2 as unit g321 research and planning presentation

Post on 17-Jan-2017






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Candidate NameCentre NameCentre Number

Charlie RandellThe Leigh Academy61101

Following the normal colour schemes

This magazine follows a normal colour scheme because it uses three main colour which compliment each other. This has pleasing effect on the eye for the reader normal titles. Position, which is at the top of the page.

This Image in the center meaning it fits the normal conventions of other magazines

The skylines are located to the side of the page meaning they fit normal convention

The bar code is a normal place of the bottom left corner

The anchorage text in this magazine follows the normal convention of music magazine music it is large and based on the front cover

The banner in this magazine follows the the normal conventions with both it’s size and position

Developed skylinesThis skylines is a developed one because it is located below the masterhead and behind the image. This is used to draw the reads attention to the image and catch there eye. The mast head is developed as well due to it being behind the main image. This magazine also develops the use of inserts by over lapping them, this does not follow the normal conventions of magazine. The designer has done this to make the magazine stand out. The designer has also developed the front cover with use of it’s colour scheme due to it using a rang of six colour, where as most magazines use only 2 or three.

Social groups : cooptation Group AThis group includes Lawyers Doctors SurgeonsBankers Higher management

This group of people tend to have the higher powered jobs. These people tend to live in luxury houses and have holiday homes. They own lot of luxury items like sports cars, expensive watches. They have people that work for them. Classical music

Group BPeople such as Teachers or middle management.Own a house or have a mortgage.Shop in high street shop like H&M.They go on package holidays. Watch tv a lot. They go out to dinner in fairly expensive restaurants.Don’t use social media lot.

Group c

Nurses and white collar professionals.Low mortgage properties Watch tv go cinema go the gym.

Shop for recognized brands but not expensive

C 2 Plumbers/ electriciansRent properties

Get benefitsOwn a car which they use for leisure and work Spend free time on local holiday such as the sea side or local attraction.Read the sun or daily mail

Group d

Drivers Warehouse workers

They on a tight budget. Tend clam some benefits such as tax credits . Rented properties, provided by government such as council flat.

Group E

Students Unemployed

Live on benefitsShop for bargains

No preference on brands

Use public transport

Watch lots of tv such as big brother and x factor

What social group is this?

I think magazine is aimed at people in the c-2 to d range. The masthead is brightly colored catching the eye of this type of audience. The lighting is also vey bright, which again catches the eye of the reader. The main image is of current pop star this links in with the classes music taste. The main image is also fairly large and there is also minimal text/language. This magazine will also be affordably priced. This magazine cover also contain news about all the modern things happening within the world of pop music, which again help interest the reader into read this magazine


• Bauer media distribute kerrang• Bauer media also advertise for kerrang• Bauer media also promote them

Technology and processes Physical technologyCamera are used to capture images often used for main images. It is important you have a camera which has a good lens for your shot and a large memory card to store all the images you take.

Studio This normally has different style of lighting and possibly a green screen . The studio allows you to find the perfect lighting for the shot your wanting to take. this is useful in media because this where you normally take you main images if you intend to involve a model.


Printing processes This is used to print the final product. This task is performed using a printing press

Printing hardware: the computers.


Photoshop, this is often used to edit shots and possible air brushing.

Promotion software is where you advertise electronically for example electric billboard. Another form of promotion software is one normally used on mobile apps.

Digital technology

Computer hardware this is the computer you use. This needs to have a fast processor to carry out the processes/actions needed when publishing a magazine

Memory cards. Hold all the information. You need a large memory card to store all the images, that you intend to use in your magazine.

School magazine

In this magazine they developed the masthead because it is in front of the image

These inserts inform the reader of what is in the magazine and there is also images relating to the information.

The main image is developed in this magazine because it is in front of the background

This magazine has used anchorage text to describe the main image

Which forms of conventions will be used in my design and why?

• I am going to have masthead in front of my main image, I think will draw the reader attention and bring almost 3d

• I am going to use the school colours but include the collage colours.

• My logo will be off Centre

Main task researchThe masthead

The word feature is in bold and black. It is also on a white background this is to draw the readers attention. Also the test front used throughout this contents page links in with the main image because it is very masculine. The reason the designer has done this because they think the readers of this magazine will be prodomently male

The main image draws the readers attention because the person in the main image looks like he's looking back at you which adds a nice affect. The main image is also a medium shot, this demonstrates the main images clothing. The main image also frames the page nicely. The main image is also highlighted due to it black on a white back ground.

The colour scheme of red and black text on a white back makes the text stand out and make the text easy to read for the reader

The main task research contents 2

This title breaks normal conventions because the way the title is broken up. The designer has also done this to allows space for the artists legs

The main images frames the text nicely. The colour scheme of black text on a white background makes the writing stand out, it also allows the reader to read the text more easierly

The use of a gradient coloured back ground allows the designer to use more colours n the colour scheme, making it more interesting to the eye of the reader. Use of a white background surrounding the main image makes the main image stand out

The font used links in with the main image of a female artist because the font has a very feminine style.

Main takes research spreadsheet 1

The use of read on white with the colour scheme makes the main image and the artist face stand out, drawing the readers attention. The colour scheme also links in with the name of magazine U.S.A and the red and white flag the artist is sitting on

The test used is a feminine style text, this links in with the main image of a female artist. This style of text is also carried on at the beginning of each paragraph. The way the text is laid out is also frames the main image well. The way this spread laid out follow normal conventions of spread.

The use of a larger font at the beginning of the article draws the readers attention to the article. Making them want to to read the article.

Main task research spreadsheet

The mast head uses white text on black background making it stand out to the reader

The designer has used enlarged black text on white background to draw attention to this quote which indicates what the article is going to be about. Also due to the larger text it has a more masculine feel.

The designer has used a lot of defined straight line because wants to attract a more adult audience. This go is also achieved though the use of a black and white main image indicating a more serious magazine. Use of a lot of of rectangular shapes also helps frame the text better.

The use a white background behind the main image helps the artist in the main image stand out. The use of lighting in this photo will also appeal to a more masculine audience because it is a very serious style of lighting

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