1908 zions glad songs r

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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? Overcome the World. G. M. BILLS. M. L. MCPHAIL.

II I. Thus speaks our ris - en glorious Lord, In earn-est king-ly tones 2. "I know Thyworks," 0 Lamb of God! Huch Thou hast done for me; 3. "1 would that thou wert hot or cd&" 0 warn-ing words divine;

. I

Hear 0 my soul the faith -ful word! A -wake my &y&kig eyes! 1 A- clear - er vis - ion of Thy love O'erwhelms mv fleshlv fears: - ' 11 I would -re-tain thit 'earn-esi zeal ' h a t lov - a1 love ii-mires- :

I , 1 1'11 strive to serve my Lord a - lone. Th-ro'-out mv fu-ture veak.

It Is Jesus. G M. BILLS. RI. L. McPnr~r.


ging corn - fort to the sqff - 'ring and the blfnd, *e can re - vers - es bring - ing pov - er - -.@: and pain? There is

hu - man hope or joy a wkek ta be? There's a

oil of joy a - noin$-4 all_Ne rw-som.&ones *lsh~g And a- '

It Is Jesus. Concluded.

He will heal the brok - en heZrt - ed, o -' pen


s, Szt- .- %, Pilot Me.

- D

4 " The Conquering Lion of Judah.

I. The Li - on of Ju - dah goes forth in His might, 'fo vanquish the 2. The Li - on of J u - dah shall conquer the world, The slay - er of 3. The Li - on of J u - dah shall reign o - ver all, And low at His

- - wrong and es - tab - ~ i s h the right; To shat - ter the chains of the souls from his throne s h d be hurl'd; The pow - ers of dark - ness shall feet ev - 'ry creat - ure shall fall: His glo - ry shall saints and arch-

poor and oppres'd, Arpd mil-lions from Sa-ltan's do - min : ion 40 wrest ut - ter - ly fail, For wor - thy and a - ble is Christ to pre - vail.

/I Ju - dah shall con - quer the world; So free to the bmz - es with

5 W e Have An Anchor. Parsc~ua J. OWENS. Wm. J. KI~IKPATBICK.

I. Will your an - chor $old in. the storms of life, When the clouds un- 2. I t 1s safe - ly m~or'd,~tw~ll the storm w~thstand, For 'tis well se - 3. I t will firm - ly hold in the straits of fear, When the break-ers 4. It will sure - 1 hold in the floods of death,When the wa - ters 5.r When our eyes k h o l d thro' the gath'ring night The city of

' fold' their wings of strife? ken &e strong tides lift, akd ge cured by the Sav - ior's hand; And the ca - bles, pass'd from bis have told the reef is near, Thoy the temp - est rave and the cold chill our lat - est breath, On the ris - ing tide it can gold. our har - bor bright. We shall an - chor fast bv the

ca 4J@qp*Stfain, WiU your anch - or dhft, ~~ - qsc , Can de - fy that blast, . Id winds bl?w,'%€. an an - gry wave

n h - er fall, Whlle our hopes a - blde heav-'nlv shore. With the storms all ~ a s t

Fasten *d@theRock whiehcannot move,

6 Song of Triumph. W. C. MAETIN.

I. What thing shall sep - a - rate us from the love of Christ the Lord? 2. 1 now am quite per-suad-ed that no pow - ers, life or death, 3. Ah, who shall lay gross e - vil to the charge of God's e - lect?

Nor pres - ent things, nor things to come,nor height,nor things beneath, 'Ti God who jus - ti - fi - eth and who pledg - es to pro-tect.

Nor an - y - thing shall sep - a - rate us from His pre - cious love; Who dares condemn a saint of God since Je - sus for him died?

I But ev - en in af - Sic - tion we may raise the tri-umph song: *, No things of dark - ness here be-low, nor things of light a - bove.

* ,

The claims of jus - tice by -that blood are who1 - ly sat - is - fied. ..";

Song of Triumph. Concluded.

11 In all these things His faithful ones Are con - quer-ors and more.

7 Gathering Sheaves For Jesus. H. J. Zeueu. M. L MCPHAIL.

, 8 Leaning on The Everlasting Arms!

I. What a fel - low - ship, what a joy di-vine, Leaning on the ev - er - 2. Oh, how sweet to walk in this pilqrim way, Leaning on the ev - er - 3. What have I to dread, what have I to fear, Leaning on the ev - er -

last - ing arms! What a bless - ed - ness, what a peace is mine, last - ing arms! Oh, how bright the path grows from day to day,

arms! I have peace complete with my Lord so near,

1 , r r ,


11 Lean - ing on thi cv - cr - last - ing art&! Lean - ing, Lutn - ing on Je - sus.

lean - ing, Safe and se - cure from all a - larms; lean - ing on Je - sus,

Lean - ing, lean - ing, Leaning on the ev-er-last-ing arms. . Lean - ing on Je - sus, lean-hrg on Je - suh


9 Clinging to Jesus Alone. e G. M. BILLS. M. I.. MCPHAIL.

I. Clinging to J e - sus a - lone is sweet, Jesus a-lone, Jesus a-lone! 2. Worldly al - Ii - an - ces 1 re - sign, Jesus a-lone, Jesus a-lone! 3. Fol-low-ing J e - sus I know is best, Jesus a-lone, Jesus a-lone! 4. Humbly I keep in the path He trod, Jesus a-lone, Jesus a-lone1 I;. Life will be sweeter by far than now, Jesus a-lone, Jesus a-lone1

Wisi-- ' learn a t the aster's feet, cfinging to J e s u s a - lone. Plea! fol - ly can - not be mine, Clinging to Je-sus a -lone. . Toil-ing. as - sur - eth e - ter - nal rest, Clinging to Je-sus a - hne. Walking with J e - sus 1 walk with God, Clinging to Je-sus a - lone. When irn-mor-tal - i - ty crowns my brow,Clinging to Je-sus a - lone.


11 Glo - ry and hon - or and love un-told, Ev - er shall be my own;

I( When I am walking the streets of gold, Clinging to Je-sus a - lone.

p I - 3ur Light and Salvation.

- er, Safe from the 3. Nev - er a - lone will He leave those &Him, "Lo I am 4. When the dsuk val-ley He calls us ter, Ter - ror and

I - -

friend to thre weak -& epti Here we may flee when as - temp - est His own He win'kiae; L*? ie by the love that is with yoq 3 - way" He hath said; Che"er'd7and susbiaed while we dark%@ Els, mile driws a - way; Naught can a - laftn us with

I. Trusting in Je - sus I find sweetest rest, Just simply trust-ing, 0


how I am blest; Nev - er a dan - ger and nev - er fear, gladness re - plete; Trusting thoy friends all for - sake here be - low,

. h e me I know. Trusting in Je - sus by

Singing the-praise of His wonder - ful love.

loveth and car -eth for me,Why should my heart ever s ~ o d u ~ l e ? . E 4- m

f ., '; zz i- - ' Walkiqg with My Savior.

* f @ k ~ ~ ULM&R. M. L. MCPHAIL.

Sav - ior in the d&-row way; BY HIS lo+&+.ur-round-ed by His

13 - Keep Close to the Master.

I. Would you live nobly the years of your life? Would you be vic-tor in 2. Would you be richer than kings on the throne?Would youhow more than the 3. Would you re - ceive of the heav-en-ly dove? Would you in-her-it the

each mortal strife? Would you be safe when the dangers are rife? Keep wis-est have known? If you must leave all but J e sus a - lone, Keep

.-sX mansions a - bove; Dwell ev er-more in thg home of His love? Keep

close, ver - y close to the Master. -dose;ver - y close to the Master. Keep close, ver - y close, ver- y

close, ver - y close to-the Master.

ill Ki! -I....

Il} close to the ~ i n g ; ~ i v e ~ i m and trust ~ i m t o keep ev'rythihg;~ou shall be

ff safe and be joyful and sing,Keep close, ver-y close to the mast&. '

14 Walking in the Sunlight. ' re* m ::y


I. I have left the world below, And I'm sing:- ing% I go, 2. As the clouds that form a t night Dis - ap-pe* at ear - ly light 3. i am hap - py, safe and free, And I love with Christ to be

1 1


- . sunlight all the way. I/ . sunlight all the way. 0, the Sunlight of the blessed Savior% lo

I/ Fills my soul with a radiancehorn alrove.1 aat shging,gladlg Fills my soul 0, hal-le-lu-jah-

Walking in-the Sunlight. Concluded.

Praise His Name.

e the erecious word. Pra 1 All my n&$s doth He sup-ply,. Praise His name; Praise His name.

I Power of Jehovah's Arm. G. M. BILLS. M. L. M~PRAIL. -

z. When the prophets of Baal of their fren - zy tire, And the Al-might-y 3. When the furnace was white with the fier - y glow, And the ser-vants of 4. When the ser-vants of Saulsawtheirlead - er fall, Strick-en down to the 5, Thus the rec - ords di-vine put our fears to shame,As we fol- low our

sin strew'd its heaving breast, There was mirrored the har - v&t i f

' 4

slight - edr grhce And the hand of the Lord on a guilt - y race: trench - es dry, "Serve the God of E - li - jah" the peo-ple cry: res - cue came While the He-brews re - joiced in the harmless flame! priest-hood spurn'd,And a hat - er of Christ to a Christian turn'd: King of kings Un - to vic - to 7 ry rise, as on ea - gles' wings.

I ,.They have witnessed the pow'r of J e - ho-vah's arm As it cir - cles the -

1 . The Power of Jehovah's Arm. Concludtd. I %+.

11 might # - y sea and shbre; And ;e - mind us that God ;a'n .his I h h I



I 2. Swift to its c l o s e@x out life's lit - tle day: Earth's joys grow I 3. 1 need Thy pres - tnce ev - 'ry pass - ing hour; What but Thy I



I& Toward the Mark ' "1 press toward the mark for fhe prize."-Phil. 3 14.

F. G. Btf11w%WS.

I 5 Y'warrd the mark I'm dai - ly pressing, Henceforth ihir 1 ID; 3

Toward the Mark. Concluded.

the race a - bid the race a - bide; Look-ing ev - u

19 Lead, Kindly Light. JOHN H. NEWHAN. . . JOHN B. Dynes.

'er crag and torrent, ti

. . -...- . .

20 "E'en Though It Be a Cross." H. J. ZELLEY. M. L. MCPHAIL

I. I oft - en sing those dords of pray'r, "Nearer my God to Thee," 2. Near-er, near - er my God to Thee, This is my heart's de -sire; 3. 1 know un - less the c r o s ~ I bear The crown will:e'er be giv'n;

Each day to jour-ney side, To this do I as - pire. That I must suf - fer - low, If I would reign in heavyn.


21 The Keys of Tomorrow. H. J. ZELLEY. M L. MCPHAIL.

I. You're groaning to-day 'neath a bur - den of care; 'Tis moGthan your 2 Your way may be clouded, your future con-cealed, And scarce-ly the 3. Don't take anxious tho'tfor your raiment and food, Your Fa-ther will

li trou-ble to bor-row, But leave in Christ's hand the keys of to-morrow.

II com-fort in sor-row; To leave in Christ's hand the keys of to-mor-row. brow will e'er furpw;f ho leaves in Christ's hand the keys of to-mobrow.


i I 1 11 Then lift up your head, tho' your eye-lids are wet, The clouds may. be

Invitati@ to the Saints.


Come, 0 come, come, has@ ness and earthly woe.

Invitation to the Saints. Concluded.

11 hasten yaiegly,cotae and feast upon the fat things, Oome, and rest within his gates.

"God is Love." M. L. MCPHAIL.

I 2. To save our souls Wis son He gave, God is love, God is love, 3. E'en should the path be mngh and long, God is love, God is love, 4. The child of God shaB vict'ry win, God is loire, God is love, 5. In heav'n we shall renew the sonz. God is love. God is love.

I A-wake my tonee this song to raise, ~ o d - i s love, God is love. . . DestEoyed the terrors of the grave, God is love, God is love. ez -

'- 3. . -- Hk makes is-kmquil&tve rmd s t q , God C love, God is love. O'er foes and each be-set-ting sin, God is love, God is love.

24 Carry it All to Jesus. H. J. ZELLEY. M. L. MCPHAIL.

. I fill with dis - may, Go car - & thy bur den to Je sus. an-guish so deep, Go car - ry thy bur - den to Je - sus. gloomy and drear? Go car - ry thy bur- den to J e - sus.

v~ caused theethis pain, Go car - ry thy bur - den to Je - sE.

ll Car - r$ thy bur-den to Je - sus, Car-ry thy bur-den to Je - sus,

11 Thy faults and thy failures, thy friends and thy fears He'll car - ~y each

Carry it All to Jesus, Concluded. m

25 E3-' -7 - Sunshine.


II -C -

I. At the cross I found my Savior, There my heart was ;at-is - fied: 2. Now no long - er heav - y lad-en, With the sins I can-not bear; 3. Allmydoubtsandfears I bring Him All my sor - row, all my grief; k 0, what peace whatjoywhatcomfort In my Sav - ior 1 have found,


..-- i s - Beautiful Eight,

'Thete shaltbeno night there;. . . for the Lon3 God giveth them Ilpht,"--Rev. 22. !X? -3%- &. ~ ~ G E S . E. C. HENNING~S.

. PGws is .tBe darkness that cov-ers the eatth, "0 for the light, - 3.'@ast -en the day d thy splendor, 0 Lw?, '0 for the light,

r f l Worn by the wear-i-somi vig - ib of zght Lo! in the skies a bright I/ Wait - ine re - lief from the curse and its blight. Lo! in the skies a brieht

Beautiful Light. Concluded. _ . CHORUS. tempo I - I I

1) - Light, li.ght! 0 for the light! Beautiful, b~a~tiful~ladsomeand bright!

bright gladsome

27 Follow in the Steps of Jesus. KATE ULMER. M. L. MCPHAIL.

28 I Gladly All ;Surrender. W. C. MARTIN. M. L. MCPHAIL.

,u 3. ' - 0 ' n - - -

what it is my Father's pleasure to be - stow I glad - Jy aki sur I shall triurnph'fiere and reach the glo-rp - land, I gIHT?ly a11 sur-

know that peace and joy for me are His de - sign. I glad - ly all sur-

. . .

e is my life, my light,His will is my deligh6 He

11 ren-der to the Lord C-CC-C e c c* -r-r--

v ~ l l Surrender. Concluded.

[ 1 - bey Him and I lean up - on His might: I glad - ly all sur - ren- der to the Lord. -

Working With Jesus. K i m ULHBR. M. L. MCPHAIL.

$; &-ing the Mas-ter with will-ing heart strength for each serv-ice He will im-part; 3. . &lad-1y fnl -.fill-ing each hum-ble task, Nav - er for-get-ting His help to ask;

Wk-dom nn - fail - ing our feet to gnide,Bnrce in a - bun - dance what-e'er betide. Pa - tien - tly waiting should He lo will, Work-ing or w&it - ing, serv - ing H i ntiil.

11 No-blestb - pnl -sea still ris-ing hiihvr Freed from all drsa by heav - en -l1&. ,

peace& in the Time of Storm.

r. On Christ I lean a - mid a-larms, =peaceful in 2. Bow sweet to feel my Sav - ior near! I am peacefui In the

- 3. Tho' sor - rows oft - en weigh me down, I am peaceful In the . 4. While Je - sus keeps su-preme con-trol, I am peace-fur S&.th-

5. My foes may threat en to des-troy, I am peace-ful f ' tdw 6. Mv flesh mav dread life's e - vil tides. l am mace-ful h the

31 Claim- the Promise. KATE ULMER. M. L. MCPHAIL.


2. He has called you in the world to shine for Him, Nev - er need the 3. When the err-ing feet you seek to guide a - right From the paths of 4. When at last your service for Him here shall c e a s ~ A n d He bids you

32 Be True t o Your colors! G. n. BILLS. M. L. MCPHIAIL.

close to his side,- here's safe - ty and vic - tyry with Je - sus. per - il and pain, To en - ter life's por - tal with Je - sus. flame to sub due; Be stead-fast, and con-qusr with Je - sus.

D.S. cow-?a%, be trb, k e Z i y - ad, and conper with Je - s k .

33 Onward, Christian Soldiers! SABINE BARING-GOULD. ARTHUR SULLIVAN.

11 I. Onward,Christian sol-diers! Children of the light; All i n gos-pel z. Like a loy - a1 ar - my Moves the Church of God; Brothers,we are 3. Crowns and throneg may perish,Kingdoms rise and wane,But the Ohnrch of

tread-ing Where the saints have trod; W e are not @ - vid - ed, - sus Con-stant will re - main; Gates of hell ci%=:aev - er


I Leads a-gainst the foe; For-ward in - to bat-tie, See, His banners go! All one bod - y we; One in hope and doctrine, One in char - i - t&'

'Gainst that Chnrsh prev4We have Ohrist's own promise,And that cannot fail. Un - to Christ the King,This thro' countless ages Men and angels sing.

n His Blood Avails.

I. When bow'd in sorrow, guilt and fear, Be - fore the mer - cy seat, 2. Now walk - ing as His Spir - it leads His light my path il - lumes; 3. My ev - 'ry step He ord - ers now, My ways to Him are known;

"Thy ma - n y sins are all for-giveq, Thy faith hath madethee whole, His ways are ways of pleasantness, And all His paths are peace; His boundless love sur-rounds me still, He holds me in His hand.

D. S. this 3 know,Nis blood h-mi ls slo;&n sin to set me free.

11 I can - not com-pre - hend the love That led Him to the tree; ~ \ t

On, to the Haven, Eternal. G. M. BILLS. M. L. MCPHAIL.

I. Safe in the life - boat I joy - ful - ly ride Out on life's 2. Safe in the life - boat 1 smile at the wave, Wave of re- 3. Safe in the life - boat when tempests a - rise, Wrecking some 4. Safe in the life - boat when dan - ger is past, Moor'd to the

per - il - ous o - cean; Shutting my ears to the roar of the tide, pin - ing or sad - ness; Since a t my side stands the "Mighty to save," cher-ish'd en - dea-vor; J e - sus I know is un - er - ring - ly wise. arch - es of glo - ry; While love's unspeak-a-ble ag - es shall last


Peace-ful a mid its cdm - mo - tion. Xsust-ful-ness fills me with glad-ness. O n to the hav - en e - He will sus - tain me for - ev - er.

I Sing-ing the won-der - ful sto - ry.

ter - nal I glide, Telling the won-der - ful sto - ry; Je-sus, n 4 ~ r

1) Pi - lot, re - mains at my side, Fill-ing my soul with his glo - ry.

v:. I . m -

36 " - - 1 - R~CIOUS -, 'He.

w w ~TMER. % M. L. MCPHAIL.

sak - ing the worrd His to be. T6 thi ban-quet of love He has light of His glo-ri - ous face; 0, so peer-less the beau - ty in wiles of the tempter all fail. Called in heav-en - lv olac-es with

I Je - sus I see, That I-cry out in won-der "howcould Helove me." Him to a-bide, My Re-deem-er is dear - er than all else be - side.


11 Precious is He. ~recious is He, MY Savior is ~recious.so precious to me;

Precious Is He. Concluded.

37 The Blood-bought Victory. "This is the victory that overcometh the world,even our faith."- 1 John 5: 4.


I. his is the blood-bought vic-to - ry, F ~ O A heat9nly realms revealed, a. By this we may our call-ing prove,When Fath - er plies the rod,

The faith' that sets sin's captives free, That hath our son - ship sealed We kiss the smit-ing hand of love, Be - lov - ed sons of God. When world - ly art our na-ture tries We cling to God's comman.',fs. The spot - less robe, the princely home And im - age of our Lord.


herwFng brtb *I'd;

38 'Tis Sabbath in my Soul. F. G. Bueaou~~s. Heb. 3: 3. M. L. MCPHAIL

care dis-turbs mfiustful breast; Fromthese weary tasks for - ev- er God is an a - bid - ing guest; Care can-not her bur - dens on my are from all that once depress'dl 'Tis a bless-ed fore-taste of the ho - h, ev - 'fy hour is blest: All my ef - fortsceasine: God can s

I. Wit-ness-es for Jesus, ye who know His pow7r; In His great sal- 2 Wit-ness-es for Je-sus, let the cheer-ful face Show the joyous 3. Wit-ness-es for Je-sus, let the life of love, Be the high-est

va - tion trust - ing ev - 'ry h o x To the world a-round you . temp - er of the in - ner grace; Let the bless - ed Spir - it

fri - bute to our King a - bove; May the Mas-ter's im - age

show by look and tone How the precious Saviorgnidea and keepsHia own. dwell-ing in your soul Ev - 'ry word and action, ev-'ry tho7t con - trol. brighten more and more, Till we be*Ar.His likeness on the gold-en shore.

Wit-ness-ing, wit-ness-ing; prov-ing ev - 'ry day That the Master's.

- with us all a - long the -way. Wit-ness-ing, witiness-ing,

40 Such Ldve -was Never Known.

I. The world has nev - er known a love Like that of ~ h 6 s t our Sav-ior; 2. The world corn-pas-sion nev-er knew Like that of Christ our Sav-ior; 3. Such ho - li -ness was nev-er seen As that of Christ our Sav-ior;

A might-y love that falt-ers not Nor fails what-ev - er be our lot, There is no other heart that knows Such lov-ing ten - der-ness for foes,

That ris-,es o'er our sins at love of Christ our Sav-ior. For friends corn-pas-sion quite that of Christ our Sav-ior. Nor saints on bend - ed knee s Je - sus Christ our Sav-ior.


f Such love was nev- or. nev-er known,Such pit - y nev - er, nev-er shown.


Such kind - ness to His own, As that of Christ our Savtjar. Such kind-ness to His own, His own

- - - 2, ** & L. -. 41 ~ e e ~ Your Armor Elright.

F. G. Bveaou~ns. E. C. HENNINGES.

2. Having on the righteous breastplate Shield your heartwith faithandlove; 3. Take the hel-met of sal - va - tion For each va-liant war - rior meet; 4. Grasp thespirit'stwo edged weapon, Firm-ly cling to God's dear Word; 5. Clad in al! the gos - pel ar?l-or? You shall put the foe to flight;


1 , V V P I rieht. Marchinconward in the li~ht, shout the vic-to-rv.the vic - to-rv.

A ' -

42 Opportunitie,s For Service; E. E. HBWITT. .+. M. L MCPHA~L.

I. O p -por-tun - i - ties for service come with ev'ry passing hour; Who will 2. There are hungry souls around us needing sympathy and aid, Let us 3. Op- por-tun - i -ties for service, oh, how ma- ny at our door! And as

as treasure from the sky? Op-par - tun - i - ties as fleeting e Master3 gen -.tle way; Let u s car-ry love's brght sun-shine clouds that float on high; Fill us with Thy Ho-ly Spir - it


11 Happy service, blessed service, When we la-bor for the glory of our King;

11 Hap-py service, blessed service, And for jby of heart His servants sing.

43 The Shining Light. F G. BURROUGHS. M. L. MCPHAIL.

I. On the Christian's path a shining light appears,(tmwinp bright and brighter 2. Tho' no eye hath seen,nor mortal ear bath heard All the grace and beauty 3. There is nothing covered but shall be revealed,When the books are o-pened

I I with the passing years.'Tis the light of wisdom from the realms above, found in God's para Word; Yet His Ho - ly Spir - it in-to truth will guide and the rolls un-sealed; So we fol -low on, to know as we are known,


I Ev - 'ry day in - creas-ing like God's gifts of love. All the trust-ing ones who In His love a - bide. We will fol - low its

Tow'rd the per-fect day when shadows will have flown. .

11 leading,We will follow its leading,We will follow its leading all the way: For @at

Ii blessed shining light Will shine more,and still more brigbt,lven an-to the per-fect day.

I - - 7 -, - 4 F ; - 7 85 ,i

4r &

- - 7 ' he ~iilwark of Thy Presence.



on the e v - er - last-ing rock. Thou canst shelter me; ~h'canat calm the sea; sins whidh I, 0 Lord, de-test. Thou w t shelter me; Thou canst set me free; in - to ev- 'ry ach-ing heg. 0 that all m i g h i w might but look to Thee,

To Him that Overcometh. KATE ULMER. M. 1. MCPHAIL.


In His se - cret place most ho - ly From the wrath to come shall hide. Feasting on the hid - den man-na, In the heav'nly cit - y bright. Free from sin and degh for - ev - er, H e ~ h a l l share the victor's throne.

Un - to him . . . . . that 5 - ver-corn - eth eate en's - - - Un - to him that o - ver-corn - eth IE'EE E5*EEoE ii,

1 I - . . I - ' - . ' I " . ,. - , r .- z. O

I I . ' I e l r VA I I I = I. fi I . Vr h

I r v v v - r

I q t e . . . will o - pen wide; . . . . Orown'd with end - less life and eaven's gate will 0-pen wide; C m ' d witb endless

He shall relgn at Je - sus' side.

Our Battle Song.

No child of God can suff - er harm Who bat - tles in His might. Move for-ward wh!le ye grand-ly sing The bat - tle song of right.

, His arm - y ne'er de - feat shall know, Nor can it ev - er fail.

Your God is watching ov - er you. Ye fight not with a weakling few, O - bey to -day the trumpet call; Th& cit - ies of the great shall fall

$meet, to conquer and sub - due ?he en - em - ies of right. & t with J e - ho - vah, strong and true, The glorious God of might. And Christ shall triumph ov - er all, With him shall ye pre - vail.


A - wake! A - A - wake1 0 Zi - on leave the ni ht, leave the night, * AL * .a!-, AL a- A a a- B-

Our Battle Song.

A - rise, to bat - tle for the right, tor the right, la God. the God of truth and

" ' V I 1/11


47 t G ' On Life's Ocean.

I. Sail - or on life's troubled o - cean Driv-en by the sweeping gale, 2. Soon the storms now swee ' g o'er thee Shall be hushed by one sweet word, 3. Faith-ful be thou then. ff o du - ty Till the gloom and care shall cease,


I And tht waves that rise be-fore thee Shall be stillad by 0bist.the @rd. And the morn re-veals in beau - ty Thy fair promised land of peace.

He will dry the tears of sor - row; He will end the storm-y night;

I .48 Be Strong, +e Christian Soldiers. - . G. M. BILLS. Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.-Eph. 6: 10. M. L. MCPHAII


I. Be strong, ye val - iant sold - iers Ye sold - iers of the Lord, z. The e - vil day is on us, Yet do not be a - fraid,

Be Strong, Ye Chriskian Soldiers. Concluded.

49 Sweet Will of God. . FLORA KIRKLAND. M. L. MCPHAIL


I. Sweet will of God, my ref-uge Thou, M; safe a - bid - ing place, 2 Not as 1 will, tho' dark the way, 1 know my Lord is nigh: 3. Tho' from my life He seems to take What I tho't whol-ly blest; 4. Tho' sor- row fall up - on my life And dark-ness hide the light; 5. So spare me not, but do thy wil1,Thy bless-ed will, in me:

Till all the storms of life are past And I shall see His face. His pres-ence turn& night to day He hear - eth ev.- 'ry sigh. E'en if I might I would not choose, My Fa - ther knoweth best, 'Tis bet - ter so; He can - not err! My Fa-ther's way is right. Work out Thine own good pleasure, till Mine eyes my King shall see.

. . . .

Not as I will, my song shall be, Tho' sometimes sung thro' tears:

50 Happy is the Man that M d e t h Wisdom.

1. Hap - py ' is the man that find - 0th wis - dom, For the gain there- - 2. Whence then is the place of un - der - stand-kg? Where shall price-lee 3. Wi - dom trom a - bove i~ pure and ho - ly Fill - ing hun - gry 4. Wis - dom from a - bove is full of mer - cy, Eas - i - ly per-

of is more be - yond the fair - est wis - dom then be found? Fear the Lord a - lone for He is hearts with per - fect joy; For we h o w our Fa - ther's won-drons snad - ed t'ward the right; Sown in peace the ten - der fruit - age


I I -1 jew - el And the wealth of it can ne'er be told. wis - don, And in Him their treas-ures all a - bound. bless-ings Are the on - ly gifts with-out a1 - loy. rip - ens Bean - ti - ful - ly in the Fa - ther's sight.


I/ Let ns then refrain-ourtongnes from e-vil, Keep our lips from speaking guile;

11 Dai -ly let' us seek the heav'nly wisdom, Let us gain the FatheZs smile.

- -

- - - C

i c:< A -Little Talk with Jesus. .

II 1. A lit - tle talk with Je - sns At the clos - ing of the day,- 2. A lit - tle talk with J e - sns Whenour heartsgrow weak and faint, 3. A lit - tle talk with J e - ws,-How i t lights the dark-eat hour,

11 How it qni - eta ev - 'ry anx - ious fear, And drives our doubts a - way;

I It pill still the murtmur on our lips, And cease our sad corn - plaint; H6W 'it keeps us Uwat&ing un -to pray'r,"hd foils the tampter'a pow'r;

- A lit - tle talk with J e - 8~8,- How i t soothes the ach - iag brain,- A lit - tie talk with J e -sue,- How i t lifts the low'r-ing sky; A lit - tle wk with Je - am,-Then can n t h - ing take its place,--4

How it reah the wea - ry, struggling soul, And makes us strong a - gain. Oh. what bless-ed light, and peace, and joy, When He, our Lord, is nigli. How we long to reach our heav'n-ly home, And see Him face to facet

*< - 'I . 52 ' Confess the Truth. - G. M. BILES. E. C. HENNINGES.

I I i I

The tri-umph that his love has won 'Tls bless - ed to pro - claim, The pleading of his dy - ing groan A - vails for quick and dead. That all the bruis-ed of our race Are ransomed from the fall. For those who bear his ho - ly seal, And in his s u k ~ n g . share.


Confess the Truth. Concluded.

Con-fess the truth and on his throne Thy Sav-ior's glo - ry share.

53 Now are We the Sons of God. " Beloved. now are we Ule sons of God."-1 John J: 2

F. G. B v ~ e o u ~ ~ s . M. L. MCPHAIL

I. "Now are b e th: sons of God," Heirs with Je - sus Christ our Lord; 2. "Now are we the sons of God," Oh, what bliss thesewords re-cord! 3. "Now are w k t h e sons of God,"Boughtandseal'd with Je-sus'blood;

54 i; Before the Great White 'Throne. ~ S C . Dan. 7: 94% Lu. 9: 12.) (rd vcrsc. Rev. 3: 21. 19: 1-5. 19: 5-9.)

(3d verse, Rev. 19: 11-16. Ps. 72.) (4th verse. Isa. 25: 6-8. 45: 22-25 Lu. 3: 46) G. M-. BILLS. (5th vem, Rev. 21: 3-8. Ps. 67.) M. L. MCPHAIL.

ter - nal glo - ry the jndgmentthroneshall gleam; Nhen to the Ancient's

na - tions, Hisfeetthe wine-presstread,Un-ti1 the fiends of er - rar from al - tar. the ransom'd host shall fall In grate-ful ad - o - ra - tion, and

I ho - vah's praise prolong. o h ; I crown H& Lord and King. o h , that will be a crowning such a s .

F a - therys name is shown. Oh, that will be a marriage such a s '. earthhave ev - er fled. Oh, thatwill be a conquest such a s ;

-crown Him Lord of all. Oh, that will be a tri-umph such a s : ,

Before the Great White Throne. Concluded.

II r v earth has never known, When Christ His kingdom shall re-ceive be-fore the

earth has never known, Whenthe bride and bridegroom are madeone be-fore the earth has never known, When the kingsof earththeir hon-ors lay be-fore the earth has never known, When ev - 'ry knee is bow-ing low be-fore the

I !

greatwhitethrone;Oh, that will be acrowningsuch as earth hasneverknown, g r g t whitethrone;Oh, that will be a marriage such as earth has never known, gre$whitethrone;~h, thatwill be a conquest such as earth has neverknown, greatwhitethrone;Oh, thatwill be a tri-umph suchas earth has never known,

atwill be an anthem such as earthhasnever known;


When the bride and bridegroom are made one be-fore the great white throne; When tlie kings of earth their hon-ors lay be-fore the great white throne.

When ev - 'ry knee is bow - inp: low be-fore the me% white throned

4 The Reaper's song will tell the sweetest story When the King appears,

The Lord I s My Shepherd.


I The Lord is my Shepherd; I 1 shall not I want; llhe maketh me to lie down in green pastures; he leadeth me beside the I still- 1 waters.

2 He restoreth-my soul; he leadeth me in paths of righteousness for his 1 name's- I sake.llYea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death 1 will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rodand thy I staff they comfort me.

3 Thpu preparest a table before me, in the presence of mine enemies; thou %nointest my head with oil; my I cup--runneth.l over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my hfe; and I will dwell inthe house of the 1 Lord for I ever.UA- I men.

Pray Fo- h e Another.

I. Let us pray for o re an - 0th - er, Helping thus the weakest stand; 2. Let us in the hour of tri - al, When a brother'slfaith seems weak, 3. Let 11s pray in faith be - liev - ing, Ev - er trusting un-dismayed; 4. Let us cheer our homeward journey, By sweet fellowship in prayer;


i r i

pter Strengthening both heart and hand. That he yet may prove victorious, On our knees his name oft speak. Knowing He will send the answer, Tho' in wis-dom long delayed. Thus the law of Christ ful-fill-ing, Thus each other's burdens bear.

i fip?$$g I I I

I 7 i-

D. s. He &-lights lo have His children To the throne of grace draw near.

Let us pray for one an - 0th - er, God will our pet - i - tions hear;

The Lord's Prayer.

r Our Father, who art in heaven. I hallowed I be thy I name; Il thy kingdom - y o m e , thy will be done on I earth, as it I is in ( heaven;

2 Give us this I day our I daily I bread; II and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive I them that I trespass a- I gainst us.

3 And lead us not into temptation, but de- I liver I us from ( evil; 11 for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the I glory, for I ever. A- 1 men.


I I. Ev - 'ry tear will be a trea - sure That is shed for Je-sus here; 2 Ev - 'ry tear will be a trea - sure That is shed a t Je-sus' feet; 3. Ev - ' ry tear will be a trea - sure Shed in sor - row or in pain;

For it is our Father's plea-sure To re - ward His children dear. I t will be a welcome of - f'ring Shin-ing on the mer - cy-seat. Fu-ture skies will be the bright-er For these blinding drops of rain.

- And,ae lips that long have pleaded Soon shall find His answer there, And' the love that @ef hath spoken He will crown with bliss complet+ W e shall find un - fail - ing pleasures In the gar - dens of the sky,

61 M y Times ark In Thy Hand. Miss JENNIB WILSON. M. L. MCPHAIL.

I. My times are in Thy hand, 0 Fath - er, What-eyer my lot may a. My times are in Thy hand, whengladness Makes all a - round me 3. My times are in Thy hand, for - ev - er And held by ties di -

be; Tho' dan - gers, thick a - round me gath - er I bright; My times are in Thy hand, if sad - ness From vine; From Thy safe keep - ing naught can sev - er This



yet -will trust in Thee. Thou know - est all my earth - ly vis - ion veils the light. What - e'er my earth-ly hours shall : blood bought soul of mine. Un - ti1 I reach the sol - emn

wap....... . Thou hast ap - point. ed ev - 'ry day, And fill, .--......... Is in ac - cord - ance with Thy will, Though shore,.& ... Where all the days of time are o'er, And

- Every Tear. Concluded.

And the lips that long have plead-ed Soon shall find His answer there. And the love that grief hath spok-en He will crown with bliss complete. W e shall find un - fail - ing pleasures In the gar - dens of the sky.


11 Ev - 'ry tear ............ will be a treasure,

Ev - '& tear wlll be a t k a - iure Ev - 'ry

I k - cgse rise,

11 firid the springs of plea - sure In the gar - den of the skies.

1 When we find the s ~ i n e s of ~Ieasure In the ear - den of the skies,

My Times are In Thy Hand. Concluded.

faith shall all my fears a1 - lay, For Thou wilt care for me. tri - als come I know that still Thy deal - ings all are right thro' the boundless ev - er more, Oh, make me who1 - ly Thine.



II My times are in Thy hand, My times are in Thy My times are in Thy haads MY

0 F a - ther, un-to Thee 1 ding, And times are In Thy hand; 0 Fa - ther. un - to Thee I cllng. Aad II

rest - ing in Thy love 1 sing, My times are in Thy 11 res t - lng in I 1

I hand. . . MY times are in Thy hand. . . . . . . . . My times are in Thy bud.

62 I'll C- Where You Want Me to Go. MARY Bmm. C m E Bow-

1) - L I t may not be on themountain's height,Or o - ver the etorm-y e g 2. Per-haps to-day there are lov - ing words Which Je-sus would have me speak-

It -may nbt be a t the bat-tie's front My Lord will have need of me;' Theremay be now in the paths of sin Some wand'rer whom I should seek- Where I may la - bor thro'lie's short day For J e - ens the cm - ci - fied-

. 3 by a All, voice He oalls To paths that I noi knm1 . 0 Sav - ior, if Thou 6flt be my guide,Tho' dark and rugged the , 8. trust - ing my all to Thy ten - der care, And know-ing Thou 5- eat.

a - : %y mice shall ech; o Thy mes-sage eweet,I1ll eay what you want me tosay.

I'll go where you want me go, dear Lord, 0-ver mountain, or piain, or eea:

I'll Go Where Yoa Want Me to Go. concluded.

11 I'll say what you want me to say, dear LordJ'I1 be what you want me to be,

6; Love That Seeketh Not Her Own.

b the love of Christ a - bide, In o h hearts un -&as - ing, 2. Love re - veal - ingheav'n be - low, Love that fail - etb nev - er; 8. Love com -pas - sion - ate and strong, All. thiqgs meek - $t bed^ - ing, 4. Je - aus, Thou the fount di - vine, Fill us to o'er - flow - ing,

. 4- :. &#;.=< a fy;e Found an Anchor.

. . -SII*8woa YI. L. KaPEAlL

1. Pve found an an-chor for my soul, That will not move tho'bil-lows ioll; 2 I m g time Iaailed the o - ceau wide, A - &it with ev - 'ry wind and tide; 3. The tidm oft-times my oa-blee etnin, But seek torend the strands in vain; 4. And should my soul e'er be a - fraid The blees - ed cov'nant Hehath made; 6. The har-bor lightr ere gleaming bright,They beck - on, to the port of light;

rmay rage,the tempests blow, My by - bles but the stronger grow.

ev - 'ry fear its hold re -sign. an-&or in ita wa-ters fair.

5 65 0 Gracious Father.

bless-ing, Make me meek A d mild. Par- don, heav'n - ly Fa - ther, cold heart Heav'n-ly warmth in - stii. Give me, bless - ed Fa - ther, trem-blii, Gen - tly take and keep; Through the cloud and ahad - ow,

A11 Thou seest in me a - miss, Let Thy sweet for - give - n m Strengthsnf-fi - cient for each day, From Thy way ap-point - ed,

Fill my heart with biies. - . Let me nev - er stray. Gra-ciona, heav'nly Fa-ther, Hear, @&&.my -.. - Bring me peace di - vine. .?- . -.a

cppyright, 1W, by Id. L. IdcPhd.

. - - . - _ .-i '

,--"h- .L- ' U A

:,# 66 Never Alone, - 8 . . .

1. The way that leads us heav'n-ward Is oft - en rough and steep; 2. 'l'hen,think-ing of the bur - den He bore up Cal - v'ry's hill, 3. Oh, eonl, hast thou for - got - ten The mes-sage won-drous sweet

V We etrng - gle in the dirk - new, id sdme-timhpanee to weep; We oease our weak com-plain - ing, Our lips, for shame are still, Of Him who left be - hind4 Bim The print of bleed - ing feet? The face of Chriiwho love* thee, He's ev - e r a t thy side,

I Then comes a thought to com - fort The heart, dis - conr-aged grown, And hearts that pain hss tor - tnred For - get to make their moan, "I nev - er win for - sake thee! Dear child, when wea - ry grown, Ilea& out thy hand to find Him. And lo! the mists have flown-

Re - mem-b'ring Him who prom - ised Nev - er to leave us a - lone.

. - - - Never Alone. 'Concluded.

11 NO, nev - er a - lime, . . . . No nev - e r a - lone! L h

67 God's Mighty Army. H. J. Z ~ L ~ Y . H. L. MOPELAIL.

1. The youngman's heart was filled with fear When Fe be-had the foe eo near; 2 E - li - ehapray'd,"lordJ prayThee, 0 -pen hie eyes that he may see." 3. And thua we find from day to day Our foee enr-round to stop our way, 4. Then quick- ly rise, dismiss your fear, For need - ed help is al-waysnear;

&bt, 1 ~ 1 , by E. 8. Loren.. BY per. 1 +.I

Millennia1 Dawn.

,- 1. Bells are ring-ing! trqm-pets sound-ing! Tell - ing of the glo-rioue morn; 2. Earth's dark night willsoon be o - ver, Sa-tan's king-dom soon will cease; 3. Sun -shine from J e - ho - vah's pres-ence, Mer-cies from His gra-cions hand; 4. No .more death, and pain, and sor - row, No more ba r s of grief and woe, 5. B e l l s - q ring-ing! trumpet's sound-ing! Tell - ing of this glo-rious morn;

Christian wel-come Christ's ap - ;ear-ing, Hail the bright Ail - len - nial dawn. Bail the ev - er - last - ing Fa-ther, Might - y Sav - ior, Prince of peace! Will be scat-tered o'er the na- tions, Joy will glad-den ev - 'ry land. God will come and dwell with mor- tals,Christ will con-quer ev - 'ry foe. Chais-iian, wel-come Je - ens' pres-ence, Hail, Hia bright mil - leu-nial dawn!

fit . , rit.

11 Bleaa - ed Je - sns! lov - ing Sav- ior! Born to save the world from sinj ,

(1 Quick - Iy come in Thy great king-dom, Bring the age of

11 glo - ry in, Bring the age bf glo - ry in.

Be Steadfast. I. L, M C W . ,

2. Be stead-fast in serv - ice and joy - ful - ly bring, Your dear - est and 3. Be stead-fast in suf-f'ring, thus hon - OF yourlord, The pow'r to en- 4. Then ev - er be stead-fast for J e - sns yonrFriend,Be true to your

dan - ger yonr col - or to show; T ~ O ' Sa - tan is seek - ing to best to be used by 'the King; 0, nev - er grow wea - ry, nor dnre He will sure - ly af - ford, For He ia ac - quaint-ed with tract, stand-ing firm to the end; In naught that yon do bring re-


*--kJzd 11 weak - en vour faith. Be etaad-fast for J e - sns, be-lieve what He saith: 11 faint by -the nay; The glo - ri- ow har-vest all .toil will r e

sor - row and grief, And know - eth the mo - ment .to send yon re - lief. proa~h on His cause, But cheer-fnl - ly, stead-fast - $ car - ry yonr cross.

D. S.-glo - ~y a - &n, The stead - fast with Him shall c - t e t - nal - ly rlign.

~e says He'll be with us what - ev - er be - tide, To cbm-fdrt and lb* 11 coun - sel, to strengthen and guide; ~e says when He com - 9th from

70 The Mighty Shield of - Faith. KATE U~ylra . . M. L. YCPEUL

1. We're bat - tling in onr Meter's name, A-gainst the foes of right, 2. We wres - tle not with flesh and blood, But with the pow'rs of sin: 3. The vie - tors in this ho - IY war. Who dwell in realms of love:

Akd if His or - ders we o - bey We'll sure - ly w'in the fight; The prince of dark-ness stande aF - rayed, A -gainst our conq'ring King; De - pend - ed on this match-lees aveld, And now are crown'd a - bove;

. U - - -

It in the glo-riona shield of faith, Fmm it we'll nev - e r part. .Bo.tect - ed from the foes' as - sault By faith's 81 - might - y shield.

The M i a Q Shield ef Faith. Concluded.

I :' mare Like Thee. E. Arr. by M. L MOPEM+

I( 1. Je - sue, Thon my l;t-f&f pat - t e p I wiuld glad - ly fol - lFw Thee,

II 2. J e - nus, Thou my b e a t R6 -fin - er-Thou, I know art watch-ing me; 3. J e - am, Thou my prize and glo - ry Thro' e - ter - ni - ty shalt be;

I h h

Glad - ly leave all earth-ly pleas - ure, If I may be more l i ie Thee! Thou wilt leave me in the fur - nace; On - ly till I'm pnre liie Thee.

11 Un - to death, oh, Lee me faith -fall Then I'll ev - er live with Thee. P h

I bra like Thee, my b l k - kd Sav - ior, If I may be more like Thee; Pare like Thee, my dear Re - deem - er, On - ly till I'm pnre likeThee; Live withThee,ah, yea for - ev - er, Then 1'11 ev - er live with Thee;



Glad - ly leave all earth-ly pleas- pre, If I may be more like Thee. Thon wiit leave me in the fur-@&: On - ly till I'm pure like Thee. Un - to death, oh, kee me faith - fnl, Then I'll ev - er live with Thee.

P h

72 Stand Firm, Be Not Afraid. GERTBDDS W. &maw. (4th and 6th verses added.) I. L. HCPaul.

I 1-1

1. Ye sol - diers of the cross, Why should ye doubt or fear? 2. Lay hold up - on the sword, Turn not to left or right, 3. Be brave, be h, be strong, Be fear - less in the k h t , 4. We soon shall see the day When all our toils shall cease; 5. Thia hope sup - ports us here; I t makes our bur - dens light;

Ye can - not know de - feat or lose, With Christ. our Cap - tain, near. &&&and - ing fast up - on Hi word, Be vic - tors thro' Hi might. FW-night of bat - tle may seem long, But sweet the morn-ing's hght. Whe~t'rwe shall cast our arms a - way, And dwell in end - less peace.

. 'RnilLserve our drooping hearts to cheer, Till faith shall end in sight.

I h d firm, be not a - fraid, Cour- age - one, not dismayed, II Stand firm, ' Conr-age-ons, . . .

)I F O ~ ' one with ~ o d mnet ~l - Ways win A - gainat the hosts of sin.

Rbsr Not, Christian.

1. Fear not, Chris-tian--God is on thy side, Fear not, faint not, what - eo- 2. Fear not, Chris-tian-trust His rod and staff, All God's mer - ciee are in 3: Fear not, Chris-tian-dl things are for yon, Dai - ly mer - cia , rich - e8

4. Fear not, Chris-tian-none no blest ae thou, God ie for thee ev - er-

e'er be - tide, Look a - bove thee a t the welk-in blne, His prom - ise thy be - half; Take no tho't for mor-rows yet to come, For He will grand and true, Claim thy por - tion with a t h d - f n l heart, Thy great-est more as now, Lift thy head np and re-joice a1 - way. Brightly will

h h

bcw is all a -glow With hope and cheer for you. keep His trusting sheep Andbringthem all safe home. Fear not, fear not needs Gods grace exceeds,Whiab %1y Hell im-part.

&: = '. nhiie the light di-vine Un - to the per - fect day. *. . a - e '

1 -

74 What a Wonderful Change! GLBTBmx W. WIBEUT. I. L. McPaur,

1. What a wonderful change when our Lord sball appear, Oh, how preciona the

tho't that tthe time is so near! ~ i e n the dead shall a-wake in Hi tnm to im - mor - tal de-light; Then our cross - es for crowns we'llex- chang'd in - to in - fin-ite 8trength;Then ow im - per - fect work,thro' Hi place in His throne, by Hie side; Oh, how bless - ed the goal a t the

like-neas sublime, And the liv - ing be chang'd in a mo-ment of time! change a t Hi feet, And our lone - li - ness change for re - un - ion so sweet! mer - cy and grace,Shall be free from all @ult,when we see Hisdear face1 end of the race, To be-hold thro' the a - ges that beau-ti - fnl face!

1 look on His glo - ri - ow face! What a won - der - fnl change!

:y -

- - . - What a Wonderful Change! Concluded.

11 what a won - der - fa1 change! when we shall look on Hi face!

T o Him That Overcometh. No. 2.

1. Who o - vereomes,the Spii-it saith, Shall not be hurt of sec-ond death, 2. The Hid - den Man-na,pnre White Stone,TheSpir - it gives to Him a - lone, 3. Who hum - hly keeps Hi Word and Way,O'er all the nations shall have sway, 4. The o - 9er-com-ere Christ will own, And place with Him up - on Hi throne,

B& nn - der fair mil - len - ial skies &y eat the fmit of Par - a - diae. Who o - ver-comes and to the same Is giv'n a new and se-cret Name.

, .Aid eloth'd in gloriona r a w t white, Shall walk with ho - ly ones in light. Hi king - dom glo - ry they shall share, And His most ho - ly name may bear.

11 Then o - rBr-oome,the Gi -it aaith. And be thou faith-fnl an - to death:

11 ~ b r none but vic-tors in the strife Shall ev - e r wear t i e crown of life.

Jehovah is My Salvation.

I. Je - ho - vah is my sal - va - tion, The ljght of life to me, '' '.l - ho - vah is my sal - va - tion, A Tow - er strong and high, . Je - ho - vah is my sal - va - tion, He is my strength and song,

I. J e - ho - vah is my sal - va - tion, My all in all is He;

Tbea why shonld my heart be tronb-led Or ev - er fear - ful be. '$0 which in the hour of con - flict My trust - ing heart may fly I In Hb will I joy for - ev - er, Held by, Hia arm so strong. And by Eis sup-port I'm liv - ing A life of vic - to - ry.

11 For Je - ho-vah is sffy sal - va - tion, Lnd He is ev - er near.

t 7 77 How Happy Will Be That Glad Day.

W. E. C. HENRINBES. E. C. ~ I E ~ ~ Q E s .

1. When that which is per - fect is come, And all t h g s gpart done a'- way, 2. When M - als and troubles are o'er, A11 sor-rows and tears wiped a-way; 3. When springs in the desert break forth, And li-om l g down with their prey, 4. When pleasure and peace hasten there, And hap - pi:ness brightens the way, 5. Then let us be glad and re-joice, Christ's glo - ri - 011s reign is a t hand.

0 sing in your hearts, 0 shout with one voice, His king - dom for-

C) sine. ha1 - le - ln - iah! 0

II I V V ' shout, praise the Lord! BOW hap - py will be that glad day! . hap - w aw!

7 8 "' The Master and His Servants.

1. To the i - dler He says, "Go, work in my field; For the 2. To the toil - er He says, '#&me, rest a t my feet, There ar. 3. To the down-cast He says, "Castthy care up - on me, Nor de- 4 So to each of His serv - ante He comee with a word, To en-

. . har- vest ie great, la-b'rera few; TO thy sick - le the fruit yet ma - ny honrs in the day; I have brought to re - freeh @air that the har - vest be done; For the Lord ia the reap- cour -%age, . re - fresh or re - prove; Till the har - vest ie gath-

Pfi, the sea-son shall yield, Andthe Mas-tar will give thth thy due." thy pr-tipn of meat, That thy strength be re-newed for the fray."

- er, Hissmile is on thee, See the sheaves that thy brethren have won." ered,aqd,pr@ng their Lord, They sit down in His king-dom a - bove.

I . Go, work . . . . . i His field, . . . . . Go, Come rest . . . . . a t His feet, . . . . . Come,

thy care . . . . . np - on Him, . . . . . Caat thy -n lo, work . . . . . in Hia field, . . . . . Go,

work in Bia field, Qo, work in His field,

The ~ a s t e r - and His ~eFkakts. Concluded.

work . . . in His field, . . . Go, work . . . in His resb . . . a t His feet, . . . Come, rest . . . at His care . . . up - on Him, . . . Cast thy care . . . up - on work . . . in His field, . . . Go, work . . . in His work in Biifield, Go, work in His field. Go, work in His field+, Go

field, . . . . And the Mas - ter will give thee thy due. '

feet, . . . . That thystrengthbe re-newed for the fray. Him, . . . . See thesheaves that thy breth-ren have won. field, . . . . And the Mas - ter will give thee thy due.

*- - i-

God is Love. No. 2, 79

1-1 I d 1. God is love; His mer-cy bright-ens A11 the path in with we rove; 2. Chance and change are bn-sy ev - er; Man de - cays and a - gee move; 3. E'en the hour that dark-est seem-eth, Will His changeless goodness prove; 4. He with earth-ly cares en - twin-eth Hope and com - fort from a-bove;




Bliss He wakes h d woe He light-ens; God is &is - dom, God is love. But His mer-cy wan- eth nev - er; God is wia - dom, God is love. From the gloom His brightness streameth,God is wis - dom, God is love. Ev - 'ry - where His glo - ry shin-eth; God is wis - dom God is love.


1 I . .

-& bd '- - -

ou . My Greatest Desires.

1. I want to know J e - sus, my Sav - ior so dear, Far bet - ter than 2. I want to be like Him, my Sav - ior and Lord, So pa-tient and 3. I want to see J e - sus in bean - ty ar-rayed, The glo - ri - fied

loved ones be - low; is heart I wonld find ver - y gra-cions and kind, ten - der and true: I'd walk as He walked and I'd talk as He talked, Sav - ior so fair; In man-slons of light, oh, so beau-teans and bright,

His full - ness of love I wonld know. And glad - ly His will I wonld do. The great- est de -sires of my I want in His glo - ry to share.

11 b, Bis glo - ry to see, And in that bright im - age to shine.


81 The ~ t o $ at ~ e v e ' f Grows

1. fe - fresh-ing and mee t is the eta - ry sub-lime: ?!he mea-sage of 2. The choir of e - ter - ni - ty sang with de -light Good news to the 3. No won - der that an - gels of glo - ry re-joice, O'er sin-ners re- 4. What com-fort nn - told for the wea - ry and sad Is found in that 6. Glad song that the ran-somed of J e - sne will sing Wh: judgment has

peace and good will; No 0th - er is found on the rec-ords of time, shepherds of old, Pro-claim-ing a Sav - ior who scat-tern our night, pent - ing and saved; Since J e - ane to Cal - va - ry car-ried from qhoice, glo - ri - one theme; His bur -den is eas - y, the mourn-er is g l l , sum-moned the dead; When jn - bi - lee bells of cre - a - tion willrins.

11 That can with such hap - pi - n u t h x . - And o - Dens the heav - en - Iv fold.


o ld . . . . Tho' o - verand o - ver '&is told; . The nev- er gmws old;


em; 7 a- - ---r- 7 fig&&- s!+&, 2

shine for Jesus?

13 W o w you shine for Je-sns? Let His love im - part Ar - doc to your 2. ~5;d w$&ine for J e - ans 'Mid the cam-leae throng? Im - i - t a b His 3. 86gald feo shine for Je- sne As a mir - ror tme? Im - age forth His

. ac - tions, om -fort to your hex With your son1 il - lnm - ined -, ,grac - ee Aa yon pass a - long; Make no weak sur - ren - der w o o d - nesa As re-vealed in you. If you thus re - fleot Him

will be a bea-con In this world of wz. Till this life is

IF- &in&! % J~SIIS, fee, shining for Je - sea.

r r - u err - ing, Thns for Je - 51x3 shine; Shin - ing for Te

34=: Would You Shine For &sus? Concluded. ' '

Go Forth, Reapers True.

is o - ver now, The har - vest has

- 4 -0- -1 I

a - "Bring in ' mysheaves,"the &B.- ter saith, "Go gath - Ar ev - 'ry one?' Be - loved, the whikened"fiii& of grain, Be-fore yon wait -;& .sta?d.

' Praj for m s e reap - em white' you .$oil; Your pzay'rs the bz$ ?jlI bear. Then will 6 heard-that bit - ter cry, "We am nn - saved a t %stEu

. - - - -11 *- 'do forth, go forth ye reapers bold and true, Go tho' your nnm-br few; -

find The tares in bun - dles din&

M y Lord and I.

11 i & ~ m e WZS~A t . n d ~ love, H. IOV~S 6 Lith-fn~ - b; i ~ ~ d d not as He bids me lesn on I%. Hie heln I d a d - lv seek: He leads me withwhat love He fov-eth me- My ton&ecm%ev -.& bl l i I t ie an

-- .a ;see bows how I am longing 3 Spme weary son1 to win,

And ao He bids me go, and speak I The loving wbrd for Him;

He bids me tell His w o n d r o ~ love, And why Be came to die,

And so we work together,m~ Lord_ya I 6 So up-into the mountains -

Though round ns tempests gather And storms are raging high,

We'll travel on together, my Lord and L - .

7 when the jonmey's ended - * In rest and peace a t last,

when every thought of danger And weariness is past;

Qf &earen% c~oudIeee light, '' ' In the kingdom of the fatnre, Or away into the valleys I In the glory by andVby,

Of darknesa or of night; We'll live and reign together,my Lord andL Copyright, Ism, by M. L. M M


- + r. 85 Be Careful For Nothing.

P. Q. BWBOtfoBS. M. L. MCFnAn.

1. Be care - fnl for noth-ing, why fret thou my sod? Thy Fa - ther has 2. Be care - ful for noth-ing, then why will you try To car - ry the 3. Be care - ful for noth-ing, how free we may be With God as onr 4. Be care - ful for noth-ing, but be of goodcheer, Tho' glo - ry to

ev - 'ry - thing m - der con-trol, The night is the same un - to bur - den He bids you lay by? Con - fide in God's word which has store-house and our treas - nr - y; Be mak - eth the dark - new as

I( fol - low doth not yet appear. For now are we sons of the

Be care - fnl for noth- ing, fear not, lit - tle flock; f f- -p

- 11 - God is thy sal - va - tion, thy God a Rock.

The Desire of All Naaions.

1. 0 Je - m, bleat & - deem- er, Thon Sav - ior of our race, Pour 2. Let vd - leys be ex - alt - ed, Monnt-aim and hills made low, The &"The whole cre - a - tion groaneth And tra - vail - 0th in pain,*lord 4. We thank Thee for the to - kens Of L - rael's hap - py mom, Thii

I ant up - on the na - tions, The apir - i t of Thy grace; Re- - v d take off the na - tions, Thy great d - va - tion show; Man-

J e - ma, take the king - dom h pow'r and glo - ry reign! Cast . etlre - $ . ia the earn - est Of earth9# mil - len - ial dawn; When


aove &om them the blind-nese, Of sin's long die - ma1 night, Lord, .- -lrind ia long - ing for Tliee, 0 Christ, the King of men! Thou

out the prinw of dark - new, Bring in the light of day; Shed ev - 'ry trib and na - tion shall learn Mea - si - ah's ways, And

on - 1y Sav - lor, e - wa, come a - gam! pp - on the ma - tiom Tby win - dom's lov - ing ray.

The Hope of the World.

1. Chriit is bm-ing! Christ is com-ing! Let us tell the glo-rious word, 2 Christ willconqnerl Christ will conquer! In the time thaR nigh a t hand,

How Hecomes to bless the na-tions, Bring them to the light of God; God ia love!the joy - ful mas-sage Will be known in ev - 'ry land, Gir - 0th grace to ev - 'ry ein - ner, Who will walk up - on life's road. Spok-en of by ho - ly proph-eta In the Jew-ish age of old;

When His king - dom is es - tab-liehed And Hi trnth to men made known, When the church with J e - sna reign-ing, Will dii - pel the long dark night; When Hie re8 - nr - rec - tion glo - ry Rais-ath man to last - ing life; When the times of rea - ti - tu - tion And the reign of Christ ahall be.

Then man-kind will be con-vert - ed, Own - ing Him ae God'e dear son. - Grace and trnthwill be a - bound-ing, Fill - ing all the world with light. Sm and death will be a - bolished, Earth will know no long - er strife.

Reaper, Gather a Sheaf!

1. "Reap-er lift np your eyee and be-hold the fields!" s! the word of the 2 Gen -try gath - er the grain that is hidd'n a - way By the shad-ows of 3. In the gar-den6 of bean-ty,whereros - es bloom; In the des - o -late 4. 0 de - lay not to glean of the har -vest white,Lest your work be de-

Mas - tar is not re - pealed; 8k- yon seek - ing a sheaf for Hi life, from a hope - fa1 ray; Fa1 - ter not, tho' the hedg - es the shades of the frown- ing tomb; On the bonn - t i - ful soil, or the

gar - ner fair? Yon will find God's neg-lect - ed ones ev - 'ry-where. wheat con - ceal, God will am - ply re-ward your un - flinch - ing zeal.

. rock-strewn wastel'here are graine for the gar - ner, so reap - er, haste!

- - - 11 Reap - er, gath - er a sheaf of the rip'n - ing grain, That is

(1 wait-ing on ev - 'ry hill and plain; 8nd the Lord of the har-vest win

Reaper, Gather a Sheaf! Concluded.


sure - ly come, To a - ward you a crown in the har - vest home.

W h a t a Triumph of His Grace,

1. What a tri - nmph of His grace i t will be When tGe King shall 2. What a tri - umph of His grace i t will be When a t last He 3. What a tri - umph of His grace i t wlll be When His wish - es 4 What a tri - nmph of Bi grace i t will be When, my sad mis- 5. What a tri - umph of Hi grace it will be When He eays,"well

fake me home, e - ven me, - i ig me from low es-tate, Pass-ing saves thro' faith, e - ven me, Faith that He, the work be-gun, Will watch I can then plain - ly see, When I am no more perplexed To know takes all o'er, I am free, h e , at last to do the right, A11 my donel"to me e - ren me, When in glo - ry me Hell own, And will

by the wise andgreat, What a tri-nmph of His grace it will be! o'er me till it's done, What a tri-umph of His grace i t will be! what Hi will is next,, What a tri-nmph of His grace i t will be! - , weahem turned to might,What a tri-nmph of His grace it will be! . share with me Hie throne,What a tri-umph of His grace i t will be!

Jubilee Echoes.

L 1. Lis - ten to the voice ce - lee - tial, Ye whose eyes with weeping fail, 2. Ev - 'ry tomb ehall be de - sert - ed, Harps of ju - bi - lee shall ring; 3. No more wi&owed hearts re - pin-ing, No more hnn-gry, hume-less souls, 4. With the liv - ing wa -bra flow-ing, And Hi sav-ing health made known,

Y God re -veal8 His pa-ciow pur-pose, To the sod in sor-row's vals;

"Ruthless grave, where is thy tri-umph? Cm - el death where is thy sting?" When theearthshall bloom as E - den And the "Prince of Peacen con-trols; Fn - Try cheek with beau-ty glow-iog; Ev - 'ry friend of e - vil flown.

. There dl be no hope - less sad-nw, In the new earth's gold- en years, Sing the 'blest e - man - ci - pa - tion, Ev - ' rg m a t - nre that bath breath, When the ransomed h& are sing-ing, Not an ech - o of Q - spair God will scat-ter leaves of heal-ing, For each loy - al heart and brain,

Xi+- AiTyeam re-pleb with glad-nees, "God shall wipe a - way all tears," L%ab81I quick-en a11 ere - a - tion, There shqll thence-forth be no death, In . His vast do - min-ion ring-iog,"Fere &all he no sor - row there," All His matehlesr, love re - veal-ine!'There shall henceforth be no nain."

Y Y '

Jubilee Echoes. Concluded.

B l i - fnl years re-plete with gladness, "God shall wipe H - way a11 tears." Life shall quick-en all cre - a - tion, There shall thenceforth be no death. In His vast do - min-ion ring-ing,"Thereshall be no sor - row there!' All Hii matchless love re - veal-ing,"There shall henceforth be no pain."

91 Gladness Will Come to Stay.

- 41 1. Some glowing morn when heaven bends caressing, Earth's darkeet vale to cheer;

2. Some ho - 1y hour when broken hearts are cry-ing; Tnrn-ing from sin a - way; 3. Des - o - late soul for vanished treasure pining,Wreck'd on a friendless shore; 4. Fd - ness of joy will shine a - way our sor-row, Sigh-ing will flee a - way;

Wak - ing to know and love our Father's blessing. Life mil be grand-ly dear. Mer - cy will bring a sol-ace for their sigh-mg, Glad-ness will come to stay. See thrd thegloom the star of prom-ise shin-ing, Glad-ness will come oncemore. Tears will not mar lie's bean-ti - fn1 to-mor-row, Glad-ness will come to stay.

D. &-God wil l a n - d the f d w a of Hh re7 - cy, G l a d - n m . 9 come to day.

11 Gladness wi l lca ,hal - le - la - jah it i8 com-ing, Gladwa is on the ray;

In Love He Planned It AIl.

I 1. 'ko* dark the i a y and lone - ly, I know what-e'er be - fall, 2. To - day the storm clouds low - er, I can -not see His face, S Tho' deep and dark the val -ley, No tar - rors can ap - pall, 4. Some-times my feet are wea -ry, I fain would stop and rest, 6. And when I reach that coun-try, Where shad-ows nev - er fall,

$iy Fa - ther's hand is lead- ing, In love He plans i t all. But still in faith I fol - low, Al-though I can - not trace. I know He ohose this path-way,-In love He planned it all. Yet, on - ward I am press-ing, I know His way is best. 1'11 nine thro' end - less a - aes, "In love He planned i t all!"

11 Then where - so - e'er He lead - eth, What-ev - er may be - fall, I 4 I I

Bby heart will still be sing- ing: "In love He planned i t ally h

93 Be Slow to Speak.

1. Oh, what pain and sor - row, bit - ter-ness and woe, E - vil speaking caueeth 2. Oh, re -mem-ber, J e - sns ev -'ry wora doth hear, By His Ho - ly Spir-it 3. Love that thinks no e - vil, dwell-ing in the heart, Will its blessed sweetness 4. Make your life a bless-ing, fol -low aft - er peace, Pa- tient-ly por-sue i t

in this world be - low; Loving hearts are bro- ken, dearest hopee destroyed, He is 'ev - er near; Think how much He snf-fered ere you wound Him more, to the life im - part; Then each tho't and ao - tion by its pow'r controlled, from all e - vil cease; Scatt'ring deeds of kid-nesq speaking words of love,

II D. S.-He roill ev - er help you, if Hir aid you rcak,

In their bean-ty blight-ed by the thoughtless word. When the world's re-vil - ing for yonr sake He bore. Ye, who love the Sav - ior Word nu-kiid,'twill prompt ns care-fd - ly with-hold. Thne the path-way-brighten to your hbme a - bove.

What-so - e'er be - tid - eth, lolr - ing - ly to s2;eak.

11 and would win His smile. Keep your tongue from e - vil and your lips from gum;

, . -- z

94 He Will ~ e e p the Soul. gam ULMEJL I. L. ICPH~IL.

2. Tbik b t of the Lor-row, tmst it to His care, What - so - e'er it 3. When the an - gry bil- lows all a -round you roll, Threat'ning ev - 'ry

ful - ly trusts Him all to Him, His

mo - ment to sub - merge the soul; Cloa - er cling to Him, the His love so free; Then in joy or sor - row

He Will Keep the Soul. Concluded.

fraid, . . . . . . While up - on Je - ho - vah it is stayed .-. . 7 . : . b e a l a-fraid,

v Y

95 I'll Be With Thee. H. L. BrCFE4IL

1. 0 'ti meet to serve the Mae - ter, D; - ing aa He bids eagh day, 2. Tho' the task He gives seem heav - y, And my pow'r to do but small; 3. Oft thro' unknown paths He leads me, There to do His bless - ed will,

For I hear Hi dear voice say - ing, I'll be with thee all the way. He with strength di -vine doth help me, Gear - ing not His gra-cioue call. . But He ev - e r goes be - f@xe me, While He soft - ly whis-pen still. p -

11 Watching. pray-ing, work-ing, wait - ing, For He sap - 0th ev - er-more. 0 ''.'

P I# 11 I'll be with thee, Ill be with thee, I cm hear His sweet voice say:

1'11 be with thee. I'll be with thee. 1'11 be with thee all the wav.

capslight, lW, by hf. t. hfoPhaiL- . '

96 "Are You Improving Your Talents?" urn myEB. YI. L afaPuAlL.

&ve them to y z ? Are you en - deavoring to doub-le them dai - lp? Tis lone to in - crease? If aught be - mdea be your mo-tive, my brother, His hide it a - way; He will r e - turn here a - gain to re-ceive it, Ac- wie - dom di - vme; And He baa mid, if we faith-ful-ly use them,With stand one by one; If we hare gained the re - ward He has promised To

thi He would have you to do. joy in your serv-ice will cease. wuut you must give in that day. To H i that hath shrll more be Him we shall ev - er-more shine. those, who should hear Hie "Well done".

11 lw - ing Fa - the is nay. With those, who trust Hi and o - bey.

97 The Best Friend of All.

K-, li

1. Do you seek for a friend who is a1 - ways the same, Who will 2. Would you lean OR an arm that is a - ble to quell All the 3. Would yon walk day by day in a ha - lo of light, In the 4. Would yon dwell ev - er - more in the man - sions a - bore, ' y d the

. .

smile of the an - gels. of God? Would you know the re - pose that no glo - ries that fade not a - way? Would yon drink end -less bliss from the

. rn FINE.

11 tell you His name-It is Je - sns, the best Friend of all. move Sa - tau's spell, And thy soul's dear - est ref - uge is found. &r - row can blight? Choose the path your Re - deem - er has trod. Tount of His love? Give your heart to the Sav - ior to - day.

. ) "

T ; -ie * Y L n m I Y I

I D. S.-gravc, Pfc - cious Je - w8, the best F r k d of all.


.98 Longing for Home. G ~ T R U D E W. ~EIBEBT. AR. by l. L. M m .

II 1. As pants the hart for wa - ter brooks, So panta my e o d for Thee, 2. And yet I know that on - ly those Thy bless-ed face shall see, 3. 1 know, that those who share Thy throne Must in Thy like - ness be,

CEO.-Aa phnt8 the hart for wa - tw brooks, So pbnta my a b d for Thee,

L- I I I 11 Oh, when ahall I be - hold Thy face, When wilt Thon call for me?

II W h w hearts from ev - ' rp stain of sin Are pnr - i - fied and free. And all the Spir - if8 pre-cions fruits In them the Fa - ther see.

oh, when shall I be - iold $hy fare, When wilt Thou call fw k& I

How. oft a t night I turn my eyes To-wards my heav'n-ly home, And oh, my Mas- ter and my Lord, I know I'm far from meet Lord, grant me grace, more pa - tient - ly To strive with my poor heart,

And long for that bleat time, when Thou, My Lord, shalt bid me "Come!" With all Thy bless - ad saints in light To hold corn-mnn - ion sweet. And bide Thy time to be withThee And me Thee oe Thon art!

Heavenly Love. Composed and arr. by GEBTBUDE W. SEIBEET.

II -

1. Meek and low - ly, pure and ho - ly, Mes - sen-ger from God a - bove; 2. Hop - ing ev - er, fail - ing nev - er, Tho' deceived, be - liev - ing still; 3. Mak - ing clear-er, bring-ing near - er, Day by day the per - fect goal;

Turn - ing sad - ness in - t o glad - ness, Bless - ed a r t Thou, Hear'nly Love! Long a - bid - ing, all con - fid - ing, To thy heav'n-ly F a - ther's will; Doubt-ing nev - er, trust-ing ev - er, In Thy pow'r to make us whole;

Pit - y dwell - eth in Thy bo - som, Kind-ness reign-eth o'er Thy heart; Nev - er wea - ry of well do - ing, Nev - er fear - ful of the end; Hast- en Thou the blest fru - i, - tion, When a t last in realms a - bove,

CEO.-Meek and low - ly, pure and ho - ly, Mes - sen-ger from God a - bove;

Chorus D. S.

Gen - tle tho'ts a - lone can sway Thee, Judgment hath in Thee no part! Claim-ing all man- kind a s broth-ers, Thou dost all a - like be -friend. Thou shalt sae in us Thy like - ness, Bless-ed, ho - ly, heav'n-born Love!

Y Turn - ing sad - ness i n - to glad -ness, Wondrous a r t Thou, Heavnly Love!

Copyright, 1907, by P. L. Mophail.

zoo 0 M y Soul, Trust in the Lord. JAHEE HAY. M. L. MOPEAIL.

1. 0 my soul! seek thou the Lord, Seek His grace to keep His word; 2. 0 my sonl! trust in the Lord, He ne'er fails to keep His word; . 3. 0 my sonl! praise thou the Lord, For the glo - ries in His word;

'Ti8 by faith a - lone we stand, God sup-pol.te thee with His hand. All who in the Lord con - fide, Find in Him a Friend and Guide. God is wor - thy of thy praise, All the mo - ments of the day.

II 0 my soul! wait thou on God, Be will lead thee in His word, 0 my sonl! serve thoa the Lord, Faith-fnl - ly re - vere His word; 0 my sonl! rest in the Lord, List - en for His lov - ing word;

0 - pen to thy spir - it's eye, Glo - ry, im - mor- tal - i - ty. Elde His word with - in thy heart, Nev- er from thy Lord de - part. Call - ing thee to man - sions bright, With the saints who dwell in light.

so1 Refrain Thy Tongue From Evil.

1. What saith the blear-ed Word of God To him that hath an ear? 2. What saith the Word of God a - gain? 'Xo e - vil shalt thou speak 8. Then, h a t - en, Lord, that bliss - f d day When joy and peace shall hold

Be - frain thy ton@ from e - vil, keep Thy l i p from speak-ing guile, For there ie One who judg - eth him, To whom all stand -or fall, When ev - 'y hu - man heart shall dwell On no - ble tho'ta and true,

CHO.-O~, .kt w t h n re - frain ,our lip8 Fromguile, and watch and pray,

I If thou woddatlead a God - ly life, And win thy Mas-ter's Our Lord m d Mas - tar, J e - sns Christ,Who loves and pit - iea all." And o'er an - 0th - er's weak-neea throw Com -pas-sion's love - ly hue! ; - ' ,

+ - I

W we may pur - i --Jy bur head And keep the m r - rim 'mi.

102 When I Get to the End of the Way.

1. The sands have been wash'd in the foot-prints Of the stran-ger on 2 There are so ma-ny hills to climb np- ward, I oft - en am 3. He loves me too well to for - aake me, Or give me a 4. W h e ~ t h e last fee- ble etep has been tak- en Andthe gates of that L L r r a ~ l r h h h

. - . - - - - - D. C.-And the toils of the road will seem noth-ing, When I get to the

Last verse.-Then the toils of the road will seem noth-ing, When I get to the

II - Gal - i - lee's shore-And the voice that sub-died the rongh bil - lows long - ing for rest;- But He who ap- pointa me my path-way, tri - a1 too much; A11 His peo - ple have been dear - ly pur - chased, cit - y ap - pear, A n i the bean - ti- fnl songs of the an - gels

v v v end of the way; And the toils of the road will seem noth-ing, end of the way; Then the toile of the road will seem noth-hg,

Will be heard in Ju - de - a no more. But the path of that Knows, just what is need - fnl and best. I know, in Hia And Sa - tan can nev - er claim such. By and by I shall

list - en - ing ear. When all that now

W o n I get to the 6nd of the way. 1 I get to the end of the way.

II lone Gal - - lee - an With joy I will fo1 - low to - day; word He hath prom-ised That my strength "it shall be as my day;" see Him and praise Him, In the cit - y of nn - end - mg day; seems so mvs - ter - ions Will be bright and as clear as the dav:

103 Pilgrims of the Morning. (Dedicated to the Colportews.)

G ~ T E ~ E W. SIEIBEBT. Y. L. M c P m .

I 1. Pil-grims of the Morn-ing, bless- ed pil-grims of the Light, & ye ' 2. Blow "the sil - ver trum-pets" o - ver land and o'er the sea, Pub-lish 1 3. An - gel hosts sur-round you,strengthis prom-ised from on high, Liftyour

forth t o ban - ish the "gross dark-nees" of the night; Ev - 'ry heart en- on the mountains the great "Year of J u - bi - lee," Sing i t thro' the heads r e - joic - ing, "your re - demp- tion draw-eth nigh," Cour-age yet a

I I kin - dled with "a flame of s a - cred lovc," Ev - 'ry face il - lum - ined val - leys, shout a - loud up - on the plains, Tell the whole cre - a - tion

Il lit - tle while, and then the bat - t le won,Sweet will be your sure re-


with "a radiance from a - bove." that the Lord J e - ho-vah reigns! Pilgrims of the Morning, yea, we're pil-,.,, ward in your dear Lord's "Well done!'

of t h s night!

'Y 104 Repeat the Sweet Story.

6. M. B. G. M. Bms.

1. Re - peat the sweet sto - ry, the sto - ry of old, That e ih - oed with 2. In love with-out meas-nre, our Fa-ther di - vine Un - folds to all 3. Oh, sing of the ran-som that reach-es t o all The vic- tirns of 4. Re - joice, 0 ye watch-ers who pa- tient - ly bide The Bridegroom's re-


glad - ness o'er Beth - le- hem's fold; The mes -sage that an - gels de- peo - ple His gra-cioos de-signs, To 611 the whole world with His sor - row, of sin, and the fall; The blood of a - tone-ment ne'er turn - ing to hon - or His bride; Re - joice till the morn - ing shall

light - ed to bring, Glad tikings of J e - sus,earthYs Sav - ior and King. glo - ry and peace, And bring to sin's cap-tives a joy - ful re-lease. trick- led in vain, For J e - sos has pur-chas'd the dy - ing, the slain. ju - bi - lee bring, And na-tions shall hon - or earth's con-quer - ing King.

I[ 0 tell i t a - gain, yes, tell i t a - gain, That w k - der - fnl

11 sto - ry of good will to men; I t will strengthen my faith if you

. . Copyright, 19W, by M. L. Mophail,

Repeat the Sweet Story. Concluded.

105 Quit Yourselves Like Men. U'TI4 UWE. H. L. MOPEAIL.

ranks to - day, Fol - low your Cap- tain and all the way, Quit your- a - geone - ly, Or m the rear He bath need of thee, Qnit yoar- hosts of nin; But we shall tri-umph thro'Christ our King, Quit your- .world re-nown; Fix - ing your eye on the prom-ised crown2 Qnib your-

11 Fol - low your Cap - tab and all the way; Quit yourselves like men.

. J *dMy Beloved.

H. 0. H. Dn+ (Solomon's Song.]

11 Walk I safe thro' darksome shad - ows With- out fear of harm.

II Think I on - ly of Thy f a - vor, Pre-cioas Sav - ior mine; Walk- est Thon a - mong the lil - ies, With their fragrance rare;

When I'm weak His strength supports me, As He whispers words of iheer; Let me feel Thine arms a - r o d me, Let me lean up - on Thy breast. Let me ev - er walk be - side Thee. Send. 0 send me not a -way;

And my hand He clasps so close - ly, Scat- ters e r -'ry shad-ow drear. Hold me lov-ing-ly, se - cure - ly, Let me hdsweet peace and rest. For I long to have Thee draw me Clos - er, clos-er ev - 'ry day.

11 Je - 8118, Je - sus, my Be - lov - ed, send me not a - way; At Thy

My Beloved. Concluded.

1) sides my pre-cious Sav - ior, Ev - er, n - er let me &ay. 0 let me abv.

107 Holy, Holy, Holy! Donews Bf~o-. (Bev.15:8&4) Jom B. DYKES.

1. Fa - ther, we a - dore Thee, for Thy gift that bought us, Thos we once were 2. Darkness dense snr - rounds us, man can-not discern Thee, None but those whom 3. Great and goodThy works are, Lord God A1 - might-y! Mar - vel- ona, and 4. When Thy kingdom com - 0th. ?hen the books are ?-eped, When Thy righteous

dead in sin, we now have life in Thee; May we live to serve Thee, Thou hast touch'd,.Thy truth and love can see; Few there be can praise Thee,

just and true, 0 King of saints, Thy ways; Who shall fail to fear Thee, acts are known,Thy love made man - i - feat, Nbtiom all shall peek Thee,

11 as our Lord hath taught us, Seek - ing to show Thy might and maj - es - ty.

)I most despise and spurn Thee, Yet, in due time, world-wide thesongshall +. Lord, and glo-ri - fy Thee; Thou a-lone art ho - ly; to Thy name be praise. and boy down be-fo;? Thee, And, serv-ing Thee, shall be for - ev - er blest.

108 Gather My Saints Together Unto Me. Mrs. C. A. 0. &s. C. A. O m .

L 1. Gath - er my sainta b g e t h - er un - to Me, Those who have made a 2. Gath - er my saints to-geth - er un - to Me, Who hope to rise in

Il 3. Ghth - er my sainta to-geth - er un - to Me, Those who have made a

- cov - e - nant with Me, Who now by faith lay down their ran-somed lives, im - mor- tal - i - ty, Those in the fight to gain the heav'n-ly prize,

Il cov - e - nant with Me, In suff j n g now, in tri-umph then to rise,

In cov - e-nant with me by sac - ri - fice; Help ns dear Lord, ev - er- In cov - e-nant with me by sac - ri - fice; Je - sus, our Sav - ior, the A cov - e-nant with me by sac - ri - fice; Keep us, dear lord, in the


;ore to keep Our of - fer- ing laid with our head compiete; Poor tho' i t prize to gain, Suf - far'd the cross, de - spis - ing the shame We now re-

11 nar - row way, Lead - ing ns on to thegrand,glorious day, Ev - er re- *-

joice in sufF'rings that re-main, In cov- e-nant withThee by sac - ri - fice.

Gather My Saints Together Unto Me. Concluded.

. . 11 Lord, we come to - geth- er na - to Thee, He$ us our

11 reign in Par - a - dise, ~ a t h - er'd to - geth - er IIU - to Thee.

109 Thine Forever. BURY P. MAUDE.

2. Thine for - ev - er! Lord of life, Shield IIS thro' our earth- ly strife, 3. .Thine for - ev - er! 0 how blest They who find in Thee their rest! 4. Thiie for - ev - erl Sav - ior. keep Thsae Thy weak and trembling 8m;


Thine for - ev - er mar we be, Here and in e - ter - oi - ty. Thou the Lie, the Truth, the Way, Guide ns to the realms of day. Sav - ior, Guard-ian, headn - ly Friend, 0 de - fend oe to the end. Safe a - lone beneath Thy care, Let ns all Tby good-ness share. AH our sins v'n, Lead .us Lord, from earth to hesdn. .. =

- -

r 10 ' gr~c The Perfect Day. P. A. H.

. Not too fast. A L A &

II 1. The ho - ly -'tit - y is bend-ing to earth, With bless-ings like 2. A - wake! a - wake! a - wake! pot on thy strength,Thy bean - t i - fnl 3. Henceforth there nev - er shall come in - to thee The nn - cir - cnm-

ahow - era of rain, A F ~ sor :'row, and cry - ing shall

i l l paas a - way, There shall be no more pain; Oh, bind up the dust of the earth, Zi - on a - rise in might; Thy glo - ry is

II Zi - on's glad throng, Noth-ing of earth is seen; Her light like the

&-,. now in her aplen-dor shiie forth, Light-ing the per - fect day. joy, for thy war - fare is o'er, Glo - ry a - wait - eth thee. morn-ing with heal - ing is here, Gild - ing her streets of g@d. -

* :? I I I - .-.a - Our Hiding Place. '. -. '-

1. In the se - cret of Hii pres-ence, Oh, how pre-cions thereto hide, 2. Day by day Hetjrawsme clos - er, Hour by hour He teach-es me. 3. ~r-mr'i darta can nev - er smite me While my soul is stayed on Him, 4. Fa-ther,may I nev - er wan - der From this safe and blest re-treat,

Scourge of tongue, nor shaft of ma1 - ice, Touch my soul while a t His side. Strength He gives for ev - 'ry tri - al, Grace to do and pow'r to be. Hid - den in the Rock of A - ges, Nev - er can my faith graw dim. Where I drink of liv - ing wa - tera, And am fed on Man - na sweet.

11 Let the light'nings flash a - bout me, Let the peal-ing than-ders ' ioi And when ~hadows close a - ronnd me, And I can - not see Hi face, - - Bright-ly o'er me shines the sun-light Beam-ing from my Fa-ther's face, Pre - ciom ha-ven--sweet-eat ehel - ter-8ere my sod will e'er a - bide,


I can smile, thus safe - ly hid - den In thin ref - nge of the soul - Know I still Hi love en- folds me, Shel-tered in this se - cret place.

In its r a - di - ant ef - ful-gence I can now His pnr-pose kme. In the se - cret of His pres-ence I will ev - 'ry mo-ment hide.

Long Night of Weeping.

I 1. Pilgrims with sad spir-its droop - ing Thro' the low night-watch for-lorn, r .

2. Sor-row and death have long triumphed, Sa - tan the prince seemed to be; 3. Weeping may last thro' tbe night-watch,Bat joy will come in the morn,

'd D. C. Watch for the riae of ths Dug Star, Watch for the morning's bright dawn;

II Sigh-ing and trembling and weep - ing, Wea - ry with wait-ing for morn; Peo - ple in pain long have tra-vailed, Pray-ing sal - vs-tion to sse; When in the first re8 -p - reo-tion All the kt-fruits shallbe born.

Sum earth's long n i g & d be o - m, Soon dl ihe && ke gz

-2- :%& up your head, faiqting pi1 - grima, Light the hor - i - eon dim tints, '. W t @ k for man - i - fee - ta - tion Of the great God's promised sons, i.. -

'J$eq there shall be r w - ti - tu - tion For all the chi-&en of men,

raU. Ow. D.C.

I Watch ti1l:the ros - y rays deep - en, See thro'gray dawn glo-ry glints! Hope of the groaning ore - a - tion Thro' Hie be-lodd chos-en ones.

'hen in the grand con-aum-ma - tion, E - den shall blossom a - gain.

The Century's Hymn.

1. ~e - ydnd t i e century's o - pen door, The gold - en age is gleaming; 2. For six - ty cen- tnr - ies now past, Be-neath the reign of dark-ness. 3. Tho' a - ges long had wea - ry been,Thro' which God's word was spo - ken, 4. The gos - pel age well shad-owed forth, By types of corn - ing glo - rg; 5. Sin's long dark night dram to its cloee, The day of peace is dawn - ing; 6. Who will not welame back the King? The tribe of Ju - d a h Li - on!

~ k n e s forth the snn bf right-eons-nees,bll Itin - dreds of the earth to bless. Yet by God's love,they still pos-sess The hope of fn -tnre righteousness, Of that great day when He would bless The world with sav - ing righteousness, How God de-signs the world to bless Thro' Christ their Lord and righteousness, Then s h i e s the sun of right-eons-nm, All na - tions of the world to bless, In - vest - ed with all pow'r t o bless The world, with lat-idg righteouqess,


all kin - &re& of the earth to bless. The hope, the hope of fu- tnre righbeons-ness The world, the world with sav- ing right-eons-ness. Thro' Christ, thro' Christ their Lord and right-eons-new.&

all na - tions of the world to bie&' the . world with last - ing right-eons-nese,

hat glo-ri& day so long fora-told, With ho - ly light is beam-ing; Man-kin& haa trod the down -ward path 'Mid sor - row, pain and sad-ness; Yet faith-ful aonls did glad - ly hail In Christ, Je - ho - vah's to -ken, Has been the time whensaints,have told The fnl - ness of the sto - ry; Earth's time of weep- ing paea - es by For joy comw in the morn-ing, And~raise the Lord who sets Hie Son UD - on the hill of Zi - on:

H a m 0. HBRDEBSON. ' '- Am. b M. L. Mc-.

1. Somewhere the light is shin - ing, Somewhere ' t a1 - ways day; 2. Somewhere the cool - ing zeph - yra Fan fe-vered, care-worn brow,



Somewhere de - li - cions fra-grance Floats from the bloom-ing bough.

ie no blind-iess, somewhere 'tie a1 - ways light. glad to - mor-row, Th*'ll be 1'ie9s (omit.) . . 1 per- f e d day.

bc - 1 x 5 e. Long, Long the Night.

1. Long, long the night with sound of fre-quent weep- ing, But in the 2. Long, long the night, but shad - ows now are flee - ing, While songs of 3. Long, long the night; but ob, the morn-ing glad - ness Will drive a-

+- + t- * + , + , + ,+- +- 4 . ; : I I F ! ; ! ! r I . I I I I / I I I I ' I I


I J I I I I keeping, Know, that at last the gold-en morn - ing nears. . The per-feet day,

11 The long'd for King is near! Join, join the lay,Earth'a jn-bi - lee ie - here

I 16 Bear Ye One Another's Burdens.

II 1. Like travelera toward a die-tant land, We each some heav - y bur - den bear, 2. Nor think an - 0th - er's hath no weight,Be -cause to yon i t seem-eth light, 3. And wcn - der - ful tho' i t may seem,Each t i e you help a broth-er bear 4. "And so ful- fill the law of Christ!'The law of Christ, the law of love,

And ev - 'ry heart doth feel its weight, E'en tho' the face a smile may wear. The ' cross of gold is heav-iermade By gleam-ing mass of jew-el8 bright. Hie . bur - den, yon will sure - ly find YO& own has lost its weight of care. Ah, yes, we must this law ful - fill If we would reign with Him a-bove.

11 Then, let ns speak the kind- ly word, That makes the bur - den light,

And helps the wea - ry, faint - ing heart To fight the good - ly fight.

J -: A Little 'While.

- - 1a&d42d.hm$ 1 , rn!p -. 1. A lit - tle while with wea - ry feet To tread the nar - row way, 2 A lit - tle while with fal-t'ringtongue To tes - t i - fy for God, 3. A lit - tle while with hum - ble faith To wage the good - ly fight, 4. A lit - tle while, a lit - tle while, Oh, let this be our song,

A lit - tle while, a lit - tle while, To suf - fer scorn and shame; A lit - tle while, a lit - tle while, Grasp firm the two-edged sword; A lit - tle while, a lit - tle while, Lay not the a r - mor down;

lit - tle while the sin - less One To fol - low day by day, lit - tle while with voice and pen To spread the Tmth a-bbrad, lit - tle while, Sa - tan - io hosts Shall all be put to flight, lit - tle while, a lit - tle while, The strife will not be long,

A lit - tle while, a lit - tle while, To suf - fe r and be strong. A lit - tle while, a lit - tle while, To glo - r i - fy His name. A lit - tle while, a lit - tle while, Then trust thou in the Lord. .. A lit - tle while, a lit - tle while, And we shall wear the crown! f -

Copyright, lW, by M. L. McPhail. . b *1

IM - I I'm Nearing the Goal a. H. Bxws.

1. While onv the broad road to de - stmc - tion I strafd, The spir - it my 2 When Je - sns an- noint- ed my eyes to be -hold The prize that the 3. Let lor - era of pleasure in - tent - ly pur - sue The phan-toms of 4. The eerv-ants of mam-mon may gath - er in mirth To jeer a t my 6. The yoke of my Mss - ter ie ea - sy to wear; The cross that I'm

I I ' And knew by His stripe^ I was haG Aod fled from the pleasures of am. Tm nearing the goal, yes, Be on - ward to glo - ry I glide. Yet I am an heir a throne. A& giv -. ing me aongs the night.

e .

;I@ - < : L: Corning By and By.

1.x bet - ter day is com - in;, a morn-ing prom-ised long,When truth and 2. The boast of hanghey ty-rants no more shall fill the air, But aged and 3. The ti - dal wave is eom-ing, the year of ju - bi - lee; With shout and 4. 01 for that glo-rions dawn-ing we watch and wait and pray.. f ill o'er the

right,with ho-ly mightphall o-ver-throgth; wrong;When Christ the Lord willliet . youth shall love the truth and speed i t ev'ry-where;No more from want and sor- song it sweeps a-long, like bil-lows of the sea; The jn - bi - lee of na- height the morning light shall drive the gloom away;And when the heav'nly glo-

en to ev - 'ry plain-tive sigh, And stretch His hand o'erkea and land,with row shall come the hope-less cry, But war shall cease,and per- fect peace will tions shall ring thro' earth and sky,The dawn of grace draws on a-pace-'tis ry shall b o d the earth and sky, We'll bless the Lord for all His works and I -

Corn - ing by and by, com - ing by an& by; W Com-ing by and by, com-ing by and by; We

120 F k bn The Resurrection Morn.

I 1. & the res -w - rec - tion morn, When from death a11 souls are born, 2. To Thy peo - ple Thon hast vowed That Thou wilt re - sist the proud;

H *hen all hear the tmm-pet's peal, Ev - 'ry sick-ness ~hon'Ahalt deal. Thou wilt give the hum - ble grace, Tb.ou wilt meet them face to face. Ev - 'm trnst shall then be true. In the earth and heav - ens new.

Thoq shalt o - pen blind-ed eyes, L i t - en to each voice that cries; !l%on shalt guide them with Thy Word, By Thy counsel right - ly heard,

t i e en! -leas a - ges blest, Nfv - e: - mpre b doubt oppressed, 1 -

Thon shalt o - pen all deaf ears, Till iach soul the go8 -pel hears; And pro -vide a hap - py home, Refuge from whence none shall roam; All shall sine with one ao - cord Prais- es to their eracions Lord:

Thou mhalt o - pen , all deaf ears, Till bach soul the gos -pel hears. And 'pro.- vido 8 hap - py home, Ref-age from whence none shall roam. A11 shall sing with one ao - cord Prais - es to their gracious Lord.

121 The Eternal God is Thy ~e fuge . - . M. L. MCPEAlL.

ter - nal God is your ref - uge; When deep dark - ness and doubt- ter - nal God is yonr ref - uge; Long - ing eyes to this rest ter - nal God is your ref -uge; When in death all your pul- terl - nal God is yonr ref- nge; We'll be sing - ing the won-


The e - ter - nal God is

0 rest, sweet peace-ful rest, Sweet rest, tran - q d and

11 bleat, t

No fright, no dread a-lams, Just rest, rest in Hi arms. tranqail and blest,

122 Our King Has Come.

I 1. The saints are march-ing for-ward now to meet their glo-none King. 2. Be - yond the vail are seen the saints with crown up - on each brow; 3, From that bright shim-ing pres-ence how earth's clouds are giv - ing way; 4. Well haste and tali the sto - ~ y , now so sweet to you and me,

I They're shoubing glad ho - san - nas, while their songs of glad - nees ring; Who trod the path of sor - row, they're re-joic - ing with H i now. This night of sin and sor - row shall give place to end - less day. Till all the world re - joic - ee in the bleea - ed Jub - i - lee: Onr bless - ed Lord hae called ns, we shall meet Him "in the air,"

Their hearte are Bled with rap - ture, as so joy - ful - Iy they sing, With - emilea they beck-on on- ward those who lin - ger here be - low, Break forth in jub - i - la - tion, for Im - man - uel's come to stay. His prea - ence now be - tok - ens soon Hi glo-none face we'll see. While time re-mains, we'll faith-fnl be and wear our robes so fair,

(1 Our ging a t laat

-id hae ye saints in

Earth shall have. . . . her fet-ters riv- ent GLd His e saiuts of heaven Earth ahall hare her fet-teIs riv - en

,. , -. ! L - . . Our Kina Has Come. -

Our King, a t last, hath

123 'Twill Not be Long. F. 3. C.

I! 1. kill not be long our jonr-ney here, Each bro-ken sigh and fall - ing tear 2, 'Twill not be long; the yearn-ing heart To meet its Lord would quick depart; 3. Though sad we mark the clos-ing eye, Of those we loved in days gone by; 4. These checkered wilds,with thorns o'er-s~read,Thro' which our wav so oft is led:

Will soon be gone, and all will be A cloud-less iky, 'a wdre-liss h a . No grief is mingled with i ts song:"We'll join Him soon-'twill not be long!" Yet sweat in death their lat-est song-We'll meet a-gain, 'twill not be long. This march of Eme, with troth so strong, Will end in bliss, 'twill not be long.

11 Roll on, dark stream, We dread not thy foam; ' roll on, roll on,

11 The oil - =rim is lbne - incr For home, 'sweet h h e .

- I . -. ' p.&. - " Strike Your Harps.


Wikh the myr - iad voie - es blend-ing as they sing the ''Karv~st Home"; They who strove to gain His fa - vor, and have tri-umphed o - ver em; Shall be - gin their min - is- tra-tions that the earth may all be blessed; And we ech - o back their mu - sic, while our eyes are filled with tears;

As we sing and shout His prais-es, in that coun - try bright and fair. And shall with the Sav-iour lead-ing them up - lift the fall -en race. Nev - er-more to be di- vid - ed, while the world is filled with cheer. When we're going to reign with J e - sns, when our tri - als all are past.

A Y1 11 strike your harps,. . . . ye saint. in glo - ry.. . . . . . . . Sing with ua . . . . . . . Btrike your haw, je saints in glo - n, Siin with us

Strike Your Harps.

the glad new song;. . . . . . . . . . . . Ech - oes of.. . . . . . . . . the "old, old the glad new song; Ech - oes of

" C I

the "old, old sb - ly," Tho' the a - ges

125 B old the Christian Warrior Stand. - 1 , - + c

E, P. H. C.&

1. Be-hold the Chris-tian war-rior stand In all the ar - mor of His God; 2. In pan - o - ply of truth corn-plete, Sal - va-tion's hel-met on his head; 3, Un-daunt-ed to the field he goes; Yet vain were skill and val-or there, 4. Thus, strong in his Re-deem-er's strength,His en-e-mies he tramples down,

The Spir-it?s sword is in hie hand, His feet are with the go8-pel shod; With righteousness a breast-plate meet,And faith's broad shield befire Him q d . Un - less, to foil his leg-ion foes, He takes the trustigst weapon, prayer.

I - 1 fights the good fight, and wins a t length, Thm' mercy, au4m-mor-tal arom.

: - I A,. &

126 He Careth for You. A. J. YIOBBI&

a whis-pers,"He car-0th for 'you.' As - sur-eth, "Be car-eth for yon." He car-eth for yon, yes, cargth for Be - liev - ing "He car-eth for you." Pm-claim-ing, "He car-eth for yon."


11 y 2 Look up fainting pilgrim, He car-0th' f ~ r yon; Thy tri - ala He knowetb,

I 1. How blest is the mesage of heav - en - ly .love, When sor-rows our 2. When clouds cast their shadows, ob-sonr-ing the light, And faith fails to + 3. Then why should I lin- ger in doubt or in fear, With this pre-cions 4. Such bleee-ed as- sur - ance shall not be in vain. I'll trust Rim what-

Lord Let Me Come to Thee.

1. Out of my dark-ness in - to Thy light, 0ht of my weakness in - to Thy 2. Out of my hrm - ger,'ont of my thirst, Ont of my faults that weaken and 3. Out of my long-ings in - to thy peace, Out of my bond-age in - to re-

might, Lord Ikt me come to Thee; Out of my pov - er - ty in - to Thy wealth, worst, Lord let me come to Thee; Out of my fol - ly and out of my pride, leaee) ~ o & e t me come to Thee; Out of my way-ward-ness in - to Thy love,

II &t of nip sin-sick-nese in - to Thy health,lord let me come to Thee. Ont of my sins that be -set and be- tide, Lord let me come to Thee.

JI Ont of my wea- ri-ness to rest a - bove, Lord let me come to Thee.

11 Let the light come and let the light stay, '~n - ti1 (her: dawnth eter-nd day.

128 ' The Eagles. (Job. 89: 87-B. Luke 17, m; Ex. lo: 4; Iaa. & 27-31: Dent. 82 . la; Psr. los: 8.6.)

EoBA~ E HOLUB'mB. M. L 1 C m

2. Wait thon, wait thon np - on the Lord, Thou shalt re - new thy strength, 3. A - bove, a - bove His chos - en ones, Thy God ia ev - er near,

II Up - on %er pinions, broad and strong, She soars o'er all the lind; Re - ly up - on Hi ho - ly Word; Its height, ita depth, its length. As ea - gle hov'ring o'er her young; Then what hast thou to fear? Rise to the heiehts to which thou'rt called.And life im - mor - tal find.

- And where-so - e'er the food is found, he ea - glea gath - er there. Thou shalt mount up with ea - gle's wings;Then hush Thy weak complaint. 'Tis not to canse thee thus to fall-He'd teach thee how to fly! Thy strength shall be His Word of Tmt fh Till to Him thsu dost come.

(1 & 211 bear, k e will bear the6 on_ ea-gle's wings,Far, far a-bove all earth-lx

The eagles.

11 things, Shake off the dust, mount to the sky, Un - to thy place on high.

129 Our Present Lord. A. J. M. LEWIS EDSON.

1. Be - hold the time is here, Thro' a - gee promised long; The l i iht soon 2. A - dore your pres-ent Lord, Andshout a - loud His name, All ye who 3. Ye who with wea - ry feet Still tread the nar - row way. Re-joice your 4. Om Lord will seek His own, Hi jew - els bright and fair; Be - fore His

shining clear, Shallquick dispel the wrong. Then sing with joy,Onr King has come love His word,His presence loud proclaim. Then sing with joy,Our King has come Lord to greet,'Twill soon be endless day.Then sing with joy,Our King has come Father's throne,He'll soon present them there. Then sing with joy,Onr King has come face we'll see,And,'!!ike Him"we'l1 appear. Then sing with joy,Onr King has come

And soon His voice shall call ns home, And soon And soon with Him we'll be a t home, And soon

130 The Mighty God of Daniel. Gi. E BILES. M. L. Yoplun,

1. Have yon heard the thrill-ing cho - m s ring-ing o'er the fur-nace tower, 2. Paul and Si - las caught the ech - o, and with - in the frowning jail 3. Ma - ny of the mar - tyr he - roes trod a lone and thorn- y way, 4. Faith - fnl sol - diem of Je - ho - vah, gird - ed for the ho - ly strife,

Where the He - brew chil-dren tread the fier - y &or? ' B ~ the arm of We can hear their joy - fnl prab - ee in the night; While the pris - on Hon - ored on - ly by their Sav - ionr in the sky; Yet the an -gel Where the foes of eood-ness rrath - er for the frav: Tho' von wea - rv

G& de - liv - ered, they are s 6 g - 6 g of His pow'r, And their song is doors are swing-ing and the frighlened keep-ers wail, Rings the same ex- of Hie pres-ence bid their sad - ness flee a - way As they sang of of their scorn-ing, tho' they clam - or for yonr life, You can sing this

ev - e r - more.

The Mighty God of Daniel.

J j liv-er and de - fend; I am trust - ful my tri- als, I am

w P -. -a- -g: . 11 smil-in. on ms foes. For the mi& - v God of Dan - i l is mv friend.

131 Glory, Glory, Glory! E. C. J ~ ~ N C E S . J. B. DYKES.

1. Glo-ry, glo-ry, glo - ry, nn - to God the High-est! Maj - es - ty and 2. Worthy,worthy, wor - thy! is the Lamb that suffered, Son of God, be- 3. Comforted in weak- ness by Thy Spir-it ho - ly, Wait-ing for Thy 4. Glo-ry, gio-ry, glo - ry, , un - to God the Big?: est! Maj - es - ty and

might be Thine,and praise for-ev - er-more; Let Thy name be ha1 - low'd, fore the world was made Thon lovedst Him; Left He pow'r and glo - ry, Son from heav'n to take us , home to Thee; By the world de - spis - ed, might be Thine.and oraise for-ev - er-more: Lord. we would be ho - iv.

I [ I , ,

m - -

%+43+ : I

now and thro' all a - ges, 0 great J e - ho- vah,hear our pray'r to Thee! to re-deem us sin - ners, By Thy right hand ex - alt - ed now is He. suf -fer-ing with Je - sns, Lord, make us ho - ly, kings and priests to be. e'en a? Thon art h?-- , ly, 0 great Je - ho - vah, hear our pray'r to Thee!

Joy Unspeakable. H~rmE0. BBHDmmou. . 1 Peter 1 :8. Y. L. YoPmn.

11 1. Our Sav-iour, tho' now nn - seen, We love and our hearts re - j o x ;

II 2. His f a - vor's like gome sweet dream,From which we shall soon a - wake; 2. With nev - er a shade of-care, With nev - er a doubt or fear,

II Con - tent, on His love we lean, And pr&e Him with heart and voice. Where all its real glo - ries gleam, And on our sight bright-ly break. We'll dwell with our Mas - ter-where Hi voice we shall a1 -ways hear;

W: know that our Lord is near-We know He shall soon ap - peF- 0 rap - tur - ous love di - vine, Out - reach-ing to love of Thine! Where we shall look , HisJace, Where we shall see all His grace;

Be - tween us is on - ly a vail And nought can our joy as - sail. We ioy - ful - ly look to Thee And pledge our fi - del - i - tv.

-. (1 Joyl un - speak - a - ble joy! H O ~ VJ; a - dore . our King!

Joy Unspeakable.

- . - I( Lov - ing with-out a1 - loy- Praia-es to Him we sing!

I33 I Will Never Leave Thee. A. J. Moms. H. L. McPmm.

1. Pass-ing thro' this vale of shad-ows, Oft my heart would sink with fear, 2. Sometimes wea - ry, heav - y lad - en, Burdened with life's heav-y care,

jir*=$' - i - 1 -

-'-p - Were it not for words of com-fort, Found in these sweet words or' cheer. When I catch those words of bless-ing, I can bless - ed com-fort share. By that prom-ise of His pres-ence, My poor soul has strength regained.

y path-way, In its ing I'll be blest.

I34 Beloved, Son, JI bod Are We.

1. Be - lov - ed, son; of God are we; In this our ob - li - ga - tion see 2. What tho' our way thro' dan - ger lies-He'llgive na wisdom from the skies 3. Hi love to ns He now commends, Greater than a - ny earth-ly friend's, 4. It is, thro' love we now per-ceive, More blestto give than to re-ceive. 5. Be - lov - ed, sons of God are we; Then like our Fa - ther should we be,

Our Father's char - ac - ter to show, In all our dealings here be - low. Our thoughts and words and acts to goide, If we but in His love a - bide. In that, while sin - ners yet were we, Christ diedfrom death to set us free. Be sons our do - ty then we know: That love in all our lives to show. In god - ly liv - ing, ho - ly, pure; Thus, pa - tient to the end en - dare.

Be - lov - ed, sons of .God are we; Members of Heav - en's Roy - d - ty; 8- ,

/I Am-bass - a - dore of Christ our Lord; Thisia our Fa - the& graciousword.

- I, .:= ! - > -

"Quit You Like hi&:*'

day, Thoa-sands are 2. Teach -inga of in - fi - dels, doubt, dis - may. Doc -trines of 3. Death and dim - trem - es, with fier - y darts, Wound - ing and 4. Tern - pest and tor - meut may test and try, Fires may be , fl J 0 . 0

%E--; * c - E j 0 - F - - - I V V I v i ' i

fall - ing on eo. - 'ry bapd, God and His word are ay Sa - tan, now fill the am; Short is their sea-son, the

, we are strong and bold.

11 Quit t, lilts men& .Gong,. '

Fac-ing the foe and the fray; Be 8 9 9 ma t h e m

11 - Koowine your lord ere ione.' I Brineeth the blesina. - day.

The Good Shepherd.

1. Good Shepherd, lead me in the way Thon know-est best, For Thon hast 2. Kind Steward, feed me on the bread thou know-est well, For Thou hast 3. Dear Mas-ter, call me by the name Thon aav - eat me, For dai - b

borne the bur - den of the day; Thou know-est where the ten - der hnn-gered, and been sat - ie - fied; Thon know-est when strong meat mine is Thy son - ship Thy de - light; Thon know'st the love the voice of


And ev - 'ry se - cret, cool and safe re - treat; 0 lead me where un- And all my needs a - bun - dant - ly to serve. 0 tempt me with the And draw the soul till it to Thine as - oires. 0 teach me how to

fail-ing wa-tern play. And a t Thy feet con- tent-ed let h e rest. 11 fruits in Ca- riaan soied. And near Thv store-house n - e r let ma diell. I( .read Thy will &rigit, ' ~ n d in love a - bide e - ter - nal - ly.

The Good Shepherd.

11 Good Shepherd, lead me! Kind Shepherd, feed me! 0, call me

1) by the name thou lov - e s i b e s t ! Nor let a stran - ger

11 lure me to dan-ger, But a t Thy feet in cafe-ty let me rest.

- bus Saviour, Heavenly King.

Laud Thy name with heart and voic8- In Thy greatness we re - joice! . Came a lost race to re - deem, E'en Thy life didst not es - teem. - We are Thine-Do Thon us keep In Thy love so wide and deep.


1. Pre-ciow Sav-iour, Heavenly King, We Thy prais - es glad - ly sing! 2. Thou didet leave Thy heavenly home, As a s e n - ant Thou didst come, 3. Thon has bought us with Thy blood, Rec - on - ciled the world to God; 4 %?u hast been, ex - alt - ed now, At Thy name, all knees shall bow;

I 38 I Will Never Leave Thee, No. 2,

1. I will nev - e r leave you. 1'. will not for - sake; when your tri - als 2. Is your faint heart fear-fa1 For what men may do? Are your sad eyes 3. Child, you have my prom-ise-Will you not trust me? Wi you still, like 4. Know vou not I love VOII Ev-er-last - inz - lv. And I want to

\ I grieve you I your grief par - take. Do not rich- en cov - et. Always tear-ful When they scoff at you? Do you mourn and languish ds your Thom-as, A1-ways doubt-ing be? I am Je - sw Christ, now, Same as prove yon Faith-fd on - to me? No! I'll nev-er leave you, No! 1'11


be con - tent, Seek not gain nor love it- With TG heart's con-grit. foes oppress, Heed-less of your an-guish, Hold-ing back redress? yes-ter - day, Faith - ful to my love vow, You are mine for aye. not for -sake, When your t r i - als grieve you Pi1 your bur-dens take.

I( i will. ney - er. leav? ybo, i will not for - sake;

8 , fl , Let not tri - als & y e you, I'll your bur - den take.

139 A Shelter in the Time of Storm! v. J. 0.


1. The Lord's Tk-~ock, in Him we hide; A shel-ter in the time of storm! 2. A shade by day, defence by night, A shel-ter in the time of storm! 3. The rag - ing storms may round us beat, A shel-ter in the time of storm! 4 0 Rock di - vine. 0 ref - tlge dear, A shel-ter in the time of stork!

P - ~ L o u r e what - ev - er ill be - tide, A shel-ter in the time o i storm! No fears a - larm, na foes af-fright, A shel-ter in the time of storm! We'll nev - er leave our safe r e - treat, A she!-ter in the time of storm! Be Thou our Help - er ev - e r near, A shel-ter in the time of stom!

I h h * h @

11 wea - ry land! a wea - ry land! Oh, J e - sue is a ,

11 Bock in a wea - ry land! A she1 - ter in the time df storm!

Peace, Light and Love. Mrs. E. C. EmNmOIs.

1. There's a peace, sur-pass-ing sweet, To the tronb-led soul made meet,Ae the 2. There's a light whose ra-diant beams Dull the splendor of our dreams, As the 3. There's a love whose might-y pow'r Keeps the son1 in per- il's hour, As a

dew of ev'ning to the parch-ed fields, So when day has tried ns sore, ris - ing sun the glow-ing stars o'er-shades; So, with rnsh or can - dle dim, moth-er'e arms se-cure her tim - id child; So when we, in time of need,

11 And the night dims all be-fore, Gracious peace the balm of healing yieida: ' When we seek to fol-low Him. Dawns the light of life that nev-er fades.

Je - ens Christ, the Giv-er, . . . . . . . . . . .He will bless you, . . . . . . . Best in Je - sus Christ, the Giv - er, Christ the Qiv - er, He will bless you

The Shade of the Cross.

pain and toil and care w z free; My voice a t - tuned to sweet-esf J e - sna in this nar - row way, My heart no long - er lista to fought the glo-riom fight of faith, -And all the wrds of earth and

its con - fn - sionq But hearkens to the Mas- ter day by day;

My akiw are oft - en o - ver - cast and low'r - ing, My path ia Up - on the throne Pll me my Sav - ior sit - ,ting, And if He


in the eoft- est ser - e - nade; Dear eyea of love looked in . to strewn with thorns instead of flow'rs, But o - ver ob - sta-clee my knows Pve suffered with H i here. He'll nive to me a robe and

The Shade of the Cross.

faith stands tow'ring, My Lord has promised strength for darkest ho

crown be - fit-ting The saints who in the throne then shall ap-pear.



I43 . a What A Saviour! A. J. YIoBgls. ' - ' I. L. ICPRAIL.

1. ~ h & our days .of toil are o - ver, i d our Lord takes full control, Hell be- 2. Snch re - pic-ing of the na-tiona as was nev - er seen be-fore, When the 3. When the 'ear-ly and the lat-ter rain" shall cheer Ju- de- a's hills, And in 4. When the mountains shall be leveled, and the val- leys fill'd ahall be, And the 5. Then the li - on and the lamb shall play, led by a lit - tle child, In God's 6. When from out the throne of God on high, a riv - er crys-tal pure Shall pro- 7. Pa - ,tient bid- ing here we ling - er, but our trust is in the Lord, Who will


I stow reward up -on each faithful one; And will take ns home to dwell with fet - tere of oppres-sion shattered lie; And with Sa-tan bound ee-cure - ly, E - den beauty all shall bloom once more; As we view the glorious prospect etonea shall all be gathered from the way; Then the'lansomed of the Lord"His Ho-ly Mountain none shall ev-er harm; When all strong and fierce and cruel ceed to bless the nations with its flow; And thel'treea of 1ife"shall yield their per -fect all the work He has be-mn; If we all remain unite faith-fnl

I HZ while endleas a - ges rol1,And will cheer ns with the blessed worda"Wel1 done." that he may deceive no more,What hosannas from the earth will rend the sky! how our soul with rapture fills,While we sing Je-hov-ah's praises o'er and o'er. lov - ingkindness all shall see, Walking ev - e r in the light of end-less day. things becometh meek and mild,There is nothing then God's children can a-lam. fruits, the ills of earth to cnre,And the love of the Re-deem-er all shall know. to the precepts of Hi word,And will fol- low in the footsteps of Hie Son.

What A Saviour.

What a

glo - rions Sav - iour! When He 11 Z-kr, i5:! dous Sav-ionrt m a t a sav- ionr, glo - d o n S.*ion*t


cam-0th with the crown up - on His brow.

144 Are You Burdened and Distressed?

II - 1. Are yon burdened and distressed? Are you sad - ly seek-ing dat? 2. Have your fond-est hopes all failed? In af -fright your spir - it quailed? 3. Are ' yon bnf - fet - ed, be-trayed? Does the world ac - cnse, up - braid- 4. One who knew thii bit - ter-ness, Read - y is to soothe and bless;

Are yon struggling on a - lone? Is your conr - age a1 - most gone? In de - spair your heart cried out, A11 your faith be-dimmed by doubt? While the keen - est sor -row rends-Wounds re-ceived in home of friends? All your sor - rows J e - w s knows, He will lead you to re - oose.

145 W h e ~ Ppg, &_lo_r$. w i th His Saints. *. J. Moms. Gt:;bi :- --'& - - - . - . x. L. MCPEAIL.

And the works of darkness prospered, backed by ~a-tan's cum-ing might; By ' thg war -ring pow'rs of dark-ness, by such long con -tin - ued sin;

. From the high-way that the Lord prepares, all foes be put to rout, For we have the word of prom- ise' "In the ev-'nina shall be liaht;"

f t ap-proach-ing when the Lord ascends His throne, Bnt our Lord shall take His pow - e r soon with heav-en's loud ac-claim, No de-stroy - ing harm shall en - ter, naught of sin there shall be-tide, All the wronga of earth then right-ed, and all tears be wiped a - way;

11 Oh, then praise the Lord for - ev - er, f o r this glo-rious, hap - py day.

8h.a elear a - way,

"l . . . -2 :\ When Our Lord With His Saints.

11 A F ~ the ran-&med shall re-joioe in end - l a . day, in end -less day.

. -.

I when they appear.

After All That I Have Done. w.

- - 1. Af - ter' all that I have done, Sav - ior, art Thon pao - i - fied? 2 $4 me sit low a t Thy feet, Ehll of deep & - mil - i - ty; 3. Gra-ciow - ly con - firm Thy word, Let me trust Thee more and more; 4. Keep the fee - ble, trem-bling heart Till Thy Spir - i t rules with - in.


Hast ~ h d o my sal - va - tion won That I may kth Thee a - bide? Thon art ho - ly- I - not meet In Thy love to dwell with Thee. Nev - er grieve Thee, pre - cions Lard-A1 - ways wor - ship and a - dore. Till my all in all Thon art, Till I'm cleansed from ev - 'ry am.

Joy Cometh in the Morning!

1. Joy com - 0th in the morn-ing! When the night is past, And the 2 Joy com - 0th in the morn-ing! Hail the ris - ing Son! Glo - now 3. Joy com - 0th in the mron-ing! When the mountains ring With the

watchers on the hill - tops Hail the dawn a t last. Earth's m a - ry night is in His yonth and b3au - ty, Strong His race to run- All mists and shades dim ech-o of His foot-steps, Who is Lord and King. Rise, Zi - on, from thy

And the day draws near, When &e bless - ed King of Glo - ry pers-ing, Ev - 'ry son1 to bless, With the rich - es of His mer -cy, weeping, Haste thee to His side. Joy com-eth! for the bride-groom

:Shall with grace ap-pe*. Tmth and right-ou5nness. Joy! Joy oometh in the morning! Zi- on shout and a Shall with thee a - bide.

, eing, Hail! hail the bless-ed King of Glo - ry! Hail thy Bridegroom King! ,

Faith, Hope and Love.

Ir v 1. Faith will drive the doubtings out of mor - ta l mind, Till de - spair shall 2. Hope will bring the brightness back to tear-dimm'd eyes, Dis - si - pate all 3. Love will bring the sun-shine in - to ev - 'ry heart, Bid all grief and


v v nev - e r wor -ry, crush nor blind, Suf - fer- ing and griev-ing it w ~ l l sor - row, ban - ish ev - 'ry sigh; I t will bring you gladness, make your bit - t e r - ness and gloom de - part; I t will chase the shadows and the

soon sup-plant, I t will make you sweet and true and ra - di - $nt. strength complete, Keep you smil- ing, cheer-ful, kind to all you meet. clouds a - way; Naught but light can lin - ger where love's pow'r holds sway.

- - . - 11 0 heart,of mine.. . . . . . . Let faith di- vine.. . . . . . . Flow in till floods of hd --, , 0 heart of mine Let faith di - vine

'd 11 light thy love and hope in-crease! . . Bring endless joy and per- fect peace!

- - , Copyright, lh, b;?d. L, YoPhail. '. . '

- . - - 8. - " ."--JFy -- =-;* -. - -

=i&j '&'though t%?Fig rice 'Shall not Bloom.

1. Al-thongh the &- 6 s h z not bloom,'kor.frnit be in the viG 2 And tho' the flock all he cut off No herd be in the atall, 3. Tho' stars shall fall, and sun be dim; Tho' moon be turned to blood, 4. Tho' fam -he , earth-quake, pest-i-lence, In di - vers plac - ea roam, 5. Yea, Lord, we know that Thon dost care Tho' all be - low for - eake,

Tho' friends that should af - ford de-fence Be - tray ns in their home; Thon wilt not let ns lose a hair Or bear, nn-known. an ache.

I And tho' the 01 - ive yield shall fail, The fields re - fuse their meat, In TBeq our Rock, we will re-joice Thou mak - est sure our fwt, Tho' roar the sea,-tho' bil - lows rage, And men's hearts fail fer fear, %

Tho' par - ente, Ens-folk, all should hate Be - came we love Thy name, 4

So tho' Thon shonldst see fit- , to slay Still we will t m t in Thee; - I

I dor an - chor ndiae 4 t h - in the vail Hard by them&- cy - seat. In bro - ken paths well hear Thy voice G v - ing ns ico& ael meet. He who once bade the storm as-suage On Gal - i - lee, is near! We know, if pa - tient - ly we wait Joy com - 9th af - ter shame. For Thou wilt bring us all the way To im - mor-.tal - i - ty_

I 50 .; ' 3- Forever and Forever. 8.0.1 (Psr 46. I s r 6% 1L A. Ewnre.

I 1. For - ev - e r and for - ev - e r Thy throne shall be, 0 God, 2. Thy garments all are f ra - grant With al - oes, cas - sia, myrrh, 3. At Thy right hand the queen standa, In bean- ty's per - fect mold, 4. For all Thy sonl'e deep trav - ail Thou shalt be sat - is - fied,

With eq - ni - ty ' ~ h ~ scep - tre And love Thy rnl - ing rod. And from grand gold - en harp-strings Sweet har - mo - nies con - cur; Her mi- ment rich - ly broid-ered In Oph - ir's wondrous gold; More glad than Thy com - pan - ions-Not one de - sire de - nied!

Be - came Thou ha - test s - vil And loved the righteous . way, To soothe and charm and glad-den, While daughters of the' King With glad-ness and r e - joic - ing Her hap - py vir - gins &me

+%. The rich en-treat Thy fa - ror While Ty - re brings 8 - gjft,

Thy God with oil "of glad - ness An - noint - ed Thee &r aye. NLJ bil - i - ty and beau - ty h - to Thy pal - ace bring. To join their queen all glo - rious With - in her heavenly home*, The queen Thy lor - ing help - meet The whole world t. np - lift.&? C I -.

Are You Watching?

-3- I I 1. Are you watching for the pres-ence Of the Reap - er of the field? 2. Art thou faint with wea - ry vig - ila, Look-ing for your coming Lord? 3. Sad, in-deed, i t seems, my brother, Viewed a-lone from earth-ly height; 4 Think thou not God's arm ie shortened, When up - on that heighth you stand; 5. Know His presence then, my pi1 -grim; "In like manner,"hath He come;

I -

Know - est thou what signs proclaim ~ i m , To t6e world yet un-re-vealed? Haet thiie eyes grown dim with weeping, Sick a t heart with hope deferred?


Do you gaze with strain-ing vis - ion For the dawn - ing of the day? Sore dis-cour-aged a t the prospect Of the field so full of tares; Climb the peak,thou wea - ry pi1-grim, Of our God's e-ter - nal truth, Tho' the night precedes the morn-ing, Yet a t last shall rise the Sun; Tares are burning, wheat is garn'ring, Soon shall all he gathered in;

Can'st thou hear the le - gions tramping On E - man - u - al'e highway? While the Prince of E - vil worketh, To surround the church with ~nares? And from thence sur-vey the landscape; Then ohalt thou re-new thy path. And the shad-ows qnick-Iy vanished, Shall pro-claim the morn-ing come. Greet, ye saints, the Lord of bar,- vest, Who shall tri - umph o - ver sin.

152 0, Set Thy Love on Things Above.

1. 0, set thy love on things a-bove, And iix firm thine af - fec - tion! 2. 0 , set thy love on things a-hove! Do not re-pine or sor - row; 3. 0, set thy love on things a bove, Nor fret for earth- ly pleasures, 4. 0, set thy _love on things a-bove!-They'll sat - is - fy corn - plete - ly;

Do not es - tray or turn a - way From God's love and pro - tec - tion; On faithful friend do not de-pend, And do not troub- le bor-row, They but de - ceive and deep - ly grieve, So cov - e t heavenly treasures. k o m flat - ter - y and van - i - ty Tarn thou a - way dis - creet - ly.

I I I- What - e'er he-tide, 0, still a - bide With - in His Tab - er - nac - 10,- Trust in the Lord and in His word,And Thou shalt find eon-tent - ment, The wealth and worth of this old earth But for a day can please us, The H?z?nly Spouse will safe - ly house Thy soul from ev - 'ry sor - row,

The ho - ly place,where with His grace, Sin's chains can nev - er shack - le. For - give thy foe nor wish him woe, No room have for re - sent -ment. 'Tis on - ly loss, 'tis on - ly dross; 0, give thy heart to J e - sue! And E , to - day and yes - ter - day, He'll faith - fa1 be to.- mor - row.

153 The Trumpet Call is Sounding. KATE U- Y L. PGF'EAIL

1. he trum- pet _oZl * sound-ing, -0, bast - en tp the fray, A- 2. Though Sa - tan's hosts seek ref-nge, Be - hind sin's might-y wall, The 3. Then when OW Cap - tain bids us, Lay sword and a r - mor down; Each + + - + + f p.

I v * I I I t P . m - I I I I t i L I I t I I ' I ' **A I 1

Egh your songs of tri-nmph, And count the bat- tle won,For faith may claim the ia Je - ho - vah's promise,That prom-ise we' map c l a i m h d all the way prove if with Him we suf- fer, En-dnr - ing toil and pain, He a1 - so will ex-

- t &a - quest, Ere yet the fight's be-& vie&@ toia Thro' our Re-deem-er'e name, Fear not me host of e- vil, The sit us, With Him in pow'r to reign.

Be a Joyful Witness* KATE U m . , H.L. MoPmn.

He ia near, Tho' the path looks drear; Sad or down-cast nev-er be, trust Him still, Seem it good or ill, Be the pathway bright or dim, wit - ness bear, To His ten - der c a r ? L Then when yon be-hold His face,

Let your brow from care be free. Keep your light clear and bright, Nev - er lose your faith in Him, .Look a - bove till His love Saved and glo - ri - fiek by grace, End - less praise yon shall raise


Shine that all may see. 'Brightens shad-ows grim. Be a joy - fnl wit-ness true, $ow-ing In yon blefs - ed place.

1 what His grace can do, Live and sing for your King, Ti11 His face yon view.

155 Oh, for a Thousand Tongues! "I will H e e Thee. 0 Lord, with my whole heark."-Psalm 9: 10.

I 1. Oh, for a thou - - sand todgues to sing My great Re-deem-ers's 2. J e - sns! the name that soothes our fears, That bids our sor - rows

II praise, My great . . . . . . Re - deem - er's - praise, The glo - ries of my cease. That bids . . . . . . our sor - rows cease: 'Tis mn - sic in the

- ner's ears. ' - - est clean, - -

The tri-mphs of His grace. h e bi-umphs of His ?<.? Y - ' 'Tie life, and health. ind peace; 'Tie life and herlth, and u= C Hia blwd a - vail'd for me, His blood a - vail'd for


He, and health,and peace;. . . . . . . . Tim life,. . . . . . and health, and ~eace. blood a - vail'd for me,. . . . . . . . . . blood. . . . . a - vail'd for me.

- - 1 mate, The bri-omphs ot His grace. h e tri-umphs of His gnoel 1 perce, 'Ti8 life, and health, and peace. 'Tie life, and health, and peace. .

Ria blood a - vaiSd for me. Hi Blood a -vailld for me. , - -

156 All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name! E. PERBONF2T.

d l Welsh Tune "DIADEM."

I. All hail the iow'r of J e - sns' name! d e t an - gels prostrate ;all, 2. Ye cho - sen seed of Is - rael's race, Ye ransomed from the fall, 3. Ye saints whose love can ne'er for - get The wormwood and the gall, 4. Let ev - 'ry kin: , dred, ev - 'ry tribe, On this ter-res-trial ball,

Ii Let an - gels prostrate fall; Bring forth the roy - a1 di - a - dem, Ye ran-somed from the fall, Hail Him who saves you by His grace, The wormwood and the gall, Go spread your tro - phiee a t His feet,, On this t e r - res- trial ball, To Him all maj - es - ty as - cribe,

crown Him, crown Him,

V p 1 - L U 11 Lord of all,; - crown Him, And Arown HA Lord of all.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Him, . . And crown Him Lord of all.


157 It Gives Me Such Rejoicing in My Soul.

1. The tmm - pet of the jab - i - lee ia sounding far and near, 2. I see the com - ing glo - ry aa i t lights the east - ern arch, - 3. Dark shad - ow8 now are creeping from the pres -enw of the light, 4. I'll ban - ish fear and sor- row, and qly faith shall'stand se - cure,

I My ears can catch the echa:@s as they roll; With rapt - nre do I *- Eeav*n9s mu-sic in my ears &? sweet-ly ring; The hoata of King Im- No more to cast their gloom up - on the earth; My son1 in praise up- I'm - liv - ing now in pres-ence of the King; I know there's none can

list - ei to itti- - dings sweet and clear: For it gives me wch re- man - n* el are - up- - on the march, And I know it means the

,- Eft - sth, ' as it 9hws the glo - rions sight. For I know the king-dom h-rn me when de-fend - .ed by such pw'r, While the tramp-et of the

I * - - jo&ing in my s o z -.. -.- pnm-Bnce of the King. Shout a - loud in songs of glad-neae, Shout'&

noon ehall hiwe its bid. - job - i - lea doth ring.

I F 1

It Gives Me such R&oicinp: in MY SsuL

M y Father, as Thou Wilt. CAFS Y. vow wmm ur. H.

Grow dim or dii - ap - pear; J e - BUS on earth didst weep, & ~ d sor-row


I ad- ly trost with Tbee: Straight me a - bove I

I It I ' U 1. My Fa-ther, as Thou wilb! Oh, may Thy will be mine! In - to Thy h a d of love 2. My @a-ther, as Thou wiltf *Tho' seen tho' many a tear,Let not my &tar of hope 3. ~y?!a-ther, ae Thou wilt! A11 shall be well for me;Each changing future scene

h d . k e,

I ss Thine own, And help me still to Bay, My Lord, Thy will IB done! oft a-lone: S i c e I would fol - low Him. MY Lord. Thy will be done!

Mrs. E. C. llmtmm. E. C. E~nmtias.

I 1. Grace euf-fi - cient is the prom- ise, MI& or lit - tle, as Thy need; 2. Grace suf-fi - dent! Can we doubt Hi, Muet we still His good-ness prove? 3. Grace suf-fi - cient in the store-home, And the Mas - ter holds the key!

II bmw there-from thy dai-ly por - tion, On the heav'n - ly man - na feed- I

Give thy tithes in - to Hi keep-ing, He will win thee with Hi love. ev-ing, He will o -

I r Joy to iill each pm-ing- mo-ment, Peace to glad - den ev-'ry hoz, Ev - er shall His pres-ence cheer thee,Light and truth thy path-way sow; None can ask be-yond His giv - ing, A11 His mer - cy may com-mand;

Strength to bear t& pressing bur - den, Rest-ing in God's might-y pow'r. Hope shall quick-en ev - 'ry foot-step, Thou art known: so shalt thou know.

"Heaped, pressed down, and running o-ver," Is the meas-are of-Hie hand

11 Grace 8nf-fi-cientl grace snf-fi-cientl Nev- er aan Hi prom-ise fail:

Grace Sufficient.

Ev - er for Hi trust-ing chil-dren, Shall the pray'r of faith a - rail.

160 Let No Anxious Care Disturb Thee. A. J. XOBBIS. brr. H. L. MOPEAIL.

- : 161 : :- Strength for Today.

I walk in ' ~ h ~ waysstrength for the keep -ing my robes un - de- filed, ear - neat in pray'r; Pa - tient in well - do - ing, faith - ful in heart, F a - ther - ly care; Tmst- ing, al-though I m i not nn-der-etand, way from Thy aide; In life or death be Thou with me al- way;

&eagth to be hum-ble, as seem-0th Thy child. Y

Nev - er, 0 Lord, from Thy truth to de - part. Strength to shun e -vil, to h o w - ing that Thou all my go - inga haat plann'd. Strength for to - day, Fa-fher,atrength

11 cleave 0 the right?Rr~~@h that my rushlight burn clearly and l~rightl Btrangthtbctt I

_ - 162 Blessed Saviour.

1. Bless - ed Saviour, we a - dore Thee, For the love so frea-ly given. 2. Pre - cions or - na - ment of glo - ry, Thon didst leave Thy home a-bove,

Day andnight our hearts would praise Thee, For such blessed boon from heav'n. That we all might know the sto - ry Of Je - hov - ah's quenchless love. Keep us faithful, dear Re - deem - er, That we may meet with Thee there.

We a - dore Thee, we a - dore Thee, That Thon bast our ran - som given, Oh, we praise Thee, oh, we praise Thee,That Thon didst His love thus prove, We with glad-ness, we with gjad-ness,Would Thy love to men de - clare, Bless-ed Mas-ter, bless-ed Has-ter,Lead us gen - tly day by day,


We a - dore Thee, We a - dore Thee, That Thou-haut our ran-som given. Oh, we praise Thee, oh, we praise Thee, That Thou didst Hie love thus prove. We with gladness, we with gladness, Would Thy love t a men dai- clam

- 163 . . "The marriage of the ~ a m b T h e is come, Crowning and m is wife hatb made Day. herself ready."-E~V. 1s: 69. Q. BL B ~ t l s . P. L. P a m .

1. When the crown-ing day shall come, "Hal-le - In -jab!" And the an - gel 2. When the crown-ing day shall come, "Hal-le - In- jah!" And His loo-ing 3. When the crown-ing day shall come, "Hal-le - In- jah!" And the saints the 4. Oh. the crown-inp dav shall come. "Hal-le - In - iah!" 'Ti this bless-ed


smile with rapture shall thrill All the ho - ly ones who stand with the Bridegroom judgment scepter shall take. All earth's tyrants and their schemes of oppression.

11 hope that fill- 0th my sonl; It is now my dai - ly aim and a&-bi - tion

To the grand e - ter - &I home of the gGg; Oh, what ra - di - anoe will On the heightsof Zi - on's glo - ri - ous hill; Then the eyes that see the Bs a curs - ed pot-ter's ves - eel to break;Then the slaves of e r - ror, To be pure and free from world- 1y con-trol: Well a c s u ~ d o f A! e-

11 ter - nal sal - va - tion. If the Gath of con - se - cra - tion I tread.

II -

Bnd what maj -&- iy shall crown the6'New Crea&nre,"When the ev- er-last -ing While the feet that trod the thorn-path of do - tp, Shall the heights of im-mor- And be wefcom'd by the Spir - it of Kindness, To the ev - er - flow-ing I - _am look-ing for my blest re -ore - a - tion, In the like-ness of my

The Crowning Day. CHOBUS.

II . .

gates are nn-haired. tal - i - ti tread. When the crowning day shall come,"Hal-le-In - jah!" wa - tera of life.

love, of His lze.

Evening Prayer.

II a

I I I I $ F a - ther, now the day is o - ver,-Wea-ry, worn, my - self I bring;

My 20 - fense - less head, oh, cov - e r "With the sha - how Af i h y wing." Lord, I come, my need con-fess-ing, "Make and keep me pure with - in." Nake me strong-er for the mor-row, Gip , me peace and ho - ly rest.

IT I h

165 I'm Running for the Prize Divine. Q. M. BILLS. H. L. McPn~m.

2. God called me while I wan-dered still, His voice my spir-it charmed; 3. My blest e - lec - tion to re - tain, My call - ing to make sure, 4. Earth's roy-a1 pal - a - ces may fall, Her mar - ble turn to dust;

I cov - e t - ed earth's sin - ful spoils, I sought its gold - en gains: The trag - ic scenes on Cal-dry's hill My reb - el will dis-armed: I still mnst run thro' toil and pain, And to the end en- dnre;

dut . now it8 charms have passed a-way, Its tieas-ures are but dross, The Sav - ior whis-pered to my soul-"Be- lieve and fol - low me;" An earth - ly home may not be mine, Yet in exchange there stands But for a cit - y I am bound Whose walls e - ter - nal shine;

I'D &I the chris - tian race to - day, I start - ed a t the cross. Im - mor - tal heir - ship is thy goal, Since "I have chos-en Thee!' For me a build - iug all di - m e - "A home not made with hands!'

- Where with my dear Re - deem - er crowned, The king - dom shall be mine.

11 I'm run-ning for the prize di - vine, Joint heir - ship with my Lord;


Copyright, 1896, by M. L. MoPhaii.

I'm Running for the Prize Divlne.

11 Earth and its hon - om I re-sign To gain this re - ward.

- - 166 - - : Oh, I Am So Happy.


1. Oh, I ' am so hap - py all the day, My bur-dens have all rolled a-way; 2. Oh, I am so hap - py all the time,Hope's bells .of joy so sweetly chime; 3. Oh, I am so hap -py in the Lord, He is my shield and my re-wed;


y Lord,And I'm trusting in , aetend All my jour-ney to

Noval- ley0 I fear While my Comforter


11 I know I am His an& He is mine, My all to His care I now resign;

Fullness of Joy.

1. 'Tie sweet in the pres-ence of J e - sus to dwell, Tho' troub-les and 2. A - bun-dant - ly furnished with grace for our needs, When Sa- tan at- 3. To work for our Lord is a priv - i - lege rare, Each mo-ment of 4. 0 glo - r i - ous pros-pect-if faith - ful till death-Of bliss that no

- t r i - als an - noy, To con- s tant- ly feel His ap- prov - a1 =d smile: tempts to de - coy, Christ flies to our res- cue-to vic - to - ry leads: t i e to em - ploy; Co - reap - ers with Him in the har-vest to share: foe can de - stroy! Made one with theBridegroom,all na-tions t o bless:

u In this there is full-ness of joy! Fullness of joy! yes, fullness of joy!

11 Serv-ing our Mas-ter with hearts full of joy! Soon we will fin - ish our

In the Winepress Alone. ~ T T E 0. HEADEBBOX.

1. In the dusk of the sor-row-ful hours,The time of our trouble and tears, 2. And therefore He knows to the utmost,The pangs that a mortal can bear; 3. How snd-den so e'er the dis - as - ter, Or heav-y the hand that may mite; 4. From Him, in the night of His tri- al, Both heaven and earth fled a - way;

- With frost at the heart of the flow-ers,And blight on the bloom of the years. No mor - tal has pain that the Mas-ter Re - fus - es to heal or to 8hare. We're yet in the grace of theMas-ter, We nev-er areout of Hissight. Hie bold-est had on - $ de - ni - al, Hi dear-est had on - ly dis - may.

L i e the moth-er voice ten-der-ly hushing,The sound of the sob and theLmoan; And the ories that ascend to the Loving,Who bruised Him for ns to a - tone; Tho' the winnowing winds of temptationJiay forth from all quarters be blown; With a cloud o'er the face of the Father, He entered the anguish unknown;

~h~ 1908, br Id. L. IdcPhail. l r r

169 Teach Us Submission, Lord.

1. Teach ns w b - mis - sion, Lord, That we Thy will may do;

3. Teach ua the pow'r o 4. Ow wills we now s

U; - hold, s w - tain and corn - fort Thon, And bring us safe - ly throe. And keep our minds on Thee in - tent, That we may nev-er stray. And may it a eweet sav - or be, As - cend - ing to the skies. Thy chil-&en keep from Sa - tan's wiles, Thy glo - ry soon to see.


I 1. When work on earth for me shall ceaae,And I am called to realms of peace, 2. 0, may the joy m-preme be mine, When I be - hold Hi face di - vine; 3. His ho - ly will I fain would do, In faithful serv-ice glad and true; 4. Een as He did His Fa - theis will, Bia plan for me would I ful - fill; 6. Then when I view life's lat - est sun. When earthia ~ast.and headn % won:

I - 0, may I h'r my Sav - ionr psy,Vdl done,"to m e in tk& blest day. Te hear my Saviour's sweet voice eay,"Welldone,"to me m W blest day. His name a - lone would glo - ri - fy Thus es - er feel H2 presenee nigh. Wouid go wher-e'er He send - 0th me. And on - ly what He ohooseth be. Thro'pam e ->: - n a op- vyr there, I in my Sav - iour'a j o ~ skalllare.

I I I 1. The Lord my Shepherd is, I shall be well sup - plied, 2. He leads me to the place Where heav'nly past - me grows, 3. If e'er I go a - stray, He doth my son1 re - claim, 4. While He af - fords Hia aid I can - not yield to fear; 5. A - mid sur - round - ing foes Thou dost my ta - ble spread; 6. The bonn- tier of Thy love Shall crown my folbwing days,

S i He is mine and I am His, What can I ;at be -eihe? Where liv - ing wa - ters gen - tly pass, And fall sal - va - tion flows. And guides me in His own right way, For His most ho - ly name. Tho' I should walk thro'death's dark shade,My Shepherd's with me there. My cup with bless-iogs o - ver - %ow, And joy ex - alta my head. Nor from Thy Bonse will I re - move, Nor cease to speak Thy praise.

172 Thy Plan Reveals Thy Love, 0 Lord;

R ' 1. $by plan re ?veak Thy love, 0 .Lord, Thy wis - dom, just - ice, pow'r; 2. The bright &l - leu - nial Day is near When all the world shall see 3. In that day all shall know Thee, Lord, The earth will be re-stor'd, : 4 I want to h e a life of praise, 0, teach me. Lord, the way.

hie ~adiant Dawn.

1. The ra-diant dawn of gwpel light, The prophet saw in via-ion bright, 2. The blind their eyes shall o - pen. wide; To drink the light's e'er-flow-ing tide, 3. And there shall be a ho - ly way, h which the simple shall not stray,-

And hailed th' au-#pi-cions day, When Christ would all His grace dis-close The deaf sweet mu - sic hear; The lame like bounding hart shall leap; The path so plain and bright; Way - far - ing men there - in shall walk,

And cure the world of all its woes, By truth's tri-umph-ant sway. The dumb no long - er si-lence keep, But shout Redemp-tion near. And of their home and kindred talk, With rapt-ure and de - light.

Eternal God.

1. E - ter - nal God, Thou light divine, Fountain of nn - ex- hapet-ed live, 11 2. Thou prt the waa - ry wand'rer's rest, Give me the ea - sy yoke to bear; 3. ~e Thou, 0 Rock of A - gee, nigh! So shall each mnrm'ring thought be gone, 4. Speak to my war-ring pasaions,"Peace?' Say to my trembling beart,"Be still;"

Eternal God. .-

I Oh, let Thy glo -ria6 on me shine, In earth beneath,from heav'n a-bove. With ateadfast patience arm my breastwith spotless love and low - ly fear. And grief, and fear, and care shall fly, As clouds be-fore the mid-day sun. Thy pow'r my strength and fortress is, For all th in0 eerve Thyho-lyy ho - 1 will.

Uplift Thine Eyes.

I Chaste vir - gin, clad in robee of white, 0 - bey - ing His com-mand. Long hae He wait - ed for Hi bride, His arms out-stretched in love; Then meet thy Lord with smil - ing face, And ban - ish ev - 'ry fear;

Press On!

1. Press on, press on! ye sons of light, Un - t ir - ing in yonr ho - - lj- fight, 2. Press on, press on! thro' toil and woe, With calm resolve, to tri - omph go, 3. Preas on, press on! still look in faith To Him who vanq8ished sin and death - d

t , -- 177 Blessed are They Who Sigh and Mourn.

H. 0.H. Matt. 6: 8-13. W. B. B~ADBWY.

I I . Tho' now they am distressed, forlorn-They shall be oheer'd and laved and led. Al - tho' their flesh is frail and weak, J e - hov - ah hearkens to their prayere. Bless - ed are they in spir - it poor, With heaven they shall be sat - is - fied. Bless - ed are they whose hearts are pare, The sight of God they soon sball gain. Their joy ehall con-stant-ly in-crease, By strife tf ieirl i is shall notbe galled. Re - joice and be ex - c ~ d , - ing glad, For great is yonr re - w?rd.in heaven.

I 78 Thy Precepts, Lord, Are My Delight.

1. ~ i y pre-cepta, Lord, are my de - light, And to my taste most sweet; 2. Show us Thy troth from day to day, Thy wondrous things make plain; 3. Snares for om feet the foe hath laid, But to Thy words we flee; 4. Thy, pre - cepte are my hi! - ing place, A re: - nge safe and sure;

li My eke@ by day, my song by night; My ev - ery need they meet, Then Thy commands we will o - bey; And from all sine r e - frain. They bid onr hearts be not a - fraid, On - ly to h t in Thee. kesh with the dew of heav'nly pace, Thy word ie ver - y pure.

Jehovah Reigns. A. J. K


1. Je - ho - vah reigns in ma - jes - ty With- out be-gin-ning or an end; 2. Love. Hia moat roy - a1 a t - trib - ute, Stands there supreme a-bove them all; 3. The heah ly choirs now chant Hispraise,And with sweet joy that praise pro-long; 4 Day nn - @ d$y re - veals His love, Night un- to night His mer - cy shown; 5. His gracious Sen we love as well, To whom all pow - e r He has given;

No 0th - er gods compar'd can be, Such roy - a1 who dare of - fend? While claims of jtu - tice none diipute, 'Tk love that saves man from the fall. And won the choira of earth shall raiegTheir v o b in re-demp-tion's eong. And ag 4 age Hi wonders prove,Hia people'a ad' - o - ra - tion @om. With at_& we hope to dwe?k ,In that blest home prepare5 ,in heav'n.

Jesus Our All. P. L. H.

3. Clothed in Thine own right - eons - ness, Seek we Thy dear face;

11 Grant ns each a per - fect heart, While we lin - ger here. Naught but heav'n snch hearts can cheer, Filled with things di - vine. Watch and guard our ev - 'ry step, As we run the race. K e e ~ us safe from all our foes. Make us t m - lv Thine.

What is There Here? WOODBWY.

I - d

1. What ia there here? Why should we stay While pin - ing for our home? 2. We will all hu - man rights re - sign And Hi pro - tec - tion claim, 3. 0 What a bless - ed hope ia ours! While here on earth we stay, 4. We feel the re - snr - rec - tion near, Our l i e in Christ concealed, 5. 0 would He more of heav'n be - stow, And let the ves - eel break, 6. In rapturous awe on Him to gaze, His bride, be - loved to be,

And with Hi glo - rions pres-ence here, Our earth - en ves - sels filled. And tet our ran- som'd spir - its go To find the love we seek! And wor - ship Him and sing Hie praise Thro' all e - ter - ni - ty.

- Have Courage.

1. shall I re-deemed by J e - sus' blood, Re- fuse His cross to share; 2. Clothed in the a r - mor He pro-vides, And trust - ing in my Lord; 3. En - tan - gled not in things of earth, I'll fight the fight of faith; 4. I'll fol - low Him who went be - fore, Who bore the cross for me; 5. With Him a t last to dwell in peace, His good- ness to a - dore;

Or shrink to cross the swell-ing flood, That. I may meet Him there? 1'11 meet 211 foes, what - e'er be -tide, En - cour-aged by His word. Tho' of earth's joys there be a dearth, I'll faith - ful be till death. E'er bat - tling in this glo - rious war, Till death shall se t me free. From all earth's t r i - als sweet re-lease, Safe on that fu r - ther shore.

The Christian's Strength.


1. he chis-tian's strength is in His Lord,His in -spi- ;a - tion in the word; 2. A - part from Christ, the Son of God, A - part from cleans-ing in His blood, 3. But Christ has diedl and shall sin live? Can-not He keep all who be-lieve? 4. The Christ, who died on Cal-dry's tree, Now in-ter - cedes in heav'n fo r me!


k i s pow'r t o tri-umph I o - ver sin, When Christ,his Sav-ibnr reigns with-in. Our hearts are sin-fol, prone to stray From the ap - point - &, nar-row way. His pow'r suf-fi-cient is, t o save, For He han ris - en W m the grave.

I On Him a-bove, I will de - pend, To keep me till my j o ~ r - n e ~ ' ~ n d .

184 I Need Thee, Precious Jesus.

1. 1 need Thee,preciona Je-sne! I want Thy love to win; For I am sad 2. 1 need Thee, bless-ed Je-sns! For I am ver - y poor; A stranger and 3. I need Thee, blesa-ed Je-sns! I need a friend like Thee; A friend to soothe 4. I need Thee, b l e e d Jegna! And hope to see Thee soon; En-cir - cled with

and lone- ly; My heart is weak with - in: I need the cleansing fountain,Where a pi1 - grim, I have no earth - ly store: I need the love of J e - sns To and pit - y, A friend to care for me:. I need tbe heart of J e - sus To the rain-bow, And seated on Thy throne:There,with the blood-bo't children,My

I I can &wags flee-The bbod of Christ moat p~0118,The~tian'eperfect plea. cheer me on my way, To guide my doubting footsteps,To be my strength and stay. feel each gnxione care;To tell my ev - 'ry trouble, And all my sor-rows share. joy shall ev- er be, To sing Thy praises, J e - sns, To gaze my Lord on Thee.

k. 3.116. LOWELL MASON.

----:-:- \ -

w i ' ' TS -'& Ye Saints With Watchful Care.

A '

-me Ye Saints. ' --

- Ceme pe saints ta Him who calls you, To the Lard ye love so well; ,' { Quick mcep t the work He giresyou, And to all the eta - ry tell. Be aot wea - ry in the con - flict; Cast on Him your ev - 'ry care; 1 Rtos He of - *em, cro- He'll give yon, And a man-sion bright and fair. } Spread the news of ree - ti - tu - tion, Shout the bless-ed ti - dings round; ,

'* 1 To all men He brings ul - va - tion, Lit - en to the joy - ful sound, 1 Fall - en an - gels, too, may list - en To the newxi to as so sweet; !fay they hear the call to mar - cy, When the Lord His saints shall meet. 1

11 Shoat ~m.p&s - b, 8 6 U t His prais -'m, And f&r joy - hl k t h ~ m s swell; Oh, the rapCure, oh, the rapt- nre When wel'mee.t Him in the air;" &read the ti-ding& spread the ti - dings To the earths re - mot - est bound;

, All may brostrate. all may prostrate At the bless - ed mer - dy seat;

I I I 1 8 . d Shont Hi praia-es, shout His iraie - es, And sour joy - ful an-thems swell. Tz Oh, the rapbum, oh, the rapt - w e When we- "meet Him in the air." - Spreaiithati-dings,spread the ti- dings, To = earth's re - mat -a& bound. "7. All may pmtrate, all may prostrate At the blem - ed mer -'og seat.

I - CI

Welcome to Me. Arr. by Wn. EIZUBY Mom.

1. Welcome to me the dark- est night, If there the Saviour's presence bright 2. Welcome the fiercest waves that roll Their deep'ning floods to whelm my soul, 3. Welcome the thorniest path, if there The printmarks of His feet ap - pear;

Beam forth up - on the soul dismay'd, And say,'"Tis I! be not a-fraid!" If He re - buke the storm of ill, And bid the tempest,"Peace, be still!" If in His foot-steps we may tread, And fol-low where our Lord hath led.

188 In the Path Our Feet Are Pressing.

w 11 1. In the path our feet are press-ing, Which our Sav - ionr trod be - fore; 2 Nar - row lies the way be - fore ns; May we nev - e r from it stray. 3. Strait and nar - row path of du - ty, Ev - er plain be - fore w lies; 4. Bet - ter far than fad - ing pleasures,Found a-long "De-struc-tion'sWroad; 5. Lord, we seek Thy gen - tle lead-ing, Keep Thy sheep from harm we pray;

11 Glad - ly we, Thy truth con - fese - ing, Own Thy won-drous love and pow'r. Hear as, Lord, in mer - cy aid us, Walk with patience day by day.

i' On itn bor -da ihine in beau - ty, Flow'n that bloom in Par - a - dise. For we seek the heav - 'nly treasures, Those which lead ne un - to God.

The Varying Scenes.

1. Since all the vary- bg scenes of time God's watch-ful eye sur-v&, 2 Good, when He gives, su-preme - ly good; Nor lees when He de - nies; 3. Why should we doubt a Fa-ther's love, So con-stant and so kind!

I Oh, who so wise to choose our lot, Or to i p - point our ways! Edn cross-es, from His sov-'reign hand, Are bless-ings in dis-guise. To His an - err - ing, gra-cioue will Be ev - 'ry wish re-signed. There let i t fill some hum - ble place Be - neath my Lord the Lamb!

Day to Day.

1. Day by day the man - na fell: Oh, to learn this ies - son well! 2."Day by day" the prom - ise reads; Dai- ly strength for dai - ly needs; 3. Lord, our times are in Thy hand; A11 our sanguine hopes have planned,

I 4. Thou o w dai - ly task shalt give;

II Still by con - stant mer - cy fed, Give us, Lord, our dai - ly bread. Cast forebod - ing feara a - way; Take the man - na of to - day! To Thv wis - dom we re-sign. And would mould onr wills to Thine.

I( So ahah add - ed pears $11- fk.. No! our own, our ~a-thedwill .

191 GlolTRrnM W. ~ E ~ & I L T .

His W a y I s Best. M. L. MOPEAIL.

Not too f a t


To know, whatev - e r may be - tide, Tie 'beat, for He ie by our side! The mld and gloom of dark - eat night It fills with warmth and heav'nly light! And ev - er givee them day by day His grace euf- fi - cient on the way. bat ne preag on with upturned face, And f ~ l - low where we can- not trace!


+ ' 3 " -r Ex

I & D. S.-I h n o , w ~ - er n q be - tide, HdU n c ~ - er--nev - er leave my side.

1. HOW -maet to feel ~ o d ' s will ia beet, And in this pre-ciona tho't t o rest; 2. Oh, how it helps IIS bear the pain, Oh, how it makes US strong a-gain! 3. To acme who take Hia will an beat, He granta His per-fect peace and mt, 4. Then why should hearta grow weak or faint, Why should we ev - er make oomplaintl

Consecration. K. W. Eama'1Y)x.

1. LoEd, here I bring my - mK, 'Tie -all I hsve to give; 2 To own no will but Thine, To aaf - fer lose or h e ; 3. Hence-forth my ev - 'ry pow'r Each day for 3hee to we,

,161 in-CR)888 of

- - . - - Cansecration. Concluded.

My heart's de - she is who1 - ly ~ h h e ~enoe-forth for Thee to live. All t h i i to bear, if on - ly I May glo - ri - fy Thy name. My hande, my feet, my lips, my dl, As Thou, my Lord, shalt choose. That I by faith may walk with Thee Till 1. be -hold Thy face.

We Praise Thee, Lord.

1. We prsiee Thee, Lord, for Thou art wise, All things i o Thee are 2. We praise Thee, Lord, for Thou art just, Thy judg-mente sure and 3. We praise Thee, Lord, for Thon art love, Thon hat - eat sin a- 4. We praise Thee, Lord, for Thou art strong, All pow'r 21 Thine, and 6. We love The, Fa - ther, Thon art good, Thy pit - y met our 6. Help as to live henae-forth for Thee, Ow Light, our Life, our

W k~own, The end wasplann'd ere earth did rise And wie - dom . right; Man dis - o -beys, and goea to dust, Ia ran - somed, lone; Soon shali Thy works, ad - mired a - bove, In all the might; Us Thou hast healed, and now ere long Day shall dis- needs, Thon gav'st w life, a robe, and food, And blest is AH, Till earth and heav'n Thy glo - ry see And low a-

0 Christ, Our Immortality.

1. 0 Christ, our im-mor-;a1 - i - ty, We have no life ex-cept i u v ~ h e e ; 2. 0 Christ, our im-mor-tal - i - ty, A - mid earth's storms to Thee we flee! 3. 0 Christ, our im-mor-tal- i - ty, Our safe - t y is to hide in Thee; 4. 0 Christ, our im-mor- t a l - i - ty, Death has no sting nor vic - to - ry, 5. 0 Christ, our im-mor- ta l - i - ty, No dark-ness can be found in Thee;

. . . . . r . .

I. I i , ~ i , i , t i i I

Thou a r t our res - ur-rec-tion breath, And without Thee is end-less death. No wind this Sol - id Rock can break, No flood this Sure Foundation shake. Thy blest Redemption LOW we claim, And life re ceive thro' J e - sus' name. Since for Thy peo-pleThou didst win The great sal- va - tion from all sin. And in - to ev - 'rv trustine heart Thou dost the lieht and life im- art.


I m - m o r - t a l - i - t y , I m - m o r - t a l - i - t y Is J e - s u s ' g i f t to me;

I95 Leave Me Not. VON WEBER.

1. Leave me not, 0 pre-cious 2. Leave me not, 0 pre-cious Sav-iour! Grant Thy mer - cy long a-bused; 3. Leave me not, 0 pre-cious Sav-iourl Tho' my heart with - in is stained; 4. Leave me not, 0 pre-cious Sav-iour! Ev - er - more my will con - trol;

Leave Me Not.

In That Day.

II They shall re -ceive a great re - w$d In that day. When I shallmake my jew - els up In that day. And all their tri - als will he o'er In that day.

They to my pre-cepts are a1 - ways true, Do - ing my will in the

Ueed by permission of Henry Date, owner of the copyright.

L- .-- ,?$-T 197. Desiring Mot That Sinners Die:

A.J. M. I w o B- W.M)DBWY.

1. De - sir - ing not that sin-nera die, Our Sav-ionr hung up - on the tree; 2. But, best of all, to them He's gi?n, Who here His sflrings glad-ly share, 3. Then give ns patience, Lord, we pray, To fol - low in Thy footsteps here;

And that they all from wrath might fly, Sur - ren-der'd life most will - ing - ly. Bad have by faith with Him &risen, A right to share Hii glo - ry there. That we m y keep the nar-row way, And reign with Thee when o - ver there:

- - - .ue ;- 3i?

t98 Never Further - - Than - Thy Cross.

1. Nev -'er fur - ther than Thy mom, Nev - e r high - e r than Thy feet; 2 k - ing thus our ain we see, Learn Thy love allilegw - ing thw; 3. ffare we learn to ~er re ma give, A d re -jeiq - bag, Balf L - ny; 4. M - ing on - ward as we can, Still to this our he& mnst tend; 5. ?tW a - mi8 the hoste of light, We in Thee redeem'd, aomp-lete,


Never Further Than Thy Cross.

II Here earth's precioua things seem dross; Here earth's bitter thingagrow sweet. S i which laid the cross on Thee, Lore,wBich bore the croee for us. Here we gatlt -er love to live, Here we gath - er faith to die. Where our earliest hopes be - gan, There o b last as - pir - ings end. Thro' Thy cross made pure and white, Cast our crowns be - fore Thy feet.

199 One More Day.

1. %a a w e dqy, dear Lor&, has p88s'd us, Now the sun sinks to its rest; 2. A t our best we do so lit - tle, That we would dis-cow-aged be; 3. When our even - i s prafr we of - fer, Gra- ciom - Ip in - cline Thine ear;

May i t near-er Thee have bro't a, And to os its work be blest; Were it not that ev - 'ry tit - tle Count-ed is, denr lord, by Thee. All that's Thine to Thee we p~of-fer, Keep our hearts de - void of fear.

ll For each day we m n t b& lm, should it bring to na no croee. Thua we la - bor day by day, Give os dai - ly grace, we pray. * - Soon the *aha-dowg of the night, Shall give place t o morn-ing light. - r!

i - - -

\- 8

)-; 200 F- Step by Step. - grmUrsm. II. L. POPEAIL.

:<''P. When the ehad-ows thickly gath- er, Cloud - ing all thy on-ward w z 2, Shonld the corn-ing days bring bur-dens, Or be f m g h t with grief or care; %$. Dai - ly strength He ev-er giv - eth, For each day rich grace be-stows; 4 Then why should we shrink or fal-tar, When the on-ward path looks dim;


D. s.-B& &at h t ie Fut - ure li - eth, In Elis mer - e l He eon - hals. ir


n 'y 11 Step by step He leads me on -ward Step by step the wag re - verlr; 1 7 I

20.1 Great Jehovah.

Then hast of-fered, Great J e -ho - vah, Crowns of life tha$ we may wear; ' {If we fol - low our Be-deem - er, And with Him a s aufPrings abare. )

Great Jehovah.

II 1-4. Hear ns now, hear us now, Lb be - fore Thy throne we bow. 5. Crowns to wear, crowns to wear, If we but His suff-'rings share.


1. Since thy Fa-ther's arm ens-tains thee, Peaceful be; When a chast'ning 2. With-out mur-mur, nn-corn-plain-ing, In His hand Lay what - ev - er 3. Fear - est sometimes that thy Fa- ther hath for - got? Tho' the clouds a- 4. There-fore what-so - e'er be - tid - eth, Night or day, Know His love for

?and restrains thee, I t is He; Know His love in full completeness, things thou canst not Un - der-stand. Tho' the world thy fol - ly spurn-eth, found thee gath - er, Doubt Him not. Al-rwys bath the day-light bro-ken, thee pro - vid - eth Good a1 - way. Crown of aor - row glad - ly wear-ing,

Feel the measure of thy weakness: If He wound thy spirit sore,Trust Himmore. From thy faith jn pit- y turn-ethPeace thy inmost soul shall fill, Ly-ing still. At-ways hath He comfort spoken,Better hathHe been for years Than thy fears. Ev - e r cheer-ful, ne'er despairing, Sweetly bending to His will Ly-ing still. .

An. P.

' r l ~ e w i t h Me Lord.

1. Be &if& rne'~ord, when h t I wake, Aa the faint lights of morning break; 2. B% with me in the sul-try noon,Let earth's low cam for Thee make room;

k~~ Bid par-est tho'ts with-in me rise Like cry - stal dew-drops to the skies.

1. ~i - hne Thy whnd9ring sheepbe-hold; Sea, brd, with yearning pit-y eee 2 Be - wil-dered now snd scat-tered wide, In doubt and wear-i-new and want! 3. Thou, on - ly Thou, the kind and good And sheep re-deeming Shepherd art;

' 4. 0 - pen their month and ut-ter-ance give;Give them a trumpet-voice, to call 6. Thy on - ly glo- ry 1etLhem~eek; 0 let-qeir he*, with love o'er-flow

=. = . 23

- The sheep that cannot find the fd&Till augh t and gathered in by Thee. . WtJLno kind shepherd near to guide And lead,them to th bI@ truth-font. . - Col-lect Thy flock,and give them food,And pdws sf-ter Thilre own heart.


On all mankind to turn and live, Thros fzW hi Eiii who died for all @t them believ? and thhrefore epeak,knd spread Thy ymy*s ~ a i s e bdow.

Christian, When T h y Way.

1. Chris-tian, w h ' t h y way seems dark-est, ~ h d thine eyes with tears are dim, 2. Syrn - pa- thy of friends may cheer thee When the fierce, wild storm is past; 3. All thy griefs by Him are or-dered, Need - ful is each one for thee, 4. Far too well thy Sav - ior loves thee, To a1 - low thy life to be 5. Though His wise and lov- ing pnr - pose Clear- ly now thou mayst not sqe,

s t rakht to God thy Fa- ther hast'nij~g; ex thy sor-rows un - to Him. But God on - 4y can con - sole thite;When i t breaks up - on thee &st; All thy fears by Bi are count -ed, One too much there can-not be; . 'One long, calm, un - bro-ken snm - mer, One un - mf - fled, storm-lee sea. Stin believe, with faith un - shak - en, All shall work for good to thee.

Not 40 hu - man ear oon - fid - mg, Thy sad tale of grief or care, Go with words or tears of si - lence, On - ly lay them a t Hie feet; And if,whilst they fall so quick-ly, Thoucanst own Hi way is right, He would have thee fond-ly nest - ling, Clos - e r to His lov - ing breast. Therefore, when way seems darkest, And thin: eyes with tears are dim,

Then each bit - ter tear of an - gubh Pre-cions is in J e - sna' sight. k,v He would have that world seem brighber, Where a - lone (I per - feat mat. .Straight to God thy Pa - ther hast'ning, Tell thy aor -rows nn - to Him.

Call Jehovah Thy Salvation. r. Psalm 91.

li 1. Call J e - ho - vah thy sd - ;a - tion, Rest beneath the Almighty's i z e ; 2. From the sword a t noon-day vast-ing, From the noisome pes - ti1 - ence 8 Since with pure and 6rm af - fecLtion, Thou on God haat set thy love,

In His se - cret hab - i - t a - tion Dwell, nor Lv - e r be dig-mayed; D. S. Guile nor vi - o - lence can harm thee, In s - ter - nal safe - ty there.

In the depth of mid-night blast-ing, God shall be thy sure de -fence; D.S. Mer - cy shall thy soul de - liv - er, Tho' ten thou - sand be laid low.

With the wings of His pro - tec - tion He will shield thee from a - bove: D. S, Here for grief re-ward thee doub- le, Crown with life be - yond the grave.

h fl

II There no tn-mult can a - lirm thee, Thou shalt dread no hid - den snare; Fear thounot the dead - ly qniv - er, When a thou-sand feel the blow; Thou shalt call on Him in troub - le. He will heark-en. He willsave:

Go Labor On.

1. Go la - bor on; spend and be spent,Thy joy to 'do thy Fa - the i r &I; 2. Go la - bor on; 'tie not for naught;Thy earth - ly loss ie heavenly gain; 8 Go la- bor on; enough. while here,If He shall praise thee, if He deign 4. Men sit in darkness a t thy side, With-out a hap9 beyond the tomb: 5. Go la - bor on; thy hands are weak,Thy knees are fsint, thy soul oaat down,

Go Labor On.

I 1 It ie the way the as-ter w'ent; Should not the a&-ant tread i t stiil?

Men heed thee,love thee,praise thee not; The Master prais-es-what are men? Thy will-ing heart to mark and cheerNo toil for Him ahall be in vain. Take up the torch and wave i t wide, The torch that lights the thickest gloom. Yet fa1 - ter not: the prize ye seek, Is nea r - a king - dom and a crown!

208 Shout Aloud for Jesus. A. J. I.

1. Shout, shout a - lond for Je- sns, Ye ihos - en of the Lord; beak forth is 2. Shout, shont a -loud for J e - sus, Yonr tmst in Him re-pose; For in His 3. Shont, shout a - lond for J e - sue, For God His pow'r doth lend; And of this 4. Shout, shout a - lond for Je - sns, Ye saints who love His name, The roy - a1

I I proc -la- ma-tion, Uphold His preciona word. With conrage pressing forward,All - loo - ing kindness, He91 save from all thy foes.The arm - or He pro-vid-0th' Will might- y con-flict, Ye soon shall see the end. Then ev-'ry o -ver- com - er Hie proc - la- ma-tion Speak forth the world to gain; Till ev - 'ry earth-ly cr;eatn;e Sp l l

1 I en - e - mies overcome; And ne'er give up the conflict, Un -I ti1 the work is done. 3 shieldfromev-'ry harm;And Setan ne'er be-@I-eth, Pro-tect-ed by His arm.

-I _I crown of lifeshall wear,And with the blessed Saviour,His pow'r andglo-ry share. loud Eo-san-nas sing, AndHeaven's Hal-le-lo-jahs Thro'-out the world shall ring. .:


Lo! He C Aies.

- - . . rh! He comes with clouds de-scend-ing, Once for favored sin-nera blain;

' w a n d , thousand saints a t - tend- bg , Swell the tri-nmph of His train; } Ev - 'ry. eye shall soon dia - cern Him Robed in might-y ma - jea - ty; ) { T h e m%o set a t naught and sold b, P i d d and nailed Him to the tree, Yea, A - men! let all a - dore Thee, Sit - ting on Thy lof - ty throne; 1 Sav-lour, take the power and glo - ry, Rule the kingdom,'tis Thine own; 1

I- m - ,-

I - I I Hal - le : lu - jah, ha1 - le - lu- jah!Christ has come to earth to reign. Shamed, re-pent-ing, shamed, re-pent-ing, Shall the true Mes - s i - ah see. Pre - cioua Sav-iour, pre - cious Sav-ionr, Crown'd with Thy im-mor-tal crown.

210 We Would See Jesus. A B. W.

w * - We Would See Jesus.

faith to strengthen, For the last wea - ri - ness-the fi - nal strife. ag - i - ta - tion, Can thence re - move us, if we see Hi face. deep per - sist - ing, We well nigh faint, 'till strength we gain from Thee. ria - m, plead-ing, p e n wel-oome day, and fare-well mor - tal night!

Christ is Present.

1. Christ is pres-ent! let cre - a - tion Bid her groans and tra-vil cease; k Earth can now but tell the sto - ry Of the bit - ter cross and pain; 3. Long Thy ex - ilea have been pin-ing, Far from rest and home and Thee; 4. With that bless - ed hope be -fore us, Let no harp re -main nn-strung;

Let the glo-rions pro - cla - ma - tion Hope re-store and faith in-cream; She shall soon be - hold Thy glo - ry For Thou corn - est now to reign; But in heav-'nly vestare shin - ing Now they shall Thy glo - ry see; Let the mighty ad - vent cho- rpe On- ward roll from_tongne to tongue;

Christ is pres-ent! Christ is pres-ent! Christ, the bless-ed Prince of Peace. Christ is pres-ent! Christ is pres-ent! Let all hearts re - peat the atrain. Christ is pres-ent! Christ is pres-ent! Join the joy - ous jub - i - lee. Christ is pree-ent! Christ is pres-ent! Now to praise Him quick - ly come.

Everything I Give to Jesus.

Ev - 'ry-thing I give to J e - sus, All I hope for, all I have: {On the sac - ri - 8 - cia1 a1 - tar. Ev-'ry-thing I free - ly leave.

All I have in full sur - ren - der, That I may with Thee a - gree: t

2' {F or Thy love so kind and ten - der, Makes Thee all in all to me. Plac - ing self up - on the a1 - tar, May I Thine ap - prov - a1 find;

3' 4 Cow - age give me lest I fa1 - ter, Grant to me tbe heav'n-lg mind. }

May it find a sweet ac - cep-tance, Will - ing off-'ring may i t be; Naught of pleas-ure e'er shall tempt me, If the world the off - 'ring make; Bow - ing down in full sub - mis - sion, E'en ad - ver - si - tv seems sweet:

For no mat - ter what op - pose me, All in all shall J e - *as be. Since Thou canst not share them with me, I will suf - fer for Thy sake. Keep me, Lord, in such con - di - tion, That I may Thy pres - ence greet.

h fl, h

213 The Master Meets our Every Need.

1. The Mas - ter meets our ev - 'ry need, Wher-e'er our foot-steps go; 2. Then praise the Lord with heart and voice, His lor - ing care we know; 3. 'Tis on - ly thro' the bat - tle fierce, That vic - to - ries are won; 4. Our cour - age grows by what we meet, Our faith needs test-ing too;



The Master Meets our Every Need.

In lone temp- t a - tion's wil - der-ness, The flow'rs of corn- fort grow. Where-e'er He leads our will - ing feet, The flow'rs of corn - fort grow. And he who nev - er faced the foe, Shall nev - er hear, "well done." And wi? each con - Gct thqt we win, Come faith and conr- age new.

2x4 If Calmly on M y Way. A. k M. Au. L. E

1. If calm - ly on my way, My jonr - ney I pur - sue; 2 But should the way grow dark, PI1 trust Thee then still more; 3. As once in days of yore, The waves o - beyed Thy will; 4. No mat - ter where I be, Thy will, 0 Lord, be done;

P11 thank l'hd , Lord, for sweet-est peace, And keep Thy word in view, Tho' s h s bout my path - way rave, I still shall reach the shore, I So shalt calm miy troub - led soul, And whii -per. "Peace, be still," Un - ti Thon dost in mer - cy say, "E-nongh, my child, come home,"

-4 I .d

I'll thank Thee, Lord, for sweetest peace, And keep Thy word in vlew. Tho' storms a - bout my path-way rave, I still shall reach the shore. So shalt Thon calm my troubled soul, And whis-per, "Peace, be still." Un - ti1 Thon dost in mer - cy say, "E-nough, my child. come home.*

4 -

My Soul's Supply is ~esus ;

1. My sod's supply is Ja-ana, God's ev - er bless-ed Son; 111 ev - er sing His 2. If t i of sor-row threaten, Myeoul then on Him leanssy faith can nev-rr 3. Aa to His words I hearken,My pathway lighter grows;And if the clouds should

prais - ea, While I my jow-ney run. Tho' thanden crssh a-round me, And lee - sen, So near to,me Beseems. Each step I take He gnid-eth, Un- dark - en, I can but say,"He knows."His prom-ise to me bring-ing, He

elouda of trouble roll; Thesenever can alarm me,ThereYs peace within my soul. ti1 I reach the ea1;My trust in Him a-bid-eth,There's peace within my soul. will my way con-trol. So on I journey singing,There's peace within my eonl.

-16 With Humbleness of Heart. m. $. c. I3mmxBLs.

1. With humblenem of .heart we bow Be - fore the throne of Him whose ways, 2. We worship our Cre - a - tor,great Sue - tain - er of the UE - i - verse, 3. We love the hand,by love empowered,Which guidesour fee -bte foot-step o'er 4. We praise and mag - ni - fy His name& the re- mem - branee of His grace,

With Humbleness of Heart. - As high as heav'n a - bove our own, Con-strain our wor -ship, love and praise. Who yet perceives our low-bpath, And from i t lifta the hindering cnrse. The mountain steep and trackleas plain,To rest a t His in - vit - ing door. Which to the hour has followed us, And shall till we be - hold Hie face.

217 Have You Risen With the Master?

Have you ris - en with the Maa - ter To the mount-ain top of faith? {Th ere a - bove earth's ceaseless clam - or Yon can hear what-e'er He saith.

Have you ria - en with the Mas - ter To the mount-ain top I

2' { Wh ere the birda are sing-ing gay - ly, Flow -era bloom-ing in the slope? Have you ris - en with the Mae - ter To the mount-ain top

'* { To the free-dom and the glad-ness Of that se - cret place a -base? Of }

Have you left the mire and pit-falls, From the shadow of the val - ley, There no craven fears can reach you,

Have you ris - i n with the Maa- ter To the anm-mits of the soul? Have you ris - en with the Mae- ter To this mount with light a - glow? Have yon ria - en with the Mas- ter To this Pis - gah height se-rene?

- .

A Prayer.



1. Heavenly Fa - ther, Ho - ly One! May Thy will in us be done; 2 Je - ens, Mas - tar, we should bear In Thy saf - fer - inga a share; 3. Bleee - ed Lord, Thy saints de - fend, Watching o'er them to the end;

11 Make oar he& sab-miwire, meek, Let us n h r oar o m way seek. Belp us, Lord, to fol - low Thee, Heav - y tho' the cross may be! Day by day their faith in - crease, Keep them in Thy per - fect peace.

Lot - ing Sav - ioar, we would be Ev - er more and more lie Thee, Fill un with di - vin - est love,-With Thy spir - it from a - bove. Corn- fort, strengthen, gaide and blees, Lead them thro' the wild - er - ness,

Free from pride and self - de - eke, Fer-vent with 4 ho - ly h e . May we pa - tient - ly en - dare, Trasting in Thy prom-iee ewe. And when Thy "due time" shall come, Gath - er a11 Thy lov'd ones home.

219 Hear Our Prayer. A. J. M.

1. Hear our pray'r, h o u great Je- ho - v s , Lead bs thro' this vale of tears; D.C. Rich in mer - cy, rich in mer- cy, Safe - ly lead our jour-ney thro'.

2. Rich supplies on us be-stow-ing, Make us thank-ful, Lord, we pray; D.C. Then we'll praise Thee, then we'll praise Thee,All a - long our pi1 - grim way.

11 3. As the clouds break from our pathway. May we more Thy glo - ry see; D.C. May we join them, may we join them. And u - nite in praise to Thee.

Pit - ' &in our fall - en na - tnre, strenithen faith and qui - et fears, Feast - ing dai - ly a t Thy ta - ble, Keep us hum -:ble day by day, Saints u - nit - ed now with J e - sug Sing a - loud rich me1 - o - dy,

I 1 1 1

JI Gracious Father. ,, . - '+gq~p .V .r A*-

/- I

1. Gra-cious Fa - ther, hear us now, Low - ly a t Thy ieet we bow; 2. Pit - y Thou our fee - ble - ness, Lift us up in our &a- tress; 3. Thou our source of corn - fort art, Rich - ly fill - ing ev - 'ry heart;

Hymns of grat - i - tude we raise, All re - sound - ing to Thy praise. May we lean up - on Thy pow%, Sweet-ly trust - ing ev - 'ry hour. May our souls when sin op-pressed, Seek Thine ev - e r - last - ing rest. Sing - ing loud in sweet-est a?%, Prais ; es that to Th?e , be - long.

221 dm

W e Come, Dear Lord. DOUGLAS ~ c W . (Consecration Hwn.1 L. M.

1. We co&, dear Lord, our off'rings to pre - sent, In hum - ble 2. We bring Thee all, dear Lord; lo, all ia Thine; With Thee in 3. We have but lit - tie, Lore that we can bring, Thou know - est

I grat -' i - tnde to Thee a - bove; In 6 - li - ness as- Jor - dan'a wa - ters would we sink; With Thee to rise a- we were nak - ed, poor and blind; In ho - ly liv - ing peo - ple, poor and pure in heart; If 'tis their all, ia

' love un - to the a1 - tar bound; Dy - ing with B i who

pire, with Thine ascent, To of - fer &fta and sac- r i - fice of love. ggig, by grace di-vine, Hence forth Thy cup of sulT'ring with Thee drink. q~ Thy prais- es sing, And all we lack, we in Thy prom-iee h d . dear- er in Thy eight, Than all .$he gold - en gifts the rich im -part. paid our ran - aom price, That in "His like - ness we may soon be found.

a22 Communion With God. - A. J. P. L. M.

I.-@ ~zOrd,Thy eainte have gathered here, U-uite our hearts in and pray'r; $g@- out, we've left all worldly care, That we may in Thy f a - vor share;

,:And * aa we shall each 0th - e r greet. Oh, fill our h e d s with love complete; 4. ltE& Fa-ther, as Thy word we scan, To con-tem-plate Thy glo-riooa plan;

Communion With God.

I Di - rect our tho'ts to things a - hove, And fill our souls w3h h;avrilly love. This f a - vor grant-ed full and free, shall lead us gen - tly, Lord, to Thee. All else we glad - ly lay a - side, That we may in Thy love a - bide. May we with ~a-t ience run the race. That we mav see Thee face to face.

223 Praise Y e Jehovah's Name. A. J. H. HAND~L.

1. Praise ye J e - ho - vah's glo-rious n k e , Join in t r i - nm-phant song; With 2. Greet ye Mes -si - ah's prom-ised reign, The time so long concealed; The 3. He comes to ban - ish Sa - tan's rule, The prince of dark-ness flies; Ye 4. All ye whomourn now cease yonr sigbs,Your comfort now ap-pears; The 5. Ye pure and bless- ed saints of God, With pa-tience run your race; Your 6. Praise ye J e - ho - vah's elo-rious name. Join in tri-um-ohant sone;Earth

thank-ful hearts your voic - es raise, And thus His praise prolong. And pres- ence of yonr Lord pro - claim, That's now by faith re-vealed, That's meek of earth now taste the feast, His grace so rich sup-plies, His king - dom of Im - man - n - el. Shall soon a1 - lav your fears. Shall

11 K i k shall soon set ua His throne. And ve shall s& is face.. And

I/ in - the cho - rus 86011 shall join, And ihus His praise pro-loig, And And thus, And thus His praise pro-

AEd thus, Ahd thus His

V thus His praise pro - long, And thus, and thus His praise pro - ]dug. now by faith re-vealed, That's now, that's now by faith re-vealed grace so rich sup - plies, His grace, His grace so rich sup - plies soon a1 - lay your fears, Shall soon, shall soon a1 - lay yonr fears ye shall see His face, And ye, and ye shall see His face. thns His praise pro - long, And thua, and thns His praise pro -

long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . p - f - n @&rzc . I.. b I 1

praise t * l L PlO -long,


- 224 I Help, Lord.


1. Help. Lord, to whom forlhelp I fly, And still my tempted soul standby Thro7- 2. My soul with Thy whole ar - mor arm; In each approach of sin a - larm, And 3. Whene'er my careleas hands hang down,O let me see Thy gath'ringfrown, And 4. If near the pit I rash - ly stray, Be-fore I whol-ly fall a - way, The



show the danger near;Surround,snstain,and strengthen me,And fill withgoodly feel Thy warning eye;And starting cry,from ruin's brink, Save, Jesus, or I keen conviction dart! Re - call me by that pitying look, That k i d , upbraiding

225 Weary Laden With Life's Burden. A. J. I. IWEBBR.

I l l


1. Wea- ry lad - en with iife's bur-den, Faint-ing with thy ioad o rca re ; 2. m e n it seems thou art for - sak-en, Ver - y new Be draws to thee; 3. Rnst in Him, the bur - den bear- er, He is a - ble, He is kind; 4. Trust Him,tho' t h e 9 r m s surround thee,Trust Him when the sunlight gleams;

of my heart, And stir me up to pray, And stir me up to pray. jeal-ous - y, And sane - t i - fy -ing fear, And sanc-ti - fy - ing fear. yield, I aink, 0 save me, or I die, 0 save me, or I die. plance,which broke Unfaithful Pet-er's heart,Un-faith-ful Pet - er's heart.

' Weary Laden With Life's Burden.


II Look to Je - sna, wea - ry pil-grim, He will all thy bnr-dens s h k . And in ac-centa sweet and tender, Soft - ly whis-pers, "Fol-low me."

II Feed up - on each pre - ciow promise, Then the sweet-eat rest 1'11 find. Hid from sight, He still ie near thee; Oft - en near - er than He seems.

226 Jesus, Master, Thou Hast Called Us. A. J. I. T. H.

1. Je - BUS, Mas-tar, Thon hast called us, And we do Thy call o - bey; E - ven 2 Dai - ly dy - ing, bless-ed Sav-ionr, We our lives an off -'ring make; For we 3. Dead with Thee, the symbol offring, Plnnge we in the liq-uid grave; Earthly 4. Here the wffring,there the glorypHere the cross,but there the crown;Night's dark

tho' it lead to snffring, Self de - ni - als day by day; Still we fol-low, know if pa-tient snffring, Of Thy glo- ry we'll par-take; Then with gladness, shame with Thee enduring,Tmsting Him whose pow'r can save;Dear Redeemer, shadows now de-elin-ing, Thon shalt soon all sin de-throne; Oh,we praise Thee,

Keep ne faithful, Lord, we pray, Still we follow,Kwp as faithfnl,Lord,we pray. Then with gladness, will we wflw for Thy salre,Then with gladneaa,Will we s& for thy srke. Thine m d y - ing love we crave,Dear Redeemer,Thine un-dy - ing love we crave. Bless - ed Savionr,Thee we own, Oh, we praise Thee,Blesaed Savionr,Thee we own.

227 Be Ye Doers of the Word.

I 1. 'Tis not the hear - er of the Word, But he that do - eth, who is blest, 2. For he that heare and do - 0th not, Ia like a man who builds i n sand, 3. Lord, we would build with pa - tient zeal A h o w of faith up - on the rock,

Not he that know-eth all the law, But he that heeds the law's be-hest. When storms and tern -peat fierce a - riae, The horn, thus built, will nev - er stand.

So safe, so strong, i t shall with9tsnd The strain of storm and tempest-shock.


D. S.--when we reach our journey'r end, May en - ter in - to headn-ly re&.

11 Dear Lord, then help ns do Thy wil1,That w,e may be for- eq - er blest; And

228 What Wondrous Heights!

1. what wondrous heights and depths of love Are hid in Thee, my God- 2. Calm as the changeless sea of glass, What peace it gives to me, 3. So bound hy Thine own cords of love, I'll on Thine al - tar lie 4. What joy to live for Thee, my Lord, Bnd all Thy will to do; 5. To _grow each day more like Thee, Lord, By gaz - ing on Thy face;

- . -

. -- .' . -7 What Wondrous Heights!

A love most glo-rions, deep and true, And as the o - cean broad. To turn from my own chang-ing will, And rest my soul on Thee. A liv - ing eac - ri - fice to be, And in Thy serv - ice die. In ' Thee to live and think and mom, And all Thy mind to know. Un - ti1 my will, and heart, and mind, Ab-eorb Thy per - feet grace!

1. &ant m:, 0 Lord, an hum- ble mind Whit in this world I move, 2. I wedd not lift my - self on high Nor try my Lord to hide; 3. In self a - base-ment I kept In low - li - ness of heart; 4. Help me this side the king-dom's vail, With Christ my Lord to stand; 5. Then thou wilt place Thy humble saints, Where they can nev - er fall;

A. dii - po - si - tion like Thy Son, Con - strain-ed by Thy love. Lest van - i: ty my 'tho'ta per-vade, And I am lost in pride. For naught have I where-in to boastfihrist is my per - fect part. To keep my mind @ hum - ble-ness Be -neath Thy might-y hand. To reign with Christ a t Tby right hand, The might-y Lord of all.

D. 8.-To hose. g h o ' k h Thy hand aub-vnit, The grcrce Thou wilt im

11 Like J e - me, I would h& - ble be, Low-ly and meek in heart:

h. 230 "k- , . , M e Grows More Precious. . .

W. C. ar. 1 Peter 2: 7.

I 1 - ' I I How d ".-ip that great love which all The wounds of Je-sus Christ disdlay; '. {'Twas s a w h w first I heard the call, And grows more precious ev-'ry day. 1 He com -g& me in sad -dest mood, He seeks me when I go

{My wild - esl pas-sions am sub-dued, He grows more pre-cioos ev-C;r"$') Can soul of man be-hold the cross, And wave the bless-ed Lord a - way; '' {To me aII 0th - er things are dross, He grows more me-cious ev-'rv day.


The sun has dawned up-on my soul, With beam-ing-pure, life-giv-ing ray; In dark-ness, J e - sus is my fight, My sure de - fense, my help, my stay;

I love dlia gen - tle, sweet con-trol, He grows rnde precious ev-'ry d&. My cour - age -in the deepest night, He grows more precious ev-'ry day.

-His pres - ence is a sweet de-light, He grows more precious ev-'ry day.

231 Be of Good Cheer. G W. SEIBBIBT.

2. Tho' Sa-tan's darts are fiercely hurled,Bd-lov-ed, help ia near; Trust Him who 3.Jn trib - u - la-tion's dark-est hour, Yield not to doubt or fear; But calm-

Be of Good Cheer.

I I storm He calls to thee, "asl, be of good cheer, 'Ti I, be of good cheer. o - ver-came the world, And be thou of good cheer, And be thou of good cheer. rest in His all-pow'r,Who saith,"Be of good aeer,''who saith,"Be of good cheer." soon shalt see Hia face,Then be thou of good cheer,T?en be thon of goodheer.

232 Hail Thou, Our Present King. A. J. I. “Let e m n t h k thsr hsth breath pnisr the herd." FELICE Gmm.

1. Hail Thou, our pres - ent King, We now Thy brais - es sing, 2. Soon ell Thy pow'r shall know, O'er all that dwell be - low, 3. Soon shall Thy glo - rious throne, Thou ev - er bless - ed One, 4. Hail then, Thou Glo - done One, God's ev - er b1,ess - ed Son,

Our voic - ee raise; Sav- iour all glo - ri - one, Soon to reign While those in heav'n; Glad - ly Thy love pro-claim, 0, Thou of Fa-vored of God; By all ac - knowl-edged be, O'er ev - 'ry E? - e! a - dored, While be& of heav - en ring, Let rangomed

o - ver us, Ver all vic - to - ri - ons, We sing Thy praise. high - est name, Thou Lamb of God on- slain, For sin - ners gitn. land and sea, Thro' all e - ter - ni - ty Bow to Thy rod. voio - es sing, And eq - 'ry, liv - ing thing, Shall own Thee Lo$.


In Heavenly Love Abiding.

1. In heap-'nly love a-bid-ing, No change my heart shal1fear;And safe iesuch con- 2. Wher - ev-er He may guide me,No want shall turn me back;My Shepherd is be- 3. Green pastures are be-fore me,Which yet I have not seengright skies will soon be

fid - ing, For noth-ing changes here. The storm may roar without me,My heart may side me,And noth-ing can I lack. His wis - dom ev - er waketh, His sight is o'er me,Wheredark thsclouds have been. My hope I can-not measnre,My faith to

low be laid, But God is round a - bout me, How can I be dig-mayJd2 nev =*qr dim; The bet - ter way He tak - eth, And I will walk with Him. life ia free; My Sav-ionr has my treasure, And He will walk with me.

Sound the Harp.

1. Sound the harp of glad thanks-giv-ing! Let oar 2. S o d the harp! Let earth - ly an-thema Min - gle 3. Somi& the harp for He hath blest us Thro' the 4 Soma-tBe harp for He wiN bless us As ow on-ward c o m e we take:

8 - . ,. -

- -

- - - .

sound the Harp. .. .

F God is good and i t is seem - ly To ex - to1 so k i d a friend. Sure - ly God has cause to list - en For your note of praise and mine. And tho' some were dark and drear - y Hope still mingled with our tears.


He will guide our ev - 'ry foobstep, And will nev - er us for - sake.

Rise, My Soul. "Lift up y o u eyes nub k e fields white with Lhe harvest."

A. J. Y. J-s Nms.

1. Rise, my soul, re- joic - ing sing, Je- hov - ah's mer - cy trace Call'd by Him thy 2. Pay no heed to earth-ly joys, They transient are a t best; Harvest work thy 3. Faith-ful reap the har-vest field, Make spre thy work be done; Gath-er all the

i I Pl

I trib- nte bring,Andrn with joy my race: All else losing,grasp the prize,Now held time employs, Ere thou shalt seek thy rest. Soon the setting of the sun, Shall prcr ground may yield,Then shall thy crown be won. Soon with joy the reapers tme,Gather'd


?i 11 out be-fore Gy gaze; OEeL'd to theefrom the ski&,&d fill thy heartrith praise, claim the day is &st. Haste,bef ore the night's begun,When thou shalt rest a t last. with their Lord shallEiHaste thee,then,thy work pprsue,Thy ?Ae&reward tio gpe. A

With Hearts Brave and Loyal. "To Him be glory, both now and forever."

K. U. td. PORT06ULLO.

4. Re - joic - ing,we press toward tha

-3n4uering throng;~ie glo-ri-ons banner uplhing with 'song, And praie-es of m e of the Lord;With vic-to-ry certain,well gain onr re-ward,While sounding the vn evermore; And now in their triumph are crown'd on that shore,And praisesof , - most can hear;Our courage inspiring, they banish all fear, As prais- es of

J e -.& we'll glad-ly pro-long, And prais-es of J e - sns we'll gladly prais - ee of J e - sns,onr Lord,Whii sounding the praises of J e - sns, our Lord.

II Je - llne re-peat ev-er-more, And p r a i s e of J e - sna re-peat ev- er-more. An;g& fall soft on the ear, As pr?is-es of an ; gels fall soft on the ear.

Glory Be to God.

I I I I 1. 010 - ry be to God in heav'n,For Hie Son so f r e l - ly gidn; Eiesweet spir-it 2i Praise and bleea His ho-ly name,That His love is e'er the same;Earth my change,bnt 3. "Glory!"sbout the choirs a-bove,Sa.ints re-ech-o notes of1~ve;Soonshall earth with

Glory Be to God.

we im - plore, To be with us ev - e r - more, To be with us ev- er - more. changeless He, As He ev - er-more shall be, As He ev - er - more shall be. heav'n a - gree, Glo - ry to the Fa - ther be, GI: - r)r to the-,Fa - ther be.

238 Going Forth to Meet the Bridegroom. a. a. BILLB. "At His right hand there are pleasures for evermore."-Pa. 1tX 11.

March-ing forth b meet the Bridegroom, See the watch-mg vir - gins go; { They have heard the her - d d voic - es, And their hearta with joy o'er-fiow;} 0 how dim the lamp is shin : ing, And how list - less is the ear '' { m a t re-veals no cause for ac - hon, Or the t i - dings can - not hear. 1 With the lamp that shines the bright-er Goes the heart with warmest glow,

{And on 8uch the King of Princ - as Will Eis choic- eat gifts be -stow. }

It is faith that gives them courage, It is love that lights the way, Deepergrom the pall of darkness That enfolds the carelem throng; If your sod is ev - er seek-ing How to please the Sav-ionr best 4

And no call of ease or pleas-~VB Can their on - ward march de - lay. They will soon be sad - ly wail - ing While the vic - tors sing their song In the ban-quet hall of glo - rg, Yon will be a welcome gae~i

In Shady Green Pastures. a. o. B. P S ~ . 28. B ~ V . 6: 8-18.

1. In &a - dy green pastures, 0 let ns lie down, Be-aide the still waters by 2. In death's gloom-y val-ley do not let us fear, But find sweetest comfort be 3. 0 saints touch your barp-stringe and sing a new song,Grand harmonies swelling,His 4. A11 blese-ing a% glo - ry and hon-or and might And wisdom and riches and

I tempests ne'er b1own;Provide for Thy people andmay we not want,Let not fears and cause Thou art near;Correct and support us, de-liv-er from death,And may we still prais - es pro-Jong; The slain Lamb is worthy to o - pen the seals, 0 wor-ship and pow - er, His right,Do-min-ion f o k ev - er be un - to our Lord; To Him ev-'ry

don- our faith ev - erdaunt. 0 keep ns, 0 lead ns, in strait narrow pra&~hee with last mortal breath. Pre-pare ns a ta - ble, our cup o - ver- I laud our Re-deem-er, who heals The peo-ple He pnrchaseaeach na-tion and hon - or we haste to ac - cord. We worship, a - dore Him, our Saviour, our

way, k o m righteousness' pathway 0 may we not stray; Protect us, dear flow, A - noint ns with gladness and shame ev - ' fy foe; Let goodnes8 and - - tribe, h d a11 men a - dore Him and glo - ry aa - cribe To Cbrist who has .' Kingtdnd thro' end-leas a - ges His praia - ea we'llsing. He loved w, H,f:

- 1n Shady Green Pastupes.

Shepherd,the sheep of Thy fold, And let onr love deepen and iev-er grow cold. mer - cy pnr - sue ua a - gain, And let ua dwell with Thee for-ev-er. A -men. made na Hie kings and Eiiprieste To live and reign with Him to sit a t His feasts. sought na, and made us Hi own, Prepared a place for us &sit in His throne.

Like Jesus. No. 2. -7- -

B. Q. B. Tune. 28% 1 When Jesns, onr Lord, left His gloryabove-

He humbled Himself to declare Hi great love; A eervant of servsnts for ua He became- And we must be like Him if bearing His name. Like Jesns, like Jesus, we daily would be, Like Jeans eaoh day, Yes, like Jesus alway; To spend and be spent in our Lord's miniatry Shall be our blest mission wherever we be.

2 Not tho88 who are seeking their own lives to save, Shall stand with the victore o'er death and the grave, But they that will lose all to win for the cross Shall gain the true riches unmingled with dross. L i e Jesns, Like Jesus, etc.

3 Then, like our dear Lord, let us ever do good, Be willing, like Him. to be misunderstood; 'Twaa not to be ministered unto He came--

- And we must be like Him if bearing His name. Like Jesns, L i e Jesus, etc.

-24 I The Lord is Good. - Bn. P C. , - zmmR

1. The Lord is good; Hi name confess! In ceaseless streams Hi mer-ciea flow;

I - Bi prov-i - denc - es heal and bless, And rich the gifta Eis hands be-stow. No step shall lag, no eye grow dim, Rhichon Hie wisdom's aid re - lisa. His cov - en-ant brings sweet ac-cord With all who own ita seal-ing blood. The flesh may fail;He knows oor frame,Anhkeeps us safe - ly at His side.

242 He Will Keep Me. urn ULltlk I. L. PCF'HAU"


1. O'er the mg - ged path of dut - y, Where my feet would fear to tread, 2. Tho' thro' unknown paths He takes me, I can nev - er go a-stray. 3. When up - on the mount re-joic - ing, Thrill'd with boundless love and peace, 4. Joy or sor - row, pain or

- -

By the lov - ing hand of JF- sns, Gen - tly I am on- ward 1Ld. Not a cross can o - ver - come me, While the Sav - iour is my stay. There He still doth go be - fore me, High - est rapt - me to in-crease. I am Hie and He will keep me, Hi is lo? that can -not fail.

I - P t ' D. S.-day6 are c r m d with pais-ea, Song6 He gium me sn the night.

11 As I fol - low where He lead-eth, I am kept in God's own light, All my

Keep My Life.

I t 1. Keep my life and let i t be Con - se - crat - ed, Lord, to Thee; 2. Keep my hands and let them move At the im - pulse of Thy love; 3. Keep my sil - ver and my gold-Not a mite would I with-hold; 4. Keep my voice and let me sing A1 - ways, on - ly, for my King; 5. Keep my will and make i t Thine, It shall he no long - er mine; 6. Keep my love, my Lord, I pour Af Thy feet its .trwa-ure store;


Keep my Life.

1 Keep my mo-ments and my hays, Let them how in ceaselese praiee. Keep my feet and let them be Swift and beau - ti - fnl for Thee. Keep my in - tel - lect and nse Ev - 'ry pow'r as Thou shalt choose. Keep my lips and let them be Filled with mes - sa - ges from Thee. Keep my heart, i t is Thine own, It shall be Thy roy - a1 throne. - -

11 Keep my - al f , and I will be, Ev - e , on - 1; a l l for Thee. - I S L fl I

244 The Saints on Earth Agree. A. J. X. brr. br Y.

With Him to wide our feet, We keep the heav'n - ly way; } 2' { Till joys with Hii com - plete, Shall crown that cloud- less day.

The na - tions all shall sing, When peace to them shall flow: 1 {The prab - ea of o u ~ K i n g , Who then will mer - c y A h o d

I t" , lie- -F-: -3m; I - 1. 0 7- .

- praise His same the e z h a - round, And all in heav'n re- When we with H i shall then ap - pear, And hap - pi - ness re- His lov - ing grace to all men giv'n, Who meek - ly bow the t-

1- . I

peat the sound,-And all in heav'n

knee to headn, Who meek - ly

245 So Run Tha t Ye May Obtain.

1. While pressing t'wkd the headnly goal,The ble-wed home-land of the soul; 2. With patience run till yon ob- Sin, The glo-Zions prize yon seek to gain; 3. The course was marked by love divine, Up - on ' i t still its light doth shine; 4. Tho' we may well be - gin the race, Be - joic - ing hast - ing on a - pace: 5. Then free from ev-'y-weight sad sin, Re -sign - ing all with -out, with - in;

0 nev - er let your lAng - ing eyes, Be tak- en from the wait-iig p r h . Let noth-ing turn yon from the way, That leads yon on to end -less day. For Christ Himself the way hath tried, Un -seem-ing - ly .Hi foot-prints guide, Un - less we to the end en - dure, The prize we nev- er can se - cure. With steadfast pur-pose let , na run, Un - ti1 at last the prize is won.

Oh, Speed 'Thee, Christian.

1, &I, speed thee ,Wtian on tG way, 'And to thy ar - mor cling; With 2. There is a bat - tie to be fought, And upward race to mn; A 3. Oh. faint not. Christian. for thv ekb Are heard be-fore His throne: The

At the Banquet.

1. At the ban - quet 2 glo - ry and I;;, That the Fa - ther pre- 2. We shall sing in the choir of the King, An - gel harp - era will 3. We shall feast with the he -roes of faith, Who are true to the 4. 'Mid the shad -ow8 of tri - a1 and pain, When the temp - ter our

I{- - soul; Where the fountains of joy ev - er flow: & the

8% n 4 8 -

God Be w i t h You.

1. God be with you till we meet a-gain, By Hi wn~~laguide,rrp-holdyo& 2. God be with yon till we meet a-gain, 'Neath Ws wingsse-onre-ly hide yon, 3. God be with yon till we meet a-gain, When iife'e per-& thick confound you, 4 God be with yon till we meet a-gain, Keep love'e banner floabing o'er you,

II With Hia sheep ee-&re - ly fold you, God be with yon till we meet a-gain. Dai - ly man - na atN pro-vide yon, God be with you till we meet a-gain. Pnt Eik arms nn-fail - ingronnd yon, God be with yon till we meet a-gain. Smite death's threat'ning wave before yon,God be with you till we meet a-gain. '

1 Till we Leet . . . till we meet, Till we meet at ~e -'sus feet; 6 .l.-~ Till we meetstill we meet again. till wemeek

Till we meet . . . till we meet, God be wlt8 yen @I we meet a-gain. Tinwe mset.till we meet&-gain.




M11ennial dawn. ...... More like thee.. ...... My beltwed.. ........ ... M~Father, as thou. My-gleaW desires. ... Bdy Lord and I. ....... F&y souIrs supply is. ...

. Bay Cimes are in thy.. .

Lamb of God mg. @.. . 141 Lead, kindI&@t.. ... 19 Leaning on the.. ..... 8 Leave me not.. ...... 195 Let no anxious care. .. 160 Like Jesus.. ......... 229 Like Jesus (No. 2). ... 240 Lo! he comes.. ....... 209 Longing for home. .... 98 . Long, long the night.. 115 Long night of weeping. 112 Lord let me come to. .. 12'7 ... Love that seeketh.. 63

Nemk-,,. ....... ... N e v e r - X i ~ ~ . than. Evw me a t h a ....... . * -

....... O?&%&, oar.. .. ....... .. fasa thousand.. 1 am B ~ J hapw. 7. .-.

Qh p e d thee.. ......

..... Onwar#@rEstian. Qp@&tfiif*ies for. .... 4)p$&y2&Ve oh. ..... & batble song.. ..... .... . %@$jdmg place.. O'iiFa&g h y cow. ... Onr rig& ax&sah%tion . Cku present&& ....

; ; overwme the

Peapeful in the time. . 30 Pe e, light and.. .... 140 P L k a o f the morning 103 Praiae His name.. .... 15 PraLe ye Jehovah's. ... 223 Pray for one another.. 58 Prec' us is He.. ...... 36 ~ r e c h s Saviour.. .... 137 Press on . . .... .g.... 176

Qnit .yon like men.. .. 135 yonrselves like. ... 1 ~ 5

TbS The ~h Th Th Th Th Th Th The shade of the cross I@ , The shining light.. .... r14( The story that never.. I ' Tha radiant dawn., .... 1m 4

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