1841 tonsing, paul albums 12

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  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12


  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12


    mioicr uuo/t

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12



    Home-made armored car used by the DanishResistance during WWII, Desperate whenthey couldn't steal a German one.....

    Floating mine left over from the war,disarmed and made into a monument to thefoolishness of war, in Copenhagen.

    B L >

    Nothing remarkable, except it's a European Chrysler, about the size of a Corona like nothing seen in this country,

    The bow of the British frigate Eastbourne during open house at Copenhagen, with gawkersaboard.

    Old ship anchor in the foreground of one ofthe main squares of Copenhagen...a favoritemeeting spot of passengers.

    HalsskovCB " "" Kebenhavn

    wouldnutobj Danish style. have seenit, except we were hopelessly lost...and weturned around only when we saw signs to Berlir"

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12


    Spectacular fountain in Copenhagen, notfar from Kungsholm, with oxen, chariotand Danish goddess.

    Palace guard in Copenhagen infront of Queen's residence.Have daily changing of theguard, but not as spectuc-ular as Britain's.

    J.'One of many childrens' playgrounds inCopenhagen, with cheap old trees forchildren to climb around...and theyevidently loved it I


    Old covered street, which usedto be common in Europe, butseldom seen anymore.

    Clown perched atop the entranceto the century-old Circus in Copenhagen ./:', ,-?' :-:-v.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12


    Roskilde, Denmark has a remarkable Viking shipmuseum, containing the two partially restoredships from 1000 A.D., an.4 the workshops.




    The pipe organ in Roskilde Cathedral,built in 1555, and still being playedtoday.

    Roskilde Cathedral, containing tombs of Danishkings and nobles, and is some 350 years old...very large.


    Old side street in Roskilde, whichmainly is a modern, dynamic city.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12



    The boat deck of the MS Kungsholm on theNorth Cape cruise, June-July-August 1977.First funnel fake, second motor exhaust.

    One of the passengers on masquerade night,made up as a typical American tourist, overloaded with luggage and souvenirs.

    ^ ^

    Entertainment staff: Two actors, two singers,two magicians and a classical pianist. Otherscame and went during the cruise.Aft section of the ship, from the Main deck,looking forward to where man is practicinghis golf swing.


    Wall decoration on the main lounge of theship...a Scandinavian ship, it depicts thejourney of the sun above the Arctic circle.


    - ~ NltTwVl l1 J A

    A g r e a t p r o d u c t i o n b y a m a t e u r s ; y o u n g m em -b e r s o f t h e c r e w p u t t i n g o n a d a n c e a nd singi n g a c t t h a t b r o u g h t dow n t h e h o u s e .



  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12


    Kerteminde, Denmark, a small island, mainly-devoted to fishing boating, as seen from theabove picture of the port.

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    Primitive, dusty old museum, contained thisold wooden scales, used by grocers a coupleof hundred years ago.



    Part of the radar and controls on the bridgeof the Kungsholm, visited just once duringthe cruise.

    One of the passengers during amasquerade night on the Kungsholm, entered enthusiasticallyby many passengers.

    V>Another scale at Kerteminde,these quite large.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12



    CJudhjem, on the island of Bornholm, in theBaltic, is a rocky island belonging to Denmark. . .beautiful and picturesque.Typical seashore along the island of Born-holm, very popular with tourists from allover Europe.

    Smoked herring hung to dry outdoors, withnearby picnic tables where people buy themfor around 400 each and eat, usually withbeer and chips. Very mild and delicious.One of the few old windmillsleft, this in Gudhjem, now thesetting of a curio shop.

    Local gentleman at the big barbecue grill,smoking the herring, usually a three-hourprocess. Much of it is exported.Youth hostel, where young people can getlodging and a turn at the wash facilitiesvery cheaply.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12


    Old cannon guarding the portals of an oldfortress in the harbor at Helsinki, Pin-land.

    Canal boat at Helsinki, long retired fromits leaky career, now the home of a family, who escape high rents and taxes.



    Busy fish mongering as the catchis fresh every morning, along adock in downtown Helsinki...selling directly from the boats, withthe fishermens' wives taking overwhile they go home to catch up onsome sleep.

    Moss covered walls of old fortress. Swedenand Russia have often fought, and with wisdom have most of the battles in Finland.

    Beautiful new organ and pipes inthe Rock Church in Helsinki...not "rock & roll," but "rock &rock," as it utilizes the hillsideand natural rock formations. Someof the Finns are Lutheran.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12


    Entrance to the Rock Church in Helsinki, astriking modern church. Not overlooked is thesavings in fuel as half the church is buried.^





    Inside the Rock church, with controversialstatue (?) of Jesus. Just installed, it createdsuch controversy, the church is removing it.

    Finnish begger in the park. If we'd known he'vas coming we'd have brought a peanut...but$ ias...he had to go hungry.

    Russian cruise ship, almost as large asthe Kungsholm...carrying mostly Germantourists. Behind it a very differentship, the Finnjet, said to be jet pow-ered and capable of 35 knots. Builtlike a square building, it carries 350autos and 1000 passengers between Hel-sinki and Travemunde.

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    fc /MFur market in Helsinki, where they are .brought directly from the wilds...stilla big industry there.

    Old retired lightship and the buildingbeside a maritime museum in the harboraX rlXSXnK.X

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12


    All the pictures on this page except thebottom, right...are of a V'orld War IIsubmarine set in cement at Helsinki...and the pictures above are inside her.Very small, with not over eight men.



    Giant cranes awaiting ships tounload along the wharves at Hel-sinki.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12


    Suburbia Finland style, taken from top of anew office building. Houses and neighborhoodrival those in the States.

    Dormant ice breakers in the harbor atHelsinki. But heavily used in wintermonths to keep the harbors clear.


    Mod monument to Aino Sibelius, depicting thepipes of an organ, in tribute to his compos-ing genius.

    Primitive shipyard in Helsinki, seeming-ly dealing in hopeless repair of oldleaky wooden boats.

    > i V -b.i.jp Ijl*** nw

    Hamburg is the city of foun-tains, with all these pictur-ed seen in the city's Plantenand Blumen park. The one atleft are fountains squirted bykids to keep balloons suspended.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12


    City hall of Hamburg, very impressive oldbuilding, heavily bombed during World WarII, and many years spend renovating it.

    Like many American cities, Ham-burg had to have a tall towerwith a revolving restaurant.

    Not the North Sea, but lake in the center ofHamburg. The area was rubble after the war,so made a lake, and said to have car park under.

    Huge chain, the trademark of a restaurant inHamburg. Don't know the significance, butran over and felt of it...plastic 1

    Huge metronome with Herb Smithshowing its size. Again, don'tknow the reason for it.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12


    Train ride similar to those at home, but witha fare something like $2.50 each. In the Plant-en and Blumen park, beautiful with flowers.

    Part of the modern city of Hamburg, seen fromthe observation tower. A hard city to drivein, for streets like spaghetti, and they keptchanging the names every few blocks.

    Not a very good fit, but thebombed-out remains of a churchin Hamburg, with rubble cleaned out, and left as a monumentto the wreckage the city contained after WWII.


    Little Volkswagen Polo we rented, very similar to the "Rabbit" in the States very easyand nimble to drive.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12


    Old Dutch town near Amsterdam, with fat-bot-bomed canal boats at rest. They are used theway we use trucks...inter-city commerce.

    One of the few remaining genuine windmillsin Holland; preserved for atmosphere anddecoration now.


    One of large fleet of sightseeing boatsin Amsterdam...low and long to go underbridges on many canals.

    k W Q B P r n m c i m i!LB L U U L I I E g m it t w'fliflDDDnjffiEiii

    Old Dutch houses along a canal in Amste r d a m some leaning with age, but stillperfectly safe.

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    International Shell Oil Companyheadquarters in Amsterdam, withlarge complex surrounding it.

    large oil tanker being built at Amsterd a m . . .but Dutch have priced themselvesout of market, so build few nowadays.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12


    Handsome old castle with towers and areal moat with a drawbridge...now usedas a boys' school, near Amsterdam.Main Amsterdam street, with inevitablebike rack. So many bike riders they werea menace to motorists, overflowing.

    Entrance to Union Station at Amsterdamwith huge statues holding four lightglobes...quite impressive at night.

    Canal sightseeing boat, special for can-dlelight cruises at night, with unlimitedwine and cheese on the menu. See tables.

    Produce truck drawn up in a neighborhoodand housewives crowd in to get their veg-etables fresh and cheap.

    iMn-B-ni C O

    A quite comfortable life is enjoyed bymany Hollanders on converted barges alongthe sides of canals.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12


    *i no aaVery, very old leaning buildings in a littletown near Amsterdam. Houses have hooks at topto haul goods up for storage on upper floor.

    Dike with a road on top, the Zuider Zee atthe left, and houses and farms on the right a lower level than the sea.


    / /

    Old town hall, dated 1737 in lit-tle city outside Amsterdam. Beautiful country to roam around.

    Picturesque little city on the Zuider Zee,with licenses from all over the world on thedock. Very attractive for tourists with shops.

    Another authentic windmill..,some were used to pump waterand others to grind grain.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12


    Drawbridge raised to let a smallboat thru. Just a hand crank topull the cables raises her.

    Another small canal, with personal boat parked at the doorstep. Locks keep water leveluniform.

    Beautiful fat cattle grazing in Holland...nofence, but an irrigation ditch keeps them inthe field.

    Common sight along the busy Holland canals.Oftentimes have a drawbridge, and someoneruns out of the house to pull up for boats.

    Large building where boats can be drawn inand repaired all year round, out of the weath-sr, on outskirts of Amsterdam.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12



    Narrow old street in suburban Holland, withLoraine Smith and Martha doing a little shop-ping in the antique shops.

    Hand controlled locks to regulate the levelof canals...but these seem to be left morefor atmosphere than practicality.



    Old character, probably justdressing in the old costume tostart conversation with tourists.

    Rather primitive shipyard on the Zuider Zee,with work progressing on a modern tanker anda real antique canal boat.

    Very fond of flowers are theDutch, and these railings aresimulated (not real) snakes.


  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12



    Bruges, Belgium is a metropolis of medieval buildings, ancient bastions and battlements. Swans haveswum for centuries on the many canals, and the ritual is still followed whereby city bakers provideloaves of bread which are distributed daily to theswans by city firemen, who make their rounds withbicycles. Ornate pulpit in the Church of OurLady in Bruges.

    The art of lace-making is very old in Bruges, andstill done by hand, with the pillow placed on thelap, and the many spindles alternated with each other, circling many pins which are stuck through holesin a pattern on the pillow.



    Narrow street bridged with part ofa building in Bruges. Carriages arestill carrying passengers from themain square...but nowadays just atourist attraction.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12


    The Quai du Rosaire in Bruges, with old buildings beautifully preserved. As is the custom in many of thesecities, any restoration or repair or addition has tomatch the age-old pattern.

    Paul and Martha enjoying the canalride on a perfect day in Bruges.

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    One of many small canals in Bruges, with motor boatsholding 16 or so persons conducting tours. Spotlesslyclean, the canals look like you could dring from them,Statue of the Virgin with the InfantJesus, by Michelangelo, in Church ofOur Lady, Bruges.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12


    Town square of Bruges, taken from theBelfry on the right, just above clock,

    Martha and Paul trying to flag down acab. When they did get one, they left asa souvenir an Instamatic camera.

    One of the largest carillons in theworld, is this one in the Belfry, justbehind the clock, in the picture at thetop right.

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    The Belfry, 700 years old, which towers overthe town square in Bruges. Paul climbed 336winding stairs to the top.

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    Town hall and law courts of Bruges, like some-thing out of King Arthur's court. Bet it's anightmare to heat.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12


    Le Ha>rRe, France...the center of the city,bombed out during the war, and replacedwith lake, statues and bridge.Little drydock near the Kungsholm dock,showing how they prop up from the bottomand sides to work on boats.

    Our old friend, the "France," rusting ina back bay near Le Havre. Several caretak-ers living on her, otherwise she's bleak.


    Another shot of the cantilever bridge indowntown Le Havre...making it a beautifuland unique sight.

    Interesting old fishing boats of all des-criptions in downtown Le Havre...just toadd a bit of atmosphere, I suspect.Part of the beach, but due to cool weath-er few bathers. Dimly seen are hundredsof little changing rooms.

    y u * ri i ( iiiOTff I

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12



    /Honfleur, France...one of the most picturesqueand beautiful towns on earth: Centuries old, thebuildings group in a U-shape around the harbor.Miles of trees, copying the Champs Ely-sees near Paris...line the highway aways out of Le Havre.


    M m *

    Narrow little streets and too many carsmake walking the only way to get aroundHonfleur.

    The interior of the St. Catherine church at Honfleur. Centuries ago, lacking experience in building churches, boat makers made the ceilings.

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    The Tancarville Bridge near Le Havre...very closely resembling the Golden Gatebridge at San Francisco...this *un new.Rarely seen anymore, a grass-roof on ahouse out of Le Havre. Some have tulipsgrowing down the ridge-pole.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12


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    Scenes at the Monastery of MontSt. Michel, built in 1469. Crop-ping up out of a pile of graniteoff the coast of Prance, andtowering hundreds of" feet intothe air.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12


    The chalk cliffs of Normandy, with some dimly-seen at the right fortifications left overfrom World War II.

    Beach with little fishing boat coming in, witha cable laid out on the ground, and a primitivevinch pulling it up on shore.

    Stately, wealthy homes in the suburbs of LeHavre, somewhat typical of the Normandy countryside. ..very lush and beautiful.Dugouts and ammunition buildings above thecliffs of Normandy, with barbed wire strungto keep out visitors.


    Beach and resort near Le Havre; but instead ofsand it consists of little pebbles an inch orso round, or the equivalent in metrics.Part of the town of Fecamp, with famous breweryon both sides of the street. We lacked time totake the two-hour tour.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12



    Old manor house not too far from Le Havre, insuperb shape.


    Some more chalk cliffs of Normandy, near Fecamp.

    ^ ^i >

    Elaborate facade of the breweryat Fecamp, with Herb and Lor-aine Smith, and Martha.

    Native French dancers aboard the Kungs-holm for an evening of lively entertainment.

    Typical little French country road, peacefuland far off the a^ *ohahn.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12


    . .1

    The two pictures above and oneto the right are of imposingcastle in the French city ofP.ouen, the home of Joan of Arc.

    ^ ^ ^

    The two pictures above are of a. .junk yardof old carriages and wagons, with a fewsleighs, along the road near P.ouen. Evid-ently awaiting repair in the shop nearby.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12


    Palace or castle near Fecamp. We started to tfis-it it, but noticed in time a retinue of guideswith upturned palms.

    Just one, more, please...of the beautiful Normancy beaches and cliffs.

    Little town restaurant with outdoor tables setanticipating our arrival. The proprietors liveabove.

    Little water fountain in suburbanFrance, activated by brisklyturning the top in a clockwisedirection.


    Elaborate barbed wire, or prowlerdiscourager at an estate near LeHavre.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12


    Some fancy dancing, with the men beingstaff members, and the ladies, passeng-ers.


    Wr I K 7Our favorite dining spot on the ship, on thepromenade deck by the pool, and here beingseranaded by members of the ship's orchestra


    A hot soccer game between members of thecrew at one of our stops. Didn't knowwho to cheer for, as all the yelling wasin Italian and Norwegian.

    4L .

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    Loraine and Herb Smith doing afancy quick step. They were alsocompanions of us in 1975 on theRotterdam World Cruise.

    Card presented witha cake, on our 33rd weddinganniversary, celebrated the day we disembarkedat New York.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12


    Norbert and P.uthie Evers, withtheir two sons, summer 1977.


    Various enjoyable moment at the annualPrinting Center fishing party off thecoast of Louisiana, summer 1977.


  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12


    K .

    Paul, Martha, Cherry, Hap and Joelle in theirOttawa apartment in August 1977.


    Nancy, Saul, Laura, Danny and Rick Tonsingat Fort Worth in August 1977.


    The old 336 bomber, long at Carter Field, withparts removed as it is being moved to GeneralDynamics, its birthplace.


    Two shots of mountains of logs in Quebec nearOttawa, at a paper mill.Not the real thing' A replica of the Spirit ofSt. Louis flown into Fort Worth on the anniv-ersary of his flight here 50 years ago.

    .' IV

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12


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    ^ P - A E S S S S CT p 'The Durango-Silverton Express, old coal-burning narrow-gauge train, very popular all-daytrip between the two Colorado towns.

    I I I W *

    Fairly recent Colorado ghost town...a companytown near Hotchkiss...each house complete withoutside privy. Everybody moved out.

    i of the spectacular scenery encounteredPaul and Martha in October 1977 on theirrst ride on the Durango-Silverton train.New silos for recent coal mine at Hotchkiss,Colorado. Many millions invested, but government in its wisdom is holding up production.

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    Beautiful Colorado scene in northern Colorado near Estes Park...the peak being Mount^Svans, I think.Colorado sunset, because of the mountainslasting quite long, on visit there in October1977.

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  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12



    nie, Suzie and Debbie Lane in the middle ofthe Royal Gorge bridge in October 1977...thehighest suspension bridge in the world.

    4From, the bottom of the Royal Gorge, looking upat the suspension bridge, far above. The woodenfloor shakes alarmingly when cars pass over.

    Debbie Lane feeding a real moocher in the parkat Royal Gorge. A dozen or so deer hang aroundwaiting for goodies, and to have pictures taken,


    From the bottom of the RoyalGorge, looking up the trackon which rides cable cars thatcarry tourists to the bottomand back. Cars are built onstairstep fashion.' jmJ \. |

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    From Royal Gorge suspensionbridge, looking down into thegorge, with the Colorad Riverraging by, and railroad trackssharing the narrow right-of-way.

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  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12





    Hard-to-see cable car ride over the Royal (Jorgebut red car can be seen suspended, at edge ofcliffs, in center of picture.

    From the bottom of Royal Gorge, it's permanenttwilight, although a brilliant day above. Narrow river and railroad track compete for space,

    Imitation Swiss village, closed for the summerseason, and awaiting snow to start the skiingrush.

    '**1 * **M ,.,

    Old coke ovens on the McClure pass in southernColorado. Used many years ago to transformcoal, which is mined nearby.


    a Colorado highway, but begging for a pic-, Real snow has not started in October 77,a powdery sprinkling.Startled herd of deer along McClure pass, obviously brave out of the hunting season. Hopethey can jump the fence.

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12


    Two of the most beautiful buildings anywhere,in north Dallas, all gold windows...brilliantat sunrise and sunset.

    Old Colorado courthouse at Sil-verton, with snow-capped mountain towering above. The building is dated 1908.




    New hotel taking shape, west of downtown Dallas. Said to be Hyatt-Regency, with uncompleted revolving restaurant tower. Sept. '77.

    Another spectacular view from Colorado, takenin October 1977. &&**'

  • 8/9/2019 1841 Tonsing, Paul Albums 12


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