10 ways to get fired from your job

Post on 22-Apr-2015



Recruiting & HR



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Employers won't fire an employee without a reason. In the case of companies shutting down, redundancies & terminations have to happen, but if you decide to walk into the office one day, grab your boss by the throat and threaten to punch him, it's not surprising that that will be the last day you will be working for him! Managing Directors & HR departments have to do what is in the best interest of a company, and if that means there are employees that are causing serious problems, it leaves them no option but to fire them.


10 ways to get fired from your job

By Fidelis Partners Recruitment

There are many reasons why employees can end up out of a job & In most cases this could be for very genuine reasons, but it's possible that you

could be fired because of your own actions.

Employers won’t fire an employee without a reason. In the case of companies shutting down, redundancies &

terminations have to happen, but if you decide to walk into the office one day, grab your boss by the throat and

threaten to punch him, it’s not surprising that that will be the last day you will be working for him!

However, you may be a placid, calm individual with no

tendencies to physical violence, but there are still many ways that you can be fired from your workplace and

damage your career, so here are the 10 ...

*best ways to find yourself out of work.

1: Lying on your original job application or CV

There’s a chance that if you are offered a job that your background may not be checked initially. It may be a while

before your educational history and professional qualifications are looked at a little more closely.

Large companies are too busy sorting out paperwork associated

with new arrivals – everything from arranging IT to satisfying immigration requirements. So when they find out you’ve falsified a

degree from Oxford?

2: Dodgy expense claims

Companies will generally reimburse travel expenses if you’ve attended meetings & pay for hotels when visiting

business conferences. However, if you’ve been entertaining clients at ‘private’ clubs and billing it as

dinner or claiming hundreds of miles of petrol allowance when you only drove six, you can be looking at emptying

your desk quickly on the way out the door.

It’s tempting to add a ‘little extra’ here and there from your expenses, but if a substantial audit is carried out and

you’ve been stacking up dodgy claims … expect to be dismissed.

3: Social Media Errors

Are there pictures of you on social media channels when you are drunk, or in compromising positions? If your boss comes across these images, perhaps he’ll look at you in a different light. This will lead to

embarrassment at the very least, but what if you’ve been openly bad-mouthing your colleagues & your job? Have you called in ‘sick’ because it was a lovely day & you wanted to do some shopping and

sit in the park? You’d better think twice before you ‘check-in’ on Facebook or post a picture of your picnic on Instagram.

4: Theft

Plain & Simple … Theft is going to get you fired.

If you decide to take home a few pens & envelopes from the stationery cupboard, then we are sure that you’ll be OK, but if

computer monitors start disappearing and end up on Ebay, then you’re looking at instant dismissal. Not only that, by all rights, you

should be reported to the police for theft.

It’s so easy to ‘borrow’ items from the workplace, but if your employer finds out, they’ll be looking at you a lot closer when

larger things start vanishing.

5: Surfing & Downloading

Spending your working hours surfing the web (paid for by your employer) is so easy to do, and it often looks like you are working

while you are doing it. Those shop voucher sites, bargains on Ebay, shopping on Amazon all take up work time. Your office has probably got a really fast connection, so why not download films from illegal

file sharing websites & check out ‘adult-oriented’ sites?

If your company internet traffic is monitored or if you’re found out … pack your bags.

6: Company Information

If you’re sharing company information or using inside information for your own purposes then this can obviously lead to problems if you are found out. You may use your personal skills in your own time to

do some outside work to earn a little extra ‘one the side.’ However, if this could have been for potential clients, or you haven’t cleared

your ‘extra’ work with your boss, this could be seen as a conflict of interest.

Even worse … You may have been sharing company information or business specific content that may be part of a confidential corporate policy. You could be in breach

of your company privacy restrictions.

7: Inappropriate behaviour & prejudices

Freedom of speech is a wonderful human right, but in the workplace it’s a different matter. Inappropriate comments don’t have to be sexual or racial either. Remarks to any employees that

are hurtful are frowned upon in any workforce.

Whatever your opinion of ‘political correctness’ it is common sense to keep your own prejudices, likes, dislikes & opinions to yourself. Businesses have clearly defined values as to how staff members

should behave towards each other, to clients & to customers.

8: Physical Assault

Simply put … If you take physical action against someone in the workplace, it’s not just the fact that you’re fired

that you have to worry about, but the legal implications of a possible assault charge.

9: Under the influence

It’s not unusual for employees to have lunch with a glass of wine or have a few beers at midday on Friday. People use their best judgement when it comes to alcohol consumption & a social

lunchtime drink with colleagues on a hot summer day can be quite enjoyable & a nice 45 minute break from the office.

However, in many jobs, such as construction, driving, medical care & manufacturing, there is a zero tolerance for alcohol. There is a

huge health & safety risk in these type of environments. If you are operating machinery or a vehicle, you could kill someone.

In any workplace it’s unacceptable to be drunk (or under the influence of any other substances.)

10: Personal Business, Gossip & Romance

Spending far too much time on personal calls & organising outside activities can easily result in your future personal calls being made looking for a new job. We all tend to gossip to our fellow workers,

but who is listening, and who can you trust?

It’s certainly not unusual for workers to become close (and perhaps romantically involved) but if you begin harassing or stalking a

fellow employee it may become very uncomfortable for them and affect their performance at work.

The boss may have no option but to let you go.

Managing Directors & HR departments have to do what is in the best interest of a company, and if that means

there are employees that are causing serious problems, it leaves them no option but to fire them.

Are there any other ways you would think it would be impossible to keep an employee?

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