11 environmental management part 1 - ujep

Post on 15-May-2022






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Environmental management

Vocabulary: “ENVIRONMENTAL” COLLOCATIONS Complete the terms with one or more words, think of as many examples as you can.

environmental ag__________ environmental con__________ environmental eng__________

environmental gr__________ environmental im__________ environmental in__________

environmental iss__________ environmental l__________ environmental po__________

environmental pro__________ environmental res___________ environmental ser__________

Choose and explain some of the terms above (What is their purpose? Examples of activities, goals?).

Skills / Vocabulary: DESCRIBING DATABASES & SPREADSHEETS Label the picture below, use the words in the list.

name box sheet tab rows (row headers) restore/maximize button

title bar formula box formatting toolbar worksheet area/window

menu bar close button dropdown button “Insert function” button

scrollbars minimize button active (selected) cell columns (column headers)

Fill in the sentences below with suitable terms from the list above.

The _________________ shrinks the window and places it on the taskbar. The _________________ gives the user the ability to change the format of the selected text. The _________________ enable moving the worksheet area vertically or horizontally. The _________________ is a button which (when it is clicked) displays a list of available items.

Describe how to perform the following tasks/operations. Can you read =sum(c3:e3)?

how to make a selection of adjacent cells (highlight a block of cells), how to change the data type of a cell or group of cells, how to check the print area, how to perform the SUM function, how to change a value by rounding it to a specific number of decimal places

11 Part 1


________________________________ There are more than 200,000 formally protected areas in the world, covering almost 20 million square kilometres, which is about 15 percent of the world's terrestrial surface (not including Antarctica) and 10 percent of the world's oceans. Protected areas are places where we retain the extraordinary beauty and richness of the Earth and all its benefits to humanity—the evolutionary heritage of more than four billion years. ________________________________ A protected area is usually defined as a geographically defined area which is designated, regulated and managed to achieve conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values. There are several types of protected areas, categorised according to their management objectives and tasks, for example strict nature reserves and wilderness areas, national parks, natural monuments, protected landscapes and seascapes or protected areas for sustainable use of natural ecosystems. ________________________________ Protected areas aim to protect and preserve biodiversity of species and ecosystems and biodiversity of habitats, particularly for threatened and endangered species. They also control exploitation or occupation of the area and provide a foundation for spiritual, educational, research and recreational activities in a compatible way. Another important task is to provide ecosystem services such as clean water and clean air, carbon storage, disaster mitigation, global warming mitigation, soil stabilization etc. One of the purposes of protected areas is protecting cultural sites and traditional values and contributing to local communities and economies. ________________________________ Unfortunately, many protected areas are threatened by human activities and their impacts. These impacts can be connected to visitors (growth in visitation, motorized sports and transportation), to building activities (residential development, development of roads and visitor facilities), to spread of invasive species, to resource extraction (logging & illegal timber harvesting, farming, hunting and poaching) or to air, water, and soil pollution and climate change. Landscape fragmentation, caused by residential and commercial development adjacent to protected areas, can reduce the ability of protected areas to serve as a refuge for endangered species. ________________________________ A major challenge is how to achieve multiple management objectives. Certain management objectives (for example resource protection and visitor satisfaction) are very often incompatible. Some management objectives, such as minimizing impacts on visitors and the local economy, are supported by one group of stakeholders, while other objectives, such as natural and cultural resource protection, are supported by others. Many protected areas also face decreasing budgets and declining human resources, which makes it more difficult to develop and implement effective management plans. ________________________________ Protected area practitioners undertake many tasks such as species management, anti-poaching patrolling, providing services for visitors, dealing with emergencies, research and monitoring activities and restoration work. They also interact with local and neighbouring communities. Employees of protected areas patrol the territory and make sure that visitors are following the rules, including fire safety regulations, and do not disrupt the natural environment. They might also write reports, conduct investigations, perform search and rescue activities, provide emergency medical assistance and assist in wildfire suppression.

Based on Wikipedia and various Internet resources

Describe in details the spreadsheets below, focus on their purpose, functions, calculations etc., use the verbs and nouns next to the sheets.

Skills / Reading: MANAGEMENT OF PROTECTED AREAS Starter: Try to define a protected area. What are the main tasks and purposes of protected areas?


click (on)



enter/type in


hold down


sort by



column /row

comma, parentheses/brackets quotation marks



inverted commas




Summary and feedback

Describe the main features, purpose, functions and calculations of Excel spreadsheets. Define a protected area. What are the main tasks and purposes of a protected area?

What are the main threats to protected areas? What do employees of protected areas do?

Vocabulary to remember

Vocabulary from the text & Understanding the text: Read the text and choose a suitable title for each paragraph (use the titles below).

What is a protected area? What are the main threats to protected areas?

Protected areas in the world What do employees of protected areas do?

Management of protected areas What are the main tasks and purposes of protected areas?

Visit the English website of a Czech protected area/national park, prepare a speech about its history, unique attributes, cultural values, visitor services, regulations, management, conservation...

Grammar from the text: SUMMARIZING - WHO, WHAT, WHY, HOW

A summary is a synthesis of the key ideas of a text; it is a short recapitulation (abstract) of previously stated facts or statements. It includes the most important pieces of information and findings.

How to make a summary: • identify the key points (key terms) of the text, restate the key points in your own words • quote properly when you use the exact words of the original source • present the information neutrally, attribute the original source & author

Read the text again (carefully) and write its summary, use suitable vocabulary below.

Adjectives: Verbs: perform button management objectives

adjacent calculate/total preserve/protect (selected) cell mitigation

compatible click (on) provide colon natural monuments

designated contribute (to) select column /row parentheses/brackets

educational deal with sort by (inverted) comma quotation marks

evolutionary decline use/apply development range

managed disrupt dropdown (menu) refuge protected/regulated drag Nouns: ecosystem services restoration

recreational enter/type in (tool)bar / tab exploitation scrollbars residential implement (tool)box heritage stakeholder threatened/endangered patrol /make sure (decreasing) budget landscape fragmentation value/entry

According to (the facts, the text) … All things /everything considered … As can be seen (from the text) … As noted /suggested in the text ... As shown above / in the text … Given this / these points, facts... In general / Generally speaking … In other words ... In a nutshell … In short / In brief … In summary … It can be concluded that… On the whole ... On this basis ... Therefore / Thus ... To sum up / summarize …


book / paper



(the main) idea


problem / issue















predict / assume







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