2 ax crm leads & opportunities

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship ManagementMicrosoft Dynamics AX 2009

Leads & OpportunitiesThesefieldsexistontheleadmaintabletogroup,sortandtrackleadsLead TypesLead PrioritiesLead RatingsCRM>SETUP>LEADSSales Lead: is the first stage of a sales process.

Sales Lead, is the identification of a person or entity that has the interest and authority to purchase a product or service2


THELEADQUALIFYINGPROCESSCustomerProspectLeadOpportunitiesIs an information gathering process that begins when a suspect first crosses your path and continues until you've converted to customer.

qualified lead means:


The prospect has a budget/money to purchaseThe prospect has a timeline to purchaseThe prospect has a process to evaluate and make a decisionThe prospect has an understanding of some of their core needs/pains which they see being potentially resolved through your product/solution3

Leads & OpportunitiesTHELEADQUALIFYINGPROCESSAnalyzeGatherRankDefine their common characteristicsCreate a Lead qualification checklistRank each of your new and existing opportunities (Cold,Warm,Hot)

qualified lead means:


The prospect has a budget/money to purchaseThe prospect has a timeline to purchaseThe prospect has a process to evaluate and make a decisionThe prospect has an understanding of some of their core needs/pains which they see being potentially resolved through your product/solution4

Leads & OpportunitiesTHELEADStatus:QualifyDisqualifyPostponeLead on holdQualifiedDisqualified

qualified lead means:


The prospect has a budget/money to purchaseThe prospect has a timeline to purchaseThe prospect has a process to evaluate and make a decisionThe prospect has an understanding of some of their core needs/pains which they see being potentially resolved through your product/solution5

Leads & OpportunitiesOpportunity Management:PhasesPrognosisProbabilitiesAprognosisperiodisthetimeexpectedforanopportunitytobecomeasale.Phasesindicatetheprogressionofaquotation.Theprobabilityofthequotationbecomingasalesorder.Thisisthesalesperson'sestimateexpressedinpercentagewithoutthe%character.


qualified lead means:


The prospect has a budget/money to purchaseThe prospect has a timeline to purchaseThe prospect has a process to evaluate and make a decisionThe prospect has an understanding of some of their core needs/pains which they see being potentially resolved through your product/solution6

Leads & OpportunitiesOpportunity Management:Createalistofreasonsthatanopportunity,leadorsalesquotationiswonorlostReasonsCompetitorCompetitorsareindependentofbusinessrelationsandaredefinedinseparatetable, linked to opportunity.CRM>SETUP>OPPORTUNITY

qualified lead means:


The prospect has a budget/money to purchaseThe prospect has a timeline to purchaseThe prospect has a process to evaluate and make a decisionThe prospect has an understanding of some of their core needs/pains which they see being potentially resolved through your product/solution7

Leads & OpportunitiesThe Sales Process:Therearenofixedsalesprocessesthatarecommontoallcompanies,butcompaniesgenerallywanttooutlinethemethods,stagesandstepsthatemployeeshavetofollowwhiletheyworkwithleads,opportunitiesandquotations


qualified lead means:


The prospect has a budget/money to purchaseThe prospect has a timeline to purchaseThe prospect has a process to evaluate and make a decisionThe prospect has an understanding of some of their core needs/pains which they see being potentially resolved through your product/solution8

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