1995 scholars' roundtable: latinos and the tenure … · 1995 scholars' roundtable:...

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1 9 9 5 Scholars' Roundtable:

Latinos And The Tenure Process


Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan

August 18,19, 20


Mardella Abeyta (Ph.D. Cand) Dr. Aixa Alfonso Rub6n Viramontez Anguiano (Ph.D. Cand) Dr. Yolanda Alvarado Dr. Raquel Anderson Dr. Frances Aparicio Salvador Becerra (Ph.D. Cand).... Dr. David Brinkerhoff Dr. Miguel Carranza Dr. Enrique R. Carrasco Mike Carrizales Cook (Ph.D. Cand) Belinda Silva Cook Dr. Jorgelina Corbatta Dr. Jos6 Cuello Dr. Marcos Dantus Dr. Fernando Diaz Joseph Downer-Marcel (Ph.D. Cand) Dr. Fernando R. Echavarria Dr. Jim Escalante Dr. Ernesto Franco-Vizcaino Dr. Kate Gfeller Dr. Carrie Guzman Dr. Ren6 Hinojosa Dr. Louise Afto Nuevo Kerr Francisca Kidder (Ph.D. Cand) Maria de Lourdes Kuthy (Ph.D. Cand) Dr. Consuelo Lopez-Springfield... Dr. Diana Sanchez Marinez Juan Marinez Dr. F6lix Masud-Piloto Dr. Manuel Reyes Mazon Dr. Rub6n Medina Dr. Nellie Morales Ed A. Muhoz (Ph.D. Cand) Dr. Richard Navarro Dr. Victor Ortiz Dr. Refugio L. Rochfn Dr. Iris Rosa.... Dr. Mel Rosas Dr. George Sanchez Dr. Leonardo Sanchez Gloria Sepulveda-V£zquez Angela Shojgreen-Downer (Ph.D. Cand) Dr. Marcelo Siles Dr. Zulema E. SuSrez Dr. Alberto Torchinsky Dr. David L. Torres Dr. Beatrfz Treviho Dr. Ralph Vigil Dr. Francisco Villarruel Dr. Neizi Zeller

Indiana University-Bloomington The University of Iowa Michigan State University Michigan State University Indiana University-Bloomington University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Michigan State University University of Nebraska-Lincoln University of Nebraska-Lincoln The University of Iowa Michigan State University Midwest Consortium for Latino Research Wayne State University Wayne State University Michigan State University Wayne State University Michigan State University University of Nebraska-Lincoln University of Wisconsin-Madison Michigan State University The University of Iowa Michigan State University Michigan State University University of Illinois-Chicago Michigan State University Michigan State University University of Wisconsin-Madison Texas A & M University-Corpus Christi Michigan State University De Paul University Wayne State University University of Wisconsin-Madison Indiana University-Bloomington University of Nebraska-Lincoln Michigan State University University of Illinois-Chicago Michigan State University Indiana University-Bloomington Wayne State University University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Indiana University-Bloomington Lansing Community College Michigan State University Michigan State University Wayne State University Indiana University-Bloomington University of Illinois-Chicago University of Wisconsin-Madison University of Nebraska-Lincoln Michigan State University De Paul University

m s u s p c ^ j f t

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Guest Speaker: Dr. Eugene Garcia, U.S. Department of Education, Director, Office of Bilingual Education

Volunteers: Gloria Sepulveda-Vazquez (Head Librarian) Yvettte Bazan (Undergraduate Student) Carlos Matala (Masters Cand) Ruben Viramontez Anguiano (Ph.D. Cand) Gilberto Vela (Masters Cand)

Lansing Community College Michigan State University Iowa State University Michigan State University Michigan State University

Acknowledgment: We wish to thank the Julian Samora Research Institute for kindly providing dinner on Saturday, August 19th. We also wish to thank the volunteers who have provided their time, effort, and enthusiasim. We also extend our appreciation to the staff of the W. K. Kellogg Center at Michigan State University.

Michigan State University, W. K. Kellogg Center August 18-20, 1995


4:00 - 6:00 REGISTRATION (1st Floor Business Center - Next to Hotel Registration)

6:00 - 8:00 WELCOMING DINNER/RECEPTION (East Patio or Red Cedar Room in the event of inclement weather) Dr. Louise Aho Nuevo Kerr, (Chair, MCLR ) The University of Illinois-Chicago Dr. Lou Anna K. Simon, Provost, Michigan State University The Honorable Dorothy Gonzales, MSU Board of Trustees


8:00 - 8:30 CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST (Lincoln Room)

8:30 - 9:00 WELCOME/INTRODUCTION - (Lincoln Room) MCLR Board of Directors - The History of MCLR

9:00 -10:00 KEYNOTE SPEECH - (Lincoln Room) The Changing Future of the U.S. Department of Educat ion Dr. Eugene Garcia, U.S. Department of Education, Director of the Office of Bilingual Education

1 0 : 0 0 - 1 0 : 1 5 B R E A K

10:15 -11:15 SESSION ONE - (Lincoln Room) A f f i rmat ive Ac t ion Revis i ted: What is at Stake? Dr. Francisco Villarruel, Ast Professor, Family Child Ecology, Michigan State University Dr. Diana Marinez, Dean, College of Science & Technology, Texas A & M University -Corpus Christi Dr. Enrique R. Carrasco, Professor of Law, The University of Iowa Dr. David L. Torres, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, University of Illinois-Chicago Dr. George Sanchez, Director, American Culture, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

11:15 - 12:00 SESSION TWO- (Lincoln Room) Organiz ing For Surv iva l : A Guide For Life and Increased P r o d u c t i v i t y Dr. Refugio Rochin, Director, Julian Samora Research Institute, Michigan State University

12:00 - 1:30 LUNCH (Red Cedar Room A&B)

1:30 - 2:30 SESSION THREE - (Lincoln Room) The Cond i t ions of A Scholars Li fe: Co l laborat ion, Jo in t A p p o i n t m e n t s , and Ins t i tu t iona l vs . Personal C o m m i t m e n t s Dr. Jos6 Cuello, Director, Chicano/Boricua Studies, Wayne State University Dr. Jim Escalante, Chair, Art Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison Dr. Francis R. Aparicio, Associate Professor, American Culture, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Dr. Felix Masud-Piloto, Director, Center for Latino Research, De Paul University

2:30 - 2:45 B R E A K

2:45 - 3:45 SESSION FOUR - (Lincoln Room) The Evaluat ion Process For Tenure Dr. Francisco Villarruel, Ast Professor, Family Child Ecology, Michigan State University Dr. Robert F. Banks, Asst Provost & Asst Vp For Academic Human Resources, Michigan State University Dr. David Brinkerhoff, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Dr. Diana Marinez, Dean, College of Science & Technology, Texas A & M University-Corpus Christi

3:45 - 4:00 B R E A K

4:00 - 5:00 SESSION FIVE - (Room 106) Making Your Scho larsh ip Count Toward Tenure Dr. Miguel Carranza, Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Dr. Kate Gfeller, Associate Dean for Faculty, College of Liberal Arts, The University of Iowa Dr. Alberto Torchinsky, Dean, Latino Affairs, Indiana University-Bloommgton Dr. Rene C. Hinojosa, Chair, Geography Department, Michigan State University

6:30 - 8:00 DINNER (Red Cedar Room ) Print Signing by Dr. Mel Rosas - "El segundo" L imi ted Edi t ion Print


8:00 - 8:30 CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST (Lincoln Room)

8:30 - 9:30 SESSION SIX - (Lincoln Room) Facul ty Quest ionna i re : Review of Pre l im inary Test Resul ts Maria de Lourdes Kuthy, Interim Director, Midwest Consortium for Latino Research Dr. Felix Masud-Piloto, Director, Center for Latino Reserach, De Paul University

9:30 -10:30 SESSION SEVEN - Conc lus ion & Evaluat ion - MCLR Board of Directors

10:30 -11:00 BREAK (Check-Out From Hotel)

11:00 -12:00 LUNCH (Red Cedar Room A&B - boxed lunches will be provided to accommodate flight schedules)

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