11 night cruise ambon - banda neira - triton bay filetuna and reef sharks. another big attraction...

Post on 04-Jul-2019






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The sample itinerary below highlights what you can expect on one of our Ambon diving cruises in the areas of Ambon, Banda and Triton Bay. Please note that each cruise is unique and subject to change; navigation and dive sites may vary due to weather conditions, currents, waves and visibility.

Exact routes for each cruise will be organized in accordance with the weather forecast for that region. Strong currents, for example, may mean that the exact location and/or timing of planned dives may be altered on safety grounds and to suit local conditions.

We will pick you up at Ambon airport and take you to the harbor where our crew will welcome you onboard Calico Jack.

Following refreshments and a short tour of the ship, you will be briefed on safety, the diving operations, and life onboard. You will be served a deli-cious lunch and have time to get acquainted with the ship, set up your dive gear & cameras and to meet and socialize with the other guests and friend-ly crew.

We will do a check dive in the area later in the afternoon. Early morning, we will navigate to Nusa Laut.

DAY 1 | Embarkation in Ambon. Maluku (1 Dive)



Early morning, we arrive in Pulau Suanggi. The waters here are full of fish, tuna and reef sharks. Another big attraction between the months of Octo-ber and November hammerhead sharks have been know to school here in large numbers sometimes 100+.

The island is also excellent for bird loves, many species can be observed here: frigate birds, red-footed boobies and brown boobies all spotted pa-trolling the skies.

Afternoon we will navigate to Banda Neira harbour for night dive.

DAY 3 | Pulau Suanggi (4 Dives)



Early morning, we arrive at the beautiful Amet Reef. Whilst situated only a few hours from Ambon, it is a great example of successful grass roots conser-vation efforts.

The locals have instilled sustainable methods to protect their reef and as a result, the corals are outstanding and a favourite amongst dive enthusiasts. White tips and reef sharks patrol the depths and playful turtles can be spotted. For the incredibly lucky, hammerhead sharks and dugongs have also been spot-ted at this site.

After lunch, we will navigate to Molana Wall. The shallow wall breaks in plac-es and in the sandy slopes, ribbon eels, small pipefish and moray eels can be found. Above the reef, turtles are seen feeding in the beautiful coral garden.

In the afternoon, we will navigate to Pulau Suanggi (Banda Islands).

DAY 2 | Nusa Laut & Molana (3 Dives)

Early morning, you will dive Batu Kapal, which when translated means ‘boat rock’. A submerged pinnacle, the site has a rock breaking the surface of the water in the shape of a boat, hence the name. This sight is probably one of the most impressive dive areas in Banda Islands.

Various types of fish are present here in vast numbers, along with huge gor-gonian fans and some truly monumental sponges.

Your second dive will be at Pohon Miring. At this site, a large crack in the reef creates a deep swim-through which you can drift through and view the sponge covered wall on the other side. Moray eels can be spotted at the top of the wall as well as schools of bumphead parrotfish.

DAY 4 | Banda Neira Tour & Banda Islands (2 Dives)

Late Afternoon, we will head to Banda Neira where you will have the chance to explore the remaining remnants of the former lucrative spice trade as well as take in the historic and cultural legacies of the islands.

You will spend the morning walking through the town and be given the chance to observe the Dutch colonial architecture which remains to this day, as well as Fort Belgica with its incredible views overlooking the bay around the island.

Evening you will be treated to a delicious seafood dinner by the water-side Hotel overlooking the Banda Neira Volcano.



Karang Hatta is a reef located South East of Pulau Hatta. The dive sites in this region are closest to the 6,000-metre-deep Banda trench, making it an intriguing area as the chances of encountering pig pelagic species are quite high. Schooling trevallies, barracudas, tuna, turtles, as well as hammerhead and grey reef sharks can be spotted close to this underwater mount.

You will have two dives in this area, dependent upon the conditions, and then sail to the main island of Pulau Hatta were you will dive in front of the West shore beach where a 5-metre hole in the reef opens up to the sea. You can dive down through the hole and find yourself looking back to what appears to be a bridge in the reef. The bridge is covered with soft corals, and large gorgonian fans underneath are home to various pigmy seahorses.

Overnight navigation to Pulau Koon.

DAY 5 | Banda Islands (3 Dives)

Pulau Koon is a small island on the southeast of Ceram, half way be-tween Raja Ampat and the Banda Islands. Underwater there are walls covered in soft corals, and sandy slopes with hard coral bommies. But the most interesting feature of this island is the amount of schooling fish and pelagic, barracudas, bigeye trevallies, aggregation of red snappers, pompanos, batfish, and giant groupers.

Three great dives in this area before setting sailing towards Watubela Archipelago.



DAY 6 | Pulau Koon. Ceram (3-4 Dives)

he small islands of Kurkap and Kasui, in the Watubela Archipelago, these deep seamounts serve as a marine oasis for many species: dog-toothed tunas, big-eye jackals, bonito, black snappers. Napoleons, turtles, tip-white sharks and with a little luck manta ray. Hammerhead sharks can be seen here from September to November.

Morning we arrive at Namatote and visit the village Maimai to ask the head of the village for permission to swim with the local whale sharks. This is one of the only places in the world where you can encounter whale sharks all year round. The whale sharks are attracted to the local fishing plat-forms (bagans) because the fishmen feed them as they believe they bring good luck.

Afternoon we will explore the ancient cliff paintings which are found in the same area.

DAY 9 | Namatote Triton Bay (2 Dives)

Early morning we arrive in West Papau’s Momon reef where we will make 3 dives on this large hard coral seamount which is blessed with some of the healthiest fish life in the area. Large schools of Bigeye Travelly, schools of bat fish, napoleon wrasse, Barracuda and Giant Travelly. Afternoon we will visit the beautiful Kita Kita waterfalls where a fresh water river runs right straight into the sea!

DAY 8 | Momon (3 Dives)



DAY 7 | Watubela Archipelago (3-4 Dives)

This Still relatively unknown destination is full of treasures and fast becom-ing legendary for its beautiful soft corals, huge schools of fish and migrating whale sharks.

The area has been protected since 2008, allowing fish stocks to recover from overfishing. Devoid of humans, the healthy, unbleached reefs have practical-ly no garbage floating around.

When not diving the fishy sites, there is amazing macro diving to be had. Big, fat candy crabs and other species of decorator crabs can be spotted even by the less trained eye. All five species of pygmy seahorse can be found with solid predictability.

After breakfast and the last exchange of photos and memories, the crew and Calico Jack will say our fondest farewell’s and transport you either to your hotel or Kaimana airport.

DAY 12 | Disembarkation in Kaimana

The following is a little taste of what to expect from some of the dive sites in the area.

Triton, Larry’s Heaven

Larry’s heaven is without a doubt one of the most beautiful places ever and has been giving its name by the late Larry Smith. The colours and the sheer diversity are truly a mind-blowing experience. Fields of soft coral, thick forests of black coral trees sea fans and hard corals dominate the reef. Fish, fish and fish are everywhere, all kinds and all sizes, a true underwater heaven.

Triton, Aiduma

Aiduma is an island outside of the mouth of Triton Bay. Every inch is occupied by some sort of invertebrate and abundance of soft and hard corals. Large num-bers jacks, mackerel’s petrol these waters. Huge groups and Tasseled wobbe-gongs also call this dive site home.



DAY 10-11 | Triton Bay (6 Dives)

We are lookforward to havingyou on board!The Calico Jack Team


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