18 profile of met life ins. co

Post on 28-Apr-2015






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Life is a roller coaster ride and is full of twists and turns. One cannot take anything for granted in life. Life and property are subject to risks and

uncertainties. Certain risks can be minimized through systematic planning and timely action. For instance, a machine accident can be averted by its

timely maintenance. Insurance policies are a safeguard against the uncertainties of life. Insurance is system by which the losses suffered by a

few are spread over many, exposed to similar risks. Insurance is a protection against financial loss arising on the happening of an unexpected event. Insurance policy helps in not only mitigating risks but also provides a

financial cushion against adverse financial burdens suffered. Insurance policies cover the risk of life as well as other assets and valuables such as

home, automobiles, jewelry etc.Insurance is a device to protect life and property against financial loss. The

dictionary of business and finance defines:” Insurance is a form of contract or agreement under which one party agrees in return for a

consideration to pay an agreed amount of money to another party to make good a loss, damage to something of value in which the insured has a

pecuniary interest as a result of some uncertain event. It is a device by which loss likely to be caused by an uncertain event is spread over a number of

persons who are exposed to it and who propose to insure themselves against such an event.”

Insurance is a financial service for collecting the savings of the public and providing them with risk coverage. The main function of insurance is to provide protection against the possible chances of generating losses. It

eliminates worries and miseries of losses by destruction of property and death. It also provides capital to the society as the funds accumulated are

invested in productive heads. Insurance comes under the service sector and while marketing this service due care is taken in quality product and

customer satisfaction. The insurance business is based on the skill and excellence of agents and this makes a strong case in favor of personal

selling. The insurance landscape in India is undergoing a major change. With the re-opening of the sector, several new players have entered the scene, offering plethora of professional opportunities. The four major

challenges facing the industry are product innovation, distribution, customer service and investments.

Insurance in the modern form originated in the Mediterranean during the 13th

century. The earliest reference to insurance has been found in Babylonia, Greece and the Rome. Marine insurance is the oldest form of insurance


followed by the life insurance and Fire insurance. The first comprehensive legislation was introduced with the insurance act of 1938 that provided strict

state control.


Insurance business is divided into four classes:

1) Life Insurance 2) Fire Insurance 3) Marine Insurance and 4) Miscellaneous Insurance.

Life Insurers transact life insurance business; General Insurers transact the rest. No composites are permitted as per law.

LEGISLATION ( as on 1.4.2000):- Insurance is a federal subject in India. The primary legislation that deals with insurance business in India is:

Insurance Act, 1938, and Insurance Regulatory & Development Authority Act, 1999.

INSURANCE PRODUCTS (as on 1.4.2000):- Life Insurance Popular Products: Endowment Assurance (Participating) and Money Back

(Participating). More than 80% of the life insurance business is from these products.

GENERAL INSURANCE:- Fire and Miscellaneous insurance businesses are predominant. Motor Vehicle insurance is compulsory. Tariff Advisory Committee (TAC) lays down tariff rates for some of the general insurance


2001:- New products have been launched by life insurers. These include linked-products.

INFORMATION:- About the insurance industry, the following documents may be helpful: - Amphora Committee Report (The Report of the


Committee on Reforms in the Insurance Sector); IRDA's First Annual Report – 2001.

CUSTOMER PROTECTION:- Insurance Industry has Ombudsmen in 12 cities. Each Ombudsman is empowered to redress customer grievances in

respect of insurance contracts on personal lines where the insured amount is less than Rs. 20 lakhs, in accordance with the Ombudsman Scheme.

Addresses can be obtained from the offices of LIC and other insurers.

Meaning of the term life insurance

In general, life insurance is a type of coverage that pays benefits on a person's death or disability. In exchange for relatively small premiums paid in the present, the policy holder receives the assurance that a larger amount of money will be available in the future to help his or her beneficiaries pay

debts and funeral expenses. Some forms of life insurance can also be used as a tax-deferred investment to provide funds during a person's lifetime for

retirement or everyday living expenses.

A small business might provide life insurance to its workers as a tax-deductible employee benefit—like health insurance and retirement programs

—in order to compete with larger companies in attracting and retaining qualified employees. In addition, there are a number of specialized life

insurance plans that allow small business owners to reduce the impact of estate taxes on their heirs and protect their businesses against the loss of a key employee, partner, or stockholder. Group life insurance is generally

inexpensive and is often packaged with health insurance for a small additional fee. Companies that provide life insurance for their employees can

deduct the cost of the policies for tax purposes, except when the company itself is named as the beneficiary.

Life insurance is important for individuals as well, particularly those who—like many entrepreneurs—are not covered by a company's group plan.

Experts recommend that every adult purchase a minimum amount of life insurance, at least enough to cover their debts and burial expenses so that these costs do not fall upon their family members. The insurance industry

uses a standard of five time’s annual income in estimating how much coverage an individual should purchase. In the book Health Insurance: A


Guide for Artists, Consultants, Entrepreneurs, and Other Self-Employed, Lenore Janecek claims that entrepreneurs should determine the minimum

amount of coverage they need by calculating how much they spend annually and how much debt they have, then adding the cost of funeral arrangements

and, if applicable, college tuition for children.

The cost of life insurance policies depends upon the type of policy, the age and gender of the applicant, and the presence or absence of dangerous life-

style habits. Insurance company actuaries use these statistics to determine an individual's mortality rate, or estimated number of years that person can be expected to live. Policies for women usually cost less than those for men,

because women tend to live longer on average. This means that the insurance company will receive premiums and earn interest on them longer

before it has to make a payment. Experts recommend that companies or individuals seeking life insurance coverage choose an insurance agent with a rating of A or better, and compare the costs of various options before settling

on a policy.


Types of Life Insurance Policies

TERM INSURANCE:- Term life insurance is the simplest and least expensive type, as it pays benefits only upon the policy holder's death. With annual renewable term insurance, the policy holder pays a low premium at

first, which increases annually as he or she gets older. With level term insurance, the premium amount is set for a certain number of years, then increases at the end of each time period. Experts recommend that people

who select term insurance make sure that their policies are convertible, so they can switch to a cash-value plan later if needed. They also should

purchase a guaranteed renewable policy, so that their coverage cannot be terminated if they have health problems. Term insurance typically works

best for younger people with children and limited funds that are not covered through an employer. This type of policy enables such a person's heirs to

cover mortgage and college costs and estate taxes.

WHOLE LIFE INSURANCE : - With whole life insurance, the policy holder pays a level premium on an annual basis. The policy usually covers until the

end of the person's life age 90 or 100. In most cases, the policy holder is overcharged for the premium, and the extra amount goes into an interest-

bearing dividend account known as a cash value account. The individual can use the money in this account to pay future premiums, or can withdraw it or borrow against it to cover living expenses. With a variable whole life policy,

the individual controls the investments made with his or her cash value account. Selecting certain types of investments, such as mutual funds, may allow the policy holder to increase the balance in the account significantly. Inspite of the performance of the investments, however, the amount of the

insurance benefit can never drop below its original value. When choosing a whole life policy, experts note, it is important to analyze the fund's past performance and inquire about commissions and hidden costs. Although

whole life insurance can provide added security upon retirement, it should not be considered a replacement for retirement savings. On an average, whole life policy holders only yield between 2 and 4.5 percent on their

investments over a twenty-year period.

UNIVERSAL LIFE INSURANCE :- Universal life insurance was introduced in the 1980s as a higher-interest alternative to whole life insurance.

Universal life premiums are based not only on the cost of the insurance, but also on the interest rate offered on investments. Still, they are usually less

expensive than whole life policies. Universal life policies provide


individuals with a wider array of investment choices and higher projected interest rates. They are essentially similar to a term policy with a fixed rate

of interest guaranteed for a year at a time.

CURRENT ASSUMPTION LIFE INSURANCE:- Current assumption life insurance features a fixed annual premium for the duration of the plan. This type of policy pays a set interest rate on premiums received, less the actual

cost of the insurance. They can be useful as a tax-deferred investment vehicle, since they usually pay 2 to 4 percent more than banks. Policy

holders may elect to overpay their premiums early in the plan period to accumulate cash value. They can withdraw or borrow from the funds later for any purpose, including retirement income, or can use the cash value to

pay the premiums for the remainder of the plan period.

RIDERS AND OPTIONS:- Most types of life insurance policies give individuals the opportunity to add optional coverage, or riders. One popular option is accelerated benefits (also called living benefits), which pays up to 25 percent of the policy value to the holder prior to their death if they are

struck by a serious illness. Another option, known as a waiver of premium, allows an individual to continue coverage without paying premiums if he or she becomes disabled. Many policies also provide an accidental death and dismemberment option, which pays twice the amount of the policy if the

insured dies or causes any injury as a result of an accident.

Key Person Protection

Small businesses tend to depend on a few key people, some of whom are likely to be owners or partners, to keep operations running smoothly. Even

though it is unpleasant to think about the possibility of a key employee becoming disabled or dying, it is important to prepare so that the business may survive and the tax implications may be minimized. In the case of a

partnership, the business is formally dissolved when one partner dies. In the case of a corporation, the death of a major stockholder can throw the

business into disarray. In the absence of a specific agreement, the person's estate or heirs may choose to vote the shares or sell them. This uncertainty could undermine the company's management, impair its credit, cause the

flight of customers, and damage employee morale.

Life insurance can help small businesses protect themselves against the loss of a key person by providing a source of income to keep business running in


his or her absence. Partnership insurance basically involves each partner acting as beneficiary of a life insurance policy taken on the other partner. In this way, the surviving partner is protected against a financial loss when the

business ends. Similarly, corporate plans can ensure the continuity of the business under the same management, and possibly fund a repurchase of

stock, if a major stockholder dies. Although life insurance is not tax deductible when the business is named as beneficiary, the business may

deduct premium costs if a partner or owner is the beneficiary.

Metropolitan Life Insurance Company

Description:Type Public NYSE: MET

Founded 1868Headquarters New York, NYKey   people C. Robert Henrikson,Chairman of the Board, President,

and CEOIndustry Finance and InsuranceProducts InsuranceRevenue $44.776 billion USD

Net income $4.651 billion USDEmployees 83,800

Slogan Guarantees for the "if" in life/Have You Met Life Today?


Website www.metlife.com

MetLife, Inc. NYSE MET is the holding corporation for the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company or MetLife for short. The firm was founded on

March 24 1868. For most of its life the company was a mutual organization, but it went public in 2000. MetLife is the largest life insurer in the United

States with more than $2 trillion of life insurance in force. A leader in savings and retirement products and services for individuals, small business,

and large institutions. MetLife serves 88 of the Fortune 100 largest companies. It has a large global market in more than 12 countries.

MetLife India Insurance Co. Pvt Ltd is a joint venture between MetLife Group and its Indian partners. The Indian partners include J&K Bank,

Dhanalakshmi Bank, Karnataka Bank, Karvy Consultants, Geojit Securities, Way2Wealth, and Mini Muthoothu. Met Life Group has presence in

America and Asia and has an experience of over 137 years in providing financial services. The MetLife companies are the number one life insurer in

the U.S. with approximately US $2.8 trillion of life insurance in force. MetLife serves 88 of the top one hundred fortune 500 companies. MetLife entered Indian insurance sector in 2000.MetLife India proudly inherits its parent company's over-134-year-old reputation of helping build financial

independence for its customers.

Metropolitan Life Insurance Company is the number one insurer in the U.S. based on over US$ 2.1 trillion of Life insurance in force. MetLife serves

approximately 9 million individual households in the U.S. as well as 88 of the Fortune 100 companies. MetLife’s institutional clients have

approximately 33 million employees and members.Headquartered in New York, MetLife through its affiliates, subsidiaries and

representative offices, operates in 15 countries throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia. MetLife India Insurance Company Private Limited was

incorporated in India on April 11, 2001 as a joint venture between MetLife International Holdings Inc., The Jammu and Kashmir Bank, M. Pallonji and Co. Private Limited and other private investors. MetLife India has developed

and distributes a range of life insurance products in India.

MetLife India benefits from its parent company's global presence in the field of insurance, track record of establishing successful insurance operations in

emerging markets and the unique strengths of its other Indian promoters. Drawing from these experiences, MetLife India will be able to address the


needs of the Indian customer. MetLife India aspires to build on MetLife's history of meeting policy holder and contract obligations and the ability to

withstand the impact of adverse economic factors. The MetLife brand, known for empowering people to feel protected and guided.

Headquartered in Bangalore, MetLife India delivers value and world-class service to customers through its financial advisors and corporate sales

representatives. The mission of MetLife India Insurance is to build financial freedom for all. MetLife, Inc. is a leading provider of insurance and financial services with operations throughout the Americas, Asia Pacific and Europe. Through its affiliates, MetLife, Inc. is the largest life insurer in the United

States 1 with over 139 years of experience. The MetLife companies offer life insurance, annuities, automobile and home insurance, retail banking and

other financial services to individuals, as well as group insurance, reinsurance and retirement and savings products and services to corporations and other institutions, reaching more than 70 million customers around the world.. A leader in group benefits, the MetLife companies serve 88 of the top 100 FORTUNE 500 companies and are ranked first in group life 3 and first in commercial dental in the U.S.A. More than 61,000 employers now offer MetLife products to their employees, enabling employees to provide

protection and security for themselves and their families.

MetLife’s well-recognized brand names, leading market positions, competitive and innovative product offerings and financial strength and expertise will help drive future growth and enhance shareholder value,

building on a long history of tradition and integrity.


History of the Company

The origins of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (MetLife) go back to 1863, when a group of New York City businessmen raised $1,00,000 to found the National Union Life and Limb Insurance Company. The new

company insured Civil War sailors and soldiers against disabilities due to wartime wounds, accidents, and sickness. In 1868, after several

reorganizations and five difficult years, the company decided to focus on the life insurance business. A new company was chartered to sell "ordinary"

insurance to the middle class.

In 1879, MetLife President Joseph F. Knapp turned his attention to England, where "industrial" or "workingmen's" insurance programs were widely

successful. By importing English agents to train an American agency force, MetLife quickly transferred successful British methods for use in the United States. By 1880, the company was signing up 700 new industrial policies a day. Rapidly increasing volume quickly drove down distribution costs, and

the new program proved immediately successful.

Beginning in the 1930s, the company broadened its tradition of public service from promoting individual health to fostering national social and

economic goals. In 1930, MetLife was the undisputed leader of the insurance industry, insuring every fifth man, woman, and child in the United States and Canada. On the way it supported the country and the community in

many ways. For example,

In 1931 MetLife provided the outside capital to build Rockefeller Center.

lent money to construct the Empire State Building in 1929, and virtually saved this project from bankruptcy.

During World War II, the company placed more than 51 percent of its total assets in war bonds, and was the largest single private contributor

to the Allied cause. The company served its customers, communities and employees

during the difficult time after the 9/11 attacks.

In 1980, The company completes the largest single building purchase (Pan Am Building) in history.


In 1998, The board of directors authorizes demutualization.In 2000, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (MetLife) launches the seventh

largest IPO ever held in the United States.

In 2001, MetLife was the first insurance company to establish a financial holding company with a nationally chartered bank. Leveraging its

unparalleled distribution channels, MetLife entered the retail-banking arena with the launch of MetLife Bank.

The MetLife Headquarters building was featured in Spiderman the movie (game), released in 2002.

In 2005, Working Mother magazine honored MetLife by naming the company one of the “100 Best Companies for Working Mothers,” for the

seventh consecutive year.

In early 2006, MetLife was also named to the “National Association for Female Executives” annual list of Top 30 Companies for Executive Women.

In 2006, MetLife appointed "C. Robert (Rob) Henrikson" chairman of the board of directors, president and "chief executive officer" of MetLife, Inc.

Henrikson was appointed"CEO" on March 1, 2006 and chairman of the board on April 25, 2006.

Supporting Country and Community

Over the years, MetLife has made a difference by supporting urban renewal projects and community financing. The company's social commitment and

its commitment to the security of its policyholders have proven to be a good business.

Concern for the financial security of its policyholders led the company to shy away from investing in the stock market. This policy resulted in MetLife


surviving the crash of 1929 relatively unscathed while countless other financial institutions collapsed with devastating effects on the American

people. The financial strength of the company allowed MetLife to pay out cash surrenders to its policyholders, and the Company even honored requests from policy holders whose premiums had lapsed. For many, these payments

made the difference between financial failure and survival.

Beginning in the 1930s, the company broadened its tradition of public service from promoting individual health to fostering national social and

economic goals. In 1930, MetLife was the undisputed leader of the insurance industry, insuring every fifth man, woman, and child in the United States

and Canada. Traditionally, the company had invested a substantial portion of its assets in urban and farm mortgages and in loans to individuals. But the

collapse of real estate values during the Great Depression and the decline of interest rates made these customary investment options less attractive.

In response to changing conditions, the company reduced the percentage of individual mortgages in its portfolio in favor of public utility bonds,

investments in government securities, and loans for commercial real estate. In 1931 MetLife provided the outside capital to build Rockefeller Center. It

also lent money to construct the Empire State Building in 1929, and virtually saved this project from bankruptcy. The company's housing program begun

in the 1920s and completed after World War II -- at the time the most extensive housing program undertaken by either public or private enterprise-

was in part driven by the need for investment vehicles that would bring greater returns to policyholders. During World War II, the company placed

more than 51 percent of its total assets in war bonds, and was the largest single private contributor to the Allied cause.

As the "world's wealthiest private company," MetLife entered the postwar period in a strong and secure position. This era in the company's history

changed MetLife in a number of fundamental ways. To bring its products and services closer to customers, it expanded its suburban presence,

decentralized operations, and refocused its career agency system to serve all segments of the market. MetLife also developed new group products and

marketed them to employers and institutions. By the end of 1979, MetLife concentrated on four businesses: Group insurance, Personal insurance,

Pensions, and Investments.


Description of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Tower


The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Tower (also Met Life Tower) at One Madison Avenue, New York City was the world's tallest building from

1909 to 1913, when it was surpassed by the Woolworth Building. As the address suggests, it is located at the southern end of Madison Avenue, directly across the street from Madison Square Park. The tower was

designated a National Historic Landmark and was added to the National Register of Historic Places on February 6,1978. The rest of the office

complex was added to the National Register on January 19,1996.Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Tower was the world's tallest

building from 1909 to 1913.

The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Tower (also Met Life Tower) at One Madison Avenue, New York City was the world's tallest building from

1909 to 1913, when it was surpassed by the Woolworth Building. As the address suggests, it is located at the southern end of Madison Avenue, directly across the street from Madison Square Park. The tower was

designated a National Historic Landmark and was added to the National Register of Historic Places on February 6, 1978. The rest of the office

complex was added to the National Register on January 19, 1996.

The Met Life Tower as it looks today. The tower is a later addition to the original 11-story, full-block office building (the "East Wing") that was

completed in 1893. Plans for the tower were first announced in 1905. The Campanile in Venice, Italy served as an inspiration when the building was commissioned by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company in 1907, and

served as world headquarters of the company until 2005. Napoleon LeBrun & Sons designed the 700 feet (213 m) tower with 52 floors, more than twice the height of its old world counterpart, and completed the building by 1909 with help from the Hedden Construction Company. The completion of the

Woolworth Building in 1913 ended the Met Life Tower's reign as the tallest building in the world.


There are four clocks, one on each side of the tower. Each clock is 26.5 feet (8 m) in diameter with each number being four feet (1.2 m) tall. The minute hands each weigh half a ton. The original tower was sheathed in Tuckahoe marble, but during the 1964 renovation plain limestone was used to cover the tower and the East Wing, replacing the old Renaissance revival details

with a streamlined, modern look. Much of the building's original ornamentation was removed.

A three-year exterior restoration project, which saw much of the building covered in scaffolding, ended in 2002 and added a new, computerized,

multicolored nighttime lighting system much like that of the Empire State Building; the colors change to denote particular holidays or important

events. The gilded cupola at the very top of the building serves as an "eternal light" which stays illuminated even after the rest of the lighting system has

been turned off for the night.

In March of 2005, SL Green Realty Trust bought the tower in anticipation of converting it into apartments. In May 2007 the tower was subsequently sold, along with adjacent air rights, to Africa Israel Investments for $200 million.

It is speculated that the tower will be converted into either residential apartments or a high-end hotel.

Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Tower


The tower in white light and fog . The tower in colored lighting.

The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Tower, once the tallest building in the world and still a prominent southern pinnacle on the mid-Manhattan

skyline, was designated a New York City landmark yesterday. The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Tower, once the tallest building in the world and still a prominent southern pinnacle on the mid-Manhattan skyline,

was designated by a New York City landmark yesterday.

''For the past 80 years, the tower has been a major corporate symbol,'' the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission said in a resolution

that was adopted unanimously. A vice president of Met Life, Fred Wortman, said the company was ''pleased to receive the designation”. The pyramid

ally topped structure at Madison Square was designed by Napoleon LeBrun & Sons to evoke the Campanile at the Piazza San Marco in Venice.

Although extensively renovated in the early 1960's, it kept many distinguishing features, including a clock whose numerals alone are four feet


At 700 feet, the tower held the ''world's tallest'' title for four years, from its completion in 1909 until it was overtaken by the Woolworth Building. The new designation covers only the slender shaft at Madison Avenue and 24th Street. Completed in 1909, the Metropolitan Life Insurance Tower in New


York City reigned as the world’s tallest building until completion of the Woolworth Building in 1913. Rising 700 feet the Tower was surpassed in

height only by the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

The building draws its architectural inspiration from the famous Campanile of St. Mark’s Basilica in Venice. The fifty-story Italian Renaissance tower

consists of a base, shaft, and capital, culminating in a pyramidal spire, cupola, and lantern. From its base, the tower shaft (which is organized into three bays of three windows each) rises thirty-one stories to a setback and a four-story arcade loggia. The arcade forms the base for the pyramidal spire that supports the tower’s belfry-like dome. Above the arcade a pyramidal

roof with ocular windows is crowned with a gilded cupola and glazed lantern. The 41st floor of the Tower serves as an observation deck. In

addition to serving as the home office of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Building provides time, light and music to the surrounding city.

Among the Tower’s most distinctive architectural features is its massive four-dial clock, chimes, and beacon. Four clock faces, measuring 26 feet in diameter, span the 25th, 26th and 27th floors of the tower. At the time of

construction the Tower’s four-dial clock was the largest in the world, rivaled only by London’s “Big Ben”. Between the hours 8 a.m. and 10 p.m., four

chimes sound a measure by Handel on the quarter hour. After 10 p.m., an octagonal lantern measuring eight feet in diameter takes over for the chimes, flashing the quarter hours and hours. Known as the “Light That Never Fails”, the lantern can be seen some fifty miles into

neighbouring states.

Just as the Tower is more than building, the “Light That Never Fails” became the symbol of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. Reflecting on the Tower’s commercial symbolism, architecture critic Paul Goldberger writes, “To the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, the tower confirmed its stability and suggested that qualities of past cultures had somehow been

passed along to it, it was possessor of it, as its ability to replicate the tower at a scale larger than the original proved.”

In 1980, illumination of the Tower’s crown began. The 35th to 48th floors are lit nightly from dusk to midnight. For traditional holidays colored


lighting is employed. For example, on Independence Day the Tower is bathed in red, white and blue light, and on Christmas with red and green


Today, nearly a century after its construction the Metropolitan Life Insurance Tower remains a distinctive element of the New York skyline.

Met Life Today

MetLife’s corporate vision is to build financial freedom for everyone – guides the company’s response to people’s growing need for first-rate

financial products and services through various life stages and economic cycles. MetLife’s trusted brand, capital strength, and existing relationships

with millions of individual and institutional customers around the globe uniquely position MetLife among its competitors.

The "everyone" in MetLife’s vision took on added meaning in 2000 as the company welcomed an important new constituency: shareholders. MetLife

transformed itself from mutual to stock ownership in April of that year through a demutualization and initial public offering that was completed in

just 18 months after Board authorization.

The year 2001 was a true test of the qualities that define MetLife. The company’s core values, brought to life in what MetLife does every day, were

no more evident than in MetLife’s response to the tragic events that shook the nation on September 11. MetLife responded quickly. The company

serves its customers, communities and employees during this difficult time. At the same time, MetLife invested $1 billion in a broad array of publicly-

traded common stocks.

In 2001, MetLife was the first insurance company to establish a financial holding company with a nationally chartered bank. Leveraging its

unparalleled distribution channels, MetLife entered the retail-banking arena with the launch of MetLife Bank, making it an easy and convenient way for

MetLife’s customers to realize their financial goals.


MetLife announced in 2002 that it would be continuing its long-standing relationship with Snoopy and the rest of the peanuts characters. The

company signed a new contract that would allow the characters to appear in MetLife’s domestic and international advertising for the next 10 years.

The sale of State Street Research & Management Company to Black Rock, Inc. was announced in 2004. In line with MetLife’s strategy to focus on core business growth, the sale benefited many of the company’s Individual and

Institutional Business clients who held investments through State Street Research, as it became part of one of the largest publicly traded investment

management firms in the U.S.


The company’s stated long-term goal is to become the recognized leader throughout the world for relationship building, connectedness and caring in

financial services – in the "giant league" with over 100 million people as MetLife customers by the year 2010.

MetLife took a major step toward realizing this goal in 2005, when it acquired Travelers Life & Annuity and substantially all of Citigroup’s

international insurance businesses for $12 billion. Completed on July 1, 2005, the Travelers acquisition made MetLife the largest individual life

insurer in North America based on sales, the second largest provider of retail annuities and the largest provider of institutional annuities.

Working Mother Magazine honored MetLife in 2005 by naming the company one of the "100 Best Companies for Working Mothers," for the seventh consecutive year. In 2005, the company was named to Diversity Inc.’s list of the Top 50 Companies for Diversity. In early 2006, MetLife

was also named to the National Association for Female Executives’ annual list of Top 30 Companies for Executive Women.

In 2006, MetLife appointed C. Robert (Rob) Henrikson chairman of the board of directors, president and chief executive officer of MetLife, Inc.

Henrikson was appointed CEO on March 1, 2006 and chairman of the board on April 25, 2006.

Henrikson has been the architect of an aggressive growth strategy that included double-digit organic growth, the divestiture of non-core businesses, and an M&A strategy which resulted in market leadership in all of MetLife’s

core product lines. Before it was commonly talked about, Henrikson recognized the opportunities presented by the changing demographics in a global marketplace and set the company on a course for continued success

by developing innovative products and services and strengthening the company’s distribution power in the U.S. and 16 markets in Asia Pacific,

Latin America and Europe.

Today, a time when consumers are feeling a greater financial burden than ever before, MetLife is helping millions of customers create their own

personal safety net. At no time in the company’s history has MetLife been as well positioned to capitalize on its history, its reputation for security and

stability, and its innovative products and services as it is today.

In the future, MetLife will continue to grow its business with focus, innovation and profitability. This will be accomplished by drawing on the reservoir of history that has produced an enduring set of corporate values

based on more than 138 years of integrity, social responsibility, strong leadership and financial strength.


Policies Of Met Life Insurance

1) MET 100 limited pay whole life insurance

The ideal policy for those who :• Want lifetime protection

• Want to pay affordable premiums• Want access to cash value of the policy

• Want tax advantages

How does the policy work :MET 100 offers the following guarantees

• Coverage until the age of 100• Fixed premium amount

• Fixed payment period (choose the term of payment - 15, 20 or 25 years based on current age)

• Cash value of the policy during the life of the policyEnjoy the peace of knowing the legacy that is protected until the age

of 100 or until death - whichever comes first. And with the best wishes and prayers, on the 100th birthday one can collect the

insurance amount.

Can the policy be customized: Yes, by using the Met Riders.

What could be done next :Talk to a MetLife India financial advisor who will help in defining

how best one can use this policy to match the needs. Needs like offering the warmth of protection of loved ones; needs like covering

loans for that dream house; needs like leaving a legacy that your heirs can bank on.


2) MET SUKH- Money Back Assurance

The ideal policy for those who :• Want money back at regular intervals

• Want to grow savings• Want the protection of insurance

• Want tax advantages

How does the policy work:Met Sukh offers the following guarantees

• Payback of 20% of sum assured at the end of 5, 10 and 15 years• Coverage for the term of the policy

• Fixed premium amount• Fixed payment period of 20 years

•Guaranteed surrender value of the policy - during the life of the policy, after the first 3 years

Living with the satisfaction of knowing that one can meet the family's needs as they arise - a child's school or college admission, a down

payment on a house loan, a marriage or even a holiday abroad. Living with satisfaction that is protecting the future at one’s own pace and cost. If the unforeseen should happen during the term of the policy,

the family gets the face amount of the policy plus 10% of face amount of the policy for each year of premium paid.

Can the policy be customized :Yes, by using Met Riders.

What can be done next :Talk to a MetLife India financial advisor who will help in defining

how best one can use this policy to match the needs. Needs like offering the warmth of protection to the loved ones and needs like

securing your future at your personal convenience.

3) Endowment Assurance-Met Shanti

The ideal policy for those who :• Want to ensure future prosperity

• Want protection


• Want access to cash value of the policy• Want tax advantages

How does the policy work :MET Shanti offers the following guarantees

• Coverage for the term of the policy• Fixed premium amount

• Fixed payment period (choose your term of payment - 15, 20 or 25 years based on current age)

• Cash value of the policy - during the life of the policy, after the first 3 years - (90% of cash value can be taken as loan on approval)

Live peacefully knowing that your family will enjoy your support whether you are with them or not; live with the peace of mind that you are creating wealth for your future comfort at your own pace and cost.

If the unforeseen should happen during the term of the policy, your family is looked after. Otherwise at the end of your chosen fixed payment period, you get to enjoy the luxury of your prudence.

Can the policy be customized: Yes, by using Met Riders.

What can be done next: Talk to a MetLife India financial advisor who will help in defining

how best one can use this policy to match the needs. Needs like offering the warmth of protection to your loved ones and needs like

securing your future at your personal convenience.


Products and Services of Met Life Insurance

MetLife serves group benefit products and Individual benefit products. International segment serves these products to groups and individual in the

Asia/Pacific region, Europe, and Latin America. The company's reinsurance business operates as Reinsurance Group of America, but serves customers around the world. The prestigious history of MetLife began in 1863, when

the National Union Life and Limb Insurance Company was created to insure soldiers against injuries incurred during the Civil War. Subsequent to the

war, the company founders chartered the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company to market insurance to the working class, and began a tradition of


customer service and financial strength unparalleled in the history of personal insurance.

In 1929, smart planning and financial stability ensured that MetLife survived the stock market crash with barely a scratch. Unlike other bankrupted

companies, MetLife was able to honor financial obligations such as paying cash surrenders to clientele who depended upon this money to stay afloat. A decade later, MetLife served as the leading private supporter of the Allied

war effort.

Today, the tradition of excellence is carried on by employees whose prime goal is fostering financial freedom for all people. Insuring more than 13 million households and 70,000 corporations, they are well on the way to

achieving that goal —so far, a total of over 37 million people entrust their futures to MetLife. This peerless reputation of excellence inspired MetLife’s

new slogan: “Have you met life today”?

MetLife offers the following services

Defined Service Parameters Easy Policy administration

Strong & reliable operations and underwriting team

Products offered include:-

Life insurance :- Life insurance can be an important part of your personal safety net, especially if you have financial dependents.

MetLife, a leading provider of life insurance to millions of customers, can work with you to find easy and affordable life insurance solutions

—so you know your loved ones will be taken care of. Long-term care insurance :- It provides information about MetLife’s

long-term care insurance plans. It offers practical and educational information about options available to meet the insurance needs.

Retirement planning :-Find out what you need to do before and after you retire to make your money last and last - no matter how long you

live.Whether you're years away from retirement, getting closer or already retired, MetLife can helps in creating a retirement strategy custom-

tailored to your specific needs.


Dental insurance :-The various tools and resources helps in making a informed choice about oral health and dental benefits.One can receive

Metlife dental coverage through the employer and can view and manage the benefits online.

Auto and Boat insurance:- The boat is probably one of the most treasured possessions. But, it can also be most vulnerable -- at risk of damage from storms, strong winds, theft, and accidents. That's why MetLife Auto & Home's boat insurance provides shelter to the boat

and protection for the passengers.

Disability income insurance :-When a person is healthy and working, it is hard to imagine being disabled by illness or injury. But it can

happen. In fact:

One in 3 working Americans will become disabled for 90 days or more before age 65.

The average disability absence is 2 and half years. More than 80% of working Americans don’t have disability income

insurance or aren’t covered adequately.

The chart below illustrates that an individual’s chances of disability are 2 to 3 times greater than death during their working years.

Home insurance :- Home insurance is a key part of a smart financial plan.Metlife auto and home promises no surprises,no hassles and no hidden costs.Their policies pay for damages to property from risks such as lightning,fire,smoke and theft.They even pay to defend in

court if someone has injured any property. Home insurance is also


called as property insurance or fire insurance.It covers damages to structures and/or things inside the home including furniture,clothes,television and kitchen supplies.

Apart from all this it also provides banking and insurance services.


Riders are the additional benefits that you may buy and add to the existing policy. They are options that allow enhancing the insurance cover,

qualitatively and quantitatively. Riders can be mixed and matched based on one’s preferences for a small additional cost. As ‘one size fits all’ approach

does not apply to insurance it makes sense to cover risk based on factors that are unique. Simply put, these are add-on benefits attached to policies in case

of eventualities.

Here are a few riders and what they generally cover:

Level term cover rider

   This provides with the option to enhance the risk cover for a limited period, up to a maximum of the sum assured on your base policy.

   It solely offers death benefit and helps the survivors to meet any unforeseen expenses that need to be taken care of, or some liabilities

to be cleared of in event of death of the policyholder.

   For example - Your need for life insurance cover is Rest 10 lakh. If you take a policy for a sum assured of Rs 10 lakh, you would have to pay a high premium whereas if you go in for a Rs 5 lakh life cover, and add a term rider for Rs 5 lakh, you can satisfy your insurance

requirement at a far lower premium. Although, the survival benefits will be proportionately lower in this case, the basic need for life

insurance is met at a far lower cost.

Double sum assured rider

   This provides for an additional amount equivalent to the basic sum assured to the survivors in case of an unfortunate death of the



   With a little extra premium the policyholder can double his life cover at a nominal cost as compared to opting for a larger endowment


  It is commonly found that the policyholder is the main source of income of the family and in case of an unforeseen event of his death, his survivors are likely to need more money to manage the household,

thus the double sum assured rider caters to such a situation.

Critical illness rider or dreaded disease rider

   This rider is added to a life insurance policy to protect the insured in the event of a critical illness.

   Generally, the extra cover is equal to the sum assured on the base policy and is paid upon diagnosis of the illness.

   While the illnesses covered and the premiums vary among insurers, most insurers cover cancer, coronary artery bypass, heart attack, kidney/renal failure, major organ transplant and paralytic stroke.

   Before adding this rider one must check illnesses covered and the exclusions.

   And, a few insurers terminate the base policy once a claim is made on the rider. Thus, a plan that continues to give a life cover, at marginally

higher premium on the rider, is preferable.

   The main difference between a critical illness benefit and a mediclaim policy is that under the critical illness benefit the policy holder gets an amount equal to the sum assured irrespective of the medical expenses on diagnosis of the critical illness while under a mediclaim policy the policy holder receives a reimbursement on

producing the bills which is limited to the extent of amount medical expenses incurred.


   The premium paid for this rider qualifies for tax deduction under section 80D of the IT Act.

Major surgical assistance benefit

   When this clause is triggered, a part of the sum assured is paid to the policyholder. This rider provides financial support in the event of medical emergencies that require surgery in addition to the base


   Checking the list of surgical procedures covered and the exclusions is important.

   Most insurers exclude claims arising from pre-existing injuries or illnesses and other predefined specific events.

   Also, expenses on hospitalisation for ailments that do not require surgery are not covered.

   The premium paid for this rider qualifies for tax deduction under section 80D of the IT Act.

   The premium varies in a large range because only some insurers allow the base policy to continue once a claim is made on the rider.

Accident and disability benefit

   This provides for an additional cover on the base policy, in the event of accidental death to cover the risk of your becoming disabled–either permanently or temporarily, totally or partially–following an accident.

    In case, the accident results in total and permanent disability, and the rider provides for other benefits, a proportion of the benefits will be

paid to the insured person every year until he recovers.


   Some insurers provide a waiver of premium benefit as well, in the event of disability; a few insurers offer a clause that provides for

compensation in the event of accidental dismemberment.

Waiver of premium rider

   This rider is triggered when the insured person becomes "completely disabled" or loses his source of revenue because of unemployment

owing to an injury or sickness.

  Thereby, the premiums due on the base policy (and other riders, if any) are waived till the person is able-bodied and employed again.

   Effectively, this rider acts as a "disability insurance" against your life insurance policy.

   The merits of this rider are evident, particularly if the premium on the policy is high. Without this, risks of seeing the policy lapses if the premium is not paid owing to financial difficulty in the event of


   The definition of the term "completely disabled" varies between insurers.

  The premium for this rider depends on the premium on the base policy and on other riders. The higher the premium on the base policy, and the more the riders you add, the higher will be the premium you pay

on this rider.

   The premium paid for this rider qualifies for tax deduction under section 80D of the IT Act.

Guaranteed insurability option rider

   This rider gives the right to purchase additional insurance (of the nature of your base policy) at different stages, without further medical



   This rider is useful if one needs to buy additional insurance to keep pace with changing life circumstances–as when you get married or

have children.

   And, even if the health condition deteriorates with age, one does not have to give any medical evidence of insurability.

Met Life Insurance Ratings


1) Moody's Investors Service Moody's Insurance Financial Strength Ratings are opinions of the ability of

insurance companies to repay punctually senior policyholder claims and obligations.

Moody's Investors Service: Aa2 (Excellent)

AA Range Definition: Insurance companies rated AA offer excellent financial security. Together with the Aaa group they constitute what are

generally known as high-grade companies. They are rated lower than Aaa companies because long-term risks appear somewhat larger.

Numeric Modifiers are used to refer to the ranking within the group - one being the highest and three being the lowest. However, the financial strength

of companies within a generic rating symbol (Aa, for example) is broadly the same.

Financial Strength Rating Definition Moody's Insurance Financial Strength Ratings are opinions of the ability of

insurance companies to repay punctually senior policyholder claims and obligations. Specific obligations are considered unrated unless they are

individually rated because the standing of a particular insurance obligation would depend on an assessment of its relative standing under those laws

governing both the obligation and the insurance company. It is important to note that Moody's makes no representation that rated insurance company obligations are exempt from registration under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 or issued in conformity with any other applicable law or regulation.

Nor does Moody's represent that any specific insurance company obligation is legally enforceable or a valid senior obligation of a rated issuer.

2) Standard & Poor's Standard & Poor's Insurer Financial Strength Rating is a current opinion of

the financial security characteristics of an insurance organization with respect to its ability to pay under its insurance policies and contracts in

accordance with their terms.Standard & Poor's: AA (Very Strong)

AA Range Definition: An insurer rated AA has very strong financial security characteristics, differing only slightly from those rated higher.


Plus (+) or minus (-) signs following ratings from 'AA' to 'CCC' show relative standing within the major rating categories.

Financial Strength Rating Definition A Standard & Poor's Insurer Financial Strength Rating is a current opinion of the financial security characteristics of an insurance organization with respect to its ability to pay under its insurance policies and contracts in

accordance with their terms. This opinion is not specific to any particular policy or contract, nor does it address the suitability of a particular policy or contract for a specific purpose or purchaser. Furthermore, the opinion does

not take into account deductibles, surrender or cancellation penalties, timeliness of payment, nor the likelihood of the use of a defense such as

fraud to deny claims. For organizations with cross-border or multinational operations, including those conducted by subsidiaries or branch offices, the

ratings do not take into account potential that may exist for foreign exchange restrictions to prevent the financial obligations.

3) A.M. Best The objective of Best's rating system is to provide an opinion as to an insurer's financial strength and ability to meet ongoing obligations to

policyholders.A.M. Best: A+ (Superior)

A++ and A+ Range Definition: Assigned to insurance-related organizations that have, on balance, superior balance sheet strength,

operating performance and business profile. These companies have, in Best's opinion, a superior ability to meet their ongoing obligations to policyholders.

Explanation of Best's Rating System The objective of Best's rating system is to provide an opinion as to an insurer's financial strength and ability to meet ongoing obligations to

policyholders. Best's opinions are derived from an evaluation of a company's balance sheet strength, operating performance and business profile as

compared with best's quantitative and qualitative standards.

4) Fitch Ratings A Fitch Ratings Insurer Financial Strength Rating provides an assessment of

the financial strength of an insurance company or managed care organization, and its capacity to meet senior obligations to policyholders and

contract holders on a timely basis.


Fitch Ratings: AA (Very Strong)

AA Range Definition: Insurers are viewed as possessing very strong capacity to meet policyholder and contract obligations. Risk factors are modest, and the impact of any adverse business and economic factors is

expected to be very small.  Ratings in the "AA" through "CCC" categories may be amended with a (+) or (-) sign to show relative standing within the

major rating category

Financial Strength Rating Definition A Fitch Ratings Insurer Financial Strength Rating provides an assessment of

the financial strength of an insurance company or managed care organization, and its capacity to meet senior obligations to policyholders and contract holders on a timely basis. The financial strength rating is assigned

to the company itself, and no liabilities or obligations of the insurer are specifically rated unless otherwise stated.

Online Services of the Company

MetLife has developed an award-winning suite of online service portals that can help make managing the benefits program simple and easy. Through

Met life’s comprehensive online portals, Met Link,  My Benefits, and MetDental.com, it creates an end-to-end service experience that take work

off your plate so you can focus on the bigger picture.  And, the high standards in technical innovation and service, combined with our expertise in employee benefits, can help in meeting the needs of the customers now, and in the future.  The three portals provides employers, employees, and

dental providers easy online tools that enable them to manage their benefits plans efficiently. The result is a seamless and efficient experience for all.

Met Link makes benefits administration simple Met Link is an easy-to-use online portal designed to provide benefits managers real-time access to their

benefits information. It’s easy to enroll employees, submit and check the status of claims, and process and pay bills. And, with reporting features and access to regulatory and legislative releases, it has immediate access to the valuable information one needs. If one can manage more than one MetLife


product, then he enjoys the added benefit of a single, easy-to-use interface that make managing multiple benefits almost as easy as managing one.

My Benefits empowers the employees to take control of their benefits helping the employees understand their benefits and giving them the tools to maximize them. MetLife’s online service portal for employees are provided a comprehensive and personalized picture of the choices available to them,

which allows them to make more informed benefits decisions. Through proactive service e-mail communications from MetLife, they may also

receive the status of their claims and other important information related to their benefits. They make it easy for the employees to access the information important to them and also provide unique solutions to meet the company’s

needs. Employees can even access to My Benefits directly from the company’s intranet, eliminating the need to reenter a user name and

password. In addition, they can integrate specific capabilities into the company’s intranet to create a completely seamless benefits experience for

your employees. When employees understand the value of the programs being offered, they can reap the benefits of a happier, more loyal workforce.

And, when employees have the tools to manage benefits themselves, they have less of the administrative burden associated with fielding benefits

questions and requests.

MetDental.com helps dental providers more effectively to manage their business so that they can focus on their patients MetDental.com is an online

resource that can help to reduce time and expenses associated with office tasks, so dental providers can devote more time to patient care.

MetDental.com also helps to promote better dentist-patient relationships by making interaction with MetLife more efficient. Online access to key

information enables providers to quickly answer questions employees may have about eligibility, plan design, and pre-treatment estimates. In addition,

claims can be submitted online and payment can be made via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).

Types of Insurance offered by Met Life Insurance Company

Insurance has always been a profitable business in the United States of America. They contribute a sizeable portion of the state's revenue. Moreover American Life Insurance companies are dominating the insurance markets


all over the world. They have to be analyzed in detail as some of them have been rated as the best life insurance companies.

The 5 leading best life insurance company in United States are as follows:-


Prudential Insurance Company of America

New York Life Insurance

American International Group

Mass mutual financial group

MetLifeThis company started in the year 1863 grew steadily and hogged the

limelight in the year 1909 during the mass campaign against tuberculosis that affected thousands of U.S. citizens. The endeavor to serve the

marginalized and underprivileged continues uninterrupted and forms an important part of their Corporate Social responsibility. The company has an international presence and has won recognition from several countries and welfare institutions across the globe. The two different types of insurance

offered by Met Life Insurance are:

Term Life InsuranceTerm Life Insurance is offered in 3 modes:

They are One Year Term Insurance. It is a flexible type of insurance policy. The insured has the facility of investing it for a definite period say

one year and getting coverage for the following years also. At the end of the year they have the option of renewing the policy or converting into a

permanent insurance policy (after five consecutive renewals). The premiums are generally high and this type of scheme is recommended for those having

short term goals in mind.

Schedule Term InsuranceA scheduled term insurance is taken for a particular period. The premiums

change annually whiles the amount of insurance decreases. The amount deducted is used to repay the insured's financial commitments. It is also

advised to invest in this policy only if the insured has already fulfilled his fundamental requirements of life insurance by taking another appropriate


policy. In that sense this can be used as an additional policy and to get additional coverage.

Level Term InsuranceThe coverage for this type of insurance remains uniform over a period of time desired by the insured. The number of years may be 10yrs,20yrs or

30yrs. This policy also has the flexibility of being converted into a Permanent insurance policy with some restrictions. However the insured is

not at liberty to change the term duration once it is chosen.

Permanent Life InsurancePermanent insurance is also offered in three modes:

Whole LifeAs the name implies the person can insure and continue paying premiums till the end of his life. These premiums will not differ and remain constant.

The company invests them in various financial instruments. The insured will also get a share of profits from the company; though the fact remains that the company is not obliged to provide it at all times. It is not possible to convert

this scheme into other policies.

Equity AdvantageIn this type of insurance the company invests the sum paid by the insured (as premiums) in stocks. The individual gets a return based on the performance of the stock. In addition to getting regular income the insured is also assured

of getting back the policy amount after the policy expires. In case of his death the dependents are eligible to enjoy the policy amount.

Guarantee AdvantageThis insurance scheme helps the insured to enjoy a regular income. For

reasons like security many Americans are insured in this scheme than any others. This scheme is based on the financial soundness of the insured.

However the premiums are quiet affordable.

All policies are not the same. Some give coverage for your lifetime and


others give cover for a specific number of years. Here is a snapshot of the types of policies and what they offer.

Term InsuranceTerm insurance covers for a term of one or more years. It pays a death

benefit only if the policy holder dies during the period the insurance is in force. Term insurance generally offers the cheapest form of life insurance. The term insurance policies can be renewed for one or more terms even if

the health condition of the individual has changed.

However, each time the policy is renewed for a new term, premiums may climb higher, just like a rent agreement every time the lease is renewed. This

policy is particularly useful to cover any outstanding debt in the form of a mortgage, home loan, etc.

For example if you have taken a loan of Rs10 lakh, you will have an option of taking an insurance to protect the loan in case of passing away before the

debt is repaid.

Whole Life Insurance Whole life insurance gives cover for as long as you live if your premiums

are paid. Generally the same premium amount is paid throughout the lifetime. Some whole life policies allow to pay premiums for a shorter

period such as 15, 20 or 25 years. Premiums for these policies are higher since the premium payments are made during a shorter period. There are options in the market to have a return of premium option in a whole life

policy. That means after a certain age of paying premiums, the life insurance company will pay back the premium to the life assured but the coverage will


Money Back Insurance The money back plan not only covers your life, it also assures you the return of a certain per cent of the sum assured as cash payment at regular intervals. It is a savings plan with the added advantage of life cover and regular cash

inflow. This plan is ideal for planning special moments like a wedding, child's education or purchase of an asset, etc. Money back plans have

"participating" and "non participating" versions in the market.

Endowment Assurance Endowment insurance is a level premium plan with a savings feature. At

maturity, a lump sum is paid out equal to the sum assured (plus dividends in


a par policy). If death occurs during the term of the policy then the total amount of insurance and any dividends (par policy) are paid out. There are a number of products in the market that offer flexibility in choosing the term of the policy namely one can choose the term from 5 to 30 years. There are products in the market that offer non participating (no profits) version, the

premiums for which are cheaper

Universal LifeThis is a flexible life insurance policy and is also market sensitive. Deciding

on the several investment options on how your net premium are to be invested. While the money invested has the potential for significant growth,

such funds are subject to market risks including the loss of the principal.

Unit Linked ProductMarket-linked plans or unit-linked insurance plans (ULIP) are similar to

traditional insurance policies with the exception that the premium amount is invested by the insurance company in the stock market. Market-linked insurance plans (MLP) and mutual funds invest in a basket of securities, allowing to choose between investment options predominantly in equity,

debt or a mix of both (called balanced option). The major advantage market-linked plans offer is that they leave the asset allocation decision in the hands

of investors themselves. You are in control of how you want to distribute your money among the broad class of instruments and when you want to do

it or pull out. Any of the products mentioned above except term products could be unit-linked.

MetLife Insurance Products

Term Life Products :

One Year Term Insurance : This policy provides a level death benefit for periods of one year at a time. These one-year terms are renewable until age 95 without medical evidence of insurability,

although premiums increase each year (but never beyond a specified maximum). These policies are convertible to a permanent MetLife

policy up until age 60; after this age, they are convertible at the end of every fifth year.

Level Term Insurance : These offers a level amount of coverage for a term period of 10, 15, 20, or 30 years. Once the term expires, plans


are renewable until the age of 95yrs, and they are convertible until the age 90yrs.

Scheduled Term Insurance : These plans may be purchased in term periods of 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30 years, but require the policyholder to renew coverage annually. Amount of protection decreases each year

concurrent with a decreasing financial obligation, such as an outstanding debt. These policies are convertible until age 60;

thereafter, they may be converted to a permanent plan at the end of every fifth year.

Whole Life Products :

L-98 Whole Life : L-98 means “Life Paid-up at age 98.” It offers premiums guaranteed never to increase, a guaranteed death benefit, as well as the potential to receive dividends and accumulate cash value.

Guarantee Advantage UL : With adjustable premiums and death benefit, this policy can be custom tailored to undertake financial

objectives. Plus, it offers an innovative, extra advantage: the Guaranteed Survivor Income Benefit(GSIB), which guarantees that your family will receive a lifetime income tax-free monthly income

instead of one large lump sum. Riders include Long-Term Care Guarantee Purchase Option, Waiver of Specified Premium, and

Guaranteed Survivor Plus Purchase Option. Equity Advantage VUL : This policy offers flexible premiums, death

benefit, and the potential for more rapid cash accumulation, as net premium payments can go directly into 49 different investment options. No cash value is guaranteed, but if minimum premiums

payments are met, a minimum death benefit will be received.

Structured Risk Solutions of the Company

MetLife professionals craft structured risk solutions that allow to focus on building the organization, achieving the goals and realizing their vision.


They specialize in analyzing and managing complex risks, even those that may seem unmanageable. Using a consultative approach, their team of specialists identifies one’s risks, their root causes, potential additional

exposures and the impact of the unexpected – all of which can interfere with the attainment of your organization’s strategic goals. In partnership with their, our solutions are designed to help limit your risk and mitigate your


The Benefits of Structured Risk Solutions

Tailored to client needs and objectives. Potentially significant cost savings versus traditional alternatives.

Tax-efficiency that may be more advantageous than self-insurance.

Flexibility to meet changing business needs.


Analysis Strategy Solutions

Assess,identify and measure risks

StrategicRisk Planning

Financial Solutions

Risk Retention and Analysis

Solution,Creation and Modeling

Value Creation

MetLife’s Structured Risk Solutions provide a variety of innovative risk management strategies to help you manage your liabilities. Their

collaborative approach is designed to solve business problems, meet strategic objectives, smooth earnings and reduce balance sheet volatility.

They can provide with time-tested traditional solutions, but can also help us to deal with seemingly unmanageable and often unique risks by going

beyond traditional product-driven strategies to design tailor-made solutions for your specific problems with genuine economic advantages.

They develop customized solutions which are designed to help us in attaining the business and financial objectives while meeting the challenges


of regulatory, tax and accounting constraints. The diagram above illustrates some of the specialized solutions that are crafted for the clients.

Creating Value From Risk

Their collaborative approach begins with a thorough risk assessment. They sit merely to gain an understanding of the organization and its challenges.

Then, using sophisticated risk modeling, they identify and measure the exposure and determine which risks can efficiently retain and which can be eliminated or transferred. Working together with them, we then develop a

customized solution that enables in addressing the specific financial, investment and operational challenges.

After they quantify your risks, they create solutions together to help you address your specific financial, investment and operational challenges. They consider themselves a part of your team. They stay with us in every step of

the way and provide ongoing consulting to help you manage the current strategy and deal with the challenges of tomorrow.

Their specialists basically work to achieve:-

Stabilizing in risk transfer costs. Provide rating agency and regulatory relief.

Help in meeting contractual obligations. Facilitate merger/acquisition transactions.


Alternative risk transfer

Stable Value Torts Settlements

PensionRisk Transfer

Tailored risks

financing and risk transfer

Guaranteed interest and

wrap products for employer-


Financial products

and services for


Closeouts and pension

plan volatity.


strategies. retirement plans and non-

qualified investors

ion of litigation


Why MetLife?

Experience . They have a 30-year track record of designing structured risk solutions.

Expertise . Managing risk is one of MetLife's core competencies. Their extensive actuarial, investment, capital markets,

tax, accounting and legal/regulatory knowledge and experience fuels our innovative thinking and problem solving.

Flexibility & Diversification . They can offer a variety of alternatives based on a thorough analysis of a client’s needs and

objectives. Financial Strength . With respect to guaranteed products, MetLife is

recognized for its financial soundness and strength by all the major credit rating agencies.

Client Focus . They use a consultative approach and provide seamless client service, which makes it easier for you to do business. You can benefit from their ready accessibility and our commitment

to accountability. Commitment . They are a proven market leader with more than 30

years of retirement and savings experience and more than 137 years of providing financial services that meet our clients’ evolving needs.

A Blend of Opportunities

At MetLife, they can design and implement flexible, proactive solutions. They welcome the opportunity to work with you to explore the challenges

you face.

Pursuant to IRS Circular 230, MetLife is providing you with the following notification: “The information contained in this web site is not intended to

(and cannot) be used by anyone to avoid IRS penalties. This web site


supports the promotion and marketing of annuities. You should seek advice based on your particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor.”

Variable life insurance and annuities issued by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, New York, NY 10166, and distributed by MetLife Investors

Distribution Company (member FINRA), Irvine, and CA 92614. Securities, including variable products, offered through MetLife Securities, Inc.

(member FINRA/SIPC), and New York, NY 10166. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, MetLife Investors Distribution Company, and MetLife

Securities, Inc. are affiliates.

Enhanced IndexingTraditional approaches replicating the S&P 500 Index are generally less than

ideal because other products may experience tracking error, charge investment management fees or under-perform in rising markets relative to the index. MetLife has created a solution that is a cost-efficient way to fully

replicate the performance of the S&P 500 Index.

Stable ValueMetLife understands that retirement plans and other institutional investors have varying investment objectives. A common theme however, is stable

value. Unlike other investments, stable value offers attractive returns comparable to intermediate-term bonds but with the daily liquidity, low

volatility and low risk similar to money market funds. Stable value can help investors in finding the right balance between risk and reward.

Torts and SettlementsBy some estimates, more than $261 billion annually moves through the U.S. tort system (Tillinghast, 2006). Of that total, approximately 64% - or $167

billion - is paid to their attorneys. Attorney is a person legally appointed by another to act as his or her agent in the transaction of business, specifically

one qualified and licensed to act for plaintiffs and defendants in legal proceedings. MetLife offers

innovative strategies for complex litigation settlements. They provide integrated, comprehensive solutions and implementation programs to help

structure settlements that are mutually beneficial to defendants and plaintiffs.


Alternative Risk TransferTheir collaborative approach begins with a thorough risk assessment. They

sit down with you to gain an understanding of the organization and its challenges. Then, using sophisticated risk modeling, they identify and

measure your exposure and determine which risks you can efficiently retain and which can be eliminated or transferred. Working together they develop a

customized solution that enables in addressing the specific financial, investment and operational challenges.

Transfer of Certain Pension Plan RisksPension plans can expose sponsors to multiple risks. External factors such as fluctuations in the financial markets, demographic shifts and changing legal

and regulatory requirements can lead to unexpected cash flow needs, balance sheet volatility and increased administrative responsibilities. MetLife can

help craft a solution that is designed to reduce overall risk and enables plan sponsors to focus more on core business needs.

Corporate partners of Met Life Insurance

In life insurance segment, the bank joined hands with MetLife International (USA) and it culminated into the launch of MetLife

India Insurance Company Private Limited, which was incorporated in India on April 11, 2001. MetLife India is a joint venture

between MetLife International Holdings Inc., the J&K Bank, M.


Palling and Co. Private Limited and other small private investors. MetLife India is headquartered in Bangalore.

It is remarkable that MetLife International, headquartered in New York, is number one insurer in the United States based on over

US$ 2 trillion of life insurance in force and serves approximately 9 million individual households in the U.S. as well as 87 of the Fortune 100 companies. It has its affiliates, subsidiaries and

representative offices in 15 countries.

The bank is also Corporate Agent of MetLife and is marketing its products through its strong branch network.

Partners of Met Life Insurance

1. Karnataka Bank :

The Karnataka Bank Ltd., a premier private sector bank of the country, was incorporated on February 18th, 1924 at Mangalore, a

coastal town in South Kanara, a district of Karnataka state, which has attained renown as the Cradle of Indian Banking. Today it is one of the leading private sector banks in the country, known for its steady and disciplined growth and cordial customer service. The Bank has a

strong national presence through a widespread network of 358 branches.

The bank has 230 branches wholly/partially computerized, as of now.Plans are underway to put in place additional products to enhance customer satisfaction and to increase income stream with the help of upgraded technology. The bank has already put in place an elaborate

risk monitoring and asset liability management system.

2. Dhanlakshmi Bank:

It is accredited with certification under ISO 9001-2000. On the socio-economic front, the Bank is a leading player in dispensation of Micro

Credit among Kerala-based Private Sector Banks. The Bank has provided financial assistance to almost 400,000 beneficiaries under its

micro credit programme. This involvement is part of the Bank’s objective to act as catalysts for the economic prosperity of the

country. The Bank has recognized micro finance intervention as an effective tool for poverty alleviation and has streamlined the linkage


between the Bank and Self Help Groups through its branches. The Priority sector advances of the Bank as at 30th June 2007 constituted

46.06% of net bank credit well above the RBI benchmark of 40%. The Bank is managed by a Board of Directors comprising professionals drawn from various walks of life with Mr. A.D. Navaneethan as the

Chairman and Sri P.S.Prasad as Managing Director & CEO, which is supported by a core team of professionals.


Established in 1921, Mini Muthoothu with an illustrious history of banking behind them today operates from 75 branches in Kerala and 5 in Bangalore.

All business concerns of Mini Muthoothu function under the strict guidelines set by the Department of Company Law Affairs and Reserve

Bank of India. They also have a certificate of compliance with the requirements regarding prudential norms from the Reserve Bank of India. Mini Muthoothu, under the able leadership of its Chairman, Mr. Roy M

Mathew, offers both the resources and capabilities like any national player coupled with individualized attention to its customers.

Other Partners


In 1982, a group of Hyderabad-based practising Chartered Accountants started Karvy Consultants Limited with a capital of

Rs.1,50,000 offering auditing and taxation services initially. Later, it forayed into the Registrar and Share Transfer activities and


subsequently into financial services. All along, Karvy's strong work ethic and professional background leveraged with Information

Technology enabled it to deliver quality to the individuals.


Geojit Securities was founded by Mr.C.J George in 1987 as a Proprietorship for doing Broking business in Cochin Stock Exchange. In 1994, the business

was taken over by Geojit Securities Ltd, a Joint Venture between Mr.C.J George and the Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation Ltd. In the following year, the company came up with an IPO and the shares were listed

in various Stock Exchanges in India in 1995. Geojit Securities Online: Geojit Commodities being a subsidiary of Geojit Financial Services Limited is mainly engaged in the business of Commodities Futures Trading. Geojit

Commodities is a member of:

National Multi – Commodity Exchange of India limited (NMCE) National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited (NCDEX)

Multi – Commodity Exchange (MCX) India Pepper and Spice Trade Association (IPSTA)

Singapore Commodity Exchange (SICOM) Dubai Gold Commodity Exchange (DGCX).


Way2Wealth is a premier Investment Consultancy Firm that has been launched with the aim of making investing simpler, more understandable

and profitable for the investors. Way2Wealth brings a wide range of product


offerings from Fixed Income Securities, Life Insurance and Mutual Funds to Equity and Derivatives (on the National Stock Exchange) for the

convenience and benefit of it customers. Way2Wealth has over 40 easily accessible Investment Outlets spread across 20 major towns and cities in the country. Way2Wealth is a premier Investment Consultancy Firm, launched

with the aim of making investing simpler, more understandable and profitable for the investors. Way2Wealth brings a wide range of product

offerings from Equity and Derivatives (NSE), Fixed Income Securities, Insurance (Life & Non-Life), Mutual Funds to Portfolio Management

Services for the convenience and benefit of it’s customers.

Way2Wealth today has over 60 easily accessible 'Investment Outlets' spread across 25 major towns and cities in India.

Advertising and Promotional Techniques of Met Life Insurance





1) Advertising is an important mechanism for bringing the brand to life. Their new campaign, "if" is designed to cut through the clutter of other financial services advertising, delivering a clear message and motivating the consumers to action.  Based upon the research, "if" addresses the financial burden shift and conveys MetLife as a trusted partner who understands the issues and can provide consumers with solutions - a personal guaranteed

safety net for the ifs in life.

The “if” campaign launched in June 2006 and continues with a 4th phase this fall beginning September 24 and running through November 24. The advertising will focus on two key products: Retirement and the Term Life and Disability Package. Three commercials will be running on network

television and various cable networks. Two print ads advertising Term Life and Disability Package and Retirement will be running in selected


2) MetLife is a champion of diversity. From their award winning supportive work environment to providing a range of products suitable for every family and situation. MetLife demonstrates that they understand what matters most

in your life.

3)Employee Benefits advertising leverages the key components of the “if” consumer campaign. The ads position MetLife as the leader in employee

benefits and target brokers and consultants

MetLife has the vision, experience and global resources to help manage ifs around the world. The international "if" advertising campaign is targeted to English-speaking business audiences and opinion leaders in Asia and Latin

America, using the same "guarantees for the if in life" theme.

4) MetLife Auto & Home launched new advertising in May 2007 leveraging the key components of the “if” consumer campaign. The advertising aims to

break through the clutter and position MetLife Auto & Home as a greater value than the competition, a company with a great reputation and financial

strength, as well as access to a wide breadth of P&C products and services to meet all insurance needs and provide a safety net for the "ifs" in Life!  The

two featured products are Grand Protect and Identity Theft Resolution Service on Auto. Radio, print and banner ads have also been created to

promote these two products.


The MetLife Blimp campaign was inspired to create deeper brand knowledge of MetLife by linking the blimp more directly to what we do as a


5) MetLife is committed to serving customers in all communities. These new Multicultural commercials target the Chinese-American, South Asian and

Hispanic markets and demonstrate MetLife understands of the diverse needs of these populations.

Exciting and innovative events have been springing up all over MetLife in 2007. From celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the MetLife Blimp to

keeping up with the buzz of the “if” advertising campaign, the promotions are ongoing. Launching the limited-edition “if” silk scarf, watching Snoopy walk down the runway of the MetLife Snoopy in Fashion show at Mercedes-

Benz New York Fashion Week, and auctioning off the designs on eBay to benefit Dress for Success.

6) Continuing to facilitate consumer involvement with their brand through unique events and sponsorships, MetLife is honoring the legacy of Mr.

Charles Schulz, the genius behind Peanuts, the most popular comic strip in history, and the creator of MetLife's valuable brand icon, Snoopy. In tribute

to the legend, and to demonstrate our long-standing support of public television, MetLife is the sponsor of Good Ol’ Charles Schulz, a production

for the American Masters series on PBS.

Keep track of all our events on the new 2008 MetLife “if” calendar, featuring colorful and poignant “if” statements, many credited to MetLife

associates, to inspires every day. Add a personal touch and create your own statements and share with family, friends, and colleagues as a reminder that

everyone has their own “ifs” in life and MetLife can help in building a personal safety net to manage them!

7) MetLife is committed to serving customers in all communities. These new Multicultural commercials target the Chinese-American, South Asian and Hispanic markets and demonstrate MetLife’s understanding of the diverse

needs of these populations.

Hispanic:-They understand that providing a good college education for one's child and/or securing the financial stability of the family's future with life insurance are goals that many of our Hispanic consumers have in the US

today. They address these concerns in the campaign and urge consumers to


start planning for financial security in their lives by calling one of our dedicated Hispanic representatives. Important to this community, is the

accessibility to Spanish speaking sales reps and building trust with a company with a long history. In addition, communicating that our products

and services are unique to each individual's needs, making it more accessible and affordable, is essential. At MetLife, they continue to serve and be part of

the Hispanic community.

South Asian:-Building on the momentum and the success of last year's Bollywood campaign, they developed two new TV spots and print ads that

incorporate the Bollywood-theme which has resonated so well with our target audience. They understand that providing a good college education for

one's child and/or planning for one's retirement are goals that many of our South Asian consumers have in the US. They address these concerns in the

campaign and urge consumers to start securing their financial stability today by calling one of our dedicated South Asian representatives. At MetLife, they continue to serve and be part of the South Asian community. Their success is attributed to our long term commitment to the market and our

sales force which has proven integral in realizing the objectives and aspirations of our consumers.

Chinese American:-MetLife is pleased to introduce a new Chinese-American Brand Advertising Campaign which consists of  TV, print and

outdoor advertising. The campaign was created to increase brand awareness and reinforce that MetLife is the largest life insurance provider in the US. They focused on the financial strength and the history of MetLife, along

with the over 70 million customers worldwide that depend on us, to support our claim. The concept for this campaign is based on the famous Chinese expression, “Painting the dragon’s eyes” -- which represents the essential and magical touch that can bring ordinary things to life, or a triumphant



Multicultural Programs of the Company

Building Financial Freedom

MetLife is the leading financial services company with the largest representation of Multicultural financial services professionals in the United States. MetLife has more than $386.8 billion of assets under management as

of December 31, 2004. With over 2.5 trillion of life insurance in force, MetLife is the nation’s largest life insurer, serves 13 million consumer

households, 88 of the Fortune 100SM companies.

But more than life insurance, they provide the diverse ethnic markets with the following:

Financial planning Education Planning

Estate Planning

Asset Allocation Strategies

Life, Disability Income & Long Term Care Insurance

Mutual Funds & Annuities

Career Opportunities

Realizing that everyone has his or her own special needs when it comes to planning for the future. No matter what your goals may be, they can help you achieve them. A Multicultural Financial Services Representative who not only speaks your language but also understands your culture, utilizing

our varied array of products and services, can help you prepare to meet your specific needs – whatever they may be.

With over 400 MetLife offices nationwide, there is a local Multicultural Financial Services Representative waiting to speak with you.  We can call

toll-free 1-800-MET-LIFE to obtain more information about any of the product lines and to request to speak with a representative.

Multicultural Marketing


MetLife is the leading financial services company with the largest representation of Multicultural financial services professionals in the United States. MetLife has more than $386.8 billion of assets under management as

of December 31, 2004.

It is a well-known fact that the Chinese American market presents a growing opportunity in the United States. About 30 percent of MetLife's new

business comes from financial representatives working in diverse communities. One of the ways MetLife has established its leadership in

multiculturalism is through programs specifically designed for seven target markets. An example of this effort is the recently launched in-language

Chinese American advertising campaign. Two new 30-second TV advertisements feature families in real-life situations and will air in both

Mandarin and Cantonese. The first advertisement features a young family and focuses on financial protection. The second features a father and son and focuses on investments for a balanced financial strategy. MetLife's decades-

long commitment to the multicultural marketplace is strong and is demonstrated through in-language advertising, point of sale materials, free educational seminars, and support of community events across the country.

Building financial freedom in diverse communities.

MetLife has been helping people from diverse communities build a secure financial future for over 135 years.

They have one of the largest groups of Financial Services Representatives and managers who help people from diverse ethnic backgrounds in

achieving their unique goals. Their professionals are fluent in your language and understand your unique culture. They are proud to serve the rich, diverse

communities in the U.S.

MetLife is well-known for products such as life insurance that can help in protecting the family’s financial well-being. MetLife also offers a wide array

of other products and services to help reach one’s financial goals.

As part of the comprehensive support for the diverse communities, they offer you a free consultation with MetLife financial services professional who can help you evaluate your goals and prepare you to reach financial freedom with our comprehensive list of financial products and services.


The toll free number of the company is 1800-425-6969 and the client can speak to a qualified representative and solve his/her problems.

Subsidiary companies of Met Life Insurance

The prestigious history of MetLife began in 1863, when the National Union Life and Limb Insurance Company was created to insure soldiers against

injuries incurred during the Civil War. Subsequent to the war, the company founders chartered the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company to market

insurance to the working class, and began a tradition of customer service and financial strength unparalleled in the history of personal insurance.

In 1929, smart planning and financial stability ensured that MetLife survived the stock market crash with barely a scratch. Unlike other bankrupted

companies, MetLife was able to honor financial obligations such as paying cash surrenders to clientele who depended upon this money to stay afloat. A decade later, MetLife served as the leading private supporter of the Allied

war effort.

Today, the tradition of excellence is carried on by employees whose prime goal is fostering financial freedom for all people. Insuring more than 13 million households and 70,000 corporations, they are well on the way to


achieving that goal —so far, a total of over 37 million people entrust their futures to MetLife.

MetLife Subsidiary Companies: Traveler's Life and Annuity

Traveler's Company Information

Traveler’s Life & Annuity is an affiliate company of MetLife which was established in 1863 to insure Civil War soldiers. By 1909, MetLife, whose

agents were known for making regular house calls, had become the nation’s leader in total coverage in-force.

Today, over 140 years later, MetLife retains that distinction as North America’s leading insurer. Their heritage of outstanding customer service

has also remained intact: It is their mission to make MetLife and its affiliates the world’s most trusted company. With 13 million U.S. households already under their coverage, they are well on their way. So if you want to be part of

one of the oldest, largest, and best-regarded financial institutions in the world, pick Traveler’s Life & Annuity.

Traveler's Life Insurance Products Travelers Special T Level Term : Traveler’s Life & Annuity offers

17 different term period options (any period between 5 and 15 years, plus a 30 year term). Polices in the Special T offer a Term Conversion

Plan that incentives conversion to a permanent plan. Travelers MVP Universal Life : This product offers flexible

premiums, coverage up to and beyond 100 years of age (at no additional cost), and the ability to accumulate cash value.

Travelers Survivorship Life : This second-to-die product is a solution to the problem of estate tax. Properly structured, benefits can be passed to heirs tax-free. A form of permanent insurance protection in which two lives (usually spouses) are insured under one policy. The

death benefit is paid upon the death of the second insured. Travelers Variable Life : This plan is designed to accumulate cash

value as a cost-effective means of providing a death benefit. This product allows the policyholder to choose from 51 different

investment options, all of which are managed by 21 world-class money managers.


Travelers Variable Life Accumulator : While offering up the same selection of investment options as the regular Variable Life policy, the

Accumulator focuses on becoming a source of income. Variable Life Insurance is another type of

permanent life insurance that is a pure investment policy. As such it is much more expensive than the other types, but it gives the

policyholder complete control over his or her investment portfolio. Travelers Variable Survivorship Life II : The death benefit provided

by this survivorship policy is designed to be paid without incurrent income and estate taxes.

Traveler's Ratings

S&P AAAM Best A+Moody’s Aa2

Fitch AA

Planning Services of the Company

It gives information about MetLife’s long-term care insurance plans. It offers practical and educational information about options available to meet

your insurance needs.Financial planningPlanning for Life


Each day we face difficulties in managing our finances. Inflation, taxes, debt, changing interest rates, and stock market swings – their effect can be

unsettling. One thing we can be certain of is that the future will come, whether we are financially ready or not.

A MetLife Securities Financial Planner can help in achieving the goals and gives the guidance to:

• Help reduce taxes• Save for retirement

• Decide how to invest• Help you develop strategies to manage your debt

• Determine proper insurance coverage• Offer custom-designed programs to try to achieve your special goals.For example: buying a home ,retiring early, financing a child’s education and


As a client, the MetLife Securities Financial Planner will develop a confidential relationship and follow a 6 Step Plan to ensure that the

objectives will be identified.

Planning Isn’t ImpossibleThe beauty of your plan will be your ability to change it. This kind of

flexibility is to your advantage because your goals will change as time goes by. There’s no need to put off planning. Creating a plan with a professional Financial Planner from MetLife Securities will help in knowing where you

want to be and how you’re going to get there.

Planning for Children with Special Needs

Met desk MetLife's Division of Estate Planning for Special Kids helps in taking steps to provide lifetime quality care that your child or dependent

with special needs requires.Planning for the future of an individual with special needs requires in depth

knowledge of the federal laws as they pertain to government benefit eligibility and legal documents such as special needs trusts and

guardianships.  There are important financial considerations as well for providing not just lifetime care, but quality of life.

The same holds true for dealing with issues of medical insurance authorizations for specialized services and products such as physical therapy


and medical equipment. It is also true when it comes to knowledge of the special education laws which most often require you to become an active

advocate and participant in your child's education plan.

In planning for the future of your child or dependent, remember that you are the primary expert, but you may also need to turn to a number of other experts for assistance on such things as special needs estate planning.

Though many of these issues can seem overwhelming, it is important you take the time with those experts today to provide for your child's tomorrow.

Individual Plans of Met Life Insurance

What is financial freedom? It’s all about living the kind of life you really want to live without worrying about the future. 

True financial freedom arises from identifying your financial capabilities, setting realistic goals based on your aspirations and achieving them through

a comprehensive plan. Most importantly, while you set out to draw up a financial plan, you need to understand that it isn’t a one-time plan. What’s good for you today might not be next year. So, the planning that goes into

attaining your financial freedom should be dynamic.


Awards Received by the Company

MetLife continues to be recognized by external associations and the media for its diversity efforts. In 2005, MetLife was named to Diversity Inc's Top

50 Companies for Diversity, a very competitive honor. MetLife has also been recognized by the following groups:

In 2006, MetLife was named to the National Association for Female Executives annual list of "Top 30 Companies for Executive Women."

In 2006, MetLife was named to Working Mother Media's 100 Best Companies for Working Mothers list for the eighth consecutive year. In 2005, MetLife received a perfect score (100%) on the Human

Rights Campaign Foundation's Corporate Equality Index, a rating system for how major U.S. corporations treat their gay, lesbian,


bisexual and transgender (GLBT) employees, consumers and investors.

MetLife Law Department was selected as an “Employer of Choice” by the Minority Corporate Counsel Association (MCCA) based upon

its commitment to diversity in the legal profession (2002). In 2003, MetLife and MetLife Foundation were inducted into the

National Urban League $5 million Hall of Fame, which honors corporations that have provided $5 million or more to support the

League’s efforts. For four consecutive years Met DESK, MetLife’s Division of Estate

Planning for Special Kids, received the Gold Valued Customer Award from the National Business and Disability Council.

Ranked by Hispanic magazine among the top 100 companies creating business and job opportunities for Hispanic Americans and many

MetLife associates have been honored by the following organizations for their outstanding contributions and leadership:

Black Enterprise Magazine ("Most Powerful Players Under 40") National Hispanic Corporate Achievers

Fortune Magazine ("50 Most Powerful Women in Business") YMCA (Black Achievers in Industry)

YWCA (Academy of Women Leaders)

Developmental programs of the Company

IT Development Program

Information technology is extremely critical to any financial services company. Given the size and scope of MetLife's business interests, (which include a growing international presence), the IT resources are required to

support that business are essential. Their employees and customers demand real-time access to data and information 24/7, 356 days a year, from

anywhere around the world. Meeting that demand requires state-of-the-art technology and best-in-the-field IT professionals.


Their IT Development program offers two distinct courses of training––business analysis and programming and to address the career interests of

our IT employees and the diverse needs of our various business segments.

Business analysis focuses on understanding the operations and requirements of specific lines of business. Participants in this segment

work closely with these business units to analyze needs and determine IT specifications for development and enhancement projects. The

programming segment centers on creating technical solutions for a variety of business applications utilizing various platforms, hardware

environments and programming languages.

To qualify for the program, one must have:

An overall G.P.A. of at least 3.0, Successfully completed prior IT-related classes, and

Completed an IT internship, co-op or have some related IT work experience.

Actuarial Development Program

MetLife's Actuarial Development Program will train in for executive-level assignments and help prepare for the actuarial exams. With more than 150

Fellows of the Society of Actuaries, MetLife is one of the largest employers of actuaries in the U.S. Many of the Company's top-level

officers trace their roots to our Actuarial Development Program. When we think of an actuarial career, MetLife is the first that comes to our mind.

MetLife's actuarial positions are located primarily in New York City; Boston, Massachusetts; St. Louis, Missouri; and Bridgewater, New Jersey.

They also employ actuaries in Detroit, Michigan; Mt. Prospect, Illinois; Newport Beach, California; Westport, Connecticut; White Plains, New

York; Jersey City, Iselin, and Morristown, New Jersey.

The Actuarial Development Program offers:

Competitive salaries Generous study time arrangements

Rotational job assignments


A comprehensive benefit package Reimbursements for exam fees, preparatory classes, and study materials

The prestige of working for a firm that is a leader in the financial services industry and a Fortune 100 company.

What it takes Employment Qualifications

Successful completion of a college-level major in Actuarial Science, Mathematics or math-related sciences

3.3 Cumulative Grade Point Index Excellent oral and written communication skills

Commitment to attaining the professional designation of Fellowship in the Society of Actuaries.

Sales Internship ProgramInvest In Your Future

What you invest in today could pay dividends for you for years to come. This is true of your education and it could be true of MetLife's Internship Program. As a MetLife intern, you will learn about financial products and services. And you will be fully licensed to represent the company, working

to fulfill our corporate mission of "building financial freedom for everyone."

About MetLife MetLife is one of the world's largest, strongest and most respected financial

organizations. The company has been delivering reliable, high-quality service to clients for more than 130 years. They are now an international company and, along with our affiliates, having over $358 billion in assets

under management.

They offer a full range of financial products and services, through MetLife and our affiliate companies, including:

Individual Life and Disability Insurance Mutual Funds and Annuities

Property and Casualty Insurance Business Insurance

Estate Analysis Retirement Planning


Financial Planning Small and Large Group Benefit Insurance

Qualified Retirement Plans

The Work As an intern, you will work alongside a full-time Financial Services

Representative who will act as your mentor. The work you do will reflect the same day-to-day activities of your mentor. You will identify markets and seek clients who may need MetLife's products and services. You will help

your clients make important decisions about protecting their family, themselves and their businesses. This work, coupled with the training you

will receive, should take up to 15-20 hours a week. You should consider this time commitment when applying for the internship.

Training MetLife has one of the best training programs in the industry. Interns

participate in a customized version of this state-of-the-art training program. Your training will be given in a local sales office. Once licensed and

appointed, you will learn about MetLife’s products and services and receive lessons on prospecting, selling and underwriting. You may also be invited to regional training classes. However, most of your training will be on the job; you will learn from your mentor. In the first 10 weeks, it is mandatory for a mentor to accompany interns on all sales calls to ensure that they observe

lessons of self-discipline, honesty, integrity, determination and interpersonal skills. This eye-opening introduction to the real world will help you no

matter what you choose to do in the future.

Licensing Since you need to be licensed to sell any of MetLife's products, they will sponsor and pay for your life and health insurance license for the state in

which you intern. They also lend financial support if you decide to become registered with the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) for the sale of mutual funds and variable products. These licenses will be yours

to renew, whether or not you choose to continue to work with MetLife.

Compensation An intern will be compensated on a commission basis, the primary element

of compensation for Financial Services Representatives. This enables in


maximization of potential for virtually unlimited income. If your internship is extended past a year or if you choose this work as a career, you will also

receive renewal commissions towards your income, along with other elements of compensation, if eligible.

Selection The program is open to undergraduate juniors and seniors and graduate

students. There are special arrangements for two-year community college students with prior work experience. Relevant course work is required for all


Met Life Group Benefits

MetLife offers you a wide array of group insurance products and services and a secure way to access them online. MetLife is a leading provider of group insurance products and services. They have products to meet your needs ranging from life, dental, auto and home insurance to group legal

plans and banking services all provided by companies within the MetLife family of companies which has been providing financial services for almost

140 years.

And, with MetLife there is also a place to manage those benefits online with MyBenefits. MyBenefits provides a secure and convenient place where you can manage all your non-medical benefits offered by MetLife. It lets to stay

up-to-date with the benefits and making important decisions - all in one place.

My BenefitsWith MyBenefits, employees can stay up-to-date with their benefits and

make important decisions all in one place. MetLife's MyBenefits web site provides a secure and convenient online place to manage benefits.

Banking ServicesMetLife Bank has banking solutions that can help set you on the road to


financial freedom. It offers employees a way to improve the quality of banking with better value, ease and convenience.

Retirement ServicesMet Life provides retirement savings link and benefit payment services.

Group Disability InsuranceMetLife has provided group disability insurance protection to employees through their employers for more than 50 years. While you can't avoid the

risk of disability, you can be prepared.

Group Dental Insurance: Preferred Dentist ProgramThe MetLife Preferred Dentist Program (PDP) is a Preferred Provider

Organization (PPO) with a nationwide network of nearly 100,000 participating dentist locations consisting of carefully credentialed general

and specialty dentists.Procedure:-

Patient Satisfaction Download Dental Claim Form

Contact Met Life dental Find a PDP dentist.(Preferred Dentist Program)

Met Life in the Early Years

Life with the Met

MetLife, ranked No. 37 on the 2007 Fortune 100, and is the largest public life and health insurer in the U.S. The company works through three

principal segments: an institutional division that provides group benefits products to large and small businesses; a suite of insurance products for

individuals; and banking and investment services. The company's international segment offers similar products to companies and individuals

overseas, primarily in Latin America and the Asia/Pacific region.

Its flagship insurance firm is Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, in addition to subsidiaries that include MetLife Investors (variable and fixed


annuities, life insurance), General American (underwrites life insurance), and Metropolitan Property and Casualty (auto, home and related coverage). MetLife made some major acquisitions in the early 2000s, such as Mexico's

largest life insurer Hidalgo in 2002 and John Hancock's life insurance operations in 2003, and divestitures like the sale of the iconic Sears Tower in

Chicago for $800 million in 2004. The 2005 acquisition of Travelers Life and Annuity from Citigroup for $11.8 billion vaulted MetLife to the top spot as America's largest life insurance company, and in 2006, the historic sale of

its 80-acre, 11,000-unit Stuyvesant Town-Peter Cooper Village housing complex in Manhattan--originally built for returning World War II veterans in 1947, and the largest such development in New York City--added $5.4

billion to the company's coffers.

Get Met

MetLife started out in 1868 as Metropolitan Life Insurance, sustained in its early years from mutual assistance societies for German immigrants. By the 1870s, MetLife could barely survive, though it managed by importing agents

from Britain to train native agents about successful English policies in the U.S. Focusing on a personal touch, MetLife agents were taught to visit

homes at the same time each week to build familiarity and maintain contact. By 1909, MetLife was the nation's largest life insurer in terms of insurance in force. Metropolitan became a mutual company (owned by policyholders)

in 1915 and began offering group insurance two years later. In 1974, it began offering automobile and homeowners' insurance. Diversification efforts in the 1980s included the acquisition of Century 21 Real Estate

(which was sold in 1995) and State Street Research & Management Company. In 1996, the company merged with Boston-based New England Mutual Life Insurance, expanding its clients to include the more-profitable

realm of upper-income customers. In January 2000, MetLife bought GenAmerica Corp. for $1.2 billion in cash. But more growth was in store: In November 2003, it announced that it had completed its acquisition of John

Hancock Life Insurance Company's group life insurance business, following regulatory approval, a move that strengthened MetLife's position in the

group life area.

Experience MetLife


MetLife… where work meets life. Work shouldn’t be something you do just to make ends meet. It should

provide satisfaction…and an opportunity to make a difference.

What do they do. More than life insurance, much more. Today, they are a major force in

financial services: Investments, Financial Advice, Banking and Insurance. Through their products and services, their ultimate goal is simple in concept

to build financial freedom for everyone.

Where we are they going. MetLife’s goal is to be a leader in the “giant league” of global financial

services institutions with over a 100 million customers by 2010. We’ll get there through the power of our relationships, by expanding our already wide

array of innovative products and services, and by making the most of an enormously diverse and talented workforce to meet the challenges of an ever-changing marketplace. This means an array of career opportunities.

Where do they want to be. Work significance enhances life significance. They understand that there is

life beyond MetLife. And that while you still want to meet your career goals, you also want to have a meaningful quality life. That’s why they recognize

the importance of, and provide service for, the three major areas of your life: financial, professional and personal. Beyond meaningful and challenging

work, we also provide a variety of flexible work arrangements, as well as a tuition reimbursement program, competitive benefits, and retirement and

pension plans. MetLife’s responsiveness to the needs of both our clients and the employees is a direct result of one of our core company values.

Who are they looking for. The brightest, most dynamic individuals in business… People who not only

embrace change… they effect change. High performers who thrive in an environment that acknowledges their energy, creativity and diligence. Every

day MetLife embraces the diversity of life. The combination of various perspectives, experiences and backgrounds not only enhances our work environments, but also promotes our personal and professional growth.


Goals of the Company

At MetLife, their goal is to provide financial products and services to our customers that allow them to enjoy life and trust in the fact that we’ll be

there for them. To you, as a potential employee, it means providing a career in which you are encouraged and supported in achieving both work

and life significance.

Above and beyond monetary compensation, we know it’s important to provide a comprehensive and flexible package of programs and benefits

that meets our diverse workforce’s needs and that enables employee to live life the way they want. We do this by providing benefits that offer work and life balance and contribute to our employees’ prosperity in three key

areas: financial, professional and personal.

They provide our employees with a variety of impressive benefits, including:

Medical, dental, life and mental health coverage, disability Long-term care

Adoption assistance program Domestic partner benefits

Lactation centers Tuition refund program

Fitness programs Flexible work arrangement

Work-Life Solutions

MetLife offers many Work-Life solutions to add value to each associate's work experience and personal growth.

Flexible Work Arrangements (FWAs)


MetLife offers associates a number of options for FWAs including: compressed workweeks, part-time work, job-sharing, flextime,

telecommuting and Teleflex - a program that enables individuals to spend the first 5-6 hours of their day in the office and finish the remainder of they

workday at home. FWAs require management approval and must meet business as well as associate needs.

Work-Life ASSIST Program

The Work-Life ASSIST Program is a confidential resource for MetLife associates to help manage and cope with life's little and not so little

challenges. Associates can access informative articles, helpful tools, and audio tapes and CDs on hundreds of specific topics such as parenting, child

care, elder care, managing your budget, emotional health and well being, and a number of other daily life issues. In addition, associates can set up face-to-

face counseling sessions for emotional well-being concerns, if desired.

Work-Life ASSIST also offers a number of elder care solutions, including an Elder Care Resource and Referral Program and Care ASSIST, an elder care assessment and care planning program which provides personal in-

home assessments and consultation for associates who have concerns about an older relative's decline in behavior, memory or ability to handle daily


Child Care

MetLife has helped working parents secure quality child care since the early 1990's. In 1992, we began offering back-up child care solutions to MetLife

associates through a discount program.

Since then, they have significantly expanded our guaranteed back-up child care offerings. Today, over 9,000 associates have access to guaranteed back-

up child care at 10 locations across the U.S.

Lactation Facilities

Several MetLife locations provide private space to new mothers for lactation purposes.


Family-Friendly Benefits Expanded Family

Recognizing that "family" can be defined in many different ways, MetLife's benefits offerings include certain children in custodial situations where an associate has assumed financial responsibility as defined by the IRS. For example, a niece, grandchild or a child for whom the associate is a legal

guardian may now be eligible for coverage.

Adoption Assistance

MetLife offers time-off and monetary assistance to associates whose family plan includes adoption, and seeks to provide options for these special cases. Through our adoption assistance program, we offer reimbursement up to a

maximum of $5,000 for expenses related to the adoption of a child, and $6,000 in the case of a child with special needs.

Domestic Partner Benefits

In expanding our family-friendly benefits to attract and retain a diverse associate population, MetLife recognizes domestic partners as eligible

dependents. MetLife offers coverage to eligible same- and opposite-sex domestic partners of associates for medical, dental, legal services, long-term

care and auto and home insurance.

Management Team of the Company


Chandar ChellaniOfficer, Agency Sales

KR Anil KumarChief-Planning and Financial


KP SarmaAppointed Actuary

KS RaghavanDirector, Information Technology

Sameer BansalDeputy

Director,Bancassurance &Business Partnership

Pankaj RajDeputy Director, Marketing

P SankaranDeputy Director, Business


Vijay RaghavanDeputy Director, Strategic

Initiatives & Business Transformation

MS SureshGeneral Manager, Employee


Gaurav SharmaDeputy Director ,Operations



To conclude the insurance sector is the backbone of an economy and is very useful. Services offered by them go a long way in upliftment of the society. In the world of high competition where insurance services faces very high competition, if it has to survive it has to serve it’s customers to

the best of it’s ability. As day by day more and more insurance companies are coming there is a huge competition in this sector.The

major weakness of the insurance sector has been inefficient marketing and poor after sales service. There is lack of initiative and also

bureaucratic and political interference in to the working of the insurance sector. This leads to inefficient marketing and poor after sales service.New technology needs to be introduced in the insurance sector as it is

utmost clear that people are not only expecting normal insurance services but they want to be as their business partners and help accordingly.

Therefore, the insurance company has given more and more services to the people in order to have increased returns from fee-based function.

Professionalism is getting the key word in insurance sector. People now expect the insurance companies to become more and more professional

rather that of earlier years where the staff has no sympathy or understanding for the time value of the customer. People today demand more working hours, more services to be provided at no extra cost or

minimum cost. this has led to more professional attitude by the insurance people. Perhaps the oldest form of services sector known to human is

going through a radical change not only throughout the world but also in India. The greatest beneficiary of this change is none other than the

human itself.






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