
Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/14/2019 15-min-skinny-jeans.pdf








    Tip:Keep your torso asupright as possiblewith your lower backnaturally arched.

    127 W O M E N S H E A LT H / WomensHealthMag.com


    TIP: For achallenge,adddumbbells.


    SKINNY JEANSWORKOUT Its the region most of us love to hateourhips, thighs, and backsides. For a lower bodyyoull love, you need to do two things: burnfat, and lift and rm your tush. This routinedoes both. Do these moves one after anotherwith no rest in between. Then repeat thecircuit so you perform it a total of two times.

    1. SQUAT, LUNGE, CURLStand with your arms atyour sides and squat untilyour thighs are parallel tothe ground (a) . Push backup to the starting position.Then take a giant stepforward with your left footand lower your body until

    your left thigh is parallelto the ground (b) . Pushup onto your left leg andimmediately curl your rightheel toward your glutes(c) . Return to start. Thatsone rep. Repeat, steppingforward with your rightfoot. Continue alternatingthe sequence for 20 reps.

    7. CABLE PULL-THROUGH Stand two feet from acable machine on thelowest setting (or securea resistance band to alow sturdy object). Withyour back to the station,straddle the handle withyour feet shoulder-widthapart, then squat until yourthighs are nearly parallelto the oor. Reach backthrough your legs andgrab the handle with bothhands, arms straight (a) .Keeping your head up,drive your heels into theoor and straighten yourlegs to standing, pullingthe handle out in frontof you and keeping yourarms straight (b) . Pause,then lower the weight andrepeat. Do 10 to 12 reps.

    2. DUMBBELL SUMO SQUAT Grab a heavy dumbbell andhold one end in each handat arms length in front ofyour pelvis. Set your feet

    about twice your shoulderwidth apart, toes turnedout slightly (a) . Lower yourbody as far as you can bypushing your hips back andbending your knees (b) .Pause, then push yourselfback to the startingposition. Do 10 to 12 reps.

    3. STABILITY LUNGE Stand with your feetshoulder-width apart andyour arms at your sides.Lift your right knee untilyour thigh is parallel tothe oor as you raise yourarms overhead, palmstouching (a) . Hold for veseconds, then slowly dropyour right foot into afront lunge (b) . Bring yourleft leg forward and returnto standing. Thats one rep.Do 10 to 12 on each leg,alternating sides.

    4. DUMBBELL BENT-KNEE DEADLIFT Line up a pair of 10- to15-pound dumbbellshorizontally on the oorin front of you. Squat,keeping your chest up,and grab the dumbbellswith an overhand grip.Your arms should bestraight and your lowerback slightly arched, notrounded (a) . Contractyour glutes and standup with the dumbbells,straightening your legs,thrusting your hipsforward, and pullingyour torso back and up(b) . Slowly lower the

    dumbbells to the oor.Thats one rep. Do 10 to 12.

    6. ELEVATED REVERSE LUNGE Stand on a six-inch stepor box, hands on yourhips (a) . Squeeze your leftglute, step back with yourleft leg, and lower untilyour right knee is bentat least 90 degrees (b) .Pause, then push throughthe right leg to returnto start. Thats one rep.Do four to six reps, thenrepeat with the other leg.

    5. SINGLE-LEG, SINGLE-ARM REACH Stand and raise your rightarm in front of you (a) .Bend from your hips andlift your right leg behindyou until its parallel to theoor (b) . Contract yourglutes and hamstringsas you return to standing.Thats one rep. Do 10 to12 reps, then switch sidesand repeat.

    15 MINUTE









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