2 years, 10 challenging children and 49 exclusions

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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2 years, 10 challenging children and 49


Ofsted May 2015• Behaviour has improved since the previous inspection and is now good. There are clear boundaries and

expectations so that the vast majority of pupils behave well. Pupils enjoy learning and take pride in their work.

• The behaviour of pupils is good. The vast majority of pupils behave well in lessons and around the school. They are happy, friendly and polite. Almost all parents say their children are happy at school and that behaviour is good.

• Pupils are proud of their school and work hard because they enjoy learning. They listen carefully to adults, respond positively to reminders and take pride in their work. Pupils are constantly reminded of the school’s values: ‘Presentation, Respect, Independence, Determination and Enthusiasm’. Pupils understand these values and work hard to live up to them.

• Pupils play well together at break and lunchtimes. There are well-organised play areas, equipment for them to play with and good levels of supervision.

• There is a very small minority of pupils who have special educational needs related to behaviour difficulties, some of whom have recently moved to the school from other schools in the area. Staff have increased their skills in managing these pupils so that their behaviour is improving and exclusions are reducing.

An exclusion…..

• …….when a child’s behaviour is beyond the effective control of the school.

• NAHT advisor September 2015

• And ……when you feel like you’ve failed.• Louise White – every time it happens.

Developing a school that could improve the emotional and social outcomes for children.• September 2013

• New staff led to children with probable attachment disorders or aspects of low self esteem to display challenging behaviour

• We kept as much of the behaviour policy and procedures as we could – gotchas, merits, lunchtime detentions, praise assembly.

• Not long into the term and we began to experience the challenging behaviours – 11th September – for persistent defiant behaviour, followed three weeks later with a deliberate punch to the face causing the inside of the child’s mouth to split.

• Staff were beginning to struggle to consistently apply positive behaviour strategies to the challenging children and this was beginning to impact on learning in the classroom.

• Challenge profile: 2 boys in year 6, 2 boys in year 5 with statements for BESD and 2 boys in year 4.

….and just when you think you’ve got it sorted….• September 2014Challenging behaviour:

2 boys in year 6 with a statement for BESD1 boy in year 6 who went on to get a statement and is now at Mowbray3 boys in year 5. One went on to get a statement, spent 3 weeks at

Forest Moor and was moved to Brompton Hall. One was moved recently to another school for a fresh start. One who is making progress but continues to require additional support.

1 boy in year 3 with a statement for BESD, about to move to Forest Moor.

….what support can you expect?

• Visits from the EMS to suggest visual timetables and alternative curriculums.• A PSA to work with the family, as long as they agree.• A weekly visit from a teaching assistant for one 30 minute session.• An observation by the ed psych but no follow up report for 8 to 12 weeks.• Ineffective offer of funds.• RPI training• Critisism that your staff are inconsistent.• Accusations that you just want to get rid of children who are difficult.• Comments from other heads that they’ve always managed to talk children

round before it leading to an exclusion

What we needed……

• a LA behaviour support team that believed what we were saying and responded faster to the needs of the children and staff.

We needed a system to….

• 1. manage behaviour• 2. improve behaviour

• This needed to be understood by everyone be fair be consistently applied.

CLEAR EXPECTATIONS UNDERSTOOD BY EVERYONEPRIDE• Presentation• Respect• Independence• Determination • Enthusiasm


…..and then make it even clearer!

• There are three types of behaviour……GreenAmberRed

…….these are displayed in every classroom

Personalised for some children….this needs to be shared and agreed. These children are those who will say it’s unfair and argue black is white. Make the rules do the talking.

Red and Yellow Cards


Record the incident

The Rainbow Room

Internal Exclusions

Restorative Practice• …..the incident is not finished until there is a resolution.

Leadership must

• Communicate and model a clear vision of high expectations• Monitor application and consistency• Evaluate and tweak• Support not judge staff

Improving behaviour by addressing emotional needs.Wave 1 – TOP 5 – MUST HAVEs • Positive behaviours reinforced • All classrooms to have a reflective area with posters designed by the children with restorative questions • Class visual timetable • School rules displayed in class • Consistent use of School Behaviour Policy

Wave 2 and 3

• Staff training and working with Enhanced Mainstream Services• Devise individual provision

• Behaviour trackers• First, then• Social stories• Keep calm key rings• 5 point scale• Lego therapy• Drawing and Talking• Gardening/chickens• Silver SEAL

Everyone having a clear expectation of children’s behaviour – no excuses.Aim:• For children to be ready to learn, to take risks, be resilient and have

friends – at an age appropriate level of independence.

• Teaching assistants in classes to manage children’s behaviour is not a long term solution.

Behaviour Mentor

• Carries out observations.• Works with teachers and the SENCo to put wave 1, 2 and 3 provision

in place and prepares resources.• Meets parents and children.• Carries out drop in sessions• Delivers some of the wave 2 and 3 interventions• Assesses emotional stages using Pivats and uses these to set targets.• Reports on behaviour monitoring to the SLT and Governors

….beyond the effective control of the school.• Inside I’m hurting – Louise Bombier – attachment disorder• Parenting• Home life• Safeguarding• Special need• Inclusion for all


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