1st marine division - sar - comments - 15 september 1950 ... · cg lstmardiv conf ltr ser 0112~51...

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Korean War

Korean War Project Record: USMC-1135

CD: 14

United States Marine Corps History Division

Quantico, Virginia

Records: United States Marine Corps

Unit Name: 1st Marine Division

Depository: National Archives and Records Administration

Location: College Park, Maryland

Editor: Hal Barker

Korean War Project

P.O. Box 180190

Dallas, TX 75218-0190


Korean War Project USMC-00104867


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f'L=::ET MAf'HNE FORCE, PAC:!~!!:


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To: Comrila.nd.ing General Commandant o:r the Marine Corps

0675/879 A9

Subj: 1st Marine Division Special Action Report, :ror period 15 September - 7 October 1950, comments on

' l 1951

Re:f: CG FMFPao oon:r 1tr ser 0291-51 or 4 Apr 2951 to CMO CG lstMarDiv conf ltr ser 0112~51 of 2 May 1951 to Distribution List

Enol: (1) Additional Comments on the lst Marine Division -Special Action Report ror the period 15 September 7 October 1950

1. In r-efer-enoa (a) this Headquarters submitted comments on a portion of the subject action report distributed prior to receipt of reference {b). Submitted herewith in enclo~~re (1) are the comments of this Headquarters on additional portions of the subject action report received in reference {b), Annexes or sections previously commented upon are omitted.

2, A study of the various sections of the report contained in reference (b) gives rise to the general conclusion that a number of recommendat~~Ona submitted therein pro"vida solutions to problems peculiar to operations in Korea. This Headquarters has submitted its comments with this conclusion in mind in order to redirect such recommendations toward the requirements of the overall Fleet Marine Force mission.

Copy to: CG lstMarD1v (w/enol (1))

eat~ Fl DEt~TIAL

. Form No. 14ND-MB-3

. .. ~~li\U'~ ~ tlt'R 5200ol0 ....,.... _ ......... - J,,.

~(/El C. SHEPHERD, lP.



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Korean War Project USMC-00104868

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A~ Commanding General, 1st Marine Division ltr ser 2295 dtd 20 Apr::\.1 1951,

1., Paragrapll 10, a, {2) (b), Tnis J:iead.quarters concurs in the aSvisabllity of improving j.vl&rine Col-;ps wide instt•uction to develop a more. thorougn undors tanding of ·c11e combat ope rat ion of t11.e personnel s;ystem;e It is not cons1dered 11owe\rer 1 tl1e..t a. course in personnel manb.ga:ment lind adrninJ.stration should be directed primarily to the education of limited duty officers. Detailed reo.ommendations in this connection 11C<Ve already been submitted 1n paragraph A, 7, a, of enclosure (1) to reference (a).

2, Paragraph 10, a. {3) {b), g, Tl1is J:ieadquarters does not at this tlme concur with t~1e recon1mendation for v:alk-in ad­ministrative vu11icles in battalion, regiment or otner level in a Harine Division, This tieadquarters considers tl1at current dev­elopmen~ shou1a bo directed toward standardized equipment do­signed as "package loads" :for a i-ton trail0r,

3. Paragraph 10, a, (3) (b). 3. Ti1is Headquarters does not concur \V'-th the need for a mobile l•1ncl1ino Reoo:r·ds ·Installa­tion in a Murine Division. DetailGd comments in tl1ifl connGc­tlon have bcGn forwarded in pc,ragrap11 A. ? d, of enclosure ( 1) to reference (a),

4. Paragr.api1 .LU, b. (2), (b), 2, Ti1is Headquarters does not concur in tl1c rccommGndatlon thiit t11o Division reproduction u...-rtit be equipped to _supply tl1c Divis:l.ont ~ aGr:1.al photogJ:•aphic requirements in thG field, It is considered tl1at the agency taking the photograpl1s sl1ould provldG tne ruqL;ircd prints. Previous rcco!Jllllendatlons r0lc tivv to tnis subj oct 11avo b0on subml tc0d in ColfWlanding G0nora.L, ~'l0ut l'iarine Forcv, Pacific 1£Lor serial 0306-51 of' 5 april 1951,

5., Pa.rs.gra_t..ll-1 10. b. (~) (c). Concur- :i-n part. ·.t:.:.ltt trti1n-ing of language pGrsonnGl i.n gonerc.l sl1ould oc aCt.:vlcrc. ted as cxpor1encv llt...s lndic'-... ted · t.t1at thoro l1hS o0un h q11ronic sl1ortago o:r trL,ined personnel, Tl1ls Het.;dquurtvrs does not. concur with t11o recommondution th~t 'l'ables of Orgunlzal;ion for ti1o Division and its cowponunt clcmt.mts bu revisGd to include lungu&go personnel.

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'DSOf,i.SGU'JlD. • o2w~1.0 • •

The long I'ange eop1oyment of' langu&ge pe;r>sonnel dietates tne desirubili ty of I'Ot&ining euol1 pcl'sonnel in intei'pi'etei'-ti'uns­l<..tOl' pools &t ~o, nigl1er J.·madquai'tci's und "· ttacning tr1em to units !\S required for operations, Recomwendutions relutive to tllis aubJ ect 11uvc beGn prevlousl;y mtt.do in .PLtrugru.p.:.1 B. 7. o~ enclo­sure (1) to reforence (<c),

6. Purugro.pll 10. c, (3) (c). g. 'I'ne Anti-'I'ank Company of t-'10 In:fantl'y Regiment h&s been m&do the subject of a speciu1 study in Cpw4Jr,ndlng General, Fleet l'iarinc Force, Pucific letter serial _6017 d&ted 26 l\farch 1951. Recommendutions included in t.t1i s study arc:

a. Disb&nd .;t;ne Anti-Tank Company in tile Infantry Reg-iment.

b. Activate '-' t~oui'tl1 tl.nk plutoon in eucn Tunk Comp~.;ny of tho Division Tank Battalion.

c. Active to r; two squr•d 75mm Recoilless Gun Section in the Anti-T<:nk Assunl t Plotoon, Wenpons Corqpv_ny, Infflnt;ry Bu.ttuli6n,

7, Paragraph 10. c, (3) (e), 2, Tills Beo.dquurtel's doeo not concur in the recommendv.tion tT-la t a Replace mont or Cu.suo_l Company he incl udod us u. subord1nL.~O un_i t of tho HuuuY.uar Lurs Battalion, It is understandable thu.t the Division hv.s rocog­nizod tho neod f_or estLblisl1Jnont of a tr&.nsient or c:::_suc..l contor capub1e of rocelving and pl'ocesslng repl~:cemonto or porsonnol returning to duty. It is considered feasible, 11owevor, to as­sign responsibility for tne ostub1isllmunt und mwntonL,nce of. sucll u center to uny onv of vurious units orgunic t.o tiJG Rein­forci3d Division, su.c11 u.ssignmunt to be ln addltlo:n 1.;o Li1u nor­Jll£<1 functions of tno unit d.os;i.gnuted. Full dutails ,_,nd rec­orrunonda'Lion~ i.n thiS connection t~re includud in 1110' first .end­orsement on Comwundlng Gonerb.l, 1st J'ittrino Division (Roin­fol'cod.) lo tcor sorial 1304 of 9. February 1951.

s. · ParfJ,gru:pn 10, c. (3) (!') 2. Tills l:iO<Otdquc.rters docs not concur 1-n tl1o_ ru.coiJ . .mond&.tion to lnc:;.~euso tllG numbo:r· of' 'I'ruft:ic Platoons 1n tne Division iili1i tury Police Comp&ny to :tour ( 4), I:t 1s recognized ti1ut under condi tlons existtn_g in Korea un &dditionul t.ruffic ph:toon muy well be desirable, It is not considered udvis&ble however, to u1 te:r l't,b:l,os of Orgun­izations to rne"t those cond:i.tions, but rr-thor to usc Corps or



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• !2'== -co 1 ~ r Jt:)~~+-IAL""' ... ~~ Force Military Police unHs ~- when conditions warrant·.

to augment those of the Division

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\ . . 9, Paragraph 10. c. (3). (11), 2. T'1is Headquarters does not condUX' with the recommendation that tt1e Fire SuPPort Coordin­ation Section should be. removed frolil ti1e ArtilL:ry Regiment Table of Organization and placed in Division Headquarters nor tiiat t11e Lieutenant Colonel of tl1at section be· designated as Fire Supyort CoorcUnator, Tl1e presen'tly establis11ed doctrine and organl.zation ls bellevad sound •

10, Paragr>~fJi1 10, c, (3) (i). g. 1nis Ht~adquarters does not oon::rur with tne recommendations tnat motor tr!insport Tables of Organization and Tabl\'IS of Equipment in t11e l"lurire Corps be est&blisl1ed for ox1iended land mass operations. It is considered tb.at triB Table of Organizat:l,on o.nd l'abl0 of ~qu:i.pment for tl1e motor .. lil'ansport n0tids of a !Vl&r-lne 1Jiv1sion should be based on the requiremc:>nts of t11e missions assigned under t11e National secu.rlty Act of 1947. · Spooinl augmonl;£"tion to the T!,bles of Org&nizt.tion and Tables of ~quipment sllould, howevt~r, be o s­ta6lisl1ed and mado available to l•lurine uni·os engt,ged in ex~. _tended land C<-.IDPuigns~

~nnox GiiARLIJ!:. (G-3)

1 ~. ·concurs w:l tl1 t11c comments S.nt! roo ow-

mondations of . tho Commanding General, 1st lVfarine Dl vision,

a. Annex· DoG. (G-4)

1. I:uragrapn J.U, b. (4), It is furtner reoommendLJd that Vb.e Shore Party_ Ba'ttalion bo orgunizLJd and equipped to perform englno~?rl~g dutj,Gs as·- a sccondnry mission. River crossing operntions do not easily fall into u given pattern, "'nd t11us requirements :for oros!'Jing e quipmunt and teclmiCLci personnel"" ,vary widely. Crossings may be no·cossary ut times when t11e S..Qore Party is fully cnnrnitted in its primary mission, Howevor, t.1o

' operation of equipment for a crossing is an engineoring problom .lh Wi1icn 1:110 SL1ore Purty s11ould bv prc:purod to P£"rticiPLcte us •-'~A~~~~~~~~ ,n4~~~~n 0.. qVVV.L.LU.~. J '.U..L,I')i;>~''·"'·'•

2. Paru,;ruPl'i 10. c. ( 4). OffiCer is assigned to u unit Officer of his rt~sponsibility loLding,

OOM FfOEM:rb\6-.:.. D:ECLAE3U'IJ!I> \

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Tile ·ruct ttE,t an Elilbt:rkution in no way rol:i.ovo s tr1e Commanding for supurvision ot' i1is units



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• • 1""'1"\M t=l !1"\!:MTI AI ' '-'VI''II UJ'II.1'4 I 1~ ...

' ::>. Paragraph 10, d. (4), Tllis Headquarters docs no1> concur

w1ti1 the reco=endat1on to activute an Ambulance OoJnpany. Ade­quate augment~ction to existing units should be planned and pro­vided however, for ltlr'g<:l land illUSS operations.

4. -Paragrcpl1 10. e, (6). Tllis Headquarters does not concur in the ~_.)_option of "- 11 duy of supply 11 in lieu of 11 uni t of :fire". It :T.s considered desirable 'lio retain tile "unit of fire 11 for

. plwning purposes and for umpllibious operu tiona, When units ure operuting on a l4rge land mass in conJuction with the ;A.rmy 1 · tl'anaportlction should be provided to carry an Army "basic lond;l and tilL t term Should be used.

5. PLLrngruph 10. f .. (2). Supply discipl:Lne is n continu­ing probli3m at rJ.l levels ot oomu1and, It is consider~d dcsiro.ble to impress rccruits with its import£<nce, o.nd to indoctrinate n.li young officers in the necessity for mo,into.ining supply discipline.

D. Annex FOX. {Anti-Tank)

1. · Pw-o.grup11 6. d. Wh1lc it is considered deairablc thut every Marine be uble to assist in tho removo.l of o.riti-tank <end unti.:..pcrsonnel minos in o.n omurgency, it is not considered fens­

. il;llc to p0rform this duty as a normal prac1,ice duo to tho h:igh dt::gl:"cc o;t tccJ;micW.. skill. required. !t is t11e:r·efo1·o c6nGidul"Gd ~csirublo that currunt pro.cticua in mine removal be followud.

E. A,nnox KING.. (DiVision Engim'"'r Section)

1. Purv,grupi1 6. ~'l1o coliuilunts contt..incd tl1croin are bnaod on cxporionco in Korou o.lonu und silOL<ld 'i.<iuroforu ou ti1C sub-ject of further study, -

F. .ann:.) X HOG.t.:R.

1. Tnis Headquarters concurs with tho couuaonta of tho Co~nding Genorul, 1st Murine Division.

G. Annex SUGAR. _ ( Ordnaucv)

l. Paragrap.i1 10. b. Do not concur. VH1ile it is recognized. that it is i1igi,ly desirable to remain ~\t war strengtll at ull timlla, ti1is is not economicul nor is it possible during times o:f peace so long us it is necessary for tno ,>furine Corps to

C.('UJfll"\r::'MTI J..l --•' • .,._,'j I 11"'\L. 4 ENCLOSURE (l)


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. operate· under personnel ceilings est~eblisne:d by ti1e Defense: Depurtment.

2. P~rugrupll 10. c. · Ti1is tleudquart0r's concurs in tills ro-- .............. ·-·~--JJ,..-t,J!..-. ..... -'---.4'·-..... w."..-. .-..1 ~ ..... ,... 'i'"T ..... ,~n,,1 <t,,...., ~·V>•' ,....;...,...,,....,::.'V'oV'l.:u4 h111~

UV,IJ.J.l..I.U.;J..LUc.-~.'-'..L.U'.L.L ...L,..L.J..::)VJ, c..i.~· t:.i.O V..L.U.CC ,J,.._,_ IO'-'J:'.t-'..4oo.,1.VO t ....... v .._...., ... ..,.._..._,.!. .... .._. ..... •·"·"'"' doGs not concur for cluss III sup"'lius «nd cl~otss V supvllcs. TJie lLttur two oluss0s of ·suPulios are sub.luct to a lllil:ll rate of' doter:i.orc.tion~ requiru sp0oiul storag0- for sL,futy,-and should·

, be rot<... ted frequontly in stock. Tl'le se supylivs s11ould bu main­tainvd in Jvl1..r:l,.ne Oo.rps Supply Depots and Naval Amwunition Depots ready for immediate delivvry when rvqulrod by units of tho Floc t lf.J.U.rino Force.

(Post Exchange) - -,

1. ThiB Headqut.i'turs concurs in tile col!llnunts and rccommondn­t1ons contuinod in Annex TARE .us modified by the COill!illmts of' the Coillllli.cndlng Gcnurcl, J.st Murine Division,

I. Annex UNCLE~ (Public Infprll!ULion)

1. Pu.rugrapi1 8, (~.<) (1). Tlus ikt,dquc.rturs concurs in t11e J;'Ooommc.indution which will bring t11o public information section of the 1st 1-l:c.ririe Division up to Tublo of Org£cnizn tion (W'&r) atrongth in ofr'icvrs. '\Vith thu ubund~.nce of civilhcn WL,r corrvs­pondonts, the propur conduct tif public r~lc.Llons with thvw be~ c'omes & full tlmo job. Tnu second officur is required to oupvr-'ff-4.-. ...... 1'hA .,h..P,-..V\ol'lnt-11'"'\1'1 o.-::.n1:·1,..,n !·.nA nf1>1: ~1t:l o(),,,.._-1!.1 at:t,f'"f loih;riAtYF' Y~IJ..._. u,<....I.V,...._J.L.a.,_. ......... ~-~. .............. ...,.....,...,.., .... ..., •• .._.. .......... ..,......,_ ...__..., ...,.r- ........ ~ .... -...... ..,_......, __ .._.-·~---

to the Commander.

K, Annex FOX FOX. (lst Survicu Battalion)



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1. Paragraph 10. a.· Concur in part. It is believed that two drivers per truck, 2i--ton, 6x6- cargo, ·should be allocated for 11 large land mass"· operations sim111ar to those encountered by' the ·1st Marine Division (Reinforced) in Korea. It is further recommended that the Table of Organization allocation for motor transport drivers for all Marine Corps operational requirements be made tha subject- Of a fur thor GtUdy.

2. Paragraph 10. b. This Headquarters concurs in the com­ments regarding- the requirement for -a wrecker. However, the truck, 2f-ton, 6x6, wrecking, is not suitable for the heavy duty requirements of field operation.

":it Tio..-.<;:~no.,...n..-."h 1f'\ n 'T''h~C! Uoori:rtll!:f't"i":.o't"O: (!(),n,c•_,T'S _1,l1_ 't.h.8 _T'~-....,,. .1.........., ~o ... G4¥• ... ....... ....,. ...... • ... ................. ............... """'"1.'""'-... ................ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

quirement for adai tional communication personnel and equipment. It is considered. however. that the exact numbers of personnel as well as the type of equipment should be made the subJect of a special study,

4, Appendix 3 to annex FOX FOX.

a. It is not believed that the reconwendation therein is practicable Since the machinery required and the necessary working space for operating personnel would require an exces­

.-===~ sively large and unwieldy trailer,

t. Annex ITEM ITEM. (1st Motor Transport Battalion)

1. 'l'his Headquarters concurs in general with comments and .recommendations contained in thiS Annex. It is considered, however, that those recommendations so indicated by the Com­manding General, 1st Marine Division on page 75 of volume I ahou~d-be made the subject of further study.

M. Annex OBOE OBOE. (1st Tank Battalion)

1. P~agraph 10. a. {1). This Headquarters does not con­= in the recommendation to increase the size of the 1lire Platoon in the Division Signal Company', nor does it concur in the recommendation to incre.ase the communication personnel in the Communication Section of Headquarters Company.

2. Paragraph 10. fl.• (2). a. This Headquart3rs does not -..-.--....... .If...., ................ .,...,.,.....,,...,..,.,,..,.,'"'...,..::~'""+--' .......... +1.-.,-,+ rti("'C! ....,,..,,1~"' 4o'o'Y"\o 1--.o !:::ir1.1oA Tn

tfu:VTe.bl~s.tJ~t E~~ip;;rtt~~;v~a~ha Ta~ku c;;p;~y ~vth~ S~r;t;;~ v~

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Company, ana replace the SCR-508 Jeeps in Headquarters Company.

'b. This Headquarters does not concur in the recom­.mendation that the Tank Battalion do all of its own ·communica­tion fierd maintenance. ·commandant of the Marine Corps letter

Ao-9.:.irs of 14 May 1951 establishes policies in this connection.

' . -- :3. Paragraph :1.0. b. This Headquarters concurs with the

comments of the Commanding General, 1st Marine Division that 'the motor transport recommendations contained in tllis paragraph be made the subJect of further study by a qualified board,

4, Paragraph 10, c, This Headquarters considers that the recommendation for an Ammunl tion Section and a Fuel Section mer­

. its further study and consideration. It is recommended, however,

that an Ammunition Officer (MOS 2310) should be considered in lieu of an Ordnance Supply Officer (MOS 3020).

5. Paragraph 10. d. The chru~ges recommended in tha organi­

zation of the Maintenance Platoon of the Service Company should be made the subject of further study by a qualified board.

6. Paragraph 10, e. This Headquarters does not concur with

the recouJr~>endation to increase the reconnaissance and liaison personnel in the Tank Battalion and 'l'ank Companies, It is con­sidered tllat sufficient personnel are available to perform the

duties 9utlined.

. ?. Paragraph 10. f. This Headquarters does not concur w1th the recommendation to increase the amounts of engineering

equipment in the present 'I'ables of Equipment. It is considered that all electrical equipment for general lighting purposes should be assigned to, and operated by the Service Company of the Engineer Battalion. It is believed that the general light­ing capabilities for the eriti.re: Division sholtld be pooled for

more efficient use.

8, Paragraph 10, g. The subject of a Light Tank Company within a Tank Battalion should be made one of continued study. I.t is not considered feasible that ths Tables of Organization for a Tank Battalion be changed based solely on the experiences

:Ln Korea. '

9. Para2ranh 10. h. The subject of the Tank Platoon of the

Ariti-tank Company in the 'tnfantry Reg~ment has been previously discussed in paragraph A. 6, above,

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Korean War Project USMC-00104875DECLASSIFIED

• N. Annex PETER PETSR. (1st Marines)

' l. Paragraph 10. e. ( 5) (a} • with the .comment of the Commanding

This Headquarters concurs General, lot Marine Division.


2. Paragraph 10. e. (5) (b). The subject of the Tank Platoon in the Infantry Re~iment has been previously discussed in paragraph A. 6. above.

3. Paragraph 10. 3. (6) (c) and (d). 'l'nis Headquarters

does not concur in tl1e reconwendation to add an additional 4.2N 'Mortar :Platoon to thlj I:nfan try Regin1ent.

4. Paragraph 10. e. ( 7). This Headquarter· a does not concur with the recommendation to increase the number of 75mm r~coilless

rifles within the regiment nor does it recommend including one (1) 75mm Recoilless Rifle Section in the Infantry Battalion 1ieapons Company.

· 5. Paragraphs 10. f. and g. This Headquarters does not ·concur i'-lith the recommendation that a TD-14 and the 9.4 KVA

. generator be included. in the Tables of Equipment for an Infantry Regiment. It is considered that both of thes3 items of equip­ment as well as their operation should be provided by the support­

ing engineer elements,

6. Appendix 3 to Annex PETER PETER. '·

PIU'agraph 10. (f). Under the system presently employed by the 1st Marine Division, the IRC's, with cabinets, are loca­ted in the regimental personnel section at Division Administra­tive He-adqua:t'ters. Such procedure eliminates the problem men­tioned.

? .. Appen<1.1x 3 to Annex PETER PETltR.

a. Par.,_graph 10. (g). It is not considered that the· function'ing of the 'MRI has any bearing on the oper€\tion of a regimentai locator system. If the regiment desires to use a -copy of the IRC as a locator card, 1t may do so. If it is necessary for a duplicate loca tqr to be maintained, this Head-

. quarters· can see no objection to utilizing a 3 11 x 5 11 card for this purpose, ana considers that ther·e ·is no neeu. for the ·de­sign of a epeclal card,




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b. . Paragraph trativ:e equipment has A. 3. abov13.

10. (h). The improved design of. adminis­been d1scus$ed in paragraphs A. 2, and


c. J:'~agraph 10. (i). Do not concur. Recommendations relative to the Tables of Organization for a Marine Division are discussed ip detail in Commanding Genzral, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific serial 9220 aated 12 May 1951. . .

8. Appendix 4. to Annex PETER PETER.

a. Para_graph 10. a, Tne proo.1.em or u1e lag in the photo request system has been emphasized throughout the Divi­Sion~ It is considered that th.is lag was due to two factors, (1) lack. of sufficient photographic aircraft in the 1st Marine Aircraft i</ing and (2) lack of appreciation by highe·r headquar­ters of the capabilities and limitations of the photo planes .available. The questiot:J of API .studies is considered to be a matter intGrnal to the Division. It is agreed 1 however, that such studies are c;mly a very limited capability of an infantry ""'""',.,..Jj..,.,,...,....,.of- T\ ......,.....,,.,c11-..1n t:or'\1,-t--\,......., +1"\ +'hc. no"P"'~nl Y\"hnt'l"\n>'l"'!.:!Y\'h1..-- 1"'\"'"'f"''h-4-!;'Q.J.UJ.V.t-J.u • .cJ. ,t1V0""'..LU-'-V I.::JV..l.I.A.U._V.I.l ..,...., \I.LJ.V .................. -.... ....... J:o'" ... ..._...,.,...,Q:..,..,,t-' ... .,..,...., }:" ... ....,,._.

·:).ems the Division has encoun.tered would ba to reestablish a Photo Squadron within the Marine Aircraft iling.

b. Paragraph 10. b, · Concur with the comme·nts of the Commanding General, lst Marine Division that these recommenda­tions be mad~ a subject of further study by a qualified board.

9. App~ndlx 5 to annex PETER PETER.

Paragraph 10. c. Concur for immediate organic require­ments only. Resupply and support should be furnished by eli vi­aion service units.

10 ·~ Appendix 6 to A'1nex PETE::R PETER.

a. Paragraph 10; c. The method of provision of regi­mental chaplains in Fleet Marine Force, Pacific elements is set fcrth in the Fleet Marine Force, Pacific Chaplain SOP,

b. Paragraph 10. d, The ability of any unit to fur--~ ....... '1,... 4-'t.-.~ .... t...<*'..,..,,....~<.,., ...... *~''"'""' ............ ~1 +--.n-ti.-.v. 4 ... • ..,...., -t ...... ,.....,.. .... ,..,, ......_....,....,h1l':>m .,.,,..,...=~ J..I.J...U!.l. lt!J.t:: !V!,I.O.j!.Lt:!J,.U C\ J'YI:i,lJ (;UJ.U. liJ.. 0.4.J..VJ..- .J..O C:UJ. .J.U uo;:;;.L UO....L _tl.l. VV...L.VU.Io u.uu.

depends upon the availability of transportation and the tactical s'ltu<ttion.

11. Appendix 7 to Annex PETER PETER.




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• • a. Paragraph 10. a. This Headquarters concurs with

the reco!l)lllendation of the Commanding General. l st 1-Jarine Di vi­sion that the problems in connection with Tables of Organiza­tiOn be made the subject of a special study.

b. Paragraph 10. b. Many of the recommendations' con­tained in subP~ragraphs (1} through (19) are matters for in~er­na:l solution by the Division, and other have already been accomplished. Radio eauivment is continuallY undergoing develoP­ment and improvement, and-attempts are made to furnish the Fleet ~arine Force units with the latest and best communications equip­ment that will permit them to accomplish their amphibious mission. Here again, it is not considered advisable that any drastic re­v1sions be made based solely On experiences in Korea.

c. Paragraph 10. c. (4). AN/MRC-5 and AN/"ffiC-6 in a 3/4 ton

The question of mounting an truck should be made the sub-

ject of further study.

12~ Appendix 9. to Annex PET'!:R PETER.

a. Paragraphs 10. b. a through' f, and k. The need for B.ddition&l transportation,. perhaps of d_iff"erent types.~ ls con­curred in for the 4. 2" lV!ortar Company. Many of the reco!l)lllenda­tions contained in these paragraphs are based on situations whic.h appear peculiar to Kor(Ja. It is consider-ad that such items should be made the subject of more thorough study.

b. Paragraphs 10. b·. g through 1. The recommendations expressed in these paragra-phs are matters considered to be of local inter13st and capable of being solved within the division.

13, Appendix 10 to Annex PETER PETER.

~. Paragraph 10. a. Do not concur. It is considered that this supporting weapon can be most profitably employed un­der regimental control.

• b. Paragraph 10. c. Do not concur. It is not con-

8idered desirable to increase the size of a 75mm recoilless gun Gq_uad by the addition of a 3.5 11 rocket launcher and a light· ~chine gun. Task groupment of available arm~ 1s a prerogative vf a commander. Spare 75rnm r·ecoilleso rifles for unit replace­wentS should be ·carried in the Ordnance Battalion.



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c. Paragraph 10. d. Do not concur. Comments and re­commendations on the Regimental Anti-Tank Company have been submitted in paragraph A. 6. above. The Ordnance Battalion is the proper agency for the provision of technical assistance and maintenance. ·

d;:. Paragraph 10~ e. Do not concur as indicated above=

0 • Annex QUEEN QUEEN . ( 5th Mar in e s)

1, Paragraph 10. c. (3) (a). g. This Headquarters concurs with the recommendation of the Commanding General, 1st Harine Division that the Tables of Equipment changes be referred to a boa~d for further study.

2. Paragraph 10. c. (3) (b). This Headquarters does not concur with the recommendation that infantry regiments be pro-1tided with an adequate number of mechanics and. spare parts to perform the more common au tOfllOti ve repairs enooun tered in field maintenance. It is considered that the infantry regiment should be equipped for the perfar wa.nce of organizational maintenance only. It is not consider-ed that the extension of field mainten­ance respbnsibili ty for n.otor ·transport to the in fan try regiment is desirable under- th8 pr<3sent system of maintenance for the organizations of a ~~ine Division.

3. Paragraph 10, d. (1). The subject of administrative tr-ailers has been discussed in par-agraph A!> 2. above,.

·4, Paragraph 10. d. (2}. Concur with recommendation bf Coffi!llanding Ganaral, 1st Marine Division.

5. Annex Able to 5th Marines SAR.

a. Pa~agraph 9. d. (~) ~ (3) and (4). Comwents rel&­tive to standard casualty reporting system, administrative equipment, and administrative tr3.1lers liave beGn previously discussed in paragraph ·A. 2. above and reference (a) .

. b. Paragraph 9. d. ( 5) . Do not concur. In addition ·.to ·maintaining a chronological record of duties performed,

:-u::tge 4- of the se:i;"'vice recot-d bOok contains entries relative to ~rdficiency markings. Since the proficiency mark constitutes -:;l)_~ major 1 tem in compu,ttng a man's compos1 te score for pro­m0"cion, it appears that, under the present enlisted promotion ~ystem, the maintenance of page 4 with its proper entries is mandatory.



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6. Annex Baker to 5th Marines SAR.

a. Paragraph 10. a. This Headquarters concurs with the co=ent of the Commanding General, lst Marine Division that this recomillendatiori be made the subject of further study.

b. Paragraph 10. b. Concur with the comment of the Commanding General, lst lilarine Division that the optimum use should be ruade of the Division Intelligence Net. Local 11 flash 11

reportc would certainly not be confined to an intelligence net in any event.

c. Paragraph 10. e, Comments in paragraph 6, a. are applicable to this recommendation to increase current Tables of Organization.

7. Annex Charlie to 5th Narines SAR.

Paragraph 10. (3). Concur with L'ecou.wljndation of Comllianding General, 1st Jviarine Division.

8, Annex Dog to 5th iV!arines SAR.

.a. Paragraph 10. a. (5). Do not concur. \lhile 1t is recognized that the demands made on tl:le G-4 section in an ex­ten~ed lw1d camp8.ign are GOlileWhat grec..ter tl1an those of an amphibious oper:o:tion of short duration, it is not considered advisable to moke cha11ges in the Tapien of Organization based solely on the action in Korea. ·

b. Paragraph 10. a. (8), (9) and (10). The recommen­dations set forth in these paragraphs are concurred in to the e.xten t thit tl1ey should ue ilL a de the subject of· fu:r·ther study by a qualified board.

Paragraph 8. (1). (c). l, The availability of a jeep ,;_nd traiier for use by the chaplain dependG on the motor trans­:J"::'t co=itments of ti1e unit to which ~-e is attached, ~mile \t is recognized that it would be desirable to furnish the



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chaplain a jeep and trailer under all conditions, this in many cases is not possible, It is considered that the other sup­plies listed in this paragraph can be made available.

11. Annex Item to 5th Narines SAR.

a. Paragraph 10. a. The motor trarlsport requirements of a Narine Division in an extended land mass campaign have been previously commented on and should be made the subject of fur-ther s~udy. ·

b. Paragraph 10. b. This Headquarters concurs in the ·comment by the Commanding General, lst Marine Division that sal­

V<I.ge should move rearward through normal supply channels and should be effected by supply personnel.

12. Annex Jl.g t.o 5th Marines SAR.

Paragraph 10. The commento and recommendations con­tained herein should be consider· eel. in modifying or changing communication equipment in current Tables of Equipment.

13. Annex-Love to 5th Marines SP~.

a. Paragraph 8. e. (2). Do not concur· in full. It is rocognized, however~ that a communication problem on this level does exist. It is not considered practicable to increase the already crowded SCR-300 nets within the Division. It is possible that the use of a more powerful radio may be a more desirable .., .... '1 ••+--' ,..,,..... .j...- +-1.·," t"'' ....-....-. .... \-.1 .nm OV.l..lAr.J..L.V.U UV UJ,.~.J.O ,.bi.J.. V]oJ...I-\;au •


b. Paragraoh B. e. (6). Do not· concur in full. The tactics s\tggested herein appear to be more in line with those for general support ships than they do for direct support ships.

c. Paragraph 8. e. (7} . Do not concur. It is consider­ed that tb.e present organization as entablished is sound.

14, Annex ~ike ~o 5th Marines $AR.

Paragraph 10. (2). This Headquarters concurs in general :.n the recommendations contained ln subparagraphs (a) through ( j). ,.lo'me of the practices suggested have already been put into effect. _:_··: is considered that other should be the subject of continual· 3 ,udy. and +mprovernent. /



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CONFIDENTIAL 16. Annex.Nan to 5th Marines S&~.

a. Paragraph 10. This Headquarters concurs with the comments of the Commanding General, 1st Marine Division .

b. Annex Able, paragraph 4. Do not concur. It is believed that the vehicles presently assigned ai"\e better suited to the overall mission of the elements concerned.

c. Annex Baker, paragraph 2. Do not concur. It is considered tha~ the personnel presently included in the Tables of Organization are sufficient to perform all missions assigned.

d. fu!nex Chat:lie.,~ par.S.gr-aph 6. Do not concur. The presently established organization is believed sound,

e, Annex Charlie, paragraph 9; d. Do not concur. This Headquarters concurs with the recommendation of the Commanding General, lot Marine Division.

l9. Annex Oboe to 5th Nar ines

a, Paragraph 10, c. In connec.tion wlth the use of' napalm it should also be pointed out that fragmentary bombs and shells with VT fuzes have also proven very effective against enemy dug in on either side of the crest of a hill.

b;.. Parag:r-aph 10. b. In connection with aug.wentatlo:n of battalions with additional pe~sonnel as stretcher bearers, it is not necessary that these be Marines I orten times this service can be and wa~ provided by friendly natives.

c. Paragraph 10. g. (1). TI1is Headquarters concurs with the.recommendations of the Commanding General, 1st Marine Division. The Browning Automatic Rifle has proven to be a valuable and dependable weapon in combat. It is not considered that· its replacement should be rrade based solely on experiences ~n Korea.

17. Annex Peter to 5~ Marines SAR,

a. ·.Paragraph 10. (2), l'laximum use of friendly natives cJ.ou.ld be made in augmenting_ battalions with additional personnel ;..·(r evacuation.

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b. Paragraph 10. (4). As has been previously indica­ted, the question c~ motOr tr~~sportation available to a Marine Division should be made the subject of a continuing study.

c. Paragraph 10. (5). The subject of communications within a Marine Division has been previously commented on. Com­,municatipn difficulties encountered in Korea are fully apprecia­ted by this Headquarters. It is understood that communication equ1pmc.nt is l;,lnder development that y:ill, to a large extent .rectify many of the shortcomings of that equipment now in opera­tion.

d_, Paragraph 10. ( 6) . Concur in desirability of provi­ding M--10 plotting boards for 8lmm Mortar Platoon.

, Q ......... ili"'lriex Queen to 5th ~·larines C!Al:l U.l"l.l.\o

J:aragraph 10, Concur with the reconlli!endation for observer liaison deta,chment in the 4. 2n _ Mortar Company.

19. Annex Roger to 5th Marines SAR .

Paragraph .t.u. The commen l,s rega:r•Uing the employm0n t of the 75mm guns have been noted.

P. Annex ROGER ROGER. (7th Narines) I

l. Paragraph 10. This Headquarters concurs in general with the recommendations set forth. In the case of.field promotions it ls ·conu~dered that f'1rst ·pay grade NC0 1 s, Who are to be used in_ a field in which they have an extensive backgrounil, may be ccmm1ss1oned ~-ric.T assigned to duty without fu.rther ins tru.ot!on ~ In the case_o:r promotion of NC0 1 s with lesser experience it is cons1dered_desirable to send them to an Officers Candidate School 1n Ql).antico. The question of increaf)ing the number of trucks in an infantry regiment should be the subject of further study by a qualified board.

1. Paragraph 10. c. New amphibious vehicles understood to '...e under development by the Marine Corps should provide a solu­tion td this problem.

2. Paragraph 10. d. The recommendations contained in this r;aragraph have consi.c~erable merl t and are v..ro~thy of further stUdy.




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3, Paragraph 10. f. This Headquarters concurs in general 'W':I.th the qomments regarding communications in the artillery r_eg1mc3nt. Newer equip. ment is being develo_ped which should meet the requiremento of subparagraphs (1) and (2). The remaining

"'l'"'$CJOJ11Uleridations appear to· be based o.n experiences in Korea alone . 11nd should be referred to a board for further study,

4. Paragraph 10. g. The organization and composition of ·the VMO squadron should be a matter of continued study.

5. Paragraph 10. q. Hhile the need of some units for local

::~~m!!;d~~I~~n~!\~~d~~n~~~;:~nwl~~d~~l~n~a~~el'~~og~~~~~~a~~~~ change.

6. Paragraph 10. r. The reconwendations contained in this paragraph are fully discussed in Fleet :Marine Force, Pacific aerial 9220 elated 12 May 1951, ·

?. This ijeadquarters strongly concurs with the recommenda­tion that un1tn 1n combat in the field should not be required to provide basic MOS training for officers and that in the case of the artillery regiment, a shortage of well trained artillery officers may seriously affect the operations of the entire D'ivi­sion. Marine Corps training programs and personnel policies in both peace and war should insure that there are sufficient well traine.d artillery officers· available at all tin,es to meet both normal and emergency needs of the Fleet Marine Force ..

B. Appendix 2 to llth Marines SAR.

a. Paragraph 10. b. (2). Do not concur. infantry and ar·tillery communications are believed to handle the' clearance of artillery fire missions fcw."ltry rogimcnt·n.

Existing to be adequatt;: betw,~en in-

b. Paragraph 10. b. (?). Do not concur. The current organization of Headquarters and Service Batteries is considered to be sound. ·

c. Paragraph 10. b. {B). Do not concur, The question . rJf secu,rl ty personnel has been discuss ad 1n paragraph Q. 5. _toove.

d.. Paragraph 10. considered desirable that tllumination by· ar·tillery


b. (11). Do not concur. It is not 60mm and Blmm mortars be used for battalions.



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• R. Annex UNCLE UNCLE. (lst Combat Serv~ce Group)

1. CommentS and recommendatlon_s concerning o;oganiza.t1on and personnel of the Combat Service Group are :ruily discussed in Co~aqding General; Fleet Marine Force, Pacific lett~r serial 8551 dated 3 May 1951 covering recommendations for the reorgani­zation of the Combat Service Group.

, 2, Paragraph 10. b. fuis Headquarters does not concur in the r-ecommendations to ell.minate the small f,lrms, field artillery, and fire control instrument maintenance sections from the Table

. of' Organization of the Combat Service. Group,. .. a~ though these sections h~ve not been utilized to a maximum, the mission of the Combat Service Group as now defined does involve their use.

3. J?aragrap11 10, 2. The subject of the equipment used by the Combat $erv1ce Gr-oup should be one of continuous study.

4!' Paragraph 10= 3= This Head.qu.arters concurs in the comroentG of the Comllianding General, 1st Marine Division.

5. Appendix l to lst Combat Service Group SAR.

·a. Paragraph 10. Comments and recommendations regard­ing reorganization of Tables of Organiz~tion of Combat Service !1.-roup are contained in Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, :Pac1f'ic letter· serial 8551 dated 3 May 1951. The question of recommended changes in the Tables of Equipment should be made the subject of a special study. -

6. Appendix 4 to lst Combat Ser·vice Group SAR.

a. Paragraph lO. The ccmruento and recoiT'.mendationn con­tained herein have been noted. It is consider-ed that those re­commendations dealing with ohanges in Tables of Organization or Tables of Equipment should be m;ide tbe subject of f'urther study by a qualified board.

7. Appendix 5 to lst Combat Service Group SAR.

fue recommendations regarding changes in Tables of Organi­, ation and Equipment contained in thio appendix shoulc1 be made "he subject of further study.

8. Appendix 7 to 1st Combat Service Group SAR.

The recomruended changes in Tables of Organization cu1u Equipment should be the subject of study by a special board.

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CONFIDENTIAl C..amttna Qeneral eo-daant ot tile~ Col'pll

0675/8'79 • hi". ' ~· AUG .·~

1st llaJ1.ne D1•hton Spoolal Action Beport, ter period u &ep'-1>•• - f Ootober liiO, oo~~~D~enta on

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...,, (~) Ctl FJG'Pao ooat lb •• om-01 ot 4 ApJ> 1951 to OM!i ( .. ) CG l.atM&l'DiY ooa.t lv ... 0112-61 or 2 Mq l.Q6l to

Diatrlbatlon Llat

hol: (l) Md1Uonal Co111l118nts ota tile ht Moine Dirteton Spllioiel ~Uon Report tor the perlod l& Sep~mt<!r • '1 ootoar 1960

1.. IIi nfnenat (a) \hie Headquanen nbmitted QO~~~~nnh on a ~rt1on of U. aullJeot aouea l'ltpOl't ll1e'tr1buted prior to Noeipt of Hterenae (b). Submitted heretdth 111 en:~losurc {l) _.. 'the iKlli'!Mnta of thte Rea«qual"'ttt:u on lllil'l41tloDdl portions e-r t:M ..U,Ieot aotloa report NM1Ye4 1a rerero~ (~}. Aanene .. ~eot1one pNviouely eo.-.nted upOn are omitted.

a. A e1u4l vt Vte Tat"iOue section a rJt the npor1 oontdned 1n ftftUnM C~) stwa &>he -. the pne!'l<l eenoludon tilat a 11\tabn Of NOO .. ftdat1ona aaitt.a ~1n prort4e aolut!ons ._ pwlJl••• ptoul.ial' to eperaUona lA Xone. lid.• ha4qual'fie.u baf 1Ul:lli1Ue4 Ue OOlllml'l wUh th111 coAOluiJ10il SA li1JI4 1a GJI&er te Md1not euOh NoOtllltl'ldaUone teval'd the l"tm11Nments •t ~ Oftl'all ntHJt Marine Fe~ .. 111tJs10n,

~I HI CG e\HarD1Y (~enol (l))



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A~ Commanding General, 1st ~~ine Division ltr ser 2295 dtd 20 APril 1951.

1. Paragravh 10, a. (2) (b), T11is- Headquarters concurs in the_ adviaablli ty of impr-oving i".l&l"=ine Corps wide lnst.:r·uotlon to develop a more tl1orougl1 under a tanding of' ·clle combec t overat ion of tl1.e pe;r:sonnel system. It is not considered l1owever, ti1at a course in personnel manug5Jilent und admim.stration s11ould be directed primarily to t11e education of limited duty officers, Detailed reo.a=enda tiona in this connection lHtve already been submitted in paragraph A. 7, a. of enclosure (l) to reference (a).

2. Paragraph 10. a, (3) (b), 2. Tl1is Headquarters does not at t111s time concur with t11e recommendation for walk-in ad­ministrative vel1iclos in battalion, regiment or otner level in a Marine Division, This headquarters considers that current dev­elopment shoula be directed toward _standardized equipment de­signed as "package loads" f'or a t-ton trailvr.

3. Paragraph 10. a, (3) (b), .!2_. T11ia Headquarters does not concUr with the need for a mobile Muchinc Records Installa­tion in a Narine Division, Detailed comments in tJ1is connec­tion have boon forwarded in pt .. ragraPll A. 7. d, of enclosure ( 1) to reference (a).

4, Paragr.api1 .1.u, b, (2), (b), 2, Tnis Headquarters docs not concur in the recommendation tliat tno Division reproduction unl t be oquipp~Jd to supply tl1c Divis1on 1 s aerial photographic requiromcmts in the field, It is considered tl1at the agency taking tho photograpns sl1ould provide tr1o roquired prints. Previous recommendations relative to trlis subject 11avo been

. submltcod in Coifll,~mding G.cneral, b,lvvt l'iarino Forc0, Pacific li te:t' serial 0306-51 of 5 APr ll 1951. ·

~ 5;; Paragra1Jl1 10. b. (G) (o). Concur in part. T.~.10 truin-ing of language personnel in gonerc:.l should oe acuvlor~..ted as oxporiencG lli..S indlcc.tud tnect thvru nas ouun a otwonlc sl1ortnoro of· LrLinud personnel, Tl1is Ho~,dquurtvrs do.; s not concur wl th~ tl10 rocio=ondution th&t Tubles of Organization for tilv Division und its coqponvnt olLJmunta bu revised tp include lunguago personnel,




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--' • The long range eoploymont o:r language personnel dietutes tne desirability o:C ret~>.ining auob personnel in interpr0tor-trans­l~:..tor pools u.t '" 11ig110r n0adquarters tLnd L. ttacl1ing tnem to uni"cs aa required :for operations, Flecollllaendut ions re1utive to ttlis nubj 0ct 11uvo b00n previouslJ' mG. de in puru.gru.pn B. 7. of onclo .... sure (1) to ref'erence (a),

6,_ Paragrap11 10, c. (3) (c), 2. Tlle .Anti-~'unk Company of ti1e Infantry Regiment hus been l!!L.du tho subject of a speci~,l study in Colmnt.nding Generul 1 Fleet ilut·ine For-ce, P uc1t:1c lot tor sc:rial 6017 dated 26 Mu.rch 1951. Recommendations included in tl'lis study

a, Dis_band tno Ant,1-Tank Company in tl1o Infant,ry Reg-imont. _

b, A9tivate a fourtll tunk pl.utoon in eacll Tank Company of the Division TEnk Battalion,

c. Act1v' to <; two squo;d 75mm Recoilless Gun Section 1n the .Anti-Tc:J,.k Assuul t Platoon; Weapons CompcJ_ny 1 Inf"nntry Buttallon,

7, P~ragraph 10. c, (3) (e). 2, T!1is .tieudquurters docs not concur in tho recoillmondation t'ha t a Replacement or CasuLu Company be included us u slibordinL:to urilt or tho Roudquartors Battulion. It is understandable thcL tho Division hc.s recog­nized t!1e need for ostt.blishmont of a trb..nsient or CGsuv.l cantor capable of receiving and processing rop1Ecemonts or personnel returning to duty, It is considored feasible, 11owever, to as­Gign rosponsibilit;y for tiw ostublisilmvnt und muintonLcnco of' BUCll u con tor to any one of vu.rious units org;:m ic tn t11u Ruln­for·c0d Dlvlslon., su.c11 asslgnirront to be in addition to tl1o nor­mul functions of tilu unit d<Jsignutud, Full dutails ,,nd rec­ommendations ln t!iis connection L:re 1noluduCt in tnu f'irst .end­orsem(lnt on Colllwandlng Generu1, 1st l•iurine Division (Rein­forced.) let cor serial 1304 of 9 February 1951,

B. Paragrup11 10. c, (3) (f) 2, Tllis noudqu<rtors does not concur in tl1.0 i•ucoH:unor1dt...t1on 7u inOl"O«SO tl1e number- of 'I'raffic Platoons 1n tl1e Division Hilitur;y Police Company to fo'ur (4). It is. rooogn1zed tllht under conditions exist lng in Koruu un additional trtSflc plutoon mL,y woll bu dosirc.blo. It is not considered udvisublo however, to alter Tvb1os of Organ­izations to !fiOet tl1oso conditions, but rt::..thur to use Corps or



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Force 1-ulitary Police units to augment those of' the Division when conditions warrant.

9, Paragraph 10. c. (3). (!1), . .?_. T;"liS Headquarters does . not condur w1 th t_he recommendation that the Fire Support Coord in~ atlon Sect'lon _should be removed from ti1e ArtilLory Regiment Table of Organization and placed in Division Headquarters nor t)la.t the Lieutenant Colonel of tl1at section be designated as li'ire S\lPPort Coordinator. Ti1e presently est.ablisi1ed doctrine and organization is believed sound,

16. Po.ragrbp1:1 10. c. (3) (i). 2. ~[.(J.ls H~~H:l.dqua.r-t•.;rs does not o:m= with tne recommendations ti1at motor t!·ansport Tables o:r' Organization &nd l'abl"s of .ii;quipm0nt in the ivlarire Corps be

·establisl1ed for extended land illass operations. It is considered that tl1b T&ble of Org~.Lnlzation and Table of ~quipment for· t11e motor transport noeds ot a ivk.rine Division should be based on tl1e requirements of tl1e m1ss:i.ons assigned under the Nutionul n:....~··"":>~+-..-. 11.....,+• .-..P ,OAn t:!p.-.n·1~~1 ,,,,.,.,-nd,..,1·,.~;ir-.YI t'n 1·ho I'J1!,hl,·..>o nf' f)t:liu..J. .I..~:J ,tiV l.,.t V.i,. ...LV"'XI • Ll \;,.iV_..c.<...&.. ~""''._......,.uii.'U.'Iolo..,...u. _,...., ":' ... ,.. ..... ,.....,._...,....,....,.., ,.._

. clrg&niiution itnd Tables of' Bquipmen t should, howtJvtJr, be os­te.bllsl1ed- and made avail(lble to 1furine unl 'Ls engaged ln ex­tended land cc.mpnigns;.

-=·· r ~ B, Annex CHARLIE, (G-3j

I - ""nd;;,~~1:r ":~·~:;r,.;_~~i~;~:r::i:\ ;~o .:;!~:n ~; .;~:o:. ,_ I c. . A!J.~ex DOd-. ( G-4)

~---_-_·. 1. ParagrapD 10. b. (4). It is further rocom;rumd0d that tho Shore l?arty Battalion be organiz0d and equipped to perform

·- ·.·:en.gin'cerihg ·autles ns_ a. secondru.--;y missioT_l. ~iver- crossing ;,- __ ope:re.tions do not easily fatL fnto a givon pattor

1n, and ti1us

X'oquirements !or cr-ossing e qu.ipillt3nt nnd techn1cc~- personnel ~--_-_· - · vary widely: Crossings m(ly be necessary ut times when tho Shore

Party is fully mnmlLtod in its prims.ry mission, How0vor, ti1o I£___ operation of e!J.uipmont for a crossing is an englneorlng problem ~t·. - ;\.J;J. whiCh tile Shor0 P~o,rty snould b0 prc;pu.rlld to partlclpc.to as • a seoonctal'Y illlSslon.

ii__ • ""fi?.c"u:•r P1t6~r~t'.s-rs._~,pg_ni10 ld_0; 0 °:. u(4ni)t._ Tr1e fuct ti·u"l; an EJiJbHrkutlon &;;:. '-'+ ~ ~ • ~ in no way reliovo s tt1e Commanding it~ ·c- Officvr of l1is responsibility for supurvision of ills units ~- loL.ding.

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3. Purugravh 10, d. (4), This headquarters does not concur liit11 ti1e recommendation to activate an AmbuJ.anoe Compftny. Ade­qu&te augmento.tion to ex1st1ng un.l 'La should be pl.unned and p!'o-­vided however, for 1urge land illuSs operations •

. 4. Puragr!\Pl1 10. e, (6). 'rlus Headquarter's does not concur in· the uioption or o. 11 day of supply 11 in lieu of 11 uni t o:r tire 11 •

It is considered desirubltJ 1;o retain tl1e nunit of !'ire" for plm ning purposes and :ror nmpllibious opera tiona, Whim units are operating on a lt.rge lund mass in conjuction w1tl1 tho Army, transportt, tion should be provided to carry an Army "basic ., -~-..::~lr __ _, ....... , ..... .,..,.... ......... ... 1 .......... ~1..::1 hn u~orr .J._UUU 1 (XUU. lt.LJ,t.;. ~ LIO.L-'"'-' CJ...\VV....L- ..., ..... ....,._;,...,...,...

5. Ptrto!lrnoh 10. f. (2). SuPPlY discipline is n cont1nu-1ng probi.;m--~t iJ.l levels of comrr14nd~ It is considered desirable to 1mpr<.Jss rocruits with its importc,noo, and to indoctrinate nll young offic0rs in t11e necess,1ty :ror nu.tintctinlng supply discipline.

D. Annex FOX, (Anti-Tank)

1. PLcrugrnPl1 6. d. While it is considered desirublo tht\t every twine be nble to assist ln the removal of anti-tank t.nd &nti-personnel mines in an emergency, it is not considered tcns-1bl_c to perform this duty as a normnl pruc-cico duo to tbo bigb dcgruc of tcchn:l.c&l skill r-0quir0d. It is tl1CrG:fore con3iderod dor:;1rubl0 that currunt pructicus in mine removnl be follo1-r0d,

'E. Annex KING, (Division Engin<Jer Section)

1. Puro,gr<.lflll 6. i'l1o cow.uun<;s conk,invd t110rein nr0 bnsod . on oxporivnce in Korou alOntJ und Sllould t'1uro1'orv bo tnc sub­ject of rtu~thor study.

F, .>~nn•JX ROG!CR. (••iOtor 'J:rnnsport)

1. Tnis Headquarters concurs with thu co=i.mts of the Co=nding G0ncral, 1st Mt,rine Division,

G. Ann0x SUGAR. ( OrdnanoQ)

1. Parugre_pn 10. b, Do not concur. ovl1ile it ls rocognlzod that it is i1lgi:,ly desirable to remain at war strengti1 at all times, trtls is not economicul nor is it possible during times of Peace so long us lt ls necessary for tno lfurine Corps to

4 ENCI,.OSURE ( 1)



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• t1pernte under porso~nel collings ostLblisllud by ti:lO Defense

. :Pe_f>ur't;ment.

2. · Pctragrupi1 10, c. Tnis Headquarters concurs in tl1is re­·com.mund.L..t.ion insofur as class II. sup.L-)liGs E~e cbrtcern0d b1,.1t

. doGs not concur for class III sup"'lius und cluss V SU,;JJ?lius, The l£:.ttur two classils of sup}>livs a·rc subjoct to a 111g11 rate of dotoriorL tion, roquirv special storugo for BLfoty, and s11ould Po rotc..t8d frequently in stock, TrJese su);>r.livs stwuld be muin­tulnud in Mt...rlne Cox·ps Supply Depots_ und Nc..vu.l AilliliUnition Depots ready for 1mmedic.te deliv..;ry when requirod by units of t!10 Fluo t Mt..r1ne Force~

Ii, Annox TARE. {Post Excnv.ngo)

1. Thic Houdqut.rtors concurs in tl1u commvnts und rocommondn­t1ons contt.inod in Annex TARE t~s modified by ti1c coflllitents of tho Coillm<cnding Genorcl, 1st !W..Crino Division,

I.. Annex UNCLE. (Public InforlllUtion)

l. ·Purugrc..pl1 8, ( Lc) (l), Tl1is Huc.dquc:rtors concurs in tl1o recommendution which will bring tho public information soc tion of tho 1st l..Ju.rino Division up to Tnblu of' OrgLmiznt1on (Wt,r) atrongtl1 in ofi'icvrs, With thu ubundt nee of civiliu.n wc.r corrus­pondcntsJ the propur conduct of public rcl£.:Lions with them be­comes v. full timu job. Tn0 second offic0r is required to oup0r­visc tho information section u.nd uct C\8 spuciLl stuff ndvisor to tho Commander.

J, Ann ox BAK!i:R BAKER. ( Firv support Coordim,.tion Conterj

1. S0cond preble~, pugc four. Tl1c contents of this pc.rct­grupi1 toguthor witl1 thut of tJ:lo rocommeridation, infor t:1ut tl1o int .. mdcd prirnw."y duty of ti1u Division Air Off'icur is in connuc­tion w;l.tl1 closo uir supvort m1.,ttvrs. 'i.l1is is not in consonancu with tho dutius of u Division Air Orficvr us sot forth in pc..ru­grapl1 236, l'i<lrino Corps Stun· lvlunual, 1948. 'l·nu Division Air Officur is tne special st<cff udvisor to i..hu Division Cowwt.ndur on nll t;.;,.Vlution nu.~litvrs. T.i:lt.J v.x,Pwr:L..:-ncd of tn0 Division to data hus indicutud tlu:.<, t11is spuciul stuff ooction deus not havu udcJQuutu Pursonnul l;u ProPerlY disci1ur~o£u iLs numerous duHus wid rosponsibilitius: - - -

K. Annux FOX FOX. (lsL Borvice Battalion) ..



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• • ~- CONFIDENTIAL ~ l. Paragraph 10. a. Concur in part. It is believed that ~ r.,.m nl"iVP.l"t~ nP.l' tl'unk. ?.;!;.-ton. 6x6 - nar!2'o. should be allocated E.·. ·· ;~;_. ili;;,g~-l~d ~a~~~~' oper~t1ons ·simiiiar to those encountered

by the lst Marine Division (Reinforced) in Korea. It is further &:=.· .. ::-::-- . :recommended that the Table of Organization allocation for motor If== transport drivers for all Marine Corps operational requirements

I· . be m:~e ;::a:~:~:0

:o~fb~ f:::e:e:::::~ters concurs in the com-~- .. rnents. regardlng· the requirelllent for "a wrecker. However, the ~: truck, 2~-ton, 6x6, wrecking, is not suitable for the heavy F duty requirements of field _operation •

. ~ ••• · ._. f7 "~"'~-'""t-~ ...... --t.... , 1"\ - mi..~ .... u~ ...... ..:~ ...... ,,o,...,+ .......... n ,...,...""..,,t,.,C'! ~.,... +:"h.O Ylt:Jo-

\J,. J;"Ci.,L c::\.b.l. tA,i)J..l ..LV • U • J..LJ..J.C LlVO.U\.j.IAo;;.A...I. u,.;;L D VV.L•u ..... ,_, ..._u. .. .. ,......, •""

·. quirement for additional communication personnel and equipment. · TT. -~" "nnt~1r1 P.l"P.d _ howP.ver. thAt the exact humbers of personnel 1, ·· ;t; ·wel:l-~~-tl;~- typ~- of eq~ipment sl::10uld be made the subject of

~-a special study.

4. Appendix 3 to annex FOX FOX,

L ' a. rt is not believed that the recommendation therein

~- ;~r~i~~t;~:~;er~;n~;e;~~i~~c~!~:~~n~~q~;~~g ~~~ui;! ~~c:~~~~ IF ei.vely large and unwieldy trailer.

It ~- . ~nex ·~TEM ITEN. (1st Mo~or Transport Battalion)

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+. This Headquarters concurs in general with comments and recommendationo contained iri ~11s Annex. It is considered,

-'however, that those recommendations so indicated by the Com­manding General, 1st Marine Division on page 75 of volume I ~hou:J.d-be made the subject of further study,

M, Annex OBOE OBOE. . (lst Tank Battalion)

l.. Parag:r'aph ..... 10. a. (i.). This Headquarters does not con­cur in the recommendation to increase the size of the \lire

·Platoon in the Division Signal Company, nor does it concur in in the recommendation to increase the-communication personnel

thl) Communication Section of Headquarters Company. J

2. Paragraph 10. a. (2). a. This Headquart~rs does not ---..-~ ........ ~ +-,..,__.... ...,.,.., ... ...,...,.,""',...,V'Irln+-\,..,_ .... +"hn1- lflr'Cl -v-oA~r'\ 1PP'r!a hP RrlclP.I'1 to

C~u.uu.J..· ..1..n UJ..LG ._ ~;;;uvJ.L.u . .u.~;;;.&.4U.Q.u..L.v.&..i u~.u ..... u .... u...., .................... '""' V"'"'l:'... ~~--'~ ~-

_the Tables of Equipment of each Tank Company, the Service



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- Company, imd replace the SCR-508 jeeps in Headquarters Company.

b. ~•is Headquarters does not concur in the recom­mendation that the Tank Battalion do all of its own communica­tion field wairttena.nce-. C6m~dant of the Marine Corps letter A0-9-irs o:r 14 May 1951 establishes policies in this connection,

3. Paragra:ph lO. b. This Headquarters concurs with the coDllllents of the Commanding General, let Marine Division that th~> motor transport reco=endations contained in this paragraph be made the su'Oject o:t' further study by a qualified board.

4. Paragraph 10. c. This Headquarters considers that the recommendation for an Ammunition Section and a Fuel Section mer­

' its fu'rther study and consideration, It is recommended, however, tUa.t an A!llrnunition Officer (MOS 2310) should be considered in lieu of an Ordnance Supply Officer- (MOS 0020).

o·. Paragraph ~0~ d. The chw'1ges recommended in the organi­zation o:r tha Maintenance Platoon o:r the Service Company shoulu

'be made the !'!ubject of further study by a qualified board.

6. Paragraph 10. e. This He ad quarters does not concur with the recomtuendation to increase the reconnaissance and liaison personnel.in the Tank Battalion and 'l'ank Companies. It is con­s-idered that sufficient personnel are available to perform the duties outlined.

7. Paragraph 10. f. This Headquarters does not concur with the recommendation to increase the amounts o:r engineering equipment in the present Tables of Equipment. It is considered that all electrical equipment for general lighting purposes should ba assigned to, and operated by the Service Company of the Engineer Battalion. It is believed that the general light­-ing capabili'tiea for the entire DiVision should be pooled for more efficient use.

8. Paragraph 10. g. The subject of a Light Tank Company within a Tank Battalion should be made one of continued study. It is not considered feasible that the Tables of Organization for a~Tank Battalion be changed based solely on the experiences in Korea.

9. Paragraph 10. h. The sub_lect of the Tank Platoon of the Anti-tank Company in the Infantry -Reglment has been previously discussed in paragraph A. 6. above.



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• .. '"'.) • 'i • N. Ann~x PETER PET~R. (1st :tvlarine s)

1. Paragraph 10. e. (5) (a). This Headquarters concurs with the comment of the Commanding General, 1st Marine Division.

' 2. Para~raph 10. e. (5) (b). The subject of the Tank Platoon in the Infantry Regiment has been previously discussed in paragraph A. 6. above.

~-- 3. Paragraph 10. 3. (6) (c) and (d). This Headquarters ~-- does not concur in the recommendation to add an additional 4.2"

~~ - :Mortar Platoon, to the Infantry Regiment.

~ ~-with 4 the p~:~~~:~~d;~lo~ • ·t~ 7 i~cr:~: ~~:d~~:~~;r ~f d~~~ n~!c~~~~~~s

P== :>:-iflas-within the regiment nor doeo it recommend including one (1) -_ 'i'5ml!l Recoilless Rifle Section in the Infantry Battalion \Teapons - C'ompan;;.

J F ~~ 1: .-1 L ~-

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5. Paragraphs 10. t. and g. This Headquarters does not concul--. with the r-ecbmmand.ation tho.t a TD-14 and the 9~4 KVA generator be included in the Tables of Equipment for an Infantry Regiment. It is considered that both of thesa items of equip­lllent as well as .their operation should be provided by the support­ing engineer elements.

6. _Appendix 3 to Annex PETEP. PETER.

Paragraph 10. (f). Under the system presently employed by the 1st l'!arine Division, the IRC's, 1.-lith cabinets, are loca­ted in the regimen tal personnel section at Division Administra­tive Headquarters. Such procedure eliminates the problem men­tioned, ·

7. Appen<lix 3

a... Pir'agraph 10'. (g). It is not considered that the functioning of the-Nfti has any bearing on the operation of a regimental locator system. If the regiment desires to use a copy of the I~C as a locator card, it may do so. If it ls necessary for a duplicate locator to be maintained, this Head­quaf'ter n can see nb objection to u tllizing a 3'' x 5" card for this purpose, and considers that tller·e is no nee...i. for the de­Bign Of a Special cird.




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' '. • CONFiDE~-!TIAL:

b. Paragraph.lO. (h). The improved design of adminis­trative equipment has been discussed in paragraphs A. 2. and A. 3. above.

. d. Paragraph ~u. (1). Do not concur. Recommendations relative'to the Tables of Organization for a Marine Division ·.,.......;.n. ~1.tj ,...,;.,.H,...,...""',q ~ .... A ..... + ..... 4i1 ~ .... r"t .... mmnv• .... ':J" ""-'"" f'!.ol"! ':ft'lbl ,ti11 P.At ,M,R."i.",e ~-~ 1..4.,J..OVI..t.Q~QV,. ,J..O.L UO U~..L""- ..LJ..I. VVU.U.U~J.J......._..I.J.J.f:l ....., ..... ,,_......._ ...,.. ....... ) ---- - - -

'Force, Pacific serial 9220 dated 12 May 1951.

B. Appendix 4 to Annex PETER PETER.

a. Paragraph ~u. a. Tne pro Pl. em OI one lag in the photo request system has been emphasized throughout the Divi­st_on... It is considered that this lag was due to t\·JC factors, (l,) lack of su:fflcient photographic aircraft in the 1st Marine Mrcraft Ving and ( ~) lack of appreciation by higher headquar­ters o:fthe capabilities and limitations o:f the photo planes available. The question of API studies is considered to be a matter internal to the Division. It is agreed, however, that such a·tudies are only a very limited capability of an in fan try

·-----•·--·--..._ II. ___ _.:._.'--,- --i .. .a...t-- ..,_,.. .t-'1- ..... .,...,,.......,."!..,, ...... l-. ...... +- ... ,...,.....,..,......._1...~ .... .....,.,...nh


re:gl.llleUL. ~ IJUtlob..LU.L!,;:::: bU.LU.I.J.LU.U. I.IV I.J.I.J.>;j C1CJ.-.L.CW. _t.JJ.J.V\.IVC;:J.O.}Il..I. ... I.'V ,lJLvLJ=

. leme; the Divie;ion has encountered would b.o to reestablish a ··:Photo Squadron within the Narlne Al:roraft Uing.

b. Paragraph 10. b, Concur wl.th the comments of tha Commanding General, lst Marine Division that these recommenda­tions be made a subject of further study by a qualified board.

9. Appendix 5 to annex PETER PETER.

Paragraph 10. ments only. Resupply €lion service units,

c. Concur for immediate organic require­and support should be furnished by clivi-

lO~ Appendix 6 to Annex PETER

a. Paragi'l'lph 10. mental chaplains in Fleet f'crth ih the Fleet Marine

c. The method of provision of Marine Force, Pacific elements Force, Pacific Chaplain SOP,

regi­is set

b. Paragraph 10. d. The ability of any unit to fur­a:i.oh tlte chaplain a jeep and trailer 1s as.J. internal problem and depends upon the availability of transportation and the tactical 8ltuat1on. ·

11, Appendix 7 to Annex PETER PETER.



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e • CONFIDt:f·ffiAL

a. Paragraph 10, a. this Headquarters concurs with the recommendation of the Commanding General, lot ~arine Divi­sion that the problems in connection with Tables of Organiza­tion be made the subject of a special study.

b. Paragraph 10. b. Many of the recommendations con­tained in. subparagraphs (1) through {10) are matters for inter­nal solution by the Division, and other have already been . accomplished. Radio equipment is continually undergoing develop­ment and improvement, ahd attempts are made to furnish the Fleet Marine Force units with the latest and best communications equip­lilent tllat will permit them to accomplish their amphibious mission. Here again, it is not considered advisable that any drastic re­visl6ns be rnad.e based solely on eXperiences in Korea.

c. Paragraph 10. c. (4). The question of mounting an AN/MRC-5 and AN/MRC~6 in a 3/4 ton truck should be made the sub-ject of fUrther study. ·

12. Appendix 9 to Annex PETSR PETER.

a. Pa~agraphs 10. b. a through f, and k. The need for additional transportation, perhaps of different types, is con­curred in for the 4,2 11 hortar Company. Many of the recommenda­tions contained in these paragraphs are based on situations which appear peculiar to Korea •. It. is considered that such items

·should be made the subject of more thorough ·study.

b. Paragraphs 10. b. g through i. The recommendations expressed in these paragraphs are rna tters considerad to be of local interest and capable of being solved within the division.

13. Appendix 10 to Annex PETER PETER.

a. Paragr-aph 10. a. Do not concur-. It is considered that this supporting weapon can be most profitably employed un­de:r regimental control,

' b. Paragraph 10. c. Do not concur. It is not con-F.idered desirable to increase the size of a 75mru recoilless gun 8q_uad by the addl tion of a 3. 5 11 'rocket launcher and a light :'lachine gun. Task §,Toupruen t of available artus is a preroga ti v<; ...,f & commander. Spare 75rmu recoillesn rifles for unit replace­wents shotild be carried in .the Ordnanc0 Battalion.

CONFIDENT1· td . I"\'- 10 ENCLOSURE ( 1)


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• c. Paragraph 10. d. Do not concur. Comments and re­

commendations on the Regimen tal Anti-Tank Company have been submitted in paragraph A. 6. above. The Ordnance Battalion is the propel' agency for the provision of technical a ss·istance a.nd :maintenance .

d~ Paragraph 10~ e. Do not concur as indicated above.

0. Annex QUEEN QUEEN. (5th Marines)

1. Paragraph 10. c, (3) (a). 2. This Headquarters concurs with the recommendation of the Commanding General, lst lvlarlne D.ivision that the Tables of Equipment changes be referred to a board for further study .

. 2. Paragraph 10. c. (3) (b). This Headquarters does not concur with the recommendation that infantry regiments be pro­vided with an adequate number of' mechanics and spare parts to perform the more common automotive repairs encountered in field blaintenance, It is considered that the infantry regiment should h0 nrn•~ ............. nr:l .P""'VI 1-'1--la T'\OVIftt'"'!r> rr.n .... no nf' nV~cro.:~n; '7'.nt:~nnn1 mo~nt:AnAn~P ~\,;.; \.J"';l'-4-..I..J::-'j;"VV.._ • '-'"" V.I..!.V .J::-'"-'.4"'" '-"' ....... .._.., ... V V '-'.io OJ ... E:;l'-"''~_.,..,....._ ., ... .,.. ......... .- .....,. ........ ....,.,. .,....; .... - .... ~ ~

only. !t is not considered tl)at the extension of field mainten­ance resnonsibili tv for motor transport to the infantry regiment is des;trable under.th8 present system of maintenance for the organizations of a Narine Division.

3. Paragraph 10, d. (1), The subject of administrative trailers ·has been discussed in paragraph A. 2. above.

4. Pe.ragraph 10. d. (2). Concur with recommendation of Commanding Ganeral, lst Narine Division.

5. Annex Able to 5th Marines SAR.

a. :PaTagraph 9_t d. · ( 0), ( 3) and (4). Comwcnts rela­tive to standard cast,<alty reporting system, administrative AmJ,nmP.nt. And Arlmlnl Ht.riltive trailerB have been Previously ""''".l.-~-..1;'"-----' ------ ----- ~--~- -- -- ---- - - - ¥

dlscusoed in paragraph A. 2. above and referance (a).

b. Paragraph 9. d. (5). Do not concur. In addition tu maintaining a chronological record of duties performed, -·--A -.P. +-1-.~ _,~..., ..... ~~ ..... .-. .... ..:... ...... ..:t \.-,..-..,....1.- ....,,....,...·+.-.JI ...... .-. c.V'I+V'I~nn V1o1<:>+1"trr.:> t-1'"'1 __ Jtit::>ti ":;;; UJ._ l.l.llV bV.L V..L\;1;; J.."C"\.;UJ."Ll UVV.n. UVllVGI..J.UO ~:,;opu..~o .J,.IJO .1. v•v..v..~o. wv u._...

,:Jroficiency rr.arkings .. Sine e the pro fie iency mark constitutes -::;l1Q major item in computing a man's 9omposi te __ score· for pro­m':n;ion, it appears that, under the present enlisted promotion system, the maintenance of page 4 with its proper entries is mandatory,

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6. Annex Baker to 5th Marines SAR.

a. Paragraph 10. a. This Headquarters concurs with the collillient of the Con~anding General, 1st Marine Division that this recommendation be made the subject of further study.

b. ParagrEtph lO. b. Concur with the comment of' the Commanding General, 1st Marine Division that the optimum use should be made of the Division Intelligence Net. Local 11 flash 11

reportc would certainly not be confined to an intelligence net in any event.

c. Paragraph 10. e. Comments in paragraph 6. a. are app.licable to this recommendation to increase current Tables of Organization.

7. Annex Charlie to 5th Marines SAR.

Paragraph 10, (3). Concur W~'tn recommenaa"tlon of Comlllanding General, 1st Narine Division.

8, Annex Dog to 5th Marines SAR.

a, Paragraph 10. ·a. (5). Do not concur. 'llhile it is recognized that the demands lilade on ·the G-4 section in an ex­tended land campaign are somewhat grec.ter than those of an amphibious oper·~tion of short duration, it is not considered -A-~-~~,~ +~ m~~~ ~~n~~~n ~n +l~o ~o~ln~ ~~ n~~Qn4?nt~nn ha~PA Q.U.V.J..OO,.U...L.V \JU L.UCI..I:)..\;;; V..L.I.CU.I.e;)l:iO ..k.l..l. VJ..l.._, .l.<..<.V..I.VL.J ....., .... ......., ... E;:l'-"'"~ .. ...,'-'....,.~ ... ....- .... ,........,.._....;_

solely on the action in Korea.

b, Paragraph 10, a. (8) ;· (9) and (10). The recommen­C:.ations set forth in these paragraphs are concurred in to the extent that theoY should be made the subject of further study by a qualified board.

9. Annex Fox to 5th Marines SAR.

Paragraph 10. a. ( 3) . The items of equipment suggested ,\_r; this paragraph should be made the subject of further study.

\ 10. Annex How to 5th Marines S.AR.

·Paragraph 8. (1). (c). 1. The availability of a jeep .. nc'l trR'UP.r :for us" bv the ohanlain denends on the motor trans­)~-;t -;;iMtitm~;,ts of tl1e unit to which he is attached. i'lhile J.t is recognized that it woulc1 be desirable to furnish th\;1



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CONFIDENTIAL chaplain a jeep and trailer under all conditions, thls in many

· pa.sea is not pOssible. It is consi_dered that the other sup­Plies listed in this paragraph can be made available.

11. 1\.nnex Item to 5th Marines SAR.

_a,. Paragr~ph 10. a. _The rnotOr tra...'1sport. requirements a:r a Marine Division in an extended land mass campaign have been pl:'eviously commented on and should be made the subJect of fur­ther study.

b. Paragraph 10. b. This Headquarters concurs in the comment by the Commanding General, 1st Harine Division that sal­vage sl1ould. move 1-:ea1-;ward· throutth normal supply channels and ahoul_d be effected by supply personnel.

12. Anne4 Jlg to 5th Harines SAR.

Par'agraph 10. The comrnen te and recommendations con­tained herein should be consider· ed in modifying or changing comm~lication equipment in current Tables of Equipment.

. '

13. Annex Love to 5th Marines SAR,

a. Paragraph 8. e. (2). Do not concur in full. It is r-"cognized, however, that a communication problem on this level does exist. It is not considered practicable to increase the already crowded SCR-300 nets within tbe Division. It is possible that the uae of a more powerful radio may be a more desirable aol_ut1on to this problem ..

b. Paragraph 8, e. (6). Do not concur in full. The ·.;actics suggested h:orein appear to be more in line with those for general support ships than they do for direct support ships,

c. ed that the

Paragraph 8. e. (7). ~~ooPn~ n~~on~ry~~~~n ..1:', .... ,._,...,...., .... ., ....... e,. ....... ~ ................................. ...

Do not concur. It is consider­as established is sound.

l4. Annex !J1ike to 5th Mar·ines SAR.

Paragraph 10. ( 2). This Headquarters concurs in general . - - ~ • - - • - • - •J \. A ~ ~ ' 0 '

~ .. n the recommendations (lontalned. ln subparagraphS \a) 1;nrougn.\JJ• Jcme of the practices _suggested have already been put into effect. ,.·. ~'"' ,.. .... ...,,....~,."L.-,.vt,..,...::l +-1-.n+ ,..+'h ...... ~ ,...l-,,-,nl..-1 ,...,~ 1-'hc. ~,,h<\..::::.rwt- nf' rH"\n+.1nn):ll

·'- ,J..i.:) VVlJ.O.L\,A.t:;;J. VV. r,jJ,.J.= V V UJ..L ..... .j.. I.:JJ . .L....,I,A...a..\..1. u.... U.L.l...., U...,_t..'.JV:V y ...,... ....,..., ..... .,.._ .... ....,......, _

_ :, :udy and improvement.



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15. Annex Nan to 6~1 Marines SAR.

a., fa.ragraph 10. This Headquarters concurs with the comments of the Commanding General, 1st Narine Division.

~~--~--- b. Ann13x Able, paragraph 4. Do not concur. It is ~- h ~ ...,el1eved that the vehicles presently assigned ar.::; better suited ~- · to the overall miss ion of the elements concerned. !!"-· eo--

::=--c c. Annex Baker·, paragraph 2. Do not concur. It is ~ _ considered that the personnel presently included in the Tables ". of Organization are sufficient to perform all missions assigned. ~

;;:: ~' ~ ~ ~

d. ,.1\,..n_nex Charlie, paragraph 6. Do not concur. The presently establish13d organization is believed sound.

e. AnnexGharlie, paragraph 9, d. Do not concur. This Headquarters concurs with the r.Gcommendation of the Commanding 'Gen:;ral, let. Marine Division. ·

~'1nex Oboe to 5th l·1arinea '"" u.cu \.

a. Paragranh 10. c. In connection with f:he use of napalm it should-also be pointed out that fragmen•.:ary bombs and shells with VT fuzes have also proven very effective !l.gainst enemy dug in on either side of the crest C•1' a hill.

b. Para.e:,--raph 10. b. In connectio"n with E~ugmentation o:r battalio.ns with additional pe:rso.nnel as stretcber bearers, it is not necessarv that these hP. MHrines. often t1 illf·R thts Aervice can be and was .provided- by-friendly n~ t i ;~ ~: -- -~ - - - ·- ..


_ c. Paragraph 10. ·g. ( l). This Headquart<;rs concurs with the recommendations of the Commanding General, 1st Marine Dlvisio~l,_ The Brown],.ng Automat~c Rifle h~s prover:·. to be a valuable and dependable ·weapon in combat. It is not considered

.. ~hat its replacement should be n-ade based solely en experiences ~h Korea. ·

17. Annex Peter to 5th Marines SAR, . t . • • .

a,. Pa~·agrciph 10. ( 2) . lv~8.xl.mum d. octld be made, ln augrnen ting bat; tal ions l··: !l. e'\~cu4t fon.


use of friendly natives with additional personnel


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Paragraph 10. Concur with the recommendation for observer liaison detachment in the 4.2 11 J).Jortar Company. ·

19, Annex Roger to 5th Narinea SAR,

Paragraph 10. The comr;.en ·us regarUing the 75mm guns have been noted.

P. Annex ROGER ROG~~- (7th !-Jarines)

employment of

1. Paragraph j_U. This ReadquartGr s concurs in general with the recoinmendations set forth. In the case of field pr·omotions · it iG conoidered_that first pay grade r~CO's, who are to be used in a field in which they have an extsnsive background, may be ccmmlsqioned and assigned to duty without further instruction, In the case of promotion of NCO's with lesser experience it is

.considered desirable to send them to an Officers Candidate School in Quantico. The question of increasing the number of trucks in an infantry regin1ent should be the subJect of further study by a qualified board.

~- Annex SUGAR SUGAR. (llth Marines)

1. Paragraph 10. c. New amphibious vehicles understood to Le under development by the Marine Corps should provide a solu­ii~n to this problem.

2. Paragraph 10. d. The recommendations contained in this -paragraph have considerable merit and are 'WOrthy of further stUdy.


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i·non D~enr.ol6l!N1 rAL ' •

P';- - - 1 ~- Paragr~ph--10-;- f. This Headquartc:rs concurs in general ~- w1 th the cornfi1enta regarding communications in the artillery __ - regiment. Newer equipment is being develoJ?ed which should meet ~- the requirements of subparagraphs (1) and (2), The remaining ~ ....,...,,.....,mr.ocnAn+-1n,....,~ n"V"toT-.no.,... i-n hn -,......,.,..,.,4 M.l"'! O'V"V"\OYI-\r->l"\..,a~ ~1"1 Vr.V1c~ oll"''nO ~ .l. VVUJ,.~J.,~.UVLJ.~lA U..LUJ..OU t...t.,.t:-'_l-'Vr...l..&. UV UV VtA.UV..... V.l.L ,_..n..r--v• ..loV.I. .. VV V .,L.I.J. ........... ~ ...,...._ .,...........,~ .. ...,

t;:::-. and. should be referred to a board for further study. ~- ·•.


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4. Paragraph 10. g, The organization and composition of the Vl,10 squadron should be a matter of continued study.

5. Paragraph 10. q. i'lhile the need of some units for local securlty p~rsonnel under certain conditions 1s recognized, this recommendation is not concurred with as a Table of Organization change.

6. Paragraph 10. r. The recommendations contained in this paragraph are fully discussed in Fleet IYiarine Force 1 Pacific serial 9220 dated 12 May 1951.

7. This Headquarters strongly ·concurs with the recommenda­tion that unite in combat in the field should not be required to provide basic MOS training for officers and that in the case of the artillery regiment, a shortage of Well trained artillery officers may seriously affect the operations of the entire Divi­sion. Marine Corps training programs and personnel policies in both peace arid war should. lnsm·e that there are sufficient well trained artillery officers available at all tin.es to meet both no:rinal a.'1d emergency needs of the Fleet Mar·ine Force.

8, Appendix 2 to 11th Marines SAR.

a. Paragraph 10. b. (2). Do not concur. infantry and artillery corurminications are believed to handle the clearance of artillery fire missions fantry reglmenta.

Existing to be adequate betW•':en in-

b. Paragraph 10. b. (7). Do not concur. The current organization of Headquarters and Service Batteries is considered to be sound.

;:::::_____ -------- ____ _._

:Paragraph 10. persOnnel has

b. ( sr. Do not concur. The question ~~ c •. 1f securi'ty _,.,ov e.

d. Paragraph 10. considered desirable that illumination by artillery

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b. (11): bo not concur. 60mm and 8lmm mortar·s be battalions. .

It is not used for



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.. ... ... ' . .l • (1st Combat Service Group)

l, Comments and recommendations concerning o~ganization and personnel of the Combat S<;Jrvice Grpup are fully discussed in Co,mmanding General, Fleet Mari!le Force, Pacific lett3r serial !?551 date~Q. 3 May 1951 covering recop1mendations for the reorgani­Ea.tfon or the Combat SeJ:•vlce Group.

·2=- Paragraph 10 .. b. This Headquarters does not concur in th<;J recommendation~ to eliminate the small arms, field artillery, and fire control instrument m_aintenance sections from the Table of Organization of the Combat Service Group. Although these sections have not been utilized to a maximum, the mission of the Combat Ser·vice Group as no·w defined does involve their use.

3, · Paragraph 10, 2. The subject of the equipment used by the Combat Service Group should be one of continuous study.

4. Paragraph 10. 3. This Headquarters concurs in the comments of the Com~ding General, 1st Marine Division.

5. Appendix 1 to lst Combat Service Group SAR.

a. Paragraph 10. Comments and recomn;endations regard­ing reorganization of Tables of Organizz.tion of Combat Service Group are contained in Commanding General, Fleet Narine Force,

·Pacific letter serial 8551 dated 3 May 1951. :rti'e question of redoillillendad changes in the Tables Of Equipment should be made the su~bJect of a special study.

6. Appendix 4 to 1st Combat Service Group SAR.

a, Paragraph 10. The comwen ts and reco=endations con­tain8d herein have oeen noted. It is considered that those re­commendations dealing with ohanges in Taples of Organization or Tables of Equipment should be made the subject of further study by a quali~led board.

7. Appendix 5 to lst Combat Service Group SAR.

The recomwendations regarding changes in Tables of Organi­. ation and Equipment contained in this appendix should be made ,-he subject of further study.

8. Appendix 7 to lst Combat Service Group SAR.

The r[Jcommended changes in Tables of Organization and Equipment should be the subject of study by a special board.

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