14 hope street ridgewood, nj 07450 (201) 444 7300...we make the road by walking: a yearlong quest...

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Emmanuel’s Monthly Newsletter


Table of Contents


Pastor’s Message ………….2

Church Ministries........3-9



Calendar …………………....12

Sunday Worship Schedule

10:30 am Worship

All are welcome!

14 Hope Street

Ridgewood, NJ


(201) 444-7300


February Edition



Members of the Congregation

Senior Minister

Pastor Kenneth Gill


“ Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your minds.” Romans 12:2 Spiritual renewal is a continual and even daily process. To live with a “consciousness of God” in our daily lives requires developing daily practices and rituals which nurture and cultivate our spiritual lives. Listed below are some suggestions from the Omega Institute which you may want to consider in keeping your own devotional life alive and well: -Arranging a special place (or altar) in your home that makes you feel good can invite contemplation and support you in staying connected to your highest self. -Being outdoors stimulates the senses and helps you feel part of something larger than yourself. Take some time to enjoy what nature offers. -Living vibrantly starts with eating well, so enjoy a balanced diet and treat your plate like a palette, representing as many colors as your can. -Taking a break from technology can help you create time and space for uninterrupted conversation and connecting in-person with those who matter most. -Serving others in large or small ways can be life-changing. Consider joining an organization, cause, or local project that speaks to your heart.

Thoughts From

Pastor Gill


The total donated for "Hammering for Habitat" was $500 and the number of people signing the boards for Habitat houses in Paterson was quite impressive. Thanks to everyone who participated in this worthwhile project. Many cans of soup have been brought in for "Souper Bowl Sunday" both from our Emmanuel congregation and from the students and teachers of Holmstead School. The collection will end on February 5th. The soup will be delivered to the Center for Food Action. The important Mission project for February will be the "America for Christ" offering. This offering will be used by the American Baptist Home Mission Society to support Missionaries and Mission projects in the United States and Puerto Rico. Brochures and offering envelopes will be included in the worship bulletins on Sundays. We hope for a generous offering. The next Social Justice forum will be after the next pasta dinner on February 21st and will be a discussion on current issues facing our country. More information about this forum is included in another place in this newsletter. The month of March will bring two important projects for Missions. On March 14th, our special Missionary, Lauran Bethell, will visit our church to update us on her work combating human trafficking. We will begin with a potluck supper at 6:00 pm followed by the discussion. The community is being invited to attend. This event will replace our usual Mission Sunday. Please put this event on your calendar. Also in March will be our involvement with Family Promise, the program for homeless families. We believe our dates will be March 31 and April 1. This program is at the United Methodist Church in Ridgewood. We will be responsible for providing meals, entertainment, and overnight hosts. Anita Powell-Byrd is in charge of this project. Please contact her at 201 251-9326 or hokiebyrd@gmail.com if you help with these jobs or a donation.

Our food collection for February will be for the Board of Social Services of Ridgewood and vicinity.

2016 Pledge Income

Current Year Last Year

Anticipated, based on pledges: $ 105,691.00

Received: $ 104, 844.98

Ahead/(shortfall) $ (846.02) ($5,956.27)


Emmanuel Communications Update- 2.1.17

From the Communications Director

There are several different major communication initiatives at Emmanuel. This update report is

divided into Emmanuel in the News, Event Publicity, and Social Media.

Emmanuel in the News:

“Annual luncheon with SHARE community.” The Ridgewood News. 13 January 2017. Page 7A.

“Emmanuel donates church history books to Ridgewood Public Library.” The Ridgewood News.

30 December 2016. Page 8A.

“Emmanuel Baptist Church will hold Peace and Justice Forum.” The Ridgewood News. 6 January

2017. Page 2D.

“Emmanuel Baptist Church Community Pasta Dinner.” The Ridgewood News. 13 January 2017.

Page 6B.

“Emmanuel Baptist Church Soup Donations.” The Ridgewood News. 13 January 2017. Page 6B.

“Emmanuel Baptist Church offers New Parenting Support Group.” The Ridgewood News. 27

January 2017. Page 10A.

Event Publicity:

Press Releases were sent to The Record, The Ridgewood News, Suburban News- Village News,

The Glen Rock Gazette, Pascack Valley Community Life, Pascack Press, Hawthorne Press, the

Ridgewood Chamber of Commerce, and other local newspapers, etc. If you happen to see

Emmanuel featured in the newspaper, please bring the article or newspaper clipping to the

Church office for our media archives.


The following events were publicized and advertised on Emmanuel’s Facebook page, NorthJersey.com, print

newspapers, and/or the Ridgewood Chamber of Commerce:

Monthly Community Pasta Dinner Monthly Peace and Justice Forum “Souper Bowl Drive” New Parenting Support Group- “The Parenting Village” All Seasons Chamber Players Concert on March 12, 2017 Potluck Supper and Special Visit from Rev. Lauran Bethell on March 14th

The Souper Bowl Drive was advertised on the Center for Food Action website at http://cfanj.org/upcoming-events/emanuel-baptist-church-hosting-souper-bowl-drive-january/

Ridgewood Chamber of Commerce website advertised several Emmanuel events at http://www.experienceridgewood.com/chamber/press.php

Emmanuel makes Rewards Card Offer at the Ridgewood Chamber of Commerce

http://www.ridgewoodchamber.com/directory/rewards-card-offers.php Networking connections have been made with the Ridgewood Chamber of Commerce, Ridgewood Village Hall,

and the Ridgewood Public Library.

Please Note: Event submissions have been made to two magazines: Bergen Magazine and Natural

Awakenings. The All Seasons Chamber Players Concert was submitted for event listing in Bergen Magazine and

Natural Awakenings. If anyone subscribes to these magazines, please check the next edition to see if the event was

advertised in it. Thank you.

Social Media Data:

Please browse the new website at www.emmanuelridgewood.org As of this report dated 1/30/17: Facebook:

Emmanuel’s Facebook profile has 171 friends. Prior to my hiring, Emmanuel had only 1 friend on Facebook.

Emmanuel’s Facebook Page has 127 likes. If you or your friends are on Facebook, please follow the church at https://www.facebook.com/

EBCRidgewood/ Twitter:

88 Tweets 11 Followers Following 34 If you are on Twitter, please follow the church at https://twitter.com/EBCRidgewood


Follow Live Stream at http://tinyurl.com/EmmanuelStream 7 Subscribers If you or your friends are on YouTube, please follow the church at https://www.youtube.com/



February, 2017: “How We Read the Bible”

Join us each Sunday at 9:15 as we reflect on how we

view the Bible and discover God’s manifold wisdom

emerging in the multiplicity of biblical voices.

Our resource book is The Great Spiritual Migration by

Brian D. McLaren, Chapter 6.

Wider Circle of Prayer & Prayer Group

***Brian McLaren, The Great Spiritual Migration: How the World’s Largest Religion is Seeking a Better Way to be Christian. Convergent, 6456. New Section:

The Missional Migration: From Organized Religion to Organizing Religion

1/30-2/5 Afterword: We Stepped Forth. The Waters Parted 2/6 PRAYER GROUP 2/6-2/12 Appendix I: Charter for a Just and Generous Christianity SAVE THE DATE: DISCUSSION WITH BRIAN MCLAREN, Sunday, March 19, 2017. Westside Presbyterian Church For a copy of The Great Spiritual Migration, please ask Jo Marie in the Church office, Pastor Judy or Don Wheeler

The Tuesday night Bible study will take place on the first and third Tuesday of the month. The first Tuesday we will be discussing sections of “Reading the Bible through Third World Eyes” BY Robert Macafee Brown. The third Tuesday will feature a forum/presentation on a contemporary social issue in a biblical context, and take place right after the Pasta Dinner.


Women of Emmanuel

Wednesday, February 1st Women of Emmanuel will join the Cultural/Friendship Group for a joint meeting at 10:30 in the Peace Lounge. The subject will be Interfaith Dialogue with a Muslim guest. We will have our executive meeting at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, February 1st in the Library.

Women’s Reflection Group

Join us on Feb. 19th at 7 pm for Biblical reflection as we encourage one another

on our faith journey in challenging times

We will meet again on Friday March 24 at 6:30 pm at the home of Sharon Brockway to discuss, The Light Between Oceans by Melanie Benjamin. Please call Sharon and let her know you are attending and what food item you’ll bring.

The Community Pasta Dinner

THE COMMUNITY PASTA DINNER is scheduled for February 21th at 6 p.m. Please come and bring friends. It is nice to know attendance ahead of time in order to plan accordingly, so please call either the church office, 201-444-7300, or Marilyn, 201-391-4720.

CULTURES and FRIENDSHIP INTERNATIONAL Celebrating 32 years of international friendships!

Join us on Feb. 1st for our joint meeting with Women of Emmanuel with guest Amina Ahmed, of the Muslim

Society and on Feb. 15th for a Music Program

Men’s Fellowship

Our next breakfast February 4---9 am Save the date! April 1---Italian Festival


Do you have an idea, thought or topic that you would like to share in our monthly newsletter? If so

please send your submission for Expectations to the church office at office@ebcridgewood.org.

If you are interested in being a part of the church choir and can

make a commitment to attending practice on Wednesday nights

please contact John Giresi at 201 906-3717

or email: Giresijo@gmail.com

Let’s Recycle….Please consider donating your used eyeglasses.

Box is located in library.

The Brown Bag Discussion Group Monday at 12:00 pm.

Join us for a stimulating discussion on books ranging from

religion & culture, theology, politics and current affairs.

Bring a lunch. All are welcome.

ESL Community Outreach Program

Each Thursday evening at 7:30 English language learners practice

speaking, reading, and writing skills in a small group setting. All are welcome to join our multicultural circle of learning.



Anyone interested in being baptized please

contact Pastor Gill or one of the deacons.


125th Anniversary Reminder: Bring your suggestions and items

to go in the Time Capsule…

Peace and Justice Forum “Where To From Here?” Responding to Political Challenges (and Opportunities) Join in the discussion with Pastor Ken and a panel of

community guests, including Rev. Mack Brandon and Rev. Anthony Johnson on Feb. 21st at 7, following the Pasta Dinner.



Pam Walden Phillips was feted in January upon her retirement from Port Authority of NY and NJ after her 33-year career as an expert in aircraft rescue, fire-fighting, and security. She was the first woman to receive the Elmer A Sperry Award for “A Distinguished Engineering Contribution to the Art of Transportation, ” for developing the “arrestor bed” to improve safety for landing planes.

We are invited to a presentation by Brian McLaren, on Sunday, March 19, 3:00pm, Westside Presbyterian Church. The author of The Great Spiritual Migration: How the World's Largest Religion is Seeking a Better Way to be Christian AND

We Make the Road by Walking: A Yearlong Quest for Spiritual Formation, Reorientation and Activation. You may prepare for his visit by joining Pastor Judy's, Sunday Morning, Adult Bible Class, 9:15 and/or the Prayer Group on February 6 and March 6, 7:30-9, where, The Great Spiritual Migration… is being used now and We Make the Road by Walking was used last year. The books are available from the Church Office or from Pastor Judy. Save the date so you don't miss this unique opportunity to hear Brian McLaren in person!

Emmanuel-An Open & Affirming Congregation

We believe that Jesus lived and died as a sign of God’s relentless and

tender love opening the door into God’s household for all people,

regardless of class, race, gender, theological persuasion or sexual

orientation. We also believe that the Bible bears witness to that radical

inclusiveness and unconditional love. Therefore, as a Christian church,

we at Emmanuel commit to being that open door, embracing all

people in their glorious distinctions, “celebrating our rich diversity and

treasuring our common humanity.”

Adopted by Emmanuel Church Council 1/23/2017


2– Henrietta Larkin

Agnes Hyun

4-Stephen Wheeler

5-Edna Franz

6-Nancy Doyle

21-Sandy Frischknecht

February Anniversary

14– Joan & Martin Massler

23-Fay & Michael Reid

February Birthdays


We are no longer having the all board meetings on the 2nd Monday of each month . Individual ministry

groups and committees can convene at their own discretion.


A growing community, celebrating the rich diversity of God’s people and treas-

uring our common humanity, sharing and learning about Christ’s love in the contem-

porary world through worship, spiritual disciplines, intellectual study, mission work,

social and environmental justice, advocacy and artistic, interfaith and multicultural

experiences. We welcome everyone’s company at our table, as Jesus did.

(Revised December 7, 2014 with input from the Congregation)


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


9:30 am WE

Executive Mtg

10:30 WE/CFI


7:30 pm ESL


6:30 pm & 8:30

pm AA


9:00 am Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

5 America for Christ Offerings Souperbowl ends 9:15 Adult Sunday School 10:30 am Worship


12:00 noon Discussion Group


7:00 pm Bible Study


6 pm Parenting Support Grp

8:30 pm AA


7:30 pm ESL


6:30 pm & 8:30 pm AA


12 America for Christ Offerings 9:15 Adult Sunday School 10:30 am Worship


12:00 noon Discussion Group

7:30 pm Trustees Mtg



10:30 am CFI Mtg 6 pm Parenting Support Grp

8:30 pm AA


7:30 pm ESL


6:30 pm & 8:30 pm AA 9-11 pm PL rented


8-11 pm PL rented

19 America for Christ Offerings 9:15 Adult Sunday School 10:30 am Worship 7 pm Women’s Reflection Grp


Office closed Presidents’ Day


6:00 pm Pasta Dinner 7:00 pm Justice/Peace forum


6 pm Parenting Support Grp

8:30 pm AA


7:30 pm ESL


6:30 pm & 8:30

pm AA


26 America for Christ Offerings

9:15 Adult Sunday School 10:30 am Worship


12:00 noon Discussion Group



6 pm Parenting Support Grp

8:30 pm AA


7:30 pm ESL


6:30 pm & 8:30

pm AA


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