11 bad financial habits (tips for monetary success and stability)

Post on 19-Jul-2015



Economy & Finance



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1111 BADBAD FinancialFinancial Habits Habits With Tips for Monetary Success and Stability

Good spending habits can put

more moneymore money in your pocket

and make your life a lot


It's okay to make financial mistakesfinancial mistakes.

What is not acceptable is

allowing those mistakes to

turn into ongoing bad ongoing bad


Remember & Correct these

11 Bad 11 Bad Financial Financial

HabitsHabitsthat could get

you in deep debt and trouble.

Overspending With Credit1 1

Overspending With Credit1 1 Never purchase something on a credit

card that will take longer than three months to pay off.

Create a savings account that you use specifically to make purchases that you would normally make with a credit card.

Neglecting A Monthly Budget2 2

Neglecting A Monthly Budget2 2 You will find that most people who do not

use a monthly budget are also the same people drowning in debt.

A budget can be something as simple as listing all of your

bills and expenses on a piece of paper

each month and then scheduling

payments based on your monthly


Impulse Buying3 3

Impulse Buying3 3 Most people do not track their impulse

spending and the results can be hundreds of dollars being carelessly spent.

Plan each shopping trip and only buy what you need. Only bring with you the cash you would need to make planned purchases.

Overspending On Monthly Expenses4 4

Overspending On Monthly Expenses4 4 It is easy to allow your expenses to get out of control, so make sure that you are only

buying the essentials.

Track all of your spending for one month and take a hard look atdaily indulgences.

Missing Monthly Credit Card Payments5 5

Missing Monthly Credit Card Payments5 5 Every time you miss a credit card payment,

the creditor adds a late fee to your payment and increases your interest rate.

That increased interest rate is also applied to the late fee, which causes you to lose even more money.

Neglecting Long-Term Planning6 6

Neglecting Long-Term Planning6 6 Stop treating retirement like an


Talk about your retirement with a certified professional and make long-term plans that make sense.

No Contingency Planning7 7

No Contingency Planning7 7 Many people get into credit trouble because they are unprepared and rely on their credit

cards to get them out of trouble.

Start a savings account that is specifically set aside for emergencies.

Not Planning For The Future8 8

Not Planning For The Future8 8 Many people make changes to their lives

without any type of financial planning to go along with those changes.

Take advantage of the years you have to set aside as much money as possible.

Redundant Spending9 9

Redundant Spending9 9 Redundant spending is a matter of not

making the right choices with the products and services you buy.

Before you purchase aproduct or service, think about whether or not you already have a product that can do the same tasks and save yourself the money.

Not Taking Advantageof Better Pricing10 10

Not Taking Advantageof Better Pricing10 10 Instead of buying a brand new

product, consider buying something reconditioned or used.

Check with your retailer to see if you can trade in your old product

and get a discount on a new purchase

and always take advantage of

discount coupons when possible.

Neglecting ProductMaintenance 11 11

Neglecting ProductMaintenance 11 11

Simple product maintenance procedures can save you a lot of money on repair and

replacement costs.

Invest in regular oil changes for your carand furnace maintenance to savemoney on the long run.

When you understand the

steps you can take to keep your

finances under control, then you

can avoid debt and the stress

that it creates.

Ready to protect your financial future with

good habits?

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77 Good 77 Good Habits to Habits to

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Then grab your Then grab your FREE FREE copy ofcopy of

77 Good 77 Good Habits to Habits to

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