151232 vit a 2015 full slides

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  • 10/1/2015


    A/Prof Rozanne Kruger

  • Learning objectivesInvestigate vitamin A and all its compounds through

    the following objectives:

    To describe the chemistry, digestion, absorption, transport and metabolism.

    To define the term vitamin precursor and to list and describe its various precursors

    To identify all the sources

    To establish the requirements

    To discuss the functions

    To determine the effect of deficiency and excess.


  • Vitamin A / Retinoids

    Fat-soluble vitamin

    Discovered 1909, involved with growth (retinol)

    and 1928 (carotene)

    Vitamin A is found in the body in compounds

    known as retinoids: retinol, retinal, and retinoic


    These have functional roles in vision, healthy

    epithelial cells, and growth.

    Vitamin A deficiency is a major health problem in

    the world.


  • Vitamin A / Retinoids

    Plant foods provide carotenoids e.g. beta-carotene

    which may have vitamin A activity

    Animal foods provide compounds that are easily

    converted to retinol.

    Retinol binding protein (RBP) allows vitamin A to

    be transported throughout the body.

    Toxicity is often associated with abuse of



  • Vitamin A / RetinoidsTwo forms:

    Preformed vitamin A (active form)(retinyl esters) Retinoids

    Retinol alcohol form (OH group)

    Retinal aldehyde form

    retinoic acid acid form

    Found in animal products (liver)

    Provitamin form (inactive form)(-carotene) Carotenoids and related compounds (-carotene,


    Can be converted to vitamin A (retinaldehyde)

    Found in plant products (orange / green fr & veg)

    Storage form = retinyl esters retinol + organic acid (palmithic acid)


  • Carotenoids

    Only 50 of 600+ found are converted into vitamin A

    e.g. -carotene, -carotene, -carotene and -cryptoxanthine

    (Lycopene is an example of a carotenoid without vit A activity)

    Also act as antioxidants

    Bioavailability of carotenoids varies from

  • 10/1/2015

    Forms of Vitamin A

    Retinol, the alcohol form

    Beta-carotene, a precursor

    Cleavage at this point canyield two molecules of vitamin A*

    Retinoic acid, the acid formRetinal, the aldehyde form

    *Sometimes cleavage occurs at other points as well, so that one molecule of beta-carotenemay yield only one molecule of vitamin A. Furthermore, not all beta-carotene is convertedto vitamin A, and absorption of beta-carotene is not as efficient as that of vitamin A. Forthese reasons, 12 g of beta-carotene are equivalent to 1 g of vitamin A. Conversion ofother carotenoids to vitamin A is even less efficient.

  • Units of vitamin A Vitamin A intakes or requirements are expressed in terms of retinol

    activity equivalents (RAE)

    Old units = RE or IU (labels or articles)

    Conversions can be done as follows:

    1g RAE = 1 g retinol

    = 2 g -carotene (supplement)

    = 12 g (dietary)

    = 24 g other vitamin A precursor carotenoids

    = 3.3 IU

    1 IU retinol = 0.3 g retinol or 0.3 g RAE 1 IU -carotene (supplement) = 0.5 IU retinol or 0.15 g RAE 1 IU -carotene (dietary) = 0.165 IU retinol or 0.05 g RAE 1 IU other vitamin A precursor carotenoids = 0.025g RAE


  • Nomenclature

    Retinol (parent compound) also from Retinyl ester-compounds (retinol + fattyacid)(animal)

    Retinal (aldehyde form) also from Beta-carotene (plants) & retinol

    Retinoic acid (acid form) also from Retinal and retinol

    11-cis retinal (form active in vision)

    13-cis retinoic acid (used therapeutically)

    Retinyl palmitate (major storage form)

    -carotene (major provitamin A)10/1/2015

  • 10/1/2015

  • 10/1/2015

    Conversion of Vitamin A Compounds


    Notice that the conversion from retinol to retinal is reversible,whereas the pathway from retinal to retinoic acid is not.


    Betacarotene(in plant foods)

    Retinyl esters(in animalfoods)

    Retinoic acid(regulatesgrowth)

    Retinal(participatesin vision)


  • Absorption, transport & storage:general

    Dietary retinyl esters are hydrolysed by

    intestinal lipases (70-90% absorbed) leaving

    retinol in its free form

    Free retinol uptake into enterocytes (wall of

    small intestine) by facilitated diffusion from lipid


    Attach to free fatty acids to form new retinyl

    ester-compounds (re-esterification)

    Compounds packaged into chylomicrons and

    enter lymphatic system


  • Absorption, transport & storage:specific

    Preformed Vit A (animal foods) occur as retinylesters in association with membrane-bound cellular lipid and fat storage cells.

    Pro-vitamin A (plant sources carotenoids)embedded in complex cellular structures ie in the matrix of chloroplasts or in the pigments of chromoplasts.

    Digestive processes free vit A & carotenoids from their food matrices (more efficiently from animal products / retinol)

    Dietary retinyl esters & retinol & carotenoids incorporated into micelles in small intest.


  • Absorption, transport & storage:specific

    Pass into the membrane of the enterocytes (intestinal mucosal cells).

    Retinol is trapped intracellularly by re-esterification or binding to specific intracellular binding proteins.

    Retinyl esters incorporated into chylomicrons and excreted into lymphatic channels and delivered to the blood.

    Released: into circulation in chylomicrons when needed (function)

    into liver to be stored

    Storage: 90% of vit A absorbed stored in liver (as retinyl palmitate) (100-

    1000 IU/g in liver tissue, total = 500 000 IU )

    Remainder stored in adipose tissue, kidneys, lungs10/1/2015

  • Absorption, transport & storage:specific

    Carotene is absorbed dissolved in lipid micelles (5-


    -carotene is cleaved by carotene dioxygenase to retinal reduced to retinol in the intestinal cells esterified and secreted in chylomicrons with retinyl

    esters from retinol

    But -carotene does not 2 x retinol Activity of intestinal carotene dioxygenase is low

    Other carotenoids inhibit carotene dioxygenase

    Asymmetrical cleavage also occurs


  • Storage and transport Vitamin A from chylomicron remnants is taken up by

    cells of the liver, where it is stored as retinyl esters

    Retinyl esters are stripped from chylomicrons, hydrolysed and taken up by liver cells

    If not required retinol is re-esterified and stored in liver cells (stellate cells )

    When released to circulation for functioning, the esters are re-hydrolysed to retinol, which is bound to retinol binding protein (RBP).

    Vitamin E enhances absorption and storage


  • Storage and transport

    Apo-RBP + retinol holo-RBP

    This complex holo-RBP secreted into blood, associates with a larger protein (pre-albumin / transthyretin) which circulates in the blood delivering retinol to tissues

    Holo-RBP transiently associates with target-tissue membrane and specific intracellular binding proteins extract the retinol Required due to fat-solubility cannot dissolve in blood

    require proteins to bind with and transport them to storage sites or target tissues and cells (RBPs)

    Zn is also required to mobilise vit A from its stores


  • Retinoid binding proteins


    Abbrev. Name Binds LocationRBP Retinol binding

    proteinRetinol Plasma

    CRBP Cellular retinol binding protein

    Retinol/ retinal

    I CellsII Intestine

    CRALBP Cellular retinal binding protein

    Retinal Eye

    CRABP Cellular retinoic acid binding protein

    Retinoic acid


    IRBP Interstitial binding protein

    Retinol/ retinal

    Interphoto-receptor space

  • Recycling of vitamin A

    Vitamin A is recycled between tissues and reserves

    at quite a high rate, but is usually well conserved.

    Movement of holo-RBP into urine as blood flows

    through the kidney is usually small, but may

    increase during severe infection, so that dietary

    need for vitamin A increases.



    1. Vision

    2. Cell differentiation (embryogenesis)

    3. Reproduction & growth (spermatogenesis;

    bone growth)

    4. Acts as an antioxidant

    5. Immune response

    6. Other functions (taste, hearing, appetite)



  • Vitamin As Role in Vision

    Helps to maintain the cornea

    Conversion of light energy into nerve impulses at the retina

    Retinal + opsin (prot.) rhodopsin (visual purple) rods of retina (b & w images)

    Light on rods bleached

    Rhodopsin opsin + retinal nerve impulse optical nerve (brain) vision retinal (cis to trans) retinol

    Cycle repeats! end of each cycle a little vit A is lost needs replenishment


  • Bleaching & replenishing process


  • 10/1/2015

  • 10/1/2015

    As light enters the eye,pigments within the cellsof the retina absorb thelight.


    As rhodopsin absorbs light, retinal changes fromcis to trans, which triggers a nerve impulse thatcarries visual information to the brain.


    Eye Nerve impulsesto the brain

    Retinacells(rods andcones)

    cis-Retinal trans-Retinal

    The cells of the retina contain rhodopsin, amolecule composed of opsin (a protein) andcis-retinal (vitamin A).

    Vitamin As Role in Vision

  • Vitamin As Role in Vision

    [Blood retinol] regulates tempo of rhodopsin regeneration If slow poor vision - dim light

    Dark adaptation = adapt to dim light after light flash exposure

    If long time night blind

    Cones colour perception of vision (interprets wavelengths) Contains less vit A (pigment = iodopsin)

    0.01% of total


  • Cellular differentiation

    Retinoic acid binds to retinoic acid receptors sites on a cells DNA (RAR & RXR) and forms transcription factors that bind to DNA and regulate gene expression and the type of cell the stem cells become

    This in turn regulates processes such as cellular differentiation and embryonic development (healthy organs & effectively functioning systems)


  • Cellular differentiation

    Example epithelial cells of the skin (outer lining) and mucus producing cells (inner lining) of the skin Keratinisation of epithelial cells dry out hardening

    due to keratin deposition (skin, eye, GIT lining, respiratory cells)

    Cilia on normal cells prevent accumulation of infectious agents

    ANTI-INFECTIVE VITAMIN (keratinisation + cilia loss infections)

    constant peeling constant vit A need (tissues, skin, trachea, salivary glands, cornea, testes

    cornea keratinisation ulceration destruction blindness


  • 10/1/2015 Fig. 11-4, p. 372

    Vitamin A maintains healthy cells in the mucous membranes.

    Without vitamin A, the normal structure and function of the cells in the mucous membranes are impaired.

    Mucus Goblet cells

    Stepped Art

    Protein synthesis & Cell differentiation

  • Reproduction and growth

    Sperm development in men Foetus development in women Growth in children

    First symptom = poor appetite growth failure

    (plato) weight loss death

    Vit A critical for normal bone growth, deficiency poor quality, thicker bone

    Larger cavities in skull & spinal column not for CNS growth

    Specific role immature bone cells osteoclasts


  • Reproduction and growth

    Normal foetal development

    Both vitamin A excess and deficiency are known to

    cause birth defects.

    During fetal development, RA functions in limb

    development and formation of the heart, eyes, and


    Additionally, RA has been found to regulate

    expression of the gene for growth hormone.


  • Immune function

    Deficiency in animals and humans: rates of infection.

    Both specific and non-specific defence mechanisms are impaired: humoral responses to bacterial, parasitic and viral

    infection, cell- mediated immunity, natural killer cell activity and


    The T-helper cell is a major site of vitamin A activity, and the active form appears to be 14-hydroxy-retroretinol (HRR).


  • Immune function - Infection

    Retinoids play an important role in immunity

    Even mild vitamin A deficiency leads to a higher risk of serious infection and even death from diseases like measles and diarrhoea.

    However the immunity enhancing effects of vitamin A vary with the type of infection, and vitamin A decreases the severity but not the incidence of the disease.

    HIV infected adults have a significantly higher mortality rate if they have low serum vit A levels

    Women with low vit A status and HIV are also more likely to pass on the virus to their children


  • Vitamin A Deficiency

    Preschool children developing countries (20-40M) Often vit A intakes OK, but low fat intakes (

  • Vitamin A Deficiency

    Visual Manifestations Night blindness (too little vit A to replace rhodopsin)

    Kornea (outer transparant layer) affected early

    Tear gland does not form any tears drying out keratinization peeling non-transparant cornea infections & eye bleeds

    XEROPHTHALMIA (stages)1. Bitots spots - in conjunctiva [light degree] (corneal


    2. Xerosis conjunctiva conjunctiva dry + rough [moderate degree]

    3. Keratomalasia irreversable scars in cornea blindness [serious degree]

    Xerophthalmia (dry eyes, mucus, scratches, infection and blindness) 10/1/2015

  • 10/1/2015

    Vitamin A deficiency- Night Blindness

    In dim light, you can make out thedetails in this room. You are usingyour rods for vision.

    A flash of bright light momentarily blindsyou as the pigment in the rods is bleached.

    With inadequate vitamin A, you do notrecover but remain blinded for manyseconds.

    You quickly recover and can seethe details again in a few seconds.

  • 10/1/2015

  • Hypovitaminosis - Vitamin A

    In the eye:

    Xerosis (drying)

    Keratomalacia (softening)

    Xeropthhalmia (thickening, irreversible blindness)


  • Bitots spots in children and other

    eye signs (corneal ulceration)


  • Xerophthalmia


    Xerosis is the first stage where the cornea

    becomes dry and hard.

    Keratomalacia is the softening of the cornea.

    Xerophthalmia is blindness due to Vitamin A



  • Corneal degeneration / scarring


  • 10/1/2015


    retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)

  • Vitamin A Deficiency

    Total blindness children (

  • Vitamin A Deficiency

    Non-visual manifestations

    Epithelial changes (e.g. follicular hyperkeratosis or


    Skin dry, flaky, scales peeling

    Scales block sweat glands chicken skin on arms and


    Infection (respiratory / diarrhoea)


    Morbidity & mortality


  • 10/1/2015

    Vitamin ADeficiency SymptomThe Rough Skin of Keratinization

    In vitamin A deficiency, the epithelial cells secrete the proteinkeratin in a process known as keratinization.

  • Skin lesions


  • Risk for deficiency

    Breast-fed infants; Lactating women

    Preschoolers with poor vegetable intake

    Urban poor, Elderly, Alcoholics

    People with febrile diseases or liver disease

    Protein-energy malnutrition

    Low fat intake

    Individuals with fat malabsorption


  • Vitamin A toxicity

    Concept of optimum intake

    Toxic only by supplements & drugs, not food

    Vit A is toxic but not carotene (hypercarotenosis)

    Acute effects: N&V, headache, vertigo, blurred

    vision, in-coordination, malaise . anorexia, skin


    Chronic effects: headache, alopecia, dry itchy skin,

    hepatomegaly, bone and joint pain

    Teratogenic effects: fetal resorption, abortion, birth

    defects (hydrocephaly), learning disability

  • Vitamin A toxicity

    High carotene intakes = not toxic

    Stored in subcutaneous fat yellow colour hand palms + soles of feet

    Not harmful only poor appearance


  • 10/1/2015

  • Dietary sources


    Pre-formed vitamin A (~ 50% intake):Animal sources, e.g. liver, dairy products, milk, cheese, butter, ice cream, eggs, fish oils (e.g. cod, halibut, shark).

    Pro-vitamin A carotenoids:Carrots, squash, pumpkin, green vegetables, corn, tomatoes, oranges etc.(Note that not all orange/red colours are due to provitamin A compounds.)

  • Dietary sources


  • 10/1/2015

  • 10/1/2015Copyright 2005 Wadsworth Group, a division of Thomson Learning

  • Requirements

    Estimated Average Requirement A daily nutrient level estimated to meet the requirements of half the

    healthy individuals in a particular life stage and gender group.

    RDI Recommended Dietary Intake The average daily dietary intake level that is sufficient to meet the nutrient

    requirements of nearly all (9798 %) healthy individuals in a particular life stage and gender group.

    AI Adequate Intake (used when an RDI cannot be determined) The average daily nutrient intake level based on observed or

    experimentally-determined approximations or estimates of nutrient intake by a group (or groups) of apparently healthy people that are assumed to be adequate.

    UL Upper Level of Intake The highest average daily nutrient intake level likely to pose no adverse

    health effects to almost all individuals in the general population. As intake increases above the UL, the potential risk of adverse effects increases.


  • Vitamin A: requirements

    Multivitamin supplements usually provide:

    750 g RAE / 2500 IU

    1500 g RAE / 5000 IU



    06 months 400 g RAE/d

    7-12 months 500 g RAE/d


    Upper level

    0-12 months 600

    g RAE/d

  • Vitamin A: requirements

    Children & adolescents


    13 yr 300 g RAE/day

    48 yr 400 RAE/day


    913 yr 600 RAE/day

    1418 yr 900 RAE/day


    913 yr 600 RAE/day

    1418 yr 700 RAE/day


    Upper levels 13 yr 600 RAE/day

    48 yr 900 RAE/day

    913 yr 1 700 RAE/day

    1418 yr 2 800 RAE/day

  • Vitamin A: requirements


    RDA Vitamin A as RAE

    Men 900 RAE/day

    Women 700 RAE/day


    Upper levels

    Adults 19+ yr

    Men 3000 RAE/day

    Women 3,000 g/day

    Pregnancy & Lactation

    1418 yr 2,800 g/day

    1950 yr 3,000 g/day

  • Nutrient interactions - zinc

    Zinc deficiency results in decreased synthesis of

    retinol binding protein (RBP).

    Zinc deficiency results in decreased activity of

    the enzyme that releases retinol from its storage

    form, retinyl palmitate, in the liver.

    Zinc is required for the enzyme that converts

    retinol into retinal.


  • Nutrient interactions - iron

    Red blood cells, like all blood cells, are derived from

    precursor cells called stem cells.

    These stem cells are dependent on retinoids for

    normal differentiation into red blood cells.

    Additionally, vitamin A appears to facilitate the

    mobilization of iron from storage sites to the

    developing red blood cell for incorporation into

    haemoglobin, the oxygen carrier in red blood cells.


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