12 lead ecg interpretation - cardiovascular nursing · pdf file12 lead ecg interpretation:...

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Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 1

12 Lead ECG Interpretation: Advanced Skills for Clinical Practice

Carol Jacobson RN, MN www.cardionursing.com


1. Recognize the presence of anterior and posterior fascicular block, bifascicular blocks, and trifascicular blocks on the 12 lead ECG and discuss the clinical implications of these findings.

2. Evaluate ECG changes in the QT interval, ST segment, and T waves that indicate drug effect or electrolyte imbalances.

3. Identify ST elevation MI, non-ST elevation MI, and Wellen’s Warning on the 12 lead ECG and recognize ECG signs that indicate high risk in these patients.

I have no commercial interest or conflict of interest

related to this presentation

Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 2

Steps in Reading a 12 Lead ECG




P Waves

PR Interval

QRS Complex

ST Segment

T Waves

U Waves

QT Interval

In a patient having chest pain, the #1 priority is to look for ST elevation!

How Leads Record

Positive electrode is the recording electrode or “camera lens”

Negative electrode or reference point tells camera which way to shoot

If positive electrode sees depolarization approaching it, it records an upright complex

If positive electrode sees depolarization heading away from it, it records a negative complex.

If depolarization is proceeding

perpendicular to a lead, no

deflection is recorded

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Fascicular Blocks


Conduction System Anatomy

Posterior Fascicle

Anterior Fascicle AV Node

Bundle of His

Main Left Bundle Branch

Right Bundle Branch



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Blood Supply to Conduction System

Blood Supply to Conduction System

SA Node RCA in 60%

Circumflex (LCx) in 40%

AV Node RCA in 90%

Circumflex in 10%

His Bundle RCA (AV nodal branch)

Minor supply from septal perforators from LAD

Main LBB Mostly LAD

Collateral from RCA, LCx

Left Anterior Fascicle

Mostly LAD septal


AV nodal artery

contributes in some

Left Posterior Fascicle

LAD septal perforators

Posterior descending

Right Bundle Branch

LAD septal perforators

Some collateral from

RCA or LCx (whichever is


Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 5

Clinical Significance of Fascicular Block

Represents conduction failure in one of the two main branches of the left bundle branch.

Especially significant when RBBB is also present

May mimic or mask the ECG signs of infarction or ischemia

May mimic or mask ventricular hypertrophy.

The best leads for recognizing hemiblock are: • I and aVF for the QRS axis

• I and III for the pattern of hemiblock

Normal LV Depolarization



QRS = .06 - .10 sec wide

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Left Anterior Fascicular Block (LAFB)


Smaller than posterior fascicle

Anterior fascicle has mostly one blood supply – from septal perforators of LAD (minor from AV node artery)

Located in LV outflow tract so subjected to high pressures

Does not widen QRS but does cause axis deviation

QRS can be wider in presence of MI or hypertrophy

Causes of LAFB

• Anterior or anterolateral MI (same blood supply)

• Hypertension

• Cardiomyopathies

• Aortic valve disease

• Lev and Lenègre diseases

• Myocarditis

• Surgical closure of a VSD

Isolated LAFB is not a risk factor of cardiac morbidity or mortality, and in a healthy population it should be regarded as

an incidental ECG finding

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Left Anterior Fascicular Block


I or aVL

QRS = .06 - .11 sec wide

Criteria for LAFB

Left Axis Deviation: -45⁰ to -90⁰

qR in lead I (and aVL)

rS in II, III, aVF (deeper S in III than in II)

QRS width < .12 sec

Often increased QRS voltage due to unopposed forces in LV (can mimic LV hypertrophy)

Left axis deviation, QI, SIII

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What is the QRS axis? (-60⁰) Is there a pattern of hemiblock?

Tiny Q in I, aVL ; rS in II, III, aVF (deeper S in III than in II)

In every lead the 1st beat is normal conduction and the 2nd beat is LAH

In leads II, III, aVF during normal conduction – T wave inversion of ischemia.

With LAH T waves are upright, masking ischemia.

Axis shifts from 0⁰ to -40⁰

LAH can mimic or mask infarction or ischemia

Q wave in aVL mimics lateral MI

Elizari,et al., (2007). Hemiblocks Revisited. Circulation, 115, 1154-1163.

Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 9

Causes of Left Axis Deviation

Left anterior hemiblock

Left ventricular hypertrophy

Inferolateral MI


Ventricular beats, VT

Ventricular pacing

WPW syndrome - R sided accessory pathway


Horizontal heart position: pregnancy, short build

If the S wave in lead II is deeper than the S wave

in lead III, LAH is very unlikely

Left Posterior Fascicular Block

Rare – especially in isolation

Thicker than anterior fascicle

Located in LV inflow tract so low pressures

Has two blood supplies: LAD and posterior descending artery

More often seen with RBBB: dangerous!

Does not widen QRS but does cause axis deviation

Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 10

Causes of LPFB

Does not occur in healthy people without cardiac disease

Associated with many myocardial diseases – Lenegre’s disease, Chagas disease, myocarditis

When it occurs in acute MI it is usually associated with RBBB and carries a poor prognosis

Left Posterior Fascicular Block (LPFB)


I or aVL

QRS = < .12 sec wide

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Criteria for LPFB

Right Axis Deviation (> +100⁰)

rS in I and aVL

qR in II, III and aVF

Normal QRS width

No RVH (right ventricular hypertrophy)

Right axis deviation,S1, QIII, no RVH

Whenever QRS in lead I is mostly negative:

Most common cause is arm lead reversal!

Re-do the ECG and make sure arm leads are on the correct arms!!

If so, then there is right axis deviation

Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 12

Limb Leads

What is the QRS axis? (RAD)

Is there a pattern of hemiblock? rS in lead I; Q in lead III

V Leads: evaluate R wave progression

Any signs of RVH? No. R wave progression is normal

Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 13


rS in I and aVL, and qR in III and aVF = typical of LPH

What is the axis? Right axis deviation

Is there a pattern of hemiblock?

V leads show huge R wave in V1 and reversal of precordial pattern = RVH

Causes of Right Axis Deviation

Normal in children and tall thin adults Left posterior hemiblock Right ventricular hypertrophy Right bundle branch block Chronic lung disease Pulmonary hypertension Lateral myocardial infarction Pulmonary embolus WPW syndrome - L sided accessory pathway Dextrocardia

Rightward shift of prior normal axis: think PE

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Hemiblock Practice #1

Hemiblock Practice #2

Limb Leads

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V Leads

Hemiblock Practice #3

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V Leads

Hemiblock Practice #4

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Bifascicular Block: RBBB + LAFB

Because the RBB shares the same blood supply with the anterior fascicle, one or both together are likely to occur in anterior or anteroseptal infarction

Left axis deviation

Pattern of LAFB = QI, SIII or rS in II, III, aVF

Pattern of RBBB and QRS 0.12 sec. or more

I aVF V1

Q in I, S in III (deeper S in III than in II) = LAFB

V1 has wide QRS, rSR’ = RBBB


Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 18


Q in I, S in III (deeper S in III than in II) = LAFB

V1 has wide QRS, rSR’ = RBBB



Bifascicular Block: RBBB + LPFB

Right axis deviation

Pattern of LPH = SI, QIII

Pattern of RBBB and QRS 0.12 sec or more


LPH plus RBBB in acute MI is associated with a high mortality rate (80% to 87%) and high incidence of complete heart block requiring permanent pacemaker

Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 19

I aVF V1


S in I, Q in III (rS in I and aVL) = LPFB

V1 has wide QRS, qR pattern = RBBB

What is the rhythm?



aVF V1

S in I, Q in III (rS in I and aVL) = LPFB

V1 has wide R wave = RBBB

Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 20

Trifascicular Block

Can be complete or incomplete

What would complete trifascicular block look like?

Incomplete Trifascicular Block

Bifascicular block with evidence of delayed conduction in the 3rd fascicle

RBBB with either LAFB or LPFB and 1st degree AVB

RBBB with either LAFB or LPFB and intermittent blocked P waves

RBBB with alternating LAFB and LPFB

Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 21


Q in I, S in III (deeper S in III than in II) = LAFB

V1 has wide QRS, rSR’ = RBBB

What is the rhythm?


PR = .32 sec

What is the rhythm? PR = .24 sec




No Q in I, S in III = LAFB

V1 has wide QRS, rSR’ = RBBB


Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 22

Drug and Electrolyte Effects

ECG changes are nonspecific and many can occur with either drug effect or electrolyte imbalances

QRS width

ST segment

T waves

QT interval

ECG is suggestive but not diagnostic

Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 23


ST segment & T waves

T wave flattening, inversion

“Scooped” or “sagging” ST segment (common indication of digitalis effect)

QT interval shortens

U waves may develop or increase in size

PR interval may prolong due to AV block

Toxicity causes many arrhythmias

Typical ST segment sagging in many leads

1st degree AV block

Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 24

Rhythm? Atrial fibrillation

ST sagging in several leads

Drug Effect on the QT Interval

Long QT interval reflects abnormally prolonged ventricular repolarization time

QTc normally < 460 msec (.46 sec) in men and < 470 msec (.47 sec) in women

QTc > 500 msec dangerously long and increases risk of Torsades

Drugs that block K+ channels prolong QT

Hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia can contribute to or cause long QT interval

Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 25

What You Should Know About the QT Interval

QT interval is heart rate dependent

Shortens at fast heart rates (short R-R interval)

Lengthens at slow heart rates (long R-R interval)

Measurement must be corrected for heart rate

Bazett formula often used for correction

Guestimate: QT should be no more than half the preceding R-R interval

QTc = QT

√ R-R All measurements in seconds

Drugs That Prolong the QT Interval www.crediblemeds.org

Antiarrhythmics Class IA: quinidine, procainamide, disopyramide

Class III: sotalol, ibutilide, dofetilide, amiodarone

Antidepressants (tricyclics most common)

Anti-psychotics (thorazine, haldol, many others)

Antibiotics (erythromycin, pentamidine, levaquin, many others)

Anticonvulsants (carbamazepine)


Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 26

Patient overdosed on amitriptyline (Elavil – antidepressant)

Measured QT = .64 sec QTc = .66 sec

Antihistamine overdose

QT = .74 sec (740 msec)

QTc = 795 msec

Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 27

Sinus bradycardia (rate 43)

QT prolongation (QTc = 560 msec)

Sotalol Toxicity

Drug Effect on QRS Complex

Sodium channel blocking drugs widen the QRS complex

Tricyclic antidepressants (and other types of antidepressants)

Antipsychotics (phenothizines)

Antiarrhythmics (Class IA & IC)



Intraventricular conduction delay – QRS >.10 sec

Right axis deviation of the terminal part of QRS

S waves in I, aVL

Terminal R wave >3 mm in aVR (predicts arrhythmias in patients with tricyclic antidepressant poisoning)

Yates, C., & Manini, A. F. (2012). Utility of the Electrocardiogram in Drug Overdose and Poisoning: Theoretical

Considerations and Clinical Implications. Curr Cardiol Rev, 8(2), 137-151

Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 28

TCA Overdose (doxepin)

Wide QRS

Right axis of terminal QRS

S waves I, aVL

R wave aVR

Tricyclic antidepressant overdose (dothiepin)

Wide QRS Rightward axis of terminal QRS

S wave in I R wave in aVR

Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 29

Drug Effect on ST Segment, T waves, U waves

Nonspecific ST-T wave changes

T wave flattening or inversion

ST segment sagging

These are primary ST-T changes due to changes in repolarization of the cardiac action potential (not secondary to abnormal depolarization)

Enlarged U waves



Patient on digoxin and quinidine Rollercoaster appearance of ST-T waves Hypokalemia can cause large U waves too

Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 30




Electrolyte Effects

Nonspecific ST-T changes

ECG is suggestive, not diagnostic

K+ and Ca++ imbalances can cause ECG changes

Heart is significantly affected by too much or too little potassium

Mg++ imbalances don’t affect ECG but can cause arrhythmias

Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 31

Hypokalemia Normal: 3.5 - 5.5mEq/L

ST segment depression

T wave flattening

Large U waves

Sometimes merging with the T wave to create a “camel hump” appearance

Increases risk of Torsades and other ventricular arrhythmias

Increases risk of digitalis toxicity





Limb Leads

V Leads

K+ = 2.0

Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 32

K+ = 1.6





Hyperkalemia Normal: 3.5 - 5.5mEq/L

ECG changes progress as K+ rises, but can’t determine K+ level from ECG

Mild elevation (around 5.5-6.5 mEq/L) Peaked T waves, often narrow at the base and resembling a thorn.

Suggestive of hyperkalemia but can also be seen with ischemia or as a normal variant.

Moderate elevation (6.5-8 mEq/L) PR interval prolongs

P wave amplitude decreases and eventually P waves disappear

ST segment elevation

QRS begins to widen

Severe elevation (> 8 mEq/L)

Further widening of QRS progressing to “sine” wave pattern

Ventricular fibrillation

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K+ = 7.8 mEq/L

K+ = 9.6 mEq/L

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K+ = 9.2 meq/L

Hypocalcemia Normal serum Ca++ = 8.6 – 10 mg/dl;

Ionized (not attached to proteins) = 4.64 – 5.28 mg/dl

Prolongation of ST segment

QT prolongs, but is due to long ST rather than repolarization abnormality

Usually does not cause arrhythmias

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Ca++ = 8.2 mg/dl

V1 V3


(level unknown)

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Short ST segment

End of QRS takes off to peak of T wave

This can also occur with acute STEMI

Short QT interval

Osbourn waves (J waves) at end of QRS with severe hypercalcemia

VF can occur with severe hypercalcemia


Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 37

ECG of a 41-year old man with parathyroid cancer who

presented to ED with a serum calcium of 24.4 mg/dl.

He had a VF arrest not long after this ECG was taken.

The ECG in Acute

Coronary Syndromes Signs of Increased Risk for Complications

Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 38

ECG Changes in ACS

ECG Criteria for STEMI: ST elevation at the J point of 1mm or more in at least two contiguous leads













Inferior Wall:


Lateral Wall:

I, aVL, V5, V6

Anterior Wall: V1-V4

Septum: V1, V2


(Circ) (Circ)








Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 39

Threshold Values for Abnormal ST Changes (J point elevation)

Men > 40 years old 2 mm in V2 and V3 1 mm in all other leads

Men < 40 years old 2.5 mm in V2 and V3

Women 1.5 mm in V2 and V3 1 mm in all other leads

Men and women 0.5 mm in V3R and V4R (right ventricle) 0.5 mm in V7-V9 (posterior wall)

Men and women: J point depression 0.5 mm

in V2 and V3 1 mm in all other leads

Wagner, G. S., et al. (2009). AHA/ACCF/HRS recommendations for the standardization and

interpretation of the electrocardiogram: part VI: acute ischemia/infarction. Circulation, 119, e262– e270.

There should be no ST

elevation in limb leads and

no ST depression in V leads

Primary versus Secondary ST Segment and T Wave Changes

Secondary ST-T wave abnormalities

Repolarization abnormality due to depolarization abnormality (BBB, WPW, ventricular beats, ventricular hypertrophy)

ST segment and T waves directed opposite to terminal QRS (discordant)

Primary ST-T wave abnormalities

Due to abnormalities unrelated to abnormal depolarization (ischemia, drug effect, electrolytes, pericarditis, PE, Wellens Syndrome)




Hanna, E. B., & Glancy, D. L. (2011). ST-segment depression and T-wave inversion: Classification, differential

diagnosis, and caveats. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine, 78, 404- 414

Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 40

Terminal T wave


• Wellen’s Syndrome when seen with unstable angina in

V2, V3 = ischemia due to critical proximal LAD stenosis

• Expected during evolution of STEMI as ST elevation

resolves and T waves invert

Deep symmetrical T wave Inversion


• Ischemia if no Q waves of infarction

• Commonly follows terminal T wave inversion

in Wellen’s Syndrome

• Expected evolution of T waves following


T wave inversion where it should be upright

• Ischemia

• Ventricular hypertrophy


T Wave Inversion

ST Segment


Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 41

ST changes with acute coronary syndrome

ST elevation is associated with transmural injury

ST depression (that is not reciprocal) is associated with subendocardial ischemia – UA or NSTE-ACS

NSTE-ACS has lower in-hospital mortality but similar or worse long-term outcome than STEMI

STEMI associated with larger infarctions (higher in-hospital mortality)

NSTE-ACS leaves more myocardium at risk for future ischemic events or infarction (worse long-term outcome)

Goldberger, A. (2016). Electrocardiogram in the prognosis of myocardial infarction or unstable angina. In

T. W. Post (Ed.), Uptodate. Waltham, MA.

ECG signs indicating worse prognosis: Anterior worse outcomes than inferior infarcts Q waves on admission ECG A greater number of leads showing ST elevation Lack of ST elevation resolution at 90 to 180

minutes after reperfusion

Resolution of ST segment elevation following PCI or fibrinolysis is a marker of reperfusion and coronary artery patency and is associated with smaller infarct size and better short term and long term outcomes. We expect to see ST down by 50% within 60-90 minutes

after successful reperfusion. Failure of ST elevation to resolve by at least 50% within 60-

90 minutes after fibrinolysis is indication for rescue PCI.

O’Gara, et al. (2013). 2013 ACCF/AHA guideline for the management of ST-elevation myocardial infarction:

a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on

Practice Guidelines. Circulation, 127, e362–e425.

Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 42

ST Elevation Recovery after PCI Single-lead ST elevation recovery: percent reduction in

ST-E from baseline ECG to post-PCI ECG in the lead with maximum baseline ST-E Post ECG ~ 30 min after PCI

Worst-lead residual ST-E: the absolute magnitude of residual ST-E in the most affected lead on post-PCI ECG

Buller, C. E., Fu, Y., Mahaffey, K. W., Todaro, T. G., Adams, P., Westerhout, C. M., . . . Armstrong, P. W. (2008). ST Segment

Recovery and Outcome After Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction. Circulation, 118,


Death (%) Shock (%) CHF (%) Death/Shock/CHF (%)

> 50% 2.7 1.0 3.6 5.8

< 50% 6.0 2.5 6.7 11.2

Death (%) Shock (%) CHF (%) Death/Shock/CHF (%)

<1 mm 1.7 0.6 1.7 3.0

1 to <2 mm 2.5 0.6 3.5 5.7

> 2mm 5.5 2.7 7.0 11.6

Acute Injury Patterns

T wave should be

subordinate to the QRS

Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 43

Progressive Changes of Infarction

ST elevation usually first Appears within minutes of pain and can last 3-4 days

(early reperfusion drastically shortens time)

Q waves can appear immediately but more commonly appear within hours of pain Usually permanent but may disappear with early


T wave inversion occurs within hours and can last for months. Can return upright or remain inverted

Early return to upright is NOT a good sign!

Hyperacute T stage ST elevation stage

Evolution: T wave inversion

following reperfusion

Serial ECGs from same patient

Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 44

Anterior/Anterolateral Wall MI

LAD supplies anterior wall & anterior 2/3 of septum

Most of the RBB and LBB

Main supply to left anterior fascicle

Anterior papillary muscle of mitral valve

Branches can supply part of lateral wall

ECG Leads

Leads V1 and V2 look at septum

Leads V3 and V4 look at anterior wall

Anteroseptal MI = occlusion of proximal LAD - V1-V4

Occlusion in distal LAD beyond 1st diagonal branch = low anterior wall

ST elevation in V2-V6 (often less in V2)

No ST elevation in V1, aVL, or aVR No ST depression in II, III, aVF

Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 45

Occlusion between 1st septal and 1st

diagonal = anterior wall (and lateral wall?)

V1 not elevated ST elevation in aVL, V2-V4 ST depression in III

Occlusion of proximal LAD above 1st septal and 1st diagonal branch = base of LV, anterior and lateral walls, septum

ST elevation in V1-V4, I, aVL (often aVR)

ST depression in II, III, aVF (often V5)

Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 46

ST elevation in anterior and inferior leads

Wellens Syndrome

History of unstable angina ECG Changes (present without chest pain)

Terminal T wave inversion V1-V4 (especially V2,V3) (24%) OR deep symmetrical T wave inversion V1-V4 (76%)

No Q waves No or minimal (<1 mm) ST elevation Normal R wave progression

Normal or minimally elevated cardiac biomarkers Indicates critical proximal LAD stenosis It not treated can result in large anterior MI

75% of patients in original study infarcted within a mean of 8 days if not reperfused

de Zwaan C, Bar FW, Wellens HJ. Characteristic electrocardiographic pattern indicating a critical stenosis

high in left anterior descending coronary artery in patients admitted because of impending myocardial

infarction. Am Heart J. 1982 Apr. 103(4 Pt 2):730-6.

Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 47

Very slight ST elevation in V1-V3 Terminal T wave inversion V1-V3

Complications of Anterior/Anterolateral MI

Heart Block (less common than with inferior MI)

Infranodal block: Type II second degree, 3rd degree

Often without warning, may be preceded by bifascicular block

Unstable ventricular escape rhythm

80% mortality due to size of infarct, pump failure

LV Free Wall Rupture (more common than inferior MI)

Septal Rupture (more common in apical septum)

Heart Failure

Cardiogenic Shock – higher incidence and lower survival with LAD lesions than with RCA lesions

Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 48

Inferior Wall Blood Supply RCA is the dominant artery in ~ 90% of people

Circumflex is dominant in ~ 10% of people

The dominant artery provides the posterior descending artery that supplies the inferior wall, posterior 1/3 of septum, and the AV node


Posterior Descending




Inferior STEMI ST elevation only in II, III, aVF can be due to RCA or

Circumflex occlusion (whichever is dominant) With RCA occlusion, ST elevation in III > II and there is

reciprocal ST depression in aVL and lead I With LCx occlusion, ST elevation in II often > III and there

may be ST elevation in I and aVL (lateral wall involvement)

ST depression in V1-V3 can be due to RCA or LCx occlusion and is indicative of posterior wall MI Absence of ST depression in V1-V3 more common with RCA


ST depression in V leads is associated with larger infarcts, higher incidence of 3-vessel disease, and more complications

Wagner, G. S., et al. (2009). AHA/ACCF/HRS recommendations for the standardization and interpretation of

the electrocardiogram: part VI: acute ischemia/infarction. Circulation, 119, e262– e270.

Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 49

Occlusion of distal RCA – inferior MI ST elevation in II, III, aVF Often ST elevation in III > II Reciprocal ST depression in aVL

Occlusion of proximal dominant RCA – inferior MI and often RVMI and/or posterior MI

ST elevation in II, III, aVF, and V1 typical of RVMI Record right side leads V3R and V4R in all

patients with ST elevation in II, III, aVF V4R is best lead for identifying proximal RCA

occlusion and RV infarction

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12 Lead Clues to RV Infarction

ST elevation in II, III, AVF, V1

ST elevation in III > II or AVF

ST discordance between V1 and V2

ST elevation II, III, aVF, V1 ST III > II ST discordant between V1 and V2 Reciprocal ST depression I, aVL

Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 51

Occlusion of circumflex – lateral MI if RCA is dominant artery (isolated lateral MI is rare)

• ST elevation in I, aVL, V5, V6 Occlusion of circumflex if it is dominant – lateral,

posterior, and inferior MI • ST elevation in II, III, aVF, ST depression in V1-

V3 = posterior MI

ST elevation I, aVL Reciprocal ST depression in II, III, aVF Lateral MI due to non-dominant


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ST elevation II, III, aVF (inferior) ST elevation in V4-V6 (lateral) ST depression I, AVL (reciprocal to

inferior wall)

ST depression in V1-V3 (reciprocal to posterior wall)

Inferior / lateral MI due to dominant circumflex

ST elevation in I, V4-V6 = lateral wall ST elevation in II, III, aVF = inferior wall ST depression V1-V3 = posterior wall


Dominant circumflex artery

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Posterior Wall MI

None of the standard 12 leads looks at the posterior wall

Reciprocal ST depression and large R waves in V1-V3

Should record posterior leads V7, V8, V9

Normal V1 – V3 Posterior MI

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ST elevation II, III, aVF (inferior wall)

ST depression I, aVL (reciprocal to inferior wall)

ST depression and tall R waves in V1-V3 (reciprocal to posterior wall)

Large R waves and 1mm ST depression V1-V3 1mm ST elevation in I, aVL Posterior wall MI

Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 55

18 Lead ECG

Record right side leads with all inferior wall STEMIs (ST elevation in II, III, AVF)

Record posterior leads (V7-V9) with ST depression in V1-V3 (with or without ST elevation in

other leads)

Might as well record 18 lead ECG in all patients except straight forward anterior wall MI

Adds 3 posterior leads and 3 right side leads to standard 12 lead ECG

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Use the V Lead as a Rover

Normal chest lead position for V1

Chest lead at V4R for looking at RV Chest lead in posterior position for

looking at posterior wall

Complications of Inferior MI Sinus bradycardia (40% of patients in first 2 hrs) Heart block (more common than with anterior MI)

Intranodal: 1st degree, Wenckebach 3rd degree, progresses from 1st and 2nd degree,

narrow QRS junctional escape rhythm Usually transient, may need temporary pacing

Ventricular or septal rupture (more common at base of septum)

Papillary muscle rupture and acute mitral regurgitation Posterior papillary muscle has one blood supply

from RCA Anterior papillary muscle has dual supply from LAD

and LCx

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ECG looks the same: ST depression or T wave inversion

Cardiac biomarkers needed for differential diagnosis

Unstable Angina & NSTE-ACS

Patterns of Ischemia

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Major ECG factors that predict risk are the # of leads and location of ST segment depression.

ST depression > 2mm increases risk of death at 1 year

The more leads with ST depression the higher the 30 day mortality

ST depression is associated with worse outcome than T wave inversion alone.

Patients with ST depression more likely to benefit from early invasive strategy than those with T wave inversion

Two patterns of ST-segment depression reflect STEMI rather than NSTE-ACS ST-segment depression that is reciprocal to a

subtle and often overlooked ST-segment elevation ST-segment depression that is maximal in leads

V1-V3, suggesting true posterior infarction.

T-wave inversion in the inferior and anterior precordial leads can be seen in acute PE

Flattened T waves with prominent U waves and ST-segment depression may reflect hypokalemia or digitalis therapy.

Hanna, E. B., & Glancy, D. L. (2011). ST-segment depression and T-wave inversion: Classification,

differential diagnosis, and caveats. Cleveland Clinic Journal of M

Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 59













Patient eventually developed obvious ST elevation in II, III, aVF

T wave inversion in V leads indicates more extensive disease

In patients with angina at rest, ischemic changes in at least 8 leads with ST elevation in aVR &/or V1 indicates high likelihood of significant left main coronary artery stenosis or significant triple vessel disease (75% predictive accuracy)

ST elevation higher in aVR than in V1 indicates left main disease


2 3

4 5




Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 60

Why ST Elevation in aVR?

84 year old woman with chest pain and elevated troponin


3 4






Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 61

A quick case study Admission ECG




Any signs of ischemia or infarction?

While waiting to go to cath lab a repeat ECG was

done about 15 minutes later



What is the risk?

Carol Jacobson MN, RN www.cardionursing.com 62

Recommendations for the Standardization and

Interpretation of the Electrocardiogram:

Part I: The Electrocardiogram and Its Technology

(Circulation 2007;115;1306-1324)

Part II: Electrocardiography Diagnostic Statement List

(Circulation 2007;115;1325-1332)

Part III: Intraventricular Conduction Disturbances

(Circulation. 2009;119:e235-e240.)

Part IV: The ST Segment, T and U Waves, and the QT Interval

(Circulation. 2009;119:e241-e250.)

Part V: Electrocardiogram Changes Associated With Cardiac

Chamber Hypertrophy

(Circulation. 2009;119:e251-e261.)

Part VI: Acute Ischemia/Infarction

(Circulation. 2009;119:e262-e270.)

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