1.4 soil stabilization technique mekanis dan kimiawi

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  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Use of Locally Available Materialsand Stabilisation Technique

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Soil Stabilization

    The soil stabilization means the improvement ofstability or bearing power of the soil by the use of

    controlled compaction, proportioning and/or the

    addition of suitable admixture or stabilizers.

    Basic Principles of Soil Stabilization.

    Evaluating the properties of given soil

    Deciding the lacking property of soil and chooseeffective and economical method of soil stabilization

    Designing the Stabilized soil mix for intended stability

    and durability values

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Need for Soil Stabilization

    Limited Financial Resources to Provide acomplete network Road System to buildin conventional method

    Effective utilization of locally availablesoils and other suitable stabilizing agents.

    Encouraging the use of IndustrialWastages in building low cost constructionof roads.

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Methods of Soil Stabilization

    Mechanical StabilizationSoil Cement Stabilization

    Soil Lime StabilizationSoil Bitumen Stabilization Lime Fly ash Stabilization Lime Fly ash Bound Macadam.

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Mechanical Stabilization

    This method is suitable for low volume roads

    i.e. Village roads in low rainfall areas.

    This method involves the correctlyproportioning of aggregates and soil,

    adequately compacted to get mechanically

    stable layer

    The Basic Principles of Mechanical Stabilization

    are Correct Proportioning and Effective


  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Desirable Properties of Soil-

    Aggregate Mix Adequate Strength


    Less Changes in Volume

    Stability with Variation in water content

    Good drainage, less frost Susceptibility

    Ease of Compaction.

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    Factors Affecting Mechanical


    Mechanical Strength of aggregates

    Gradation Properties of the Soil

    Presence of Salts


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    Mechanical Strength

    When the soil is used in small proportion to fill

    up the voids the crushing strength of aggregatesis important


    A well graded aggregate soil mix results in a mix

    with high dry density and stability values

    Properties of soil

    A mix with Plasticity Index, results poor stability

    under soaking conditions. Hence it is desirable to

    limit the plasticity index of the soil

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    Presence of Chemicals Presence of Salts like Sulphates and mica

    are undesirable

    Presence of Calcium Chloride is Beneficial


    Effective Compaction is desirable to

    produce high density and stability mix

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Soil Cement Stabilization

    Soil Cement is an intimate mix of soil,

    cement and water, compacted to form a

    strong base course

    Cement treated or cement modified soil

    refers to the compacted mix when cement is

    used in small proportions to impart some

    strength Soil Cement can be used as a sub-base or

    base course for all types of Pavements

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    Factors affecting soil cement stabilization



    Pulverisation and Mixing




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    Particle Size Distribution

    Clay content

    Specific Surface

    Liquid limit and Plasticity Index


    A increase in cement content generally

    causes increase in strength anddurability

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    Pulverisation and Mixing Better the Pulverisation and degree of mixing,

    higher is the strength

    Presence of un pulverised dry lumps reducesthe strength


    By increasing the amount of compaction dry

    density of the mix, strength and durability also


  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi



    Adequate Moisture content is to be retained in

    order to accelerate the strength


    There are some additives to improve properties


    Sodium hydroxide Sodium Carbonate

    Calcium Chloride

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Design of SoilCement Mix

    Soil Cement specimens are prepared with

    various cement contents in constant volumes


    The compressive strength of these specimens

    tested after 7 days of curing

    A graph is plotted Cement content Vs

    compressive strength

    The Cement Content Corresponding to a

    strength of 17.5 kg/cm2 is taken as design

    cement content

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Soil Lime Stabilization

    Soil- Lime has been widely used as a

    modifier or a binder

    Soil-Limeis used as modifier in high plasticity


    Soil Lime also imparts some binding action

    even in granular soils

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    Soil-Lime is effectively used in Expansive

    soils with high plasticity index.

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    Factors affecting Properties of Soil-Lime

    Lime Content

    Generally increase in lime content causes

    slight change in liquid limit and considerable

    increase in Plasticity index

    The rate of increase is first rapid and then

    decreases beyond a certain limit

    The point is often termed as lime fixationpoint

    This is considered as design lime content

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Type of Lime

    After long curing periods all types of limesproduce same effects. However quick limehas been found more effective thanhydrated lime

    Calcium Carbonate must be heated at highertemperature to form Quick lime calciumoxide( CaO)

    Calcium oxide must be slaked ( by the

    addition of water) to form Hydrated lime

    Compaction Compaction is done at OMC and maximum

    dry density.

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    The strength of soil-lime increases with curingperiod upto several years. The rate of

    increase is rapid during initial period

    The humidity of the surroundings also affectsthe strength


    Sodium metasilicate, Sodium hydroxide and

    Sodium Sulphate are also found useful


  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Soil- Bituminous Stabilization

    The Basic Principles of this stabilization areWater Proofing and Binding

    By Water Proofing inherent strength and

    other properties could be retained

    Most Commonly used materials are Cutback

    and Emulsion

    Bitumen Stabilized layer may be used as

    Sub-base or base course for all the roads

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Factors affecting properties of soil-bitumen


    The particle size, shape and gradation of the

    soil influence the properties of the soil-bitume


    Types of Bitumen

    Cutbacks of higher grade should be preferred

    Emulsions generally gives slightly inferior

    results than Cutback.

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    Amount of Mixing

    Increasing proportion of bitumen causes adecrease in dry density but increases the

    stability after a certain bitumen content

    The optimum bitumen content for maximumstability generally ranges from 4 to 6%


    Improved type of mixing with low mixing period

    may be preferred

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    Effective Compaction results higher

    stability and resistance to absorb water

    Additives Anti stripping and reactive chemical

    additives have been tried to improve the

    properties of the mixes Portland cement can also be used along with

    the soil bitumen

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Use of Locally Available Materials

    in Road Construction

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi



    Scarcity of good qualityaggregates / soil for roadconstruction

    Production and accumulation ofdifferent waste materials

    Disposal and environmentalproblem

    Economical and gainful


  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Limitations of Using Waste Materials

    Quality of waste is not controlled bytheir manufacturers

    Characteristics of by-products vary in a

    wide range Road construction practice is

    accustomed to traditional materials ofsteady quality

    Specifications of layers compaction oftraditional materials are not suitable forwaste materials

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    General Criteria for Use of WasteMaterials

    Amount of yearly produced wastematerial should reach a certain lowerlimit

    The hauling distance should beacceptable

    The material should not have apoissonous effect

    The material should be insoluble inwater

    The utilisation should not have apollutional effect to the environment

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Special Requirement for Using WasteMaterials

    Free from organic matter

    Should not swell or decay asinfluenced by water

    Should not be soluble in water

    Particles should be moderatelyporous

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Industrial wastes

    Thermal Power Stations

    * Fly ash

    * Bottom ash

    * Pond ash

    Steel Plants

    * Blast furnace slag* Granulated blast furnace slag

    * Steel slag

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Utilisation of fly ash

    Thermal power - Major role in powergeneration

    Indian scenario - Use of coal with highash content

    - Negligible utilisationof ash produced

    Bulk utilisation - Civil engineeringapplications like

    construction of roads &embankments

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Can be used for construction of Embankments and backfillsStabilisation of subgrade and sub-baseRigid and semi-rigid pavements

    Fly ash properties vary widely, to becharacterised before use

    Major constituents - oxides of silica,aluminum, iron, calcium & magnesium

    Environmentally safe material for roadconstruction

    Possesses many favourable properties forembankment & road construction

    Utilisation of fly ash

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Favourable properties of fly ash Light weight, lesser pressure on sub-soil

    High shear strength

    Coarser ashes have high CBR value

    Pozzolanic nature, additional strength due to self-hardening

    Amenable to stabilisation

    Ease of compaction

    High permeability

    Non plastic Faster rate of consolidation and low compressibility

    Can be compacted using vibratory or static roller

    Engineering properties of fly ash

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Engineering properties of fly ashParameter Range

    Specific Gravity 1.90 2.55

    Plasticity Non plasticMaximum dry density (gm/cc) 0.9 1.6

    Optimum moisture content (%) 38.0 18.0

    Cohesion (kN/m2) Negligible

    Angle of internal friction (j) 300 400

    Coefficient of consolidation Cv (cm2/sec) 1.75 x 10

    -52.01 x10-3

    Compression index Cc 0.05 0.4

    Permeability (cm/sec) 8 x 10-67 x 10-4

    Particle size distribution (% of materials)Clay size fraction

    Silt size fraction

    Sand size fraction

    Gravel size fraction

    1 10

    8 85

    7 90

    0 10

    Coefficient of uniformity 3.1 10.7

    Differences between Indian & US fly

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Differences between Indian & US flyashes

    Property compared Indian fly ash US fly ash

    Loss on ignition(Unburnt carbon)

    Less than 2 percent

    5 to 8 per cent

    SO3 content 0.1 to 0.2 percent

    3 to 4 per cent

    CaO content 1 to 3 per cent 5 to 8 per cent

    Increase inconcentration ofheavy metals

    3 to 4 times incomparison tosource coal

    10 times or more incomparison to sourcecoal

    Rate of leaching Lower Higher

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Fly ash for road embankment

    Ideally suited as backfill material for urban/

    industrial areas and areas with weak sub soils Higher shear strength leads to greater


    Design is similar to earth embankments

    Intermediate soil layers for ease ofconstruction and to provide confinement

    Side slope erosion needs to be controlled byproviding soil cover

    Can be compacted under inclement weatherconditions

    15 to 20 per cent savings in construction cost

    depending on lead distance

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    Fly ash for road embankment




    Bottom ash or

    Pond ash

    Typical cross section of fly ash road embankment

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    Approach embankment for secondNizamuddin bridge at Delhi

    Length of embankment - 1.8 km

    Height varies from 6 to 9 m

    Ash utilised - 1,50,000 cubic metre

    Embankment opened to traffic in 1998

    Instrumentation installed in theembankment showed very goodperformance

    Approximate savings due to usage of flyash is about Rs.1.00 Crore

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    Approach embankment for secondNizamuddin bridge at Delhi

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    Spreading of pond ash

    Compaction of pond ash

    Second Nizamuddin bridge approach embankment

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    Stone pitching for slope


    Traffic plying on theembankment

    Second Nizamuddin bridge approach embankment

    Utilisation of fly ash

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Utilisation of fly ashFour laning work on NH-6 (Dankuni to Kolaghat)

    Water logged area

    (soft ground conditions)

    Compaction of fly ash over layer of geotextile

    Length of stretch

    54 kmHeight of embankment 3 to

    4 m

    Fly ash utilisation 2 Million

    cubic metres

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Reinforced fly ash embankment

    Fly ash - better backfill material forreinforced embankments

    Polymeric reinforcing materials

    Geogrids, friction ties, geotextiles

    Construction sequence similar toreinforced earth structures

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Okhla flyover approach embankment

    First geogrid reinforced fly ash approachembankment constructed in the country

    Length of embankment

    59 m Height varied from 5.9 to 7.8 m

    Ash utilised 2,700 cubic metre

    Opened to traffic in 1996 Performance has been very good

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    Pond AshFill

    7.8 to5.9 m


    Filtermedium Geogrids

    Reinforced foundation mattress of bottom ash

    Okhla flyover approach embankment

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    Okhla flyover approach embankment

    Erection of facing panels

    Rolling of pond ash

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    Support provided tofacing panels during


    Laying of geogrids

    Okhla flyover approach embankment

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    Hanuman Setu flyover approach embankment

    Geogrid reinforced fly ash approachembankment

    Length of embankment 138.4 m

    Height varied from 3.42 m to 1.0 m

    Opened to traffic in 1997

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    Sarita Vihar flyover approach embankment

    Length of embankment 90 m

    Maximum height 5.25 m

    Embankment opened to traffic inFeb 2001

    Polymeric friction ties used forreinforcement

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Sarita Vihar flyover reinforced approach embankment

    Arrangement offriction ties before

    laying pond ash

    Laying of friction ties

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    Compaction usingplate vibrator near

    the facing panels

    Compaction of pondash using static andvibratory rollers

    Sarita Vihar flyover reinforced approach embankment

    Fl h f d t ti

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Fly ash for road construction Stabilised soil subgrade & sub-

    base/base courses Mixing with soil reduces plasticitycharacteristics of subgrade

    Addition of small percentage of lime or

    cement greatly improves strength Leaching of lime is inhibited and

    durability improves due to addition of flyash

    Pond ash & bottom ash can also bestabilised

    Lime-fly ash mixture is better alternativeto moorum for construction of WBM /


  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Construction of semi-rigid/ rigidpavements

    Lime-fly ash concrete

    Dry lean cement fly ash concrete

    Roller compacted concrete

    Fly ash admixed concrete pavements

    Lime-fly ash bound macadam

    Precast block paving

    High performance concrete

    Fly ash for road construction

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    WBM Gr II/WMM 150 mm

    WBM Gr III/WMM 75 mm

    GSB 350 mm

    BM 75 mm

    DBM 100 mm

    Bituminous concrete 40 mm

    Typical cross section of flexiblepavementconventional section

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Fly ash + 6% cementstabilised layer 150 mm

    Typical cross section of flexiblepavementusing fly ash

    WBM Gr III/WMM 75 mm

    Pond ash 350 mm

    BM 75 mm

    DBM 100 mm

    Bituminous concrete 40 mm

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Pond ash 300 mm

    DLFC 100 mm

    Fly ash admixed PQC 300 mm

    Typical cross section of rigid pavementusing fly ash

    D t ti d j t

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Demonstration road projectat Raichur

    Total length of the road 1 km

    Five sections of 200 m each with different

    pavement sections

    Pond ash has been used for replacing moorum

    in sub-base course

    Stabilised pond ash used for replacing part of

    WBM layer One rigid pavement section using DLFC and

    RCCP technology was laid

    Performance of all the specifications is good

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    Mixing of lime

    stabilised pond ash

    Compaction ofstabilised pond ashusing road roller

    Demonstration road project using fly ash at Raichur

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    Construction of roller

    compacted concretepavement

    View of thedemonstration roadstretch after three years

    Demonstration road project using fly ash at Raichur


    ation road project using fly ash

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    A rural road near Dadri in District GautamBudh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh was selected

    Total length of road 1.4 km

    Bottom ash used as embankment fill

    Base course constructed using fly ashstabilised with 8% cement

    RCCP Wearing course 10 cm thickness

    RCCP Mix proportion 1:2:4 30 per cent of cement and 20 per cent of

    sand replaced with fly ash in RCCP

    Shoulders 8% cement stabilised fly ash

    Demonstration road project using fly ashnear Dadri (U.P)

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Bottom ash

    RCCP wearing course - 0.1 m

    Stabilised fly ash

    base - 0.1 mStabilised fly ash


    Soil cover

    Demonstration road project using fly ashnear Dadri (U.P) Typical section

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Stabilised base course

    Compaction of RCCPMixing & laying of RCCP


    road project usingfly ash near Dadri


    IRC Guidelines / Specifications

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    IRC Guidelines / Specifications

    Guidelines available on pavement construction

    IRC 60 Tentative guidelines for use of lime flyash concrete as pavement base or sub-base

    IRC 68 Tentative guidelines on cement fly

    ash concrete for rigid pavement construction

    IRC 74 Tentative guidelines for lean cementconcrete and lean cement fly ash concrete asa pavement base or sub-base

    IRC 88 Recommended practice for lime flyash stabilised soil as base or sub-base inpavement construction

    Guidelines for use of fly ash in road

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Guidelines for use of fly ash in roadembankments

    Published recently by Indian Roads Congress(SP- 58:2001)

    Includes design aspects also

    Handling and construction

    Loose layer thickness of 400 mm can beadopted if vibratory rollers are used

    Moisture content - OMC + 2 per cent

    Use of vibratory rollers advocated

    Minimum dry density to be achieved - 95per cent of modified Proctor density

    Ash layer and side soil cover to beconstructed simultaneously

    l f l l

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Utilisation of steel slags

    Total production of slag from steelindustries is about 8.0 million tonnes

    Types of slags

    Blast furnace slag Granulated blast furnace slag


    Air cooled slag Steel slag

    Granulated blast

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Granulated blastfurnace slag

    Contains reactive silicaSuitable for lime / cementstabilisation

    Air cooled blast

    furnace slagNon reactive

    Suitable for use as

    coarse aggregates

    CRRI work on utilisation of

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    CRRI work on utilisation ofsteel slags

    Characterisation of slags produced atdifferent steel plants

    Laboratory studies on Lime-GBFS mixes

    Semi-field studies on Lime-GBFS concrete

    Test track studies on usage of slags inroad works

    Properties of air cooled slag

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    p gProperty Durgapur Bhilai Rourkela Delhi










    2.67 -


    1.53 1.72

    0.58 1.38

    0.74 1.29

    0.48 2% Max


    Angelesabrasionvalue (%)

    18.80 25.00 14.28 34.00 40% Max

    Impactvalue (%)

    15.79 14.80 16.90 24.50 30% Max

    Soundnessvalue (%) 1.66 1.17 0.33 0.17 12% Max


    46.40 43.90 43.10 43.80 -

  • 8/11/2019 1.4 Soil Stabilization Technique Mekanis Dan Kimiawi


    Steel slags

    Obtained as a waste product duringproduction of steel

    Particle size varies from 80 mm to 300microns

    Compared to blast furnace slag, steelslag contains lower amount of silica,higher amounts of iron oxide and

    calcium oxide Due to presence of free lime, steel slag

    should be weathered before using it inconstruction

    Road projects executed under CRRI

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    Road projects executed under CRRIguidance using slags

    Plant roads at Visakhapatnam

    Test tracks in collaboration with APPWD using slags from Visakhapatnam

    Steel Plant

    Test tracks in collaboration with OrissaPWD using slags from Rourkella Plant

    Test tracks at R&D Centre for Iron &Steel, Ranchi using Slags from BokaroPlant

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    Construction oftest track using

    slag at Orissa

    Labour based techniquesfor construction of

    stabilised layer


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    View of finishedsurface of road

    constructedusing slags at


    Limestabilisationof iron slags


    Processed municipal wastes

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    Processed municipal wastesutilised for construction oftest track on village roadnear Delhi

    Stabilised municipal wasteused for construction of sub-base layer

    Performance of stretch isgood

    Kimberlite tailings

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    Kimberlite tailings

    Kimberlite tailings are waste produced from

    diamond mining Can be used in base or sub-base course by

    adopting mechanical or cement stabilisation

    High value of water absorption makes them

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