12 crosses around the world

Post on 04-Dec-2014






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The Cross is the post powerful symbol of how Jesus changed the world forever when he died for us and rose again. Christians across the world remember and honour his sacrifice, not just at Easter but throughout the year. Enjoy this small selection of photos of Crosses in different parts of the world.


12  Crosses  around  the  world

With Easter just around the corner, we've been looking through our photos of

Crosses, taken around the world over a number of years. We were inspired to see

this most powerful symbol of Christ's sacrificial love for us displayed and

celebrated in so many different cultures. Here are just 12 of the many we found.

Enjoy and share!

A wintry scene is brightened up by a

flowery Cross outside a chapel in Belarus.

Cross in the Colosseum in Rome, Italy.

Scene of Christ on the Cross, depicted in a

monastery in Senegal.

Cross in the car of a Christian businesswoman in Nanjing, China.

Cross on a hill outside Asmara, Eritrea.

Little boys rest at the foot of a Cross outside a church in Montero, Bolivia.

Cross painted on the gates of the home of a

Bible distributor in Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

Cross on a hilltop in Norway.

Cross on the altar of a chapel in Tbilisi, Georgia.

A Cross carved with the letters of Jesus’ name in a shop in San José, Costa Rica.

Crosses tattooed on the arms of an inmate in a prison for

young offenders in Ukraine.

A Cross at sunset in Chiapas, Mexico.

To  find  out  more  about  our  work  around  the  world,  visit  unitedbiblesocie:es.org

By his one sacrifice he has forever set free from sin the people he brings to God.

(Hebrews 10:14)

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