100 200 300 400 500 1800’s progressive era people business civil rights round 2

Post on 29-Dec-2015






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1800’s Progressive


People Business Civil Rights

Round 2

In 1882, Congress prohibited immigration from this country


This was the worst massacre of Indians by the US Army

The Sand Creek Massacre

In the last half of the 1800’s, this was America’s most

significant economic development


Beginning in the 1880’s, immigrants mostly came from

these two regions

Southern and Eastern Europe

In the late 1800’s, this invention revolutionized

urban transportation

The Electric Trolley

The US civil service was reformed through this law

The Pendleton Act

Community centers for the poor established by middle-

class women in the inner cities were called this

Settlement Houses

Progressives could be characterized as this

Different groups with different goals

Muckrakers were this

Journalists who wrote articles exposing corruption,

and political and social problems

Upton Sinclair’s book, The Jungle, exposed this

problems in this industry

The Meat-Packing Industry

The era of corruption, excess, and the pursuit of profit was

called this by Mark Twain

The Gilded Age

He dominated the steel industry

Andrew Carnegie

He dominated the oil industry with his corporation, Standard


John D. Rockefeller

Andrew Carnegie gave away millions of dollars to build


Public Libraries

He was the most notorious of the corrupt city bosses

Boss Tweed

Theodore Roosevelt preferred to deal with Trusts in this way

Regulate them instead of busting them up

This industry had the most impact on America beginning in the


The Automobile

They gained the most wealth from western mines

Large corporations

This process made steel cheaper and more easily made

Bessemer Process

This was the weakest part of the American economy in the 1920’s


This court case established segregation in the US

Plessy v. Ferguson

Southern governments finally disenfranchised blacks using these two


Poll Taxes and Literacy Tests

He advocated accommodation with whites in the Atlanta Compromise

Booker T. Washington

He was the most prominent black militant in America at the end of the nineteenth


W. E. B. DuBois

He was the leader of the Back-to-Africa Movement

Marcus Garvey

TR WWI 1920’s The West


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TR handpicked him to succeed him to the Presidency

William Howard Taft

In the Election of 1912, TR was the candidate of this party

Progressive Party aka Bull Moose party

TR quit his government job and organized this cavalry

regiment to fight in the Spanish-American War

The Rough Riders

TR was known as the first president of this era

The Progressive Era

TR became president upon his assassination

President McKinley

This event sparked the beginning of WWI in 1914

Assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand

These countries made up the alliance called “The Allies”

during WWI

France, Great Britain, and Russia

This ship’s sinking caused an outcry in the US against



The release of this document caused the US to declare war

on Germany in 1917

The Zimmerman Telegram

During WWI, criticism of the US government was made

illegal by this law

The Sedition Act

The 1925 Scopes Trial dealt with this issue

Teaching evolution in public schools

He was the first to fly solo non-stop between New

York and Paris

Charles Lindbergh

Independent, free-spirited women of the 1920’s who

wore revealing clothing were called this


He won election to the presidency on his slogan of


Warren G. Harding

Black Tuesday, the crash of the US stock market, occurred in this year


This was the biggest factor in the decline of the Plains


The loss of the Buffalo

The intent of the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887 was

to do this

Destroy Indian tribal culture

This was the most successful of the cattle trails

Chisolm Trail

Open Range ranching was doomed by barbed wire due

to this

Barbed wire restricted the free movement of cattle

Large farms owned by corporations were called


Bonanza Farms

The Knights of Labor saw a decline in membership after

this violent incident

The Haymarket Riot

These four swing states decided the presidential

elections of the second half of the nineteenth century

New York, Ohio, Indiana, and


The Platt Amendment set these three requirements on the

Cuban Constitution

Cuba could not enter into any relationships with other countries

Cuba had to give military bases to the US

Cuba had to allow the US to intervene in Cuban affairs

Free trade with China was pushed by Secretary of State

John Hay in this policy

Open Door Policy

This movement was sparked by the agricultural depression

of the 1800’s

The Alliance Movement

The Depression

WWI Mix Mix II






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The 1930’s

Round 4

They invaded Manchuria in 1931


In 1936, Fascism and Democracy clashed here

Spanish Civil War

Hitler seized this in 1939, breaking a promise he

made to France and Britain in the Munich Conference


The Germans invade this in 1939 beginning WWII in



The US traded 50 destroyers to Great Britain

in return for this

Bases in the Caribbean

He was president when the Great Depression

started in 1929

Herbert Hoover

This was the basic cause of the Great Depression

Economic imbalances caused by WWI

They were the “Bonus Army”

WWI veterans who marched on Washington DC wanting bonuses

paid that were promised them

FDR’s recovery plan for ending the Great

Depression was called this

The New Deal

This was the purpose of the Civilian Conservation

Corps (CCC)

To give jobs to young men

They worked in soil conservation, nature reserves, and national parks

The migration of blacks from the South to

Northern cities during WWI was called this

The Great Migration

The most important battle for the US in WWI was this

The Argonne Forest

Wilson believed a lasting peace could be built on his

plan called this

The Fourteen Points

Wilson believed and weakness of the

Versailles Treaty ending WWI could be fixed by


The League of Nations

List four reasons Europe went to war in 1914

The alliance system


The arms race

Economic competition

This muckraker wrote a book, How the Other Half Lives, in

which he described the awful living conditions of


Jacob Riis

The Social Gospel Movement believed this

Churches should improve the lives of the poor, regulate big business, and end child


This was the model Settlement House and the woman who established it

Hull House / Jane Addams

He argued that a nation, to be great, needed a strong navy and overseas bases

Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan

After the Civil War, the US looked to expand in these two world regions

The Pacific and Latin America

This ship blew up in Havana Harbor in 1898 sparking the

Spanish-American War

USS Maine

This occurred when the US took the Philippines from Spain and would not leave

The Filipino people began a bloody guerrilla war against

the United States

Margaret Sanger was a leader in this movement

Birth Control

During the Great Depression, the AAA sought to raise farm

prices in this way

They restricted commodity production

Less goods = higher prices

He was the biggest political threat to FDR prior to the

1936 election

Huey Long

FDR Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used






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Round 5

FDR conducted these to communicate with the

American people

Fireside Chats

FDR and the US helped Britain, and later the USSR, fight the Axis through this

government program


FDR lost much respect when he tried to change the

Supreme Court in this way


Raise the number of Supreme Court justices from 9 to 15

The Second New Deal produced a program that

today spends more money than any other

Social Security

FDR asked Congress to declare war against Japan

after this event

Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941

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