11th & 12th sunday in ordinary time june 14 & june 21

Post on 09-May-2022






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St. Mary Student Parish Catholic Campus Ministry at the University of Michigan

stmarystudentparish.org @SMSPumich SMSPNEWMAN .com/smsp.um

St. Mary Student Parish · 331 Thompson Street · Ann Arbor, MI 48104 · 734.663.0557 · fax 734-663-2756


Mass Schedule Sunday

8:30 AM

10:00 AM

12:00 Noon

2:00 PM (Spanish)

5:00 PM

Daily Mass Mon-Thurs 5:10 PM

Friday 12:10 PM


Office Hours Sunday 8:00 AM-6:30 PM

Monday 9:00 AM-9:00 PM

Tuesday 9:00 AM-6:00 PM

Wednesday 9:00 AM-7:00 PM

Thursday 9:00 AM-6:00 PM

Friday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM

Saturday Only during weddings

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Wednesday after the 5:10 PM Mass or by appointment


Infant Baptism Preparation Upcoming Classes: 6/29, 7/27 & 8/31

We offer a baptism class in both English and Spanish once a month on a Monday night from 7:00-8:00 PM. Information packets are available in the Parish Office and should be picked up at least a week prior to the class date.

Contact Carol ckonczal@umich.edu.

Parish Bible Study Mondays at 7:00 pm

Our Catholic faith teaches that God is alive in the Scriptures. Come

discover the Word with us. We practice scripture-based

faith sharing in a small discussion group. Discussions are guided by

church-approved commentaries, question guides, and the Catechism

of the Catholic Church. We meet Mondays at 7 pm.

For further information, please contact Kathy Ann Moilanen


Lessons Learned from My Sons by Bill Alt, Campus Minister

It took me four days to become a father. On a Thursday morning,

Angie and I went to the hospital expecting to be holding our first

child by evening. We had planned on giving birth in the alternative

birthing center with minimal medical intervention- a comfortable

queen size bed, birthing balls, and a pool-like tub. Oh, you can plan

all you want but life will happen otherwise!

Thursday gave way to Friday and Friday moved into Saturday and

still no baby. I was amazed at the level of pain my wife could

tolerate barely interrupting our card games as a contraction rolled

over her. The alternative birthing center was long forgotten and she

was now attached to every device and monitor. Finally, on Saturday

night, she was given an epidural so she could sleep. The next

morning, by cesarean, she gave birth to our beautiful son Jacob.

I often comment that those four days in the hospital waiting for

Jacob was one of the most profound and intimate moments I have

spent with Angie but the implications of that intimacy and what it

means to be a father has taken every day since to learn. That is

how it goes-love learned over and over again across a lifetime.

Patrick has since joined his brother Jacob and the two of them

teach me every day how to love, how to experience and cherish

God in all things.

I have learned from my boys to always say everything with gusto.

They live their lives at high volume and, though it is not always

appropriate, I appreciate their exuberance? I have learned that you

don’t need music to dance and that dancing is always good. Life is

full of joy.

My boys have taught me to make the world smile. We need

kindness and compassion. They help me realize that we are meant

to carry each other, to lift each other’s burdens, and hold each other

close in our arms. We are called to work for justice and to embrace

the joys and sorrows of the world.

Because of my sons, I know there is nothing wrong with asking for

more. We have to ask for what we need but we also must share

what we have. We look for the fullness of life.

There are so many more lessons- Dads are needed (but Moms make

everything better), a lap is the best seat in the house, and sleep is

good. Yet, the most important lesson has been “Do not be afraid.” It

is a lesson that I have to constantly relearn. I am so often like the

apostles in the gospel terrified by the raging storm, fearful that the

boat will sink. I know that my anxiety does no one good and only

causes everyone agitation. My sons remind me in their simple way

to be more like Jesus, to trust that the sea will be calmed and the

boat will make it to shore. God is in control and love is real. All we

can do is stand in awe and wonder. Thank you Jacob and Patrick for

teaching me this lesson; thank you for teaching me to be a dad.


RCIA: Invite someone you know Many people decide to explore the Catholic faith because a friend or family member offered an invitation. Sometimes, it’s just a friendly suggestion that causes someone to be interested in checking out Mass or learning more.

St. Augustine reminds us, “Our hearts are restless until they find rest in you.” Deep in our hearts, we have a longing to be closer to God, but we aren’t always sure how to make that happen.

If you know someone who may be seeking a deeper knowledge of God’s peace, you can help:

Offer to attend Mass with them this summer.

Encourage them to stop by the parish office and speak with our RCIA leaders.

Better yet, come with them to learn more about RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults).

The RCIA journey at St. Mary Student Parish helps adults and students who are seeking a greater understanding of the Catholic faith, or those who want to complete some or all of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, First Eucharist).

There’s no pressure or obligation. Participants are welcome to explore and ask questions as they discern where God may be leading them. RCIA sessions will begin formally on Sept. 16, but inquirers are welcome to come in anytime to talk.

For more information, please contact:

Rita Zyber, RCIA assistant, rzyber@smspnewman.org or call 734-663-0557, Ext 230

or Fr. Eric Sundrup, SJ, esundrup@smspnewman.org or call 734-663-0557, Ext. 223

RCIA candidates pray as they celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation at the Easter Vigil Mass in April.

Volunteers Wanted

Want to use your gifts & talents to support

women & the unborn?

ArborWoman Pregnancy Center wants YOU

to volunteer! ArborWoman needs pro-life

people to support, nurture, and empower

women facing unexpected pregnancies.


Nurses & RDMS (sonographers) with a

current Michigan license

Pregnancy counselors with an aptitude

for &/or background in counseling; post-

abortion counselors (male & female)

Marketing, administrative, receptionist

and janitorial (male or female) volunteers

ArborWoman’s mandatory Fall Volunteer

Training is Saturday, October 3, 2015 from

8:30 AM-2:30 PM.

For more information, contact

our Volunteer Coordinator at


or 734.994.8863.

To download an application visit http://av-


Delonis Center Community Meal

Volunteers needed the 1st and 5th Fridays of

the month to make and serve the evening

meal at the Delonis Center at 312 W Huron

Street, Ann Arbor.

Two shifts:

3-5pm cook/set up

5-7:15pm serve/

clean up

Sign up online http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0848a9aa2bab9-stmary

Questions, contact Bill Alt at


LGOM at St. Mary’s 3rd Tuesday of the Month from 7-8:30 PM

The Lesbian and Gay Outreach Ministry (LGOM) is a group

sponsored by St. Mary Student Parish and meets monthly. Meetings

are private and confidential. As a diverse community of believers,

we respect each person as a unique reflection of God's presence in

our midst.

We commit ourselves to being a community of care, support,

formation, reconciliation, and witness to justice with and among gay

and lesbian persons, their parents, family members, and friends.

We teach that all love comes from God and focus on helping people

reconcile their faith with their orientation. We provide a safe space

for discussion, healing, and prayer. Together we reflect on Scripture

and listen to the lived experience of lesbian and gay persons and

their allies.

For more information, contact Mark at markthies@yahoo.com.


The Family Faith Formation program is for registered parish families

whose eldest child is in at least kindergarten and serves students

through the seventh grade academic year. Family Faith Formation is

a home-based catechesis that requires parents and children to

attend a monthly formation class (Sundays, October-May) and work

at home on lessons. The Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First

Eucharist are typically completed in the 2nd grade year and it is

encouraged that children have received at least one year of faith

formation before their sacramental prep year.

Teen confirmation is for eighth grade students who have completed

the sacraments of baptism, reconciliation, and Eucharist. Our teen

confirmation program meets 2-3 times a month on Sunday

afternoons between October-May. Teens attend most sessions on

their own with some parental involvement at some of the

sessions. In addition to attending class, teens are required to

complete a faith formation text at home, complete 25 hours of

service, and attend a day-long retreat. It is recommended that teens

come to their confirmation preparation year with recent faith

formation experience.

More information and registration forms are available in the parish

office. Space is limited, so early registration is recommended.

For more information, please contact Karen Thomas at

734-663-0557 x234 or kbthomas@umich.edu

Family Faith Formation & Teen Confirmation


Undergrad Summer Program at St. Mary Student Parish will be

meeting Tuesday & Thursday nights this summer. Tuesday night will

be a Small Church Community, a chance to share your faith with

other students. Thursday night will be a variety of activities such as

game nights, going out to eat, or watching a movie together. If you

are interested in learning more about this opportunity, fill out the

online form to be included in our summer email list and check out

our upcoming dates below!

Sign up online http://goo.gl/forms/EaII19ENTd or contact

Rachel rconner@smspnewman.org with questions.

If you're looking for an opportunity to share your faith with other

college students this summer, join us for our

Drop-in SCC Tuesday nights at 7:00 PM!

Can ’t make it

every week?

No problem!



at 7 PM

June 18th - top of the park showing of “Mean Girls”

(meet at SMSP at 9:30 pm)

June 25th - join us for dinner at restaurant week

(meet at SMSP at 6:00 pm)



Reading I Ezekiel 17:22-24

Psalm Psalms 92:2-3, 13-16

Reading II 2 Corinthians 5:6-10

Gospel Mark 4:26-34

The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed, which springs up and

becomes the largest of plants, like a tender shoot from the cedar

which will bear fruit and become a majestic cedar. So shall the just

flourish, like a cedar. As we walk by faith and not by sight, may our

lives bear fruit in abundance.

* * * * *


Reading I Job 38:1, 8-11

Psalm Psalms 107:23-26, 28-31

Reading II 2 Corinthians 5:14-17

Gospel Mark 4:35-41

In the midst of adversity, we need to trust in the saving presence of

God who triumphs over the waters of the sea. In the midst of

distress, let us turn to the Lord with faith, to him whom even the

wind and the sea obey. He died and rose for our sake that we might

live and not perish.

* * * * *


Reading I Wisdom 1:13-15; 2:23-24

Psalm Psalms 30:2, 4-6, 11-13

Reading II 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15

Gospel Mark 5:21-43

Because of sin, sickness and death have entered the world, but are

overcome through the resurrection of Jesus. He hears the cry of

those in need, healing the sick and raising the dead to life. He made

himself poor that we might become rich.

Born for Joy Mondays at 7:00 PM at St. Mary Student Parish

A 12-step recovery group for men (ages 18+), who struggle with

sexual acting out/pornography and are sincerely looking for hope

and help in a community of fellow strugglers. Structured discussions

are led by an experienced leader, offering times for listening and

sharing. Discern, discover, and understand your struggles. Find God

already helping you, and recover your joy. Primarily for students

and young men. (Other men welcome as well.) Not for the curious,

researchers, reporters. Please be courteous and stay away.

Visit www.saa-recovery.org or contact Fr. Ben for more info.


Weekly Offering Report as of June 7, 2015

June Wedding Banns

Kevin Wakefield McKinney & Margaret Loretta Mueller

June 27, 2015

Our 2015 DSA theme, “For Everything is From You, and What We

Give Is What We Have From You,” reminds us that we bring nothing

material into this world and we take nothing out of it. Everything we

have is a gift from God.

As Christian stewards we serve God out of love and gratitude for all

his gifts to us, knowing that it’s not how much we have, but what we

do with what we have, that is important. Sharing our financial

resources with others in need is a loving and just act –

a way of thanking God for all His blessings.

Our contributions to DSA allow our diocese to expand our efforts of

evangelization and social ministry well beyond what an individual or

a single parish could accomplish. The programs, ministries and

services funded by the DSA offer not only direct assistance to

individuals and families, but also to parishes and schools as they

carry out their missions in our 10 county diocese and beyond.


GOAL OF $74, 613. As you prayerfully consider your gift to DSA,

allow yourself to be motivated by gratitude to God, making a

generous gift within your means, to the Lord for all the blessings in

your life. Thank you again for your generosity!

Weekly Budget Goal $13,700.00 Annual Budget Goal $975,000.00

Sunday 6/7/2015 (Week 49) $16,859.38 Fiscal Year-to-Date Goal $933,900.00

Above (Below) Weekly Goal $3,159.38 Amount Collected YTD $938,029.01

Special and Holy Day Collections: Above (Below) YTD Goal $4,129.01


Meetings & Events: June 14-28 SUNDAY, JUNE 14 Children’s Liturgy 10:15 AM Newman Hall+ ESL 12:45 PM Newman Hall Michigan United Workshop 3:15 PM Donnelly Hall MONDAY, JUNE 15 Centering Prayer 6:15 PM Richard Room Bible Study 7:00 PM Newman Room Born for Joy 7:00 PM Monteith Room TUESDAY, JUNE 16 Pray the Rosary 5:45 PM Church Summer Student SCC 7:00 PM Loyola Room WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17 Reconciliation 5:45 PM Church Spanish Rosary 6:10 PM Loyola Room Spanish SCC 7:00 PM Loyola Room FRIDAY, JUNE 19 Spanish Wedding Rehearsal 6:00 PM Church SATURDAY, JUNE 20 Memorial for Mitchell Grabowski 10:00 AM Church SUNDAY, JUNE 21 Children’s Liturgy 10:15 AM Newman Hall+ ESL 12:45 PM Newman Hall Know Your Rights 3:00 PM Donnelly Hall MONDAY, JUNE 22 Centering Prayer 6:15 PM Richard Room Bible Study 7:00 PM Newman Room Born for Joy 7:00 PM Monteith Room Film Festival: CRASH 7:00 PM Newman Hall TUESDAY, JUNE 23 Pray the Rosary 5:45 PM Church Summer Student SCC 7:00 PM Loyola Room WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24 Reconciliation 5:45 PM Church Spanish Rosary 6:10 PM Loyola Room Spanish SCC 7:00 PM Loyola Room FRIDAY, JUNE 26 Wedding Rehearsal 4:00 PM Church SATURDAY, JUNE 27 Wedding 1:00 PM Church Retos 5:45 PM Rectory Dining Room, Rectory Lounge SUNDAY, JUNE 28 Children’s Liturgy 10:15 AM Newman Hall+ Coffee & Donuts 11:15 AM Newman Hall ESL 12:45 PM Newman Hall Pan Dulce 3:00 PM Courtyard, Newman

Mass Intentions: June 14-28

SUNDAY, JUNE 14--Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:30 AM Mass for +Walt Godek

10:00 AM Mass for Holtgrieve Family

12:00 PM Mass for People of the Parish

2:00 PM Mass for + Elbia Girand

5:00 PM Mass for Christopher Brown

MONDAY, JUNE 15--Weekday

5:10 PM Mass for +Herbert Stein

TUESDAY, JUNE 16-Weekday

5:10 PM Mass for +Marian A. McNally

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17-- Weekday

5:10 PM Mass for Vincent Jones

THURSDAY, JUNE 18--Weekday

5:10 PM Mass for Kit & Marcy Wood

FRIDAY, JUNE 19--Weekday

12:10 PM Mass for ISP Women’s Retreat

SUNDAY, JUNE 21--Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:30 AM Mass for +Anthony Colatrugio

10:00 AM Mass for +James W. Willis

12:00 PM Mass for People of the Parish

2:00 PM Mass for Benefactors of St. Mary Student Parish and Campus Ministry

5:00 PM Mass for ISP Women’s Retreat

MONDAY, JUNE 22-- Weekday

5:10 Mass for + Leoncia Manere

TUESDAY, JUNE 23--Weekday

5:10 PM Mass for Kyle, Spencer & Julia Wood

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24--The Nativity of John the Baptist

5:10 PM Mass for


5:10 PM Mass for Esperanza Leslie

FRIDAY, JUNE 26--Weekday

12:10 PM Mass for +Gertrude Barrons

SUNDAY, JUNE 28--Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:30 AM Mass for +Alona Springer

10:00 AM Mass for Michael Patterson and Family

12:00 PM Mass for People of the Parish

2:00 PM Mass for Jonathan Silvera Batista

5:00 PM Mass for

PLEASE REMEMBER THE SICK IN YOUR PRAYERS: Cristobel Acosta, Virginia Adams, Mariana

Alvarez, Dee Ana, Joan Anderson, Geri Arnold,

David Armstrong, Kevin Arway, Newton

Averion, Orlando Averion, Zenaida Averion,

Jeanne Barry, Pat Battista, Jenn Belczak, Kim

Benoit, Philip Bentley, Gary Boelstler, George

Burkett, Ann Bouchard, Denise Bouthilier, Doug

Brannan, Joan Brown-Alexander, William

Callahan, Bev Campbell, Celia Capay, Chad

Carr, Ric Chapman, Shenlin Chen, Carol Clark,

Wilma Cleary, Juan Contreras, Irene DaDeppo,

Bea Davisson, Ronald Dawson, Diana, Lori

DeFour, Anna DenBoer, Bonnie Dunkelburger,

Nathalie Ertel, Deanna Fischer, Annie Flaherty,

Steve Frost, Lydia Fulmer, Cecelia Garcia,

Javier Garcia, Leticia Garcia, Juanita Gee,

Debbie Gilbert, Richard Goulet, Rosario

Gonzalez, Bethany Grates, Les Guinn, Julia

Haynes, Adam Heskett, Berta Herrera, Jimmy

Hill, Stephen Hosken, Bob & Carole Hunter,

Bonnie Irvin, Letty Jablonski, David Johnson,

Thor Johnson, Vince Jones, Jeanie Joy, Ron

Karczewski, Charlie & Ann Kettles, Brandan

Kirma, Nancy Knapp, Mary Koral, Art Lamey,

Bernice Lamey, Amira Lehavy, Daniel Lienert,

Augustin Ronquillo Lopez, Lisa Lorenz, Maryjo

Lum, Marsha McCay, Rachel Messiter, Makayla

Mayo, Abby McDonough, Kathleen McGuiness,

Irene Mike, Celeste Monforton, Jeff Monteith,

Harrison Morton, Christina Morton, Gina

Murillo, Fred Murphy, Mary Natrella, Jan

Olsavsky Kipp, Joan Opiela, Antonio Osorio,

Josephine Panlilio, Blythe Peltier, Joyce Ann

Pethan, Elizabeth Pidgeon, Russella Pillow,

Margaret Pooler, Jake Powell, John Pridnia,

Noah Purdy, Chester Pyzik, Irene Pyzik, Basillio

Rodriguez, Isabel Rodriguez, Rowena

Rodriguez, Alicia Sarkar, Chad Schaber, Eugene

Schwartz, Terry Shakespeare, Therese Sheffield,

Don Shelton, Sister Theresa Marie, Hyun Sook

Choi, Elmer Spreitzer, Mackenzie Stothers,

Mary Swander, Joseph Sweetman, Gerald

Tilson, Victoria Tomalia, Donna Turnmier, Mary

Udoji, Robert Uriarte, Marco Victoriano, Pota

Vlatos, Ruth Warren, Perry Washington,

Hayden Watkins, Lisa Wolf-Novak, Mary Yacu,

Imelda Yap, Linda Zara

Call the parish office to add a name to our prayer list 663-0557. Please help us to keep our list current by letting us know when we may remove a name.



Fr. Ben Hawley, SJ, Pastor & Director of Campus Ministry pastorstmarys@gmail.com x277

Fr. Dennis Dillon, SJ, Pastoral Associate dillonsj@umich.edu x246

Fr. Michael D. Rozier, SJ, Pastoral Associate mrozier@umich.edu x0

Fr. Eric Sundrup, SJ, Pastoral Associate esundrup@smspnewman.org x223

Deacon Romolo Leone, Pastoral Associate rleone@umich.edu x233

Deacon Steve Thomashefski, Pastoral Associate sthomashefski@smspnewman.org x243

CAMPUS MINISTRY STAFF Kelly Dunlop, Associate Director of Campus Ministry kldunlop@umich.edu x244

Abby Braun, Campus Minister aabraun@umich.edu x228

Karen Thomas, Campus Minister kbthomas@umich.edu x234

Anita Bohn, Music Director abohn@umich.edu x0

Rachel Conner, Peer Minister rconner@smspnewman.org x252

Elaina Jo Polovick, Peer Minister epolovick@smspnewman.org x248

PARISH STAFF Lanette Mele, Office Manager & Staff Assistant for Liturgy lmele@umich.edu x232

Carol Konczal, Receptionist/Administrative Assistant ckonczal@umich.edu x226

Alicia Frenette, Controller afrenette@smspnewman.org x224

Susan Maulbetsch, Coordinator of Hospitality & Welcome smaulb@umich.edu x229

Brittany Tobias, Communications Director btobias@smspnewman.org x240

Leonor Kromis, Hispanic/Latino Ministry Assistant pkromis@umich.edu x221

Kristen Gowman, Bookkeeping Assistant kgowman@smspnewman.org x241

Siri Ibarguen, Family Ministry Assistant sibarguen@smspnewman.org x247

Rita Zyber, RCIA Assistant/Coordinator rzyber@smspnewman.org x230

Bill Alt, Campus Minister walt@smspnewman.org x235

Sue Walters, Database Coordinator swalters@smspnewman.org x239

George B. Lowrie, III, Stewardship Volunteer x222

Gary Pearce, Operations Manager gpearce@smspnewman.org x231

George Kasotakis, Custodian x0

Daniel Hankins, Maintenance Assistant x0

STUDENT STAFF Vivian Abraham Amy Carroll Solana Gillis

Emmamarie Haasl Devin Nelson Alan Phillips

This bulletin is furnished to the parish without charge.

The advertisements that appear completely defray all publishing costs with which the church would otherwise be burdened. Please patronize these sponsors as a thank you for their kind generosity.


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