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Post on 18-Dec-2021






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第一节 (共15小题,30分)

Senior Business Editor

You must:

●assist the business editor in setting goals and working on achieving them;

●be an excellent team person who can generate ideas and think creatively and be able to

rewrite totally if needed;

●ideally have been working or have worked in a position of responsibility;

●have had at least five years' editing experience working on editing the Business Desk

and be familiar with industry software.

Senior Copy Editor

You must:

●usually have the last word before the page is sent to print;

●edit or rewrite copy and give snappy headlines and captions;

●have had at least two years editing experience working on editing desks and be familiar

with industry software.

Copy Editor

You must:

●be good at editing or rewriting copy and writing snappy headlines and captions;

●be able to work on shifts for different pages, and usually have the last word before the

page is sent to print;

●have two years of editing experience working on copy desks and be familiar with industry


Graphic Designer

You must:

●have excellent skills in information graphics;



●be experienced in newspaper or magazine layouts;

●have a good sense of typography;

●have good news judgment;

●be well-versed with Macintosh software, including InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop;

For enquiry or to apply, write to job @ chinadaily.com.cn.





What is the purpose of this passage?

To describe the positions of the China Daily.

To advertise for employees of the China Daily.

To explain the working conditions of the China Daily.

To inform readers how to enter the China Daily group.


A. Senior Business Editor B. Senior Copy Editor

C. Copy Editor D. Graphic Designer

Which position values working experience most?(2)

A. Qualities of leadership B. Editing experience

C. Skills of industry software

What quality do all the positions require in common?(3)

Within five minutes of meeting Olivia Ports, I knew she was a special teenager. I knew

before she picked up her guitar and performed a song. I knew before I found out how a

condition she was born with changed her childhood. And I knew before her mother told me

Olivia performed recently in front of 1, 200 people.

In addition to her impressive musical talents, Olivia is just so friendly, funny and grateful to

those who made her first show such a success. "She doesn't want the story to be about

her, " said Olivia's mother. But like all children fighting chronic ( 慢 性 的 ) diseases, "the

journey she has been on has made her stronger".

Olivia admits she's not like many kids her age. Describing herself as a "little bit crazy", she

acts older than she is. She was born with a compromised immune system(缺乏抵拉力的免疫

系统). When she realized she would have to give up her beloved gymnastics, she picked up

her mom's old high school guitar and taught herself to play. "I had to have something to do

with so much down time, " she said.

It was during a hospital visit that she met Classical Blast, a popular band that invited Olivia

to join them as a guest performer on their annual Christmas tour. Their encouragement gave

her the courage to begin playing at public events in the area, and she was soon a regular(主

力 )on stage. It was yet another treatment that led to her most recent passion. Recovering in

her room for 15 days last Christmas, Olivia saw first-hand "how sad it can be" for children to

be in hospital during the holidays. That's why this year, Olivia decided to do a benefit, asking


guests to bring a toy that could be taken to young patients.

Speaking of the future, the high school senior plans to take a semester off after

graduation to "figure things out". She wants to head to college with the goal of opening a

music school for those with health challenge. "When you fill your life with things you love, " she

said, "it makes every day more meaningful."





What can we infer from "I knew before …” in the 1 paragraph?

Olivia Ports has impressive qualities.

Olivia Ports looks older than she really is.

Olivia Ports is clearly disabled in appearance.

Olivia Ports is a long-time friend of the author.

(1) st





What does Olivia's mother mean by the underlined words in 2 paragraph?

Olivia doesn't want to be reported.

Olivia felt regretful about her disease.

Olivia dislikes what was wrote about her.

Olivia doubts the judgement of her disease.

(2) nd





Why did Olivia start to play guitar?

She enjoyed playing with Classical Blast.

She encouraged herself by learning music.

She was fond of music most all the time.

She was invited to play guitar on the stage.


A. Performing at public events. B. Making toys for young patients.

C. Helping children in the hospital. D. Teaching the sick children music.

What is Olivia's most recent passion?(4)

When Jeff Sparkman draws his cartoon superheroes with colored pencils, he often has to

ask other people to tell him what color his masked men turned out to be because he's color-

blind. Now, a new smart phone application (app )can help him figure out what colors he's

using and how the picture looks to most everyone else.

The DanKam app, available for iPhone and Android for $2. 99, is an application that turns

the faint colors that one percent of the population with color-blindness sees into the "true"

colors as everyone else sees them. In America, an estimated 32 million color-blind Americans

-95% are male—can soon have their life improved.

"DanKam takes the stream of data coming in through the phone's camera and changes

the colors slightly so they fall within the range that people who are color-blind see, " developer

Dan Kaminsky told CNET. He came up with the idea after watching the 2009 film Star Trek with

a color-blind friend.


It was then that he got to know more about colorblindness like its varying types and

degrees. A vast majority, for instance, have trouble seeing red or green due to a genetic

defect ( 遗 传 缺 陷 ) . Blue-yellow colorblindness, however, is rare and develops later in life

because of aging, illness or head injuries, etc. He started experimenting with one of the most

common representations of points in the RGB color model ( RGB refers to red, green and

blue). What the DanKam app attempts to do is to clean up the color space of the image or

video signal so that colors can be visible to those suffering from viewing problems. "You can

adjust the app to fit your needs. There is a range and not everyone who is color-blind sees

things the same, " says Kaminsky.

A. It can brighten the true colors. ` B. It can screen the movie Star Trek.

C. It is designed to help the color blind. D. It is used as a phone to draw pictures.

What's the function of the Dankam app?(1)

A. It changes the colors. B. It cures the color-blind.

C. It adds more color ranged. D. It shows rib color model.

How does DanKam app work?(2)

A. cannot be cured by any methods B. is more commonly seen in women

C. doesn't necessarily exist since birth D. makes people unable to tell any colors

It can be inferred from the passage that colorblindness .(3)

A. portable B. enjoyable C. adjustable D. recognizable

The underlined word "visible" in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to .(4)

London is a world city with a population of around 8 million people. It receives around 20

million visitors each year, a large proportion from overseas, who mix with further millions of

millions of people who travel into the city from a wide area to work in the central area.

One of the challenges involved in managing(and living in)such a huge city is the ability

to move people efficiently around it, for the purposes of work and leisure, and at reasonable

cost. The London black cab is one response to this problem, but it also causes the low

average speed for traffic and frequent traffic block.

The largest solution is the Barclays London Cycle Hire Scheme(计划). In 2010, London

joined a growing list of cities that had turned to the bicycle for a possible solution to traffic

problems. Cities like Amsterdam have long since been associated with bicycles. Other cities

that already have cycle hire schemes include Copenhagen and Barcelona. In Paris, the

system is known as the Velib scheme, a word which combines the world for bicycle with

freedom. The London scheme started on the 30th July 2010 with 5, 000 bikes spread around

315 locations. The bikes are fairly strong so that they can withstand the knocks of daily use.

They are fitted with dynamo-powered LED lights, have three gears, a chain guard and a bell.


Each bike is also fitted with a Radio Frequency Identification(RFID)chip, so that its location

can be tracked. The bikes have puncture-proof ( 防 刺 的 ) tires and are regularly checked

over for mechanical faults.

It is hoped that people will experience London in a more direct way. Instead of staying in

the cabs stuck on the roads, they will cycle the streets and thus gain a different view of

London and improve their own mental maps of the city.





Why does the author list the numbers in the 1 paragraph?

To analyze where the people are from.

To explain London is an important city.

To present the need of efficient transport.

To show how attrative London is to visitors.

(1) st

A. They don't have a god looking. B. They become part of the traffic jam.

C. They must run within the speed limit. D. They require more fare than expected.

What is the problem of the black cabs in London?(2)

A. It has three gears. B. It has chain guard.

C. It has a RFID chip. D. It has a bell.

Which of the following shows the bicycle is made for hiring?(3)





What is the best title of the passage?

London Joined the Cities of Solving Traffic Problems

London's Black Cab Is Losing Passengers

London Welcomes Visitors by Bicycles

London's Cycle Hire Scheme


第二节 补全短文(共5小题,每题2分,共10分)

Could Organizing Your Home Change Your Life?

Marie Kondo is an expert on organizing and cleaning. She is considered an expert on

clearing away unused or unnecessary things, better known as clutter. Actually, she did write a

book on the issue, which is called "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up" . 1 It has

sold more than 2 million copies.

Marie Kondo says people can improve their lives by changing the way they think about all

their stuff—everything from books, documents and photographs to clothing and personal

mementos(纪念品). " 2 And this is pretty good." Marie. Kondo write.

This is not the first time an organizing expert has written a book on clutter. Other books

suggest wonderful things will happen when you organize your home. One book says that if you

throw out 50 things from your home, you will actually find your life. 3 And still others

promise a better job, more money and a perfect family if you simply organize the things that fill









your life. 4 . She told the Business Insider website that some of her clients have lost

weight. "Your self-perception is improved by living in a clean and neat room, " she said. "This

can change lifestyle and, in turn, appearances."

Marie Kondo teaches a method of organizing she calls KonMari. It is more of an event or

ceremony. This is the part that followers say makes it more lasting. Ms. Kondo says KonMari

create a different relationship between you and your possessions. If the object meant

something to you or served you well, you thank it for its service before throwing or giving it

away. In her book, Ms. Kondo suggests that you touch the item and ask one simple question,

"Does it bring me joy? " 5 .

Her book is a best best-seller around the world.

Mare Kondo makes some of the same claims.

On the contrary, mare Kondo disagree with it.

Unnecessary things just take up too much space in your home.

If it doesn't, you give it away so that it may give joy to someone else.

Another book says that if you make clutter disappear, you will also lose weight.

When you put your house in order, you put your affairs and your past in order too.

第一节 完型填空(共20小题,每题1.5分)

Bags of Love

Last year, I was assigned to work at an office near my mother' house, so I stayed with her

for a month. During that time, I helped out with the housework and contributed to the 1 .

After less than a week, I started 2 that the groceries were running out pretty quickly

—we were always 3 out of something. Wondering how my mum could consume them

so 4 , I began observing her daily routine for two weeks. To my 5 , I found that

she would pack a big 6 full of canned goods and 7 out every morning at about

nine. Eventually, I decided to 8 her and what happened truly 9 me. She was

taking the food to the refugee camp, in which she distributed it to 10 .

I asked around and found out that my mum was very 11 in the area. The kids were

very 12 with her and even looked up to her as if she were their own mother. Then

it 13 me—why would she not want to tell me about what she had done? Was

she 14 how I would react or that I would stop buying the groceries if I found out?

When she got home, I told her about my 15 . Before she could react, I gave her a

big 16 and told her she didn't need to keep it a 17 from me. She told me that

some of the children lived with an older lady in a shelter 18 others slept on the streets.



1. A. decoration B. cleaning C. groceries D. rent

2. A. asking B. realizing C. hearing of D. noticing

3. A. suddenly B. finally C. sadly D. unluckily

4. A. carelessly B. quickly C. wastefully D. simply

5. A. delight B. question C. surprise D. shame

6. A. box B. suitcase C. jar D. bag

7. A. head B. call C. carry D. burst

8. A. stop B. follow C. warn D. help

9. A. amazed B. annoyed C. worried D. frightened

10. A.volunteers B. working staff C. children D. the old

11. A. helpful B. busy C. tired D. well known

12. A.honest B. friendly C. careful D. confused

13. A.reminded B. hit C. inspired D. encouraged

14. A.worried about B. disappointed at C. anxious about D. dissatisfied about

15. A.idea B. discovery C. feeling D. decision

16. A.smile B. surprise C. hug D. present

17. A.surprise B. distance C. safe place D. secret

18. A.while B. before C. after D. because

19. A.food B. clothes C. money D. room

20. A.brave B. strong-willed C. selfless D. hardworking

For years, my mum has been helping out by giving them whatever 19 she could spare. I

was so impressed by how 20 she was.

第二节 语法填空(每题1.5分,共15分)

The truth 1 trees are vital to our life is not a secret. They provide us with food,

wood and most 2 (important), oxygen. Now there is one more thing we can add to this

list-blocking out harmful bacteria from water.

The discovery 3 ( make ) by a team consisting of scientists from the

Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT ) and high school students 4 were

seeking a natural water filter-one would help communities in developing countries that do not

have modern water filter systems.

The 5 ( research) , led by Professor Rohit Kamik, decided to turn to trees for

help 6 they could allow liquid to flow through, while blocking out air bubbles.

They began by cutting 1.5-inch-wide sections of tree bark from the branches of a white

pine tree. Then they tested the wood's filtering ability by pouring water 7 (contain)red

dye particles(染料颗粒) of different sizes through. To their amazement, they found that it


was 8 (effect) in trapping all the articles. 9 (encourage) by this finding, the

team conducted 10 experiment, this time with water that contained bacteria. Sure

enough, the wood held back 99% of the bacteria, allowing only 1% to flow through.

第一节 完成句子(每题1.5分,共15分)


If he had accepted my advice, he his job.



Without air, human beings on the earth.



Something is wrong with my car. I have to drive to the garage to .



The small building attracts lots of tourists every day.



the task may be, we must complete it on time.



English well.



arrived home when it began to rain.



One should learn from the past make the same mistakes.


三、写作 (共三节,45分)


I tried to think about all the problems tomorrow.



The young man took the old machine apart (一遍又一遍).


二 短文改错 (5分)







注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改5处,多者(从第6处起)不计分。

Here is my ideas about how a friend is like. Firstly, a friend is someone you can share

your secrets with. If you tell to him a secret, never will he talks about it with others. Besides, a

friend is always a good listener. After hear your sad stories, he will say some words that nice

and warm.


第三节 书面表达(25分)


Dear Editor,

I am a hard-working girl and want to be the top student in my class. But in exams, I always

make many careless mistakes. I really worry about it. What should I do to improve my

perfomance in exams?

Best regards.

Yours Sincerely,

Wang Fang


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2. 为Wang Fang提出建议:






1. 词数100左右,信件的结尾已经给出,不计入总词数;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

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