13-14 - digestive system

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  • 7/27/2019 13-14 - Digestive System


    Lecture 13, 14Coelomic Cavities, Mouth and Digestive System

    Kardong Chapter 13, Hildebrand Chapter 12

    KK 13.1

  • 7/27/2019 13-14 - Digestive System


    Origin of the Coelom and Gut

    Organs of the gut

    develop asevaginations of the gut

    into the mesenteries.

    The coelomic space is

    a split in the


    KK 13.2, H&G 12.1

  • 7/27/2019 13-14 - Digestive System


    The coelom or peritoneal cavityis undivided in hagfish, some


    In most fishes and Amphibia

    there is a separate pericardial

    cavity just behind the gills. It is

    separated from the peritoneal

    cavity by the transverse septum.

    In reptiles, which have a neck,the heart moves back under the


    KK 5.34, H&G 11.2

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    In mammals, the lungs are ina separate pleural cavity.

    The new membrane

    separating the pleural and

    peritoneal cavities houses the


    The lungs surround the heart

    in the adult and the

    membrane separating the

    pleural and pericardial

    cavities is the mediastinum.

    KK 5.34, H&G 11.3

  • 7/27/2019 13-14 - Digestive System


    The mouth develops de novo in

    deuterostomes. The invagination that

    meets the gut and creates the mouth is

    called the stomodeum.

    The nasal epithelium and the

    hypophyseal (Rathkes) pouch develop

    on the head. But, are drawn in by the

    deepening stomodeum (a).

    In cyclostomes (b) both remain on top of

    the head adjacent to the shallowstomodeum.

    In most fishes (c) only the hypophyseal

    pouch is drawn into the stomodeum.

    In vertebrates with choanae or internalnares (a,d) the mouth is deeper, and both

    the hypophyseal pouch and the nasal

    epithelium are drawn into the

    stomodeum. The nasal placode deepens

    to emerge on the top of the head creating

    the external nares.

    Origin of the Mouth

    KK 13.4

  • 7/27/2019 13-14 - Digestive System


    Mouths in Sagittal SectionKK 13.3, 13.37, H&G 12.2&12.3

    Tetrapods changes

    include salivary glands,

    and, especially inmammals, a much larger

    and more mobile tongue.

    Fish have no neck, their

    heart is in their pharyngeal

    region, and the opening to

    lungs (if present) is dorsal.

  • 7/27/2019 13-14 - Digestive System


    Specialization of Homodont Dentition

    Teeth vary greatly among fish

    and ectothermic tetrapods,

    but generally all are the same

    within a species. Many have

    sharply pointed teeth to graspprey. Chewing is minimal.

    KK 13.13, H&G 7.5

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    Dentition of


    Most mammals and synapsids

    had differentiated teeth: incisors,

    canines, premolars and molarsThese teeth are usually replaced

    once. Premolars and molars are

    very similar, the difference being

    that molars are not replaced.

    They can be collectively referredto as cheek teeth.

    Carnassial teeth = molars

    specialized for shearing.

    KK 13.7, H&G 7.7, 30.17

  • 7/27/2019 13-14 - Digestive System


    Adaptations for Herbivory

    Herbivores may have

    fewer or no incisors and

    canines, but high and

    deeply folded cheek

    teeth. Why?

    KK 13.14, H&G 30.22

  • 7/27/2019 13-14 - Digestive System


    Adaptations for tooth wear

    Tooth wear limits

    the lifespan ofmany herbivores.

    Rodents (e.g.,

    beaver) have


    incisors that keepgrowing.

    Elephants use their

    6 immense cheek

    teeth one at a time.

    KK 13.9, H&G 30.20, 30.21

  • 7/27/2019 13-14 - Digestive System


    Gut Functions

    Transportation (via peristalsis) and storage

    Physical treatment: mixing and churning

    Chemical treatment: breakdown ofmacromolecules into subunits by acids and enzymesprior to assimilation. May also be biologicaltreatment by microbes.

    Absorption Production of feces, reclamation of H2O

  • 7/27/2019 13-14 - Digestive System


    Structure of the GutKK 13.22, H&G Fig. 12.4

    The muscularis

    externa and the

    serosa are from the

    splanchnic hypomere.

    The mucosa andsubmucosa are

    derived from


    Note that the ventral

    mesentery mostlydisappears.

  • 7/27/2019 13-14 - Digestive System


    Structure of the

    small intestine

    In the absorbtive area of

    the gut, i.e., the small

    intestine, the internalsurface of the gut is

    intensely folded to increase

    the surface area. There is a

    rich blood supply. Note

    also lymph vessels


    KK 13.25, H&G 12.4

  • 7/27/2019 13-14 - Digestive System


    Fish Guts KK 13.29, H&G 12.6

    Fish (ectothermic predators) generally have

    short and simple guts. The esophagus isshort and starts right behind the mouth.

    The large intestine is not distinct.

    The shark and some Osteichthyes have

    increased the area for absorbtion via aspiral valve in the intestine.

    Teleosts like the perch and trout have

    pyloric ceca to increase absorbtive area

    instead of a spiral valve. The smallintestine may loop back on itself.

    Note that the liver and pancreas (where

    present) are not shown.

  • 7/27/2019 13-14 - Digestive System


    Tetrapod Guts 1Tetrapods have a more distinct large intestine, and most have a urinary

    bladder. They never have pyloric ceca or a spiral valve. Instead, the small

    intestine is long and coiled rather than a single loop.

  • 7/27/2019 13-14 - Digestive System


    Tetrapod Guts 2

    Birds and many reptiles lack a urinary bladder. They both have a gizzard.

    Birds also have a crop.

    KK 13.32,

    H&G 12.7

  • 7/27/2019 13-14 - Digestive System


    Tetrapod Guts 3

    Amphibia have a

    short esophagus,

    like fish.

    Birds have a cropand a gizzard.

    They also have

    colic ceca that are

    enlarged in


    KK 12.27

    Tetrapods increase absorbtive area by lengthening the small intestine.

  • 7/27/2019 13-14 - Digestive System


    Functional variation in mammal

    gutsKK 13.28, H&G 12.8

    Simple guts of

    carnivores and



    guts of


  • 7/27/2019 13-14 - Digestive System


    Foregut vs. Hindgut Fermentation

    Foregut fermentation (artiodactyls, kangaroos, sloth,

    hippopotamus, ostrich) is ahead of the small intestineso absorbtion is favoured, and allows for re-chewingorchewing the cud in some species. But it is slow.

    Hindgut fermentation (horses, rodents, rabbits,rhinoceros) is below the small intestine involving thelarge intestine or the cecum, so absorbtion of

    products is limited but it allows faster throughput.

    Hindgut fermenters cannot regurgitate and re-chew,but many are coprophagous.

  • 7/27/2019 13-14 - Digestive System


    Vertebrate stomachs

    are rather similar. In

    birds (and some

    diapsids) the pylorus

    is particularly

    muscular, and called

    the gizzard. It often

    contains stones.

    In ruminants, e.g., the

    cow, the foregut is

    expanded as an

    microbial fermentation

    chamber, allowingthem to extract

    nutrition from coarse

    plant material.

    The Stomach

    KK13.31, H&G 12.5



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    The RumenKK 12.34, H&G 12.9

    The rumen is actually a part of theesophagus upstream from the true


    The rumen allows ruminant

    animals to extract nutrition from

    poor quality food via microbialfermentation, and to minimize

    their exposure to predators. They

    can consume large amounts of

    food quickly, move to cover, then

    regurgitate and re-chew it at their


    Methane gas production from

    ruminant animals is a significant

    contribution to atmospheric

    methane, a potent greenhouse gas.

  • 7/27/2019 13-14 - Digestive System


    Liver FunctionsThe liver is the largest organ in the body, and universal (and very

    similar) in all vertebrates.

    Digestive: - produces bile acids, which emulsify fats in the

    digestive tract. Bile acids are stored in the gall bladder.

    Metabolic: - Carbohydrate metabolism regulates blood glucose

    by synthesizing and de-synthesizing glycogen.- Stores fat to various degrees (e.g., shark, cod).

    - Protein metabolism De-aminates amino acids and

    synthesizes urea with the waste N.

    Also: - stores iron and some vitamins

    - detoxifies toxins

    - phagocytosis of old blood cells, foreign cells

    - blood cell formation in fish and embryos

  • 7/27/2019 13-14 - Digestive System


    The Liver in Relation to the

    Circulatory System

    Interlobular veins


    Central Veins

    Livers Metabolic


    Hepatic Vein


    Absorption in Gut Capillaries Hepatic Portal


    Mesenteric arteries

    Hepatic Artery

  • 7/27/2019 13-14 - Digestive System


    Liver Lobule in Transverse Section

    KK 13.39, H&G 12.11

    Liver functions

    occur as the blood

    from the hepatic

    portal vein passesthrough the liver

    lobules to collect in

    central veins and

    ultimately the

    hepatic veins.

  • 7/27/2019 13-14 - Digestive System


    Pancreas Functions

    As an exocrine digestive gland (secretions to the outside, ie,the gut lumen) it produces proteolytic enzymes as zymogens or

    pro-enzymes. These are in an inactive state until worked on byproteolytic enzymes already in the gut.

    As an endocrine gland (secretions into the body, i.e., theblood) it secretes insulin (stimulates deposition of glycogen)and glucagon (stimulates release of glycogen)

    While the liver is universal in vertebrates, the pancreas is not adiscrete organ in most fish. Instead, tissue with pancreaticfunction is scattered in the mesentery adjacent to the liver.

  • 7/27/2019 13-14 - Digestive System


    Development of the Liver

    and Pancreas

    The pancreas develops from

    separate structures in the

    dorsal and ventral

    mesenteries that fuse duringdevelopment in many


    KK 13.38, H&G 12.1

  • 7/27/2019 13-14 - Digestive System


    The Pancreas

    In many vertebrates, thedorsal and ventral

    pancreas are more or

    less separate and two

    ducts may persist, as in

    the panda. The ductscarry digestive enzymes

    to the gut.

    KK 13.40

  • 7/27/2019 13-14 - Digestive System


    The PancreasIn other vertebrates, including humans, the

    dorsal and ventral pancreas are intimatelyfused, and endocrine functions of the dorsal

    pancreas are carried out in the pancreatic


    KK 15.11, H&G 12.12

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