10 tips on how to optimize your independent creative business site

Post on 19-May-2015






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10 tips & tricks to optimize your independent creative web site, both on and off page. Organic search engine optimization tips from seOverflow.


Optimize Your Independent Creative Site:

10 Tips On SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to Drive Traffic To

Your Business

presented by seOverflow

• seOverflow is a search engine optimization and pay per click marketing company in Denver, CO.

• We specialize in offering solutions that enable web design companies, marketing consultants, and other solution providers to offer customized, innovative SEO services to their clients.

• We are a Google Adwords Qualified Company, Yahoo Search Marketing Ambassadors, and SEMPO members.

Who Is seOverflow?

• On-page Optimization – research, planning and implementation. Anything and everything that can be controlled on the website.

• Link Building (Off-page optimization) – the process of getting other websites to link to your website. Think of links as popularity votes.

SEO From 30,000 Feet

• Use the Google Keyword tool combined with brainstorming to figure out what people are searching for in relation to your business.

• Besides ‘local’ keywords, what other niches can you compete in (e.g ‘legal website designer’, ‘travel website developer’, etc.).

• Be sure to pick carefully as these keywords form the foundation of your SEO strategy.

• Assign 1-3 keywords per appropriate page of your site (eg, not the privacy policy).

• https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal

Tip 1: Perform Proper Keyword Research

• Spiderability• Accessibility (Broken Links, W3C, File Size etc.)• Title Tags• H Tags• Keyword Prominence• Meta Tags• Image Optimization

Tip 2: Critical On-pageOptimization Components

• Make sure and get links from all client websites you design or projects you are involved with.

• Use keywords from research as anchor text (e.g. instead of ‘Firm Name’ as anchor use ‘Denver Web Designers – Firm Name’).

Tip 3: Get More Effective Links From Your Clients and Associates

• Submit your website and your clients’ websites to CSS Galleries.

• You can find a list of a ton of CSS Galleries here:

• http://www.webgallerylist.com/• Many offer ‘do follow’ links that count. • Submitting your clients’ sites indirectly

helps your own site.

Tip 4: Submit to CSS Galleries

• Submit your website to ‘niche’ or ‘vertical’ web design directories which offer followed links without a link exchange.

• Where possible, alternate link text and descriptions used in the directories.

• http://www.webdesigners-directory.com (good)

• http://www.designdir.net/ (good)• http://killersites.com (this site redirects)

Tip 5: Submit Your Site to Niche Design Directories

• Create profiles and add your link on sites like Digg.com, LinkedIn.com, Twitter (nofollowed), web design forums etc.

• Typically the more you participate in these social networks, the more powerful your link will become from internal linking.

Tip 6: Create Social Media Profiles

• Write an article and submit to sites such as ezinearticles.com.

• Write a guest blog post for a popular blog, search for opportunities like ‘”Guest blog” + “web design”’.

• Create a how-to article (something about Photoshop maybe) and distribute to site such as Instructables.com.

Tip 7: Write And Distribute Content And Articles

• Every Meetup.com group you join gives you a keyword rich text link from that profile.

• Join BBB or Chamber of Commerce if link ops look good.

• Sponsor events or charities and be sure and ask for a link back.

Tip 8: Join Orgs and Associations

• Be sure to claim your local business listings on sites like Google Maps, Yahoo Local, BOTW Local, MSN.

• Enhance your profile with photos, coupons, etc where possible.

• Get clients to leave reviews on sites that accept local business reviews.

• Check competitors reviews and ‘web pages’ for review and link ops.

Tip 9: Submit Local Biz Info

• Having a Flash site doesn’t exclude you from being able to optimize.

• Use SWFObject to embed Flash and make use of ‘noflash’ div for content.

• Look into SWFAddress as well to create ‘separate’ urls for each ‘page’ of your Flash site.

Tip 10: SEO Your Flash Site

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