1000 ideas by 100 architects

Post on 05-Aug-2015






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Each architectural project presented in this book reflects challenges confronting the architect and the solutions they find to create thoughtful, sustainable designs and methods of construction using socially responsible, environmentally-friendly practices. Throughout this superbly illustrated book, we discover the principles of eco architecture; smart design, use of eco-materials, energy efficiency, water conservation and a healthy, sound natural environment, both in residential living spaces and in largerscale, industrial environments. Featuring an extensive collection of full-colour photographs, we see the outstanding works of internationally-renowned and emerging architects and designers who have achieved practical, innovative and stylish solutions within the framework of modern eco-architecture. Included here are the latest innovations, including solar panelling, wind energy systems, environmentallyfriendly heating and cooling solutions and thermal glazing. Exploring the ideas of each of the 100 protagonists featured, the book is lavishly illustrated with photos, plans and original drawings, focusing on various geographical areas of particular interest. This remarkable book looks towards a future where design can be at once sophisticated, innovative, constructive, eco-friendly and functional.


1000 IDEASBY100 ARCHITECTS SERGICOSTADURAN MARIANA R.EGUARAS '"m < m '"r < s: J>'" '"J>0 :r c: '"m '" 1000 BY100 SERGICOSTADURAN MARIANAR.EGUARAS " ::u C 0 '" (") r -"'-0 :r 0 m '" ::u '" -I Copyright 2009, 2011byLOFTPublications First publishedinthe UnitedStates of Americaby RockportPublishers, a member of QuaysidePublishing Group 100 Cummings Center,Suite406L Beverly,MA01915 Telephone: (978) 282-9590 Fax:(978) 283-2742 www.rockpub.com ISBN-13: 978-1-59253-573-6 ISBN-IO: 1-59253-573-9 Digitaledition978-1-61673-672-9 Softcover edition978-1-59253-573-6 EditorialCoordinator: SimoneK.Schleifer Assistant EditorialCoordinator: AitanaLleonart EditorialAssistant: CristinaParedes Editor inchief:SergiCostaDuran Editor:MarianaR.Eguaras Text: byparticipating architects Translation: Cillero & deMotla Traducci6n ArtDirector:MireiaCasanovasSoley Designandlayout coordination: ClaudiaMartinezAlonso Layout:CristinaSim6,EsperanzaEscuderoPino Editorialproject: 2009 LOFTPublications ViaLaietana, 32,4th floor,Of. 92 08003 Barcelona,Spain Tel.:+34 932 688 088 Fax:+34 932 687 073 10ft@loftpublications.com www. loftpublications.com PrintedinChina Theauthorshipoftheimagesthat arenot creditedbelongsto therespective architecture offices. Allriqhtsreserved.Nopart of thisbookmay beusedor reproducedinany manner whatso-ever withoutwrittenpermissionexceptinthe caseof brief quotations embodiedincritical articlesandreviews. Loftaffirmsthatitpossessesallthenecessaryrightsforthepublicationofth ismaterial andhasdulypaidallroyalt iesrelatedtotheauthors'andphotographers'rights.Loftalso affirms thatit hasviolatedno propertyrightsandhasrespectedcommonlaw,allauthors' rightsandallother rightsthatcouldberelevant.Finally,Loft affirms thatthisbookcon-tainsnoobscenenorslanderous material. Whole or partialreproduct ionof thisbookwi thout editors authorizationinfringesreserved rights;any utilizationmustbepreviouslyrequested. contents MITHUNarchitects+designers+planners6DurbachBlockArchitects118BalmoriAssociates218 [ecosistemaurbano]10Weiss/Manfredi120ReikoMiyamoto/Curiosity222 German delSol14SchmidtHammerLassenArchitects124AMPArquitectos224 Estudio Arquitectura CampoBaeza18PeteO'SheaAS LAFAAR/SiteworksStudio126Caramelarchitekten228 NIPpaysage22MarmolRadziner+ Associates130ECDMArchitectes230 Artadi Arquitectos24Carl-Viggo H01mebakk132SaundersArchitecture232 FerminVazquez/b720 arquitectos28Office of MobileDesigna Jennifer SiegalCompany 136TOPOTEK1236 GROSS.MAX.32StudioPei-Zhu138Atelier WernerSchmidt238 Atelier Tekuto36Architecture& Hygiene142JOrgenMayer H.Architects242 KirklandFraser Moor40fieldoffice144Art & BuildArchitect246 IngenhovenArchitects42Bekta,ArchitecturalOffice148atelierworkshop250 SLA46MarioBoltaArchitelto150EAA-EmreArolat Architects252 MinI Day48NSMH-Nevzat SayinMimarlik Hizmetleri154SaiaBarbarese TopouzanovArchitectes256 Clorindo Testa52ImreMakovecz156VetschArchitektur258 KrisYao/Artech Architecture54AcconciStudio160ArchitectenbureauPauldeRuiter260 KarresenBrandsLandschapsarchitecten585+1AAAlfonsoFemiaGianlucaPeluffo162R&Sie(n)264 MassimilianoFuksas60JMLConsultants166RAU266 DeklevaGregoricArhitekti64Estudio LuisdeGarrido168querkraft architekten zt gmbh270 FelipeAssadi+ FranciscaPulido66Manuelle Gautrand172PaoloBOrgi272 Josep LluisMateo/MAP Architects70PeterBarber Architects176Drozdov & Partners276 AlonsoBalagueri Arquitectes Associats72Helliwell+ Smith/Blue SkyArchitecture178ONL278 Baumschlager Eberle LochauZTGmbH76Jakob + MacFarlane182Of isArhitekti282 Atelier HitoshiAbe80DespangArchitekten184Mokhtar MIMOUN286 KuwabaraPayneMcKennaBlumberg Architects84Goraart&landscape188NabilGholam288 EndoShuheiArchitect Institute Inc.88Ingarden& Ew?Architects190ARXPortugalArquitectos292 ArkitektKristine Jensens Tegnestue90Triptyque Architecture194MakotoSeiWatanabe294 AndrewMaynardArchitects94Estudio Mariani - PerezMaraviglia196Latz + Partner/Planer BDLA,OAiLux298 VastuShilpaConsultants96BooraArchitects198URBANUSArchitecture & Design302 Studio Arthur Casas100BlaineBrownell/Transstudio202X-Architect s306 Griffin Enright Architects102MichelleKaufmannDesigns204oslund.and.assoc.landscape architects310 Jarmund!VigsniEsASArkitekter106npstchobanvoss208UNStudio312 Pugh+ ScarpaArchitects108Bruno Stagno Architects210PezovonEllrichshausenArquitectos316 GH+A,GuillermoHeviaArquitectos112DavidBaker + Partners, Architects214 McGregor Coxall114SebastianIrarrazavalArquitectos216 3 4 Ofconceptsandrealities:notesonthe makingof 1000 Ideasby 100 Architects The main aimof thi s bookistogivea starrole to the architect s involved. Unlikely asit mayseem,many other publications onarchitecture andinterior designdonot quite achievethis,sinceit is theeditor who decideswhichprojects shouldappear andwhatthey shouldlook like. Before embarking uponthisproject, weenvisageda book thatwouldbehighly practical,andweconveyedthis visionto the architects. Weoffered thesepages asa platform for speaking,choosing,andwrit ing about certainprojects wasthe element that appealedto most of thosewho wantedt o or wer e ableto participate. Something simil arto havinggiventhem the microphone andaskedfor a t enminute speechinfront of a large conventi onof archit ects or architecture students-thi s is howwewantedthe architect to f eel.Andwehope this hasbeentheendresult. Whil e drawingupthecontents f or this publication there werea seriesof anecdot es that arewel l worth a mention. First,were the numbers, alwayspresent inthe world ofarchitecture. For every three participation requestswesent out,wereceived one conf irmation, thusre-shapingthe ideathat architecture is a demanding profession, andshowing the difficulty ofinvolving architects whosestudioshavegreater consequenceonthe global stage. Second,weusedfour mainselection criteria whenchoosing participant s:a)studios withmore thanten year s of practice;b)the widestpossiblegeographicaldiversity; c)a broadrepresentationof markets (resident ial,inst itutional,corporat e buildings,etc.); d)that 80 per cent ofprojectswere completed or wer e underway in order to give thebook the desiredpracticality. Likewi se,another important factor, althoughthi s wasnot a determining one,wasthat a largeproportion of studios shouldhavea line of sust ainable ar chitectureprojects,aswebelievethi s represents t he design of today andtomorrow. Wewishto express our satisfaction with theline-up of participants,including specialistsingreen architecture (KirklandFraserMoor andBruno Stag no),young talent inthe fieldof greenurbanism(EcosistemaUrbano),reveredfiguresin spiritualarchitecture (ImreMakovecz), andwell-establishedarchitects'studios, suchasIngenhovenArchitects,BooraArchitects,or Mario BottaArchitetto. Not forgetting, of course,theparticipation of prestigious landscape architects,such asPaoloBurgiandLatz& Partner. And,bearinginmindthat the greenrevolution sweepingthrough architecture isreliant onknowledgeof new materials and experimentationinto them,wealsothought that the participation of specialists from academic circles,suchasBlaineBrownell or FieldOffice,wasessential. Europe andtheUnited States generally receivea biasinarchitectural texts, althoughsomeefforts have beenmade-sometimes rather unsuccessfully-to give a slant toward themore traditionally ignored studios of NorthAfrica,theMiddle EastandtheFarEast,where Japanisa realarchitectural hotspot. Inthisbook,we believedthe widerthegeographicalrepresentation the better; this wasanother pivotalfactor defining the contents of thesepages. Wehavealways aimedtomakethispublication animportant tool for its target readership,that isto say,architects andstudents. Whenassessingthe overall results,wefoundsomevery interesting proposals,someofthemrecurrent, ascan beseeninthe different tips. Someparticipants opted to give a short explanation of the architectural concept (wehope that some are not a little too abstract for the reader),whileothers seem tohavebeenpushedfor time tobeable to fully express the details of the raison d'e!re of their designs. Nevertheless, for the editor,it hasbeena great pleasureto learn a little more of the thought processesofallthe participants throughtheir tips andthecorrespondingimages.Andwewishto thank the architects for bringing the endresultscloserto thereader. Sergi CostaDuran 5 MITHUN architects+designers+planners 0002Y UseNature asa Guide Withoutreplicatingnature exactly,you canstillemploy its characteristics and functions.Nature usesonly whatit needsandnomore.Letthislogic permeate your work sothat designs operatelikesailboats rather than powerboats. Fromadobe brick andrammedearth walls torooftop solar panels,the design of MiravalResortandSpa, Tucson,takesevery opportunity to conserveenergy whileenhancing access to thebeautiful surroundings. 6 Pier 56, 1201AlaskanWay,Ste.200 Seattle,WA98101,USA P.:(+1)206-623-3344 www.mithun.com 0 0 0 1 ~ Dothe Math Equations underpin therelationship betweena finishedproject andits component parts.Focusingonthemath meansgoalsetting withmetrics, a consistentrigorinspecifications, mergingspirit with economics,and seizingevery opportunity topushfor newknowledgeinscience anddesign. AtYeslerCommunity Center inSeattle (Washington),building aperture and ventilation strategies areinterwoven to provide naturallighting andeliminate air conditioning. VA0003. GrowanIdea Ideasrequirestewardship.Beginwith a seedrather than a complete concept. Itisimportant to learnfromthe program,place,andneedsof the client: allthe circumstancesthat inform a project andbring the concept tolife. InNoveltyHillJanuik Winery, Woodinville,theorderlinessof a vineyardtranslates the structure's modernfeelandthe fineart of winemakinginto nature, andinvites nature into the winery. 0004Y Strengthen Community Translatea community'shopes and dreamsinto designsthatstrengthen human activity, enhancingpeople's livesinmeaningfulways.Community implies takingresponsibilityfor ourselves,future generations andother species. InHighPointCommunity,Seattle, a naturaldrainage systemenhances an entire community's ecosystem, supplyingcleanwater for a nearby salmonstream, a habitat for birds,and parksfor residents to enjoy. >< >< ooosy Bring Passion/LeaveEgo Increase theodds for discovery through a passionforlearning, experience,and teamwork.Seedesigners asstudents, partners, andmentors. Thebestnew ideacouldcomefromanywhere.In IslandWood,Bainbridge Island,this learning center inthe woods for urban studentsbrought together architects, engineers,artists,founders,and childrento findwaystoreducesite impactandmaximizeexperience. 7 0006Y Public/Private Partnerships Urbanareas,ashubsof activity andconsumption, offer thebest opportunity for innovation,but everyonemustparticipateinthe solution to decrease energydemand, switchto greenpower andoffset any remainingcarbonfootprint. Puyallup CityHall,Puyallup: integrated strategies createdthis focal point for future sustainable development,initiating thecity of Puyallup's transformation from a small agricultural communityinto a vibrant towncenter. 8 0007A Expandthe Boundaries Thebestprojects question everything. Forexample,howmight youhelp the urban andnaturalworldssupport each other asintegrated systems?In addition to the building, investigate broader issuesaboutplaceand community. InStephenEplerHall,PortlandState University, thissix-story university residencehallcouplessmart technology with climate-responsive designto takefulladvantage of rainwater,naturallighting andnatural breezes to assistthebuilding's operation. VAJ 0010A CreateBeauty &Spirit Itistheperfectmoment: the culminationof a senseof place,time, andmovement.Beautifuldesignis sustainable,meaninginherently elegant,functional,dramatic, and enduring. Alongwithproportion and form,celebrate detai ls that contr ibute to a greater whole. The TetonScienceSchool, Jackson Hole,is a livinglaboratory for student s andteachersthat creates environmentallyintell igentspaces where learning goeshand'in'hand with research,andbuildingsintegrate with thei r naturalsurroundings. < ...-."."..,., 0029Y Movementmust becontained intheeyethat contemplates the architecture. V A17 0031. EstudioArquitectura CampoBaeza Thisellipti cal whi te pat io hasa bright whi te spiralramp,connect ingt heearth wi th the heavens. Theseelement s are al l containedwit hina concrete boxwith a giantscreen, connecti ng the structu reto t he worl d. 18 Almiranle 9 28004 Madrid,Spain P.:(+34) 917-01-06-95 www.campobaeza.com 0 0 3 2 ~ A hortus conclusus: an enclosedcubic preci nct f il ledwith light,contai ned wi thina cylindrical box. Bet ween t hese elementsthere arefourpat ios cont ainingt he fourpre-socrati c elementsofwat er,eart h,f ire and air. ! Cit)1 CUSo MfA-0034A Thesunvisits this impJuviumof light every day, to calmthe air andbatheit withnewbeauty andlight. InGranada they callthis[J Cubo. " 0033Y A geode:a boxopento the skyabove, with exterior sandstone andinterior Romantravertine wallsenclosinga fragrant grove of orange trees. VA19 Thissmoothwhite cubestructure hasa diagonalinner space that is stretched bydiagonallight. A belvedere:a glass boxplacedover a cave. Elementary. 20 > < 003SY Thi s hortus cone/ususis anopenbox containing four orange treesanda large pool. The insideareasareshaded andhavehigh ceil ings. DI .. I;,...-,-1h ~ ' ",. ,. /. ' tJC-,vIcK-fJPA-rvv.4-ou5f: 6A'fl-I/.otH.7C't'.i>. In8"kotatsu."In8bathtub. :? i \s. ';:-;7.'t'.l>.lIt-1'l. With Mies.WithEames.

1 't'.i>.jHil-1:.l>. Ina commuter train.In a "seiza" position. .. ..,-'II ,;... .' ....:0224 Takea 15-minute nap If youfeelstuck,it isa good idea to take a napfor 15minutes.A naphasto be .a't'.i>.between 10minutesand15minutes. In8sleeping bag. Becarefulnot to sleepmore than 20 minutes. Theideaisnot to let your 1 brain sleepbut toreactivate it. Three tipsfor a 15-minute nap: 1.Beready to wakeup.Humanbeings havea naturalself-awakening capacity. Usethis ability to sleep so l'b1:.i>. youcanwakeup. Standing. 2.Donot liedown.If youliedown comfortably, youtendto sleep for more than 20 minutes.Putyour headdownona desktotakea nap. 3.Drink a cup of coffeeto takea nap. Caffeine starts to work 30 minutes x 't'.i>. after youdrink it. A cupof coffeeor With Corb. teapromisesyoua belter awakening after a nap. On three Eames. 81 ".,... 0 2 2 6 ~ Don't write words,draw them Usingsli deshows,suchasPowerPoint, inpresentations canbecomeboring. Peoplearenolonger amazedby media-rich, gorgeous presentations ful l of computer graphicsandanimations. However, t exts sti llplaya centralrole intransmitting information. Thisfact hasnot changedyet. Of course,noonewants toread lengthy sentencesintiny fonts.Only large words that canbecapturedinan inst ant shouldbeput ona screen. Itisbetter t o stimulatethe great imaginationof a cli entbyletting them readbetween simple words. 82 Now V A Now M8gaF/oor MegoFloorNow Now r-- --, : ,.-'--'- --'--'--,: I I L __ MegoFloor l I I I Use a whiteboard (combined with a printer)! Ideasarelikesmokeintheair: vague, alwayschanging form.Therefore speed andtiming areimportant tocatch them. Themost effective toolsofarto capture suchideasisa whi t e board (withintegrated printer).Themost import ant characteri st ic of a white boardisthatitshouldstand vert ically. Horizontalsurfaces, suchasa table, oftencreate personal terri tory,onthe other hand, verticalwhiteboards enable informat ion to beviewedglobal ly and help to create a collaborative environment. Whiteboardsare a t oolenabl ing usto externalizeideas during the brainstorming process,whichare fed backt o usasa mediuminorder to encourage the nextideatoemerge. Moreover,witha singlecli ck, this tool immortalizes ever-changing communications onpaper. M8gaF/oor II NowMegoFloor 0 2 2 8 ~ Projects changethe world Duringprojects,clients continually changetheirminds.Architects, too, wantto changetheir ideas.Nobody can stop a project from changing.A better project tends to automatically create a newscope,andit opensupa new vision of the world.A project changes the world,andalso changesitself. A project isa kindof ecosystemthat contains an internalfeedbackloop; asagentsinthis system,weare engulfedbythe change in the worldcreatedbythe evolution of a project. Tenaphorisms for brainstorming Somepeoplesaythat quality ismore than quantity. Butinbrainstorming, thosetwo arenot contradictory. Quality ideasemergefrom a quantity ofideas. Below arethe tenaphorisms for effectivebrainstorming. 1.Donot criticize 2.Donot focusonwhocameup with the idea 3.Overlap 4. Clarify your goal 5.Segmenttime 6.Place doesmatter 7.Positioning 8.Speak out 9.Let your eyeswonder 10.Nevertakenotes:someoneshould beassignedthistask 0229Y Reviewtoproceed A project's workgenerally proceeds intermittently. Toproceed effectively, reviewsmust becarried out. A good reviewdoes not only repeatwhatwas done previously, it organizes past ideas andworksasa genealogy inorder to categorize themintogroups.Indoing this,members canreconfirm the direction of the project, enhance information sharing,anddefine the current standpoint of theteam.All meetings start andend witha review. 83 84 KuwabaraPayneMcKenna BlumbergArchitects 322 KingStreet West,3rdFloor Toronto,Ontario, M5V 1J2 Canada P.:(+1)416-977-5104 www.kpmbarchitects.com ...:0230 Conceive tallbuildings asvertical communities.Ina worldwhere interaction betweenpeople is increasingly digital,it isincreasingly important to create opportunities for mixing andinteraction inrealtime and space.Wecreateda verticalurban campusfor ConcordiaUniversity in downtownMontrealbyorganizing the planaround a systemof stackedatria withinterconnectingstairs andlounges locatednear elevatorlobbies. 0231 Everybuilding needsa heartwhere peoplecanassembleor simply find a sanctuaryinthe companyofothers. FortheCentennialHPScienceand TechnologyCenter,wecreated an academicvillageorganized arounda TownSquare-aninformalgathering spacewithlarge Spanishsteps beneath a wood-cladlecture pod for students to meet,hangout, and assemble. 0232Y "There isa crackinthe jar ... that's howthe light gets in"-Leonard Cohen. Roomsthat receivenonaturallight, or light from onedirection, are static. Even the smallest sourcesof naturallight cananimate spaceswithdiurnaland seasonalrhythms,suchasthe small window andskylight at thewestend of the longlivingloft of theReisman-JenkinsonHouse. Usethe spacebetweenform andmass to create communal areas:the public realm.IntheJapanese Canadian CulturalCenterweusedthespace betweentheprogram to createthe GalleryHall-a spacewide enough to host exhibits andevents. 0234A Everybuilding implies a city.Imagine every buildingasone figure withina group portrait of the urban fabric. RichardSen net, writing about family portraits byGermanphotographer ThomasStruth, compared the table around which the family members sit andstand to a sharedpublic space.In thisproject, Canada's National Ballet School,new andold,tall and short, mass andlight, create anurban ensemble, a portrait of the city within the city. 85 86 0 2 3 6 ~ Integrate performance,aesthetics, andurbanism to makearchitecture a collaborative endeavor betweenthe client,architects, consultants,and builders.Beresponsiveandresponsible for the healthandwell-beingof users, cities,andenvironments.Manitoba Hydro Place,a new office tower for anenergy corporationindowntown Winnipeg,wasdesignedusingthe Integrated DesignProcessto achieve a seamlessfusionof a supportive workplace,urbanrevitalization, and 60 percent energy efficiency inan extreme climate that rangesfrom -31F to +95F (-35Cto +35C).Itwillbea modelfor climateresponsivedesign. ....:0235 Subtractrather than addinorder to createspaceinexistingbuildings. Openingscut through floorsand ceilingsprovidevisualconnections anddraw naturallight into thecenter. FortheJames Stewart Center,we cut a voidthrough a Collegiate Gothic building to openupthe floor plate, providing visualconnectivity between scholarsandstudents, anddrawing naturallight deepinto the center. 0 2 3 7 ~ Usea limited materialpalette to achievecoherenceandcalm.Forthe Gardiner Museum,weaddeda new floor to a two-story museum,and thoroughly renovateditsinterior. The Indianalimestone resonateswith an adjacent Beaux-Artsbuilding.Whiteoak andglassweavetheinterior together to create anintimate, quiet backdrop against whichtoforeground a collectionofceramic treasures. 0238Y Makehallsnot corridorswhencreating spacesofmovement andcirculation.In the JamesStewart Centerwecreated generously scaledhallwaysfurnished wi thblackboards,benches,andtables to promote spontaneous teamwork. 0 2 3 9 ~ Maximizeflexibilityto adapt easilyto change.Changeistheonly thing that is certain. Theconcrete loft withhigh ceilings,maximum exposureto natural light,anda robust structure isthe most flexible andsustainable ofbuilding types andcanbeadaptedfor living, working,andrecreation (Vaughan Civic Centre,under construction). 87 0241. EndoShuheiArchitect InstituteInc. Thisasymmetricalshapeof the dome of this tenniscomplexstemsfromthe surroundingnatural environmental conditions.Itsirregular formhasno protrusions andallowswildgrassfrom the naturalecosystemto propagate on its greenroof. 0 2 4 2 ~ Thewooden,single-layer truss structure, effectively utilizing a surplus of thinned wood,formsthe roof and wallsofthefacility,creatinga continuous three-dimensionalspace. Thethree spaces are seamlessly joined together invaryingform,centered around thelightwell. 88 2-14-5.Tenma.Kita-ku 530-0043 Osaka,Japan P.:(+81) 6-6354-7456 www.paramodern.com 0 2 4 0 ~ It wasoriginally developed to beused asa basefor emergency activitiesin times of disaster,butinorder to effectively utilize the vast areaduring normaltimes aswell,it currently functions asanindoor tenniscomplex. Itssystemizedtrussesform continuous asymmetrical curves,andthreelarge skylights anda center court 16feet below groundlevelcreatecontinuity in the verticalspace. 0243. Threesphericalbodiesaresmoothly connected to oneanother,anda courtyardpositionedroughly inthe center of the facilityfunctions asa lightwellthat allows light andwindinto theinterior andincreases the stability of thestructure. Theexterior, covered inweather-resistant steelsheets, changescolor over time,deepening thestructure's harmony withits surrounding environment. Theroof of thiskindergartenhasa woodenstructure,forminga space that embodies the conceptof one of nature's rationalshapes:thebubble. Thefacility iscomprisedoffournurseryrooms,a playroom, a staff room,anda meeting room. Thespace within the structure is multifunctional, while alsosuccessfully maintaining a sense of unity with the materials andthe environment. .... 0247 Theretainingwallona slopeisutilized asanarchitectural element to the greatest extentpossible. The interaction of the integratedroof,walls, andretainingwallcreates bothanopen andenclosedspace. 0244.-Thecharacteristic 425-ft-longstone wallof this funeralhallexhibits the many aspectsofstones through changesintime,light, andshadows, creatingbothaninterior andexterior environment.Thetwoconsecutive roofs create a dynamic, static space. 0248.-Theform of thisguest house is establishedbya repetitionofstraight linesof corrugatedsteelsheetsand arcs of compoundmaterials. The varioussegmented spaces arelinked while sharingperipheralsections such as'front/back' and'interior/exterior', evenly exhibitinga communion of discontinuous, spreadout components, fromexterior tointeriorandviceversa. ....0246 A steelsheetstructure iscreatedby directly utilizing theprevailingnatural element of gravity. Thecurvedroofwas not designed asanobjective, but rather asa resultof the architecture. ....0249 Thislavatory isformedby aninverted, continuous spiralbandof 0.125inch corrugated steelsheeting. Theinterior wallsformthe exterior ceilingandfloor, whichthen continues onto form the exterior wallsandroofsandthenback to formingthe interior. Bymeansof a trajectory that advancesthe three precisely cylindrical, continuous sides,the structure isreduced to its geometric form. 89 90 ArkitektKristineJensens Tegnestue Mejlagde 50 bbst 8000 AarhusC,Denmark P.:(+45) 86-18-96-34 www.kristinejensen.dk .... 0250 Inthisboulevardproject the activity areasareplacedascounterparts to the continuing green sections. Theboulevard andthe activity areas constitute theparkasa wholeand canbeseenascoordinated elements. PreciselyastheEgyptianhieroglyphs, the elements areplacedsidebyside without a superiorhierarchicalsystem andwithout definedleaps inscale. 0251Y Whensolvingterrainproblems onthe siteweactually turnedtheseinto the mainlandscapefeature.The328-ft-long(100m)wallandstaircasedividing theparkinglotandthelower areais nowthemainmeetingplace for Ega HighSchoolstudents,wherethey can sitinthe sununtil late afternoon. 0 2 5 2 ~ Thenon-homogeneous character of spacewithindustrial,home,traffic andcity life offers the chanceto test materials that aremoremodern than the prevalent safe choices.The materials chosenare generally unconventional. Thesurfacesof the footpathshave strong graphicpatterns, thesquares andactivity areasappear asred areasinthe green; there areedges instainlesssteel,greenneonlights, fenceswithsoft curves,curbstones of granite, blackrubber boards,etc. ....:0253 Whereasthe green sections arethe connecting elements, theactivity areas areseenasrupturesandcrossing fields. It wasnecessarytoencloseor screenseveralof the activity areas. Thefence,whichhasnofront or rear, efficiently shields the areawhile allowing onlookers to glimpse through. It appears ascreasedpiecesand createsthearchitecturalsignature of severalactivity areasthat contrastwith the straightlinesof the boulevard. 91 0256,4 Inthis sensetheplaceisorganized, reorganized,anddisorganized atthe sametime.Weaimedto makea kind of placethatcounteracts classical terms of beginnings andendings. It wasaninvitation for usto workwith a polyfocalspace that reflects the factthat it isapproachedfrommany different angles,sinceit canbe enteredinmany different ways. 92 .. .....:0254 Theparkinglot atthe schoolis normally onlyusedduring the day.Asit isa large sloping areavisiblefromboth theclassroomsandthenearby road, wehadtomake the verymost ofthis feature.Throughusingtraditional white stripes weturnedit upside down and madeit fun bydefining the parking spacesusingletters spellingEga Gymnasium. 0255Y Inorder to restoretheschoolyard asa publicspaceandstructuralcodexon both a city levelandinbetween therow of existinghouses,wefilledthe gap with a circular musicstage andonthe opposite side webuilt a new wallwhich isalmost250 It (76m)longand18to 23ft (5.5to 7 m)high.This framework seems to give order anddealswith orientation andstability. Tangible magnolias andcolorful dots overflowin thespacebetweenthelongwalland steelstructures. 0258. Coveringscanbesomuchmore.This floor coveringwasdeveloped asa metaphor onanilluminatedsurface of water,evokingthe river running alongside.Thecoveringismade in black basalt;white tints resemble reflectionsinthe water andbluehues accentuate the blue tone of thistype of basalt. 0 2 5 7 ~ Materials areessential.Wehave tried to reconnect past andpresent through anarchitecturalprograminwhichwe contradict andcounteract soft with hard,magnolias with steelstructures, andmasculinity withfemininity.The steelcomesasbothrawsteel,Corten steel,andpainted steel. Theasphalt wasa ready-madeelement fromthe schoolyard daysandisreusedas terrainwitha new top layer. Andthe bright white graphic createslinks betweenthe houses. --------.... 0259 Anoutdoor furniture collection was designedfor thisproject. Theoverall arrangement ofthefurniture emerged fromtheideaof lines ofnotes organizing, specifying, andkeepingthe different elementsinplace.Benches, plantboxes,or bicycle standsare joinedtobecomeoneelement: the strip. Thecontinuous courseis underlinedbythe repetitionofa single material: steel.Thisisbent andturned likea paperchain,creating a variety of situations andspaces. 93 AndrewMaynardArchitects 0 2 6 1 ~ Theeastern andwesternfa < > < .... 0286 Here,a bridge betweenthe master bedroom andother bedrooms allows privacy. 101 GriffinEnrightArchitects Tips:Margaret Griffin 0291Y Blurring theboundariesbetween architecture,lighting,andfurniture createsdynamic conditions for impromptu uses. 102 0 2 9 0 ~ Super graphics canbeintegrated with architecture andfurniture systemsto createlayered spatialconditions for seatingareas. 1246B WashingtonBlvd. LosAngeles, CA90066, USA P.:(+1)310-391-44B4 www.griffinenrightarchitects.com 0293' Intersectingcustom light boxeswith skylights creates areadefinition inan openfloor plan. Costeffective track lights inrandomizedslots cut from plywoodpanelscreate a unique ceiling that opensupthe view. 0 2 9 2 ~ A floating shelf createsanopen partition between theliving roomandfamily room,while also serving to organize collectables. 0 2 9 4 ~ The combination of book jackets, a floating fireplace,anda seamless view to nature createsa meditative library space. 103

0295. Peelout windowsprovide oceanviews from the rear of a residencewhile creatinga dynamic massingcondition. Bookshelf-like woodfinsemerge from the library space,becoming a shadingdevicethat isthenextruded to become part of the railingfor a secondfloor terrace above. 104 0298. Tuckingthesteamshower andthe water closet behinda floatingwall allowsfor anopenandspacious master bath. 0299Y A split-level terrace createsa seating areafor the outdoor fire pit. 0297Y A curvedentry hallwith curved clerestorylighting enhancesthe varyingnaturallighting conditions, whilecreatinga dynamic threshold betweenpublic andprivate spaces. 105 0300.. Jarmund!VigsncesAS Arkitekter Buildingsare physical element s that affect t he wind. If you needt o direct the windt o control snowdrifting,the buil ding shoul d work asan aerodynami c object. 0302Y To create a space t hatappears tohave beencarvedout ofmass,usethe same materi al for allvisible surfaces. 106 Hausmanns gate 6 0186 Oslo,Norway P.:(+47) 2299-4343 www.jva.no 0301 .. Donotplacet he bui ldi ng on t he partof the lot t hatwi ll beuseful garden space. ....0303 Howyouenter the buil ding isa majordesign issue. 0306'-Organizingfunctions createsan opportunity to sculpturally shape buildings. 0307. Archit ectural focus canbeachieved bylimit ingnaturallight. 0309'-Recyclingmaterials creates opportunitiesfor storytel ling. ....0304 Materials cantotally changeidenti ty throughdifferent detail s andlight ing effects. 0305.-The buildingmayrespondto the landscapeandclimate. 0308. A smallroomcanbeenlargedby incorporating external space. 107 Pugh+ScarpaArchitects Tips:Lawrence Scarpa 0311. Let the site pass through the building Totakeadvantage of anextremely constrictedsite,wetransformed the existing footprint of a 1970sranch houseinto a pavilion-like structure that allowsthesiteto,ina sense, passthroughthe house,offering extraordinary panoramic views.Large 22-ft-high(6.7m)customsliding glass doors allow the interior andexterior to becomeone.Private areasare treated asloft-like spaces,capturingvolume andviewswhile maintainingprivacy. 108 2525 MichiganAve.,buildingF1 SantaMonica,CA90404, USA P.:(+1)310-828-0226 www.pugh-scarpa.com 0310Y Doubleduty Makethe most ofyour design choices. Thesolar panelsonour Solar Umbrella Houseperform a double duty by protecting the building envelopefrom harshsunlight andprovidingenergy to thehouseandto thepower grid. 0313Y Elementsindialogue AtOrangeGroveLofts wemadeuseof two square profile balcony surrounds in the front fa < VAVA 0434Y Siting Thehouse isplacedat the transition fromsalt marshto pineforesttotake advantage of two distinct spaces (forest andmarsh) and thenumerous siteresourcestobe"harvested" while minimizing the impact ontheexisting ecosystemthat it straddles. 0436Y Diagram of sun,wind,andrain Thehouse isoriented to capture the prevailingwinds,while the roofformis designed tomaximize theharvesting of sunthrough thephotovoltaics onits south face,whileacting asa catchment for a grey water system. 0 4 3 5 ~ TheDry-inHouseiscurrentlyunder construction. Theimportance ofthe varyingsection of the homeisthat it allowsfor a unique sectiontobe developedquickly andaffordably. Here onthis south-facing sitethe polycarbonate glazedwallfacesnorth, andtheroof ismodified to bring naturallight into the interior spaces. 0437. Thedwellinghasa fixedplanbut flexiblesection, allowing the homeowner to customizethesection to their needs,sites,anddesires affordably.Homeowners aresenta one-pagedesignworksheetinthe mail to sketchout potentialroofandceiling configurations for their newhome. TheseimagesshowtheDry-inHouse andthe initialsketchmadebyits homeowner. V A:::: .::::"~ - -145 0 4 3 8 ~ Thisdiagram showsanoverview of the ideaandhow information technology canbeutilizedinconjunction with automatedfabricationplatforms (in this case,the woodplate trusses)to massproduce customizedhomes that reflectboth their owners andunique building sites. 0439Y A bird'seyeviewofa typicalblockin NewOrleans,showingthe variety of possiblemass-customizeddesigns alongwithDry-inHouse.The"chassis" of the designisthe lower portion of the project andremainslargely the same, ensuringa lively street life,withnatural light andventilation for theinteriors. 146 " ~ / / / . \!!titI }-*" It \ Ii it it 1M, .* 0440A Thehouse's "truss sections" being raisedbyvolunteers. The framingof thehouseisconstructedina seriesof parallelsectionsthat arebasedonthe homeowner's originalsketch,andthen input into parametric engineering software that calculatesthe structural sections quickly andaffordably. 044ZY Interior viewfromthe entry porch. Theethos of the project istoprovide a dried-in shellthat isdesignedinsuch a waythat it canbeleft asa finished home.Homeowners alsohave the option to layer onadditional finishes within theirmeans andowntimeline. 0441.-Thehomeowner accesses theDry-in Housewebsitewhere they areableto input theprofiles (roof andceiling)of theirnewhome.Usinga simpleFlash interface andworkingwitha design volunteer,the owner canpullthe "elastic" roof andceilingprofiles to produce the desired configuration. Scripts intheinterface preventusers fromputting indesigninformation that cannotbeengineered or constructed. Thedesignproposes a systemthat, onceinplaceandconstraints determined, provides a levelofdesign input onthepart of the owner that is currently unavailable inaffordable housinginthe United States. - .. _---. ! . . . ~ .-----_ ... - /J' ---- 11 0443. Thefinishesinthehouse(rubber roofing andsiding,polycarbonate siding,exposedwoodentrusses,and exposed058) aredesignedinsuch a waythat they canbeleft asisor layered onwithmorefinishes. 147 ArchitecturalOffice 0445. TheNational TurkishLanguage Institute structure is100% reinforced concrete.Itsinterior divisions, cabinets andfurniture aremadeof wood.It was votedbyarchitects asoneof the top twenty buildings withtypicalrepublican architecture. This ten-story mallbuildinginDenizli waslocatedona sitewhereevena two-story shoppingmallhadpreviously beenunsuccessful. Thewholestructure issloped.TheBabadaglilar shopping mallhasbeena successfulfacility for the last 35years,becominga symbolof the city. 148 OryanizadeStreet 15 34674 Kuzguncuk-OskGdar Istanbul, Turkey P.:(+90) 216-310-0774/495-6857 www.cengizbektas.com 0444Y TheInternationalIndustry andTrade Bank(Baklrkby branch) issituated onthecorner of two narrow streets, projectingitsinteriors onto the street outside.Employeesexperience a blend ofinterior andexterior sensations. Theproject usedexposedconcrete; its outer wallsweredesigned to collect heat inwinter andtoinsulate against theheat inthe summer. 0448A Mersin,oncea smallcity with 100,000 inhabitants,hasexperienced a populationboom.It isnowoverten times that size.Thisbuilding wasbuilt ona formerbrownsite andhaseasy accessfromtheringroad.It hasbeen designed torepresentthegrowth of the city center.Locatedononeside of the skyscraper,the shopsareall arrangedona circular slope,enabling car accessto thetop floors. Inthe centre oftheshopping areathere is a pool,andinthe middle ofthepoola stage:a space for a theater.Below the poolthere isa multifunctional space containing a theater,concerthall, registry office,etc.Allthe spacesflow into eachother.Underground there arethree floorsofcar parking. 0 4 5 1 ~ TheAfrodisias museum extensionhas beendesigned asa steelconstruction built onpiles. Thepilesdonot touch any remains oftheancient walls,and notreeswerecutdown.Visitorscan walkunderneath the structure andsee everything. Thewallsandroof have two ventilationlayers. 0449Y TheOlbiaSocialCentreisthe socio-cultural complexof the Akdeniz University inAntalya.Uninterrupted pergolas follow thelinesoftheslopes. The spacesflowinto eachother. This constructionisshadedbygreenery andoffersmultifunctionaluses.The materialsutilized werewoodand the travertine stone that wasunearthed whenthe foundationsweredug.The wallshavebeenleft unplastered. 0 4 4 7 ~ Thelot ofHalilBektas primary school issituatedina built-up area.Wherever possiblethe buildinghasbeen designed to openupinthedirection it isfaces:south-south-east. This givestheclassroomssuitablelighting. Thedesign aimsto showreality to the children: pipesareleft exposed,and casinghasnotbeenusedto hide elements. 0450A Thislot,measuring somewhereinthe regionof 21,500 sqft (2,000 square metres),islocatedinG61turkbOkO,on theBodrumpeninsula.TheGulsema-Lutz werea couplelivinginEngland. Thebrief wasto designa building to beusedasa summer house for several yearsandthenasa permanent residence.Likeany typicalBodrum house,this housewasdesigned around a living spaceofa kitchenwith a fireplaceopeningout toa terrace throughslidingglassdoors. Thisspace canbeenclosedinwinter bysimply closingthedoors. Themorning sunlight floods into thehouse,however the houseturnsits backonthe unbearably hotmidday summer sunandanynoise fromtheroad. Thebedroomisone floor up,surroundedbya roof garden. Thewhole roof isgardenspace. 149 MarioBottaArchitetto 0453. Indesigni ngthe new Banca delGottardo offices my aimwastogive thetowna newimage. Thiswasnot becauseofthe grandness of the siteor its intended use.Infact,I think a bank,like a post office, a church,or a theater,isa part of a city asit servesthecommunity. 150 ViaCiani 16 6904 Lugano,Switzerland P.:(+41) 919728625 www.botta.ch 0452' Withtwo spaces,different infunction but unified intheir design andneedfor spirituality, the CymbalistaSynagogue andJewishHeritage CentreinTelAviv isa placefor prayer anda placefor discussion,functioning asbotha synagogue anda lecture hall. Thetwo square-shapedvol umesriseinto a conoid,which takes a circularshapeat roof level. Bothtowers are constructed with thesamematerials andboth interiors haveexactly thesamedown-lightingsystems. 0455. TheSFMOMA,SanFranciscoMuseum of ModernArt,isanenergetic response to the density ofthedowntown area and sits within a highly variedcityscape. Inits design,the architecthas acknowledgedthis reality,andthrows down a challenge to thecontemporary city byusingmasses that areloaded withmaterial andcolor. Partner architect: Hellmuth, Obata& KassabaumInc.,SF 0 4 5 4 ~ The chapelof SantaMariadegliAngeli inMount Tamaro"detaches" itself,as it were,fromthemountain to form a newhorizon, the starting point of a perfect viaduct.Theoverallstructure ismore than just a newbuilding; it isa manipulation ofthe existinglandscape. Theplastic forms,thetransverse composition, andthe innovative configurationsmakeup a kindof "negative" image gatheredbeneath the horizon of thewalkway. 0 4 5 6 ~ Inthe hopeof making a housefor man,I designed theCathedral of the Resurrection inEvryasthe "house of God."Tobuilda cathedraltoday isan extraordinary opportunity to create andenrich the environmentinwhich welive. It offers a moment ofsilence, of reflection andprayer,andspeaks of maninrelation to the rapidchanges andcontradictions of life. 11111111 151 0 4 5 7 ~ AtMART,theMuseumof Modern andContemporaryArt inRovereto, the plaza,coveredbya glassdome, becomesthe heart of the structure andalso theimage of themuseum complexthat isorganized around it. Itisthe empty space,thecovered plaza,that becomes the truematrix of the architecturalcomposition. Partner architect: GiulioAndreolli 152 . ~ ~ " o c a::: -@ .... 0458 AttheTschuggenBergoaseWell ness CentreinArosaweimagined building without buildinginorder to affirm the presence of thenewbuilding through emergingbodies-trees of light-and toleave the great volume interred within the functionalprogram. Partner architect: FanzunAG,Chur 0459Y ThechurchofSantoVolto inTurin edifies a churchdevoted to the face of Christ displayedat the backof thealtar. It hasa heptagonalplan surroundedbyseventowersthat are connectedto thelower volumesof thechapels.Thechimneyof the former steelworks,transformedinto the churchbelfry,becomesa symbolof theoldandnewutilization. ....:0461 ForKyoboTowerinSeoul, theidea wasto create a gigantic construction, compact andwith seeminglyblind frontsinorder toform a contrast with the glassandsteelstructured buildings inthe surroundingarea.Straight asa medievaltower,thisnew architectural presencehelpspeople to orient themselves inthe modern city. Partner architect: Chang-JoArchitects, Inc.,Seoul 0460. TheBechtler Museumof ModernArt inCharlotte projecthasa central glass hearthousing thehall.Theinterplay betweenvoids andswells createdby theglass coregivesthe construction a strongplastic force.Thebuildingis developed onfour levels,the last of whichiszenith-litbyskylights andjuts outwardly. Thisconfiguration embodies distinctive characteristicsbydrawing a plazainsidethemuseum's primary volume. Partner architect: WagnerMurray Architects 153 0464A NSMH-Nevzat Say In MimarllkHizmetleri Fethiyeshowshow to build a building today withsimpleconstruction materials andfollowingtraditional methods. 154 Icadiye cd.81 34674 Kuzguncuk-OskGdar Istanbul, Turkey P.:(+90) 216-310-08-70 www.nsmh.com Schoolisanexampleof a self-sustainingbuilding constructed throughemployinglocalworkers, maters, andtechnologies. ....0463 Umur representsa distinctive, colorful spaceina printing housewhereall staff andvisitors enterbythesame entrance. GonLeatherFactoryisa helter-skelter backneighborhood; a quiet, plain experiment that wethink willserve as anexample for what comeslater. 0 4 6 6 ~ Evideaisanattempt to bring 470 dwellings together insucha fashion that they willcreate their ownworlds. 0467Y Irmakisaneducationalbuilding that allowsonetoclearlyreadhowitwas constructed. 0470. TheSantralIstanbulCommunications Facultyisa unique educationalbuilding designedadhering to supremely simple andfamiliarschemata. 0469. SantralIstanbulCACisa contemporary art center whichbydaylooks completely closedandatnight turns into a discreeticonthanks toits own light. 0468Y Banvi!: anentrancebuildingfor an industrial plant withheavy in-and-out traffic. ....0471 G6ksuOffice isanexampleofhow traditionalknowledgeof woodcanbe usedtoday. 155 ImreMakovecz 156 MAKONA ArchitecturalStudio Kecskeutca 25 Budapest, 1034 Hungary P.:(+36) 1-388-1702 www.makovecz.hu Mak6, a city renownedl orit s onions, is pl anning a newpoolanda l it ness-wel lnesscenter,whi ch wi llli tinto the text ure 01the town,aswi tnessed shown in thi s photograph. I' 0473Y The OnionHouseinMak6 isthe town's t heat er, aswellast he venue lorits celebrati ons. 0475' Thecentralizedworld of communism andthe world of financeare two sides of the samecoin.It wasinthe face of thisthat webuilt theso-cal led"village houses"inthe 1970s,whencommunist policy targeted the destruction of villages.Thepopulation of Kakasdis comprisedof Germans (Swabians)and SzekelyHungarians fromBukovina. After WorldWarII,the former were killedor deported to Germany,while the latter were expelledfromRomania to finda homehere. 0 4 7 6 ~ InCs(kszereda(Miercurea-Cius, Romania),ancientsix- andseven-hundred-year oldcross-shaped tombstonesleanagainst the extant medievalchurch.Onewasusedfor the two towersofthenewchurch. Fourbronze angels guard the central skylight of themainbuilding. ....:0474 Thetower ontheleft isthe German Tower. Inside andbehindit arelocal government spacesanda bank,because the Germansarebetter at this.While the tower ontherightisthe Szekely Towerwith thebighall dedicated to celebrations,dance,andwords, becausethe Szekelysarebetter atthis. ThepubwheretheGermans askfor a spritzer, andthe Szekelys for a frocss, issituatedinthemiddle.Whatgood isa centralheadquartersif it divides people? 157 158 ....:0477 TheChurchof Upper Christinatown ofBudapest restsonearlierlayers. Buildingbeganduring WorldWarIIbut wasdiscontinuedunder communism. Theybuilt onestory ontop,whichwas usedasa disco.Blasphemy! 047SY InKolozsvar (Cluj.Romania), this was therealization of anoldplanthat for eight years MayorFunarhadvetoed. Butintheendthe Szekely Towers, theribbedinterior,andthegateswere finishedaswell.TheSzekelys are Romania'sIrish or Scotch. ...0479 Komarom(Komarno,Slovakia)wasbuilt inthe 12thcentury at the confluence oftheDunaandthe Vagrivers.Ona eighteenthcentury etching, thetown iswithin the castlewalls.Inthe eighteenthcentury the town was demolished tomakeroomfor a fort. Wehaverebuilt the city onblueprints without cars,noise,or air pollution, sothat evena childshouldbeableto go to kindergarten without being accompaniedbyanadult. VA 1 0480Y CatholicUniversity,Piliscsaba. In1990, after the occupyingarmy left Hungary, the state gave the former Soviet barrackstothe Catholic Church. We startedconstructionafter clearing away themental,spiritual, andphysical filth. TheStephaneumreceivedits name inhonor of St.Stephen. Thefirst of itskindinHungary,thebuildingis about the space-time continuum, wherewhatcountsisnot Euclidean geometry,but the dramainherent in the interplay of spaceandtime. 159 0482Y MobiusBench AcconciStudio Cont inuous surface,endlessspace. 0 4 8 4 ~ Subway Station, Coney Island Wave.An archi tect ureof fl ow. 160 20 Jay Street,#215Brooklyn NewYork,NY 11201,USA P.:(+1)71B-852-6591 www.acconci .com ....0481 Cannon Center for the Performing Arts Push & pull.Roof likea liquid f lung over t he plaza. 0483Y United Bamboo Store Bubble.Bulge. Ooze. 0487. Mur Island Twist.Warp.Morph. 0489Y Open-BookStore,O.A.P. Bookstore Armory ShowNY 2007.Fl oating architecture. 0488. Parkinthe water,LaakhavenHollands Spoor Landmoves.A mixoflandandsea. 0 4 9 0 ~ Courtyard inthe wind,BuildingsDept Administration Building Adjust.Adapt.Change. Chameleon architecture. .....:0485 Fold.Enfold.Embed. Screensfor a walkwaybetween bui ldings,buses,andcars atShibuya Stati on curveuplike shells to shield thewalkwayf romthesurrounding bui ldingsand traffic, andthe barewalls oftheramps.The screens are like Venet ianblinds;the surroundings flicker,asifina movie,a kaleidoscope, a flipbook.At the bottom of the screen yousi tonlight;light bouncesup, mirrored fromslattoslat andis ref lectedbackonto the walkway. ""':0486 Light Street, Canseeo Garage Emergence.Growth.Architecture from inside out. Architecture frombottom up. 161 0491. 5+1AAAlfonsoFemia GianlucaPeluffo Reconstructionof SanGiuliano diPuglia Places.Non-places donot exist.Non-memory exists.Thefearofwhatwedo notunderstand exists.Theterror of our memories andpossiblefutures exists. Theconfusionbetweennewsand the present exists.Sowespendyears worryingabout surrogates of truth: It issimple andconvenient.But deadly. Partner Designer:A.Spalla 0 4 9 3 ~ Italian SpaceAgency (ASI)building, Rome(under construction) Navel(dreams).Ourmouthfor nine months.Weoften findourselves gazing down atit,perplexed. Sometimes it is just anexcusenot to lookupandface reality.Yet,allinall,it isbynomeans reassuring. After all,youcannot seeits end.It isthepart ofour bodywhere dreams started andstillhide.Wemust look up andfreethosedreams. Partner Designer:A. Spalla 162 ViaInteriano 3/11 16124 Genoa,Italy P.:(+39) 010-540-095 www.5piu1aa.com 0492. MOdAM,MuseumandSchool of Fashion,City of Fashion,Milan (International competition, 2006) Palmof the hand(South). Mediterranean culture, asthe culture of allSoutherners, communicates through touch,with the sensitivity of thepalmof a hand.Thebackof the handis tension, technique,a spring, a structure. Thetouchofa handisthe ability to grasp andlet go,tocl utch. Greco-Romanwrestl ingdoes not kill. Boxingdoes.Wecanassimilatemillions ofpiecesof information through the palmof a hand.Wecanevenread thefuture. PartnerDesigner:R.Ricciotli 0494.. Milanese ice factory,Milan(2008) Stomach(Fridge).YouopentheFridge andpeerinside.All too oftenit'sa desolatesight andyour stomach growls in protest. Terrible,deep noises, asif fromPurgatory.Youmust cook somet hing,wit h whatt hereis,withthe left oversyour forgetfulness andthat rude guesthaveleftyou. Butthe imageof a good dishis stronger than t hereflecti onof the coldlightof t he Fri dge,andthosedistantnoisesf rom Purgatory areal readya presageof Paradise. 0495' RetailPark- AreaD4Assago, Assago Sex(what youdowi t h whom). That's a tri ckyquestion.Howdoyouidenti fy the thinlinethatseparatessensuality f rompornography,pleasuref rom violence.Beingf rompossessing. Professionalism f rombei ng servile. 0496' Parfiri LowEmissionBuilding, Vado Ligure (Competition,winning design, 2005) Back.Beauty andEthics.Beautyis Truthwhenit doesn't becomeanidol, animage,but whenitisbornli kea chiasmusfromtheai r t hat youbreathe betweentwo differentt hings,inside a dual ism.Thespacebetweent wo oppositesistheplaceofbeauty. Being ethical, beinguprightmeans t irelessly workingthere in themiddle. Evenif you makemistakes.Whatever ittakes. 163 0497.-Territorial tower,Razzano(under development) Feet(speed).Whendidwestart running?Howmanytimes didwethink wecouldunderstandbelter byslowing down, stopping?It wasjust anillusion. Theduty of the contemporary isoneof Hercules' tasksthrownat madspeed. Forget it: wemust stopbelieving that slownessispossible.Welook at the worldwitha terrible horizontalspeed. But wetry tounderstanddeepdown. Asoftenaspossible,asdeep as possible. 164 .... 0498 Newdirectional buildings for Sviluppo Sistema Fiera,Rho (under construction) Ear(echo).Wecannever listen directly. Thepromise of happinessfrom our childhoodreturns inthe form of an echo.Thepromise ofhappinessfrom our childhoodreturns inthe form of an echo.Welisten andbuild onthebasis of these echoesthat wetransform, through the duty of the contemporary, into feelingsof sharedspace.Modern. Theecho bringsusforgotten futures. Partner Designer:J.B. Pietri - Italiana Costruzionispa 0499' NewCinemaPalace of Venice,Venice (under construction) Heart.It'sa choice.Wehavedecided not to useourminds anymore. Itwas pointless anyway.So,at eachmoment, wetry to reactwith ourheart and stomach. It meansyoust illnourish a romantic,sentimentalhopethatyou wil l beabletounderstandreality and transformit.Youwillbeableto find forms youcanshare,a catharsis. Understanding. Partner Designer:R.Ricciotli 0500. Library,games room,andauditorium informer Villa Sottanis,Casarza Ligure (2008) Soul(feelings,love). Whataffects our soul makesusexist,formsthe world, andsoformsust oo. Architecture mustbea slow,tirelesssentimental education.Not withoutmistakes.By nomeans,not without mistakes. The relationship of oursoul,ofou rselves, with life allowsustoconserve, cult ivate anddevelop somethingmoving, the il lusionof a miracle, amazement. Womenoftenguide uswith their emot ionsthrough this amazement. 165 JML Consultants 0504Y Thisprojectreuses a former warehouse locat edon the ba nks of t he River Garonne.It hasbeen transformedt o houseallthe mechani calsyst ems that art ifi cially fl ood the 29,062-sq It (2,700-sq-m) piazza. 166 0 5 0 1 ~ Trustinthe public's creativity EusebiGue1l12-13 08034 Barcelona,Spain P.:(+34) 932-80-53-74 www.jmlwaterfeaturedesign.com A thin layer ofwat er covering a piazza can beusedin many ways: wad ing, cycling,skim-boardi ng ... --C0502 Theart of creatingattractive water features through observation Thisprojectreproducesthe famous natural f loodingof PiazzaSan Marco inVenice. ,> ky...lY A fountainwhere kidscanplay with water,interacting with liquid: anurban oasis A wat er feat ure isa gatheri ng place,a communi ty experience. A si mpl e design issometi mest he bestwayt o achieve greatresult s. 0 5 0 8 ~ Water hasa formidable capacity for metamorphosis Inour projects wetry to utilize allthe different aspectsofwater.Modern techniques allow ustomodify its state, artificially recreatingpressureor temperature differencesinorder to solidify or vaporize it. .... 0510 Attention to detail Waterhasthepower toreveal constructive quality anddetails or,on the contrary,faults.Designingwith waterischallenging. Takecareof the details. If youwantto achieve thebest effects, your creationhasto beperfect. 0 5 0 5 ~ Thesurrounding architectural context ispart of the project Thehigh jet laysdown a challengeto the high tower.Andthe two vertical signalscanbeseenfrommiles away . .... 0506 Playwith emotions .... 0507 A water shapecanbeusedasan architectural element It hasa stronghypnotic power andcan becomeanintegralpowerfulelement inthe urbanlandscape. 0509Y Transform a simplestairway into a greatchill-out areathroughdoing somethingassimple asrunningwater throughstairs . 167 EstudioLuisdeGarrido 0512' TheLliriBl auhousing development is locatedinValencia. ItisSpain'sf irst bioclimatic andsustainable housing development andconsistsof 1Z9 housesof 17differentunit types.The complex is50% prefabricat edand consumes just 40% of the energy usedbysimil ar developments. The development recycles rainwater and only usesgreen,recyclable,non-pollutingmaterials. Wastegeneration hasbeenminimized. The complex capturessolar energy to heat thewater for the homes andswimming pool. The entire complexiscoveredwith green roofs.Anddespite the high temperatures inthe region,thehouses donot needair condit i oning systems. 168 0 5 1 3 ~ Blasco Ibanez 114,puertas 7y9 46022 Valencia,Spain P.:(+34) 963-56-70-70 www.luisdegarrido.com CasaMariposa islocat edinCal i, Colombia.Ithasbeenconst ructed using green, recycled,recovered,and non-polluting materials andconsumes only 10% of the energy usedbya similar house.Thedwellinghasa bioclimatic design andself -reg ulating heatingsystemthat gives a st eady temperature of 75F allyear round, without theneedfor technology.The dwellingalsohas a greenroof. Bertran 6-8, entlo. 1",esc.A 08028 Barcelona,Spain ..... 0511 TheiSleepHotel,inZaragoza,is the first demountable,expandable and portable budgethotel.Itis 100% prefabricated andhasaninfinite life cycle. The building capturessolar thermal, solar photovoltaic,and geothermalenergy. Al l of it s components aredemount able, reusable,andrecoverable.It does not generate wasteinanyof its different conf igurations andhasa greenroof. 0516A TheCasasdelRIOrestaurantin Requena,Valencia,blends into the terrainbymeansof a greenroof that extendsthe ground space.The restaurant isenergetically self-sufficient, capturing solar thermal, solar photovoltaic andgeothermal energy.Thebuilding is 100% prefabricated anddemountable. ...:0514 TheR4Houseisa dwellingmadeonly fromrecoveredwasteandrecycled material. Itsstructure ismadefrom disusedshippingcontainers. Thehouse haszeroenergy consumptionandis equippedwith solar thermal,solar photovoltaic andgeothermalenergy systems.Its bioclimatic designdispenses with the needto air conditioning systems. Thehousehasaninfinite lifespan, that it tosay,it canlast forever. It isdemountable andtransportable. Nowastewasgenerated during the constructionprocess,and,since allits components aredemountable, no wasteisgeneratedwhenit is re-assembled. 0515Y Biopar isa housingdevelopment located inMontserrat, Valencia,consistingof 100% prefabricatedhousesarrangedin pairs.Hardly any wastewasgenerated during the construction stage,andthe housesneither needheating nor air conditioning. Onlygreen,recyclable,and non-polluting materialshavebeenused inthis project and the houseshave greenroofs.During the daytime, the housesdonot needartificial lighting. Atnight. only LEDlights are used.Each household consumesonly 20% of the energy of a conventionalhome. 169 170 ....:0517 The Miamiskyscraper,USA,is prefabricatedanddemountable.Allits components caneasi ly berecovered andrepaired,meaningthebuilding has aninfinite life cycle. Its bioclimatic designdispenseswith theneedfor heatingor air conditioning systems. The skyscraper'smult imediaskin interacts with the environment, changing itsappearance,lighting, andinformation. Thetower hasmany different int erior garden spaces. 0518. TheLalIum complex(Ecopolis) isa recyclingprojectinthecity of Valencia. The volumesareconcentratedinsemi-buriedbuildings meaning that theroofs formpart ofthegarden space.The project includes a 1,643-foot-high (500 m) bioclimatic skyscraper. 0519. Theseprefabricated anddemountable public houses inMondragon, the Basquecount ry, haveaninfinite life cycle.Alltheir components are recoverableandreusable.Andthey consume just 10% ofthe energy used bysimilar dwellings. Their bioclimatic design andglazedmultimedia skinkeep the internaltemperatures at a steady levelusing only geothermal energy. All the roofsarelandscapedandhavea shellinset withsolar thermal and photovoltaic collectors. "",, 0520 TheBerimbauwantsto bethenew symbol ofRiodeJaneiro.Thebuilding hasa double spherical glazedskin that automaticallyregulatesthe temperatures of the interior spaces. Thisdouble glazed skinisinset with solarthermal,photovoltaic coll ectors andinteracts withits environment usingmultimedia techniques: changing its color,lighting, andthe information conveyed. 171Manuelle Gautrand 0 5 2 3 ~ The concrete fansplayof the extension fitsmorphologically into the contour lines of the natural terrain,whichispart of a nature reserve knownasHeron Park. Theperception of the surroundings from the exhibition galleries isone of the key featuresof the ModernArt Museum. But theinfl owof daylight viathese openingshadto becarefull y controll ed: asevery curator knows,strong light is harmful to works of art, andthe Art brut collection is no except ion. 172 ....0521 36, boulevard delaBastille 75012Paris,France P.:(+33) 1-56-95-06-46 www. manuell e-gautrand.com FortheC42CitroenShowroomwe developeda concept that would magnify their cars ina building that possesseda strongsymbol ic presence, a kind ofcorporatet otem composedof eight vehiclesstackedonplateaux, one ontop of the other.The arrangement forms a gigant ic vert icaldisplay around whichvisitorsmoveinanascending or descendingspiral direction viaflights ofstairs anda seriesoflandings. Atthe top,thesculpturalstructure affords superbviewsoverthecity. 0 5 2 2 ~ Byconcent rat ing floor space,highri se buildings limit distances andsave space: the mostprecious rawmaterials inany cit y. Theyenable rati onalland useto control urban sprawl. The AVA Tower's architecture creepsunder the circularboulevard andliterall y enfolds it,restylingthe approaches andcreating anarrest ing tableauinit s ownright. 0 5 2 5 ~ Inevery city,housing occupiesbyfar the majority of space.Asit isthe raw material of theurbanfabric,architects haveto beconcernedwithchanging andreinventingthe waysit isused, especiallyfor socialhousing.A green approachisfundamental, it isnot just aboutrespectfor naturebut for the everyday environment wherepeople live,inthelight of newideasofcomfort andnewuserprotocols. .....:0524 TheBusinessCentreSaint-Etienne projectislikea large"Aztec serpent" risingfrom the lot.Itsbodyhasthree identical outer faces,andanunderside thatisdifferent: a skinof silvery transparent scalesanda bright yellow "throat," shiny andopaque. The yellow marks out internalpedestrian movements withitsrichluminous presence. 173 0527,4 Visualidentity charts arenecessary, but they shouldnotprevent architecture from expressingthings that arefarmore important. Theidea behind ChaengwattanaShoppingMall inBangkokwasto create a placethat hasits ownidentity, over andabove the label or the logo.Advertising and ornaments arenever tabooinAsia; they escort the flow of peopleinthe streets with entertainment and dynamism. 174 0526'f Thereisanexquisite subtlety inthe Northern Lights,whichmanypainters have capturedsowell. Thefa < Have a concept 0922Y Live your time 292 0923. LargodeSantos, 4-1 1200-808 Lisbon,Portugal P.:(+351)21-391-8110 www.arx.pt > < Globalvslocal .... 0924 Tectonics vs.durability V A 0926. Specificity 0 9 2 8 ~ Kinetic vs.systematic VA 0 9 2 5 ~ Timeless vs.oddity ...0930 Ludic,poetic andcritical V A >< 0927. Light 0929Y Publicpresence 293 Makoto SeiWatanabe 0933' Whenthe screensareallshut,it becomesa five-layer sandwich of interior andexterior witha multitude of possiblecombinations andlayouts. Theideaistoenableoccupantsto enjoylife amongthesealtered spatial variations that canadapt to the different weather conditions andseasons. 294 1-23- 30- 2806, Azumabashi,Sumida-ku Tokyo 130- 0001Japan P.:(+81)3-3829-3221 www.makoto-architect.com Thesolution wasto "layer" the garden andtheinterior. A total of five 15-ft-wide(4.5 m)units werearrangedina linear form:two internally andthree externally. Whenthe glassscreensat theboundaries areallopened,the entiresequencebecomesone. TOKYO HOUSE slidln,9paper doors calledFusuma 0932' Intraditional Japanesehouses,the roomsaredividedbyslidingpaper doors calledfusumaandsliding outer doors are called shoji.Traditional westernhingeddoors arestillvisible whenopened,whereassliding doors disappear. Thedifference between"On" and"Off" isunmistakable. Tntdltlonal Japanese rooms sliding glass screens~ ~ ~ , , "layer" of the garden andthe ,"T"com 0934,4 Ona snowyevening, reflectionsfrom the snowbetweenthe roomswill make ceilings glow a palegold color. I thought that the solution for the commission A Placeto Live wasto provide a placefor creativity and discoveries. 0 9 3 6 ~ Thewallsfacingthe gardenhave wave-likepatternsinamber colored granite andthe wave-likesurface has its intendedeffect whenit catches the light. Threetypesofsection shapes werecombined. Thesurface angles weredigitally calculatedbysimulating the light that hits the wallsduring the summer andwinter andchecking the reflectionsproduced. Photo atleft: A complete elevation of the wallislaid onthe floor to check continuous smoothness of thewaved granites. Photo at right:A curved granite before polishing. 0 9 3 5 ~ Ona sunnymorning with softbreezes blowing, a completely openspacewith nodistinctions betweeninside and outside isa pleasant spaceto enjoy. Ona rainyafternoon, the wet stones of the walls fillwithlight, emulatingthe surface ofa lake. 295 0 9 3 7 ~ Theblackgranite ofthetokonoma alcove intheJapanese roomripples like the surface of a body of water. This ripplingeffect wasdigitally reproduced asthe interference generatedbetween the concentric wavesof two adjacent circles. 296 .... 0938 Thetokonomaisa spacefoundin traditional Japanese rooms.Aboul the size of onetatami mat, it has a symbolic function anda history that issaidto gobackabout 600 years.Itis normallyraisedslightly above the level of the tatami matsandfloored with planksof expensive,carefully selected, andbeautifully grainedwood.Itis forbiddento step onthe tokonomafloor. Photo,top right:Pouringwater to confirm undulation, inmanufacturing stage.Photos at bottom: Every guest wants totouch the surface oftokonoma, thinking of it asa surface of water. 0 9 4 0 ~ Thewallsaround the sitearepainted withlayers ofsix wave-l ikepatterns in four colors. Th iswasfacilitatedbya newspeciall y developedEnvironment al Color Program,formingpart ofthe InductionDesignseries.The colors mustbeinharmony with the environment,whi le also assert ing their independence. Thewashstandsonthe secondfloor jut outinto the void.Asyouare washing your face,youcanseethe first floor through thewaterinthe basins. Accordingto oneof the secondfloor residents,this isaninteresting experience every morning. Whenseen frombelow,drops ofwater appear to befloating overhead. 297 0941 .. Recycling Latz + Partner/ PlanerBOLA,OAiLux Longevity andrecyclingofmaterials arecornerstones of sustainability. Thetechnicalsolutions toprocessing rubble,remains,andwastehave generateda new aesthetic. IntheDuisburgNordLandscapePark, concrete,soils, andsurfacematerials were recoveredfromdemolition waste. Recycledsandandchipsbecamerobust surfaces whichcouldbevegetated. Even entire elevated catwalks andstaircases were reused. 0943 .. Metamorphosis Often times design isnot thenew, dominant,anddefiningidea,butrather a metamorphosis of the existing. That isto say,theexisting conditions areredefinedbythe reinterpretation of existinglayers ofinformation, or the addition ofnew ones.Fromthe LandscapeParkDuisburgNordwe learned that industrialruins,scrap,or debris canbefascinatingstructures whenchangedinto the layers of a landscape.Theperception of manufacturing wasteshifts,inpart, from a rationalneutrality toward a semantic quality, thanks to new ways of looking at things. 298 Ampertshausen6 85402 Kranzberg,Germany P.:(+49) 81-66-67-85-0 www.latzundpartner.de 0942. Water Waterhasalwaysbeenthe main attraction of parks. Shortages andhigh costsdemandsensibleapproaches, suchas,for example near-natural cleansingandoxygenation systems.In Duisburg,theconcretebedofthe former sewer wastransformedinto a cleanwater systemwith floraand fauna. Onits wayto thenew canal, water fromroofsandhardsurfaces is cleansedinbiotopeslocatedinformer coolingponds,andaeratedbywind poweredcirculation systems. VA0944A Spatialrelationships Theaesthetic quality ofopenspaces often does not only depend ontheir ownintrovertive design,but onthe connections andrelationsdeveloped withrespectto their context, onthe effect that elements of distancehave onthe space. InBremerhaven,a squarewas situated within themain axisof the town,openingupthe perspective and extending theharbor'sinfluence far into the city. 0945Y Plants Inlandscape architecture,plants can define both form andcharacter.The plant expressesboth art andnature. Wecanchoosefrom anendlesswealth of patterns andformsof appearance fromthe history ofgarden culture. On theKirchberg,thestructure of the CentralParkiscreatedbycontrasting plantings andbyvaryingmaintenance regimes. ....:0946 Materials Timelessnessisa goalof detailing and realizinga project. Asopenspacesdo not develop their idealizedstateuntil later,materials mustprimarily be durablerather than simply exquisite, andshowregionalexpression. Inthe CentralParkontheKirchbergin Luxembourg, the wallsareconstructed of light-colored sandstone fromlocal origin. Thetarmac surfaces contain material of thesamecolor. 299 Oberlagerungder KonzeptebenenundStrukturelemente Vision concentratedinthe object Distilled to anicon,objects symbolize spatial andtemporalvision.Spiraland turbine-likefiguresdirect the air flow. It directs themistproducedbyhigh-pressure nozzlesto form a compact pillow of fog.Beingexclusivelybuilt withirregularly brokenslabsofJura marble, thesefiguresbecamethe symbol of garden festivals. 300 .......... -- t tlidoI.o.MI ' ............ ' ......

-..... v.,t, ... ' Yo' -... ....... ...... .........lOll:+Portner02/1991_ Visionconcentratedin abstraction Designcanbeunderstood asinvention, asanabstractideathat providesthe meanstodefine spaces,communication, andlayers of information. Thestructure remains opento furtherinterpretation. InDuisburg,the conceptualdesign showsindividual systemsthat operate independently andconnect only at certainpoints. Thetop layer isthe railwaypark, the bottomlayer the water park. other systemsarethe promenades andthe single clumps of vegetation. 0 9 5 0 ~ Participation Publicparticipationisunderstood to bepart of the designdevelopment. As such,itpresumesa democraticprocess that continually evolvesinterms ofits localandtemporalscope. Becoming part ofthe designprocesscan accelerateinnovation.Foranentire decade,dozensof clubsandhundreds of individuals invested their timeinthe LandscapeParkDuisburgNord.While drivenbyself-interest,allparticipants took thebiggerpicture onboard, thereby significantly contributing to the overall concept. --....:0949 Use Theuse of a siteisnot fully defined at the outset of theprocess,butisan invention of the visitors andchanges periodically.Seeninthisway,useisa decisivepart of publicparticipation. Just opened,PlaceSquareinBrussels, isa hardplazaamidst the denselybuilt Ixelles quarter, andhasbeenadopted byresidents. 301 URBANUSArchitecture& Design 0951. Theurbanandcul turalimpl icati ons of Dafen Vi ll agehavelong been consideredasa st rangemix ofpopart, badtaste,and commercialism.A typical artmuseum would beconsideredoutof placeinthe contextof Dafen'speculi ar urban culture. Thequestioniswhether itcan bea breeding ground for contemporary ar t andalsotake ont he more chal lengi ng role of bl ending wi th t hesurrounding urbanfabri c in terms of spati al connections,art activities, andeverydaylife.Our strat egyfor the Dafen Ar tMuseumis tocreate a hybridizedmi x of differentprograms, including ar tmuseums, oi l painting gal leri es,shops,commercial spaces, rental workshops,and studios,all under oneroof. 302 > < Shenzhen office: BuildingE-6,2ndFloor,OCTLOFT NanshanDistrict Shenzhen518053, China P.: (+86) 755-8609-6345 www.urbanus.com.cn Beijing office: 801/819,RuichenInternational Centre 13,NongzhanguanSouthRoad ChaoYangDistrict Beijing 100125, China P.:(+86) 10-8403-3551 0952. The designshowshowwechangedan ol d laundry on t he mainroad, between a Spanish-st yleOCTHotel andt he Hexiangning Gallery,into The OCT Art&DesignGall ery. 0953 .. The site contains tenfactories, warehouses,anddormitory buildings all built inthe early 1980s. The empty lots among these buildings are tobegradually fill edup with galleries,bookshops, cafes, bars,art studios, anddesign shops,along with lofts anddormitories. Thesenew additions fill the gaps andset up new relationships with exist ing buildings by sprawling, wrapping,andpenetrating the exist ing fabri c. The projectreturns to fundamental ideasin Chineseliving asexpressed bythe saying "hills outsidehills,and gardensinside gardens,"anidea referring to a continuous and occasionall y repeatingrhythm of space andform foundinmany traditional vill agesandmountainouslandscapes. The relationship betweennature and building isblurred inanattempt to create a newkindofurban village. v /', 0955A Inspiredbythe natural texture of the earth, thewholesurfaceofSungang Cent ralPlazais coveredwith one coherent skinofundulating strips, whichresembles the water tides flowingup anddown.Whileshedding theexist ingunderground parkinglot, t hisfree-form skinalsohelpsto connecttwo adj acent lotsinterrupt ed bytraffic. The linear pavingpattern alsosuggestsa strong senseof dynamicurbanactivi ti es.Alongwith theflow of the strips, oasesof flower islands arerandomly arrangedto create pleasant andintimat e urban enclavescontrastingwith the chaoti c surroundingurbanenvironment. 303 0958Y A long andnarrow site occupiesa whole block stretchingsome 1,000 feet (305 m) alongShennanAvenue,inthe city center area. Thearchitect aimed to design a seriesof continuousbuildings alongthe street. andtransform four individualbuildingsinto a unified series of massesthat canbeidentified even from a fast-movingcar.Hotel, office, business,apartment, andshopping spaceareallintegrated within the undulating, foldingfa < Incontrast to therigid,closed,and pompous attitude typicalof government buildings,this designfor theShenzhenPlanningBureaustresses openness,transparency, andmodesty. Asa means ofachievingopenness, anintimate connectionbetweenthe building andthegroundisemphasized soastomakethe entrance of the buildinganunconsciousextension of the surroundingenvironment. Thetransparency of the building's image isnot only materializedby thewidespreadappli cation of glass, but alsobyinterlocked parts ina transparent spat ialarrangement. 0960Y Theproject aroundVankeExperience Center isto createa three-story exhibition space to show the latest impressive,innovative product designs fromtheresearchgroup, aswellasto provide a placeto communicate and share the experience of the products withusers.Vankewants anencouraging, inspiring, andstimulating spacewithin the existing hollowedlobby. 305 0962. Ideogram X-Architects .. -........ , ... . . ..,. ... , Generatingideas andexploiting their potential are thetwo main components of creative design. Our design modus operandi isto first search-unrestrictedly-for ideas.inspirations. andinsights into the matter at hand, then look forrelations anddependencies between them, whichcanbefilteredand synthesized. Thiscyclicalprocess clarifies the design issuesat every stage andhelps to generate mature strategies. 306 COllATE I RelATESYNTItESlSEGENERATE105, Bldg-47,DHCC Dubai,United ArabEmirates P.:(+971) 4-429-B309 www.xarchitects.com 0961Y Tectonic simplicity Capturing a complexprogrammatic and spatialexperienceina simplified and readable tectonic design isthe biggest challenge facedbyarchitects. This singlefamily residenceusesminimal, strategicallylocatedplanar geometries to define anddelineate spaces. 0964. Spatiallayering Nestedformsprovide a rich experiential discovery inwhichthe transitions betweenthe different layers area highlight of the programmatic andlandscape elements.Layering can alsobeusedasa toolinaridweather locationsinorder to create shading andprotect inner volumes. 0 9 6 5 ~ Cross programming Collaborative designhasopenedthe doors of architecture to encompass a variety ofdesign arenas. Thehouse boatisonesuchexample;here, architectural sensibilities wereinjected into a nautical theme to create a seafaringhome. 0 9 6 3 ~ Interoperability The essenceof interoperability is generating a spatial fluidity that encourages a lifestyle withequal emphasisoninterior andexterior activity. Thegenerously sizedouter decks onthehouseboatenablethe interior to flowoutside andviceversa. 307 Materiality Thefa c;adeof the buildingis not only a protection,but alsoa public exhibit; it isthe first interactive part ofthe building. Thi s sales center uses perforated skinasa branding toolby skillfullyrepeatingthe client'slogo. Changesininternalandexternal lightingprovide subtle changesto the building's character andanimate the fac;ade. 308 Urbanrelationships Infill sitessetaninteresting challenge for architects to respondto changed urbansettings. Thisshowroomproject responds toits surroundings by strategically placingfacetedopenings that capture themostvibrant elements initsurbancontext. 0967'-Contextualresponse Theexterior fac;adesystemof the showroomutilizes a newunderstanding ofspatialandsurface geometry. Individualpanels,basedonthe programmatic andurbanscenarios, cladthe buildingmasswhile also maintaininganoverallcoherence. 0 9 6 9 ~ (Re)active living Thedesign ofthe architectural typologiesinthisurban creationis determined bythesearchfor solutions, focusingboth onresource-saving principles andoncreatinga pleasant environment for socialinteraction. The solutions areclimatically active onall scalesof thebuilding block,dwelling andfa < VAClimatic response Designingoutdoor spacesfor a hot climaterequirescarefulplanningto ensure that they areproperly utilized throughout the year.Thisurban design employsshadingstructures that double assolar collectors, providingup to 80% shadinginexteriorpublicspaces. 309 0 9 7 1 ~ oslund. and.assoc. landscape architects Panoramicviewsare afforded onthe journey upthemound. 0972'f The Gold MedalPark createsa foregroundfor the Guthrie Theater whilerespondingto thesurrounding context of the Mississippiriverval ley. 310 115WashingtonAve. N Suite 200 Minneapolis.MN55401,USA P.:(+1)612-359-9144 www.oaala.com PatentGarden:simple,balanced,and beaut iful. 097SY Native moundsfoundalongthe river valley,anditssurroundingdrainage patterns, inspire the diagrams. 0979A.Benchesutilizedaslightfixtures dance throughout thepark. 0 9 8 0 ~ Thegarden coexistswiththeinterior spacesof the livingunits creatingboth a physicalandvisualsymbiotic relationship. ....:0974 Floatingplanesdefine the elements of the gardenwith themajor space defined by a floating grassfield. 0976A. Theideaof a wildricegardengrounds itself inthe topography,becoming a display laboratory for thenewscience building. "":0977 Scienceondisplay. ....:0978 At Medtronic Patent Garden, the Cortenwallembracesandholdsthe spaceprovidingitsbackdrop. 311UNStudio 0981 .. Youcanalwaysrenew,reinvent,and rediscover things aboutbuildings.New production techniques andmaterials areconstantly evolving andleading to designinnovations. Butwealsofind inspirationinnew uses,effects, and concepts. 312 Stadhouderskade 113 1073 Amsterdam, TheNetherlands P.:(+31)20-570-2040 www.unstudio.com .... 0983 ThankGodthatarchitectureisnot art. Architects suffer lessfrom self-imposed restrictions andinstructions than artists. Ofcoursearchitects labor under thesameyoke asanyoneelse. The architect facesthe clientand engageswithquestions ofutility, economy,andconstruction. Thefact that thearchitecturalsearchfor formis invested with somany questions and demandsmakesit easy. 0982' Innovation exists!Youjust have to acceptthat today,innovationis impossible onyour own. Real,significant innovation occurswhenseveralpeople simultaneously have thesameidea and moveinthe samedirection. Experiment byworkingwithothers,including other architects. Whatdo youhave to lose? 098SY ThankGodthat architecture isart. Oris atleast halfway art, tracingmovement patterns anduser groups, andthe various virtualandinfrastructural ways inwhichwedistribute ourselves across the globe.Yetwhat does it al l mean? Thesenumbers tellus toolittle about the motives triggering thesepatterns, or about theeffects of thesestructures andconstellations. Weendupsculpting the statistics,painting withinformation inbold, brutal brushstrokes orrefined minimalist gestures, just likeanyold artist. v /', 0986. Moreoften thannotArchitect s are disciplinedandrelatively humble.Being closely relatedto engineers, the traits ofperseveranceandpatience rundeep inthe architectural personality.If you allow your true self to comeforward, youwil l discover a surprisingly accommodating, evenfaintly servile sidetoyourself that findspleasure in servicing the infinitely more complex character of the client. ...:0984 Thegood thing about producing a building isthat people continue interacting with it for a long time,much more sothanwitha newfilm or novel. Theproduct of architecture canat least bepartly understood asanendlesslive performance. The project transforms, becomes abstracted,concentrated and expanded,diverse andever more scaleless.The true nature of architecture isfoundin the interaction between the architect, the project, andthe public. 313 0 9 8 8 ~ Wecango to the coreof our understanding of time andspace,and discover processes that,inthemselves, discoverproliferationinstead of atrophy asa paradigmfor architecture. 314 Thepractice of architecture occupies a privi legedpositioninthe roving, capitali st-driven contemporary world of work.Youcanbeanarchitect onyour own,with a smal l ateli er,witha huge factory-type design studio,or operate withina network.Youcanbegood, bad, or mediocre.However youchooseto exerciseyour profession,youare sustainedbyyour trainingandyour unique expertise,whichstil l comes down toa combinat ionof ancient ways of thinkingandmodernmaterial knowledge. 0 9 9 0 ~ It's over; youmaynever haveto do another buildingor another project again. Inthe present day"the building" isa rarity.Inseventeenyears we realizedonly three housesandtwo museums;theother projects that made it into reality wereallhybrids, complex packagesof needsanddesiresrelating to urbanlife, transportation,andmixed programuses.Butthat does not mean youhave to disappear asanarchitect. Fewpeoplehavebeentrained to cultivate theencompassingimagining powers that architects possess.Inthe complexsituations that characterize today'sdenselypopulated, increasingly urbanizedsites,which areincreasingly striatedbyinfrast ructuralconnections andhubs,thoseimaginingskil ls are vital. > < ....:0989 Don't beshy!Whenallissaidanddone architecture doestakeupa lot of space,sothe least youcandoissay something.Makea statement,put acrossanidea.Itistheconstruction manager's role to bethe silent hero; the architect's to beDonaldDuck,the desperate chatterer ful l of bright ideas. 315 316 PezovonEllrichshausen Arquitectos LoPequen502 4070376 Concepcion, Chile P.:(+56) 41-221-0281 www.pezo.cl Theentire dwellingisconstructedfrom hand-mixed cement andnaturalwood formworkusing just onesmallcement mixer andfour wheelbarrows.The house isarrangedinhorizontallayers, matching the mix emptying levels, measuredwitha half board panel. 0992A Theexternalsurface of CasaRivois coveredbya layer of naturalpine claddingandvertical joint covers, finishedinthe blackcarbon oilthat istraditionallyusedinlocalrural constructions. 0 9 9 5 ~ Aswellasoccupying theresidualdeltas left by thetilted walls,the vertical structure isfacetedwith slight diagonal deviations that doeverythingpossible to avoidoverlooking the closest neighbors andto make themost of the spaceinthe two small,fallow garden spaces. ...:0993 Oncethe mainbodyof theworkwas finished,wereutilizedallthe formwork woodto cladthe interior wallsand makeslidingpanels,whichalternately coverthe perimeter of the service area, andprotect the windowswhenthe houseisempty.Thefurniture and domestic equipmentcanbestored within theperimeter space,freeingthe interior for a variety of activities. 0994Y Theservice areas,the vertical transit spiral,andthe variousstorage spaces confinethe oppressive lateraldistances of the site.Longitudinally, the two largest rooms occupytheendson different levels. Therear isdevoted to the socialspaces,whichare connected to the ground. Towardthe front, isthe areafor gatherings that are more family-orientatedandinformal. 317 0 9 9 6 ~ Thelabyrinth-like irregular structure, together with thevariations inthe size andproximitybetweentherooms, containsnineopen-air courtyards. These arelike nine clearingsthat help to organize the density of thefloor plan. 0997. Thefloor isononelevel. Spaciousness of somewasachievedbyraisingthe roof to double the height,preventing courtyard shading. Toenable this,the roofs,whichalways descenddownto the courtyards,were tilted, shading only thewalls. Theroofswerealso dissected at the top,allowingnatural lightingto enter the spacein accordancewiththe different programmatic needs. 318 0 9 9 8 ~ Theweight of a tiledskin-that somehowevokesthe oldtimber mansion-falls fromthesefourteen truncatedprisms.Theonly wayof removingthe joints fromitsridgeswas byusingsmallmetalparts to keepwith theindustrialandtraditionalcharacter of its surface. 1 0 0 0 ~ Inthe exterior spaces, there areno other visually appealing elements. Theprogramof CasaParr istherefore arrangedhorizontally,runningdeeply into the tree-filledgardens,takingon a ratherprofoundintrospection withan invisible exteriorpresence. ...:0999 Theskinisa verticalcontinuous texture accompanying the fallingrain. Ithasa bronze huethat changeswith the varyingnaturallighting andis hardly brokenbythecleancut framelesswindows,smooth to the exterior leadfittings. 319

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