13 how important is henry to you?

Post on 16-Oct-2015






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Swan Queen Nation Survey, question no. 13.


  • 5/26/2018 13 How important is Henry to you?


    yes henry is definitely a great part of it. he is the reason for their encounter and much more. he is the glue.

    I think that Henry is an important aspect in their relationship. He was a TINY bit of the reason why my love for SQ grew when he told Greg and Tamara that both of his moms will come for


    I like Henry when he's not being a nasty little shit. Supportive and kind Henry in the fics is wonderful. I have noticed that younger Henry is generally pretty adorable in fics.

    I love that Swan Queen would mean Henry having an amazing life.

    He's not a part of the reason mainly because I'm not a big fan of children in general. However, I think Henry adds a nice dynamic, and is vital to their relationship.

    He is not the reason I ship Swan Queen, but because he is such and important part of their lives in canon it would be devestating to their characters if he were not there. One of the

    coolest things about Regina season 1 was that she was a single mom, as a a viewer it was an interesting angle because you didn't know her motivation for having a child in the first ep.

    It's one of the reason I ship SQ AND SMF. They are the perfect picture of family, full of love, but also with up and down moments... I can't believe they are not canon yet and it breaks my

    heart to see the writers tear them apart when they obliviously belong together as a one big family... I DON'T F*CKING UNDERSTAND :'(

    Henry is definitely a factor in why I ship SwanQueen. He is their son, he brought them together and all he wants is for them both to be happy

    Henry is the third vertex of the family triangle, the concern in common of the two mommies so they can make a team co-parenting him. I think he's very important in the show and in fan

    fics as well because Emma and Regina show a tender and special facet only to Henry, so it's something very important that they share and I think Henry would be more than pleased to be

    the connection between his mothers because they are the most important thing for him.

    Henry's always been a huge factor in the SQ relationship. He's what drove a wedge between them initially, but he's also what ultimately brought them together. And now that they're

    accepting each other in Henry's life, just as Henry accepts both his mothers, I'm cheering for the Swan-Mills Family all the more. Also in terms of simple living arrangements, I'd like to see

    Henry's mom's come together. I grew up with divorced parents, and although they got along ok and I saw them equally, it was still tough going back and forth, splitting my life in two. To see

    Henry's moms work things out and eventually live and raise him together, would be absolutely ideal.

    he's not the part but i do care about him.

    I care a lot about Henry in Swan Queen. He's a reason why I ship Swan Queen. He sees them both as his mothers, and he is the most important person in both Emma and Regina's lives.

    You can't have Swan Queen without Henry.

    I do love that swen could be a sane sex family, Henry with two mums. I love that Henry brings Emma and Regina together.

    He's their son. He's a part of both their lives. I'm not a big fan of him, but he's there and he helps them be family

    Absolutely, its the combined care and love for Henry that brings out the unity between Emma and Regina which ultimately leads to their progressive bonding

    Emma and Regina both love Henry deeply and that is a crucial part of their relationship. On the show he is sometimes petty, stubborn and too immature for his age, in my opinion, He is

    sometimes treated badly in fanfiction but more often than not, fanfic authors manage to write a "better" Henry. And he is a part of why I ship Swan Queen, yes.

    I wouldn't go as far as to say Swan Queen wouldn't work without him, but I think he adds an authenticity to the established canon of their relationship that would make canonical SQ less

    believable in his absence. That being said, I have read and enjoyed Henry-less fanfics, and SQ was still just as functional and organic.

    He is part of the Swan-Mills-Family, not a part of SQ

    Henry is obviously the most important thing in Emma's and Regina's life, and their shared love for him just makes their relationship stringer. he is part of the reason I ship Swan Queen, not

    only because it would be great for him to have his two moms come together as a couple, but they would all officially become one big family.

    Henry is definitely a part of the reason I ship Swan Queen. He brought them together and the three of them are what make a beautiful family. As long as they continued to show that

    Regina is just as much Henry's mother as Emma is. Regina raised him and is his mother and I don't like it when they imply she isn't as important because she is only the adoptive mother.

    So I think it is vital that Henry show how important she is to him, as well as Emma.

    YES! They are both his mother. I want them both to be his mother.

    Yes. He was raised well. He is loved and was taught to be loving by the 'evil' Queen. He believes Emma and she despite some proof believes he needs Regina. EVERY CHARACTER


    I care a whole lot. To me, Regina is Henry's primary parent and I hate that the show is glossing over the fact that she was his ONLY parent for the first 11 years of his life. Emma may be

    the birth mom who felt she had no choice but to give him up for adoption but lately it feels like Regina is like an aunt at best. Sure, she shares a true love's kiss with Henry but we don't see

    anything beyond that. Emma is still discussing his future with everyone BUT Regina. I want to see them co-parenting equally and Henry wanting them both EQUALLY.

    I care about it quite a bit, especially now that Henry is given more to do/has seen more of both his moms throughout the story. I think that the whole Henry-Emma-Regina family unit is one

    of the strong points of Swan Queen too, because they're a freakin' family.

    I really don't like Henry because to me, he is poorly written and the actor is not that good (ok, almost bad). He is always acting as if everyone has to do everything he wants, as if they are

    at his service, as if he has the key and is always right. I'm also bothered by his relationships with his moms, because he loves Emma just because she gave birth to him while being unfair

    to Regina who raised him. And when he changes his mind, everybody accepts it and Regina is shown subjected to his whim and it bothers me a lot. The fact that they have a son together

    is important in their relationship, because that's what moulded it from the begining; but I really don't care for him - Henry is actually one of the reasons why I stopped watching the show. In

    fanfictions, it depends of how he is depicted; people generally tend to write him OOC, probably beause he is too insufferable in the show, so I tolerate him.

    Henry is the most important person in both their lives. They will always be connected because of him. Granted, I don't always think that just because you share a son, you should end up

    together, it's easy to overlook all those many things that connect these two that has nothing to do with Henry and say that's we want them to be together because of him. but that's only a

    part of it. Yes, Emma gave Henry his best chance and that chance just happened to be with Regina.

    I think he's an important part of both women's lives; that's what brought them together in the first place. He's extremely important and he might be the reason why I started shippping SQ so

    much. And now he still plays a big role in a Swan-Mills family.

    How much do you care about Henry's existence/relationship with Regina and Emma, both on the show itself

    and in fanfics? Is he a part of the reason why you ship Swan Queen?

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    1 of 29 5/10/2

  • 5/26/2018 13 How important is Henry to you?


    I think you can't have Regina and Emma as a couple or separate without Henry, that's a pretty irrefutable fact but he's not the reason why I ship them.

    he is a reason but not the biggest one.

    YES! He is super important and the number one reason I ship them two.

    YES #teammoms

    He is part of why I ship SQ, mainly as they are his two moms and it ties the two leads together. However in fanfics, I could care less about him being there.

    I care very much, and in part.

    I think he is important because he brought them together. Their shared love of him is important in what seems to be their developing love for each other.

    100% care & 100% relevant but he is absolutely not the reason they work so well together, nor the reason I think they should and do belong together. He's an essential component of the

    show (if you strip it down to bare bones it is Regina, Henry, Emma, Snow)but as far as Swan Queen goes (with all of the insane higher level archetypal/symbolic & magical contexts)

    Henry's relevance to their potential romantic relationship is exactly as important as any child would be in a functional atmosphere between two single adults. Its family, its the most

    imperative kind, and it IS imperative: but it doesn't define who they are or the emotional/intuitive choices they make. the practical ones possibly but not the internal ones.

    Henry is a huge part of the Swan Queen fandom in my head because if it weren't for him, Emma and Regina may not have met. The love of Henry is one thing they always both agree on.

    Yes. Henry is the glue that brings them together.

    I like Henry. I haven't always liked way he says or does, but he is a small part of why I ship them.

    I think Henry only makes them stronger, I love it in fanfic and no he isn't part of the reason I ship them... but he does make that bond stronger.

    Yeah he's pretty much essential and a beautiful (and canon) part of their relationship.

    I think it could exist wo Henry but the both love him so much it is sorta the original common bond between them. He's important to their story. He's their son.

    I need him to be taken care of by both of them in the show, but some fanfics are okay without him.. Ya know, the smutty ones...

    I think that he is a fairly important part of why I ship Swan Queen as much as I do. I would ship it even if he didn't exist but his relationship with both of them is part of what draws them

    together, in my opinion.

    Henry is VITAL. He's this indestructible link between them that will always be there, and despite whatever may happen to Regina and Emma individually, they're always going to have a

    bond with each other that nobody can understand. Because they love this not so little boy that's linked their worlds together and made them see so wide and so far. He's not the entire

    reason I ship Swan Queen. They share a son, yes, and he's their common ground but since then Emma and Regina have established a relationship of their own that isn't about Henry.

    Extremely important. Maybe without him, Emma and Regina could still become a thing, but it would still be a different type of relationship when there's no children involved. Both Emma

    and Regina value Henry the most, and they're aware of that to be true with one another (at this point I think so at least), so they would have an understanding in their relationship as

    parents as well as their relationship as two people in a (romantic) relationship. Even in fics, Henry still has an impact. For how Regina and Emma are acting, how are they taking care of

    him, how he's growing and how that affects them. The only times Henry would have no importance are AU's where he's not written into the story. Essentially, yes, he's not the only reason I

    ship Swan Queen, but he's an important one.

    No he's not why I ship them, but he's helping us to have some moments between our girls.

    I don't read fanfics. So, I'll just say that, on the show, I find Henry to be the glue that holds these two together. He is integral to their relationship, and I adore the scenes with the three of

    them together.

    A big reason. I care about his relationship with his mothers a lot.

    Yes and no, he definitely brings them together and is the bond they have in common but at the same time they spend so much time worrying about him that it's impossible for them tofocus on anything else

    He's the reason they found each other and have some common ground so... very important to Swan Queen.

    Yes , of course he is. He is the biggest connexion between them since the beginning, without him , they would be enemies and only enemies.

    Henry is a big part of both Regina and Emma's life but he isn't a reason i ship swan queen. the chemistry is still there with or without Henry.

    He's an important aspect for the family angle of the relationship.

    I think Henry ties their story together and is important, and he is a big part of what brings Regina and Emma together. But I have no problem seeing the characters stand on their own

    together, and how Emma challenges Regina while respecting her, and how Regina cares about Emma.

    He's probably the biggest part. Even in season 1 the whole 'two mothers' thing was not lost on me. SQ is the only scenario where both mothers get to retain full custody of Henry, rather

    than shuffling him back and forth. There's nothing wrong with a child going back and forth between two divorced parents, but Emma & Regina are not a divorced couple, and I do find

    something very wrong with an adoptive mother having to share custody with the birth mother of her child. If they get together then it won't be like that at all, they'll both be able to raise him

    together without either I them missing out.

    He's very important, and I think it would be nice to see both of Henry's moms together, but they're SQ and they're perfect with or without him.

    I care very much about Henry's relationship with both Emma and Regina because they are both very much his mother in both the show and in fanfics. He is a part of the reason I ship

    Swan Queen because I think he is what brought them together, but he is by no means the sole reason.

    Henry makes SQ the ultimate ship. The relationship between all three of them is something that continues to evolve esp with the death of Neal.

    Henry is the main reason I started shipping Swan Queen, honestly. I thought it would be adorable if his two mommies got together.

    Henry is a big influence for bringing the characters together, so he is important in telling their story

    Henry is a big part yes. I think that it would be great for Henry if he could spent his time growing up with both his mommies ...and I think he deserves a happy family and Emma and Regina

    will be happiest with each other.

    Season 1 I hated him because he was a little punk who was all REGINA HATES ME, WAH and then Emma didn't help with her I'M A COOL MOM NOW. And then season 2 it got even

    worse with Emma's I'M HENRY'S MOTHER. GRAHHH!!! I DON'T NEED TO RUN ANYTHING BY REGINA!! And Henry all but ignored the woman who raised him. But season 3 it's now

    super awesome and I'm happy that Henry realizes that Regina loves him, I MEAN COME ON, TRUE LOVES KISS, FUCK YEAH!! As for him in fanfics, I like him a lot more. He's definitely

    a wingman for Emma most of the time and it's amazing. IDK if that really answered the question but...I guess yes, I care about their relationship now that he's not being a punkass.

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    2 of 29 5/10/2

  • 5/26/2018 13 How important is Henry to you?


    I think Henry is one of those major points that bind them together and forces them to get to know each other, so I do think he is crucial to their relationship. I also think that they both love

    Henry above all else, so any relationship would need to take his feelings into consideration. They're more than just a couple, they're a family.

    He is definitely a reason I ship SwanQueen. I think the fact that to both of them he's their main priority and how they have both had True Loves Kiss through him is a very good added

    bonus to the SQ ship. How they could be a proper family because of him also. The Swan-Mills Family makes me so happy.

    Without him no Swan Queen, too bad he's much of a plot device on the show..

    They will both be his mothers whether they are a couple or not, he just keeps them closer then they already are

    I do believe Henry is an integral part of the existing and potential future of a relationship between Emma and Regina, but I don't think he is much of a reason why I ship Swan Queen.

    Swan Queen, to me, is about the relationship between the two women and their separate relationships with Henry do help connect them, but I wouldn't go so far as to say he is a reason

    why I ship the two women.

    I love Henry! And YES to him being one of the reasons why I ship Emma and Regina.


    Henry is irritating. I was actually hoping at some point on Neverland that Emma would just be like, "Nah. Leave him I made him, I can make another one."

    Henry's relationship with his moms is very important to me. I love that Regina loved Henry since the first moment she held him. He was the little boy who softened Reginas black heart

    and it was Emmas son. Emma had struggles to be a real mom but she has started to overcome them and I see Henrys relationship with Emma just as beautiful as with Regina. Henry is

    True Love for both Regina and Emma and I think that is very important element in this show. The three of them are connected in many ways, they work as a unit, believe in each other and

    they make a family whether they realise it or not. In fanfics it is even better because I get to read about the adorable moments that Henry should get a chance to experience with both his


    I think that the fact that they're both Henry's mom it's just a plus, even with out him their personalities would have crashed but still, they get each other, they see themselves in the other in

    many aspects. And i really don't care about henry on fanfic unless is to bring them together.

    He's absolutely crucial. Without Henry, Emma and Regina would never have met. He has also repeatedly provided the motivation for the two of them to resolve conflicts and grow closer.

    Additionally, the personal growth Regina has gone through since becoming a mother has been vital to preparing her to truly love again.

    Yes he is. He is also their shared true love. Both confessed that theyloved him when they were in desperate or dire situations

    Yes, he totally is! Every mother knows that their world revolves around their child, I think that with two mothers it would never be any different. We can see how both are willing to sacrifice

    everything for their son and I think that connects them, they are a family unit. I also believe that Henry would be immensely happy to see his mothers being together, he seems happy now

    that they are getting along. Henry is part of the relationship and it wouldn't be a family without him.

    He is indispensable.

    very key and important family dinamic message

    Not at first, no. Now I can`t think of the three of them separeted from each other, they are a family.

    Though he is not the reason I ship Swan Queen, Henry could play a key role in bringing them closer together.

    I've always viewed Henry as the catalyst in the Emma/Regina relationship. Without Henry, there would have been no reason for Emma to come to Storybrooke. It's one of the main

    reasons the pairing makes sense to me. Emma gave up a piece of herself with Henry, Regina took him in and gave him a home, Emma always wanted a home and a family, Emma has

    True Love with Henry, Regina has True Love with Henry. Not completing that circle - with Emma and Regina's love for one another and forming a home/family together - would be a

    wasted story telling opportunity at best and a horribly tragic one at worst.

    I care a lot. It would be nice to see him have both of his mothers and not be a tug of war over him. It would be nice to see its not about genetics or adoption. He's a product of both of them

    in a way. He is what helps bind and unite them together

    I do. I t hink it's interesting how he loves them both as his mothers. It gives them a joint purpose and something substantial in common that no curse can break. I do love parenting fics,

    whether one is a single mother, or it's the same canon story but without the fantasy element or they adopt blah blah. But I don't /need/ Henry in fics to make it enjoyable.

    They form a nice family

    He is. They are both his mother and want the best for him. In fanfic Henry doesn't have to be a part of it, but it is better when he is.

    Yes, He has his mom, his other mom, they make the perfect family, it would be so much easier instead to say I have 2 steph dads and two moms, he can just say I have two moms


    Henry is a very important factor because Regina wouldn't be Regina without him. She lives for her boy and is a mother. Emma still has to get used to be in the mother role but I love fanfics

    in which Henry is the initiator to get his moms dating because he just sees them as his moms and the logic result for a kid is that he wants his parents together (I'm sorry to exclude Neal

    here but he never was a father figure because he was absent in Henry's life and is dead now). Both Emma and Regina share Henry as their true love so I think he is very important in their

    relationship. In fanfics I love also domestic and normal life scenes where we see Regina and Emma unite as parents and raise their son. They can learn from each other and it would be

    real like a family in the actual life: complicated and sometimes a bit crazy but in the end they are there for each other and share love, hope and strength.

    I care a lot about Henry's relationship with the two, and he is part of the reason i ship SQ.

    yes with out Henry, Emma would not of shown up in Storybrooke.

    I think Henry deserves both of his moms, not only with him but happy together. I love fics where Henry is important too the plot because he really is!

    No, he's not. They have a relationship excluding him, but obviously he is an essential part of it. Still, I wouldn't want the writers to build their romantic relationship (if they ever go there)

    based on their son.

    Henry I believe is the reason that they'll end up together.

    He's a sub-reason, as in the family dynamic adds to why SQ should be endgame, but I would ship them without a shared child.

    A lot. Henry is important to both of them.

    he brings them together in a way that makes them have to communicate. as a canon character he annoys the hell out of me. As a fanfic character, he is much more fun to play with.

    Operation SwanQueen!

    They are both henry's mothers so it does play a part. A child is a strong force when it comes to bringing people together.

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    3 of 29 5/10/2

  • 5/26/2018 13 How important is Henry to you?


    A lot, and YES! He's their true love. It's their love story but it's also about family. Henry is also one of the main reasons why their relationship grew stronger.

    Partly but not dominantly. First and foremost I ship them because they have undeniable chemistry, feel very strongly towards each other and it could be an epic love story to tell. But yes,

    Henry is a big part in this, too. He is what brought them together in the first place and they could form one happy family together. It would be the perfect for him to have both his mothers

    under one roof.

    I think he's vital to their relationship. He's why they have so much in common.

    Not really part of the reason, but he is important to them and to the show.

    He's why they were brought together, he's the most important piece of the puzzle for them two to connect. He has to be part of the reason for shipping them, without him, there's so link, no


    I care about Henry's existance within SQ as he is a reason I believe they would make a good unit as a family. Their shared love for him is one of many reasons that make them strong in

    my opinion as a couple. On the show, I question his attitude towards Regina in the first and some of the second season but the true loves kiss between Henry and Regina is a parallel from

    the first season with Emma and Henry that reaffirms that as a family they would work. If a fanfic is AU and doesn't include Henry/does have his character as their son, I don't mind but I do

    prefer any that are set around the canon of the show to include him.

    Yes, henry is the most important bonds of swan queen, he is the love of theirs lives.

    As I said in the last answer, the fact that they share a son and came together because of him is so important. I don't have any personal attachment to Henry as a character, but I think is

    value to Emma and Regina is extremely important

    Yes. The Swan Mills Family is everything. But I would still ship it if he didn't exist because the two women are so perfect for each other even without a shared son.

    He is very important! I care about him so much, and he needs to be there to hold the two women together. He is deffo a realson why i ship swan queen.

    A lot. He brought them together. Their love for him connected them in the first place. And if SQ were to be canon, Henry would finally have an actual family, like he always wanted.

    I think Henry is vital, but I would probably still ship Swan Queen without him. The chemistry is insane. But I love the two mommies aspect.

    I think that he should have equal time with them. He love both his mommies and they both love him.

    Yes, he is the main thing they have in common. He is the glue. Although they share other things like similar sad pasts, and loss of loved ones, he is everything to them.

    Yes he is, because he is what ultimatley brought them together in the first place and he is the love of their lives and a big part of it. They are a family.

    He is a big part. He always brings them together

    Both. I believe Henry would be extremely happy and accepting. He is a true believer in magic and love.... That's what they have! or I feel they do... Henry and Emma are pretty much the

    only one's that believed in Regina...

    No not really. I like Henry don't get me wrong but sometimes Henry in (FICs) is named the dictator and I can't stand that. He is a child. I like how he is portrayed on the show.

    He is not a part of the reason why I ship SQ, but its a bonus.

    I hate Henry but I also hate the way his relationship with Regina was portrayed up until last week. I also hate the way emma is always saying she's his mom like she knows what a mother

    is like. I actually dislike Emma a lot.

    He's the rock why Swan Queen SHOULD be endgame. Henry is the reason why everything started. Without Emma, no Henry for Regina and without Regina, no Henry for Emma and

    without Henry, no Swan Queen for anyone.

    his relationship with emma is great, but I'm a bit iffy on him and regina.

    Henry is the reason I ship Sq

    NOT really but the three of them form a family

    Henry's existence is the most important aspect of their lives. He is the glue of their family and he has the ability to bring out the best of both Regina and Emma. He is definitely part of the

    reason I ship SQ. He will always bring them together in a special way.

    I don't care that much about Henry in the fanfics but i'm glad he brings her mothers together in some ways.

    I love the fact they share a son. It makes me want them together even more

    he is an important part of their relationship, and I don't think he can be left out of their equation.

    I think it is a very important part of this relationship. However I do not think that it is necessarily the reason why I ship it. I like Henry though.

    yes and no. But it's not problem, he's the possible bridge between for the tow women.

    IMO he's a very important factor and his existence has had a huge influence on the way their relationship has developed. When I look at the overall story and at what would be most likely

    to make Henry, Regina and Emma happy, Swan Queen makes the most sense. He plays a huge part in both Emma's and Regina's life and not considering him when it comes to E&R's

    longterm romantic relationships is impossible. I don't ship SQ only because of him, though; especially in fanfics, I ship SQ regardless of whether Henry is a part of the equation or not.Emma and Regina have a lot of potential all on their own as well.

    Henry could be gone next episode and it wouldn't matter to me. Although, I do appreciate the connection he brings between Regina and Emma.

    YES, he is part of it - they are both his moms, it's what unites them but in a non obligatory way some how!

    Henry plays a very very important part because he is the most important person to them both. He is part of Of the reason

    Henry is a big part of the reason I ship Swan Queen. He IS their family, beyond anyone or anything else. And they, that's right BOTH OF THEM, are his family. There is no cutting him out

    of their lives, just like there's no cutting the other one of them out of his life. They're together, all three of them, a little broken family.

    He is, I think he's the reason for them to get together but I don't think of him as "the glue". I think they have genuine untapped feelings for each other as individuals outside of their love of


    Not very much of a part of the reason, but of course he have a big part of their relationship with one another. Henry is a main reason for them needing to fight in the same side and working

    together and having to find a way to not be on each other throats and to start thinking more resonable. Although I don't care much about real show Henry (I don't think Jared is that great to

    be honest hehe) but fanfics Henry is just pure gold. He's much more natural and understanding and important.

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  • 5/26/2018 13 How important is Henry to you?


    I love that they are all a family now. Henry is the reason they met. So while he's not a reason I ship Swan Queen, he makes it happen.

    Yes, yes, yes he is the main foundation I think. He is what brought Emma to Regina

    Yep, Henry is an important part of it. This is probably due to personal reasons for me; my partner and I have a kid. And as the non-bio, adoptive parent, I care a great deal about Regina

    and Henry's relationship. The kiss that broke season 3's dark curse was quite important to me.

    Honestly, no. I've never liked Henry, so no, I don't much care about him. But Regina and Emma do, then I do, too. I am glad he's there, though, because he united them.

    I think he's very important, he's their son and he's the reason they met. He's kind of essential to their relationship. Plus fanfics with baby Henry are the fucking cutest ever.

    I love fanfic with and without henry in it. But in relation to the show, with Henry in the mix it would send a message that males aren't needed to create a good/stable and happy family unit.

    IT'S SO IMPORTANT! Their love for Henry is the one thing that unites them always, even if the disagree about everything else. He's both of their true loves! He's definitely a part of the

    reason why I ship Swan Queen.

    I don't particularly like Henry because I feel they aren't giving him enough character development and Jared - however cute he is - is a poor actor. But as of his 'existence' I think he is vital

    to show that nothing is stronger than a mother's love, for both Regina and Emma and I wish they started to use him for more than to move the plot forward.

    Yes he's the glue, the starting point, he's the reason why they have ever met.

    he's the center of it, but not the reason why i ship SQ. I ship on chemistry, his presence is about SwanMillsFamily

    yes, he is their son. they both love him above all else, and he wants them to be happy too.

    I care a lot about his part. He's not really one of the reasons I ship them but I feel he is a big part of Emma and Regina getting closer together.

    I believe he is important yes, and most certainly holds the strongest connection to the pair whilst they're in denial. I believe the relationship probably wouldn't be as strong and would take

    far longer if Henry didn't exist, perhaps their relationship wouldn't exist at all if not for Henry (he was the reason Emma actually came to Storybrooke after all). Not only that but by including

    Henry simply adds to the moving times of the modern world, the trio speak and relate to so many different people in so many different ways. Henry's existence in both the show and fanfics

    is important and essential (unless fanfic takes place in FTL and the curse was never enacted...)

    He is a very small part. He brought them together and keeps them together sometimes.

    Yes, he is of course a huge part of their relationship due to being both of their son. I do not believe that they should only be together for that reason, I just see Henry as a wonderful

    relationship to add even more character to their already gorgeous potential relationship

    He is not the main reason I ship Swan Queen, but I feel l ike he does play a role. I feel like he's just such an important character and his relationship with both his mums is one of the things

    that drew me in to this ship. The way that Regina and Emma parent him, the hope that one day they can parent him together. However, in fanfics I don't really care about him all that much.

    It seems that in most fanfictions he's not really there. He just gives his consent, or whatever, and then that's pretty much it. But I do enjoy the fics where Henry is a small child. They're so


    I care a great deal about Henry, but I also believe that they would have found each other without Henry in the picture. Albeit differently.

    Henry is nothing short of vital. The only thing they could ever love more than each other is him. Regina pull out a true loves kiss like it wasn't shit WITH OUT A HEART. He brought them

    together and they will stay that way

    I do care about Henry's relationship with both his moms. However, I hate the way it is portrayed on the show. I do enjoy reading fanfic where those relationships are more balanced and


    To start off I don't read FIC so that won't have any thing to do with this. I love seeing the relationship Regina and Emma have as co-parents, and if they didn't end up together, I'd really like

    them to be friends. Sometimes I wouldn't mind if the were just friends. I don't necessarily want them to be together simply because they 'share' a child, but I really love seeing how they

    interact when they're around him together

    Henrys existence/relationship with Regina and Emma, both in fan fiction and the show is important because they both care and love Henry a great deal and of course its part of the reason

    why I ship Swan Queen. He brought them together and both of their lifes changed their relationship and family dynamic change because of Henrys need for answers. Henry is one of their

    common ground they have between each other and it so happens that Henry is Reginas and Emmas true love. Regina and Emma are a part of each other because of Henry and Henry is

    also a part of his because Regina raised him and Emma gave birth to him. Also on e of the strongest moment in ouat is between them three as in the example in going home and the

    whole neverland arc. Also Emma considers it important that after neverland Henry should meet Regina and introduces both.

    Yes, he is the reason why there is a show. He was annoying in season 1 with all "she is the evil queen" thing but I think it he created the tension between emma and regina. And I feel like

    Henry will bring them closer together.

    When Henry is with Emma, Regina is miserable. When Henry is with Regina, Emma is miserable. Henry also seemed very happy to be with both of his mothers all three looked like a real


    In the show Henry always helps bring the two together, but sometimes he can get kind of annoying. In depends on the fanfic, like fluffy of course he must be around or they wouldn't right

    unless it was some kind of modern real world AU that didn't call for him or something like that. But usually I like the mention of him in fics i t doesn't bug me most of the t ime.

    He is the main reason why they were brought together. I think it was fate for them to find happiness together. Henry plays a vital role in their lives and no one can ever break that bond. I

    think their love for Henry has extended to each other without their own realization. I believe they have become a real family and they love each other truly.

    I think that Henry is a vital part of the show and acts as the thread that binds them together. Regardless of whether or not Swan Queen becomes a canon pairing, Regina and Emma will

    always be his mothers and THAT relationship, whatever it is, should be the most important thing.

    He is one of the reasons why I do ship Swan Queen because they are both his mothers. And if they were to each pair off with some other partner, he would be caught being shipped off

    between the two.

    He definitely factors into my shipping of Swan Queen, but not in a oh-they-share-a-son-get-them-together kind of way. Henry's relationship with both mothers is very important, to both

    them and him. He is integral to their relationship. I care about it in every aspect and I find it very beautiful, that has he two mothers who would rip out hearts and travel worlds for him.

    Henry is not part of the reason why I ship Swan Queen, but i li ke him in the relationship as he ties up the swan-mills family together quite nicely.

    Yes, a LARGE reason.

    Henry is incredibly important! Both his moms love him like crazy and you'd be dumb not to include him within a big story.


    He's part of the reason, but is not the most important factor to me.

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  • 5/26/2018 13 How important is Henry to you?


    Henry needs both of his moms. They may have gotten rid of Neal, which, with him around, Henry would have had five parents, and now Henry will have four parents, it'll be confusing for

    him. He is a small part of why I ship Swan Queen. Because without him, they wouldn't have met. Because Henry will bring his mom's together. Because Henry believes in Regina now too.

    However, his pre-teen mind seems to be very inclined towards tunnel vision and nobody puts him in his place. Except for Emma when she told him he didn't have the right to know

    everything. I think his character could be written better, and especially how everyone else treats him. They're way to lenient and shit... I may have gotten off of topic. Sorry. So the answer

    is I kind of care, Henry would need to be happy with their relationship for them both to be happy, or they would need to convince him of their love. And then the second answer is also kind


    Henry is important to the relationship of the two seeing he brings out the best in both of the women. But I don't always like him being the only platform for the relationship. For my personal

    shipping of Swan Queen I don't pay a lot of attention to him.

    For me, Henry is a vital part of Swan Queen. He was the original source of conflict between them but it also he who can unite them more than anything or anyone else because they will

    always choose him. It is not about wanting them together "for the sake of the child". It is not even about the fact that he is both Emma and Regina's true love or that he will always be, for

    both, their first priority, their family, and their home. That does not preclude them from finding happiness elsewhere. For me, what makes Henry so important is that it is through him that

    Emma and Regina can connect with one another, not just because of their mutual love but because Henry is like a mirror. He reflects the best of both of them- Emmas selflessness and

    desire to do the right thing, Reginas strength and capacity for love. He enables them to see the best in themselves and consequently each other. Furthermore, the one thing I never waver

    on is that the Swan-Mills family is canon and will be endgame in some form.

    I thoroughly disliked Henry in season one to the middle of season two. Mostly because he only saw the world in black and white and hated a mother who gave him food, clothing and

    shelter for 10 years. But he's a kid and he was naive, yes but he's still a kid and he's learnt now so I don't have any problems with him. He wasn't the reason I started shipping them but it

    seems logical for him to be a good reason to keep shipping them.

    He is part of the dynamic, necessary. I don't think he is essential. And unfortunately I don't think he's interesting.

    He is part of the reason I ship it, and i f he's missing from the fic I get concerned as to his whereabouts. In the show he's remarkably inconsistent as to his reactions to both of his mothers,

    though, which is frustrating.

    Henry is a part of the reason I ship Swan Queen, the other reason is the chemistry between the two actresses.

    I don't really care for Henry, but he is essential in Regina and Emma's relationship. If not for him they never would have met. It's not that I don't like the idea of Henry (the shared son), but I

    just don't like Henry as a character. He's too annoying and precocious. However, he has gotten better this season. Maybe it was his voice that bothered me. He is not part of the reason

    that I ship Swan Queen, however I don't mind him being around. I think it is really cute when they all hang out together.

    I VERY MUCH care about Henry. He's another reason why i ship them. Because if two women share a son, in the real world here, they are obviously a lesbian couple. And since Emma

    and Regina both share a son (Henry), it's pretty obvious that they are.

    I don't really care much, he doesn't have any influence on why I ship them.

    His relationship to both his mothers is important for their development and the reason they're in each other's lives, but I believe I'd ship Swan Queen whether he existed or not.

    Henry is the thing that brought them together and continues to be the bond between them. Without Henry, there is NO Swanqueen. Without him, Regina and Emma never would have met

    and the ship would not exist. He is a good part of the reason I ship Regina and Emma.

    I started out mostly ambivalent towards Henry, and downright annoyed with the way he treated Regina. As both Emma and Regina have grown, so has Henry. I think he is now a crucial

    part of their relationship, but he is not part of the reason I ship SQ.

    Henry is kind of a little shit, but he's THEIR little shit. Regina loves and needs him and Emma needs him in her life too. Swan Queen to me is more about family than anything else I've

    ever shipped, and it's Henry that makes that the case.

    Yes, Henry is an important part of why I ship SQ. He is the one who brought them together. If it weren't for Henry, it would be almost impossible for them to see eye-to-eye, he's the reason

    they find balance and he's their first real chance to have a family. The love they have for him is what brings them together the most.

    Henry is the most important thing to both women. They both share True Love's kiss with him. They work together for Henry and I think soon they'll realise that a lot of the caring they do for

    the other isn't just with Henry's interests in mind.

    Emma and Regina are the only two people who consistently care about Henry on the show. Hook only uses him to get close to Emma. he's the reason they've started to get along so

    Henry's actually kinda vital to SQ.

    I believe henry is the only person on the show that sees Swan Queen and understands how Emma and Regina are going to take care of henry. I want to see more family dinners between

    Henry, Emma and Regina. SO yes I care a lot about Henrys relationship with his moms

    I think that he contributed a lot to how I feel about Swan Queen mainly because he brought them together. And through their love for him they have all begun to realise and accept that

    they're family.

    He's mommas's boy! I love him (even when he's a jerk with his annoying Charming's genes) and I think he's very important in the context of Emma and Regina's relationship, since he's

    their both TL in the show... Though, I love more the littles Henry in fanfictions, duh, like in Popcorn Love, Down East Decisions, Meet Me Halfway etc.

    I really really care for their relationship! I don't want to see henry to be in a situation where he has to choose one of them. They both need to be in his life. Yes he's part of why I ship them.

    Henry irritates me to no end. I he were to disappear like Ruby and Kathryn did I wouldn't even bat an eye. The only time I can tolerate him is when fanfic authors write him with a bit of


    He's not part of the reason I ship it, but I do think if they were to get together Henry would be a big factor in the decision.

    He is definitely part of the reason why I ship SQ. He wants happiness for both his moms, but neither one can be happy without him, so I believe that he will bring them together. I don't

    read fanfiction, but from the show, I can definitely see him thinking about the futures of his mothers and what would make them happy...which is living under the same roof with him.

    He is the bound between them... thinking about his happiness they leave their differences away, and had the chance to know eachother and admire eachother.

    Henry has a stable family in the both of them as of the second half of season 3, and he is an integral part of their relationship. He would be a great way to eventually bring them together.

    Yes I care a lot about how Henry would fit into the family, and for me, he is a major part of their relationship.

    Absolutely. Henry is the most important factor in this relationship. He is both their children, they have both disappointed him and both worked to be forgiven by him, he is their family. They

    are his family. I don't want to see him shuffled off to different parents every other week. As much as I think divorced parents can still have a successful relationship with their children and

    co-parent, it isn't the most beneficial for the child. It wouldn't make sense to the foundation to the show.

    He should be involved and be okay with their decisions

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  • 5/26/2018 13 How important is Henry to you?


    Definitely! I think their love for Henry created the relationship they have. When one of them is with Henry the other seems to be watching with loving glances.

    I think that if Henry wouldn't have been there we wouldn't have had all the scenes with Regina and Emma together. So yea, he's really important in this relation ship. Also, I like reading

    fanfictions where he's the one to say that they should be together because that's what parents do, they are together.

    Henry has two mommies! He is an important aspect of Regina & Emma's relationship. A lot of the love-hate/push-pull between them is because of Henry.

    yes he is. he's very important.

    I would ship them regardlesss of Henry but I do care about his existence, he brings them together deffo!

    Definitely, Henry only has them now and they both bring important things to the table in terms of raising him.

    Henry is undeniable a part of Emma and Regina's relationship and how it's grown, but for me he isn't essential, particularly in fanfiction.

    He is a big part of it. I would love to see these two get the family they've Always longed for.

    Henry is a vital part of the relationship between Regina & Emma. They are both equally his mothers. Henry needs both of them.

    Henry is very important in the show, mostly for Regina for me though. He's not the reason I ship Swan Queen, but I think that would be an added bonus.

    No not really but I do appreciate Henry

    Of course he is part of the reason why I ship them. The fact that Henry has two mommies is so ingenious that it's hard to understand that they are not picturing those two mothers in a

    romantic relationship. Henry is what makes them family. For the first time he gives those woman a family, a place to belong. It's a huge part of their dynamic. If Henry only becomes a tool,

    I'll stop reading (watching - like currently). It's okay, if he doesn't play a role in a storyline, but he better shouldn't be just a story tool. The show forgets that they are people, the fanfiction is

    better than that.

    he's not a part of my shipping but the swan-mills family is perfect on the show and in fanfics so you can't erase him!

    Yes, he needs both of them

    he definitely is part of the family but that's not why i ship them

    He's definitly a part because I think he's the one who helped them work together.

    He is extremely important, he's what brought them together.

    Yes, because if Emma or Regina was a man, they would already have a romantic history and plot. Henry is the reason Regina decided to be better and without Emma bringing him into

    this world she would have be miserable the rest of her life. Emma brought her happiness and no one can top that.

    Henry is only there for them to have something in common and for an excuse to bring them together.


    The Swan-Mills family is at the center of the show.

    On the show a lot because he is both their sons. Fanfics somewhat because it depends on the story. No he isn't the reason I ship SQ

    I care about Henry's existence mostly in relation to Regina being his mother. The way he acts throughout the show (dismissing Regina as not being his real mum being the primary thing)

    has led to me not caring for him much but he is a really important aspect of Regina and her life. Also his relationship with Emma is of some concern to me though I find the way she has

    been portrayed as his mother despite never being such and in fact being one of the main reasons he was taken away from Regina really repulsive to me. It has been handled a lot better in

    some fics where she actually begins to act as a mother to Henry with Regina's full knowledge and consent.

    Henry is a huge part of the reason I ship SQ. I absolutely love the family dynamic. I do enjoy most SQ fanfics, but I enjoy them just a little more when Henry exists in them rather than AUs

    without him. He's what ties them together most, they balance each other out, and Henry keeps them all together

    Definitely. Both on the show itself and in fanfics - he is what brought them together (literally), and he is the person both of them love most in the world. I can read fanfics without him

    featured, but prefer it when he at least exists. Swan-Mills family FTW.

    I think he is the main reason why Swan Queen works so well, because of him, it doesn't matter if they are together or not, they will always be connected


    They just make this perfect little family, so of course he is a reason I ship it.

    He's definitely a part of it, though not the main reason. His two mothers being together and making a family that none of them have really had before is a beautiful concept.

    He is a primordial part in their relationship...their heart. I do believe they would end up together even if he didnt exist, but it wouldnt be the same at all. The three of them are family, and

    Emma and Regina need family, thats what Henry means to them. Family and unconditional love.

    yes. he is very important. i find it weird now to read fanfiction without a henry.

    Both Regina and Emma's relation ship with henry is are two of the most powerful on the show, and i simply adore when he is in ffs, but he isn't a reason I ship them.

    I think it's cute and it's a nice family that we so rarely see in TV.

    I think Henry is very important. Henry is what brought them together in the first place, and Henry is what motivates them both to be better people.

    Henry, on his own, I can take or leave, in the show or in fics. The main reason I care about him as a character is that he's a strong connection between Regina and Emma.

    Henry is really important when it comes to Swan Queen, he brought them together originally after all

    He most definitely is, I think Henry was an ungrateful little brat at the beginning and I feel like Emma actually helped him to heal his bond with Regina, also the Swan Mills family is

    important to me because it feels like everyone gets their happy ending that way. Regina now seems pretty much part of Snow's family again in the third season anyways. Fanfics, I'm

    neutral, he's important in some, not so important in others.

    I enjoy henry. He acts as a buffer for the knee jerk reactions emma and Regina tend to have to each other. Although he isn't necessarily why I ship swan queen.

    i care a lot. He's what brought them together in the first place. He's the first common goal they've had and he allows each woman to see the other in a different light.

    Very much! He deserves to have the very best from both of his mothers.

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  • 5/26/2018 13 How important is Henry to you?


    Yes. Their mutual love for Henry unites them in a beautiful way.

    Henry is crucial to the SQ relationship. He is what brought them together, what gave them common ground and a reason to try. I don't always love the way the show writes Henry but I

    don't think the show would work or that the SQ relationship could exist if Henry did not exist.

    DEFINITELY. Swan-Mills Family. :) If he's disregarded in any fanfic, then it just shows how little the author knows that characters he is using.

    Yes he is part of the reason I ship swan queen. If swan queen happened Henry would never have to decide whose house he wanted to spend a weekend at. He would have both parents,

    they would be a family.

    Actually I think he's important to the dynamics of their relationship, he is who allows both of them to open up to the possibility of love in spite of the suffering they had previously.

    Their connection to Henry is what made me think about Emma and Regina as a couple, but now that I'm paying attention, those two still have crazy chemistry regardless of Henry. So,

    Henry is a big part of why I ship Swan Queen, but he is no longer the main reason I think they should be together.

    Oh my god Henry matters so much in both the show and fanfic! He's part of Regina and Emma's love. Henry is both of his mothers true love. With Regina you see what amazing mother

    she is, how huge her heart and how deep she loves. Every time I see a scene with Regina and Henry it always makes me fall for Regina all over again. Their relationship is just so

    beautiful. Then with Emma you see what she's willing to get over her own bs for, just like Regina how deeply is can love, she's truly become his mother also. So in the show I love it. In

    fanfic Henry doesn't have to be in the story for me to read it, but when the writers do bring him into the story it always makes me smile, because how very importation he is to both them. I

    also love the idea with cute little lesbian family.

    He is part of the reason yes as I believe he is the glue what would and is keeping them together as friends or romantic partners. He is very important.


    A lot; Yes he is!

    The only reason I care about Henry is because he brought them together, and if he didn't exist they wouldn't be the characters we know and love. Having him and giving him up is a huge

    part of Emma's character, and adopting him and raising him is a huge part of Regina's.

    Henrys the one who brought them together. Hes the first thing they had in common. Honestly I think he'll always try to bring them together (whether friends or more)

    He's important and a common factor in their lives, but he's not the sole factor inthe ship. Henry's happiness is important to both women and that makes him crucial.

    I care quite a bit about Henry as he is the main tie for all characters, not just Emma and Regina. I feel that in the show he is vital, in fanfics he is not dependent on the time/arc o the fanfic.

    He is not a main reason of why I ship SQ, but he makes it a better well rounded and nuanced story.

    I believe that with or without Henry, Swan Queen works because the characters are suited for each other. However I do believe that the family dynamic that could exist between all three

    characters could be beautiful (and often is in fanfic)

    YES. He's the major part of the whole ship. He's what brought them together, mainly. Swan Mills Family it's one of the best things on the show. Not even kidding.

    He is significant for obvious reasons he is their son. He is key to any sort of relationship.

    He's important to them but in my opinion he's a rude, arrogant brat. Emma and Regina need to act more like parents instead of letting him get away with disobeying him. I was so glad

    Emma got strict with him in A Curious Thing. No he is not part of the reason why I ship them.

    Honestly, he is only important in being the catalyst to the two uniting. I don't believe they could ever unite without Henry to be protective over. He embodies an irrefutable bond. But the

    emotional/psychological connection between the two women builds from that, separate from Henry. I am not as concerned about him in fanfics as I am in the show since he is a key part to

    the show's characters to combine forces.

    He was the thing that brought them together so he has a place in the story. In some way, Henry wasthe next chance at love after first heartbreak for both characters.

    I think he's very important to Emma and Regina in regards to them as individual characters and as a reason for shipping Swan Queen. Half of the reason for shipping Swan Queen is due

    to how the women are/would be together and the other half is based on the son they share, had to learn to share, over the course of the show thus far. He's part of the reason I ship Swan

    Queen, but my concern for his character comes from the fact that he's existed since episode 1. He's what initially brought Emma and Regina together in terms of fighting others and not

    each other. If Henry was killed off or somehow no longer included in Emma and Regina's lives, I would be disappointed because he's their family and that dynamic is something I would

    greatly love and appreciate to see on TV: two moms and their son.

    I feel like the state of Henry's relationships with his mothers has a knock-on effect with Emma and Regina's relationship in itself, since when he favoured Emma they were at odds, but

    when he loved both equally, Regina and Emma in turn became more harmonious. Henry is obviously central to their relationship because they are both his parents, however he doesn't

    affect whether I ship them or not. As someone who was raised by a single mother, I don't agree with the reasoning that they should be together for Henry. They should be together

    because they love one another, not because they share a child. By that logic, Swanfire makes sense too. This is not to disregard the Swan-Mills family, because I love the concept, but I

    don't think it should hinge purely on common love for a child.

    Sort of. He's the thing that brings them together.. the person that they both love dearly.

    Henry isn't part of the reason I ship them, but he is important to their relationship of course, because he is both of their son.

    He is essential, and a large part of why I ship them. I want them to be a family unit.

    Henry is in the core of SwanQueen. His connection to them is certainly one of many reasons why I ship it. Swan-Mills family is why I watch Once.

    He's the reason they had to learn to get along. Emma defended Regina from the town post the curse breaking for Henry and the Team Mom thing in Neverland was tied to Henry.

    However, I don't think he is as important anymore. He was more the trigger for their relationship.

    He was at the beginning of the show but the way the character has been written is unappealing and I can't find enough about it to care anymore. I have adored him in many fanfics.

    Yes, Henry is important because he represent what Regina and Emma are, and probably what his whole family . He is what is good and what is bad. And Henry have this ability to bring

    something good, and sometime he need to misbehave. Now in the ff, i love him, but sometime he annoyed me, and i have no real reason for that. Maybe it's the way they writte him, or

    maybe it's just the fact that i feel differently when i read and when i watch the show.

    Henry is very important to the relationship, he brings them together.

    I love Henry and I love that he is the reason that they met/ learned to understand each other. I know that without him, there would be no story. However, I believe there is more to Emma

    and Regina's relationship than their mutual love of Henry.

    It's important. I love the regina-Henry relationship and I think he completes the swan-mills family. I used to really not like him and the only reason I didn't completely hate him was because

    of swan queen and regina. I'd still ship i t if he wasn't there tho.

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  • 5/26/2018 13 How important is Henry to you?


    i don't care much about him in the show, but in fanfics it's weird if he's not a big part of the story. he's not a reason why i ship them, i hate that brat when i saw the gif/recap.

    Henry has nothing to do with my shipping, but considering that these are his parents.. it all would make life easier for him if both of them were together. Considering that they already have

    an obvious bond that leads logically to love, Henry becomes a reason (not the only reason) for them to fight for each other.

    I think he's very important for swan queen because no matter what happens between Emma and Regina, Henry will always be their son and he's the person they both love most

    He's not why I ship them. The little family moments on the show are beautiful and I love them, and Henry's relationship with them both, but when reading fanfics I'd rather it just be the two

    of them with only a little Henry.

    I don't care about Henry. Not a well developed character.

    yes, he's part of the reason i ship swan queen. i think it would be wonderful for henry to end up with both of his moms in an actual family "unit." it's sending a GREAT message on multiple

    fronts. not only would it say that gay moms are OK, but also that adoptive moms and birth moms can find a way to coexist peacefully and with love.

    I care quite a bit actually. He's relationship with both Emma and Regina on the show has evolved quite a bit. And he is a part of the reason I ship it because how does him being shuttled

    around make any sense.

    Yup, and i love how his relationship evolves with regina.

    He's one of the three people that the show is all about! Of course I care for Henry. He might be slightly annoying from time to time, but he belongs with his mums and he deserves to have

    a happy family.

    Henry is important on the show, but I don't like him as a character and generally find ways to not have to take him into account when I write.

    I love that they have a child. I'm not a big fan of childs myself and can say I like Henry, but yeah, they're being a family is awesome! :)

    Couldn't really care less about Henry. Usually he annoys me.

    He definitely is a part. He is the center, the foundation of this relationship. They both love Henry, and through him they have come to love another.

    yes. he is the most important person for regina and emma so his approval/reaction is kibda important

    Yes, definatelly. Thanks to him they have indescribable connection which can not be broke by anything! He's playing a huge part on the show and in the fanfics.

    He is not really part of why I ship it, but I don't mind him.


    I love henry and i want him to have an equal relationship with both emma and regina, i ship swan-mills family

    at first: i hated the little sh*t for how he treated regina. now: glad he has true love with her as well.

    Yes! I love that it's his two Moms. He can be a little brat but that fits in with both his Moms' personalities. Honestly from a objective-ish standpoint the best solution for him is to be raised by

    both his Moms weather that be with them together or by going between them. Not being taken by grandparents he hardly knows.

    He's important to their story

    A LOT. Henry is both as Emma and Regina, True Love AND Happy Ending. They only can be happy with (and only with) him. Emma cannot be totally happy if Henry go living with Regina

    and vice verse. So, why not. why they can't live together. when they clearly have feelings about each other.

    Yes he is the reason I ship SwanQueen, and a lot

    Absolutely. I don't think Regina would have taken a second look at Emma if it wasn't for Henry. It's because of Henry that they are in each other's lives. And hopefully he can bring them

    together as a couple and not just his two separate moms.

    I looove Henry and they make the perfect Swan Mills family together. So yeah I care about his existence quite much that's what is bothering me from season finale promo, like where the

    hell did they leave poor baby Henry!

    I care about him, he annoys me sometimes, ok a lot, but I care. Most in the show, not so much in the fics lol but it's cute that he always support their love, in the fics henry always is so nice

    and he is really important part of the relationship for me

    Henry is a necessary evil, I don't like him but he was a useful plot device.

    It's the ribbon on top in terms of their relationship. You could argue that with outlaw queen and roland... but eff that for right now.

    I care so much about Henry. I love the Emma/Henry and Regina/Henry relationship so so much. The three of them are the heart of the show for me. The heart of the truest believer, the

    heart of true love, and the most resilient heart... well that's just beautiful to me. The Swan Mills family (Emma/Regina/Henry) is something I feel very strongly about. I think that both Emma

    and Regina's relationship with Henry alone is a bit problematic at times. But when Regina and Emma together, Henry benefits. I think he is part of the reason that I ship Swan Queen. He's

    the force that drives Emma and Regina to look past themselves and work together and I love that.

    Yes Henry is part of why I ship them . Emma and Regina both care for and love him. He is the glue that will keep them together whether the show is make SwanQueen the endgame or


    It would be perfect if Swan Queen happened,because Henry could have both of he mothers.

    Because of him I believe in SwanMills Family.

    Henry is the true love of both. Swan Queen just make sense if they all stay together.

    It's in the fabric of the relationship, the foundation/glue if you will.

    No... kid is annoying

    Of course the two moms falling in love is THE Happy ending

    Absolutely. I think Henry is the limit line throughout all of their inicial interactions (especially those times in which one of them was almost to burst) and the biological link between them that

    pulls the two of them to reach a consensus and thus the one thing that both of them equally and solely love, as shown on the mostly recent episode of the season 3, in which regina kissed

    Henry and proved to not only hold light magic, but also that he was both Emma and Regina's 'TL'. Henry, like any other child, might be the reason to real life and fictional couples to break

    up or find love among themselves. So yes, for me, he has a huge part in their relationship.

    A lot!!! He is one of the reasons i ship them. Thanks to Henry, Emma and Regina met. He brought them together. He believes in them and he loves them both more than anything. Despite

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    Reginas evil things, Henry is making her change. He made her a Hero.

    He's not a part of the reason i ship it, but he's important tho

    Yes, I think brings them even closer. Henry is something that concerns both of them and it's the common bases for their love.

    Yes. They are a family.

    A LOT. He is certainly an important part of the reasons why Swan Queen makes sense, at least for me. Actually, i started shipping Swan Queen because i thought it would be the best

    thing for Henry. Regina and Emma's relationship is my favorite on the show and i would still ship them if Henry didn't exist, for the other reasons i mentioned on item 12. But i also love

    Henry's relationship with Regina and with Emma separately, and the fact that he is both woman's true love is really beautiful and important. I mean, Swan-Mills Family is just sooo perfect


    A LOT. He is certainly an important part of the reasons why Swan Queen makes sense, at least for me. Actually, i started shipping Swan Queen because i thought it would be the best

    thing for Henry. Regina and Emma's relationship is my favorite on the show and i would still ship them if Henry didn't exist, for the other reasons i mentioned on item 12. But i also loveHenry's relationship with Regina and with Emma separately, and the fact that he is both woman's true love is really beautiful and important. I mean, Swan-Mills Family is just sooo perfect


    He is part of SwanQueen's dynamic for me, essential.

    Yes totally.Henry was the first reason to Emma and Regina tried to work together and because of him they are trying to be better to each other.

    He is not a reason. He is not one of my favorite characters. I don't worry too much.

    As I said before, this is the main reason, is a show about family. Swan Mills Family is the center of history.

    I don't care about Henry. Is not necessary a kid to improve love.

    I see Henry as the starting point of their relationship. He is what they both want, so they started to interact with each other because of him, but that's it. SQ is Emma and Regina, with or

    without Henry. I like that they can be a family with him, the three of them, but I'd like to believe that they would have a real and interesting relationship if he wasn't there anymore (say,

    when he goes to college in a few years and leaves his mommies alone at home :') ).

    Henry is very important. He's what brought them together. He's the reason why I ship them together because if there is one thing they could agree on, it's that their love for Henry is far

    greater than any relationship they could ever share with someone. They put their differences aside and co-parent him like a divorced couple. However when they do that they also showthat they care about each other because Henry would be devastated if something happened to Regina or Emma. So they sort of protect each other.

    Yes!! He's son their. He's important for family. Swan mills family


    I believe he's essential to they're relationship. I mean, I still believe that they would end up loving each other even if the kid doesn't exist, but I just can't see why he wouldn't. Both of them

    love him endlessly so I think he need to stick around. And he seems to be the only one who could deal with them when they argue or whatever.

    Just a little. He is my excuse for the others. How I explain them why I ship Swan Queen.

    Absolutely. He needs to have a relationship with both parents and right now they are sharing custody of the kiddo like a divorced couple. He is being torn between the homes. Putting the

    two together in Swan Queen would unify his parental unit. The only 2 parents he knows.

    Sim,parecem uma famlia em mtas cenas da srie

    I think he's an important part of how they relate, and of why they relate. He is, partially, why I ship Swan Queen (I strongly believe that if one of them was a man, Henry himself would be

    trying to make them work out).

    On the show he's a big part but most fanfiction I read is more focused on Pre-SQ flirtations and the spark not the long term happiness that Henry, Regina, and Emma could have as afamily

    Acho que bastante importante, mas consigo ler algumas fics sem ele, mas sempre acho importante.

    Henry's such a big part of them as people, removing him would make for a drastic change both in their relationship and themselves. No matter what one feels about him as a character,in

    the show removing him through death wouldn't work at all, in fics removing him completely and having them meet through other means could however work.

    I could care less bout Henry more Lana please

    Oh my god. I adore Henry. I believe that Henry is a vital part of the relationship that Emma and Regina share. Henry links them together. I cannot speak for fanfics, because I haven't read

    any, but for the show, he is the reason that they met. He is the reason that Emma decided to work on her magic and he is the reason that Regina wants to be a better person. He helps

    both of them become better people. So, yes, I care a great deal about Henry's existence. He may be a somewhat minor part of why I ship it. They have him in common and have had him

    in common from the beginning, but their relationship has progressed beyond that now.

    I care a lot and although now he's always with Emma, I think Regina is more his mother because she was the one who raised him until now. If Swan Queen happens it would be more than

    perfect for him since he would like with both, instead of "switching" from time to time

    The love that both have at Henry's beautiful, but it's not the reason I love Swan Queen, I can see their love.

    He was one of the reasons I started to ship them, yes. I think he's important, the fact that they both care so much about Henry is one of the reasons they became friends so, yes, he is

    important, BUT he's not the only reason I believe they should stay together.

    In a way Henry brought them together and most of times is the reason of their alliance... after first season, both Regina and Emma stop trying to poison him against each other, so I say for

    them it's important that Henry be happy and safe and they know that he needs both of his mothers to achieve this happiness

    No, I like them alone. I don't think that a child can make or break Swan Queen, you know. But I love how Regina and Emma try to be better, for him. He's important to them, but they could

    be without hmi.

    He is a part of why I ship Swan Queen since he is what brought them together but if they had started to get to know eachother without Henry existing, I would've shipped it anyway. And in

    fanfics, I don't really mind if he's there or not.

    Henry is the connection between the moms.

    For me he is not a big part, there are fics that Henry is not even in it, and I love anyway...

    No. I think they were attracted to each other the moment they saw each other. The fact that they Co parent Henry is a huge push for them to work together.

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  • 5/26/2018 13 How important is Henry to you?



    Yes! He unites them and makes them look like a family.

    He is not part of why, but since he's their son he is important... Perhaps not to me.

    No at all. I'm not a fan of Henry's character.

    Yes. Henry is a part of it, as I already mentioned they form a family together

    Not why but he seems inseparable. Fics without him seem like they are missing a key element. And he does such a great job on the show, anchoring key links.

    I care about him, but prefer fic Henry to real show Henry. I'm interested in the dynamics of Regina and Emma as co-parents.

    He's a catalyst but not a reason.

    YES, Henry is key to my main reason for shipping SQ - it would just make so much more sense for SQ to be a family than for them to be fighting over Henry all the time. Henry is integral

    to this ship, because without him, they never would have met.

    Henry needs to exist for a relationship between Regina and Emma to feel so natural. In fanfics, Henry does not have to exist, but there has to be a very good story between Regina and

    Emma for me to like the fanfic. I think that Henry is part of the reason why I ship Swan Queen, but not the only reason why I ship Swan Queen.

    He's one of the many factors why I ship SQ, yes.

    Canon-wise I dont think the ship would be possible without Henry. He is the reason Emma and Regina came together and keep getting back to each other. In fanfics however, anything

    goes. SQ works for me in any AU, any circumstance, any time, any place.

    Of course. He is son of both of them. They are family even if Emma and Regina don't end up together.

    He's not a part of the reason why I ship Swan Queen, but they are great as a family unit. He's what brought them together and made them want to change for the better.

    He brings them together, so he's a part of it

    Henry is what brings Regina and Emma together, in the fanfics without him, their pairing seems forced,

    He is a part of it. I get massive feels seeing that family happy and working as a unit.

    Yes and no. I think it forces some interactions, but not integral to their overall chemistry.

    Henry can be a great part of the relationship between Regina and Emma, but he can also be a catalyst, because he sees the world in black and white, although both Regina and Emma

    would rather be qualified as "grey", he is hard with the people that don't fit his vision of the world, (when he calls Regina & Emma liars for example) even when it is for the greater good.

    yeah henry is what brings them together

    He is their bond, very integral to Swan Queen.

    I care about it a lot and yes he is one of the reasons why i ship Swan Queen.

    At first I only looked at Henry as a plot device that connected Emma and Regina. And at times his acting was atrocious. However, he has grown on me throughout the series.

    He's important to both of them so I do care about him and his safety even though he annoys me sometimes

    He is a very important part of the connection between Regina and Emma und he is a part of the Swan-Mills-family, so yes he is important to me!

    Yes. A lot of my favorite scenes revolve around the Swan-Mills family. I love the parallels between Henry's relationship with Emma in season 1 and his relationship with Regina in season



    Yes. Swan-Mills Family all the way. That aside, the ship would also work without him, but he gives it the family edge!

    He is part of the reason. His relationship with both of his parents is important to me in all aspects.

    One of the major reasons. He would have the perfect family, so would Emma and Regina, both of whom had highly troubled childhoods and adulthoods. They push each other because of


    His existence helps to create a triangulation. They bond with him, through him. Plus, even though the show is retrograde in creating/acknowledging lesbian characters, Henry 's presence

    brings to mind the idea that there are many folks out there with "two moms."

    I care. I little part.


    I care a lot! I need them all to be happy together! They are a family. I wish Henry had more screen time this season actually. I really wanted more family scenes with him getting to know

    Regina without his memories. And I really wanted to see him bonding more with Emma, too. In fanfics, I get a little upset if he's not involved somehow. He's important to both of them and I

    think he's a big reason why they ever even started to accept each other. I understand why some people don't do it though...it's hard to write kids and middle schoolers are the age where

    they're the most difficult to handle. You know, I never really thought about if he was a part of the reason why I ship Swan Queen, but I think he might be. I'm a sucker for happy family


    While I strongly believe that Henry plays an important role in Regina and Emma's lives separately and together he is not the reason I ship Swan Queen. I think he should be in both their

    lives he's their kid.

    YES. He needs both mothers

    Yes, I would still ship swan queen without him, but essentially, Henry made Regina and Emma who they are. They're fighters because they're a family, and family protects each other. And

    how Regina's heart softened when she adopted Henry. For a long time I was bitter because Emma dared had the audacity to try and take Henry away after Regina raised him, she

    nurtured him, SHE loved him. She is his mother. And it took me a while to stop being upset, but even then I still saw that they would be better together. They could raise him together. They

    could love him together. There was no need to be apart when they work better as a team. As a family.

    He's definitely a piece of it for me, but not all of it.

    Henry is a HUGE part of it - I think the Swan Mills Family storyline is the most important one on the show. Their journeys and mutual love for each other - it's huge.

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  • 5/26/2018 13 How important is Henry to you?


    It depends on the fic but he is an important factor in the show. When it comes to Swan Queen he's what helps form the family aspect of them and keeps them close in regards to the show

    He is a small part. At first I thought he was an idiot, but he is starting to grow on me. I think he brought them together. I'm okay with or without him.

    Henry is the reason their is Swan Queen. If Emma hadn't had him would she have come to Storybooke when she did.

    Team Swan-Mills family!!! Yes!

    Not initially, but he's the most important thing in the world to both of them and it would be kind of fitting if they were to get together

    not really a big part, nor is he a reason for shipping

    In the show he is written as more of a plot device (hence his ever changing loyalties, but also his necessity), that being said I do like to see him in the fanfics I read - if the story allows for

    it. I don't care if he's not there if it makes narrative sense, but ultimately he is a good part of t he reason that Regina and Emma ever butt heads or agree on anything.

    Absolutely not.

    Since Henry does exist I think he is an additional reason why Emma and Regina would be a good couple, but I do not ship them because of Henry (frankly I find him an irritating character)

    Very much, without Henry, Emma & Regina would have never met. I feel that their love for him is what brings them together.

    He is a big part of the reason. Henry has played a major role in both these characters lives, he has changed them, influenced them, and has brought them both to a place where they can

    and have begun to deal with their past traumas and mistakes. He is not only their son, but the purest form of love either has ever had in their lives and their reason to continue to grow and

    be better.

    I seriously like him more when he interacts with Regina as mother. To me she is the real Mum. But again I ship Swan Queen because of their chemistry. When they are in the same room,

    exchange some words, fighter, magical lessons, eye contacts. Reginas subtle eye twists. ...

    I think he's an important part of their connection, yes.

    Henry is one of the biggest reasons for me to ship Swan Queen. I can't help but feel a bit as if he was my own son, and I just want what's better for him. Having both of his moms with him

    is the best in my point of view.

    He's canonically part of their family/part of their hearts, but in the long run he's only a catalyst for their personal relationship. I ship them as individuals first, and the Swan-Mills family is just

    an added bonus for any canon-based shipping.

    I think Henry is a very important character, he is the consummation of their relationship, the physical verification that they have a thing in common. Although he is not the reason I ship

    Swan Queen, I very much care about Henry, and I believe he is the one responsible for they being united, and working together.

    Henry was the primarily catalyst for my beginning to ship SQI'm a huge sucker for families, especially nontraditional ones. But their relationship has come to mean a lot to me even outside

    of him, and as long as his existence isn't ignored, he's not a necessary part of fanfics for me.

    I care deeply about Henry's existence/relationship with Regina and Emma both on air and in fics. He's a huge part of why I ship Swan Queen - he always comes first for them.

    Henry in a whiny pain in the butt on the show. I prefer him in fanfics.

    Henry is extremely important. He's is their most prominent connection so, naturally, i'm going to care about his existence and relationship with his mothers. At first, he wasn't a very big part

    of why I shipped them but he's gradually moved to near the forefront of my brain when I think of SwanQueen. It's a shame the kid is kind of a brat.

    See above.

    Extremely important. Like i said before, Henry is both Regina and Emma's true love. He is their son and they would do anything for him. They would make an amazing couple in continuing

    to raise Henry together.

    well, YEEES, Henry is very important in swan queen, I mean is their son, it's very very important

    At first, I really hated Henry because I thought he was so disrespectful and ungrateful to his mother; however, I realized that he plays a key part in their relationship. He is the first thing that

    they come together for.

    Of course, because he is so important to both of them. They will never find another person that cares as much about Henry than the other.

    I care about him in that he's the most important thing to both Emma and Regina, separately. It's nice that Emma and Regina both have him as a shared love, but the majority of the

    reasons I love them together have nothing to do with Henry. I do enjoy him on the show sometimes, and in fanfic, too, but he's more of a secondary factor, if that makes sense.

    A LOT. I know there are some SQ shippers who dislike the kid but I love him and he's such an integral part to their relationship. They were brought together because of him and their

    shared son is what unites them. Family is supposed to be the supreme message of the show.

    Henry is one of the main reasons that many people want this relationship to develop. He is both Emma and Regina's son. Whether biologically related or not he has impacted both of their

    lives and changed them for the better.


    I don't really care about Henry an

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