1982 statutes of opus dei

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  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    1982 Statutes of Opus Dei -- Latin and English


    This document (see link below) contains the original Latin text and an English translation of

    the 1982 Statutes of the relature of the !ol" #ross and $%us &ei' $%us &ei is the first

    ersonal relature in the #atholic #hurch a new figure of goernment which was established

    b" *atican ++' $%us &ei is immediatel" and directl" sub,ect to the !ol" See (see - 1.1) and

    resides in the #ongregation for /isho%s'

    The 1980 #ode of #anon Law dedicates a s%arse four canons to ersonal relatures -- 29

    to 29.' These canons sa" basicall" that ersonal relatures can be established b" the

    #hurch for s%ecific %astoral %ur%oses but their %ur%oses their law regulations and

    relationshi%s are to be defined and set forth in their statutes'

    The Latin text of these statutes has been %ublished in seeral %laces among which are thethree citations listed at the end' The second citation refers to a LatinS%anish translation of

    these statutes %ublished b" the S%anish maga3ine T+E4$ in 1985' (The S%anish

    translations of the 1967 and 1982 statutes are aailable on the $%us Libros website')

    This translation is intended to be a working document for those who need access to the

    sco%e content and general direction of the statutes' n"one reuiring ,uridical correctness

    or inter%retation should consult a canon law"er' !oweer this translation should assist such

    %ersons in identif"ing releant %assages' There is also a short %%endix dis%la"ing the

    central offices of goernment defined in these statutes'

    rior to 1982 $%us &ei was a Secular +nstitute goerned b" statutes a%%roed in 1967'

    :rom the :inal &is%ositions listed at the end of this document traditions and laws of the

    1967 statutes not directl" abrogated b" this current edition still a%%l"'

    lthough these statutes hae been ke%t in the shadow of a ;discretion; tantamount to

    secrec" for man" "ears the" were obiousl" written to be made %ublic someda" and are

    intended to ins%ire %eo%le from all walks of life to search for higher things' :rom this %oint

    of iew the" can onl" be %raised' The" sa" er" little about the actual methods and

    %ractices em%lo"ed b" $%us &ei' :or indiiduals dee%l" concerned about these methods and

    %ractices "ou will find little in these statutes to settle "our concerns' $%us &ei is a uniuel"

    selfdefined and selfdefining organi3ation although %ublic dissemination of these statutes

    will hel% %lace limits on the extent of its definition'

    :or the %ur%oses of retaining rights of %ublic access co%"right is hereb" asserted oer this

    English translation which at the time of this %osting is the onl" one'

    o!"atting Notes

    age 1

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    The original electronic document is distributed in

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    Chapte! 4 -- Con%e!ning the Depa!tu!e and Dis"issal of the aithful

    f!o" the )!elatu!e&.N 28 -- /0&

    Titulus ++ &e raelaturae resb"terio &eue Societate Sacerdotali Sanctae #rucis

    Title 2 -- Con%e!ning the )!iesthood of the )!elatu!e and the )!iestl+

    So%iet+ of the *ol+ C!oss .N / -- 38&

    #a%ut + &e #om%ositione resb"terii et Societatis Sacerdotalis Sanctae #rucis

    Chapte! 1 -- Con%e!ning the Co"position of the )!iesthood and the

    )!iestl+ So%iet+ of the *ol+ C!oss .N / -- 4/&

    #a%ut ++ &e romotione ad Sacros $rdines et de resb"terorum 4issione #anonica

    Chapte! 2 -- Con%e!ning the )!o"otion to Sa%!ed O!de!s and the

    Canoni%al 5ission of )!iests .N 44 -- 0&

    #a%ut +++ &e Sociis ggregatis et Su%ernumerariis Societatis Sacerdotalis Sanctae


    Chapte! / -- Con%e!ning the sso%iates and Supe!nu"e!a!ies of the

    )!iestl+ So%iet+ of the *ol+ C!oss& .N 03 -- 38&

    Titulus +++ &e *ita +nstitutione et %ostolatu :idelium raelaturae

    Title / -- Con%e!ning the Life# Edu%ation and postolate of the aithful

    of the )!elatu!e .N 39 -- 124

    #a%ut + &e *ita S%irituali

    Chapte! 1 -- Con%e!ning Spi!itual Life .N 39 -- 90

    #a%ut ++ &e +nstitutione &octrinali

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    Chapte! 1 -- Con%e!ning 7o,e!n"ent in 7ene!al .N 120 -- 129&

    #a%ut ++ &e >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    #a%ut 1 &e raelaturae -atura et :ine

    Chapte! 1 -- Con%e!ning the Natu!e and End of the )!elatu!e


  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    1S1 $%us &ei est raelatura %ersonalis clericos et laicos simul com%lectens ad %eculiarem

    o%eram %astoralem %erficiendam sub regime %ro%rii raelati (cfr n 126)

    Opus Dei is a pe!sonal )!elatu!e# %o"posed of $oth lait+ and %le!i%s# in

    o!de! to pe!fo!" its o'n pasto!al 'o!( unde! the go,e!n"ent of its

    o'n )!elate&

    1S2 raelaturae %resb"terium constituunt illi clerici ui ex e,usdem fidelibus laicis ad $rdines

    %romoentur et eidem incardinanturA laicatus raelaturae ab iis fidelibus efformatur ui

    ocatione diina moti inculo ,uridico incor%orationis s%eciali ratione raelaturae


    The p!iests of the )!elatu!e a!e those %le!i%s 'ho a!e p!o"oted to

    O!de!s f!o" the la+ faithful of the )!elatu!e and a!e in%a!dinated into

    it the lait+ of the )!elatu!e# a!e fo!"ed f!o" those faithful# 'ho

    "o,ed $+ di,ine ,o%ation# a!e $ound $+ !eason of a spe%ial :u!idi%al

    $ond of in%o!po!ation to the )!elatu!e&

    1S0 raelatura uae Sanctae #rucis et $%eris &ei breiato autem nomine $%eris &ei

    nuncu%atur est ambitu internationalis sedem suam centralem

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    5o!eo,e!# the )!elatu!e intends to 'o!( 'ith all its st!ength so that

    pe!sons of all %onditions and states of %i,il so%iet+# and in the fi!st

    pla%e those %alled ;intelle%tuals;# "a+ adhe!e 'holehea!tedl+ to the

    tea%hings of Ch!ist the Lo!d and that $+ san%tif+ing thei! o'n

    p!ofessional 'o!(# the+ "a+ put these tea%hings into p!a%ti%e in the

    "idst of the 'o!ld so that all things a!e o!de!ed to the =ill of theC!eato!# and to fo!" "en and 'o"en to do apostolate in %i,il so%iet+&

    0S1 4edia uae ad hos fines su%ernaturales obtinendos christifideles raelaturae adhibent

    haec suntB

    The "eans 'hi%h the Ch!istian faithful of the )!elatu!e use in o!de! to

    !ea%h these supe!natu!al ends a!e as follo's>

    0S11 im%rensa ita s%iritualis orationis et sacrificii ,uxta s%iritum $%eris &eiB i%sorum enim

    ocatio est essentialiter contem%latia fundatur in humili ac sincero sensu filiationis

    diinae et subridenti ascetismo constanter sustineturA

    -- a deep spi!itual life of p!a+e! and sa%!ifi%e# a%%o!ding to the spi!it of

    Opus Dei# sin%e thei! ,o%ation is essentiall+ %onte"pati,e# founded on

    a hu"$le and sin%e!e sense of di,ine filiation and %onstantl+

    sustained $+ s"iling as%eti%is"&

    0S12 %rofunda ac continua institutio ascetica et doctrinalis religiosa ad %ersonalia cuiusue

    ad,uncta accommodata atue in ecclesiastico 4agisterio solide innixa necnon constans

    studium aduirendi et %erficiendi necessariam formationem %rofessionalem %ro%riamue

    animi culturamA

    -- a p!ofound and %ontinual as%eti%al t!adition and !eligious do%t!inal

    inst!u%tion adapted to the pe!sonalit+ of ea%h one# solidl+ $ased on

    the e%%lesial 5agiste!iu"# and the %onstant effo!t to a%?ui!e and

    pe!fe%t the ne%essa!+ p!ofessional fo!"ation and thei! o'n

    intelle%tual %ultu!e&

    0S10 imitatio itae absconditae &omini -ostri Cesu #hristi in -a3areth etiam in

    sanctificatione %ro%rii laboris %rofessionalis ordinarii uem exem%lo et erbis

    conertere satagunt in instrumentum a%ostolatus unusuisue %ro%ria attingens actionis

    s%haeram %rout sua cuiusue cultura et a%titudo ex%ostulant sciensue se esse debere

    tamuam fermentum in massa humanae societatis latensA item sei%sos sanctificent

    christifideles in %erfecta adim%letione huius laboris %eracti uidem in constanti unione

    cum &eoA necnon %er i%sum laborem alios santificent'

    -- $+ i"itating the hidden life of ou! Lo!d @esus Ch!ist in NaAa!eth also

    in the san%tifi%ation of thei! o'n o!dina!+ p!ofessional 'o!(# 'hi%h

    the+ st!i,e to %on,e!t# $+ 'o!d and e

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    apostolate# ea%h one affe%ting his o'n sphe!e of a%tion# to the e

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    S0 +n utraue %ariter $%eris &ei Sectione irorum scilicet ac mulierum eadem est unitas

    ocationis s%iritus finis et regiminis etsi unauaeue Section %ro%rios habeat


    In a ,e!+ si"ila! 'a+# $oth the "enBs se%tion and the 'o"enBs se%tion

    of Opus Dei ha,e the sa"e unit+ of ,o%ation# of ends# of spi!it and of

    go,e!n"ent# e,en though the+ ea%h ha,e thei! o'n apostolates&

    6 raelatura tamuam atronos habet /eatam 4ariam sem%er *irginem uam uti 4atrem

    eneratur et S' Cose%h e,usdem /eatae 4ariae *irginis S%onsum' eculiari deotione

    chistifideles %roseuuntur SS' rchangelos 4ichaelem ?abrielem et

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    efforment' !aec dis%onibilitas %endet ex diersis uniuscuiusue %ermanentibus ad,unctis

    %ersonalibus familiaribus %rofessionalibus aliise id genus

    ased upon the ha$itual a,aila$ilit+ of ea%h pe!son to de,ote hi"self

    to the !esponsi$ilities of fo!"ation and the dete!"ined unde!ta(ings

    of the apostolates of Opus Dei# the )!elatu!e faithful# 'hethe! "en o!

    'o"en# a!e %alled Nu"e!a!ies# sso%iates o! Supe!nu"e!a!ies#

    'ithout# ho'e,e!# thei! fo!"ing diffe!ent %lasses& This a,aila$ilit+

    depends upon the di,e!se pe!"anent %i!%u"stan%es of ea%h one#

    'hethe! the+ $e pe!sonal# fa"il+# p!ofessional o! so"e othe! t+pe&

    .S2 Duin raelaturae fideles efficiantur i%si aggregari alent associati #oo%eratores de

    uibus in n 15

    =ithout $e%o"ing faithful of the )!elatu!e# the+ "a+ in%lude

    asso%iated Coope!ato!s# of 'ho" N& 1 spea(s&

    8S1 *ocantur -umerarii illi clerici et laici ui s%eciali motione ac dono &ei coelibatum

    a%ostolicum serantes (cfr 4atth + 11) %eculiaribus ince%tis a%ostolatus raelaturae

    totis iribus maximaue adlaborandi %ersonali dis%onibilitate incumbunt et ordinarie

    commorantur in sedibus #entrorum $%eris &ei ut illa a%ostolatus ince%ta curent

    ceterorumue raelaturae fidelium institutioni se dedicent'

    Nu"e!a!ies a!e those %le!i%s and lait+ 'ho# $+ a spe%ial "otion and

    gift of 7od li,e apostoli% %eli$a%+ .%f! 5att> 19>11& The+ de,ote

    the"sel,es to the pa!ti%ula! apostoli% unde!ta(ings of the )!elatu!e#

    'ith all thei! st!ength and 'ith "a

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    uae tamuam %ro%rium laborem %rofessionalem oluntarie susci%iunt in sedibus

    #entrorum $%eris'

    ll those la+ faithful# 'ho en:o+ the full a,aila$ilit+ to dedi%ate

    the"sel,es to the duties of fo!"ation and the pa!ti%ula! apostoli%

    'o!(s of Opus Dei# %an $e ad"itted as Nu"e!a!ies o!dina!il+ ea%h

    one# 'hen he !e?uests ad"ission# ought to ha,e a %i,il a%ade"i%

    deg!ee o! p!ofessional e?ui,alent# o! $e a$le# at least# to o$tain one

    afte! the ad"ission& In addition# in the 'o"enBs se%tion# the!e a!e

    Nu"e!a!+ u

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    Supe!nu"e!a!ies a!e all those la+ faithful# "a!!ied and single# 'ho

    pa!ti%ipate in the sa"e di,ine ,o%ation and pa!ti%ula! apostolate of

    Opus Dei# as the Nu"e!a!ies and sso%iates $ut fo! the" thei!

    a,aila$ilit+ to de,ote the"sel,es to apostolate unde!ta(ings "ust $e

    %o"pati$le 'ith the fulfill"ent of thei! fa"il+# p!ofessional and so%ial

    !esponsi$ilities ea%h one t!ansfo!"s not onl+ his p!ofessional life# as

    all the othe! Ch!istian faithful of the )!elatu!e do# into a "eans of

    san%tifi%ation and apostolate# $ut also# in a "anne! si"ila! to

    sso%iates# fulfill thei! o'n ho"e and fa"il+ o%%upations&

    11S2 Su%ernumerarii de eodem s%iritu iunt et %ro iribus easdem consuetudines ac

    -umerari et ggregati'

    Supe!nu"e!a!ies li,e the sa"e spi!itual life# and a%%o!ding to thei!

    a$ilities# the sa"e %usto"s as the Nu"e!a!ies and sso%iates&

    12 +nter ggregatos et Su%ernumerarios reci%i alent etiam chronica aliua infirmitate


    )e!sons suffe!ing f!o" so"e %h!oni% infi!"it+ "a+ $e !e%ei,ed as

    sso%iates and Supe!nu"e!a!ies&

    10 -umerarii s%ecialiter dicati muneribus regiminis el formationis residere debent in sede

    #entrorum uae ad hunc finem destinantur'

    Nu"e!a!ies spe%iall+ appointed to offi%es of go,e!n"ent o! fo!"ation

    ought to li,e in Cente!s 'hi%h ha,e that as thei! end&

    1S1 #andidatus ui litteras scri%serit ex%ostulando admissionem in $%us &ei ua

    -umerarius el ggregatus cum i%si ordinarie %er com%etentem &irectorem significetur

    suam %etitionem dignam uae examinetur habitam fuisse eo i%so inter

    Su%ernumerarios admissus manet uoadusue eidem concedatur admissio uam


    =hen a %andidate has '!itten the lette! !e?uesting ad"ission to Opus

    Dei as a Nu"e!a!+ o! sso%iate# on%e it has $een indi%ated to hi" that

    his petition 'hi%h is unde! e

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    If an+one# $efo!e in%o!po!ation as a Nu"e!a!+ o! sso%iate is seen to

    la%( suita$ilit+ fo! that# he "a+ $e !etained as a Supe!nu"e!a!+# as

    long as he has the !e?uisite %onditions&

    16 ossunt Su%ernumerarii inter -umerarios el ggregatos reci%i modo tamen reuititis

    %olleant ualitatibus'

    Supe!nu"e!a!ies "a+ $e !e%ei,ed as Nu"e!a!ies o! sso%iates# if the+

    ha,e the !e?uisite ?ualities&

    15S1 #oo%eratores assiduis %recibus ad &eum effusis eleemos"nis et uatenus %ossibile

    etiam %ro%rio labore collaborationem %raestant o%eribus a%ostolicis et bona s%iritualia

    $%eris &ei %artici%ant'

    Coope!ato!s a!e a$le to offe! %olla$o!ation# $+ thei! effusi,e#

    un!e"itting p!a+e!s to 7od# thei! al"s and as fa! as possi$le $+ thei!

    o'n 'o!(# in the apostolate 'o!(s and sha!e in the spi!itual $enefitsof Opus Dei&

    15S2 Sunt etiam ui a domo %aterna diersimode longe absunt el eritatem catholicam non

    %rofitentur ui attamen adiumentum $%eri &ei %ro%rio labore aut eleemos"nis %raestant'

    !i ,ure meritoue $%eris &ei #oo%eratores nuncu%ari uoue %ossunt' #uncti

    raelaturae fideles oratione sacrificio conersatione ita cum his #oo%eratoribus

    laborare debent ut /eatissima *irgine intercedente a misericordia diina indeficiens

    lumen fidei %ro i%sis conseuantur eosue ad christinos mores suaiter et efficaciter


    The!e a!e also those 'ho st!a+ fa! f!o" the fathe!Fs house in diffe!ent'a+s# o! 'ho do not p!ofess the t!ue Catholi% faith# 'ho ne,e!theless

    offe! assistan%e to Opus Dei $+ thei! o'n 'o!( o! al"s& These people#

    $+ !ight and "e!it# a!e a$le to $e appointed Coope!ato!s of Opus Dei&

    ll the faithful of the )!elatu!e# $+ p!a+e!# sa%!ifi%e# and %on,e!sation#

    thus ought to 'o!( 'ith these Coope!ato!s# in o!de! that# $+ the

    inte!%ession of the lessed i!gin and $+ the di,ine "e!%+# the

    unfailing light of faith "ight $e $!ought to the" and that the+ "ight

    effi%ientl+ and gentl+ %o"e to Ch!istian 'a+s&


    #a%ut +++ &e :idelium dmissione et +ncor%oratione in raelaturam

    Chapte! / -- Con%e!ning the d"ission and In%o!po!ation of the

    aithful into the )!elatu!e&

    1. dscri%tio tres gradus com%rehenditB sim%licis dmissionis uam facit *icarius

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    %ost annum saltem ab dmissioneA incor%orationis definitiae seu :idelitatis %ost

    uinuennium saltem ab incor%oratione tem%oranea transactum

    The!e a!e th!ee g!ades of as%!iption in the )!elatu!e> si"ple

    d"ission# 'hi%h is "ade to the Regional i%a!# afte! %onsulting 'ith

    his Co""ission# te"po!a!+ in%o!po!ation# 'hi%h is %alled the O$lation#

    and is "ade at least one +ea! afte! the d"ission# and definiti,e

    in%o!po!ation o! idelit+# 'hi%h is "ade afte! at least fi,e +ea!s of

    te"po!a!+ in%o!po!ation ha,e passed&

    18 dmissionem %ostulare alet habita uidem &irectoris localis licentia uilibet laicus

    catholicus ui %raeter aetatem et alias ualitates reuisitas de uibus in - 27 recta

    intentione moeatur ex ocatione diina ad enixe %roseuendam suam sanctificationem

    mediante %ro%rio labore el %rofessione uin ideo mutes suum statum canonicum

    elitue totis iribus incumbere a%ostolatui exercendo ,uxta fines ac media $%eris &ei

    %ro%ria et ad e,usdem onera ferenda e,usdemue %eculiares labores exercendos sit


    n+ la+ Catholi% %an as( fo! the d"ission# 'ho afte! o$taining the

    pe!"ission of the lo%al Di!e%to!# also has the !e?ui!ed age and othe!

    ?ualities# 'hi%h a!e add!essed in N 26# 'ho is "o,ed $+ !ight

    intention f!o" a di,ine ,o%ation in o!de! to see(# st!enuousl+# his

    san%tifi%ation th!ough the "ediu" of his o'n 'o!( o! p!ofession#

    'ithout %hanging his %anoni%al status# desi!ing to de,ote hi"self 'ith

    all his st!ength to e

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    -- that he de,ote hi"self to pe!sonal holiness# Aealousl+ %ulti,ating

    the Ch!istian ,i!tues a%%o!ding to the spi!itual and as%eti%al p!a%ti%e

    'hi%h is p!ope! to Opus Dei

    27S10 ut itae s%irituali %ros%iciat %er freuentum rece%tionem Sacrmentorum SS'

    Eucharistiae et aenitentiae et %er exercitium orationis mentalis uotidianae aliarumue

    normarum %ietatis $%eris &eiA

    -- that he should %a!e fo! the spi!itual life $+ f!e?uent !e%eption of the

    hol+ sa%!a"ents of the Eu%ha!ist and )enan%e and $+ the dail+


  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    21 #andidati ex uo admissionem ex%ostulent eisue significetur suam %etitionem dignam

    uae examinetur habitam esse ad normam - 1S1 ,us habent reci%iendi congrua

    formationis media necnon curam ministerialem sacerdotum raelaturae'

    Candidates# the "o"ent the+ !e?uest ad"ission and it is indi%ated to

    the" that thei! petition# 'hi%h is unde! e

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    2S2 Duoties attentis ad,unctis id reuiratur raelaturae officium est subeniendi

    necessitatibus materialibus -umerariorum et ggregatorum'

    s often as is !e?ui!ed# %onside!ing the %i!%u"stan%es# it is the

    fun%tion of the )!elatu!e to p!o,ide fo! the "ate!ial needs of

    Nu"e!a!ies and sso%iates&

    2S0 :idelium de uibus in %aragra%ho %raecedenti %arentibus forte indigentibus

    raelatura ua %ar est caritate et generositate %roidet uin ex hoc ,uridica uaelibet

    obligatio umuam oriri %ossit'

    The )!elatu!e %a!es $oth gene!ousl+ and lo,ingl+ fo! the poo! pa!ents

    of the faithful "entioned in the p!e%eding pa!ag!aph# $ut no :u!idi%al

    o$ligation %an a!ise f!o" this&

    26 +ncor%oratio tem%oranea singulis annis ab unououe fideli singillatim renoatur' d

    hanc renoationem reuiritur et sufficit licentia *icarii

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    2.S1 ro incor%oratione tem%oranea el definitia alicuius christfidelis fiat a raelatura et

    ab eo cuius intersit formalis declaratio coram duobus testibus circa mutua officia et ,ura'

    o! te"po!a!+ o! definiti,e in%o!po!ation of an+ of the Ch!istian

    faithful# a fo!"al de%la!ation is to $e "ade $+ the )!elatu!e and

    inte!ested pa!t+ a$out "utual duties and !ights# $efo!e t'o


    2.S2 raelatura uae in casu ab eo re%raesentatur uem *icarius res%ectiae

    circumscri%tionis designaerit a momento incor%orationis e,usdem christifidelis eaue

    %erdurante se obligabitB

    The )!elatu!e# 'hi%h in this %ase is !ep!esented $+ the pe!son 'ho"

    the i%a! of the !espe%ti,e te!!ito!+ has designated#f!o" the "o"ent

    of in%o!po!ation of the faithful and fo! as long as it lasts# o$liges itself


    2.S21 ad %raebendam eidem christifideli assiduam institutionem doctrinalem religiosam

    s%iritualem asceticam et a%ostolicam necnon %eculiarem curam %astoralem ex %arte

    sacerdotum raelaturaeA

    -- to gi,e the Ch!istian faithful %ontinual do%t!inal !eligious# spi!itual#

    as%eti%al and apostoli% inst!u%tion# and also the pa!ti%ula! pasto!al

    %a!e of the p!iests of the )!elatu!e&

    2.S22 ad adim%lendans ceteras oblicationes uae erga e,usdem christifideles in normis

    raelaturam regentibus statuuntur'

    -- to fulfill the othe! o$ligations to the Ch!istian faithful# that a!e

    esta$lished in the no!"s !egulating the )!elatu!e&

    2.S0 #hristifidelis ero firmum %ro%ositum manifestabit se totis iribus dicandi ad

    sanctitatem %roseuendam atue ad exercendum a%ostolatum ,uxta s%iritum et %raxim

    $%eris &ei seue obligabit a momento incor%orationis eaue %erduranteB

    The Ch!istial faithful 'ill "anifest the fi!" !esolution to de,ote

    hi"self 'ith all his st!ength to see( holiness and to e

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    -- to !e"ain unde! the :u!isdi%tion of the )!elate and othe! %o"petent

    autho!ities of the )!elatu!e# in o!de! to %o""it hi"self in all that

    pe!tains to the pa!ti%ula! end of the )!elatu!e&

    2.S02 ad adim%lenda omnia officia uae secum fert condicio -umerarii el ggregati el

    Su%ernumerarii $%eris &ei atue ad serandas normas raelaturam regentes necnonlegitimas %raescri%tiones raelati aliarumue com%etentium actoritatum raelaturae

    uoad e,us regimen s%iritum et a%ostolatum'

    -- to fulfill all the o$ligations 'hi%h the %ondition of $eing a Nu"e!a!+

    o! sso%iate o! Supe!nu"e!a!+ of Opus Dei $!ings 'ith it# and to

    o$se!,e the no!"s !egulating the )!elatu!e and also the legiti"ate

    p!es%!iptions of the )!elate and othe! %o"petent autho!ities of the

    )!elatu!e in !espe%t to its go,e!n"ent# spi!it and apostolate&

    2.S Duod attinet ad raelaturae fideles %otest $rdinarius raelaturae ,usta de causa ota

    %riata itemue ,us,urandum %romissorium dis%ensare dummodo dis%ensatio ne laedat,us aliis uaesitum' otest uoue uoad eosdem fideles adscri%tionem alicui terio

    $rdini sus%endere ita tamen ut is%a reiiscat si ualibet de cause inculum cum

    raelatura cesset

    Rega!ding the faithful of the )!elatu!e# the O!dina!+ of the )!elatu!e#

    fo! :ust %ause# %an dispense p!i,ate ,o's and p!o"issa!+ oaths# as

    long as the dispensation does not in:u!e a !ight sought $+ othe!s& *e

    is a$le also# 'ith !espe%t to his faithful# to suspend p!es%!iptions of

    so"e thi!d O!de!s# in su%h a 'a+# ne,e!theless# that he %an !e,i,e the

    sa"e# if fo! 'hate,e! !eason# the $ond 'ith the )!elatu!e %eases&


    #a%ut +* &e :idelium &iscessu et &imissione a raelatura

    Chapte! 4 -- Con%e!ning the Depa!tu!e and Dis"issal of the aithful

    f!o" the )!elatu!e&

    281 nteuam aliuis tem%oraliter raelaturae incor%oretur %otest uois momento libere

    i%sam deserere'

    efo!e an+one is te"po!a!il+ in%o!po!ated into the )!elatu!e# he %an

    f!eel+ lea,e it at an+ ti"e&

    282 ariter auctoritas com%etens ob ,ustas et rationabiles causas alet eum non

    admittere aut ei discendi consilium dare' !ae causae %raesertim sunt defectus s%iritus

    %ro%rii $%eris &ei et a%titudinis ad a%ostolatum %eculiarem fidelium raelaturae'

    Li(e'ise# the %o"petent autho!it+# fo! :ust and !easona$le %auses# is

    a$le not to ad"it a pe!son o! to ad,ise a pe!son to depa!t& These

    age 18

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    !easons# a$o,e all# a!e la%( of the spi!it %ha!a%te!isti% of Opus Dei and

    of aptitude fo! the spe%ial apostolate of the faithful of the )!elatu!e&

    29' erdurante incor%ororatione tem%oranea el iam facta definitia ut uit %ossit

    raelaturam oluntarie relinuere indiget dis%ensatione uam unus raelatus concedere

    %otest audito %ro%rio #onsilio et #ommissione

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    ,ain# al'a+s p!ese!,ing the !ight of the faithful to appeal to the

    )!elate o! the *ol+ See& If su%h appeal is put into effe%t 'ithin ten

    da+s# the legal effe%t of dis"issal is suspended until the !esponse

    issues f!o" the )!elate# o! in that %ase# f!o" the *ol+ See&

    00' Exitus legitimus ab $%ere &ei secum fert cessationem inculi de uo in n' 2.' necnonofficiorum atue ,urium uae ex i%so %rofluunt'

    Legiti"ate depa!tu!e f!o" Opus Dei $ea!s 'ith it %essation of the

    $ond 'hi%h is des%!i$ed in N& 23# and also of an+ duties and !ights

    'hi%h flo' f!o" it&

    0' Dui ualibet ratione raelaturae aledicat el ab ea dimittatur nihil ab ea exigere %otest

    ob seritia eidem %raestita el ob id uod sie industria sie exercitio %ro%riae

    %rofessionis sie uocumue alio titulo el modo eidem re%enderit'

    The pe!son# 'ho fo! 'hate,e! !eason sa+s fa!e'ell to the )!elatu!e o!is dis"issed $+ it# %an de"and no !e%o"pense f!o" it fo! se!,i%es

    !ende!ed to it# no! on a%%ount of 'hat# 'hethe! $+ his indust!+ o!


  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    The p!iesthood of the )!elatu!e is "ade up of those %le!i%s# 'ho a!e

    p!o"oted to sa%!ed O!de!s $+ the )!elate a%%o!ding to NN 44-01 The+

    a!e in%a!dinated in the )!elatu!e and a!e dedi%ated to its se!,i%e&

    05S2 !i sacerdotes ex i%so suae ordinationis facto fiunt socii -umerarii el ,uxta infra

    dicenda (n 0.S2) #oad,utores Societatis Sacerdotalis Sanctae #rucis uae est ssociatioclericalis raelaturae %ro%ria ac intrinseca unde cum ea aliuid unum constituit et ab ea

    deiungi non %otest'

    + the ,e!+ fa%t of o!dination# these p!iests $e%o"e Nu"e!a!+

    "e"$e!s o!# a%%o!ding to 'hat is to $e said# $elo'# N /3 S2#

    Coad:uto!s of the )!iestl+ So%iet+ of the *ol+ C!oss# 'hi%h is a p!ope!

    and int!insi% %le!i%al sso%iation of the )!elatu!e# 'hen%e it

    %onstitutes one thing 'ith it the )!elatu!e and %annot $e sepa!ated

    f!o" it&

    05S0 raelatus $%eris &ei est raeses ?eneralis Societatis Sacerdotalis Sanctae #rucis'

    The )!elate of Opus Dei is the )!esident 7ene!al of the )!iestl+

    So%iet+ of the *ol+ C!oss&

    0.S1 @t uis sacros $rdines reci%ere aleat in seritium raelaturae reuiritur ut sit eidem

    definitie incor%oratus ua -umerarius el ggregatus atue ut %eriodum formationis

    com%leerit uam omnes laici -umerarii necnon ggregati illi ui ad sacerdotium

    destinantur %erficere tenentur ita ut nemini immediate in raelatura ua sacerdos

    -umerarius el res%ectie ggregatus $%eris &ei incardinari liceat'

    In o!de! that an+one $e ena$led to !e%ei,e sa%!ed O!de!s in se!,i%e tothe )!elatu!e# it is !e?ui!ed that he $e in%o!po!ated in it definiti,el+ as

    a Nu"e!a!+ o! sso%iate and that he 'ill ha,e %o"pleted the pe!iod of

    fo!"ation# 'hi%h all la+ Nu"e!a!ies and those sso%iates 'ho a!e

    destined to p!iesthood a!e o$liged to %o"plete thus no one is a$le to

    $e i""ediatel+ in%a!dinated into the )!elatu!e as a Nu"e!a!+ o!#

    !espe%ti,el+# sso%iate p!iest of Opus Dei&

    0.S2 Duo a%tius a sociis ggregatis Societatis Sacerdotalis Sanctae #rucis de uibus in nn

    68 et seuentibus ,ure distinguantur ggregati laici $%eris &ei ui sacerdotium in seritium

    raelaturae susci%iunt in Societate i%sa #oad,utores seu sim%liciter sacerdotes ggregati

    $%eris &ei ocantur'

    So that the la+ sso%iates of Opus Dei 'ho unde!ta(e p!iesthood in

    se!,i%e to the )!elatu!e in the )!iestl+ So%iet+ of the *ol+ C!oss "a+

    $e distinguished# $+ la' f!o" the sso%iate "e"$e!s of the So%iet+

    "entioned in NN 08 and follo'ing# the fo!"e! a!e %alled Coad:uto!s

    o! si"pl+ sso%iate p!iests of Opus Dei#&

    age 21

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    08 !i sacerdotes o%eram suam %rae %rimis naabunt formationi s%irituali et ecclesiasticae

    atue %eculiari curae animarum ceterorum fidelium utriusue Sectionis $%eris &ei'

    These p!iests pe!fo!" diligentl+ thei! p!i"a!+ 'o!( 'hi%h is the

    spi!itual and e%%lesiasti%al fo!"ation of and pa!ti%ula! %a!e of the

    souls of othe! faithful of $oth Se%tions of Opus Dei&

    09 Sacerdotes $%eris &ei cum aliis uoue fidelibus ministeria $rdinis sacerdotalis %ro%ria

    exercebunt sem%er uidem habitis licentiis ministerialibus ad normam ,uris'

    )!iests of Opus Dei 'ill e

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    0 Societati Sacerdotali Sanctae #rucis adnumerari etiam %ossunt ut associati

    #oo%eratores alii clerici alicui dioecesi incardinati ui societati ad,umentum %raestant

    oratione eleemos"nis et si fieri %ossit etiam %ro%rio cuiusue ministerio sacerdotali'

    Othe! %le!i%s in%a!dinated in a dio%ese %an also $e %ounted a"ong the

    "e"$e!s of the )!iestl+ So%iet+ of the *ol+ C!oss as asso%iated

    Coope!ato!s# 'ho p!o,ide assistan%e to the so%iet+ $+ p!a+e!# al"s

    and# if possi$le# $+ thei! o'n p!iestl+ "inist!+&


    #a%ut ++ &e romotione ad Sacros $rdines et de resb"terorum 4issione #anonica

    Chapte! 2 -- Con%e!ning the )!o"otion to Sa%!ed O!de!s and the

    Canoni%al 5ission of )!iests

    ' +lli tantum -umerarii et ggregati $%eris &ei ad sacros $rdines %romoeantur uos

    raelatus ocatione ad sacerdotium ministerial %raeditos noerit et $%eri &ei e,usueministeriis necessarios el congruentes ,udicaerit' Dui autem $rdines a%%etere

    exo%tant desiderium suum raelato ex%onere %ossunt sed e,us decisioni acuiescere


    Onl+ those Nu"e!a!ies and sso%iates of Opus Dei should $e

    p!o"oted to sa%!ed O!de!s# 'ho" the )!elate (no's to $e endo'ed

    'ith a ,o%ation to "iniste!ial p!iesthood and he :udges the ne%essit+

    and suita$ilit+ fo! Opus Dei and its "inist!ies to $e appa!ent&

    *o'e,e!# those 'ho 'ant to aspi!e to $e o!dained# %an "a(e thei!

    desi!e (no'n to the )!elate# $ut the+ should a%%ept his the )!elateBs


    6 @t uis -umerarius el ggregatus ad $rdines %romoeri aleat %raeter carentiam

    irregularitatum aliorumue im%edimentorum de uibus in ,ure uniersali reuiritur

    serato uoue %raescri%to n 0. ut sit s%eciali a%titudine ornatus ad munera

    sacerdotalia %rout in raelatura exercenda sunt et sit saltem iginti uinue annos natus

    anteuam %resb"teratum reci%iat'

    o! an+ Nu"e!a!+ o! sso%iate to $e p!o"oted to O!de!s# $eside the

    a$sen%e of i!!egula!ities and othe! i"pedi"ents as esta$lished $+

    uni,e!sal la'# 'hen the %onditions of p!es%!iption N /3 ha,e $een

    "et# it is !e?ui!ed that the!e $e a spe%ial aptitude to the p!iestl+offi%e as it is to $e e

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    In !ega!d to the fo!"ation of the %andidates to the p!iesthood# the

    uni,e!sal no!"s of la' and spe%ial ones of the )!elatu!e should $e

    %a!efull+ o$se!,ed&

    . dscri%tio inter candidatos %er liturgicum admissionis ritum ministeriorum collatio

    necnon %romotio ad sacros $rdines raelato reserantur %ost %raeiam uniuscuiusuecandidati declarationem %ro%ria manu exaratam et subscri%tam ua testificetur se

    s%onte ac libere sacros $rdines susce%turum atue se ministerio ecclesiastico %er%etuo

    manci%aturum esse insimul %etens ut ad $rdinem reci%iendum admittatur'

    s%!iption a"ong the %andidates $+ the litu!gi%al !ites of ad"ission#

    $esto'al of "inist!ies and p!o"otion to sa%!ed O!de!s is !ese!,ed to

    the )!elate# afte! !e,ie'ing e,e!+ %andidateBs de%la!ation p!epa!ed in

    his o'n hand'!iting and signed# $+ 'hi%h he testifies that he

    unde!ta(es hol+ O!de!s $+ his o'n 'ill and f!eel+ and that he 'ill $ind

    hi"self pe!petuall+ to the e%%lesiati%al "inist!+ !e?uesting at the

    sa"e ti"e that he $e ad"itted to the O!de! to $e !e%ei,ed&

    8 Litteras dimissorias %ro ordinatione dat raelatus $%eris &ei ui %otest %romoendos ab

    interstitiis necnon a defectu aetatis his in Statutis reuisitae dis%ensare non tamen ultra


    The )!elate of Opus Dei gi,es the app!o,al lette! fo! o!dination# and

    %an dispense those to $e p!o"oted f!o" the 'aiting pe!iods and f!o"

    defe%t of the age !e?ui!ed in these statutes# $ut not "o!e than one


    9 Dui ad sacros $rdines ocantur non modo reuisita a canonibus %raescri%ta habere

    debent %raesertim s%ecialem in disci%linis ecclesiasticis cognitionem erum etiam

    emineant %ietate itae integritate animarum 3elo erga Ss' Eucharistiam ferido amore

    ac desiderio imitandi uod uotidie tractare debent'

    Those 'ho a!e %alled to sa%!ed O!de!s# ought to ha,e not onl+ the

    !e?ui!ed %anoni%al !e?uisites# a$o,e all in spe%ial (no'ledge of

    e%%lesiati%al dis%iplines# $ut# indeed# should also stand out fo! piet+#

    integ!it+ of life# Aeal fo! souls# fe!,ent lo,e fo! the sa%!ed Eu%ha!ist

    and the desi!e of i"itating 'hat the+ ought to t!eat dail+&

    67S1 #um sacros $rdines reci%iunt clerici ad nutum raelati manent uoad %rimam et

    ulteriores destinationes ad unam el aliam $%eris &ei circumscri%tionem'

    =hen sa%!ed O!de!s a!e !e%ei,ed# the %le!i%s !e"ain at the disposition

    of the )!elate# fo! thei! fi!st and su$se?uent assign"ents to one o!

    othe! of the !egions of Opus Dei&

    age 2

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    67S2 4issio canonica sacerdotibus confertur a raelato %er se el %er res%ectios *icarios

    circumscri%tionum sem%er uidem ,uxta normas a raelato statutas i%sis concedendo

    o%%ortunas licentias ministeriales Sacrum nem%e litandi *erbum &ei %raedicandi atue

    confessiones exdi%iendi'

    The %anoni%al p!iestl+ "ission is %onfe!!ed on p!iests $+ the )!elate

    hi"self o! th!ough the !espe%ti,e i%a!s of the !egions# al'a+s

    a%%o!ding to no!"s esta$lished $+ the )!elate# $+ g!anting the" the

    app!op!iate "iniste!ial li%enses fo! the hol+ sa%!ifi%e# p!ea%hing the

    =o!d of 7od# and hea!ing %onfessions&

    67S0 !aec facultas audiendi confessiones uae ab $rdinario raelaturae %resb"teris

    uibuslibet conferri %otest extenditur ad omnes fideles raelaturae atue Societatis

    Sacerdotalis Sanctae #rucis socios secundum tenorem i%sius concessionis necnon ad

    illos omnes ui in #entris $%eris &ei diu noctuue degunt'

    Those fa%ulties of hea!ing %onfessions# 'hi%h %an $e %onfe!!ed $+ theO!dina!+ of the )!elatu!e on an+ p!iests# %o,e! all the faithful of the

    )!elatu!e and "e"$e!s of the )!iestl+ So%iet+ of the *ol+ C!oss

    a%%o!ding to the sense of that %on%ession# and also to all 'ho d'ell in

    Cente!s of Opus Dei $+ da+ and $+ night&

    61S1 Sacerdotes %resb"terii raelaturae munia et officia ecclesiastica ualibet etsi cum

    %ro%ria conditione et munere %astorali in raelatura com%atibilia absue raelati $%eris

    &ei ex%ressa enia admittere non alent'

    )!iests of the )!elatu!e %le!g+ a!e not a$le to a%%ept an+ p!iestl+ o!

    e%%lesiasti%al offi%es 'hate,e!# e,en if the+ a!e %o"pati$le 'ith thei!o'n %ondition and pasto!al "inist!+ in the )!elatu!e# 'ithout ha,ing

    the e

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    It is the !ight and offi%e of the p!iests of the )!elatu!e 'hen dange! of

    death is i""inent# to ad"iniste! the sa%!a"ents to si%( Nu"e!a!ies#

    and 'hi%h the+ %an also do fo! sso%iates and all 'ho d'ell in Cente!s

    of Opus Dei& =hen final agon+ a!!i,es une

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    The )!elate and his i%a!s should st!i,e to en%ou!age in all the p!iests

    of the )!elatu!e a fe!,ent spi!it of %o""union 'ith othe! p!iests of

    the lo%al Chu!%h# in 'hi%h the+ e

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    In the )!iestl+ So%iet+ of the *ol+ C!oss the!e a!e no inte!nal

    Supe!io!s fo! sso%iates and Supe!nu"e!a!ies# 'he!efo!e the+ ought

    to o$e+ onl+ thei! lo%al O!dina!+# a%%o!ding to the no!" of la' the!e

    a!ises no ?uestion of dupli%ate o$edien%e fo! the!e is no inte!nal

    o$edien%e# $ut onl+ that no!"al dis%ipline e

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    51 @t uis ua ggregatus admittatur diina ocatio reuiritur secum ferens totalem et

    habitualem dis%onibilitatem ad sanctitatem uaerendam ,uxta s%iritum $%eris &ei ui


    In o!de! that an+$od+ $e ad"itted as an sso%iate# it is !e?ui!ed that

    he ha,e a di,ine ,o%ation %a!!+ing 'ith it total and ha$itual

    disposi$ilit+ to the ?uest fo! san%tifi%ation# a%%o!ding to the spi!it of

    Opus Dei 'hi%h de"ands>

    511 im%rimis studium %erfecte adim%lendi munus %astorale a %ro%rio E%isco%o

    concreditum sciente unououe se soli $rdinario loci rationem reddere debere de

    huiusmodi muneris adim%letioneB

    -- fi!st of all# eage!ness to fulfill pe!fe%tl+ the pasto!al tas( ent!usted

    to hi" $+ his o'n ishop# ea%h one (no'ing he is a%%ounta$le onl+ to

    the lo%al O!dina!+ !ega!ding fulfill"ent of this so!t of tas(&

    512 %ro%ositum dedicandi totum tem%us totumue laborem ad a%ostolatum s%iritualiter

    %raesertim ad,uando confratres sacerdotes dioecesanos'

    -- the intention of de,oting all of his ti"e and all his effo!t to

    apostolate# espe%iall+# spi!ituall+ assisting his $!othe! dio%esan


    52 @t uis reci%i %ossit ua Su%ernumerarius eadem ocatio diina reuiritur ac %ro

    ggregatis necnon %lena dis%onibilitas ad sanctitatem uaerendam ,uxta s%iritum $%eris

    &ei licet Su%ernumerarii %ro%ter suas condiciones %ersonales familiares aliasue id

    genus habitualiter in actiitatem a%ostolicam incumbere non alent totaliter etimmediate'

    o! an+one to $e !e%ei,ed as a Supe!nu"e!a!+# the sa"e di,ine

    ,o%ation# is !e?ui!ed as fo! an sso%iate# and also the full disposi$ilit+

    to see( holiness a%%o!ding to the spi!it of Opus Dei although

    Supe!nu"e!a!ies# $e%ause of thei! ha$itual pe!sonal# fa"il+ o! othe!

    %ondition of this so!t# a!e not a$le to de,ote the"sel,es totall+ and

    i""ediatel+ to apostoli% a%ti,it+&

    50 dmissio %etitur litteris ad raesidem ?eneralem inscri%tis in uibus candidatus

    manifestet suum desiderium sese incor%orandi Societati Sacerdotali Sanctae #rucis uasocius ggregatus el Su%ernumerarius'

    d"ission is as(ed $+ lette! '!itten to the )!esident 7ene!al# in 'hi%h

    the %andidate "anifests his desi!e of in%o!po!ating hi"self into the

    )!iestl+ So%iet+ of the *ol+ C!oss as an sso%iate o! Supe!nu"e!a!+


    age 29

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    5 ro admissione ac incor%oratione clericorum inter ggregatos el Su%ernumerarios

    Societatis Sacerdotalis Sanctae #rucis eaedem normae et agendi ratio serari debent

    uae %ro admissione et incor%oratione ggregatorum et Su%ernumeratiorum $%eris &ei

    %raescribuntur etiam relate ad tem%us %eculiaris formationis s%iritualis et ad media uae

    candidatis %raebentur ut eorum s%iritualis ita alatur'

    o! ad"ission and in%o!po!ation of %le!i%s as sso%iate o!

    Supe!nu"e!+ "e"$e!s of the )!iestl+ So%iet+ of the *ol+ C!oss# the

    sa"e no!"s and plans of a%ti,it+ ought to $e o$se!,ed# 'hi%h a!e

    p!es%!i$ed fo! ad"ission and in%o!po!ation of sso%iates and

    Supe!nu"e!a!ies of Opus Dei the sa"e applies to the pe!iods of

    spe%ifi% spi!itual fo!"ation and to the "eans offe!ed %andidates in

    o!de! to nou!ish thei! spi!itual life&

    56 Dui admissionem ua Su%ernumerarii ex%ostulaerint %ossunt %ostea inter ggregatos

    reci%i modo tamen reuisitis %olleant ualitatibus'

    Those 'ho !e?uest ad"ission as Supe!nu"e!a!ies# "a+ $e late!

    !e%ei,ed as sso%iates# if the+ a!e outstanding in the !e?uisite


    55 Si uis ante incor%orationem ut ggregatus idetur necessaria dis%onibilitate carere

    %otest retineri ua Su%ernumerarius modo reuisitas condiciones habeat'

    If $efo!e in%o!po!ation as an sso%iate so"eone is seen to la%( the

    ne%essa!+ disposi$ilit+# he %an $e !etained as a Supe!nu"e!a!+ if he

    has the !e?ui!ed %onditions&

    5. Duoad egressum et dimissionem eadem igent ac tenenda sunt congrua congruis

    referendo uae %ro egressu et dimissione ggregatorum ac Su%ernumeratrorum $%eris

    &ei statuuntur'

    =ith !espe%t to the depa!tu!e and di"issal of "e"$e!s# mutatis

    mutandis# the sa"e things o$lige and a!e to $e o$se!,ed 'hi%h a!e

    esta$lished fo! the depa!tu!e and di"issal of sso%iates and

    Supe!nu"e!a!ies of Opus Dei&

    58 raeter finem $%eris &ei uem hi socii in %ro%ria condicione suum faciunt hunc ut

    %eculiarem %ro%riumue indicant scilicetB sanctitatem sacerdotalem atue sensum%lenae deditionis ac sub,ectionis !ierarchiae ecclesiasticae in clero dioecesano im%ense

    %romoereB et inter sacerdotes cleri dioecesani itam communem foere %rout $rdinario

    loci ex%edire ideatur'

    esides of the end of Opus Dei# 'hi%h these "e"$e!s %a!!+ out in

    thei! o'n %ondition# the+ %lai" the follo'ing as spe%ifi% and thei! o'n#

    na"el+> to ene!geti%all+ p!o"ote p!iestl+ san%tit+ and a sense of full

    age 07

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    dedi%ation and su$"ission to the e%%lesiasti%al *ie!a!%h+ to

    en%ou!age life in %o""on a"ong the p!iests of the dio%esan %le!g+# as

    see"s suita$le to the lo%al O!dina!+&

    59 S%iritus uo ggregati et Su%ernumerarii Societatis Sacerdotalis Sanctae #rucis informari

    in omnibus debent his %rae%rimis contineturB

    The spi!it $+ 'hi%h sso%iate and Supe!nu"e!a!+ "e"$e!s of the

    )!iestl+ So%iet+ of the *ol+ C!oss ought to $e i"$ued in all things is#

    in the fi!st pla%e# %ontained a"ong the follo'ing>

    591 nihil sine E%isco%o agere uod uidem com%lecti debet omnem i%sorum itam

    sacerdotalem atue animarum ministeria

    -- to do nothing 'ithout the ishop# 'hi%h ought to e"$!a%e all thei!

    p!iestl+ life and "inist!+ of souls

    592 %ro%riam condicionem dioecesanam non derelinuere sed contra i%sam ma,ore

    sem%er &ei amore exercereA

    -- ne,e! negle%t thei! o'n dio%esan %ondition# $ut on the %ont!a!+# to


  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    .7 ggregati et Su%ernumerarii Societatis Sacerdotalis Sanctae #rucis %raeter clericorum

    obligationes in ,ure uniersali statutas aliasue uas %ro omnibus suis sacerdotibus

    singuli E%isco%i %raescribere %ossint %ietatis officia colunt %raxis asceticae $%eris &ei

    %ro%riaA cursus ero recessus s%iritualis i%si %eragere debent cum ceteris suae dioecesis

    sacerdotibus loco et modo ab $rdinario %ro%rio determinatis'

    sso%iate and Supe!nu"e!a!+ "e"$e!s of the )!iestl+ So%iet+ of the

    *ol+ C!oss# $esides the %le!i%al o$ligations in uni,e!sal la' and othe!

    statutes# 'hi%h indi,idual ishops "ight p!es%!i$e fo! all thei! p!iests#

    foste! the a%ts of piet+ %ha!a%te!iAed $+ Opus DeiFs spe%ifi% as%eti%al

    p!a%ti%e& The+ ought to %o"plete a %ou!se of spi!itual !et!eat 'ith

    thei! othe! dio%esan p!iests in the pla%e and "anne! dete!"ined $+

    thei! o'n O!dina!+&

    .1 Sacerdotes ggregati et Su%ernumerarii ad #hristianas irtutes tam theologales uam

    cardinales s%ecialiter colendas dicantur unusuisue in %ro%rio labore et munere%astorali a suo cuiusue E%isco%o sibi concredito

    Let sso%iate and Supe!nu"e!a!+ p!iests $e said to espe%iall+

    %ulti,ate the Ch!istian ,i!tues $oth theologi%al and %a!dinal# ea%h one

    in his o'n p!ope! 'o!( and pasto!al offi%e ent!usted to hi" $+ his o'n


    .2 S%iritus $%eris &ei foet in ggregatis et Su%ernumerariis Societatis Sacerdotalis

    Sanctae #rucis necessitatem ardenter obsecundandi atue ad effectum deducendi

    directionem s%iritualem collectiam uam E%isco%us dioecesanus suis sacerdotibus

    im%ertit litteris %astoralibus allocutionibus %roisionibus disci%linaribus aliisue mediis'

    !unc sane in finem et sine ulla umuam interferentia cum indicationibus dioecesanis el

    cum tem%oribus ad eas adim%lendas %raescri%tis Societas Sacerdotalis Sanctae #rucis

    ggregatis et Su%ernumerariis %raebet %eculiaria media formationis uorum %raeci%ua

    sunt seuentiaB

    The spi!it of Opus Dei foste!s in the sso%iates and Supe!nu"e!a!ies

    of the )!iestl+ So%iet+ of the *ol+ C!oss# the ne%essit+ to a!dentl+

    follo' and put into p!a%ti%e the %olle%ti,e spi!itual di!e%tion# 'hi%h the

    dio%esan ishop i"pa!ts to his p!iests $+ pasto!al lette!s# p!ea%hings#

    dis%iplina!+ p!o,isions and othe! "eans& o! this pu!pose# the )!iestl+

    So%iet+ of the *ol+ C!oss# 'ithout an+ inte!fe!en%e 'ith the dio%esan

    indi%ations o! the pe!iods p!es%!i$ed to i"ple"ent the"# gi,es the

    sso%iates and Supe!nu"e!a!ies pa!ti%ula! "eans of fo!"ation&

    "ong these pa!ti%ula! "eans a!e the follo'ing>

    .21 %eriodicae collationes in uibus directio s%iritualis %ersonalis reci%itur et studiorum

    #irculi uibus %raesunt Felatores ad s%iritum sociorum foendumB uae uidem omnia

    age 02

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    ita ordinari debent uoad durationis tem%us absentiam e %ro%ria dioecesi diebus festis

    aliaue similia ut sacerdotes omnes eisdem assistentes %rae%rimis muneribus in dioecesi

    sibi commissis commode satisfacere aleant'

    -- pe!iodi% "eetings at 'hi%h pe!sonal spi!itual di!e%tion is !e%ei,ed#

    and Ci!%les of stud+# 'he!e the!e a!ep!esent pe!sons in %ha!ge of

    foste!ing the spi!it of "e"$e!s& These "eetings ought to $e

    a!!anged 'ith !espe%t to du!ation# a$sen%e f!o" oneFs dio%esan feast

    da+s# and si"ila! "atte!s# in o!de! that all p!iests attending# "a+

    ea%h fi!st of all# $e a$le to dis%ha!ge %o"fo!ta$l+ the duties ent!usted

    to the" in the dio%ese&

    .22 alia omnia media industriae instrumenta ascetica %iaeue %raxes $%eris &eiA

    -- all othe! "eans# diligen%e# as%eti%al inst!u"ents and pious p!a%ti%es

    of Opus Dei&

    .20 ex%olitio atue o%%ortuna %rout in &omino ideatur intensio et am%liatio culturae et

    formationis scientificae uatenus i%sae sunt medium ad ministerium exercendum

    -- pe!fe%tion and intensifi%ation and 'idening of %ultu!e and s%ientifi%

    fo!"ation# as "a+ see" oppo!tune in the Lo!d# in so fa! as these a!e

    the "eans to e

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    Spi!itual Di!e%to!# o! thei! p!ope! su$stitutes# %olla$o!ate in ea%h


    . ro illis omnibus cum E%isco%i locie $rdinario tractandis el ex%ediendis uae ad

    ggregatos et Su%ernumerarios in %ro%ria uniuscuiusue dioecesi s%ectant Societas ex

    regula dmonitore e,use substituto utitur nisi *icarius

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    .. Societas nullam %eculiarem oeconomicam administrationem habere debet'A +%sa

    ordinaria fidelium $%eris &ei administratione si ua egeat utitur'

    The So%iet+ ought to ha,e no sepa!ate e%ono"i% ad"inist!ation& It

    uses the o!dina!+ ad"inist!ation of Opus Dei faithful# if need $e&

    .8 +n illis uae hic ex%resse %raescri%ta non sunt congrua congruis referendo et dummodo

    condicioni sacerdotali coneniant ea omnia sacerdotibus ggregatis ac Su%ernumerariis

    a%%licantur uae %ro ggregatis et Su%ernumerariis $%eris &ei ordinata sunt eorumue

    bona s%iritualia et facultates i%si %artici%ant'

    In those things 'hi%h a!e not e>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    Titulus +++ &e *ita +nstitutione et %ostolatu :idelium raelaturae

    Title / -- Con%e!ning the Life# Inst!u%tion# and postolate of the

    aithful of the )!elatu!e

    #a%ut + &e *ita S%irituali

    Chapte! 1 -- Con%e!ning Spi!itual Life

    .9S1 S%iritus et %raxis %ro%ria raelaturae s%ecificos characteres habent %lene

    determinatos ad finem %ro%rium %roseuendum' @nde s%iritus $%eris &ei as%ectus

    du%lex asceticus et a%ostolicus ita sibi adaeuate res%ondet ac cum charactere

    saeculari $%eris &ei intrinsece et harmonice fusus ac com%enetratus est ut solidam ac

    sim%licem itae asceticae a%ostolicae socialis et %rofessionalis unitatem necessario

    secum ferre ac inducere sem%er debeat'

    The spi!it and p!a%ti%e p!ope! of the )!elatu!e has spe%ifi%

    %ha!a%te!isti%s full+ dete!"ined in o!de! to p!o%u!e its o'n end& !o"

    this# the dou$le aspe%t# as%eti%al and apostoli%# of Opus Dei spi!it

    !esponds so ade?uatel+ to itself# as int!insi%all+ and ha!"oniusl+

    %o"pent!ated and fused 'ith the se%ula! %ha!a%te! of Opus Dei# sothat it should al'a+s p!odu%e and ne%essa!il+ $!ing 'ith it solid and

    si"ple unit+ of life -- as%eti%al# apostoli%# so%ial and p!ofessional&

    .9S2 @t exigentiae asceticae et a%ostolicae sacerdotii communis et %ro clericis sacerdotii

    ministerialis ,uxta s%iritum $%eris &ei in %raxim serio et continuo deducantur utue ita

    raelaturae fideles efficax fermentum sanctitatis et a%ostolatus inter ceteros clericos et

    laicos saeculares esse %ossint intensa ita orationis et sacrificii %rae%rimis ab omnibus

    age 06

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    reuiritur ,uxta %ietatis officia hoc in #odice statuta ceteraue ad tradionem $%eris &ei


    In o!de! that the as%eti%al and apostoli% de"ands# of the %o""on

    p!iesthood and# fo! %le!i%s# of "iniste!ial p!iesthood a%%o!ding to the

    spi!it of Opus Dei# $e put into p!a%ti%e se!iousl+ and %ontinuall+# and

    so that the faithful of the )!elatu!e "a+ $e an effe%ti,e lea,ening of

    san%tit+ and apostolate a"ong othe! %le!i%s and se%ula! la+ people#

    fi!st of all# an intense life of p!a+e! and sa%!ifi%e is !e?ui!ed of all in

    (eeping 'ith the duties of piet+ esta$lished in this Code and 'ith

    othe! things pe!taining to Opus Dei t!adition&

    87S1 :undamentum solidum uo omnia in $%ere &ei constant radixue fecunda singula

    iificans est sensus humilis ac sincerus filiationis diinae in #hristo Cesu ex uo dulciter

    creditur caritati %aternae uam habet &eus in nobisA et #hristus &ominus &eus homo ut

    frater %rimogenitus ineffabili sua bonitate sentitur a raelaturae fidelibus ui S%iritus

    Sancti gratia Cesum imitari conantur in memoriam %raesertim reocantes mirumexem%lum et fecunditatem o%erosae e,us itae in -a3areth'

    The solid foundation# upon 'hi%h all things !est in Opus Dei# and

    fe!tile !oot ,i,if+ing ea%h pa!ti%ula! thing# is a hu"$le and sin%e!e

    sense of di,ine filiation in @esus Ch!ist# 'hi%h $ea!s s'eet 'itness to

    the pate!nal %ha!it+ 7od has fo! us and that Ch!ist the Lo!d# the 7od-

    5an is pe!%ei,ed $+ the faithful of the )!elatu!e as the fi!st $egotten

    $!othe! in his ineffa$le goodness the+ t!+ to i"itate @esus $+ the

    g!a%e of the *ol+ Spi!it %alling to "ind espe%iall+ the "a!,elous


  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    The spi!itual life of the faithful of the )!elatu!e is !ooted and %ente!ed

    on the sa%!osan%t sa%!ifi%e of the 5ass# $+ 'hi%h the )assion and

    Death of @esus Ch!ist is !ene'ed 'ithout $loodshed and the "e"o!+

    of his infinite and sa%!ifi%ial lo,e fo! all "en&is !e,i,ed&

    81S2 $mnes %roinde sacerdotes Sacrosanctum 4issae Sacrificium uotidie celebrent eiuecuncti laici deotissime assistant #or%oris #hristi &a%em sacramentaliter el s%iritualiter

    saltem %artici%antes' raeterea #hristum in SS' Sacramento alio diei tem%ore isitent'

    Conse?uentl+# let all p!iests %ele$!ate the hol+ sa%!ifi%e of the 5ass

    dail+# and la+"en assist 'ith g!eat de,otion# pa!ti%ipating

    sa%!a"entall+ o! at least spi!ituall+ in the feast of the od+ of Ch!ist&

    u!the!"o!e# the+ should ,isit Ch!ist in the lessed Sa%!a"ent so"e

    ti"e du!ing the da+&

    82 Exem%lum imitantes %ostolorum ui erant %erseerantes unanimiter in oratione atue

    communitatum %rimaeorum #hristianorum raelaturae fideles dum ordinariis itae aclaboris uotidiani icissitudinibus se dedicant continuam suae animae contem%latiae

    unionem et conersationem cum &eo curare debent' d hunc finem necessario

    custodiendum ac foendumB

    I"itating the e

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    82 sem%er et ubiue recolant &ei %raesentiamA meminerint filiationis diinaeA

    communiones s%irituales iterentA item gratiarum actiones actus ex%iationis orationes

    ,aculatoriasA foeant im%ensius mortificationem studium laborem ordinem gaudium'

    -- al'a+s and e,e!+'he!e# let the" %ulti,ate p!esen%e of 7od the+

    should !e"e"$e! thei! di,ine filiation the+ should !epeat a%ts of

    spi!itual %o""union# and li(e'ise# a%ts of than(sgi,ing# a%tions of

    !epa!ation# e:a%ulato!+ p!a+e!s# the+ should deepl+ %ulti,ate

    "o!tifi%ation# stud+# 'o!(# o!de! and %hee!fulness&

    80S1 @t insidiae incantur tri%licis concu%iscentiae su%erbiae itae s%eciatim uae ex

    doctrina ex condicione sociali et ex %rofessionalibus laboribus ali %osset ascetismi

    #hristiani exigentiae a raelaturae fidelibus firmiter et im%ense colendae sunt' !ic

    ascetismus nititur fideli ac %er%etuo sensu humilitatis externae et intrinsecae non

    tantum indiidualis sed etiam collectiaeA candore connaturalis sim%icitatisA familiari et

    nobili agendi rationeA ex%ressione ,ugis serenae laetitiae labore sui abnegationesobrietate actibus sacrificii atue statutis exercitiis mortificationis etiam cor%oralis

    singulis diebus et hebdomadis %eragendis ,uxta uniuscuiusue aetatem et condicionem'

    !aec omnia curantur ut media non solum %urificationis %ersonalis sed %raeterea eri ac

    solidi %rogressus s%iritualis ,uxta illud bene %robatum et com%robatum erbumB ;tantum

    %roficies uantum tibi i%si im intuleris;' #urantur etiam ut necessaria %rae%aratio ad

    omnem a%ostolatum in societate %eragendum e,usue %erfectum exercitiumB;adim%leo

    ea uae desunt %assionum #hristi in carne mea %ro cor%ore e,us uod est Ecclesia; (#ol

    1 2)'

    In o!de! to %on?ue! the sna!es of t!iple %on%upis%en%e# espe%iall+ the

    p!ide of life# 'hi%h %ould feed on theo!+# so%ial status# and

    p!ofessional 'o!(# Ch!istian as%eti%al de"ands a!e fi!"l+ and deepl+

    to $e %ulti,ated $+ the faithful of the )!elatu!e& This as%eti%is" !ests

    upon the faithful and pe!petual sense of hu"ilit+# e

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    80S2 !ic ascetismus et s%iritus %aenitentiae alias uoue exigentias in ita fidelium

    raelaturae secum fert %raesertim uotidianam conscientiae discussionem directionem

    s%iritualem et %raxim hebdomadariam confessionis sacramentalis'

    This as%eti%is" and spi!it of penan%e %a!!ies 'ith itself othe! de"ands

    in the life of the faithful of the )!elatu!e# espe%iall+ dail+ e

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    85S1 &ominus hominem creait ;ut o%eraretur; (?enes' ++ 16) ideoue haec laborandi lex

    %ertinet ad generalem humanam condicionem' ttamen %eculiaris character ac finis

    raelaturae e,us fideles ducit non solum ad colendum erum etiam ad %rofunde

    amandum ordinarium laboremB in i%so enim ident tum insignissimum alorem

    humanum necessarium uidem ad tuendam humanae %ersonae dignitatem et societatis

    %rogressionem tum %raeci%ue miram occasionem atue medium unionis %ersonalis cum#hristo imitantes e,us o%erosam itam absconditam generosi seritii aliorum hominum

    et ita coo%erantes o%eri amore %leno #reationis et redem%tionis mundi'

    The Lo!d %!eated "an ;in o!de! that he "ight 'o!(; .7en& II# 10# and

    thus the la' of 'o!( $elongs to the gene!al hu"an %ondition&

    *o'e,e!# the pa!ti%ula! %ha!a%te! and end of the )!elatu!e leads its

    faithful not onl+ to %ulti,ate $ut also to p!ofoundl+ lo,e o!dina!+ 'o!(#

    fo! 'hile the+ see in it not onl+ the highest hu"an ,alue# ne%essa!+

    indeed to safegua!d the dignit+ of the hu"an pe!son and p!og!ess of

    so%iet+# $ut also espe%iall+ the 'onde!ful o%%asion and "eans of

    pe!sonal union 'ith Ch!ist i"itating his toilso"e hidden life ofgene!ous se!,i%e to othe! "en and also %oope!ating $+ full lo,e in the

    'o!(s of C!eation and the !ede"ption of the 'o!ld&

    85S2 eculiaris %roinde character s%iritus $%eris &ei in eo consistit uod unusuisue suum

    laborem %rofessionalem sanctificare debetA in sui laboris %rofessionalis %erfecta

    adim%letione sanctificariA et %er suum laborem %rofessionalem alios sanctificare' @nde

    multae oriuntur concretae exigentiae in ita ascetica et a%ostolica eorum ui ad o%era

    %eculiaria raelaturae dicantur'

    Conse?uentl+# the pa!ti%ula! %ha!a%te! of the spi!it of Opus Dei

    %onsists in this# that e,e!+one ought to san%tif+ his p!ofessional 'o!(#

    to $e san%tified in the pe!fe%t pe!fo!"an%e of his p!ofessional 'o!(

    and th!ough his p!ofessional 'o!(# to san%tif+ othe!s& !o" this#

    "an+ %on%!ete de"ands appea! in the as%eti%al and apostoli% life of

    those 'ho "a+ $e %alled to the pa!ti%ula! 'o!(s of the )!elatu!e&

    8.S1 raelatura $%eris &ei tota deota est seritio Ecclesiae %ro ua fideles raelaturae

    %lena %er%etua ac definitia #hristi &omini seritio deditione sese manci%ando

    relinuere %arati sem%er erunt honorem bona adhuc autem et animam suamA numuam

    Ecclesiam sibi inserire %raesumant' Sit ergo firmus ac exem%laris %ius amor erga

    Sanctam 4atrem Ecclesiam omniaue ad illam uouo modo %ertinentiaA sint sinceraedilectio eneratio docilitas et adhaesio

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    Lo!d# al'a+s !ead+ to lea,e $ehind hono!# goods and e,en thei! soul

    the+ 'ould ne,e! p!esu"e to use the Chu!%h fo! the"sel,es&

    The!efo!e# the+ should ha,e a fi!"# e

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    fidei et morum eadem %lena gaudet libertate ua ceteri gaudent cies catholici'

    uctoritates ero raelaturae a uibuslibet el consiliis dandis his in materiis omnino

    abstinere debent' roinde illa %lena libertas tantum minui %oterit a normis uas forsan

    dederint %ro omnibus catholicis in aliua dioecesi aut ditione E%isco%us el E%isco%orum

    #onferentiaA ua%ro%ter raelatura labores %rofessionales sociales %oliticos

    oeconomicos etc' nullius omnino sui fidelis suos facit'

    *o'e,e! in that 'hi%h $elongs to p!ofessional a%tion# as 'ell as to

    so%ial and politi%al do%t!ines et%# e,e!+one of the faithful of the

    )!elatu!e# 'ithin the li"its of Catholi% do%t!ine# faith and "o!als#

    en:o+s the sa"e full f!eedo" 'hi%h othe! Catholi% %itiAens en:o+&

    Indeed# the autho!ities of the )!elatu!e ought to !ef!ain %o"pletel+

    f!o" gi,ing ad,i%e on all these "atte!s& Conse?uentl+# that full li$e!t+

    %an onl+ $e di"inished $+ no!"s 'hi%h a ishop o! ishopBs

    Confe!en%e "a+ gi,e fo! all Catholi%s in so"e dio%ese o! :u!isdi%tion&

    =he!efo!e the )!elatu!e does not "a(e its o'n the p!ofessional#

    so%ial# politi%al# e%ono"i%al 'o!(s et%& of an+ of its faithful&

    89S1 $mnes raelaturae fideles diligant atue foeant humilitatem non modo %riatam sed

    etiam collectiamA ideo numuam $%eri &ei gloriam uaerant uinimmo hoc unum

    animo alte defixum habeantB gloriam $%eris &ei summam esse sine humana gloria


    ll the faithful of the )!elatu!e lo,e and %he!ish not onl+ p!i,ate $ut

    also %olle%ti,e hu"ilit+ the!efo!e the+ ne,e! desi!e the glo!+ of the

    =o!( of 7od# !athe! 'ith one soul# the+ ought to $e fi that the g!eatest glo!+ of the =o!( of 7od is to li,e 'ithout

    hu"an glo!+&

    89S2 Duo efficacius suum finem asseuatur $%us &ei uti tale humiliter iere ultB uare

    sese abstinet ab actibus collectiis neue habet nomen el denominationem communem

    uibus raelaturae fideles a%%ellenturA nec i%si aliuibus %ublicis manifestationibus

    cultus uti %rocessionibus intererunt collectie uin ex hoc occultent se ad raelaturam

    %ertinere uia s%iritus $%eris &ei dum fideles ducit ad humilitatem collectiam enixe

    uaerendam uo im%ensiorem atue uberiorem efficaciam a%ostolicam attingant

    omnino simul itat secretum el clandestinitatem' Dua%ro%ter uniersis in

    circumscri%tionibus omnibus nota sunt nomina *icariorum raelati necnon eorum ui

    #onsilia i%sorum efformantA et E%isco%is %etentibus nomina communicantur non solumsacerdotum raelaturae ui in res%ectiis dioecesibus suum ministerium exercent sed

    &irectorum etiam #entrorum uae in dioecesi erecta habentur'

    So that Opus Dei as su%h "a+ a%hie,e its end effe%ti,el+# it 'ants to

    li,e hu"$l+> 'he!efo!e it a$stains f!o" %olle%ti,e a%ts and does not

    ha,e a na"e o! %o""on deno"ination $+ 'hi%h the faithful of the

    )!elatu!e a!e %alled no! do the+ pa!ti%ipate in an+ pu$li% "anifestions

    age 2

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    of 'o!ship li(e p!o%essions# 'ithout the!e$+ hiding that the+ $elong

    to the )!elatu!e fo! the spi!it of Opus Dei# 'hile it leads the faithful

    to see( Aealousl+ a %olle%ti,e hu"ilit+ $+ 'hi%h the+ attain a g!eate!

    and "o!e fe!tile apostoli% effi%a%+# at the sa"e ti"e# %o"pletel+

    shuns se%!e%+ o! %landestiness& =he!efo!e in all the !egions of the

    'o!ld the na"es of the )!elateFs i%a!s a!e (no'n# and also thena"es of those 'ho fo!" thei! %oun%ils and to those $ishops 'ho as(#

    a!e %o""uni%ated not onl+ the na"es of the p!iests of the )!elatu!e

    'ho e

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    est una ex manifestationibus s%iritus %aenitentiae $%eris &ei %ro%rii uae %otius in

    %aris et ordinariis rebus est uaerenda et in labore uotidiano constanti ordinato'

    ll should t!+ to %o"plete e,en s"all things 'ith the g!eatest %a!e

    and 'ith supe!natu!al spi!it# $e%ause the essen%e of the ,o%ation

    %onsists in san%tif+ing dail+ 'o!(& La!ge things do not al'a+s o%%u!&

    The!e a!e indeed the s"all things in 'hi%h lo,e of @esus Ch!ist %an

    $e de"onst!ated "o!e often& This is one of the "anifestions of the

    spi!it of penan%e p!ope! to Opus Dei# 'hi%h is to $e sought !athe! in

    the s"all and o!dina!+ things and in o!de!l+# %onstant# dail+ 'o!(&

    90 +n hoc suo ordinario labore adim%lendo maximo cum amore &ei et %roximi fidem iam

    et o%erantem necnon filialem s%em omnibus in ad,unctis raelaturae fideles colantA uae

    irtutes omnia su%erare faciunt obstacula in Ecclesiae animarumue seritio forte

    obenientiaB ;omnia %ossum in eo ui me confortat; (hili%' +*' 10)' -ihil ergo aut

    neminem formidentB ;&ominus illuminatio mea et salus mea uem timeboG; (s *+1)

    In %o"pleting thei! o!dina!+ 'o!(# 'ith the g!eatest lo,e of 7od and

    neigh$o!# the faithful of the )!elatu!e should %ulti,ate li,ing and

    ope!ati,e faith and also filial hope in all %i!%u"stan%es 'hi%h ,i!tues

    "a(e the" o,e!%o"e all o$sta%les that pe!haps p!esent the"sel,es

    in se!,i%e of the Chu!%h and of souls> ;I %an do all things in hi" 'ho

    st!engthens "e; .)hilip& I& 1/& The!efo!e# the+ fea! nothing o!

    no$od+& ;The Lo!d is "+ light and "+ sal,ation 'ho" should I fea!H;

    .)s I#1&

    9S1 raelaturae fideles %lena iant %ersonali cordis a bonis tem%oralibus libertate

    unusuisue ,uxta suum statum et condicionem animis ab omnibus uibus utuntur

    alienatisA sobrie sem%er in ita sua %ersonali et sociali ,uxta s%iritum et %raxim $%eris &ei

    se gerentesA omnem sollicitudinem de rebus huius saeculi in &eum %ro,icientesA atue in

    hoc mundo tamuam %eregrini ui ciitatem futuram inuirunt commorantes'

    The faithful of the )!elatu!e li,e 'ith full f!eedo" of hea!t f!o"

    te"po!al goods# e,e!+one a%%o!ding to his state and %ondition# 'ith

    souls deta%hed f!o" all the things the+ use al'a+s $eha,ing

    the"sel,es "ode!atel+ in thei! pe!sonal and so%ial life a%%o!ding to

    the spi!it and p!a%ti%e of Opus Dei# shifting all %on%e!n fo! things of

    this 'o!ld onto 7od and li,ing in this 'o!ld as a so:ou!ne!# 'ho see(s

    a futu!e %it+&

    9S2 Suo ordinario labore %rofessionali %eracto cum mente et animo %atris familiae

    numerosae ac %au%eris omnibus raelaturae fidelibus officium est %roidendi %ro%riis

    necessitatibus oeconomicis %ersonalibus et familiaribus atue in uantum ab i%sis fieri

    %ossit ,uandi sustentationem a%ostolatus raelaturae remedium afferentes indigentiae

    s%irituali ac materiali %lurimorum hominum' ?audeant simul uando effectus ex%eriantur


  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    carentiae mediorum scientes numuam in necessariis %roidentiam &omini defecturam

    ui nos monuit ut %rimum

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    se%ond of O%to$e!# the feast of the 7ua!dian ngels# and the

    fou!teenth of e$!ua!+ a!e %ele$!ated $+ the faithful of the )!elatu!e

    'ith spe%ial de,otion& These last da+s# a!e fo! Opus Dei# da+s of a%ts

    of than(sgi,ing&

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>#a%ut ++ &e +nstitutione &octrinali

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    The )!elate "a+ also e!e%t# afte! hea!ing his Coun%il# Inte!!egional

    Cente!s of Studies# unde! his :u!isdi%tion# so that the faithful of the

    )!elatu!e sele%ted $+ the )!elate 'hethe! di!e%tl+ o! $+ p!oposal of

    te!!ito!ial i%a!s# "a+ $e inst!u%ted in the"& These Cente!s %an $e

    spe%iall+ designated fo! the faithful# p!iests o! lait+# 'ho %a!!+ out

    tas(s of fo!"ation in the diffe!ent Regions&

    99S1 +nstitutio doctrinalis religiosa %raesertim uod attinet ad disci%linas %hiloso%hicas ac

    theologicas im%ertietur a %rofessoribus #entrorum Studiorum regionalium el

    +nterregionalium uae hunc in finem eriguntur uaeue diersa habentur %ro iris et %ro


    The !eligious do%t!inal inst!u%tion# espe%iall+ as !ega!ds philosophi%al

    and theologi%al dis%iplines is i"pa!ted $+ the p!ofesso!s of the

    !egional o! inte!!egional Cente!s of Studies 'hi%h a!e e!e%ted fo! this

    pu!pose the!e a!e sepa!ate ones fo! "en and fo! 'o"en&

    99S2 rogramma c"clica ita com%onentur ut institutio continue im%ertiri ac %erfici aleat

    uin unusuisue fidelis in adim%letione officiorum %rofessionalium et familiarium

    detrimentum %atiatur'

    %+%li% p!og!a" is a!!anged so that inst!u%tion %an $e %ontinuall+

    i"pa!ted and %o"pleted# 'ithout an+ of the faithful suffe!ing

    det!i"ent in the fulfill"ent of thei! p!ofessional and fa"il+


    177S1 raelaturae fideles tem%us institutionis %erficere %ossunt extra #entra Studiorum

    ,uridice erecta si attentis circumstantiis audito %ro%rio #onsilio *icarius

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    171S1 $mnes -umerarii necnon illi ggregati uorum %ersonalia ad,uncta id suadeant

    integra studia biennii %hiloso%hici et uadriennii theologici %eragant'

    ll Nu"e!a!ies and those sso%iates 'hose pe!sonal %i!%u"stan%es

    fa,o! it should %o"pete the full t'o +ea!s .$ienniu" of philosophi%al

    and fou! +ea!s .?uad!eniu" of theologi%al studies&

    171S2 Singuli anni biennii atue uadriennii diiduntur in duos cursus semestrales uorum

    duratio numerus nem%e horarum uae lectionibus dedicantur aeuialere debet illi

    cursuum semestralium a%ud ontificias

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    172S1 ro -umerariis uo ad sacerdotium destinantur sunt s%ecialia #entra Studiorum a

    raelato erecta ubi tamen sem%er alii -umerarii ui sacerdotes non erunt commorari

    debent %ro%riam i%sorum institutionem acci%ientes et itam cum %rimis ducentes uia

    una eademue %ro omnibus s%iritualis formatio reuiritur'

    o! Nu"e!a!ies 'ho a!e destined fo! the p!iesthood# the!e a!e spe%ial

    Cente!s of Studies e!e%ted $+ the )!elate# 'he!e othe! Nu"e!a!ies

    'ill li,e 'ho 'ill not $e p!iests# !e%ei,ing thei! o'n inst!u%tion and

    li,ing 'ith the fo!"e!# fo! one and the sa"e spi!itual fo!"ation is

    !e?ui!ed fo! all&

    172S2 ttamen %ost hoc satis longum tirocinium in #entris Studiorum %eractum durante

    uno tantum sacrae theologiae studiorum anno candidati ad sacerdotium commorantur in

    #entro s%eciali ad i%sos solummodo destinato'

    Ne,e!theless# afte! %o"pleting a suffi%ientl+ long p!epa!ation in the

    Cente! of Studies# du!ing onl+ one +ea! of sa%!ed theolog+# %andidatesdestined to the p!iesthood should li,e in spe%ial Cente!s de,oted

    solel+ to the"&

    172S0 Duoad ggregatos ui %ro sacerdotio reci%iendo instituuntur eaedem normae

    a%%licari %ossunt congrua tamen congruis referendo'

    =ith !espe%t to sso%iates 'ho a!e $eing inst!u%ted to !e%ei,e the

    p!iesthood# these sa"e no!"s %an $e applied# mutatis mutandis&

    170 hiloso%hiae rationalis ac theologiae studia et alumnorum in his disci%linis

    institutionem %rofessores omnino %ertractent ad ngelici &octoris rationem doctrinamet %rinci%ia eaue sancte teneant ,uxtas normas a 4agisterio #onciliorum et Sanctae

    Sedis traditas el tradendas'

    )!ofesso!s should t!eat the studies of !ational philosoph+ and

    theolog+ and the inst!u%tion of students in these dis%iplines#

    altogethe! a%%o!ding to the "ethod# do%t!ine and p!in%iples of the

    ngeli% Do%to!# and the+ should "aintain the" piousl+# a%%o!ding to

    the no!"s of the 5agiste!iu" of the Coun%ils and the *ol+ See&

    17 Duoad illos omnes ui in %osterum ad sacerdotium destinentur studia de uibus in n'

    171 ad normam ,uris et Sanctae Sedis instructionum %eracta %ublica habenda sunt'

    Rega!ding all those 'ho a!e destined to the p!iesthood in the futu!e#

    thei! studies "entioned in N 161# %a!!ied out a%%o!ding to the no!"s

    of la' and inst!u%tions of the *ol+ See# a!e to $e %onside!ed pu$li%&

    176 $mnes sacerdotes raelaturae %raediti sint o%ortet laurea doctorali in aliua disci%lina


    age 9

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    It is ne%essa!+ that all p!iests of the )!elatu!e $e endo'ed# 'ith a

    do%to!al deg!ee in so"e e%%lesiasti%al dis%ipline&

    175S1 #uncti ui raelaturae incor%orari desiderant ex uo admissionem ex%ostulant

    formationem doctrinalem religiosam uae %raeia ocatur reci%iant necesse est

    anteuam eisdem incor%oratio concedatur'

    It is ne%essa!+ that all 'ho desi!e to $e in%o!po!ated into the

    )!elatu!e# $+ the fa%t that the+ as(ed fo! ad"ission# !e%ei,e a

    do%t!inal !eligious fo!"ation# 'hi%h is %alled p!e,ious# gi,en $efo!e

    the in%o!po!ation is g!anted&

    175S2 ost incor%orationem ero %erficere tenentur studia de uibus in n' 9.' !unc in

    finem freuentabunt cursus %ro coetibus homogeneis dis%ositos et assistent

    coadunationibus conferentiis aliisue id genus'

    Ce!tainl+ afte! in%o!po!ation# the+ a!e o$liged to %o"plete the studies

    "entioned in N 93& To !ea%h this end# the+ 'ill f!e?uent %ou!ses

    o!ganiAed fo! ho"ogeneous g!oups# and 'ill attend "eetings#

    %onfe!en%es and othe! things of this t+pe&

    17. Ex%letis res%ectiis studiis institutionis doctrinalis religiosae uam reci%iunt %ost

    incor%orationem in raelaturam omnes suam institutionem modo %ermanenti et %er

    totam itam continuabunt ,uxta rationem c"clicam re%etitionis et adaeuationis ad

    recens aduisitas cognitiones uo %rofundius in dies suam formationem doctrinalem i%si


    fte! %o"pleting the !espe%ti,e studies of do%t!inal !eligious

    inst!u%tion afte! in%o!po!ation into the )!elatu!e# all 'ill %ontinue

    thei! inst!u%tion in a pe!"anent "ode fo! thei! 'hole life# a%%o!ding

    to a %+%li%al plan of !epetition and updating !e%entl+ a%?ui!ed

    (no'ledge so that the+ "a+ "o!e deepl+ a%hie,e thei! do%t!inal

    fo!"ation o,e! ti"e&

    178 ro #oo%eratoribus catholicis necnon %ro aliis #oo%eratoribus ui Ecclesiae #atholicae

    doctrinam cognoscere desiderent cursus coadunationes aliaue similia %romoeantur

    de re dogmatica ac morali deue ascetica #hristiana ita ut i%si formationem doctrinalem

    sibi aduirant el %erficiant'

    o! Catholi% Coope!ato!s and also othe! Coope!ato!s 'ho desi!e to

    (no' the do%t!inal tea%hing of the Catholi% Chu!%h# "eetings and

    othe! si"ila! e,ents a!e o!ganiAed on dog"a# "o!als# and Ch!istian

    as%eti%is"# so that the+ "a+ a%?ui!e o! pe!fe%t thei! do%t!inal


    age 67

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    179 $%us &ei nullam habet %ro%riam sententiam el scholam cor%oratiam in uaesitionibus

    theologicis el %hiloso%hicis uas Ecclesia liberae fidelium o%inioni relinuitB raelaturae

    fideles intra limites statutos ab ecclesiastica !ierarchia uae &e%ositum fidei custodit

    eadem libertate audent ac ceteri fideles catholici'

    Opus Dei has no position of its o'n o! %o!po!ate s%hool in theologi%al

    o! philosophi%al ?uestions 'hi%h the Chu!%h lea,es open to the f!ee

    opinion of the faithful& The faithful of the )!elatu!e# 'ithin the li"ited

    statutes of the Chu!%h hie!a!%h+# 'hi%h gua!ds the Deposit of the

    faith# en:o+ the sa"e f!eedo" as othe! Catholi% faithful&

    #a%ut +++ &e %ostolatu

    Chapte! / -- Con%e!ning postolate

    117 raelatura sollicite suis fidelibus tradit congruam formationem a%ostolicam ac

    necessariam assistentiam %astoralem ad im%ensum laborem eangeli3ationis etcatecheseos exseuendum ita ut in ita omnium atue singulorum constanter ad

    effectum deducatur officium et ,us #hristianorum exercendi a%ostolatum'

    The )!elatu!e soli%itousl+ t!ans"its to its faithful the fitting apostoli%

    fo!"ation and ne%essa!+ pasto!al assisten%e to %a!!+ out an intense

    la$o! of e,angeliAation and %ate%hesis# in su%h a 'a+ that in the life of

    all and of ea%h one the Ch!istian !ight and dut+ of apostolate is put

    into effe%t&

    111 !aec sem%er raelaturae christifideles in a%ostolatu meminerintB

    The Ch!istian faithful of the )!elatu!e should al'a+s !e"e"$e! these

    things in the apostolate>

    1111 3elus uo adurimur hoc unum uaerit nem%e ut omnes cum etro ad Cesum %er

    4ariam uasi manu ducamusA

    -- the Aeal $+ 'hi%h 'e a!e set on fi!e see(s this one thing# that#

    su!el+# 'e "a+ all $e led# as $+ the hand# 'ith )ete! to @esus th!ough


    1112 %ro multitudine constituti sumus' -ulla igitur est anima uam diligere et ad,uare nonelimus omnia omnibus nos facientes (cfr' + #or' + 22)' *iere neuimus

    %raetermittentes omnium hominum curas atue necessitates uia nostra sollicitudo

    omnes animas am%lectiturB itam agentes absconditam cum #hristo in &eo (cfr' #ol' +++

    0) esse debemus tamuam fermentum in massa humanae societatis latens et i%si se

    immiscens donec fermentata sit tota (cfr' 4atth' +++ 00)'

    age 61

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    -- 'e a!e %onstituted fo! the "ultitude& The!efo!e the!e is no soul

    'ho" 'e donBt 'ant to lo,e and aid -- "a(ing ou!sel,es all things to

    all "en .%f!& I Co!& I# 22& =e a!e not a$le to li,e negle%ting the %a!es

    and ne%essities of all "en# $e%ause ou! soli%itude en%o"passes all

    souls> li,ing a hidden life 'ith Ch!ist in 7od .%f!& Col& III# /& =e ought

    to $e the lea,en in the "ass of hu"an so%iet+# hiding andinte!"ingling 'ith the"# until su%h ti"e as the 'hole is lea,ened .%f!&

    5atth& III# //&

    112 raelaturae fideles sibi %ro%onant sem%er et su%er omnia ad effectum deducere suum

    finem %ersonalem sanctificationis et a%ostolatus fideliter adim%lentes normas asceticas

    formatias ac disci%linares $%eris &ei uibus ad,uantur in nisu %erfecte exseuendi

    %ro%ria officia %rofessionalia familaria et socialia constans ita testimonium #hristiani

    sensus itae humanae %raebentes et nuntium #hristi diffundentes a%ud omnes societatis

    ambitus iis non exclusis ad uos ordinarius labor a%ostolicus sacerdotum ac religiosorum

    difficile %erenit'

    The faithful of the )!elatu!e p!opose to the"sel,es# al'a+s and a$o,e

    all# to put into effe%t thei! pe!sonal goal of san%tifi%ation and

    apostolate# faithfull+ fulfilling the as%eti%al# fo!"ati,e and dis%iplina!+

    no!"s of Opus Dei# $+ 'hi%h the+ a!e assisted in the effo!t to

    pe!fe%tl+ fulfill thei! o'n p!ofessional# fa"il+ and so%ial duties# thus

    gi,ing %onstant 'itness of a Ch!istian sense of hu"an life and

    sp!eading the "essage of Ch!ist th!oughout all so%ial en,i!on"ents#

    not e

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    $e%ause it is !ooted in the di,e!sit+ of %i!%u"stan%es 'hi%h hu"an

    'o!( %a!!ies 'ith it&

    11 raeter a%ostolatum testimonii atue exem%li %er congruentem itam %ersonalem

    unionis cum &omino exhibiti fideles raelaturae eniti debent ut a%erto etiam sermone de

    &eo louantur eritatem cum caritate diffundentes constanti a%ostolatu doctrinali etcatechetico accommodato ad %eculiaria ad,uncta %ersonarum cum uibus laborant et


    esides the apostolate of 'itness and e

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    pe!sons of intelle%tual status# 'ho $+ the do%t!ine in 'hi%h the+ a!e

    outstanding# o! f!o" !esonsi$ilities 'hi%h the+ e

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    ac res%onsabilem s%ontaneitate %lene imbutam uae fructus sit actionis gratis uaeue

    sese accurate accommodet fidei et moribus #hristianis atue Ecclesiae 4agisterio'

    The )!elatu!e see(s tho!ough and %onstant a%ti,e apostolate f!o" its

    faithful# 'hi%h ea%h one 'ould e

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    offi%e of %haplains and !eligious tea%he!s# in ente!p!ises p!o"oted $+

    Opus Dei as su%h# and those unde!ta(ings o!ganiAed $+ the faithful of

    the )!elatu!e 'ith othe!s and fo! 'hi%h the+ !e?uest spi!itual help

    f!o" the )!elatu!e& In appointing these %haplains and !eligious

    tea%he!s# the O!dina!+ of the )!elatu!e ne,e! fails to hea! his Coun%il#

    and the appoint"ents "ade# ought to $e %o""uni%ated oppo!tunel+to the lo%al O!dina!+&

    122 raelatura numuam sibi assumit as%ectus technicos et oeconomicos ince%torum de

    uibus in n 121 neue de iisdem res%ondetA hi enim %ertinent ad eorum %ro%rietarios et

    gestores utentes bonis et o%ibus ex %ro%ria industria el aliis mediis similiter ciilibus

    obtentis el obtinendis' $rdinarie raelatura non est %ro%rietaria instrumentorum

    materialium eorum ince%torum uorum s%iritualem curam acce%tat'

    The )!elatu!e ne,e! app!op!op!iates to itself the te%hni%al o!

    e%ono"i% aspe%ts of the ente!p!ises "entioned in N 121# no! does it

    ans'e! fo! the" these $elong to those o'ne!s and "anage!s usinggoods and !esou!%es f!o" thei! o'n indust!+ o! othe! %i,il "eans

    si"ila!l+ o$tained o! to $e o$tained& O!dina!il+ the )!elatu!e is not

    the o'ne! of the "ate!ial inst!u"ents of those ente!p!ises 'hose

    spi!itual %a!e it a%%epts&

    120 ars raelaturae in ince%tis de uibus in numero %raecedenti consistit in eorum

    #hristiana iificatione %er o%%ortuna media orientationis atue formationis doctrinalis

    ac s%iritualis necnon %er congruam assistentiam %astoralem accurate uidem serata

    alumnorum conictorum ceterorumue omnium legitima conscientiarum libertate' d

    hanc curam de unououe ince%to a%ostolico exercendam #entrum $%eris &ei erigetur

    %raeia o%%ortuna enia $rdinarii loci melius in scri%tis data'

    The )!elatu!eFs !ole in the ente!p!ises dis%ussed in the p!e,ious

    nu"$e! %onsists in thei! Ch!istian lea,ening th!ough the oppo!tune

    "ediu" of o!ientation and do%t!inal and spi!itual fo!"ation# and also

    $+ app!op!iate pasto!al assistan%e# $+ %a!efull+ safegua!ding

    legiti"ate f!eedo" of %ons%ien%e of students# f!iends and othe!s& In

    o!de! to %a!!+ out this %a!e fo! ea%h apostoli% endea,o!# Cente!s of

    Opus Dei a!e e!e%ted afte! !e%ei,ing the oppo!tune pe!"ission of the

    lo%al O!dina!+# p!efe!a$l+ gi,en in '!iting&

    12 #um aliuis raelaturae christifidelis ad $rdinarii loci %etitionem et serata raelaturae

    disci%lina ad,utorium directe %raestat in laboribus dioecesanis idem incumbit illis

    laboribus ex%lendis ad nutum et mentem e,usdem $rdinarii i%siue tantum de %eracto

    labore rationem reddit'

    =hen one of the Ch!istian faithful of the )!elatu!e di!e%tl+ gi,es

    assistan%e to a dio%esan a%ti,it+ at the !e?uest of the O!dina!+# as

    age 65

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    long as the !egulations of the )!elatu!e a!e safegua!ded# he is $ound

    to %a!!+ out this 'o!( follo'ing the pleasu!e and "ind of his O!dina!+

    onl+ until he fulfills the o$:e%ti,e of this 'o!(&


    Titulus +* &e

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    The )!elatu!e o! its te!!ito!ies noted in S1 ans'e! fo! the o$ligations

    'hi%h the+ "a+ ha,e %ont!a%ted !espe%ti,el+ and the+ al'a+s

    o$se!,e faithfull+ the legiti"ate %i,il la's of the !egion o! nation in

    ?uestion# ope!ating 'ithin the li"its esta$lished fo! the"&


    #a%ut ++ &e

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    107S cce%tione ab electio rite habita i%se confirmationem electionis a

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    102S2 +n exercitio sui muneris %astoralis raelatus s%ecialiter curare debet ut uniersum ,us

    uo regitur $%us &ei ac omnes e,usdem legitimae consuetudines adamussim serentur

    atue fideliter %romoere exsecutionem dis%ositionum Sanctae Sedis raelaturam


    In the e

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    &esignantur ad %eriodum octo annorum ab eodem raelato inter noem raelaturae

    fideles de uibus in -' 10 a #onsilio ?enerali %raesentatos' #oniunt in eadem cum

    raelato familia'

    In o!de! to %a!e fo! the spi!itual good of the )!elate and his health#

    the!e should $e t'o 7ua!dians o! d"onishe!s# 'ho# ho'e,e!# a!e not

    "e"$e!s of the 7ene!al Coun%il $+ !eason of thei! offi%e& The+ a!e

    appointed fo! a pe!iod of eight +ea!s $+ the )!elate hi"self f!o"

    a"ong nine faithful of the )!elatu!e# a$out 'ho" see N 1/# p!esented

    $+ the 7ene!al Coun%il& The+ li,e in the sa"e fa"il+ 'ith the )!elate&

    100S1 raeter #ongressum ?eneralem electium octao uouo anno celebrari debent

    #ongressus ?enerales ordinarii a raelato conocati ut de raelaturae statu ,udicium

    %roferant et futurae actioni regiminis o%%ortunas normas suadere aleant' #ongressui

    %raeest raelatus el e,us delegatione dignior #onsilii ?eneralis'

    esides the ele%to!al 7ene!al Cong!ess# o!dina!+ 7ene!al Cong!essesalso ought to $e %ele$!ated e,e!+ eight +ea!s# %alled $+ the )!elate in

    o!de! to e,aluate the state of the )!elatu!e and so that the+ "a+

    suggest oppo!tune no!"s fo! futu!e a%tion of go,e!n"ent& The

    )!elate o! the highest !an(ing "e"$e! of the 7ene!al Coun%il $+ his

    delegation p!esides o,e! the Cong!ess&

    100S2 #ongressus ?eneralis extra ordinem conocandus est cum rerum ad,uncta de ,udicio

    raelati cum oto deliberatio sui #onsilii id %ostulentA et ad *icarium auxiliarem seu

    *ice%raesidem designandum el reocandum ad normam --' 10 S2 et 10. S2

    n e

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    100S udita #ommissione %ermanenti sui #onsilii de ua in - 108 S2 raelatus conocare

    %otest raelaturae fideles non #ongressistas diersis in materiis %eritos ui #ongressui

    ?enerali intersint ua collaboratores cum oce sed sine otoA uod etiam alet %ro

    mulieribus in %ro%ria Sectione'

    *a,ing hea!d the pe!"anent Co""ission of his Coun%il# noted in N

    1/8 S2# the )!elate %an %on,o(e faithful of the )!elatu!e 'ho a!e not

    Cong!ess"en $ut e

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    The sa"e ?ualities a!e !e?ui!ed fo! an au

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    $rdinis sacri non reuirantA sed *icarius auxiliaris Secretarius ?eneralis et Secretarius

    #entralis ui sunt etiam *icarii raelati sem%er inter sacerdotes nominentur

    The )!elate# the u

  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    17S1 4unera #onsilii ?eneralis hac ratione %roideri debentB raelatus statim ac sua electio


  • 8/14/2019 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei


    raelaturae fideles de uibus in -' 10' rae aliis debent %rudentia cultura et $%eri &ei

    deotione fulgere'

    The Se%!eta!+ 7ene!al# Cent!al )!iest Se%!eta!+ and the 7ene!al

    d"inist!ato! ought to $e "e"$e!s of the Cong!ess& o! the othe!

    offi%es of the 7ene!al Coun%il onl+ the faithful of the )!elatu!e

    "entioned in N 1/ a!e eligi$le& $o,e all# the+ ought to shine in

    p!uden%e# %ultu!e and de,otion to Opus Dei&

    10 Licet munus ad octo annos %erduret %ossunt nihilominus #onsultores ob ,ustas causas

    et uoties bonum ma,us raelaturae reuirat a raelato ceteris auditis remoeri'

    Liberum uoue sit omnibus muneri renuntiare erum renuntiatio effectum nullum

    habeat donec a raelato admittatur'

    lthough the offi%e lasts fo! eight +ea!s# ne,e!theless# Cons

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