2. youth in action

Post on 04-Apr-2018






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  • 7/31/2019 2. Youth in Action


    profit, unpaid voluntary activities abroad.

    Youth in the World

    promotes partnerships and exchanges among young

    people and youth organizations across the world.

    Youth Support Systems

    Includes various measures to support youth workers

    and youth organizations and improve the quality of

    their activities.

    Support for European Co-operation in the Youth fieldSupports youth policy co-operation at European level,

    in particular by facilitating dialogue between

    young people and policy makers.

    :hy are videos so important? They are the bestwayofHow to get involved

    There are two ways to get involved in the YiA


    1. You are

    a young person aged between 13-30 or a youth


    full of energy, creativity and ideas and would like to

    find a way to develop them

    looking for opportunities to meet and exchange

    ideas and practices with other young people or youth

    workers from different countries

    interested in volunteering in another country

    As an individual you can be a participant in one of the

    activities supported by the Programme.

    If you would like to get involved, find out more about

    the opportunities offered by the Programme by

    browsing through the different sections of this website.

    You will get a general overview of what Youth in Action

    can offer you as well as some useful information on its

    Actions and features.

    Want to know more?

    Take a look at the Youth in Action Programme guide

    it will give you a deeper insight into the Actions and

    types of activities that can be supported by the

    Programme.Get in touch with your National Agency or

    Eurodesk national office for further information and


    2. You are

    a non-governmental youth organisation,

    an informal group of young people,

    a local or regional public body,

    a body active at European level in the field of youth

    willing to develop a project and submit an

    application for funding under the Youth in ActionProgramme

    Become a promoter of an activity to be supported by

    the Programme!

    If you would like to get involved and submit a project

    application for funding, the first port of call for

    additional information after this website is the Youth

    Youth in Action Programme

  • 7/31/2019 2. Youth in Action


    Read it carefully! It will help you understand the

    Programme's objectives and criteria, and to identify

    the types of projects that can be supported by the


    Think through your project idea and make sure it

    respects all the criteria and conditions described in the


    Fill in the official application form for the Action you

    want to apply for.

    Make sure you respect the deadlines!

    We truly recommend you to have a view in the website

    of European Commission to have more specific

    information about priorities objectives and different

    Actions of Youth in Action Program. There you will also

    find the Programme Guide and the different forms for

    each Action in all official languages of EU.


    Lets go to the videos!

    We hope that now you have an overview about what

    Youth in Action Programme is in general and what the

    different Actions are where you can participate. As this

    Toolkit is about creating videos to give visibility to our

    youth projects, we find interesting to illustrate the

    different Actions with some examples in video. Enjoy


    Youth Exchanges:



    Volunteering (EVS):





    Trainning courses:



    Why are videos so important? They are the best way of

    DISSEMINATION & EXPLOITATION of the project results:

    Dissemination and exploitation of results relates to the

    use and practical application of a project's outcomes

    throughout various follow-up activities after finalizing

    the project.

    Dissemination = spreading information about the

    results of the projects to key actors. You can use a

    wide variety of media to document your project results

    and get them to the

    most appropriate target groups.

  • 7/31/2019 2. Youth in Action


    further and making sure that your product makes a

    difference and is used in other projects or policies.

    Note the difference: Dissemination = Spreading

    Exploitation = Using

    By planning such follow-up activities as part of their

    projects, promoters are increasing the quality of their

    work and are actively contributing to the overall

    impact of the Youth in Action Programme.

  • 7/31/2019 2. Youth in Action


  • 7/31/2019 2. Youth in Action


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