11 mb research areas

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The Poznań University of Economics is one of the major academic institu-tions in the western part of Poland, as well as the biggest and oldest busi-ness university in the region of Wielkopolska.The University educates specialists and conducts research in the fi elds of management, economics, international business, information systems and commodity sciences. This publication includes information concerning the areas of research carried out by nearly fi ve hundred academics at 57 departments and research centres. It is hoped that it will popularize the above subjects among our partners, identify joint research activities, estab-lish new contacts and develop co-operation with international institutions. Our existing and potential research partners will be interested to note the extensiveness and diversity of our researchers’ academic interests, our considerable experience in international research co-operation, and our readiness to face new challenges and develop research co-operation with foreign universities.

Prof. dr hab. Maciej Żukowski, prof. zw. UEP

Vice-Rector for Researchand International Relations

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Poznań University of Economics

The Poznań University of Economics is one of the major academic institu-tions in the western part of Poland, att racting students from many parts of our country. The University employs 1,091 staff members, including 543 academic teachers. It has over 16,000 students and fi ve faculties – the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of International Business and Econom-ics, the Faculty of Informatics and Electronic Economy, the Faculty of Commodity Science, and the Faculty of Management – which off er a wide range of degree courses at Bachelor, Master, Doctorate and Habilitation levels. The Poznań University of Economics runs 11 major courses: Eco-nomics, Finance and Accounting, Computer Science and Econometrics, International Relations, International Trade Relations, Management, Pro-duction Management and Engineering, Spatial Economics, Social Policy, Technical Applications of the Internet and Commodity Science. Moreover, the PUE is expanding its post-master programmes in order to meet the growing demand from those who are already professionally active.The Poznań University of Economics co-operates with a vast number of for-eign institutions. An exchange of experiences with international partners in terms of curriculum development allows the PUE’s study programmes to meet European standards. The University participates in international programmes and has bilateral relations with foreign partners. The PUE has signed 141 agreements with foreign universities (106 of which are Erasmus agreements).The University off ers double-diploma programmes on the basis of agree-ments with its partners – Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany) and European School of Management – ESCP EUROPE. The Poznań University of Economics runs four international MBA programmes in co-operation with: 1) the Nott ingham Trent University (UK), 2) Univer-sité de Rennes I (France), 3) Europäische Wirtschaftshochschule in Berlin (Germany) and 4) Georgia State University (USA). The PUE has developed a number of courses taught in foreign languages available to exchange stu-dents and Polish students, who are thus given an opportunity to develop their language skills and prepare for studies abroad.The University is an authorised examination centre for business English, German, French and Russian.

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The University’s research units make their expertise available for external entities, off ering consulting services and carrying out specialised projects for specifi c companies and public sector institutions. A growing number of research projects have an interdisciplinary profi le and are carried out in collaboration with business and academic institutions. The University also co-operates with international partners in several joint projects funded by the EU within the Framework Programmes. The PUE Partner’s Club is a prestigious group of Polish and international companies signifi cant for the region and the whole country. Its activities are aimed at strengthening cooperation between science and industry.In 2001, the Faculty of Commodity Science was awarded an ISO 9001-2000 certifi cate by the organisation Det Norske Veritas. The certifi cate confi rms the Faculty’s effi ciency and its management system’s compatibility with the demands of international standards.In terms of enrollment, as well as scientifi c and academic potential, the Poznań University of Economics ranks among the leading economic uni-versities in Poland. Since 2000, the University has come second in rankings published by such Polish magazines as Polityka, Rzeczpospolita, Perspekty-wy, Magazyn Businessman, and Newsweek Polska.

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Department of Banking

tel.: (+48-61) 854-32-14fax: (+48-61) 854-32-22htt p://www.katbank.ue.poznan.pl/e-mail: kbank@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• analysis of projects• bank controlling• bank marketing• banking• banking accounting and reporting• banking systems• comparative analysis of fi nancial intermediation• cooperative banking sector• credit policies of the IMF and of the World Bank• credit risk• feasibility studies in accordance with UNIDO, the World Bank and the

OECD• fi nancial analysis and assessment of the borrower’s fi nancial standing• fi nancial and economic analysis of banks• functions and operations of the central bank• functions of money• information technology in banking• instruments and institutions of the fi nancial market• international capital market• international fi nancial relations• management and functioning of the universal bank• methods of assessing the borrower’s creditworthiness• monetary systems• monetary theory• money and the development of a banking system in the process of mov-

ing towards a monetary union• organisation of market banking systems• risk management

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• securities market and activities of stock exchanges• the role of international money in a contemporary monetary system

Prof. dr hab. Alfred Janc, prof. zw. UEPhead of department

banking, banking systems, comparative analysis of fi nancial intermedia-tion, functions and operations of the central bank and banking supervision

Dr Anna Iwańczuk

payment systems, interbank sett lements, banking risk, banking systems, Single Euro Payment Area

Dr Michał Jurek

exchange rates - theory and practice, international monetary system, cur-rency and monetary unions, international monetary cooperation, opti-mum currency areas, European monetary integration, monetary policy, central banking

Dr Radosław Kałużny

new capital accord, Basel 2, CRD, assessment of a bank’s risk, including credit risk, banking accounting and reporting, investment banking, fi nan-cial report audit, company valuation methods, Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A), methods of evaluating investment projects and business plans, in-vestment funds, venture capital/private equity

Dr Grzegorz Kotliński

fi nance, management, information technology (IT), banking, marketing, electronic banking, risk management, information systems

Dr Ewa Kulińska-Sadłocha

banking, controlling, fi nance of commercial banks, banking cost account-ing, international fi nancial relations

Dr Eryk Łon

banking and capital market

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Dr Paweł Marszałek

theory of money, monetary policy, fi nancial systems, commercial banking, fi nancial intermediation

Dr Ryszard Mikołajczak

banking, cooperative banking sector, instruments and institutions of the fi nancial market

Dr Killion Munyama

economic and fi nancial development in developing countries, the func-tioning of international fi nancial institutions in the world economy, inter-national banking, European Union fi nancing, international fi nancial op-erations , international fi nance

Dr Grzegorz Paluszak

banking, banking systems, the euro, economic governance, fi nancial mar-ket, international monetary system

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Department of Economic Journalism and Public Relations

tel.: (+48-61) 856-95-11fax: (+48-61) 856-95-12htt p://www.kpr.ae.poznan.pl/e-mail: kpr@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• comparative analysis of economic and political systems• contemporary political systems and doctrines• international public relations, transitional public relations• Media Relations• processes of European integration• public relations as a new instrument of systemic transformation

Prof. dr hab. Ryszard Ławniczak, prof. zw. UEPhead of department

international public relations, foreign economic policy, comparative anal-ysis of economic systems, transitional public relations

Dr hab. Przemysław Deszczyński, prof. nadzw. UEP

international business and politics, public relations

Dr Waldemar Rydzak

crisis management, Internet PR, international PR

Dr Jacek Trębecki

transitional public relations

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Department of Economic and Local Government Policy

tel.: (+48-61) 856-95-33fax: (+48-61) 856-95-65htt p://kpgs.ue.poznan.pl/e-mail: kpgs@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• educational policy of local governments after Poland’s accession to Eu-

ropean Union: the case of the Wielkopolska region• development strategies of local territorial units and regions, regional

and local aspects of globalisation• Poland’s economic policy within the European Union’s framework• regional and local economy, spatial planning, local government policy• policy of socio-economic development under disequilibrium (infl ation)

conditions• the analysis, strategy and planning of enterprise development• theoretical and empirical problems of economic policy

Dr hab. Jerzy Tarajkowski, prof. nadzw. UEPhead of department

economic policy, business development, system dynamics

Prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Pająk, prof. zw. UEP

local government, regional and local development

Dr hab. Janusz Tomidajewicz, prof. nadzw. UEP

theory of economic policy, company competitiveness, privatisation policy, European Union economic policy

Dr Włodzimierz Dymarski

economic policy of the European Union, Poland’s socio-economic policy and development, labour market policy, human resources management

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Dr Sławomir Jankiewicz

theory of economic policy, state policy on small and medium-sized en-terprises, SME sector analysis, the infl uence European integration on the sector

Dr Piotr Lis

housing policy conceptions, analysis and assessment of the market hous-ing fi nance subsystem, analysis and assessment of state intervention in-struments and interaction between the market and state subsystem of the housing fi nance, housing fi nance solutions in Poland

Dr Marek Urbaniak

economic policy, innovation policy, economics

Dr Agnieszka Ziomek

institutional economy, Polish labour market, Polish regional development in the EU perspective

Dr Sławomir Zwierzchlewski

fi nancial state policy, privatisation of state enterprises in Poland

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Department of Education and Personnel Development

tel./fax: (+48-61) 854-37-14htt p://www.kedu.ue.poznan.ple-mail: keirk@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• human resources management• profi tability of educational investments• social and economic aspects of education• the state’s and employers’ role in qualifi cations development• training management

Dr hab. Aldona Andrzejczak, prof. nadzw. UEPhead of department

education policy and economics, human resources management and de-velopment, training design and implementation

Dr hab. Grażyna Bartkowiak, prof. nadzw. UEP

organisational psychology, human resources management, factors deter-mining eff ective team management

Dr Anna Wach-Kąkolewicz

postgraduate studies in professional development

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Department of Insurance

tel.: (+48-61) 854-31-43fax: (+48-61) 854-31-01htt p://ku.ue.poznan.ple-mail: kug@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• concepts (theories) and ideologies of insurance• economic and legal aspects of business insurance• economic and legal aspects of insurance crime• fi nancial management, fi nancial analysis and rating of insurance com-

panies• insurance intermediaries and insurance distribution channels, applica-

tion of new technologies and IT programs• life and health insurance as a supplement to social security schemes• organisational problems of the insurance industry/market• peculiarities of insurance protection/insurance services• Polish and EU insurance market• processes taking place in mutual insurance companies; role and signifi -

cance of MICs in a modern market economy• relations between insurance and other fi nancial institutions, particularly


Dr hab. Jerzy Handschke, prof. nadzw. UEPhead of department

the politics of insurance, insurance market, fi nancial analysis and fi nancial management, insurance economics and techniques

Dr hab. Maria Kuchlewska, prof. nadzw. UEP

fi nancial management of enterprises, risk management, mutual insurance, life insurance, analysis of the investment activity of insurance companies

Dr Witold Jaworski

strategic options of fi nancial institutions (insurance focus), insurance rating, fi nancial management in insurance companies, valuation of insurance com-panies, operational effi ciency and business models in the insurance sector

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Dr Monika Kaczała

use of the internet in insurance business, agricultural insurance

Dr Anna Kufel-Siemińska

insurance intermediaries, insurance distribution channels, bancassurance

Dr Jacek Lisowski

fi nancial management, fi nancial analysis and rating of insurance compa-nies, Polish and EU insurance market, credit insurance and suretyship (bonding insurance), insurer solvency

Dr Krzysztof Łyskawa

loss of the capacity to fi nd employment at an advanced age, pension-age risk, pension system, group life insurance, the effi ciency of agricultural insurance, obligatory insurance in agriculture

Dr Piotr Manikowski

satellite insurance, insurance of catastrophe risks, terrorism insurance, un-derwriting cycles, insurance company fi nance

Dr Józef Michalak

reconstruction of doctrinal and cognitive assumptions of insurance, the concept of economic order – the case of insurance, socio-cultural determi-nants of insurance, the impact of integration and globalisation on insur-ance

Dr Magdalena Osak

health insurance systems, health insurance, private health insurance

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Department of Labour and Social Policy

tel.: (+48-61) 854-38-83tel./fax: (+48-61) 854-38-84htt p://www.kpips.ue.poznan.pl/e-mail: kpips@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• employment and working time, qualifi cations, work productivity, re-

muneration• ergonomics, business computing• human resources management, banking systems, fi nancial system safe-

ty network, cooperative banking• labour market, human capital, employment structure and labour pro-

ductivity• social policy, social security, pension systems, European social policy

Prof. dr hab. Józef Orczyk, prof. zw. UEPhead of department

labour market, human capital, employment structure and labour produc-tivity

Prof. dr hab. Jan Szambelańczyk, prof. zw. UEP

human resources management, banking systems and fi nancial system safety network, cooperative banking

Prof. dr hab. Maciej Żukowski, prof. zw. UEP

social policy, social security, pension systems, European Union, European social policy

Dr hab. Jerzy Olszewski, prof. nadzw. UEP

labour economics, ergonomics, information technology in human resourc-es management

Dr Magdalena Andrałojć

international human resources management

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Dr Katarzyna Lis

ergonomics, business computing, human resources management, work safety

Dr Maciej Ławrynowicz

human resources management, HRM-performance link, cooperative bank-ing, trust management, workplace spirituality

Dr Piotr Michoń

family policy, comparative social policy, economics of happiness, family economics, females’ paid and unpaid work

Dr Mariusz Piotrowski

labour law, theory of law

Dr Joanna Ratajczak-Tuchołka

social policy, social security, pension system, women, inequalities

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Department of Macroeconomics and Agricultural Economics

tel./fax: (+48-61) 854-30-17htt p://www.ue.poznan.pl/kmigz/e-mail: kmigz@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• agricultural policy• food economy• functioning and development of co-operative movement• integration of the farming and food economy with the European Union• macroeconomic adjustments to the market• macroeconomics of a national economy• principles of agribusiness• small-business activity

Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Czyżewski, prof. zw. UEPhead of department

macroeconomics of the transformation process, economic principles of agribusiness, integration of the food-and-agriculture sector with the Euro-pean Union, agricultural policy and its systemic determinants

Dr hab. Waldemar Czternasty, prof. nadzw. UEP

functioning and development of small businesses, agriculture economics, agribusiness companies, multifunctional development of rural areas

Dr hab. Aleksander Grzelak

macroeconomics (process of transformation and integration of the econo-my, the role of institutions in the economy, unemployment), food econo-my (agricultural policy, income of farms, relationship between agriculture and the market, working of former state farms), marketing in the food economy, marketing research, globalisation

Dr Bazyli Czyżewski

governance structures in the agri-food sector of well-developed countries, CAP’s institutions and the development of Polish agriculture, rent-seeking in the agri-food sector and agrarian interventionism

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Dr Anna Matuszczak

agricultural economy, macroeconomics, agriculture and rural area, farm incomes

Dr Agnieszka Poczta-Wajda

agricultural policy of well-developed countries, international trade, agri-cultural trade liberalisation, agricultural markets modeling

Dr Agnieszka Sapa

mechanism of agri-food international trade, liberalisation of world ag-ricultural trade, agricultural trade under regional trade agreements and a multilateral trading system, world agricultural trade and developing countries, fi nancial support for the agri-food sector, regional and tradi-tional products in the EU

Dr Sebastian Stępień

organisation of agricultural markets in Poland and the EU, risk manage-ment in the agricultural sector, cyclic fl uctuations in agricultural produc-tion

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Department of Macroeconomics and National Economy Research

tel.: (+48-61) 854-30-14fax: (+48-61) 854-30-34htt p://www.katmakro.ue.poznan.ple-mail: makro@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• contemporary problems of economic theory development• fi nancial institutions during the transformation period• functional and institutional aspects of economic transformation• functioning of national economy: theory and practice• human resources management in a national economy and in business

organisations• labour market in the transformation period• market economy functioning: theory and practice• methodology of economic science• remuneration theory and policy

Prof. dr hab. Wacław Jarmołowicz, prof. zw. UEPhead of department

economics, macroeconomics, economic policy, human resources manage-ment

Dr hab. Wojciech Piotr, prof. nadzw. UEP

economic science methodology, theory of national economy functioning

Dr Adam Baszyński

economics, macroeconomics, human resources management and econom-ics of work, macroeconomics of an open economy

Dr Baha Kalinowska-Sufi nowicz

macroeconomics, labour market discrimination of women, labour market functioning

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Dr Magdalena Knapińska

macroeconomics, labour market, labour market policy, human resources management, European integration

Dr Dawid Piątek

economic growth in transition

Dr Katarzyna Szarzec

modern macroeconomics, economic policy

Dr Beata Woźniak-Jęchorek

trade-off between infl ation and unemployment in modern economic theo-ries, institutional economics, labour market

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Department of Money Theory and Monetary Policy

tel.: (+48-61) 854-34-13fax: (+48-61) 854-34-15htt p://ktpipp.ue.poznan.ple-mail: ktpipp@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• ECB monetary policy• accountability accounting• accounting theory• capital market• central bank mechanism• central banking• derivatives market• goals of monetary policy• macroeconomic aspects of monetary policy• macroeconomic fi nancial institutions• monetary policy and the money market• monetary policy instruments• monetary policy of new EU members• monetary policy strategies• monetary systems, the euro – an international currency• public debt management• securities in monetary policy implementation• securities market in the euro area• traditional and alternative investment funds

Prof. dr hab. Wiesława Przybylska-Kapuścińska, prof. zw. UEPhead of department

monetary policy, banking, business cycles, microeconomics, capital and money market

Dr Tomasz Gabrusewicz

accounting theory, corporate social responsibility, accountability and eth-ics in accounting, corporate governance

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Dr Elżbieta Gruszczyńska-Brożbar

the stock market investment of fi nancial capital, the stock market, factors of stock market ratings changes, the stock exchange and capital market functions, the money market

Dr Kamilla Marchewka-Bartkowiak

fi scal policy, government debt management, Treasury securities market, monetary and fi scal policy coordination

Dr Katarzyna Perez

traditional investment funds and alternative funds (hedge funds), fund performance and its persistence, fund att ributes, capital infl ow, emerging markets, Poland; JEL Codes: G0, G11, G23, G24

Dr Michał Skopowski

central bank independence, monetary policy, monetary and fi scal policy coordination, monetary policy strategies, central banking, coherence be-tween monetary and fi scal policies, Basel II - Capital adequacy, banking supervision, reporting systems for banks (COREP, FINREP, IFRS), fi nan-cial safety net

Dr Urszula Ziarko-Siwek

capital market

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Department of Public Finance

tel.: (+48-61) 854-38-64fax: (+48-61) 854-38-64htt p://www.kfpubl.ue.poznan.ple-mail: kfpubl@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• audit, statements and supervision in the public sector• fi nance and fi nancial management of local government, particularly city fi nance

• fi nance of the European Union, management and fi nancing of EU proj-ects

• organisation and fi nancing of social services• public fi nance• taxes and tax systems, personal and corporate taxation

Dr hab. Tadeusz Juja, prof. nadzw. UEPhead of department

taxes and tax systems, fi scal policy, budget policy

Dr Tomasz Bojkowski

public fi nance, taxes and the tax system, fi scal policy

Dr Maciej Cieślukowski

public fi nance and tax policy of the European Union , tax systems in Eu-ropean Union countries, fi scal federalism, European Union and European Economic Area funds, public fi nance and taxes in Poland

Dr Małgorzata Hybka

tax systems in OECD member states, tax risk management, fi nancial sys-tem of the European Union, company taxation in Poland and other Euro-pean Union member states

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Dr Sławomira Kańduła

fi nancing of cities with county rights, public fi nance, local government fi -nance, organisation and fi nancing of services, fi nancing of local and re-gional development

Dr Ilona Kijek

public fi nance, fi nancial system of Central and Eastern Europe, budget policy

Dr Janina Kotlińska

public fi nance, fi nancial management of local government, especially fi -nancial management of cities, local government`s instruments for stim-ulating entrepreneurship, developing tourist traffi c, municipal property management

Dr Edyta Małecka-Ziembińska

personal income taxation in Poland and other EU member countries, func-tions of direct and indirect taxes before and after Poland’s EU accession, costs of taxation

Dr Jacek Połczyński

tax reform in OECD countries, fl at tax in Central and Eastern Europe, en-vironmental taxes, lump-sum tax

Dr Joanna Przybylska

public fi nance, local government fi nance in Poland and EU countries, or-ganisation and fi nancing of social and public services, internal audit in the public sector

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Department of Sociology and Philosophy

tel.: (+48-61) 854-38-85tel./fax: (+48-61) 854-36-71htt p://ksif.ue.poznan.ple-mail: ksif@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• axiology and methodology of mainstream economic and ethic doc-

trines• business ethics• economic culture• economic mentality of Poles• economic sociology• economy and sociology of rural areas• global ethics• history of philosophy• homelessness and social housing• human resources management• methodology of economics• organisation and management• philosophy of culture• philosophy of science• social policy• social transformation in the economy• sociology of the economy• sociology of work and business• the concept of rationality of the economy

Prof. dr hab. Henryk Januszek, prof. zw. UEPhead of department

socio-economics, economic sociology, social transformation in an economy and in business entities, conditions for an eff ective and competitive work process, disruptive and pathological phenomena in the work process, in-novations in the work process, business social responsibility

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Prof. dr hab. Włodzimierz Kaczocha, prof. zw. UEP

social philosophy, history of philosophy – 19th-20th centuries, axiological and institutional problems of contemporary democracy, business ethics

Dr hab. Grażyna Krzyminiewska, prof. nadzw. UEP

economy, economy and sociology of rural areas, sociology of the economy, economic culture, sociology, economic mentality of Poles

Dr hab. Barbara Pogonowska, prof. nadzw. UEP

methodology of economic sciences, business ethics, philosophy of science, the concept of rationality of the economy

Dr hab. Andrzej Przymeński, prof. nadzw. UEP

sociology, social policy, economic sociology, social security, homelessness and social housing, social economy

Dr hab. Jan Sikora, prof. nadzw. UEP

sociology of work, rural sociology, organisation and management, agro-tourism, economics of management, social policy, economics of tourism

Dr Halina Zboroń

business ethics, methodology of economics, metaeconomics

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Department of Statistics and Demography

tel./fax: (+48 61) 854-38-12htt p://www.ksid.ue.poznan.ple-mail: ksid@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• determinants of demographic phenomena and processes• labour market analysis• living conditions of households• methodological solutions, in particular: methods of multifactoral analy-

sis of relationship features, methods of describing concentrations and asymmetry, applications and limitations of probit analysis

• other cognitive issues based on classical methods of statistical and de-mographic analysis

• size and structure of households• systems of social and family values

Prof. dr hab. Iwona Roeske-Słomka, prof. zw. UEPhead of department

demographic processes in EU countries, size and structure of households, living conditions of the population, methods of multifactoral analysis of relationship features, methods of describing concentration and asymmetry

Dr hab. Maria Chromińska, prof. nadzw. UEP

family demography, economic demography, probit analysis, employment analysis, demographic transformation of Poland’s population

Dr hab. Alicja Szuman, prof. nadzw. UEP

employment analysis, family demography, economic demography

Dr Alicja Jajko-Siwek

pension level analysis

Dr Tomasz Szubert

demographic and social aspects of disability, spatial analysis of economic phenomena, application of network analysis to economics

Dr Krzysztof Szwarc

social statistics, poverty

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Department of Theory and History of Economics

tel.: (+48-61) 854-30-27; (+48-61) 854-30-28htt p://www.kthe.ue.poznan.ple-mail: kthe@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• theory and practice of the market economy• theory and practice of the transition process• consumer behaviour and theory of consumption• history of economic thought• economic aspects of infrastructure• transborder cooperation• rural area development and transition of the agriculture sector

Prof. dr hab. Marek Ratajczak, prof. zw. UEPhead of department

macroeconomics, international business, infrastructure, history of eco-nomic thought, theory and practice of the market economy, theory and practice of the transition process, consumer behaviour and theory of con-sumption, history of economic thought, economic aspects of infrastruc-ture, transborder cooperation, rural area development and transition of the agriculture sector

Dr hab. Małgorzata Słodowa-Hełpa, prof. nadzw. UEP

regional diversity of transformation processes, multi-functional develop-ment of rural communities, existence of Polish regions under the condi-tions of integration with the European Union

Dr hab. Jerzy Woś, prof. nadzw. UEP

consumer behaviour theory, the state in a market economy, market-econ-omy models, social aspects of transformation

Dr Izabela Bludnik

history of economic thought, contemporary economic theory

Dr Maria Kasperek-Hoppe

consumer behavior, the state in a market economy

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Dr inż. Hanna Pondel

sustainable development of rural areas, integration processes in the food sector

Dr Joanna Rachocka

consumer behaviour in Poland, consumer protection and education, con-sumer trends in developed market economies, globalisation of consump-tion, political consumerism - civil consumption - ethics of consumption

Dr Ryszard Szulc

history of economic thought, economics of transition

Dr Jacek Wallusch

monetary economics, time series modeling, cliometrics

research areas 2010.indd 32research areas 2010.indd 32 2010-06-16 13:34:102010-06-16 13:34:10


research areas 2010.indd 33research areas 2010.indd 33 2010-06-16 13:34:112010-06-16 13:34:11


research areas 2010.indd 34research areas 2010.indd 34 2010-06-16 13:34:112010-06-16 13:34:11


Department of European Studies

tel.: (+48-61) 854-33-22 , tel./fax: (+48-61) 854-33-09fax: (+48-61) 854-33-09htt p://euro.ue.poznan.ple-mail: europa@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• Common Foreign and Security Policy• economic aspects of European integration• EU Common Market• EU External Trade• EU institutional system• EU regional and development policy• EU Structural Funds• European lobbying and decision-making process• European Security and Defense Policy• Poland in the EU• problems of the Polish-German border regions• The EU area of freedom, security and justice

Dr hab. Ewa Małuszyńska, prof. nadzw. UEPhead of department

economic aspects of European integration, regional policy, business location

Prof. dr hab. Bohdan Gruchman, prof. zw. UEP

economic aspects of European integration, regional development, co-oper-ation in the Polish-German border regions

Dr Piotr Ebbig

European integration, common EU policy, political and electoral systems

Dr Ida Musiałkowska

regional integration dynamics in the European Union and the world, re-gional development and the Structural Funds of the European Union, the European Union as a “global actor”

research areas 2010.indd 35research areas 2010.indd 35 2010-06-16 13:34:112010-06-16 13:34:11


Dr Magdalena Sapała-Gazda

European integration, interest representations in the EU, regional policy and structural funds

Dr Magdalena Śliwińska

competition policy of the European Union, rules of the European Internal Market, European economic integration

research areas 2010.indd 36research areas 2010.indd 36 2010-06-16 13:34:112010-06-16 13:34:11


Department of International Economics

tel.: (+48-61) 854-33-24; (+48-61) 854-33-25htt p://www.kmsg.ue.poznan.ple-mail: kmsg@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• analysis and research methodology of business cycles• balance-of-payments theory and policy• international economics and international fi nance• international trade theory and policy• theory and policy of economic integration

Prof. dr hab. Tomasz Rynarzewski, prof. zw. UEPhead of department

international trade theory and policy, balance of payments theory and pol-icy, European integration, strategic trade policy, international economics

Dr Ewa Mińska-Struzik

trade theory, foreign direct investment, multinational enterprises, trade in high-tech products

Dr Katarzyna Nawrot

international economics, development economics, economic and human development, economic integration, international economics and politics in Asia and Pacifi c, ASEAN

Dr Wanda Nowara

international economics, foreign direct investment

Dr Renata Stawarska

international economic integration, theory of monetary integration, inter-national banking and international fi nancial institutions

Dr Szymon Truskolaski

technical progress, knowledge diff usion, economic growth, FOREX

research areas 2010.indd 37research areas 2010.indd 37 2010-06-16 13:34:122010-06-16 13:34:12


Department of International Finance

tel.: (+48-61) 854-33-15fax: (+48-61) 854-34-24htt p://www.kfm.ue.poznan.ple-mail: kfm@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• balance of payment and adjustment theory• business cycles and international fi nancial fl ows• exchange cycles and business conditions on capital markets• exchange rate systems and policy• forecasting trends on fi nancial and money markets• international fi nancial system and money markets – dynamics and busi-

ness activity• international investment (direct and portfolio)• multinational fi nancial management

Prof. dr hab. Eugeniusz Najlepszy, prof. zw. UEPhead of departmentbalance of payment and adjustment theory, exchange rate systems and policy, multinational fi nancial management, international investment (di-rect and portfolio),

Dr hab. Wiesław Łuczyński, prof. nadzw. UEPinternational fi nancial system and money markets – dynamics and busi-ness activity, business cycles and international fi nancial fl ows, forecasting trends on fi nancial and money markets, dynamics of economic processes, business cycles and economic growth, exchange cycles and business con-ditions on capital markets, methodology of economics, stabilisation policy and business cycle control, dynamics of economic systems, forecasting sta-tionary and non-stationary economic time series, microeconomics theory, international payments, international economics

Dr Katarzyna Appeltworld economy, international fi nance, international fi nancial institutions

Dr Paweł Śliwińskiinternational corporate fi nance, balance of payments theory, international fi nancial markets, international investment

research areas 2010.indd 38research areas 2010.indd 38 2010-06-16 13:34:122010-06-16 13:34:12


Department of International Logistics

tel.: (+48-61) 854-35-36fax: (+48-61) 854-35-37htt p://www.klm.ue.poznan.ple-mail: klm@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• business logistics and logistics systems management• city logistics• demand for logistics in sectors and regions• global supply chain management• international logistics and eurologistics• IT in logistics (logistics information systems)• logistics in the internationalisation process of an enterprise• logistics management in services• spatial confi guration of logistics networks

Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Gołembska, prof. zw. UEPhead of department

international logistics, eurologistics, transport in a corporate logistics sys-tem and in a supply chain, spatial confi guration of a logistics network

Dr hab. Maciej Szymczak, prof. nadzw. UEP

international and global logistics, logistics in the internationalisation pro-cess of an enterprise, business logistics management, supply chain man-agement, IT in logistics (logistics information systems), city logistics

Dr inż. Mariusz Szuster

supply chain management, logistics systems

Dr Karolina Tyc-Szmil

international logistics, eurologistics, logistics in services, reverse logistics

research areas 2010.indd 39research areas 2010.indd 39 2010-06-16 13:34:122010-06-16 13:34:12


Department of International Marketing

tel.: (+48-61) 854-33-12fax: (+48-61) 854-36-10htt p://www.kmm.ue.poznan.ple-mail: kmm@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• company’s market behaviour in the internationalisation process• international comparative research methodology development (cultural

aspects)• marketing aspects of contemporary foreign market entry strategies• marketing strategies on international markets – a network approach• relationship marketing on local and foreign markets

Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Fonfara, prof. zw. UEPhead of department

marketing aspects of the company’s internationalisation process, inter-national comparative research on marketing strategy implementation in overseas markets, B2B marketing, relationship marketing, methodology of measuring the company’s market orientation

Dr Miłosz Łuczak

resource-based theory of the fi rm, international marketing, internationali-sation process of companies, competitive advantage

Dr Milena Ratajczak-Mrozek

business networks and international network approach, the process of building companies’ competitive advantage in international markets, analysis of high-tech companies, international marketing

Dr Robert Szczepański

international marketing, internationalisation process of the fi rm, interna-tional business networks, marketing strategy on international markets, in-ternational outsourcing

research areas 2010.indd 40research areas 2010.indd 40 2010-06-16 13:34:132010-06-16 13:34:13


Department of International Trade

tel.: (+48-61) 854-33-15fax: (+48-61) 854-34-24htt p://www.khm.ue.poznan.ple-mail: khm@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• consumer behaviour on the international market• cultural diff erences and their infl uence on international trade• cultural environments of international business• institutional analysis of multinational corporations’ behaviour• international business• international communication• international human resources management• international management• international marketing research• international negotiation• international trade – organisation and techniques• international trade fairs and exhibitions• internationalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises• strategy and organisational behaviour of multinational corporations

Prof. dr hab. Henryk Mruk, prof. zw. UEPhead of department

international communication, consumer behaviour on the international market, international trade fairs and exhibitions, consumer behaviour on the international market

Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Schroeder, prof. zw. UEP

international business management, international human resources man-agement, international marketing research, international business

Dr Małgorzata Bartosik-Purgat

cultural environments of international business, cultural diff erences and their infl uence on international trade, consumer ethnocentrism, consumer behaviours in culturally diff erentiated environments

research areas 2010.indd 41research areas 2010.indd 41 2010-06-16 13:34:132010-06-16 13:34:13


Dr Beata Stępień

international trade – organisation and techniques, institutional analysis of multinational corporations’ behaviour, strategy and organisational behav-iour of multinational corporations

Dr Rafał Śliwiński

internationalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises, international negotiation

research areas 2010.indd 42research areas 2010.indd 42 2010-06-16 13:34:132010-06-16 13:34:13


Department of Strategy and Policy of International Competitiveness

tel.: (+48-61) 854-33-12fax: (+48-61) 854-36-10htt p://www.ksipkm.ue.poznan.ple-mail: ksipkm@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• determinants of international competitiveness at microeconomic level

(companies), mesoeconomic level (industries, sectors, branches, re-gions) and macroeconomic level (economic policies of states and inte-gration groupings)

• infl uence of economic policy on international economic co-operation• internationalisation and globalisation strategies of companies, indus-

tries, regions and national economies

Dr hab. Tadeusz Kowalski, prof. nadzw. UEPhead of department

economic policy, process of economic, fi nancial and institutional trans-formation, international economics & globalisation, European integration and competitiveness of national economies

Prof. dr hab. Marian Gorynia, prof. zw. UEP

company competitiveness, corporate strategies in international business, foreign investors’ strategies in Poland, expansion of Polish fi rms into inter-national markets, mesoeconomics, competitiveness support policy

Dr hab. Ewa Łaźniewska, prof. nadzw. UEP

European comparative analysis, European regional development, knowl-edge economy, regional policy, regional disparities, regional co-operation in the Polish-German borderland

Dr Barbara Jankowska

international competitiveness of fi rms and industries, internationalisation and globalisation strategies of fi rms and industries, economic clusters, me-soeconomics, transactions in international business

research areas 2010.indd 43research areas 2010.indd 43 2010-06-16 13:34:132010-06-16 13:34:13


Dr Anna Matysek-Jędrych

fi nancial stability, fi nancial system, central bank’s policy, competitiveness of the fi nancial sector, international fi nancial architecture, fi nancial safety net

Dr Radosław Owczarzak

corporate social responsibility, international business strategies, working and living conditions, international competitiveness of the fi rm

Dr Maciej Pietrzykowski

regional and local economy, competitiveness of local communities, Euro-pean Union economy, economic policy and international economics, proj-ect management

Dr Piotr Tarka

methodology of marketing research effi ciency

research areas 2010.indd 44research areas 2010.indd 44 2010-06-16 13:34:142010-06-16 13:34:14


Department of Tourism

tel.: (+48-61) 854-37-66fax: (+48-61) 854-34-16htt p://www.turystyka.ue.poznan.ple-mail: turystyka@ue.poznan.pl; g.golembski@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• diagnosing activities and improving management systems of tourism

enterprises• effi ciency and competitiveness of the tourism industry and entrepre-

neurship in tourism• investment in tourism• marketing in tourism (developing marketing strategies for companies

and tourist areas)• regional aspects of tourism development• restructuring the potential of tourism services (including health resorts)• tourism market research

Prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Gołembski, prof. zw. UEPhead of department

tourism region, economics of tourism companies, tourism economics, eco-nomics

Dr hab. Agnieszka Niezgoda, prof. nadzw. UEP

sustainable tourism, sustainable development, development of tourism ar-eas, tourism marketing, territorial marketing

Dr Marlena Bednarska

economics of tourism, hospitality management, competitiveness of tour-ism industry

Dr Ewa Markiewicz

globalisation of the tourism market, product strategy in international hotel systems, tourism market research

research areas 2010.indd 45research areas 2010.indd 45 2010-06-16 13:34:142010-06-16 13:34:14


Dr Łukasz Nawrot

economics of tourism, economics of investment, programming and assess-ment of investment projects in the tourism industry, economics of regions, competitiveness of regions

Dr Piotr Zmyślony

development of tourist destinations, especially management of urban tourism, tourism partnership and leadership, marketing for tourist desti-nations, MICE, cultural tourism, consumer behaviour in tourism

research areas 2010.indd 46research areas 2010.indd 46 2010-06-16 13:34:142010-06-16 13:34:14


research areas 2010.indd 47research areas 2010.indd 47 2010-06-16 13:34:162010-06-16 13:34:16


research areas 2010.indd 48research areas 2010.indd 48 2010-06-16 13:34:202010-06-16 13:34:20


Department of Applied Mathematics

tel.: 0-61-854-38-95htt p://kms.ue.poznan.ple-mail: kms@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• economic applications of the optimal control theory• fi nancial econometrics• fi nancial mathematics• fuzzy-set theory and its economic applications• mathematical programming• models of mathematical economics• risk calculation in insurance

Prof. dr hab. Marian Matłoka, prof. zw. UEPhead of department

mathematical programming, fuzzy-set theory and its economic applica-tions, fi nancial and insurance mathematics

Dr hab. Małgorzata Doman, prof. nadzw. UEP

fi nancial econometrics, applications of mathematics in economics

Dr Piotr Dworniczak

decision making in a fuzzy environment, fuzzy programming

Dr Stanisław Gorzeński

functional analysis, applied fi nite mathematics, logic

Dr Agata Kliber

fi nancial econometrics, volatility transmission, volatility modelling, term structure modelling, time series modelling

Dr Elżbieta Rychłowska-Musiał

agency theory, economic applications of the optimal control theory

research areas 2010.indd 49research areas 2010.indd 49 2010-06-16 13:34:202010-06-16 13:34:20


Department of Econometrics

tel.: (+48-61) 854-38-75fax: (+48-61) 854-36-74htt p://www.katek.ue.poznan.ple-mail: katek@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas

• fi nancial markets effi ciency• analysis of economic activity• business cycles• competition• Data Envelopment Analysis• discrete choice models• discriminant analysis• dividend policy• econometrics – theory and application• economic forecasting• event study analysis• fi nancial econometrics• market microstructure• modelling of fi nancial instruments• multivariate data analysis• portfolio optimisation investment• risk modelling in the corporate and banking sectors• time-series analysis

Dr hab. Dorota Appenzeller, prof. nadzw. UEPhead of department

analysis and forecasting of economic phenomena, corporate bankruptcy, multidimensional data analysis

Prof. dr hab. Witold Jurek, prof. zw. UEP

fi nancial econometrics, economic modelling and forecasting, economic growth theory, investment portfolio theory

research areas 2010.indd 50research areas 2010.indd 50 2010-06-16 13:34:202010-06-16 13:34:20


Dr Barbara Będowska-Sójka

event study analysis, time series analysis, market microstructure, informa-tion on capital markets

Dr Milda Burzała

discrete choice models, analysis of economic activity, investment portfolio optimisation

Dr Przemysław Garsztka

fi nancial econometrics, fi nancial portfolio optimisation, market micro-structure, economic forecasting

research areas 2010.indd 51research areas 2010.indd 51 2010-06-16 13:34:202010-06-16 13:34:20


Department of Information Systems

tel.: +48(61)854-33-81tel./fax: +48(61)854-36-33htt p://www.kie.ue.poznan.pl/e-mail: sekretariat@kie.ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• data warehouses• decision support systems• e-learning• information fi lters• information integration• information supply• modelling and design of information systems• service-oriented architectures• structured information retrieval• workfl ow management systems• information clustering• information systems• knowledge management• Legal Information Technology• text mining

Prof. dr hab. Witold Abramowicz, prof. nadzw. UEPhead of department

management information systems, information retrieval, knowledge man-agement, web services, e-government

Dr hab. Grzegorz Bartoszewicz

IT management systems

Dr Elżbieta Danecka

methodology and programming languages, structured and object oriented programming

research areas 2010.indd 52research areas 2010.indd 52 2010-06-16 13:34:202010-06-16 13:34:20


Dr Tomasz Kaczmarek

information systems, information retrieval, artifi cial intelligence, knowl-edge representation and visualisation, markup languages, Web develop-ment, data integration, Deep Web

Dr Krzysztof Węcel

ontologies, semantic web, data warehouses, information fi ltering and re-trieval, data mining and knowledge discovery, representation of business information in ontologies, change management, semantic business pro-cess management

research areas 2010.indd 53research areas 2010.indd 53 2010-06-16 13:34:212010-06-16 13:34:21


Department of Information Technology

tel.: (+48-61) 848-05-49fax: (+48-61) 848-38-40htt p://www.kti.ue.poznan.pl/e-mail: info@kti.ue.poznan.pl; cellary@kti.ue.poznan.pl

Research areas

• agent technologies• distance education• distributed systems and services• e-business• e-government• electronic negotiations• global information society• mobile databases and information systems• multimedia databases• service oriented architecture• social networks• virtual organisations• virtual reality and multimedia

Prof. dr hab. inż. Wojciech Cellary, prof. zw. UEPhead of department

e-business, e-government, global information society, Internet technolo-gies, virtual reality and multimedia, distributed systems and databases, service oriented architecture

Prof. dr hab. Halina Szulce, prof. zw. UEP

marketing strategies, trading strategies, merchandising, share of trade in national income and conditions for its development, competition strategy in trade, diff erences in marketing approaches in diff erent types of com-pany, trade development strategies, marketing in agriculture and the food market, innovations in enterprises and territorial unit activities, strategies for obtaining a competitive advantage by global retailers, population’s in-come distribution and standard of living

research areas 2010.indd 54research areas 2010.indd 54 2010-06-16 13:34:212010-06-16 13:34:21


Dr hab. inż. Jarogniew Rykowski

agent technologies, distributed systems and services, databases, Web Ser-vices, content mass personalisation

Dr inż. Jacek Chmielewski

applications of mobile technologies, multimedia systems, multimedia ob-jects metadata

Dr inż. Willy Picard

electronic negotiations, virtual organisations, adaptive business processes, computer supported social interactions, computer supported cooperative work

Dr inż. Sergiusz Strykowski

e-government, e-business, database systems, BPM, Business Process Man-agement, Internet technology, SOA, Service Oriented Architecture

Dr inż. Krzysztof Walczak

virtual reality, multimedia systems, multimedia databases, interactive television, Internet technologies

Dr inż. Wojciech Wiza

virtual reality and multimedia, information visualisation, human-comput-er interfaces, Internet technologies, Mobile Interfaces

Dr inż. Rafał Wojciechowski

informatics, multimedia, virtual and mixed reality

research areas 2010.indd 55research areas 2010.indd 55 2010-06-16 13:34:212010-06-16 13:34:21


Department of Mathematical Economics

tel.: (+48-61) 854-39-32, (+48-61) 854-39-31tel./fax: (+48-61) 854-36-72htt p://ekomat.ue.poznan.ple-mail: ekomat@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• applications of optimal control in economic theory• classical theory of capital allocation in a multisectoral economy• derivatives• dynamics and stability of economic systems• endogenous growth theory• hedging• incomplete markets• jump-diff usion models• Levy processes• monetary union macroeconomics• theory of economic convergence• theory of economic equilibrium and growth• turnpike theory• conceptual modelling• object modelling• optimisation procedures and algorithms in intranet systems

Prof. dr hab. Emil Panek, prof. zw. UEPhead of department

mathematical economics, control theory, general equilibrium theory, turn-pike theory

Dr hab. Krzysztof Malaga, prof. nadzw. UEP

economic growth, growth empirics, economic integration – EMU, human capital and growth, economic convergence, technological progress and growth, spatial analysis

research areas 2010.indd 56research areas 2010.indd 56 2010-06-16 13:34:212010-06-16 13:34:21


Dr hab. Henryk Runka, prof. nadzw. UEP

operations research, optimisation theory, constraint programming, com-puter programming, business computing, econometrics, business intelli-gence, modeling economical processes

Dr hab. Roman Kiedrowski

classical theory of capital allocation, nonlinear economic dynamics

Dr Krzysztof Cichy

economic growth, the role of human capital and technological progress in economic growth, dependencies between the micro- and macro-level of the economy, numerical methods, Monte Carlo simulations in economics, econophysics

Dr Paweł Kliber

derivatives pricing, risk analysis in incomplete markets, jump-diff usion models

Dr Michał Konopczyński

mathematical models of an economic and monetary union, fi scal competi-tion in the EU, economic growth theory

Dr Piotr Maćkowiak

theory of economic equilibrium and growth, turnpike theory

research areas 2010.indd 57research areas 2010.indd 57 2010-06-16 13:34:222010-06-16 13:34:22


Department of Operations Research

tel./fax: (+48-61) 856-95-61htt p://kbo.ue.poznan.ple-mail: sekretariatkbo@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• decision support systems (inventory control, optimisation of distribu-

tion processes)• discrete and nonlinear programming• evolution algorithms• fi nancial mathematics• fuzzy mathematics• graph theory• information society• investment decision optimisation• methods of service quality and customer loyalty management• portfolio analysis• preference modelling• risk management• tax analysis• time series analysis

Dr hab. Wojciech Sikora, prof. nadzw. UEPhead of department

discrete programming, optimisation of goods distribution, nonlinear pro-gramming, portfolio analysis

Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Piasecki, prof. zw. UEP

decision making under uncertainty, tax analysis, fi nancial mathematics, portfolio analysis, fi nance metrics, fuzzy mathematics, fi nancial markets

Dr hab. Jerzy Marcinkowski

time series analysis, artifi cial intelligence systems, portfolio analysis, non-linear programming

research areas 2010.indd 58research areas 2010.indd 58 2010-06-16 13:34:222010-06-16 13:34:22


Dr Marcin Anholcer

preference modelling, discrete and nonlinear optimisation, graph theory

Dr Wojciech Borucki

operations research, econometrics, economics of telecommunications, in-formation society

Dr Krzysztof Echaust

fi nancial engineering, risk management, fi nancial mathematics, time se-ries analysis

Dr Helena Gaspars-Wieloch

project time-cost trade-off analysis, exact and heuristic methods, opera-tions research, econometrics

Dr Jacek Kowalewski

modeling of fi rms, simulation games, bank risk

Dr Anna Łyczkowska-Hanćkowiak

matroid theory, matroid applications in economics

Dr Przemysław Stodulny

competition in the banking sector, methods of services quality and cus-tomer loyalty measurement, modelling and optimisation in the area of marketing, banking risk management

research areas 2010.indd 59research areas 2010.indd 59 2010-06-16 13:34:222010-06-16 13:34:22


Department of Statistics

tel.: (+48-61) 854-39-35tel./fax: (+48-61) 854-39-39htt p://www.statystyka.ue.poznan.ple-mail: agnieszka.motala@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• demographic analysis and prediction• geographical information systems• labour market analysis• small area statistics• statistical methods for management and economics• survey sampling and small area estimation

Dr hab. Elżbieta Gołata, prof. nadzw. UEPhead of departmentregional statistics, labour market and unemployment analysis, survey sampling, small domain estimation, demographic analysis, territorial dif-ferentiation of demographic processes

Dr hab. Jan Paradysz, prof. nadzw. UEPcurrent demographic situation, population forecasting, survey methodol-ogy, indirect estimation

Dr Grażyna Dehnelsmall area statistics, survey sampling, business statistics

Dr Tomasz Klimanek

small area statistics, regional statistics, spatial analysis, multilevel model-ling, spatial information systems, data integration

Dr Aleksandra Witkowska

regional statistics, labour market and unemployment at local level, multi-variate statistical analysis

Dr Marek Witkowski

multivariate statistical analysis, economic forecasting, statistical methods to analyse risk in an enterprise, statistical methods to analyse risk in an enterprise

research areas 2010.indd 60research areas 2010.indd 60 2010-06-16 13:34:222010-06-16 13:34:22


research areas 2010.indd 61research areas 2010.indd 61 2010-06-16 13:34:222010-06-16 13:34:22


research areas 2010.indd 62research areas 2010.indd 62 2010-06-16 13:34:232010-06-16 13:34:23


Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology

tel.: (+48-61) 856-95-31htt p://www.kbim.ue.poznan.ple-mail: kbim@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• microbiology of the human environment, microbiological quality of

outdoor and indoor air, food microbiology; quality of Polish honeys, properties and composition of honey

• biosensors for food and environmental analysis• detection of specifi c nucleic acid sequences• DNA electrochemical biosensors used in food analysis; electrochemistry

of biologically active compounds• food and environmental microbiology• functional food (propionic acid bacteria, bacteriocins)

Prof. dr hab. Marian Filipiak, prof. nadzw. UEPhead of department

biosensors for food and environmental analysis

Dr inż. Daniela Gwiazdowska

functional food (propionic acid bacteria, bacteriocins), food and environ-mental microbiology

Dr inż. Joanna Jasnowska-Małecka

DNA electrochemical biosensors used in food analysis; electrochemistry of biologically active compounds

Dr Marta Ligaj

detection of specifi c nucleic acid sequences

Dr inż. Alina Piotraszewska-Pająk

microbiology of the human environment, microbiological quality of out-door and indoor air, food microbiology; quality of Polish honeys, proper-ties and composition of honey

research areas 2010.indd 63research areas 2010.indd 63 2010-06-16 13:34:232010-06-16 13:34:23


Department of Business Activity

tel.: (+48-61) 854-38-46fax: (+48-61) 854-39-93e-mail: kkg@ue.poznan.pl; ryszard.barczyk@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• decision analysis• design and analysis of experiments• family demography• foreign trade policy instruments and their stabilising eff ect in various

economic systems• labour market analysis• objectives, instruments and eff ectiveness of contemporary stabilisation

policy• role of foreign direct investments in the process of economic growth• statistical methods in social research• system of social and family values• theoretical and empirical analysis of the contemporary business cycle in

various economic systems

Prof. dr hab. Ryszard Barczyk, prof. zw. UEPhead of department

theoretical and empirical analysis of business cycles, stabilisation policy in various economic systems

Dr hab. Walentyna Ignatczyk, prof. nadzw. UEP

family demography, economic demography, system of social and family values, labour market analysis, statistical methods in social research

Dr Ryszard Stefański

exchange rate, exchange rate policy, foreign trade policy

Dr Jadwiga Synowiec

business activity research

Dr Agnieszka Szczepkowska-Flis

microeconomics, foreign direct investments, multinational fi rms, market structure – technological change and economic growth

research areas 2010.indd 64research areas 2010.indd 64 2010-06-16 13:34:232010-06-16 13:34:23


Department of Food Commodity Science

tel.: (+48-61) 856-90-90fax: (+48-61) 854-39-93htt p://ktz .ue.poznan.ple-mail: ktz @ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• antioxidant activity of plant extracts in model lipids and food• consumer att itudes towards functional food• consumer preferences with regard to sensory and physicochemical

characteristics of food• evaluation of quality, authenticity and safety of food• water quality, photocatalytic water pollution degradation treatment

Dr hab. Maria Małecka, prof. nadzw. UEPhead of department

role of lipids in creation of food quality, adulteration of edible fats, con-sumer att itudes towards functional food

Dr hab. Andrzej Sobczyński, prof. nadzw. UEP

physicochemical assessment of food, water treatment issues, chemometry in the evaluation of food quality

Dr inż. Agnieszka Jursza-Szymańska

food commmodity science, chemometry in food analysis

Dr inż. Inga Klimczak

quality and functional properties of juices, food sensory analysis, methods of chemometry in food analysis

Dr inż. Bogdan Pachołek

quality, authenticity and safety of food, functional food, consumer pref-erences with regard to sensory and physicochemical characteristics of food

research areas 2010.indd 65research areas 2010.indd 65 2010-06-16 13:34:232010-06-16 13:34:23


Dr inż. Urszula Samotyja

food quality, oxidative stability and profi le of food lipids, antioxidant ac-tivity

Dr inż. Jerzy Zielnica

functional food, quality, authenticity and safety of food

Dr inż. Wojciech Zmudziński

photocatalytic water pollution degradation

research areas 2010.indd 66research areas 2010.indd 66 2010-06-16 13:34:232010-06-16 13:34:23


Department of General Chemistry

tel.: (+48-61) 856-90-36fax: (+48-61) 856-93-46htt p://kcho.ue.poznan.pl/e-mail: kcho@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• analysing food ingredients with the GS/MS and NIRS methods• application of principal component analysis in commodity science and

in organic physical chemistry• competitiveness, innovations, quality• eff ect of quality management on the competitiveness of food processing

companies• laboratory accreditation and statistical process control• safety in the food chain

Prof. dr hab. Romuald Zalewski, prof. zw. UEPhead of department

UV and NIR spectroscopy, food analysis, quality management, innova-tiveness and competitiveness, statistical methods in commodity science, SPC methods

Dr hab. Alicja Maleszka, prof. nadzw. UEP

commodity science, quality control, methods and techniques for quality improvement, SPC charts, capability indexes, analytical method validation

Dr Katarzyna Buhłak

near infrared refl ectance spectroscopy (NIRS), multivariate analysis PCA, PLS1/2

Dr inż. Krzysztof Melski

analysing food ingredients with the GS/MS method, environmentally friendly plastic packaging materials, food-packaging interaction during microwave and irradiation food processing

Dr inż. Marta Purol

safety in the food chain

research areas 2010.indd 67research areas 2010.indd 67 2010-06-16 13:34:242010-06-16 13:34:24


Department of Industrial Commodity Science

tel.: (+48-61) 856-93-82htt p://ktp.ue.poznan.pl/e-mail: ktap@ue.poznan.pl; ktp@ue.poznan.pl;

Research areas

• active packaging• assuring and assessing industrial product quality• automatic product identifi cation• control of barcode quality• ecologistics of used packaging• environmental biotechnology• nanotechnology• packaging for e-commerce• packaging for food preserved with physical methods• packaging in logistics systems• packaging science• product storage• the content of heavy metals in industrial wastes and packaging

Dr hab. inż. Ryszard Cierpiszewski, prof. nadzw. UEPhead of department

metal extraction from water solutions, active and intelligent packaging

Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Korzeniowski, prof. zw. UEP

quality of industrial products, packaging science, packaging logistics

Prof. dr hab. Hieronim Kubera, prof. zw. UEP

packaging science, printing, packaging for food preserved with physical methods

Dr inż. Natalia Czaja-Jagielska

biodegradable packaging, biodeterioration in commodity science

research areas 2010.indd 68research areas 2010.indd 68 2010-06-16 13:34:242010-06-16 13:34:24


Dr inż. Wojciech Kozak

modern packaging, active and intelligent packaging, automatic product identifi cation

Dr inż. Ewa Matuszewska

quality of industrial products, packaging science, bar codes

Dr inż. Patrycja Wojciechowska

polymer nanocomposites, biodegradable polymers

research areas 2010.indd 69research areas 2010.indd 69 2010-06-16 13:34:242010-06-16 13:34:24


Department of Instrumental Analysis

tel.: (+48-61) 856-90-40htt p://www.koj.ue.poznan.ple-mail: koj@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• modern instrumental methods in product quality and safety assessment

(identifi cation and quantitative analysis of biologically active food com-ponents and contaminants by use of high performance liquid chroma-tography, UV-VIS and fl uorescence spectroscopy, atomic absorption spectrometry and thermal methods, objective measurements of colour and fl avour, physicochemical and photochemical properties of selected biologically active food components)

• benefi cial and adverse eff ects of food and functional food components (antioxidative and prooxidative activity of food of plant origin, poly-phenolic compounds and vitamins, structure activity studies; applica-tion of molecular parameters in the study of chemical reactivity, mecha-nism and prediction of anti- and prooxidant action of functional food components, enzymatic detoxication of xenobiotics)

• studies of the further development and prospects of commodity-quality science

Dr hab. Bożena Tyrakowska, prof. nadzw. UEPhead of department

physicochemical properties of natural antioxidants, instrumental methods in food quality and safety assessment, detoxication and bioactivation of xenobiotics

Dr hab. Ewa Sikorska

study of the photophysics and photochemistry of biologically important food components, application of spectroscopic methods and chemomet-rics in analysis of food

Dr Jarosław Chmielewski

instrumental methods of quality assessment

research areas 2010.indd 70research areas 2010.indd 70 2010-06-16 13:34:242010-06-16 13:34:24


Dr inż. Anna Gliszczyńska-Świgło

modern methods in food quality and safety assessment, vitamins and nat-ural antioxidants

Dr Katarzyna Pawlak-Lemańska

commodity science, physico-chemical analysis of antioxidants, instrumen-tal method of quality assessment

research areas 2010.indd 71research areas 2010.indd 71 2010-06-16 13:34:242010-06-16 13:34:24


Department of Natural Products Chemistry

tel.: (+48-61) 856-90-11; (+48-61) 856-90-10fax: (+48-61) 854-39-93htt p://www.kchpn.ue.poznan.ple-mail: kchpn@ue.poznan.pl; jan.jasiczak@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• assuring food product quality• quality management, natural aspect of quality, knowledge management• sweet and bitt er taste chemoreception• synthesis of new sweet and bitt er taste compounds

Prof. dr hab. Jan Jasiczak, prof. zw. UEPhead of department

taste chemoreception, natural foundations of quality

Dr Alfred Błaszczyk

nanotechnology, molecular microelectronics, renewable fuels – solar bat-teries

Dr Dariusz Kikut-Ligaj

bitt er fl avour components, functional foods and nutraceutics, methods of docking into the molecular mould in fl avour compound analysis, QSAR methods in analysis of taste, study of bitt er taste perception, preferences and acceptance of bitt er taste in food products

Dr inż. Agnieszka Skolik

bitt er taste chemoreception, correlation between taste and the structure of natural compounds, the use of sensory analysis methods in investigating the bitt er taste

Dr inż. Hanna Śmigielska

research into the functional properties and structure of modifi ed and forti-fi ed starches, and fortifi cation of foods by microelements

research areas 2010.indd 72research areas 2010.indd 72 2010-06-16 13:34:252010-06-16 13:34:25


Department of Product Ecology

tel.: (+48-61) 854-31-17, tel./fax: (+48-61) 854-31-21fax: (+48-61) 854-31-21htt p://kepr.ue.poznan.ple-mail: eko@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• biodegradable nanocomposites• competitiveness of Polish agriculture in the EU, ecological aspects• ecolabelling of products (ISO standards series 14020)• ecological and economic aspects of the food economy• environmental aspects of the food economy• environmental impact of products (life cycle assessment and interpreta-

tion – LCA, LCIA, ISO standards series 14040)• integration of agriculture with economic surroundings, especially or-

ganic farms• life cycle costing, LCC• product ecology• sustainable development of rural areas• waste management

Dr hab. Zenon Foltynowicz, prof. nadzw. UEPhead of department

product ecology, plastics recycling and waste management, nanomateri-als, environmental issues

Dr hab. Henryk Szymusiak, prof. nadzw. UEP

antioxidants, molecular modelling, bioactive components in food

Dr inż. Anna Lewandowska

environmental life cycle assessment (LCA), life cycle management (LCM), design for environment (DfE)

Dr inż. Joanna Witczak

market of organic products, green marketing, changes in consumption be-haviour, market of organic food products

research areas 2010.indd 73research areas 2010.indd 73 2010-06-16 13:34:252010-06-16 13:34:25


Department of Product Marketing

tel.: (+48-61) 856-94-52fax: (+48-61) 856-94-34htt p://kmp.ue.poznan.ple-mail: kmp@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• brand management• consumer behaviour• market and marketing research• marketing communication• marketing information system• product management

Prof. dr hab. Bogdan Sojkin, prof. zw. UEPhead of department

product management, market and marketing research, market informa-tion system, sport marketing

Dr hab. Jacek Kall, prof. nadzw. UEP

brand management, brand communication

Dr inż. Magdalena Ankiel-Homa

communication value of packages, customer behaviour, product manage-ment

Dr Piotr Ratajczyk

product management

Dr Agnieszka Skuza

relationship marketing, team management, organisational behaviour, knowledge management, knowledge management in multinational cor-porations, internal communication in business organisations

research areas 2010.indd 74research areas 2010.indd 74 2010-06-16 13:34:252010-06-16 13:34:25


Department of Standardized Management Systems

tel.: (+48-61) 854-35-22; (+48-61) 854-37-38; (+48-61) 854-37-39fax: (+48-61) 854-35-22htt p://www.kzsz.ue.poznan.ple-mail: kzsz@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• business process management (process mapping, modelling, optimisa-

tion)• concepts of quality management in manufacturing and service companies• eff ect of quality costs on company profi tability• functioning of the environmental management system• implementing, documenting and improving quality management sys-

tems and integrated management systems• information security management systems• insurance functions and services• insurance regulations and fi nancial assessment• integration of management systems• knowledge management• occupational health and safety systems• quality assurance and quality management in higher education• service quality management (customer expectations and satisfaction)• supplier rating system (e.g. automotive market)

Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Łańcucki, prof. zw. UEPhead of department

service quality assessment, economic aspects of quality, insurance regula-tions and fi nancial assessment, total quality management in production and service activity

Dr hab. inż. Jacek Łuczak

Quality Management Systems (e.g. ISO 9001, ISO/ TS 16949) – design, implementation, maintenance, improvement, supplier qualifi cation and development (automotive industry), supply quality management in the automotive industry, Information Security Management System (e.g. ISO 27001), continuity business management, quality management and pro-cess management in the public administration

research areas 2010.indd 75research areas 2010.indd 75 2010-06-16 13:34:252010-06-16 13:34:25


Dr inż. Magdalena KaźmierczakCorporate Social Responsibility – CSR, knowledge management in com-panies

Dr inż. Alina Matuszak-Flejszman

integration of management systems, environmental management system, occupational health and safety management system, implementation and improvement of management systems

Dr Sławomir Zapłata

eff ectiveness and effi ciency of a quality management system, concepts of quality management in manufacturing and service companies, integration and improvement of standardised management systems

research areas 2010.indd 76research areas 2010.indd 76 2010-06-16 13:34:252010-06-16 13:34:25


Department of Technology and Environmental Protection

tel.: (+48-61) 856-90-58e-mail: ktos@ue.poznan.pl; r.zielinski@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• environmental protection: computer modelling of free radical processes

in the atmosphere, physicochemical analysis of environmental samples, construction of ion-selective electrodes for environmental analysis

• physical chemistry and technology of surface active agents: synthesis of surfactants, properties of aqueous solutions of ionic surfactants, kinetics and thermodynamics of micelles formation, thermal stability of surfac-tants

• physical chemistry of food and cosmetic components: natural and syn-thetic antioxidants, thermal stability of food and cosmetic emulsions, organic dyes, mechanism of processes with free radicals

• quantum mechanical computations on structure-activity relationship for selected compounds: surfactants, antioxidants, sunscreen fi lters

Prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Zieliński, prof. zw. UEPhead of department

synthesis and physicochemical properties of surfactants and antioxidants, molecular modelling of physical properties of organic compounds, envi-ronmental protection

Dr hab. inż. Katarzyna Wybieralska

physical chemistry of food and cosmetic components: natural and syn-thetic antioxidants, organic dyes, quantum mechanical computations on structure-activity relationship for selected compounds, metal-fl avonoid interactions

Dr inż. Daria Wieczorek

antioxidants, surfactants, environmental protection, commodity science of cosmetics and domestic detergents

Dr inż. Anna Wieloch

antioxidants, surfactants, environmental protection, commodity science of cosmetics and domestic detergents

research areas 2010.indd 77research areas 2010.indd 77 2010-06-16 13:34:252010-06-16 13:34:25


research areas 2010.indd 78research areas 2010.indd 78 2010-06-16 13:34:252010-06-16 13:34:25


research areas 2010.indd 79research areas 2010.indd 79 2010-06-16 13:34:262010-06-16 13:34:26


research areas 2010.indd 80research areas 2010.indd 80 2010-06-16 13:34:272010-06-16 13:34:27


Department of Accounting

tel.: (+48-61) 854-38-38tel./fax: (+48-61) 854-38-38htt p://katrach.ue.poznan.pl/e-mail: katrach@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• accounting theory• balance sheets, fi nancial reporting and auditing• cost accounting and management accounting• fi nancial analysis• fi nancial-, tax-, bank- and insurance accounting

Prof. dr hab. Wiktor Gabrusewicz, prof. zw. UEPhead of department

accounting theory and practice, fi nancial analysis methods, management accounting, auditing

Prof. dr hab. Aldona Kamela-Sowińska, prof. nadzw. UEP

accounting theory, management accounting, fi nance accounting, assets and company valuation, International Accounting Standards

Dr hab. Janusz Samelak, prof. nadzw. UEP

fi nancial reporting and auditing, accounting theory, fi nancial accounting and managerial accounting, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), controlling

Dr hab. Marzena Remlein

fi nancial accounting and reporting

Dr Joanna Błażyńska

fi nancial accounting

Dr Marek Cieślak

fi nancial accounting, managerial accounting, accounting ethics, fi nancial reporting

research areas 2010.indd 81research areas 2010.indd 81 2010-06-16 13:34:272010-06-16 13:34:27


Dr Maria Kiedrowska

insurance accounting, tax accounting, fi nancial accounting, auditing

Dr Łukasz Kononowicz

management accounting, performance management, value-based man-agement, company valuation

Dr Katarzyna Kuśnierek

fi nancial reporting – fi nancial accounting

Dr Marek Masztalerz

management accounting, cost accounting, cost management, controlling, value management, accounting theory, fi nancial accounting

Dr Remigiusz Napiecek

managerial accounting, cost accounting, accounting information systems, value management accounting

Dr Agnieszka Piechocka-Kałużna

audit of fi nancial reports, management accounting, fi nancial accounting of non-profi t entities

Dr Helena Poetschke

costing, management accounting

Dr Manuela Skoczek-Spychała

fi nancial accounting, International Accounting Standards, balance sheets

Dr Elżbieta Szczepankiewicz

accounting theory, internal auditing, internal control, fi nancial reporting and auditing, fi nancial analysis

Dr Irena Ziętowska

intangible assets, goodwill, intellectual capital

Dr Natalia Zimniewicz

transfer pricing, accounting of related parties, fi nancial accounting

research areas 2010.indd 82research areas 2010.indd 82 2010-06-16 13:34:272010-06-16 13:34:27


Department of Commercial Law

tel.: (+48-61) 854-35-16tel./fax: (+48-61) 854-35-32htt p://kpg.ue.poznan.ple-mail: kpg@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• consumer law• European integration• International treaty law• legal aspects of business insurance and brokerage• rules on establishing and running business entities, with particular em-

phasis on companies and individuals who conduct business on their behalf

• trade contracts

Dr hab. Tadeusz Gadkowski, prof. nadzw. UAMhead of departmentinternational treaty law, European integration

Dr Artur Iglińskicivil law, commercial law, anti-monopoly law

Dr Marek Janczykunfair terms in consumer contracts, consumer law, liability for defective products, certain aspects of the sale of consumer goods, consumer credit, distance contracts

Dr Jacek Masiotabanking law, bankruptcy law, sports fi nancing

Dr Agnieszka Sobiech

commercial law, tax law

Dr Krzysztof Szuma

rules on establishing and running business entities, with particular empha-sis on companies and individuals who conduct business on their behalf

research areas 2010.indd 83research areas 2010.indd 83 2010-06-16 13:34:272010-06-16 13:34:27


Department of Corporate Finance

tel./fax: (+48-61) 854-39-46htt p://kfp.ue.poznan.ple-mail: kfp@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• fi nancial management (fi nancial decisions, investment decisions, cost of

capital and capital structure, current asset management and fi nancing, fi nancing corporate innovative activities, corporate governance)

• fi nancial modeling (investment decision making, operating decisions, fi nancial planning modeling)

• health economics (economic and fi nancial mechanisms of healthcare management, health insurance, hospital fi nance)

• theory of taxation and tax systems (eff ects of taxation on businesses’ and households’ decisions, tax burden, tax strategies of companies and holdings, customs and custom systems, tax system harmonisation)

• working capital management (inventory, receivables and payables man-agement, short-term fi nancing, trade credit policy)

Dr hab. Jan Sobiech, prof. nadzw. UEPhead of department

corporate fi nance (corporate taxation, corporate capital strategy), public fi -nance (social security fi nance, health economics and health-care fi nancing)

Prof. dr hab. Danuta Krzemińska, prof. zw. UEP

corporate fi nance (corporate working capital, management of corporate receivables and accounts payable)

Dr hab. Jacek Mizerka, prof. nadzw. UEP

real options, risk management, corporate fi nance and corporate theory

Dr Arkadiusz Bernal

fi nance, taxation, tax evasion

research areas 2010.indd 84research areas 2010.indd 84 2010-06-16 13:34:272010-06-16 13:34:27


Dr Leszek Czapiewski

corporate fi nance, risk management, fi nancial modelling

Dr Józefa Gryko

fi nance of small and medium-sized enterprises in emerging markets, in-vestment and fi nancial decisions of innovative enterprises, managing li-quidity in research-intensive fi rms

Dr Tomasz Jewartowski

corporate investment and fi nancial decisions, corporate capital and own-ership structure, project fi nance, restructurings and divestitures, internal capital markets

Dr Michał Kałdoński

corporate fi nance, corporate governance, tax and business strategy

Dr Marta Kluzek

international tax competition

Dr Jarosław Kubiak

capital structure of a corporation, pecking order theory of capital struc-ture, information asymmetry

Dr Tomasz Nowaczyk

corporate fi nancial strategy, fi nancial decisions in emerging markets, cor-porate risk management

Dr Justyna Rój

corporate fi nance management, hospital fi nance, health economics, health insurance, corporate taxation

Dr Adam Skowroński

capital structure, investment decisions, stakeholder relations

research areas 2010.indd 85research areas 2010.indd 85 2010-06-16 13:34:272010-06-16 13:34:27


Department of Financial and Strategic Analysis

tel./fax: (+48-61) 854-38-26htt p://www.kafi s.ue.poznan.ple-mail: kafi s@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• competition and co-operation in the energy sector• corporate fi nancing strategy• fi nancial analysis• leasing as a source of corporate fi nancing• methodology of corporate valuation• methodology of strategic and fundamental analysis• strategic cost management• structural transformation of assets and its impact on corporate eff ective-

ness• value analysis

Dr hab. Mirosław Hamrol, prof. nadzw. UEPhead of department

methodology of fundamental analysis, fi nancial and strategic analysis, ef-fectiveness of privatisation

Dr hab. Cezary Kochalski, prof. nadzw. UEP

strategic cost management, fi nancial analysis, fundamental analysis

Dr Robert Polaczek

managing company assets, asset management effi ciency, effi ciency of managing company assets and its infl uence on company value, company management on the basis of controlling, restructuring as a method of crisis handling

research areas 2010.indd 86research areas 2010.indd 86 2010-06-16 13:34:272010-06-16 13:34:27


Department of Investment and Capital Markets

tel.: (+48-61) 854-38-28fax: (+48-61) 854-37-31htt p://kiirk.ue.poznan.ple-mail: kiirk@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• analysis of investment projects• analysis of sources of corporate fi nancing• anomalies on capital markets• behavioural fi nance• building and managing investment portfolios• business valuation• capital structure analysis• construction and management of investment portfolios• derivative instruments• fi nancial asset valuation• fi nancial innovations• fi nancial strategies• functioning of the capital market• herding behaviour on the capital market• human resources management• information asymmetry on capital markets• information on the capital market• instruments of non-equity fi nancing• interactions between enterprises and their environment• investor psychology• leveraged buy-outs and management buy-outs (LBOs/MBOs)• market microstructure• market of debt assets in Poland• mergers and acquisitions• merger and acquisition fi nancing• project management• strategic analysis

research areas 2010.indd 87research areas 2010.indd 87 2010-06-16 13:34:272010-06-16 13:34:27


Prof. dr hab. Waldemar Frąckowiak, prof. zw. UEPhead of department

mergers and acquisitions, corporate restructuring, capital investments and corporate fi nancial strategies, stock exchange trading

Dr hab. Adam Szyszka, prof. nadzw. UEP

behavioral fi nance, psychology of investors, market effi ciency, asset pric-ing, capital market anomalies, investment strategies and portfolio man-agement, investment funds and other institutional investors, regulatory and institutional aspects of the capital market, corporate fi nance, corpo-rate capital structure, business appraisals, mergers and acquisitions, LBO & MBO, going public – IPO, globalisation of capital markets and integra-tion of stock exchanges

Dr Witold Niedzielski

the design of models serving as tools for evaluating the eff ectiveness of investment fi nancing sources, infl uence of fi nancing sources on the fi nan-cial stability and profi tability of enterprises, range of the use of fi nancing sources in enterprises, infl uence of fi nancing sources on the value of an enterprise

Dr Piotr Stobiecki

capital structure, fi nancing sources, capital market theories, public trading of securities, mergers and acquisitions

Dr Maciej Stradomski

corporate fi nance, company valuation, debt management, shareholder value, fi nancial innovations, fi nancing of family businesses

research areas 2010.indd 88research areas 2010.indd 88 2010-06-16 13:34:272010-06-16 13:34:27


Department of Investment and Real Estate

tel.: (+48-61) 854-31-26tel./fax: (+48-61) 854-31-27htt p://kiin.ue.poznan.pl/e-mail: kiin@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• building economics, including: structural transformation of the build-

ing industry, strategies and tactics of construction companies in a mar-ket economy, role and development prospects of small building fi rms

• housing economics, including: eff ectiveness of housing investment, rent determination, housing resources management companies

• organisation and eff ectiveness of the investment process, including: methodology of investment project assessment, dynamic and structural transformation of investment in the Polish economy, investment eff ec-tiveness in various sectors

• real estate economics, including: real estate management, real estate market analysis, profi tability of investment in the real estate market and their application, real estate privatisation

Prof. dr hab. Henryk Gawron, prof. zw. UEPhead of department

real estate economics, investment economics, investment project assess-ment, economics of building and building companies

Dr hab. Maria Trojanek, prof. nadzw. UEP

real estate management, real estate pricing, real estate market research, investments, local development

Dr Krzysztof Celka

real estate management, profi tability of investment in real estate, eff ective-ness of housing investment, real estate market analysis

Dr Karol Klimczak

profi tability of investment, eff ectiveness of investment, real estate market, real estate market analysis, property and business valuation

research areas 2010.indd 89research areas 2010.indd 89 2010-06-16 13:34:272010-06-16 13:34:27


Dr Łukasz Strączkowski

real estate market analysis

Dr Radosław Trojanek

real-estate market analysis, analysis of real-estate market trends, real-es-tate valuation

research areas 2010.indd 90research areas 2010.indd 90 2010-06-16 13:34:272010-06-16 13:34:27


Department of Logistics and Transport

tel.: (+48-61) 854-35-31fax: (+48-61) 854-35-30htt p://klit.ue.poznan.pl/e-mail: klit@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• agent technology• companies’ competitive and logistics strategies• competition and competitiveness in domestic and international trans-

port markets• computer supported cooperative work• databases• electronic data interchange standards• information technologies in logistics• logistics in contemporary management theories• logistics in internationalisation and globalisation processes• logistics management in manufacturing and trading companies• logistics networks and logistics partnership• logistics services market• quality of logistics processes and systems

Prof. dr hab. Marek Ciesielski, prof. zw. UEPhead of departmentstrategic management in logistics, supply chain, logistics services markets

Dr hab. Jan Długosz, prof. nadzw. UEPlogistics, transport in logistics, quality in logistics, relations in supply chain management, logistics services, logistics management

Dr hab. inż. Waldemar Wieczerzycki, prof. nadzw. UEPe-business, databases, cooperation support systems, information technol-ogy in logistics, agent technology

Dr Anna Jeszka3rd party logistics market as the result of changes in the supply chain

Dr Anna Łupickasupply chain management, logistics networks, power infl uences in supply chains

research areas 2010.indd 91research areas 2010.indd 91 2010-06-16 13:34:282010-06-16 13:34:28


Department of Management Systems and Techniques

tel.: (+48-61) 854-38-21; tel./fax: (+48-61) 854-39-72htt p://ksitz .ue.poznan.ple-mail: ksitz @ue.poznan.pl

Research areas

• change management• contemporary management theories• human resources management• landscape park management• non-profi t organisation management• organisational structure and management system design• participation management• project management• strategic management• Management Science Methodology

Prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Zimniewicz, prof. zw. UEPhead of department

management systems and techniques, systems analysis, methodology of holistic thinking, environmental protection management

Dr hab. Hubert Witczak

strategic management, human resources strategic management, method-ology of management sciences, management systems design

Dr Maciej Brzozowski

the concept of virtual organisation and its practical use, contemporary management theories, strategic management, change management, hu-man resources management

Dr Marcin Gołembski

human resources management, motivation theories, contemporary manage-ment concepts and techniques, interpersonal communication, leadership

research areas 2010.indd 92research areas 2010.indd 92 2010-06-16 13:34:282010-06-16 13:34:28


Dr Agnieszka Ignyś

corporate governance in the European Union, human resources manage-ment, remuneration systems, contemporary management concepts and techniques

Dr Tomasz Kopczyński

project management, contemporary conceptions of management, negotia-tions, outsourcing, team management

Dr Anna Piekarczyk

holistic management, quality of management evaluation, concepts of man-agement

Dr Beata Skowron-Mielnik

organisational structure design, human resources management, job de-sign, working time management, fl exible working, personnel audit, work performance management

Dr Grzegorz Wojtkowiak

beginning and closing business, bankruptcy management, re-structuring of an enterprise, decision-making process, management of small and me-dium-sized enterprises

research areas 2010.indd 93research areas 2010.indd 93 2010-06-16 13:34:282010-06-16 13:34:28


Department of Marketing Research

tel.: (+48-61) 854-36-24fax: (+48-61) 854-39-02htt p://kbm.ue.poznan.ple-mail: kbmark@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• analysis of the situation in fi nancial and investment markets• fi nancial marketing• fi nancial services quality management• market analysis• marketing research methodology• qualitative market research

Prof. dr hab. Józef Garczarczyk, prof. zw. UEPhead of department

fi nancial marketing (banks and insurance), marketing research methodol-ogy, fi nancial and investment market analysis, fi nancial services quality

Dr Sylwester Białowąs

saving behaviour, methodology of quantitative marketing research

Dr Mirosława Kaczmarek

qualitative market research, insurance marketing, market analysis, multi-variate analysis – methods and applications, market segmentation, inter-net banking

Dr Iwona Olejnik

quantitative and qualitative marketing research, fi nancial market, open pension funds

research areas 2010.indd 94research areas 2010.indd 94 2010-06-16 13:34:282010-06-16 13:34:28


Department of Marketing Strategies

tel.: (+48-61) 854-37-75, (+48-61) 854-37-71tel./fax: (+48-61) 854-37-77htt p://ksm.ue.poznan.ple-mail: ksm@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• business communication• business creativity• business negotiations• consumer behaviour• functioning of trade• marketing business to business• marketing communication• marketing strategies• pharmaceutical marketing• product management• product management and e-business

Prof. dr hab. Bogna Pilarczyk, prof. zw. UEPhead of department

marketing strategies, marketing management, strategies of promotion and distribution, pharmaceutical marketing

Dr hab. Ireneusz Rutkowski, prof. nadzw. UEP

strategic marketing management, marketing strategies, new product de-velopment, product management, marketing information systems, multi-media communication, innovation management

Dr hab. Zygmunt Waśkowski, prof. nadzw. UEP

marketing management, management and marketing in sport, marketing in the market

Dr hab. Ewa Jerzyk, prof. nadzw. UEP

creativity in business, marketing communication, packaging and design

research areas 2010.indd 95research areas 2010.indd 95 2010-06-16 13:34:282010-06-16 13:34:28


Dr Aleksandra Kaniewska-Sęba

market analysis and marketing research, below the line marketing com-munication (BTL), eff ectiveness and effi ciency of marketing activities, un-conventional tools of marketing communication

Dr Maciej Koczerga

marketing strategies, innovations, entrepreneurship, small and medium-sized enterprises

Dr Piotr Kwiatek

effi cacy of loyalty programs, customer loyalty, industrial marketing, long-term eff ects of structuring industrial relationships

Dr Grzegorz Leszczyński

business creativity, Business-to-Business marketing management, value creation on business markets, Business-to-Business marketing research, trade fairs, events and conferences as marketing tools

Dr Małgorzata Michalik

business communication, public relations, pharmaceutical marketing

Dr Renata Nestorowicz

business communication, design in marketing, psychology in business communication, cross-cultural business communication

Dr Lilianna Nowak

consumer behaviour, the role of information and marketing research in understanding buyer behaviour, consumer behaviour research, the chang-ing customer, marketing, marketing research, business communication

Dr Magdalena Stefańska

marketing communication, retailing

Dr Tomasz Wanat

heuristics and biases in decision making, preference construction, con-sumer behaviour

Dr Marek Zieliński

trade fair marketing, consumer behaviour, interpersonal communication, business negotiations, sales and marketing in the B2B market

research areas 2010.indd 96research areas 2010.indd 96 2010-06-16 13:34:282010-06-16 13:34:28


Department of Microeconomics

tel./fax: (+48-61) 854-39-62htt p://www.kmik.ue.poznan.ple-mail: kmik@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• business activity forecasting• business cycle analysis• corporate competitive strategies• innovations in the small and medium-sized enterprise sector• international fi nancial relations• microeconomics

Prof. dr hab. Marek Rekowski, prof. zw. UEPhead of department

microeconomics, business cycle analysis, managerial economics

Dr hab. Eugeniusz Czerwieniec, prof. nadzw. UEP

international fi nance, microeconomics

Dr hab. Małgorzata Kokocińska, prof. nadzw. UEP

microeconomics, business surveys, corporate competitive strategies, en-trepreneurship, small and medium-sized enterprises

Dr hab. Aleksandra Gaweł, prof. nadzw. UEP

entrepreneurship, microeconomics

Dr hab. Sławomir Kalinowski

microeconomics, managerial economics, experimental economics

Dr Jakub Gazda

macroeconomics, modern business-cycle theories

research areas 2010.indd 97research areas 2010.indd 97 2010-06-16 13:34:282010-06-16 13:34:28


Dr Jacek Jankiewicz

business cycles in construction and industry, leading indicators, entrepre-neurship

Dr Jacek Jastrzębski

trademark valuation

Dr Rafał Kasperowicz

business cycle, leading indicators, business cycle forecasting, electricity demand, entrepreneurship (small and medium-sized enterprises)

Dr Anna Kozłowska

microeconomics, business fl uctuations, market structure – technological change and economic growth, managerial economics

Dr Michał Kruszka

international trade in services, liberalisation of the global trade – the role of the WTO

Dr Lech Wojciechowski

international trade, small and medium-sized enterprises, business cycle, innovations

research areas 2010.indd 98research areas 2010.indd 98 2010-06-16 13:34:292010-06-16 13:34:29


Department of Organisation and Management Theory

tel.: (+48-61) 854-39-38tel./fax: (+48-61) 854-39-44htt p://ktoiz.ue.poznan.ple-mail: ktoiz@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• history of organisational thought• intellectual capital• organisation and management theory• organisational behaviour• process management• corporate strategy• sustainable development

Prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Krzakiewicz, prof. nadzw. UEPhead of department

organisation and management theory, corporate management, crisis and risk management, organisation of management work, leadership in man-agement, intellectual capital

Dr hab. Szymon Cyfert, prof. nadzw. UEP

organisational management, process management, strategic management, theory of the fi rm

Dr hab. inż. Piotr Bartkowiak

value as a measure of the eff ectiveness of municipal company restructur-ing, local government, corporate strategy, sustainable development

Dr Elżbieta Kowalczyk

business negotiations, work and organisational psychology

Dr Janusz Kraśniak

process management, organisational structure

research areas 2010.indd 99research areas 2010.indd 99 2010-06-16 13:34:292010-06-16 13:34:29


Dr Kamila Malewska

corporate strategic management, company’s core competencies, ap-proaches to strategy formulation, development of corporate competitive advantage

Dr Gabriela Roszyk-Kowalska

core competencies of companies

Dr Andrzej Stańda

theory of management, management of change, organisational behaviour, corporate culture

Dr Lena Staś

decision making processes in the organisation

research areas 2010.indd 100research areas 2010.indd 100 2010-06-16 13:34:292010-06-16 13:34:29


Department of Production Economics

tel.: (+48-61) 854-31-14; tel./fax: (+48-61) 854-31-12fax: (+48-61) 854-31-12e-mail: kep@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• entrepreneurship, innovativeness, support for small business, predom-

inantly the analysis of needs and development determinants of small and medium-sized businesses of various industries in the Wielkopolska province, local development and entrepreneurship

• production management – particularly organisational and structural transformation in industry, development of manufacturing companies, formulation of their strategies and development programmes, restruc-turing of manufacturing companies in Central Europe

Dr hab. Henryk Sobolewski, prof. nadzw. UEPhead of department

ownership transformation of state-owned companies, restructuring, com-pany’s survival and development strategy, structural transformation of companies real and human resources

Dr hab. Hanna Mizgajska, prof. nadzw. UEP

entrepreneurship, innovativeness in SMEs (small and medium-sized en-terprises), support for SMEs

Dr Dariusz Nowak

adjusting-modifi able processes of company functioning in industrial co-operation

research areas 2010.indd 101research areas 2010.indd 101 2010-06-16 13:34:292010-06-16 13:34:29


Department of Services Management

tel.: (+48-61) 854-37-97fax: (+48-61) 854-33-18htt p://www.uslugi.ue.poznan.ple-mail: katedra.uslug@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• customer co-production• knowledge management• management in primary- and secondary-level education• marketing management of service quality• professional service marketing• relationship marketing• service innovation• service theory

Prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Rogoziński, prof. zw. UEPhead of department

theory of services, relationship marketing of services, marketing manage-ment of services

Dr hab. Richard Nicholls, prof. nadzw. UEP

C2C relations in service marketing, customer co-production, employee perspectives on service work

Dr Marcin Chłodnicki

service design – holistic approach, design management, management of professional service organisations, business-to-business services, cor-porate networking and relationship management, qualitative research – supporting role to managers’ choices, from service experience to service brand, front-line personnel knowledge management

Dr Monika Dobska

total quality management in health care organisations, total quality man-agement in services

research areas 2010.indd 102research areas 2010.indd 102 2010-06-16 13:34:292010-06-16 13:34:29

10310101101101011111010100101010101010101101000001010101000000101011001110110101011011110100101000101110111 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

Dr Jan Fazlagić

knowledge management, management in schools, intellectual capital, so-cial capital, innovation management, creativity

Dr Paweł Zeller

service management theory, quality management in services, relationship management, business relationship management, university manage-ment, promotion of education organisations

research areas 2010.indd 103research areas 2010.indd 103 2010-06-16 13:34:292010-06-16 13:34:29


Department of Spatial and Environmental Economics

tel.: (+48-61) 854-34-31tel./fax: (+48-61) 854-34-33htt p://www.gp.ue.poznan.ple-mail: kepis@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• urban and regional infrastructure• application of modern management methods in public administration• confl icts in spatial economics• dynamic economic geography• dynamics of metropolitan change• ecological economics• economic networks in urban development• environmental economics• environmental management• estimating housing needs• estimating real-estate value• factors of regional development• globalisation and networks of cities• innovative city• innovative environments of cities and regions• internationalisation of cities• large scale socio-economic projects• learning organisations in public administration• local and regional development• local and regional labour markets• location of economic activity• metropolitan and nonmetropolitan region competitiveness• non-linear dynamics of regional socio-economic systems• place marketing and marketing in public-sector organisations• privatisation of municipal housing resources• real-estate market analysis• self-organisation and dissipative structures in regional development• social and cultural factors of urban and regional development• spatial planning• economic geography of innovation

research areas 2010.indd 104research areas 2010.indd 104 2010-06-16 13:34:302010-06-16 13:34:30


• theories of spatial economics• theories of sustainable development• urban and regional economics• urban and regional policy• urban and regional spatial economics• urban area revitalisation• urban public space• urban renewal

Dr hab. Wanda Gaczek, prof. nadzw. UEPhead of department

metropolitan and nonmetropolitan region competitiveness, factors of re-gional development, urban and regional policy, agglomeration and urban system in new economic geography, economic geography of innovation

Prof. zw. dr hab. Ryszard Domański, prof. zw. UEP

non-linear dynamics of socio-economic regional systems, self-organisation and dissipative structures in regional development, innovative city, eco-nomic networks in urban development, theories of spatial economics, dy-namic economic geography

Dr hab. Waldemar Budner, prof. nadzw. UEP

urban and regional spatial economics, dynamic economic geography, lo-cal development, location of economic activity, spatial planning

Dr hab. Józef Komorowski, prof. nadzw. UEP

dynamics of metropolitan change, globalisation and networks of cities, in-ternationalisation of cities, innovative environments of cities and regions

Dr hab. Jacek Nowak, prof. nadzw. UEP

place marketing and marketing in public-sector organisations, applica-tion of modern management methods in public administration, innova-tive city, local and regional development, learning organisations in public administration

Dr Arnold Bernaciak

environmental management, environmental economics, ecological eco-nomics, theories of sustainable development

research areas 2010.indd 105research areas 2010.indd 105 2010-06-16 13:34:302010-06-16 13:34:30


Dr Hanna Krajewska

confl icts in spatial economics, spatial planning

Dr Monika Matusiak

metropolitan areas, innovations, strategic planning and management of cities and regions, spatial planning

Dr Sławomir Palicki

urban area revitalisation, urban renewal, real-estate market analysis, ur-ban public space, large scale socio-economic projects

research areas 2010.indd 106research areas 2010.indd 106 2010-06-16 13:34:302010-06-16 13:34:30


Department of Strategic Management

tel.: (+48-61) 856-94-32fax: (+48-61) 856-94-33htt p://www.kzs.ue.poznan.ple-mail: kzs@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• determinants and methods of strategic implementation and control• determinants of growth and functional strategic choices• determinants of strategic choices• evolution of theory and practice of strategic management• history of organisational thought• information systems in strategic management• process and methods of strategic renewal• shaping and monitoring the fi rm’s eff ectiveness in strategic perspective• strategic fi t of the organisation’s management system• strategic management

Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Urbanowska-Sojkin, prof. zw. UEPhead of department

strategic management, strategic risk, competitiveness of the fi rm, crisis an-ticipation – informational and organisational aspects

Dr hab. Piotr Banaszyk, prof. nadzw. UEP

organisation and management, strategic management, history of manage-ment thought

Dr Magdalena Małkowska-Borowczyk

strategic management, competitiveness of the fi rm, retail management, brand management in retailing, corporate social responsibility

Dr Maja Sajdak

strategic management, crisis management, modern theories of management

Dr Justyna Światowiec-Szczepańska

strategic management, trust in inter-organisational relationships, strate-gic partnership management, business marketing, risk management, sales and supply chain management, purchasing management, logistics, trans-action cost theory

research areas 2010.indd 107research areas 2010.indd 107 2010-06-16 13:34:302010-06-16 13:34:30


Department of Trade and Marketing

tel.: (+48-61) 856-94-42htt p://khim.ue.poznan.ple-mail: khim@ue.poznan.pl; maria.czech@ue.poznan.pl

Research areas• application of marketing to company value development• brand management strategy• brand value analysis• communication in marketing• competition in trade• consumer loyalty• customer service management in a bank• customer value management• determinants and relationship strategies in the corporate market• developing a bank image• diff erences in marketing approaches in diff erent types of company• diff erentiation of marketing planning in various types of company• eff ectiveness and effi ciency of marketing• food marketing and interventionism in the areas of manufacturing and

trading• implementation of marketing in place development• implementation of telecommunication techniques in sales• innovations in enterprises and territorial unit activities• marketing aspects of cooperation between suppliers and receivers• marketing in bank management• marketing information system• marketing strategies of places• methods and possibilities of infl uencing supply chain eff ectiveness• methods of assessing place brand equity• place brand identity and image• population’s income distribution and standard of living• relationship between a population’s income distribution/structure, stan-

dard of living and economic development indicators• sales management• sales strategies and determinants of their eff ectiveness• share of trade in national income and conditions for its development

research areas 2010.indd 108research areas 2010.indd 108 2010-06-16 13:34:312010-06-16 13:34:31


• strategies for obtaining a competitive advantage by global retailers• competition strategy in trade• trade strategies and trade adjustments to changing market conditions• trade’s contribution to national income and determinants of trade de-

velopment• value based management• value based marketing• economics and management of commercial enterprises• transformation in retailing and channels of distribution• internationalisation strategies in retailing• marketing management• innovative business models in retailing• strategic analysis of the macro- and micro-environment• environment infl uence on the strategy of development• human resource management• inventive determinants of development strategy• retailing in Poland and worldwide, development models in retailing• producer and retailer merchandising• marketing strategies in retailing• sales management, commercial centre management, stock and ware-

house management• quality management in retailing, partnership management with cus-

tomers• interactive forms of communication with clients, internet marketing,

virtual company management, e-commerce on the B2C market

Prof. dr hab. Maria Sławińska, prof. zw. UEPhead of department

commercial enterprise economics and management, distribution strate-gies, retail marketing, structural aspects of trade development in Poland, retail internationalization

Dr hab. Adolf Michalak, prof. nadzw. UEP

organisational techniques, marketing and development strategies, strate-gic analysis of the micro- and macro-environment and internal potential of enterprises, inventive determinants of enterprise strategy

Dr hab. Barbara Borusiak

corporate management, retail management, structural and spatial (inter-nationalisation) aspects of retailer growth, visual merchandising

research areas 2010.indd 109research areas 2010.indd 109 2010-06-16 13:34:312010-06-16 13:34:31


Dr Wiesław Ciechomskitrade strategies, food marketing and interventionism in the areas of manu-facturing and trading

Dr Paweł Dobski

total quality management in the retail market, marketing interpretation of quality, partnership management with customers, interactive forms of communication with clients

Dr Piotr Drygas

e-commerce, marketing, loyalty, internet marketing, virtual company management

Dr Magdalena Florek

place marketing, territorial marketing, place brand image and building place brand identity, country-of-origin eff ect, place brand equity

Dr Karolina Janiszewska

levels of brand loyalty on the FMCG market in Poland, brand positioning, identity and image in the concept of marketing place

Dr Jan Mikołajczyk

marketing strategies in retailing, sales management, commercial centre management, stock and warehouse management

Dr Robert Romanowski

marketing strategies in a region and other territorial units, marketing management in territorial units, marketing information system, diff eren-tiation of marketing planning in various types of company, determinants and relationship strategies in the corporate market, competition strategy in trade, innovations in enterprises and territorial unit activities, innova-tion support in territorial unit activities, relationship marketing in terri-torial units, rural entrepreneurship, strategy of development in tourism, innovations in underdeveloped areas, types of innovations in enterprise activities

research areas 2010.indd 110research areas 2010.indd 110 2010-06-16 13:34:312010-06-16 13:34:31


Dr Szymon Strojny

sales management, marketing management, customer care

Dr Katarzyna Walkowiak

banking, service quality

Dr Tomasz Żyminkowski

customer value management, brand value management, eff ectiveness and effi ciency of marketing, value based management, value based marketing

research areas 2010.indd 111research areas 2010.indd 111 2010-06-16 13:34:312010-06-16 13:34:31


research areas 2010.indd 112research areas 2010.indd 112 2010-06-16 13:34:312010-06-16 13:34:31


research areas 2010.indd 113research areas 2010.indd 113 2010-06-16 13:34:312010-06-16 13:34:31


research areas 2010.indd 114research areas 2010.indd 114 2010-06-16 13:34:312010-06-16 13:34:31


Centre for Banking and Insurance Education

Collegium Altum Building, room 1216tel.: (+48-61) 854-32-16fax: (+48-61) 854-32-22e-mail: cebiu@ue.poznan.pl

Director: prof. dr hab. Alfred Janc, prof. zw. UEP

The Centre was established in January 1995. Its main objective is not only to organise vocational training in the fi elds of banking and insurance, but also to provide, particularly students, with information on fi nancial sys-tems. The Centre organises academic courses and training programmes specifi cally geared towards acquiring practical knowledge, and carries out research which may promote education in these fi elds. In February 1999, the Centre signed an agreement with the Polish Banks Association concerning participation in the Qualifi cation Standards System in Pol-ish Banking. In June 1999, the Centre prepared the fi rst 60-hour training course for examinations certifying banking staff and, since that time, has also been running other courses, which include a special course for insur-ance brokers.

Centre for Research and Expert Assessment in Commodity Sciences

Building A, room 06a – 06btel.: (+48-61) 856-90-71fax: (+48-61) 856-90-81e-mail: cbiet@ue.poznan.pl

Director: dr Michał Walenciak

The Centre began its work in April 1995. It off ers training courses, advice and expert assessments in the following areas: quality management servic-es and consultancy for ISO 9000, statistical experiment design, packaging evaluation and integrity testing, food quality evaluation and assessment, statistical analysis for sensory and consumer data. The Centre carries out 500 analyses and expert evidences a year for scientifi c institutions, cus-toms offi ces, courts, and many commercial and manufacturing companies. It also examines products participating in the “Gold Medal” competition of the Poznan International Fair.

research areas 2010.indd 115research areas 2010.indd 115 2010-06-16 13:34:312010-06-16 13:34:31


Regional Statistics Centre

Building B, room 412tel./fax: (+48-61) 854-39-39htt p://statystyka.ue.poznan.pl/CSR.phpe-mail: jan.paradysz@ue.poznan.pl

Director: dr hab. Jan Paradysz, prof. nadzw. UEP

The Regional Statistics Centre in Poznań was established in 1994 as a joint venture of the Poznań University of Economics and the Central Statisti-cal Offi ce. The Centre is a unit working as part of the PUE. Its activity is conducted by researchers from the Poznań University of Economics, the Poznań University of Life Sciences, the Academy of Physical Education, Adam Mickiewicz University, representatives of Poznań’s Statistical Of-fi ce and of various institutions, including the Poznań City Council and local authorities at diff erent levels (district, county, and province). Within ten years of its existence, the Centre has worked out, and is still improving, the methodology of its regional surveys. Its research experiences include, among other things, the methodology of indirect estimation, taking full advantage of the sources of public statistics, data processing in the systems of geographical information and databases. Research projects carried out by the Centre are presented at monthly meetings, which are att ended by representatives of many institutions interested in the subjects discussed. The main areas of the Centre’s research are: methodology of regional sur-vey, Polish regional statistics and OECD requirements, statistical monitor-ing of regions, marketing of statistical data, computer systems of territorial information, integration of computer databases as a data supply system in regional statistics, experiments on using the Small Area Statistics, the Inter-net Panorama of Communes, Cities and Counties – the Small Fatherlands promotion (see our website). Every other year, the Regional Statistics Cen-tre organises scientifi c conferences in co-operation with the Department of Statistics of the Poznań University of Economics. No less signifi cant was the Centre’s participation in the international project EURAREA – En-hancing Small Area Estimation Techniques to Meet European Needs, as part of the Information Society Technologies (IST2000-26290) programme. The main aim of the project was to improve small area estimation meth-ods currently used within European NSIs. The consortium consisted of six National Statistical Institutes (UK, Italy, Sweden, Spain, Norway, and Fin-land) and four universities (Southampton, Jyvaskyla, Poznań, and Rome).

research areas 2010.indd 116research areas 2010.indd 116 2010-06-16 13:34:312010-06-16 13:34:31


Table of contents

Faculty of Economics ................................................................................. 7Department of Banking ............................................................................. 9Department of Economic Journalism and Public Relations................. 12Department of Economic and Local Government Policy ..................... 13Department of Education and Personnel Development ...................... 15Department of Insurance .......................................................................... 16Department of Labour and Social Policy ................................................ 18Department of Macroeconomics and Agricultural Economics ........... 20Department of Macroeconomics and National Economy Research ... 22Department of Money Theory and Monetary Policy............................. 24Department of Public Finance .................................................................. 26Department of Sociology and Philosophy .............................................. 28Department of Statistics and Demography ............................................ 30Department of Theory and History of Economics ................................ 31Faculty of International Business and Economics ............................... 33Department of European Studies ............................................................ 35Department of International Economics ................................................. 37Department of International Finance ...................................................... 38Department of International Logistics .................................................... 39Department of International Marketing ................................................. 40Department of International Trade ......................................................... 41Department of Strategy and Policy of International Competitiveness 43Department of Tourism ............................................................................. 45Faculty of Informatics and Electronic Economy .................................. 47Department of Applied Mathematics ..................................................... 49Department of Econometrics ..................................................................... 50Department of Information Systems ....................................................... 52Department of Information Technology ................................................. 54Department of Mathematical Economics ............................................... 56Department of Operations Research ....................................................... 58Department of Statistics ............................................................................ 60

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Faculty of Commodity Science ................................................................ 61Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology .................................... 63Department of Business Activity ............................................................. 64Department of Food Commodity Science .............................................. 65Department of General Chemistry .......................................................... 67Department of Industrial Commodity Science ...................................... 68Department of Instrumental Analysis .................................................... 70Department of Natural Products Chemistry ......................................... 72Department of Product Ecology .............................................................. 73Department of Product Marketing .......................................................... 74Department of Standardized Management Systems ............................ 75Department of Technology and Environmental Protection ................. 77Faculty of Management ............................................................................ 79Department of Accounting ....................................................................... 81Department of Commercial Law ............................................................. 83Department of Corporate Finance ........................................................... 84Department of Financial and Strategic Analysis ................................... 86Department of Investment and Capital Markets ................................... 87Department of Investment and Real Estate ............................................ 89Department of Logistics and Transport .................................................. 91Department of Management Systems and Techniques ........................ 92Department of Marketing Research ........................................................ 94Department of Marketing Strategies ....................................................... 95Department of Microeconomics ............................................................... 97Department of Organisation and Management Theory ....................... 99Department of Production Economics .................................................... 101Department of Services Management ..................................................... 102Department of Spatial and Environmental Economics ........................ 104Department of Strategic Management .................................................... 107Department of Trade and Marketing ...................................................... 108Centres .......................................................................................................... 113

research areas 2010.indd 118research areas 2010.indd 118 2010-06-16 13:34:322010-06-16 13:34:32

POZNAŃ UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICSAL. NIEPODLEGŁOŚCI 1061-875 POZNAŃtel. +48 61 856 90 00fax +48 61 856 89 24Data compilation: Alicja WojciechowskaLanguage consultations: Radosław LewandowskiDesign: Izabela NowackaPhotographs: Promotions Offi ceElaboration: Zofi a Mikołajewska

research areas 2010.indd 119research areas 2010.indd 119 2010-06-16 13:34:322010-06-16 13:34:32

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