1957 graduate sister joseph ellen cavalier,...

Post on 21-Jan-2020






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- 1957 Graduate Sister Joseph Ellen Cavalier, SSF - Sister Joseph Ellen Cavalier ’57 of the New Orleans Sisters of the Holy Family talks with one of her students, tenth grader Keyell Bentley. St. Mary’s Academy celebrates the 150th anniversary of its founding as a Catholic school by Mother Henrietta Delille this year. St. Mary’s Academy for Young Ladies of Color, New Orlean’s first Catholic secondary school for African American girls, began in the French Quarter in 1867, then relocated to its own campus on Chef Menteur Highway in 1965. In 2015, the school opened a male academy, but for most of its history, St. Mary’s has been devoted solely to the education of young black women.

After graduating from St. Paul’s in 1957 and attending college for four years, I entered the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Family in 1961. My 55 years as a religious have been a blessing, a joy, and a great adventure, especially working with God’s teens.

I thank God for allowing me to serve young people in Lafayette and New Orleans, LA; Compton, CA; Memphis, TN; and Dangriga, Belize, Central America. Dangriga was a breath of fresh air, especially, after the daily rush of American life. What I found there was simplicity of lifestyle, loving people, and the balmy breeze of the Caribbean Sea, which was directly across the field from our convent. Thank God it never came up to our veranda to say, “Hello.” I fell in love with Dangrifa and it drew me back three times. When I would meet a friend, upon my return, I would say, “I’m home.” I thank God for allowing me to serve not only the people of Dangriga but also those in São Paulo, Brazil. Portuguese, the language of Brazil, was Greek to me, until I met a priest who spoke the language. His help enabled me to speak, read, and understand the language, a little. Now, I have forgotten the little that I knew. Celebrating Holy Mass in the homes of the people was a new experience for me. This occurred when my companion, Sr. Sylvia, and I would go with Fr. Mike to celebrate Mass in other areas. We did not have to do this in São Paulo because it had its own parish church. Though short, my stay in São Paulo was a great blessing because it brought into my life many beautiful, warm, loving people, especially, a little girl who, during Mass, made my lap her own. One of the joys of my life is to meet with or hear from former students who remind me of something I had said many moons ago. Inevitably, they ask if I still run a tight ship. My response always is “some-what.” Often, they are surprised that I have not retired. When they ask me when I will retire, I tell them that retirement will come when it comes. But for now, the pep-in-my-step says, “No can do” because I am thoroughly enjoying what I am doing. Students today are a challenge. Nevertheless, I bring to my students at St. Mary’s Academy the same values I have always imparted: Love God, passionately; Love others, compassionately; Love self, unpretentiously; thirst for knowledge, and use your God-given talents to better your environment and the world. 2017 is an exciting year for St. Mary’s Academy and for my Community because both are engaged in a year-long celebration of life and love: St. Mary’s – 150 years of moulding young, strong, gifted black women and the Sisters of the Holy Family – 175 years of “Proudly Celebrating the Past and Faithfully Committing to the Future” in loving service to God’s people. I invite our Alums to join us as we pray for the beatification of Mother Henriette Delille, the foundress of St. Mary’s Academy and the Sisters of the Holy Family. - Sister Joseph Ellen Cavalier, SSF ’57 The Sisters of the Holy Family, an African American Congregation, was founded in New Orleans in 1842. In the 1840s many in the Catholic Church didn’t believe that black women could or should be religious sisters and they were denied wearing a habit for the first ten years “because of their race.” The Sisters have faced many challenges and struggles, and Hurricane Katrina tested their spirits to the utmost. It caused $60 million in damage to their school, Motherhouse, and La fon Nursing Home – the oldest continuously operating nursing home of its kind in the United States until Katrina closed it. Courage, and the sense of possibility in the face of all odds, continues to permeate the lives of all the 96 Sister members of the Sisters of the Holy Family.

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Sister Jean Dolores Schmidt, BVM ’37 was inducted into the Loyola University Chicago Hall of Fame on January 21, 2017. A “living legend” at the school, Sister Jean has been chaplain of the men’s basketball team since the early 1990s. Her duties as chaplain vary. Before every game she leads the crowd in prayer, most of which she writes herself, and asks that the referees make fair calls, and God keeps the athletes safe – and she prays that the Loyola team wins.

“Standing at just under 5 feet tall, Sister is dwarfed by most of the basketball players, but everyone listens attentively to her in-depth scouting reports of Loyola performance and sends feedback to the players and coaches regarding what they did well and where they need to improve. At halftime during the Loyola men’s game against Evansville University, the lights dimmed. Sister Jean was escorted to center court, a video played showing current men’s and women’s basketball players thanking her for her dedication and support throughout the years. The crowd of more than 3,000 gave her a standing ovation. At 97 years old, she is a “bundle of energy” and has her own bobble head doll.” - Loyola Phoenix ____________________________________________________________________________________


(l.-r.) Grace Guerra Cortes ’71, Miriam Valencia Hibbert ’71, (l.-r.) Liz-Torres-Werner ’71, Magda Macay Herbert ’71, Magda Macay Herbert ’71, Jill Hart Alcantar ’71 Patsy Brady Harrington ’71, Grace Guerra Cortes ’71, Jill Hart Alcantar ’71 Martin de Porres, affectionately known as Martin’s, was created in 1971 as a soup kitchen to serve free food to the homeless and hungry in San Francisco. It started as a Catholic Worker house, inspired by the Catholic Worker Movement begun by Dorothy Day in 1933. Martin’s serves breakfast and lunch during the week and brunch on Sundays.

About 17 years ago, Andy, Jill Hart Alcantar’s ’71 husband, had been volunteering with a group from St. Paul’s parish every third Saturday at Martin’s. Eventually, the Crew Chief mantle was passed to the Alcantars. Since then, Panda participation has been faithful, most especially 1971 classmates, and at times their husbands and children volunteer too! “Working at Martin’s has ALWAYS been a ‘family affair’ – for our Panda sisters and for the larger family of Martin’s and those we serve – we pray that the love we share goes out into the world. Come join our Family.” - Jill Hart Alcantar ’71

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The Women’s March held on Saturday, January 21, 2017 in cities throughout the United States, as well as in countries around the world, had more than an estimated five million people marching in solidarity for human rights. Here in San Francisco, in spite of the rain, at least 150,000 people attended a two-hour rally before marching down Market Street to Justin Herman Plaza, near the Ferry Building. The pouring rain did not dampen the spirits of the marchers, many carrying homemade signs expressing political statements or their personal beliefs. Although called “The Women’s March” thousands of men marched along side the women in total support. Many of our Alumnae attended marches in their hometowns. To quote the San Francisco Examiner: “January 21st will go down in history as one of the biggest expressions of women’s rights in the nation and San Francisco certainly played its part.”  





an Francisco  










In San Francisco - Pat Adams Murphy ’67 with her Granddaughter Gabriella and Daughter Erin

In San Francisco - Betty Pazmino ’74 and Karen Patron Ryan ‘74  





in Dubuque, Iowa - Sister Lynn Lester, BVM (third from left) former teacher at SPHS with BVMs and a BVM Associate

In San Jose – Sr. Marilyn Wilson, BVM, Sr. Elizabeth Avalos, BVM ’59 and Sr. Bette Gambonini BVM, former teacher at St. Paul’s Grammar School


In Washington, DC – Sr. Joellen McCarthy BVM, former teacher at SPHS and Sr. Diane Rapozo, BVM  

In Washington, DC – Mary (Geri) Daly Martin ’69, back row right, with friends

Bless all women who daily strive to bring peace to their communities, their homes and their hearts. Give them strength to continue to turn swords into plowshares…We pray for all women who face prejudice, inequality and gender disparities. Help us see and to face the discrimination against women in all the many forms it may take. Help us to see the strength and goodness in all women. - Deborah Hirt, Franciscans International

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Donna Ahlstrand ’64 on 3/22/17 … Frances Cicchitti Baumann ’57, sister of Norma Cicchitti Schaffer ’60, Ann Cicchitti Stanton ’65 on 6/17/17 … Hannah Bratt Wienand-Brodeur ’66, sister of Joanna Bratt Robinson ’68 (dec.) Julianna Bratt Ogle ’76, Rosana Bratt Perieff ’78 on 5/21/17 … Nancy Ann Carroll Cardona ’55, mother-in-law of Theresa Chetcuti Cardona ’81 on 2/26/17… Anne Marie Jackson Carleton ’60 on 4/25/16 … Enes DeFanti Ciardella ’43 on 8/12/15 … Josephine Vennarucci Damato ’47 on 3/12/16 … Margaret Anderson Fauci ’59, sister-in-law of Linda Lewis Anderson ’59 on 6/15/17 … Joan Patricia Walsh Gallicano ’54, sister of Dolores Walsh ’52 (dec.), Mary (Cathy) Walsh Klaus ’63 on 8/9/16 … Lorraine Domenichini Hanna ’60, sister of Sharon Domenichini ’78, sister-in-law of Lorrie Bergin Domenichini ’69 on 5/24/17 … Eileen Twomey Looney ’54, sister of Maryann Twomey LaMere ‘56 (dec), Marge Twomey Mullen ’49 on 11/4/16 … Margy Pyne Loughran’52, sister of Nancy Pyne Ferro ’52 (dec), Bonnie Pyne Lacey ’65, sister-in-law of Mary Loughran O’Keefe ’47, Eleanor (Nan) Loughran Scarpino ’50 on 4/27/17… Therese Marlor Luedtke ’74, daughter of Frances Guerrero McCormick ’53 on 7/23/16 …Barbara Tanner Miller ’55, sister of Marilyn Tanner Ferrucci ’54, cousin of Peggy Lane Lo ’70 on 2/10/17 … Maureen Mullen Mondello ’53 on 2/19/17 … Mary Meyer Moss ’57 in 7/16 … Florenceann Williams O’Rourke ’48 on 3/3/17 … Mae F. Kelly Redmond ’50 on 7/24/16 … Lois Restani (Marie Williams) ’62 on 6/10/17 … Linda Rickard ’67, sister of Judy Rickard Dailey ’69 on 5/5/17… Sylvia Robbins Sartini ’59 in 12/16 … Mildred “Millie” Murphy Watrous ’59 on 6/16/17 …


Justin Bartley, son of Marianne Sharp Hartley ’71 on 2/28/17 … Tom Burns, husband of Maureen Casey Burns ’59 (dec) on 3/17/17 … Laura Carter, mother of Elizabeth Carter McGrath ’60 on 2/02/17 … Frances Dolan, BVM (Sister Mary Franciscus) on 5/18/17 … Ruth Romero Guillory, mother of Bonnie Guillory Duran ’73, Anne Guillory Thom ’77 on 2/25/17 … Gary McMurtry, husband of Virginia Farrell McMurtry ’73, brother-in-law of Judith Farrell Boston ’62, Agnes Farrell Crothers ’63, Maryanne Farrell Kurenitz ’66, Monica Farrell Curran ’77 on 3/13/17 … Jane Simons, mother of Rita Fuhr Marowitz ‘67, on 1/30/17 … Paul Vargas, father of Sandra Vargas ’70 in 2/17 … Deacon David P. Wells, husband of Dorothy Terris Wells 64x, brother-in-law of Joanne Terris Miller ’57 (dec.), Margaret Terris Lopiparo ’58 (dec.), Helen Terris Opitz ’59, Patricia Terris Smith ’61, Eleanor Terris Powell ’69, Catherine Terris Murphy ’73 on 2/11/17 … Patrick Wilson, brother of Carol Wilson Garvey ’70 on 5/23/17 … EDITOR’S NOTE: Please send information about birth of children, degrees earned, and the death of sister alums and immediate family members of alumnae so that we may pray for one another. It is also very helpful to indicate all immediate family members of the deceased who are Alumnae of St. Paul High School (and year of graduation, if possible). This information and these connections are not always known unless we are informed. Send information to: www.sphsalumnae.com or SPHS Alumnae, 221 Valley Street, San Francisco, CA 94131 _________________________________________________________________________________

– 2018 Dues Now Payable (Deadline 12/31/17) –

It’s that time of year again. The annual dues of $20.00 a year are critical in defraying the cost of printing and mailing the Newsletter three times a year (March, July, October) and to maintain our web-site, at a cost of $10,000 a year. The Newsletter is sent to 2800 Alums, even if you receive it In the on-line form, it takes money to get it to you. If the dues collected do not cover the cost of mailing, the balance is taken from the proceeds of the Fundraiser, diminishing what can support Tuition Assistance. BOTTOM LINE: There really must be MORE than 364 Alums, about 7.5% of our Alumnae, who can support us with $20.00. Please know that each person’s contribution is valuable to keeping the Spirit of St. Paul’s Alive! And a special THANK YOU to those who have sent “extra” money to help the Newsletter continue. Please mail checks (payable to SPHS Alumnae Association) to: SPHS Alumnae Association 221 Valley Street San Francisco, CA 94131-2320

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THE PARTY LINE (Ed. Note: interesting news

and tidbits about alums, their families, endeavors, will appear here. Contact

the Alumnae with items for Publication).

Suzanne Lonero Price ’69 and her husband Dan are celebrating their 45th Wedding Anniversary on August 12, 2017. Since Dan’s retirement after working 39 years with the Post Office – he was the letter carrier on 24th Street - they enjoy spending time with each other, and with their family and friends. Liz Acevedo Aviles ’73 retired on March 31, 2017 after working 46 years in Customer Service. Liz started working when she was 16 so she could pay her tuition - $16.75 a month – in 1971. Liz worked at Granson’s, downtown SF for 8 years while attending St. Paul’s and college,16 years at AT&T as a Operations Manager and a total of 22 years as a General Service Manager for the State Bar of California. In several of her annual reviews what stood out was a “can do and will do” attitude which Liz says comes from “having a wonderful Catholic education and I thank St. Paul’s for that – from kindergarten to my Senior Year.” Eleanor “Minute” Terris Powell ‘69x, has seven grandchildren and one grandchild “on the way.” She also has three great grand daughters and another great grandchild due in July. Elaine Vallecillo Martin ’69 and her husband Gregory are first time grandparents to granddaughter, Clara Gail Carter Miller. Ann Cronin, BVM ’64, has moved to an apartment on the grounds of Mt. Carmel, Dubuque, IA. She was former principal of St. Paul and St. Phillip Grade Schools in San Francisco. Elaine Costa ’63, vacationed in San Francisco in May visiting with family - sister Joanne Costa Calvert ’57 - friends and former 1963 class-mates. Elaine went to Hawaii in 1965 and loved it, and returned there several times, and in 1973 moved there. She is now retired and spends time on her hobby – painting – and her art pieces are absolutely beautiful. Aloha, Elaine. Angela Barberini Johnson ’59 welcomed her 16th grandchild, Audrey Abigail on May 26, 2017. Angela also has 5 great grandchildren. Proud great aunts are: Rita Barberini King ’51, Jo Barberini ’55, Mary Barberini ‘64x, Bonnie Barberini ’65 and Suzanne White Barberini ’62.

Marizella Murillo ’91 is pleased to announce that her son, Carlos Murillo, graduated from the University of San Francisco with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Studies. Madeleine Cooney Streeter ’67 is coordinating the 50th Class Reunion for the Class of 1967 on Saturday, August 12, 2017 at Nick’s Rockaway Restaurant in Pacifica from 11am to 4 pm. For info, please contact her at: madelinestreeter@aol.com. Class of 1957 held their 60th Class Reunion on Saturday, June 10, 2017 at the Basque Cultural Center. Eileen Boffy Shipp ’62 is a Great Grandmother!!! Her granddaughter Jessica, gave birth to Thomas in January, 2017 and granddaughter Julia is expecting a baby girl in the next few weeks. Both Jessica and Julia were recipients of Tuition Assistance Scholar- ships in high school and they went on to graduate from the University of San Francisco with degrees in teaching and nursing. Marguerite Murphy, BVM ‘61 Congregational Representative for Frances Dolan, BVM (Sister Mary Franciscus) who taught at St. Paul for 1960-62 and died at Mt. Carmel at the age of 100 on May 18, 2017, wrote: “Frances was a loving, kind, gentle sister who set high standards for herself and for her students. She dearly loved The BVM Congregation and shared 82 of her 100 years as a BVM.”


Gladys Ramirez Aquino ’69 married Bill Seitchik after a thirty year courtship on September 29, 2016 in Mill Valley, CA. Glady’s son is 42 years old. Anne Auren-Gray ’72 and her husband, Bill Gray, Riordan ’72, celebrated their 40th Wedding Anniversary on October 2, 2016. Rose Carter Milani ’63 and her husband Frank celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary on March 30, 2017. They renewed their vows at a special ceremony with all of their family present. They just returned from a trip to Spain.

- PRAYER REQUESTS - Louise Wilk Farcich ’70 is recovering from thyroid cancer surgery. Jim Toomey, son of Carol Kennedy Toomey ’57 is dealing with serious health issues.

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Saturday, November 4, 2017 Annual Mass and Luncheon Mass – 11:30 a.m. St. Paul Church Lunch follows in the Parish Hall Class of 1968 Golden Belles Thursday, December 14, 2017 Candlelighting 7:00 p.m. – St. Paul Church ** WEATHER PERMITTING ** _____________________________________________Masses for Sun July 2 5:00 p.m. Alumnae and Sun Aug 6 12:15 p.m. Benefactors Sun June 4 9:15 a.m. Living and Sun July 2 12:15 a.m. Deceased Sun Aug 6 5:00 p.m. _____________________________________ Do you know someone from SPHS (a sister, cousin, friend, classmate, neighbor) who does NOT receive a Newsletter? Send us her information: sphsalumnae@yahoo.com

CONTACT US www.sphsalumnae.org

St. Paul High School has a website. On it you will find regular features (such as history of the school, school song, information about transcript requests, Alumnae Officers, year-long calendar of events, etc.). It is also where the Newsletter can be accessed in a pdf format. Current and all archived issues since March 2000 are available. There is also a link in the Newsletter to photo galleries of major events, so you can see more than the few photos which can be published and printed. For all correspondence regarding the Alumnae, send a message via: sphsalumnae@yahoo.com which will reach the Newsletter Editor. _____________________________________ St. Paul High School Alumnae Newsletter *Published three times a year: March, July and October *Sent to all alumnae, former faculty and staff *Printing and mailing costs are provided in part by dues and supported from proceeds of the annual Fundraiser *Deadline for submissions of articles or information is the first day of March, July and October ** DUES - $20.00 A YEAR **


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