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Back Page November 22, 2016

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JALALABAD - As truck-ers grumble about rising corruption in some depart-ments at the Torkham dry port in eastern Nangarhar province, the attorney says investigations have been launched and results will be publicised.Provincial Council (PC)

KABUL - President Ashraf Ghani on Monday met a child who was recently res-cued child from kidnappers and pledged punishing the criminals under the law.A statement from Presi-dential Palace said Ghani received Naveed, who was recovered by security offi-cials from his kidnappers in western Farah province last week. The president gave

KABUL - Ex-president Ha-mid Karzai hoped Ameri-ca’s incoming leader Don-ald Trump will take radical measures to force Pakistan into cracking down on ter-rorist and extremist forces.An Indian newspaper quot-ed Karzai as saying on Mon-day: “We have a deep asso-ciation with the US and we have been fighting against terrorism and extremism. However, we find more ex-tremist elements carrying out violent activities.”Currently on a visit to Mum-

KABUL - The Chief Execu-tive Office on Monday said talks between their office and the Presidential Pal-ace about appointments in military and non-military sectors, among other areas, are ongoing.However, the office said they are not guilty for the delay in the implementa-tion of the National Uni-ty Government’s (NUG) promises.The CEO office meanwhile rejected allegations of a rift between the NUG leaders.“Serious discussions are ongoing – with a number of pauses. The CEO’s office takes the talks seriously. I agree that time was not used as it was expected. We could have implement-ed them one month ago or

Brazen Corruption in Torkham Prompts

Howls of Protest

Ghani Meets Naveed, Vows to Punish His Kidnappers

Force Pakistan into Battling Terror, Karzai Asks TrumpUNHCR Halts Refugee

Repatriations for three MonthsTiles Factory in Mazar City to

Resume Production with India’s Support

UNAMA Condemns Killing

of Civilians in osque Attack

US Embassy, Pakistan Condemn Suicide Attack on Kabul Mosque

CEO’s Office Says Talks with ARG Ongoing members and officials of the

appellant court acknowl-edge corruption mars gov-ernment institutions at the Torkham port, a bustling business hub on the border with Pakistan.Border police, municipality, customs, transit scale and ...(More on P4)...(14)

his family an amount of 300,000 afs.Farah Governor Mo-hammad Asif Nang and Naveed’s family were also present on the occasion. In a gesture of affection, the president hugged Naveed, who has come to Kabul for medical treatment.Last Tuesday, intelligence operatives rescued the child from the ...(More on P4)...(15)

bai, the former president told Asian Age he believed the Trump administration ...(More on P4)...(16)

KABUL - The Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation (MoRR) said Monday that the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) has suspended the repatriation process of Afghan migrants from Paki-stan for three months.According to the ministry, one million Afghans would have one month to leave Pa-kistan once the three months suspension period is up.According to the UNHCR, the decision came about due

KABUL - The tiles factory in northern Mazar-e-Sharif city will resume production in the near future as the pro-ject to resume the operations of the factory is close to con-clusion with the support of India.The Indian Ambassador to Afghanistan Manpreet Vohra informed regarding the finalization of the project during a meeting with the acting provincial governor ...(More on P4)...(10)

KABUL - The UN Assis-tance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) condemns today’s attack at the Baqer-ul Ulom mosque in Kabul that killed at least 32 civilians and injured more than 50 others, many of them children.The attacker deliberately tar-geted a group of civilians at the mosque, which had a par-ticularly large congregation as worshippers gathered to ob-serve Arbaeen, a commemo-ration on the 40th day after Ashura.“This appalling attack on worshippers is an atrocity,” said Pernille Kardel, the Secre-tary-...(More on P4)...(12)

KABUL – US Embassy in Ka-bul strongly condemn attack on worshippers at the Baqir-ul-Olum mosque in Kabul on Monday and a Press state-ment stated that we extend our deepest condolences to the families and friends of the victims of this senseless and cowardly act.This attack is another demon-stration of contempt for reli-gious tolerance and commu-nal harmony by the enemies of peace and progress in Af-ghanistan. As demonstrated at last month’s Brussels Donor Conference, the United States and our international partners remain committed to standing with the people of Afghani-stan in ...(More on P4)...(13)

even one year ago,” said Mujib Rahman Rahimi, the CEO Abdullah Abdullah’s spokesman.Meanwhi le ,

a number of analysts said they believe that the ten-sion between Ghani and Abdullah has resulted in

an increase in insecurity in the country.Referring to the time Abdullah spoke out about his dissatisfac-tion, Sayed Ishaq Gailani, chairman of the National Solidarity Movement of Af-ghanistan, said: “A display was needed at that time to show ARG [Presidential Palace] that Abdullah’s supporters will not desert him.”“This is the calm before the storm. Their [NUG leaders] voices will rise once again if they [the two leaders] fail to follow the legal path. [If they don’t do things legally] ... we will continue to face the same problems in the next three years of the incumbent gov-ernment,” political commen-tator Mohammadi Tahir Yarghal said. (Tolonews)

to economic and social problems facing the refugees.Abdul Rahman is one refugee who resettled in Afghani-stan four months ago.Rahman who worked as a teacher for 28 years in a school in Pakistan ...(More on P4)...(11)

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