1.music magazine questionnaire analysis

Post on 09-Aug-2015






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Music magazine questionnaire analysis


Gender and age?



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Number of people


This data shows that an equal amount of male and females answered my questionnaire regarding the making of my music (jazz) magazine. It was important that I had a balance of both genders answering my questions because my magazine will be aimed at both males and females. This also avoids receiving bias results.

I also had an equal amount of people from each age group answer my questionnaire for the same reason of gaining accurate results. I will compare the data I received from the other questions to the age groups as well, so that I can decide on which age group will be best to target for my product.

16-18 19-21 22-24 25+

3 3 3 3


How often do you read Jazz magazines?

How often do you read jazz magazines

Never Rarely Often

This question will help me understand how popular Jazz magazines are. The results show that the majority of the people (75%) who answered my questionnaire didn’t have a great interest in jazz and therefore never or rarely read magazines of that particular genre. However 25% of people often read jazz magazines.

I noticed that the majority of people out of the 25% who often read jazz magazines were aged 25+. This shows that the younger generation are less interested in Jazz music.

This data tells me that my jazz magazine will appeal to adults more than it will to teenagers therefore the age range of my target audience will be higher.

Would you prefer a Male or Female to be on the front cover of a Jazz magazine?

Male Female 0















This data shows that 1/3 of the people who answered my questionnaire would prefer to see a female on the cover of a Jazz magazine and 2/3 of the people would like to see a male. From looking through the history of jazz, I have That the majority of famous jazz musicians have been male artists. Arguments as to why jazz is such a male-dominant genre can vary from:-the difficulties women had in being successful in the late 19th century when jazz first came about .-‘image’ being an important factor in the industry. -the instruments such as the saxophone being designed for the male body...

This is an on going debate. As a result of this Jazz culture, a male figure would be preferred to be seen on the cover of my magazine. Having a strong Male character on the cover will reflect the history and culture of jazz music.

What colour scheme would be best for a Jazz magazine?

Pastle colours Dark forest colours

Bright and fresh Black and white classic

It is important that the colours used on my magazine can reflect the themes, ideas, genre and even the target audience my magazine will be aimed at. From this data I learn that almost half of those who took part in my questionnaire thought Black and white classic would be the best colour scheme to have my magazine as. ¼ said dark forest and another ¼ said pastel colours. The remaining few said bright and fresh.

As my magazine will be targeted at adults whose ages could vary from 25-45 , given that the written age range for my target audience is openly 25+. I believe the classical black and white scheme will best suite a wide audience because it is a colour scheme which is open to many interpretations, emotions and character traits, all which can differ to individuals, although they may share the same interest in jazz .

What special features would be good for a Jazz magazine?


Fashion Event advertisment Sports Interviews Gossip

Jazz is a very particular genre, which rarely takes wild experiments in their producing and marketing tactics. In other words, jazz is one of the few genres which still focuses purely on its distinct traditional sound of music, rather than the many supporting aspects linked to music. For example, fashion (when creating an ‘image’), television/filming (for the purposes of publicity schemes) etc. As Jazz is a genre which solely for the heart of music, fashion; gossip and sports are aspects which would be least relevant to a jazz magazine.

However up coming events and news would be useful to a jazz magazine because it notifies the readers of relevant information about the genre they might not be able to find elsewhere. Information like this could be a good selling point for my product as it offers the consumers useful info which can be put into use. For example, a advertisement about a new jazz bar would be useful to someone who enjoys going to local venues of entertainment. My magazine will therefore include features such as interviews, advertisements, announcements and news.

Event advertisement and interviews were mostly recommended for my magazine, as shown from the data collected.

What price would you pay for a jazz magazine?

0-£1 £2-£3 £4+

These results show that more than half of the people who answered the questionnaire said they would pay 0-£1. the remaining said £2-£3.

The price of my product will depend on the content of magazine, and therefore will be decided when my unique selling point has been finalised.

However the fact that no one said they would pay over £4 for a jazz magazine will be taken into good consideration, As I hope to settle with a price my audience will be satisfied with.

Should there be more than 1 image on the front cover of a jazz magazine?

Yes No

3 9

These results will help me when designing the front cover. It is important that the cover looks appealing to my target audience because it will be the very first thing that they see, so it needs to be eye catching.

Having many images on the front cover could be good as it showcases all the things the magazine has to offer inside. However having one image on the cover , by having one area of focus, could leave the consumer with much more interests and curiosity as to what more this product has to offer, leading them to turn the pages.

Both options have hopeful outcomes, but as the questionnaire showed that the vast majority suggested their should be only 1 image, my product will follow that lead.

Should the masthead overlap the main image?

Yes No

7 5

When the masthead on the cover of a magazine is behind the main image, not only does it give the image a sort of 3D effect, but it also suggests that the name/brand of he magazine is very well known. Which is why the masthead is still recognisable when its being covered up.

As my product will be new, I agree with the results given from my questionnaire, that the masthead should overlap the main image. This way the name of my magazine will be clearly visible for people to see, and become familiar with.

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