2. dimitris labridis (auth) - presentation of the theoretical concepts and modelling aspects of the...

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First CASSANDRA Workshop Presentation


Theoretical Concepts

and Modelling

Aspects of the

Cassandra Platform

Dimitris Labridis

Georgios Andreou

Apostolos Milioudis


University of



Power Distribution Network

Cassandra Project 1st Workshop September 11, 2013

Small Industry

MV/LV Power



MV/LV Power


MV/LV Power






Overhead or Underground

Power Lines

HV/MV Power



Power Distribution Network

• Consumer Side (Demand Side)

• Demand Side Management

– Consumption optimization

– Energy efficiency

– Profit

• Problems

– Which is the profile of each consumer?

– How to cluster/categorize consumers?

– Which DSM program/incentive to offer to each consumer?

Cassandra Project 1st Workshop September 11, 2013

Cassandra as a solution

• A helping hand in order to:

– Simulate the consumption of consumer populations,

– Understand behaviors that drive consumption,

– Cluster consumers into groups for more efficient incentivisation,

– Simulate consumer response to specific Demand Response programs

• Two modeling approaches:

– Input based on demographic data → aggregate results for a consumer


– Input based on consumer level measurements → bottom-up approach

with results regarding individual consumers and/or consumer


Cassandra Project 1st Workshop September 11, 2013

Basic modeling concepts

• Reality:

– Installation (the aggregation of all the appliances installed within the

premises of a consumer)

– Person(s) performing activities by the use of appliances according to

their utility

– Person(s) have habits (recurrent behaviour)

– Person(s) receive incentives to modify consumption, and choose either

to respond or not according to their utility

Cassandra Project 1st Workshop September 11, 2013

Basic modeling concepts

• Modeling:

– An Installation consists of its Appliances

– Measurements of the installation are used in order to determine its Appliances, as well as the consumer Activities (Disaggregationprocedure)

– Appliances are described by Consumption Models

– Consumer utility is modelled through Utility Models

– Consumer response to specific incentives is modelled through Response Models

– Auxiliary Models:

• Pricing Schemes Models

• CO2 Emission Calculation

• Prosumer Generation

Cassandra Project 1st Workshop September 11, 2013

Functionality according to quality of input

• Basic simulation rule: The more information you offer as input,

the more accurate results you will obtain

• Demographic data input: The simulation will be based on statistics,

thus it will not produce accurate individual consumer results

• Measurement data input:

– The Cassandra modeling is based on per minute measurements of

active and reactive power for an installation (loss of information)

– Accuracy of results depends on information compensation

Cassandra Project 1st Workshop September 11, 2013

Appliance Consumption Models

• They define mathematically the active and reactive power

demand of an appliance for a specified time of operation

• Example: Refrigerator active power

Cassandra Project 1st Workshop September 11, 2013

𝑐𝑝 𝑡 =



99.8 ∙ 𝑢 𝑡 − 𝑘2520 − 𝑢 𝑡 − 620 − 𝑘2520 , 𝑡 < 𝑑0

Activity Models

• They describe mathematically the occurrence, duration and

composition of an activity

𝐴 → 𝒂, 𝑓𝑠 𝑡 , 𝑓𝑑 𝑡 , 𝑓𝑁 𝑛A set of appliances

associated with the


The probability density

function (pdf) of the activity

start time(s) within a day

The pdf of the number of

times the activity is

performed during a day

The pdf of the activity


𝑓𝑎𝑖 𝑡 𝐴 : The probability that an appliance will be triggered at a

time t after the activity initiation (may differ according to

day type and/or season)

Cassandra Project 1st Workshop September 11, 2013

Activity Models

• Procedure:

– Correlation of Appliances and Activities (installation modelling phase):

Each Appliance may be correlated with a single Activity

– Determination of Appliances and respective Activities within

measurements (Disaggregation phase)

– Training of the Activity Modelling procedure

Cassandra Project 1st Workshop September 11, 2013

Response Models

• The aim of the CASSANDRA platform in this case is to estimate

whether a consumer will respond to a specific incentive or not

• Factors affecting behavioural change are:

– Pricing

– Environmental impact

– Awareness and Sensitivity

• Time shifting models describe the changes of the probability

density function fs(t) of the activity start time(s) within a day, as a

result of the change of price

• Consumers may also respond by reducing the number of times

they perform some activities

Cassandra Project 1st Workshop September 11, 2013

Disaggregation Methodology

• Aims to provide information regarding the appliances that

produce a given set of active and reactive power curves.

• Step 1: Determination of background demand

Cassandra Project 1st Workshop September 11, 2013

Disaggregation Methodology (cont.)

• Step 2: Determination of general events

Cassandra Project 1st Workshop September 11, 2013

Disaggregation Methodology (cont.)

• Step 3: Determination of repeated events

Cassandra Project 1st Workshop September 11, 2013

Disaggregation Methodology (cont.)• Step 4: Determination of individual appliances

– Slope Percentage Vector (SPV) calculation from active power

measurements vector Px

– Combination of Points of Interest (POIs) leads to POI vector

– Aggregated consumption curved is decomposed into events

Cassandra Project 1st Workshop September 11, 2013

B. Disaggregation Methodology (cont.)

• Step 5: Identification (clustering) of individual appliances

– Classification according to specific parameters:

• Active power

• Reactive power (power factor)

• Differentiation of active/reactive power during operation

• Typical (average) time of use for each appliance

– Matching in appliance library

Cassandra Project 1st Workshop September 11, 2013

Results in Pilot Cases (Lulea – 40 days)

Background 45,86 %

Refrigeration 9,79%

Cooking 18,79 %

Entertainment 6,67 %

Cleaning 9,31 %

Lighting 0,65 %

Unidentified 8,93 %

Percentage Energy Per Activity for Installation A

Cassandra Project 1st Workshop September 11, 2013

Results in Pilot Cases (Lulea – 40 days)

Background6,36 %

Refrigeration13,76 %

Cooking16,17 %

Entertainment3,78 %

Cleaning48,08 %

Lighting0,32 %


Percentage Energy Per Activity for Installation B

Cassandra Project 1st Workshop September 11, 2013

Load identification - Lulea installation B

Cassandra Project 1st Workshop September 11, 2013












TV1 TV2 Refrigerator Freezer Extra Freezer PC Cooker MicrowaveOven



es o

f U


Installed Appliance

Related Conference Papers

1. A Framework for the Implementation of Large Scale Demand ResponseG. T. Andreou, A. L. Symeonidis, C. Diou, P. A. Mitkas and D. P. Labridis, IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Technology, Economics and Policies (SG-TEP 2012), December 3-4, 2012, Nürnberg, Germany.

2. Redefining the Market Power of Small-Scale Electricity Consumers through Consumer Social Networks K. C. Chatzidimitriou, K. N. Vavliakis, A. L. Symeonidis and P. A. Mitkas, 10th IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE 2013), September 11-13, 2013, Coventry, UK.

3. Event Detection for Load Disaggregation in Smart MeteringA. N. Milioudis, G. T. Andreou, V. N. Katsanou, K. I. Sgouras and D. P. Labridis, 4th IEEE European Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT 2013) Conference, October 6 - 9, 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark.

4. Agent-based Small-Scale Energy Consumer Models for Energy Portfolio ManagementA. Chrysopoulos, C. Diou, A. L. Symeonidis and P. A. Mitkas, 2013 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT-13), November 17-20, 2013, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Cassandra Project 1st Workshop September 11, 2013

Professor Dimitris P. Labridis

Director of Power Systems Laboratory (PSL)

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh)

P.O. Box 486

54124 Thessaloniki, Greece

tel: +302310996374

fax: +302310996302

e-mail: labridis@auth.gr

Skype: labridis

URL: http://users.auth.gr/labridis/index_en.htm

PSL: http://power.ee.auth.gr/index.php?page=intro&action=lnchange&lnid=124&lnsym=EN

AUTh: http://www.auth.gr/

Cassandra Project 1st Workshop September 11, 2013

Authors affiliations

Lecturer Georgios T. Andreou

Power Systems Laboratory (PSL)

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh)

P.O. Box 486

54124 Thessaloniki, Greece

tel: +302310996118

fax: +302310996302

e-mail: gandreou@auth.gr

URL: http://power.ee.auth.gr/index.php?page=andreou

Cassandra Project 1st Workshop September 11, 2013

Authors affiliations (cont.)

Dr. Apostolos N. Milioudis

Power Systems Laboratory (PSL)

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh)

P.O. Box 486

54124 Thessaloniki, Greece

tel: +302310996379

fax: +302310996302

e-mail: amilioud@auth.gr

URL: http://power.ee.auth.gr/index.php?page=milioudis

Cassandra Project 1st Workshop September 11, 2013

Authors affiliations (cont.)

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