
Post on 23-Jan-2015






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The power of Financial Freedom Online lies in this 12 indispensable principles which have been applied by the 4% of successful people around the world. Read this to Guarantee yourself a paradigm shift


12 Life Changing Principles

December 21

2012 Follow these “12 Life changing principles” & you will be “Inspired” to start your very own business and taking MASSIVE action towards building a Multi-Million dollar enterprise TODAY!.....

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By Winson Ng

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FREE! Winson Ng Unleashes the latest Blueprint to his Brand New 57 page “12 Life Changing Principles” to set you and Your Business Apart from 10 million business owners on the internet, Updated for the 21st Century Economic Climate! ..... Winson Ng’s “12 Life Changing Principles” to set you and your business apart from 6 Billion people (Updated for the 21st Century)

Follow these “12 Life changing principles” & you will be “Inspired” to start your very own business and taking MASSIVE action towards building a Multi-Million dollar enterprise TODAY!.....

Inside You‘ll Discover Chapter 1: Identifying the Next Wave (You must hop onto this wave)

Chapter 2: Leveraging on the 3 Top Hottest Trends (2012 Prediction)

Chapter 3: The Art of Financial Freedom Online

Chapter 4: Art of War Techniques for your business (Controversial)

Chapter 5: Mindset Secrets and why you need it!

Chapter 6: Taking Massive Action NOW!

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I consider it my mission to educate and create Mindsets that are extremely focused and persistent in defying conventional wisdom in order to achieve Financial Freedom and to live the lifestyle you always wanted.

The 12 life Changing Principles that you’ll to able to identify in this ebook:

1) Life – Long learning & Delayed Gratification 2) Self – Awareness and Abundance 3) Millionaire Mindset Training & Branding 4) Self – mastery and empowerment 5) Imagination & Inspiration 6) The Power of giving more than you receive 7) The Power of Lifting up People’s Spirit 8) Taking Massive Action, it’s now or never 9) Understanding the Cycle of Life and how it affects us 10) Investment and commitment 11) Dedication and Focus 12) Passion and Style

Warning! You are about to learn the close guarded secrets of the brightest minds in the home based business industry which are seldom revealed unless you pay close attention and invest your time reading this report and in between the lines! You will get rewarded with my bonuses for being commited to reading this Blueprint till the end…..

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Dedicated to all those with a dream at heart to Unleash their Full potential and achieve Abundance in Life!

“Life is a Journey, not a destination”

In pursuit of True Freedom, Financial Freedom……..

Seriously, if you are still in your office chained to your desk, you need a way out right now! Every decision you make and take TODAY has consequences that will determine where you will be in the next 5 to 10 years.

It takes a dream and passion in order to drive your determination and willingness to learn how to achieve financial freedom.

The old adage of studying hard, getting a degree and finding a safe and secure job does not work anymore…

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Introduction “Why don’t you get a job?” In the midst of the great recession, many have lost their jobs and are financially insecure. Getting a job isn’t always what it used to be. Saving your way to wealth is impossible and relying on your pension alone is not going to allow you to live comfortably. Therefore, you need a way to break free and be in command of your financial position. You need to be in the home based business industry. The rise of these home based business entrepreneurs is paving the way for the next generation of multi-millionaires. All this is only possible with the advent of the internet. According to Fortune Magazine…. Over half of the top 40 riches people in the world under the age of 40 made their fortunes over the internet. Here are the famous ones: Michael Dell, Pierre Omidyar, Sergey Brin and Larry page, Jerry Yang and David Filo, Mark Zuckerberg, Andrew Gower, Chad Hurley, Blake Ross and David Hyatt, Matt Mullenweg, Kevin Rose and the list goes on and on. Do a search of these people and you will know who they are and what impact they had made for the world. There is an even bigger list of multi-millionaires which you may not even recognize their names unless you are in the industry. These people are earning their fortunes quietly and emassing great amounts of fortune. In fact, they may even be around you or hanging out with you. Those who only seek to look for alternatives besides looking for a physical job will only be aware of the secret that lies within the internet.

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Don’t quit your job just yet!

I want to let you know “straight on” that, there is a 90 percentile chance that you might fail if you do not have the proper strategy, guidance and mindset before you jump into the bandwagon. If you want to start your very own home based business, mlm marketing or even internet marketing, here lies the 5 general keys to success: (you need to have this and take it to heart if you ever want to quit your current job and live on your own passive residual income generated from your business) Without these key ingredients, don’t expect any spectacular results!

1) Attitude Business is a game; enjoy the process of climbing up the mountain

2) Knowledge The right information that resonates with your style is Priceless

3) Tools Sooner or later, you are going to need automation to run your business (keep this for later)

4) Action Most important, without you taking MASSIVE action, you better stay with your current job

5) Focus Keep on a clear path, focus on a few simple yet effective strategies because there are a million ways to succeed, you can’t do all of them.

I am going to educate and enlighten you on how to run and WIN the marathon, but I am not going to run the marathon for you. It all boils down to the actions you will take after this. At the end of the day, whether you are

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just getting started in this industry or a success story already, this is going to be one of the most life changing information you’ll ever come across in the 21st century.

If you ask any pioneer or experts in the industry, maybe Richard Branson or Robert Kiyosaki, about their secret sauce to success. Well, they will tell you this:

“Its no secret, I just work harder and longer than anyone else….”

“Well I enjoy my work”

“I Found it easier to get rich than I did to make excuses”

Let me tell you this, it does take a little extra special sauce to be where they are right now, they just don’t realize it because they have “internalized” these secret ingredients into their businesses.

I discovered what the secret sauce was….

Well let me let you into this secret sauce of these successful entrepreneurs and provide you with the missing link to your business. I will be absolutely transparent on this because I want you to pay complete attention to what I am about to uncover here……

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Who am I?

Well, you may be wondering who I am and what qualifications I have…

If you look at my FaceBook and twitter account, I may only have a couple of hundred friends and followers; in fact you might not have heard about me…

It is because what I have is a completely different approach than most people. I specialize in human mindset, spirit and philosophy, especially as it pertains to leadership, market trends and business startups.

And it is because of these specializations of mine:

I am capable of adapting to any working environment

I am a fast learner than the ordinary

I become very passionate about being financially independent

I always envision the possibilities of revolutionizing the world for the better

I become a very keen observer of the human scene

I understand the in depth psychology of human interactions

I am highly motivated and gifted with unshakeable confidence

I always look at a problem as an opportunity to grow

These qualities of mine enable me to earn the trust of my colleagues and clients. And most important of all, I am able to observe and understand the deeper meaning of things in a way that few others seem to be able to which allow me to provide a lot of value to my business partners and clients.

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“The beautiful thing about these qualities, is that I was not borned with it, I merely teached myself to obtain it”

Well I can proudly say that having these qualities had allowed me to keep focus in building excellent rapport with my clients and partners. The Funny thing about this is that I was not always hitting my “A” game in my endeavours. If you ever hit rock bottom before, I can relate my story to you. To keep a very long story short, I had very great expectations in school as well as the results because I love to compete with my peers. However, with every great expectation, there just might be a slight chance that failure could happen. And without a doubt I was being too overconfident that I failed miserably and in the end I succumbed under pressure. It really did give a huge blow to my alter ego. The reason I share this with you, it is because through failure I discovered the better side of me. I discovered that I was a student of mindset and philosophy. Through this unique awareness I developed, I enhanced my skills and qualities which allowed me to work with the best and offer the best to my customers. “If you are not successful today, it shows that you did not fail enough times to realize the difference you can make in your life” The best thing about discovering your strengths and working them to perfection is that you will be able to work with your partners and team members in your terms. And you know what; you will start to enjoy your work and reap the full benefits of your endeavours.

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One of the most powerful principles that the top leaders of the industry ever have in common is the ability Predict trends in the dire moments and apply them into their business. That is the sole reason why the rich become richer and the poor continue to be in the state poverty. It is this simple skill that these people have that allow them to build a multi-million dollar income in the home based business industry. Therefore, you need to truly understand these principles in order to push your business to the next level and achieve the “escape velocity” of success beyond any imagination. Reading the information I have shared here would be the very first step to heightening your awareness and enlightening your path to achieve a new paradigm in your mindset and business. And I can assure you that if you take massive action with “consistency”, you will no doubt achieve Financial Freedom.

To stand out from the rest, you

have to treat failure as a process

of achieving greater heights.

Take a moment to look at some

of the greatest business owners

alive, what do they have in


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How did I discover this secret formula?

Well as I have said earlier, I discovered the better side of me after I failed miserably. I soon found out from this one individual, who was kind enough to share this one piece of information. That information led me to greater self discovery that I could ever imagine. That information was from “Think and grow rich by Napolean Hill”. I soon realized how powerful the mindset and human spirit could be that every individual has it at their disposal. It is a matter of whether they are aware that this power is sitting inside of them. When you really put your mind, heart and soul into accomplishing a task, magic and breakthroughs happen. The word here is “BELIEVE” If you can take this to heart and believe it can happen, then there are no limits to your achievements in your lifetime. If you want a copy of this invaluable knowledge, I’ve got a copy reserved for you here: www.FreeTGRbook.com/kecy7nhm Later I found out that this book “Think and grow rich” was by far unmatched by all the other self-improvement books available because it has since created more than a million Millionaires, and that result speaks for itself. You see, in every venture that you undertake, once you have acquired the right knowledge, skills, having a 1000% commitment and excellent guidance; it will take you all the way to the peak of the summit of what you are aiming for, and that my friends is key to success, simple yet hardly anyone has the perseverance to see it through. So to all of you, who have managed to read up until here, let me first congratulate you on your perseverance. There is no doubt about what you can achieve and accomplish in life just by setting simple goals in motion.

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This is my Goal

My ultimate goal is to inspire and enlighten YOU to achieve greater heights by taking massive action and strategic steps to achieving Financial Freedom Online. I want to share all the valuable information passed down to me to lift up people’s spirits and to grow a following of tenacious individuals that would do whatever it takes to achieve financial freedom in pursuit of happiness. After all,

“You can never have True Freedom without Financial Freedom” Rich Dad

Unlike others, I often describe myself as a Financial Freedom Evangelist. It is my way of describing how PASSIONATE I am about helping others to achieve the lifestyle YOU always wanted!

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To the Pursuit of happiness

To Financial Freedom

To the dreams you always wanted

To more time with your Loved Ones

Winson Ng

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Chapter 1: Identifying the Next Wave Why you must hop onto this wave… Capitalize on Global Opportunity

The Future is here, nothing is bigger than the internet and the mobile Internet industry. With the release of the Iphone 4 and Androids, the race is on. Those who get left behind will not be able to reap the full benefits of this transition. According to inside information, telecommunication companies are focusing on a 70-90% data rate transfer by the 2012; it would mean more data transfer over the internet than any other time in history. As a result, a huge volume of communication will be made via social media’s like Facebook and Twitter. GOOGLE: Mobile search is central “One of the key ways that people find and access information on their mobile devices, just like on the desktop, is through search. As smart phones have proliferated, we’ve seen dramatic increases in mobile search volume. Over the past two years, Google's mobile search volumes have grown more than fivefold, at an accelerated pace. In the first three months of 2010, people with smart phones with “full” Web Kit browsers (such as the iPhones, Android devices and Palm Pre) searched 62 percent more than they did in the previous three months. Increasingly, people aren’t just typing search queries into their mobile devices. They speak them, they take photos of them and they even translate them from different languages.”

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This is why you need to take a ride on this wave if you ever want to be the leaders of the industry like today who took the advantage early on.

“The People who posses the capability of predicting the future of where the industry is going.…

Are the ones who are going to win” Jonathan Budd

From 1999 – 2010, the internet has created more millionaires than any other industry on the planet. The internet has managed to revive financial difficulties of thousands of people. Therefore, if you know how to predict trends and chart your direction accordingly in the early stages, you will be on the path to riches. The word “Internet marketing” NOW has been deemed too competitive with too many low laying spammers and over-hyped promises that have destroyed the reputation of the industry. You see, usually the pioneers who are at the leading edge of a trend or wave would benefit the most. They would have to conduct lots of research, invest plenty of time and also money in order to understand the psychology and structure of the system. Inevitably, all that effort would become very valuable information which will be priceless in the near future. One of the best examples of a pioneer in Internet marketing is John Reese…

Never Heard of John Reese? John Reese……

Started Marketing Online: 1990 (Before the Web) DO YOU SEE MY POINT….. One of his Marketing Strengths: "Spying" (research), Testing & Tracking and being able to "connect the dots" of concepts and ideas.

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Turning Point before Reaching Success: He sold a domain name for $900. A Buyer then resold it for $1,000,000 IN CASH, which made him, realize the "easy way" to make money was letting other people show you where the opportunities are. The "hard way" is to try and do something completely new. "John Reese is an Internet Marketing pioneer that has been actively marketing online since 1990. He created one of the first autoresponder services on the Internet in 1994. Since then, he has created and launched over 110 projects online. One of these projects was a free photo-hosting service for eBay users that John started in 1998. This service (due to a powerful Viral Marketing "twist") became one of the Top 500 sites in the world for web traffic in only 10 months after it was launched. This little service used to consistently produce in excess of $100K/month in affiliate commissions from a variety of affiliate programs. Not bad for a service that John created for less than $350. On August 17, 2004, John Reese shocked the Internet marketing world and pulled in over $1,000,000 in sales in less than 24 hours (18 to be exact) for the launch of a new product -- and he did it without spending one penny on advertising!" What most failed to see is that he started out in internet marketing 15 years ago. And during this long period of time, John has been very busy testing, tweaking, and fine-tuning all kinds of methods and 'tricks' for making money online -- and they've made him a self-made multi-millionaire. John Reese is ONLY one of the long lists of Gurus here who hopped onto the Internet wave since 1995: http://www.marketing-ideas.org/Top-Internet-Marketing-Gurus.php The lesson I want you to learn here is that you benefit the MOST from huge responses if you are the FIRST to offer, create, produce and market out a unique concept or idea. And if you are the first, most probably your cost for Marketing and Advertising would be very low. As a result, the profit difference you make is much higher.

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Do you NOW wish you were one of the first to know how money was made on the Internet? If you had discovered the internet wave, you would have been a multi-millionaire by NOW. Anyway, let’s move on….

The Next wave started around 2002, when google pay per click was at its cheapest. It simply meant that advertising on the internet was a level playing field where home based business owners could advertise at a reduced cost, thus increasing their profit margins. At that very moment, when these smart home based business owners understand the gravity of which advertising was made so cheap and cost effective and yet you are able to reach millions. The amount of money they invested in Google PPC was literally double in the return of investment (ROI). Today, they made tons of cash because they saw what Google PPC could do to grow and expand their businesses exponentially early on.

What can I say? I missed all of that…

Today, Advertising with Google is pretty much too expensive for any amateur and without the proper knowledge and strategy; you might lose a lot of money advertising with Google Paid per Click.

The Ugly Truth about “Google Today” according to Top industry expert Jonathan Budd…

The days of google PPC are over Google is more or less dead for MLM & home based business marketers

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Since 2002-2010, Google has been the number one source of traffic and leads for almost all marketers on the internet

In the last 12 months, we have seen the extermination of the home based business industry on Google Google has banned over 50,000 accounts all across the marketing industry Health Marketers, Internet Marketers, Personal Development Marketers, you name it! have been

blanketed shut, down and out Google has become so corporate they have underestimated the potential of the home based business

industry The reasons for Google’s behaviour in recent months has been related to FTC Google has had a tremendous FTC fine related to the “Google money tree scam” If they even think that you’re in some sort of making money, get rich quick type of thing…. Your account would be done and shut because Google will never want to deal with another FTC fine

Google Money Tree Scam: People Claming they made money using Google

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The truth here is NOT every marketer in the home based business industry is dealing with the Google money tree scam. And the problem is that Google is controlling 70%-80% of the world’s search engine traffic and that is a …..

Total Google monopoly. Yahoo and MSN are not even close to reaching out to the amount of search traffic in Google. Most experts who had a lot of success getting traffic from Google have had their main traffic pipeline been cut off. They lost 75% of the traffic almost overnite… In order to sustain the amount of profit their company has achieved they had to look for the next alternative. In case you haven’t noticed, there isn’t a second Google for us to rely on…….

“Don’t put all your eggs in one basket”

By nature, humans love to grow, and having huge successes from Google, most tend to ignore the simple ideology of NOT putting all your eggs in one basket.

It has become more of a rat race to dominate Google at all cost that they forget this simple rule of diversification and having multiple streams of traffic and income.

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See how important it is to predict trends and hop onto the the next wave. If you were the first to discover Google PPC, you might have been a millionaire by now. The opportunity lies when you are at the leading edge or in front of them….

When an opportunity comes along, you have to recognize it at just the right time.

If you recognize it a little bit too soon, a bit too late, maybe it’s not an opportunity at all.

So you must decide right then what you can do and what you can’t….

Moving on …..

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What if you knew that in 2001, budget airlines in Asia would become a Billion dollar business?

Do you wish you were the first to figure out that budget airlines in Asia would become a billion-dollar industry? Budget airlines like RyanAir and EasyJet were already a smash hit in Europe, but there were no budget airlines in Asia back then. Tony Fernandez predicted that bringing the idea of a budget airline back to Asia would be a huge opportunity, he then took large strides to make the best offers for potential customers, marketed his offers heavily – and AirAsia became profitable in just its FIRST YEAR of operations.

In fact, Air Asia won the Skytrax’s award, “World’s Best Low-Cost Airlines” for two years in a row. Well you may say that not everyone can start an airline. But with Air Asia’s success being so huge so early on, anyone could take a ride on AirAsia’s wave to create another success story of their own. An example was set by this guy, “Sen Ze” who wrote this book called “The AirAsia Story” which became an INSTANT best seller, selling out the entire first print run in just 2 weeks. He beat Air Asia itself by publishing the book first and did it by producing one of the most comprehensive coverage of Air Asia’s success. Moving on…

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What if you knew early on that Social Networking sites would be a huge success?

Would you have created a website where people could socialize and share their stories? Well Mark Zuckerberg did, so did Blake Ross, David Hyatt, Alexander Levin, Chad Hurley, Kevin Rose and Andrew Gower. Do you wish NOW that you’ve created a website early on where people can share their updates, stories, photos and videos with each other? Well there was one social network in particular that seem to outperform all the rest. This particular network will be the NEXT Google….. If you were to measure every action the visitors take from this social network, you will find that it has the most responsive visitors compared to the rest. And this one traffic source will no doubt be the most important advertising medium that has ever happended to the home based business industry. This is also what most industry experts believe that this is going to emerge as the world’s #1 source of traffic for every home based business owners with even more capabilities than Google Adwords. So can you guess which social network I am talking about? Are you thinking of that one social network but still not sure whether it is the one? Do you just want to go the extra mile to confirm what you are thinking about?

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Well that one traffic source is….

No one traffic source is even close to generating so much user data than FACEBOOK. And as we all know that the key to search engine accuracy and precision is user generated data. The more people use and type in their interest and liking’s, the better the result would appear for every new visitor. This is the ultimate key to search engine strength and positioning. And that no other company does it better than FACEBOOK!

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[CNN] Facebook now TOPS Google

CNN is now reporting that Facebook traffic had surpassed Google and on its way to hitting the 1 Billion Mark! Ryan Deiss, one of the leading experts predicted this in January and man was he ever right.

With this new emerging traffic superpower, what else do you think should replace Google as the number 1 traffic search engine? All over the news, this was highly anticipated by the industry’s leading experts. And so…….

Ladies and gentlemen, we just found one central place where we can get all the leads, customers and business partners you could ever dream of. As we all know that if you are at the leading edge of where the trends are going with the traffic in our world, you are going to eliminate your competition forever!

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Looking at the huge success led by FACEBOOK, it is almost pretty certain that you will not lose all the traffic if you were to ditch Google. Whether you are an amateur or an expert in PPC advertising, Facebook has somewhat provided a platform for affordable and targeted traffic for every business owner.

Advertising for the 21st century, have been made a level playing field. It is not about monopoly and total “darn” domination of the rich anymore. It’s about knowing who your targeted customers are and employing the right strategies for advertising. Now, more than ever, you can advertise too and gradually grow your leads at a reduced cost depending on your spending capacity. After you have run split test and anaylze which ads convert the most, you can most certainly scale up your advertising capacity. After a certain period of time your business model will look like this……. (Increase)Total Money $$ spent on Facebook PPC = (Higher) Profit obtained from lead conversions

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The world’s Economics is shifting

In reality, no one can deny the fact that Facebook is making this world seem so much smaller than before. It is almost as if we are peering into the future where communities and individuals are all interconnected in a single ball of entity where with a click of a button, you are able to reach out to millions. Social Networks are NOW set to overthrow conventional media such as daily Tabloids; TV and radio which was once the pinnacle of advertising and global broadcast. This NEW WAVE is doing extremely well to collect user generated preference, interest and “likes” which is the key to search engine technology. If you look at one of the greatest search engine that ever existed; Google, which has been so successful over the last half a decade is attributed to the algorithms that enable searches to be highly relevant to its user’s preference. However, this function has evolved and being gradually substituted by Social Media’s that includes Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and many more other sites. Facebook’s core values were being introduced by Mark to enable the social beauty and structure to be brought and shared online by millions of people.

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Excerpt from the social network

“Facebook is …… sort of a social network—but one that was exclusive, in that you had to know the people on the site to get into it. Kind of like in the real world—real social circles—but put online, by

the people in the social circles themselves” And while Facebook and other social media’s have created a tremendous impact in our lives – the best is yet to come! Many home based businesses and medium to large enterprises are beginning to realize the potential of social media marketing to create a following in order to market their services and products. If you take a look around you, every single advertisement on television, broadcast from radio stations and newspaper ads are telling its viewers and listeners to follow and add them on Facebook and Twitter. This is definitely making a mark as a single point in history where mass transitions are leading towards social media marketing. If you are neglecting this trend, you will be left stranded with your market capacity limit. Fortunately, you are at the right place at the right time! Reading this book alone WILL give you the leverage you need to learn and be at the leading edge RIGHT NOW! Most businesses still do not have the PROVEN strategies to employ Social Media marketing. And even if they know how to do it they do not have the time or resources!

Because of this, YOU have a huge opportunity staring right at your face – RIGHT NOW.

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“Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able to turn both to their advantage.” So do you wish to be the first to capitalize on the Social Media marketing phenomenon? Well I can tell you that 2011-2012 will be the year that the fast movers of our industry is going to attract millions of businesses by providing them with Social Media Marketing services. Now you can both look on and be on the sidelines, or you can take your very first step towards determining the future for you and your family. I am going to tell you straight on that, achieving a passive residual income, getting more time and doing what you are passionate about is downright possible in the home based business industry. You can become my friend on Facebook here now if you want to connect with me, and see how I do it… (We should become friends on facebook anyway) http://www.facebook.com/Winson.Ng.profile (Note, there is an advanced portion in Social Media Marketing that I will cover in later trainings, but it’s VERY powerful) P.S. Pay close attention to the following chapters because there is invaluable information pieced together from years of knowledge, wisdom and keen observation.

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Chapter 2: Leveraging on the 3 Top Hottest trends leading to 2012 Having the right mindset and changing the way you market out to the world is one thing. Identifying the right niche to employ these strategies is another.Chapter 2 is going to expose the Top 3 niches and trends that could very well be the next monumental change to the development of our society.

Facebook is the #1 exploding website in the world right now, clearly on track to surpass Google’s website traffic as they go to 1 billion users. There will NEVER be a better time in history, or in your business, then for you to discover exactly how to use this site today to funnel as many people as possible into your income streams. That's EXACTLY what I am going to show you how to do, & the time for you to make this happen for yourself is NOW... I have developed a System (the first of its kind in the world) that enables anyone with the interest and desire to start their very own business just like I do, an almost guaranteed way of getting started without a lot of money using my 3 step social media IMNM strategy. (P.S. IMNM a.k.a. Internet Marketing & Network Marketing)

1) Instant complete online start up kit 2) Complete Internet Resources (PLR, articles, softwares, audio, video, you name it!) 3) Personal mentoring and support (My personal time, 1 hour/week skype for 6 months, unlimited emails)

P.S. I personally will assign special tasks for you every week, motivate you, and kick your butt!!!

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Now, when people claim that you are GUARANTEED success using his or her system, it will be a sure lie! Success is only guaranteed if you have a mentor, a foolproof system and an undying commitment. Look at the world’s best, athletes, business people and stars; they all have guidance and supervision under their mentors! The moment you set foot on the notion that you can do it all by yourself, you are walking in a very dangerous road. This is where 90% of people in the home based business industry are making their big mistake! Later on in this blueprint I am going to prove to you how important it is to have a personal mentor to keep track of your performance. But for now remember this: (formula to success in this industry)

You need unending commitment You need a System that is proven to work (A single working business model) You need lots of Automation (your business is able to run without you) Persistence(do not jump from one method to another without split testing the better method)

I will explain later on how you can startup your very own internet campaign without much technical expertise… Let’s move on….. After reading chapter 1, you should know that the biggest trend right NOW is Facebook! No other medium of advertising, marketing and social is as big as Facebook or even coming close to it! The driving force that is the internet is making Facebook the #1 most visited site and the most influential in the world. And what no one can deny is that the largest growth sectors happening in our world right now, the largest companies being born, the largest amount of millionaire’s being created is all happening on the internet.

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Think about any major Household name of companies that have emerged in the last decade….. What comes into your mind? Perhaps ONLY Google, Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, Twitter, Apple as well as its devices like the Iphone and Ipads that has been exploding onto the world scene. Still don’t see the trend here? Last year, Internet Advertising alone SURPASSED all television & radio advertising. Do you realize how EPIC that is? Television, the absolute Power House of media advertising that has influenced human cultures, tradition and spread ideologies for decades has been SURPASSED by the internet. How HUGE is that? Now, put your imagination caps on. If you were to buy an ad spot on television for a couple of bucks to advertise your business, how much revenue can that bring to your business? Think about it! If you were one of the first few who discovered about Television advertising, wouldn’t you dominate the scene because it is was so cheap?

The very fact that now Television advertising is just too expensive for anyone to start experimenting is because of its cost had been exclusive ONLY to the richest companies on the planet. Now, stop your imagination for awhile and look at what you have right now, welcome to the next media GIANT since the birth of Television itself…….. “The internet”

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Using the power of media and advertising, the internet is paving the way for professionals, amateurs, and even beginners in every field to market their businesses. This new generation of internet entrepreneurs is creating a tidal wave of new internet multi millionaires. No one else does it better in the home based business industry than the top leading experts in Personal development because they concentrate on the core marketing approach which is self- growth and financial freedom.

Robert Kiyosaki, Harv Eker, Robert G. Allen, Anthony Robbins are some of the leading examples of personal development Gurus who use the power of Internet marketing to create a huge following of hundreds of thousands of people. They all use the Power of…..

“Building Relationships through Social Media Marketing” Tell me, who doesn’t want to live a lifestyle of absolute freedom and wealth? This is a major reason why masses of people are so interested in self-improvement seminars, books and courses.

These Gurus use the combination of self-development and harness the power of Social Media Marketing to create MASSIVE Social Proof, thus, making the home based business a billion dollar industry. The secret to success lies in the way you brand yourself as an expert in your field of expertise and using the power of Social media marketing to reach out to the world.

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Do not miss this opportunity staring at your face right NOW at ALL COST because the opportunities never last. You have to recognize it at just the right time. If you recognize it a little bit too early or too late, it might not be an opportunity at all. So you must decide right then what you can do & what you can’t. P.S. I for one will be standing at the leading edge of this Social Media Marketing Trend, I missed the 2002 Google wave, but i will not miss this one right now for 2011! Let’s now jump into the the 3 Top Hottest and Trendiest niches leading into 2012…..

#1 Property (Why is Property Right NOW such a Hot Niche to Conquer?) We all know that a crash in US property prices triggered a leverage crisis in the subprime-mortgage securitization market. This in turn, triggered a global liquidity crisis, which itself contributed to a solvency crisis among some banks and an increase in the pressure to deleverage. When this led to a further decline in asset prices, the whole cycle repeated itself. If there is one phenomenon that best characterizes the irrational behavior that underpins the crisis, it is the history of home values in the United States. In 1997, US house prices started to rise dramatically. In just 10 years, the inflation-adjusted price of a US house doubled. The increase in US house prices was underpinned by the ready availability of debt, particularly after interest rates were cut to 1 percent. Likewise, banks were driving the supply of easy credit to fuel more profits from the returns of mortgage lending.

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In the end, the supply of easy credit was given far too easily; resulting in a violent burst of the real estate buble. A record of 2.8 million properties with a mortgage got a foreclosure notice in (2009). It is expected to rise to a record of epic proportions in 2010. Well, with the buoyant market at the verge of a double dip, property prices are set to be at an all time low. This could prove to be highly significant for real estate professionals who are looking at the current market from a different perspective, a more positive outlook on the opportunity to dominate the future real estate market.

As Winston Churchill famously proclaimed, “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. With prices of real estate at an all time low, wouldn’t it be obvious for professional investors and real estate agents to quickly grab hold of as many property’s as possible? Think about it….

With property prices cracking the surface of the floor, there is no way possible for it to go down any further! You may say what the rest of us, amateurs and non-investors with no capital to have any say in this? Well, that was before you discovered the power of the internet and the Secret concept of lease options. By combining the two, owning these properties anywhere in the world and at no money down is possible!

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Very few know about the concept of lease options let alone buying and selling property using the internet. These exclusive knowledge, wisdom and technique are only being shared within an inner circle of elite and professional investors. I discovered the secret after attending a USD$2000 workshop uncovering the truth about lease options.

What Is Lease Option? “A lease option gives you the right but not the obligation to purchase a property at a specific price during a specific period of time.” A lease option is split into two parts: 1) The OPTION that controls the PRICE 2) The LEASE that controls the CASH FLOW The owner gives you the benefits associated with a mortgage but without the risks. 7 reasons why lease options are fundamentally better for acquiring properties than using Mortgages? 1. No mortgage 2. No valuation 3. Flexibility with terms 4. More leads/ higher conversion 5. Fast completion 6. Reduced risk - option not obligation 7. Seller can sell when there is little or no equity

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To know more in detail about “no money down” techniques to buy property than anywhere in the world, please visit: http://houseformoney.com/blog/

P.S. Despite the recent economic downturn, people, especially from the UK, have always had this “love affair” with property knowing the “bricks and mortar” will always provide a place of abode as well as a long‐term investment for anyone fortunate enough to raise a deposit and obtain a mortgage to buy a house. This “love affair” with property and competitiveness in the professional circle has driven the market to evolve into one that is highly innovative and sophisticated. British investors have experimented, both successfully and unsuccessfully, with more “no money down” techniques to buy property than anywhere in the world.

#2 Green Tech (The biggest revolution in Human Civilization, An attempt to reindustrialize) Over the past decade, millions of jobs were outsourced from the US and EU to rapidly developing countries such as China & India. The backlash has begun, with protectionist calls to repatriate these jobs. More significant, several Western Governments seem to be deciding that it is insufficient to base their economic growth on the service sector – and that they need to start a program of reindustrialization.

The rise of the service economy was a feature of the boom. But a one trick-pony economy does not work. Recognizing this, some countries are investing aggressively in new industries including renewable energy and other green technologies. It seems likely that governments will focus particularly on emerging high skill and high tech industries such as nanotechnology, biotechnology, photonics, material science, and Green technology as they promote a policy of reindustrialization.

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These young industries offer the lure of extremely high growth potential. Supporting them would be a medium to long term investment, and the end result could be a creation of the leading industries of the next wave of economic development. For example, the global market for nanotechnology (the development of incredibly small structures and particles ofaround one-millionth of a millimeter in size) is already worth around $65billion, and it is growing at 15 percent per year. Similarly, the global photonics market (optical technologies focusing on microscopic light quanta – the study of which won Albert Einstein a Nobel Prize) reached $70 billion in 2008 and is growing at a rate of more than 8 percent per year. Another, hot new industry – the $100 billion so called white biotechnology industry (which brings living microorganisms such as molds, yeast, and bacteria to industrial use) is growing at 10 percent per year, whereas material science (the development and application of new industrial materials) is already a $450 billion industry that is growing at 5 percent per year. All stats and figures is a courtesy of:

To understand how governments are supporting such industries, take a look at the German government’s announcement in June 2009 of an €18 billion research and education development plan. It pledged €700 million for promoting electrical mobility.

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This initiative aims to bring together green technologies, material science, and nanotechnology in order to develop a high powered car battery expected to enter serious production in 2012.

Meanwhile, in the US, states and towns have been promoting green technology. Michigan, an important industrial state, has spent more than $1 billion in the last several years to attract alternative-energy companies, and Toledo, Ohio – a center of glass manufacturing in the 19th century – has leveraged the presence of the local university and its innovations in solar energy to pursue the development of solar panel manufacture. Lobbyist promoting green energy is asserting that alternative energy businesses could create more than 1.7 million U.S. jobs – though over an unspecified time frame. P.S. So if you are still deciding on which trend you want to capitalize early on, give green technology a run for your money!

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#3 Mobile Internet Marketing (5 times bigger than conventional computers)

FACT: Did you know there are over 5 BILLION people that own a mobile device! That's 5 times MORE people than own a home computer! That's nearly 75% of the ENTIRE PLANET!!!

And some experts see the mobile market (Blackberries, iPhones, iPads, smart phones, etc.) dwarfing the traditional Internet.

There are currently 1.9 Billion internet users, mulitply that number by 3 and we get the number of mobile users worldwide. More and more of these mobile owners are getting internet access everyday.

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Facebook alone has: More than 560 million active users 50% of our active users log on to Facebook in any given day People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook There are more than 150 million active users currently accessing Facebook through their mobile devices. People who use Facebook on their mobile devices are twice more active on Facebook than non-mobile

users. And it’s not just me saying it – the companies on the inside of this trend watching it play out are scrambling to “reinvent” themselves from scratch to make mobile their new best friend.

It’s why Google’s not calling itself a “search engine” anymore – their new mantras “mobile first”… and they’re going on the record warning…

… Just three years from today.

It’s why Apple doesn’t want to be in the “computer business” anymore – they’re a “mobile company” now! And the facts prove it’s not just some “fad”… because…

There are already 5 billion people walking around with mobile phones --that means mobile is already nearly five times bigger than the Internet (Since you are going to be one of the first people to REALLY get into mobile marketing, you need to understand just how huge this is.)

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Apple just sold over 2 million more iPhones… and Google’s bragging that their customers are activating 160,000 Droid smartphones a day! (That’s at the same time the biggest maker of desktop PC’s is on the verge of bankruptcy)…

More than HALF of all new Internet connections are from mobile “smartphones”… and… These 5 billion cell phone owners… 51 million+ smartphone surfers… are carrying these pocket-size

computers around with them around the clock! (Get this: 91% of Americans keep their cell phone within three feet of them 24/7… and about a third of people with a cell phone would rather be without their wallet than their phone!) Think about it: If you timed out how much of the day you spent with your cell phone vs. sitting at your computer… it wouldn’t even be close, would it? (Yet most marketers have no clue how to market to people who aren’t glued to a desktop PC!) Tapping into this Pocket size marketing machine thas is already 5 times bigger than the internet is going to be the Next big wave! I am currently keeping a lookout for opportunities involving these 3 Top Trends that could be the Next Wave. So, if you have any questions involving further detail or any proposals please do drop your comments here: http://www.facebook.com/Winson.Ng.12 P.S. Mobile is going to be the future of social media marketing, and the word “desktop” and “internet marketing” will become obsolete…. Recommended Mobile Marketing Course: Local Mobile Monopoly

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Chapter 3: The Art of “Financial Freedom” Online

In 2005, 64% of home based businesses failed within the first 10 years of operating. In 2010, that percentage rised to 95, That will only mean that you have a 5% chance of succeeding in this industry! You see, the only reason why the numbers are increasing every year is because more and more people are jumping onto the bandwagon before they actually understood the underlying principles that can help them achieve Financial Freedom Online. This industry is down right competitive. You have TENS OF MILLIONS of people competing for the same 150,000 new people who start a

home bussiness every week. So ask yourself, what actually makes you stand out from the rest? If you haven’t a single clue to what strategy you have in place to compete with the other 10 million people…… you’d be failing hard!

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Let me tell you that…. Ultimately, success in this industry comes down to mastering your "inner game" It's a journey that has been undertaken by every single successful leader you've ever heard of.You may think their success came from mastering social media marketing, copywriting, video marketing, phone prospecting or other marketing tactics. But that's NOT how they became successful. Tactics are tactics, and they do not build empires in this industry. Leaders do. Their success came from an internal shift in thinking, belief and mastery of a few success principles. “This kind of information is going to make the biggest difference in your ability to create success in your life, your ability to just be a successful and influential entrepreneur.” It’s the kind of information that is so very imperative for you as an entrepreneur and really essentially anybody interested in finding their true power. It is something that I highly recommend you to go through; “These Underlying Principles” If you are ready to take your business and your life to the next level and achieve Financial Freedom on the Internet, then I want to invite you to say "Yes" to what I'm offering you right now. I want you to say "Yes" because this truly is the missing piece of the success puzzle for anyone who wants to be successful. Although many might think the answer is "more leads" or "more money", I can tell you without any reservation; this is NOT the case at all.

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Without the "inner game" component, nothing else matters, and lasting success just isn't possible. Since you showed your commitment …. I want you to say YES and fill up the "inner circle mentoring" survey. A survey which will determine whether you are really serious about bringing change into your own life as well as your Financial Freedom! “Click Here for the Survey” before I show you what “The Undelying Principles” are …. That makes Celebrities shine, That make leaders so Influential,

This is the Difference between Amateurs and the New Professionals in our industry. This information could very well be the deciding factor that differentiates you from the rest of pack!

“Click Here for the Survey”


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“Internet Marketing + Network marketing” Formula Most People focus only on Internet marketing in the Home Based business industry. By doing so, they overlooked the networking part of the business; that could very well trump the rest of the competition. There is a very powerful method used by top influential leaders such as Steve Jobs, Martin Luther King and even Gandhi. This method is by mobilizing people to execute your vision. Your ability to share your vision or even hire people who are inspired to make your dream a reality is the key essence to this principle. Ultimately, people are the key to your success! Martin Luther King and Gandhi did not develop followers just by inspiring speeches; instead they spent the greater part bonding, building coalitions, and connecting with communities “One Person At a time”. Do not underestimate the power of “one on one”. Their powerful agenda moved forward as they mobilized people together on a personal level. Always remember, this may very well be the missing link to your dominance in the industry. Great Leaders always have powerful one-on-one dialogues mobilizing people to their cause. And this is what I call the “Alpha mentality”.

Alpha Mentality Ask yourself this, why do people become famous? Is it that they were born with a silver spoon, or purely just luck? Can you even dream of becoming a STAR? Let me tell you that, it is your inability to project and envision your greatest desires that become your barrier.

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You see, fomous celebrities, influential leaders, models, and “the Rich” all have one thing in common. They have the Alpha mentality. The Alpha mentality is a state of mind and a believe so strong it flows down through your veins giving you inner strength. This inner strength is the form of positiveness and confidence shown in their body language, psyche and facial expression. Hence, the ability to connect to people is also one of the key ingredients that make up an alpha mentality. Alphas also have:

An abundance mentality Unshakable confidence Immunition to criticism A way of dictating the terms A unique ability to handle fear & objection

It’s about YOU, your Future, your success & your ability to lead people. Without this, nothing else matters! This has been and will always be the X-factor that is missing from 98% of people in the home based business.

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To learn more and in depth about the qualities and dogma of leaders and celebrities, you’ve got to listen to what they have to say in person… they might have internalize it , but by listening and capturing their core values, you will be able to model after them. However, this is often easier said than done, because you have to know their private thoughts, never before disclosed coaching about the heart of true success & the missing links that most networkers overlook. After uncovering the truth about the secrets that these leaders took and their private thoughts, you’ve got to model after them. After all 95% of the success in any industry, is modeled after other success stories. In my “inner circle mentoring”, I am offering insights to exclusive interviews with experts of the industry which you must not miss! Over 1000 hours of recording with leaders of every home based business field. Keep an Eye for my emails as I am giving away these exclusive recorded interviews for my readers ONLY!

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Chapter 4: Art of War Techniques for your business (Controversial) Laying your plans before Waging War

In every business endeavour, before any action is taken into promoting, selling and expanding your services and products, the business owner has got to understand the economic nature of the competition at hand. He/she has to know how success requires making the winning play, which in turn, requires limiting the cost of competition and conflict.

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Often in the real operations of business expansion, there will be thousands if not millions of other businesses that may become your serious competitor. And amongst all these businesses, there will be professionals that have very common grounds in terms of the services you are offering as well as the products you are selling. So the question is, whether the expenditure for your business in the front or backend including technical expertise is going to last you in the the long run. There are two prime factors that you must consider when waging war over your competitors in the long run.

Your strength and perseverance to outlast your fierce competitors The amount of expenditure you are willing to sacrifice

Once you have decided to launch your business campaign (waging war), you cannot afford to waste any more precious time in waiting for your partners or withholding your advertising campaign. This may be audacious, but all great strategist and business leaders stress heavily on the value of time…. That is, being a little ahead of your competitor or opponent accounts for the slightest bit of advantage for your business!

Attacking where it matters most It simply means that the “source of strength lies within unity and not size”. Understanding the main key weakness or strength in your strategy can determine long lasting success in your business.

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There are 5 main key principles you must focus on in order to succeed in any competitive situation especially in the home based business industry. There are thousands of other business owners trying to pitch the same services and products as you would. So…… What strategies must you keep in place in order for you to “Stand Out from the rest?”

Your quality of relationship between you and your network determines your net worth! A small network, but of high quality, trumps size and quantity anytime. That should be your main Focus!

Paid Traffic is and will always beat free traffic anytime. It is the reason that separates you from the big players of Marketing & Advertising.

Advertising is a must! Even if you startup as a beginner and you can only afford to spend time on free advertising, you must! It is not an option, but a necessity.

Diversification is essential to creating a solid, long lasting business. Build your first niche and run it on autopilot, and then after that expand into other HOT NICHES.

Recognizing opportunities and not try to create them. The key here is to put yourself ahead of the pack by learning the NEWEST skill sets, strategies, and get the most cutting edge information BEFORE others.

Treat Money as the flow of Energy and Passion Treat the flow of money as energy from the universe. By using creativity and timing, you can build a competitive momentum in your business. Do not ever let money to be the sole reason for building a business. In the end, it is always important to remember that: "Money has never been important to us, but the power that it can bring for our freedom and the freedom for our children means everything!" Let that be the sole reason!!!

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Gurbaksh Chahal, an 18 year old self-made millionaire said, “whether you are 12 or 18, whatever age you are, the first thing you have to realize is what you are really passionate about and love doing, because the minute you establish that, you can start working towards it” You see passion alone can work wonders’, whatever you work at, be passionate about it. This is a fundamental secret for financial success. What do you really love doing? What do you have a natural talent for? What are your hobbies and interests? Once you have these answers, throw your heart and soul into doing it the best that you possibly can because all millionaires love the work that they do. Therefore, once you have established your passion, you have to put in many, many, many tiny efforts for your passion that nobody sees or appreciates before you achieve anything worthwhile. Hint: Read my blog post about Millionaire Habits and why by practicing them CORRECTLY, you can eventually succeed in your desired goal and achieve your greatest dreams. http://winsonngblog.com/10-millionaire-habits-by-damien-thomas

Weak points and Strong

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Opportunities in this business come from openings in the environment caused by relative competition in the selected niches. That is why in Chapter 2, I talked about leveraging on the Top 3 hottest trends and not the most popular niches. The reason being that a popular niche such as “Make money online or weight loss” has huge competition because of the assumption that, they are the most lucrative areas to cash in. But little do these 85% of marketers know that the Top earners of our industry are actually making over 70% of their revenue from specialized niches. I will not go into too many details about this because it is a specialized course that I have created. We have in fact modeled and experimented with hundreds of niches with a very precise and PROVEN method of finding these unique niches and specialize targeted keywords that WORK! However, you will be given the opportunity to work with me on this incredible “Inner mentoring circle” which will give you total access to my research and knowledge on finding these unique niches in Chapter 6.

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Chapter 5: Mindset Secrets and why you NEED it! Robert Kiyosaki has a Rich Dad, and he used to explain that the “Process of making a lot of money is a mental process rather than a physical one”. Einstein also used to say that “Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds”. Mediocrity is in fact a very dangerous position to be if you want to achieve something BIG. It’s the dream killer of sorts and has been associated with procrastination and fear. The challenge here is to exceed other’s expectation and our own as well in turning our ideas into a million dollar or even billion dollar asset. Here is why you need Mindset Secrets; when most people are en route to making the B-I (Business Owner – Investor) Triangle working for them, they often encounter that the amount of knowledge required is so overwhelming. So what Robert Kiyosaki recommends is to remind them of the battle between their great spirits and mediocre minds. “Whenever, a person’s mediocre mind begins to oppose their own great spirits, I (Robert) always remind them of what my Rich dad said to me. Rich Dad said, “There are many people with great ideas but very few people with great amounts of money.” So in a rule of thumb, it does not take a great idea to become rich but it does take a great person behind the idea to become rich. You must be of strong spirit and strong in your CONVICTION to turn your ideas into fortunes. It is often difficult to keep going when everyone around you is saying, “You can’t do it.” You must have a very strong spirit to withstand the doubt of those around you.

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But your spirit must even be stronger when you are the person saying to yourself “You can’t do that.” This does not mean that you plough blindly on not listening to the good and bad ideas of your friends or yourself. Their thoughts and input should be listened to and often used when their ideas are better than yours. But at this moment, he (Robert) is not talking to you about mere ideas or advice. What Robert Kiyosaki is talking about is more than just ideas. He is talking about the spirit and the will to go on even when filled with doubt and out of good ideas. No one can tell you what you can or cannot do in your life. Only you can determine that.

Your own greatness is often found at the end of the road, and when it comes to turning your ideas into money. So as you can see it boils down to your mindset. Nothing else matters initially, you have got to set the mindset right and change the rules, if you want to be RICH! The problem what most are facing is they nod their head in agreement and say, “Yes. The rules have changed. Nothing is the same anymore.” But then they go on and do the same old thing.

“An Irrefutable Tip” There was a teacher named Raymond Aaron, from Ontario Canada who has seminars and tapes on subjects such as sales, goal setting, doubling your income, and how to be a better networker. While these are subjects being taught by many people, he stands out simply because he has some fascinating insights into these subjects.

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A common misconception of people is that in order to succeed, they must always take great leaps forward instead of taking baby steps. What Raymond recommends is simply having great big long term dreams and wishes. Yet when it comes to setting goals, instead of trying to to be an overachiever, he recommends being an underachiever. In other words, take baby steps! For example, if I wanted to keep a healthy lifestyle, instead of trying to take a great leap forward, he recommends underachieving by doing less than you would want to. Instead of going to the gym for one hour, commit to going for only 20-30 minutes a day. By doing this, you are setting an underachieving goal and forcing yourself to stick with it. The result will be instead of being overwhelmed, you will feel underwhelmed. By feeling underwhelmed, I have found myself looking forward to going to the gym, or anything else I need to do or change in my life. The strange thing is that I find I achieve today by being an underachiever instead of trying to kill myself and be an overachiever. In a nut shell, dream big daring dreams, and then underachieve a little bit each day.

Set attainable daily goals that, when achieved, provide positive reinforcements to help you stay on the path to the big goal. In the words of my favorite mentor, Robert Kiyosaki; Remember to dream big, think long term, underachieve on a daily basis, and take baby steps. That is the key to long-term success and the key to becoming a renowned business owner or established figure in the home based business industry.

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Napoleon Hill – Think & Grow Rich Reading “Think and Grow Rich” was a huge turning point in my life. I cannot deny or even keep myself from disclosing such an important knowledge of desire itself. This has been the missing link to success for the 90% of people who are still in search of financial freedom.

The secret is actually much simpler than anyone have ever thought, it is as simple as “Thinking and believing, and making it possible for your dreams and desires to be fulfilled. Sometimes the best things in life are really not as complicated as you think, it is just pure persistence and resilience in seeing that your goal is achieved leading towards that bigger dream of yours. Most of the time people are just three feet away from their ultimate goal, but they decided to give up. I personally read “Think & Grow Rich” again and again until I captured the essence of what the writer is trying to tell us. Througout the book, in each chapter, there are elements in which may lead to your self-discovery and your personal relection of the past and present. This “little but significant” discovery led to the discovery of my passion and inspiration. The feeling was that I was born to do what I am doing so well right now, to educate, enlighten, teach and inspire others to discover their own passion as well. And through helping others, the power of reciprocity sets in, and I get tons of acknowledgement and support for my events, product releases and launches.

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What I have discovered, amplifies the importance of why you need to understand mindset secrets. How you “Think” distinguishes you from the top 5% of the industry. The big difference between you and the leaders of each industry is that they do what they love, believe and also having fun doing it. Are you doing what you are doing right now because of?

Money Family Financial Security

If so, if you ever want to achieve your greatest dream, you’ve got to do whatever it takes, you’ve got to make short term sacrifices for the long term benefit that you and your family can savor and live the legacy you had always fantacize. “Without your dream, nothing else matters, it is you alone held accountable for your own destiny.” There is always a fine line between reality and dreaming. It is your JOB to make that dream of yours a reality. At first it always is very fuzzy and confusing, but all it takes is some form of courage, passion and fortitude to make things happen for you. It is important to transmute that desire for riches into its financial equivalent. It is not sufficient merely to say “I want plenty of money.” Be definite as to the amount. (There is a psychological reason for definiteness which will be described in a subsequent chapter)

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Chapter 6: Taking Massive Action NOW Remember I told you how you can start your very own Internet campaign even without any prior experience…. Here is what: I’m GIVING you FREE internet marketing resources to give you a headstart, which I have obtained the right to distribute but with limited licenses. So it could be taken down at any moment without notice. So if I were you, I’d download the resources immediately and absorb as much as I can.

You see the big problem about giving out free stuff is that most people do not appreciate them, so I hope you do not take this for granted. I made the same mistake too, (im only human) I was given some pretty good training videos for FREE, but because I kept buying at every single opportunity that the marketers were selling, I was overlooking those simple yet effective fundamental training that I desperately needed. This is also the main reason why the failure rate for internet business startups is at over 95% (This is a fact!)

However, it is important to look for good softwares, resources and material as well as up and coming trends to invest instead of just buying new “methods” of making money online! (take this to heart)

I have discovered throughout my years in this business that by staying consistent in ONE project and following through is the KEY to creating a business model that works … so believe it when I say it, you need to stay FOCUSED!

Here are your Internet Marketing Jump start kits: ==> http://blog.thinkmaverick.com/member/members-only/ (Password: "ilovethinkmaverick") *the page is tracked: Private use only" If you want to share with your friends and family, send them to the link….. http://www.facebook.com/Winson.Ng.12

58 Copyright © Winson Ng Inc. All Rights Reserved. Email: support@winsonngblog.com


Please do not distribute and duplicate as your own…. Because you will be held responsible for your own actions! I HATE it when over-hyped marketers CLAIM that their system will enable you to succeed with ALMOST no effort from your part. While this is true after you have established your business of at least 1 year or more and outsourcing your work, this claim is often over-simplified and far-fetched. Now when studies show that 80% of businesses fail within their first 5 years – an almost sure-fire way of succeeding with any business seems a bit far fetched. And that would be true if you’re not paying attention. However, since you’re going to be riding on the coat tails of the hottest phenomenon to have come along in years – and there is the universal problem of businesses lacking the knowledge, time and resources to do Social Media, internet and network marketing properly – if you can make a GREAT IRRESISTIBLE OFFER to those businesses, your SUCCESS is within your grasp! If you are no longer a newbie and one to take your business to the next level, you can make me your mentor or you could ask me to recommend someone good if you don’t feel comfortable, but I can assure you, once you’re trained under my system, you can offer your services to millions of businesses in the world in marketing their products through the internet and social media. (Its one of the BEST experiences and knowledge of the 21st century a business owner can have) And I am so glad to have MASTERED it!

You will do everything in the comfort of your own home!

59 Copyright © Winson Ng Inc. All Rights Reserved. Email: support@winsonngblog.com


As my way of saying thank you and a reward for your persistence in reading till the end. HERE IS SOME EXCELLENT Training….. Do miss this…. ($97.00 value)

MODULE 1: Marketing Strategies

Download link: http://s3.amazonaws.com/mentoring/Module1.zip

P.P.S. As we all know that your network determines your networth and this is absolutely true if you want to grow in the home based business industry. Because when you help people, they will also be indebted to return the favor and that is how partnerships and joint ventures develop.

If you can share this secret with your closest companions and initiate a paradigm shift in the awareness and understanding of the mindset and entrepreneurial spirit, you just might be able to create a following of tenacious and charismatic leaders of tomorrow.

60 Copyright © Winson Ng Inc. All Rights Reserved. Email: support@winsonngblog.com


Recommended Resources (my affiliate links): NOTE: I do not promote inferior programs; this is by my mentor….

SEO Masters Program - http://www.timetestedtraffic.com/?a=1694819

Paid Media Secrets Program - http://thefutureoftraffic.com/?a=1694819

LifeTransformationNow - http://lifetransformationnow.com?a=1694819

MLMLaunchFormula Campaign - http://mlmlaunchformula.com?a=1694819

Online MLM Mastermind - http://www.futuristicmlmtactics.com/mastermind.htm?a=1694819

The 7 Figure Networker System and Mastermind Training - http://www.7figurenetworker.com?a=1694819

Social Media Celebrity' Design Solutions - http://www.futuristicmlmtactics.com/design/?a=1694819

My Company Traffic Formula - http://www.onlinemlmsecrets.com/mytraffic/?a=1694819

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