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Post on 01-Apr-2015






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River Valley’s China

India andReligion

Islam Greece and

RomeMiddle Ages,



• What are TWO geographical features NECESSARY to start a civilization?

Plants that can be stored (wheat, rice)Animals for farming (cows, horses, goats)

RiversMild climate


• What does the term NEOLITHIC REVOLUTION refer to?

Invention of farming/transition from hunter gatherers to

agricultural communities


• What is a dynasty

Government where leadership is passed down within a single family

for several generations


• What leads to the fall of a dynasty in the dynastic cycle?

Increased population and weak leadership leading to social problems

and war


• What was the Mandate of Heaven?

Belief that Heaven has granted permission for a family to rule


• What is Polytheism? Give one example of a polytheistic religion.

Belief in many gods; Hinduism, Greek religion, early river valley religions


• What is Monotheism? Give TWO examples of monotheistic religions.

• Belief in one god. Judaism, Christianity, Islam


• Who introduced the Caste System in India?

Indo-Aryan tribes/conquerors


• Why did the Aryans introduce the caste system?

To justify why Aryans would be at the top of the social structure.


• How is the Caste System reinforced by Hinduism?

People try to reach enlightenment by performing duties of their caste


• What is the PRIMARY GEOGRAPHIC FEATURE of the Middle East and what is ONE WAY this impacted Islamic culture?

Desertlittle farming, a lot of trade, nomadic

communities, small communities


What are TWO ways the Islamic religion AND empire spread?

Trade, voluntary treaties, force, not being able to pay a tax


How were Christians and Jews treated within the Islamic Empire?

Free to practice their religion if they paid a tax.


Why did many civilizations VOLUNTARILY agree to follow the Islamic governments?

Islamic conquerors brought wealth and technology


• What is the name of the person who established the Islamic faith?



• How did geography POLITICALLY impact Greece?

Divided into many city-statesRarely united under one leader


How did the Persian war LEAD to the Peloponnesian War?

Athens abused the tax money it received after the Persian War;

Sparta attacked Athens over abuse of money and power


Rome developed a republic. What is a republic?

Government where the public elects representatives to make decisions in



How did the republic change once Rome had emperors?

Senate and other branches lost power, became weaker


What are TWO reasons for the fall of Western Rome?

- Became too big too fast

- Divided

- Trade money went to Eastern Rome

- Military could not protect borders from German tribes

- Social divisions

- Military hired mercenaries

- Rise of Christianity


What is ONE way the Byzantine Orthodox church was different from the Roman Catholic Church?

Emperor, NOT POPE was head of church, Priests could marry, No use

of ICONS (religious pictures)


What is feudalism?

Social System where the king’s/noble’s land is exchanged for

loyalty and labor


What is manorialism?

Economic and social system where peasants live on a noble’s manor. Noble provides all the needs of the peasants on the manor.

Decreased need for: travel and cities


What was the PRIMARY cause of the crusades (NOT GOAL! CAUSE!)

Byzantium asked for help from the Islamic Empire which was

expanding west


What happened to Byzantium because of the crusades?

Was attacked in the fourth crusade, became weak, eventually fell to Islamic Turks (became modern day TURKEY)


What was the Black Death?

A disease that killed 1/3 of Europe’s population and was caused when fleas bite humans. It caused their body to swell and become black. People died a very painful death from it.

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