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Post on 29-Jul-2018






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R e m , of XmmtigaGions ky I.IowB Ma P~lw3.w Aaeoaiater E I r u Engineer*, Tptrpjlr,orLdI+ Uep&*nC of W e e

in that Petrsrs~f(;&ejt;~s~m HinSng Pmoborts, A h & & P%a;l. 30 - A w ~ X, 19!+8


28. 3, Hungerford o f Pstershwg ~ & o hae h e n w a g e d in lapidary work h s hft Pwtar~hrg for Portlmxl tl Pt j.8 bUcswd Ca be pwranont.

! k I;$ em Ober ropcr*u his &irl of Hoxfoq ( 6 obi tm) ;ta baing ,['I

i, handled by M&lxz Jaawr, 803 Amtfa &,iJ.&hgc 8ea4AL&3, W8bkirylEa.

i Rr, J ~ ~ p t t r hua mapa, eta. o f tha prapz%y* HE** %bdww%l ne Xan&@r ha8 ;('\ bh~st h tb pmprtyn 3& t i t l e TW*B With Qhltte~. Thw~ ? i a no aativitq at mnt at t l ~ l pmpFty.

1. 1J ', bsrge &ekcrt;t port;^ b hw stdad otw a&& adj~M,ng :; tb c X & ~ o.C Jaok f$%hoampr on T a y l e ~ Orat&:, h n c a O w f , Kupremof ' a X e h d . Ff* t3cekre.ft $5 in ahrge af C. As A. hskdLkki.zmer a% fndkm \: ,

L Point rand Petersburg,

&ant to Xndiatr P Q ~ % C e A , A* B t 6 l A t ~ Or A, A * Wt H, 3i, Cjlvair #I+ Taken t o Jack Sofioanov~z( gmporby an T4y30~ Crwk lqy &, S+ Civtrir #X and a u t b r d ,

has hen. done azld Mr. Schoonuver hzd nu &vel at the p r ~ r t p , Ten rpk~apLss ware at; of whic11 four wem check sqsXes,

823 YAP 28 0.01. L 4 0.6 L!5 n a &!.%to 2' O*O1 C d O 6*7 Qe65 fl 3A L?l31 abosre St.5

b Creek bed b 0.04 2* 6 11.3 2.1 a 3B &%to tt T ~ S S 2u30 3.J. 4.5 " 44 10' f roam 3A 4%

3B i n Stmm *el ).I 0 . 0 ~ 3 5 ~ 4 1.5 m.1

a a d k t b H M3. 9~30 349 7.2 . . 5 on BCircktt CZaint

(sea survey) u ?hue 0+6 5.6 W.2 .\ n 6 St* Z5,JCE Nap tt II - \ l* fi 0.5 3 *3 '. I. Several r h e r d h a d atringem 32 hchos t o 3 feet wick

md wi%h t l u e north strike joined the wid d i b on the north side &mg Lhai river, <

Rsl.l;her mheraU&ation is widont an fb h i u swm€d hundred rwde t o the narth. W. Schoonmr plnne t o furt!%er prospect

; tlm area and in BV opinion At fz~ ila:Kly julstiffed.

I Cantacted H J , c k , ?I* 3, C d a s i ~ a r r X f t a r t ~ and

\ appruxbatew 3 nibs *st of Forbage by, Xuprsmaf ZsW, 35 was uazbZ(~ to &%ermi~e the mtum of the d&im UP tha plans cd' tb \, )tataseta as they ware Ii&@ at tha the. --- - _ - _ .. JWA 5 - ] P ~ t e ~ ~ ~ t ~ h % W i r *1ILI

.-, ' mpcrrtecll$. have an oEut;&m on the prupr&r from &, Bushm of Seattle,

\ - lpremrrt owner af film pmprty, T h Pawbanks k t l a k g Co~poratioa km ;' mgwted&y atzrked m . ~ t b ~ e o l a 4 - f ~ ~ tlndes the asmiax that %be ' orl&ntxl c l a h nNcorms&& ~taked. Iitmiwert the Ekth B y

am patenfad chbiras m t b Fairbanks Kjln?tng, Corporation staking camat; - bet lnl3.d.

A% t&c tlfisat of the OSFiterfs vis%t, two rnen wra sctfvalgr engaged a& the optj~atioll, the man t~srraed wiu but5ea gatd the &her torrkeare of th@ 1~d.W. dl uwmrl a t w a tm&LZ.&Wn-P&Qof o m of' t h e men - wm also prase& at the p.lmgerb;g.

The crptsrrttim was x d U r g btt not st;eedCly. her Edokeabn fa Sn ahargc of: Cllo propetsty but,wcor&ng tr, the m 1 3 , k8 s8iSdt.m visits it.

SaQety conditiarte are umratirsfa&q 3-n b t h %be PaPrPrr and zrK3.I. Them am no sPIuU@ in &oped areas. 8%rogiss cure opm fwtara d d f h

Q t o et~~W%r~e and no pb&bn hm b e n prsvfdrsd ko gmwenk 1 ~ 8 8 m k fma .y f a l l h g on ma fn drcift, Them are no guard -a around tread uf laa$U

foo>tlste; there 5s often aIf& tin& tmachemw. Thf s fa t r ~ rurwund

\ both, tEm emshhg Otnft and Wle &~phaly at &a IKCU h a .

C he d3.l hm nuarat3wa sknaftar, lwlts, md p d . h y m axp~sced* . Tiis# togetbw uitb a~lgemu~ hoPere at* Zrr mI3.l flLww, toasLf.tut;e a 81efilite basa~r9. b m m n d a t f m i o ~ . .tha sl;lJ&a%iw a€ all WMS

n@%ther E&!XI did thC & h ~ WOC?%W f%l%%Sf~&OX?f MI-. *m(~. m a ~ r n d a 4 ; 5 a am esae&Mly t b m m aa mde bg. J, C. Rwrhnr Ist 194.7,

f4hctl t h i s biapeuk;50n, aria prop* has been 0mr & Arbhur Theis and arasetolatss &a ha.= been eng&ed $12 d.@f%3.0@ thnr Xhrerk mzd h w n Nft;rsk W. BrSabon etU.3. W A n e a sidCL intramst,

Xmmdiat;tn phns are for tb aanskra&fan & a h e r &mp axbd mfa& N h @~6&5- sppmrtt'Ly IW <1Qne b s k , Sir h &p%ta of +gas fa& that TIT, Eriakaon )rim vary l i t k b detrehpd OW &I

rim. -. ..-. . . - _-_

Jme 10 - btum 2,- W I O ~ _QI_-

bky dX-,aoO

. : qu&a outcrop* Very Uttb &er&f~iitfrzn ww evfdenk, 'Eke w h . ~~ in dip of 63* t o tRe nurbbeet asxi a atpike t~ mtfi 1;0* we& and ; mtcrupo at the mat* of a short tawel. Them is nu p e e & ClWsgrr

A grab s a q h (lB@ #XL) was taken a same *or), ekahced elide mak o m fraz%l~ mXle south 09 the surprise

The om zone f s an bapmgmti.etn of wcLhie~itir -&@I ~ U i d e s ~ Snwfflcbn', tmmhhg has btsm dona 4x1 bte33nxLt tale orrrb@, 'Phs we c)u%erope at &but 780 f'eet &.evatJlon Prna isl s bast fa& W a ; 3E% &sappears to k b south u n d a ~ s mJw slicle area.. It is trmalib $0 the nor+& POP E5fSmfi L00 fe&. A tunnrtX use ebarted st 501) ZmZ. ancl WVBII for about 244 'trtrt cKd not M e - % tb em. A Bmton

\ ocqpase - PauUn A1+A.xmtelu s w v q indLaotsd thnt tbd k m w l ah& bs , aJvsnoed far ahauk 209 feet -re in arder t o kEut the ore-. \ eV(3X* t f l ~ t 81tbtt9r WiB h &3 @%2d o d $ W t ~ k t h e -'tray &L?Xl& b0

oorteidered wcuratrs, F a r asnpXdre mm cut on the outtamp.

\ 3 I . W Q ~ aQ% 83-3, BS. X.1 9.05 m a WP 0.0% MTST 0.3 2.2 ma-3.5 ~ r a b 0.03. a,% 3 8k 21.1

%m ways w s encouraging and. ;tf W, J=lob&a W s a r ~ f addlsrd kwnckfng mf &mIr,p& a Further tewM,natbrt rrnd re- sume~~ be wamanbd, A rep& W bean wz%%ken en the p m w g and a caom son* to I&. Holwt%er.

B J u n U * - went to&Qgg.u - hine pprE3y, The trttfkl ia cegnpX~tie3.y ovargrosrti fir mst of f%s length, All brldgas ar+e sitkerl. dam OF ~ a q ) L e t ( ~ ~ rott%nc TI* t , m l pmta% (~,3.0vatfan 2 W t ) tms ocmp1et;sJ;y fU3ad d t h mow ao that entrmce intu the turnel w a ~ t nab po=iblu, 019 top uf tb ridge back of t h ~ L u d and at arn elevatfcm of 24008, a shaft, has sunh: on a WU defined fbmm cunctaSring p r f s c i p l l y galem with quarts, sidrsrite, and oalcfta, Tilei fbtswrrz: %ramrsea a lA~nest<srte wer piat af ikfi dfstmrtg and tho ombdy I s JwsJSy appamntu a mfl.acemictt tsrsE$r fa Ilr;lestwe.- It W ~ B not p s f b h to cio much irrvestigating a m d %he shaft ae 1 wes alone and abaft tbkrs wore mt h vary gotxi tjhaper Mpth of shaft W W w n j t e t ~ m a * {I,

-. S h a r t b after the miter18 visit* to p~ogsrvty I)avtci tmc! Bert 3xaatsor, rwne of a f o m r Alaeka xinirig sprator,

r - cam t o Alaska far the cqspess p a m a of &n5ng M e RuonsMrm pmpert;y. ' S I ~ droppad the* sugplfes tram tb &r, loat most of thaer, and aa n consequenoa did nab etay at the pmpwty long. Habc m a r , %by mgorked tabat they hsd &m som YO& 3x1 t h &aft a d

catxded 72 lee& down .P,b rahafa buk d%d not ran& uhm isbkkm. ~ m p ~ e a they ahwad tknt w4ter ~ m m q a ~ ~ d . @Lana of a w t o m qtm&lpr rmize, &u s w U pie- auwed L7 mnms afl3.ve1,

The 8meta0~5 &&ed the pmpwQ;y but %% ila &u,MM S f t b y ~ U l m t ~ t~ PPO& 3%. Thw BtAticSd Sm had B&~3Xtg in kke H & i i t ~ ]Dew& in Cd.Uorn%a and nat kkilnb ma& of aplr;tt%l$$ ctonfiki anta k ~ s r w t h a in ATrrskg*

Out- -tar &Sjl. rw9usaor ko run* Rcmd to &$ SattJufra X q g i . r g cmp s% math of Ibra by. On Wv3.d~ We-tad, t3wbtundsh~ Smnd, quirts fXoat oonf;&i.qg &mloopLte OMS f-. T h m a wan side~~jt't:~n;S mt d t h q u ~ r t s strlngera but na*)me.f ouad to m*ln ehOlXw~~~rr3l;cs. TM 'n.at prasr maw&+

!" . _.._ J U ~ " - Eramkted qrn6fr,w~t3rtho pperty on am I.&@. ~ a r t a ~ o f tunnel wa~ caved but d r g was pwsfhb. Waker herd up behind %he fu-I but a tmmh MEW- dug tb drain tb hrporurded mter, The prBip~sdy W M fWrptgg6d md at%RQ&tW ~ ~ ~ t r tb9 ber& OZW hgd

epgammUg bexr stop& out. The shaft onzs ~ o o c l e d and access t o Imrar m r k h g a w a nut p09sibI.e.

I&& ~ O T n & d tktm A,& i ! . ! % ? ? ~ -

,/- Sazplad p a & ~ &ringer t m ~ half PAX~ n&h of oat &kin+* S%rSne;erv~tkd fm6 I r rckisCs %w feet rdde, The ~ i t r 9 ~ e r ma on the back and was ~luW~gcSd at hf gh tj5&f+ Qrw ~ ~ ~ p 2 . o

The t r a m U a from %he bersch 2s ru%t!bg badly and 3a me $ safs fb *-pwti)ls 108&. A t the flas eg Wvr writer's vldt , the corn]- m s mt ~ p w a t h g due (io a of =%ex %or ~onwrrt&rtg

p W O Z ' + h &;tstr+ b3w i2BCb k deiirrkfXBZ' Mle 1fhE9 kU% khC3 IrJsqp i b x size w;-ir too -11 t o dl-%er :sore than tfvs f f x ~ t b v u L ,h i\

C Tater, 3x1 a W . k ~ 5 t h H&&+ ~mmz-~mects of V ~ U ~ V B F , ' U 3410 LO baa- hulrd l C e ~ d s stated that Iza w w '\, plarm& t;o construct a roud to t h s pmprky and ollwinata %ho snorface

tramy, 'fhh wllL mguire ubaut two miles of m d . bk, Gr-diW aleu Fititted *at he Wended to b s t a 3 X a 0x1 tb bead1 to getmate potic!r for dry perid8 of %ha year ~~ELWF 1s ZW.

June 25 - Ar.xI.v~r6 at [dibb~&, hildirtgar a m a21 dam, The adiK;PO; K i - ( I v

i a lfloodrsd and Ps part;laU.y onved, W1 pleceu af kmati%t;e m found on the d w , Ma wimples wre taken, Lefti ?jW.sck for Kassa;ul. Weathezw trkcamy end wvsa hi@, Lay Lo in cow,

June 26 - b y ta in cave mnt day. Weather BPIumy. lgams - . * quieted d m erlfghbly toward evenhg sa str;rrt;sd up uQnst, l3ecrsived :'. tar i r o m fishin& boat. &rived at Grinden Island about lrOO A. M.,

\, June 27. ' ~ l j , /, *.I ),q,-'' '

- - June 27 - Laave for Kassan, Lookerf omr sf& H G , l3he. ThSs .::, pmpertg' has bow axiw.d.ned and eulpveyed provious1.y ao the v i a i t vas

confhad t o a gwctral. Znapec%ian. A U tunneZs w e stin open, A \,' -11 amount of coppar ore ie in sight. However, the aerial t~amay

- 5s down, Imcrrrsss and M d l n g s am still st;mdfng. Fred EfuKay is the owner. I&. #&by 8tntsa that b3 hopls b work on thet psopew wittrin the year,

-3 - Happy Nbritpbx~erum w unah3e t o &ow nae t h e ma1 s e m OK%- crop unti l latur. .. 7 '1 $ X . "7

C o a l Eay to C h r 3 r &iy. h b d for 66nnel at St,,oUa Proapt-&, CUUM mt. lmate ti^ tunne~. kt a ten inch out crop G'TiZ veh Y E I ~ f m d , The att amp loanted we s boul: X/4 s s9h 2kc.m the &&ah In tha h d ct9 s &,maas and at an elevation of feet, The v ~ 3 n 5s a qua&s porphaw hi a t e , Ati ktt3 ~Utarop, :kt ham a erblike of H, 45, W. 8n.d at b%p a% t3W HE. WmXlyO 5% 354343 Jw3 tb planet of the e~mtry mek.

, fim %mats af gaZem, s#u&~rit;a, rirnd e t a could be areen eunttemd ' % h ~ & ~ k *he qtl&%. -0 ~-16~ WZM C N ~ ,

- /' gh-114 -$

J w a - Impcted WwdeU hwsor& a Harris Crarak. Pi, Dawson _I

had mm (UEfI, u3.t t h i s spring wit4 tier aerial tramw;3. braking but it :LS now ropePeBand **rating tntiisf.otori~~. A* &a tim oi v%a:kt, tho pra1mrty w a r opemt&ng d t f r four or five cars a day being mKled, W. Ibmoa@s w i f e , SEBU. & ~ q M e r , a b l e r , and young nephew were a t the pmprky. bar, Damton arid I&, D~~rsawn'sr a b l e r kook ~;W~BI uprating % h ~ . w!etlfiu Piru ~~ mrbd the rdm, We %ma

e m c t s to ni3.l for appro3dmatel.y 100 sh5f'f;s during 1948.

The ope stm~ctum at the Dawaon mine in too f i t l ~ d . 1 1 ~ ; f ~ r bpoken ore to flow freely in the atop, fo& wall is smol;h anti unbroken hut tho hanging WLI-U i~ bdLy fractured. I*, Damon

ri Insists on opening too wch ground in his &ape@ bCithoutt Woper ?'hauppert, He ma advised against this but atill continues to ndne

in t he stme way, Them :Is consfderablca danger that blts ha.nging i: wall wLU, a t a r t to cave md that his pmrlarrt 5 t ~ p be lost , \ \ ' '. I&. Dovson reported s x i ~ t a n e e of two narrow (4" to 6") veins 6 on the sumolit of the mountain an which he i s located. Ha reports C several saolplss were c u t and went over one hundred doUars in gold

a t,on, The luounta3n was fol-ged In and the mai it w d ~ still cavarad Nith snow so no investigetian was made.


June 30 - Dried out gear in P, A, P, cabin and ovep-haded sut- ha.rd rmtor.

A t t h s L i m e of: amival, the pmpepi,y vat^ being shut down, Arlhw Theis and his associates were forming %ha &Ionkana Lead and Zinc Cbmgsny with a view f;o taking orer %he major intnmst of the Fkhone. Mixle ax George Inlet.

3 The appraxiELats 6,0043 feet of xload Cram mine t o mfU oaa napZetad \ but, netther thEI mine or at31 is 5n condition to operate, The writer ;, warn iajeemed that the mason f er leaving was because of titsagreamen% w i t h ;'-Gee and Gqy Rowdt, uwtlcsrrs of the propd,y, wd nuti because of my b* 1ac:k at o r e b e , t d ' - Arrived at && Bar, Hapw NDntplsaws shmad au, B mall

\\J - seas of lignite expoed on the left bPtnlr d B i g Coal Bay &ream a& about lL/4 mi le ;Plcollr. the beach, The amragea &out 10 inches thick and d i p s about 12 degrees. t a t h e north. X% has aa extmnte3.y h:L& ash. cmlsnl;. Spechens of the c d refused to Extm until ~koroughliy wa~lhed and dried. The sem w a s underlain by a slake. Abme &re ma 6 8;6 8 feet of a poorw consoJZda.te6 sandsbone, T k r e 5 s from 5 to 50 feet of averbtmbn ahve the rsendstone, On exposure t o M e air and &$Lng, the sandstme rraa noted to d i s n l e p t e , Approx3mbkeu mtr: kakf dlLd tu %he east, the slate and smdstolae w e again eqmmd in a stream bed no cof3.1 w a f m n d ir?l asmthtim with them, IPhe c d soam has no acancrmfc $mpo&ance, %'he eraadstme has no h~wrtantm at present bu% nk~r have some local impo-oo for limited uses 5n fib future,

Y; K h 3 ~ 3 ~ 10 - laroked for reported barite occurmnca cul Point, '

L"%rohed point thow,@Iy but did not lowbe any barite. In a &GW

(,' on khe east air1.e of We pminaula and abcrut 208 feet from t+Im benok an eu%emp sf quarto about, 6 Greet acroas 3.n the rwrth-aoubh db~.ne icm~

" gnd 8 feet aerose in the enabwost dimansion is expoeed. Its cUnena3ans am bare- with depth, The parka is a l l w , contzfna no 9rr1puritfesr slna no &~r*alfmf,ioa,

r l - ,3:L

J u l s UL - Lints Point t o all F.slzd,

13omally, the ap~rs't3ort of .the p p r t y r r q x k e s abcut, 25 ram buf; less ware rw~IPed for 19@ bcrt lse of the mueU.ant frtigxanukirn of EL seriera of 8 h d s in %lacs f d!d. of 3.947. y b ppPf;Y u p v a t ~ d for 8 mntlze in l9ii?+ and &ad 2l9,000 %om af limestono. 3t wta amshed ts a n h a Inch and n li&f anrt ahippd 011 c o q > a y hatits Plo tihe Wrnanb D f v i d r o n of Parwusntce Ctamt Coctyny 2n SoabtPe, Xt b p b e d t;o aprstrs tmLif. tihe f5.r~t of bomber rhrtng X.9I+B,

Saf~tg cortdfiitx~ra fn tkB quarry, am, W f , and pwaPfmuas tiplaeamd t o bet gad. A radTophorw m a a% the pmp&y and a tr&ed mu~are wwaa pmaerit at tar timar,

! Yay 15, - To b p b a e k W e , W e de thadra, for Eugsne Lhzkar c;la:im w&mat;tm* P4r, i t ~ b r 12El1%evw ki9 has locat& n bady af

' t%aptft~ n 5 a ~ ~ p h p Lab. The t r ig was mde ~ 5 t h P&r StekmrG a had prceviousQr s i ted the pmprl.,y w i t h I&, Idnukerb

..-, .du2y 1&L8 - ern lfunpback Iake t o Waakar c b k u rand m t w , L ' \ The Xacker are reachmi by fuX3whg up tt. strew tihat

egtpi;fes i n d a i d o of Humpbrok Like (elemtion 350') abwt arm fowth mile frm tlm upper and, !2he atmnm fs foUawd a h & thma f-mrthsr of - a ---- dl@ to tho tap of O h r-e (elevatim Z!&&t),

-: Tha &m@-qkno t i t& outcrops about three four ths of n &La to the north enst andL=t%' north aide of t h e ridge top a t an elovatba of

: 27ZOfetst, The otttamzp is shut MU: nay &la a BBW@;FESI, hundred foot shww olLlff faas, heryofr"&wasnlado toaowre tb sm#@ h t b ~

.'; outcrop but it was 18pbssIbM. Th~r(sf'uw, the 0- sanploa wed mrct f l o a t samples fmri tb draw below the &amp, These appamd te lbo&t;e s t d n s em &Lorite, f h w o z w , , s@ver&iL phscee ware t akm to the Waeahikari tksaray Of $ 0 ~ t e s t b g , Heme, hwdmep, wAEIJ31~ld an$ rad%oae(t,&;ve 818:4;ex%eil,

A eont,rae%, t i w t m t 9 ~ t o &0,330.00 bnsjr given ta Jmw E s l Z c b m by City of Ketchikan far the plz.pose of wmp.2~tfn$ tb breslk.~) through of tiha Yilvtm Tunmil :bib SUvaa Lake) * Th ~OPr.t;mei; was i~~rnrded an Juns 17, 3.944 md >lr, Kr%okam pro&~ad mapP,eLion of f;he

'S'j P;unwl 13/$ Qcttube~ 15, 1948. r'i

A t tho t;b of tf io STqwGia~~ I&+ ZrSCbon =EI dFil'Qgllg a &O-fo~t q Ifareale-thrcagh turt11rdt from fJo, 2 rdLse 3.a order t o lower Qier M e sbmt

5 . FfSteon fee* af &is tunmX was &beady acmplske. Two lntarvs m n d a of 6 i sa t each and OM 1mg r m d w i t h 9 foot baDk hole8 md X5 foot luters r~ tb break-throw w m plmwd. &. Priokson thm plmn~sd to drive a @ f b b f i m* rai8e fxwn %he m%n % m e 1 for san rtdcli$iwial break-through them, Ta %Ma wmnw, &, XZri&sew prepsea (;a lamr the W%(BF &n atages until the: M a $8 -red $0 tb daxrWd aSm:t, 'Phis &h& calls role" at XBB;B% give sepraW W&-tl?rmgb.

I&, Txicimoer &quested the w r i W s ophi(311 on %ha work prf ar t o his bid For the Job and prior to the wrLknrtrr jebhg the D q f i r b a m t of lines. A method was suggested md m$s&ttd by i?r, E 1 4 u b a n sn the grounds that ha wao LznfzmUbr with th&t Jcyp of wo&. kt %he Line uf the kspotiion, the w~5taz+ls ~ i%hod was agdn suggested .and agcrb mjected, Sfnce Frickson was uppredA.y conduc&in@; U s t~ork in a mf'e me^, no firthel. cmmnt W X ~ J ma&,

13uliriaiUc inspecCZon brigs to U~js Job were made, \ I

I ) 3t was woomnclad to Y!, ErPckrrm tknt ha ,plztcm a guaPsf x*afl ' around his surface excnmt,%on to s&inate the trh2~zaYd o f a trerious : Fall. I*, Ericbon asswwel the wilier thcl; it trwxtlrl btr taken earn

of 3n c t l~e r mspocte, t lie j ~ b q~pt.wl2;S U a 8 baing ~on&&c?d f n a \ >d . sare manner,

8,fter obf ia9na further kfurmakian on the looalian of tha bmite deposit; and ak the rstqurjst af & 3,. st awn^, C ~ l t 3 : d a s i a e ~ sf Blhes, t& second tr&p was mde,

This dewsit, oa33ed t'aa W M W s , m e af %ha fkwtrudfa s'u3Jzsr estate aid Xa now owned by W % . 1 ~ h bUprw uf W t L b , PiashQ&cra, -3 It consists of aa patented o l a h Qing mar tho most acutharw end

".% of tb penin- betwen Hetta, a d mtkwa bfbt?j, WStca & W ~ ~ Q S

\ \ I S M , a** . \. '., The deposit is appnrenkly a small mpla~emmt &psit of ~ & j + t e

cv~ta3.litse W t a with no vkcibZ& bp2~9.E;ies lying in a &- my~td2kna, b3-ubw&atherin~;, whi%s lkeg.bne, It nppeara .t;o be a near3~ 8 e r C i d k tabular &pasit d t h rc @m%raUy naJptb~Xy s%r&e, fL crontnina tut asWwted tamage abow 1w W e of ol bout 4 , W tans, It & ~ n d s wui&ri+ t ha mter on the w t b d. Xts depth 1~ not k e n detsmlned. Thew a m aboufi 35 fe& o f P;unn& and 9 feat a0 open w t a on %he pmpPt;y. A whfiabh appaarfuy3. reef amrerl, h t m h d ywrts ks the south-& was itnvedigated and f ' d $0 Im Zfmetone, A report; has b e & mittan maps drawn m t& pprtr, and a m an fm %Ti %hs P ~ ~ & t % ~ t ~ i t of P U a ' $'=%to

A return m a rondrt .to this p y m + t y hcaaabt the Sv~ak~ersr ' r~tprted the @afb w d tunnel, now Owl%*

L&, - The txmz~eZ at th,e pd;00nthfnr3 p p r t y IS badly eamd i n in wareral places, 3% is not goesiblu to reach the tunnel fatx h k the Swecteers state L hat it doe38 nbf; out the ore ahmctu.~.

The Smet~am did not X , ~ V C Z tiha shaft in suitable shape fop w y - I* am to rZsk ga5srg down without mais$anca from a bovo. However, 2% . >

cou:ld be men that the %stsera had removed ttomo of the ski% Zogghg . in order t o emina & q m ~ s d am aftmchure~.

9 . , Thia proper%y is knom %a mntsin sanrir g o d om. ' A rmrft&bPa 6 "'depnwentol report end map has never bsen worked out probably bbaeuae j" of Lh8 pmsanti cmcittian of' the w ~ ~ ~ ~ Q P F , Xt 5s rw-rrded th& mck 0 a reporb be pmparad, 1P possible, before tbis property bsecms

cmgh tely iwaces.aible.

- f.k, Wa~ksr zwp~lr%d a &bch veiin sf g&@m un the eaot i@k * ' ' ' ofda of W e a d about one-go-h i m the baed, The w9rm was P ~ S P Q F ~ B ~ cut &y a turmj1. aMtt, ~ n ~ ~ - f c w t h die frcan &e M a . Largo piecas o$ gdlena n o a t w@m mgorbed in t h o &ram bet3 below


On hsta t igat ion , -Pi& -1 rraa :habed. Xt hQd barn driven foe 65 feet on s autfia of 14, 85* hf, tmd rn d e ~ ~ t i o n of 220 feet. A s &foot erarum was cjpT-ven t o t h e Pih&$& &t 45 fwb from the port;&

v x la ore was sut at any p l e ~ e in the tmd. No g G n a vaa round in t b strew belw. A k t 60 feat abva tk tunnel mi oubmp&ut J.0 feet vdda w ne f amd that conta9litt.d mfnufe p a & of @33.eintr and f& amourttar

?',of splelerite. Fyrita and c W w p p i t m w n ~ n l w noted. b

t < 'Shia d e m p b in l h s with and I ~ B prdbaWtg a cgnt2nu~tion of #e '\,j of the L- ~eia. TIM -68 mm at*

gmde Ho. Width .oz .Au &&& Iy.Lc

lM-7 10' 0.Q4 0.20 &&

MPfE*2sf trripb 0.06 0.50 B % 0.03 Mil 1'7.45 -

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