 914 VENT STACK

Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .202,90 3.2 VENTS AND VENTING

Branch vents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .916. 4.1 Circuit or loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 911 Combination drain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 912 Common . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 908 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Distance from trap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 906.1 Engineered systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918 Island fixture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 913 Stack vents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .903.1 Vent stack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 3.2 Ventterminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 904 Waste stack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 910 Wetvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 909

W WALL HUNG WATER CLOSETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420 WASHING MACHINES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406 WASTE

Indirect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 802 Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 803

WASTE STACK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 910 WASTE WATER TEMPERATURE . . . . . . . . . . . .803.1 WATER

Booster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 6.5 Crossconnection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 608.6 Distribution piping material . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 605.4 Excessive pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 4.8 Hammer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .604.9

WATER CLOSETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420 WATER CONSERVATION

Fixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 4.4 Flow rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table 604.4



Page 20, Trlble 308.5: row 10, column 3 now reads . . . 4

Pagc 20, Tablc 308.5: row 16, column 3 now reads . . . 4

Page 26. Tablc 403. I-continued: row 14, column 6 now reads . . . 1 per 15


top related