16th century

Post on 26-May-2015






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Charles and his sister with their Castilian mother, Joanna I, The Mad.

Carlos V with his beautiful wife Isabel of Portugal. They loved each other. Great Tiziano made this portraits.

As well as the couple, Carlos and Isabel were ...... Isabel was considered the most ........ Queen of Spain.

CARLOS V (first part of the 16th


An Emperor who inspired enthusiasm!

Portrait of Charles V on horseback by Anthony van Dyck

Carlos V at Mülberg battle by Tiziano

Carlos V at Yuste Monastery (Cáceres) by Tiziano


Charles V’s family tree

What an impressive inheritance!


Carlos V’s coat of arms


•Explain the meaning of every element and the origin of every one.

• List different buildings in Baeza that have this coat of arms.


The big mistakes of young Carlos :• He was a “guiri” & “niñato” (brat). • He gave the most important government positions to foreigners.• He spent Castilian money on becoming Holy Roman Emperor.

Young Carlos I in 1516

Were Castilian cities satisfied with their new king?

Young Carlos

So, Castilian cities were furious with young Carlos and they started the

Revolt of the Comuneros.

Cities which took part in theRevolt of the Comuneros

Juan de Padilla, leader of the Community chosen by Toledo.

Monument to Juan Bravo in Segovia

Francisco Maldonado’s monument in Salamanca

•Main leaders: Bravo, Padilla & Maldonado.

•The Comuneros were defeated in Villalar (Valladolid) in 1521.

The Battle of Villalar (Valladolid), 1521

The gate of Jaén and the arch of Villalar, Baeza

Was Baeza a Comunera city?

•The main Comuneros, Bravo, Padilla & Maldonado were executed.

María Pacheco received the news about the execution of her

husband, Juan de Padilla. She continued the fight. Finally, María Pacheco was defeated and went to Portugal. She was really courageous.

Each February 3 since 1988 has been celebrated by the Castile and León Community in Villalar (Valladolid). The celebration highlights the roles of Juan de Padilla and María Pacheco, and is done in memory of the rebellion in 1521, the last event of the war

A floral offering at Villalar, on Castile and León Day, April 23, 2006

Carlos V by Tiziano, 1532-1533

•After the Revolt of The Comuneros young Carlos learnt the lesson! He became Spanish, a good Spanish king

The government of this vast empire was so difficult!

• His empire was made up of many different territories, with their own laws and institutions.

• Carlos V did not have absolute power.• The court was

itinerant.• Each territory had

a viceroy or governor.• Castile financed

his very expensive

foreign policy.

How on earth could Carlos V rule territories that are so different?

Don Francisco de los Cobos

What connection was there between this man and Carlos V ?

Where was this man from?


1.France: Carlos V vs. François I Valois

2. The Ottoman Turks: Carlos V vs. Solimán The Magnificent

3. The worst problem: the German Protestants: impossible at all!

1.France: Carlos V vs. François I Valois

Both of them wanted to conquer Italian territories.

So, the relationship between France and Spain was very bad and violent.

There were 5 wars between them.

Carlos V won François I.

The battle of Pavía (Italy). Who won?

Torre de los Lujanes, Madrid

Carlos V visiting François I after the battle of Pavía

Carlos V caught François I in Pavía (Italy).

François I was in prison in Madrid.

2. The Ottoman Turks: Carlos V vs. Solimán The Magnificent


The Turks threatened Spanish possessions in the Mediterranean and the East of the Holy Roman Empire. Carlos V defended the Catholic religion against the Turks and the Lutherans. So, Carlos was a true Crusader. Solimán The Magnificent, the Turk sultan, surrounded Vienna. Carlos V saved this city.

Solimán supported the Barbarroja brothers, pirates who threatened our possessions in the North of Africa.

After the Spanish victory in Tunisia, François I formed an alliance with Solimán. What do you think about this alliance?

Oruç Reis was Hayreddin Barbarossa's elder brother

Carlos V had an important victory against the Barbarroja Brothers in Tunisia.

Solimán ordered the construction of this impressive mosque in Istanbul.

3. The worst problem: the German Protestants: impossible at all!


3. The worst problem: the German Protestants: impossible at all!

Vs. Carlos V against the Protestantsa)Martin Luther was arrested, but he

escaped from prison and he was hidden and protected by the German Princes.

b) The most of the German princes became protestants because they wanted to have the Church’s land and they did not want Carlos V as their

Emperor.c) Emperor Carlos V didn’t accept that Germany was Protestant. He was

its Catholic Emperor.d) Carlos V tried several times to convince German princes to leave the

Protestantism.e) As he couldn’t convince them, Carlos V fought several times against

the Protestants.f) In 1547 Carlos V won in the battle of Mülberg.

g) Finally, Carlos V, disappointed and very tired because the German Princes did not leave their religious ideas , decided to give the

German Empire to his brother Fernando

Carlos V was retired in the monastery of Yuste (Cáceres). He felt exhausted

and very sad. One day “Jeronimín” was introduced to Carlos V. Who was this boy and how did the Emperor feel?

We have in our high school this painting. Where is it?

This man was so charming. I love him! I know, dear children, he is dead, but it doesn’t matter.

His life was fascinating!

King Felipe II (2nd part of the 16th century)

A king who inspired respect

His coat of arms was different to Carlos V’s coat. Why?

King Felipe II, the King “prudente”


What sentence is used to illustrate this gigantic empire?

“The sun never set over Felipe II’s empire”

FELIPE II’S OBJECTIVES AND HIS MAIN PROBLEMS •Two main objectives: to preserve and to defend Catholicism. •Consequences: 1st. Felipe II tried to suppress Protestantism. 2nd.The Inquisition acted harshly against heretics. 3rd Religious intolerance grew. 4th .Many of wars in the Low Countries and against other European powers.

His main problems:1. War against France. San Quintín Battle, 1557

2. War against The Turks. Lepanto B. 1571


3. War in the Low Countries:Impossible!!

4. War against England. The Invincible Armada, a disaster!

1. War against France. San Quintín Battle, 1557

Date 10 August 1557

Location Saint-Quentin, France

Result Decisive Spanish victory

Explain the meaning of this typical Spanish expression: “Se va a armar la de

San Quintín”

Henri II de FranceKing Felipe II by Tiziano

1. War against France. San Quintín Battle, 1557


Map of Manuel Fileberto de Saboya's Dutch campaign.

Monastery of El Escorial, Madrid. King Felipe II ordered its construction to celebrate ….

2. War against The Turks. Lepanto Battle. 1571

The Turkish Empire was a great power, which threatened Spanish possessions in the Mediterranean. Spain, the Pope and Venice formed an alliance to defeat the Turks at the Battle Of Lepanto in 1571.

Recreation of the Battle of Lepanto (1571)

The battle took place in the Gulf of Lepanto (Greece). The Ottoman Turks fought against the Holy League (the military alliance among

Spain, Venice, Genoa, the Pope, etc.).

The leader of the Holy League was Felipe II.


Holy League:

Spanish Empire Republic of Venice Papal States Republic of Genoa Duchy of SavoyKnights of Malta

 Ottoman Empire

Banner of the Holy League. 1571

The Virgin helps Spanish Army in Lepanto

Lepanto was a Crusade because the Christians fought against the Muslims.

Our Army won in the Gulf of Lepanto (Greece).

Only 30 Turk galeras were saved

Who was the Commander of the Holy League?

The Holy League was commanded by Don Juan de Austria, the illegitimate son of Emperor Charles V and half brother of King Philip II of Spain

Lepanto was one of the biggest naval battles of the History. Who famous man fought in this battle and what happened to him?

3. War in the Low Countries: Impossible!!

Calvinism had spread the Low Countries, and Felipe II's religious policy provoked strong opposition. In 1566, the northern provinces rebelled against Felipe II and declared their independence under the name of the United Provinces. A long war began, which lasted 80 years.

Spanish soldiers (the famous Tercios) fighting in the Low Countries.

Spanish soldiers (the famous Tercios) were very courageous

Spanish TERCIOS fought against the Protestant rebels from the Low Countries.The Calvinist people from the Low Countries rebelled against Felipe II.

Felipe II named different governors in the Low Countries.

No.1: His illegitimate stepsister, Margarita de Parma, next to her adviser, Cardinal Granvela, developed a modern and centralist policy.

No.2: El Duque de Alba. governed the Low Countries with a firm hand and established the Tribunal de los Tumultos

Felipe II named different governors in the Low Countries.

No.3: Luis de Requesens tried to talk with Flemish (flamencos) noblemen, but he couldn’t avoid the war.

No.4: His stepbrother Don Juan de Austria: couldn’t pacify the Low Countries because he died very young.

No.5: Great general Alejandro Farnesio was an extraordinary diplomatic and General. He divided the rebels and controlled the provinces of the South. He died.

No.6: Finally, his dearest daughter Isabel Clara Eugenia was an excellent governor next to her husband El Archiduque Alberto de Austria.

Felipe II named different governors in the Low Countries.

Felipe II named different governors in the Low Countries.

No.1: Margarita de Parma

No.2: El Duque de Alba.

No.3: Luis de Requesens

No.4: Don Juan de Austria:

No.5: Alejandro Farnesio

No.6: Isabel Clara Eugenia

4. War against England. The Invincible Armada, a disaster!

Queen Elisabeth I Tudor, the daughter of Henry VIII & Anne Boleyn

Relations with England deteriorated when Elizabeth I became Queen. English support for the rebels in the Low Countries led Felipe II to send

the Invincible Armada to fight against England. The powerful Spanish Armada was defeated in 1588

“The Invincible Armada”

Spanish boats “The Invincible Armada” are being destroyed by English Armada.

The Armada was commanded by experienced Don Álvaro de Bazán, but he died in February 1588.The Duke of Medina Sidonia with no experience at sea, became the new commander.Severe storms caused a big disaster for us! We lost!When Felipe II knew the sad news, he said:

“Yo no mandé mis naves a luchar contra los elementos”

Elisabeth I supported the Protestants in the Low Countries and financed pirates to attack our boats in the Caribbean Sea. How bad!

All these wars were so expensive that they ruined the economy, and Felipe II

was forced to declare bankruptcy (bancarrota) several times:

Felipe II did not have enough money to pay what he owed. So, his kingdom was

declared insolvent three times.


Felipe II had a crazy and dangerous kid: Prince

Don Carlos

Men became crazy because of this

irresistible woman : Princess of Éboli

Antonio ,Pérez the Prime Minister of Felipe II, was the

Princess of Éboli’s lover. Felipe II accused him of killing

Escobedo (secretary of D. Juan de Austria) and Antonio Pérez left Castile and took

refuge in Aragón

Juan de Lanuza, el Justicia Mayor de Aragón, was executed for helping

Antonio Pérez

King Felipe II and his first wife, María Manuela de Portugal. Their son, Prince Carlos, was crazy

Felipe II married 4 times!

Mary Tudor, his second wife. They did not have any children

Isabel de Valois, his third wife. Felipe II loved her, but she died. They had two intelligent girls: Isabel Clara Eugenia and Catalina Micaela. Felipe II adored them.

Isabel Clara Eugenia and Catalina Micaela. Felipe II was very proud of them.

Isabel Clara Eugenia was the most intelligent and deserved to be the new queen but in 16th century women were discriminated

Ana de Austria, his last wife. They had one boy. He was the heir, future Felipe III. What a pity!


Hérnan Cortés conquered the Aztec Empire. Francisco

Pizarro conquered the Inca Empire.

Do you know....• Who discover the Amazon rainforest? • Who conquered the Philippines?


The Spanish Empire in America

•The same Spanish laws were applied in America.•Carlos V created The Council of Indias to advise the king.•The 2 viceroys were very powerful.•La Casa de la Contratación (Seville) organised the American trade.

What is the meaning “Vales un Potosí”?

Llamas carrying silver in Potosí mines.

Reconstruction of a Spanish colony in the New World

Spanishspeaking countriesPortuguesespeaking countries

Cultural impact

Countries with aCatholic majority

Religious impact


Dear children, Unit 11 is finished. Study

it!Be careful with your

teacher! A new Queen Elizabeth?

Queen Elizabeth anticipates the battle against the Spanish Army

Are children studying Unit 11?

Yes, your Majesty. I’m looking at some

of them!

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