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Federalist Era1789-1801

APUSH 2017

Domestic Policy(What do we do with all the crap going on at



▹ Pop. doubling every 25 years▹ New states: KY, TN, OH, VT▹ Finances in disarray

▸ Debt, low revenue, worthless paper money

▹ Failed original constitution

President Washington

▹ Unanimously drafted by electoral college 1789

▹ Temporary capital: NYC

Washington's Cabinet

▹ Precedent: advisors▹ “Unwritten constitution” : Things not

expressly stated that Washington does and now other presidents do.


Bill of Rights

▹ Antifederalists demanded it ▹ States ratified only if it was included

Judiciary Act 1789

Supreme Court▹ Chief Justice John Jay▹ 6 justices total▹ Federal and District courts▹ Office of Attorney General

Hamilton’s Financial

Ideas ▹ Report on Public Credit 1790▸ Favor wealthy▸ Wealthy lend govt money▸ Trickle down wealth

▹ Report on Manufactures 1791▸ Promote factories▸ Tariffs raise money

Hamilton’s Financial Plan

Funding at Par

▹ Bolster US credit

▹ Pay debts face value plus interest

▹ Bondholders will get money back

Assume State Debts

▹ Obligate states to Federal govt

▹ Debt = good credit

▹ States debate (MA loves, VA hates)

▹ Log rolling→ Deal with DC



▹ Customs duties to pay debt

▹ 8% tariff

Hamilton’s Financial

Plan Excise Taxes▹ Domestic tax▹ Whiskey▹ 7 cents/gallon▹ “Backcountry” angry

Bank of the United States▹ Stable national

currency▹ Govt become a

stockholder in successful businesses


Jefferson is a hater

Strict Constructionist▹ Constitution doesn’t

say it so it can’t be done

▹ Often state’s rights

Jefferson and Madison

Loose Constructionist▹ Broad interpreters▹ “Elastic clause”

▸ “Necessary and proper”


Whiskey Rebellion

1794 ▹ Whiskey boys▸ Torch buildings, tar and feather▸ Tax collections stop in fear

▹ Washington calls militia, chases them out of PA▸ Significance: new govt is effective

“Pissed them off until we

had a two party system”

▹ Original plan: no political parties▸ Division and unrest▸ Small factions are not parties▸ Jefferson + Madison vs. Hamilton

eventually drew supports and BAM political parties

“Democratic Republicans”Southern, farmers, state’s Rights

“Federalists”Northern, wealthy, Federal power


▹ Govt of upper classes▸ Rule by the “best”▸ John Jay: “Those who own the country ought

to rule it”▹ Distrusted commoners

▸ Mobocracy▹ Strong central govt▹ Govt foster business▹ Pro-British foreign relations

Jeffersonians: Democratic

Republicans “Republicans”

▹ Government for the people▹ Middle class, poor classes▹ Small federal government, big state

governments▸ 10th amendments

▹ Agrarian▹ Pro-french

Foreign Policy

French Revolution


▹ Separating Feds and Repubs.▹ Upheaval in France, what side will

America choose?

Washington’s Neutrality

Proclamation 1793

▹ What about Franco American alliance?▹ Wash. wanting to avoid war▹ Declared neutral▹ Jeffersonians enraged

Jay’s Treaty 1794

Background Info▹ British menace

▸ Troops in US▸ Violate peace treaties▸ Guns and alcohol to natives▸ Navy impressment

Opinions▸ Federalists avoid war b/c of

lucrative trade with British▸ Republicans support embargo,

economic pressure

Solution▹ Send John Jay▹ Republicans thought he would sell out,

Hamilton cheated to avoid war

Provisions of the Treaty▹ Bye British troops▹ Pay damages for seized ships▹ US will pay pre-Revolutionary debts▹ Brits DO NOT agree to stop with

Natives or impress sailors

“War with Britain averted…….for now…….

Pickney’s Treaty

▹ Yay relations w/ Spain

Treaty Provisions

Spain gets:

Mississippi River accessTrading rights at New Orleans

US gets:

North Florida

Native American “Foreign” Relations

▹ Iroquois not a threat anymore▹ After a few skirmishes….

▸ Treaty of Greenville 1795→ cleared ⅔ of ohio for Americans

▹ American expansion still threatening Natives (it will blow up soon)

“Can we get back to politics?”


Washington’s Farewell Address


▹ Less well liked, tired▹ Set 2 term precedent▹ Farewell address:

▸ Domestic warnings▸ Isolationism▸ Partisan fighting

Election of 1796

▹ Federalists→ John Adams (Hamilton nto liked)

▹ Republicans→ Jefferson

Adams wins, Jefferson VP

War with France

France is angry

▹ American break of Franco American Alliance

▹ Warships start terrorizing US ships


XYZ Affair

▹ Secret delegation “x” “y” and “z” met US ambassadors to negotiate

▹ French demand $$$ for them to even see the foreign minister Talleyrand

▹ Negotiations, thus, did not happen

Quasi War 1798

▹ Undeclared naval war▹ Navy department created, expanded▹ Marine Corps created▹ Suspend trade with france▹ West Indies naval battles and


Adams does some good things…..

Convention of 1800

▹ Talleyrand suddenly wants to talk (once US is hitting them hard with trade embargo and stealing their ships)

▹ Negotiations with Napoleon▸ End Franco American alliance▸ US pays damages

▹ War averted…..

Adams goes back to stinking

Alien and Sedition Acts

Purpose: oppressive laws to reduce power of Jeffersonians and silence anti-war people

Alien Act▹ Immigrant restrictions

▸ Most immigrants are Jeffersonians

▹ Raised resident requirement 5→ 14 years

▹ President has deportation powers

(not really enforced, just for show)

Sedition Act▹ “Impeding policies”

or “falsely defaming” govt = prison and fine

▹ Threatens 1st amendment rights

▹ Law expires 1801 (when Adams leaves)

Virginia and Kentucky

Resolutions ▹ But actually the Jefferson And Madison Resolutions

▹ Claimed states can nullify federal laws if they are deemed unconstitutional (no judicial review yet)

▹ Used as “Campaign documents” for anti-federalists...but no other states passed them

Revolution of 1800https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUOfpI


Federalists Weakened

▹ Split over war with France▹ Adams stunk▹ Many side with Hamilton, breaking

party down▹ Alien and Sedition Acts unpopular▹ Debt and military expansion

Jefferson narrowly

wins ▹ Tied with Burr▹ Goes to HOR▹ Hamilton sways a few in favor of


Significance: Peaceful change of political power. No bloodshed...except Hamilton

Federalist Legacy

Federalist Legacy

▹ Brains and talent▹ Political and financial stability▹ Neutrality, avoiding war well▹ Two-party system

▹ Met its demise with westward expansion and elitism

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