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Tower and Tap Magazine for South Marston





Jean Franklin 1938 – 2013 Jean was such a well-known character in South Marston. Born in Longcot to Ted and Lily

Holcombe, she moved to South Marston at the age of 8 with her parents and brother Ray.

She married Pat Franklin in

1961 at St Mary Magdalene

church in the village and later

moved to what became their

family home in Highworth

Road, where they lived for

many years.

Community was a way of life for

Jean. She enjoyed coffee

mornings, whist drives and keep

fit classes, and was an ac-ve

member of the WI in both

South Marston and Stanton


She took great pleasure in playing ski1les. Later on in life, she s-ll enjoyed flower arranging

and being a member of the Friendly Club.

For many years, Jean was an ac-ve member of South Marston Parish Council and especially of

SMRA (South Marston Recrea-on Associa-on). She could be relied upon to be fully involved

with the Summer Fete, Christmas Bazaar and 100 Club village lo1ery. She was also on the

management commi1ee for the Village Hall and the Playing Field.

Jean gradually withdrew from her community ac-vi-es in her last few years, but could s-ll be

seen in the village, walking her dog.

As her children said, “she was a lady who was never short of an opinion and never shy to give it

but above all, a much-loved Mum and Nanny.”

She will be much missed by all of us who knew her.

Jenny McEwen with Jean Franklin (right)

2 http://southmarston.org.uk

towerandtap@southmarston.org.uk 3

Dear Friends,

I hope you have enjoyed the good summer weather we have had this year! It has

brought a li< to our steps a<er so much rain in the early part of the year. Holidays have

brought rest and relaxa-on so that we can look forward to the Autumn days in good


Over the summer months we have also had opportuni-es to get closer to God and

deepen our faith and understanding. The Amos studies brought much food for thought

as we discovered lessons that history teaches us. When na-ons forget, or people forget

God there are always consequences that are not always immediately apparent. We

need to remember that all that we have comes from God, and that He longs to have a

rela-onship with us.

Our Oasis prayer events have proved to be special opportuni-es to hear and meditate

on God’s word in such a way that transforms our lives. These -mes in close fellowship

with our heavenly Father and each other have been truly amazing. God has certainly

been answering our prayer for the church in 2013 that we might begin to grasp the

dimensions of his love!

Helen, our Curate, has organised another month’s Oasis mee-ngs for September and

we plan to start Confirma-on classes for both adults and young people. I will be running

another ‘Network’ course for those who felt they missed out when it was last held.

Spending -me with God gives us so much. We

find ourselves encouraged, supported, confident

and assured of His love and this in turn is

reflected in the way we live our lives. There is so

much variety on offer, everyone is sure to find

something to suit.

We look forward to welcoming you as you join


With prayers for every blessing,

Vicky Fleming

Priest in Charge

4 http://southmarston.org.uk

Church News

Craft Company Last month we met at the Rectory and had

great fun making corsages from organza using felting

needles. We are meeting again at Mary Cooper’s house

(Dryden House) 2pm Wednesday 11th September.

More details from Mary or Vicky Fleming.

Saturday Scene Saturday Scene Saturday Scene Saturday Scene will meet on 14th September at 4pm will meet on 14th September at 4pm will meet on 14th September at 4pm will meet on 14th September at 4pm ---- we we we we

look forward to seeing you again .look forward to seeing you again .look forward to seeing you again .look forward to seeing you again .

Saturday Scene is an event for young families. For more

information contact Donald Page on 825693

The 7.30 ClubThe 7.30 ClubThe 7.30 ClubThe 7.30 Club

for 10 to 16 year olds from Stratton, Stanton & South Marston

Held on alternate Sunday Evenings

7.30pm to 8.45pm at St Margaret’s Centre

From the Registers:


16th July Malcolm Frank Mapson - Burial of Ashes

31st July: Raymond Frankling Titcombe

Weddings and Baptisms

Please make contact with Rev. Vicky Fleming to book these - in Stratton Team Ministry’s

three churches we will have had 49 Weddings and Blessings this year, and have 36

weddings booked for next year so please book as soon as possible as we don’t want to

disappoint you! Telephone 827021 any evening between 6 and 7pm except Fridays and


Bishop Mike, Bishop of Bristol is coming to our September Family

service - Sunday 1st September at 11am. Our theme is the Shepherd

and you are invited to bring your toy sheep with you! We start as usual

with drinks and cake!

towerandtap@southmarston.org.uk 5

The Meeting Point

Coffee morning with table top sales

(Please book a table early: £2.50 for people who live in the village,

£5 for those outside and free to village organisations )

14th September from 10.00 - 12.30

In the Village Hall

Come and meet your friends, chat and enjoy catching up

on the latest news.

South Marston Church serving the Community

We look forward to seeing you

South Marston Enterprise (SME) Group

The SME group is for people in the village who own or run businesses or have a general

interest in business. We have a topic for each meeting followed by a social chat over

wine and nibbles.

The next meeting is on the 5th Sept

If you would like to join the SME Group please contact

Hazel Andrews on 01793 827507 or by e-mail at


6 http://southmarston.org.uk

1st September 11.00am South Marston Family Service

8th September 9.30am South Marston Holy Communion

15th September 10.00am St Margaret’s Team Service

22nd September 8.00am South Marston Holy Communion

29th September 9.30am South Marston Morning Worship

6th October 11.00am South Marston Family Service Harvest

13th October 9.30am South Marston Holy Communion

20th October 11.00am Coleview Team Service

27th October 8.00am South Marston Holy Communion

Church Services for South Marston

South Marston Church is part of the

Stra1on Team Ministry.

The office is located at St. Margaret’s Centre,

Kenwin Close, Stra1on St. Margaret.

It is open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

mornings from 8.30am to 12 noon.

Email: stmargaretsoffice@-scali.co.uk

or Tel: 826505

If you would like to talk to a priest or book a

Christening or Wedding please contact

Rev Vicky Fleming on 827021 between 6 and 7pm

any evening except Fridays or Sundays

Members of the team:

Priest in Charge Rev. Vicky Fleming 827021

Asst. Priest Rev. George Fleming 827021

Lay Minister Mr Dan Read 763016

towerandtap@southmarston.org.uk 7

Autumn Study Course ‘Network’

Do you want to make a difference? Do you want to know what God had called you to do?

You could use this prayer…


I really want to make a difference,

but I’m not sure how to do it.

Please give me the wisdom to know

who you want me to be and

where I can best make a contribu-on.

Reveal to me my spiritual gi<s,

my personal style, and my passion.

Most of all, give me a servant’s heart.

Help me to seek your will and authority,

To have peace with my past, and

to have confidence about my future.

I want to follow the example you’ve set for me.

Help me fulfil the special purpose

you’ve designed me for.

In Jesus’ name,


And you could come to our Network Course at the Rectory 8-9pm on Monday’s star-ng on 30th

September - please book with Vicky as there is limited space and we need to order the study


Quotes from people who have done the course:

‘One of the best courses I have done – it helps you to see what kind of person you are and what

spiritual gi<s you have in an interes-ng and fun way. This is in turn will help each one on the

course to know the best way to serve God in the body of Christ in the Stra1on Team

ministry. Well worth doing and I would recommend it to everyone.’

“The Network course is challenging me to think again about my priori-es but also to celebrate

who God has made me and my place in His Church. I feel I have come a long way in a few short

weeks and got to know some of our Church family so much be1er. I’m excited about what this

means for us going forward together.”

8 http://southmarston.org.uk


South Marston Assisting Wildlife

Many thanks to all of our volunteers for their continued contributions


SMAWL is a group of South Marston volunteers who care about wildlife.

If you’d like to know more please call Chris on 829868 or Susan on 824957, or email Chris at

W1mh@-scali.co.uk. You can also read more about the group on the village website,


Next -me you’re on South Marston recrea-on ground, try this “treasure hunt”.

All answers are things that you can see when you’re on the rec’, between the football

changing rooms and the toddlers play area. There are no trick ques-ons, and the ques-ons

are in no par-cular order. 1. Where can you see “PLAYCARE”? 2. How many trees are in a line in front of the football changing rooms? 3. Where is there a weather vane? 4. What type of tree is in the middle of the rec’? 5. Where is the only clock that can be seen from the rec’? 6. Where can you see this: “Fruits et Légumes”? 7. According to one wooden sign post, how far is Oxleaze Wood? 8. Where can you see the number: 413088? 9. How many tractor tyres laid on the ground can you see from the rec’? 10. Where can you see “Color’ado” on the rec’?

(If you want to check your answers or simply cheat, the answers are later on in this edi-on.)

towerandtap@southmarston.org.uk 9

The F & E Harris Memorial Trust

Christmas Hampers - new qualification criteria

The government has increased the State Pension age for women to 65

phased from April 2016 to December 2018. A further increase will be phased

in to raise the State Pension age for all to 66 from December 2018.

In consideration of these changes, and the proposed expansion of the village

community, the Trust will be making the following changes to the criteria for

allocation of Christmas Hampers to senior citizens of South Marston. These

changes will be implemented on 1st April 2016.

The changes are not subject to the exact scheduling of government criteria.

� To qualify for a Christmas Hamper the recipient is required to have

been in permanent residency in South Marston for a period of 3 years

prior to submission of registration.

� All new applicants must be 65 years of age on 24th December 2016 to

be eligible to register.

Bag It & Bin It!

There is a growing problem in the village with dog mess that is not being cleared up by some

dog owners. Clearly, this is being caused by an irresponsible few as the majority of dog

owners are very conscien-ous when it comes to bagging and binning!

It goes without saying that dog mess is not only offensive, but it can lead to an infec-on -

toxocariasis - if it enters the human system.

It seems that this problem is not limited to South Marston - an Essex Council has resorted to

spraying the dog mess bright orange to shock owners into cleaning up a<er their pets!

If you have any ideas as to how we can improve the

situa-on, please contact Amanda at the Tower and

Tap - we will share the pick of the sugges-ons over the

coming months!

Telephone:07804 885571 or email


10 http://southmarston.org.uk

South Marston Allotments

Together with Stratton St Margaret Parish Council, we have created 25 new allotment

plots alongside the original allotments.

Volunteers are in the process of enlarging the car-parking area for the additional tenants

and making space available for bulk manure and wood chippings storage sites (all

kindly donated by local businesses).

As at the 21st August, we have let 20 of the new plots and several

of these have already been put into cultivation in the few weeks

since they were taken over.

All of the new Allotmenteers are from surrounding Parishes and

have bought with them a love of the outdoors and an appreciation

of the quiet space found on the allotment site.

The Parish Council welcomes them all and wishes them every

success in their growing endeavours.

If you would like to become an allotment tenant, please contact the

Parish Clerk, Amanda Burchell on 07804 225571, or by email at


Barry Thunder, South Marston Parish Council - Allotment Liaison Contact

Send your contribu-ons for our next issue to

towerandtap@southmarston.org.uk by the 13th September 2013

towerandtap@southmarston.org.uk 11

South Marston Parish Council

Parish Council Meetings Members of the public are welcome to a1end Parish Council mee-ngs which

are held on the third Tuesday of the month, at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. There

is an “Open 10 Minutes” sec-on at the start of the mee-ng where you are

invited to ask ques-ons or discuss an agenda item. It would be helpful if you

could inform the Chairman at the start of the mee-ng of any items that you

wish to raise or discuss. All agendas are published on the village website and on

the village no-ce boards, prior to the mee-ngs.

To keep informed of all the latest Parish Council news, including minutes of Parish Council meetings, please visit

www.southmarston.org.uk and click on the ‘Parish Council’ section

Parish Councillor Vacancies

South Marston Parish Council currently has two vacancies

on the Parish Council.

If you would like to know more about becoming a Parish Councillor and would be interested in joining the team, please contact the

Parish Clerk via email: clerksmpc@southmarston.org.uk

12 http://southmarston.org.uk

Gardening Club

R_]_nt Ev_ntsR_]_nt Ev_ntsR_]_nt Ev_ntsR_]_nt Ev_nts

On Monday 1st July the sun shone beau-fully allowing everyone to enjoy our BBQ

without the need for coats and hats. This year we were entertained by OK Reunited

which, along with the food and wine, made the evening go with a swing!

Special thanks to Eric Barnes for the use of his farm and facili-es.

On Saturday 17th August we held the Annual Flower and Produce Show. All the

exhibitors came together to show their produce which in some categories proved to be

very compe--ve. There were a few more exhibits this year than last year, thanks to

some new exhibitors. The children's sec-on gave the judges a lot to think about as they

were all brilliant.

The results of the show are as follows:-

Bill Smith Trophy: Best Dahlia - Angela Newton

Challenge Cup: Vegetables - Michael New

Children's Cup: Hollie Case

Cookery Cup: Josie Manners

Flower Arrangers Cup: Rita Smith and Rosemary New

Photography Cup: Gavin Naisby

Rose Bowl: Flowers - Patricia Sansum

Geoff Sansum Trophy: Best Standard Fuschia -

Richard Sansum

Futur_ Ev_ntsFutur_ Ev_ntsFutur_ Ev_ntsFutur_ Ev_nts

Our next mee-ng will be on Monday 2nd September at 7:30pm with a talk en-tled

"Field and Hedgerow Flowers, Wildlife and Plants."

For further informa9on about the Gardening Club, please

contact Mike on 827807 or Arthur on 832663


towerandtap@southmarston.org.uk 13

Wiltshire Police

In response to a rise in cycle the< in the East of Swindon the Police, Swindon

Community Safety Partnership and other agencies are having a Day of Ac-on on

Wednesday 21st August 2013. We will be offering free cycle marking and registering

along with cycle security and general crime reduc-on advice and informa-on.

For further informa-on, please contact Jane Dudley, Swindon Community Safety

Partnership Team on 01793 466473 or by email www.swindon-csp.org.uk

14 http://southmarston.org.uk

September 2013

Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun

26 27 28 29 30 31 1

Quiz Night at Carriers Arms

Wheelie Bins Mixed Plastics Green Waste

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Gardening Club 19:30

Tots ‘n’ Toddlers 9:00-11:00 Village Hall

Quiz Night at Carriers Arms

Youth Club (8-11) 18:30-20:00 Village Hall

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Youth Club (12-18) 18:30-20:30 Village Hall

Friendly Club 14:00-16:00 Village Hall

Tots ‘n’ Toddlers 9:00-11:00 Village Hall Craft Company 14:00 Dryden House SMRA Meeting 19:30 -21:30

Quiz Night at Carriers Arms

Wheelie Bins Mixed Plastics Green Waste Tower & Tap Contributions Cut Off Date

Meeting Point 10:00-12:30 Village Hall Saturday Scene 4.00pm

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Tower & Tap Advertising Cut Off Date

Parish Council Meeting 19:30 Village Hall

Tots ‘n’ Toddlers 9:00-11:00 Village Hall

Quiz Night at Carriers Arms

Youth Club (8-11) 18:30-20:00 Village Hall

23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Youth Club (12-18) 18:30-20:30 Village Hall

Tots ‘n’ Toddlers 9:00-11:00 Village Hall

Quiz Night at Carriers Arms

Wheelie Bins Mixed Plastics Green Waste

towerandtap@southmarston.org.uk 15

October 2013

Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun

30 1 2 3 4 5 6

Quiz Night at Carriers Arms

Youth Club (8-11) 18:30-20:00 Village Hall

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Friendly Club 14:00-16:00 Village Hall

SMRA Meeting 19:30 -21:30

Quiz Night at Carriers Arms

Wheelie Bins Mixed Plastics Green Waste

Meeting Point 10:00-12:30 Village Hall

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Parish Council Meeting 19:30 Village Hall

Tower & Tap Advertising Cut Off Date

Quiz Night at Carriers Arms

Youth Club (8-11) 18:30-20:00 Village Hall

Tower & Tap Contributions Cut Off Date

21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Youth Club (12-18) 18:30-20:30 Village Hall

Quiz Night at Carriers Arms

Wheelie Bins Mixed Plastics Green Waste

28 29 30 31

Quiz Night at Carriers Arms

16 http://southmarston.org.uk

The Friendly Club

R_]_nt Ev_ntsR_]_nt Ev_ntsR_]_nt Ev_ntsR_]_nt Ev_nts

Tuesday 9th July – In the Village Hall: A talk was given by Lynda Thompson on a wagon train

trip across Wyoming en-tled “Beans and Dust”. It was an interes-ng discussion and slide show.

South Marston Fete: The results of Friendly Club raffle, drawn at the Fete, are as follows:

Shay Carrigan Fluffy Dog

Colin McEwen Meal Voucher at The Carpenters

Diane Sunday Carvery at Mercure Hotel

Jean Smith Sunday Carvery at Carriers Inn

Lindsey Kiran Basket of Wine

Sue Pleasence Ladies Basket of Goodies

Mrs Twine Lunch at Swindon College

Ben Lovelock Football

Ellio1 Eckert Voucher for Pets at Home

Marion McGlone Coach Trip with Barnes

Megan Benne1 Mens Basket of Goodies

Val Churns Golf & Swim at Blunsdon House

Many thanks to all our Local Businesses for prizes they donated.

Tuesday 13th August – Social Event: The a<ernoon tea, free to members, was held at the

South Marston Mercure Hotel. The food, presenta-on, and service were good and the feedback

from members was posi-ve.

Futur_ Ev_ntsFutur_ Ev_ntsFutur_ Ev_ntsFutur_ Ev_nts Tuesday 10th September - In the Village Hall at 2.00pm: A talk will be given by Lewis

Lawton on The Inca Trail to Machu Picchu.

Tuesday 17th September – Trip: We will visit to the Jane Austen Museum and the Army Flying

Museum. Departure from South Marston, by the school, will be at 9.15am and arrival back at

South Marston will be at 6.30pm.

Friendly Club Annual Holiday - September 2013: Our 5 day holiday is to NoWnghamshire.

We will be staying at Thoresby Hall, a Warners Hotel. The holiday is from 30th September to 4th

October. For further details contact Sheila on 828545.

Tuesday 8th October- In the Village Hall at 2.00pm: A talk will be given by Val Threlfall on

The Secrets of the Honeymoon Suitcase.

towerandtap@southmarston.org.uk 17

RELIEF OF NEED FUND Supporting South Marston residents

The Relief of Need Fund currently has a limited amount of money available to assist residents who are in genuine need. Application forms are available from Highworth Council Offices or the Lions’ Shop in Newburgh Place. Please note that documentary proof of need will be required before applications can be considered.

EDUCATIONAL FUND Supporting Young People living in South Marston The Educational Fund currently has a limited amount of money available to assist with the education or training of young people. Application forms are available from Highworth Council Offices or the Lions’ Charity Shop in Newburgh Place, Highworth.

The Highworth United Charities

Do you want to

learn but can’t

afford the fees?

Do you



Contact Ryan Turner

07568 065924

18 http://southmarston.org.uk

What’s happening at South Marston Hotel & Spa….

I hope all of you have enjoyed our wonderful British weather we were fortunate to have this summer. We are now turning our

attention to the then next few months in the hotel and wishing to share with you all what we are doing - hopefully there will be

something on offer that will take your fancy so we can welcome you back to the hotel.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Throughout the month of September we will be focusing on the Sunday Carvery and have been running a promotion in the local

Swindon Advertiser offering a 2-4-1 for our Sunday Carvery Lunch. I hope you had a chance to come along and try our

wonderful selection on the carvery which is proving to be a success and is fast becoming a destination of choice for Sunday

Lunch for all the family. Remember we open from 12.30pm-4.00pm every Sunday and booking is advisable, prices start from

£7.95 per person which is great value for you and the family purse. Call 01793. 833700 and press option 4 to reserve your table. We

will be doing the 2-4-1 offers in the very near future so look out for the special dates

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Thank you to all the Mature Citizens who have come in to dine over the past few months. I hope you can come see what we are now offering which is great food freshly cooked and two courses for only £4.95 per person. Table reservations are now required by

calling 01793 833700 pressing option 4. I promised you I would listen to your suggestions so I am hoping you will give us the

opportunity to show you we can get it to your liking and you go away and tell your friends all about us.

towerandtap@southmarston.org.uk 19

Live Music making a return to the Hotel

I am pleased to announce that we are hos9ng Live Music in the Hotel Bar &

Lounge on Thursday 26th

September from 8.30pm and we are pleased to kick

start our first night by introducing the very popular band ‘Sister Sister’

Admission is free

Basket Meals will be served for only £4.95 and will be available from 7.00pm-


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Halloween is fast approaching and we are hosting a Fancy Dress Family Halloween Disco with a Hog Roast here at the hotel on Thursday 31st

October 2013 from 6.30pm-11pm which will be charged at £5.00 per adult and £3.00 per child. Tickets will be on sale from the main reception and need to be bought in advance we will be awarding prizes for the best children’s fancy dress costume. Sweetie Cart, Candy Floss and Toffee

Apples will be available to buy and there will also be some party games for the children. So after you have done your trick or treating in the

village why not come and join in the party here at the hotel? Bar Meals will be available to order on the night and a special Halloween cocktail

will be on sale for the adults to enjoy whilst the children enjoy the disco.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Finally I am looking for someone to join the team and do some painting and decorating projects around the hotel over the next few

months on a casual/temporary basis. Ideally you will have experience. This may suite a semi retired or retired person who is looking for a few hours of work per week. If interested contact Steve Goulding on 01793

833700 for an application form.

The Mercure South Marston Hotel and Spa, Old Vicarage Lane, South Marston, SN3

4SH www.southmarstonhotel.com

20 http://southmarston.org.uk

Community Speedwatch

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS The Community Speedwatch scheme, run by Swindon Borough Council

in conjunc-on with the Police, gives local people the chance to be

ac-vely involved in making South Marston’s roads safer for everyone

in the village.

We have been opera-ng for four months now and have monitored the

speed of over 2000 vehicles on the three main roads in the village

30mph zone. Overall only 3% of the cars were exceeding 36mph and

of these, none were on Highworth Road, a few on Thornhill Road and

the majority (over three quarters) on Old Vicarage Lane past Manor


If you want to join the team, please contact the village co-ordinator

Tony Leathart on 827744 or tony.leathart@b-nternet.com

towerandtap@southmarston.org.uk 21

South Marston CofE Primary School

South Marston CofE Primary school has been judged as OUTSTANDING overall, during their

church school inspec-on. The school is absolutely delighted with the outcome and gave thanks

to the children, staff, governors and parents who were interviewed on the day.

‘The dis!nc!veness and effec!veness of South Marston as a Church of England school are

outstanding. A strong emphasis on Chris!an values has created a very warm and welcoming

environment. These values make an impact on how all members of the school community care

for each other. The headteacher, governors and staff form a highly effec!ve team and ensure

that the Chris!an ethos con!nues to develop. There are well-developed links with the church and

local community.’ SIAMS June 2013

In addi-on, South Marston Primary School celebrated a remarkable landmark on 25th June

2013, reaching its 140th birthday.

Celebra-ons went on all week to mark the occasion, including visits from ex-pupils who

described what life was like as a schoolchild there in the past.

“The school has been serving the local community now for many genera-ons,” said Luke

Maddison, who has been headmaster since January.

“It is important we recognise that fact and celebrate it.”

Pupils and staff went to a special service at South Marston church before enjoying tea and cakes

in the playground. The occasion was reminiscent of the celebra-ons held when the school first

opened its doors on June 25, 1873.

SMRA South Marston Recreation Association


£10 Kevin & Sue Kerridge (no 79) £10 Josie Lewis (no 10) £10 Sheila Lavender (no 47) £10 Mandy Law (no 45)


£10 John Cumming (no 25) £10 Richard Haine (no 100) £10 Alan Phillips (no 27) £10 Ray Halcombe (no 42)

22 http://southmarston.org.uk

Swindon North


Policing Team

Community Beat


PC Marc Jackson

Police Community

Support Officer

Juliet Evans

Call: 101 Email: swindonnorthnpt@wiltshire.pnn.police.uk Visit: www.wiltshire.police.uk - click on ‘policing in your area’

Meetings Every three months priori-es are set based on what the local community tell us are their

concerns. You can raise your concerns by a1ending one of the mee-ngs listed below or by

contac-ng us at any-me using the contact details provided.

Venue Date Time

Castle Eaton Village Hall 05/09/2013 10.00-11.00 am

Castle Eaton Village Hall 19/09/2013 10.00-11.00 am

Blunsdon Village shop 21/09/2013 09.00-10.00 am

South Marston Village Hall 10/08/2013 10.30-11.30 am

Stanton Fitzwarren Village Hall 25/10/2013 03.00-04.00 pm

Hannington Jolly Tar Pub 10/09/2013 07.00-08.00 pm

towerandtap@southmarston.org.uk 23




All enquiries and to make a booking please contact Julie Hatherall


or email: j_hatherall@yahoo.co.uk tel: 07857 310 624

Refundable deposit also applies for all one off bookings,

Please see website for further details. Terms and Conditions apply.

Local Village Organisation £5.00 per hour

Non-Local Organisation £8.00 per hour

Parish Council £8.50 per hour


ONE-OFF BOOKINGS e.g. Childrens

Party, Family Party, Christenings etc


Village Resident Non-Resident

Morning Session 08:30 – 13:30 £20.00 £25.00

Afternoon Session 13:30 – 18:30 £25.00 £30.00

Evening Session 18:30 – 23:30 £30.00 £35.00

SMAWL “treasure hunt” answers 1. On the slide 2. Five 3. On the school tower 4. Oak 5. On the church tower 6. On a pre-school poster 7. 2.2 miles 8. On some swing seats (it’s a phone number) 9. Three in the school grounds 10. On the Basketball back board

24 http://southmarston.org.uk


Fully qualified primary teacher

offering home tutoring at competitive prices

Maths from KS1 to GCSE

(£25 - £30 / hour)

Literacy KS1 and KS2

(£25 / hour)

Full CRB certificate

Kirsty Feline BSc (Mathematics) PGCE

Tel: 07855 099086


towerandtap@southmarston.org.uk 25

All prices exclude VAT (where applicable)

and are valid for 30 days from issue of this schedule

Invoices will be issued electronically and are payable prior to publication

The South Marston Tower & Tap is a popular publica-on, published monthly with a

double issue in Dec/Jan and Jul/Aug. It is distributed by hand to 375 homes in South

Marston with a poten-al readership in excess of 700. It is also published on our website

increasing its reach beyond householders.

Note: the dimensions above are based on B5 size pages. (164mmx 235mm) Your advertisement should be sent to


in an electronic format ie .jpeg or .png or .pdf

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Parish Council Chair Stuart Young T 828775

Parish Council Vice Chair Sylvia Brown T 823535

Clerk to the Parish Council Amanda Burchell T 07804 225571

SMRA Chair Angie Newton T 832034

SMRA Secretary Julie Hatherall T 07857 310624

Village Hall Bookings Julie Hatherall T 07857 310624

Football Field Bookings Chris Maull T 824505

Tots & Toddlers Ryan Turner T 07568 065924

Youth Club Julie & Steve T 07923 441296

Gardening Club Mike New T 827807

Friendly Club Brian McGlone T 826243

Spitfires Football Club Bev Maull T 824505

South Marston School Luke Madison T 823379

Pre–School Pre-School Staff T 07847 590601

Saplings Children’s Centre (All Sorts) T 829996

Ward Councillors Russell Holland T 07999 566623

John Haines T 07901 534640

Colin Lovell T 321634

Member of Parliament Justin Tomlinson T 522123

Priest in Charge Vicky Fleming T 827021

Church Wardens Richard Sansum T 831473

Tina Hiscocks T 832884

Website Donald Jones T 823035

Tower and Tap Amanda Burchell T 07804 225571

Useful Contacts

towerandtap@southmarston.org.uk 27

28 http://southmarston.org.uk

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