12 ia annual report 2011arogyafoundationekal.org/.../annual-report-2011-12.pdfannual report 2011-12...

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a F








Working towards healthier

Rural and Tribal


Registered office:


Plot No. - 8, Local Shopping Complex,

Okhla Industrial Area, Phase - II,

New Delhi - 110 020

Ph: 011 40503331 / 09487508930

Admin office:

No. 102/106, 1st Floor,

Zaitoon Apartment, Goregaon Station Road,

Goregaon West, Mumbai - 400062

Message from Chairman

I am delighted to introduce the 2011-12 Annual Report of the Arogya

Foundation of India. It is clear that the ARF goes from strength to strength,

riding on the wave of interest in health systems strengthening. ARF has

forged ahead in advocating cost effective health care facilities and provide

easily affordable prices with locally available resources.

The credit of eradication of many dreadful diseases and prolongation of life

span has been attributed to the advert of modern medicine. But it is quite evident that it was the indigenous

medical knowledge that maintained a misery free life from time immemorial. As per the claimed records they

still continue to be the major solace for the majority. Indians being multicultural in nature, seek solution to

their health problems not just from a hospital, clinic or a doctor, they even approach religious places and persons

and certain scientific studies have found these measures to be effective.

However the drastic changes happening to the social life have created a more suitable situation for modern

medicine. Health is an individual’s birth right. The maintenance of that health is an individual responsibility;

the state intervenes only to ensure that birth-right. Traditional medical systems have a role to give the

responsibility to the patient and not to the pill, what we see today is that a citizen from the rapidly urbanizing

rural population doesn’t have the right to responsibility mentioned. The life in these villages, where ARF is

providing healthcare, too has changed with the traditional practices fading out and the convenience of the “a-

pill-for-an-ill” concept gaining popularity. Hence a modern medicine dominant health care system becomes the

norm. ARF is not for or against any medical system. It is just for health is against ill- health. What it tries is to

reinstall this right and the responsibility among the villagers by reinforcing traditional healing wisdom their

past generations were adept of, by remaining co-extent with the ethical best of conventional medical system.

Our support and wishes will strengthen this movement” Sarve Bhavantu Sukhina… Sarva Santu Niraamaya”

(Let everyone become happy…. Let everyone remain healthy)

Yours In the service of mankind,

P.R.Krishna Kumar




Arogya Foundation of India (ARF), an all India organization works with the motto of taking health care facilities to remote and tribal areas of our country with the support of Ekal Vidyalaya Movement (EVM). EVM, a people’s movement, is doing immense work in lighting up the lives of children and inhabitants of rural & Tribal India. It has in fact grown to become India’s largest NGO education movement and has brought together almost 38,500 Villages and over 1000000 students all over India into a network of learning and empowerment.

Imagine catching a cold and walking to kitchen garden, instead of the nearest drug store, to pluck your medicine and recovering without any side effects. This is how some tribal communities cure not only common cold and fever, but also fracture and jaundice. As one of the activity Arogya Foundation of India (ARF) is trying to revitalize these indigenous health practices among rural and tribal areas.

Growth of Arogya Foundation of India

Ekal Vidyalaya aims at bringing free education to those who have no access to formal schools. Later, it is felt that education alone will not help better development of the county. So it has been decided to form a separate wing to look after the health care activities.


To provide quality healthcare activities to the villages having Ekal Vidyalaya (EVD) / Ekal Vikas Kendra (EVK) by using locally available resources without spending more money.


Arogya Foundation of India was

established in the year 2003 with a view

provide cost effective quality health care

services to all the Ekal Vidyalaya villages.

The Ekal Vidyalaya movement aims to

help eradicate illiteracy from rural and

tribal India. To date, Ekal Vidyalaya is a

movement of over 38,500 teachers, 7,500

(Approximately) voluntary workers, 22

field organizations (scattered in 22 Indian

states). It is felt that education alone

cannot fetch the better development of any

country, so health care also should be

taken cared. AFI has taken as its mission

to carryout health care services in Ekal


Inspired by the philosophy of Swami

Vivekananda, a group of young

educationists began work among the

primitive tribes in Jharkhand in 1986.

They refined the concept of the 'one-

teacher-one school' amongst the tribes of

Gumla (125 km away from Ranchi,


Inspired by the success of the Jharkand

experiment, organisations from all over the

country have joined the Ekal Vidyalaya

movement in the last decade. The Ekal

Abhiyan Trust now serves as the umbrella

organisation for various NGOS that run

the one-teacher schools in their respective

areas. Arogya Foundation of India is

affiliated to Ekal Abhiyan Trust which

plays role to provide health care services

in all these Ekal Vidyalaya villages.


Health care is one of the most important components in our life. Disease or illness can really mean a down turn in our life. The biggest asset we can have in life therefore is health. Health care is normally defined as the management or treatment of any health problem through the services that might be offered by medical, nursing, dental or any other related service. Health care can be for an individual or for a large group of people depending on how the systems are organized. Importance of health care cannot be overemphasized. In society, people are worried a bout the kinds of systems there are, to deal with issues of health. In developed countries, their systems are designed to cater for all people; whether poor or rich. However, the systems are lacking in regard to flaws. In developing countries, people usually take care of health as an individual thing and, if you do not have enough money, you might not get access to quality care. There are so many disparities and, some systems in certain countries are becoming worse; not able to deal with demand of health. Health is not a cheap affair; it has to have a good system. Governments have the responsibility to create or formulate policies that will favor people in this regard. Good systems of

health can be erected by the top most leadership of a state. But it is dif ficult government alone cannot carry out all the work and it has failed in many situations in providing health care services to the people. Particularly in remote rural and Tribal areas people have difficulty in accessing good health care facilities. In such cases ARF strongly believes that the innovative projects will be boon for people. It will always strive to give good health care facilities in cost effective manner with the help of many people. Most people, when provided with simple and clear information can prevent and treat most common health problems in their own homes — faster, cheaper, and often better than some doctors. The most valuable resource for the health of the people is the people themselves. Only when people become actively responsible for their own and their community’s health, can important changes take place. Today in over-developed as well as under-developed countries, existing health care systems are in a state of crisis. Often, human needs are not being fully met. There is very little equity in the healthcare system. Too much is in the hands of too few. Let us hope that through a more generous sharing of knowledge, and through learning to use what is best in both traditional and modern ways of healing, people everywhere will develop a kinder, empathetic and a more practical approach to caring—for their own health, and for each other. The health status of India's Rural & Tribal population is a cause for concern, especially when health care is increasingly provided by private hospitals, and spending on health is increasingly beyond the reach of rural poor. The Arogya Foundation of India aims to be a platform for providing health related services to people by Providing information on Primary He alth Care using locally available resources Implementing special schemes related to rural health and sanitation Linking health providers in cities with Rural & Tribal communities in the best way possible


S.No State No. of



First aid medicines

beneficiaries (No of people


No. of First aid

boxes given

1 North East 2970 225127 2681

2 West Bengal 1583 125515 1534

3 Orissa 1770 486608 1590

4 Jharkhand 2250 353792 2160

5 Bihar 1140 88160 1050

6 Uttar Pradesh 8400 922426 8309

7 Uttaranchal 720 59110 720

8 Himachal Pradesh 1890 133515 1590

9 Punjab 330 3512 330

10 Haryana 150 5156 150

11 Jammu &


2487 162870 1950

12 Rajasthan 1830 108916 1305

13 Madhya Pradesh 2910 187774 2263

14 Chhattisgarh 2490 208525 2490

15 Maharashtra 2310 183622 2201

16 Andhra Pradesh 1585 117214 1440

17 Karnataka 1524 87758 990

18 Tamil Nadu 1530 106013 1320

19 Kerala 630 20502 270

Grand Total 38499 3586115




3376 4882

6342 7521




















99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11

No. of



There are several activities held during the year 2011 -12

like health camps, awareness programmes, health volunteer

training camps etc., have conducted throughout the country

during the year.




2490 360
















Map illustrates the villages

of Health care activities by

Arogya Foundation of



Two pilot camps of the Arogya Anemia Control programme were held in tribal areas of UDAIPUR Anchal of Rajasthan on 5th and sixth July. Dr Harish Anand and Dr. Sarita Mittal members of Central Team participated in the camp. The first camp was organized at Bachher Village in Pai Sanch- in Udaipur anchal on 5th August. Four doctors led by Dr. Madhusudan Sharma and Dr. L.N.Srimali participated in the camp. The camp was attended by 285 patients out of which the there were 105 males 95 females and 85 children. Proper Hb testing was done and upto 80% (Hb less than 6-8 g %)of the women are reported to be suffering from moderate Anemia, 10% were having severe Anemia (Hb less than 6 g %) and 10% hard mild anemia (Hb less than 8-10 g %). The second camp was organized at Madala Village in Bhagpura Sanch on 6th of August. Three doctors led by Dr. R.P.Chawla participated in the camp The camp was attended by 265 patients out of which the there were 110 males 95 females and 60 children. Proper Hb testing was done and upto 75% (Hb less

than 6-8 g %)of the women are reported to be suffering from moderate Anemia, 15% were having severe Anemia (Hb less than 6 g %) and 10% hard mild anemia (Hb less than 8-10 g %). Along with medicine for general illnesses, each anemic women was admnistered Albendazole tablet directly on the spot and were given 60 Iron tablets for one month. The children were admistrered Albendazole syrup. Along with anemia the other medical problems which were diagnosed and treated included PID, Diarrhoea, Pain abdomen, fever, joint pains, and Skin diseases . Dr. Sarita also took Health Talk on hygine and use of GUR -Chana in diet. The local angawadi workers and Asha workers were also involved in the camp. After that they shall be given 10 tablets by our Arogya Samity worker for once a day consumption every 10th day. Ms. Diksha and the committee members took the responsibility of distributinig the Iron Tablets to anemic ladiesAs per our strategy the camp and Hb testing shall be done every six months.


In all the cluster level (30 villages) one camp will be conducted every

month in all 38,500 villages.


The villages are in very remote places and rare access to health facilities. Even if they have

any small health problems they need to go for long distances in turn they loss their daily

earnings. In such cases we provide Firs aid kids in which all the basic medicines are

available. In addition we give periodical training to know how to use that. It is extremely

useful for these people

Regular Awareness programmes

In all the cluster level AFI has contact of local doctors and hospital who conduct free

awareness programmes in all the Ekal villages of our country.


Our health workers trained to handle basic first aid methods which are most needed in remote

Tribal and Rural areas. The chances of someone recovering more easily, or even surviving an

accident or injury can be greatly improved if someone immediately uses first aid knowledge

to help assist them. Specifically in these places it is must to know the basic first aid methods

because it may take long time to reach the hospital. In such case these methods are useful.

We conduct camps for teaching basic first aid methods.

Community Based Interventions to

Prevent and Treat Anaemia among Women & Children in Rural& Tribal Villages of India through Home remedies.


Importance of Health Awareness:

In India a large number of people live without access to the

basic education and primary health facilities. The situation is more

complex in distant rural and tribal villages compared to the urban

areas which have access to modern health facilities.


Anaemia is a global public health problem, as compelling and

harmful as the epidemics of infectious diseases.

With a global population of 6,700 million, at least 3,600

million people have iron deficiency and 2000 million out of

these suffer from iron-deficiency Anaemia.

Children and women in reproductive age group are most


WHO estimates that over one third of the world's population

suffers from Anaemia.

India continues to be one of the countries with the highest

prevalence of anaemia.

National Family Health Survey (NFHS) 3 estimates reveal the

prevalence of anaemia to be 70-80% in children, 70% in

pregnant women and 24% in adult men.

Prevalence of anaemia in India is high because of low dietary

intake, poor availability of iron and chronic blood loss due to

hook worm infestation and malaria.

According to government sources, in India 45 children die

every hour due to respiratory infections. One child dies every

2 minutes due to diarrhea. And annually, about 2 million

children under the age of 5 years die due to preventable


The situation calls for timely care and diagnosis which can

reduce the incidence of morbidity and mortality, especially

among children and women.

Proposed Intervention program by AFI.

The intervention period shall be one year which includes

baseline Survey, HB check up for all the women of

fertility age group (Before & after intervention),

Administration of Anthelmintic ,Iron, Folic Acid &

Educating them to use the locally available resources

such as Traditional food habits, using locally available

Herbals etc & Impact assessment of the program.

Each project area will be having 90 villages.

Phase 1 shall be taken up in 90 villages each in the

following states of India. (Total 450 villages)

Assam, Rajasthan, Tamilnadu, Jharkhand & Himachal


Based on the success & effective implementation we shall

take up the second Phase in all the other states. (We have

reach to 40,000 villages across the all states of India.)

ARF aims to reduce the prevalence of Anemia in these villages

to 40% after the intervention program.



A project team will be formed to implement the project in a

systematic way. The project will move ahead as shown below: (see

annexure 2 - survey form)

Base line Survey

• 3 months

Project Implementation

• 6 months

Project Evaluation

• 3 months

Monitoring & Evaluation:

AFI will form a Special team under the leadership of Dr.H.K.MIttal for monitoring the

implementation of this program. The team will regularly evaluate the process and give inputs

& value additions wherever necessary.

Monthly progress report will be submitted to the Donor agency and Impact assessment

Report also will submitted at the end of the program.


As AFI promotes awareness and use of locally available resources, it is feasible for

the target population to understand their conditions. This will make it easier for them to

prevent future occurrences also.

The project, being carried out in established Ekal Vidyalaya villages with field staff

already present, will make follow up convenient. The Community is fully involved and we

are creating awareness also. Once the community is aware they will find out the required


Training of village health workers on Home Remedies

A pilot project has been undertaken by Arogya Foundation of India (AFI) to revive

and provide cost effective natural health care facilities to rural and tribal people with the

support of Ekal Vidyalaya movement. AFI is to provide cost effective medical services by

utilizing the locally available herbals. Grama Arogya Sevika – GAS, (Village Health

Volunteer) is selected from a village to work as a volunteer to carryout health care work. He /

She will be trained by expertise in filed of Ayurveda who will work as GAS to handle the

basic health problems.


ARF in Karnataka is active in various health care activity programmes in various places of

the state. It has been taken as modal for implementing in other parts of the country also. The

following are the details of activities carried for the last year.


Suspected TB and Referred to other Hospital 56

Suspected HIV and referred for Screening 8

suspected RTI/STI and referred for other hospital 33

Treated for FLU / Viral fever refered to screening and treatment


Treated for Arthritis 130

Suspected cardio Problem & refered for Seva Clinic 21

Scabies Treated 199

Anemia Treated 452

Deworming done 1607

Personal hygiene (counseling done) 571

Cat Surgery +IOL 496

Spectacles 160

Referred to base hospital for further evaluation 70

No fo Surgerry Done by Vittaia Hospital 78

Surgery Done By other Hospital 72

Surgerry done other Districts Childrens 116

Surgerry Details

For Children (upto July 2010) Viltala Hospital 166

POT Adults i Vittaia) 10

Cairact Surgerry Done By other Hospital 71

Total Surgerry Done

General and Eye Screening clone for Male 247

General and Eye Screening done tor Female 813

General and Eye Screening Done for Chiidrens 875

General and Eye Screening Done for AM 359

Total 3047


1. Regular Medical Consultation Camps :

Periodical medical camps will be organized in the cluster centers. Expert Doctors

from both the disciplines (Indian Medicine & Western Medicine) this will be a free

consultation & referral camp. One program coordinator will be appointed in every

Kshetra (State) for the coordination of Medical Camps & other activities of AFI.

2. Regular Awareness programs

Awareness programs will be conducted in the villages (This could become a weekly

awareness program( Saptahik Padasala) as planned in Ekal Movement). The VHV or

Medical college students or Medicos during their Internship period as a part of

community medicine will be involved for this purpose.

3. Organic farming of Medicinal Plants

To improve the financial condition of the villagers especially the VHV, proper

training will be given on planting & production of quality medicinal plants / products

using organic farming techniques. Buy back arrangements will be made with the

Ayurvedic drug manufacturing industry.

4. Arogya Samithi (Village Health committee)

In every Ekal Village we will have Arogya Samithi. The in charge of the Arogya

Samithi or preferably one married women from the Arogya Samithi will be “Arogya

Sevika” in the village.

5. Frequent Training camps

The Arogya Sevika will be given training for 24 hours once in six months along with

Masik Abhyas Varga (Monthly Training Camp) in the Sanch (Cluster-30 villages)

which is being held part of Ekal Vidyalaya training system. The Doctors from the

Arogya Samithi shall be helpful in imparting training.

When you contribute to this movement, you will invest in India’s future, an India

beyond the Metros, an India waiting to be explored, embraced and nurtured.

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