10 qualities of an excellent pediatric dentist

Post on 21-Jun-2015






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Are you looking for a great dentist for you children? If so, you should look into the pediatric dentists in your area. Find a dentist who has all the qualities outlined in this presentation.


10 Qualities of an Excellent Pediatric DentistWhat to Look for When Searching for Your Child’s Dentist

Loves Children

Genuine love and concern for kids should be the #1 trait to look for in your child’s pediatric dentist.


The fact that he should have a LOT of patience goes without saying.


Thoughtful but strong, a dentist should be able to give instructions that children will be able to follow.


Compassion will be exhibited in the way he treats the children. Is it with softness and gentleness?

Kind and Approachable

A friendly face and a warm hand shake can go a long way. Look for a dentist who welcomes new patients with kindness and excitement.


A dentist who can capture the attention of children and can get them to listen to what he asks them to do has a gift that many people in general don’t.


He should know the signs of thumb sucking, teeth grinding and pacifier use. He should also have all the knowledge and expertise that a dentist an adult would see has.

Has a Kid-Friendly Office

The office is just as important as the dentist. Look for an office with a playful atmosphere. Fun decorations, clean cartoons playing on the TV and even toys should all be a part of pediatric dentist’s office.

Educates the Children

Dentists who educate the children on how diet and drinks affect teeth and on the proper care of teeth are more effective in emphasizing the importance of it.

Passionate About His Career

Does he love what he does? It will be evident in the joy he spreads to the children. Look for a dentist who has a genuine love for his career.

Finding a pediatric dentist for your children is an important part of helping them develop good oral hygiene habits at a young age. Don’t settle for a dentist who doesn’t have these ten qualities.

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