15 tips to stay young and healthy

Post on 23-Aug-2014






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A compilation of tips, that can be easily incorporated in our day to day lives to keep good mental and physical health.


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Photo by angela7dreams

Wake up before anyone else in the house

Meditate, do self counseling, plan your day, work on the unresolved issues without getting distracted by anyone.

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Drink a glass of lukewarm water as soon as you get up

The saliva in your mouth is great for reducing the acidity of the stomach. In the whole day, drink two to three liters of water.

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Eat something nutritious with in a few minutes of waking up

It kicks up the slow metabolism and makes your body active. Eat food that is nutritious and also readily available in the kitchen like nuts, fruits or dry fruits.

Photo by IvanClow

Exercise 3 to 4 times a week

Choose the exercises as per your physical condition. Keep changing the exercises.

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Eat a big nutritious breakfast

The digestive power is maximum in the morning so make the best use of it.

Photo by Martin Poole

Eat freshly cooked food

Food looses its nutrition as it ages so eat it fresh. Prepared food available in the market normally has a lot of preservatives, sweeteners and unhealthy fats to increase the shelf life, avoid it as much as possible.

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Do not drink tea or coffee in the morning

They slow down your metabolism. If you have to have it, drink it after the breakfast.

Photo by Ryan McVay

Eat small portions every two hours

When the body is starving, it goes into the conservation mode and starts to conserve fat. If it gets food every two hours, it will not worry about conserving and burn everything quickly.

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Eat fruits and sweets by themselves as a meal

Fruits and sweets are high in calories. If you eat them on an already full stomach, the chances of them converting into fat are much higher.

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Take a power nap after lunch

Preferably on the left side. This allows your body to focus on digestion only. If the nap was longer than 20 minutes, the food will be converted into fat because of inactivity.

Photo by Eising

Don't eat fried food in fast food restaurants

The continuously heating oil releases toxins, which get consumed with the food.

Photo by chrissy polcino

Eat less in the evening

The body's digestive power is at it's lowest towards the end of the day. Eat easy to digest foods in small portions in the evening. Eat raw fruits and vegetables early in the day.

Photo by Kevin Forest

Eat your dinner minimum two hours before you sleep

Give body a chance to digest it before it retires for the day otherwise it will rot in your stomach undigested.

Photo by Christopher Robbins

Rinse your mouth with alum water before you go to sleep

That is, if you want to keep your teeth healthy for a long time.

Photo by beedieu

Reflect on your day before you sleep

Check what didn't go well and how you could improve it next time.

Thank You.

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