1?uget sound-, weeklyargus,...,liunillror l..inul'y11iiys on 'whkh i"iln tall belt...

Post on 28-Nov-2020






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1?uget Sound-......., WeeklyArgus,

Pt. Townsend




COD,iltia, io part 01

iCJI....00 to Jam. Jon••


Keep (,ontltantZv on Hand


"WATERMAN & KATZ.A t the most Liberal Dlsc01mt. \


Furniture, Lumber, J)oors, and WindOWs,





Wells, Fargo & Company's Express

Our Facilities for Purchasing inthe Leading Markets are

Superior to any.

W'oJ GOPS, ~. .l1.ll Kinds of Bl~ildin.1 .MaterialFa,.min~ Implements, Saddlery, !to.


Than any House on Puget Sor.md!

lYe will gl:lJe and take Exchange 011


Oorner ·0u8toD:1 Bouae ",.Id'm_I

Ilttllel"l In

oran kind, IlndDeneral Comml••lon Merchant••

Liberal ,;\uvlm... m..... on (,;oll'!l'nmenl",,.... I_a ••• 0_ I•• oon.llnll)'

on hllnCl.

:l-or" "J'oW'n.Clnd.

Hay. GraIn, Feed & Produce

o..Do.·' lkll""I" hIm. Call~

/')L. 8. PORT TOWN E 0 W. T., FRIDAY, J NE 14, 1878. NO. 17,

'U--G:E:T-::SO:U::N::D:-:A::R:G~US:'f'''"':ITU~.''=••~l~'.;';.;:''':I:'.;'L~:'''I~J~Ud';so~n~';"":.~or~add~e~n"",T~""!B':~~.C1="""""'="U''''''l'=Ii'71''''''''L''''''''='''';'~~~===-,- At ''''RI_'"", 10.",. "umbo. UTllRiETU CDiJIIILIIRI-&T.UJ • g. ~~.6/~ m ,--; ;l...t.IAlC. X."T Intl.AT "". of centlemen IttRPlbltc'l ttl "'ntM the . .6il!J t

worklnl of. new .pplbllo. or. "'ell. raOc'fo AD.le.L"".,.n To"auDa, Wal"'Ift,•• Terrltorr· known principle In wordlnJf lluM:h1nery. ('lei' ' 0 .....

AT.. L:I;: N "W y~ 1 ft.. TPftotly patented tn Call'l9 and ltw Po_" Tow 1J.

~nlTOft .lSI) rnOPRIETOL Ulllkd Stalel b)' Mr. T.WlnU' M. relt. ---------------1Head of UD..l·on_ ltnnwn.. ••~ Cart.,,, lIntor.... Ttlef'e_

......".'h•.- ........ _ ~...p~t.,. ~IWIt1 ~ol..ell.n. TJ·Jr·Ic.:. •.~.. ... .... I••£JI~lne, ....pI.. W. O. II..e,. , '"

In .4..."ee:~_Ul...UO. 1l0}'\llhan. )lr. (;@nrr Cnntln,. "P'. ..ADIHAWa"-A•.UTI8 OP j,DRlln8lJfG: Oeorft Anil!t. of the Bdt'tw'r Mll.e; M!'.

G. W: Dk-ky. IIr..JOIItph ...,,"\ d'~'tI. A'I"I'OIllf&Tl4'r .........a paourouOnf'lt..:h. ftl"t Intertlflu••...•.•.... tl.1O lo~mannf the Works; II,. Wit..... ortbii ,. Ad.I.ralI,.

::::'::;::::~::;;.. ;~.;,;;.; ...: :;:;~:'fo~'~~I~~:I=I,~~':~: • -- ," U JEWELERY AND )I~~IU EIORltiMterllon mll.<tbea..,compAnl~"yftsh. eft III the tIllbJl'Ct. 'The tA'llIt WlI. II nrr D I • P,,11.~..........111......... Mt~fllltol'1 Me. but tbe IItCMt e'll.erielh-' r. .aao • owerur eDlElllenI wbtle admllltftr they w.,. ...

• IICElUIIUUL ~'t::n~':~:=i.~"".i::~'; PHYSICIAN AND 8URfJ[ON.- In motm po W WIt Irrlft'CI II. orn....' . '1'. .

n .. ,.llnwlns' ll~m_..I"llI..I~.ta ''''''ori"''",,,I 0" ......... BI...I.:Eo... 00_'-. _. T. Carnes the Largest Stotk I'n them"m'to_tnt lhe rnnulhuf )Ill,.'. 1"71f. lI.obtalnt'd phlde olsrben (orl..l'll~eArbonlhut.,11 '--;;."i;,-;;;:;jain~-l--....:..:..:...~.::::.:.:=:~=:.::..:=::..::.:::~~::.~:~~:.~Itrfl1ll1he nmo- (~ t.he U. R. K'lll1al Sflr'lk'e """" 1. itanI boUrftt fIefcw•• 10 aMI, ~~III OIYHrrlll~ MI'~II m1'o"l.'Jer:tO:t:I; hlKh- nf\'tlon wtUa .ICer. 'l'here ore.. leY¥nl ... D.TO'~_ •"'t~:Hft: Mti'e4. -J9,'08: nt'"1ltllherrno~ IIlNmm In the French urine to whlet.· ~~~~~ ~~~~~..",M,l" "OR'''''' ." 'he Illh. ij7 "".; "" """"pl. w,••ppllo<l. lol' tho dim· Ship Wright and Caulker ItOWt'llt 011 Lilt! tel. ,. ,It'I.; meall hllnltdlt)'. clIlty 111 be o~.......... u.e rll)kt un,.'U.' i'l'fl't~tdlilly "'lire ofte11llKlt- I'OftOIl of Ule boiler ant1 pl.,.8. Whllt III ..-•..... 40 ; *11 ralurllll 1..lnct"~lI; claimed Ir. ,he (1IWIftt ... tblt thlllllll· Pon T- n. ,.. orC)l IIt tl'tlltl '8. W.; 1\)(.\ IllO'ntlMllt tllltr Is lI'f'Otded by trw '" 01 ..1)"CerIne • ~

'Of cnn:llIuulI ~Ioohy i1 mile!'; 'nftud Gf ...Ket. P\l1"fl Il"",,",t Illihe,lIunillror l..inul'y 11IIys on 'Whkh I"Iln tall belt Inbrbtnr In the wnMd, &11OOJh not TS •to; c!ftutl, dlIp ~I which no nil. &ell Si In olt. Illd there.h,. nett....r InenL..tlnll W. H. ROBER .. ., .... d'1.1l; lat. d.y.,0. n ..-lon I>11owa Ita TI" IF YOU WANT,,_oi ....n ..... w...1.........1 1 with ........po..,,, t '90 f PAID AID DIlGA._ ...:,:."" •r""'''m '" '" cl.~ I" 11ell.. Y l1le bloulplilcle.' ..- I. In· rEACHER 0 I •Readin·' ....n~n",lb the ...lwr d.y. T'he ltflit boy jeekd. The latt.r" 11I0OI& l.un"." .. g .w.attertook h.)ook~ at. Ie I ••n, anet ....... ,,' pnrlr.td. Illlln, 10 poDu. ttl .olilill' lIort Town••nd W T.

.. T ... lnoked I p~lIre for lhi en.lne. ,ftPr IKUW.I.., • •..... hi I'fOIOO 1 at t tho Uq'dll e.rbon 1ft propll lhe "IIIE'ft 0ntIn l'U bilellat 8.1 IlllUn"lMWI6o •.,.. Station- of all ~.'- daa"'hlJe ond _hi. "1 '""u I' dowa,n The lhe "por II COnde:llftI r.r~.. ,ht"; __ 07 &.I.Il'OI1r4 bor INlW at 1l.whlle ud d,..wll!d bPln~ no loeIlfthl ..1111... &I-t ~I"I 'heolUe .. [ QUI"\ ..de It." .. Vrt1 .MIl I ~~ Q IIO.... IS H'''·'' Soh 1 boobbo' '0 hi rM r'OIl' ....~ _III COllt 10 Hqu t pure. The J'l'ftt ."fall(.JeI • nn l\M..WAll. 00

)" Ni ~,r- . I 'h d ICfd II I' ara1ned 10 ~r" tOnk! be fl"'C'tlftd. yere.1)8" --I. And'" IW \l.: al ke ftrsc, I M.-lnlr nttsp1'l. In "",1. _ n· • "''l''r0lLllf&' AID OOUJIIllLLOa AT LAWl .......'n. a.... the ............ or thoM de- fOmplraU.. trllli .llh I" en«ille nlll Ity I'roetoI' .. Aulnl&)'. Picture __....,JMa-,.....-~... Iteam lhe ,I~rfne Nlrbnn In,"ill:w nb. MOM,1o&:I1II, -...J .... ",,,''''1DI4 ,61.ca&1l~ ALL IIZII

TI", de.fN," l\I~lnb, Dill. 1111'01.1«11 L.lrwd ....tn poorer lIlntlll ptlrf~ ttollf'll rv- so I=~ 6e.... fritnd ~na,et' Wa'lafle, I. the arlt nfDlndi:ln.lndat_~pc"'lorCOllIIJoll,en ..·..='To..-xD.W 'I' • Book _'Le!v.... L B--~.......,..1 b1.. 1ftIOlftd by tile Oe:not'l"lq by M pIT Ntll; ........ In alNuce nI • • -a.&.l vg • "'-..-..a_fhw:le tlilel"trodwt1.loft of the PoU,., noC()- ..,11-1111". bY' C'OrTOlllon .. Ofhenr_ In lhe N .lutl"" whlrtl "udall rnnrtl. bm ..·hich. ~nlllne: thlnl, tUlfl of rk'll'. ller~ T MI 108 F-.sh ,.-11.-..-tr II.. "R'.... ,nit ..... will be .t "..... ,-'om '""" II """••'.xpl..I.IO. Dr. Thn. nor ... v- 11&&_'Or ~I 'hI' aen nOl_ 01 Rep Ulli" n Will a nn1OO& ft'eIln, to ... abilio 11111(\1 ,lI~tt the £lrl'>n1N.U'.. 'fbere II 110 rel- one', Mndonlheboiaft-"JwnthclMl...·hlll......... ....-. ............~nC'WMNa bucnnt...nl iaph11 \Oltnn ft1 ''.. It,.,..,:1, ~nd and .......p"rlkl.'l. p rot T()~d.W.T. • ......... __81,& e.after It ...... IIlIGorn. hP:tc. III para: 011.,. ItIoot 100 ..,.... \) V'V. r a.

u. 1_'" ., ..._.. D_-"_.... of the 'fbll .. the ~lond 1_I.rtllll _""'11M Cu bocor.-l--, ....,. dIll'........1aJ_". "unll "'l1li:" II. -.n;uo.... tor whld! woe taft been IndIlbhld to 1M -:-__=_

1'ftrur:ry. ha' wr\ltIlil • 'ff!r1 ttrnn.c Canadlallll. The 1m a 1Nd..... fbi"- '" \h;; 1'..... OonlwIU....",...."'MI- anllnr 10... "", 1.... " .. K.. THOMAS DRUMMOI'lD,'n. 10 be beanJ llpon tbe••1Au..,;all. e~" IIinJ'" oln of the .. tluab:«, In" nowdOn btlllt)ftll. He 1lIl'" uot onl, m,- haft utmJ* (OI'QWnlll500 Ihal all' '", . NIT IS ... T. I.u~ but '", "''''1. of boIb polhk:lil rw'N!dP *,,1\1 and In Ie. puUI.-"8Au .rlokl._1 __, ...dpi"" _ild ho:MlIUy Mtl "Nptr1y. Ind Fl"IQc-..o Examiner."from I MI. of publlo d..,:" al~:1 do- littone :xa.o..:c:- ",...nci~ K"I\l&.hllol Ute er --- ........• 1Mt1er. ,,1.1.,.... "'...... erWao1II MUllIIe__'-*......

0IMlI IOtONo lhe IlIbIltoe hQ bMtl ton, ~ .....-PU, aa.-cs.... It'fIIt1'tld IllIG the rkllculotla. Thlt hrw.atlp- Do Ant dtlp"lr or eftl' ....1'" "'I~rl _lk)n _tlk.iI ... or!l'lu.lI)' Inleni~1 ro oun troN1 (hltl dlUdrul 1.11- d"pepttlll. til' EL•• H,,,,',,,ul~' 0.......".' ..0<1'.,". It m." n"" ..",pl''''L A ..".I.tri.1 DALGARDNO'S .HOTfIol"i'lir "~I III the oIIk1l, his deceu, 01 Whlto', I'rllrkl P'k)wer wtll IUlkto )'otl,...I.IlIII;lo. InllllJlfry ItWflIPC to ""rift I wlu.. to Ibllufalllbllll1· DnlJJl..t",y WATER~.1".1"8& 111 eM. JllIrtl...u dudal.or obo thflyooverMldamfdk:lne the,UUlntO", Port TOwnHM. W. T•• N",* II) 187', wltb pollr 1111lf'u', heMrtllr J'f't'OIIIlMod. It ellnll uhroulc---'* OIl ,..lrl\.'\.110u lIIo....lender tblu ,hetlmlltlNTl. ('utAnt'OOIaud ulotlroUi M:71Ir, TN•.\IIOVR ROUD IB pA.a'l'IL'ULARLT.._. nr.. 0ITl11k' dehllUy. oef'YOUQleII. etc. tk·. a4apte4 to 'U ~QlOCI.aUO'll of all...r. For felllille romplllilit II Ii.. no equal. ~:;~dt'-'jl~ ~~~~\':.o~:;>~~~

Onrili. the IfX'fIflt ClI'IP'thQunke III Vene-- P,.lrill Flower " lPthcred lronl Ihe and .In''nlIIrlwu''l~ IfOOClroom..1,.11t, the whte,.. o( lhe Hlftr TIIY bti- pl"liries Or Ihe tlr W"t. am' theu carenlll)' _""'Inti hellttfllO ludl II. drgrt'1l tlllll I~ n..h prtlplfe\lln the (firm of. i1q\llllmedll'lneIll" It In tll'IeU.f. 'l'he rutllrued trtl'fI'It'r by all tlXIltrltmceti plly.II:I"II. JJlIIOllIII~ COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL.who lold aIJout Il Uflllilfry It'hert 1I~ geeR Iy purel, vtgelhbkl a ..ll hannletl In IUly&ow lIb:wlt alnoad1 ttultW :llld muted. rell!Jl'llable amount, )·e& a po..'erlUl/)u,..., c. rII4"K t:Lt, .,.........Iud where uk.'1111 broiled .~h oookl be live 1I111ken In onr doNI. Dlr«t oUlln Till" WlCr.J...Il.'WWK ND POPULA.B....lltl:ht wllh a hook Ind IIIIet n\ay r.ol full art'! with Hch bottkl. For ..1e by III IInllM b.. been nlfum"hed and retI~~

MVll 11elJ Miter IU. drtlQlata. Trlalille, S5 etl. La,.e al-. ~t~Wi'::::r:.,=UI. atld 1.1 -0".C'='to I:••_ ...._. " ..... of loll'" ne run, 76eu. pillron•• llelnll'ell.lbly.ltu.tedl~ I , of~ "'''''' " -,,~~~~~~.,.,.,~~=...._ IW'lMM h, tbe traYallnlf pqbllc. II. t..b mlIeUllO Ind rro frobl mom Ilia until nljlllt. =: al••YI be.l\ppllea .lth IhltlMt Ih. marllat

Jle loreatctll much over ctlt' .eft ere-brow. St""wbe1'1'V Festi-'. IIlS'Gra.i. HoOn'D for 6ltlllh.a...llh board b,alld tMllCro\"eth 11. JJ!'ptl,.. rolJ.r. liLt ~UI .,,,.., YGIJ, h. da, or woe.. 11tlml .. COrlllllltlf'd III Ilhllldili' to other",,"pi,'. be""..... II..... ,~""'. 001' N B b Shpel1 uortta.anb. 'fhe Illdlel ot lhe l~re-hyterllQ chul"th ew ar er Ope

Among the wheat prOl,llM:tur Stata. wUl rln ,I ar:.r.wben, INth..1 at. Good IN CEN11Ul. UO·fEL BUILDLNQ.10_. 1Il1i1!l fltlll "l1k. MllIllflMHa "'0011,1, Templara hIllL 011 lhe eftliing of rhll~

'lIIuolllhlnJ IUl,I WllOOtI·ln ftlJrth. OhiO da,. Jnne 10th. proceed!110 be IPlllled fOe Josel)]" de BarrQ'lDs.~-;u~~~ w~:~tr':tI~lIli):::f~:~I~~~ ·Wlrd.i pa,log tho debt Q. Sundar ":bool aT Sh:tllng. nltr C"WIII. and Colo...rM!:IeI tM u~ 1')'1. ImI Callfomll th6 mom. In•• dnlleln "lie•

.,... ba...... . N ti t Shi to :-..-------'nlCll:llldllnntl "'rlm8i" lhlnkt It II tee 0 ce 0 pm&.8 rs. w•. DODD. J. ".l'uoa

1lI....ble dn.'llmlllJilM." lh:u aolllt' h.I(.· - CENTRAL HOTELdo~n mf'mlJel"l of lbu Ohkl J.·glla.lllre, I beJ In Ill'" natu Co an 'his- mute... •nrilltllll, °llpoltll to (he elertlou nf Stll."- .'!!ltlng PlIJel Sound Co 10&11 lor tomgn II tfMI "-II ofLi Ion Wb:lrlk!lyllau~"" Inr t'cnllior. I"'.npl·thel, lION with lumbrrnr 'para. U, I on IIl(laf. ...... TIta ..:.. 11 .,; orIlIhull And YOial ror IlIn" and hue .hu:e tel' the l!!twy of July, 11l7i!, I'han be pn" 'nIl. noW:~1"e...~:I·~~;';I~·~;':';i;hed,";d~II IIJpolrllfd tD ottlct!. pared to 1000d \'ftlIIt.la ..t c.he ,·,.ry 10wf!l.1 ~aU tbe .ppotlllllM!llWot..

'fIItM till! thrf'e thln.- Ihlt mIke mlll.:fl rite. IInlnp: had In uperlclK'e or 2l) ~:t.r.~ ~ot.1~110." yea tour C!lu!'flllll~r.r; A IIew tlilby. )"f1l1rllll lhe bu~lrteM, and lI:lllnlf the I"Ilt'e II n.r I.. _uIJ""ed yllb tll4l be., of Win..a IIIkllllgllt t'lll I 011' hO~·I.IfIlhk:hn. nll1lllelldhUOfl of all Ihe mill OWllfIra 011 ~oor- lid Cli''''' Tbe~ l.. lIr.c<1IlMUIIIalt4 • -:omau 'Ililh. b1J t111_km .IMIIIIII~ I'nget Sound, I CUAnlllee lIAtl!6lctIOil. SOlb~~.t~dbak~II",,';ut:.wl~n :'::Il~~'~'Ult'at. 1l1l!lC .I!'O.,. \"IlIll' 1 ...1 mike f W.lI. GIL8F.RT. 1t(l11l1~4lo"oMtnUleT.ni'orr.OWIIII" ..,.,. "'onMe. OIdNt 8t"wdortl on PIlg&! Sound. a nouo a l'UI1I1.

r'nllel"l ..·Oflk1 lind 1, nM only proat.· __::.:.==.c..c.:..:::.:..;.c..c--".::..:==-hi. bl" ""....10,1"." .he, ...,,1cJ '''''pt VE1I7 "'ORE AVD VE1I7 GOODS 10.' 1I0X8IE.. r_ •• rOWI.CKthe pract~ 0( '11 Inh'lII)(ene r.rlner III J'I "IH n n" H Po. F"em'..... ' ""IWHIll.ol lilt! )"early IU"OOU..'1' OXSle LXI owler,01 owe ~'f\! of Ill. r..rlll (I) purcbll lug ~:td.

I/lle IIl.Utr rurhllllrnlly. WM. KORTER,A )Cllod InlUI '1111 • wlM! m:m O1a)' a~

111lle,.l\Il! allltry wltli 11M! world••e 11111'"btl grlew"l1 at h: but. be Iotlre. lUI m:m WAf Drygoods and Groce 0.", dl"~''''''',1.'lth fI....,101 " be dlcJ , rQs,hI. dilly In It.

A eart'rlllcom"'lUltlolloflhcootlofkll· PORT LUDLOW' W TIInA: Indl'I.' 110\ ,1I.na.23t'III..'h. It the • 0 0

Job ""u l,.t Ollt ntcmllml.,.'t tiM! prlw might~ rtlll'l\....od ool~ltk.'""b1)'. CAS Suppl, 1011 wltb AnylhlnJ to hla

~,"err tn'll h"" "lIN lor the chlkll1l11 or Lin. At 1 _III, neljl,'lltIo.... tim whcll he .."Omea 10 lIt'lIl •",'1111 hi.. (1"'U children, ftlnl11he Ie.therl-!loll thtlOlllf'rhoor. LOWEST RATES For o••h

'rilE ~1t(HlJtllr 'Imll)' llrt enn«,rthdnl'III J.>d, llullL('I, rUWII, lII~lllll tb4~re POP'"1ArI~J· 1l001tKllll,'M.

, ,


The EDll"lllh Hr.,,)'.

JD Ipellklng of the prospects of Elaod In the elle of. ~'nr with atb ~g.roptlo D8tlonl, 811~.t ,lrO'8 fa ef _u·1.ld UPOD' the DlllJtnitlcen\ fleet a/,.~I'euell which the pottClli1! ~ "afIIrength "'hicblhecould th"'''' .1I,Dd tb,.b

.. '11I'111 upon., tell nerJwhere. P"""erfulilidee '.

her Oft'Y~, and it ~'ould be difficult (~any natton to cope -:1111 her ulloe tl!oceao, but receot UI&cuuiolll In t~UOllac of Commons $how thatIlitilfaction and COlltldllllce I" 1I0t 'r:rfrtbe ",ay In which thele IlIleodid h' oflire built. The London nm" I:i I J. I,.two or threo tlmel astonlltlcd ih ~,JIi"public bJ' ..h:c1uiog th.t "Illp ~h lIrc '"8t rutting, at a. euu of '.2 000 UOO en..ro,IlgllCti to be tho mOil Jlll:\crfUL w~~ ,de:lei "f!Ollt, Will .0 luoJl!leli •• 10 ~tbe least amount of sll1liilil polle"a.ort the ruonlng OUI I)f lIer J ,JuO:S~bl.,hruo ""hen tho ""R'e, .....ere IOlli~g hi h t al\ auddcD etrurt to turu ill In g ,Orwould re olt in her belll~ elllni~n~rJ sea,«:llIlIly if Ihe had ~l!n Injured Ie tbelpe."rmored cnda. 1'hhl abll' bDad bun­"shrled Upoll the priuciple t!llt at 1"power of "unl hilt! lncrelllcd so t 0morc r~pltll)' Ihan ll,e IlO\\er of alm~~cl~IVai nCCCSlaty to ffil\ko tim eentrul Itadel of a certain thlckoeu of Armo e. .out regorlilo the atRlc of lhc end;,owf','bb.~eIHol." II

About. tho middlo ttf I~lit mooth plIameutl>egBO to give its AHention II. t~·maUer. In the COUIIO elf tbo Itlr I edobllte. that havll aince takeu t ngI~"n~ IOlerelling fncla leg~rdini' 'rb~Engl.lidl Na"y halO been l:iven to thpuhllc. Among other IbinK', il "'IIatllied th.t of Ihlrtl-niDe iron,cl.dl bolltbotll'ten OcloVor, 1801, ond April l8Tafinly lleteen were 10 good wurkloM 'ordu'The IIrat COit Qr thl! uleltlfl ''',ooty.four·IId~eJ to wllat had beea ca:pended for ,';'pAltl, reaehed tbe .um of ''''0000 000which WII, io tffect, a tolill lo~ 10 thelIallon. It wal 1111:0 Ihown that tbeaegreat ,hlp., with 10 deep a draught,colildn.ot be dopended upon for cout OjH:ra.1100', lind Ihe building Ilf man han lilQl.I.r to thMO so etfectuIIl, USI!d bJ tb,Uohed Htlltel durln~ Iha rebeltlon 11'11alrongly recommllodcd. III .,Iew or tbaprClen~ unlcltled .tale or aaMin, the fur.lbu dllcD.uioo or the mlltter bu "eenpOitpoDcd for tbe prCleQt, but eleee theIIltelltioli of tbe Urililh Govcrnment haaLeen fO tborouUhly arOl,lltd by Ihtl rectatlerrible accident to tbe 6ur,4iu 00" oftho hie of WIRht, and bJ tho f.ctlwblcb h"n been m.de .known for Itlcoa.Iideratloo, lOme Itept will Ltc laktn torOlUedJ ullUog defect. II 'OOn II poW.ble.-Toltdo BllJd,.

TCIUttllt Lo.... IN TUE WAa.-Fromrecent. publllbtld otHeial rebUll1 It .p­peara that b,twcen tbe dll on wbieb warWII declltcd and tbe .IKtllng of the Jr.milliee the Roullin .rmJ or the Dloubecaptllred 6fteen Illllhll', lU,OOO ofllcellaod moo, liz bundred and 11% JtU'1 ofdlallreut calibell, g.600 teotl, 1.0,200lQulkelt, .nd 24.,000 hortu. In .ddltlon,200,000 Imall arml, ,.at8,IJhllll lod pll·toll woro IlIltun from Turkl.b irregUlartroop., Ind al.o 13,000 laocet 1I0d dag~

gon. Tho Hunlan arlDJ in Alia cap­tured duriog the warf\'\urteeu p...h....ud4~,I?OO tJtUCOII aud Oleo. Ilx hundred .nd11J:l1·t\yo #:tun!, 16,000 tentl, 4.»,000lllu,kell, 18,000 horael, aull ImmODHItnrn or ammunltloo Ilnd prfl,lIloo. or1111 Illud.. 'fhe number or IIrO"D1I IlldmhclSllnuooul wenpl'l'l' t,ken frolll tbeAI/inllc lrrc3ulftr trOUI)' lIf tl,o Pl,Irtu WAIatlO, It ~8 Itllle,l, oxcecdingly IlIrgo, outno.ddnlll are given. In EIIIlIJlt, u iDASia, " VlUlt '1'lantlll of rice urlld aadI:l.ll "U liezed, u weill) II~ ImmeolelIumher of cllrtrldgel nOli a grent quanti.tl uf IIJOlle powder. The &rvillo troope11110 IU'l'Jtlired 0. lar;(o booty during theahort lir.ou IheJ werlS cDglIgtd, their tro·1,llleli L,dog relurnod U 111'0 hundred .otlIbirty·eight gun" ten thoul~od mllikota,IIntltlllrll-lllVCn Itllodardl, bellidcl am·munition, pro,llloo. lind hOllel.

A 8'rUDliKJUN }'ttlfUL-HcccnUy llr••Alln 111. OreAdyond lier dllughler Marl,wbo tytrc a"cltcd On the procedlnu dayfor breuoh of the peace lu repelltodly an­noylllll Jullll n. CUlllhfllu,lL lAwyer, WODtto IllliOli In defll.ult of bidl. Mn.OrelldJand I,er dll.oghter liro tho Cemale. whoc.ll••d coQalderabllt e.citomcDl byIcreawlng lind "ttemJltlDi to throw tbem·tel'eI on tbo litlel'o'lIlk whilo belog takeotlliho Cenlrlll Statioll. At tlill tlmo )lr.GreadJ, hor hUlhaod, dietl, he WI' .up­poaed to be worth .oolellllllg Oftr .noJ­000. When tho e.lltto oamlS to be all·mlulltolod ufoo, It wu found that theImuuDt comluK to lltl. Oread, wouldbe ani)' '60,000. 'rbls Ium Will pl.ced10 her credit bJ the Orpllu', Oourt, butthi. Ihe pelliltcotll refuted to Iccept.Sho Ill:IiU'eI her.etf chelltod bl the ad·mlolatnto,. and lawJul ongaged in,ettllog tbe CliMe, and hll been arr'ltedfour limn pre.,ioul for wronging lind an·uOllng Ibem. A.t leut tweDtJ ponon.offefcd to A:0 ber ball, but ehe roru.aed allOII'Il",IOd declarel Ihe will remlio in"rlloD unlit jultlce II dGlle ber. ParlOolacqualnled with the ctUe la, that lI(rI.Ort:lld! i. ulIduubtedlJ lnaaoo.

NKW DU-'MITIOK.~-A. f.ntuUI Romaneccle.lli,ulIlc "'U InllkillB bb periodicaltUllr ur Inspection III tbe Dublin BlInday&chooll. "Kale )loluoJI" said he to aD(ntelligent-!ooklog girl, "e.plain themeanIng of the hol1 tiacrlmuut uf MAt·rimunJ." A pallic. "PlilIte, yer hooor,it I, 8 ,ad Itate of ul,tence berare cnter­InK I,urgntor)'." "00 to th., bottolll oft111j Clllll, ),ou Ignnraut girl," cried outthe local clergyman, very much a.hamedof hb Ilupll. !Jut tl.Jellchbbhop Iloppcdhim. "Nut ~ rail, l'"llhor P",t.lck, not10 flUt. The Ti.. may be rlgbl, after all.Wb.t do lOll M ( kDo" about Itt"

Unearthly VIJltorl,

TO& rolll\ Qu&aH. COlfI'ANIO~I.

Cibher, Ule~ dramalist, Incompall1 ,.,lIb tbreB fltcodl, once ludeao 6curtlOD, Cibber had • fal,e .et ofteeth; one of hi, frleoda • glan eye; II

.econd friend ~ cork leg; but the tblrdhad nothinR Ilarlicular, 8I:COllt " remark­able way ot shaking bla bead. Theylra\'olcd iu I pUlt,coach, and while littho first Italle, Afler each bllel modo Ulerrywith Ida uClghbo:-'llnfirwity the}' IIgreedthAt lit cllcb blliUng pillce tb~y ""ould nilIltlfect thtl aOllle singlllllllly. When thoyCllUle to lIrcl\kfdt th011111 Iquiotw, Iltod,1\8 the couDtrl'mcD slood glliling fIIullllwllcn the, ali~hted: '

\lOll rOI it I' oded OllU, "huw Ihllt lIllltllfqoin18I"

"WII}'," aald lliceolld, "hore IJiJ .I\n·ullwr 6quilltillg fellow I"

The third WII~ tllought to lie II bettorsqllinler than tho other him nnd th~

I'lJurth beller tblln till the relit.' Ju !I1mrt,IQugullKe clliluol CIIIIC.II how admirllblJthey 1111 Ifluluted- for they .....e~t one dc·,l:reo licJoud Iho ~upcrlalivc. At dlnuertho)' "flpetlrod til hn\'o cork legs: lindtheir liIulIll'lllg llhout made more dlvcr·,ioulb:lll ut urCllkfli81. At tCII they wereall.dour; lJllt at lopper, which was at theSbll', t\t Duver, elell IUIIU rnumel! hillcburacter, tho better to 111111 his Illirl io (I

fareo they hlod concerted. amoog them,Whcn thoJ wore read, to go 10 hed Cib·ber culled out tl) tho waiter; ,

"Hcn', you ftlrow I tllke out lily teoth.""'reclh, .irl" laid tho mllll.

"AI, t1:eth, .Irl Unlcrew thnt ""ir(' andtlloy'lIl1l1 cume alit logether." '

After 101110 he81111tloo, 1110 mtln did Il'ho Willi ordcrc,I, Then lInOlber clilledout:

::Ucrf, 'II~ I t.lI.ke n!-lt mJ eyo!,l,,~or,~lr! Jald IhuwlI.her,"yourll}'ol"

)!cl, my eye! 90010 bore, you .tupld,Iol:! Pull up that eyelid, lIud It willQUine out. It'" euHy II pouible."

Tbl. done. tbe third cried oul:"Uerc, you rueall T..ke oW WI legl"Thil thll w'ailer did witb lesl reluctance

hll\'iDK oet!1l befole appriled tt.!lat It wa~• cork, aod alS'l conceiving that It ",ouldbe 1118 last job. He Will, hO"'over, mil'taktill. The fourlb W.tcbefl hll oppor.tuultJ, and whllo tile ftlgbteoe:t waiter\"1 .uneylng with lueful couotenaocetbc eye, leeth and leg Iyiog on the l.blecr!cd out io I frlgbteoed, bollowvolce: '

'<Nme hure,llr-t.ku ulf WJ head I"TurDlng rouod, aud teelog tbe mao'l

bOld Ibaklog like Ihat of I maodarauupun a cblmne,·plete, Ilfs darted out ofthe room, llod .fter Itumbling bead longdown It&lrll, r.o about the houle Iwear·log that the geotlemen aOO,o ,talr. werecortalol)' all d"i1I._...:.e.-__

Coulra.ctlon Hood ExpaU8lon •

The rur.llde~lIction .nd n.panlion I'/pecullar. Here It II. CharleaAUg\lItUI WII with Jullirothe other liveD'

lng, wben Ihe obMl"ed:"Ch.rtu, dellr, what I' .11 tbll talk

about contraoting IIDd upuudlng tbe cur·rencJ, .nd wblcb do JOU helle'e Inf"

loWell, my Iwcet," "Illd Cbnrles, pull­I~g lip hi, collllr, lttbRt dllfondl uponCllcumtlaoces. IOlQmecale••hould Ild·'DelItocootracllon of Ihe currenc)' and Inotholl liD expln.loo of It. It b ac~ordlngto ttlr clrcumlt.ocel-that b, tlto Cantil·!I0D of tblngl."

"Out what I. Ibe difflJtooco bot"eelltho twu, and how doet clrcumstaucel af·fect themt That', wbat I waut to knowCharle••" '

"Oh, .tll"!" eMUy explained," IRldOllirles,IU II lone of Hrc~t choorfulneu"ll~or 10ltlloce, "'heo wo are alone we butl;.It on ODe ch'llt, dOli" wol"

"Yet.""Well, tlllll'lI contraction. nut when

,.." Ilear your pn ur mil. COOling \\'0 got autlfO Cllllil"f, dOn't wei" '

"I ibould ny wo did.""Well, UlJ lu,e, Ihllt II up.nllull. So

you 1«1 it II accorning 10 clreumlt.nclII.""CharICll," said lite, \'cry 10WJ, bnr­

rowing uodor hllOl1r "wo IHe conluClloKDOW, nlo't weI" '

"You bet,".aid Churlcl, with Inoreuedchecrfullneu.-----_.-

"fnOlJonT SItK WAa A TRAIIlI',-Ao 0111111':Iy oamed Curlb, Ihlng In Btotlon",1111 all old COlt "\'I:r ber hClVl,1I'eut PII'lhe h.rn door Frhllll c..enlDg wbile aYOllo~ man ollmed Kimbnll W8I feedingIhe cliltle. lIlt thllught It wa•• tllm.nd plunged the pllchfllrk Into the oFJIldJ'1 aide, one tine penetrating tIie lung~nll 11IfUcliug falal lojurl8.l.

~IIE LMJTOJ,''t'U& SIX" NATIOl(B.-ThcreWli II council of tho Six Natlonl lit 00­ondaga ClUtle, Ian wcekl and tlte Iodiaucitlzon.hlp bill, recently introduced b)'Sooator KCrlll.D, In the United litllt.,Seo.te, WII wnrmlJ dhlCUucd, A cor.reepoDdont of the. Utica &pllblican, who'11~ by the counCil flro, writta Ihat thedrift of tbe Argumeot WII IIg~ln.t anJla" thllt would IIUO'" or compel them tobeenme cll.i.zlnl, II luch a coune "'ouldwilhdnw the prolectlog firm of tho Go"eromoet and open wido Ihe door to thogrupillg InriclS of Ih6 whito min. TheJwould hll"o nothiDg to pio And oYer"thing to luee; It wnuld 00 for tholr trueloternt 10 remain as the, .re. In theefeolug tho young men entert.l~cd Iheirguel~ with a WAt dance, ill which the!.pptued In full Indian cOltulDe .od 11'11punt, with tomalulwk Ind ac.lplng knlre'.oel II the wlu."boop tII11g out from billto nlley It required but a IlIght Itflltch.or the Imaglulltlon to I.ke one back lothe tilDe wheo that cry Itrecr: tcrror toevery whlto I8l1lel who heerd It. Keep.l~" Ilep to their olltlve mu.lc, thue wnr.rlo~1 Cll.oted the prowell nnd "1I10r 'Iftheir furo((I,lhell, \l(hen the! were thedomlnallt rICe; the wrnngJ which th~J

hAl! eudurcd 10 f"lIawiuq the cour.fl\\'hleh Ibe Orillt Spirit had mllrked outfur tLmll.-N. Y. ",.Ibun,.

A Wf.LL·lill(OWN O;r:fortl man, who ""1'lit lhe tIl111e time fellow of hll cullegeand 1l0lltl Ulll'le~ of It 11I0IIleroull gram­llIltr !Chonl, WI' once delcettd bl ao oldIlUllillkllling on ASuodeJ anelnOOD. "Ilhilllt, I!u(t"r," lVlit bot the UDtUllur.1 ob·ler'lltillll, "foU ooce dogged me for bo.t­inK It Sund.y." "Yes, my dear hoJ"Wltl thll refill, "And I diJ quito riHht. ItI\.mlln reltllJ liku bu.tIDg,ono day to111m I.. the IImc II. aon'ller, Skating i.ellihell dlffereDI. It maJ frce:u Illordau Iho Btturuay night and then lb.....agllin before dllJ'brclk (In :lUoodly morc·Ing."

While rruon ...hl.ptr_ .11 II fllrM .bln nO 10110" 111100 my breau,

nd.ummer'. rrultlilire rich Illd rare,Anll t>lrU\ b ,mllu beauty drru.

\'du elJllI mo "lib yOllr dark fOnlbodlllgA,And klllalll, ,,10001 .... ithouti

ret .h, D I ,It in filMOIl'. &eacllingl,I nmlllJ~t rOll are Illono 10 donb!.

pori Townsend, Jefferson Counly, W. T,

1k wIilI. ah. ,.,uDin!: heul, be ItilliI "III not 10 your te.~lllngi hlrki

.'01 when 110 Joy my JlUl8U thrill,\'on tt 11 mull IIHl ~orltl i.l1ark.

Tilt' lIellrl'~ l'k'crIIIIOIi.

All jor from ('ll.rtll hn n<'fer 1\00.TboUKh youth ImllummH IaUI! 11~lnut

E'en when tbe U"werll wo love aro dead,~I'I. "Iolu onl)' in tho Iieart,

Ab. heut, you 1M I.U erring plucher,I .,.'ill DO wore oonllda In you i

W[M!:lm .b,U heaClforth 110 my tcoUlher,111t me will trear I lunni"r Imc,

Onctl upou a lime ft J)ani~h knight Will

about to 00 lunrie,l to the plcHie"t dllm­lei in 11011 Denmark, lilli, ..ccorJill~ to the('UltOIll uf lhe counll')', he rOllll Itu"mtf,OID onu houu~ to, tho other pellolll'lI,In,lting III hil "'llest!. Thtre was to bea dlnctl lind. fUllft IIfll'r lhe cereIllUII}',and o,er)' oot! ho kilts\\' mU8t be IJid,llm.

ne '....de mlol miles II11H dill, Qnd IIf·ter nlglltMI fouod himself on the rur­tber Iide of a JtreRt 11'0011 which o\'cry one..Id 11'11 hauntt!\1 by clvel, anl\ wberuthere 'lUI indee.d a fairy ring, 11.' IIDynnccould aee ""ho Chlbll 10 look for it.

Some prol,le w{Juld have uec!u llfraidto ride through the "'0I:!d at niHIlI, blltSir Olll( wu a LrllYe man, Id he IpurredOD bll ~'hito hora6 and rode ioln thewood.

Tbe moon VlU riling; her 'l\'bil~ bt!aml"oetlllied the IJrllDchu and fa10tly :lIu·minated the pith. Thel filII upon hllbe f.ce .nd hil IODS', f~lr, f!OWIDg hair;hli blue c,u sparkled, he waa tlllokioKof tbe girl hu Illved and of hll com logweddlog day.

BuddcDI1 .aouod fell UI)()D hll «llltr IJllltbroke bia Ie'erit!; it 11'11 tbe lOued orlIIu,le-ltraDge, dellelte, beautiful mUlic.

Tbe borle heard it aod beg"D to Ihowda." of terror, but Srr Ol.f rooe on,looldDI.bout blm car.fully, for he couldDOt tbiok tbat tbtae deliclte hrarp. andbql••ere pla1ed upon bJ humlobaDda, aad tbe tUDfI were all druge and•llIb.

80, ran the old Itgend, did the ElfIin,... daugbter play &0 win tbe bearll ofaD, Dlell wbo tolIe tbroogh tbe Elt woodan.r ol8btfall,

"But IIIJ helllt they cinool wiu,n !lIdOl.f, hfor that belong. to mJ true love. Ib.UDO fear of the Elf KinK'. daughter•.n

But jUlt II be lpoke, he camo Iota acleario. to the 1l'ocxl;.th~ro WIUI the C.irrrlDI;' Good of lD,tOnlight ft:11 acrose iti..el there b.... th,.. ~aullfulmaldeDI,all 10 ,reDO, pll)IDg upon the Itrll.ogeud delic.te Illatrumtul1, wbile ID tbuaidIl 01 ~ rior .k1od ooe 1,i11 mar.I~,••110 ..14 'u' 'er ar... to him.·,...It_. ,,"cOile, 81r Old," IboCI1td. ''aUp' (ro.. Jour horlO and cilmeblther. ram th., Elf Klulf'. dAoffhl.:r,ud h 11 III! 11'11I that tbou Ibouldlttome IIno the ring and daDCCl wHir me.lt ilao honor Jth'OD to rv,., mort.IL"

But 81r Old remaiooo 10 lib 11(11118\onl)' bowing 10. to tho Elf Dlliden.

1'1 cannot dlnce with 'au," be lioill. 1<1Clonot ev~ .ta,. To-niorrow I, Inyweckl1M-d." &ad t mUlt rldo homo tuwJ briae."

"Your bride il .,crr fair, df)"1JJh~i!,

Blr Ol,f," &aid lb, Elf Ultlidcn, "but amI not r.lrert Llgbt du"n, Sir Olaf, alit!dance with me, ,nd I "ill ai.,e t1lee twogoldeo Ipun, And II robe of wbite ..ilkthat U1e fairy queen Illn lJIeacbed In themoonlhine, u .. .-eddiog·g1ft for tinlady." I -

")(Inl tblot" lunlJ Elf maideo,"wd tile kollbt, lIUllt I mUlt ride on, IcUDot .top IlpoD mJ "eddiDK·eve tildauce or talk with thee. Good· night."ADd be wouleS blfe ridden on, but nowlb, EIC malden adTloctX1 and tallght. thohone bJ the bridle.'

"Ugttt dotl'o, l3ir Old," ••ld .he, "aorlI will 8'n tb. gold, "Choll ihalt huemore ~"I tbln (hou b,n ~'I!r huped tilbl"", ror thou art but poor, though Ihollart 10 brue. Daoce In Ibe riog with UlC,lUei thou ,b.1t be rlcb."

"Nay," replied Sir Ol,r, "j h 'te told\bee tt 1.1 mJ nddIDg-tlll~. I caD dllDCCwith Done but mt Lrldc. Let go mybridle, good ElfmAlden, uti flu'i)"'t!II."

Byt now the beautlflll ern of the fllbywoman ap:l.lkled "itb rllge,

!oIf thou ",ilt Dot dAI1C::e" IIh me BirOl.f," .he laid, "Ibott ihAlt rcme~l~rme. The m.n who "III oat tllk., the E;,rm.ld.Q'. kin ,hllll 111I\'c lh" Elf Itlok"from her haDd.'·

Then ahe mae on tlplneln,1 ~tll1ck

blm liver lhe heut, 1011,1 edeJ, "Oll lhteborne to Ihl bride." ,

• Away .pfd the I:Otlf,11ut Sir Olllr Httupon him pal~ .nd II. ithnUI OLullon; 1.1)1b.nd DO loogcr I,eld Ihe IJrlllJt; I,I~ '1)1;"'

"" oothlop-, bi'llip~ II.tre (luUlb;1I \lhllecorpre nemfd I" rldu nlon the "hit".tnd III tho mllouliKhl.

AlllllKht thoclj ~hil nWnilHI f"r Ihecomlo/l of Sir did \!,utc!ICll f"r him III A NIl'Xa "1'l'll'lltlt:C to the ,ht'll-InAking...in; the dill" &I1I"lIell, lIltIl he tlMt 11' I Im~lUtOl' II-ked 1;1. 111,,,ler whtll AIII,,'crcome: hut 10 l.,.vc II khi"llt "'1'11111 I.CIl r IIlI .11,,111,1 Ki\'c til ll,c Ofll'lI·rellelltedfall bi, LriJe. TUl' tc"t "lit _"h!ad; tic qW-li"u. '·D"t.'1 YOllr llllliler w.rrdlll hi.wiue"" pqured; Iltt lui,le I'o:t~ ,lrcl ...,'I; .h.....1' ·'.\n~l'olr, TllHl1lU>!," II lid thlt 111M·the Ruelll 'rrl,ro. ' \Cr. "1I11.tl w, r"tI,1 them t.o pfOl'lt ,1(011,1,

WI,erel tllrded Sir, 0: .. (1 Th',fC ",I,t! I ftlld il 11•. ,y tlOfll I'll IlllOktllhl:U1 go,,,tJ furkne" lhat lU:l h~,1 rlIhlcn lilt" tho Ed' ll"lhiul.{,"


" <lI',.·t·;·," ..1·

"• •....,,..,,'












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•~:'=~~'IIl-::-~~:":PoriaWe atra..•........

or 11111 II_I•• Cw....QIIltal•• 1I1IIl1l PnlI!"&__ III ~1Cf"" 'hMIrea

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Q_ , ~-Ait __r. .

0.-. ••e..'.M .

Thill Good 1II",,1I...e,


....:Tn !lIowaaa, whb dlJuble molloo IndIlte.t IlQpron"latlllld "utru." at !trullyreduced prlcu. Herr, & P1.~ coruer }llr.ket lod }'romQot Itretta. SIn Prloclleo.

J. w. SHAEfFER & CO.·S OREES SEALt:IOAK3.,e mlde from he.t UInta.. Tn.b~cco. S-:D SacralJletalo .t,eeL, 81n FrudlCO

PUnlcu.."lof bleb .~dlllg ulltl.It.t1nl1'1". \b,lr Ittdnrtellleltt to U" USt or tblUraefC!-lIberr..3r..,.balt·. C.tkollcoa for In fe'male comp 111It.. Tbe weall: lflId dabUltatedIIlId wooderfol relief from a COIt.LlDt uaa oflliS. nllllbl, relDaCly. Sold by III tlruglflila.'UOperbo~_

a.la..uow. 3IIA.OIc. LIltl••XT la • .ure cunfor Neurllgll, Jleadacbe. Rb,u1tla.WIID etcor Dloaey N1rulldflt. It II 'Old by all drult;Pti. I~ IlO cl•. I ~Ule. Abnml 1\ enrollAgell"- Sail InD(IKo. '

. -------A OItOnOIA flrm"r uodertook II t.,,,, Po. ,•• bnl 1·loOh.....ph • .teI U1."'''nl l,rI",.,;!

nenloR' Igo to c1car Ilil hog. o( yetmlo .10 11>I'Il4.tl1d rt:J.bl•••,ablllbioeul of WM. 'II."'.b, rulJhlug Ibew wltb kcrOleot "hlch h, I'll. lIS Kea'ltJ urNt. a.a ,,.KlttO. ftl.bUtl1td IIIIOCOml'lhheJ bJ Ihe light o( ~ (lit pitch llIat. nil rormul)' ko(.ltd 011 M/lGrlf\llUU)'.lretl.koot. JUlt u hella/) gOI thcm Willi oiled t .. s;r UItfI.liM" w.. Ulell .., IHIW nd IIIhbl••rll·a 'Ilarll rtll on tbo lJlck or tlnc, Gotllo lin tie.. 'lG. hiduetlll.tllr... r\ll' partlenl'f1 ..14re..iOltaut ho witS In II LIne. Tho f1amca A. c()rLl~••,..11111 .IMI.OII'lnd, Ctl.COlilUIUnieau:d to tho uthcl'l, aod In a few T..TII '.n.o.-rIlUIII TIIt'1I I "*l.~IJ, 'tlurDlomcnb the drovo \\ere runnlnK wtld Tettl, tnJlII '10 IIpw..d. TKllt n,,.eled .ltlltt.~Illd apl)C!:srl0ft III tbe darkoclI Ifke f1r~ l'&IlI. Dil. ~oll ..n •• I~O 811Itllr.lrttl, ,.,..lleod.. ThllllelltcJa, tho farmer found hi. AI.L 1'IMJtoIr1.~~ llAdo .1 ,•• :0;, .. \'o,k o.lI"r.L. ,I ·....·1"1 b " :ro.•:sTlltrJlI..IJ.P.. .,t1ll1..r.Jtleed~llblG""tl..._con 00 00' curIAl, uU lOIlO rOWll. I'.tee- IIHlItll~. U,nK. l.lI. r.T.... l'rojl,I,t;),.

Wben a Cbritti.n Ollgv diet, hll Irti­elea of lIet'Olloo, crucifts. bead.. OIC., areburied with blm. No ChrittilO IfIdllllwill .11011' alCllp to be bunle oyer bligraye; 00 tbe cocuar" it II at.ly' orn.menled wilb a amall croaa. wblcb II rude10 wlttrill-(or it cooillta, commonly, oft"o limple .tlckl lied togelber witb bark,bat I... neTertbeleu, a lytDool or pardon,Ind of hope.of I better life to come.

Amour the Osartl. A Rom.DUe Marder, .'ITT..,n .. 0-... ,.................. ....1_ ,lIDrat~ "j

Thll Ou~get are a.luran, IOOd ud The oo"ellit who II looldlll for lbe r.OT"MlU'" et ;;;;;;;;;b.l.... .. r _klod·beuled. Tbelln1 rull ffJ( al!'eclloll plot or • flrlt·claUlColatioDal Ilor, will ttl."" .'1' ll...-rr--. .,.,..,...,..towudl their lick, lod parllcultrlJ to- tlnd io tbe bllwr, or , ro..IDee la ,,"I I SKDP WASEwardl Ihlr ehlldrea. Ooce, bl)"eru, life a pardltl to ..-bleb cao te&reel~ be • ...~_ -,.. H--111....0/d tb b k • 1"1 • d id be r' I b ...J ..I1t. ....._., 'I'lIo......... .....ea II atruc I 1..11 u 0", Ih'J aro 10UO OU" e t parea 0 uet 00. It 111'_1.... r~ tA .,~...... "-len "ltbout 10' hop~. TI,oJ (Iho Pll~an It Ibonld ha", o«ur..-d io tbil enolDg "II ~ltJ.w.... ., .. L.J T •. JM .."-Olllln) Indeed bellere In a futura life; o( a Ctoturl or rallroadl aad teltgnpb lMI'I...." T .....,' I .-..M .J' I ....... ,.., ., .........bot tbelr Ideal lboUI it Ire "'erl Inuch IhuII aDd De"'tllpe.ra it, perblp'. the lil&..... If'IlI~ ' .... 0-- ...-..... r_eoo(uaed, aDd wheo rlealh taket IOJ noe., mOIl .illgolarot' Ibe .bole .8'.otIr. Tbe =I~-::;=-":I""",u."~1 C. AP. iL TIlJlLL • 00-.-elpedaU, I dClr child, lho, tbluk Ibal lain. i. I.id io PickeD. eoootf. GeorglL ., ..,1.. ••__ 1MI~" -_ ' ,~--

tbo .flIielioD hu bet-II brouf;bt upon thclD Io'iht 'If0 bue lbe I'r~tt" pupul..,., Im/:l. -.JIo...... . Ii J' I'-~ .. - BOOTS AND SHOESbJ' ••••r Ih.,·, .,.m,·...'ho .0' '",'••••• dlugl,t., "I'. ,,,'-1"'1, ,I, _f I) IJ ... 'II .... u

• , u :,; , •••••,. lb••' ....1 ••,,,',--,r". '0"". AlW~)I""," n. .1.&"\. ,.. ..to attlek tbelll prunnlll" h.. done Ihl, "" ....... tl. • •••througb tbe .sency (If lOwe lIieked .. piril. bulle., wiodlng UJI, u it propul'lbulld, • - ~ .. • ':;'::::'_T1lHeocr, no IOunt:r hue ttUI, bnrled the 10 mllnmool 10 a Jouol (ellow IJt her f"••••~." .---.:.. ...y '~c.ood d h d I bo

A.. _"'"'_.ott..... LM &.. -~... . \.. ..ttl , I In thl!!J 1"'C!1r "t_ngelnN'. In Mill C W. upom",1 m lb. alii of .·C{i _I.......... ..-w M hr ~.:,.1'II•• ",.r Ill.~

Ica1'e ror the pl.ln".11Il1 lor~lurn tllIlhe, lock I!)I-Car W b.'·e buDIt yerl 11'tI.II,.•or'IIlIIIdrH.Mn -'-.t·-"'I~..2:'" ....::::: ~.~ .......bate killed tome or lh~ir cnemicr. iu Ie· Ouriog the Chrisllnu teUOD n 18H lilt "_et Co J Ul'.. . la -."'~ till' aM """"'

uliatlon (or Ibeir Ir.u. at.tlotluol wallltJ'lOeDupl th,]'ou." II _er aM Me WlII fII Verba Baeaa BIUa-Tbo fuoeralor Iho PoIgln OUb"tl duet "lie Illat IbeliaLbed b r w deltll In a ....... II.. I'MlIkI....-. ..........w.. .,- ••~..,

I , I) couDlr, ball room. A~••d tb. wi',• .0,.,. w...,...1- ..u.(o«_ ., I'dM'II ,lot ...............Dot occupy muc I luno. 0 the 'pot 'YO' -,. 0-1. ,.,.,. .. _ kJIlM., ... hoe ttl .., b Bwbereadear ooe b.. uplrtd, the mothcr, t1~u. l)ecomel mUNl"re5t,llie hUlbto4, &10 ....... 1»..- lIalOl'",'" , .., lftrft. c. J • er a aea. Bittentbu "'ire, and the other wOlnon 10 Ittcnd· 1m (.tber 1I0tJ IIrethrn rorUleJ I bod" ."l\Ul'. "u..W .aM lIHa1lu~.,a .~... U'fVaoce, tako I bltodrul of mutllnll lJe.mear gUllrl.l Ind Iuullit their way out o( th, .... ''''Utk, """".tlt ,rudtN. r.o. "'~IM. Verba Bae_ Bittenwith It tbe right h.1f 1)( thelt long halr- uulldiua whero the traged, "'11 eUlcted. ,. ~ 1... 1b.. it wcreto.ho..... tb.t tbo, COWtl ',"w Wilhalolllt,andderotlurtotlltlguilt, l'u.u=J':~~.~~·:~~r=.';.,.~V b B 81. tlr. aeua tte-dutt Slid 10 du.t they mUlt returD. TIIII w, min rllelJ ·"ltneue\l in tbelfl prollic 50 "I~ed c.'U" ..I, -.l. ~.Iir'. 1I1Q1'Iltlt~ 'w 1111_... ..,done, thtl, at Once beglo their lolemo d.Y', the, rewl'ed IhRt .he .hould not IlIr. 0.11I *.•1 ar...... Y_,,"~. t:\. Vdirge. Till. coo~I'la In rtlpenl£oB lilll 1Jo'l1rreodered to lhe officer. fJ( tb. IIW, 30 f~u:'~'i:':!:--~ltIet.~,r.:a::r:'~·,~:r .erba aae.. Bltte...Ild .galo, At luutlallhey CIO, tbe WOrdl, lI,d 10 II rew daJ" armed Dod equlpFed, I --.. ••. "11..... P&.TI. r. H' V 1"01' U"" 0.-,111","1441 Idol I-dRO! <llol duol"loBecl· thof werud from Picken. count!, DO uoe l~ 11 rr._.... erba Rae•• Bittening thelll wordl In a very Itfcullar ",a,. dar og 10 oppoae their progr-.:,.. 10 a HUMA!' ltAllIl Tll.~leu ASo.l ~I.lbe c.,.. PttPa.....Tbey prooouoce the Brtt two 10 I Ilment••hDrt time the, diuppcllred, loti tbe ..d dlr. A. It. fA1tlI1"kl)/'....Ik<:v.... 8Inoo1.tI. Y. Verba Rae.. Bltieilig, intcrro".tor, tonci the hut tbree eftlnt W'I graduall, uylng out or the llR0881E'rt' III, DUTIST Cll't!lll••llIIle.t. ntllll' lOund ln tbo Ilote of the wild dO\'e'l memoriu or III IIIVO the frlelld. or the ••• I' T....... lI.rflO" ,.••,,1_ Verba BaeDa Blt..-moaolng, 10 rtttnlllar to pcopltlllYlng oettr. mur,leroo .....um.n. SOARCaOOODL a.e..... " tlld IIIICntbe ,,'oodl. HccfutlJ, bowercr, the rugltiTeIl ,,'cro ,1••l'i.tiloiie;Ii.I'art.IIMl 'kJap,lll. 01 W-UOL

What the, meltD b, tho.o lorm,... ful hurd (rom in North Cltrollo .. and a 8UNI"l.voLv~ltlI. Prll:lt LIn rna Addfflll laUl .lmO......, .....tt, •• r.w",rd. il a IUJltery tbe, themldrel ClO. parly ....... orgaolzM! to elfuet thelr cap' lJrul "'eate,u lJu Wllrk•. I'll~I.llI". I'L

not gh'o IIn1 accouel of, ucopt tbllt It il lure. A long chase, II delperate rOlllt· T~~I\~I,\I~~J;n'P~IIt~:.~ 't:O~I~=:a~~I.)f~~~In ellprt....lon df 101'0 Ind lorrow tbol ance,su atteulpted rOtcue, lind IWO prllon elrclIl.rt &l1d,_J. K. W_(lr.I' 8." )I.r.... .r:.r.have leuned frumlhelrgraQd(lIlherl. celli for hUlbaod aud wire BDd a ball.... DII. " ... I._A.~. ItlC"TII.T.

Illd I I· "b... rllllto...td '0 .s. "'6rkllll.. &an .....

A •• groat IDallY fllct. cOijld bo Lrought C I Iue t lUI llr the comlJleted ehlllltera tltw, oorne'orK....rn ..-lIr,r....mhfo.'.,n·.""IIOIIl.&10 Ilrore that tho O.'gtl, U wtll a" III of thi .. Georgia roDlauce• .A Clleio wbleh 25 rAlIfCY .1"•• CAaDII. @DOwlI.t.keIhete We.tero IDdlau•• are uf EllSt~ro or· 10 Ulan! u( tue dll.rkl!r 1\1 w.,u " lbo bet. ~t:.~rbA.A::-,\~llo~irualJ,..~·sw1::..~~~~'y~ eloL:1,ln, wh, could 1"0 oot I., tba~ then ler quail tiel of hUlnllD oaturc art 10 curl·~ .l.... HALl..."~Il.ACTIl•••

worJ. are dcrhed (rom the old [dido1 1 oUllI hlended seldom t10dJ Itl wa, ioto nI.HI1~~·~:"'r~·ud~~II't:~e::o&.I.I..", It 10 lIugul.tl to decldo tbll qllel· Ibo oewl COIUmlllOr Ihe daily jouroll•.tion.' N Y Herold o_oao••. HAN_ "to ,..

Tbe IlOlUt.reDdintl ruouroleg o( tbe - (,1l.tIl\~~~U·~'::...'\:=':o.~~IOU:· cr_ 1'7 •• iii.,..•r ." D P e_.',. , .women 111000 rullowed b, the (erociouJ 01'1 IATT, iD hil paper, osprcut'l RSVOI VEl FlEE 8.t"n..llotrnoln,...UII c ,....... • ..wI., ...rolce. oC tbe meD. whn, 10 tbelr turo, hlm.elf II decidedl, Qpp~d to tbe 1110 J~iTOClw.ll:.,I.~tlM.ro:.c:C~r:-IIat.~t~ atn•• ,_" ".1 u _ a. .mlko the Yer, Ilr vibrate wltb terrl1r. of tbe plltol.nd kol(e, a. 10 Princeton ••v a"••o"" I.(J••A.&.. .._ lUI .}itl" Iheir (tellngl.re uclle<! molt 1\1)._ Collegc, io carrJiDg 0:1 the cUitom of l~w~"~..~~~L~.:"~.!..~.~.::.==.~ro~.~. =.",,~.~.~.;,,~._r I_ , &11 •••••• u eta ...

r II b.," "b I " U ad. hi I b b. C1ItIIIl!,I'Uf.u,1AlO4IInll w••" Il.1'\ ,•• , ,- - -'1

er u ,. I<rmuc 10, tbat 101Il"'~IIUd, III U Ilg. e -pallc DR w t t 0 ...1, OILll4Jl"a OIlEBJl OIJlfTKElrT. u'•••••I••',. ..their wild ucltemellt, 1Ie1t1cul,Uog "lth II enacled 10 Eogilib Colltgta, bo ad· FOR..l &1\1 ---their koi"e., tho, tlub tbemNI"" I. or· mhet. It il beaUb, lod mlol, i It It y<ll'.J:llitTTad~~~n:.~~:der to.eo lOme blood ftowlDK', ror haeewl good ncrcl.e, stimulltn tbe clrculaUoo, ,ft. ),lAIS WINCHIl81' klI rrutlco. AGENCY FOBthlt tblt i.o.ctortbeir dogmu, Ibat tbe, regulates tbe dlll.c.tioot l.cd derelo~ M~~~~~=~:rlt:~~Hci::t~Florence Sewinl: Machine"CaDOollppeUlltbe Orut a;pirlt IDd reD' good manDer'. DOOD b • queer bo,. :~I1\:.~.r~"t~~~et'=~I~ White Sewin~ Machines,de:r him f",orable toW.rdl tbe deparled with. queer bead, tbat ClD .Iand I goodb

t b blood d~11 or puocb. 1M,..,......L.... 0" ooU>.s RUU AltO Howard Nee el'. all M.te~l_,u, . "':~~L~=' ~":':i .fI~~~Tblnlcitlog teeO' wl1llll" little o"er , ......u ..... IAOLlUI.-&.t ...... ;u;;&. .. P. Florence Oil StOV'"

ODe bouri tben the, prOC"ted to the burl· AaogT 4,000 tODIO( borDi are reeeiredat. A bljb bluff'1t gcDuallyleleeted fur IWoull, 10 Eogllod from tbe RI"er 'DID FOllTl~1:.taO?::Pl"~&~~~: S a ~ 'II'TT Ttho purpote. Uuo 00 grlYe I. dog, but P1,tlej 1,000 borDI are UlullI, reekoned ~~~,,,,~b""••:~ ~.:lr&.f:"~~ .A.lU.U,t6L, I,Ibe dCld illeltcd on tbe.oo, IUD log 00 u a measurement too illlbippiog, tbougb co••~ 1-.C::U.ATOaud 1l0l.UOO.·lOme rockl, Illd faclni lht riling IUD. Uae,"e (r~quernll (reilbted hI wt.ilbt. .1.e<l.lm.... (l&fOMl!J".• n Oo.....n.........Bil bead II Ih",ed, aud I, pall1ted "'hb It tabl neerlJ 2,000 horo. to weigh I ::~~==,.1Il.:-:;!':'."~~~ycrmUloo. Numllctl or ri"!j orDlmtDt wn. 1_,..,::::::-:=~·~w~.~.~••~.~.~.!~!!!.".~.".!W~..~.~.:!!,•.bia eua IUld 11.0 ....... hli olk ........ A "ltIl' nQ1'~LU8 .01:11'8 c ...." BUR 0" No t 9 N.,,- "ootgollery St.-~ 0 lb' bid ....Pponll.t1J'IO;:M..'•• '\&III,,...,...tUCI· .... .,bound with belotiful bncelel', aod 10Dg WIUIIItIt, e a rODl\lt, II oot ce ~I'V"UJ.. 1IIMf__~'rih"1.ha.ecU.IeI"or 'wlmpuml f.tl from bl, neck on lIP bare ~.t the 1'0100 of. ","omlo II aurllbll ::::""'a: ;~=.co EO BB(IIlI.., sa. ,. (fAW ....lICI.CO.breut. 1lI.loID..regitdedwlthanlcctl,· ID. ballooD .t Ibe helgbt of lbout t"o • 5 .... • ..... MIllwoven luh, and be "cau wdl.Ulmmed milu, wblle tblt or I wan bu oertr 102 2 ~rla:.:.C!r...~ PoCI.r:I:'d a-=lepinl, tied with ricb garlcN. 'l'bt rttthed bi,qber w!:" I mile. Puhlp' 1011 iI. fD~iI~~~b.I~::S':alt=- ~:':::.=:wbole bod, i. 'wtlpped io a oa" blukeL a (emllo IEroUliut· .~mlD·1 J.lL'uonOKD'.IOSI, 8O'JTO!f. 1.....'tI1_ ---------------00 ooe lido tbo) place Itt. bow lod Ir. yolee beUer. IQ3 iiOO-KWOR .,lU llf o.u.u~n. CAL.. JULY" 18'T&'..··I.~...o,•• tbe other hil tomlb.awk lod ·-.....I~..~I' ,.,lOf~-:.r:l;OlW~::~Iar:re:~J~~Tk FIRE WORKS'A roLITIO.L lpeaker ICculed a rlYlI of Ul,Ort:ftro. Ad&l'lIeor ~tn 'Itre' IIlaUo.. Lot• 111:1""- u__'tJ 1ItW'. • I............Utlll

Ko" a cbie( addreuu blm for Ibo II,t ·uof~thom.blemeaooeu aud toouodnll· ~·!;~'"r.:tt':,ttI~~~w;.:.:I~time, aDd bldl bim r.rotl'el1. Thi.a dOOf, ItDl, lod thtD rillog 10 tbo occuloo, ... eo" ",u',1UId all modUli 11II.",~ellw. 'Ww •tile "oIDeo, lllio lodultrioul beel, go to ,.Id: "1 "lrD him oot to per..llt 10 bit ball>lIIallllo6tPlI metA. I~.l,..ntla~'11otI _' ALL SI_.work aDd "er, quletlJ pUI up. w.lI. dl'J(ncerui cou ...., or h.·11 flo{1 tblt tlH u.:r.~:,~~'::'~"n"~~.r"II~?UNIl Y. lUI

either "ilb rockl or sodl, ....ouod the re- ~";";.~'~'~"~P~'~'~1.'~I~t~b~.~t~g~.~m;';,;;I":-;"""""".1 III nlAl llaL HOTEL lH, OIr....JIII:::u,,~I\" ...malnl or tbelr deillflcd friend. Wbllo" , 1011(1 I ••, -thilit going on, the fnorhe horte of thtl What Ito TottedDi' rabrlo .., ,. ., - .-.-be.. Fl'rO CrOCIrOfS'dead min I. 11110 ,)U tbe IPOt. SClipa of fa II. a!ltem deplett.d or YUallt, &Ild Irre.ular K. O. r.T~~~·&.·Od _•••~ l' ~a o""~D,nlTo" U. 1 .ooemlel .nd the ho.d or the bortle Ire 10 III functlonl. It I' Dnly Judlclou. 'Ild Tw. (l••_'" tJ..u .... "UII~...m.orluhuo" 00 two po'tl, nl tUlolar lIenlllo promp\ medication wbleb ean lIva It from I ~~~.."'...' ~1~..'I~.~."tI:.:'~I~!.• IhflB~·:'~~ Olanlt. " ••rtltlotl.t~I~~"~2~.~~.c

, I Ih d itb lbl II r .peed, IIId tollll eolllJlH. Tbe tonIc .ad, ,,_~."'" ~.., ~- '" ....I.I ••• MIll~b<.ttr....pro eo II grUll, an W I Ie u· re,ltullUng proJ)Crtle. or Uotteuer'l 8tomlcb nl nw lila '1,lIt ...-'; It JOU do ...... t_1 wnor.l endl. 81ueflilltUeulll.rll .dlll~ Ibat benlm medl.I"·...""..."'-'!,~,·_--------~-- OJIVUI:'OO.,'" J'r.......

U Ib I I I • cIDlltorll,hepb,.lcalrfgoor Ind rdormthOM THE UNIQUE BOftN Iowoyer, e mourn ca I no oYer Ie.. bodily trrerU!lI.rltloa "bleh Ire. barrier to It. ,... TOE POREI-

No, Indeed i hut the dearer tbe dC,}lftcd -rIDIOlD rUlOratioo. 81110ulo", •••••,. LADla .1I1 ..ltl'mtll....,. J'OU' 1II0MJ~~""014 U .&1&.b 10 • II ill I I I' . "I .- I hllllltll'Dl'f]' .Iul Ih. ell_or Il.tlll' n 1M.wu e 0(( r w U. COOIII u .tlpltonlretotaJl,o,erenlDeb,lt,. andth Allwllo.r•• l'Ildflll ..lthlMrdn,anftCo,",u.... TIlE TalLOB

"er,.e"ere f..HDg, whlcb the, protract dl,luUre actlvltYlnd tborou,ltb ...lmUI~loo ::~"ro~~:...~.:llRO~""~:::t~~:~m·~ .ra.,for weeki Ind QlOotll'"O Ittlct', u cot wbleb It promote. b.n ttla cift:C~ of !I11:re..... 111"11_ ll' Kll~t.1l0~H Iltptltulu 1IIIr,u,.:to allo. tbenuolYellCl (ood but once hi 10k 'b. ylrlf11118 IDd oourllhlDI qU.Ilt1e. of illll"d. lIft:oa,_tuIef bJ' 1"'111' l'ImUlea. 1'I1oa. ~3 Montgomery St, .ud 103 Third, S. f.

r b d bl l\etbl blood. Th. 8nte,. I'. al.o 10 enelJeDt ~,'.""••',.'.''''" •••.,....-.',~OI,_OhMlr... '\"'..:"11.

t,,·ent,. our ou.... 10 t I.a r IUOtet. dele'.eotoftbtlTI..I••" ••t••I......~ ••-. "..I 1(: ...~.. :l'1Dl,.\0tT ,_.. ~ 1"--- - ..• ( _ d-. 'ffJ'lh,Ulutt-Dllllyrr.cTull. •• ad...l.. B •••• 11_."'0...... II _ra, 111 •••.At tbe eou 0 tho wMk tbe, laku I tJ'J wUlllc.lc I hullll! .UIUu.lu. til lbe b adder a-."A" A'''1IIJ9I,••lact. I't1c.t, U. Ul1Krll_11O ..lIlt;'i l. )lloOllIt, tro .Or relt, lOti, Ihll onr) tbe, etJUtiDUt their IDd kldoerl. wh1t:h Ira tbe mOl~ l'1'portaot ~I tr tJ~ th:-gltJ l1li rec.tlplOr "'ot. I.••,.. n ... Dl ••1e-l_u'll ldlCII.mtll ....reo d.,I' fUling (or. loog time, lho cbaDoel1 for the elUpe or I" 1~lIrlUU. dft.i y.~J'~~:[ =in:::.n~.e:.,: lot r : ",' tID" ..

IP.... &-ee.ble.aadof botaole 0,1 , ...,. " _\·.ltllco IIikr ......

IllloloB, dur og III thll period, (rom .01 oa,l(1I ~d prompt, but Dun TIDIeD' n \t.1C OPIU R At 110; ••••• " " ..kind of eojoyment. We bue leon lOme 1100, Lbil ,.110.. tor tbe traDlCllilieal popu: .,MO rHINE UUDANU. Or_s..~ Ie.

b to I I I Ihl "_1 ......t .elf...!' • •••• ."erJ ro Dlt min como I prematllre ar II 0 • me ...- 01 Ire bolla coreDt Illd Habit Oured tdelth by tbll mode of plI0lOce br. wblcb ·1)pr~llbl,. ENBlOHT'SI il b 0 8 I ' r ---~--- --- 1~"llh_l!..... ,,..,-.110.. 0' lo.tiI orllll.I_·'aDt Ie, prop tit' t e reat p nt n aYor W"!fuo.-A rood Arellt 10 nery cltl "'IUlte 1I11c11J' co.Id.tIIII..... '11c.t 0'0_

of Ihelrdepmed rrle-od.. -town lad Ylllaee III tbe Uolled Statu, to =~Ita-:...."r.u ,.:t:'.~~~;:.::a~:'~ STD!," BURN"':." ENGINES• • • • •• Lllta .UbHrlpUOlll for the ColU'UCI.L.L AD' 1L1'.lllI..lIls.. aa- ..PI"d.80.;r&K'-'" ." I' 1~ ~

"OC"'TI, ttle oal, latl.e.tbollc .od COllierY..Un Ilbo, _~~r publllbe4 10 Am.rlc.. 8ub- .....!-erallC"ptJoa NoW. lear. 10 adYlace:. liood la. .m.&IIdacemallu wtll ba olfllml to &«eota. Wrlt.afor lermlllld full pa,Uc.ul"rI. Addreu eo••::o.c;:'~c~OZiI"Q )(OD~erJ Sireel.


Mr•• Stoddard'. Trial.

Dill StodJlrd I. JUtt the munMt Ir.IDtbat o,er drew tbe brelth ll( me. 1.ou\cb·t Ibod I tear If Iightoio' wouldItrike him Ind knl)(lk bim into tbo (ur·thett coroer o· klngdolll come, 1 dldo'tlpoJe tb.t tbero WII • utlD 10 tho worldthaI cl.uld be 10 c.erliutio.' meao Ind ag.J:f...t1o'. Wbat Itu he dooe? lio'. dooolblt tlJllt Ite nugbt to be huog (or. YouleO Ibutl WII another Mlow pa,ing It­teoll?n to me wll(lI I llra~ fI'" Will, enJ1 IleTer told of it berure. but the Ictualfact of it II that 1 had aoont hll( a 0001100 to nllirry thn uliler fCillllw, (or hereally 111' blnd.omtr Ihln Will, but bedifln'l. fetW lu reel 10 Iud "'hen 1 wellt..llh Will •• WlII did "'hfO 1 weolwllb blm. aotl 1 tiolllJ gut to thiokio'tbRt m.ybe Will cared thl: mUlt for me.Ind Iltlterc's ltoJlhion io tbe 1I'orld tbltIt plya. "'nmlto to look LlUt ror ,,·!tensbe·. makin' a bargain for life, It'l to helure to Ret I hwLllutl whOlO IIIfe will lottruc, and IlItlo" anr1 cunalillt IU Ihe IltIletroublctlhlt COUlD all alocg Iho w\y, ror"bon JOu tske thRt .wlty Ihere', nuthln'len to IIgbten e,n, aDd tbllt·....blt II\lIkn10 l1len)' "'omell "TIIW oJld, Aod crOil, ledtired luokln' whell tlll~' ooght to lookl!xllll .. w.1I II o\·cr.

I "'PO'I Ilty !Jut willt.t Will', belln goodeoollgll, Itud 1'\'0 Iluvcr been ~rry for (IOeIlogle minllte ror t111~ chulee 1 made, butlOme way he"l\lwny. held I grud~1II210'Phil. .k:lmer. It IeOllll to 010 thllt theract tllll.t I loot Phil. IUIr!ft (or hili Illkoought to IIti.I'J him, but lomeltew it'llalwayl IOOlUed to wlJrry hIm to think Ihlt11l1cr did caro (ur allY one ellH!, nnd It'ltbo 001, uuplelllllulUc.s tb.t', enr comebotwt.ou UI. 1I0'a made lUO (eel meeoertho dirt maoy II tlmc (ur thougbtle..lymelltlooio' PhU'". fllme. Thl·re'. nothingeTt~r cut. me up IIko IhAl. \tuuIJo'l(ael hllf 10 bill If htl'J awelr lit Ine, aodtbll DIMnln' ho 1!lld :

"Sul.n, I ""aot to go to tUl'.. n lo-daJwith II IOld uf pOlltOOl, 1I.0d ,ou kDowI'fC been uocommon bUly IlIelJ, Iud 1wllh Jou'd &0 do'ID cellllr aod belp meIOrl 'em o"r."

IlIio'l orteo he lllki me todo loythio,qIik. thllt., aod I IIld I would II lOOn " Icombed m, bill'.

"0, neycr mlod Jour hair," lIyl he;"Jou're bledloDler now tbID lot'lo' wom·u tbat·. leo 'Uti ,ouDger, lod, ~idet!,

wbole Isola' to lee JOu uowa cellar'"80 I weotJu.t lUll "ar Illd worked till

ai.loDt teD o·clock. lod then we beardIOrlItOOd, at tbe dour. Will wcnt toOpell it, 10\1 flfelt' II)()O he called me toCOInC up Ull tbe «liar. 1 ..eol, aadthtre ItOOd I. Elmer. I bldo't seeobim fur tiONa yurt, !Jut he WII I. baod­IOlDe II erer. Ue looltcol II I( bo wIOtedto .blile bud, with lIIC, but tho IlOt.toeshad been rtOiled " little. aod '01'00 or 'em.... wet aDd wudU1, aDd I Cllt It gllDeetD••:d tbt look-iIlS·gl.... lod IIlcro wu adut, lirelk: ae.t\UI I'DJ (.co ad my hairaU lITer, WI" Cor Jldool, 1 it ord~ liltle beCore ltr~ltkr...t. 1_ 10 heattIM! I cuuldll't "' bardl, • eord, aodWill .tood thlre loo~io' hlpp,IOIIflfl how morU6ed 1 w

Phil. old that hC'dJun Colo·, radolod told WllllhRth.·d Itmofo·

In' or h. dldo'l want 1080 back: wltbout""io' III tho old frlcod'l Itld hll wlroblldchsl'R:cd blm partlcullrl, to como 1I0dtee mu, ror WD ."1'0' sirl. togetber. 1wId 111m Ihat I gUealetl' Will had (orb'O~'tell to mentlOD It, Ind thllt w...bout .11tbat I daretl to ",, ro'r I knew thlt I{ Iacted II thougb 1 WII a bit gr.d to ItohlOl, that Will wouldu't like It.

Pbll. didn't IhJ lons,lud Wililltughqdtill tho teltr, ran liowo hll faeo to thlokhow dreoofully beat I looked when I tintcanll up from thtl collir.

IoWIll," 111,1 I, ;'"h, dlcto't 'OU tell methaI be wu cOlllo')"

IIWull, 8ulao." 111'1 he, l'i( 1 bad toldJOu, ,ou would blt'e f1uucred aruund likDa beu wltb her hearl cut oW, aod bad thi.room jUlt I l/llolo', IDct bad on youroJCelt CIUCO Ind pr.ttJ"t collir ItDd abluo rlltboo io ,our hair, lOd 'o~ wouldhno ulc:ed blm to ~tJl' to dlooer, alldmsde me t.cl.bout.~ I DIed lnowben he,sod to go home '11th JOu (rom lpeltio'sthool."

OlADd 1,'poM JOu ...oled to make himUliDk t~lt h. hadn't 100t aD,lbio" by notItltlng meaII II1d I.

"I aOD't cart "bat ho tMnu," II,. h~,"Iud I dOIl't kDOW 101 reuoD wh, JOIl.hould."

I could baYe erledjull from wooodedpride, if 1 bill dlred to, for 1 "ollid blrtao liked to hue btl Pbll. Ita, Ind tlk,diuoer wlUI ns, .nd aee _bat. comfort·able bollt:te Will hu pto,Jded me wllh,for I didn't "'ot him to tblDk thlt 1 bidI.IIIJ IUIOO to regret mJ choici. Porblp'Willi. rlaht In lbiolclDg tbat I hue 00bwlD~1 to care ror 1»ttIl'L oploloD, butIOmetimel wbtn hc·. mad" me mlterableror a wbole d.y b, "ordl Iblt it dldo't Srult Tn. WRIJ'.-Nenr "blp Jilintlke blm two minutel to .."I cao't belp bor. tor ~mlllK' trial.Jteoed ", 10J ob­wOodulng IC Phil. would hIVe made me jed II, Ihe toaulid~, ror tr ho tea aunhapPJ 10 the llroe ••,. Of cour", 1 Itu·mp, I log, or a belp of tlo·bark ioImow It'. wrooB, IDd J ttl to thlok.,( the road, Ind "bU. hi la e,tlne It care­IOmetlJlol elle u quick II cso, but I''ll fuJlJ, sod loout to pwlt, ]'OU Iluiko blmrelll IOmetbln. like this, wltb tbe whip, It II Ihe loa, or the Ilump,

"8tlU t.b~ thOIIIU, W.Wl 1101 br¥,la or tbe lu·bark tb,t it hurtl", blm,lD hll'orot toM'lr way aplll1\ tha wUt, way or J'euooing, lod the aelt Umd he

and It fh. m, tuo JUlt II Ibougb It __II "ill be moro frlghteoed. GIve him timelIudo a·purpoce. Anll yet I ftlfll dread· to oumine and Imell of III tb.ae ohjeetafullJ wtcked ..-boll I think tb.t It'a ooUt· Ind UIO the IIrldle to wilt 'OU io brlDg:tng but Will'. 10ft! ror me Ibat make. log him carcruU, to tiltH nbJfli.lt of (eer.him .ct 10. nut I mUlt eoD(1lIfI tbat I'dratller It wuulll wltlllro.t Itlelf IOmu olher"11, fur I oe~er dreamed that Ihcre 1'1'"

1Il,tblng 10 I hUILond'l 10Yi that couldmike AWOIllIO feul '0 miserable, I'mIOtry thot 1 ,"1d tbat I woulllo't c.re iflishlnlng would Itrlko him. 1t an1thlngIboulll hlppen to him nn", I Ihould 01.wlY. thluk tbot It Wal judgmtDt uponDIe; but ,,·ltb m, temper .nd tlilp06ltlooI cnu't al"'ly' do fight, clpeclall, "henI don't -'oow l\'bat 10' dUly h, u It rre'qU(.nUy bllilpeo••-Ohia Iraniln'.

, '




o "W"S,









. Dry Goods,



A New stock of

Doors [ Windows,



Wholesale and R"tall Deller III





Wall Paper!

c. c. BARTLET'l'

And I\. La r g e A••ortment 01

g~ notellulIlCrall.'d, wl1lch we wl:lseU.,

17 Now on 1land, with. 1.rlfj ad·~

I7dltloll to tnrlve." lull StOllk~

wor &fell" Clottlllll'''1tJ

NOTICE I BARTLETT'S COExecutar' 8 8010 of Port Lud. -=-....::..::.::L::.U.::M~N::

low Mill Property, ond iother Real Estate. I

New Boot & Shoe StoreAT SEABECK.

BnoIA AUf) ~hOE'~ of Ihe vl'r?' bf. t qUA' It,'lUll! "Ieit plltOrlllllAI>E 1'0 OltOl::lt,

rd' Itelmlrhl,lt eXl'elllt'd AI UKu.l,IlLtllllactiOll 0 UA RA'STF:ED,

.A. :.wAtt _~·oof tI!e IMltroll"KIl 01 tht Illlbllc I.Mlldted


A yOtll'g fTil'nd dowll in ClllamfilArted It lew Yf'l\rs ago to mll.ke$IG,OOO, 1I.·8I1.Y" he hUjlllttho 810hut tho l·i"I"·,, Iflill remllin UU8ur.lIlounlfld Obll!lell~ll,





URPRIIlD, - TbA (ello" whobough' 16 cella' WOflh o( bread (romIhe new bakery., W. H, fl..Le.rned't t111l11'tht ,0Illcthi"K "'atwrong t-ec.ulIt' he reech'ed 10 much(or tbe money.

As Euterll piper wlnU to inter­..ie. the m.n who ever he.rt! o( ..~rlltrapher ':,f.i1ing for 'IOO,~wlth 11'"' flllfIl''-. lf lome eutl"rprll'ing (t low "ill furni.h the'100,000,we ar" ",111111" 10 do the (ailing part10 .. to let Ihl} worlt! behold the.pectacl. (or ou{'e.

,III' ill\' ..Il:!"tillll .. ,'(Of h('artl lIHlmMJ,;,·

\\1111"4'" Iii"" l.U'" '''' ••".'1.1 .... 11\' tharj,!'h." .'11', ThIll lIliSthl relul·'I' ., llill" U 11:&. .h· '10 I rill'. Mild \ \', .\Ir. ,·;,'ltUOl IUH't',.·\,·;, ...,11 hI'" in'rnrIllBlic.Jl (roUl Dr.

"It 1\1 .... ""1 PI<'" 1111\. 'l\IXII "·llli"UIi. lin" l""f, ",' "'dl liltlle

111.1,1." IIr 11""url·d ,,'" ,I,at ir Mr.1;'1lu\! l.!a"c hun Ii alllllnrit\, lur allV

Tilt' (OIlO''-lllit I"llt'r (mill Ilr. \"d. I I.",....:,." ",hl'llf'''''r t1l.!"in"l ih" IllMr;- IN the Probnte ollrtor"('trer~ll COllllt)'.11"011 '1111". lhft('r,.nt 110:'" \1,"'11 11I1&1- IIU"I1I('fllol the IInl,li1111 ho (E\'AIlII) Wll~IIIII~IOll Territory,O,,1C1U PAP[R OF JUF£RSON CO,h·r.. r,·nn"cl"ll "It II th,' fl'l'rlll ~lar-I~llt'I'11 VI'h..1 \lI'1I8 untrue, I)r, \\'Illi· )X the maliN of Ihet"llnfl" of ARTllUnIII" JlI~pll.1 IIHe ti~.IHHI ""II'.. "Pel'IU/ll M Pro(. EI!in\,om!'s rlllSSEY, 11('('1':1'1('(1,

':I'CTf)a An"l : Ih'\""'11I \I\'''II''n- call, difTt'rli liultl!ollll1ti"lly (rum lhnt NoTICE I" "EnEnYnln'~N"'I'''tlT11011 VI • l·"II.,IIO all IInkl!' II )VlIf 1"'1 !II \'rll to II" !Iv OIlC of thc rllortics r In IlI1t",,'I/1I'" of 1111 o.,ll't flf th,.. Pro·

MAJOR HAlLER'S CASE. ",.. I.', I"llt t. III '" IIkh ·11~'"It'IIt. IIr!' Jlr"Ilf'1I1. ., 'l'wiCfI WIlS the IIl(l~5(,,1I'1h'lll' ('Ollrt of Ihl' "Onl1l," of ,rl'ffi~t·OII.__ IIIAll.-lu C'OlIl,....11f111 "1I1I 11I\' 1,~l1"', :till I u"r ""nt In Dr. \\-illi nn and \filh Wll~hl,,~oll Tt'rrl~nr,,·, mAlIC' tTtl" ~rh fln\'

1 h 0\'11 f \lnS"l1l1lor\1it otlwrc..III1Iao· "lt h1Iy"l tlI,lllI,,:I' willi I' •.". ,. I·' d·,OII\lHIJ,A.n. I~/~ 11IIhl' rn:ltfernftlll'till t' .,1 I I' .', 'f..,,,.: Ami 11 Ib'" I.oJ 1,.,'161(' III'rt\"'rf'lI.lm_ r. r. lnWnot' S Cnmp IInCnIS; nil It :lh,wf' I'TlIIII,..1ro-l:lfl'. Ih,. Illlll,.t!ll~n,....I, "x­

.. 1'fOlI .1Il1 JIl1II:{I' .I1H'111l t al!"t1 ullOlll,m"'.lou VI II Ii Ihe l"llllle, A,IU,\h...1 U)' II. "A~ wll.vet .IArk," SllYS ollr inform. Pt'tlrl1""'lf~,tltll'llllll'·' "'111 .-t'll :It llnh!lcJIlin, lit'", W, MI'('rIlT.", :"'f"'rf'lar~' fr.ah'nlltl f,~lIHI: Il1lu",,1 lIlt" lu,~ll\.~,1 Kt'II.!hnl. Thi, hO\fcvl'r, IOfII"S ils irn· IHlNlfln. ""...." rh,' ff'r!ll~ IUlll (.Ylmllfll1n~fII' W"r, .lIdlltltetl UpOIl 11Il1l III rIO . IIt'lInn, 1111'1 t"!I,'rl'hllllt n.... fi"lIlt/: nf ,'II, !'llrlAnce ill ,'il'\Y or Ihr. flltt thAt Dr, 1o"l1'lMn"r ~fA'f'l1. Allrl ""hl/'ilt to couRr­lore II' ,I+ellrlll", MllIjnr G. 0. IIIlI 1l~~~1.~1C~~~~t~;:I~tli.;~II~~:~~I,'lII:~~:Ir~": WtlliilOIl clisclllims It:willl:!' Ill/Ulll tllly IllAllOtl b.\' R1I.ItI Proll1ll' COllrl, on!t'r, Oel"J.:16If' .Iacoll ""l' Ihl' -'lok.ll-' "01'\1 in e:lj"';lIltIIOIl o( 1111: 'll'IItt'r \\'IIo'ro', chllr~I'S 1t!!ILiust Ihe hospitlli. Tuesday. tho 9th day of JulyIll"'. Illd mldl" I ,','r" !'nn'tllIClIl.'( III my OWII IIAlIltl I 1l1t'lIllmlttl. AlltlU~1 Nuw, if Dr, Willi",oll will discillim A. D. 1878."III.(.,'h. lie "'IS wlrml.,. !I""kl'll hy 1,10 1I0t \t':lIl1 rI. "'IOIlJ{ 11~111l:: IIltltill.tlhl' h'I\'iut! writt('11 or illspir,'d ally 01 the Ilf Tn;' O'1:1f\f'1o: #\. ~f. of tlHltlln,', nn lit"S"llalllr MilrllOl1 who IlAld hI} IUlll IlIlttlll::t'r of rhe 110 1,1I,,1 to 1:11111 cI\,.~h'II~\' dirt nr flllllli'I"<lS of the I, rrcss" in, tlr"'"\I.I'~ Al thl' mill. lit pori r,llIl'n,,", III

. . I \' 'Mit A"U 10 Ihnr· l b,. le:n'llIlllhe hrlpn~I"1I 11111 I lHIt! "md,· ".. I k '" r 1I'11l1 .fl'n"I~nll "nUll"', nll tl1I' rlallt, ,111",ucn lUI~1 !C\l".tI!, .' ... , . t.'OlIIplrtlrl1_~ ll$[lllll~t lllllt lll,tllllll'lil. I wi~h 1~1l~ Ill.:: lis p"'rsn~lIl aUIlO on rll, IlIt"I'Md nl1l1 ~Infc I1r'hl" 011.1,1 Ar'lllII' Pllhl_"lljlhl~' 11l"I'SIlj(lLte thl" ,CII,~1' ,Ir ~18Jnr IlI'l1l ,,, 'falc eXI,lldlly IIt'1I I hn,'c IlI'vcr Elhll\Vood, WC wII! ho Cljllllllr rf'.ur nf'\', nf lhp IIItlI' nfhlll .lPAth. Itllll:lll Ih"IIAller, 111111 Ilc WAli ~JI,I1Stif',t1 a J:'rclH 1)n:I~rr(...1 AllY ChllTI{U ,,'lu.llly,'r ujt,llll't 10 publish his III'nil,l; And it VI'ill, if rlc:ht, fIll" A11I1 ltlfp .....llhnt Ihl' onhl I'lltflle",'rnll~ hill! h('('n dOli_ hIm, Iluth [Jr. Minor. the l..'Owlr:tCfo/'. III YOllr :lrtl~ tflU', rpmll"O a lii!OlIgrcllllblc irnprl's' 11n_. Ill' 11111'rnllllll ofl'I\\' Ilr ""I'''r",Iol', nl'_J!enlleml'll rnlllf~ndell lhnt IIllller cle ~'Oll ""Y Ihl'll: sion ro....nlilll-; him tlult hlLIf gOl '1,,11'1',1 othl'!' Ihlm, Or In 1I11,11IInn to, '"n'~eclioll ] ,230 of ~h8 Heviscil Stilt· l(:~!'~'I~~,I~~I".1~:~r:;~,r":II~Il~I~I~'l\l:~I,l~~.obroad ;nlOn~ ~nod ~ilizonll, ~~:I~:III~~~::t;,.,~I;II;I~:~~·r:~,':;~;~~t,71~~~~:l.tel ur lhlt United Stair!!,. Ihe Prell' }~g;.~~~i·~~~b~I~I~ilt~:<I~~~:~~~; \~tl''t''t~:::t ""11 n~"''''I~ 101111",1, ~ltlllll", h·'III!Ji,,;II..,tllll;hlent hl'HI power toorder hiS rt.'litorll.· mndt!." I" fhfO n"'III'\' flf TfOff,'I""Oll. In ".'Iltl 'I'''''rI_lh>n, II rellJslL!I rol\()W!l: 'I'1Ull IIIlI('lIlpnt Is All error. ~n (lUt: EXCURSION TO OLYMPIA ON THE 4TH lort" 01 WII,,"I,,!,!,I,...,. 111('!I111111!!' tl,,. r'nrl

.. \\', III 'r, 11l~11I1""11 b" onler pnliil'lIt lit th~ IllVc>:11K"tloll ow:r !It':U'' lilt' LIIII'o\\, Inw_lIllll. hulllllnt". AI1.IIOlllrn\'f'_01 " ..' :;II~~~!,S, I~~k'" III \;'rlt111a IIll HI" lIlilkl' lillY, eh,',rge;" Aglllns~ IhfO 1I1:t1l1l/.:"fl. TI·I E STEAIU Eo It GOJ4r ..\ II ;l""nt~ thl',,,,,n'l,,' OOllllllcll :l11f1 lle!CJ'lhed 11111,J'l'lfoll (01 r til. :-t>IlIIlJtfnrlh, ul1tler 0111', Itlellt 01 I 1C 0511 [III, 1I0r IIIIl eoutl'Mctor; '0 OW!!, o-w :11 It IIIl 1i'1~ lJcen wroll~f.. ll,· ,tljlll1lu+~1. nellll':r Iinrl Ihey M1I1 wrllll'lI dlltrj,!l" \\'illll."8ve this city qll \\'edll(,lld:ly, W ..d h(ol.IV "r, .'" '11' """""r, Inl_ 2,Ii,:, Pl'e.kif'l1t Fh~ll, :IS ,II(t(1nlt~ tl'e II!.!I...-!I, IH"~l1fl'll bv me, Ktlo\\'II1A' 1I011111lA: ,f Illy 3J, lit SA, ~I., touch ill It ot Pon :l,Ulf1 4, Cf't"t1Il" fl, 10"'ll~toln ~II, I ... lIlt,II" 01 til+' ~ryll~' nUll' IlI'rlllll. \.'(lIl\'CUU II llbollt Ihe OOllll1rloll of 1!l1l J10~1'11:11. 1mv- Gallll.lc tluly, Brri\·illj.C III 01pnpilllhl' T.nl~ 1 IIn,l 2, .ll'rrlon ln, towl1~lIIp 2~, I('ourl_mllilial 10 Ir)' Inch oRker 011 !Ill' 11l~ lIIH'N ,'I·1Ilod It. I fcltlhat I cOllll! tt·~. 8lI111e evenlll,!!. Heturllinl! willle:l\'P (':lIt. 3111; .7~ :1l'rf'",d A"-.1 011 which In,! ~11lI1i hll\'" llet'll Ill~- Ill,)' 10 110111111)1. Ihlit \"oulll b!'lIclit llle')1 ' L' . I . r II11Ib:~j. AmiliA COllrf,.IIUII·1I1111.5l1ctllt1 ~Ollll:ll':lor:llIl~rUI~hlllllltll(l'lllll dlu~- ( )'11I1'1"011 I'Tuay Inorfllllg 0 ow· AI~n till" fnl1nwhl11 df'1l'('rlbt'tlIAl1d!llnNIl"1'1I",1 within ~lx 1110 'I,I fTom Ihe Cit. (nor eVIl! klle\\ lhILt ,IIIX..:t 1'I1111):U!I iug. _lIld ""n'p",OIl !'Onnl,\':1J1e..lt't1hlllrltt or"ldl "Pili' nit 1M trln!. hAd be\:11 mAde Ilglll11llt tlill l1Iill1A~I'IlIt'''1 As the "entner will onlv leave 011Or lI-lll'1I l'Nlrt. lJt.luj[ ()II1l\, oil'll. 11llf'~ 1I0t o~ tho Instll11l1011. IIllfil I l'ft"IWII Ihl! conditiOll1l thllt a llufficif',;t numberlIwllnllll~lIlb<.n1or tlt'lI.th 1I11 the Ilnlll~h. \\ rlll~n In,.lflltlon (rom SI)t.'CI:II A!t"f.!l,t r L '.. d rllll'nt or 'Ik:hollker IIH'0l111'r,,111l81111" MorriltollNIt~:lrlltllte ell·l01ll IlolI«~nt 0 prl.SSenp:l'rs Crl.1l ue OullllnC rom,~I h)' lit;' 1'l\'l!kll'lIt' 811:111 00 voId," {It, olle o'clock 10 be Cltamlul'Il by Dr. tWIll- I,his Cil,f, it is pnTliculllrly requesled8 Joel: 1230) woof! In rclurollce lo llll' ~111IJI,....'tll fell1UI- Ihllt nIl those ililellllinl{ to Illll:c part

.. ' Ill'r no l,'OtI~ttfLlllll1g 111ll121LIf"II 10 l"(I01III)' in thlll 6JlOllrsinn, book their namesh IhA originalaot the \ford "here· wIth the ",q"ul..«:t 01 S,"'l'ial AJlfOilt ~I"rrl',

dlerJ' Ol'curil b".rort'! the word" lliil' which would 1IeQt.'SJlIL:He OIl' hre:ll<du,lf Il,'n- at B. S, Milll!r'!1 jewelr)" store 011 ormissed" ill the firlt line IIIlII ror Ih;s rl'!-~IOlllll Cllj,!:I.I(I'II111IlI~ pnl\'lolI~l.v Imlll,', III b~(ure Juno 3Olh,

I S r' w r I onlflr hi 11l!.!llt Dr. bllluwood. Urill" I F'atro fllr the round trir. sill~lcrcasoll lIe (I~rlllary II ILr rep lee sent Ihe lolluwIllg IUl8I\'Cr. 11i1iIlhijl"Il('~: li('k~ts. '3, Gl'lItlelOAII Ilnd I"dv. 84Ihat Ihi, seCllOl1 hlld hMn rcr?rrod O,.... lCE AT 1.'OS3fOl'Ol,ITAN IIm''':I,. 1" I' G II' ,. u· '"to the Altor".)' Gener..1 (or hIli do· 1'/lUT TUW~8Uo. W, T .. JUllIl:JI, Jdl1J, 10 \lrl lIlIl) ~ lTass uII.n WI

ci~ion lit to whclher it IlIJlplit~d tn WM,I;OtlVIlJl.NKU:n:~:~I::!nt. llcco,l1lpany Iho cxeursioui!:lts,pAst CII801l, or to IJreSl'lIl01l1,., 011 SIR;_ Your InvWaelon e'l I... llll.t Ihc t'U!llnlllHOI (If'ci8ion much _oulll dep~l1l]i :lli;;::'::~t ~t;)~"II::'l~,~·..u~1~~I~~r'~~:, ~~l~I u ,fr,om "cursory enminlltilll1 of ~1·:~~::rtl,~~n7fir,..,~~~:~~:! ::::~~r,~r:::'I::;~~luu eVIdence lind or th.. reports, lit'! lit th.. hour lOu h'wIlIlPlllllrll"l. IrIJI', ~;ll,

. " t'" d' . I d ''''11'00 I wlllhl'flll In'ervt'lw 1110 hll will 1111 IWII pretty we s~ IS,le JUstiCe) la 1II01U my ofnoe IIlmu.~ nuy Ilnl'" Whl!1I1UIlnot been JOlle ~h~or Hillier, n~nton pro(\lIiNIlnnlll bU.lne-_,

In cue Ihe del'l,ion of the Secre YOIlI'll 'fr',~ltWI:{'LISO~,ur)' nf Wit i. adverlle, I~ell SoilS' A,!{ILln rOil t1tnte tll,,:lur Milchell and J ullge Jllcoha ""Ill "In nrller Ilu," J)r. WII1I6I111 mlKht 1111\'1'1 ll\'_hne I bill pused It}' ConJlrel8 Kil'. ~';l;.~I:.w;~~~'~:~C~(I.~~~~I~~I~I~~~~W1n·:~~I~~J:l~f'lil( the Major the right o( having a Inll, ",ItIt ~~I. l.lelllnly,ollh~ 3(nnlelo,f'lIl1c"cuurt.marti.1. ILl. hllotlkll:; ut Ur, W, duclhHd Iv ItIlt! Ihew,"

Thill M.re'"(!i1t I. IIk"wl"" 1IIlrrll~: flllil1ll1J(llf, If 1lIll'()Irt't'Ifl11. 1.".,1 tlflf(rll'I.. I~ IIrIhl1~ ,rellllNlltll 10 ll'e) Ihllt tlldr hl!!;hrllnk III llidr ,l'C!IlJ+"\'llvc I'"'ll!ll..olou" WM~

CHAffl.tf.)I, BltAUl'IIAIt'-oorll Novl'm- llot :IPllrl'I.:latN! hy 11m 1"1117.1'1111 "f Portb'rU, 1~1,lll l~lkJ', Unltt".rd Cf'llllll.'·, 1';1, '!'owu!t'IllI, 11'tIL_ hI 1111' 111111'0 lUlMt 1111Dk,.1 JtllH! 11. 1S7d. III POrt. TClII'Illlt'IlII. fhe e'f1'l'11l,lt, lIlIt! klllllt"' IllIlt Clilft, _W, 'r, Only clllldol '1'Iello, II, aut! J~\lcy Illuty Awl Or. l';IIIIIIt'()(It1(11L1Ifot CI~ ~ru

A,1lnIdthaw. III a". Hilt II~r I hllil It'~, llt fill'The Il',Jarlcd one was a bri ....ht lit 1I~t1:r.1 ~11-II/1le. 10 o·c!fOl.'k,JhllUI,lt'ht t;JI'l'Il

" lu 1111' hotl'll"lllj1Illllly~t(Orrl.lllllllf"rlllcdtl~ (el'ow. or "hom .IIY (lither mi«hl lIle 111:lt tlYO lllf'tl III ljJt( b Ir.roOln wl_IIl..1well be pMUd. His miNion upon II) t!Ce till'; 11l~lthl.l ":tId ho dill not kno\\'earth, IhoUllh brif!r, we .re ..'ured ,..lit. Ihey 1\''''",. III tl.1I11 .ltnilled 1Ie1l'1l1lj!;... 1itet'ally Olle of lunlfhille, (ur hu Ill) Iht'lr !lam , I 10111 1(lm to ImllllrlllKl.tter~d it wherever he went. ,The their lIn'II~J IInrllflhc'f wl!lhtd 10 H'" lIle

nellllY 1l1:11lel' ofhlllW1r1Il11loe. loll,}' to tholll-title.se .as lnE'mbranous croup, ter T "'auld Il:h-&.~ lIly8l'lrilllrl see tllIJm III Illy'millalin" in cotlllelliofl o( lhe lun/lH, offit.~. 11e returll"d "le"lrl .hortly tUlllll~­The fUllfllr..1 lenicel "ere hell.! III 101l1~hes' mo wlrh the IlllllrlllflllOIl Ihl! olleIhe r,..ideflce o( our townsman, C, Clf th~ ttelltlellltil wn, Dr, Ellinwood,M, Uradsbaw, Esq, 011 Wel]neadtly '~'~~11.1 ho !till.! only callw III willie flll~tlr this week, alld Wf:re cnnducted by ... J'heN' t.<ftrret.11'1111l lreot'l'I'N(I onl}' Iii theHev. Ju, Agnew, of the PrP8hytori.l~ nopt or pl'twelltllljt the llrobllbll\t)· of .nChure., A lar~e number were i11 tlnfll1r ImllfC!'llltll1 nrbhlJt to Ihe detriment,anend.nee. Thoup:h the cir""'m. orthote ml!lIUOllN III ,.our IIrtlcle, Y01l

d""".l ""ere lefllnto llrmr, most probllbly. bylh"

"ftmce,," ren ored doubly s(.,d by fllult of )'ollr Infornllmt l:f,!lllg IIOt tUm.th~ (act thllt. the «rle(••tric].;.en par. dellU, (.'()/1liM In dl'tRlla. Hoping thnt..ta, hutnll 01111 arri't'cd 1..t .eek 1~16 eX\~hllli!LtlOltll will be reoel,.eot\ In tile.."" the D.kota C1onlidere{'. f h 1 pmf:l II) rlt. or fMlrlleM th.t the)'.re or­"mott II ,t.r.n'gcr.inlr.' t emlc"es rertfl, I haV'O th;\ 1I0uor to lub!lcrlloe m)'-

;.:0; tltrlLlIge land," lMll( YOlln "ReIIIf('tfully.bet. full .ndran,l1t 'ympathy Wall n, C. WILl..I~ON.Y no mflan.. tillg OCI the p.rt a( Port Townsclld, JUlie 12, 1818,

our people, --• ,__ Tt ill with great pleultre ".e it'ivl'l

1,":.!rr..:.& hi.an m1 tie mud.fling. place to the aho,.. oonununio.tioll"r'" :"'Ytel. dl1lw•••eel. CCHlaoIltion rrom Dr, \VilIilOn, If we did him['tin the facl. ttL,t .arthoolJfl. are injuatice, tbe (.ult was not aurt, We

'being .rected .t Ut..lad" prepara. ha"e alway. been more than cau,tnrr \0 drawing a I'rge ,hare ot the tioul in touching upon personal mat.·Io"er Sound gr.in tlllde to Lhat. point tars,.~"d aW.I' (rom, Po~t Townsend Blly. Mr. Speoial Ap:ent Enn•• in hitFnllow'DJJ out Its lute of reasoninJi uRepo'rt Concerning the Marine HOI'...e miJrht 11I1 if we cannot ship ali pital at Port Towntend,·W,T."-lndthe grain 00 the Sound (rant our we use hi, own langullge.-uyt:whlrt," ben! in.tead of u the beld hThe complaint. made appeared to'Of thu bay ,,~ ollgbt to Iwin~ our he trifliuJt, and 1 .u, no .umcintb.tl to tee it !to onrl.nd allli out realOn for e1i,approval. I .UblD'ttlrouRtI the Cnlumbl. ri'ter-in r.ct quentlr md Dr. Willi.on, a Indinltthe furthflf ••ay the .hipping point r.by.iclan of the place, from whom Ithe betLlr, e.rned that ground. (or compl .. ints

o( • more Hrioul character did ez,i.l."

Dr. Willison wa.th. onl, witnes •n.m.d in Mr, Enn.' wbole report.Eyanl My. the allea.tiona thal "TheHOfJpital it a public nuilance." eta"were Iti,.cn him, It most of them illwritin$Z', by reappetahl. citizen. alldPIIY8If1IANS." \Va .tated I..t weekthat Mr. Eun. transmitted to W·....b·inK'ton allegAtioul •..ltain,' the HOI'pil":. whieh hft knew (rom petlon,1ob.enalion were untrue, .nd we areretldy 'hcrerou to beliere that hemi(l'ht hue done Dr, WiliilOn an in·justiee,

Dr. W. "11: .. No ooe proaent" 17·lf



Commis ion



Importell l 'Wbolelllie and Retail DCllera in


Exchange Bought and

P01't Townscnd, Was(~inutonTC1'j"U01'1/,

Liberal Advances Made on Consignments.

Hardware,Crockery, Stationery, Etc.


Coods Bought and Sold· on Oommi88ion.


The Highest Prioe Paid for Wool, Hides, Fursand Produoe,

Dry Goods, Clothing,Boots and Shoes,

Ship Chandlery,Tobacco and Cigarit,

I {lAl.IFOItNI.A WI.N!:S. IMI'OR'I'ED BY U8 DlRF.Cl'LY FR.)!r 'rUEI}!. \·Ineyanl... III pl~ barn.o1lt or quanutl.. t. Ililt. For .. Ie It Sao

FMlue!1OO niles by ROTUSCIJILIJ 4: CO.

BES'r A~OR'I'MENT or CAL JFOR:SIA lIANUFAC-rURED GOI,DSet&. Ellr nlll~, FIIl,lt1!t. Ring!, Breut and Clift' Plu_, Slte\'1l aoo Coll,ar

J!l1Ufllll. Stud! l..ocker.. <te., lhat hue enr betn 01r~n11 'rtr K:) on I'IIpSoUIlIJ, 1"Cl'ell'oo by hi t teall,e~l anti lor ..Ie by RO'l'!JSCUJ.LD 4CO,


P. o. nox :17'_



H. W. OF-lotOs.



Thcllflllclf'li 11'111 III' 2111l' t~Ienrlllhnt nCOrp. or ~mL.'l'llll" (rom lire NlltlollRI Slll'­21c.11 Illsthtltl', llnl.-ojl Ollt ..... \lh 1\ ootll'II..Ie/lUmlnlt'll: IIf ILrlpll'1ttlJ~ ror the Irealllll'lIt"fen'ry ImUlllt1 111:forlllltr, ,,111 11,1::1111 \'IgltI'orll:lml. Ot~'I.!Otl. l1t tlj~ AI. (JllJIrlO!l Iinlel(mill '!1lI1f' 2,}lhto .IIII}'lllr.ll1clu.l\o,•. Ull:i."1'111. Inlllltlllh,u orllllllllllr f,mnd",1 nt 111­'IlJllllll}(lII~. 111111:11111. hll. t'xu'lulcd iI!! btl~l­U"'" Itmul;:hnllt Ihl' UIlIt,,1 I;lltll.-'iI lIud 1m.Illt:llllt:ll ~ 11'IIIllllllou (or the 1I11l:\'C! '(IIIIn'"ll1lcut of ~ljluJil Cllrvl1ltln'. Hill lind1(111'\' InlUI DI....II"C.•• CIIIII Jeet. 1'1tml,VIIJl,I'U,·, 11.1111 FI"1lI1l\. hl'rclofol'C UllkllOl\'1I tolh~ Iln,(~-loll. ItcItH·~III.'\'lj01 t1MSlilJ(11l:i1.."It'r elll 00 ginn.

UGET SOUND A.RGUS, '1'",: rO",m, OP J"I.Y ':"'"..,n,._ I'UJl:IlrS'I'\n:ll,p~ io':uhtr (."1:",Lry "rlw~ ll~. Imlll ~all .111'111. :0'"" .lrA~. ~r .• ,rllllC"!l. I!';~.

L ..' \v th:n liter :Ire 1Il:l.ldll~ prepu'1\llou. ,)nrLOGA 1: r.~. I r I:III"TOII A11m ·;_W" r.'t'l 1I.II'I'1Io ____ "' t wre to noounll1lOthue A In~' Illllllbl'r n h\' 1'11111' P'IIM'fnr,,", :tI.1 "I.. lint A...x.

t"ll Yo T,.'!·"C \lII ... -The fCllfll'rlnf;: Or Ik"Ol'le on the fourth or lltst 11l1ll11h. TIM' l'II";"fllI to "Ilt l.hll.I, hlll"lllk'd to Caketht· m'W \"t·."'i{IU of Ihh pllty. 011 }'ri,l:Iy Di~I):lldl bas ~"ell ellA: ';,,1 III c:Lf'1')' f':.'. r hl'" 11K' rtf'1 ""clll,hy 1\1' .IWlt', W ~ potl- SJh·· d

I I b I I I . IllllU·,lllllll" Fl)llrlh nr ,llIh'. 11I111t... If) IPI)lllO' anl'fI'Ullllt In·l. 111Il> 0':10 ..,·11.'111...,,,I.jlll·rlug ""1'" on 'I~: lit we an> ufOrlll1, ,I ~r~. r ..·.Illk.' C'....tr ... A. Wt' 1111 hop" lo 1110'1...-th'" ,I,,' ·1,1;.....• \\It-loo ,m:l.lIlor -0 11Ir~e Il -rt>:\lIwr will I'C fCClln...1 I( 111 "·,Ir,.. 1.'II\'r Iml~i1'llli''''l1~ b\' Ih:tt lln~ hI 111.1('0111)1.' "I 11"1.' '·r.... lllnlJ1r 10 lI'CIlI,,'h- • :1:I{'kcLi (o~ thlll (lOve I:-~II he ~',I lilt )Ir. l~h'''' our rlcl14lol. WI' r..<f;1 MIl-'ftf'd Ih"l WI''rhcch:1rll.lt'f"il I''t'rt! 1I111llIr:llJlrl"'~llll1l"l1. I honitollll IMlllllwSt, IlckeH from ~Hll_ \\111 rt'\:f'1\"e 1Il:111)' (II lIll'tn lilt fllf' l:lt:-..1I11A11 •

le III f'l iO I I II I " Itro"f'. Our \'0II1lA: Itlrl" mil'1~u",lr ,,~~Ihelru\\to'ro( lmflOrllll1re 1l('lng "I'llde 1 w ~t :. .•• t(M1I11 Ir!'i Cilln' 111/1,1,'1\1) Ihelrllllutl;JllotlOjZOUIlIII ttk.i.lTn",," .. 1':\'1." .. l'oll~Y·" .. Illlllimll hllllf·llrlt'C. Alhl1l ....illoll 10 Ihu ~rIW(' fl. IInllllwr '·I'ar. 1I~ they I"'! 111"'*"1 ·-.cuIII~.·le:dM-'r" 1* nl fl 011. The k!;I"OlI ("n~ht The ileftlotr will le.\·e ilion Wh:!.rl:ll Ihclr C:IIH" 'oJr lhe }'om'", IIWIt who -III0)' tlll-,,\1I' I. II ::r.1I111 l.me. It -ctiO lorlh GA.~ .. (I11~te:l.l1 of at .. II' forUlI'rl)' Ill_ 1'0111(" 111141 tht old lnchelllf"'-4Q loult III

., I I 1101"'.10 elo btlh·r-.'~ "lll'N(ly 10 nhtAhl1ltr Ilium fi,n'lbl'! lklll .... nnl,; 1~1I"11"lI11'·1'')·. um\lC!() '" II reac!l S.'II .JU·III llbolll 10 A. th.. IIl\'u", 11'll11l tht COli lit)' .' I If allrthe l'vll. "f -!:,,·U}'. r1n,I-:'lIl1lot. f1'l1l11l 1111- M. Dhlller III Ihe gml'e \l, UI ht" -en'eo! III 1..,.lllllfllhl'eo.,'hn,.n nf t1w rllir :r ,,·otlkl,n!'! 1111 IVU1I II iell~ uf hnrror O\'er Ihe112)1. AmllocrnCll!6 of all khlll" \\'111 bt· like belh'r Ih,. 1)0'111 01. connlrylcrrlhk~ crllll~ whit'll IIOftI to be 1#.lclkcd the onler of tile iJI}' from 1 I'. )1,. 1111111 a. 111..111'1111 1I~'11 111111 01 (\ I ~ ~Irl III II""

I III •.- n 1.-111· Wlllilluk It btU"r," "'C eS'1lt\.ta!,III·t tile "Hrlt.·ln SLI\'l" In .\lllerllll, IIV lell illJlllel' W IJIC 't\"elI.:. cr wMdl ~I)tlll~ IVIII be III )[0011 dCllIlllld IIIttI prlo.'t-'IS'o Inl(' '\Il11'rlt:-11l dll.&clI ClIll \\'1l1l~~ allltL~mellll or ,:iIICI'tllt klmli ,-.111 Lt· hlr 1I"XI Sl'ttr. As 11~ San ,111:\11 PorkIht pl"I'>C1l1allnll of "l1l1df' 'l'mu'jf ClIlllll" MnUnlled IlnUl:J A, Jr. It I~ Ilfnl)O~,1 rIO "lld.. ItIICCiIlIlI.,n.r·!l r.tllnll'd l... tOl"O IlOtI,,., lhe C..III"''I r"'lIIhlllntlml (AlIll"")' it:trt hU1l1t! It Ii o'dock, A, ~l...1111)' 5tll. the IWI-'-C"IIIt'I'r c:ar too mirra\\", allil the, whl-f~ ht!filA,1 we will llIt'elllnd wt""'lIIe,~·ltll"ut fl...·IlIlJ.!" 1111111 of IJrhl.. nllllllUlIlk· I1l1dnllbll.'llly II pkl\lllttlt lime will he ell- 1t11"lIr Irll.'l1ll~· nt Ihe u'llmbo'll lamllllgIlllncH til/It 1111 Ill~lIl1lllll11 .ro rttroclOll.i Jo}·ed. /lntl IlInn}" "'Ill IUI\'I: U111!C to reo willi OI'r hlilt IClttll3; 11111.1, if 1ll'l.'<I lie. aA'llll\ 1~1..('l1 II.~ Ih:at of Jlln\·Nr. IlilS bt!t!u mtmber Ihe occ:Isloll. ftll" \'nkf' III OXI'".

, n~(Iec:tlull)' Yunn:, ,lAcon.(vre\'er Wlpl~llr·lJIll.11llr Ilimi. Os.: tlay rerenfly :l hone nntl cart, be I~"".c'• .on.

X,,'" 1",,, ...-0,, '10" ....·"I"~ n' F", 10,,~I"g \0 !l,. ll. S. !lll~,. w,'.. ",,'1,"1 --_.'f1lF. /lCh()f)1 t.111jl:hl by )lr. Chlroncttin)· the jlh III~t.• II. new J0I1~~ nr udd offlho hill where J;l1ldlllg I. helujl: dOIl('.

}o~llUO\\" \\'11' IlrJ'llllll'.I'l1 III IlllI't OnmlJlo rorlllll:uety llellhC.'r 1101$ nor l'll11. Wrrt' Mor~'llIr, at Port Ol.ll'\l\·or)', l'10:§C1 thllweek. " t,with Ih'e l'lIltrlcr 1tI1'1lIbur~ /lud 1I111l' 111111- serl01l31y IllJlltl.!tI, though 00(11 roll('(1

!lId. lly I/,m. II. G. ~trm·e. Diet, "ply" IKImo 111~tllllce llown the ,tt'Cp 111U~\llu.

N.O .• lls.l~tt!·1 I,~' !Jr. ":1:. ":IIlI·.lml W, 'l'III~c.'1I1'! lo mlniJ (he ntlvlto willch Wil11. I'lllllpllrl')·. 1I(~'llltll', Dr. ~', U. 11111. 11'1Il1,·... ·c1 !e\'eml 11101111111 n~o 1\'111'11 ~Il",

ofllll"IIIIIIC, lIml X. S. l'ul'lcr.•Jmlgc D. w. Smldl lind MI1I, A. EdmOl,lhflllJllllI'llt 111111 ,Ino, )1. :;\\'1111. of \J1.rllll'ln. ""'lilt! &0 IIllnr bcluJ{ kliktiJ, viz, ThaIIt "'Il"l'hrl~I"tu"I"Frh'IIlI~IIIJ\" ICIIIj!"e Xo, 1!:ll.'11 gtfllle Oli the hiUoughllO he Ilr.1vlcl"111:1. lHler Otl) to'Il;1l \\'1\. hHltll",1 IIIIlI wltll/Hilrong reure IIlollS{ Ihe Ollll'r 1'i1jl:f' III11111"1\' 1Il"lIlbetll hlIlIMf'11. II IIln~lIll1lt!tll Ihe' 1'0:111, Tho COllt wotll,1 00 1l1ll1'l:1)'IUlldl 1't'1l~lllIrfllkeu "I (lIbt",r 1 o·cll",k. A, nUlIlllll\ll"OmplIrt.tiJ wllh lliu rl'kll'llI)' IJl'

)1.1 \'t'1~1l 1114' 10I1J.,"\! wnll f'I,.Opt'III.-,ll\lILl Ihc III~ mil 01 lOlling lire "1ll1 property L"1It'l:;n:l'l" werl' IlllII!t:rn,1 "II'm IlppllUIIIB. ::ellln~ t~Alla II.-"lIklClIllllly pl't'dllllUll'll.\lh'itl'lIIN tile ~1'-'11I0I11('", 111.11'1.1 1111111 O\'et 1IlC.' lJrlnk.IItar II",' IlIlh., 1Il1lrllhlg. TlkJ lIe\Y lodKt ---------b'.:1", II Cllrt'Clr IIntlcr 1Il()'1 1r1\'Ut'llt.!C WF. 1I1I111h" pleMIlt\! t111~ wet'k 01 ml"!'I.-.I~ll\,-" ° 11I,It Mr. B. "'"lIow", proprlelor of Ihc

-:..,..:-~.,.•....,__-: :'Jllrth Ptlicll1c Ch(~C(l Jo'lIC1llt}·. loc.lIMlllt'f1lV. "\'lilc )Inll f.l.1t·lIl1l!hlp f)lIkol:l. t,;llhlllll.-'1ll1l. lie \'·Il.llowu 11I'llili !'('I,'llotl

CIIIK. Mol"!"t!. IIrrl1"l'l1 n~ Illb pllll" from 011 bu·lue:<5. Ai "!litem lu (Il.-or 01 thl~

~f1wl\1 IJOtliI I"' t3l111U\1.I,r tIIunllng, 1'1"1 1111.10r,-. W~ wlll.llItc Ilnl ,,'Il "ttl Illfo",\I~1

II'I'! all:nlt: IlIr \'k'H'rlll !.k'I()f\lIH)OIl, lIt'r ~hll" Itl,dM!e!'C 1m. IJeeIl 1IlII"Olhl..~1 IIIIltlCl1t lI01\'1I \oll·I-Il!llor I r" k IJrllilidr. l'onl:lI111. It COllUlllltlcl- from I1nl 10 ,I".. bAg'! "11r'I:11', ~t1 !,li~. IlINdllll"t1o('. 1.- l.'l..'nL. ptr 1~lllld more III:... C;tllfol/lill11,1 Ilkga. bttrrel.(II\' :1,1' ...~lhl '.0011. 1.'1k'eic tIoe.••1111 Ihat III ordtr h:... t'OU\I'I ill flrr Iilt~-:!:I-t fll't'tll tI,).. ; b;11t<l1lt.'lt-, (rom Ihero lOr 1I1lt,'Cl 1011. ",hl\·11 onl...,.AbJle ,llIrtI Mlltl hl<1e'I. 2; hnleJ It.h-~ .... mbr tll'ed wUhllllhu next few dll)' .III1Xeo' ,1,1 .. :,!.! .k~, \t'uoL ~ Ilu 1.'1110\\', 10'k~. IMlilltl"'ol. 10 _k" COllI, 021Jt.....rk~·Jt'" 1.­100 k•. (I"t~.



HEA VY AND LIGHT WAGON~!Manuractured expreilly (or our tradel by



Have arrived on schooner Be~be,andare now for saJe at San Fran­

cisco, prices, by:a..OT:a::SO:a::XLD 00

Port Townsend, lY. T.

Finest of JAPA TEAS!


~~lIl'LO\·..Y.'.,..-A ilOber• ..te:"I, 11111."(Gem../) Or AlIlcrk.1In, 1.lth II. ",II~. pre.ff'rl'ttl) (,.... oblllin Illlornl11.UOII fll""-1111K111m 10 projhaUI" an'l lelll)' elllplo}'m~n1~. "Plllyhl' at till' olllot!.

1ofK. E. A, Field•• of the "rm of UrlgpII; Fleldll, btlteller'lL of LIlI. place, hq golll:!10 l'rel!hwater B:ly In Clal'JIl Cnulltl.

Sohi', SUDerior,IJ.nport ddirectfrorn Japan,


-Also (t--

Lot of wheat and oats, bran and

chopped feed.\VI!; ll('knf'l"'ll'IllCll a pliWlIllllwll lrom

}fQII. T. I F. '\lcElro}', lJf Olylllll'II, 011:t.!:OIlWI, 01 thl' \I\'I"t-k.

TII~ pcoille 0' Lop', 111:1.1111 .. anIanolher IlOIt-oftl\~,





Ibe[eUIbl' lor.w..Ihe jI~ tbThofook"Dbolhll:for III

~ot IIhg II



A lfew CDre tor Consumption.

A writer In the 1Iart(llrll Tirllq , tIlatCI a new thoory in rt'jil:ard to the 8D ­or coa.umptlon. lie "yl: "I h,vo a crrewhich I have lfJDg thought 'North p iIrlURla cure nut ollly for cotuumpf. 0but ,"cltow fe'llr !loll cholera J~oi'founded on the (act tbtlt the ho~"uhodIc.n nfel, endure" tOlllJlCraturo of 800 ~aGO de,lil:rec•. MillO than 110 ¥curntlon amen.lu ~;llilaul.1lrietl the uperilJlcllt~i1!1I}'lng 10 all O\'Cli ",hUll 1ll8.4t rUllite!l1 hel11nly u.ed tho t>r~uutiull of nllL h •ing mohtlllc anlcle;t IIU their c1othl~T.llul here r,ilCllla intjuir)' natural to :.student mlod. Is I Ie air whieh ent


llud exiau ill tho lungJ much hutter ther

•the normnl nillet! dC~l'ees ot the bluodi'fhig IIlr of Illll;le huodred dtgrcci piaharmltn uroUOtl the b!ldy, inclUding t~:red.lkluued U1UCOUI unllccs of moulh andnose. Can it 10&11 much of Itl hellt In thesburt pa5Uge to. tho lung.il Tilll ia notealy to dotonnmo ullctly, but it lIeemlver)' prohnblo thlll tllll Ihlt "ir retllu. aluult"'lIllal,dcgrce of drying hCIII.ta a.ble t)( mnklllg had jerked beef of d~1dulccr?us nl!lUcr. '.'IJili III Ihe Imint-tbehot IIlr IItincks and clltlterh:ea lhe dil'Msed pUrl a, leA¥ing tho sound flllel ullarfected. Whoa tbe thcrmOUlclllr once r~to ItO . c.lUaor.llnllry l1egrutl in II rllCeIt! Perilill whert: ~!lolcrll wa.'l raulng, tbee1llelue ccaecd. I hellune or "reuter heatIoluuld telltll likoly to dcatrt.,oalllJlllart_ous llod other lIon·mttllllle pOllflllOUImalttr wllieh it could rCllch. 1 'hluk tbeJ(reat I,lnguo of LoIU.!UD .... "••topped lIythe RrelH Ore. Uudern art can iocrcfLIothe (orce n( lieat by lidding lho f'l.ror orearlJolio Ilc!d nud other IUltisclltiea. Itonl~ rem~lOs to tUg'y€lIt II Incal III'&J ofteltlog thiS Ilt0llolleJ pillo of curln/{ COII_.umptioo. 'Chero I~ ... larg. llVllU III •cracker bakory in IIlI'ka lItrcet, DOW uo­ulcd. Thl\t i.just the III lice rur Irial. be.ing quito roonlY. TO.IIlW inS (1.!1h 10the humlclluwl of tbc IIVell eXJlerimeot1 ..... ill euler with II }JtlHent. W. _lIlbave a comOlUllicatloll with the OUler"orld, and ttlll ",hen we arc well dOllolind dellre 10 he llhoycl!ed out. Therewill be ll. tH,h of cll.rholic acid (IIr the Pi_lient'a lungll not mint, but it doell noharm. Wo will aho tllke in a pleco ofmeat to cutoff Ilice. from' wheo It I. rillor brnwn, ~ we prefer."

The lIwure of Wacceas.One of thll chief caUtel' of f.iluro 10

IlrOlper In bUllpell 18 dillike of Itr(lon­ous elelllon, i/peci.Il, wben Illanual II'bor la elltailed. Too way Joung menget the Idea that becaulO theJ arelmartthoy ought to lio auhl"toUve bI thelr willIIIHI llle! .ltlft about rrom pillar 10 POltin anJ occupation Impa.ing upon themwballl communlylormed manualilloor.'l'hlailldecd I. a lad millako; de,ulloryIti nonn' occupatio os aro Itlborlous to thebod" .od (rom Iheir 'fielllltudcl and uo·certalot1 very axlllualing to the mindAU men C'DDot, 10 the lI.lure of tblng..learn to (ollow a ttllde or till the foil, butthoeo who rail iuto thOle 'f(JeIUOU! will •ll'tId th~lr pUfJu!u Ie...0lleroUI aDd moreremunerallve thlln Illch occup.lIona uwe consider puroly lulel1ectual. It alloperative becomel "Ikllled workmau, orthe fllrmer becom~15 II thorough matter oragriculture, be II • IUCetlll, eyoll tbougbhe (1001 nOl atlAln riches; anll If he per­mit. thi. latter fact to render blm dll'con ten led, It ia nflt Bll o,ideoca U.at hllcareer h.. bebn A (ltilure1 but r.ther Ih,the pcrmlta a morbid IcollnR 1(1 OTer­IDado" hll achle'fcmenle III .0 iuduttrl·ou. and palo.laking citizen. JIlllldelityaDd .klll Arc to theD1ltllyca e,ldoncCl orlueCClI. It teema to be • human pro­cliTlty to "I.h that onu'l occupltion lildbooa IOlOethlog ellO, Ilmo.t anJtllllll( 10'deed but tba' which It actulllIJ II, .nd WIorteo he.r It lald, "If l Iiad m, life top'lI o'er again, I \,ould be a aD-Iud·IO.""rhe old al.1a~e, "Let tho Ihoomaker Itickto bll lut,' II JUltillcd by uperiellCCtbut tbe wladom ot the praYerb reDltUll'tbe tame, wheD chanJj:log hI'a WOrtil welay, "[Alt the fllrmer Itlck to bil plouRb."Tbe a<JyJce, It rollowed lu InJ TOO.UOO,wlllieat.l tu lucceu.-F'rl'1II1.

IT II the InterClt accouot that kill...One hundred dol1atl borr(lwe<! at Ilx perCtDt., 'WIth tho Inlerelt eompouoded an·nually, will a&ount to '1,84.2 In tUtyytarl. The lamo amountl bonowed ateigbt per cent., will amount to 14,000 infI(IJ Jellli. One thousand dollarl, at tenpcr cenl., compoullded l will .um np1117,000 In fin, ycul.

l'uz criterion of true bealltyll, tblt itlocreuu on uawlnatloo; it falae, thltIt lellOn.. There II lomething. tllerc·(orello true be.uty tbat corrclpolldl wllhrilJht rcOlOD, aDd II DOt mercly tbe cre~

atlon or (.ncy.

Hints Prom the Ponltry World.

FowLi ddnk ~llely, but thoydon't koow ju,t how much they needand when they have acCO.1 to the fluidClcllo,llll'eet IIUI) freah,lhey Imbibe nomore Ihan i!l good (ur them. It IIlherefort, untlecf.llll.ry t(l mix you;d(lugh ton thlo aDd aloPllJ Ilt tho morn.Ing (ceding. Hue tho meal ",·ell.leilldcd, nud feed tho mixlure fo theItock stiff aDd dry, cnmp!lrlJ.livcly. Thisfeed should geotrallJ be compo,ed orbolh eurn un,l rJn oWlIl. witb vcgetllblel-Iny une·tblnl ellch. In our Prllctlco '010'0hll.vc fOllnd this prdllrnhlo. bOlll for thoblnlll ami, ns fin eeonomic",1 pwvisiou.for Iho old or tho urowlog nock. Alittle Imppcr occs6iunn.llyln thil dough,1II1111lIwlI'SUIt, will imllruve the m~lll.

OLD breeders l.1eclllle 'that chlckenll(I'om tho egga laid earllCit In the len801lIlro the mOlt likely tu live 1I0el thrive,lI.fter hatching, It i. clllllllel.1 thllt con·tiouous IflyluJ: cDfcehlea tho Iten,' 'y,.tcm~ to luch lin llxteut thllt the Illtercgg~ in Ihu I)lriog litters nre oot "'011 en·dowed with vIgor. Tile constnnt litten­tienl of the c'Xlk to Ills flock of hellS willubo impllir Idl uiefulnesl III a stoek­getter. We IHIye triell tho al1ernlltlngproCOII to good fldunlll~o; i, e.• allnw·Ing one rook 118 1\ companIon to the houlfor threo dlly', aod I~ Iccond efCIlVl!r (ortho (ollowiog threo days-llrtt ontl aodthea tho other mole. of the tame ~(rllin.

of course, 1I0ti brOlher. preferretl whichlire eQllal to elch other in (lcnoral qual­Itiel. This phn ucccultutel tho keel>'lug of two good cocks fur U50 III the,Irdt ",hero" dozeD or fifteen ilena Arebolng bred. Dut it 1'i'1I11)sy, where enlyllrlt·clalJ chlells arc lookwd (or, in thoprogcoy.. FAG!! nn TAnI.v. }o~owl.ltl _ hWhich

ylcll.11 the better or greater prollt!" ID­quires all olpcrimenter. Perhtlpl tho(ormor-if IVO cultl9Rte tho rl/tllt brllcdlJfor egg-production. .\ good "'''y (0 clll­culate thll problem II to leleet tho IOrtof (owll that will, ia proportion to IIIC'.Jleld you the l.rRelt averago nnmhcr ofcglls in a giveo time. Two (Iozen tgll',althe best market rate or fruh 0I1~',

will bring about tbo price or II commonrowl'l dressed carcall. ]f you culti'fllte(IDly tbe ordloary b.rn yard (01V11i. Ilr theleuer-Ilzed blrdl, like the Leghorn!. Cflrcumple, )'ou maJ get 10 'Kood!y a pro·duct of tggl (In number) 10 • seUOlil Uto U1l\ke thee par you better tbnu willthe (owl Itself, merely al drened poultry.The I..4lghorn. willlflJ II good many eggsin- a ycar, with a fl\lr llhuIICO .nd goodkeeping. It COllI, to lupport the.eImall rOI,II, lell tb.n it does to ft'od theAsi.tlCI, whilo (h. cggt aro bel0,B'grown. And, in the U1l\ikctl "all cgg IIan cgg." We IIbould. therefore, InythAt, ordlnnrlly. the prOllnction /I( eagJfrom modcrato·llted flock., that ml\} IHIdl,polOll or at a haody tnarket (or to(amlliea ill Jour uelghborhood ~'bo lirewilling to pay Ille b1gbelt price for(re.h onu (or their awn tablet), will giTe• greoter prodt tbaD will doad poullryalune.

MA:NAWK" A BAL...--y Boan.-A writer10 11~ ,,/let r(mn .nJI, that a balkJhone il lnllno 011 tbe lubject or going,and Ibould bo mlde to tblnk on lOmeother topic,-tbeD be will go. The rol·lowln,l( doyien bne been luccellfull)'Irled to IccompU.h tbe de.lrec.l oDd: 1.TJlng a Itctng arouDd the bortela earcloac lO tbe he.d. 2. HItClJing tbo 1I0rlOto the I.ingletree bJ meaoll or • cord In·Itead or tbo tur' tbe ohord futened tothe bene'. tai. 8. rilliag fhe moulbrull of 101D0 dlugrcuble lub.laoce. 4.Tying ll.tout twine .rOUDd the leg JUltbelow tbe kneel aod tben rClllo'e it wbonhe hal travelled lOme dlttaDce. Netorwhip. balkJ honc, for the more bo 1.whipped the erltler ho ,,111 become. Lote"er)'tblllg be dooe sently, for bolaterousWOrdl oolJ coduto him aDd make himworse. Treat blm III the mild mannorthat you would a cruylllan, aDd you,,111 .t1cc~d. •

Gu From Water.

AN EooL'ITIUO Wl!l:LL.-WellJ In the011 rt'gion. 11..,0 flowed lalt water, freah"ater, gtl and oil. We now bue Inror­mAtion that a well io Dutlor county bubeen flowlag blUI of lire. To add to theIlItereet of tbo phenomenonl eACh oC theaebaU. of 8re.exploded witb .. loud report.The well 11 Ihuated on tbe McCaadlellfarm, in Buller oounty, Pl.,. colllliderilblediaunco beyond de~elopmentl. It wutlnilbed lOme time ago, and Will drilledas a telt well Cor th.t locality. Abou'tbe time It w.. completed an JmmenllO~elD 01 w.ter 19'.1 Itruck. wblch 80wedooe hundred (eet loto tho lilr. The wellb.. lJeco liowlng lOme mOlltbl, &ad II yettbrowln, the water about ftfl) CHt Intotbe air. Jtecently the C.mIlJ living iotbo 'flcinity of the well weroUarlled bya loud, rumbllDg lOund, not mncb unlikethunder. ThoJ round, on goin&: out ofdoorl, tbe ooile proceeded (rom tbe well.DIUI. of fire role aboTe the columD ot....ter and ezploded with cOD.lderableytoleoct'. The phenomenon cooUoued(or lome time. Then the rumbllog nohoand tbe b.lI. o( fire ccued.

TIlI1U~ \Val a negro m.rrllge 10 Till·lade,aj Ala., a (ew daYI ago, and a fol'l'minotel aner the ceremon,-bad beeo pClhformed a rejected .uitor of tlle brldcthrew hil.rlnl around ber neck, and, 10the prelenco of a number or perlOnl in·OIcled on her eight Ilr nine stabe, fromwhich Ibe died almOit inltlDtly. Hethen mounted tho Coort. HoollCl.tepl aaJproclaimed: III done iti haDg me or kl1lme,jott II lOU plellJt', onlJ bury me byLiza'i .Ide. '

Wbile Iho pOllibilityof Illiking illu­minating gAl rrom \lIliler hal been underdiscuillon, some practlcai men hRVe ercct­cd workll, IIlld for flo ,ellr past hllve .up­plied 8al ill this clly millie from (;roton""aler. Amoog thll eiltlblislullelltl Inwhich this gllJ is burned are the Sttln­dsrd. l~'irth AVClIlll.'. Wnllack·s. UnionSqullr • Rnll Park thcatrn, Jlud Dchnonl·CO'II,' Wlndsnr. St. J.mcll, FlI'lh AVeAue,Buckillg:hnw, MetlopollllUI. ~t. Nichlll11~1Pllrker, nud Pre&colt hntels. Thu worklaro ~l l-'ult,.-fuurtll, FLlIIJ.llfth, nut.! Pi'f'

t)"&IXIIi strecu nntl the North riVIJr, andMr, }<~rtllLckl}'n, the mllllllKl:r of Iho Cu·nllrd line of .tcnnl11lil1l, Is tho Cllphlllilliwho has lIuJlpJlecl mlilloy ror eurr,IlIg onthe enlerjlme. It ill uill thlll $000 000ill lnve,tud. The concclO. eitlle_j tho ~Ju.lIiclplll OllllJighl cOlllpany, IlJU hecn itlIIcthe I'perlltion for lIlore Ihu:I R yelll. ASun rCllOrtcr on SlI.turdlll met ooollf thodlrectorlt of the eOIIIVRllY, nntl asked himto de5criuo tho mtlhod of nlHklng IheKILfl, Rnd Iho Ilrnlpech of Ihe eutcrIJrii5e.Ho 8Il.Id that tbo company had carefullya9nh]etl publicity, nnd did 110t dedru pub­lic atteotion. Th~y hilda cheap mOOe 01ml.kinK gil!, whicb nobody else 111\(1 )'etadoptcd, RDd whieh, Iher<Jfore, gave tll(~m

an IIdvltotogc. ThtlY werc unable to BCI)'ply tho elcmllnd. ha\'ing now over 2,000appliclltioos 00 the books to wilich thc!could not respond.

"The foundstitln of the dlscO\'erj IhntwRter is cODgertilJle Into burnln$! glU,"thh gentleman Ibid, lIil tho e%ploJlon o(tile olt.lll.1ct, thot water Is an ori~loal ele­meot. Water is I. compo.ilioo of o%lllenand hydrogeo, alld by aubJection to In­tense heat tho water II re.ulved Into it.orlglnnl cODstituontr.)'ioldillgone volumeIIf oxy~en gaa Bod two volumel of b,dro~!(UIl, Tue jlrucc,a il il cuwpliCilWd OliO,but Inczpenalve, and tbo w.ter gaa doelnot cost nearly 10 much tlI tbe HIlS made(rom coal aDd keroacoc. The Brit opera­tion io tho ltl&nuf,cture of Ihil AU il toheat the wotur, end nczt to superheat-Itto about one tblililllDd dttgrees }'ahreu·helt. Tho waler il tben paued Into gen·eratora lllled 'I'l'lth aothracite coal, bylUcanlo( whlcb It 11 decomposed luto illorifj:inal elomeoll. The oxygen heroUnltlld with tbe carbon from the coal, IlDdtho product I! carbonio ozlde andhydrogen. At thil,lage a crude burn­ing gu il had, cooulinia,cc ltijllhurand cllrbonIc acid. To remove thesethe gAS 10 JlBsled throu~b purifylllg001011 which are Immeo,e ale,ea cootalll­ing I.yers of limll. Tile lulpbur 1& de·poIlted III the lime, aud a carbonate I.made by the acid. Theae Impurltlea re·mOTell, the gal nelt' pallet Into c.rbu·r~t1el-1ron cyllndon Ineaaed In wflterJacketl, (10 the glue pot princillio. Thesecylinden aro balf full o( napbthll, Thenaphtba Is v.llporl~od by the beat, and the,R'al hku up lbit npor and carrici it lotothe retorts. In tbe retortlthe Dapbtha n·por II pecolJlpoUld and combioed withthe water g", and the leuer 11 thonburning gM, hut not ready (or tbe mlr­keto It It peat p.llcd Ihrough con·deo.era and wuherl to rem0ge .ny con­denllble v'porl. The re.ult is a clearwbile burllIoggu, enUrely freo from odor SUADIXO TIlK CURllANT.-Io our 1mallor Imoke, aDd far mure brllll.nt than or. garden 01 lbout ao acre we hll."e twodinary coal gu. Itl illuminating power ron of the common Rl.'!l DUlch Curr:mt,1180 Iler <lent. greater than that o( coal Bod while one row oootalos nothing butill." tho curraot" the othor WIloS plallted IOllitl

liIIow much KUI do you mako oyery two Jeara ago "lth the Red Antwerpday!" asked tbo reporter. lwpberrYI for "aot of 'p&co ellewbere,

"About GOO,OOO feot." and tho lOti IJeIOR or a poroul nllture, II1Il10't t1Jere about Ila much of otber rich II.QdJ loam, by frequoot alll)lIcltlon

kiods of gaa In thll miature .. of wllat of manure for 'fogelable" the rupllerriClfJOu ge~ out of the Croton walerl" madu a very Itroog growlh, boaidea pro-

hNo; the gu c(lmel from tho waler. duclng tb, prClCot 16&lOn • bountiCulWe troat itw1tb naphtha vapor Ihnpl, to crop or rrult. All delired to iet all thegiTO it lIluminllting power. You go ood Iliallta I couhl for f,lantlng .0011lClr yelltry thia gil. Y(lU can place I. Ihtd or the .uckers wero al owod to grow, '0 Ib..white poreelaio witbln throe Incbe. of the the currant bUllbei wero prtluJ .....ell COT­Jlame, and tbere wlll net be • partlole ered up by th.m. Now the r.lult WIIof Imoke ia tbree mltllths." more than double the .mount of currautl

"Are 'OU lliling I' any chUI)3t th.n In the Ibatle or ralpberrlet thll.D 00 thethe other enrovaniea?" otber row. The Iltultlon I. a Beolle

"NOi wby Ihl)ultl wei We canlt IUp- I(JUtbUD Ilope. but a norlberu ooe 1.ply tbe demaod (orlt. If "'ilIIougbt CUI. much better. 'fbe .un 11 a Htlle too hottomen tbat would be. different tblDg. for tbe currant beret Ind tbe fruit IIWeean makea big profltCrom It no"" and moatlI Ceuod III tbo .haded part uf thewe lotend to do tt." bu.h; therefore, aa a protection l I would

The gM, It il &lId, cOitl tbe compauy luggo.t pl.nlloa tbe rupberrJ, aDd JOUonly flrty ceotl per lhoullnd foet, Rnd will notoDly bave morecurrllnta bnt 10m.they 1Ml1l it for '2.-Nno York 8u... rupbeni", too.-J. DurWr, J"., Fai"/lIZ 00" yG. _

[ ti" not ,IlY U1C husband i~ IIh"II}'~ tilLhullO, The wifu ofteu mllk~s home uu­hUIIPY: too oftcn buth IIro in fllull. Yet1 think tho llulbllnd II more Ilpt to 00·cr.me carolc.. Dod lIeglect(ul Or little at­tcntlon, loon flftcr morrillJt:othMII H.c wi(oi,. A trustin.ll, loving girl giTes up hor(reedom Cllrover nod "ooa out frolll uaderthe 8btlleriog roof of the Qlel home toIJles, Rnd I1rlgb tcn the Dew. Goes to liehil own io Ilckoen or health, for "ooUcror .....orle." until Olill ot the tWllin Ihallrell (rum nil earthly 11I1J0rs.

Before marriage he WliS all attelltlonItS to his perbolUl ap(letlflmce; eager togrlltifS hor everJ wi~11. Ue admired therOlollud tillt.lchcted to wear on her 005'OlD, but tllllll)(ht hiHl\Vn chosen rule·budmuch lovelier. lie admlrl'tl tlic dress Ihe~'ore, Illl~ ribbon in ber hllir, truly 5110coull.! do lIothlng to please him that fllileduf its ob/eel, ADd be lold all hll lovoaod 8dm rlltion in actioDs, and wb"t WILl.till )lllla,anter, in wordl.

:No"," theJ are wedded, both .uro of Iheothcr'8 love. Tho dR1' aro rull of lightInd jOlt .be knows a ,bsdow can neverdarken Iheir homo, (or II Iho not bll dar­lioR; hil o\'l'n happy little wlfo aDd doelhe not tell her 110 evor, l.1ay1 She doe.nut lJclieve aur chaugtl COntU after mar­riage ulllelJ it il greater and more per­fect love alld trUlt. Yean I)SSI. Ha.vethey carried tbe b1'l(Im of life with them IHe h.. buaiDe8I to look afier, bot bo 10TeIhll "Ire jUlt the lime, IIhe will not be­lIe~o otborwiee, Yo~ .0m.Umel whon heSoel to hil wOlk, with oolya huty killIlull. never once noticinJ( the lily buds iobtr h.lr, or tbat Iho ha~ on hill (RmriteJewelll lOlIIetimet, I aay, a (eellng of dl,­appointment cloud. tho JOJ in her hOllrl.The full alory is dimmed. fie continuelto gro" more neglectrul. Bhe weara tliOcolon tbat ulCld to pleue him ~Ihe Itrl'elto beautllJ his home In oyer, pOllliblemannerl but be .puk. no word or pralle.lIe neo liodl fnult witb her ooco In 0",bile; but "llat plliul her mOlt II hi.con.lIlnl inditTeronct, and ho hu. too, ah.bit of putting her £ccoDd in.lead offlrlt in nearly everlthlng. OccnalooallJ,wben ho doe. bappen tt.l ootice her ha'llt'olldlln ot tbe worn (lICO tlDd quiet man­lier; and, doubtleu thereby.lho h.. be­cOlllevcrJ carelllU of llomo tlojoymcnll&lid loye. DJCs bo Dc'er rOl;Demoor IhlmanJ times" gentle woro"n h., aloOO be­litle biru, lifUuK tho hair Irom bis browor plrtiol{ it with 10(t flo~er" or carelli­in"I,1.Jlng • white h.nd on bli bendl110 uaed 10 kiM that limo band i holdingit in both Ilia owo, and I.y m,oJ kindlythings. Now Ihe Huger. nur hiro, buthe oe90r lin. hi. 'Ici from bi. book 10tbe face belide him, or findl Doe IIIt1ewon! of endearmeot for his wile.

Oil, i( tbe walll nf h.er room couldlpolkl would Uley oot ecbo tho wordlth.t bad 10 orton been lpokeo to them:"Ob I God. wbat hD'fO I dooel What.ba'e I faned to do, that nre h not u It01100 wu1 Ob t bow have I (righWdaway &11 the teader wMdl; all thee.rOUOlthat oneo ",erll minol Ob why did I Dotdie when eYeI'J word and action "ere(ull tJ( lo'el Belter-lar boUtlr to ha'egono away (rOin earlh ere tbe bridal rOlelradtd Ihall to b.... Und uotll my boar'calli out .,.inly, dly .nd nlllbt, (or tbelitloryor departed daJII"-Rural NfllJ


;\1lt3. CnAlIWTT& }:. "f~Jl.:It.

tllklng the Ilr, tbe tepclrter voluoteerjngI' teuur, I' pOllul"r negrl'l melodr WI'S

forthwith sung to tho machine. ioN"",,"~aill Mr. E4iHon, propariDll to let til a cJI·iader in ruolion, "you will. 1 think, di$·tioetly heu t"',, psru." III.t.ntlJ tbetlUtlt 1Jrf;11II, and continued Iletfcctlylhfrlllgh t~"1 \'criCl, I\nd tho cboru!."SolDctillw~, '"U know," Illil! the jn\'l,ml­!V'. \\!tll l\ lUerry Il\u~h, urude peoplo willtllk nt 1:<JlIl:crll; 5uPI10fie we 6ell II wecan pr,"lucc thutcfTcct." Htwersiuu theeylinthir, IllJ then Iiourl:ll jntn the IIIUlltll­IJI~cc ,. string \,f UlellnilJl:lc~1 IlcnlellCe.'llIu\1 l'jlleuIRlioll!, oc~II~lunlllly intcrrolllt·in:: II ihrlll wllilitle IItul It. cllt-call. Thellililct \\ heu Ihe Il11"llll,l.lrlljlh IIgaln lJe~l\Dto Opet:lh> Will (rl.1I Ind wonderful he­suml conceplillll, The Itrliinl Ilf theIhllH c",ruo rorlh c(cllr nllr! hnrmoulollsl)'.but it W"3" I( ulint lUll I hruken out ina COllcerl fIIOIll.----

IIl1sbllolids null Wives.

Bon OIKOKIU'KJl:il.D.-Dip up, Ibakeoff li8ht~ Ilx e'ell cup' of tlouri put in• paD all. add 000 tablelpooo(ul ..len­tU3, two of Iinler, olle cup butter, two"ll' 1II011..el, 104 two of;ood butt.c!r·mi k; let tbtl butler be 10ft coougb tomix eullJ with. tbe otberingredienta, blltnot melted; ltir .U togelber enougb tomil, and bake immediately in two tlnlabout eight by tll'elre ioeh81 Iquarc, Itthe oyen i. right, twenty mlnutel willbake tbem.

FRIED LKTTOOL-Cbop lettuce ,.,rJfloe .ndl it liked, the tops of two orthree youog oolonli .dd two well·boateneggl and a little ,alt; put a pleee or but­ter tbe .Ize of an egg Into a (ryillg-p.nInd wlJen melted pour in the mixture;turn wben or a light broW'o alld lenewltb or without Tinegar.

QREul)'On Cutl:.-Ontl cup or .weetmilki put ooe-balf 00 to boll,lblckeo tbeotller haIr witb a beaten ega aDd a IIttioflour and pour into the milk on tbcuto"e,lUning con,tantly; let It boll up, thforemo"e (rom tbo flre, n,oot.eo and flnorto tute.

PLUlIl OAKI:.-One pound of flour l Doe(Jouod lugar, ODe pound butter, flvepouodl curraotl, one IIndone·half pouod.Itoned rai.lo_1 tep OIlIlCOI citron, three·qUllrtel'l of eo ounce clonamon, three­'luarteN of an oUllce nutmege, ten oggl.

SI'O!10K CU.E.-One cup or 'uaar;three eg!tli ooe Clip ot OoUri one·blliftefllpoonfulol lOda diualved in two ta­blelpoon(ull 01 cream-of·tartar.

Tbe Llte1lt Invention,

Not ((lottal~linsII~e phonrl_,rapb. Mr. EdIIOD b.. jU!1 l)erl~ClCfl An·otber toulrifllDce which he ellll,'; l!lOlerollholl t . Wh!l~ it il ,110\1 ~:III'I II ",'.11do arc told [.,lln "Illler'lc,,'cr cnllllt'CICcl.ith the New Yolrk World:

Oil 11m ,'crI IlIrf}'," Rio Ut. }:t1i80lI,~b.t I Cllnnot Ih,'w ynl1 the l1er~llhl.lneto.d~)'; I banljlul. u'n,l the lllJpll';'lllonfor" pllenl 10 \\ lI..hlll,lo:hJl1. lUll! hliV;;takclI the nuchina llwl hllrf! I,ll PII't'I:~.That he lUll 11I\'enlcti n Ullicl,l1lle \\ IlIel,.placed "1'1111 tl Incumolh'c. WIll rRi~e lie,.nice and nn ",juncc ill gillllt 1'1!1l'1I, 111111 (lUIbe brlltll for mile., "I Hili CUl;IIlC,)lllllll".:dukt'. An,l ,"'illlfOp III 1~\)lJI,t"ll ~ht'I,)U,or ~..httlCfe· tJlhcr Wllllllll~ or II,forl~la.Ii0D It CbOOflC~, ther", it lIut the lellst rcu.~outo \Iuubt. The \·ibr.liuJ:j dinphrllgulpriudple ill n~e III the 1Il11l'\'clluu3 !lhuliO'grlllh i~ 1I11\'le " Itt! to tho 1I1}'llh!l·y.The 'fibnting'pbtIJ \10 I icll In 111\1 "hono­gr.ph U\ll'rcs I dmr" 1'"ll1t ,''ttr II. ru\'ul\'­\rag cl1inder, in the ue:ojJh"lIe lllX'rlltcliu a "nhe tu i11111 olT al,.l Opcn lilt! Il,!",of MUI1I throu"h It IliliU 1011l1i1lS fr'llllthe bolltr 1,11l ~tuljRrll .rr~llgell hUll!

or ",hi'lle. OJ tbl. eOlllrwll.lIctJ the3team In.tead uf IllOiluclng 1\ long, CUll­llauo~. loot II m.dll to pronounco ....·'uJ".

"ll II 'lulle limlllc," 1~ld ;lIr. Ediaflll..mlllDIr upon tho l>crplueJ reportor,'Ibut If 1(1u dnll't llntler~tl1nJ it altl.'gutl~er,just take my ,.,:(}rd (or Il tbat Ihl.; tilingwill Ulltr "onls whicb CIID be IlclI.rri dill'tinctll (our mile. ofTl lind ..·.It patientlyror I fow lI'eekf, "'hen 1 willllelllonltrRtewbat 1 lAy to you."

Wilh this, for the pre~ellt, the reporlerbad to coutCtlt himself, !lr. Edison flrlthulttg called hllattontlon tOlh~ immcllsenlue It would ha.e on Ihipboard in timeof (og. or In lightboulC' on Itormy COIIU.frow wbich, IJ, It! 111:1, the keelHlu couldiall .11 lurrouoding Tllllela, Informingthem of thclr whereaboull. alld or thopeculiar daogen o( cach parllcular couto

U! hlVO 1>cen·1O bUly 10 perCt:cting tILtlpbooogrepht" laid :nr. EdilOlI, "tbat 1kavo tbOllght of lJut lillie elM fur the last""0 weeki. All til.: pllOnographl tb.tbue u yet been exhibited 1N',Yuu know,nrylmperfcct, or ratber 'ftrI meagre intbeir relulu. 1'b1l1 bUti lJeeo mero ex·perimentl. 1 hue, hOWe'fCf, perfectedtba inJuument, and In a (llv.' de.y~ a talk­lag·machlno tbat il a talklng·machlnewill be c(\mplatcd." So aayID", he led,tbe ~n, down luirJ to a machine Ibop.wbere eight bUlY macblni,ta were Indu,­trioully .1 work, lind where" lH?rfed Det·work of lealher bandl, ll.ltaclled 10 all1Il100er of machines, wu III animatedmotion, Among tho vrorkmen, lookingeTer tuolr ,boulderl Iud gi.iog inmuc·Uon' bereaod tbere,tbla Hulo man l w~OIebralll b..d lupplied the occasion tor alltblt wu golull' 00, moyed quietly about,wblle tbe reporter, loat in .dmlratloll,followed behind. Elgh~ meD, Ind tbcsethe mOlt clpert machlobtl-Swln work­_ell III of lbem-atc employed at on n·penJe (lftcnral buodred doltors a ""'eck,merely to mske 10 Iron aDd brut tbemlr1ld Invenlloo. tbat arc cOllstantly~ilDg (orm in his ulind.

uA.b, here it i~," .Ilitl he, pickln,tt up adrculir 1>lcce of IJrAU, the surfaco otwhicb WII reamed ""llb a flue tbread,whleh, startlllg at Ihe ccnlrel ran aroundthe plate mSllJ thou!ud thno, before thcdrcumfcreDco ..a~ gained. "Tbll II totlUte tbe place of the eyllnder In tbo nowphonograph. IL revol.ea, yuu .ee, in thilwar (placIllg It upon a l,hot and t,.,lrUogk lreoud like. pl.Uor), and tllo polntor,"bleb la attacbed 10 thll diaphrtgm, ~'1lI

follow tb, Uiroad hI lDeans or a mo,.,bletrm. The pl.te will be turlled bJ clook­work 10 in.ura a uoiform r.to of moUon.Io.leJr.d (If hnlngto put tbe aheott of till­foU directly on a cylhderl with the ri.k01 t.earlog h I'fmOyllig tbOlD by tillmllnl of tbls liat plat. "e wU\ IJe able10 hue tile tin-roil made lecure to .. card­Mard (rame, which, bll'flllg holea at Iha(Ilur Cl)fnerl, that ",III Just ttt o.er ruurpegl, can be euily Hrted from the ml­ebfne wbell uaad, and put. aWIJ in a lafepllco until wallted ag.ln."

The reporter asked bow manJ word.*lold be put upon a Ibctt or Iin.fQII.uC·8cieuUy I.rgt to COTor thll plato, .....blcb11 about tlla inches in diameter. lIr.'Ediloa replilll1 tbat he wu cOllfldcot aoyordhlarf M)·ecnt novel could ealily be:rogalated UpoD it. Til perfect tbo culli­nU(ln of Ihe pbollognpb'. yolcc '0tbat it will be c.pabllJ 'oC trlltllmlt­L1o, preclaely tbe .ame tooca of ,oicetbat,ull.poken to it, Hr. 'Ediaon II en­pg00110 mAking an a1r,ir to take theplace oflhe metallic (UDDel which I. nllwuted. to briogout th" lOuod. He pro·poea 10 con.truct a tuba ""hlob .hill be'baped like the lalerior of tbe hUl1llnmouth, and wbicb Iban be IU)Jplied wltbteetb IOmewha1.lmliar to thOle employed10 tho "'~ Aumana ori.p-Itop.

"I b'1'e .notber idel," aaid be. "1 pro­pete. in .eod(lIg the e'lhiblt of Ieve",1 ofJIIJ IDTention. to tbe Pari. El.poIIUOD, toltaye a large pbonograph ruullina In tbemachloery departmeDt. 1 will bavll a,iete or tin-roil electrotJped 10 that tbeImpreulonl upon It ,,111 not wear out byconltant llie. A. Vely Ilmple cootrinncewlllibin lbe cJllnder-1 Intend ulialolle'oftbe cJlinder phonographl ror thrlpurpote-alter It hili paucd under thepoloter, to tho otber .Ide, and 10 a per·petual .tream or talk can lle kel>t ail. Ih."o't decided jUlt wbat to make thll6nrlutlng pboaollJr.ph lIy, but ba'fetbougbt th.t It woold bo a good Illao to,hue it repelll 10 5evenal ll\uguagK-allY.Frencb, LIIgllth, GttIDllo, lillian, &c.­hutructioUJ how 10 gd 10 tbe Illaln el'blbltlOIl or phonogr.llh,. whlell I pre·lume will 1Je 10 aunu other buildIDg."Be ",al perfectly ferlow, aDd propolCdwhile they wcre ulIIII tile lubject the reoporter Iboultl tCit witb him the phono­grapb'. abitlty to 3in~ • part l(Jog. AdOllble mouthpiece "til thell attached to(loe or the mlclill~~, Ilod Mr. Edisoo


Smrll GOII IIdl11

1'''. (l••" •• ''''....lIInllu__1T"

A.,rl,......a­,_.e •• 1•• ':!t. Y .."UUll ••• ue__II' .




lin ...d 521 ......et Su.t,T8tlm J'lDoIL.


-tor. T81:-


.(il and 133 .".Rh A..,·enue, (''hIC!''.t IlL


Illr £"Ilay WAY, AJlD

Twenty-five per cent. Cheaper I

A If... Boek b1J~Sl DUll 1H[ POUlIR' linD iND 118m.

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Horse Manure,


H.tchlng EgB'.~_.,,11-


Pt'IC'c nu Cent...II'!lt "'11l0~ A1J,.., l'.Il:lk H•..,.,.Itnillp .1.11. ",11(1 pili••• ~~h:"~1r..'.l~.~ritng~j ....~'nM1«Ai'

Filly Lar[C!t Glnbs for the Wcstcra Rnral8ld Yonl[ folts' 101Wy.

1lI00DY • ],'ARI811.


••0 DaYI" "'.n,.c. _ • M.... .,....d"..o.

A....l ..." ••lI1J~I.u;a.l••II.e.lIOe-,:tta1NlrO'•. 'IIf....r .... PIcH .....,...... ,.,. ~.llf, PI...., Ora.... Fann )Ilotat-ft'T, .Ual,.' .t Un frock fit aIP"'~iKe. w.1OOd .., to ........ t4.llkIo to I!l-.Ipedal r".I ",. wonG '.LK.' ••~'I'tIO"'IIIMi_.I.CIoIbli. T8 c 'f .u tr ..z...~, AgrfelltlWllla"" , ...u, r.., al1fllMd."" I ,nclklJ to,... n. YOV_Q ,.~.OKTftLYI•• Wp Wllpl1lMoIIl:JIIlItII,f'IlIlblal••• ..,.. •."..,., JudI,. )1..... 11I-...~lbrlcllclol.. ~e. 1It4 to_..., rn.a•• UM ....,.-.1&1 ",nu 10""0'" ".I~

OAJU. ZERRAIIW, til. 1'..0.. DiNGier .f tla. Onat a..te. ,1.,a...SEASON TICKETS Cor Ute Uuee day , , ,P.oeRESEUVED SEAT ror auy day ,r lb. _0' $1.110, '2.00, n .•

ACCllrtllDI to LIlcIUOD.

Tlckl' OffiCI at SHERMANI HYDE" CO.", Ian 't'~CIIOO,

8111QlD W. 11l1GllD, KIna..r. O!lC', 78 NlTIoa. lllcct.

CLIPPER SPRING BED I TUR~~;-W::'"ILLelJllpl.. D1U'Iabba...

0 ...........-.

..aSa:zn=~= ..~.-.rt tIff, 0UJuI, cw.--= 1"~:.L.IO.f,~~

2,000 TRAINED SINGERSI 200 IUSI011NSITeleDhoRCI, Electricity, AnTill, Artillery, Hi! Drum l COlOlla! UrRan!

•• ,..•••..1T"1:7 , 11' ............"88. Ulle t,..I W 0"' .

••• Fa.Elf.Elf .• .. tllAaKE. 6 CUi........

TM_ ".01,11 11:10•• 'f'. IIl1acr'Oll or


MUSICAL FESTIVALSan Francisco, May 28th,29th and 30th, 1878,

Tlllt h nal&lu 1111 (ottic_ .nb.tue" mada C'f pUIr l'Uk, h IDOl•••tercl:.\.r cl........IUd ...ry ""1 btUn tblt Ut. Ewtu.. So.v.



MAGNOLIA SOAPManufactured to Competc witb aRcccut Easlcrn IIIIIMIttatiOI!




Tnll 1'AU!lll1U Inwclmn,


I'rulO!tt dltallollilno tOllrdtn L'rlllll Ih, 101I.lr,.



COMMERCIAL THE WESTERN RURAL.$6,000 in Special 'Premi1lDUl

N'lpoleoll', Prediction OD Raula.

Now tbat the Turko.Ruulltl war I.rlging aDd aU e,el are tarlled to Oon·"autloople, the booe o(coot.l!ollau of Ell'"\M, It ma, be ot luter.tlt to quote aDop 01011 Jlv.a bJ N lpoleoo at 8t. Helcoa,In l81'1', to bll lurgWu, Sllnl O'Al"afll:

"10 Ihe tuum or a (~w ,ean," addedbe, "Ruilia wHl bne Con.taotlllople.lllcRrllatut part or Tork." aod alt Oreece,Tbi. [ bold to be II cerlaio U I( It b.dalrt!~dl taken place. AlwtIrIlt all thccIJollng aDd nltterillg ""bleb AleuDderplactlced to,,'ard m. wal to galo m, COU­

.ut to etrect tbb OhJKt. r ,,"ould 11I)1COliFeat. fureteelnK thai the f"lolllbriul11of Europe would be deltroJed.

"III the oltural CGorlC! o( thloJ:S.lo Iif.w ,tarl Torkey must (all to -nu~li ..The ureateat pari of her populll.tloD areGretk! ",'ho, JOu ma, "I. are Ruui.ol.Tbt! ~..el1l It woald iojute. and whocuuhl 0l'pote It, ue Ellslaad, Fraate,Pru,..iaalld Auttrla. Now. as 1<1 Austtilt, hwould be yerl usy fur Ru.tla to englg~

her aul,tance bI gl,IOIl her 8ervlll andoth~r proy!ocn burdenug UpoD the Aus·trilo dominiool, reacblo(l oeM toCeoltao·tinople. The only b,potbell. tbat FrlllleeaDd Ellgllnd m.,eYet be ilUed wllb a.iu·eethJ '1dll be In order 10 p'rU'f'tllt thi•.But e'teD thl. amaoee '11'111 Dot Avall.}'rioce, EughlDd aDd Prul~la united CIUI·not preyent it. RUllla and Au.trla no atIU, time effoct It. Ooce ml.lInl of (Joo·ualldDople, RUIiIIt getl.11 tho cuuuucreeortbe Hedl terraoun,becolDOIagrul 0:1 't It Ipc.er, aDd henen koo.1 wha' maJ hap.peD. 8he qnarrel. with JOu. march.. ,10to India an Irm, 0('1'0,000 good soldier.,wbicb to ROlila II uotblDg, and 100,000uname, CoMllckllnii atben, aDd EUf{lllIl.lloau Iodla.

"AboTe all otber pOWDra RUll1a11 mn.tto be Cilired, e.peclall, b, 'ou, lIerIOldIerl are brayer tban the AUltrl.nl,1Itl.\I.be bu tbe meaD. of ral.lng u mllDYal Ibe pleuea. In bra..r" the FreocbaDd Etlglilb aoldiel't are the 0111, ooel tobe compared to tbem. All tbi.l r<Jre"""i lee 1010 (ulurll, furtber thaa oUlen,atld (waoted tu IIlabUlb It. barrler 19aial'thelO bubananl bl re·ntablbbloJ; theklogdom o( Poland, I.IId pUtllrlg Pollia­towlklat tbe bead. orltukLDS: but JourImbeclltt of mlnl.ten would DOt cOIINnt.A. bundred ,ea,. beoc, I .blll be pralted,aDd Ellf'Optl. eapecialil Eoaland, willlament Ihat I did Dot .nceeed."

.I. Cb."b Dtbl Job.We ¥ould f10t like, IIIJI thtl O",.,rt,IJ·

t;"JUJU." to youcb ror tb, 1Iistoricai trulhof tbe following arllcle, wblcb W. COl)'frum another paper, but it lOb fortb 10YIYldlJ tbe cooloeN with "blcb lOmepeople ..aU IbemMlnl or ID' chance toroll 08' upoo olbe,. burdclU .blcb the,IhcmJeln. ought to 11ft, th" "e are ,ladto Illye it pl.ce bere:

Not long 19o brotber Kimball fouud a.mall chwcb Itl. ~Dlnl IUlifa that wu.taggeriog aloDi under a comfortabl.dellt. alld It looket1to him 1.1 tbougb it..ould ju.t be recre"tion (01 him to lin alittle) couutlJ chureb out oC th, dept~••antr hi. upcritoce aod .utceM .ltb thehig cbulchu in tbe great citio,. witbtbeir oyerwbelmiog tlld~btedDe'" 50 heIo.eklt!d lbe quiet IIttla ru.t1e Ebtouerand .hook it unl or alt tbe deb I be lI:oe..uf io about teo boul't, and tbe lJulh1iolwaa cl~1t o( encumbrance.

Tbell, before the beoedlctiou ..... }lro­oouo~d, Ihe Hnlor deacou arOle, aDd,llIltt.od that tben bad ne,er heell: but oDep'Jllenl made 00 tbe orglo. lod lbat theaccrued iot~rettou tbe deferred valuleot,nOw amounted to about double tbtl prin­cipal.

Well, tbe, ralacd tbta amount. lIQdblother Kim".11 '11I'11 OR tbepolotor pick­Ing ap hh bat, wbet tbe IMxlon IlOfealld Icwltked tbat tbo maD. "'.. arouadlast week, IDIl IIhI, IC the furnaco "'uo'tpaid fur, tbe notu b"hlg Ttla a ,uruver their tlm~. he would take It outbefore out Suoda,.

lIr. Kimball laJd dowo bll bat. tookoU' bl,· coat, llod tbe (urnace·debt IVIIlifted.

IlD itt 000 IIrm lote> hi, cOllt·.leCl'e.Ind nodll..d to tbe plltor to dl.ml.i1 thecoogregai'ioa...hon tbe prelldeot or theWom.o'a A.ld 8oci't, IIld .be wi.bed toremarll: tliit tbc .oclet, bid bftll uoableto rulGllbelr pledi'e to Pl\1 (ur tbo pew·cUlbloOI, .nd tbe upbolstettr had,levualtlmc' during tue Plat yurt .en'ed ooth:e00 Ibem. aod .be beHeyed IUit would becommcnced aext week.

Brotber Klmb.lI,rOt.Dtd! .Ud bia armout of the coat·alene, beaded tbe luI,.•crlptlon 10 hll ulual aeoeroa. mlooer,aDd ICIOn e1ured lbe euabloDl. throwlD,1111 co.t o'er hll arm, and .luliol' fortke door 00 tbe ruo u 1000 II tbll wu.ccompli.bed.

Dot the cborlller called out thlt blwoald like tbelr dear brotber Kimball toremail!>ud ...ilttbemin ... ttI.ott to

r.aJ (or the b,mo-booiu,aod atlO (or hu­OK tbe or...o hloed. Th, 'telea.r brotb­

er" atoaoed, .toFped aId ..al.ted.Ooce more b, .tarted ret the doot.

BUI D..~ OphUtree ..Id be bellntllwhUe tb., were tryiog to clcu 0« tilechllreb debt, It would be ••n (or Ih.mto remember tbat the H:ltOO b.d oot ~n

r.ald atlJthlnr linc, 1174, aDd lblt tbeolcmt wu runDlDi ap40 hla back pi'

aU tbe time. 'IlIe mooe, wu nlHd,aadMr. Kimball wu IrJla&, to climb ouL ora window, wilin be wu palled back, aDdlarormetl tblt tbtte WU 1.1I old IU title00 the lot wbf!n tbel bougbt It, tbtl badoe.er be.. cleared oft•

)Jr. Klmbll1lot thilae. It... clearedup ..,ilb neatDeN IDd dllpltcb, I.IId wurUllolng brlakl, down tbe alilt, wbea hIWit Cflllared. 1J1 a t~lIlt~ aDd 10(ormDdIhtl tbe mao who ,raiDed tbo pulph andkllhomloed lile ceiling I.. t whiter .uthere, I.IId .anled bb moue,.

Ile wa. paid, and tile good. brotberKimball wu bIIC••al out or lht door I':::':=~~~="""""""""""""""""lHlfole ho lCluned lhllll tbo cb",dtllllr G'D A 'UT>mU!it be plid for that week, or Ibel w('lulJ ~..~.It In outcr darklell 8ufldllJ night. So SPBIN'Gbe wcot back an~ bligblened up theclulDdDJil'J', OPENINGal~~L r::.:ul~le·~u~~c~fiot~:I~II~~~Lt~: _OF_

(ront fi3DCO preteDt bit bill; bUI wblle be MI'III'nory Fancy Goodswal lI·.lklll,.lt' down to ~he.depo~ with the.",1" de,e.,.th., .1II0Ia' audd"ly hal.- ,rd, whllo a look o( grtne cOllc.ro oy.r· AND BOYS' CLOTHINO,Ipread hi. racc.

,IWell, well, well," be laid, 1I1( thatbo't \00 bid."

"What II Itl" oonoual, inquired brotb­er KlmbllH,

"Wh,," reapooded tbe deacoo, dole·full" "It'e CorKo, all about the Ilulor'..alarJ. tio 001, get. '700 I ,ur, aDd"e aio't C.ld blm oOlbjol but two dona·tloo part t:I lille•• lc.r .ud • balr 'i0'"

ADd \yben lIrother Kimball climbed00 tho tralo, be resol1'td tbat lb. outlime he tIckled a atraDI' ehurcb, bewould demlDd I ccrtifttd .tal~Olel\t be·fore" look orr bit coat.

A Oos,I.D&uA.n 1>4tlO_T&&.- Wbatwat hHetided to be a mlrtl'le up to"aWedneada, e,eoiog wu .polled beeaull,h, ••ld.."h,'..' m••,,' "r,ae<! to J. aWIIElT,' 'aaU'HII,ba,e the ceremonJ performed. Before"'g"';" th, .."m"y 'h, ml,ilt" N. CURRY & BRO•aakttl tc tbe pareotl hid eoolented, aDdDeililer aD.weted, but .,hen the t"o .toOO 111 11.&10.' .~rMC, au bud....on the 1100r togetlter and the queatlon )1(IIlPOIVn..c1 DeAleI.II_1'J6eIerI,.11 ..bd tbe IJrlde, "0) }UU like 'hi. • 1I0D ormin a'l,our hu.baud'" .ht teplled lu a .~"••II ....koo...... I••IrDl tOile. "Nol" The mlllhter .u In '1 =::--,::--,=,:=I::lf~II"I".~II::."T"I"I~'~'=-'::I.,-,,,I,,IT,,...=,h, lun .. the lad1 I't-tlltled In ber aD- DOORS.... el. he could· uolJ tell thell tba~ tbe ,ceteulooJ eouM .tot proceed, ud lbe WIN"DOWScoople -ellt to tbd carriago aod .Iarlea ,blck for bome. Defore lbl' WIot tb" BLINDS,Ild111llci tbe wlol.ter the rUlon ror her \'J.T&IUDTI OOKO PCUoaT II , CI 11ICIlOII. Sbe "Id tlll,t after be had a1koJ IT .ttll ruriber l.iorlll.UO,\ ..Ide'.. °l 1I~ir.If!theol wbelhtr Ibtlr parellll h~ COOltot. TIlEIJOC. 00 01111' 1. 1'_." r.cd ttl th~lr uol",o, Ihe \hollgbt oYer tberalaller, aud hlld c')me to tbe C')oc!u,loothlllt, II hcr mother wa, d"ad, ,he Qughlto gtt tbc toIJltO~ or ber rlilther befoleabe married, .uJ .1 be .0 rlr had betnoppoaed to tbe mateb, Ihe lUlU mlde ufJbet miod 10~ whether be .·ould not rll·lenl, loti, ir be diJ, theo Ihe would rc­turo at .ome otber time aod lI..yo theCetemooy perforDlerl.-Ktnlington (NflIY.,..t) Fort'IIUl".

JH lbe .u·-'~ll-:ed-8~t~a~,,-.-::8-'"-lte are tblrteen e:a:·aofCrtlOrl,

"It and Homor.

A WIH-C",LCULATION-How .bllli m1bal Ue Irlauned1

A ST. LOtll1 W"UlfiD "dltd ... itboulmedicltl uII.tauce:'

EMILY F.\ITa"L it called ua bora w·1I0r." All e\litor. IUC wri.

TauK rritDdtbl1' gro'lQl .troogtl wltbage. The I:1me rtUllrk applies (0 butler.

BI-UK blood loll r.IJII birth can't ,au• IUUl" bait. The Prince of Wain I,grow!oll Laid.

Tuna are gcnhlg better. TIll' i. In·.lllOCl:'d by thll filet lhat tbe 1111' are DOl10 • ,bort" II tbc, wert'.

IT I .tunge til". ",'err c1t1lu tbe Welt.bould 'III'lllt Iho millt whto It is .ucbhaul .ork to IUlkll1llOO1l1.

WIDOW' 100'" tlrt} (lunal m,lff InPortugal. The IllW it dulgoed u a pro·ltcliliu fur aged &all InDOCtIll bachefuf'.

A. SWlf. tourl.. t .hanned bl, rri~Dd. 1.11"ritlog hr,mo that be"'lU Ugolng hJ Borll,"Ue did out allllde 10 iDCiotfiltioo,putWtllOt !JerDe,

It. KASI.\I editor complliol th.t It .iO'1tbe (11r tbiDg to m.ke • mlo COIDO 110"'0with lIflt:eu l;rnt. fot '1'1'0 fJogtl'l of"bl.k" \;\'hen cmo I••elllnK at I dime abUlbrllo tblt Blate,

"Dod Jour .I,ler Aunie ever III lOy­tblug al>out file, ,I..,f" ..kl't1ln 10110u,loyeror alittle",lr!. "Yu," WII tbe repl,;".he lilt I If rou Illul roekerl un JourIboel theJ'd mike I oleo nl1110 for m,doll,"

UUlJ.I'AltTI:ofOTON'. remark eone.rnlnggoing to churcb la 10 tlOIel, 11.1 to be..01tl11 IIC repetitlou 1I0W, UNothlngdou 00" .u milch ~00t1t" ••ill ,be. ".. togo 10 church Ind liur a populous IllllturedilllColo with the "OIf,tll."

A GIOIIO&TOWN, ~ ..... WIlO ha. beeoaINut (rom bome wltbout bnlog beenbeud flom ror onr twent, yUrI, andbu JUI' relurned. ml folks '" tillY"'oull1 hne begun tn worry .bout himIf hI! had IIIlJfd much longer.

Dow Itrangel, j'ly IOd I')rrow ue In·tlrllU\eu 10 tlill worl\l.• Palu chlLtUpl"!lIre like a cb.mploo pedeltrlan, andtbe '.eilt tearl Ihed uJ the m.ple tree in'prlo: tlllIe crIllallilod IlIto 'uau willgiye III lof.ot the lliomaeh·acbe equal toI dodor'l bill or '9.

011. olgbt tbem...ter flf tbe ~ua.....r­beard aD e:a:ebaoge of kl.lCllo lbe cor­ridor. lie Itruck a m.tcb and di-eo,eredt1t.I cbllabtrmald aDd tbe fillet. BbeblD.bed, held dow,a ber bead, and ..hi:"l lhollgbt it w. IOU, Jir, I IIld eacooo·tertd.'·-Pta,.u fAUn'.

"'OOuco to call on a ,ouas lad"llup,poee1" the'barber uked. nl10uog ~ln,.lth much dr.'It" replied: "See here,.J frlead. u JOII Inppott 1 pat per·ClImerJ nD mJ mu.tache btcaUIe I'maolDl1O IICle I miD, or a bo" or IJl old..OIOao, or • bab, 10 at-ml'"

"MAltlA." obJened Mr. Holcomb. IIbe ... putting 00 bllClotbe., "tbtrealn't110 patch 00 them breeebet Jet." "Iw'c'lI It DO., DO .IYi I'm 100 bll",""Well, Mi." me tbe patch tbeo 10' I'll• 1t1 II arouad with mt'. 1 doo't waat,"pie to tblok J un'tarord the cloth."

"WILLU...."obKrvad a liliwaukeewo­laID 10 ber bUlbaod, 11K.... Holcombfeehpnu, bldl, 09w, ,I nee tbo loti of berdllld, .od I wllb IOU .ould drop OYerthue aDd act lIer. You mlAht .., thatIU QIlIt II gr.lII; that w,,'v,aU Jeot wgotb. '"110 waI, aud ace if ahD'" "OiDg wOM brr drll'plog·pan thil ahernoon."

TJ.LI,TR.ulDWllboreri (or hll aulograpbbJ Idull Eogllih oolJlemao. At lilt heInt the rollo.log juvilltloo: IIDearLord --: wm JOu obliao me .lthJoar eompluy to dloner 00 WedoCidIYDelt It elgbl o'clQck' I hlu'o lullal It.

unmoor Ofcsceedhlgly clnl!r peoplClllld140 E1ntllke to Oa tho 0011 1001 amongtbem."

}o'IVE Tun:1 A Wwow,-A lIetloll re­centil tne~ 11.11 AmerlClIn lid, who II (HI­tlogullbed u lJll'f'lllg b4:cn IIvo timci awltlow, And hal now IIKlLin entrrod tbtboDth ot matrlmony. I;:dd tho friend,1'1 tblnlr. I OIlCO !I,d tht' r.leuure ur diD­IDg with you tn New '\ ork." "Wheo'""'ed tbe (a.lr Itrlllicr. "10 180-," ber,pJlf~••'YeI," Ihe Slid, rttlecti.el""tbu 111 ,. Ue 10; but 1 bad (0ll:0ttell It.You ~." .bo added, "il Wh tuo (W

LV.. ,lw.OOlid. ago."A. WITTY actor lulled I putl of gen­

u..la to dlnc with blm. Tbe bour u­ri.td, aDd. wllb OGO uctplloo, 10 badU.e ,Uell.. "We ma, .. well begin,"MW. the bOlt; loX. II lura to COlD!, ndbe wcold rather we did not .ait fur bim;"llpon wbleh tbe compan, lat do.o, lodwtrejult ftDl.blo. tbe aoulI wbtD tbeeard or the ml..lol gUilt wat bauded to.... hOiL A. .addeo iotpindoa of (ua.. biln to ptopote lblt before the leo­UcmlD came ill tbeJ Ihould aU Get uDderU1e tlble. Withoot an obJeetioa, aDdlntallllg to the wle for IUme comical de­oouemro" ftlD un,ulpeellng meo hur­tledl, Ctepl aoder tbe lillie aDd awalledttsllllt, tuI.1I11100Iaa~ uf tile (lilat tbatIbelr wlchd ba.1 badll"t followed tbelrlumple, but bad quieti, cootiaued athlt lOOp. The belaL$1 gUeit canie In fullof III a~!o,rI fur hi, l.Irdlou._ "Don'tQltuliOIl It.·, ..ItI the ulber. "Ill.n't ortbe .11"bte.t CPO.'tf'tlueoce. We ar, 001,Illh, .oap; ,It duwu lod hll helped."Th, KfJuth:nuo did ...., bu~ whh. punled1001 It lLe eUlp'J eh.l,. .haut lhe tallie."Oh." 1111.1 Ibtl lIollt, "Jou lUi.. theolbilll KtUtlemtnl TlltlI Ir••11 her,. but.for lOme l'I.trlmrdiolr. rUIIO", the, .11got Undtlr the tallilt. ·\Vh.~ Ihey al" du­fog tbtora I. UHlIO thin I kIlOw."

ITilE ChlclllCO Pil.t ullflllttH Ihe net

oaae. Ilr dllfclent bllle.lIlil club. lut~"tlll II. (ollu..',: Ohlcalln, G,OOOi Bt.

Inl., 18.000: IIhrlfurd~. '2.000; Loui.­

, lit', 12.000; Bo.lou"t,4OUi 8'1",'2,000;~.lIi'II'I)OII'l"4,&OO; 'J'ecnulub, ,a,ooo;• 11",ukee, ",,000.

1220 TOl7OGlao TO ....


Wboh l'lle and Retail, b1

o Rn G 5,

Port: Townsend. W. T.



CORNISH .to 00.,W••hlnlfO". I • .I.





Patent MecUoinM of .11






La'lI. Aeaortment.





Aft' all Artier.. 1tSI' I., ...

Ac., &c.,

tr rescrlptlonl carefully COIll.poundatl. 41,

Quick lal.a. Imall",ofta




AU UatruI,..IIW IMIW .nd t\l1l, .ann_ f!J'''......8.iId tor Jll..~ratJd f:'tal"P'! aM ,...1'"

NEW STOREGeneral Merchandise.

c. w. MO..I.,OAK HA.IIO., - • .,

IiIr' Proau~.., bon,ht. IIIld .IlPfilliNotaUlrlaaurltllhllC1 It '1111 Iow~t l:Itlb pr • • ~ •


l Upright

'PIANOSChuroh,. Ball·l



w. ~.r.




A'J.' 'J'1lE


AOEN'rs ~'OR 1'11:&

Of all Kinds.


Wholcsalellnd RetAil Dealers In


All on1e1'l aUendt.'() to III'OIUPU}'.





Boots and Shoes,


Honse and Ship Carpenter's Tools,SHIP CHANDLERY.

•,Taylor's Sulky Rakes,MOLINE PLOWS.

L:J: Q U <> :a. s,




Mitchell's Farm Wagons



Sweepsla~e Threshers,



t'"'orl: '.rOw118onc1. _

Blacksmith, WheelwrightLOCK and CUMIMITH.


Gents' and Boys' Fashionable Snits,

JOHN P. PETERSONMerchant Tailor,

PI1!leen~Ni (rom 1'0rthlllfllllld up-Soundpom wl1rtltke Ptl!ret Sonrid'mnl1 tteamernnd mllke ronnootlon \\1th. tlHl City otPAn"lIlA'At V!l'l(Jrll'. SteRmer Dakotagor-through to Olr,mpln,

'fhe!o ,reAllln~ en'fe Victoria .~ nOllllOil tltt 11ay ad'fOrtl~t 'l'1ckct.1 nn! goodonly 00 tho IlteAlI1e, ror which they Rrelmrdlluec.I, AIIIlllro 1101 tranjl(erAhle. Forrrelght or 1)I!!ollIIge Apply olllJoanl, or ra

II. r•. 'fIBBAIJS. •General Agent ror Pu~t Sound.

Port 'CowlI&end,

F.... lrom Port Towlisend to San anclsco.

Cabin 8128; Stee,age 8113

18 rRKPAXKD TO ~AKl: UP G.l!':~'r8

L'fllhlng ItlC!OrdlnlC In thtl '-tMt~~:~~~ncl~1:',:::r~/tJ;~~~~o.nm':1:":t~. ",.

IIIt.!l t ..on~lllntl)' on hll.ntl a lot or fiA.rl'!Jlleh Ulnt h. lmil L'aIIIlmtlnlll, O1'eIOll InfJ:'~:I~I ~~N,~~t::\,r:.1D whlllh pUUt.~Ordo,. rrtlm a dlatanee promptly 81

',(Ii-II1'ed to.P ....nlet wlllhln)l: to btlv the bellL 8ewln&

~IAChI1l8 ,1I0uld ",11 on John P, Petel'lM)o,I'ort 'l'owlI!lCnrf. and eXAllllllt! the NewWhite, Mr, Petenon wnJ beJ'It'ua1 roIIhow 1111 allonl the milchlue Itn glvu nlllItlstruutiolli rree. }:n:ry mlk:hlllO wlr-r.t1told to pleue, , .

JOHN 1'. I'ETEItSON.l\'tet't, Port 'l'ownlM.'ntl,

8.X'L IIn.l.. 10 Montlr0mery lit..rtuli'rancl• .'o, Oen Ag't Paclf1c toRIt

The 1!J)lclltllll ~lllu\\'hl"C1

StcAD:1.b.lp DA1.s.ota,

2100 Tone. II. G. J1UllH:. t'olllllASnf:H,

,\n~I~~r';~;~~~r~n~~: Till:: OATES liEU!':

HAl'! rItAN('.IICO. :=8~\':::~AJlri~~ ~ AJ.'.rll 2: "r,rll ~

•• S(i ;\IllV I" MIlY ~t')

June ':u Juno 8 June 10

~~~~~s~;~~~::~:,,~~~~~~ FREE A!~~!~~~DE1t!~!!~.~IO"N.'Rt.. o'llICIIAItf) f'ltlTlI""o(,l,ft". WILSDNSEWING' MAC HI NE1011 COUllt,. \V, r .. fk-'t.'t!ased h'1vlug llei'llptllll,t!tl 10 Ihe IIl1tlt'J'IIljllll?fJ MIJfflr: IIIScow nil)', In l!Ak COllllty. 1101ll,,'O I", here- I ~ d1I)' "I..'n tn 1111 ["M'1'l101U1 Indl'bu,'d 10 .nld n wOr.man.hlp I. equal to • Chronometer Watch, anestaltt to Tnllkc ItuUlf'tIlMle Ir.lymelltl!. 111111 •••'e..ntl, flnl.hed a•• f1rat-ol... Plano. It receivedall person. hllVlng ulnlllli aplll~t till' the hl.heft award. at the Vlenn. and Centennial Ilprl!llnM!l to 11n:lM!l1t Ihem lirolX'rlr MllIheutl- .Itlon.. IT IIWI ON••POUItTH PAIT.It than otherOltt!tl to tilt! tlllllel""l~lll!l1 Mt hi!! Mldeu&lOwithin one ,car (rom IIII.~ lillie, machl"... Ita capaolty I. unlimited. The,. are mart

IV, F, r.EIV'S'I'ON. WILaON MACHIN.a acid In the United atat•• th.nFrft~~~n~:,~~~~or II", l'Ihlle ot JUChlrd, tMhe.NcoDlmNObl'1edn ..I.. of all the oth..... The WI~IIIO"

".y," ,.78 .. ACHM.N' 'o,dolnllall klndaof ..,. ,n.,. . WITHOUT ..ATCHINC. IIlv.n Pltl. with each machln..

~~~~r~~:ag:~::wf~d=111l~I;:i ::~~:JWILSON SEWING MACHINE CO.01l.11011f:. SlI"I'U, '" co" 8117 & 8lIlI .,oad_, N_ Yo,'" N_ O,I..n. L8.'

47 Solldto~ of PIl~!~~I~~~·DC, C.r, Stitt, Mad_ Sta.1 Chl~.o. III••, and ean 1'''"01-«'. Ga.JJ

Probate Notice.

N OTICE IS nERY-BY O!VE~ BYthe uotJtoJ'lll$tned Ildmllll~tnuor or Ihtl

CltAtfl o( Mary ~'rancb Unnt. dC\,.~qf'l.l. !(Jl~l.'11!dhoNand to "nd all JlIlt!lOne hlfvllIll\'lIIlInll .gAllit lhe ~..Id dl'OllL-etl. to e"hll~It d""n ....·1Ih the'neceMAry VOllC!le1"l wllhlnoue year Arter tho dAte or thlll llol!l'('. 10the pkJ Aflmlul"b1Itor. or to hit IIU(Jrlle,·.at tim ollke or O. :MOITI~ nAiler. RIlII., 'Inthe dt, of Port TOWIL"eIll1. OOUllt}· of .frr­ter10n AmI 'Nrrltory of WUhln&tqIl, or bero!'t\·t'r bAl'I'f'{l. r

1),1ted M., ti, 1818.n. E. MORGAN,

AdmlnlJ,...tor ot the c8tate or Mnh- F.nnnt. (1eCc1t~1.

0'. )fOKtlS HALT.n. at'y (or Il.1mlll, 14:4

--,In the ",obate Court 0' Je'­

h,aon county,.W. T.



Oommission :MerohantsVessels Discharged,Pretcb... -OoUC!JO'tod.,

T.amlnll of all klnda done,at HetIaonabte RIIIM .ad ktllCKt!oll


t.i'OR.WAKDlS"G ASOCO)liUlSSIOS nusl­1:' nMe promptly Ittelided to.



AOU1' 1'0_SlellaeO<l. Beer,

SeatU. Deer, lindLefJ' Br.'. 8od* W.ter Ind Root Beer.

AJU''';U' lin:" ,x ,:XlJI.HII. 1I"II>',"OI'OIl"':T, Th•.III,·,,,,·"'''',,,·1 PAC I Fie 0FGERRI~ &UO' • (Wrll!" l\~k{'lllhl· fl'L\,'''!I'lll: .. \\ IlIj)o'lllfl.· nIt I~ lint 'llllo.:h l,\::;;lll""rllll'lItlll';: ·hll'· '·rllt.!, fM,I!t'L til;:- !treat ~'r("lIhl~HI1:1~.~le;!~t,: ~I \IL 8rrEA~18111P CO

Ih 11,'.1 {'XI"1'llll"nl ,,(.t,ll'I,I,.!:: lr,'·hllo.l"r ,.llkh .1. II. :\lltdl"11 \\II"1l p.lrl}.. 1111 I Ir~lI1 :-;,.\\' Yurk 1,,1."11'\011 11'11- lrl,·,llllUl S:1!Ctll "St:HI'''lh:l.n'· 1l1I"\\'er_: ":\.0. /l"1 I •willi (,lilt h"l~ /II .II,''l.''ol.i. Il. hn" Ill- Will ~1l1l1)' COUSdClIl'e ·111111 10'" II_ ~II·I-·~Il h' ",I..1't! the proll4"rllflll" or I'll 1m- hll1tlC$: lint 1111 lillY 11('\'01111'. tll~hl: m,t1111':''''' tlll.III"S", ,nlh II~ 11l"l'"III.'t'1 01 ~'~'I"" till wroUI: 1Jet.'()tIl('~ rlj:llI; Ilf)l till GlltJllle SUMMER ARRANCEMENT.IllfiulIlz!'1 Ihe 1.1111,1(1'1 IUllrlwl;, I he !lllllil (lillie Ollt o( hl~,or,: lIor, rill Cr<'1II!1•. t'illl.IlI'iI.1 Ojl!IlIIllI" 01 ~In,. !llh SHill": t.'e:a.tt'~ to be R helllllighl; nflt till ,lrulll'~ K.Ih,~llhtl.hIJlm"lIi'01 AIII.·rh.'llll hf.,(tllIll Kt!II,\··.H"ItII'l,..:elllt"'11 expl~~h~'l\llllflllloll:

IltOIl n....'eI"'..1 III 1.011\1011 IllIrlll~ the not rllllkllill1tI'rN'pl~IlIUC1ithp I'nrpo"C 11'1:~'~'k ClIl!llllt )Iay :U 11111011111,'11 tl) 6\1.4 bny 11 HCJll1hllc~ltl4!h'CIO": Ilolllll 1'IIIIy('r'i'o,mUII'1'" (If Ik'C( /illllloo.i 1111111011". Ik- JI!leel'h bt·rore Or<l\'er hall Ilflve bl1rl<',1'\llt__ 1111- hf'C( tllI,1 "mUllU. lhere ''''.IN' fi'o Illtn In ol1l1vloll: no, not till ))clI1ocr:lIll'\'"'1\'1'(1(:.1:1 ht'rlll o( 11 I'e r:ltlle nnll G;,:- i1hCt.'p 111\1111; Jlhn II be fl'lo"el.t;>mted, will 1Jt'llIf1Crlll­Ill' (,1111. lu Ihe ~nlO J1:';lf"r WI' rtud Ihat (OrQ'ellhe (reM Gro,·or.cron!lI rrdll(1 IIlldIII' _IIPI'''' o( Itll'IlI In rhe )lelrupollt.lltl lillie Ihelr fll~fl willi sllllltlt! nt 1111' 1oI11'1Itlonll~rkt'l nil' MOlllln~', )Inr Gilt. WIto·: EIIJ[- Or their helll;11 plot, lIc1C!IlIClI l1y Th'lY"rII-h, :.t!I:Kl: fo~htll, 1171.1; 1111\1 Ih:ll, Ihe 1I1l11 ~porOIZIjl',i.'d lor by \\ hllcUkf',~' llindedInl:l ..... l\rh~ we",: fjlr EI1JUo.h, 11 l't~., by ~oltllcr !lud :tIlled by Drowli.nr U 1ll'1Il'C p"r 1)01,11111; (ur rorchtl!. lOJ.&'d~. .tin Ihe:kl or lily Ihere "'~n: 200 AllIflrl· Dlr.T.-Eldcr J. S. l)~tt l':\lhl our I\t.~~ll ~''\'l' III Ihe ll:tme lll11rlll't. lind 011 tlK' tent!oll to nil npcrlrncnt In dlctlll}t,filII (lIe rt'~rtcr lIfl)": ''-liIO AmrrlCl!1l whlch:a ))Cl'Mllln nallnA, Ohio. hn~ prAc­''lIlt'" ~1\\'1 hl'lfI~ nrrl,·Ct.! III ext~Uent L'OU-'''I'el.1 ",tth beueftcld eft"'t.'CP, AI nn 1'l'Cl­11111(111.' nllt It b In lilp. Iltnl 01 kllit'll nOnllCIII uperlmfnt It certainly I. (orcibll'I'll We thnt Ihe 11e:IY~' llU~hl('liS Ii' ,IIIIUjl. Illtel'l'l'~lng. We rondenee: .....or hreML;:.'I'I~ 1''''''''lIt lind rnillre "01111110 or Ihl' fiut. th'e grAh:un ge,"~ with blluer; 110 In­tr:lllo 111111' he ~lIrllll!tl'(1 ,'mm '"l eoolllllllre l'Ollvellt'e or Imrlller rnllowl'()-rnit thrt'(',,!llt1\ (f~h Amerlc:1ll IIltllt l'('(.'t'h"'tI In Cf>ntll. Dillflr.r. ~~ Itt riot. olle 0111100 eAch),('Ill{!fmMmllllwlnlrk"t IJrke It COIUIMlltl. 01 'lIjlnr Rnd hMlIcr-" ItMd ineAl---eo!It Steamship City of Panama,'It dillin, 11""1 ,!rtk'emllntc ~I~y 9!h

3• Ih'rocnf.ll. Slipper. Y.f !h corn nlt'lIl,.Ii tOOOton., W.II.s..;"nl1nY,COlUU~nr.R

"Ill' qllllhtll}·--{I!Il-t. fllllllll'N-jlln·.'l 114 pInt milk. OOllt three llt:1I11. One \11\)"1......,..... KItIIIl~'hell1 Atthtllo\\'~\'1'1'll1o!1I 1~1l cents, For a ChAllge. ollei'\II nr\WI1.I. l:"~A\'~ os TILE YOLLOWISOoruO>llOlllt,I' t!Mch. ""e !lItYtl 1.;~3,OOO IleAna. which. br. the qnllrt, CO"t lei-'! thnn daleR.l)flmlll", or III(' wrek. whlcll At nlll~'D ('till" hltlra cent." rhe cor,cspolllient clllirnsIll.'r 110111111 tth~ Ilw:rltjl1.' WII" nelrly 10 to haVd worked hltld, ate 1l0thhiK betWC(!1I ItA~ "RA.~CIIlCO PT. TOwlfIl.LOCD. VICTORIA.,,'.'lIte ltlllilhe hl.lt~t r1lle 10J.&'• .KIn' a mf>Al.. I" rcnewlll( lih l\1fC and youthrul. _1.01111011 Yllue nr- '1110.810 ror AllWorklloll neD. Alld onl)' lireltfl~ the 10n~lllellt'M to 10hM'((tIf nne wrek. IrllJe.KhIIJment." oolll~1 be eIjlf'rlt'n('t(1 by I1vlll.lt to a 'ffJr}' grellt Ar.rtl ~ ~ Irr~~'Il!. ::,"Ii8he Uplllil It thll'. nile Jar the eullf'l'llpnr, Ilge._Y. Y. SIII,ker. May tB .... "00

!~~I~ ~~ql::~i~(~or":I~lll'~I~~It~~~~I!,'~~ Jn1:e ~ ::.. June ~"' """..". 'II~ q...t,." ". IVIII'I>"" Administrator's Notioe,htoll'ff hlrmrllhl Ilti Illll.lnlAlnf'l.l' 'fhefIt'llt relll" 10 It I~ (OUIll) bl' II mmpl&r1!!1'lliII the .hlpml'u", ,thl' 1I1OIith IIlltllhtfMr­

n'!!rJOllIlllll{ mmllh (J( IMt )'tIf,r. The."h,fI'{~ lnl'n'lllk'l! mOl'e IhAIi l1,ree hllllliretlrn'd. AllIlare Mllfllmlly Illcrf'lIltlng rromIIHlIlth 10 1II0111h. In short IIIlrl Alllerll'1lnI~(. which WI" lit nrtlt unpo\IllIAr Iml"'111"1( It IIAnily more thlln hl\lr tlte prke(,I l:IIIEU'h lM'er. IIIIO\\' but 10 to 12 perllI'nl. lower th/Ul thro ~I 01 the 'n",kel,.1'1~ trlt(k\ ',,-)' lie ~,a"led IU f'eublll'ltelI,

'"11] \\'1111 11Wllutnre pr(W;(lt!t." bo-yol1i1 ourf1tl\ver ornlLimulnlt'. lllce both U.e:Jtlmlluland ~JlPI)'IIn! 1t!IIIO"tllulhnlted. It will"n" In tqn:tlblnlll'lf~'01lltMl two OOtln­,riel. It ,,'111 Cl·trallily c1wAptn b&-ellnF.llll'lllId 111111 r1Iol"Cl th.. Ilrl,'Cl ('(beerCIIIUoIn lilt: Ulllt~~~lt..-S. F. Cbrolilc)e.

A Dor',CoJu'OllIT&OIC or- BA1lJ..·.-ThneI\r'! four or.'ttl dUrerellt kind! 01 bIlbl&1'here I~ the bll1' ltAl\f, the 1111'" bilby, alldIho I)O(JdJe d~. 111ft there .. the bAh,. elo­plWlnt. "\IIl1rUe bab,.. Ie I)(IqtW' nor an'~rllJUIt. tM.: II (lIllI', HI .. milch hay,,\1 Iittl bAbkt tllnl I hll\'e eftr IfI!It.n wert'hOMl 'ft'ry YOlUll{. allillhey ClIn" notle oft11f1'1l& .pI'lt1c: the l'nlt.t'd m.tellangl1lll(~. IN TB.B V,,'l'TER. or Tnl!: KifTATR Ofo'

My (olb bad II bnbyoHtIe, I' W\I.& 8 little (:lU.RUtS DELL, DacUIUCD,whitt! blby. It COined one dlly whell Order ..how Cll.nfle why n..,ler 01 Illl" orII!fro Will lin one At h{)lM, It WI1A a rnn· "",I stllte Ihonld nol bts mAoo,n,· tookhll( ~1I0W"llItI Ukea1ob"ter, 1II~. • ~IljUilell "llriAh. Ie don'llooll like my I, R, POOll, admlulqtrator 01 the e,.(ullC'r 1I0r my motlwr, look!lllk~ 1II111ll. tate or ClIAULr.! Bv.L1.. t1t.~I, 1111\1111,1:c'. Toot. '(lin.. ,be little ..by huu't on nn ttle 27th llay 01 Mltrth, A. D.• 1:Ci,;,hAir 00 hllll.hl'ltll. One dly I IIlIked my 1~l'ClIlentl.'I.I hl!lflt'ttflon lHltlt>r tllIth, 10 thl"IIIMit! Tom ....h1 the baby IIln't JOt no hltlr Conrt. praylnK fpr lin O"l6r tI( MIt! 01 tlu·"td .. 1I11l't lEt)! ~() hAir fie bY. 110 re:11 ettllb! be1<ln1EI1I1( tll IAlti ellIAW. :uIIId'm't kDt;lw 'Ol'llllhe 11I'1e babJ" \I'M born th:&ta t1l1MlIUIlI phtl'" IIIAy I)f' llet (or h',"r_JoO, au' he', II lI1Arrl4!l'1 mAli, Ing of IW\kl petition; and It ApprltrlulI:

Ollft I puilfotJ III (either out of a l'OO!'lfIr'l 'rom "'ld IletlUon thut rllts", Is not .aIU1.lla...l llf9lil II np UM:!-'bIlby'll:lOfIe and It clent pl'J1.OUII (HOI)(Jrt}· belonging to·et\!1'ktle1 hllp'*, he .llnO'It dlftl. It wu ClI"'. to p"y tlK' (IInef'll1 I'XpellN!l, n­01". a "f'" • ){'I.IM·'I'. IM"f I c!kln't lIf!'e ,-en~ or IA.lullJkuf'{ll. the tiltlrnt.'l1Ialfl"hlllt......1 .. -..nh'lllO Inalie '1'Cl1 _ ru..- _boot IlIald det.~nt. Mild tllltt It will be ll~ryII tor. II" InotMor ",Id I nt'~hler I.Je to Mil lite relit ~ll1tc belClIlIEIIl~ lo ...ltI Pol..........J ot my",ll. lind I dlclt),,.,t 110 tltolej It 15 therefore orderlld "r tI~l!l COllrtbm&J 011 ml, billler htr mo~ Ihall • "cek, IhAl Frl.11 t.~ 2St••IY or I."e A, n.,

I lhh,k I d rather I", a jllrl nor III OO}', 187IJ, at 10 4t tl4tek j ••• , At the Collrt­'e-w.....1.." _ ,;lrll(CtI':l IIcklll.! ~I~ III "'1- room or thb Court. be tlMt dtne lind p'are"1,..lIulre &0 Met h on her IIl1ltprt. bllt (or heAring Mill petition: I\t ....·I1I\'h tlllIewl ....'u II 001~. II IIcklll)C he IfI'tI It All IIlItlllllWU 1111 pel""Oll' Illlerctltld In ..ld ~Il\'f'r. I dotl lillie hIIbfil vtr)' much 1"11- tn.bt "re I"t(}ull'ell tl) A"pear Alld 'how110" 'e-u~ thr, mltoke If! MilCh 1I0lae, I CIU!t! wflY lin order ,,",ould 1I0t be p/ltedIIPVl'r kut'" but oue quiet. billy and he to ..lcllldmllllAlnUOl' to MIll Ih. ",al tWtltll'died bttlnllglll" to IlIld elillte: IUld It Illnrther

• o"ltottd th"t noUCt! or the tlme AIlI] plllceRkoe..... I or lho hearln~orMII.1 petltloll, be publlshet]

!II ot'lMR Il'IU 11M! of lArger alit - III the Pu~t SoUltd Aaoue, a 1leW1I*perflIt1nll 11l11u all!0~rU!f"f!a1gro"n. It I, published III Ilk1 County, at leut tollrIhnOlt lJ'It onl) diet 01' bundredl of mll- IUL'CeMlve wcek~ berore Ihe time Irt rorlionlor pIIlple III Chlnll, AlII. AOO all he.ultlJr: the iIIlme, And lirool or .ucll puli.&lIltPm eGUtltriell. In tllOfMl couuVln It llcatlon be ml\de to Chi. Court,IsnfllelJlhe"lDe MpotJ,tOOl,anlllt •••fb.. I A KUHN ProolueJUlIifj"llI't.lur thIN, Ollly It the NorU' la J. C. McJo~~nO'EN, Aur'ror Eitat8. 'rk.." ~e.l upon a.. a In:lll"', (0 bft tiled )(',y ~ 1lf78 )3''-wIth .ollJt 811d ItI,ar. At the ~lIt l(Jw • .lJr\ce 0/ d~*tk rice. It i. tbe dItlIpe!lIl'JiOd nbta1flnblo. lIot ul-eplng poutoN.Fotal_ contain about 80 per ~lIt. 01 "I­tet. 1100 do t\OI. JlIll1 milch tn tbtl procfttlOIl,,'OOlcltll· Rll'e 111\1 no waite ~'hateYer,

l,,'Cltltllln.. 01111 'it per per cent. o( w.ter,lind In boWllg klllI!' Ihree t1mell ItA orlJi[t­IIAI bulk, HeiR" one round 01 'l'lce At 8}.(l,,~llil pnr pOllndl make! til"" ,tlmCll AInluch "hen cooked; fqUIII to thfN pound"(l( JIOtltot!I at 2)4 Otntll IWr pound or 1He.moo proptrlr prepan'd .hould come up­CIl) tiM! table dry. eIIeh IEraln unbroken.IljW Jlltrnd ....·tth the ellllMJlmenlA ultd nnl)()tatona; and be pIllUken or a ngelAhle.wilh flltau..and not; I.a deMert.-"SaIII­tarlan. "

To FA1I)ly.R!I._\Inae 10llr !llrm'lO 'fII1_ --."all" by ~'OlIJtlnt hnp"ne~1l1 .kllllul ALL 8CAll'IES8 BNTKU8TIIJD TO OURl'llltlll"l!••00l1 rnlll. onlll.Ilt'lltAl .tmll). IIUM~,WlJl reoe.t... promp.. and eueC1l1bery alld pll.'~1I1t Illrrollufllll"" Ihat noI __mont')' wHI h'11'llt "0.1 10 ~llve It. We Gir'To the mcrehanlll oC PortTownlCtndtMllk II .hoold he ille leu!t'd pllrpoee or WII _\U M)' thlll we ~Iyealt YOllr Knodl.nll

. .• 'I acl"lInOll the ooln for )'ollr """"'ht bUll, for"'''/ 10011. ~1lI11l 10 IJut uOWIi II JtJlkell wllIc:h we oertalnly es-poet YOllr plIlron"l"O,lor I tit. to nlab a IWrllllltl~lIt home willch "1'1'0 haye lit nclOd '0 reoel"ln/J, Ihlppln""he "III lIe'er ,,·I.ch 10 I)lIrt wl~h till I", II and deU,ertn klollr l'oodI for many y_rIcalkoc' &0 the better I!lull. ~~ lire .UII prepared to do alJy<mr work at

ralr and NlUOn.blo prien.

A TrorKlri WIlIlIII.,·1 glv~a ft!1low Ilo H. L. TI••ALa4CO.,kta. but •• loaned 111111 oueon call. Port ToW"nsend. W. T

TilE 8t.I.otti. '·OlolJe.Del'llOcnu'· urgel. Ila rea,k'flI to be<'ome more ntn&'fIl~t!llt In

o"ler thlt mont,'" ma)' beot.'flnHl IUOru Illell­111111. Buch ach-lce 10 mllllonllhCll Iii al_",ay' to bt!elll"fltll'llgf'd, bllt (or the generAl1)l.I(dlu «'Onolllr. l~ tiM! ..otden mit!. '1'hopilnc1I"'1 bll~ nil o( .. rlee clr("ulJ\tlon 01mon..y II thlft an)' IlC\Or 111/111 "IAliti R"hatll'e 01 aeUhll( .. dolh'r, tr 'M Itl~dy11lL1 It. the chlel b1lshl$ n( pll 11ft! lht)ul(1h, 10 ketp It. t'lpf>CI/tAlly III JlilrlneentIinlet like t1~, It ..· 11 lake Itldepattun!soon enough.


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