12/03/10 animasi teknologi if.ub. eriq muhammad adams j. - eriq.adams@gmail.com

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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Eriq Muhammad Adams J. - eriq.adams@gmail.comhttp://lecture.ub.ac.id/eriq

Modelling Workflow

1. Preparing reference images

2. Modeling

3. Textures and materials

4. Light and effects

Reference Images

Reference Images

Blender Modelling Workflow

1. Project concept and design.

2. Preparing reference images.

3. Do Modelling.

4. Do texturing & add materials.

5. Export to YafaRay.

6. Render final images.

Modelling Techniques

• Poly Modelling This is a type of modeling (also called edge modeling) works

by the deformation and transformation of edges of a model to create new parts and shapes with a mesh object. For instance, we can start working on a simple plane and, by selecting an edge of the plane and with a sequence of extrudes, create a compound structur. With this technique, we can achieve a good level of detail in all of the models because the artist has control over the small areas of the model.

Modelling Techniques

• Subdivision ModellingWith the poly modeling technique, we start with a plane and transform the edges of the object. For the subdivision modeling technique, we use a primitive shape and apply the same tools and transformations to model something more complex. It's called subdivision because we add a lot of transformations into a cube, sphere, cone, or other primitive shape to build a more complex shape.

Modelling Techniques

• Spline ModellingAll of the methods based in the transformation of geometry have a terrible limitation when the subject of the modeling has curved parts. For this reason, we have a modeling technique called spline modeling. With this technique, we will use Bezier curves to lead the modeling. These curves serve as a path for extrusion, or they can be used as a profile for tools that use revolving shapes to create surfaces.

Modelling Techniques

• NURBS ModellingWith the NURBS modeling technique, we can create curves that are used to build surfaces. The curves are created and positioned to represent the basic shape of the object, and when everything is placed correctly, we connect the curves to create surfaces between them.

The Objects

• Mesh

• Curve

• Surface

• Meta

• Camera

• Lamp


• Meshes are polygon-based objects made up of vertices, edges,and faces. They are the most common type of modeling object used in Blender.

Polygon : Vertices, Edges, Faces


• Curves are objects made up of curved or straight lines that are manipulated with a set of control points. Control points are similar to vertices, but they can be edited in a couple of ways that vertices can’t.

• Blender has two basic forms of curves, Bèzier curves and NURBS (Non-uniform Relational B-Spline) curves.


• A surface is similar to a mesh, but rather than being made up of vertices, edges, and faces, surfaces in Blender are defined by a set of NURBS curves and their control points.


• Meta objects are unique primitives with the cool ability to kind of melt into one another and create a larger structure. They are handy for a variety of effects that involve blobby masses such as clouds or water, as well as quick rough clay-like models.

• Meta : Meta Ball, Meta Ellipsoid, Meta Cube, Meta Tube, Meta Plane


• Like real-world cameras, camera objects define the location and perspective from which you are rendering your scene.


• Lamp objects are necessary for lighting your scene. Just like in the physical world, if you don’t have any light, you don’t see anything.

View Mode

• Textured

• Shaded

• Wireframe

• Solid

• Bounding Box


• Front, Top, Side, Camera, User

Basic Tool

• Transformation

• Extruding

• Zooming

• Mirror Modifier


• Rotating : All, X,Y,Z

• Scalling : All, X, Y, Z

• Grabing : All, X, Y, Z


• Blender #1 Technique

• In the physical world, extrusion is a process whereby some material is pushed through a shaped hole of some sort.


• Let’s try do real modelling

• See you in Labs ….

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