195422191 underground pipe stress check

Post on 04-Nov-2015






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  • 5/17/2018 195422191 Underground Pipe Stress Check


    Design Calculation Project No.

    Project Title:

    Checked By: Date: Jul/08/15



    Eart Loa!ing

    Pipe Sie ! "# i". Co"c. Thick. hc ! $ i".

    #.D. ! $% i".

    &d ! Cd & Bd'% ! 1(1).) l* / li" +t.

    &here: & ! %#& l*/+t'( ,oil u"it &t.

    Bd ! ' +t. -actual &idth

    Bd ! 5.0 +t. -eectie &idth

    Bc ! #.D. ! (.50 +t

    Cd ! 1 e' -% ku2-3/Bd

    % ku2

    ! 0.$(4

    3 ! #()) +t.

    ku2 ! &(%) l* / i"'(

    ku2 ! odulu, o+ ,u*6rade reactio"

    Saturated clay ! 0.110

    #rdi"ary clay ! 0.1(0

    Saturated top,oil ! 0.150

    Sa"d a"d 6rael ! 0.1)5

    Bd a7. ! Tra",itio"al tre"ch &idth +ro ta*le *elo& Ref. 1

    ! ' +t. Table 13 to 28

    Bd ! a7. eectie tra",itio"al tre"ch &idth

    *! Pipe Coer ! 3 - +t.

    Pipe Dia. 5 ) 9 8 4 10 15 %0

    ) 1.$% 1.5 1.58 1.)9 1.95 1.95 %.08 %.((

    8 1.95 1.8( 1.4% % % %.08 %.$% %.95

    1% %.5 %.58 %.95 %.8( %.4% ( (.(( (.)9

    1) ( (.08 (.19 (.%5 (.(( (.$% (.8( $.%5

    18 (.$% (.5 (.58 (.95 (.8( (.4% $.(( $.95

    %$ $.%5 $.(( $.5 $.58 $.)9 $.8( 5.%5 5.)9

    (0 $.8( 5.19 5.(( 5.$% 5.58 5.)9 ).19 ).)9

    () 5.$% 5.95 ).19 ).%5 ).$% ).58 9.08 9.58

    $% 5.4% ).(( ).)9 9.08 9.%5 9.$% 9.4% 8.$%

    $8 ).5 ).4% 9.%5 9.)9 8.08 8.19 8.8( 4.((

    5$ 9.08 9.$% 9.8( 8.19 8.58 4 4.)9 10.%5

    )0 9.)9 8 8.$% 8.95 4.08 4.5 10.5 11.08

    or ,hallo& depth, -; $+t. u,e :

    &d ! 3 Bc & ! 498.) l* / li" +t.

    There+ore &d ! 498.) l* / li" +t. < &t. o+ co"crete ! (50 l* / li". t.

    &d total ! 1(%8.) l* / li" +t.

    N:=ciil=,pread,h=>?Pipe,=u6 pipe.7l,

    Weel Loa!ingro @"diidual Aheel oad,

    Tire Pre,,ure ! $& p,i.

    @pact actor ! i ! 1.%)9 1.5 at ,ur+ace Ref. 2 ,

    1.0 3 ! 5 +t.

    k od. o+ ,u*6rade reactio" #&& l* / i"'(

    c co"c. ! )"&&&&& p,i Ref. 4

    Underground Pipe Stress Check - UGP 2






    Su5 load,at thi, poi"t






  • 5/17/2018 195422191 Underground Pipe Stress Check


    Aheel P E F co"tact 3 / E / Pre,,. Coe+. Pre,,ure

    G - l*,. - +t. - +t. '% - +t. - C +ro *elo& Top Pipe -l*./

    1 %+'&& &(&& 1.4% %.$5 0.45 0.00 &(&$#' Ref 4 1%0$.%

    % %+'&& +(&& 1.4% %.$5 0.45 %.8) &(&%) Table 1 184.9

    ( %+'&& #%(#& 1.4% %.$5 0.45 8.)9 & 0.0

    $ %+'&& #&(&& 1.4% %.$5 0.45 8.18 & 0.0

    5 &(&& 0.00 %.$5 0.45 0.00 0.0

    ) &(&& 0.00 %.$5 0.45 0.00 0.0

    Total: ! 1(4(.4

    Pressure Coe,cient CC E /

    3 / 0.0 0.$ 0.8 1.% 1.) %.0 %.$ %.8 (.% (.)

    0.0 0.11( 0.105 0.084 0.0)8 0.0$8 0.0(% 0.0%0 0.011 0.00) 0.00%

    0.$ 0.101 0.045 0.08% 0.0)5 0.0$9 0.0(( 0.0%1 0.011 0.00$ 0.001

    0.8 0.084 0.08$ 0.09$ 0.0)1 0.0$5 0.0(( 0.0%% 0.01% 0.005 0.00%

    1.% 0.09) 0.09% 0.0)5 0.05$ 0.0$( 0.0(% 0.0%% 0.01$ 0.008 0.005

    1.) 0.0)% 0.054 0.05$ 0.0$9 0.0(4 0.0(0 0.0%% 0.01) 0.011 0.009

    %.0 0.051 0.0$4 0.0$) 0.0$% 0.0(5 0.0%8 0.0%% 0.01) 0.011 0.008

    %.$ 0.0$( 0.0$1 0.0(4 0.0() 0.0(0 0.0%) 0.0%1 0.01) 0.011 0.008

    %.8 0.0(9 0.0() 0.0(( 0.0(1 0.0%9 0.0%( 0.014 0.015 0.011 0.004

    (.% 0.0(% 0.0(0 0.0%4 0.0%) 0.0%$ 0.0%1 0.018 0.01$ 0.011 0.004

    (.) 0.0%9 0.0%) 0.0%5 0.0%( 0.0%1 0.014 0.01) 0.01$ 0.011 0.004

    $.0 0.0%$ 0.0%( 0.0%% 0.0%0 0.014 0.018 0.015 0.01( 0.011 0.004

    $.$ 0.0%0 0.0%0 0.014 0.018 0.019 0.015 0.01$ 0.01% 0.010 0.004

    $.8 0.018 0.019 0.019 0.01) 0.015 0.01( 0.01% 0.011 0.004 0.0085.% 0.015 0.015 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01( 0.01% 0.011 0.010 0.008 0.009

    5.) 0.01$ 0.01( 0.01( 0.01% 0.011 0.010 0.010 0.004 0.008 0.009

    ).0 0.01% 0.01% 0.011 0.011 0.010 0.004 0.004 0.008 0.009 0.009

    Total Aheel Pre,,ure at Top o+ Pipe ! 1(4(.4 l* / +t.'%

    Pie Stresses

    Pipe Dia. #.D. ! $% i". Hou"62, od. ! )&&&&&&& p,i.

    Aall thick"e,, t ! &('& i". Poi,,o"2, Iatio ! &()

    Pipe ?rade ! ./' Coe+. Theral 7p. ! &(&&&&&/' per de6

    SHS ! /'&&& p,i.

    Pipe #perati"6 Pre,. ! %&&&(& p,i. Tep. Pipe @",tallatio" ! %& de6. SHS de,i6" +actor ! &($ a7./i". #perati"6 Tep. ! %+& de6.

    Circu01erential Stress Due to Eart Loa!

    Ref. 2

    She ! he Be e lada D ! %95).( p,i. &here: he ! ,oil/pipe ,ti"e,, coe+. ! $500 Fig. 3

    t / d ! 0.011405 (set E' = 1

    Kalue *y Ie+ 1 -a*oe ! 498.) p,i. Be ! 0.%1 Fig. 4

    &here 3/Bd ! 0.))591$ (Soil Type fo! t!e

    >,e lar6e,t Kalue ,et S3e ! %95).( p,i. e ! 1 -+or tre"ched co",tuctio"

    < &t. Co"crete ! She tot. ! %95).4 p,i. lada ! u"it &t. Soil ! 1%0 l* / +t'(

    D ! $% i"

    Weel Loa! Stress

    & ! 4.)8 p,i. +ro a*oe

    &here: 3h ! circu+. ,ti"e,, +actor ! 1%.5 Fig. 14

    Cyclic Circu+ere"tial Stre,, &here: t / d ! 0.011405 Set E! = 1

    S3h ! 3h ?3h I i & ?3h ! 6eoetry +actor ! &(2/ +ro i6. 15

    ! 8).10 p,i.

    GH 3L ,oil coer - +t. Fig. 1%Pipe dia. ( $ ) 8 10

    Cyclic o"6itudi"al Stre,, ) 1.$5 1.15 0.4 0.9

    1% 1.%8 1.05 0.85 0.)9

    Sh ! h ?h I i & 18 1.08 0.45 0.99 0.)(

    ! 55.4) p,i. %$ 1.1% 0.85 0.9( 0.58

    (0 1.09 0.8 0.)8 0.5$() 1.01 0.9) 0.)$ 0.5

    Internal Pressure Circu01erential Stress $% 0.4) 0.9% 0.) 0.$)

    $8 0.4% 0.)4 0.55 0.$(

    Shi ! p -D t / % t 5$ 0.89 0.)) 0.51 0.$1

  • 5/17/2018 195422191 Underground Pipe Stress Check


    ! $1500 p,i. )0 0.85 0.)( 0.$9 0.(8

    I ! paee"t +actor ! &(2& Ref. 2 ! F7le co"6uratio" ! &(/' Table

    Li0its o1 Calculate! Stressh ! lo"6. Sti"e,, +actor ! 10 Fig. 1

    1. Check Pre,,ure Stre,, u,i"6 Barlo& +orula &here t / d ! 0.01140$8 Set E

    ?h ! 6eoetry +actor ! &(+$ +ro i6. 19

    S3i -Barlo& ! p D / % t

    ; or ! T SHS -"atural 6a, GL 3L ,oil coer - +t. Fig. 1

    ; or ! SHS -liOuid, Pipe dia. ( $ ) 8 10

    ) 1.55 1.$5 1.(5 1.%5

    &here: ! de,i6" +actor ! &($ Ref. 3 10 1.%( 1.1 1 0.4

    ! joi"t +actor ! %(& Ref. 2 1% 1.15 1.0% 0.88 0.8

    T ! tep. derati"6 ! %(& 18 1.1 0.4( 0.8( 0.9

    %$ 1.0% 0.89 0.95 0.59

    (0 0.4$ 0.8 0.)4 0.5(

    S3i -Barlo& ! $%000 p,i () 0.8) 0.9( 0.)( 0.$8

    ; ! 5%000 -"at. 6a, # $% 0.98 0.)5 0.58 0.$$

    ; ! 5%000 -liOuid, # $8 0.9 0.58 0.5% 0.$

    5$ 0.)% 0.51 0.$) 0.()

    )0 0.5$ 0.$$ 0.$1 0.(%

    %. Check Total ectie Stre,,

    Se !SIT Q 1/% - -S1 S%'% < -S% S('% < -S( S1'%R ; or ! SH

    S1 ! S3e < S3r < S3i ! $$($( p,i

    S% ! Sr , Coe+. Theral 7p. -T% T1 < poi,o", ratio - S3e < S3i ! $$5(( p,i

    S( ! P ! 1000.0 p,i

    S e ! (%1(0 p,i ; or ! 5%000 p,i O3 -- Stress 4itin allo4a5les


    1. Co"crete Pipe De,i6" a"ual FCPF 5th Pri"ti"6 Ju"e 1480

    %. FP@ Iecoe"ded Practice 110% Steel Pipeli"e, Cro,,i"6 Iailroad, a"d 3i6h&ay, )th dititio" 144(

    (. CFN/CSF 18( 40

    $. PCF Kertical Pre,,ure o" Culert, >"der Aheel oad, o" Co"crete Paee"t Sla*,

    5. PCF Co"crete loor, o" ?rou"d

  • 5/17/2018 195422191 Underground Pipe Stress Check


    Design Calculation Project No.Project Title: 01$19(

    Checked By: Date: Jul/08/15



    ar oa ng

    Pipe Sie ! "# i".

    #.D. ! $% i".

    &d ! Cd & Bd'% ! 1))).) l* / li" +t. Ref. 1

    & ere: & ! %#& / t'( ,oi u"it &t.

    Bd ! ' +t. -actual &idth

    Bd ! 5.0 +t. -eectie &idth

    Bc ! #.D. ! (.50 +t

    Cd ! 1 e' -% ku2-3/Bd

    % ku2

    ! 0.55)

    3 ! ) +t.

    ku2 ! &(%) l* / i"'(

    ku2 ! odulu, o+ ,u*6rade reactio"

    Saturated clay ! 0.110

    #rdi"ary clay ! 0.1(0

    Saturated top,oil ! 0.150

    Sa"d a"d 6rael ! 0.1)5

    Bd a7. ! Tra",itio"al tre"ch &idth +ro ta*le *elo&

    ! ' +t. Ta

    Bd ! a7. eectie tra",itio"al tre"ch &idth

    *! Pipe Coer ! 3 - +t.

    Pipe Dia. 5 ) 9 8 4 10 15 %0

    ) 1.$% 1.5 1.58 1.)9 1.95 1.95 %.08 %.((

    8 1.95 1.8( 1.4% % % %.08 %.$% %.95

    1% %.5 %.58 %.95 %.8( %.4% ( (.(( (.)9

    1) ( (.08 (.19 (.%5 (.(( (.$% (.8( $.%5

    18 (.$% (.5 (.58 (.95 (.8( (.4% $.(( $.95

    %$ $.%5 $.(( $.5 $.58 $.)9 $.8( 5.%5 5.)9

    (0 $.8( 5.19 5.(( 5.$% 5.58 5.)9 ).19 ).)9

    () 5.$% 5.95 ).19 ).%5 ).$% ).58 9.08 9.58

    $% 5.4% ).(( ).)9 9.08 9.%5 9.$% 9.4% 8.$%

    $8 ).5 ).4% 9.%5 9.)9 8.08 8.19 8.8( 4.((

    5$ 9.08 9.$% 9.8( 8.19 8.58 4 4.)9 10.%5)0 9.)9 8 8.$% 8.95 4.08 4.5 10.5 11.08

    or ,hallo& depth, -; $+t. u,e :

    &d ! 3 Bc & ! 1%)0.0 l* / li" +t.

    There+ore &d ! 1%)0.0 l* / li" +t.

    N:=ciil=,pread,h=>?Pipe,=u6 pipe.7l,

    Underground Pipe Stress Check - UGP 1





    Su5 load,


  • 5/17/2018 195422191 Underground Pipe Stress Check


    ee oa ngro @"diidual Aheel oad,

    Tire Pre,,ure ! $& p,i.

    @pact actor ! i ! 1.%

    1.5 at ,ur+ace Ref. 2 ,

    1.0 3 ! 5 +t.

    Ref. 4

    Aheel P E F co"tact r 3 / r E / r Pre,,. Coe+.G - l*,. - +t. - +t. '% - +t. - C +ro *elo& Top

    1 %+'&& &(&& 1.8% 0.9) (.4$ 0.00 &(&$+

    % %+'&& +(&& 1.8% 0.9) (.4$ 4.14 &(&

    ( %+'&& #%(#& 1.8% 0.9) (.4$ %9.8( &(&&%

    $ %+'&& #&(&& 1.8% 0.9) (.4$ %).%) &(&&%

    5 &(&& 0.00 0.00 GD@K/0 GD@K/0

    ) &(&& 0.00 0.00 GD@K/0 GD@K/0

    Total: !

    Pressure Coe,cient C

    C E / r

    3 / r 0.0 1.0 %.0 (.0 $.0 5.0 ).0 9.0

    0.0 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

    0.5 0.411 0.$%5 0.010 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0001.0 0.)$) 0.(50 0.500 0.005 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000

    1.5 0.$%$ 0.%50 0.095 0.01% 0.00$ 0.001 0.000 0.000

    %.0 0.%8$ 0.148 0.095 0.0%0 0.009 0.00( 0.001 0.001

    %.5 0.%00 0.1$5 0.090 0.0%) 0.010 0.00$ 0.00% 0.001

    (.0 0.1$) 0.110 0.0)) 0.0%4 0.01( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00%

    (.5 0.110 0.101 0.0)0 0.0(1 0.015 0.008 0.00$ 0.00%

    $.0 0.089 0.081 0.05$ 0.0(1 0.019 0.004 0.005 0.00(

    5.0 0.059 0.05$ 0.0$1 0.0%8 0.019 0.011 0.00) 0.00$

    ).0 0.0$0 0.0(4 0.0(% 0.0%$ 0.019 0.010 0.009 0.005

    9.0 0.0(0 0.0%4 0.0%5 0.0%0 0.015 0.011 0.008 0.005

    8.0 0.0%( 0.0%( 0.0%0 0.019 0.01( 0.010 0.008 0.00)

    4.0 0.018 0.018 0.01) 0.01$ 0.01% 0.004 0.009 0.00)

    10.0 0.015 0.015 0.01$ 0.01% 0.010 0.004 0.009 0.00)

    Total Aheel Pre,,ure at Top o+ Pipe ! 1%58.0 l* / +t.'%

    e resses

    Pipe Dia. #.D. ! $% i". Hou"62, od. ! )&&&&&&& p,i.

    Aall thick"e,, t ! &('& i". Poi,,o"2, Iatio ! &()

    Pipe ?rade ! ./' Coe+. Theral 7p. ! &(&&&&&/' per de6

    SHS ! /'&&& p,i.

    Pipe #perati"6 Pre,. ! %&&&(& p,i. Tep. Pipe @",tallatio" ! %& de6.

    SHS de,i6" +actor ! &($ a7./i". #perati"6 Tep. ! %+& de6.

    Circu01erential Stress Due to Eart Loa!

    She ! he Be e lada D ! ()95.0 p,i. &here: he ! ,oil/pipe ,ti"e,, coe+. ! $500

    t / d ! 0.011405

    Kalue *y Ie+ 1 -a*oe ! 1%)0.0 p,i. Be ! 0.%8

    &here 3/Bd ! 0.8591$( (Soi>,e lar6e,t Kalue ,et She ! ()95.0 p,i. e ! 1 -+or tre"ched co",tuctio

    lada ! u"it &t. Soil ! 1%0 l* / +t'(

    D ! $% i"

    Weel Loa! Stress

    & ! 8.9$ p,i. +ro a*oe


    Su5 load,at thi, poi"t





  • 5/17/2018 195422191 Underground Pipe Stress Check


    &here: 3h ! circu+. ,ti"e,, +actor ! 1%.5

    Cyclic Circu+ere"tial Stre,, &here: t / d ! 0.011405

    S3h ! 3h ?3h I i & ?3h ! 6eoetry +actor ! &(2/ +ro i6. 15

    ! 84.45 p,i.

    GH 3L ,oil coer - +t.

    Pipe dia. ( $ ) 8 10

    Cyclic o"6itudi"al Stre,, ) 1.$5 1.15 0.4 0.9

    1% 1.%8 1.05 0.85 0.)9Sh ! h ?h I i & 18 1.08 0.45 0.99 0.)(

    ! 58.$) p,i. %$ 1.1% 0.85 0.9( 0.58

    (0 1.09 0.8 0.)8 0.5$

    () 1.01 0.9) 0.)$ 0.5

    Internal Pressure Circu01erential Stress $% 0.4) 0.9% 0.) 0.$)

    $8 0.4% 0.)4 0.55 0.$(

    Shi ! p -D t / % t 5$ 0.89 0.)) 0.51 0.$1

    ! $1500 p,i. )0 0.85 0.)( 0.$9 0.(8

    I ! paee"t +actor ! %(%&

    ! F7le co"6uratio" ! &(/'

    0 s o a cu a e ress

    h ! lo"6. Sti"e,, +actor ! 101. C ec Pre,,ure Stre,, u,i"6 Bar o& oru a &here t / d ! 0.01140$8

    ?h ! 6eoetry +actor ! &(+$ +ro i6. 19

    S3i -Barlo& ! p D / % t

    ; or ! T SHS -"atural 6a, GL 3L ,oil coer - +t.

    ; or ! SHS -liOuid, Pipe dia. ( $ ) 8 10

    ) 1.55 1.$5 1.(5 1.%5

    &here: ! de,i6" +actor ! &($ Ref. 3 10 1.%( 1.1 1 0.4

    ! joi"t +actor ! %(& Ref. 2 1% 1.15 1.0% 0.88 0.8

    T ! tep. erati"6 ! %(& 18 1.1 0.4( 0.8( 0.9

    %$ 1.0% 0.89 0.95 0.59

    (0 0.4$ 0.8 0.)4 0.5(

    S3i -Barlo& ! $%000 p,i () 0.8) 0.9( 0.)( 0.$8

    ; ! 5%000 -"at. 6a, # $% 0.98 0.)5 0.58 0.$$

    ; ! 5%000 -liOuid, # $8 0.9 0.58 0.5% 0.$

    5$ 0.)% 0.51 0.$) 0.()

    )0 0.5$ 0.$$ 0.$1 0.(%

    %. C ec Tota ectie Stre,,

    Se !SIT Q 1/% - -S1 S%'% < -S% S('% < -S( S1'%R ; or ! SH

    S1 ! S3e < S3r < S3i ! $5%)5 p,i

    S% ! Sr , Coe+. Theral 7p. -T% T1 < poi,o", ratio - S3e < S3i ! $$811 p,i

    S( ! P ! 1000.0 p,i

    S e ! (%555 p,i ; or ! 5%000 p,i O3 -- Stress 4itin allo4a5les


    1. Co"crete Pipe De,i6" a"ual FCPF 5th Pri"ti"6 Ju"e 1480

    %. FP@ Iecoe"ded Practice 110% Steel Pipeli"e, Cro,,i"6 Iailroad, a"d 3i6h&ay, )th dititio" 144(

    (. CFN/CSF 18( 40

    $. PCF Kertical Pre,,ure o" Culert, >"der Aheel oad, o" Co"crete Paee"t Sla*,

  • 5/17/2018 195422191 Underground Pipe Stress Check


    Ref. 1

    le 13 to 28

    -1 o+ (






  • 5/17/2018 195422191 Underground Pipe Stress Check


    Pre,,urePipe -l*./+t'%








    Ref. 2

    Fig. 3

    (set E' = 1.0)

    Fig. 4

    Type fo! t!e"#$es)


    -% o+ (

    load,hi, poi"t



  • 5/17/2018 195422191 Underground Pipe Stress Check


    Fig. 14

    Set E! = 10

    Fig. 1%

    Ref. 2 !!M

    Table 2

    Fig. 1&

    Set E! = 10

    Fig. 17

    -( o+ (

top related