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Characterization of a Volumetric MetamaterialRealization of an Artificial MagneticConductor for Antenna Applications

Aycan Erentok, Student Member, IEEE, Paul L. Luljak, Student Member, IEEE, andRichard W. Ziolkowski, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—The design, fabrication and measurement of a volu-metric metamaterial realization of an artificial magnetic conductor(AMC) is presented. In contrast to most current realizations ofAMCs, such as the mushroom and the uniplanar compact photonicbandgap surfaces, the present design has no perfect electric con-ductor ground plane. The perfect magnetic conductor propertieswere designed with capacitively loaded loops for X band operationat 10 GHz. Very good agreement between the numerical and ex-perimental scattering results was achieved. The performance of adipole antenna radiating in the presence of this volumetric meta-material AMC is quantified numerically. Resonant interactions ofthe antenna and metamaterial structure lead to a significant en-hancement of the radiated field amplitudes and isolation measuredas the front-to-back ratio.

Index Terms—Antennas, artificial dielectrics, artificial magneticconductor (AMC), metamaterials, scattering.


I N RECENT years, there has been a renewed interest inusing sub-wavelength structures to develop materials that

mimic known material responses or that qualitatively have newresponse functions that do not occur in nature. These metama-terial efforts have included a number of periodic ground planestructures to realize artificial magnetic conductors (AMCs) fora variety of antenna applications. The mushroom realization,first introduced by Sievenpiper et al., [1]–[4], has been verysuccessful and have led to a number of commercial applications.It consists of a ground plane separated (by a dielectric) from aplane of periodically located elements (essentially a frequencyselective surface (FSS) layer), each of which is connected to theground plane by a via. Square and hexagonal shaped elementsare common, but more exotic shaped elements have been used.Its AMC behavior results from the formation of a periodic setof small, parallel resonant LC circuits. The spacing betweenthe edges of the elements controls the capacitance, and themagnetic flux created between the patches and the ground planedefines the inductance. A second popular AMC realization isthe uniplanar compact photonic bandgap (UC-PBG) structure,

Manuscript received November 30, 2003; revised September 3, 2004. Thiswork was supported in part by DARPA under Contract MDA972-03-100.

A. Erentok and R. W. Ziolkowski are with the Department of Electrical andComputer Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721-0104 USA(e-mail: erentoka@ece.arizona.edu; ziolkowski@ece.arizona.edu).

P. L. Luljak was with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi-neering, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721-0104 USA. He is now withBoeing Company, St. Louis, MO 63166 USA.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2004.840534

first introduced by T. Itoh et al., [5]–[8]. The UC-PBG struc-tures again consist of a ground plane separated (by a dielectric)from a plane of periodically located conducting elements, i.e.,the resulting structure is basically an FSS layer over a dielectricloaded ground plane. In contrast to the mushroom surface,the UC-PBG structures realize the AMC properties withoutvias but with more complex element shapes. The UC-PBGstructures lend themselves to easier fabrication approachesusing standard etching techniques. The UC-PBG structureshave been utilized for both antenna, microwave circuit andwaveguide-wall applications.

In this paper we introduce an AMC slab designed to operate inthe X band at 10 GHz that does not require a ground plane. Thecapacitively-loaded loop (CLL) elements considered here aresimplifications of the split ring resonators (SRRs) used success-fully in several double negative (DNG) metamaterials (metama-terials with and ) realizations [9]–[12] and of theC-particles used successfully for a radar signature reduction ap-plication [13]. Variations of these elements have been used suc-cessfully in DNG metamaterial transmission line studies [14].The reflection properties of the CLL-based AMC slab are ob-tained for several configurations. The bandwidth was ob-tained in all cases to provide some expectation of success forthe CLL-based AMC slab for an actual antenna application. Asnoted in [15]–[17], the zero phase crossing point may not be theoptimal operating point for such an application.

Consider a normally incident plane wave that scatters froma semi-infinite dielectric-magnetic slab of depth embedded infree-space. If the permittivity and permeability of the slab are

and , the corresponding impedance and the wave numberare, respectively, and . The free-spacevalues of these parameters are , and

. The relative permittivity and permeability are givenby the expressions and . The reflection,

, and transmission, , values are easily obtained usingMaxwell’s equations and are given by the expressions



The class of metamaterials under consideration havebeen shown to exhibit very large wave impedances, i.e.,

0018-926X/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE


. Consequently, the reflection and transmis-sion coefficient values become


Thus, a slab exhibiting a large impedance, i.e., a high-Z slab,will act as a broad bandwidth in-phase reflector, i.e., as anAMC. The reflection and transmission values in (3) for sucha high-Z slab are recovered for any (nontrivially) finite-sizedslab. If, however, the permeability is not extremely large, thewave impedance can still be made to be extremely large ifthe permittivity is near zero. This would mean that the indexof refraction would become small as theimpedance became large. Consequently, a high-Z/low-n slabwould also act as an AMC. Finally, we note that for a slabterminated with a PEC, the reflection coefficient relative to theinput face of the slab is


and also gives the same limits when the magnitude of theimpedance is large, e.g.


While an infinite PEC-grounded slab guarantees a complete re-flection, a finite PEC-grounded structure in a realistic situationintroduces a number of complications for antenna applications.The anticipated benefits of an AMC slab without a ground planein an antenna application include the absence of the associatedimage and scattering-induced currents on the back side of a fi-nite ground plane, a lowered probability of surface waves, andlighter weight. Without the additional image and scattering-in-duced currents, radiation in the back direction should be sig-nificantly reduced. Moreover, despite the intent for the addi-tional structures over the ground plane to prevent the imagessources from shorting out the antenna, they can still be prob-lematic when the antenna is extremely close to a PEC-backedstructure. The absence of a ground plane removes many of theseissues.

Thus, a low-n/high-Z slab without a PEC ground plane wouldappear to be a very desirable goal for artificial magnetic conduc-tors in application purposes, particularly those associated withantennas. It will be demonstrated that the volumetric CLL-basedAMC slab exhibits these low-n/high-Z properties. However, wenote that since the CLL elements under consideration are veryresonant, we expect that the metamaterial CLL-based slab willexhibit AMC properties only in a narrow band of frequencies.Clearly, if one could design a broad bandwidth metamaterial el-ement that exhibited the high-Z/low-n properties over a largefrequency range, it would be the most desirable.

Since an important reason why the use of in-phase reflec-tors is to enhance the performance of compact, low profile ra-diating systems, the behavior of a dipole antenna in the pres-ence of the realized volumetric CLL-based AMC block is quan-tified numerically. Several dipole antenna sizes are considered.

It will be shown that a resonance can be established between thedipole antenna and the CLL-based AMC block by varying thedistance between them. If the free space wavelength of drivingsource is , these resonant distances were found to be orsmaller. The block itself, however, is rather small, its face towardthe dipole being wide and in height. Thus, thestrength of the response is dependent on the size of the dipole.For a half-wave dipole, which is almost as tall as the block,slightly more than a 1.22-fold enhancement of the reflected fieldis realized at the resonance. On the other hand, a 6.26-fold en-hancement is obtained for a small dipole. For adipole, whose size fits the block naturally, a 2.29-fold enhance-ment is realized. Moreover, in this case a null in the directionantipodal to that of the peak field value is formed at the reso-nance distance and the corresponding front-to-back ratio is sig-nificant—approximately a 44 dB value. The near field distri-butions exhibit similar enhanced characteristics as well. The Eplane and H plane patterns of this dipole and the volumetricCLL-based AMC block system are also obtained. Because ofthe small size of the block, these patterns are broad in the hemi-sphere containing the dipole with little field being radiated intothe back hemisphere. However, if one would like to enhance thedirectivity of this system, the size of the block would have tobe increased to allow for some sort of additional texturing of itssurface to achieve soft or hard surface effects or for the insertionof additional structures to achieve electromagnetic bandgap ef-fects. In that manner one could use many of the ideas reported inthis special issue to redirect some of the side and back-directedfield energy in the E or H plane toward the broadside direction.

The CLL-based AMC slabs and blocks presented below weredesigned with ANSOFT’s High Frequency Structure Simulator(HFSS), version 9.1. The details of the design simulations willbe discussed in Section II. The element fabrication will be de-scribed in Section III. The experimental set-up and measure-ments will be discussed in Section IV. Very good agreement be-tween the design and experimental results was obtained. Thenumerical simulations describing the interaction of the dipoleantenna with the CLL-based AMC block are presented in Sec-tion V. Conclusions and future efforts will be given in Sec-tion VI.


The DNG metamaterial components are derived from thosesuccessfully tested in [12]. There, an integrated set of negativepermittivity (capacitively loaded strip [CLS]) and negative per-meability [SRR] elements were used to obtain a negative indexof refraction block that was matched to free space at X bandfrequencies. The metamaterial elements considered here con-sist only of capacitively loaded loops (CLLs). These CLLs be-have similarly to the SRRs but greatly simplify fabrication is-sues. These elements were designed to be embedded in Rogers5880 Duroid, a low loss dielectric characterized by the param-eters , and . Note thatmil-units are quoted throughout as the standard because all ofthe fabrication processes were based on their use, but the equiv-alent value in millimeters is also given. Some useful conversionvalues are mm and the free space wavelength


Fig. 1. Dimensions of each CLL element.

Fig. 2. Two CLL-deep unit cell geometry.

at 10 GHz is mils and in a mediumwith is mils.

The CLL element and the basic two-element CLL unit cellthat were used for our AMC designs are shown, respectively,in Figs. 1 and 2. Like the SRR element, the CLL element isresonant, the resonant frequency being determined mainly bythe loop inductance and the capacitance of the strips. The CLLelement is much simpler than the two concentric split rings thatform the SRR element.

Referring to Fig. 1, all the line widths of the CLL elementswere mm. The total -length of eachCLL was mm. The total -length of eachCLL was mm. The -depth of thecapacitive strips of each CLL was mm.The -lengths of each segment of the split side of each CLL was

mm. Thus, the capacitive gap size wasmm for each CLL. The -length of each CLL

was assumed to be infinitely thin and was treated in HFSS byapplying perfect electric conductor (PEC) boundary conditionsover each CLL surface, i.e., .

Referring now to Fig. 2, an incident plane wave is assumedto propagate toward the unit cell in the direction with itsmagnetic field oriented along the axis and its electric fieldoriented along the axis. The basic two-element CLL unitcell assumes that both CLL elements are aligned in the samedirection with the gaps facing the incident wave direction. Thecomplete unit cell consists of 8 CLL elements in a 4 2 (rel-ative to the axes) array. All of the gaps along the axisbetween the CLLs were mm. The

and distances between the edge of the CLLs and the unitcell boundaries were mm. The sub-strate corresponded to the mm thick, 1 oz.,Rogers 5880 Duroid material used in the fabrication and ex-periments. It had a relative permittivity and permeabililty, re-spectively, and . The plane of the CLLs inthe unit cell was centered in the dielectric,mm from either -boundary. Thus, the total size of the

metamaterial unit cell wasmm.

The HFSS simulation space was a rectangular PEC-PMCwaveguide whose total size was

mm. The metama-terial unit cell was centered in this waveguide. The waveguidewalls orthogonal to the axis were PEC walls; the waveguidewalls orthogonal to the axis were PMC walls. The wave-guide walls orthogonal to the axis were the exciting ports,

mm from the faces of the metamaterial slab.The region inside of the waveguide and outside of the meta-material slab was assumed to be vacuum, .With this configuration, the metamaterial slab acts as a periodicstructure of the CLL elements that is infinite in extent in the

and directions and the excitation acts as a transverse elec-tromagnetic (TEM) plane wave that is incident normal to themetamaterial slab. The HFSS predicted values of andwere de-embedded to the faces of the metamaterial slab.

The initial dimensions of the CLL element and the corre-sponding unit cell were based on the dimensions successfullyused in [12]; they were finalized using the HFSS software toolsto achieve the desired in-phase reflection conditionsat the design frequency 10 GHz. The final design simulationswere run for a 20 GHz -refinement frequency. The wavelengthof the -refinement frequency is used to define the size of thetetrahedra in the initial finite element mesh. Successive solu-tion iterations are made relative to this initial mesh. The largerthe -refinement frequency relative to the frequencies of in-terest, the higher the mesh resolution will be at those frequen-cies. Thus, a higher -refinement frequency forces HFSS to usemore tetrahedra to define the problem. Design simulations ofthe unit cell were completed with a total number of 11 279tetrahedra. The S-parameter values were computed with a fastsweep run between 8 and 12 GHz for 401 points. The magni-tudes and phases of the HFSS predicted and results forthe two CLL-deep unit cell are shown in Fig. 3. The magnitudevalues of and at 10 GHz were dB anddB, respectively. The phase value of goes through zero at9.92 GHz, hence, the two CLL-deep unit cell behaves like anAMC slab at this frequency. The magnitude values of and

at 9.92 GHz were dB and dB, respectively.The bandwidth was 1.0 GHz. It is also interesting to notethat the magnitude and the phase values of at 9.92 GHzwere dB and 174 , respectively. In fact, the valuesexhibit a PEC behavior for the entire X band set of frequen-cies. Thus, while the CLL-based metamaterial slab looks like anAMC when the incident wave is toward the CLL gaps, it lookslike a PEC when the incident wave arrives from the opposite di-rection toward the solid portion of the CLLs, even though thereis no PEC ground plane present.

The same structure was expanded to a four CLL-deep unitcell to test whether more elements would effect the basic AMCproperties of the metamaterial slab. As shown in Fig. 4, the fourCLL-deep unit cell was constructed simply by putting two, twoCLL-deep unit cells together. Note that the distance between thesecond and third column of CLLs ismm. The behavior of three other alternate configurations of pairsof the two CLL-deep unit cell slab were also studied. One row of


Fig. 3. Magnitudes and phases of the HFSS predicted S and S values for the two CLL-deep unit cell across the frequency band of interest, 8–12 GHz. Themagnitude values show nearly complete reflection. The S phase results show an in-phase reflection; the S phase results show an out-of-phase reflection. Thezero crossing of the phase values of S occurs at 9.92 GHz.

Fig. 4. Four CLL-deep unit cell geometry.

Fig. 5. Summary of the four CLL-deep unit cell structures that wereinvestigated.

each structure that was studied is shown in Fig. 5 and is labeledby Case - . The simulations were run for a 20 GHz -refine-ment frequency, and they were completed with approximately13 000 total tetrahedra. The magnitudes and phases of the HFSSpredicted values for Cases - are given in Fig. 6. Themagnitude of , as was expected, was essentially zero 0 dB(between 0.0 and dB from 9 to 11 GHz) for each case

across the frequency band. Cases and both show an AMCbehavior near 10 GHz. The phase values of for both config-urations go through zero at 9.73 GHz. The bandwidths forCases and were, respectively, 940 and 930 MHz. The Case

phase values also have a more oscillatory behavior acrossthe frequency range than their Case counterparts. We believethat this result is caused by the coupling between the second andthird columns of the CLL elements. These structures are placedback to back in Case , and, thus, they show greater capaci-tive characteristics. Moreover, there will be some cancellationof the local magnetic field behaviors between columns one andtwo and columns three and four because they are oriented op-positely. This also cancels some of the bianisotropy associatedwith a single CLL. Cases and both failed to show any AMCbehavior at the simulation frequency range. In fact, they actedlike artificial electric conductor (AEC) slabs near 10 GHz. Webelieve that this is a result of the capacitance gaps not beingexposed directly to the incident field; and, hence, the effectivecapacitance is much less, raising the resonant frequency outsideof the range of interest.

The final HFSS simulation was an exact model of themeasured CLL structure and the actual experimental config-uration. The two CLL-deep metamaterial block was formedby stacking 31 unit cells together along the axis and, hence,contained 248 CLL elements. The metamaterial block, thus,had the dimensions:

mm. This finite sized metamate-rial (MTM) block was placed between two X band waveguides.The corresponding HFSS simulation space is shown in blockdiagram form in Fig. 7. The experimental configuration simplyconnected the network analyzer to the ports, i.e., to the sourcesat the outer ends of the waveguides. The dimensions of the se-lected waveguide wasmm. The waveguide length from the ports at the outside endsof the waveguides to the faces of the metamaterial block was

mm. Because the metamaterial block is anopen structure, energy can be radiated out the sides of the block.A vacuum box was created in the simulation region that was


Fig. 6. Magnitudes and phases of the HFSS predicted S values for the four CLL-deep CasesA-D are shown. The phases of CasesA andB have zero crossingsat 9.73 GHz; hence, they act as artificial magnetic conductors there. The phases of Cases C andD indicate that they act primarily as artificial electric conductorsin this frequency region.

Fig. 7. Block diagram of the HFSS simulation of the finite two CLL-deepmetamaterial (MTM) block excited by two X band waveguides.

centered on the metamaterial block and radiation boundary con-ditions were assumed on all exposed faces of the block. The boxhad the dimensions:

mm, i.e., it wasmm larger than the metamaterial block in all directions. TheHFSS simulation model thus, included possible radiationleakage out through the open structure in all directions. Theplacement of the CLL structure relative to the waveguide isshown in Fig. 8. A (PEC) symmetry plane was used along the( ) plane to increase the computational efficiency.

The HFSS simulation of the finite block model required 59163 tetrahedra. The maximum magnitude of the complex differ-ence between all of the S-parameters obtained with the currentmesh refinement and the corresponding ones from the previousmesh, , was 0.02 for a 20 GHz -refinement frequency. Themagnitudes and phases of the and values were againcomputed with a fast sweep calculated between 8 and 12 GHzfor 401 points. The HFSS predicted magnitudes and phases of

and were de-embedded to the outside faces of the sub-strate along the z axis. The magnitudes and phases of the HFSSpredicted values for the finite two CLL-deep metamaterialblock are shown in Fig. 9. The magnitude value of at 10 GHzwas dB. The phase value of goes through zero at 9.86GHz, hence, the finite two CLL-deep AMC block behaves like

Fig. 8. CAD diagram of the waveguide excitation of the finite two CLL-deepmetamaterial block.

an AMC at this frequency. The magnitude value of at 9.86GHz was dB. The bandwidth was 800 MHz. It isalso interesting to note that the magnitude and the phase valuesof at 9.86 GHz were dB and 167 , respectively. Again,the slab acts like an AMC from one direction and as an AECfrom the other. The magnitude and phase values of the computed

values for the finite block were dB and GHzdifferent, respectively, from the infinite slab results. The toler-able differences between the block and slab simulation caseswere caused by the angle of incidence of the incident wave, i.e.,the finite simulation model of the finite block was excited usingthe dominant mode in a X band waveguide, while the in-finite slab was excited with a TEM plane wave.


There are four main stages in the fabrication process of theCLL structures using the Roger’s 5880 Duroid™. These stagesare: 1) spinning and coating the board with photoresist; 2) ex-posing the board to UV light; 3) developing; and 4) etching.All of the processing was accomplished in the MicroElectronicsLaboratory located in the Department of Electrical and Com-puter Engineering at the University of Arizona. Originally, weattempted to develop an air-brush technique to coat the boards.This approach was found to significantly save on the amounts of


Fig. 9. HFSS predicted and the measured S values for the finite twoCLL-deep metamaterial block. As predicted, nearly complete reflection occursnear the target frequency. The phase of the measured S values crosses zeroat 9.75 GHz, 1.02% different from the HFSS predicted value, 9.86 GHz. (a)Magnitudes and (b) phases.

the photoresist that were being used in the processing. However,the air-brush approach was found to be unsatisfactory because itwas difficult to achieve a thin, uniform coating. Because of theboard sizes, a standard spinner was used for the final fabricationprocess. It gave a coat with a thickness between 1.0 and 1.5 mi-crons versus the 4 to 5 micron thickness that was achieved withthe airbrush. A three-inch by three-inch board size was selectedand it yielded 14 two CLL-deep unit cell structures. After spin-ning, the boards were placed in a 100 C furnace for one minuteto dry them. The printed mask of the design was generated andplaced over the board. The boards were then exposed for 1.5min with UV light. The boards were then placed in a developer.Developing time was under one minute. Once the photoresistwas removed, the boards were rinsed with deionized water anddried with nitrogen. Finally, the boards were placed in a FerricChloride etching solution. This process took between 10 and 15min to complete, exercising care to not over-etch the boards.The boards were rinsed with acetone to remove any remainingphotoresist from the board. The boards were finally rinsed withdeionized water and dried with nitrogen.

The boards were inspected under a microscope and the bestones were selected. Alignment holes had been inserted at the

ends of the two CLL-deep unit cells when the mask was de-signed. The boards were cut and drilled professionally in theUniversity of Arizona machine shop. A large number of thetwo CLL-deep unit cells were fabricated. Threading polyeth-ylene rods through the alignment holes, two 31 layer metama-terial stacks were formed. The four CLL-deep structures wereobtained by stacking these two, two CLL-deep metamaterialblocks together in the Case - configurations.


The fabricated metamaterial blocks were measured using anHP8720C network analyzer. A 3.5 mm HP calibration kit wasused to calibrate the network analyzer. A full 2-port calibrationwas performed using the short-open-load-thru (SOLT) method.The calibration was done between 8 and 12 GHz for 401 points.The value of a HP 902D broadband load was measured toconfirm the accuracy of the calibration method. Two X bandwaveguides were used to excite the metamaterial blocks. The

and values were measured with the network analyzer.To obtain an accurate measurement of the phases, it was de-

cided to use a reference case consisting of a copper plate lo-cated where the front face of the metamaterial block would bewhen it was measured. Note that the metamaterial block simplyrests against the face of the waveguide aperture as shown inFig. 8. The copper plate was positioned in a similar manner. The

and values were obtained for both the copper plate andthe metamaterial block. The relative phases between the refer-ence case and the metamaterial block cases were obtained andunwrapped so that the phase angles occurred primarily in the

interval over the measured frequency band. The meta-material block was measured with both a short,

mm long, and a long mm waveguidesection to minimize the effects of their lengths on the phase mea-surements.

The relative magnitudes and phases of the measuredvalues for the two CLL-deep metamaterial block are comparedto the corresponding HFSS predicted values in Fig. 9. Goodagreement between the measured and predicted magnitudevalues was obtained. The measured magnitude and phasevalues at 10 GHz were dB and . These resultswere close to the HFSS predicted values of dB and

. The measured phase of crosses zero at 9.75GHz, 1.02% different from the predicted value. The measured

bandwidth was 780 MHz. The measured andmagnitude values at 9.75 GHz were dB and dB,respectively. These values reflect the fact that the finite blockis an open structure (in both the experiments and the HFSSsimulations) and some power is lost by scattering out of thefaces of the block parallel to the waveguide direction.

The magnitudes and phase of values for Cases - werealso obtained. These results are shown in Fig. 10. Some of the

magnitude values for the two CLL-deep metamaterial blockshown in Fig. 9(a) and for the four CLL-deep metamaterialblock Cases and shown in Fig. 10(a) slightly exceeded the 0


Fig. 10. Measured S values for the finite versions of CasesA-D are shown.As predicted, nearly complete reflection occurs near the target frequency. Thephases of the measured S values for the finite versions of Cases A-D show,as predicted, that Cases A and B have zero crossings while Cases C andD donot. Cases A and B act as artificial magnetic conductors; Cases C and D actas artificial electric conductors. The AMC zero crossing was measured at 9.785GHz, 0.57% different from the predicted value. (a) Magnitudes and (b) phases.

dB level. Because the values are relative to the copper plate mea-surements, these anomalies are due simply to the noise in themeasurements. The measured magnitude and phase valuesat 10 GHz for Case were 0.05 dB and . The predictedresults for this case were dB and . The mea-sured magnitude and phase values at 10 GHz for Casewere 0.01 dB and . The predicted results for this casewere dB and . The zero crossings for Casesand were measured at 9.785 GHz, 0.57% different from thepredicted value. The measured magnitude values for cases

and were dB and dB, respectively. The mea-sured bandwidth for both of these cases was 830 MHz. Aspredicted, Cases and failed to show any AMC properties;rather they showed the anticipated AEC properties.

We note that the two CLL-deep metamaterial blocks hadbetter agreement in general with the HFSS predictions incomparison to the four CLL-deep metamaterial cases. The dif-

ferences between them are due to fabrication issues. The fourCLL-deep metamaterial cases were obtained simply by puttingtwo of the two CLL-deep metamaterial blocks back-to-backwith the specified element orientations shown in Fig. 5. As aresult, there were nontrivial air gaps between the two blocksand their impact on the results are noticeable.

We also note that we measured the two CLL-deep metamate-rial block with it being oriented orthogonal to the desired direc-tion, i.e., with the plane of the CLL elements parallel to the mag-netic field direction. The CLL elements are strongly anisotropic.In particular, if the magnetic field were parallel to the plane ofthe CLL elements, the strong inductance and, hence, the res-onant effect should disappear and the highly reflective blockshould become highly transmissive. The measured magnitudesof and for this orthogonal orientation at 10 GHz were,respectively, dB and dB. These results confirmthat the metamaterial structure is indeed anisotropic and thatthe orientation of the metamaterial block relative to the excitingmagnetic field is critical to the realization of the predicted AMCbehavior.


While the reflection and transmission properties of the CLL-based AMC slab were obtained directly from numerical simula-tions, the effective permittivity and permeability of the slab mustbe extracted from this scattering data. We have found using theextraction method proposed in [12] that an equivalent materialmodel of the CLL-based AMC consists of a two time deriva-tive material (2TDLM) model for the permeability and a Drudemodel for the permittivity. The resonance, , of the real partof the 2TDLM model and the zero crossing, , of the real partof the Drude model occur at the frequency, , for which thein-phase reflection occurs, i.e., for . This con-currence of the critical frequencies of both models produces ametamaterial slab with a high-Z/low-n state at . To inves-tigate these results further, we have used the HFSS S-param-eter results and the 2TDLM and Drude models to develop amodel-based parameter estimation of the permittivity and per-meability values.

We note that the SRRs have been shown to have a bian-isotropic nature, primarily due to the presence and couplingof the two split rings [18]. We have not attempted to accountfor any such magnetoelectric contributions in our models. TheHFSS simulation results include all such effects. Because theextracted material properties reproduce the scattering parameterresults quantitatively, this appears to be a reasonable approach.

The 2TDLM model has been used for several metamaterialinvestigations, e.g., [12], [19]. It was used to design an artificialmolecule realization of a magnetic wall in [20]. The 2TDLMmodel is the natural description of many of the SRR inclusionsincorporated to achieve the artificial magnetic properties inDNG metamaterials. The 2TDLM medium is a causal mediumthat satisfies a generalized Kramers–Krönig relation and isspecified by its susceptibility in the frequency domain throughthe relation [19]



In contrast, the Drude model is associated with lossy cold elec-tron plasmas, which can be realized artificially with a “bed ofnails” medium (e.g., [10], [11]) and a CLS medium [19]. Thesusceptibility of a lossy Drude medium is given by the expres-sion


We introduce a model medium that incorporates these propertiesby specifying the magnetic permeability and the electric permit-tivity, respectively, as


The additional positive constants, and , are intro-duced to allow for relative constant levels of both the per-meability and permittivity in the fitting process. With thiscomposite model the magnetic permeability is resonant at

, and the permittivity has a zero crossing at theplasma frequency . Consequently, the 2TDLMmodel produces a large negative (positive) permeability justabove (below) the resonant frequency; the Drude model pro-duces a negative (positive) permittivity just below (above)the plasma frequency. If , the critical frequencyrepresents the boundary between the main ENG (epsilonnegative) and the MNG (mu negative) frequency regions.Moreover, at , the wave impedance

and the indexof refraction .

The 2TDLM and Drude model-based parameter-estimationof the S-parameters was accomplished using the MATLAB Op-timization Toolbox. The model parameters were fit to the cor-responding HFSS predicted and results for a unit cellof the CLL-based metamaterial AMC excited in the PEC-PMCwaveguide simulator using a nonlinear least-squares optimiza-tion method, where we used only the values to fit the modelparameters. The optimization scenarios using both S-param-eter values produced less matched results due to the very small

values. With the optimized match of the results, theeffective medium results also showed reasonable agree-

ment with the original HFSS predicted values. These optimized2TDLM parameters were

andGHz; and the corresponding Drude parameters were

, and . This means, as expected. The resulting real and imagi-

nary parts of the permittivity and permeability are shown, re-spectively, in Fig. 11. The permittivity losses are essentiallyzero in this region; the permeability losses are restricted to avery narrow region near the resonance frequency. The permit-tivity and permeability have opposite signs on either side ofthe resonance frequency yielding evanescent wave properties,hence, high reflectivity. The magnitude of the permeability (per-mittivity) is large (small) in this frequency interval. Thus, theCLL-based unit cell for a normally incident plane wave in theindicated frequency range acts as a high-Z/low-n material at

, yielding near the frequency of interest. Thiseffective magneto-dielectric medium model for the CLL-based

Fig. 11. Real and imaginary parts of the model-based estimation of thepermeability and permittivity that optimally recover the CLL-based AMC unitcell S-parameters.

metamaterial slab was also verified by considering the param-eter extraction method discussed in [14]. Reasonable agreementwith all of the fitted model results was obtained. Finally, similarconclusions were reached for the two-CLL and four-CLL deepmetamaterial slabs.



The dipole antenna, CLL-based metamaterial slab interac-tions were simulated with HFSS. A 10 GHz dipole antenna waspositioned symmetrically at the origin of the coordinate systemand oriented along the axis. Three different dipole lengthswere studied: a) ( mm); b)( mm); and c) (mm), recalling that mm at 10 GHz. Each dipole an-tenna was modeled using two identical cylinders with a radius of

( mm). The cylinders were definedas perfect electric conductors, and the total distance between thetwo cylinders was optimized for each dipole antenna to obtainthe analytical radiation results that were given in [21]. The opti-mized gap spaces for , and length dipoleantennas were

mm, and mm, respectively. An-other vacuum filled cylinder was also used to fill the gap be-tween the two dipole arms. The current distribution of the dipolewas excited across this vacuum cylinder using the HFSS currentsource, and it was assumed to be constant with an amplitude of1 A.

The unit cell of the two-element CLL-based metamaterialblock was now taken to be 10 CLL elements in a 5 2 array,with the five CLLs being taken along the direction. The anddistances between the edges of the CLLs and the unit cell bound-aries were still maintained at mm; thedistances between each CLL element were still maintained at

mm. The CLL elements were centeredin the dielectric mm from either -boundary.Thus, its total size was





Fig. 12. CAD diagram of the dipole antenna and the finite two CLL-deepmetamaterial block.

The two CLL-deep metamaterial block was then formed bystacking 7 unit cells together along the axis and, hence, con-tained 70 CLL elements. The two-element CLL-based metama-terial block, thus, had the dimensions:

. The face of the two-element CLL metamate-rial slab was oriented parallel to the plane with the capacitorgaps of the CLLs facing the dipole. The center of the slab, hence,one set of CLLs was placed in the plane. The centers of thegaps of the middle CLLs in this plane were centered on theaxis. Thus, the dipole and all the CLLs are symmetrically lo-cated with respect to each other. The field radiated by the dipolepropagates along the direction toward the center of the CLLmetamaterial slab and the main beam of the reflected field prop-agates along the direction.

The dipole and this finite-sized CLL-based metamaterialblock were positioned symmetrically about the plane, andthe front face of the finite-sized metamaterial block was placeda distance away from the dipole (from the origin) along thepositive axis as shown in Fig. 12. A free-space radiationbox was created that was centered at the origin. It had the

dimensions:mm. The dimensions of

the radiation box satisfied the ANSOFT recommended( mm) distance from the metamaterialblock to the free-space radiation box in all directions. Morespecifically, the distance between the free-space radiation boxand the metamaterial block was mm in the

directions and mm in the directions.With, for instance, the largest value considered,( mm), the distance between the front of themetamaterial block and the free-space radiation box along the

axis was mm and thedistance between the back face of the metamaterial block andthe free-space radiation box in axis wasmm. A (PEC) symmetry plane was then introduced along the

plane to increase the computational efficiency.

The interaction of the dipole antenna and the metamaterialblock was studied by varying and the length of the dipole. A total of 15 different cases were studied: three dipole

lengths were tested for five different values. The simulateddipole lengths were: 1) ( mm),whose equivalent monopole length is just larger than half ofthe first half CLL; 2) ( mm),whose equivalent monopole length is just smaller than theheight to the middle of the first whole CLL; and 3)( mm), whose equivalent monopole lengthis just larger than the height of the second whole CLL. Thesimulated distances between the dipole and the block were:(1) ( mm), (2)( mm), (3) (mm), (4) ( mm), and (5)( mm).

The far field electric field values and the corresponding am-plitude patterns were calculated for the dipole alone and with themetamaterial block present. The maximum values of the electricfield in the two directions broadside to the metamaterial blockwere obtained. The maximum electric field value, , wasfound always to be along the axis in the reflected, -direc-tion. The electric field value at 180 with respect to the max-imum electric field direction, , was obtained. It wasalong the axis in the direction, behind the metamaterialblock. The front-to-back ratio; i.e.,

, was then calculated. The free-space calcula-tions allowed us to verify the validity of the HFSS predictedfield values by comparisons with known analytical results; theexpected values were recovered in each case. They also providedus with values to compare against when the metamaterial blockwas present.

The maximum front-to-back ratios obtained when the dis-tance was varied for each of the three dipole length cases aresummarized in Table I. For each of these cases, the HFSS sim-ulation specifics were: 1) dipole antenna was po-sitioned away from the metamaterial block. TheHFSS simulation required 101 179 tetrahedra and produced avariation of for a 20 GHz -refinement frequency.2) dipole antenna was positioned awayfrom the block. The HFSS simulation required 108 310 tetra-hedra and produced a variation in the S-parameters of


Fig. 13. HFSS simulations demonstrate that by tuning the distance h of the0:325� dipole from the two element CLL-based block, the front-to-back ratiocan be enhanced significantly.

for a 20 GHz -refinement frequency. 3) dipoleantenna that was positioned away from the block.The HFSS simulation required 104 384 tetrahedra and produceda variation in the S-parameters of for a 20 GHz -re-finement frequency. The simulated pattern was computed witha discrete sweep between 9.0 and 10.1 GHz using a 0.001 GHzresolution frequency in each of the cases.

It was found that there was a resonant response of the dipoleantenna and the CLL-based metamaterial block tuned by the dis-tance between them. This resonance phenomena is illustratedwith the dipole results in Fig. 13. The front-to-back ratios are plotted for the various distances between thedipole and the metamaterial block. The resonant behavior isclearly seen. As found from Table I, the obtained resonant fre-quencies for the and dipole an-tennas were close to, but above the operating point of the CLL-based AMC block by itself. The resonant frequency of the

dipole antenna case was considerably below that oper-ating point. This phase difference behavior was expected fromthe studies in [15]–[17]. Consider a transmission line represen-tation of the dipole-block system. Since the magnitude of thereflection coefficient at the block near its operating frequency isone, it can be represented in the form , hence,the equivalent circuit element of the block is the load

. Consequently, the inputimpedance of the air gap and the metamaterial block at thedipole is


Recall from the HFSS results that above (below) the operatingpoint, the phase of the reflection coefficient was negative (posi-tive). Thus, the and cases have ,which means the input impedance seen by the dipole matchesits own impedance, i.e., it is capacitive. Maximum power isthen transferred to the in-phase, totally reflecting metamaterialblock and no power is available for the back direction. Sim-ilarly, because the dipole is inductive, the reso-nance occurs where the phase angle is large positive, making theinput impedance inductive. Additionally, because the

Fig. 14. HFSS predicted normalized field patterns generated for the0:08� ; 0:325� , and 0:50� dipole antennas when they are in resonancewith the two element CLL-based AMC block system: (a) normalized E planeand (b) normalized H plane patterns.

dipole antenna is nearly as tall as the block itself, significantedge interactions pull the resonant frequency even lower.

We also found that the strength of the resulting enhancementsand the radiation pattern was directly connected to the length ofthe dipole and its interactions with the CLLs. The E plane andH plane electric field patterns of the ,and dipole antennas were obtained for the opti-mized cases and were normalized to their values. Theyare plotted, respectively, in Fig. 14(a) and (b). Comparisons ofthe normalized E plane and H plane electric field patterns gen-erated by this dipole-block system and by thedipole alone in free space are shown, respectively, in Fig. 15(a)and (b). The corresponding results for the CLL-based meta-material block replaced by an infinite PMC ground plane, theground plane coinciding with the block face closest to the dipoleantenna, were calculated analytically and are also included inFig. 15(a) and (b). Fig. 14(a) and (b) show that the antennafield patterns resulted in a deep null in the back direction forthe and cases. This deep null leadsto the very large realized front-to-back ratios. The block re-moved the usual antipodal backlobe found with such finite smallground plane-like structures. The small lobes in the E plane pat-tern in the back hemisphere of the case are as-sociated with the edges of the block. In particular, recall that


Fig. 15. HFSS predicted normalized field patterns generated by the 0:325�dipole antenna when it is in free space, when it is over an infinite PMC groundplane, and when it is in resonance with the two element CLL-based AMC blocksystem: (a) normalized E plane and (b) normalized H plane patterns.

the E plane (H plane) front and back edges of the block areonly long. The depth of the block is ;the dipole is from the block for the resonant interaction.Thus, the angle subtended by the top (bottom) edge of the backof the block and the ends of the dipole is 45.3 . The peak ofthe small sidelobe in the back direction occurs at 45.0 in rea-sonable agreement with expectations from the finite size of theblock.

The field values showed a slightly better value, 2.29, thanthe expected 2-fold enhancement of the reflected field exhib-ited by the ideal infinite PMC ground plane case. Because the

dipole interacted more uniformly with all of theCLL elements in the block, it had the best front-to-back ratio,

. The smaller dipole antennaresults were very similar. However, because the dipole interactsdirectly with fewer elements, the front-to-back ratio was only

. On the other hand, once the block is in res-onance with this smaller dipole, its patterns have no sidelobesin the back direction and the block significantly enhances thereflected field maximum, 6.26, over its free space value. Thefront-to-back ratio decreased substantially for thedipole antenna for the fixed metamaterial block height. The res-onance effects of the larger dipole are weakened by the edgeinteractions. The patterns show a coalescence of the two small

back lobes seen in the case into one larger one withits maximum being in the back direction. The reflected field isalso decreased resulting in only a slightly better value, 1.22, thanthe free space value. Nonetheless, it is anticipated that a larger,specifically designed block would provide a performance en-hancement similar to the case.

We emphasize that the distance of the dipole from the blockto achieve the resonant interaction in all of the cases wassignificantly smaller than a wavelength. Moreover, despite thesub-wavelength size of the block, the front-to-back ratios inthe highly resonant cases are much better than those associatedwith many standard antennas, particularly those situated near aground plane or other conducting structures. However, if furtherenhancements of the broadside E plane or H plane directivitieswere desired, the size of the block would have to be increasedto allow for some sort of texturing of its surface or the insertionof additional structures. In this manner one could achieve softor hard surface effects or electromagnetic bandgap effects thatwould allow one to redirect some of the side and back-directedfield energy in the E or H plane toward the broadside direction.The dipole-block interactions would have to retuned for anysuch modified configuration.

Finally, we show the HFSS predicted near-field electric fielddistributions in the - and -planes for the caseat its resonance GHz in Fig. 16(a) and (b), respec-tively. The front-to-back ratio of the magnitude of the electricfield along the axis at a point mils awayfrom the dipole (2.4 mm in front of the CLL-based metamate-rial block) and at a point mils from thedipole (1.2 mm behind the block) is 50.46, i.e., the field behindthe AMC block in the backward direction is 34 dB smaller thanit is away from dipole toward the forward direction. Thus, theCLL-based metamaterial block provides very good isolation be-tween its front and back sides even in the near-field.


A CLL-based metamaterial block was designed to act asan AMC at 10 GHz. Both finite and infinite versions of theblock were considered. The finite-sized block was fabricatedand tested experimentally in a free-space configuration. Goodagreement between the simulation and experimental results wasdemonstrated. The two CLL-deep metamaterial AMC slab pro-duced in-phase reflections near the predicted frequency whenthe gaps of the CLL elements were facing the source. Althoughthere was no ground plane backing the slab, it nonethelessacted as an AEC and produced out-of-phase reflections whenthe waves were incident from the opposite direction. FourCLL-deep metamaterial AMC blocks were also considered. Itwas shown that the orientation between each of the CLL ele-ments and the incident field was critical to obtaining the desiredAMC performance. The bandwidth was approximately10% in each of the AMC cases.

The use of the two CLL-deep metamaterial AMC block forantennas was also considered. Simulations of the interactionof a dipole antenna with the metamaterial block showed betterthan the expected AMC behavior. Resonant responses were ob-tained when the distance between the dipole and the metamate-


Fig. 16. HFSS predicted electric field distributions in the near field of the 0:325� dipole antenna when it is in resonance with the two element CLL-based AMCblock system: (a) E plane and (b) H plane.

rial block was optimized. Significantly enhanced electric fieldvalues in the reflected field region and front-to-back ratios weredemonstrated.

The potential ability, for instance, of the two CLL-deepmetamaterial AMC block, for instance, to shield (in the nearfield) a cell-phone user while more than doubling the radiatedfield strength away from that user (in the far field) suggestsone possible application for such metamaterial-based AMCblocks. The in-phase and out-of-phase reflection properties ofthe CLL-based metamaterial block along with its enhancedfront-to-back ratios suggests other potential wireless appli-cations including an effective means of isolating radiatingelements in close proximity to each other. Antennas otherthan a dipole may even be more suitable for integration withthese AMC blocks. Several of these issues are being studied

currently. The results of these investigations will be reportedelsewhere in the near future.


The authors would like to thank INTEL for their generousdonation of a DELL 530 Workstation that allowed them to per-form the large HFSS calculations needed for their efforts. Prof.R. W. Ziolkowski would like to recognize his 2002 UA ECESenior Capstone Project Team that consisted of C. Yu, C.-H.(Nick) Yang, and W. Chau. They originally attempted to re-alize a CLL-based AMCmetamaterial block consisting of 163 layers of a unit cell con-sisting of a 24 4 array of CLL elements. The preliminary re-sults of their work was reported in [22]. However, because of


the number of elements and the original razor-blade cutting ap-proach, there was too much variability in the final layers, hence,the overall metamaterial block. While the resulting block didshow the AMC effects experimentally at 10 GHz, the resultswere generally quite noisy and poor. The CLL elements and theexperimental protocol were completely redesigned for this latesteffort. Nonetheless, Yu, Yang, and Chau’s project helped lead tothis successful conclusion of their initial efforts. Finally, the au-thors would like to thank the reviewers and the Guest Editorsfor their many useful suggestions.


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Aycan Erentok (S’02) received the B.S. (cum laudeand honors) and M.S. degrees from the Universityof Arizona,Tucson, in 2001 and 2003, respectively,all in electrical engineering, where he is currentlyworking toward the Ph.D. degree in the Electricaland Computer Engineering Department.

His research interests include genetic algorithms,conformal antennas, and the effects of metamaterialson the performance of antennas.

Mr. Erentok received third place in the studentpaper competition at the 2004 URSI National Radio

Science Meeting in Boulder, CO.

Paul L. Luljak (S’03) received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering fromthe University of Arizona, Tucson, in 2004.

From 2002 to 2004, he was an Undergraduate Research Assistant with theUniversity of Arizona, where he investigated several aspects of metamaterials,including simulations, fabrication, and measurements of artificial magnetic con-ductors and planar lumped element realizations. He is currently employed by theBoeing Company, St. Louis, MO.

Richard W. Ziolkowski (M’97–SM’91–F’94)received the Sc.B. degree in physics (magna cumlaude) with honors from Brown University, Provi-dence, RI, in 1974 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degreesin physics from the University of Illinois at Ur-bana-Champaign, in 1975 and 1980, respectively.

He was a member of the Engineering ResearchDivision, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,CA, from 1981 to 1990, and served as the leader ofthe Computational Electronics and ElectromagneticsThrust Area for the Engineering Directorate, from

1984 to 1990. He joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi-neering, University of Arizona, Tuscon, as an Associate Professor in 1990,and was promoted to Full Professor in 1996. His research interests include theapplication of new mathematical and numerical methods to linear and nonlinearproblems dealing with the interaction of acoustic and electromagnetic waveswith realistic materials and structures. He was a Co-Guest Editor of the 1998Special Issue of the Journal of the Optical Society of America A featuringmathematics and modeling in modern optics.

Prof. Ziolkowski is a Member of Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi,the American Physical Society, the Optical Society of America, the Acous-tical Society of America, and Commissions B (Fields and Waves) and D (Elec-tronics and Photonics) of URSI (International Union of Radio Science). He wasawarded the Tau Beta Pi Professor of the Year Award in 1993 and the IEEE andEta Kappa Nu Outstanding Teaching Award in 1993 and 1998. He was an Asso-ciate Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION from1993 to 1998. He served as the Vice Chairman of the 1989 IEEE/AP-S and URSISymposium in San Jose, and as the Technical Program Chairperson for the 1998IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation in Tucson. He servedas a member of the IEEE AP-S Administrative Committee (ADCOM) from2000 to 2002. He is currently serving as the IEEE AP-S Vice President/Presi-dent-Elect. He was Co-Guest Editor for the October 2003 IEEE TRANSACTIONSON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION Special Issue on Metamaterials. For the USURSI Society, he served as Secretary for Commission B (Fields and Waves)from 1993 to 1996 and as Chairperson of the Technical Activities Committeefrom 1997 to 1999, and as Secretary for Commission D (Electronics and Pho-tonics) from 2001 to 2002. He is currently serving as a Member-at-Large of theU.S. National Committee (USNC) of URSI and is now serving as a member ofthe International Commission B Technical Activities Board. He was a Co-Orga-nizer of the Photonics Nanostructures Special Symposia at the 1998, 1999, and2000 OSA Integrated Photonics Research (IPR) Topical Meetings. He served asthe Chair of the IPR subcommittee IV, Nanostructure Photonics, in 2001. He wasa Steering Committee Member for the 27th ESA Antenna Technology Work-shop on Innovative Periodic Antennas: Electromagnetic Bandgap, Left-handedMaterials, Fractal and Frequency Selective Surfaces in Santiago de Compostela,Spain, in March 2004.

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